Title: Visualisation and analysis of output files of the hydrological
model WASIM
Diff between wasim versions 1.1.1 dated 2011-12-23 and 1.1.2 dated 2011-12-30
Description: Helpful tools for data processing and visualisation of results of the hydrological model WASIM-ETH.
Author: Dominik Reusser, Till Francke
Maintainer: Dominik Reusser
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++-----
MD5 | 6 +++---
R/read.grid.R | 6 +++---
man/p.grid.Rd | 3 ++-
4 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
Title: Time Indexes and Time Indexed Series
Diff between tis versions 1.17 dated 2011-04-07 and 1.18 dated 2011-12-30
Description: Functions and S3 classes for time indexes and time indexed
series, which are compatible with FAME frequencies.
Author: Jeff Hallman
Maintainer: Jeff Hallman
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 |only
NAMESPACE | 13 ++++++++-----
NEWS | 6 ++++++
R/barplot.tis.R |only
R/barplot2.R |only
R/setColors.R |only
R/tier.R |only
man/barplot.tis.Rd |only
man/frColors.Rd |only
man/setColors.Rd |only
man/tierChart.Rd |only
12 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
Title: Testthat code. Tools to make testing fun :)
Diff between testthat versions 0.5 dated 2011-06-01 and 0.6 dated 2011-12-30
Description: A testing package specifically tailored for R
that's fun, flexible and easy to set up.
Author: Hadley Wickham
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham
testthat-0.5/testthat/R/aaa-classes.r |only
testthat-0.6/testthat/DESCRIPTION | 20 +-
testthat-0.6/testthat/MD5 |only
testthat-0.6/testthat/NAMESPACE | 54 ++++---
testthat-0.6/testthat/NEWS | 10 +
testthat-0.6/testthat/R/auto-test.r | 2
testthat-0.6/testthat/R/context.r | 2
testthat-0.6/testthat/R/expectations.r | 164 +++++++++++++---------
testthat-0.6/testthat/R/library.r | 2
testthat-0.6/testthat/R/reporter-minimal.r | 38 ++---
testthat-0.6/testthat/R/reporter-stop.r | 76 +++++-----
testthat-0.6/testthat/R/reporter-summary.r | 125 ++++++++--------
testthat-0.6/testthat/R/reporter-zzz.r | 9 -
testthat-0.6/testthat/R/reporter.r | 57 ++++---
testthat-0.6/testthat/R/test-files.r | 16 +-
testthat-0.6/testthat/R/test-package.r | 8 -
testthat-0.6/testthat/R/test-that.r | 2
testthat-0.6/testthat/inst/tests/test-context.r | 58 ++++---
testthat-0.6/testthat/inst/tests/test-reporter.r | 7
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/MinimalReporter.Rd | 6
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/Reporter.Rd | 6
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/StopReporter.Rd | 9 -
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/SummaryReporter.Rd | 9 -
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/auto_test.Rd | 35 ++--
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/auto_test_package.Rd | 17 +-
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/colourise.Rd | 29 ++-
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/compare_state.Rd | 19 +-
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/context.Rd | 21 +-
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/dir_state.Rd | 19 +-
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/equals.Rd | 61 ++++++--
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/error_report.Rd | 14 +
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/expect_that.Rd | 40 +++--
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/expectation.Rd | 16 --
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/find_reporter.Rd | 18 +-
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/gives_warning.Rd | 48 ++++--
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/is_a.Rd | 51 +++++-
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/is_equivalent_to.Rd | 58 ++++++-
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/is_false.Rd | 42 ++++-
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/is_identical_to.Rd | 57 +++++--
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/is_true.Rd | 44 ++++-
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/library_if_available.Rd | 20 +-
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/matches.Rd | 59 +++++--
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/prints_text.Rd | 46 +++++-
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/shows_message.Rd | 48 ++++--
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/source_dir.Rd | 25 +--
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/takes_less_than.Rd | 30 ++--
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/test_dir.Rd | 27 ++-
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/test_file.Rd | 11 -
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/test_package.Rd | 27 ++-
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/test_that.Rd | 36 ++--
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/throws_error.Rd | 50 +++++-
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/watch.Rd | 36 ++--
testthat-0.6/testthat/man/with_reporter.Rd | 17 +-
53 files changed, 1074 insertions(+), 627 deletions(-)
Title: R interface to Tisean algorithms
Diff between RTisean versions 3.0.13 dated 2011-06-07 and 3.0.14 dated 2011-12-30
Description: Algorithms for time series analysis from nonlinear dynamical systems theory originally made available by Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz and Thomas Schreiber at the site http://www.mpipks-dresden.mpg.de/~tisean/ . A related R package (tseriesChaos by Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo) contains rewritten versions of a few of the TISEAN algorithms. The intention of the present package is to use the TISEAN routines from within R with no need of manual importing/exporting. It is in a beta version state, though most of the functions should be usable. Correspondence should be sent to either Marji Lines, lines@dss.uniud.it, or to the current maintainer of the package. This package only contains R interface code. It requires that you have the Tisean-3.0.1 algorithms available on your computer.
Author: TISEAN authors: Rainer Hegger, Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber. R interface code by Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo, R documentation and examples by Gianluca Gazzola
Maintainer: Antonio Fabio Di Narzo
ChangeLog | 4 ++++
DESCRIPTION | 27 ++++++---------------------
MD5 |only
R/nativeTISEAN.R | 18 ++++++++++++++----
R/zzz.R | 2 +-
man/internals.Rd | 1 -
man/setTISEANpath.Rd |only
8 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
Title: SAGA Geoprocessing and Terrain Analysis in R
Diff between RSAGA versions 0.92-2 dated 2011-09-06 and 0.93-1 dated 2011-12-30
Description: RSAGA provides access to geocomputing and terrain analysis functions of SAGA from within R by running the command line version of SAGA. In addition, several R functions for handling and manipulating ASCII grids are provided, including a flexible framework for applying local functions (including predict methods of fitted models) or focal functions to multiple grids. SAGA GIS is available under GPL via http://sourceforge.net/projects/saga-gis/.
Author: Alexander Brenning
Maintainer: Alexander Brenning
DESCRIPTION | 21 ++----
MD5 | 18 +++--
R/RSAGA-core.R | 46 +++++++++++---
R/RSAGA-modules.R | 20 ++++--
R/gridtools.R | 143 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
man/RSAGA-package.Rd | 18 ++---
man/multi.focal.function.Rd | 2
man/pick.from.points.Rd | 93 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---
man/rsaga.env.Rd | 32 ++++-----
man/rsaga.get.version.Rd |only
11 files changed, 301 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)
Title: R interface to the PostgreSQL database system
Diff between RPostgreSQL versions 0.2-1 dated 2011-11-17 and 0.3-0 dated 2011-12-30
Description: Database interface and PostgreSQL driver for R
This package provides a Database Interface (DBI) compliant
driver for R to access PostgreSQL database systems.
In order to build and install this package from source, PostgreSQL
itself must be present your system to provide PostgreSQL functionality
via its libraries and header files. These files are provided as
postgresql-devel package under some Linux distributions.
On Microsoft Windows system the attached libpq library source will be used.
A wiki and issue tracking system for the package are available
at Google Code at https://code.google.com/p/rpostgresql/ .
Author: Joe Conway, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Tomoaki Nishiyama, Sameer Kumar Prayaga (during 2008), Neil Tiffin
Maintainer: Tomoaki Nishiyama
RPostgreSQL-0.2-1/RPostgreSQL/man/dbBuildTableDefinition.Rd |only
RPostgreSQL-0.2-1/RPostgreSQL/man/isIdCurrent.Rd |only
RPostgreSQL-0.2-1/RPostgreSQL/man/safe.write.Rd |only
RPostgreSQL-0.2-1/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/Makefile |only
RPostgreSQL-0.2-1/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/arpa |only
RPostgreSQL-0.2-1/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/netdb.h |only
RPostgreSQL-0.2-1/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/netinet |only
RPostgreSQL-0.2-1/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/pg_config.h |only
RPostgreSQL-0.2-1/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/pg_config_os.h |only
RPostgreSQL-0.2-1/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/pg_config_paths.h |only
RPostgreSQL-0.2-1/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/pwd.h |only
RPostgreSQL-0.2-1/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/sys |only
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/ChangeLog | 69
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/DESCRIPTION | 14
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/MD5 | 78
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/NAMESPACE | 8
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/R/PostgreSQL.R | 26
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/R/PostgreSQLSupport.R | 100
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/R/dbObjectId.R | 6
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/config.guess |only
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/config.sub |only
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/configure | 1605 ++++++----
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/configure.in | 14
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/inst/NEWS | 14
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/inst/doc/DBI.pdf |binary
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/install-sh |only
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/man/dbCommit-methods.Rd | 5
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/man/dbObjectId-class.Rd | 4
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/man/isPostgresqlIdCurrent.Rd |only
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/man/make.db.names-methods.Rd | 25
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/man/postgresqlBuildTableDefinition.Rd |only
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/man/postgresqlSupport.Rd | 2
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/src/Makevars.in | 19
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/src/Makevars.win | 2
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/src/RS-DBI.c | 15
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/src/RS-PQescape.c | 5
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/src/RS-PostgreSQL.c | 20
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/src/RS-pgsql-copy.c | 5
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/Makefile.darwin |only
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/Makefile.global.darwin |only
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/Makefile.global.win32 | 4
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/Makefile.port.darwin |only
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/Makefile.win |only
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/getaddrinfo.c | 2
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/pg_config.h.darwin |only
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/pg_config.h.win |only
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/pg_config_os.h.darwin |only
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/pg_config_os.h.win |only
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/pg_config_paths.h.darwin |only
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/pg_config_paths.h.win |only
RPostgreSQL-0.3-0/RPostgreSQL/src/libpq/wininclude |only
51 files changed, 1240 insertions(+), 802 deletions(-)
Title: Robust Ordinal Regression MCDA library
Diff between ror versions 0.4 dated 2011-12-20 and 0.6 dated 2011-12-30
Description: An R package for computing both exact- and stochastic robust ordinal regression.
Author: Tommi Tervonen
Maintainer: Tommi Tervonen
ror-0.4/ror/R/libror_common.R |only
ror-0.4/ror/R/symphony-utagms.R |only
ror-0.6/ror/DESCRIPTION | 12 +++---
ror-0.6/ror/MD5 | 14 +++----
ror-0.6/ror/NAMESPACE | 2 -
ror-0.6/ror/R/onLoad.R | 10 +++++
ror-0.6/ror/R/ror_common.R |only
ror-0.6/ror/R/utagms.R |only
ror-0.6/ror/inst/java/libror-0.4-jar-with-dependencies.jar |binary
ror-0.6/ror/man/utagms.Rd | 23 ++++++++++---
10 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
Title: R/GNU Linear Programming Kit Interface
Diff between Rglpk versions 0.3-5 dated 2010-02-15 and 0.3-6 dated 2011-12-30
Description: R interface to the GNU Linear Programing Kit (GLPK version 4.45).
GLPK is open source software for solving large-scale linear programming (LP),
mixed integer linear programming (MILP) and other related problems.
Author: Kurt Hornik [aut],
Stefan Theussl [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Stefan Theussl
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/AUTHORS |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/COPYING |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/ChangeLog |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/INSTALL |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/Makefile_MMIX |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/NEWS |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/README |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/THANKS |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/aclocal.m4 |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/config.guess |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/config.h.in |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/config.sub |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/configure |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/configure.ac |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/depcomp |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/doc |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/examples |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/include |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/install-sh |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/ltmain.sh |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/m4 |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/missing |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/src |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/w32 |only
Rglpk-0.3-5/Rglpk/src/GLPK/w64 |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/DESCRIPTION | 23
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/MD5 |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/R/Rglpk_solve.R | 24
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/R/zzz.R | 12
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/configure | 55 -
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/Makefile |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/Makefile.am | 138 +++
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/Makefile.in | 1089 +++++++++++++++++++----------
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/Makefile.win |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/amd |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/colamd |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi01.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi02.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi03.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi04.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi05.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi06.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi07.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi08.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi09.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi10.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi11.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi12.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi13.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi14.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi15.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi16.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi17.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi18.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi19.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi20.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpapi21.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpavl.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpavl.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpbfd.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpbfd.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpbfx.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpbfx.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpcpx.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpdmp.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpdmp.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpdmx.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpenv.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpenv01.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpenv01.c.orig |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpenv02.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpenv03.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpenv04.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpenv05.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpenv06.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpenv07.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpenv08.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpfhv.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpfhv.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpgmp.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpgmp.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glphbm.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glphbm.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpini01.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpini02.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpios.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpios01.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpios02.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpios03.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpios04.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpios05.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpios06.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpios07.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpios08.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpios09.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpios10.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpios11.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpios12.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpipm.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpipm.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpk.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glplib.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glplib01.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glplib02.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glplib03.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glplpf.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glplpf.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glplpx01.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glplpx02.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glplpx03.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpluf.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpluf.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glplux.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glplux.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpmat.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpmat.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpmpl.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpmpl01.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpmpl02.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpmpl03.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpmpl04.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpmpl05.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpmpl06.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpmps.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpnet.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpnet01.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpnet02.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpnet03.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpnet04.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpnet05.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpnet06.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpnet07.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpnet08.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpnet09.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpnpp.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpnpp01.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpnpp02.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpnpp03.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpnpp04.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpnpp05.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpnpp06.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpqmd.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpqmd.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glprgr.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glprgr.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glprng.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glprng01.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glprng02.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpscf.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpscf.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpscl.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpsdf.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpspm.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpspm.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpspx.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpspx01.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpspx02.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpsql.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpsql.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpssx.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpssx01.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpssx02.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glpstd.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glptsp.c |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/glptsp.h |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/minisat |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/GLPK/zlib |only
Rglpk-0.3-6/Rglpk/src/Makevars.win | 10
169 files changed, 942 insertions(+), 409 deletions(-)
Title: Examples using Rcpp to interface R and C++
Diff between RcppExamples versions 0.1.2 dated 2010-12-22 and 0.1.3 dated 2011-12-30
Description: Examples for Seamless R and C++ integration
The Rcpp package contains a C++ library that facilitates the integration of
R and C++ in various ways. This package provides some usage examples.
Note that the documentation in this package currently does not cover all the
features in the package. It is not even close.
It does however provide a few example based on both the (deprecated)
`classic' API and the current Rcpp API which supercedes it. As such, it
can help in porting from the older API to the newer API.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois, based on code written
during 2005 and 2006 by Dominick Samperi
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois
ChangeLog | 18 ++++++++++++++++++
DESCRIPTION | 28 ++++++++++++++++------------
MD5 |only
NEWS | 9 +++++++++
R/RcppDataFrame.R |only
man/RcppDataFrame.Rd |only
man/RcppParams.Rd | 3 ---
src/RcppDataFrame.cpp |only
src/classicRcppDateExample.cpp | 6 +++---
src/newRcppDateExample.cpp | 6 +++---
11 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
Title: A Parallel Analysis With Polychoric Correlation Matrices
Diff between random.polychor.pa versions dated 2011-11-07 and dated 2011-12-30
More information about random.polychor.pa at CRAN
Description: The Function performs a parallel analysis using simulated
polychoric correlation matrices. The nth-percentile of the
eigenvalues distribution obtained from both the randomly
generated and the real data polychoric correlation matrices is
returned. A plot comparing the two types of eigenvalues (real
and simulated) will help determine the number of real
eigenvalues that outperform random data. The function is based
on the idea that if real data are non-normal and the polychoric
correlation matrix is needed to perform a Factor Analysis, then
the Parallel Analysis method used to choose a non-random number
of factors should also be based on randomly generated
polychoric correlation matrices and not on Pearson correlation
matrices. Version 1.1.1, fixed a minor bug in the regarding the
estimated time needed to complete the simulation. Also in this
version, the function is now able to manage supplied
data.matrix in which variables representing factors (i.e.,
variables with ordered categories) are present and may cause an
error when the Pearson correlation matrix is calculated.
Version 1.1.2 simply has updated the function that calculates
the polycoric correlation matrix due to changes in the psych()
package. Version 1.1.3 tackles two problems signalled by users:
1) the possibility to make available the results of simulation
for plotting them in other softwares. Now the
random.polychor.pa will show, upon request, all the data used
in the scree-plot. 2) The function polichoric() of the psych()
package does not handle data matrices that include 0 as
possible category and will cause the function to stop with
error. So a check for the detection of the 0 code within the
provided data.matrix is now added and will cause the
random.polychor.pa function to stop with a warning message.
Author: Fabio Presaghi & Marta Desimoni
Maintainer: Fabio Presaghi
DESCRIPTION | 9 +++----
MD5 | 32 +++++++++++++------------
man/random.polychor.pa-package.Rd | 2 -
random.polychor.pa/DESCRIPTION | 8 +++---
random.polychor.pa/Meta/Rd.rds |binary
random.polychor.pa/Meta/hsearch.rds |binary
random.polychor.pa/Meta/links.rds |binary
random.polychor.pa/Meta/package.rds |binary
random.polychor.pa/NAMESPACE |only
random.polychor.pa/R/random.polychor.pa | 27 +++++++--------------
random.polychor.pa/R/random.polychor.pa.rdb |binary
random.polychor.pa/R/random.polychor.pa.rdx |binary
random.polychor.pa/help/aliases.rds |binary
random.polychor.pa/help/paths.rds |binary
random.polychor.pa/help/random.polychor.pa.rdb |binary
random.polychor.pa/help/random.polychor.pa.rdx |binary
random.polychor.pa/html/00Index.html | 4 +--
18 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
Permanent link
Title: Tools for splitting, applying and combining data
Diff between plyr versions 1.6 dated 2011-07-29 and 1.7 dated 2011-12-30
Description: plyr is a set of tools that solves a common
set of problems: you need to break a big problem down
into manageable pieces, operate on each pieces and then
put all the pieces back together. For example, you
might want to fit a model to each spatial location or
time point in your study, summarise data by panels or
collapse high-dimensional arrays to simpler summary
statistics. The development of plyr has been generously
supported by BD (Becton Dickinson).
Author: Hadley Wickham
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham
MD5 |only
NEWS | 672 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
R/helper-arrange.r | 2
R/helper-count.r | 2
R/helper-data-frame.r | 2
R/helper-defaults.r | 22 -
R/helper-each.r | 2
R/helper-match-df.r | 1
R/helper-quick-df.r | 2
R/helper-round-any.r | 2
R/helper-splat.r | 2
R/helper-strip-splits.r | 2
R/helper-try.r | 2
R/helper-vaggregate.r | 2
R/id.r | 27 -
R/immutable.r | 2
R/join.r | 2
R/loop-apply.r | 2
R/ply-array.r | 8
R/ply-data-frame.r | 2
R/ply-null.r | 2
R/ply-replicate.r | 2
R/progress.r | 2
R/rbind.r | 5
R/simplify-array.r | 2
R/simplify-vector.r | 2
R/split-indices.r | 5
R/split.r | 2
inst/tests/test-join.r | 24 +
inst/tests/test-rbind.r | 14
man/a_ply.Rd | 4
man/aaply.Rd | 6
man/adply.Rd | 6
man/alply.Rd | 6
man/as.data.frame.function.Rd | 2
man/baseball.Rd | 13
man/d_ply.Rd | 6
man/daply.Rd | 14
man/ddply.Rd | 10
man/dlply.Rd | 8
man/eval.quoted.Rd | 4
man/get-split.Rd | 3
man/indexed_array.Rd | 2
man/join.Rd | 4
man/l_ply.Rd | 6
man/laply.Rd | 6
man/ldply.Rd | 4
man/liply.Rd | 14
man/llply.Rd | 4
man/m_ply.Rd | 6
man/maply.Rd | 6
man/mdply.Rd | 6
man/mlply.Rd | 6
man/ozone.Rd | 5
man/progress_none.Rd | 3
man/progress_tk.Rd | 4
man/r_ply.Rd | 2
man/raply.Rd | 2
man/rdply.Rd | 2
man/rlply.Rd | 2
man/split_labels.Rd | 4
man/summarise.Rd | 8
man/vaggregate.Rd | 4
src/loop-apply.c | 2
65 files changed, 560 insertions(+), 493 deletions(-)
Title: Convertinging Odds Ratio to Relative Risk with Partial Data
Diff between orsk versions 0.1-1 dated 2011-07-06 and 0.1-2 dated 2011-12-30
Description: Convertinging Odds Ratio to Relative Risk with Partial Data Information
Author: Zhu Wang
Maintainer: Zhu Wang
orsk-0.1-1/orsk/COPYING |only
orsk-0.1-1/orsk/cleanup |only
orsk-0.1-1/orsk/src/quick_sort2.f |only
orsk-0.1-2/orsk/DESCRIPTION | 9 -
orsk-0.1-2/orsk/MD5 |only
orsk-0.1-2/orsk/NEWS |only
orsk-0.1-2/orsk/R/orsk.R | 266 +++++++++++++++++----------------
orsk-0.1-2/orsk/inst/doc/orsk_demo.Rnw | 192 ++++++++++-------------
orsk-0.1-2/orsk/inst/doc/orsk_demo.bib | 5
orsk-0.1-2/orsk/inst/doc/orsk_demo.pdf |binary
orsk-0.1-2/orsk/man/orsk.Rd | 20 +-
orsk-0.1-2/orsk/src/oddsratio.f | 69 ++++----
12 files changed, 281 insertions(+), 280 deletions(-)
Title: Rigorous - NIfTI+ANALYZE+AFNI Input / Output
Diff between oro.nifti versions 0.3.0 dated 2011-12-28 and 0.3.1 dated 2011-12-30
Description: Functions for the input/output and visualization of
medical imaging data that follow either the ANALYZE, NIfTI or AFNI
formats. This package is part of the Rigorous Analytics bundle.
Author: Brandon Whitcher, Volker Schmid and Andrew Thornton, with
contributions by Karsten Tabelow
Maintainer: Brandon Whitcher
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 | 6 +++---
R/plot.R | 19 ++++++++++++++-----
inst/doc/oro.nifti.pdf |binary
4 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
Title: Simulating migration under climate change
Diff between MigClim versions 0.2 dated 2011-12-06 and 0.3 dated 2011-12-30
Description: Functions for simulating species migration
under climate change scenarios.
Author: Robin Engler
Maintainer: Robin Engler
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++---
MD5 | 4 ++--
R/MigClim.R | 3 ++-
3 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
Title: Package to perform actuarial evaluation of life contingencies
Diff between lifecontingencies versions 0.0.6 dated 2011-11-05 and 0.0.7 dated 2011-12-30
More information about lifecontingencies at CRAN
Description: Financial and actuarial functions to evaluate life contingencies.
Author: Giorgio A. Spedicato
Maintainer: Giorgio A. Spedicato
lifecontingencies-0.0.6/lifecontingencies/inst/doc |only
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/DESCRIPTION | 8
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/MD5 | 87 -
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/NEWS | 5
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/R/actuarialFunctions.R | 552 +++++-----
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/R/demographicFunctions.R | 34
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/R/financialFunctions.R | 56 -
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/inst/CITATION | 7
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/DAxn.Rd | 42
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/IAxn.Rd | 17
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/Iaxn_1.Rd |only
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/Lxt.Rd | 10
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/accumulatedValue.Rd | 36
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/actuarialtable-class.Rd | 2
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/annuity.Rd | 10
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/axn.Rd | 21
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/axn_1.Rd | 21
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/axyn.Rd | 19
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/decreasingAnnuity.Rd | 16
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/demoIta.Rd | 14
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/getOmega-methods.Rd | 4
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/increasingAnnuity.Rd | 13
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/intensity2Interest.Rd | 8
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/lifecontingencies-package.Rd | 28
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/lifetable-class.Rd | 5
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/mxt.Rd | 7
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/nominal2Real.Rd | 28
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/presentValue.Rd | 10
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/probs2lifetable.Rd | 16
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/pxt.Rd | 10
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/pxyt.Rd | 2
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/rLife.Rd |only
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/real2Nominal.Rd | 35
lifecontingencies-0.0.7/lifecontingencies/man/soa08Act.Rd | 2
34 files changed, 590 insertions(+), 535 deletions(-)
Permanent link
Title: Graphical Interaction Models
Diff between gRim versions 0.1.3 dated 2011-12-04 and 0.1.4 dated 2011-12-30
Description: Implements graphical interaction models for contingency
tables (i.e. log-linear models) and graphical Gaussian models
for the multivariate normal data (i.e. covariance selection
models) and mixed interaction models
Author: Søren Højsgaard
Maintainer: Søren Højsgaard
ChangeLog | 6 ++++++
DESCRIPTION | 9 +++++----
MD5 | 6 +++---
inst/doc/gRim.pdf |binary
4 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
Title: A package for graphical modelling in R
Diff between gRbase versions 1.4.1 dated 2011-09-07 and 1.4.2 dated 2011-12-30
Description: The gRbase package provides certain general constructs which are used by other graphical modelling packages. This includes 1) the concept of gmData (graphical meta data), 2) several graph algorithms 3) facilities for table operations, 4) functions for testing for conditional independence. gRbase also illustrates how hierarchical log-linear models (hllm) may be implemented.
Author: Søren Højsgaard
Maintainer: Søren Højsgaard
gRbase-1.4.1/gRbase/data/BodyFat.txt.gz |only
gRbase-1.4.1/gRbase/data/cad1.txt.gz |only
gRbase-1.4.1/gRbase/data/cad2.txt.gz |only
gRbase-1.4.1/gRbase/data/carcass.txt.gz |only
gRbase-1.4.1/gRbase/data/carcassall.txt.gz |only
gRbase-1.4.1/gRbase/data/dietox.txt.gz |only
gRbase-1.4.1/gRbase/data/lizardRAW.txt.gz |only
gRbase-1.4.1/gRbase/data/math.txt.gz |only
gRbase-1.4.1/gRbase/data/mathmark.txt.gz |only
gRbase-1.4.1/gRbase/data/milkcomp.txt.gz |only
gRbase-1.4.1/gRbase/data/milkcomp1.txt.gz |only
gRbase-1.4.1/gRbase/data/wine.txt.gz |only
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/ChangeLog | 10 +
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/DESCRIPTION | 20 +--
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/MD5 | 124 ++++++++++-----------
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/R/GraphAlgo-rip.R | 24 ++++
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/BodyFat.txt.bz2 |only
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/Nutrimouse.RData |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/ashtrees.RData |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/breastcancer.RData |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/cad1.txt.bz2 |only
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/cad2.txt.bz2 |only
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/carcass.txt.bz2 |only
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/carcassall.txt.bz2 |only
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/chestSim1000.RData |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/chestSim10000.RData |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/chestSim100000.RData |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/chestSim500.RData |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/chestSim50000.RData |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/dietox.txt.xz |only
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/dumping.RData |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/lizard.RData |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/lizardAGG.txt.gz |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/lizardRAW.txt.bz2 |only
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/math.txt.bz2 |only
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/mathmark.txt.bz2 |only
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/mildew.RData |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/milkcomp.txt.bz2 |only
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/milkcomp1.txt.bz2 |only
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/rats.txt.gz |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/reinis.RData |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/data/wine.txt.bz2 |only
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/gRbase-Ex.R | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/inst/doc/ArrayOps.pdf |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/inst/doc/ArrayOpsPrim.pdf |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/inst/doc/Graphs.pdf |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/inst/doc/fig/graph-013.pdf |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/inst/doc/fig/graph-016.pdf |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/inst/doc/fig/graph-019.pdf |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/inst/doc/gRbase.pdf |binary
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/DATA-mathmark.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/GraphAlgo-edgeList.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/GraphAlgo-glist2adjMAT.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/GraphAlgo-mcs.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/GraphAlgo-minimalTriang.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/GraphAlgo-moralize.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/GraphAlgo-mpd.Rd | 3
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/GraphAlgo-operations1.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/GraphAlgo-querygraph.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/GraphAlgo-rip.Rd | 3
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/GraphAlgo-triangulate.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/ZOLD-gModel.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/ZOLD-gRfit.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/ZOLD-gmData.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/ZOLD-hllm.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/ZOLD-validVarTypes.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/arrayCombine.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/compareModels.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/compile-propagate.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/cov2pcor.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/gRbase-utilities.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/iplot.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/parray.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/removeRedundant.Rd | 2
gRbase-1.4.2/gRbase/man/ugdag.Rd | 2
75 files changed, 129 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-)
Title: Graphical Independence Networks
Diff between gRain versions 0.8.9 dated 2011-09-07 and 0.8.10 dated 2011-12-30
Description: A package for probability propagation in graphical independence networks, also known as probabilistic expert systems (which includes Bayesian networks as a special case).
Author: Søren Højsgaard
Maintainer: Søren Højsgaard
ChangeLog | 9 +++++++++
DESCRIPTION | 14 ++++++--------
MD5 | 36 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
R/SimulateArray.R | 22 +++++++++++++++++-----
R/compile-grain.R | 8 +++-----
R/simarray.R | 1 -
inst/doc/gRain-intro.pdf |binary
man/andtable.Rd | 2 +-
man/compile.grain.Rd | 4 ++--
man/compileCPT.Rd | 2 +-
man/cptable.Rd | 2 +-
man/extractCPT.Rd | 2 +-
man/gRain-package.Rd | 4 ++--
man/grain.Rd | 2 +-
man/loadSaveHuginNet.Rd | 2 +-
man/predict.Rd | 2 +-
man/propagate.grain.Rd | 4 ++--
man/querygrain.Rd | 2 +-
man/simulate.Rd | 2 +-
19 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
Title: Generalized ridge trace plots for ridge regression
Diff between genridge versions 0.6-1 dated 2011-12-19 and 0.6-2 dated 2011-12-30
The genridge package introduces generalizations of the standard univariate
ridge trace plot used in ridge regression and related methods. These graphical methods
show both bias (actually, shrinkage) and precision, by plotting the covariance ellipsoids of the estimated
coefficients, rather than just the estimates themselves. 2D and 3D plotting methods are provided,
both in the space of the predictor variables and in the transformed space of the PCA/SVD of the
Author: Michael Friendly
Maintainer: Michael Friendly
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 | 20 +++++++++++---------
NEWS | 5 +++++
R/biplot.pcaridge.R | 4 ++--
R/plot3d.ridge.R | 15 ++++++++-------
R/ridge.R | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
data/Detroit.RData |only
man/Detroit.Rd |only
man/biplot.pcaridge.Rd | 6 +++++-
man/genridge-package.Rd | 4 ++--
man/ridge.Rd | 18 +++++++++++++++++-
12 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
Title: Stochastic Frontier Analysis
Diff between frontier versions 0.997-2 dated 2011-03-04 and 0.997-4 dated 2011-12-30
Description: Maximum Likelihood Estimation of
Stochastic Frontier Production and Cost Functions.
Two specifications are available:
the error components specification with time-varying efficiencies
(Battese and Coelli, 1992)
and a model specification in which the firm effects are directly
influenced by a number of variables (Battese and Coelli, 1995).
Author: Tim Coelli, Arne Henningsen
Maintainer: Arne Henningsen
frontier-0.997-2/frontier/data/front41Data.txt |only
frontier-0.997-2/frontier/data/telecom.txt |only
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/DESCRIPTION | 22
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/MD5 |only
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/NEWS | 22
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/R/efficiencies.frontier.R | 12
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/R/frontierTranslogRay.R | 42
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/R/sfa.R | 37
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/data/front41Data.txt.gz |only
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/data/telecom.txt.gz |only
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/man/efficiencies.frontier.Rd | 6
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/man/frontier.Rd | 2
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/man/frontierTranslogRay.Rd | 31
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/src/front41.f | 513
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/tests/fail.R | 69
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/tests/fail.Rout.save | 468
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/tests/frontier41.Rout.save | 51
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/tests/frontierTest.R | 19
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/tests/frontierTest.Rout.save |31724 +++++++-------
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/tests/nestedModels.Rout.save | 57
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/tests/translogRay.Rout.save | 400
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/tests/translogRayMult.R |only
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/tests/translogRayMult.Rout.save |only
frontier-0.997-4/frontier/tests/wrongSkewness.Rout.save | 83
24 files changed, 17192 insertions(+), 16366 deletions(-)
Title: Interface for FAME time series database
Diff between fame versions 2.17 dated 2011-10-15 and 2.18 dated 2011-12-30
Description: Read and write FAME databases.
Author: Jeff Hallman
Maintainer: Jeff Hallman
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++---
MD5 | 8 ++++----
NEWS | 5 +++++
R/windows/zzz.R | 8 +++-----
man/getfame.Rd | 16 ++++++++++++++++
5 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
Title: Implementation of the Fourier Amplitute Sensitivity Test (FAST)
Diff between fast versions 0.51 dated 2009-03-27 and 0.60 dated 2011-12-30
Description: The Fourier Amplitute Sensitivity Test (FAST) is a method to deterimine global sensitivities of a model on parameter changes with relavtively few model runs. This package implements this sensitivity analysis method.
Author: Dominik Reusser
Maintainer: Dominik Reusser
DESCRIPTION | 15 ++++++---------
MD5 |only
R/S.R | 4 ++--
R/example_model1.R |only
R/fast_parameters.R | 4 ++--
R/p.sensitivity.R | 12 +++++++++---
R/rerange.R | 4 ++--
R/sa.R |only
R/sens.model1.R |only
R/sensitivity.R | 28 ++++++++++++++++------------
R/sensitivity_rep.R | 4 ++--
man/S.Rd | 7 ++-----
man/double_serie.Rd | 2 --
man/example_model2.Rd | 24 ++++++++++++++++--------
man/fast-package.Rd | 3 +++
man/fast_parameters.Rd | 7 ++-----
man/freq_cukier.Rd | 3 ---
man/na2mean.Rd | 3 ---
man/p.sensitivity.Rd | 24 ++++++++++++------------
man/rerange.Rd | 11 +++--------
man/s_1.Rd | 5 -----
man/sa.Rd |only
man/sensitivity.Rd | 27 ++++++++++++++++++---------
man/sensitivity_rep.Rd | 9 ++-------
25 files changed, 97 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)
Title: Statistical inference of C- and D-vine copulas
Diff between CDVine versions 1.1-4 dated 2011-10-23 and 1.1-5 dated 2011-12-30
Description: This package provides functions for statistical inference
of canonical vine (C-vine) and D-vine copulas. It contains
tools for bivariate exploratory data analysis and for bivariate
as well as vine copula selection. Models can be estimated
either sequentially or by joint maximum likelihood estimation.
Sampling algorithms and plotting methods are also included.
Data is assumed to lie in the unit hypercube (so-called copula
Author: Ulf Schepsmeier, Eike Christian Brechmann
Maintainer: Ulf Schepsmeier, Eike Christian Brechmann
CDVine.pdf |binary
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 | 34 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
R/BiCopEst.R | 2 +-
R/BiCopSelect.r | 2 +-
R/CDVineMLE.R | 30 +++++++++++++++---------------
inst/ChangeLog | 6 ++++++
inst/doc/CDVine-package.pdf |binary
man/BiCopGofKendall.Rd | 2 +-
man/BiCopLambda.Rd | 2 +-
man/BiCopPar2Tau.Rd | 3 +--
man/BiCopSelect.Rd | 2 +-
man/BiCopTau2Par.Rd | 3 +--
man/BiCopVuongClarke.Rd | 2 +-
man/CDVine-package.Rd | 20 ++++++++++----------
man/CDVineSeqEst.Rd | 3 +--
src/likelihood.c | 6 +++---
src/tools.c | 5 ++---
18 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)