Title: Testing of SNPs and SNP Interactions in Case-Parent Trio Studies
Diff between trio versions 1.9.3 dated 2013-02-04 and 2.0.1 dated 2013-02-27
Description: Testing SNPs and SNP interactions with a genotypic TDT.
This package furthermore contains functions for computing
pairwise values of LD measures and for identifying LD blocks,
as well as functions for setting up matched case pseudo-control
genotype data for case-parent trios in order to run trio logic
regression, for imputing missing genotypes in trios, for
simulating case-parent trios with disease risk dependent on SNP
interaction, and for power and sample size calculation in trio
Author: Holger Schwender, Qing Li, Christoph Neumann, Ingo Ruczinski
Maintainer: Holger Schwender
MD5 | 12 +-
R/qingInternal.R | 4
R/trio.power.R | 15 +--
R/trioLR.R | 228 ------------------------------------------------------
inst/doc/trio.pdf |binary
man/trio.power.Rd | 4
7 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 249 deletions(-)
Title: Inline C, C++, Fortran function calls from R
Diff between inline versions 0.3.10 dated 2012-10-03 and 0.3.11 dated 2013-02-27
Description: Functionality to dynamically define R functions and S4
methods with in-lined C, C++ or Fortran code supporting .C and
.Call calling conventions.
Author: Oleg Sklyar, Duncan Murdoch, Mike Smith, Dirk Eddelbuettel,
Romain Francois
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel
DESCRIPTION | 9 +++++----
MD5 | 10 +++++-----
R/cfunction.R | 8 ++++----
R/cxxfunction.R | 4 ++--
inst/NEWS.Rd | 9 +++++++++
man/cxxfunction.Rd | 2 +-
6 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
Title: Symbolic computation and more with multivariate polynomials
Diff between mpoly versions 0.0.2 dated 2013-02-26 and 0.0.3 dated 2013-02-27
Description: mpoly allows for the symbolic manipulation of multivariate
polynomials in a general and consistent way designed especially
for sparse and super sparse polynomials. It also allows for
basic differential calculus with multivariate polynomials and
Grobner basis calculations from computational algebraic
Author: David Kahle
Maintainer: David Kahle
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 | 8 ++++----
NAMESPACE | 18 ++++++++++--------
NEWS | 9 +++++++++
R/as.mpoly.R | 14 ++++++++++----
5 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
Title: Fuzzy Rule-based Systems for Classification and Regression Tasks
Diff between frbs versions 1.0-0 dated 2012-10-29 and 2.0-0 dated 2013-02-27
Description: This package implements functionality and various
algorithms to build and use fuzzy rule-based systems (FRBSs).
FRBSs are based on the concept of fuzzy sets, proposed by Zadeh
in 1965, which aims at representing the reasoning of human
experts in a set of IF-THEN rules, to handle real-life problems
in, e.g., control, prediction and inference, data mining,
bioinformatics data processing, and robotics. FRBSs are also
known as fuzzy inference systems and fuzzy models. During the
modeling of an FRBS, there are two important steps that need to
be conducted: structure identification and parameter
estimation. Nowadays, there exists a wide variety of algorithms
to generate fuzzy IF-THEN rules automatically from numerical
data, covering both steps. Approaches that have been used in
the past are, e.g., heuristic procedures, neuro-fuzzy
techniques, clustering methods, genetic algorithms, squares
methods, etc. This package aims to implement the most widely
used standard procedures, thus offering a standard package for
FRBS modeling to the R community.
Author: Lala Septem Riza, Christoph Bergmeir, Francisco Herrera, and
Jose Manuel Benitez
Maintainer: Christoph Bergmeir
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/ANFIS.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/ANFIS.update.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/DENFIS.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/DENFIS.eng.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/DM.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/DM.update.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/ECM.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/GFS.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/HGD.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/HGD.update.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/HyFIS.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/HyFIS.update.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/MSGFS.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/MSGFS.test.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/SBC.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/SBC.test.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/WM.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/convert.MF.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/convert.rule.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/data.gen3d.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/defuzzifier.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/denorm.data.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/frbs.eng.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/frbs.gen.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/frbs.learn.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/frbs.plot.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/frcs.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/frcs.eng.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/fuzzifier.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/inference.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/norm.data.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/popubaru.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/predict.frbs.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/rulebase.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/R/summary.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/demo/ANFIS.Iris.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/demo/DENFIS.Iris.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/demo/DM.GasFur.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/demo/DM.Iris.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/demo/DM.MG1000.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/demo/GFS.GasFur.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/demo/GFS.Iris.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/demo/GFS.MG1000.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/demo/HGD.GasFur.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/demo/HGD.Iris.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/demo/HGD.MG1000.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/demo/HyFIS.Iris.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/demo/MSGFS.GasFur.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/demo/MSGFS.Iris.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/demo/MSGFS.MG1000.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/demo/SBC.Iris.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/demo/WM.Iris.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/demo/frcs.Iris.R |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/man/DM.Rd |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/man/GFS.Rd |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/man/HGD.Rd |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/man/MSGFS.Rd |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/man/MSGFS.test.Rd |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/man/frcs.Rd |only
frbs-1.0-0/frbs/man/frcs.eng.Rd |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/DESCRIPTION | 67 +-
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/MD5 | 173 +++----
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/NAMESPACE | 4
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/R/FCluster.FunctionCollection.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/R/FCluster.Methods.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/R/FCluster.Predict.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/R/FGradDescent.FunctionCollection.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/R/FGradDescent.Methods.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/R/FNN.FunctionCollection.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/R/FNN.Methods.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/R/FRBS.MainFunction.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/R/FSpacePartition.FunctionCollection.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/R/FSpacePartition.Method.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/R/FSpacePartition.Predict.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/R/GFS.FunctionCollection.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/R/GFS.Methods.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/R/GFS.Predict.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/R/docData.R | 8
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/R/frbs-package.R | 257 ++++++-----
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/00Index | 34 -
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/ANFIS.GasFur.R | 41 -
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/ANFIS.MG1000.R | 39 -
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/DENFIS.GasFur.R | 43 -
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/DENFIS.MG1000.R | 38 -
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/FH.GBML.Iris.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/FIR.DM.GasFur.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/FIR.DM.MG1000.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/FRBCS.CHI.Iris.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/FRBCS.W.Iris.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/FRBS.Manual1.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/FRBS.Manual2.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/FS.HGD.GasFur.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/FS.HGD.MG1000.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/GFS.FR.MOGUL.GasFur.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/GFS.FR.MOGUL.MG1000.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/GFS.GCCL.Iris.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/HyFIS.GasFur.R | 42 -
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/HyFIS.MG1000.R | 37 -
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/SBC.GasFur.R | 42 -
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/SBC.MG1000.R | 39 -
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/SLAVE.Iris.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/Thrift.GasFur.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/Thrift.MG1000.R |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/WM.GasFur.R | 43 -
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/demo/WM.MG1000.R | 36 -
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/ANFIS.Rd | 23
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/DENFIS.Rd | 18
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/DM.update.Rd | 9
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/ECM.Rd | 4
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/FH.GBML.Rd |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/FIR.DM.Rd |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/FRBCS.CHI.Rd |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/FRBCS.W.Rd |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/FRBCS.eng.Rd |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/FS.HGD.Rd |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/GFS.FR.MOGUL.Rd |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/GFS.FR.MOGUL.test.Rd |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/GFS.GCCL.Rd |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/GFS.GCCL.eng.Rd |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/GFS.Thrift.Rd |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/GFS.Thrift.test.Rd |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/HGD.update.Rd | 10
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/HyFIS.Rd | 11
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/SBC.Rd | 49 --
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/SLAVE.Rd |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/SLAVE.test.Rd |only
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/WM.Rd | 24 -
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/defuzzifier.Rd | 20
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/denorm.data.Rd | 5
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/frbs-package.Rd | 176 ++++---
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/frbs.eng.Rd | 5
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/frbs.gen.Rd | 138 ++++-
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/frbs.learn.Rd | 396 +++++++++++------
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/frbsData.Rd | 11
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/frbsObjectFactory.Rd | 62 +-
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/norm.data.Rd | 5
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/plotMF.Rd | 65 ++
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/predict.frbs.Rd | 26 -
frbs-2.0-0/frbs/man/summary.frbs.Rd | 91 +++
139 files changed, 1137 insertions(+), 954 deletions(-)
Diff between RXMCDA versions 1.4.2 dated 2012-04-09 and 1.4.3 dated 2013-02-27
Description: The RXMCDA library for the R statistical software allows
you to read many XMCDA tags and transform them into R variables
which are then usable in your MCDA algorithms written in R. The
library also allows to write certain R variables into XML files
according to the XMCDA standard.
Author: Patrick Meyer, Sebastien Bigaret.
Maintainer: Patrick Meyer
DESCRIPTION | 9 +++++----
MD5 | 9 ++++++---
R/libxmcda.R | 20 ++++++++++++--------
RXMCDA-Ex.R |only
inst/extdata/XMCDA-2.0.0.xsd |only
inst/extdata/XMCDA-2.2.0.xsd |only
tests/checkXSD.R | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
7 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
Title: Sparsity by Worst-Case Quadratic Penalties
Diff between quadrupen versions 0.2-0 dated 2013-02-26 and 0.2-1 dated 2013-02-27
Description: This package fits classical sparse regression models with
efficient active set algorithms by solving quadratic problems.
Also provides a few methods for model selection purpose
(cross-validation, stability selection).
Author: Julien Chiquet
Maintainer: Julien Chiquet
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 | 26 +++++++++++++-------------
NEWS | 5 ++++-
R/crossval.R | 4 ++++
R/init.R | 14 ++++++--------
R/quadrupen.R | 2 --
R/stability-class.R | 6 ++----
R/stability.R | 4 ++++
src/bounded_reg.cpp | 7 ++-----
src/bounded_reg.h | 2 +-
src/elastic_net.cpp | 6 ++----
src/elastic_net.h | 2 +-
src/first_order.cpp | 8 ++++----
src/utils.h | 6 ++++--
14 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)
Title: Visualisations of sequential probability distributions.
Diff between fanplot versions 1.2 dated 2013-02-07 and 1.3 dated 2013-02-27
Description: The fanplot package contains a collection of R functions
to effectively display plots of sequential distributions such
as probabilistic forecasts. The plotting of distributions are
based around two functions. The first, pn, calculates the
percentiles for a set of sequential distributions over a
specified time period. The second, fan, plots the calculated
percentiles of the sequential distributions. The resulting plot
is a set of coloured polygon, with shadings corresponding to
the percentile values.
Author: Guy J. Abel
Maintainer: "Guy J. Abel"
MD5 | 20 ++--
R/fan.txt.R | 6 -
R/fanplot-internal.R | 251 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
data/th.mcmc.rda |binary
inst/doc/fanplot.Rnw | 99 ++++++++++----------
inst/doc/fanplot.bib | 2
inst/doc/fanplot.pdf |binary
man/fan.Rd | 22 +---
man/fan.txt.Rd | 5 -
man/pn.Rd | 20 +---
11 files changed, 215 insertions(+), 217 deletions(-)
Title: Robust Estimation for Compositional Data.
Diff between robCompositions versions 1.6.2 dated 2013-01-11 and 1.6.3 dated 2013-02-27
More information about robCompositions at CRAN
Description: The package includes methods for imputation of
compositional data including robust methods, methods to impute
rounded zeros, (robust) outlier detection for compositional
data, (robust) principal component analysis for compositional
data, (robust) factor analysis for compositional data, (robust)
discriminant analysis for compositional data (Fisher rule),
robust regression with compositional predictors and (robust)
Anderson-Darling normality tests for compositional data as well
as popular log-ratio transformations (alr, clr, ilr, and their
inverse transformations). In addition, visualisation and
diagnostic tools are implemented as well as high and low-level
plot functions for the ternary diagram.
Author: Matthias Templ, Karel Hron, Peter Filzmoser
Maintainer: Matthias Templ
robCompositions-1.6.2/robCompositions/R/robGUI.R |only
robCompositions-1.6.2/robCompositions/man/robGUI.Rd |only
robCompositions-1.6.3/robCompositions/DESCRIPTION | 9 +--
robCompositions-1.6.3/robCompositions/MD5 | 16 ++---
robCompositions-1.6.3/robCompositions/NAMESPACE | 2
robCompositions-1.6.3/robCompositions/NEWS | 5 +
robCompositions-1.6.3/robCompositions/R/impAll.R |only
robCompositions-1.6.3/robCompositions/R/utils.R | 28 ++++++++++
robCompositions-1.6.3/robCompositions/inst/doc/imputation.pdf |binary
robCompositions-1.6.3/robCompositions/inst/doc/robCompositions-overview.pdf |binary
robCompositions-1.6.3/robCompositions/man/impAll.Rd |only
11 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
Permanent link
Title: EasyABC: performing efficient approximate Bayesian computation
sampling schemes
Diff between EasyABC versions 1.1 dated 2013-01-29 and 1.2 dated 2013-02-27
Description: The package EasyABC enables to launch a series of
simulations of a computer code from the R platform, and to
retrieve the simulation outputs in an appropriate format for
post-processing treatments. Four sequential sampling schemes
and three coupled-to-MCMC schemes are implemented.
Author: Franck Jabot, Thierry Faure, Nicolas Dumoullin
Maintainer: Nicolas Dumoulin
MD5 | 15 ++--
R/EasyABC-internal.R | 162 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
inst/doc/EasyABC.pdf |binary
man/ABC_mcmc.Rd | 19 ++---
man/ABC_rejection.Rd | 7 +-
man/ABC_sequential.Rd | 26 ++++---
man/EasyABC-package.Rd | 4 -
9 files changed, 186 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)
Title: Robust sparse K-means
Diff between RSKC versions 2.1 dated 2013-02-14 and 2.2 dated 2013-02-27
Description: Robust sparse \emph{K}-means.
Author: Yumi Kondo
Maintainer: Yumi Kondo
DESCRIPTION | 7 ++++---
MD5 | 14 +++++++-------
R/CER.R | 4 ++--
R/Print-rskc.R | 3 ++-
R/Revised-silhouette.R | 12 +++++++++++-
man/condProb.Rd | 10 +++++-----
src/RSKC_trimkmeans.c | 9 +++++++--
8 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
Title: Conjugate gradient minimization of nonlinear functions with box
Diff between Rcgmin versions 2012-8.08 dated 2012-08-08 and 2013-02.20 dated 2013-02-27
Description: Conjugate gradient minimization of nonlinear functions
with box constraints incorporating Dai/Yuan update
Author: John C. Nash
Maintainer: John C. Nash
Rcgmin-2012-8.08/Rcgmin/FLAGS/Rcgmin_2012-8.08.tar.gz |only
Rcgmin-2012-8.08/Rcgmin/FLAGS/unchecked/Rcgmin_2012-8.08.tar.gz |only
Rcgmin-2013-02.20/Rcgmin/DESCRIPTION | 9 ++-
Rcgmin-2013-02.20/Rcgmin/FLAGS/RCMDcheck.out | 2
Rcgmin-2013-02.20/Rcgmin/MD5 | 12 ++---
Rcgmin-2013-02.20/Rcgmin/NEWS | 4 +
Rcgmin-2013-02.20/Rcgmin/R/Rcgminb.R | 24 +++-------
Rcgmin-2013-02.20/Rcgmin/R/Rcgminu.R | 13 ++---
8 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
Title: Quantile Regression
Diff between quantreg versions 4.94 dated 2012-12-17 and 4.95 dated 2013-02-27
Description: Quantile regression and related methods.
Author: Roger Koenker
Maintainer: Roger Koenker
DESCRIPTION | 7 ++++---
MD5 | 12 ++++++------
R/crq.R | 6 ++++--
inst/ChangeLog | 9 +++++++++
inst/doc/engelcoef.pdf |binary
inst/doc/rq.pdf |binary
src/crq.f | 9 +++------
7 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
Title: Statistical Analysis Tools for High Dimension Molecular Data
Diff between HDMD versions 1.1 dated 2012-09-21 and 1.2 dated 2013-02-27
Description: High Dimensional Molecular Data (HDMD) typically have many
more variables or dimensions than observations or replicates
(D>>N). This can cause many statistical procedures to fail,
become intractable, or produce misleading results. This
package provides several tools to reduce dimensionality and
analyze biological data for meaningful interpretation of
results. Factor Analysis (FA), Principal Components Analysis
(PCA) and Discriminant Analysis (DA) are frequently used
multivariate techniques. However, PCA methods prcomp and
princomp do not reflect the proportion of total variation of
each principal component. Loadings.variation displays the
relative and cumulative contribution of variation for each
component by accounting for all variability in data. When D>>N,
the maximum likelihood method cannot be applied in FA and the
the principal axes method must be used instead, as in factor.pa
of the psych package. The factor.pa.ginv function in this
package further allows for a singular covariance matrix by
applying a general inverse method to estimate factor scores.
Moreover, factor.pa.ginv removes and warns of any variables
that are constant, which would otherwise create an invalid
covariance matrix. Promax.only further allows users to define
rotation parameters during factor estimation. Similar to the
Euclidean distance, the Mahalanobis distance estimates the
relationship among groups. pairwise.mahalanobis computes all
such pairwise Mahalanobis distances among groups and is useful
for quantifying the separation of groups in DA. Genetic
sequences are composed of discrete alphabetic characters, which
makes estimates of variability difficult. MolecularEntropy and
MolecularMI calculate the entropy and mutual information to
estimate variability and covariability, respectively, of DNA or
Amino Acid sequences. Functional grouping of amino acids
(Atchley et al 1999) is also available for entropy and mutual
information estimation. Mutual information values can be
normalized by NMI to account for the background distribution
arising from the stochastic pairing of independent, random
sites. Alternatively, discrete alphabetic sequences can be
transformed into biologically informative metrics to be used in
various multivariate procedures. FactorTransform converts
amino acid sequences using the amino acid indices determined by
Atchley et al 2005.
Author: Lisa McFerrin
Maintainer: Lisa McFerrin
DESCRIPTION | 9 +++++----
MD5 | 4 ++--
R/HDMD_package.R | 4 ++--
3 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
Title: Classification Accuracy and Consistency under IRT models.
Diff between classify versions 1.0 dated 2012-08-22 and 1.1 dated 2013-02-27
Description: IRT classification uses the probability that candidates of
a given ability, will answer correctly questions of a specified
difficulty to calculate the probability of their achieving
every possible score in a test. Due to the IRT assumption of
conditional independence (that is every answer given is assumed
to depend only on the latent trait being measured) the
probability of candidates achieving these potential scores can
be expressed by multiplication of probabilities for item
responses for a given ability. Once the true score and the
probabilities of achieving all other scores have been
determined for a candidate the probability of their score lying
in the same category as that of their true score
(classification accuracy), or the probability of consistent
classification in a category over administrations
(classification consistency), can be calculated.
Author: Dr Chris Wheadon and Dr Ian Stockford
Maintainer: Dr Chris Wheadon
DESCRIPTION | 11 +++++++----
MD5 | 8 ++++----
NAMESPACE | 4 ++--
R/classify.R | 12 ++----------
R/scores.R | 2 +-
5 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
Title: BC3NET
Diff between bc3net versions 1.0.0 dated 2012-08-29 and 1.0.1 dated 2013-02-27
Description: This package implements the BC3NET algorithm for gene
regulatory network inference (de Matos Simoes and Frank
Emmert-Streib, Bagging Statistical Network Inference from
Large-Scale Gene Expression Data, PLoS ONE 7(3): e33624)
Author: Ricardo de Matos Simoes and Frank Emmert-Streib
Maintainer: Ricardo de Matos Simoes
bc3net-1.0.0/bc3net/R/bspline.R |only
bc3net-1.0.0/bc3net/man/bspline.Rd |only
bc3net-1.0.1/bc3net/DESCRIPTION | 9 +++++----
bc3net-1.0.1/bc3net/MD5 | 14 ++++++--------
bc3net-1.0.1/bc3net/R/bc3net.R | 2 +-
bc3net-1.0.1/bc3net/R/mimwrap.R | 18 +++++++++++-------
bc3net-1.0.1/bc3net/man/bc3net.Rd | 4 ++--
bc3net-1.0.1/bc3net/man/makenull.Rd | 2 --
bc3net-1.0.1/bc3net/man/mimwrap.Rd | 8 +++-----
9 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
Title: Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical
Diff between arm versions 1.6-03 dated 2013-02-20 and 1.6-04 dated 2013-02-27
Description: R functions for processing lm, glm, mer and polr outputs.
Author: Andrew Gelman [aut], Yu-Sung Su [aut, cre], Masanao Yajima
[ctb], Jennifer Hill [ctb], Maria Grazia Pittau [ctb], Jouni
Kerman [ctb] and Tian Zheng [ctb]
Maintainer: Yu-Sung Su
CHANGELOG | 6 ++++++
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++-----
MD5 | 6 +++---
R/bayesglm.R | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
4 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)