Title: Methods to convert R data to YAML and back
Diff between yaml versions 2.1.0 dated 2011-12-03 and 2.1.1 dated 2011-12-08
Description: This package implements the libyaml YAML parser and emitter (http://pyyaml.org/wiki/LibYAML) for R.
Author: Jeremy Stephens
Maintainer: Jeremy Stephens
yaml-2.1.0/yaml/TODO |only
yaml-2.1.0/yaml/man/yaml-package.Rd |only
yaml-2.1.1/yaml/DESCRIPTION | 8 +--
yaml-2.1.1/yaml/MD5 | 11 ++--
yaml-2.1.1/yaml/inst/CHANGELOG | 5 ++
yaml-2.1.1/yaml/src/Makevars |only
yaml-2.1.1/yaml/src/implicit.c | 82 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
yaml-2.1.1/yaml/src/r-ext.c | 18 +++----
8 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)
Title: Segregation measures for multitype spatial point patterns
Diff between spatialsegregation versions 2.31 dated 2011-10-08 and 2.34 dated 2011-12-08
More information about spatialsegregation at CRAN
Description: Summaries for measuring segregation/mingling in multitype spatial point patterns with graph based neighbourhood description.
Included indices: Mingling, Shannon, Simpson (also the non-spatial)
Included functionals: Mingling, Shannon, Simpson, ISAR, MCI.
Included neighbourhoods: Geometric, k-nearest neighbours, Gabriel, Delaunay.
Author: Tuomas Rajala
Maintainer: Tuomas Rajala
DESCRIPTION | 18 +++++------
MD5 | 48 +++++++++++++++----------------
R/biomass.R | 3 +
R/fun.R | 26 +++++++++++-----
R/isar.R | 2 -
R/mci.R | 2 -
R/mingling.R | 2 -
R/shannon.R | 2 -
R/simpson.R | 2 -
change.log | 5 +++
man/spatialsegregation-ISAR.Rd | 4 +-
man/spatialsegregation-biomass.Rd | 6 +--
man/spatialsegregation-exposurepps.Rd | 2 -
man/spatialsegregation-mingling.Rd | 4 +-
man/spatialsegregation-package.Rd | 2 -
man/spatialsegregation-segregationFun.Rd | 9 +++--
man/spatialsegregation-shannon.Rd | 2 -
man/spatialsegregation-simpson.Rd | 2 -
src/Fun.cpp | 19 ++++++++++--
src/Fun.h | 3 +
src/Pp.cpp | 21 +++++++++++++
src/Pp.h | 8 ++++-
src/biomass.cpp | 2 -
toadd.txt | 2 +
25 files changed, 134 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)
Permanent link
Title: Make it easier to work with strings.
Diff between stringr versions 0.5 dated 2011-06-30 and 0.6 dated 2011-12-08
Description: stringr is a set of simple wrappers that make
R's string functions more consistent, simpler and
easier to use. It does this by ensuring that: function
and argument names (and positions) are consistent, all
functions deal with NA's and zero length character
appropriately, and the output data structures from each
function matches the input data structures of other
Author: Hadley Wickham
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham
stringr-0.5/stringr/man/check_pattern.Rd |only
stringr-0.5/stringr/man/check_string.Rd |only
stringr-0.6/stringr/DESCRIPTION | 23 +++++------
stringr-0.6/stringr/MD5 |only
stringr-0.6/stringr/NAMESPACE | 23 +++++------
stringr-0.6/stringr/NEWS | 8 +++
stringr-0.6/stringr/R/checks.r | 10 ----
stringr-0.6/stringr/R/count.r | 7 ---
stringr-0.6/stringr/R/detect.r | 7 ++-
stringr-0.6/stringr/R/extract.r | 10 ----
stringr-0.6/stringr/R/length.r | 2
stringr-0.6/stringr/R/locate.r | 9 ----
stringr-0.6/stringr/R/match.r | 35 +++++-----------
stringr-0.6/stringr/R/modifiers.r | 31 ++++++++++++++
stringr-0.6/stringr/R/replace.r | 10 ----
stringr-0.6/stringr/R/sub.r | 6 +-
stringr-0.6/stringr/R/vectorise.r | 9 +++-
stringr-0.6/stringr/R/wrap.r | 2
stringr-0.6/stringr/inst/tests/test-detect.r | 3 +
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/fixed.Rd | 28 +++++++------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/ignore.case.Rd | 27 +++++++------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/invert_match.Rd | 27 +++++++------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/perl.Rd |only
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/str_c.Rd | 49 +++++++++++++----------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/str_count.Rd | 47 +++++++++++++---------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/str_detect.Rd | 41 ++++++++++++-------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/str_dup.Rd | 28 +++++++------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/str_extract.Rd | 41 ++++++++++++-------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/str_extract_all.Rd | 41 ++++++++++++-------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/str_length.Rd | 30 +++++++++-----
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/str_locate.Rd | 50 ++++++++++++++----------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/str_locate_all.Rd | 55 +++++++++++++++-----------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/str_match.Rd | 44 +++++++++++----------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/str_match_all.Rd | 39 ++++++++++--------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/str_pad.Rd | 44 ++++++++++++---------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/str_replace.Rd | 56 +++++++++++++++------------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/str_replace_all.Rd | 55 +++++++++++++++-----------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/str_split.Rd | 49 +++++++++++++----------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/str_split_fixed.Rd | 52 ++++++++++++++-----------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/str_sub.Rd | 56 +++++++++++++++------------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/str_sub_replace.Rd | 50 ++++++++++++++----------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/str_trim.Rd | 29 +++++++++----
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/str_wrap.Rd | 38 ++++++++++--------
stringr-0.6/stringr/man/word.Rd | 40 ++++++++++++-------
44 files changed, 706 insertions(+), 505 deletions(-)
Title: C++ classes to embed R in C++ applications
Diff between RInside versions 0.2.4 dated 2011-04-24 and 0.2.5 dated 2011-12-08
Description: C++ classes to embed R in C++ applications
The RInside packages makes it easier to have 'R inside' your C++ application
by providing a few wrapper classes.
As R itself is embedded into your application, a shared library build of R
is required. This works on Linux, OS X and even on Windows provided you use
the same tools used to build R itself. (NB: Windows versions curretly
seg.fault and debugging help would be appreciated. An older version worked
fine, but there may have been some Rcpp changes which caused this.)
Numerous examples are provided in the three subdirectories the examples/
directory of the installed package: standard, mpi (for parallel computing)
and qt (showing how to embed RInside inside a Qt application).
Doxygen-generated documentation of the C++ classes is available at the
RInside website as well.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois
RInside-0.2.4/RInside/COPYING |only
RInside-0.2.4/RInside/inst/examples/qt/qtdensity.cpp |only
RInside-0.2.4/RInside/inst/examples/qt/qtdensity.h |only
RInside-0.2.4/RInside/inst/examples/qt/qtdensity.pro |only
RInside-0.2.4/RInside/inst/examples/standard/rinside_sample11.cpp |only
RInside-0.2.5/RInside/ChangeLog | 40 +
RInside-0.2.5/RInside/DESCRIPTION | 36 -
RInside-0.2.5/RInside/MD5 |only
RInside-0.2.5/RInside/cleanup | 2
RInside-0.2.5/RInside/doxyfile | 7
RInside-0.2.5/RInside/inst/NEWS | 19
RInside-0.2.5/RInside/inst/THANKS | 1
RInside-0.2.5/RInside/inst/examples/standard/Makefile.win | 10
RInside-0.2.5/RInside/inst/examples/standard/rinside_module_sample0.cpp | 12
RInside-0.2.5/RInside/inst/examples/wt |only
RInside-0.2.5/RInside/inst/include/RInsideAutoloads.h | 22
RInside-0.2.5/RInside/inst/include/RInsideCommon.h | 13
RInside-0.2.5/RInside/inst/include/RInsideEnvVars.h | 17
RInside-0.2.5/RInside/src/RInside.cpp | 324 +++++-----
19 files changed, 317 insertions(+), 186 deletions(-)
Title: Gaussian linear models with linear covariance structure
Diff between regress versions 1.3-4 dated 2011-12-04 and 1.3-5 dated 2011-12-08
Description: Functions to fit Gaussian linear model by maximising the residual log likelihood where the covariance structure can be written as a linear combination of known matrices. Can be used for multivariate models and random effects models. Easy straight forward manner to specify random effects models, including random interactions. Code now optimised to use Sherman Morrison Woodbury identities for matrix inversion in random effects models. We've added the abilty to fit models using any kernel as well as a function to return the mean and covariance of random effects conditional on the data (BLUPs).
Author: David Clifford and Peter McCullagh. Additional contributions by HJ Auinger.
Maintainer: David Clifford
MD5 | 11 +--
R/BLUP.R | 2
R/regress.R | 9 ++
man/regress.Rd | 5 +
tests/.Rhistory | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
tests/regress.tests.R | 11 +++
tests/regressPaper.R |only
8 files changed, 192 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
Title: NGA Earthquake Ground Motion Prediction Equations
Diff between nga versions 1.4 dated 2011-12-05 and 1.4-1 dated 2011-12-08
Description: This package implements the earthquake ground motion
prediction equations developed as part of the Next Generation
Attenuation of Ground Motions (NGA) project coordinated by the
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) in 2008. The
models implemented in this package are AS08 (Abrahamson & Silva,
2008), BA08 (Boore & Atkinson, 2008), CB08 (Campbell & Bozorgnia,
2008), and CY08 (Chiou & Youngs, 2008). This numerical
implementation has been validated by comparing the results for
128,000 test cases against the results obtained using the Fortran
implementation composed by David M. Boore and Kenneth W. Campbell.
Users are encouraged to view U.S. Geological Survey Open-File
Report 1296, entitled "Implementation of the Next Generation
Attenuation (NGA) Ground-Motion Prediction Equations in Fortran and
R," by J. Kaklamanos, D. M. Boore, E. M. Thompson, and
K. W. Campbell (2010) for further details on these programs. More
details (including a change log) are available at
Author: James Kaklamanos
Maintainer: James Kaklamanos
MD5 | 20 ++--
man/KBflatfile.Rd | 117 +++++++++++++-------------
man/Sa.nga.Rd | 228 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
man/coefs.Rd | 27 +++---
man/modelPeriods.Rd | 16 +--
man/periods.Rd | 18 ++--
man/subs.as.Rd | 46 +++++-----
man/subs.ba.Rd | 12 +-
man/subs.cb.Rd | 35 ++++---
man/subs.cy.Rd | 17 ++-
11 files changed, 272 insertions(+), 272 deletions(-)
Title: Tools for Management of Survey Data, Graphics, Programming,
Statistics, and Simulation
Diff between memisc versions 0.95-35 dated 2011-11-07 and 0.95-37 dated 2011-12-08
Description: One of the aims of this package is to make life easier for
useRs who deal with survey data sets. It provides an
infrastructure for the management of survey data including
value labels, definable missing values, recoding of variables,
production of code books, and import of (subsets of) SPSS and
Stata files. Further, it provides functionality to produce
tables and data frames of arbitrary descriptive statistics and
(almost) publication-ready tables of regression model
estimates. Also some convenience tools for graphics,
programming, and simulation are provided.
Author: Martin Elff
Maintainer: Martin Elff
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
INDEX |only
MD5 | 13 +++++++------
R/mtable.R | 4 +++-
inst/NEWS | 3 +--
inst/doc/anes48.pdf |binary
man/getSummary.Rd | 3 ++-
8 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
Title: K-means for joint Longitudinal data
Diff between kml3d versions 0.6 dated 2011-11-24 and 0.7 dated 2011-12-08
Description: KmL3D is an implementation of k-means specificaly design
to deal with joint longitudinal data (longitudinal data on
several variable). It provide facilities to deal with missing
value and propose a graphical interphace for chosing the
correct number of clusters.
Author: Christophe Genolini
Maintainer: Christophe Genolini
kml3d-0.6/kml3d/man/kml.Rd |only
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/DESCRIPTION | 8 -
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/MD5 | 44 +++----
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/NAMESPACE | 2
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/R/clustering.r | 122 +++++++++++++++++++---
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/R/function.r | 2
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/R/global.r | 2
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/R/kml.r | 9 +
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/man/ClusterLongData-class.Rd | 10 -
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/man/Constants.Rd | 2
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/man/ListClustering-class.Rd | 4
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/man/ParKml-class.Rd | 12 +-
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/man/calculCriterion.Rd | 9 -
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/man/choice.Rd | 6 -
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/man/clustering.Rd | 4
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/man/exportClustering.Rd | 2
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/man/generateArtificialLongData.Rd | 2
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/man/kml3d-package.Rd | 26 ++--
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/man/kml3d.Rd |only
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/man/makeLatexFile.Rd | 2
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/man/parKml.Rd | 8 -
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/man/plot3dPdf.Rd | 2
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/man/regroup.Rd | 4
kml3d-0.7/kml3d/man/saveTrianglesAsASY.Rd | 2
24 files changed, 190 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)
Title: Interface between R and the Google Visualisation API
Diff between googleVis versions 0.2.11 dated 2011-11-17 and 0.2.12 dated 2011-12-08
Description: googleVis provides an interface between R and
the Google Visualisation API to create interactive
charts. The functions of the package allow the user to visualise
data stored in R data frames with the Google Visualisation API in
a web browser, without uploading the data to Google. The output of
a googleVis function is html code that contains the data and
references to JavaScript functions hosted by Google.
googleVis makes use of the internal R HTTP server to
display the output locally, e.g. http://localhost/. A browser with
Flash and Internet connection is required. Please visit the
project web site for more information and examples.
Author: Markus Gesmann, Diego de Castillo
Maintainer: Markus Gesmann
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 | 14 +++++++-------
NEWS | 9 +++++++++
R/gvisMotionChart.R | 6 ++++--
R/zzz.R | 5 +----
THANKS | 6 +++++-
inst/doc/googleVis.pdf |binary
man/googleVis-package.Rd | 4 ++--
8 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
Title: R package for parsing and manipulating edit rules
Diff between editrules versions 2.0-0 dated 2011-11-30 and 2.0-1 dated 2011-12-08
Description: Facilitates reading and manipulating
(multivariate) data restrictions (edit rules) on
numerical and categorical data. Rules can be defined
with common R syntax and parsed to an internal
(matrix-like format). Rules can be manipulated with
variable elimination and value substitution methods,
allowing for feasibility checks and more. Data can be
tested against the rules and erroneous fields can be
found based on Fellegi and Holt's generalized principle
and rules can be visualized with the igraph package.
Author: Edwin de Jonge, Mark van der Loo
Maintainer: Edwin de Jonge
editrules-2.0-0/editrules/inst/doc.zip |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/DESCRIPTION | 17
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/MD5 | 339 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/NAMESPACE | 196
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/NEWS | 335 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/adjacency.R | 184
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/as.igraph.R | 122
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/as.matrix.R | 72
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/backtracker.R | 412 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/blocks.R | 132
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/checkRows.R | 154
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/contains.R | 114
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/duplicated.R | 46
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/echelon.R | 116
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/editarray.R | 506 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/editarrayAttr.R | 100
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/editmatrix.R | 544 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/editmatrixAttr.R | 346 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/editrules-data.R | 22
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/eliminate.R | 378 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/errorLocalizer.R | 517 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/errorLocation.R | 264
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/getVars.R | 58
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/is.R | 42
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/isFeasible.R | 72
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/isObviouslyInfeasible.R | 108
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/isObviouslyRedundant.R | 196
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/isSubset.R | 68
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/localizeError_mip.R | 358 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/localizeErrors.R | 279
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/parseEdits.R | 448 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/pkg.R | 46
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/plot.editmatrix.R | 382 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/plot_errorLocation.R | 286 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/print.R | 90
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/reduce.R | 128
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/str.R | 54
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/subsetting.R | 72
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/substValue.R | 222
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/summary.R | 273
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/R/violatedEdits.R | 486 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/.gitignore | 28
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/Sweave.sty | 66
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/algorithm.sty | 200
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/algorithmic.sty | 464 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/algorithmicx.sty | 1572 ++---
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/algpseudocode.sty | 184
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/buildVignette.bash | 32
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/diamond.pdf |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-categorical.Rnw | 2210 +++----
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-categorical.aux |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-categorical.bbl |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-categorical.blg |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-categorical.idx |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-categorical.ilg |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-categorical.ind |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-categorical.loa |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-categorical.log |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-categorical.pdf |binary
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-categorical.tex |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-categorical.toc |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-linear.Rnw | 2854 +++++-----
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-linear.aux |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-linear.bbl |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-linear.blg |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-linear.idx |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-linear.ilg |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-linear.ind |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-linear.loa |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-linear.log |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-linear.pdf |binary
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-linear.tex |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules-linear.toc |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/editrules.bib | 778 +-
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/fig/tree.tex | 154
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/pic.R | 294 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/sweave.r | 12
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/tex/catedits.tex | 480 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/tex/errorLocation.tex | 30
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/tex/smalltree.sty | 124
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/threeparttable.sty | 762 +-
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/doc/twodiamond.pdf |only
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/tests/testBlocks.R | 66
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/tests/testCheck.R | 90
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/tests/testEditRow.R | 54
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/tests/testErrorLocalizer.R | 92
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/tests/testFourierMotzkin.R | 84
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/tests/testIsFeasible.R | 78
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/tests/testIsObviouslyInfeasible.R | 38
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/tests/testIsObviouslyRedundant.R | 48
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/tests/testLocalizeErrors.R | 190
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/tests/testParseEdits.R | 114
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/tests/testSubstValue.R | 134
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/tests/testViolatedEdits.R | 252
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/tests/testdatamodel.R | 36
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/tests/testechelon.R | 78
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/tests/testeditarray.R | 86
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/tests/testeditmatrix.R | 320 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/tests/testeditmatrixAttr.R | 96
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/inst/tests/testgetVars.R | 46
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/adjacency.Rd | 370 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/as.character.editarray.Rd | 60
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/as.character.editmatrix.Rd | 32
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/as.data.frame.editarray.Rd | 44
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/as.data.frame.editmatrix.Rd | 50
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/as.data.frame.violatedEdits.Rd | 30
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/as.editmatrix.Rd | 78
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/as.expression.editarray.Rd | 34
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/as.expression.editmatrix.Rd | 34
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/as.matrix.editarray.Rd | 42
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/as.matrix.editmatrix.Rd | 46
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/backtracker.Rd | 188
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/blocks.Rd | 100
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/buildELMatrix.Rd | 42
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/checkRows.Rd | 158
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/contains.Rd | 80
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/contains.boolmat.Rd | 36
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/datamodel.Rd | 58
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/duplicated.editarray.Rd | 34
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/duplicated.editmatrix.Rd | 38
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/echelon.Rd | 60
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/editTypes.Rd | 26
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/editarray.Rd | 218
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/editmatrix.Rd | 206
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/editrules-package.Rd | 126
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/editrules.Rd | 136
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/edits.Rd | 24
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/eliminate.Rd | 272
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/errorLocalizer.Rd | 395 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/errorLocation.Rd | 70
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/getA.Rd | 110
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/getAb.Rd | 110
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/getArr.Rd | 34
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/getInd.Rd | 44
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/getOps.Rd | 110
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/getSep.Rd | 36
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/getVars.Rd | 76
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/getVars.editarray.Rd | 22
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/getVars.editmatrix.Rd | 24
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/getb.Rd | 110
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/geth.Rd | 220
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/getlevels.Rd | 34
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/getnames.Rd | 34
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/ind2char.Rd | 62
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/indFromArray.Rd | 32
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/is.editarray.Rd | 38
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/is.editmatrix.Rd | 38
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/isFeasible.Rd | 48
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/isNormalized.Rd | 110
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/isObviouslyInfeasible.Rd | 78
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/isObviouslyRedundant.Rd | 118
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/isRedundant.boolmat.Rd | 22
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/isSubset.Rd | 32
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/iter.backtracker.Rd | 50
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/listViolatedEdits.Rd | 80
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/localize.Rd | 60
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/localizeError_mip.Rd | 46
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/localizeErrors.Rd | 313 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/neweditarray.Rd | 32
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/neweditmatrix.Rd | 52
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/newerrorlocation.Rd | 50
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/normalize.Rd | 114
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/parseCat.Rd | 48
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/parseEdits.Rd | 44
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/parseNum.Rd | 32
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/plot.editmatrix.Rd | 428 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/plot.errorLocation.Rd | 46
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/plot.violatedEdits.Rd | 36
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/print.Rd | 30
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/print.backtracker.Rd | 34
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/print.editarray.Rd | 34
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/print.editmatrix.Rd | 34
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/print.violatedEdits.Rd | 30
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/reduce.Rd | 64
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/str.editarray.Rd | 30
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/str.editmatrix.Rd | 30
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/subsetting.Rd | 54
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/substValue.Rd | 106
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/summary.Rd | 414 -
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/summary.violatedEdits.Rd | 40
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/toDataFrame.Rd | 36
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/man/violatedEdits.Rd | 224
editrules-2.0-1/editrules/tests/test_all.R | 10
183 files changed, 14012 insertions(+), 13948 deletions(-)
Title: Adaptive multivariate integration over hypercubes
Diff between cubature versions 1.1 dated 2011-11-22 and 1.1-1 dated 2011-12-08
Description: Adaptive multivariate integration over hypercubes
Author: C code by Steven G. Johnson, R by Balasubramanian Narasimhan
Maintainer: Balasubramanian Narasimhan
ChangeLog | 4 ++++
DESCRIPTION | 9 ++++-----
MD5 | 8 ++++----
R/integrate.R | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
man/adaptIntegrate.Rd | 8 +++++++-
5 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
Title: Colorize R output on terminal emulators
Diff between colorout versions 0.9-4 dated 2011-11-23 and 0.9-9 dated 2011-12-08
Description: Colorize R output when it is running on a terminal emulator.
There is no support for Graphical User Interfaces, such as Windows RGui,
RStudio, RKward, JGR etc. The functions of this package only work if R is
compiled for Unix systems and it is running interactively in a terminal
emulator. The terminal must support Select Graphic Rendition (SGR, also
known as ANSI escape codes or sequences). The package contains a C library
with a function that replaces the default Rstd_WriteConsoleEx which, when
enabled, is responsible for printing messages in the Console when R is
running in interactive mode. Screenshot:
Author: Jakson Aquino
Maintainer: Jakson Alves de Aquino
MD5 | 74 ++++++++++++++++----------------
NEWS | 12 ++++-
R/colorout.R | 11 +++-
inst/po/de/LC_MESSAGES/colorout.mo |binary
inst/po/es/LC_MESSAGES/colorout.mo |binary
inst/po/fr/LC_MESSAGES/colorout.mo |binary
inst/po/it/LC_MESSAGES/colorout.mo |binary
inst/po/ja/LC_MESSAGES/colorout.mo |binary
inst/po/ko/LC_MESSAGES/colorout.mo |binary
inst/po/nn/LC_MESSAGES/colorout.mo |binary
inst/po/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/R-colorout.mo |binary
inst/po/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/colorout.mo |binary
inst/po/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/colorout.mo |binary
inst/po/ru/LC_MESSAGES/colorout.mo |binary
inst/po/tr/LC_MESSAGES/colorout.mo |binary
inst/po/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/colorout.mo |binary
inst/po/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/colorout.mo |binary
man/ColorOut.Rd | 4 +
man/colorout-package.Rd | 22 ++++++---
man/show256Colors.Rd | 2
po/R-colorout.pot | 22 ++++-----
po/R-pt_BR.po | 22 ++++-----
po/colorout.pot | 10 ++--
po/de.po | 10 ++--
po/es.po | 10 ++--
po/fr.po | 10 ++--
po/it.po | 10 ++--
po/ja.po | 10 ++--
po/ko.po | 10 ++--
po/nn.po | 10 ++--
po/pt_BR.po | 10 ++--
po/pt_PT.po | 10 ++--
po/ru.po | 10 ++--
po/tr.po | 10 ++--
po/zh_CN.po | 10 ++--
po/zh_TW.po | 10 ++--
src/colorout.c | 49 ++++++++++++++++++---
38 files changed, 211 insertions(+), 156 deletions(-)
Title: Randomization for block random clinical trials
Diff between blockrand versions 1.1 dated 2008-02-03 and 1.2 dated 2011-12-08
Description: Create randomizations for block random clinical trials. Can also produce a pdf file of randomization cards.
Author: Greg Snow
Maintainer: Greg Snow
DESCRIPTION | 24 ++++++++++++++----------
MD5 |only
R/plot.blockrand.R | 22 +++++++++++-----------
man/blockrand.Rd | 8 ++++----
man/plot.blockrand.Rd | 6 ++++--
6 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
Title: Bayesian Meta-Analysis of diagnostic test data
Diff between bamdit versions 1.1 dated 2011-08-30 and 1.1-1 dated 2011-12-08
Description: Bayesian meta-analysis of diagnostic test data based on a
scale mixtures bivariate random-effects model. Summary
statistics are based on pooled and predictive sensitivities and
specificities. Model checking is used for diagnostic of
random-effects' misfit and predictive data is used to assess
models departures from observed data.
Author: Dr. Pablo Emilio Verde
Maintainer: Dr. Pablo Emilio Verde
ChangeLog | 5 ++++-
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 | 10 +++++-----
man/bamdit-package.Rd | 4 ++--
man/bamdit.plot.Rd | 2 ++
man/metadiag.Rd | 2 ++
6 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)