Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2012-02-01 0.6-1
2011-10-15 0.3-1
2011-03-20 0.2-1
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2012-02-03 0.9-1
2011-10-24 0.8
2011-10-15 0.7
Title: Models and Data Sets for the Study of Species-Area Relationships
Diff between sharx versions 1.0-0 dated 2010-12-09 and 1.0-3 dated 2012-08-09
Description: Data sets and SAR, SARX, HSAR and HSARX models as
described in Solymos and Lele (2012, GEB 21, 109-120).
Author: Peter Solymos
Maintainer: Peter Solymos
sharx-1.0-0/sharx/R/ |only
sharx-1.0-0/sharx/inst/COPYING |only
sharx-1.0-0/sharx/inst/HISTORY |only
sharx-1.0-3/sharx/DESCRIPTION | 17 +--
sharx-1.0-3/sharx/MD5 |only
sharx-1.0-3/sharx/NAMESPACE | 7 -
sharx-1.0-3/sharx/R/hsarx.R | 185 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
sharx-1.0-3/sharx/R/sie.R |only
sharx-1.0-3/sharx/inst/CITATION | 14 --
sharx-1.0-3/sharx/inst/ChangeLog | 15 ++
sharx-1.0-3/sharx/man/hsarx.Rd | 35 +++---
sharx-1.0-3/sharx/man/sharx-package.Rd | 8 -
sharx-1.0-3/sharx/man/sie.Rd |only
13 files changed, 230 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)
Title: Normal Mixture Modeling for Model-Based Clustering,
Classification, and Density Estimation
Diff between mclust versions 3.5 dated 2012-07-06 and 4.0 dated 2012-08-09
Description: Normal Mixture Modeling fitted via EM algorithm for
Model-Based Clustering, Classification, and Density Estimation,
including Bayesian regularization.
Author: Chris Fraley, Adrian Raftery and Luca Scrucca
Maintainer: Luca Scrucca
mclust-3.5/mclust/inst/cite |only
mclust-3.5/mclust/man/Defaults.Mclust.Rd |only
mclust-3.5/mclust/man/mclustDA.Rd |only
mclust-3.5/mclust/man/mclustDAtest.Rd |only
mclust-3.5/mclust/man/mclustDAtrain.Rd |only
mclust-3.5/mclust/man/mclustOptions.Rd |only
mclust-3.5/mclust/man/plot.mclustDA.Rd |only
mclust-3.5/mclust/man/plot.mclustDAtrain.Rd |only
mclust-3.5/mclust/man/summary.mclustDAtest.Rd |only
mclust-3.5/mclust/man/summary.mclustDAtrain.Rd |only
mclust-3.5/mclust/man/summary.mclustModel.Rd |only
mclust-3.5/mclust/src/mclust3.f |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/CHANGELOG | 18
mclust-4.0/mclust/DESCRIPTION | 22
mclust-4.0/mclust/MD5 | 174
mclust-4.0/mclust/NAMESPACE | 56
mclust-4.0/mclust/R/clustCombi.R |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/R/densityMclust.R |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/R/mclust.R |14360 +++++---------
mclust-4.0/mclust/R/mclustda.R |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/R/mclustdr.R |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/R/weights.R |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/R/zzz.R | 15
mclust-4.0/mclust/data/Baudry_etal_2010_JCGS_examples.rda |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/data/GvHD.rda |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/data/banknote.txt.gz |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/data/chevron.rda |binary
mclust-4.0/mclust/data/cross.rda |binary
mclust-4.0/mclust/data/diabetes.rda |binary
mclust-4.0/mclust/data/wreath.rda |binary
mclust-4.0/mclust/inst/CITATION | 71
mclust-4.0/mclust/inst/doc |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/Baudry_etal_2010_JCGS_examples.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/GvHD.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/Mclust.Rd | 76
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/MclustDA.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/MclustDR.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/banknote.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/bic.Rd | 8
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/bicEMtrain.Rd | 8
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/cdens.Rd | 21
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/cdensE.Rd | 17
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/cdfMclust.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/chevron.Rd | 12
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/clPairs.Rd | 14
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/classError.Rd | 10
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/clustCombi-internals.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/clustCombi.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/combMat.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/combiPlot.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/coordProj.Rd | 24
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/cv.MclustDA.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/cv1EMtrain.Rd | 8
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/decomp2sigma.Rd | 8
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/defaultPrior.Rd | 50
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/dens.Rd | 16
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/densityMclust.Rd | 100
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/densityMclust.diagnostic.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/em.Rd | 39
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/emControl.Rd | 8
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/emE.Rd | 45
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/entPlot.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/estep.Rd | 34
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/estepE.Rd | 28
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/hc.Rd | 20
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/hcE.Rd | 8
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/hclass.Rd | 8
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/imputePairs.Rd | 8
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/logLik.Mclust.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/logLik.MclustDA.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/map.Rd | 8
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/mclust-internal.Rd | 13
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/mclust.options.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/mclust1Dplot.Rd | 30
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/mclust2Dplot.Rd | 28
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/mclustBIC.Rd | 33
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/mclustModel.Rd | 18
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/mclustModelNames.Rd | 80
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/mclustVariance.Rd | 178
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/me.Rd | 30
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/me.weighted.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/meE.Rd | 30
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/mstep.Rd | 28
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/mstepE.Rd | 26
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/mvn.Rd | 28
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/mvnX.Rd | 44
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/nVarParams.Rd | 10
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/plot.Mclust.Rd | 82
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/plot.MclustDA.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/plot.MclustDR.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/plot.clustCombi.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/plot.densityMclust.Rd | 152
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/plot.mclustBIC.Rd | 12
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/predict.Mclust.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/predict.MclustDA.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/predict.densityMclust.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/print.clustCombi.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/priorControl.Rd | 16
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/randProj.Rd | 18
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/sigma2decomp.Rd | 8
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/sim.Rd | 21
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/simE.Rd | 21
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/summary.Mclust.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/summary.MclustDA.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/summary.MclustDR.Rd |only
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/summary.mclustBIC.Rd | 31
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/surfacePlot.Rd | 20
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/uncerPlot.Rd | 8
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/unmap.Rd | 8
mclust-4.0/mclust/man/wreath.Rd | 8
mclust-4.0/mclust/src/mclust.f |only
111 files changed, 6578 insertions(+), 9697 deletions(-)
Title: Model-free estimation of a psychometric function
Diff between modelfree versions 1.1-0 dated 2012-04-15 and 1.1-1 dated 2012-08-09
Description: Local linear estimation of psychometric functions.
Provides functions for nonparametric estimation of a
psychometric function and for estimation of a derived threshold
and slope, and their standard deviations and confidence
Author: Ivan Marin-Franch
Maintainer: Kamila Zychaluk
DESCRIPTION | 14 +++++---------
MD5 | 16 ++++++++--------
data/01_Miranda.rda |binary
data/02_Levi.rda |binary
data/03_Carcagno.rda |binary
data/04_Xie.rda |binary
data/05_Schofield.rda |binary
data/06_Nascimento.rda |binary
data/07_Baker.rda |binary
9 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
Title: Tools to check R code style
Diff between lint versions 0.1 dated 2012-06-25 and 0.2 dated 2012-08-09
Description: Tools fro checking R code for syle compliance. Tools for
creating style compliance tests. A suite of prebuilt tests is
Author: Andrew Redd
Maintainer: Andrew Redd
lint-0.1/lint/.gitignore |only
lint-0.1/lint/inst/tests/test-lint.R |only
lint-0.1/lint/man/test_pattern_style.Rd |only
lint-0.2/lint/DESCRIPTION | 14 -
lint-0.2/lint/MD5 | 44 +++--
lint-0.2/lint/NAMESPACE | 13 +
lint-0.2/lint/NEWS | 8
lint-0.2/lint/R/base.patterns.R |only
lint-0.2/lint/R/conversion.R | 181 +++++++++++----------
lint-0.2/lint/R/family.R | 46 ++---
lint-0.2/lint/R/find-utils.R | 25 +-
lint-0.2/lint/R/finders.R | 27 +--
lint-0.2/lint/R/functional.R |only
lint-0.2/lint/R/lint.R | 169 +++++++++++--------
lint-0.2/lint/R/lint.patterns.R | 122 --------------
lint-0.2/lint/R/pattern-utils.R | 59 ++++--
lint-0.2/lint/R/styles.assignment.R |only
lint-0.2/lint/R/styles.performance.R |only
lint-0.2/lint/R/styles.spacing.R |only
lint-0.2/lint/inst/tests/test-base.patterns.R |only
lint-0.2/lint/inst/tests/test-infrastructure.R | 41 ++++
lint-0.2/lint/inst/tests/test-styles.assignment.R |only
lint-0.2/lint/inst/tests/test-styles.performance.R |only
lint-0.2/lint/inst/tests/test-styles.spacing.R |only
lint-0.2/lint/man/assignment-styles.Rd |only
lint-0.2/lint/man/base-patterns.Rd |only
lint-0.2/lint/man/finders.Rd | 13 -
lint-0.2/lint/man/functional.Rd.Rd |only
lint-0.2/lint/man/lint.Rd | 19 +-
lint-0.2/lint/man/performance-styles.Rd |only
lint-0.2/lint/man/stylechecks.Rd | 4
lint-0.2/lint/man/test_style.Rd |only
32 files changed, 419 insertions(+), 366 deletions(-)
Title: Bayesian Variant Selection: Bayesian Model Uncertainty
Techniques for Genetic Association Studies
Diff between BVS versions 4.12.0 dated 2012-05-10 and 4.12.1 dated 2012-08-09
Description: The functions in this package focus on analyzing
case-control association studies involving a group of genetic
variants. In particular, we are interested in modeling the
outcome variable as a function of a multivariate genetic
profile using Bayesian model uncertainty and variable selection
techniques. The package incorporates functions to analyze data
sets involving common variants as well as extensions to model
rare variants via the Bayesian Risk Index (BRI) as well as
haplotypes. Finally, the package also allows the incorporation
of external biological information to inform the marginal
inclusion probabilities via the iBMU.
Author: Melanie Quintana
Maintainer: Melanie Quintana
ChangeLog |only
MD5 | 43 ++++++++---------
R/enumerateBVS.R | 25 +++++++---
R/fitBVS.R | 73 +++++++++++++++++++----------
R/plotBVS.R | 55 ++++++++++++----------
R/sampleBVS.R | 113 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
R/summaryBVS.R | 97 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------
data/InformBVS.I.out.rda |binary
data/InformBVS.NI.out.rda |binary
data/Informresults.I.rda |binary
data/Informresults.NI.rda |binary
data/RareBVS.out.rda |binary
data/RareResults.rda |binary
man/BVS-package.Rd | 2
man/InformBVS.I.out.Rd | 2
man/InformData.Rd | 2
man/Informresults.I.Rd | 2
man/enumerateBVS.Rd | 20 +++++---
man/fitBVS.Rd | 20 +++++---
man/plotRVS.Rd | 39 +++++++++------
man/sampleBVS.Rd | 29 ++++++++---
man/summaryBVS.Rd | 29 ++++++-----
23 files changed, 340 insertions(+), 217 deletions(-)
Title: Analysis of variance and other important complementary analyzes
Diff between easyanova versions 1.0 dated 2012-07-09 and 1.1 dated 2012-08-09
Description: Perform analysis of variance and other important
complementary analyzes. The functions are easy to use. Performs
analysis in various designs, with balanced and unbalanced data.
Author: Emmanuel Arnhold
Maintainer: Emmanuel Arnhold
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 | 20 ++++++++++----------
man/ea1.Rd | 2 +-
man/ea2.Rd | 2 +-
man/ea3.Rd | 2 +-
man/ea4.Rd | 2 +-
man/ea5.Rd | 2 +-
man/ea6.Rd | 2 +-
man/ea7.Rd | 2 +-
man/ea8.Rd | 2 +-
man/easyanova-package.Rd | 4 ++--
11 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
Title: Nonlinear root finding, equilibrium and steady-state analysis of
ordinary differential equations
Diff between rootSolve versions 1.6.2 dated 2011-08-11 and 1.6.3 dated 2012-08-09
Description: Routines to find the root of nonlinear functions, and to
perform steady-state and equilibrium analysis of ordinary
differential equations (ODE). Includes routines that: (1)
generate gradient and Jacobian matrices (full and banded), (2)
find roots of non-linear equations by the Newton-Raphson
method, (3) estimate steady-state conditions of a system of
(differential) equations in full, banded or sparse form, using
the Newton-Raphson method, or by dynamically running, (4) solve
the steady-state conditions for uni-and multicomponent 1-D,
2-D, and 3-D partial differential equations, that have been
converted to ODEs by numerical differencing (using the
method-of-lines approach). Includes fortran code.
Author: Karline Soetaert
Maintainer: Karline Soetaert
rootSolve-1.6.2/rootSolve/inst/doc/jss.bst |only
rootSolve-1.6.2/rootSolve/inst/doc/jss.cls |only
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/DESCRIPTION | 16 +--
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/MD5 | 69 ++++++++--------
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/NAMESPACE | 5 -
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/R/Utilities.R | 66 +++++++++++++++
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/R/steady.2D.R | 2
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/R/steady.3D.R | 10 +-
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/R/stode.R | 2
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/R/stodes.R | 68 +++++++++++-----
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/inst/doc/rootSolve.Rnw | 11 +-
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/inst/doc/rootSolve.pdf |binary
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/man/gradient.Rd | 2
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/man/hessian.Rd | 2
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/man/ | 2
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/man/jacobian.full.Rd | 2
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/man/multiroot.1D.Rd | 2
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/man/multiroot.Rd | 2
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/man/plot.steady.Rd | 2
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/man/runsteady.Rd | 2
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/man/steady.1D.Rd | 2
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/man/steady.2D.Rd | 2
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/man/steady.3D.Rd | 2
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/man/steady.Rd | 2
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/man/ | 2
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/man/stode.Rd | 2
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/man/stodes.Rd | 78 +++++++++++++++---
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/man/uniroot.all.Rd | 2
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/src/call_runsteady.c | 2
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/src/call_steady.c | 2
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/src/call_stsparse.c | 63 ++++++++-------
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/src/lsodes.f | 95 ++++-------------------
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/src/sparse.f | 93 ++++++++++++----------
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/src/sparsecoeff.f | 33 +++----
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/src/sparsekit.f | 24 +++--
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/src/steady.f | 8 -
rootSolve-1.6.3/rootSolve/src/testMap.f |only
37 files changed, 384 insertions(+), 293 deletions(-)
Title: R Interface to the Protocol Buffers API
Diff between RProtoBuf versions 0.2.4 dated 2012-05-16 and 0.2.5 dated 2012-08-09
Description: Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in
an efficient yet extensible format. Google uses Protocol
Buffers for almost all of its internal RPC protocols and file
Author: Romain Francois
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel
RProtoBuf-0.2.4/RProtoBuf/inst/NEWS |only
RProtoBuf-0.2.4/RProtoBuf/inst/doc/Makefile |only
RProtoBuf-0.2.4/RProtoBuf/inst/doc/RProtoBuf |only
RProtoBuf-0.2.4/RProtoBuf/inst/doc/RProtoBuf-quickref |only
RProtoBuf-0.2.4/RProtoBuf/inst/doc/RProtoBuf.Rnw |only
RProtoBuf-0.2.4/RProtoBuf/inst/doc/RProtoBuf.pdf |only
RProtoBuf-0.2.4/RProtoBuf/inst/doc/unitTests |only
RProtoBuf-0.2.4/RProtoBuf/inst/doc/unitTests-results |only
RProtoBuf-0.2.5/RProtoBuf/ChangeLog | 22 +++++
RProtoBuf-0.2.5/RProtoBuf/DESCRIPTION | 12 +--
RProtoBuf-0.2.5/RProtoBuf/MD5 | 50 +++++++------
RProtoBuf-0.2.5/RProtoBuf/R/serialize.R | 3
RProtoBuf-0.2.5/RProtoBuf/cleanup | 6 -
RProtoBuf-0.2.5/RProtoBuf/inst/NEWS.Rd |only
RProtoBuf-0.2.5/RProtoBuf/inst/doc/RProtoBuf-intro.Rnw |only
RProtoBuf-0.2.5/RProtoBuf/inst/doc/RProtoBuf-intro.pdf |only
RProtoBuf-0.2.5/RProtoBuf/inst/doc/RProtoBuf-quickref.Rnw |only
RProtoBuf-0.2.5/RProtoBuf/inst/doc/RProtoBuf-quickref.pdf |binary
RProtoBuf-0.2.5/RProtoBuf/inst/doc/RProtoBuf-unitTests.pdf |binary
RProtoBuf-0.2.5/RProtoBuf/inst/unitTests/data/nested.proto |only
RProtoBuf-0.2.5/RProtoBuf/inst/unitTests/runit.nested.R |only
RProtoBuf-0.2.5/RProtoBuf/inst/unitTests/runit.serialize.R |only
RProtoBuf-0.2.5/RProtoBuf/man/add.Rd | 13 ++-
RProtoBuf-0.2.5/RProtoBuf/src/mutators.cpp | 2
RProtoBuf-0.2.5/RProtoBuf/vignettes |only
25 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
Title: References for R
Diff between ref versions 0.97 dated 2009-10-11 and 0.98 dated 2012-08-09
Description: small package with functions for creating references,
reading from and writing to references and a memory efficient
refdata type that transparently encapsulates matrices and
Author: Jens Oehlschlägel
Maintainer: Jens Oehlschlägel
DESCRIPTION | 12 ++++++------
MD5 |only
R/ref.R | 4 ++--
R/zzz.R | 2 +-
ref-Ex.R |only
6 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
Title: Dandelion Plot for R-mode Exploratory Factor Analysis
Diff between DandEFA versions 1.1 dated 2012-03-01 and 1.2 dated 2012-08-09
Description: This package contains the function used to create the
Dandelion Plot. Dandelion Plot is a visualization method for
R-mode Exploratory Factor Analysis
Author: Artur Manukyan, Ahmet Sedef, Erhan Cene, Ibrahim Demir
Maintainer: Artur Manukyan
DandEFA-1.1/DandEFA/data/wqporsuk.rda |only
DandEFA-1.1/DandEFA/man/wqporsuk.Rd |only
DandEFA-1.2/DandEFA/MD5 | 12
DandEFA-1.2/DandEFA/R/dandelion.R | 450 +++++++++++++---------------------
DandEFA-1.2/DandEFA/man/dandelion.Rd | 8
DandEFA-1.2/DandEFA/man/timss2007.Rd | 2
8 files changed, 189 insertions(+), 302 deletions(-)
Title: Inverse Regression for Text Analysis
Diff between textir versions 1.8-7 dated 2012-08-03 and 1.8-8 dated 2012-08-09
Description: A suite of tools for text and sentiment mining. This
includes the `mnlm' function, for sparse multinomial logistic
regression, `pls', a concise partial least squares routine, and
the `topics' function, for efficient estimation and dimension
selection in latent topic models.
Author: Matt Taddy
Maintainer: Matt Taddy
ChangeLog | 8 +++++++-
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++---
MD5 | 12 ++++++------
R/count.R | 2 +-
R/mnlm.R | 22 +++++++++++++++-------
man/mnlm.Rd | 8 +++++++-
src/mnlogit.c | 19 +++++++++----------
7 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
Title: functions in Grid graphics
Diff between gridExtra versions 0.9 dated 2012-01-07 and 0.9.1 dated 2012-08-09
Description: misc. high-level Grid functions
Author: Baptiste Auguie
Maintainer: baptiste
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++-----
MD5 | 7 ++++---
R/arrange.r | 5 +++--
R/ebimage.r | 3 +++
README |only
5 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
Title: Detection Localization Mapping for QTL
Diff between dlmap versions 1.12 dated 2012-04-18 and 1.13 dated 2012-08-09
Description: QTL mapping in a mixed model framework with separate
detection and localization stages. The first stage detects the
number of QTL on each chromosome based on the genetic variation
due to grouped markers on the chromosome; the second stage uses
this information to determine the most likely QTL positions.
The mixed model can accommodate general fixed and random
effects, including spatial effects in field trials and pedigree
effects. Applicable to backcrosses, doubled haploids,
recombinant inbred lines, F2 intercrosses, and association
mapping populations.
Author: Emma Huang and Andrew George
Maintainer: Emma Huang
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 | 16 ++++++++--------
R/dlmap.R | 2 +-
inst/CITATION | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------
man/data.access.Rd | 4 +++-
man/dlcross.Rd | 5 ++++-
man/dlmap-internal.Rd | 4 +++-
man/dlmap-package.Rd | 6 ++++--
man/dlmap.Rd | 5 ++++-
9 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)