Sun, 13 Apr 2014

New package LOGICOIL with initial version 0.99.0
Type: Package
Version: 0.99.0
Date: 2014-04-12
Title: LOGICOIL: multi-state prediction of coiled-coil oligomeric state.
Author: Thomas L. Vincent , Peter J. Green and Derek N. Woolfson
Maintainer: Thomas L. Vincent
Depends: R (>= 2.12), nnet
LazyData: true
ZipData: no
License: GPL (>= 2)
Description: This package contains the functions necessary to run the LOGICOIL algorithm. LOGICOIL can be used to differentiate between antiparallel dimers, parallel dimers, trimers and higher-order coiled-coil sequence. By covering >90 percent of the known coiled-coil structures, LOGICOIL is a net improvement compared with other existing methods, which achieve a predictive coverage of around 31 percent of this population. As such, LOGICOIL is particularly useful for researchers looking to characterize novel coiled-coil sequences or studying coiled-coil containing protein assemblies. It may also be used to assist in the structural characterization of synthetic coiled-coil sequences.
Repository: CRAN
Packaged: 2014-04-13 21:36:51 UTC; ThomasVincent
NeedsCompilation: no
Date/Publication: 2014-04-14 00:04:00

More information about LOGICOIL at CRAN
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New package freqweights with initial version 0.0.1
Package: freqweights
Type: Package
Title: Working with frequency tables
Version: 0.0.1
Date: 2014-04-03
Author: Emilio Torres-Manzanera
Maintainer: Emilio Torres-Manzanera
Description: The frequency of a particular data value is the number of times it occurs. A frequency table is a table of values with their corresponding frequencies. Frequency weights are integer numbers that indicate how many cases each case represents. This package provides some functions to work with such type of collected data.
License: GPL-3
Imports: plyr, data.table, dplyr, biglm, fastcluster
Suggests: MASS, hflights, cluster, ggplot2
Packaged: 2014-04-13 00:49:45 UTC; emilio
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2014-04-14 00:05:17

More information about freqweights at CRAN
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New package FisHiCal with initial version 1.0
Package: FisHiCal
Type: Package
Title: Iterative FISH-based Calibration of Hi-C Data
Version: 1.0
Date: 2014-04-09
Author: Yoli Shavit, Fiona Kathryn Hamey and Pietro Lio'
Maintainer: Yoli Shavit
Description: FisHiCal integrates Hi-C and FISH data, offering a modular and easy-to-use tool for chromosomal spatial analysis.
License: GPL
Depends: R (>= 3.0.2), igraph, RcppArmadillo (>=
Suggests: rgl
LinkingTo: Rcpp (>= 0.11.1), RcppArmadillo (>=
Packaged: 2014-04-13 18:55:42 UTC; ys388
NeedsCompilation: yes
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2014-04-13 23:26:01

More information about FisHiCal at CRAN
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Package aftgee updated to version 0.4-3 with previous version 0.4-2 dated 2014-02-05

Title: Accelerated Failure Time Model with Generalized Estimating Equations
Description: This package features both rank-based estimates and least square estimates to the Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) model. For rank-based estimation, it provides approaches that include the computationally efficient Gehan's weight and the general's weight such as the logrank weight. For the least square estimation, the estimating equation is solved with Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE). Moreover, in multivariate cases, the dependence working correlation structure can be specified in GEE's setting.
Author: Sy Han (Steven) Chiou, Sangwook Kang, Jun Yan
Maintainer: Sy Han (Steven) Chiou

Diff between aftgee versions 0.4-2 dated 2014-02-05 and 0.4-3 dated 2014-04-13

 ChangeLog             |   57 --------
 DESCRIPTION           |    9 -
 MD5                   |   20 +--
 NAMESPACE             |    2 
 R/aftgee.R            |   55 +++++---
 R/aftsrr.R            |  198 +++++++++++++++++-------------
 man/aftgee-package.Rd |   26 ++--
 man/aftgee.Rd         |   91 ++++++++------
 man/aftgee.control.Rd |   11 -
 man/aftsrr.Rd         |   95 +++++++-------
 src/aftgee.c          |  323 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 11 files changed, 582 insertions(+), 305 deletions(-)

More information about aftgee at CRAN
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Package SensoMineR updated to version 1.20 with previous version 1.18 dated 2013-07-09

Title: Sensory data analysis with R
Description: an R package for analysing sensory data
Author: Francois Husson, Sebastien Le, Marine Cadoret
Maintainer: Francois Husson

Diff between SensoMineR versions 1.18 dated 2013-07-09 and 1.20 dated 2014-04-13

 SensoMineR-1.18/SensoMineR/SensoMineR-Ex.R             |only
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/DESCRIPTION                 |   11 -
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/MD5                         |  141 ++++++++---------
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/NAMESPACE                   |    5 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/R/ConsensualWords.R         |    9 -
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/R/IdMap.r                   |   25 +--
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/R/IdMapConsumer.r           |only
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/R/WilliamsDesign.r          |    6 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/R/carto.R                   |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/R/construct.axes.R          |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/R/cpa.R                     |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/R/fast.r                    |    4 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/R/hsortplot.R               |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/R/nappeplot.R               |   41 ++--
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/R/optimaldesign.R           |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/R/panellipse.r              |    4 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/R/panelmatch.R              |    1 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/R/plotpanelist.R            |    1 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/R/triangle.pair.test.R      |    4 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/data/cream_id.rda           |only
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/data/cream_signa.rda        |only
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/data/hedochoc.rda           |binary
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/data/sensopanels.rda        |binary
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/ConsensualWords.rd      |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/ConsistencyIdeal.Rd     |    4 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/IdMap.Rd                |   23 +-
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/IdMapConsumer.Rd        |only
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/WordCountAna.Rd         |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/ardi.Rd                 |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/averagetable.Rd         |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/barrow.Rd               |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/boot.Rd                 |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/boxprod.Rd              |    4 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/calculate.average.Rd    |   12 -
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/cards.rd                |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/chocolates.Rd           |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/coltable.Rd             |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/compo.cocktail.Rd       |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/construct.axes.Rd       |    8 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/cpa.Rd                  |    6 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/cream_id.Rd             |only
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/cream_signa.Rd          |only
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/decat.Rd                |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/fcp.Rd                  |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/graphinter.Rd           |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/hedo.cocktail.Rd        |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/hedochoc.Rd             |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/histprod.Rd             |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/indscal.Rd              |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/interact.Rd             |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/magicsort.Rd            |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/nappeplot.Rd            |    4 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/napping.Rd              |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/napping.don.Rd          |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/napping.words.Rd        |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/paneliperf.Rd           |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/panellipse.Rd           |    8 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/panellipse.session.Rd   |    8 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/panelmatch.Rd           |    6 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/panelperf.Rd            |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/plotellipse.Rd          |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/plotellipseinter.Rd     |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/plotellipseinterhmfa.Rd |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/plotpanelist.Rd         |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/pmfa.Rd                 |    4 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/scalebypanelist.Rd      |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/search.desc.Rd          |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/senso.cocktail.Rd       |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/sensochoc.Rd            |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/sensopanels.Rd          |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/simulation.Rd           |    4 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/smoothies.Rd            |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/      |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/triangle.pair.test.Rd   |    2 
 SensoMineR-1.20/SensoMineR/man/triangle.test.Rd        |    2 
 75 files changed, 222 insertions(+), 205 deletions(-)

More information about SensoMineR at CRAN
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Package rms updated to version 4.2-0 with previous version 4.1-3 dated 2014-03-02

Title: Regression Modeling Strategies
Description: Regression modeling, testing, estimation, validation, graphics, prediction, and typesetting by storing enhanced model design attributes in the fit. rms is a collection of functions that assist with and streamline modeling. It also contains functions for binary and ordinal logistic regression models, ordinal models for continuous Y with a variety of distribution families, and the Buckley-James multiple regression model for right-censored responses, and implements penalized maximum likelihood estimation for logistic and ordinary linear models. rms works with almost any regression model, but it was especially written to work with binary or ordinal regression models, Cox regression, accelerated failure time models, ordinary linear models, the Buckley-James model, generalized least squares for serially or spatially correlated observations, generalized linear models, and quantile regression.
Author: Frank E Harrell Jr
Maintainer: Frank E Harrell Jr

Diff between rms versions 4.1-3 dated 2014-03-02 and 4.2-0 dated 2014-04-13

 rms-4.1-3/rms/R/survfit.formula.s     |only
 rms-4.1-3/rms/R/survplot.survfit.s    |only
 rms-4.1-3/rms/man/survfit.formula.Rd  |only
 rms-4.2-0/rms/DESCRIPTION             |    8 ++---
 rms-4.2-0/rms/INDEX                   |    3 +
 rms-4.2-0/rms/MD5                     |   42 +++++++++++++-------------
 rms-4.2-0/rms/NAMESPACE               |    5 +--
 rms-4.2-0/rms/NEWS                    |   10 ++++++
 rms-4.2-0/rms/R/cph.s                 |    7 ++--
 rms-4.2-0/rms/R/hazard.ratio.plot.s   |    3 -
 rms-4.2-0/rms/R/npsurv.s              |only
 rms-4.2-0/rms/R/             |    8 +++--
 rms-4.2-0/rms/R/psm.s                 |    4 +-
 rms-4.2-0/rms/R/rmsMisc.s             |    4 +-
 rms-4.2-0/rms/R/survfit.cph.s         |    4 +-
 rms-4.2-0/rms/R/survplot.npsurv.s     |only
 rms-4.2-0/rms/               |    5 ++-
 rms-4.2-0/rms/man/bj.Rd               |    4 +-
 rms-4.2-0/rms/man/npsurv.Rd           |only
 rms-4.2-0/rms/man/psm.Rd              |    8 ++---
 rms-4.2-0/rms/man/rms.trans.Rd        |   12 +++----
 rms-4.2-0/rms/man/survest.psm.Rd      |    4 +-
 rms-4.2-0/rms/man/survplot.Rd         |   54 ++++++++++++++++++----------------
 rms-4.2-0/rms/man/zzzrmsOverview.Rd   |    4 +-
 rms-4.2-0/rms/tests/orm3.r            |only
 rms-4.2-0/rms/tests/survfit.timedep.s |only
 26 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)

More information about rms at CRAN
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Package RcppBDT updated to version 0.2.3 with previous version 0.2.2 dated 2014-02-22

Title: Rcpp bindings for the Boost Date_Time library
Description: This package provides R with access to Boost Date_Time functionality by using Rcpp modules. Functionality from Boost Date_Time for dates, durations (both for days and datetimes), timezones, and posix time ("ptime") is provided. The posix time implementation can support high-resolution of up to nano-second precision by using 96 bits (instead of R's 64) to present a ptime object.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel

Diff between RcppBDT versions 0.2.2 dated 2014-02-22 and 0.2.3 dated 2014-04-13

 RcppBDT-0.2.2/RcppBDT/man/bdt.Rd               |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.2/RcppBDT/src/RcppBDT.cpp          |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/ChangeLog                |  191 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/DESCRIPTION              |   16 +-
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/MD5                      |   44 ++++-
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/R/bdt.R                  |   18 +-
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/R/zzz.R                  |   88 ++++++++---
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/                |   29 +++
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/demo/00Index             |    6 
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/demo/RcppBDTdd.R         |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/demo/RcppBDTdu.R         |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/demo/RcppBDTpt.R         |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/demo/RcppBDTtz.R         |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/inst/NEWS.Rd             |   26 ++-
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/inst/extdata             |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/inst/include/RcppBDT.h   |   47 +++++-
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/inst/include/RcppBDTdd.h |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/inst/include/RcppBDTdt.h |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/inst/include/RcppBDTdu.h |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/inst/include/RcppBDTpt.h |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/inst/include/RcppBDTtz.h |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/man/RcppBDT-package.Rd   |    2 
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/man/bdtDd.Rd             |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/man/bdtDt.Rd             |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/man/bdtDu.Rd             |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/man/bdtPt.Rd             |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/man/bdtTz.Rd             |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/src/Makevars             |    6 
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/src/         |    6 
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/src/RcppBDTdd.cpp        |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/src/RcppBDTdt.cpp        |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/src/RcppBDTdu.cpp        |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/src/RcppBDTpt.cpp        |only
 RcppBDT-0.2.3/RcppBDT/src/RcppBDTtz.cpp        |only
 34 files changed, 410 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

More information about RcppBDT at CRAN
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Package Hmisc updated to version 3.14-4 with previous version 3.14-3 dated 2014-03-02

Title: Harrell Miscellaneous
Description: The Hmisc package contains many functions useful for data analysis, high-level graphics, utility operations, functions for computing sample size and power, importing datasets, imputing missing values, advanced table making, variable clustering, character string manipulation, conversion of R objects to LaTeX code, and recoding variables.
Author: Frank E Harrell Jr , with contributions from Charles Dupont and many others.
Maintainer: Frank E Harrell Jr

Diff between Hmisc versions 3.14-3 dated 2014-03-02 and 3.14-4 dated 2014-04-13

 DESCRIPTION                       |    8 +-
 MD5                               |   39 +++++-----
 NEWS                              |   16 +++-
 R/Misc.s                          |   17 +++-
 R/ecdf.s                          |  146 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 R/latex.s                         |   90 ++++++++++++-----------
 R/nobsY.s                         |   22 +++--
 R/rcspline.eval.s                 |  121 +++++++++++++++++--------------
 R/summary.formula.s               |    2 
 R/summaryM.s                      |    2 
 R/transcan.s                      |    2 
 man/Ecdf.Rd                       |   19 +---
 man/Misc.Rd                       |   26 +++---
 man/addMarginal.Rd                |    8 +-
 man/nobsY.Rd                      |    3 
 man/rcspline.eval.Rd              |    4 -
 man/summaryM.Rd                   |    1 
 src/mChoice.c                     |   12 +--
 tests/fit.mult.impute.bootstrap.r |only
 tests/latex.s                     |   15 +++
 tests/summary.formula.r           |   14 +++
 21 files changed, 336 insertions(+), 231 deletions(-)

More information about Hmisc at CRAN
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Package googleVis updated to version 0.5.1 with previous version 0.4.7 dated 2013-11-10

Title: Interface between R and the Google Chart Tools
Description: The googleVis package provides an interface between R and the Google Chart Tools API. It allows users to create web pages with interactive charts based on R data frames, using the Google Chart Tools and to display them either via the local R HTTP help server or within their own sites, without uploading the data to Google. A modern browser with Internet connection is required and for some charts Flash. Please visit the project web site for more information and examples.
Author: Markus Gesmann [aut, cre], Diego de Castillo [aut], Joe Cheng [ctb]
Maintainer: Markus Gesmann

Diff between googleVis versions 0.4.7 dated 2013-11-10 and 0.5.1 dated 2014-04-13

 DESCRIPTION                                   |   44 -
 MD5                                           |  147 ++--
 NAMESPACE                                     |   50 +
 NEWS                                          |   38 +
 R/gvis.R                                      |   54 +
 R/gvisAnnotatedTimeLine.R                     |  199 ++++++
 R/gvisAnnotationChart.R                       |only
 R/gvisBubbleChart.R                           |  106 +++
 R/gvisCalendar.R                              |only
 R/gvisCoreCharts.R                            |  798 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 R/gvisGeoChart.R                              |  195 ++++++
 R/gvisGeoMap.R                                |  141 ++++
 R/gvisHistogram.R                             |only
 R/gvisIntensityMap.R                          |   75 ++
 R/gvisMap.R                                   |  109 +++
 R/gvisMethods.R                               |   19 
 R/gvisMotionChart.R                           |  198 +++++-
 R/gvisOrgChart.R                              |   84 ++
 R/gvisPieGaugeChart.R                         |  136 ++++
 R/gvisSankey.R                                |only
 R/gvisTable.R                                 |   85 ++
 R/gvisTimeLine.R                              |  137 +++-
 R/gvisTreeMap.R                               |  192 ++++++
 R/shiny.R                                     |   83 ++
 R/zzz.R                                       |   11                                     |only
 THANKS                                        |    1 
 build/googleVis.pdf                           |only
 build/vignette.rds                            |binary
 data/Cairo.RData                              |only
 data/dino.RData                               |only
 demo/00Index                                  |    2 
 demo/Roles.R                                  |only
 demo/Trendlines.R                             |only
 demo/googleVis.R                              |  431 ++++++++++----
 inst/doc/Using_Roles_via_googleVis.R          |only
 inst/doc/Using_Roles_via_googleVis.Rmd        |only
 inst/doc/Using_Roles_via_googleVis.html       |only
 inst/doc/Using_Trendlines_with_googleVis.R    |only
 inst/doc/Using_Trendlines_with_googleVis.Rmd  |only
 inst/doc/Using_Trendlines_with_googleVis.html |only
 inst/doc/Using_googleVis_with_knitr.R         |only
 inst/doc/Using_googleVis_with_knitr.Rmd       |only
 inst/doc/Using_googleVis_with_knitr.html      |only
 inst/doc/googleVis.R                          |   98 +--
 inst/doc/googleVis.Rnw                        |   88 ++
 inst/doc/googleVis.pdf                        |binary
 inst/doc/googleVis_examples.R                 |only
 inst/doc/googleVis_examples.Rmd               |only
 inst/doc/googleVis_examples.html              |only
 inst/mansections                              |only
 man/Cairo.Rd                                  |only
 man/CityPopularity.Rd                         |    9 
 man/Exports.Rd                                |    7 
 man/dino.Rd                                   |only
 man/googleVis-package.Rd                      |   43 -
 man/gvisAnnotatedTimeLine.Rd                  |  536 +++--------------
 man/gvisAnnotationChart.Rd                    |only
 man/gvisAreaChart.Rd                          |  755 +-----------------------
 man/gvisBarChart.Rd                           |  588 +------------------
 man/gvisBubbleChart.Rd                        |  796 ++-----------------------
 man/gvisCalendar.Rd                           |only
 man/gvisCandlestickChart.Rd                   |  690 ++--------------------
 man/gvisColumnChart.Rd                        |  598 +------------------
 man/gvisComboChart.Rd                         |  737 +-----------------------
 man/gvisGauge.Rd                              |  203 +-----
 man/gvisGeoChart.Rd                           |  494 +++-------------
 man/gvisGeoMap.Rd                             |  368 +++--------
 man/gvisHistogram.Rd                          |only
 man/gvisIntensityMap.Rd                       |  193 +-----
 man/gvisLineChart.Rd                          |  743 +-----------------------
 man/gvisMap.Rd                                |  253 ++------
 man/gvisMerge.Rd                              |   33 -
 man/gvisMethods.Rd                            |   20 
 man/gvisMotionChart.Rd                        |  367 +++--------
 man/gvisOrgChart.Rd                           |  200 ++----
 man/gvisPieChart.Rd                           |  398 +-----------
 man/gvisSankey.Rd                             |only
 man/gvisScatterChart.Rd                       |  640 ++------------------
 man/gvisSteppedAreaChart.Rd                   |  623 +-------------------
 man/gvisTable.Rd                              |  321 ++--------
 man/gvisTimeline.Rd                           |only
 man/gvisTreeMap.Rd                            |  346 +++--------
 man/renderGvis.Rd                             |   72 +-
 vignettes/Using_Roles_via_googleVis.Rmd       |only
 vignettes/Using_Trendlines_with_googleVis.Rmd |only
 vignettes/Using_googleVis_with_knitr.Rmd      |only
 vignettes/googleVis.Rnw                       |   88 ++
 vignettes/googleVis.bib                       |    4 
 vignettes/googleVis_examples.Rmd              |only
 90 files changed, 4738 insertions(+), 8908 deletions(-)

More information about googleVis at CRAN
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New package FGSG with initial version 1.0
Package: FGSG
Title: Feature grouping and selection over an undirected graph
Version: 1.0
Author: Xiaotong Shen, Yiwen Sun, Julie Langou
Maintainer: Yiwen Sun
Description: FGSG package implements algorithms for feature grouping and selection over an undirected graph.
License: GPL-2
Note: The header file blaswrap.h, f2c.h and fgsg.h are from the VisualStudio library created by Julie Langou.
Packaged: 2014-04-13 17:25:11 UTC; sunxx847
NeedsCompilation: yes
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2014-04-13 23:04:06

More information about FGSG at CRAN
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Package statmod updated to version 1.4.19 with previous version 1.4.18 dated 2013-09-27

Title: Statistical Modeling
Description: Various statistical modeling functions including growth curve comparisons, limiting dilution analysis, mixed linear models, heteroscedastic regression, Tweedie family generalized linear models, the inverse-Gaussian distribution and Gauss quadrature.
Author: Gordon Smyth [cre, aut], Yifang Hu [ctb], Peter Dunn [ctb], Belinda Phipson [ctb], Yunshun Chen [ctb]
Maintainer: Gordon Smyth

Diff between statmod versions 1.4.18 dated 2013-09-27 and 1.4.19 dated 2014-04-13

 DESCRIPTION            |    8 +++---
 MD5                    |   12 ++++-----
 R/glmnb.R              |   44 ++++++++++++++++++---------------
 R/invgauss.R           |   65 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 inst/doc/changelog.txt |    7 +++++
 man/glmgam.Rd          |    3 +-
 man/invgauss.Rd        |    7 +++--
 7 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)

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Package MCMC.qpcr updated to version 1.1.3 with previous version 1.0.3 dated 2014-02-19

Title: Bayesian analysis of qRT-PCR data
Description: This package implements generalized linear mixed model analysis of qRT-PCR data based on lognormal-Poisson model fitted using MCMC. Control genes are not required but can be incorporated as Bayesian priors or, when template abundances correlate with conditions, as trackers of global effects (common to all genes). Also implemented are the lognormal model for higher-abundance data and a "classic" model involving multi-gene normalization on a by-sample basis. Several plotting functions are included to extract and visualize results. Tutorial:
Author: Mikhail V. Matz
Maintainer: Mikhail V. Matz

Diff between MCMC.qpcr versions 1.0.3 dated 2014-02-19 and 1.1.3 dated 2014-04-13

 MCMC.qpcr-1.0.3/MCMC.qpcr/R/varHPDplot.R             |only
 MCMC.qpcr-1.0.3/MCMC.qpcr/R/varHPDpoints.R           |only
 MCMC.qpcr-1.0.3/MCMC.qpcr/man/varHPDplot.Rd          |only
 MCMC.qpcr-1.0.3/MCMC.qpcr/man/varHPDpoints.Rd        |only
 MCMC.qpcr-1.1.3/MCMC.qpcr/DESCRIPTION                |   10 -
 MCMC.qpcr-1.1.3/MCMC.qpcr/MD5                        |   38 +++---
 MCMC.qpcr-1.1.3/MCMC.qpcr/R/HPDplot.R                |    1 
 MCMC.qpcr-1.1.3/MCMC.qpcr/R/HPDsummary.R             |  114 +++++++++++++++----
 MCMC.qpcr-1.1.3/MCMC.qpcr/R/mcmc.qpcr.R              |  106 ++++++++++-------
 MCMC.qpcr-1.1.3/MCMC.qpcr/R/mcmc.qpcr.classic.R      |   19 ++-
 MCMC.qpcr-1.1.3/MCMC.qpcr/R/mcmc.qpcr.lognormal.R    |  102 ++++++++++++-----
 MCMC.qpcr-1.1.3/MCMC.qpcr/R/softNorm.R               |only
 MCMC.qpcr-1.1.3/MCMC.qpcr/R/summaryPlot.R            |   18 +--
 MCMC.qpcr-1.1.3/MCMC.qpcr/man/HPDplot.Rd             |    2 
 MCMC.qpcr-1.1.3/MCMC.qpcr/man/HPDplotBygene.Rd       |    2 
 MCMC.qpcr-1.1.3/MCMC.qpcr/man/HPDsummary.Rd          |   15 +-
 MCMC.qpcr-1.1.3/MCMC.qpcr/man/MCMC.qpcr-package.Rd   |    6 -
 MCMC.qpcr-1.1.3/MCMC.qpcr/man/mcmc.converge.check.Rd |    4 
 MCMC.qpcr-1.1.3/MCMC.qpcr/man/mcmc.qpcr.Rd           |   67 +++++------
 MCMC.qpcr-1.1.3/MCMC.qpcr/man/mcmc.qpcr.classic.Rd   |   12 +-
 MCMC.qpcr-1.1.3/MCMC.qpcr/man/mcmc.qpcr.lognormal.Rd |   23 ++-
 MCMC.qpcr-1.1.3/MCMC.qpcr/man/softNorm.Rd            |only
 MCMC.qpcr-1.1.3/MCMC.qpcr/man/summaryPlot.Rd         |    8 -
 23 files changed, 362 insertions(+), 185 deletions(-)

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Package compound.Cox updated to version 1.4 with previous version 1.3 dated 2013-11-08

Title: Regression estimation based on the compound covariate method under the Cox proportional hazard model
Description: Calculate regression coefficients and their standard deviations under the Cox proportional hazard model with the large number of covariates. A shrinkage type estimation based on the compound covariate method (Emura, Chen & Chen, 2012 PLoS ONE) and a univariate gene selection method under dependent censoring (Emura & Chen, 2014 Statistical Methods in Medical Research) are implemented in this package.
Author: Takeshi Emura & Yi-Hau Chen
Maintainer: Takeshi Emura

Diff between compound.Cox versions 1.3 dated 2013-11-08 and 1.4 dated 2014-04-13

 DESCRIPTION                 |   14 +++++++-------
 MD5                         |   12 ++++++++----
 NAMESPACE                   |    2 ++
 R/cindex.CV.R               |only
 R/dependCox.reg.CV.R        |only
 man/cindex.CV.Rd            |only
 man/compound.Cox-package.Rd |   14 +++++++++-----
 man/compound.reg.Rd         |    2 +-
 man/dependCox.reg.CV.Rd     |only
 9 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

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New package anominate with initial version 0.3
Package: anominate
Type: Package
Title: alpha-NOMINATE Ideal Point Estimator
Version: 0.3
Date: 2014-04-11
Author: Christopher Hare , Jeffrey Lewis , Keith Poole , Howard Rosenthal , Royce Carroll , James Lo
Maintainer: Christopher Hare
Depends: wnominate, oc, pscl, MCMCpack
Description: Fits ideal point model described in Carroll, Lewis, Lo, Poole and Rosenthal, "The Structure of Utility in Models of Spatial Voting," American Journal of Political Science 57(4): 1008--1028.
License: GPL-2
Packaged: 2014-04-13 01:45:17 UTC; Christopher
NeedsCompilation: yes
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2014-04-13 19:57:16

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Package lme4 updated to version 1.1-6 with previous version 1.1-5 dated 2014-03-14

Title: Linear mixed-effects models using Eigen and S4
Description: Fit linear and generalized linear mixed-effects models. The models and their components are represented using S4 classes and methods. The core computational algorithms are implemented using the Eigen C++ library for numerical linear algebra and RcppEigen "glue".
Author: Douglas Bates [aut], Martin Maechler [aut], Ben Bolker [aut, cre], Steven Walker [aut], Rune Haubo Bojesen Christensen [ctb], Henrik Singmann [ctb]
Maintainer: Ben Bolker

Diff between lme4 versions 1.1-5 dated 2014-03-14 and 1.1-6 dated 2014-04-13

 lme4-1.1-5/lme4/vignettes/PLSvGLS.pdf   |only
 lme4-1.1-5/lme4/vignettes/Theory.pdf    |only
 lme4-1.1-6/lme4/DESCRIPTION             |   12 ++++++------
 lme4-1.1-6/lme4/MD5                     |   20 +++++++++++---------
 lme4-1.1-6/lme4/build                   |only
 lme4-1.1-6/lme4/inst/NEWS.Rd            |   12 ++++++++++++
 lme4-1.1-6/lme4/inst/NEWS.Rd~           |only
 lme4-1.1-6/lme4/inst/doc/PLSvGLS.Rnw    |only
 lme4-1.1-6/lme4/inst/doc/Theory.Rnw     |only
 lme4-1.1-6/lme4/inst/tests/test-glmer.R |    2 +-
 lme4-1.1-6/lme4/man/drop1.merMod.Rd     |    2 +-
 lme4-1.1-6/lme4/tests/priorWeights.R    |   24 +++++++++++++-----------
 lme4-1.1-6/lme4/tests/profile-tst.R     |   12 +++++++-----
 lme4-1.1-6/lme4/tests/simulate.R        |   20 ++++++++++++--------
 14 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

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New package helsinki with initial version 0.9.12
Package: helsinki
Type: Package
Title: Helsinki open data R tools
Version: 0.9.12
Date: 2014-04-13
Author: Juuso Parkkinen, Leo Lahti, Joona Lehtomaki
Maintainer: Juuso Parkkinen
Description: Tools for accessing various open data sources in the Helsinki region in Finland. Current data sources include the Real Estate Department and the Environmental Services Authority.
License: BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE
Depends: R (>= 3.0.1), rjson, RCurl, maptools, utils
LazyLoad: yes
Packaged: 2014-04-13 07:32:03 UTC; juusoparkkinen
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2014-04-13 16:05:54

More information about helsinki at CRAN
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