Title: Interpreting Regression Effects
Diff between yhat versions 1.0-5 dated 2012-07-26 and 2.0-0 dated 2013-09-15
Description: The purpose of this package is to provide methods to interpret multiple
linear regression and canonical correlation results including beta weights,structure coefficients,
validity coefficients, product measures, relative weights, all-possible-subsets regression,
dominance analysis, commonality analysis, and adjusted effect sizes.
Author: Kim Nimon
Maintainer: Kim Nimon
MD5 | 42 ++++-
R/aps.r |only
R/boot.yhat.r |only
R/booteval.yhat.r |only
R/calc.yhat.r |only
R/ci.yhat.r |only
R/combCI.r |only
R/commonality.r |only
R/commonalityCoefficients.R | 324 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
R/dombin.r |only
R/dominance.r |only
R/plotCI.yhat.r |only
R/regr.R | 55 ++----
R/rlw.r |only
man/aps.Rd |only
man/boot.yhat.Rd |only
man/booteval.yhat.rd |only
man/calc.yhat.rd |only
man/canonCommonality.Rd | 10 -
man/canonVariate.Rd | 5
man/ci.yhat.rd |only
man/combCI.rd |only
man/commonality.rd |only
man/commonalityCoefficients.Rd | 14 +
man/dombin.rd |only
man/dominance.rd |only
man/effect.size.Rd | 5
man/plotCI.yhat.rd |only
man/regr.Rd | 18 --
man/rlw.rd |only
man/yhat-package.Rd | 50 ++----
33 files changed, 261 insertions(+), 302 deletions(-)
Title: Utility function for defining S3 methods
Diff between R.methodsS3 versions 1.5.0 dated 2013-09-12 and 1.5.1 dated 2013-09-15
Description: Methods that simplify the setup of S3 generic functions and S3 methods. Major effort has been made in making definition of methods as simple as possible with a minimum of maintenance for package developers. For example, generic functions are created automatically, if missing, and naming conflict are automatically solved, if possible. The method setMethodS3() is a good start for those who in the future may want to migrate to S4. This is a cross-platform package implemented in pure R that generates standard S3 methods.
Author: Henrik Bengtsson
Maintainer: Henrik Bengtsson
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 | 6 +++---
inst/NEWS | 9 +++++++++
4 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
Title: Graphical Independence Networks
Diff between gRain versions 1.2-1 dated 2013-08-08 and 1.2-2 dated 2013-09-15
Description: A package for probability propagation in graphical independence networks, also known as probabilistic expert systems or Bayesian networks.
Author: Søren Højsgaard
Maintainer: Søren Højsgaard
gRain-1.2-1/gRain/.Rinstignore |only
gRain-1.2-1/gRain/README.txt |only
gRain-1.2-1/gRain/gRain-Ex.R |only
gRain-1.2-1/gRain/inst/doc/gRain-evidence.R |only
gRain-1.2-1/gRain/inst/doc/gRain-evidence.Rnw |only
gRain-1.2-1/gRain/inst/doc/gRain-evidence.pdf |only
gRain-1.2-1/gRain/vignettes/gRain-evidence.Rnw |only
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/ChangeLog | 180 ++++-----
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/DESCRIPTION | 8
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/MD5 | 45 +-
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/NAMESPACE | 2
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/R/CPT-POT-extract.R | 34 +
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/R/Finding.R | 88 ++--
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/R/get_gRain.R |only
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/R/grain-compile.R | 69 +--
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/R/grain-main.R | 30 -
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/R/loadSaveHuginNet.R | 96 +---
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/R/predict.R | 17
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/R/printlist.R |only
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/R/propagate.R | 55 +-
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/R/querygrain.R | 43 --
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/build |only
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/inst/doc/gRain-intro.R | 252 ++++++++++++-
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/inst/doc/gRain-intro.Rnw | 482 +++++++++++++++++++++----
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/inst/doc/gRain-intro.pdf |binary
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/man/internal-gRain.Rd | 26 -
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/man/propagate.grain.Rd | 4
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/man/querygrain.Rd | 8
gRain-1.2-2/gRain/vignettes/gRain-intro.Rnw | 482 +++++++++++++++++++++----
29 files changed, 1420 insertions(+), 501 deletions(-)
Title: Performing dose-response meta-analysis
Diff between dosresmeta versions 1.0 dated 2013-09-09 and 1.1 dated 2013-09-15
Description: It allows to estimate a dose-response relation from single and multiple summarized data. The trend estimation takes into account the correlation
among log relative risks and use it to efficiently estimate the dose-response relation for each study included in the analysis. The results are then combined according to principles
of multivariate random effects meta-analysis to obtain a pooled functional relation.
Author: Alessio Crippa
Maintainer: Alessio Crippa
MD5 | 19 +--
R/dosresmeta-internal.R |only
R/dosresmeta.R | 261 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
R/gl.R | 112 ++++++++++---------
R/hamling.R | 93 +++++++++-------
man/dosresmeta-package.Rd | 21 +--
man/dosresmeta.Rd | 56 ++++-----
man/gl.Rd | 46 ++++++--
man/hamling.Rd | 31 ++++-
11 files changed, 355 insertions(+), 297 deletions(-)
Title: Test Analysis Modules
Diff between TAM versions 0.6-26 dated 2013-08-28 and 0.7-35 dated 2013-09-15
The package includes marginal and joint maximum likelihood
estimation of uni- and multidimensional item response models
(Rasch, 2PL, Generalized Partial Credit, Rating Scale, Multi Facets),
fit statistics, standard error estimation, as
well as plausible value imputation and weighted likelihood
estimation of ability.
Author: Thomas Kiefer, Alexander Robitzsch, Margaret Wu
Maintainer: Alexander Robitzsch
TAM-0.6-26/TAM/src/interval_index_c.cpp |only
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/MD5 | 105 +++---
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/R/TAM-internal_helper.R | 27 +
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/R/TAM-internal_intermediate.R | 27 +
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/R/TAM-internal_mstep.R | 107 ++----
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/R/TAM-internal_postproc.R | 52 ---
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/R/designMatrices.R | 261 ---------------
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/R/designMatrices.mfr.R | 448 ++-------------------------
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/R/designMatrices.mfr_aux.R |only
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/R/designMatrices_aux.R |only
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/R/summary.tam.R | 43 ++
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/R/tam.ctt2.R | 32 +
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/R/tam.fa.R |only
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/R/tam.fa.aux.R |only
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/R/tam.jml.R | 339 --------------------
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/R/tam.jml2.R |only
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/R/tam.mml.2pl.R | 107 ++++--
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/R/tam.mml.R | 43 +-
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/R/tam.mml.mfr.R | 244 ++++++++++----
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/R/tam.pv.R | 38 +-
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/R/tam.wle.R | 46 +-
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/data/data.cqc01.rda |only
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/data/data.cqc02.rda |only
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/data/data.ex08.rda |binary
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/data/data.ex10.rda |binary
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/data/data.ex11.rda |binary
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/data/data.ex12.rda |binary
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/data/data.ex14.rda |only
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/data/data.ex15.rda |only
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/data/data.gpcm.rda |binary
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/data/data.mc.rda |binary
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/data/data.numeracy.rda |binary
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/data/data.timssAusTwn.rda |binary
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/data/sim.facets.rda |binary
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/data/sim.mfr.rda |binary
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/data/sim.rasch.missing.rda |binary
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/data/sim.rasch.pweights.rda |binary
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/data/sim.rasch.rda |binary
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/inst/NEWS | 88 ++++-
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/man/TAM-internal.Rd | 12
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/man/TAM-package.Rd | 8
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/man/anova.tam.Rd | 48 ++
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/man/data.cqc.Rd |only
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/man/data.examples.Rd | 58 +++
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/man/data.gpcm.Rd | 4
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/man/data.mc.Rd | 9
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/man/designMatrices.Rd | 14
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/man/plot.tam.Rd | 17 -
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/man/tam.ctt.Rd | 15
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/man/tam.fa.Rd |only
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/man/tam.fit.Rd | 34 +-
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/man/tam.jml.Rd | 89 ++++-
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/man/tam.mml.Rd | 304 ++++++++++++++----
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/man/tam.pv.Rd | 82 ++++
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/man/tam.se.Rd | 68 +++-
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/man/tam.wle.Rd | 91 ++++-
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/src/tam_ctt_c.cpp | 212 ++++++------
TAM-0.7-35/TAM/src/tam_helper_ccode.cpp |only
60 files changed, 1491 insertions(+), 1602 deletions(-)
Title: R Interface to the Protocol Buffers API
Diff between RProtoBuf versions 0.3 dated 2013-07-15 and 0.3.1 dated 2013-09-15
Description: Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in an
efficient yet extensible format. Google uses Protocol Buffers for almost all
of its internal RPC protocols and file formats.
Author: Romain Francois, Dirk Eddelbuettel and Murray Stokely
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/ChangeLog | 90
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/DESCRIPTION | 13
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/MD5 | 75
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/NAMESPACE | 47
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/R/00classes.R | 15
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/R/extensions.R | 18
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/R/internals.R | 4
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/R/read.R | 18
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/R/serialize.R | 20
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/R/wrapper_ZeroCopyInputStream.R | 26
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/R/zzz.R | 11
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/configure | 992 +++++-----
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/inst/NEWS.Rd | 22
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/inst/doc/RProtoBuf-quickref.pdf |binary
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/inst/unitTests/data/int64.ascii |only
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/inst/unitTests/runit.addressbook.R | 4
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/inst/unitTests/runit.extensions.R | 16
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/inst/unitTests/runit.int64.R |only
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/man/P.Rd | 6
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/src/RcppMacros.h |only
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/src/Rcppsupport.h | 46
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/src/extractors.cpp | 66
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/src/mutators.cpp | 73
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/src/rprotobuf.cpp | 46
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/src/rprotobuf.h | 1
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/src/wrapper_ArrayInputStream.cpp | 4
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/src/wrapper_ArrayOutputStream.cpp | 4
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/src/wrapper_Descriptor.cpp | 52
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/src/wrapper_EnumDescriptor.cpp | 29
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/src/wrapper_EnumValueDescriptor.cpp | 9
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/src/wrapper_FieldDescriptor.cpp | 36
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/src/wrapper_FileDescriptor.cpp | 11
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/src/wrapper_Message.cpp | 66
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/src/wrapper_MethodDescriptor.cpp | 21
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/src/wrapper_ServiceDescriptor.cpp | 21
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/vignettes/Makefile | 4
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/vignettes/Makefile.in |only
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/vignettes/RProtoBuf-quickref.tex | 713 +++++++
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/vignettes/RProtoBuf-quickref/RProtoBuf-quickref.Rnw | 2
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/vignettes/RProtoBuf/RProtoBuf.Rnw | 87
RProtoBuf-0.3/RProtoBuf/configure.in |only
41 files changed, 1985 insertions(+), 683 deletions(-)
Title: Statistical tools for the interpretation of forensic DNA
Diff between forensim versions 4.1 dated 2013-05-05 and 4.3 dated 2013-09-15
Description: Statistical methods and simulation tools for the
interpretation of forensic DNA mixtures
Author: Hinda Haned
Maintainer: Hinda Haned
DESCRIPTION | 12 ++++----
MD5 | 20 ++++++-------
R/A2.simu.R | 2 -
R/A3.simu.R | 2 -
R/A4.simu.R | 2 -
R/Hbsimu.R | 6 ++--
R/LRmixTK.R | 80 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
R/mastermix.R | 2 -
R/simPCR2TK.R | 6 ++--
man/likEvid.Rd | 6 ++--
src/recursFinal.c | 6 ++--
11 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)
Title: OpenStreetMap and R
Diff between osmar versions 1.1-5 dated 2012-09-12 and 1.1-6 dated 2013-09-15
Description: This package provides infrastructure to access
OpenStreetMap data from different sources, to work with the data
in common R manner, and to convert data into available
infrastructure provided by existing R packages (e.g., into sp and
igraph objects).
Author: Thomas Schlesinger and Manuel J. A. Eugster
Maintainer: Thomas Schlesinger
osmar-1.1-5/osmar/R/as-igraph0.R |only
osmar-1.1-6/osmar/DESCRIPTION | 27 +++++++++++++++------------
osmar-1.1-6/osmar/MD5 | 22 +++++++++++-----------
osmar-1.1-6/osmar/NAMESPACE | 4 ++++
osmar-1.1-6/osmar/NEWS | 4 ++++
osmar-1.1-6/osmar/R/as-igraph.R |only
osmar-1.1-6/osmar/R/get.R | 5 +++++
osmar-1.1-6/osmar/R/osmar.R | 4 ++--
osmar-1.1-6/osmar/R/source-osmosis.R | 11 ++++++-----
osmar-1.1-6/osmar/data/muc.RData |binary
osmar-1.1-6/osmar/man/as_igraph.Rd | 14 ++++++++++----
osmar-1.1-6/osmar/man/c.osmar.Rd | 2 +-
osmar-1.1-6/osmar/man/dim.osmar.Rd | 2 +-
13 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
Title: Various programming utilities
Diff between R.utils versions 1.26.2 dated 2013-07-30 and 1.27.1 dated 2013-09-15
Description: This package provides utility methods useful when programming and developing R packages.
Author: Henrik Bengtsson
Maintainer: Henrik Bengtsson
R.utils-1.26.2/R.utils/R/devel/zzz.R |only
R.utils-1.27.1/R.utils/DESCRIPTION | 12 -
R.utils-1.27.1/R.utils/MD5 | 33 ++--
R.utils-1.27.1/R.utils/NAMESPACE | 3
R.utils-1.27.1/R.utils/R/999.NonDocumentedObjects.R | 3
R.utils-1.27.1/R.utils/R/Arguments.R | 106 ++++++++--------
R.utils-1.27.1/R.utils/R/commandArgs.R | 11 +
R.utils-1.27.1/R.utils/R/installPackages.R | 33 +++-
R.utils-1.27.1/R.utils/R/isPackageInstalled.R | 8 -
R.utils-1.27.1/R.utils/R/readRdHelp.R | 9 -
R.utils-1.27.1/R.utils/R/readTable.R | 11 -
R.utils-1.27.1/R.utils/R/use.R |only
R.utils-1.27.1/R.utils/R/writeDataFrame.R | 27 ++--
R.utils-1.27.1/R.utils/inst/NEWS | 26 +++
R.utils-1.27.1/R.utils/man/Non-documented_objects.Rd | 3
R.utils-1.27.1/R.utils/man/R.utils-package.Rd | 17 --
R.utils-1.27.1/R.utils/man/installPackages.Rd |only
R.utils-1.27.1/R.utils/man/use.Rd |only
R.utils-1.27.1/R.utils/man/writeDataFrame.data.frame.Rd | 73 +++++------
R.utils-1.27.1/R.utils/tests/use.R |only
20 files changed, 213 insertions(+), 162 deletions(-)
Title: Practical Numerical Math Functions
Diff between pracma versions 1.5.0 dated 2013-08-09 and 1.5.5 dated 2013-09-15
Functions from numerical analysis and linear algebra, numerical
optimization, differential equations, plus some special functions.
Uses Matlab function names where appropriate to simplify porting.
Author: Hans W Borchers
Maintainer: HwB
DESCRIPTION | 12 +++++------
MD5 | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
NEWS | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
R/arclength.R |only
R/broyden.R | 17 ++++++++++++----
R/ezplot.R | 25 +++++++++++++++++++++---
R/fsolve.R | 6 +++--
R/geo_median.R |only
R/l1linreg.R |only
R/legendre.R |only
R/matlab.R | 6 ++---
R/polyarea.R | 34 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
R/rectint.R |only
R/trapz.R | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
inst/NEWS.Rd | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
inst/doc/NEWS.pdf |binary
man/akima.Rd | 13 +++++++-----
man/arclength.Rd |only
man/broyden.Rd | 17 ++++++++++++++--
man/ezplot.Rd | 16 ++++++++++++---
man/fsolve.Rd | 10 ++++-----
man/gaussNewton.Rd | 10 +++++++++
man/geo_median.Rd |only
man/l1linreg.Rd |only
man/legendre.Rd |only
man/newtonsys.Rd | 14 +++++++++++++
man/polyarea.Rd | 51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
man/pracma-package.Rd | 6 ++---
man/rectint.Rd |only
man/trapz.Rd | 21 +++++++++++++++++---
tests/rectint.R |only
31 files changed, 328 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)
Title: Analysis of Multiple Time Course Data
Diff between longitudinal versions 1.1.7 dated 2012-01-22 and 1.1.8 dated 2013-09-15
Description: This package contains general data structures and
functions for longitudinal data with multiple variables,
repeated measurements, and irregularly spaced time points.
It also implements a shrinkage estimator of dynamical correlation
and dynamical covariance.
Author: Rainer Opgen-Rhein and Korbinian Strimmer.
Maintainer: Korbinian Strimmer
longitudinal-1.1.7/longitudinal/COPYING |only
longitudinal-1.1.8/longitudinal/DESCRIPTION | 19 ++++++++++---------
longitudinal-1.1.8/longitudinal/MD5 | 5 ++---
longitudinal-1.1.8/longitudinal/NEWS | 6 ++++++
4 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
Title: Modeling and Inferring Gene Networks
Diff between GeneNet versions 1.2.7 dated 2013-06-16 and 1.2.8 dated 2013-09-15
Description: GeneNet is a package for analyzing gene expression
(time series) data with focus on the inference of gene networks.
In particular, GeneNet implements the methods of Schaefer and
Strimmer (2005a,b,c) and Opgen-Rhein and Strimmer (2006, 2007)
for learning large-scale gene association networks (including
assignment of putative directions).
Author: Juliane Schaefer, Rainer Opgen-Rhein, and
Korbinian Strimmer.
Maintainer: Korbinian Strimmer
DESCRIPTION | 27 ++++++++++++++-------------
MD5 | 6 +++---
NEWS | 6 ++++++
R/ggm.make.igraph.R | 4 +---
4 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
Title: Estimation of (Local) False Discovery Rates and Higher Criticism
Diff between fdrtool versions 1.2.10 dated 2012-07-25 and 1.2.11 dated 2013-09-15
Description: This package allows to estimate both tail area-based false
discovery rates (Fdr) as well as local false discovery rates (fdr) for a
variety of null models (p-values, z-scores, correlation coefficients,
t-scores). The proportion of null values and the parameters of the null
distribution are adaptively estimated from the data. In addition, the package
contains functions for non-parametric density estimation (Grenander estimator),
for monotone regression (isotonic regression and antitonic regression with weights),
for computing the greatest convex minorant (GCM) and the least concave majorant (LCM),
for the half-normal and correlation distributions, and for computing
empirical higher criticism (HC) scores and the corresponding decision threshold.
Author: Bernd Klaus and Korbinian Strimmer.
Maintainer: Korbinian Strimmer
fdrtool-1.2.10/fdrtool/LICENSE |only
fdrtool-1.2.11/fdrtool/DESCRIPTION | 34 ++++++++++-------------
fdrtool-1.2.11/fdrtool/MD5 | 13 ++++----
fdrtool-1.2.11/fdrtool/NEWS | 8 +++++
fdrtool-1.2.11/fdrtool/R/fdrtool.R | 7 ++--
fdrtool-1.2.11/fdrtool/man/fdrtool.Rd | 6 ++--
fdrtool-1.2.11/fdrtool/man/hc.score.Rd | 4 +-
fdrtool-1.2.11/fdrtool/man/pval.estimate.eta0.Rd | 5 ++-
8 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
Title: High-Dimensional Regression and CAR Score Variable Selection
Diff between care versions 1.1.2 dated 2012-01-22 and 1.1.3 dated 2013-09-15
Description: The "care" package implements the regression approach
of Zuber and Strimmer (2011) "High-dimensional regression and variable
selection using CAR scores" SAGMB 10: 34.
CAR scores measure the correlation between the response and the
Mahalanobis-decorrelated predictors. The squared CAR score is a
natural measure of variable importance and provides a canonical
ordering of variables. This package provides functions for estimating
CAR scores, for variable selection using CAR scores, and for estimating
corresponding regression coefficients. Both shrinkage as well as
empirical estimators are available.
Author: Verena Zuber and Korbinian Strimmer.
Maintainer: Korbinian Strimmer
care-1.1.2/care/LICENSE |only
care-1.1.3/care/DESCRIPTION | 32 ++++++++++++++++----------------
care-1.1.3/care/MD5 | 5 ++---
care-1.1.3/care/NEWS | 8 +++++++-
4 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)