Title: Neural Networks in R using the Stuttgart Neural Network
Simulator (SNNS)
Diff between RSNNS versions 0.4-3 dated 2012-01-10 and 0.4-4 dated 2013-12-16
Description: The Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator (SNNS) is a library
containing many standard implementations of neural networks.
This package wraps the SNNS functionality to make it available
from within R. Using the RSNNS low-level interface, all of the
algorithmic functionality and flexibility of SNNS can be
accessed. Furthermore, the package contains a convenient
high-level interface, so that the most common neural network
topologies and learning algorithms integrate seamlessly into R.
Author: Christoph Bergmeir and José M. Benítez
Maintainer: Christoph Bergmeir
RSNNS-0.4-3/RSNNS/src/SnnsCLib_util.cpp |only
RSNNS-0.4-3/RSNNS/src/SnnsCLib_util.h |only
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/ChangeLog | 4
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/MD5 | 44
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/src/Makevars | 3
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/src/Makevars.win | 2
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/src/bn_art2.cpp | 2
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/src/cc_glob.cpp | 10
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/src/cc_learn.cpp | 26
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/src/cc_mac.h | 5
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/src/cc_modify.cpp | 12
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/src/dlvq_learn.cpp | 3
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/src/init_f.cpp | 69
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/src/kr_io.cpp | 4752 ++++++++++++++---------------
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/src/kr_newpattern.cpp | 32
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/src/kr_pat_parse.cpp | 42
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/src/kr_pat_scan.cpp | 8
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/src/kr_ui.cpp | 2
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/src/learn_f.cpp | 47
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/src/matrix.cpp | 4
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/src/scaled_conj_grad.cpp | 2
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/src/tacoma_learn.cpp | 17
RSNNS-0.4-4/RSNNS/src/trans_f.cpp | 10
24 files changed, 2618 insertions(+), 2487 deletions(-)
Title: Regularization paths for SCAD- and MCP-penalized regression
Diff between ncvreg versions 2.6-0 dated 2013-10-03 and 2.7-0 dated 2013-12-16
Description: Efficient algorithms for fitting regularization paths for linear or logistic regression models penalized by MCP or SCAD, with optional additional L2 penalty ("Mnet").
Author: Patrick Breheny
Maintainer: Patrick Breheny
MD5 | 26 +--
NEWS | 5
R/convexMin.R | 4
R/ncvreg.R | 20 +-
R/ncvreg_fit.R | 17 +-
R/predict.R | 18 +-
R/predict.cv.R | 4
R/summary.cv.ncvreg.R | 17 +-
inst/tests/test.R | 29 ++--
man/ncvreg-package.Rd | 4
man/ncvreg.Rd | 1
man/predict.Rd | 24 ++-
src/ncvreg.c | 354 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
14 files changed, 344 insertions(+), 187 deletions(-)
Title: Bayesian bandwidth estimation for the functional kernel
regression with unknown error density
Diff between bbefkr versions 2.0 dated 2013-11-24 and 3.0 dated 2013-12-16
Description: Estimate optimal bandwidths for the regression mean function approximated by the functional Nadaraya-Watson estimator and the error density approximated by a kernel density of residuals simultaneously in a scalar-on-function regression
Author: Han Lin Shang
Maintainer: Han Lin Shang
bbefkr-2.0/bbefkr/R/loglikelihood_admkr.R |only
bbefkr-2.0/bbefkr/man/loglikelihood_admkr.Rd |only
bbefkr-3.0/bbefkr/CHANGELOG | 7 +++++
bbefkr-3.0/bbefkr/DESCRIPTION | 8 +++---
bbefkr-3.0/bbefkr/MD5 | 25 ++++++++++----------
bbefkr-3.0/bbefkr/NAMESPACE | 2 -
bbefkr-3.0/bbefkr/R/bayMCMC_np_global.R | 17 ++++++++-----
bbefkr-3.0/bbefkr/R/bayMCMC_np_local.R | 13 +++++++---
bbefkr-3.0/bbefkr/R/bayMCMC_semi_global.R | 13 +++++++---
bbefkr-3.0/bbefkr/R/bayMCMC_semi_local.R | 16 ++++++++----
bbefkr-3.0/bbefkr/R/loglikelihood_global_admkr.R |only
bbefkr-3.0/bbefkr/R/loglikelihood_local_admkr.R |only
bbefkr-3.0/bbefkr/build/vignette.rds |binary
bbefkr-3.0/bbefkr/man/logdensity_admkr.Rd | 2 -
bbefkr-3.0/bbefkr/man/loglikelihood_global_admkr.Rd |only
bbefkr-3.0/bbefkr/man/logpriors_admkr.Rd | 2 -
16 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)
Title: Programming with Big Data -- Distributed Matrix Methods
Diff between pbdDMAT versions 0.2-2 dated 2013-07-08 and 0.2-3 dated 2013-12-16
Description: pbdDMAT contains high level S3 and S4 methods for creating,
modifying, and performing computations with dense, distributed
matrices. This includes a new class, 'ddmatrix', for storing all
of the distributed data details. Computation is handled mostly
by routines from the pbdBASE package.
Author: Drew Schmidt [aut, cre],
Wei-Chen Chen [aut],
George Ostrouchov [aut],
Pragneshkumar Patel [aut],
R Core team [ctb] (some wrappers taken from the base and stats
Maintainer: Drew Schmidt
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/INSTALL.win.bin |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/INSTALL.win.src |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/README.md |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/ab_a_randmat.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/ab_diag.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/ac_asddm.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/ac_asmat.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/ac_distrib.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/ac_redist.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/baa_print.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/bab_summary.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/bz_extract.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/bz_insert.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/ca_comparators.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/cb_type.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/cc_nas.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/da_apply.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/db_bind.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/ea_reductions.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/eb_arith.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/eb_matmult.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/fa_miscmath.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/fb_rounding.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-2/pbdDMAT/man/zz_dmac.internal.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/ChangeLog | 25 ++++
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/DESCRIPTION | 23 ++--
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/MD5 | 106 ++++++++++---------
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/NAMESPACE | 11 +-
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/R/01-generics.R | 8 +
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/R/02-utility.R | 14 +-
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/R/04-misc.R | 19 +++
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/R/ddmatrix_algebra.R | 124 +++++++++++++++++++++--
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/R/ddmatrix_create.R | 58 +++++++++-
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/R/ddmatrix_matexp.r |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/R/ddmatrix_reductions.R | 6 -
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/R/zzz.R | 4
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/TODO |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/build |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/data/bldim.rda |binary
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/data/conflicts.OK.rda |binary
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/data/ictxt.rda |binary
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/inst/doc/pbdDMAT-guide.pdf |binary
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/00_zz_dmatclass.Rd | 5
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/aa_dimensions.Rd | 24 ++--
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/ba_randmat.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/bb_hilb.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/bd_companion.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/bz_diag.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/ca_asddm.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/ca_asmat.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/cb_distrib.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/cc_redist.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/da_print.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/db_summary.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/dz_extract.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/dz_insert.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/ea_comparators.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/eb_type.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/ec_nas.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/fa_apply.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/fb_bind.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/ia_reductions.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/ib_arith.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/ib_matmult.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/ka_miscmath.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/kb_rounding.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/la_linalg.Rd | 18 +--
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/lb_qr.Rd | 14 +-
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/lc_chol2inv.Rd | 4
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/ld_kappa.Rd | 9 -
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/le_norm.Rd | 3
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/ls_eigen2.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/lz_expm.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/ra_scale.Rd | 2
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/rb_sweep.Rd | 4
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/sa_cov.Rd | 12 +-
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/sa_pca.Rd | 2
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/sc_lmfit.Rd | 2
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/man/zz_dmat.internal.Rd |only
pbdDMAT-0.2-3/pbdDMAT/vignettes/build_pdf.sh | 5
80 files changed, 359 insertions(+), 143 deletions(-)
Title: Archetypal Analysis
Diff between archetypes versions 2.1-0 dated 2012-06-13 and 2.1-2 dated 2013-12-16
Description: The main function archetypes implements a
framework for archetypal analysis supporting arbitrary
problem solving mechanisms for the different conceptual
parts of the algorithm.
Author: Manuel J. A. Eugster [aut, cre],
Friedrich Leisch [aut]
Maintainer: Manuel J. A. Eugster
archetypes-2.1-0/archetypes/inst/doc/archetypes.bib |only
archetypes-2.1-0/archetypes/inst/doc/rt-002.pdf |only
archetypes-2.1-0/archetypes/inst/doc/rt-003.pdf |only
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/DESCRIPTION | 26
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/MD5 | 53 -
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/NAMESPACE | 115 +-
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/NEWS | 111 +-
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/R/archetypes-kit-blocks.R | 894 ++++++++---------
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/R/archetypes-kit.R | 2
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/R/archetypes-map.R | 273 ++---
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/R/archetypes-movie.R | 4
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/R/archetypes-panorama.R | 212 ++--
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/R/archetypes-robust.R | 78 -
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/R/archetypes-weighted.R | 80 -
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/R/generics.R | 118 +-
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/R/memento.R | 86 -
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/build |only
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/demo/00Index | 8
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/demo/robust-simulation.R | 154 +-
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/inst/doc/archetypes.R |only
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/inst/doc/archetypes.pdf |binary
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/man/archetypes-generics.Rd | 74 -
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/man/archmap.Rd | 132 +-
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/man/archmap_projections.Rd | 59 -
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/man/predict.Rd | 48
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/man/skeletonplot.Rd | 121 +-
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/man/stepArchetypes.Rd | 100 -
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/man/summary.Rd | 36
archetypes-2.1-2/archetypes/vignettes |only
29 files changed, 1433 insertions(+), 1351 deletions(-)
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2013-04-27 1.11
2013-04-26 1.10
2012-11-11 1.02
2012-09-12 1.01
2012-09-11 1.0
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2012-10-18 1.23
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2012-09-11 1.0
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2012-11-05 0.1
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2012-10-18 1.2
2012-06-06 1.0
Title: A MORE flexible neural network package
Diff between AMORE versions 0.2-12 dated 2012-07-02 and 0.2-13 dated 2013-12-16
Description: This package was born to release the TAO robust neural
network algorithm to the R users. It has grown and I think it
can be of interest for the users wanting to implement their own
training algorithms as well as for those others whose needs lye
only in the "user space".
Author: Manuel Castejón Limas, Joaquín B. Ordieres Meré, Ana González
Marcos, Francisco Javier Martínez de Pisón Ascacibar, Alpha V.
Pernía Espinoza, Fernando Alba Elías
Maintainer: Manuel Castejón Limas
ChangeLog |only
MD5 |only
R/sim.R | 10 -
R/trMethods.R | 12 -
man/ADAPTgd.MLPnet.Rd | 3
man/ADAPTgdwm.MLPnet.Rd | 3
man/BATCHgd.MLPnet.Rd | 3
man/BATCHgdwm.MLPnet.Rd | 3
man/init.MLPneuron.Rd | 5
man/newff.Rd | 5
man/sim.MLPnet.Rd | 2
man/train.Rd | 4
src/BATCHgd.c | 405 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
src/BATCHgdwm.c | 400 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
src/Makevars |only
src/Makevars.win |only
17 files changed, 570 insertions(+), 294 deletions(-)
Title: Multilayer optics
Diff between planar versions dated 2013-11-09 and 1.5 dated 2013-12-16
Description: Solves the electromagnetic problem of reflection and transmission
of a plane wave or a Gaussian beam, at a multilayer planar interface. Also
computed are the decay rates and emission profile for a dipolar emitter
near a multilayer structure.
Author: Baptiste Auguie [aut, cre] (Some functions ported from the original
Matlab SPLAC code by E.C. Le Ru and P. G. Etchegoin (see Refs.))
Maintainer: Baptiste Auguie
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar- |only
planar-1.5/planar/DESCRIPTION | 42 +-
planar-1.5/planar/MD5 | 141 ++++-----
planar-1.5/planar/NAMESPACE | 42 +-
planar-1.5/planar/NEWS | 73 ++++
planar-1.5/planar/R/dipole.r | 325 ++++++++++++++-------
planar-1.5/planar/R/dipole_integrand.r |only
planar-1.5/planar/R/gaussian.r |only
planar-1.5/planar/R/multilayer.r | 194 +++++++-----
planar-1.5/planar/R/planar-package.r | 40 ++
planar-1.5/planar/R/recursive_fresnel.r |only
planar-1.5/planar/R/transmission.r |only
planar-1.5/planar/R/utils.r | 61 +++
planar-1.5/planar/R/zzz.r | 1
planar-1.5/planar/README.md |only
planar-1.5/planar/TODO |only
planar-1.5/planar/build |only
planar-1.5/planar/inst/doc/decay_rates.Rnw |only
planar-1.5/planar/inst/doc/decay_rates.pdf |only
planar-1.5/planar/inst/doc/fresnel.pdf |only
planar-1.5/planar/inst/doc/fresnel.rnw |only
planar-1.5/planar/inst/doc/gaussian.pdf |only
planar-1.5/planar/inst/doc/gaussian.rnw |only
planar-1.5/planar/inst/wiki |only
planar-1.5/planar/man/classify.Rd |only
planar-1.5/planar/man/dipole.Rd | 29 +
planar-1.5/planar/man/dipole_direct.Rd |only
planar-1.5/planar/man/field_profile.Rd |only
planar-1.5/planar/man/gaussian.Rd |only
planar-1.5/planar/man/gaussian_near_field.Rd |only
planar-1.5/planar/man/integrand_mtot.Rd |only
planar-1.5/planar/man/integrand_nr1.Rd |only
planar-1.5/planar/man/integrand_nr2.Rd |only
planar-1.5/planar/man/integrand_nr3.Rd |only
planar-1.5/planar/man/integrand_rad.Rd |only
planar-1.5/planar/man/invert_stack.Rd | 15
planar-1.5/planar/man/modify_levels.Rd |only
planar-1.5/planar/man/multilayer.Rd | 38 +-
planar-1.5/planar/man/multilayercpp.Rd |only
planar-1.5/planar/man/planar-package.Rd | 21 -
planar-1.5/planar/man/planar.Rd |only
planar-1.5/planar/man/raman_shift.Rd |only
planar-1.5/planar/man/recursive_fresnel.Rd |only
planar-1.5/planar/man/recursive_fresnelcpp.Rd |only
planar-1.5/planar/man/transmission.Rd | 16 -
planar-1.5/planar/src/gaussian_beam.cpp |only
planar-1.5/planar/src/multilayer.cpp | 121 +++++--
planar-1.5/planar/vignettes |only
83 files changed, 786 insertions(+), 373 deletions(-)
Title: Geographically weighted models
Diff between GWmodel versions 1.2-1 dated 2013-08-15 and 1.2-2 dated 2013-12-16
Description: Functions for computing geographically weighted
Author: Binbin Lu, Paul Harris, Martin Charlton, Chris Brunsdon, Tomoki Nakaya, Isabella Gollini
Maintainer: Binbin Lu
GWmodel-1.2-1/GWmodel/man/DubVoter.Rd |only
GWmodel-1.2-1/GWmodel/man/gwr.generalised.rd |only
GWmodel-1.2-1/GWmodel/man/gwss.Rd |only
GWmodel-1.2-1/GWmodel/man/model.view.gwr.Rd |only
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/DESCRIPTION | 10 -
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/MD5 | 129 +++++++++++------------
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/NAMESPACE | 2
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/R/GeneralizedGWR.r | 42 ++++---
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/R/LocalsummaryStatistics.r | 6 -
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/R/Model.selection.r | 2
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/R/MontCarlo.r | 8 -
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/R/bw.ggwr.r | 37 +++---
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/R/bw.gwda.r | 28 +++-
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/R/bw.sel.r | 8 -
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/R/collinearity.r | 73 ++++++-------
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/R/gw.dist.r | 6 -
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/R/gwda.r | 84 ++++++++++----
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/R/gwpca.r | 8 -
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/R/gwr.basic.r | 23 ++--
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/R/gwr.collin.diagno.r | 52 +++++++--
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/R/gwr.hetero.r | 15 +-
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/R/gwr.mixed.r | 41 ++++---
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/R/gwr.predict.r | 15 +-
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/R/gwr.robust.r | 2
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/R/gwr.t.adjust.r | 23 +---
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/R/zzz.r | 2
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/data/USelect.rda |only
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/data/datalist |only
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/DubVoter.rd |only
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/GWmodel-package.Rd | 27 +++-
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/Georgia.Rd | 3
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/GeorgiaCounties.rd | 3
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/LondonHP.Rd | 8 +
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/USelect.rd |only
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/bw.ggwr.Rd | 2
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/bw.gwda.rd | 7 -
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/bw.gwr.Rd | 2
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/bw.gwr.lcr.rd | 8 +
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/ggwr.cv.Rd | 7 -
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/ggwr.cv.contrib.Rd | 10 -
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/glyph.plot.rd | 2
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/gw.dist.Rd | 10 -
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/gw.pcplot.rd | 9 -
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/gwda.rd | 10 +
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/gwpca.cv.Rd | 5
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/gwpca.cv.contrib.Rd | 8 -
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/gwpca.rd | 13 +-
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/gwr.basic.rd | 25 ++--
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/gwr.collin.diagno.Rd | 27 +++-
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/gwr.cv.Rd | 8 -
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/gwr.cv.contrib.Rd | 10 -
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/gwr.generalised.Rd |only
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/gwr.hetero.rd | 15 ++
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/gwr.lcr.cv.Rd | 19 +--
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/gwr.lcr.cv.contrib.Rd | 21 ++-
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/gwr.lcr.rd | 19 ++-
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/gwr.mixed.rd | 14 ++
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/gwr.predict.Rd | 5
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/gwr.robust.Rd | 2
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/gwr.t.adjust.rd | 27 +---
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/gwss.rd |only
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/model.selection.gwr.Rd | 7 +
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/model.view.gwr.rd |only
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/montecarlo.gwpca.1.rd | 7 -
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/montecarlo.gwpca.2.rd | 6 -
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/montecarlo.gwr.Rd | 13 +-
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/montecarlo.gwss.Rd | 11 +
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/print.ggwrm.Rd | 4
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/print.gwrm.Rd | 2
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/print.gwrm.lcr.rd |binary
GWmodel-1.2-2/GWmodel/man/print.gwss.Rd |binary
71 files changed, 587 insertions(+), 405 deletions(-)
Title: Functional Data Analysis and Utilities for Statistical Computing
Diff between fda.usc versions 1.0.5 dated 2013-07-24 and 1.1.0 dated 2013-12-16
Description: The R package fda.usc carries out exploratory and descriptive analysis of functional data such as depth measurements or functional atypical curves detection, functions to compute functional regression models with a scalar response, supervised and unsupervised classification methods and functional analysis of variance.
Author: Manuel Febrero Bande [aut],
Manuel Oviedo de la Fuente [aut, cre],
Pedro Galeano [ctb],
Alicia Nieto [ctb],
Eduardo Garcia-Portugues [ctb]
Maintainer: Manuel Oviedo de la Fuente
fda.usc-1.0.5/fda.usc/R/fdata2pc.r |only
fda.usc-1.0.5/fda.usc/R/fdata2pls.r |only
fda.usc-1.0.5/fda.usc/R/fregre.pc.R |only
fda.usc-1.0.5/fda.usc/R/fregre.pc.cv.R |only
fda.usc-1.0.5/fda.usc/R/fregre.pls.R |only
fda.usc-1.0.5/fda.usc/R/fregre.pls.cv.R |only
fda.usc-1.0.5/fda.usc/R/plot.fdata.R |only
fda.usc-1.0.5/fda.usc/script |only
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/DESCRIPTION | 20
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/MD5 | 87 +-
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/NAMESPACE | 14
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/NEWS | 15
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/R/anova.onefactor.R |only
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/R/fdata.R | 87 +-
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/R/fregre.PPC.PPLS.R | 598 ++++++++++-------
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/R/fregre.PPC.PPLSdeprecated.R |only
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/R/fregre.basis.R | 45 -
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/R/fregre.basis.fr.r |only
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/R/fregre.bootstrap.r | 8
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/R/func.mean.formula.r |only
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/R/metric.kl.r |only
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/R/min.basis.R | 2
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/R/omit.fdata.R | 2
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/R/plot.fdata.r |only
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/R/predict.fregre.fd.r | 2
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/R/predict.fregre.fr.r |only
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/R/split.fdata.r |only
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/R/summary.fregre.fd.r | 4
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/data/MCO.rda |only
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/data/datalist |only
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/inst/script |only
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/Descriptive.Rd | 53 -
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/MCO.Rd |only
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/Outliers.fdata.Rd | 4
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/anova.RPm.Rd | 2
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/anova.onefactor.Rd |only
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/fda.usc-package.Rd | 13
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/fdata2pc.Rd | 20
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/fdata2pls.Rd | 9
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.basis.fr.Rd |only
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.gsam.Rd | 77 --
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.np.Rd | 2
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.np.cv.Rd | 23
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.pc.Rd | 56 -
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.pc.cv.Rd | 157 +---
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.plm.Rd | 3
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.pls.Rd | 53 +
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/fregre.pls.cv.Rd | 74 +-
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/metric.kl.Rd |only
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/plot.fdata.Rd | 38 -
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/predict.fregre.fd.Rd | 57 -
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/predict.fregre.functional.Rd |only
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/predict.fregre.scalar.Rd | 92 +-
fda.usc-1.1.0/fda.usc/man/split.fdata.Rd |only
54 files changed, 897 insertions(+), 720 deletions(-)
Title: Non-supervised Regional Frequency Analysis
Diff between nsRFA versions 0.7-10 dated 2013-02-13 and 0.7-11 dated 2013-12-16
Description: A collection of statistical tools for objective (non-supervised) applications
of the Regional Frequency Analysis methods in hydrology.
The package refers to the index-value method and, more precisely, helps the
hydrologist to: (1) regionalize the index-value; (2) form homogeneous regions
with similar growth curves; (3) fit distribution functions to the
empirical regional growth curves.
Author: Alberto Viglione [aut, cre],
Jonathan R. M. Hosking [ctb],
Francesco Laio [ctb],
Alan Miller [ctb]
Maintainer: Alberto Viglione
DESCRIPTION | 39 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
MD5 | 29 ++++++++++++++++++---------
build |only
inst/doc/Fig11GriffisStedinger.R |only
inst/doc/Fig11GriffisStedinger.pdf |binary
inst/doc/Fig1ElamirSeheult.R |only
inst/doc/Fig1ElamirSeheult.pdf |binary
inst/doc/MSClaio2008.R |only
inst/doc/MSClaio2008.pdf |binary
inst/doc/nsRFA_ex01.R |only
inst/doc/nsRFA_ex01.pdf |binary
inst/doc/nsRFA_ex02.R |only
inst/doc/nsRFA_ex02.pdf |binary
man/DISTPLOTS.Rd | 6 +++--
man/P3.Rd | 3 +-
vignettes |only
17 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)
Title: R Interface to the Protocol Buffers API
Diff between RProtoBuf versions 0.3.1 dated 2013-09-15 and 0.3.2 dated 2013-12-16
Description: Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in an
efficient yet extensible format. Google uses Protocol Buffers for almost all
of its internal RPC protocols and file formats.
Author: Romain Francois, Dirk Eddelbuettel and Murray Stokely
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/inst/doc/RProtoBuf-intro.R |only
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/inst/doc/RProtoBuf-quickref.R |only
RProtoBuf-0.3.1/RProtoBuf/tests/doRUnit.R |only
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/ChangeLog | 48 ++++++++
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/DESCRIPTION | 10 -
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/MD5 | 45 +++----
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/R/00classes.R | 5
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/R/extensions.R | 8 +
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/R/lookup.R | 19 +--
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/build |only
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/inst/NEWS.Rd | 18 ++-
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/inst/doc/RProtoBuf-quickref.pdf |binary
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/inst/unitTests/runit.bytes.R | 7 +
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/inst/unitTests/runit.enums.R | 17 ++
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/inst/unitTests/runit.extensions.R | 13 ++
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/inst/unitTests/runit.import.R | 5
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/man/EnumValueDescriptor-class.Rd | 24 +++-
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/man/clone.Rd | 2
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/src/extensions.cpp | 3
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/src/lookup.cpp | 60 +++++-----
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/src/mutators.cpp | 47 ++++---
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/src/rprotobuf.h | 2
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/src/wrapper_EnumValueDescriptor.cpp | 4
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/tests/runUnitTests.R |only
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/vignettes/RProtoBuf-quickref.tex | 3
RProtoBuf-0.3.2/RProtoBuf/vignettes/RProtoBuf-quickref/RProtoBuf-quickref.Rnw | 1
26 files changed, 241 insertions(+), 100 deletions(-)
Title: Weighted k-Nearest Neighbors
Diff between kknn versions 1.2-2 dated 2013-03-13 and 1.2-3 dated 2013-12-16
Description: Weighted k-Nearest Neighbors Classification, Regression and Clustering
Author: Klaus Schliep & Klaus Hechenbichler
Maintainer: Klaus Schliep
DESCRIPTION | 15 +++++++--------
MD5 | 12 ++++++------
NAMESPACE | 8 +++++---
NEWS | 8 ++++++++
R/kknn.R | 40 +++++++++++++---------------------------
R/specClust.R | 3 ---
src/dm.c | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
7 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)
Title: Syntax highlighter
Diff between highlight versions 0.4.3 dated 2013-06-20 and 0.4.4 dated 2013-12-16
Description: Syntax highlighter for R code based
on the results of the R parser. Rendering in HTML and latex
markup. Custom Sweave driver performing syntax highlighting
of R code chunks
Author: Romain Francois [aut, cre],
Andre Simon [ctb]
Maintainer: Romain Francois
DESCRIPTION | 29 ++++++++++++++++++-----------
MD5 | 18 ++++++++++--------
NAMESPACE | 5 +----
R/SweaveLatexDriver.R | 6 +++---
R/utils.R |only
R/zzz.R | 2 +-
README.md |only
build/highlight.pdf |binary
man/highlight-package.Rd | 6 +++---
src/codegenerator.cpp | 12 ++++++------
src/configurationreader.cpp | 2 +-
11 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
Title: Estimate a Log-Concave Probability Density from iid Observations
Diff between logcondens versions 2.0.9 dated 2012-10-15 and 2.1.0 dated 2013-12-16
Description: Given independent and identically distributed observations X(1), ..., X(n), this package allows to compute the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of a density as well as a smoothed version of it under the assumption that the density is log-concave, see Rufibach (2007) and Duembgen and Rufibach (2009). The main function of the package is 'logConDens' that allows computation of the log-concave MLE and its smoothed version. In addition, we provide functions to compute (1) the value of the density and distribution function estimates (MLE and smoothed) at a given point (2) the characterizing functions of the estimator, (3) to sample from the estimated distribution, (5) to compute a two-sample permutation test based on log-concave densities, (6) the ROC curve based on log-concave estimates within cases and controls, including confidence intervals for given values of false positive fractions (7) computation of a confidence interval for the value of the true density at a fixed point. Finally, three datasets that have been used to illustrate log-concave density estimation are made available.
Author: Kaspar Rufibach
Maintainer: Kaspar Rufibach
logcondens-2.0.9/logcondens/inst/doc/jss.dtx |only
logcondens-2.0.9/logcondens/inst/doc/jsslogo.jpg |only
logcondens-2.0.9/logcondens/inst/doc/plots |only
logcondens-2.0.9/logcondens/inst/doc/results |only
logcondens-2.0.9/logcondens/inst/doc/stat.bib |only
logcondens-2.1.0/logcondens/DESCRIPTION | 32 +-------
logcondens-2.1.0/logcondens/MD5 | 67 ++++++++----------
logcondens-2.1.0/logcondens/NEWS | 5 +
logcondens-2.1.0/logcondens/data/brightstar.rda |binary
logcondens-2.1.0/logcondens/data/pancreas.rda |binary
logcondens-2.1.0/logcondens/data/reliability.rda |binary
logcondens-2.1.0/logcondens/inst/doc/logcondens.R |only
logcondens-2.1.0/logcondens/inst/doc/logcondens.pdf |binary
logcondens-2.1.0/logcondens/man/logcondens-package.Rd | 8 +-
logcondens-2.1.0/logcondens/vignettes |only
15 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)
Title: An R package for biostatistics, public policy, and law
Diff between lawstat versions 2.4 dated 2013-03-04 and 2.4.1 dated 2013-12-16
Description: An R software package on statistical tests widely utilized
in biostatistics, public policy and law. Along with the well
known tests for equality of means and variances, randomness,
measures of relative variability etc, the package contains new
robust tests of symmetry, omnibus and directional tests of
normality, and their graphical counterparts such as Robust QQ
plot; a robust trend tests for variances etc. All implemented
tests and methods are illustrated by simulations and real-life
examples from legal statistics, economics, and biostatistics.
Author: (in alphabetical order)
Joseph L. Gastwirth
Maintainer: Vyacheslav Lyubchich
DESCRIPTION | 18 ++++++++++--------
MD5 | 16 ++++++++--------
NAMESPACE | 28 +++++++++++++++-------------
R/laplace.test.R | 2 +-
R/neuhauser.hothorn.test.R | 2 +-
man/levene.test.Rd | 2 +-
man/lnested.test.Rd | 3 ++-
man/ltrend.test.Rd | 3 ++-
man/neuhauser.hothorn.test.Rd | 3 ++-
9 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)