Title: Efficient Bayesian Inference for Stochastic Volatility (SV)
Diff between stochvol versions 0.8-0 dated 2014-02-06 and 0.8-1 dated 2014-02-06
Description: This package provides efficient algorithms for fully Bayesian estimation of stochastic volatility (SV) models via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods.
Author: Gregor Kastner [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Gregor Kastner
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 | 22 +++++++++++-----------
NEWS | 7 ++++++-
inst/doc/article.pdf |binary
man/plot.svdraws.Rd | 4 ++--
man/stochvol-package.Rd | 8 ++++----
man/updatesummary.Rd | 2 +-
src/Makevars.win | 3 +++
src/progutils.cpp | 2 +-
src/sampler.cpp | 9 ++++++---
vignettes/vignette_sampling_draws2.RData |binary
vignettes/vignette_sampling_realworld.RData |binary
12 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
Title: Batch computing with R.
Diff between BatchJobs versions 1.1-1135 dated 2013-10-02 and 1.2 dated 2014-02-06
Description: Provides Map, Reduce and Filter variants to generate jobs on batch
computing systems like PBS/Torque, LSF, SLURM and Sun Grid Engine.
Multicore and SSH systems are also supported. For further details see the
project web page.
Author: Bernd Bischl
Maintainer: Bernd Bischl
BatchJobs-1.1-1135/BatchJobs/R/clusterFunctionsUnitTests.R |only
BatchJobs-1.1-1135/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_strextract.R |only
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/DESCRIPTION | 53 -
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/MD5 | 270 +++++-----
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/NAMESPACE | 44 -
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/NEWS | 13
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/Exports.R | 2
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/Job.R | 2
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/Registry.R | 29 -
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/applyJobFunction.R | 1
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/batchMap.R | 2
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/batchMapQuick.R | 2
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/batchMapResults.R | 2
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/batchReduce.R | 2
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/clusterFunctionsLSF.R | 9
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/clusterFunctionsMulticore.R | 9
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/clusterFunctionsSGE.R | 9
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/clusterFunctionsSLURM.R | 9
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/clusterFunctionsSSH.R | 6
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/clusterFunctionsTorque.R | 11
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/conf.R | 16
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/database.R | 18
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/doJob.R | 3
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/filenames.R | 10
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/findJobs.R | 2
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/getJob.R | 2
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/getJobInfo.R | 2
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/helpers.R | 67 --
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/killJobs.R | 20
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/reduceResults.R | 72 +-
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/sendMail.R | 16
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/showStatus.R | 3
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/sourceRegistryFiles.R | 35 -
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/submitJobs.R | 29 -
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/syncRegistry.R | 8
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/testJob.R | 96 ++-
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/updateRegistry.R | 5
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/waitForJobs.R | 75 +-
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/writeRscripts.R | 52 -
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/R/zzz.R | 18
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/bin/linux-helper | 4
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/helpers.R | 71 ++
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_batchExpandGrid.R | 5
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_batchMap.R | 5
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_batchMapQuick.R | 57 +-
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_batchMapResults.R | 10
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_batchReduce.R | 6
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_batchReduceResults.R | 13
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_database.R | 38 -
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_doJob.R | 49 -
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_export.R | 1
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_filterResults.R | 7
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_findJobs.R | 1
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_findStatus.R | 1
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_getJobInfo.R | 1
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_getLogFiles.R | 1
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_loadResults.R | 4
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_makeRegistry.R | 9
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_reduceResults.R | 31 +
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_resetJobs.R | 1
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_resources.R | 56 --
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_setJobFunction.R | 8
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_showStatus.R | 3
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_sourceRegistryFiles.R | 26
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_sqlquotes.R | 3
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_submitJobs.R | 9
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_testJob.R | 13
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_waitForJobs.R | 1
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/inst/tests/test_zzz_cleanup.R |only
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/BatchJobs.Rd |only
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/applyJobFunction.Rd | 7
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/batchExpandGrid.Rd | 14
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/batchMap.Rd | 7
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/batchMapQuick.Rd | 23
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/batchMapResults.Rd | 12
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/batchReduce.Rd | 12
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/batchReduceResults.Rd | 15
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/callFunctionOnSSHWorkers.Rd | 37 -
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/cfBrewTemplate.Rd | 20
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/cfHandleUnknownSubmitError.Rd | 16
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/cfKillBatchJob.Rd | 18
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/cfReadBrewTemplate.Rd | 16
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/configuration.Rd | 6
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/copyRequiredJobFiles.Rd | 7
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/dbCreateJobDefTable.Rd | 7
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/dbGetJobs.Rd | 7
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/debugMulticore.Rd | 10
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/debugSSH.Rd | 13
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/filterResults.Rd | 8
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/findJobs.Rd | 6
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/findState.Rd | 95 +--
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/getConfig.Rd | 10
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/getErrorMessages.Rd | 12
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/getJob.Rd | 6
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/getJobIds.Rd | 6
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/getJobInfo.Rd | 16
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/getJobNr.Rd | 6
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/getJobResources.Rd | 8
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/getJobs.Rd | 6
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/getLogFiles.Rd | 6
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/getResources.Rd | 12
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/getSSHWorkersInfo.Rd | 20
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/grepLogs.Rd | 12
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/installPackagesOnSSHWorkers.Rd | 21
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/killJobs.Rd | 36 -
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/loadConfig.Rd | 8
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/loadExports.Rd | 12
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/loadRegistry.Rd | 6
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/loadResult.Rd | 9
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/loadResults.Rd | 13
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/makeClusterFunctions.Rd | 24
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/makeClusterFunctionsInteractive.Rd | 22
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/makeClusterFunctionsLSF.Rd | 33 -
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/makeClusterFunctionsLocal.Rd | 22
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/makeClusterFunctionsMulticore.Rd | 21
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/makeClusterFunctionsSGE.Rd | 32 -
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/makeClusterFunctionsSLURM.Rd | 35 -
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/makeClusterFunctionsSSH.Rd | 18
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/makeClusterFunctionsTorque.Rd | 34 -
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/makeJob.Rd | 8
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/makeRegistry.Rd | 32 -
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/makeSSHWorker.Rd | 15
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/makeSubmitJobResult.Rd | 14
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/reduceResults.Rd | 53 +
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/resetJobs.Rd | 32 -
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/setConfig.Rd | 8
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/setJobFunction.Rd | 20
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/setJobNames.Rd | 6
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/showClusterStatus.Rd | 17
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/showLog.Rd | 23
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/showStatus.Rd | 13
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/sourceRegistryFiles.Rd | 10
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/submitJobs.Rd | 41 -
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/sweepRegistry.Rd | 30 -
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/testJob.Rd | 20
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/updateRegistry.Rd | 9
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/man/waitForJobs.Rd | 27 -
BatchJobs-1.2/BatchJobs/tests/run-all.R | 1
138 files changed, 1395 insertions(+), 1264 deletions(-)
Title: Dynamic Extensions for Network Objects
Diff between networkDynamic versions 0.6.1 dated 2014-01-18 and 0.6.2 dated 2014-02-06
More information about networkDynamic at CRAN
Description: Simple interface routines to facilitate the handling of network objects with complex intertemporal data. "networkDynamic" is a part of the "statnet" suite of packages for network analysis.
Author: Carter T. Butts [aut],
Ayn Leslie-Cook [aut],
Pavel N. Krivitsky [aut],
Skye Bender-deMoll [aut, cre],
Zack Almquist [ctb],
David R. Hunter [ctb],
Li Wang [ctb],
Kirk Li [ctb],
Steven M. Goodreau [ctb],
Martina Morris [ctb]
Maintainer: Skye Bender-deMoll
networkDynamic-0.6.1/networkDynamic/build |only
networkDynamic-0.6.1/networkDynamic/inst/doc/networkDynamic.R |only
networkDynamic-0.6.1/networkDynamic/inst/doc/networkDynamic.Rnw |only
networkDynamic-0.6.2/networkDynamic/DESCRIPTION | 8 +++---
networkDynamic-0.6.2/networkDynamic/MD5 | 12 ++++------
networkDynamic-0.6.2/networkDynamic/inst/doc/networkDynamic.pdf |binary
networkDynamic-0.6.2/networkDynamic/man/Newcomb.Rd | 2 -
networkDynamic-0.6.2/networkDynamic/tests/utils_tests.R | 8 +++---
networkDynamic-0.6.2/networkDynamic/vignettes/networkDynamic.pdf |only
9 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
Permanent link
Title: Karl Broman's R code
Diff between broman versions 0.39-1 dated 2012-10-18 and 0.44-1 dated 2014-02-06
Description: Miscellaneous R functions
Author: Karl W Broman
Maintainer: Karl W Broman
broman-0.39-1/broman/README.txt |only
broman-0.39-1/broman/inst/README.txt |only
broman-0.44-1/broman/DESCRIPTION | 11 +++++----
broman-0.44-1/broman/MD5 | 32 +++++++++++++++++-----------
broman-0.44-1/broman/NAMESPACE | 8 +++++++
broman-0.44-1/broman/R/grayplot.R | 25 +++++++++++++++++----
broman-0.44-1/broman/R/histlines.R |only
broman-0.44-1/broman/R/holmans_triangle.R | 8 +++++--
broman-0.44-1/broman/R/myround.R | 12 +++++++---
broman-0.44-1/broman/R/qqline2.R |only
broman-0.44-1/broman/R/strwidth2lines.R |only
broman-0.44-1/broman/R/strwidth2xlim.R |only
broman-0.44-1/broman/R/xlimlabel.R |only
broman-0.44-1/broman/inst/STATUS.txt | 33 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
broman-0.44-1/broman/man/histlines.Rd |only
broman-0.44-1/broman/man/qqline2.Rd |only
broman-0.44-1/broman/man/strwidth2lines.Rd |only
broman-0.44-1/broman/man/strwidth2xlim.Rd |only
broman-0.44-1/broman/man/triarrow.Rd | 3 +-
broman-0.44-1/broman/man/trilines.Rd | 2 -
broman-0.44-1/broman/man/triplot.Rd | 2 -
broman-0.44-1/broman/man/tripoints.Rd | 2 -
broman-0.44-1/broman/man/xlimlabel.Rd |only
23 files changed, 106 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
Title: Efficient Bayesian Inference for Stochastic Volatility (SV)
Diff between stochvol versions 0.7-1 dated 2013-10-21 and 0.8-0 dated 2014-02-06
Description: This package provides efficient algorithms for fully Bayesian estimation of stochastic volatility (SV) models via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods.
Author: Gregor Kastner [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Gregor Kastner
MD5 | 33 ++++----
NEWS | 20 +++++
inst/CITATION | 6 -
inst/doc/article.R | 101 +++++++++++++--------------
inst/doc/article.Rnw | 148 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
inst/doc/article.pdf |binary
inst/include |only
src/Makevars | 3
src/auxmix.cpp | 4 -
src/auxmix.h | 4 -
src/progutils.cpp | 15 ++--
src/progutils.h | 34 ++++++---
src/sampler.cpp | 186 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
src/sampler.h | 12 ++-
vignettes/article.Rnw | 148 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
vignettes/mybib.bib | 102 ++++++++++++++++++---------
18 files changed, 471 insertions(+), 359 deletions(-)
Title: Rcpp bindings for Sequential Monte Carlo
Diff between RcppSMC versions 0.1.1 dated 2012-05-15 and 0.1.2 dated 2014-02-06
Description: This package provides R with access to the Sequential
Monte Carlo Template Classes by Johansen (Journal of Statistical
Software, 2009, v30, i6).
At present, two additional examples have been added, and the first
example from the JSS paper has been extended. Further integration
and extensions are planned.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel and Adam M. Johansen
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel
RcppSMC-0.1.1/RcppSMC/inst/NEWS |only
RcppSMC-0.1.2/RcppSMC/ChangeLog | 31 ++++++
RcppSMC-0.1.2/RcppSMC/DESCRIPTION | 23 ++--
RcppSMC-0.1.2/RcppSMC/MD5 | 19 ++-
RcppSMC-0.1.2/RcppSMC/NAMESPACE | 3
RcppSMC-0.1.2/RcppSMC/R/pfLineartBS.R | 4
RcppSMC-0.1.2/RcppSMC/R/pfNonlinBS.R | 25 +++--
RcppSMC-0.1.2/RcppSMC/README.md |only
RcppSMC-0.1.2/RcppSMC/inst/NEWS.Rd |only
RcppSMC-0.1.2/RcppSMC/src/Makevars | 4
RcppSMC-0.1.2/RcppSMC/src/compareGSLtoR |only
RcppSMC-0.1.2/RcppSMC/src/pfnonlinbs.cpp | 152 ++++++++++++++-----------------
12 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-)
Title: Graphical user interface for data mining in R
Diff between rattle versions 2.6.26 dated 2013-03-19 and 3.0.2 dated 2014-02-06
Description: Rattle (the R Analytic Tool To Learn Easily) provides a
Gnome (RGtk2) based interface to R functionality for data mining.
The aim is to provide a simple and intuitive interface
that allows a user to quickly load data from a CSV file
(or via ODBC), transform and explore the data,
build and evaluate models, and export models as PMML (predictive
modelling markup language) or as scores. All of this with knowing little
about R. All R commands are logged and commented through the log tab. Thus they
are available to the user as a script file or as an aide for the user to
learn R or to copy-and-paste directly into R itself.
Rattle also exports a number of utility
functions and the graphical user interface, invoked as rattle(), does
not need to be run to deploy these.
Author: Graham Williams [aut, cph, cre],
Mark Vere Culp [cph],
Ed Cox [ctb],
Anthony Nolan [ctb],
Denis White [cph],
Daniele Medri [ctb],
Akbar Waljee [ctb] (OOB AUC for Random Forest),
Brian Ripley [cph] (Original author of print.summary.nnet)
Maintainer: Graham Williams
rattle-2.6.26/rattle/man/doRiskChart.Rd |only
rattle-2.6.26/rattle/man/plotBenfordsLaw.Rd |only
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/DESCRIPTION | 74 ++-
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/MD5 | 67 +--
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/NAMESPACE | 10
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/R/ada.R | 54 +-
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/R/associate.R | 23 +
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/R/ctree.R | 22 -
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/R/data.R | 139 +++----
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/R/evaluate.R | 376 ++++++++++++--------
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/R/ewkm.R | 14
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/R/explore.R | 430 +++++++++++++++++------
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/R/help.R | 29 +
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/R/kmeans.R | 14
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/R/model.R | 38 +-
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/R/nnet.R | 11
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/R/normVarNames.R |only
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/R/projects.R | 45 +-
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/R/random_forest.R | 38 +-
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/R/rattle.R | 209 +++++------
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/R/riskchart.R |only
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/R/rpart.R | 41 +-
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/R/survival.R | 26 -
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/R/textminer.R | 6
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/R/zzz.R | 12
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/build |only
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/data/datalist |only
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/data/locationsAUS.RData |binary
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/data/weather.RData |binary
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/data/weatherAUS.RData |binary
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/inst/doc/rattle.R |only
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/inst/doc/rattle.pdf |binary
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/inst/etc/rattle.ui | 405 ++++++++++++++++++---
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/inst/etc/textviews.xml | 43 +-
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/inst/etc/tooltips.xml | 5
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/man/calcInitialDigitDistr.Rd | 7
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/man/internal.Rd | 7
rattle-3.0.2/rattle/man/riskchart.Rd | 54 ++
38 files changed, 1489 insertions(+), 710 deletions(-)
Title: Regularization paths for SCAD- and MCP-penalized regression
Diff between ncvreg versions 2.7-0 dated 2013-12-16 and 3.0-0 dated 2014-02-06
Description: Efficient algorithms for fitting regularization paths for linear or logistic regression models penalized by MCP or SCAD, with optional additional L2 penalty ("Mnet").
Author: Patrick Breheny
Maintainer: Patrick Breheny
MD5 | 36 ++--
NEWS | 12 +
R/convexMin.R | 15 +
R/cv.ncvreg.R | 12 -
R/fir.R |only
R/ncvreg.R | 50 +++--
R/perm.ncvreg.R |only
R/plot.fir.R |only
R/plot.ncvreg.R | 3
R/setupLambda.R | 9 -
R/standardize.R | 14 -
inst/tests/test.R | 10 -
man/fir.Rd |only
man/ncvreg-package.Rd | 4
man/ncvreg.Rd | 21 +-
man/perm.ncvreg.Rd |only
man/plot.fir.Rd |only
src/binomial.c |only
src/gaussian.c |only
src/maxprod.c |only
src/ncvreg.c | 426 ++------------------------------------------------
src/standardize.c |only
24 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 481 deletions(-)
Title: Estimation of Distribution Algorithms Based on Copulas
Diff between copulaedas versions 1.3.0 dated 2013-05-02 and 1.3.1 dated 2014-02-06
Description: This package provides a platform where Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs) based on copulas can be implemented and studied. It contains complete implementations of various EDAs based on copulas and vines, and it also offers the possibility of implementing new algorithms. EDAs are implemented using S4 classes with generic functions for its main parts: seeding, selection, learning, sampling, replacement, local optimization, termination, and reporting. The package also provides a group of well-known benchmark problems and utility functions to study the behavior of EDAs.
Author: Yasser Gonzalez-Fernandez [aut, cre],
Marta Soto [aut]
Maintainer: Yasser Gonzalez-Fernandez
copulaedas-1.3.0/copulaedas/inst/doc |only
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/DESCRIPTION | 32 +++-----
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/MD5 | 70 ++++++++----------
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/NAMESPACE | 11 +-
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/NEWS | 50 +++++++-----
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/R/CEDA.R | 4 -
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/R/EDA.R | 4 -
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/R/VEDA.R | 18 ++--
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/R/edaCriticalPopSize.R | 4 -
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/R/edaIndepRuns.R | 4 -
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/R/edaOptimize.R | 4 -
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/R/edaReplace.R | 4 -
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/R/edaReport.R | 4 -
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/R/edaRun.R | 4 -
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/R/edaSeed.R | 4 -
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/R/edaSelect.R | 4 -
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/R/edaTerminate.R | 4 -
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/R/margins.R | 4 -
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/R/problems.R | 4 -
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/inst/CITATION | 33 ++------
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/man/CEDA-class.Rd | 2
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/man/EDA-class.Rd | 2
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/man/EDAResult-class.Rd | 2
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/man/EDAResults-class.Rd | 2
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/man/VEDA-class.Rd | 2
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/man/edaCriticalPopSize.Rd | 2
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/man/edaIndepRuns.Rd | 2
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/man/edaOptimize.Rd | 4 -
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/man/edaReplace.Rd | 2
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/man/edaReport.Rd | 2
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/man/edaRun.Rd | 2
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/man/edaSeed.Rd | 2
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/man/edaSelect.Rd | 2
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/man/edaTerminate.Rd | 2
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/man/margins.Rd | 2
copulaedas-1.3.1/copulaedas/man/problems.Rd | 2
36 files changed, 144 insertions(+), 156 deletions(-)
Title: Response Probability Functions
Diff between rpf versions 0.18 dated 2014-01-03 and 0.22 dated 2014-02-06
Description: The purpose of this package is to factor out logic and math common
to Item Factor Analysis fitting, diagnostics, and analysis. It is
envisioned as core support code suitable for more specialized IRT packages
to build upon. Complete access to optimized C functions are made available
with R_RegisterCCallable.
Author: Joshua Pritikin [cre, aut],
Jonathan Weeks [ctb],
Li Cai [ctb],
Carrie Houts [ctb],
Phil Chalmers [ctb]
Maintainer: Joshua Pritikin
DESCRIPTION | 11 ++++++-----
MD5 | 18 +++++++++---------
R/classes.R | 6 ++++++
R/sample.R | 2 +-
inst/doc/flexmirt-plots.pdf |binary
inst/tests/test-plink.R | 22 ++++++++++++----------
man/rpf.ogive.Rd | 16 ++++++++++++----
src/libifa-rpf.c | 1 +
vignettes/Makefile | 1 -
10 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
Title: Analysis of Multiple Social Networks with Algebra
Diff between multiplex versions 1.0 dated 2013-08-28 and 1.2 dated 2014-02-06
Description: multiplex - Analysis of Multiple Social Networks with Algebra is a
package for the study of social systems made of different types of
relationships. It is possible to create and manipulate multivariate network
data with different formats, and there are effective ways available to
treat multiple networks with routines that combine algebraic systems like
the partially ordered semigroup or the semiring structure together with the
relational bundles occurring in different types of multivariate network
data sets.
Author: J. Antonio Rivero Ostoic
Maintainer: Antonio Rivero Ostoic
DESCRIPTION | 21 +++----------
MD5 | 27 +++++++++--------
R/bundle.census.R | 2 +
R/bundles.R | 16 ++++++++++
R/po.levels.R |only
R/read.srt.R | 72 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
R/rel.sys.R | 23 +++++++++++----
R/rm.isol.R | 17 +++++++++++
inst |only
man/as.semigroup.Rd | 2 -
man/as.strings.Rd | 2 -
man/multiplex-package.Rd | 4 +-
man/po.levels.Rd |only
man/rel.sys.Rd | 3 +
man/rm.isol.Rd | 2 -
man/transf.Rd | 2 -
16 files changed, 125 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)
Title: Calculations and visualisations related to Geometric
Diff between Morpho versions 1.0-1 dated 2013-11-04 and 2.0 dated 2014-02-06
Description: A toolset for Geometric Morphometrics and mesh processing. This
includes (among other stuff) mesh deformations based on reference points,
permutation tests, detection of outliers, processing of sliding
semi-landmarks and semi-automated surface landmark placement.
Author: Stefan Schlager
Maintainer: Stefan Schlager
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/R/Morpho-deprecated.r |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/R/adnormals.r |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/R/matrixDist.r |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/R/mesh2mesh.r |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/man/Vertex.Rd |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/man/adnormals.Rd |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/man/deformGrid.Rd |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/man/deprecated.Rd |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/man/mesh2mesh.Rd |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/man/noseData.Rd |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/man/plot.meshDist.Rd |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/man/regdist.raw.Rd |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/man/rotaxis.Rd |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/src/adnormals.f90 |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/src/ang_calc.f90 |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/src/barycenter.f90 |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/src/createL.f90 |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/src/crossp.f90 |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/src/face_zero.f90 |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/src/facenormals.f90 |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/src/matr_meshBrute.f90 |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/src/matr_meshKD.f90 |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/src/meshres.f90 |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/src/pt_tri.f90 |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/src/pt_upmesh.f90 |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/src/tpsfx.f90 |only
Morpho-1.0-1/Morpho/src/updateSearch.f90 |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/DESCRIPTION | 26 +
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/MD5 | 389 +++++++++++++++--------------
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/NAMESPACE | 168 +++++-------
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/Atlas.r |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/CAC.r |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/CVA.crova.r | 18 +
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/CVA.r | 138 ++++++++--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/CVAdists.r | 128 +++------
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/CreateL.r | 65 +++-
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/Morpho-package.R |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/NNshapeReg.r | 35 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/PCdist.r | 29 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/ProcGPA.r | 39 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/RegScore.r |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/ang.r | 19 -
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/angle.calc.r | 19 +
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/anonymize.r | 29 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/armaGinv.r |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/asymPermu.r |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/barycenter.r | 35 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/bindArr.r | 28 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/cExtract.r | 16 +
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/cSize.r | 14 +
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/calcGamma.r | 4
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/check.lm.r | 75 +++++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/closemeshKD.r | 96 ++++---
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/conv2backf.r | 25 +
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/covDist.r | 194 +++++++++-----
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/crossp.r | 2
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/deform.grid.r | 31 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/exVar.r | 37 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/file2mesh.r | 20 -
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/find.outliers.r | 51 +++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/fixLMtps.r | 54 ++++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/fx.r | 35 --
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/groupPCA.r | 168 +++++++-----
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/histGroup.r | 35 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/kendalldist.r | 18 +
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/lineplot.r | 32 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/mcNNindex.r | 33 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/mergeMeshes.r | 24 +
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/mesh2grey.r | 13
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/mesh2obj.r | 2
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/mesh2ply.r | 39 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/meshDist.r | 166 ++++++++++--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/meshDistMatrix.r |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/meshDistZExport.r |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/meshcube.r | 20 +
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/meshres.r | 41 ++-
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/name2.r | 38 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/obj2mesh.r | 4
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/pcaplot3d.r | 34 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/permudist.r | 110 ++++----
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/permuvec.r | 68 ++++-
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/place.patch.r | 235 +++++++++++------
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/plot.normals.r | 32 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/pls2B.r | 60 ++++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/ply2mesh.r | 31 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/predictShape.lm.r | 68 +++++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/proc.weight.r | 42 +++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/procAOVsym.r | 33 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/procSym.r | 142 ++++++++++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/projRead.r | 88 +++---
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/qqmat.r | 28 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/r2morphoj.r | 27 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/r2morphologika.r | 2
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/ray2mesh.r | 79 ++---
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/read.csv.folder.r | 26 +
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/read.lmdta.r | 16 +
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/read.mpp.r | 18 +
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/read.pts.r | 20 +
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/readLandmarks.csv.r | 20 +
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/readallTPS.r | 17 +
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/regdist.raw.r | 32 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/relax.lm.r | 85 +++++-
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/relwarps.r | 65 ++++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/rotaxis.r | 56 ++++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/rotmesh.onto.r | 43 +++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/rotonmat.r | 33 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/rotonto.r | 52 +++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/scalemesh.r | 24 +
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/showPC.r | 31 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/slider3d.r | 138 ++++++++++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/tanplan.r | 40 ++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/tps3d.r | 42 +++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/typprob.r | 86 ++++++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/updateNormals.r |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/vecx.r | 81 ++++--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/vertex.r | 65 ++++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/warp.mesh.r | 53 +++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/warpmovie.matrix.r | 84 ++++++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/warpmovie.r | 24 +
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/R/write.pts.r | 21 +
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/README.md | 50 ---
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/inst/NEWS.Rd | 59 ++++
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/CAC.Rd |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/CVA.Rd | 136 +++++-----
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/CreateL.Rd | 75 ++---
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/Morpho-deprecated.Rd |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/Morpho-package.Rd | 67 ++--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/NNshapeReg.Rd | 67 ++--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/PCdist.Rd | 49 +--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/ProcGPA.Rd | 97 +++----
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/RegScore.Rd |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/angle.calc.Rd | 28 --
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/anonymize.Rd | 76 ++---
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/asymPermute.Rd |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/barycenter.Rd | 35 +-
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/bindArr.Rd | 40 +-
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/boneData.Rd | 25 -
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/cExtract.Rd | 47 +--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/cSize.Rd | 23 -
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/checkLM.Rd | 137 +++++-----
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/closemeshKD.Rd | 123 ++++-----
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/colors.Rd | 40 +-
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/conv2backf.Rd | 37 +-
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/covDist.Rd | 152 +++++------
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/covW.Rd | 29 --
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/createAtlas.Rd | 63 ++--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/deformGrid3d.Rd |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/exVar.Rd | 82 +++---
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/find.outliers.Rd | 104 ++++---
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/fixLMtps.Rd | 90 ++++--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/groupPCA.Rd | 131 ++++-----
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/histGroup.Rd | 108 ++++----
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/kendalldist.Rd | 26 -
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/lineplot.Rd | 55 ++--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/mcNNindex.Rd | 53 ++-
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/meanMat.Rd |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/mergeMeshes.Rd | 31 +-
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/mesh2grey.Rd | 31 +-
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/mesh2ply.Rd | 66 ++--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/meshDist.Rd | 232 +++++++++--------
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/meshcube.Rd | 20 -
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/meshres.Rd | 14 -
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/name2factor.Rd | 67 ++--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/nose.Rd |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/pcaplot3d.Rd | 68 ++---
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/permudist.Rd | 68 +----
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/permuvec.Rd | 97 +++----
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/placePatch.Rd | 195 +++++++-------
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/plotAtlas.Rd | 83 +++---
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/plotNormals.Rd | 42 +--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/pls2B.Rd | 108 ++++----
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/ply2mesh.Rd | 66 ++--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/predictShape.lm.Rd | 74 ++---
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/proc.weight.Rd | 66 ++--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/procAOVsym.Rd | 69 ++---
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/procSym.Rd | 282 +++++++++++----------
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/projRead.Rd | 83 ++----
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/qqmat.Rd | 48 +--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/r2morphoj.Rd | 44 +--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/ray2mesh.Rd |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/read.csv.folder.Rd | 76 ++---
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/read.lmdta.Rd | 33 +-
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/read.mpp.Rd | 42 +--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/read.pts.Rd | 38 +-
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/readLandmarks.csv.Rd | 59 ++--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/readallTPS.Rd | 39 +-
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/regdist.Rd |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/relWarps.Rd | 92 +++---
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/relaxLM.Rd | 123 +++++----
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/render.Rd |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/rotaxis3d.Rd |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/rotaxisMat.Rd | 30 --
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/rotmesh.onto.Rd | 64 ++--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/rotonmat.Rd | 78 +++--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/rotonto.Rd | 115 ++++----
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/scalemesh.Rd | 56 ++--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/showPC.Rd | 47 +--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/slider3d.Rd | 268 +++++++++++--------
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/tanplan.Rd | 49 +--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/tps3d.Rd | 57 +---
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/typprob.Rd | 116 ++++----
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/updateNormals.Rd |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/vecx.Rd | 51 ++-
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/vertex.Rd |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/warp.mesh.Rd | 78 ++---
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/warpmovie3d.Rd | 193 ++++++++------
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/man/write.pts.Rd | 47 +--
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/CVAdists.cpp |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/CVAdists.h |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/Makevars | 3
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/Makevars.win |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/ang_calc.cpp |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/armaGinv.cpp |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/armaGinv.h |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/asymPerm.cpp |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/asymPerm.h |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/barycenter.cpp |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/covPCA.cpp |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/covPCA.h |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/createL.cpp |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/doozers.cpp |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/doozers.h |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/face_zero.cpp |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/meanMat.cpp |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/meshres.cpp |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/permudistArma.cpp |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/permudistArma.h |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/points2mesh.cpp |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/points2mesh.h |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/tpsfx.cpp |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/updateNormals.cpp |only
Morpho-2.0/Morpho/src/updateNormals.h |only
232 files changed, 6688 insertions(+), 3727 deletions(-)
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2013-07-18 1.2
2013-05-17 1.1
2013-05-16 1.0
Title: A collection of miscellaneous tools for reproducible research
with R.
Diff between repmis versions dated 2013-08-24 and dated 2014-02-06
Description: A collection of miscellaneous tools for reproducible research with
R. Currently the package includes tools to load R packages and
automatically generate BibTeX files citing them as well as load plain-text
data stored on Dropbox, GitHub, and from other sources.
Author: Christopher Gandrud
Maintainer: Christopher Gandrud
MD5 | 26 ++++----
NEWS | 14 ++++
R/LoadandCite.R | 106 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------
R/source_DropboxData.R | 5 +
R/source_GitHubData.R | 5 +
R/source_data.R | 50 +++++++++-------
R/utils.R | 137 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
README.md | 2
man/InstallOldPackages.Rd | 14 ++--
man/LoadandCite.Rd | 85 +++++++++++++++++++---------
man/source_DropboxData.Rd | 65 +++++++++++----------
man/source_GitHubData.Rd | 57 +++++++++----------
man/source_data.Rd | 61 ++++++++++++--------
14 files changed, 393 insertions(+), 244 deletions(-)
Title: Social Relations Analyses with roles ("Family SRM")
Diff between fSRM versions 0.3.1 dated 2014-02-03 and 0.3.2 dated 2014-02-06
Description: The package computes Social Relations Analysis with roles ("Family
SRM"), using a structural equation modeling approach. Groups ranging from
three members up to an unlimited number of members are supported and the
mean structure can be computed. Means and variances can be compared between
different groups.
Author: Felix Schönbrodt, Lara Stas, Tom Loeys
Maintainer: Felix Schönbrodt
DESCRIPTION | 8 +++---
MD5 | 10 ++++----
R/fSRM.R | 71 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
R/print.fSRM.R | 14 ++++++-----
inst/NEWS.Rd | 10 ++++++++
man/fSRM.Rd | 67 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
6 files changed, 165 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
Title: Bindings for the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
Diff between rgdal versions 0.8-14 dated 2013-12-02 and 0.8-15 dated 2014-02-06
Description: Provides bindings to Frank Warmerdam's Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) (>= 1.6.3) and access to projection/transformation operations from the PROJ.4 library. The GDAL and PROJ.4 libraries are external to the package, and, when installing the package from source, must be correctly installed first. Both GDAL raster and OGR vector map data can be imported into R, and GDAL raster data and OGR vector data exported. Use is made of classes defined in the sp package. Windows and Mac Intel OS X binaries (including GDAL, PROJ.4 and Expat) are provided on CRAN.
Author: Roger Bivand [cre, aut],
Tim Keitt [aut],
Barry Rowlingson [aut],
Edzer Pebesma [ctb],
Michael Sumner [ctb],
Robert Hijmans [ctb],
Even Rouault [ctb]
Maintainer: Roger Bivand
ChangeLog | 11
MD5 | 16
configure | 5506 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
configure.ac | 50
inst/ChangeLog | 11
inst/SVN_VERSION | 2
inst/doc/OGR_shape_encoding.pdf |binary
src/projectit.cpp | 59
9 files changed, 3092 insertions(+), 2571 deletions(-)
Title: Multivariate Dependence Modeling with Vines
Diff between vines versions 1.0.9 dated 2014-02-02 and 1.0.10 dated 2014-02-06
Description: Vines are graphical models for pair-copula constructions that represent high-dimensional distributions as a factorization of bivariate copulas and marginal density functions. This package contains S4 classes for vines (C-vines and D-vines) and methods for inference, goodness-of-fit tests, density/distribution function evaluation, and simulation.
Author: Yasser Gonzalez-Fernandez [aut, cre],
Marta Soto [aut]
Maintainer: Yasser Gonzalez-Fernandez
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 | 12 ++++++------
NEWS | 6 ++++++
man/vineFit.Rd | 2 +-
man/vineGoF.Rd | 2 +-
tests/hfunctions.R | 12 ++++++------
7 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
Title: Estimation of weight functions in meta analysis
Diff between selectMeta versions 1.0.5 dated 2013-09-23 and 1.0.6 dated 2014-02-06
Description: Publication bias, the fact that studies identified for inclusion in a meta analysis do not represent all studies on the topic of interest, is commonly recognized as a threat to the validity of the results of a meta analysis. One way to explicitly model publication bias is via selection models or weighted probability distributions. In this package we provide implementations of several parametric and nonparametric weight functions. The novelty in Rufibach (2011) is the proposal of a non-increasing variant of the nonparametric weight function of Dear & Begg (1992). The new approach potentially offers more insight in the selection process than other methods, but is more flexible than parametric approaches. To maximize the log-likelihood function proposed by Dear & Begg (1992) under a monotonicity constraint we use a differential evolution algorithm proposed by Ardia et al (2010a, b) and implemented in Mullen et al (2009). In addition, we offer a method to compute a confidence interval for the overall effect size theta, adjusted for selection bias as well as a function that computes the simulation-based p-value to assess the null hypothesis of no selection as described in Rufibach (2011, Section 6).
Author: Kaspar Rufibach
Maintainer: Kaspar Rufibach
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 | 16 ++++++++--------
NEWS | 4 ++++
R/DearBeggMonotone.r | 2 +-
R/DearBeggProfileLL.r | 2 +-
data/education.rda |binary
data/passive_smoking.rda |binary
man/selectMeta-package.Rd | 4 ++--
9 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
Title: Smooth Estimation of GPD Shape Parameter
Diff between smoothtail versions 2.0.1 dated 2011-11-29 and 2.0.3 dated 2014-02-06
Description: Given independent and identically distributed observations X(1), ..., X(n) from a Generalized Pareto distribution with shape parameter gamma in [-1,0], this package offers several estimates to compute estimates of gamma. The estimates are based on the principle of replacing the order statistics by quantiles of a distribution function based on a log--concave density function. This procedure is justified by the fact that the GPD density is log--concave for gamma in [-1,0].
Author: Kaspar Ru{f}{i}bach
Maintainer: Kaspar Rufibach
DESCRIPTION | 19 ++++++++-----------
MD5 | 28 ++++++++++++++--------------
NEWS | 10 +++++++++-
R/falk.r | 2 +-
R/falkMVUE.r | 2 +-
R/generalizedPick.r | 2 +-
R/pickands.r | 8 ++++----
man/falk.Rd | 2 +-
man/falkMVUE.Rd | 2 +-
man/generalizedPick.Rd | 2 +-
man/gpd.Rd | 2 +-
man/lambdaGenPick.Rd | 2 +-
man/pickands.Rd | 2 +-
man/smoothtail-package.Rd | 11 +++++------
15 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
Title: Practical Numerical Math Functions
Diff between pracma versions 1.6.1 dated 2014-01-14 and 1.6.4 dated 2014-02-06
Functions from numerical analysis and linear algebra, numerical
optimization, differential equations, plus some special functions.
Uses Matlab function names where appropriate to simplify porting.
Author: Hans Werner Borchers
Maintainer: Hans W. Borchers
pracma-1.6.1/pracma/R/brentDekker.R |only
pracma-1.6.1/pracma/man/brentDekker.Rd |only
pracma-1.6.4/pracma/DESCRIPTION | 12 -
pracma-1.6.4/pracma/MD5 | 31 +--
pracma-1.6.4/pracma/NEWS | 20 ++
pracma-1.6.4/pracma/R/brentdekker.R |only
pracma-1.6.4/pracma/R/complexstep.R | 79 ++++++++
pracma-1.6.4/pracma/R/fzero.R | 303 +++++++++++++++++++++------------
pracma-1.6.4/pracma/R/lambertW.R | 20 +-
pracma-1.6.4/pracma/R/newton.R | 28 +++
pracma-1.6.4/pracma/R/numderiv.R | 25 +-
pracma-1.6.4/pracma/man/brentdekker.Rd |only
pracma-1.6.4/pracma/man/complexstep.Rd | 56 +++++-
pracma-1.6.4/pracma/man/fzero.Rd | 49 ++---
pracma-1.6.4/pracma/man/halley.Rd |only
pracma-1.6.4/pracma/man/lambertW.Rd | 10 -
pracma-1.6.4/pracma/man/numderiv.Rd | 24 +-
pracma-1.6.4/pracma/man/polyarea.Rd | 2
pracma-1.6.4/pracma/man/ridders.Rd | 2
19 files changed, 475 insertions(+), 186 deletions(-)
Title: Least squares, logistic, and Cox-regression with ordered
Diff between OrdFacReg versions 1.0.3 dated 2011-12-01 and 1.0.4 dated 2014-02-06
Description: In biomedical studies, researchers are often interested in assessing the association between one or more ordinal explanatory variables and an outcome variable, at the same time adjusting for covariates of any type. The outcome variable may be continuous, binary, or represent censored survival times. In the absence of a precise knowledge of the response function, using monotonicity constraints on the ordinal variables improves efficiency in estimating parameters, especially when sample sizes are small. This package implements an active set algorithm that efficiently computes such estimators.
Author: Kaspar Rufibach
Maintainer: Kaspar Rufibach
DESCRIPTION | 9 +++++----
MD5 | 16 ++++++++--------
NAMESPACE | 4 ++++
NEWS | 4 ++++
R/LSEsubspace.r | 2 +-
R/coxSubspace.r | 4 ++--
R/lmLSE.r | 2 +-
man/ordFacReg-package.Rd | 4 ++--
man/ordFacRegCox.Rd | 2 +-
9 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)