Thu, 03 Jul 2014

Package Rttf2pt1 updated to version 1.3.1 with previous version 1.3 dated 2014-03-09

Title: Package for ttf2pt1 program
Description: This package contains the program ttf2pt1, for use with the extrafont package. This product includes software developed by the TTF2PT1 Project and its contributors.
Author: Winston Chang, Andrew Weeks, Frank M. Siegert, Mark Heath, Thomas Henlick, Sergey Babkin, Turgut Uyar, Rihardas Hepas, Szalay Tamas, Johan Vromans, Petr Titera, Lei Wang, Chen Xiangyang, Zvezdan Petkovic, Rigel, I. Lee Hetherington
Maintainer: Winston Chang

Diff between Rttf2pt1 versions 1.3 dated 2014-03-09 and 1.3.1 dated 2014-07-03

 DESCRIPTION          |    9 +++------
 MD5                  |   14 +++++++-------
 NAMESPACE            |    2 ++
 NEWS                 |    6 ++++++
 man/Rttf2pt1.Rd      |    5 +++--
 man/which_ttf2pt1.Rd |    1 +
 src/Makefile         |    7 ++++++-
 src/     |    7 ++++++-
 8 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

More information about Rttf2pt1 at CRAN
Permanent link

Package rinat updated to version 0.1.4 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2014-03-20

Title: Access iNaturalist data through APIs
Description: A programmatic interface to the API provided by the iNaturalist website.
Author: Vijay Barve, Edmund Hart
Maintainer: Edmund Hart

Diff between rinat versions 0.1.1 dated 2014-03-20 and 0.1.4 dated 2014-07-03

 DESCRIPTION                  |   11 +----
 MD5                          |   26 ++++++------
 NAMESPACE                    |    4 +
 R/get_inat_obs.R             |   88 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 inst/stuff/rinatVignette.Rmd |   75 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 man/get_inat_obs.Rd          |   72 ++++++++++++++++-------------------
 man/get_inat_obs_id.Rd       |   10 ++--
 man/get_inat_obs_project.Rd  |   30 +++-----------
 man/get_inat_obs_user.Rd     |   13 ++----
 man/get_inat_taxon_stats.Rd  |   28 ++++---------
 man/get_inat_user_stats.Rd   |   28 ++++---------
 man/inat_map.Rd              |   22 +++-------
 vignettes/   |    2 
 vignettes/rinatVignette.pdf  |binary
 14 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 206 deletions(-)

More information about rinat at CRAN
Permanent link

Package mlr updated to version 2.0 with previous version 1.1-18 dated 2013-08-29

Title: mlr: Machine Learning in R.
Description: Interface to a large number of classification and regression techniques, including machine-readable parameter descriptions. There is also a n experimental extension for surival analysis and cost-sensitive learning. Generic resampling, including cross-validation, bootstrapping and subsampling. Hyperparameter tuning with modern optimization techniques. Filter and wrapper methods for feature selection. Extension of basic learners with additional operations common in machine learning.
Author: Bernd Bischl , Michel Lang , Jakob Richter , Leonard Judt
Maintainer: Bernd Bischl

Diff between mlr versions 1.1-18 dated 2013-08-29 and 2.0 dated 2014-07-03

 mlr-1.1-18/mlr/R/Learner_operators.R                 |only
 mlr-1.1-18/mlr/R/TuneControlOptim.R                  |only
 mlr-1.1-18/mlr/R/checkData.R                         |only
 mlr-1.1-18/mlr/R/tuneOptim.R                         |only
 mlr-1.1-18/mlr/inst/tests                            |only
 mlr-1.1-18/mlr/man/getTaskFormulaAsString.Rd         |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/DESCRIPTION                              |   41 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/LICENSE                                  |    2 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/MD5                                      |  756 +++++++++++--------
 mlr-2.0/mlr/NAMESPACE                                |  477 ++++++++---
 mlr-2.0/mlr/NEWS                                     |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/Aggregation.R                          |   45 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/BaggingWrapper.R                       |  194 ++--
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/BaseWrapper.R                          |   45 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/BaseWrapper_operators.R                |   32 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/ChainModel.R                           |   20 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/ChainModel_operators.R                 |    4 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/ClassifTask.R                          |   65 +
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/CostSensClassifWrapper.R               |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/CostSensRegrWrapper.R                  |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/CostSensTask.R                         |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/CostSensWeightedPairsLearner.R         |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/DownsampleWrapper.R                    |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/FailureModel.R                         |   65 +
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/FeatSelControl.R                       |  130 +--
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/FeatSelControlExhaustive.R             |   13 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/FeatSelControlGA.R                     |   35 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/FeatSelControlRandom.R                 |   15 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/FeatSelControlSequential.R             |   21 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/FeatSelResult.R                        |   24 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/FeatSelWrapper.R                       |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/FilterWrapper.R                        |  107 +-
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/HoldoutInstance_make_fixed.R           |   15 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/Impute.R                               |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/ImputeMethods.R                        |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/ImputeWrapper.R                        |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/Learner.R                              |   46 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/Learner_properties.R                   |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/Measure.R                              |  170 ++--
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/Measure_custom_resampled.R             |   57 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/Measure_make_cost.R                    |   41 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/ModelMultiplexer.R                     |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/ModelMultiplexerParamSet.R             |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/NoFeaturesModel.R                      |   11 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/OptControl.R                           |    9 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/OptResult.R                            |   11 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/OptWrapper.R                           |   14 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/OverBaggingWrapper.R                   |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/OverUnderSampling.R                    |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/OverUndersampleWrapper.R               |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/Prediction.R                           |  104 ++
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/Prediction_operators.R                 |   31 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/PreprocWrapper.R                       |   60 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/PreprocWrapperPCA.R                    |   49 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/PreprocWrapperRemoveOutliers.R         |   27 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner.R                             |  135 +--
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_IBk.R                 |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_J48.R                 |   48 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_JRip.R                |   39 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_LiblineaRBinary.R     |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_LiblineaRLogReg.R     |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_LiblineaRMultiClass.R |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_OneR.R                |   25 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_PART.R                |   47 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_ada.R                 |   57 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_blackboost.R          |   66 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_boosting.R            |   57 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_ctree.R               |   52 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_fnn.R                 |   28 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_gbm.R                 |   74 +
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_geoDA.R               |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_glmboost.R            |   39 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_kknn.R                |   29 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_knn.R                 |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_ksvm.R                |   68 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_lda.R                 |   32 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_linDA.R               |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_logreg.R              |   31 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_lssvm.R               |   55 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_lvq1.R                |   36 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_mda.R                 |   39 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_multinom.R            |   45 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_naiveBayes.R          |   27 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_nnet.R                |   57 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_plr.R                 |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_plsDA.R               |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_qda.R                 |   26 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_quaDA.R               |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_randomForest.R        |   57 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_rda.R                 |   59 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_rpart.R               |   49 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_rrlda.R               |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_classif_svm.R                 |   47 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_regr_IBk.R                    |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_regr_blackBoost.R             |   49 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_regr_crs.R                    |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_regr_earth.R                  |   24 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_regr_fnn.R                    |   29 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_regr_gbm.R                    |   42 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_regr_kknn.R                   |   31 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_regr_km.R                     |   55 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_regr_ksvm.R                   |   68 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_regr_lm.R                     |   36 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_regr_mars.R                   |   32 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_regr_mob.R                    |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_regr_nnet.R                   |   41 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_regr_pcr.R                    |   36 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_regr_penalized_lasso.R        |   24 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_regr_penalized_ridge.R        |   24 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_regr_randomForest.R           |  117 +-
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_regr_rpart.R                  |   46 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_regr_rsm.R                    |   28 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_regr_rvm.R                    |   62 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_surv_CoxBoost.R               |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_surv_coxph.R                  |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_surv_glmboost.R               |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_surv_glmnet.R                 |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_surv_penalized.R              |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RLearner_surv_randomForestSRC.R        |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/RegrTask.R                             |   37 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/ResampleDesc.R                         |  115 +-
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/ResampleDescs.R                        |   48 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/ResampleInstance.R                     |   71 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/ResampleInstances.R                    |   28 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/ResamplePrediction.R                   |   17 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/SMOTEWrapper.R                         |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/SupervisedTask.R                       |  203 +++--
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/SupervisedTask_operators.R             |  238 +++--
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/SurvTask.R                             |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/TaskDesc.R                             |   77 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/TuneControl.R                          |   86 +-
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/TuneControlCMAES.R                     |    7 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/TuneControlGenSA.R                     |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/TuneControlGrid.R                      |   13 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/TuneControlIrace.R                     |   13 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/TuneControlMBO.R                       |   16 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/TuneControlRandom.R                    |   12 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/TuneResult.R                           |   13 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/TuneWrapper.R                          |  104 --
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/WeightedClassesWrapper.R               |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/WrappedModel.R                         |   50 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/aggregations.R                         |   37 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/analyzeFeatSelResult.R                 |  317 ++-----
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/asROCRPrediction.R                     |   12 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/benchmark.R                            |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/checkColumnNames.R                     |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/checkDfTarget.R                        |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/checkLearner.R                         |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/checkMeasures.R                        |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/checkTask.R                            |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/checkTaskCreation.R                    |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/checkTaskLearner.R                     |   52 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/checkTunerParset.R                     |   64 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/configureMlr.R                         |   68 +
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/convertX.R                             |   18 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/createDummyFeatures.R                  |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/crossover.R                            |   19 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/datasets.R                             |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/downsample.R                           |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/dropFeatures.R                         |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/estimateResidualVariance.R             |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/evalOptimizationState.R                |  101 +-
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/filterFeatures.R                       |   76 +
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/fixupData.R                            |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/getAggrPerformances.R                  |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/getBaggingModels.R                     |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/getConfMatrix.R                        |   36 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/getFeatSelResult.R                     |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/getFilterResult.R                      |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/getFilterValues.R                      |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/getHyperPars.R                         |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/getParamSet.R                          |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/getPerformances.R                      |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/getPredictions.R                       |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/getTuneResult.R                        |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/helpers.R                              |   91 --
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/isFailureModel.R                       |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/learners.R                             |  168 ++--
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/listFilterMethods.R                    |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/listLearners.R                         |  152 +--
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/listMeasures.R                         |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/measures.R                             |  460 ++++++++---
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/mutateBits.R                           |    9 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/normalizeFeatures.R                    |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/options.R                              |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/performance.R                          |   75 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/plotFilterValues.R                     |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/plotLearnerPrediction.R                |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/plotThreshVsPerf.R                     |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/predict.R                              |   98 +-
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/predictLearner.R                       |    2 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/removeConstantFeatures.R               |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/resample.R                             |  191 ++--
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/resample_convenience.R                 |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/selectFeatures.R                       |  108 +-
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/selectFeaturesExhaustive.R             |   10 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/selectFeaturesGA.R                     |   23 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/selectFeaturesRandom.R                 |   28 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/selectFeaturesSequential.R             |   51 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/setHyperPars.R                         |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/setId.R                                |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/setPredictType.R                       |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/setThreshold.R                         |   30 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/showHyperPars.R                        |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/smote.R                                |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/train.R                                |   74 +
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/trainLearner.R                         |    4 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/tuneCMAES.R                            |   36 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/tuneGenSA.R                            |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/tuneGrid.R                             |   21 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/tuneIrace.R                            |   33 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/tuneMBO.R                              |   10 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/tuneParams.R                           |   79 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/tuneRandom.R                           |   12 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/tuneThreshold.R                        |   66 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/tunerFitnFun.R                         |   69 +
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/utils_imbalancy.R                      |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/utils_opt.R                            |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/R/zzz.R                                  |   10 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/data                                     |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/inst/makeData.R                          |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/Aggregation.Rd                       |   25 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/BenchmarkResult.Rd                   |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/FailureModel.Rd                      |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/FeatSelControl.Rd                    |  210 ++---
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/FeatSelResult.Rd                     |   26 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/FilterValues.Rd                      |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/LearnerProperties.Rd                 |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/Prediction.Rd                        |   44 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/RLearner.Rd                          |  111 +-
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/ResamplePrediction.Rd                |   31 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/SupervisedTask.Rd                    |  154 ++-
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/TaskDesc.Rd                          |   46 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/TuneControl.Rd                       |  173 ++--
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/TuneResult.Rd                        |   25 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/aggregations.Rd                      |   94 +-
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/analyzeFeatSelResult.Rd              |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/asROCRPrediction.Rd                  |    9 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/benchmark.Rd                         |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/configureMlr.Rd                      |   73 +
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/createDummyFeatures.Rd               |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/crossover.Rd                         |   21 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/downsample.Rd                        |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/dropFeatures.Rd                      |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/estimateResidualVariance.Rd          |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/filterFeatures.Rd                    |   56 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getAggrPerformances.Rd               |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getBaggingModels.Rd                  |   19 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getConfMatrix.Rd                     |   40 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getCostSensClassifModel.Rd           |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getCostSensRegrModels.Rd             |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getCostSensWeightedPairsModels.Rd    |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getFeatSelResult.Rd                  |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getFilterResult.Rd                   |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getFilterValues.Rd                   |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getFilteredFeatures.Rd               |   19 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getHyperPars.Rd                      |   29 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getLearnerModel.Rd                   |   15 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getMlrOptions.Rd                     |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getParamSet.Rd                       |   17 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getPerformances.Rd                   |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getPredictions.Rd                    |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getProbabilities.Rd                  |   33 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getTaskCosts.Rd                      |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getTaskData.Rd                       |   65 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getTaskFeatureNames.Rd               |   19 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getTaskFormula.Rd                    |   37 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getTaskNFeats.Rd                     |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getTaskTargets.Rd                    |   39 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/getTuneResult.Rd                     |   41 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/imputations.Rd                       |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/impute.Rd                            |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/isFailureModel.Rd                    |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/learnerArgsToControl.Rd              |   17 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/learners.Rd                          |  225 ++---
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/listFilterMethods.Rd                 |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/listLearners.Rd                      |   99 +-
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/listMeasures.Rd                      |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeAggregation.Rd                   |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeBaggingWrapper.Rd                |   76 +
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeCostMeasure.Rd                   |   76 +
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeCostSensClassifWrapper.Rd        |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeCostSensRegrWrapper.Rd           |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeCostSensWeightedPairsWrapper.Rd  |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeCustomResampledMeasure.Rd        |  105 +-
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeDownsampleWrapper.Rd             |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeFeatSelWrapper.Rd                |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeFilterWrapper.Rd                 |   64 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeFixedHoldoutInstance.Rd          |   19 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeImputeMethod.Rd                  |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeImputeWrapper.Rd                 |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeLearner.Rd                       |   70 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeMeasure.Rd                       |  157 ++-
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeModelMultiplexer.Rd              |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeModelMultiplexerParamSet.Rd      |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeOverBaggingWrapper.Rd            |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makePreprocWrapper.Rd                |   63 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeResampleDesc.Rd                  |  130 +--
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeResampleInstance.Rd              |   78 +
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeSMOTEWrapper.Rd                  |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeTuneWrapper.Rd                   |  100 +-
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeUndersampleWrapper.Rd            |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeWeightedClassesWrapper.Rd        |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/makeWrappedModel.Rd                  |   53 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/measures.Rd                          |  198 ++--
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/                            |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/mlr.iris.Rd                          |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/mlr.sonar.Rd                         |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/normalizeFeatures.Rd                 |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/oversample.Rd                        |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/performance.Rd                       |   83 +-
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/plotFilterValues.Rd                  |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/plotLearnerPrediction.Rd             |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/plotThreshVsPerf.Rd                  |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/predict.WrappedModel.Rd              |   78 +
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/predictLearner.Rd                    |   44 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/reimpute.Rd                          |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/removeConstantFeatures.Rd            |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/resample.Rd                          |  197 +++-
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/selectFeatures.Rd                    |  140 +--
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/setAggregation.Rd                    |   19 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/setHyperPars.Rd                      |   34 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/setHyperPars2.Rd                     |   12 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/setId.Rd                             |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/setPredictType.Rd                    |   38 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/setThreshold.Rd                      |   52 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/showHyperPars.Rd                     |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/smote.Rd                             |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/subsetTask.Rd                        |   32 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/train.Rd                             |   49 -
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/trainLearner.Rd                      |   38 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/tuneParams.Rd                        |  100 +-
 mlr-2.0/mlr/man/tuneThreshold.Rd                     |   64 +
 mlr-2.0/mlr/src                                      |only
 mlr-2.0/mlr/tests/run-all.R                          |   13 
 mlr-2.0/mlr/tests/testthat                           |only
 336 files changed, 6848 insertions(+), 5808 deletions(-)

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Package tsintermittent updated to version 1.1 with previous version 1.0 dated 2014-06-23

Title: Intermittent Time Series Forecasting
Description: This package contains functions for analysing and forecasting intermittent demand/slow moving items time series.
Author: Nikolaos Kourentzes and Fotios Petropoulos
Maintainer: Nikolaos Kourentzes

Diff between tsintermittent versions 1.0 dated 2014-06-23 and 1.1 dated 2014-07-03

 tsintermittent-1.0/tsintermittent/data/data.rda     |only
 tsintermittent-1.0/tsintermittent/data/data2.rda    |only
 tsintermittent-1.0/tsintermittent/man/data.Rd       |only
 tsintermittent-1.0/tsintermittent/man/data2.Rd      |only
 tsintermittent-1.1/tsintermittent/ChangeLog         |    6 +++
 tsintermittent-1.1/tsintermittent/DESCRIPTION       |   10 +++---
 tsintermittent-1.1/tsintermittent/MD5               |   32 ++++++++++----------
 tsintermittent-1.1/tsintermittent/NAMESPACE         |    2 -
 tsintermittent-1.1/tsintermittent/R/crost.R         |   11 +++---
 tsintermittent-1.1/tsintermittent/R/      |    9 +++--
 tsintermittent-1.1/tsintermittent/R/idclass.R       |    6 ++-
 tsintermittent-1.1/tsintermittent/R/sexsm.R         |only
 tsintermittent-1.1/tsintermittent/R/tsb.R           |    7 ++--
 tsintermittent-1.1/tsintermittent/data/ts.data1.rda |only
 tsintermittent-1.1/tsintermittent/data/ts.data2.rda |only
 tsintermittent-1.1/tsintermittent/man/crost.Rd      |    7 ++--
 tsintermittent-1.1/tsintermittent/man/   |    7 ++--
 tsintermittent-1.1/tsintermittent/man/idclass.Rd    |    7 +++-
 tsintermittent-1.1/tsintermittent/man/sexsm.Rd      |only
 tsintermittent-1.1/tsintermittent/man/ts.data1.Rd   |only
 tsintermittent-1.1/tsintermittent/man/ts.data2.Rd   |only
 tsintermittent-1.1/tsintermittent/man/tsb.Rd        |    7 ++--
 22 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

More information about tsintermittent at CRAN
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Package spfrontier updated to version 0.1.10 with previous version 0.1.3 dated 2014-03-23

Title: Spatial Stochastic Frontier models estimation
Description: A set of tools for estimation of various spatial specifications of stochastic frontier models
Author: Dmitry Pavlyuk
Maintainer: Dmitry Pavlyuk

Diff between spfrontier versions 0.1.3 dated 2014-03-23 and 0.1.10 dated 2014-07-03

 spfrontier-0.1.10/spfrontier/DESCRIPTION               |   14 
 spfrontier-0.1.10/spfrontier/MD5                       |   42 +-
 spfrontier-0.1.10/spfrontier/NAMESPACE                 |    2 
 spfrontier-0.1.10/spfrontier/R/spfrontier-package.R    |   81 +---
 spfrontier-0.1.10/spfrontier/R/spfrontier.R            |   32 -
 spfrontier-0.1.10/spfrontier/R/spfrontier_mle.R        |   99 ++++-
 spfrontier-0.1.10/spfrontier/R/test_ezsim.R            |  309 +++++++++++------
 spfrontier-0.1.10/spfrontier/R/util_logging.R          |    3 
 spfrontier-0.1.10/spfrontier/R/util_misc.R             |   42 +-
 spfrontier-0.1.10/spfrontier/R/util_mle.R              |    2 
 spfrontier-0.1.10/spfrontier/R/zzz.R                   |    1 
 spfrontier-0.1.10/spfrontier/data/airports.greece.rda  |binary
 spfrontier-0.1.10/spfrontier/data/airports.rda         |binary
 spfrontier-0.1.10/spfrontier/demo                      |only
 spfrontier-0.1.10/spfrontier/man/data-airports.Rd      |   51 ++
 spfrontier-0.1.10/spfrontier/man/logLikelihood.Rd      |only
 spfrontier-0.1.10/spfrontier/man/simulation.Rd         |   84 +---
 spfrontier-0.1.10/spfrontier/man/spfrontier.Rd         |   17 
 spfrontier-0.1.10/spfrontier/man/util-misc.Rd          |    5 
 spfrontier-0.1.3/spfrontier/data/airports.spain.rda    |only
 spfrontier-0.1.3/spfrontier/man/data-airports-spain.Rd |only
 spfrontier-0.1.3/spfrontier/tests                      |only
 22 files changed, 481 insertions(+), 303 deletions(-)

More information about spfrontier at CRAN
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New package qualCI with initial version 0.1
Package: qualCI
Version: 0.1
Date: 2014-07-01
Title: Causal Inference with Qualitative and Ordinal Information on Outcomes
Author: Konstantin Kashin , Adam Glynn , Nahomi Ichino
Maintainer: Konstantin Kashin
Depends: R (>= 2.15.0)
Imports: combinat
Description: Exact one-sided p-values and confidence intervals for an outcome variable defined on an interval measurement scale with only qualitative and ordinal information available.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Packaged: 2014-07-03 15:37:03 UTC; Kostya
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2014-07-03 20:59:31

More information about qualCI at CRAN
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Package movMF updated to version 0.2-0 with previous version 0.1-3 dated 2014-03-19

Title: Mixtures of von Mises-Fisher Distributions
Description: Fit and simulate mixtures of von Mises-Fisher distributions.
Author: Kurt Hornik [aut, cre], Bettina GrĂ¼n [aut]
Maintainer: Kurt Hornik

Diff between movMF versions 0.1-3 dated 2014-03-19 and 0.2-0 dated 2014-07-03

 DESCRIPTION         |   10 ++-
 MD5                 |   23 ++++----
 R/movMF.R           |   74 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 build/vignette.rds  |binary
 inst/CITATION       |only
 inst/NEWS.Rd        |   20 +++++++
 inst/doc/movMF.R    |   46 ++++++++--------
 inst/doc/movMF.Rnw  |  136 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 inst/doc/movMF.pdf  |binary
 src/mysum.c         |   17 +++++-
 src/rW.c            |    6 +-
 vignettes/movMF.Rnw |  136 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 vignettes/vMF.bib   |  142 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 13 files changed, 430 insertions(+), 180 deletions(-)

More information about movMF at CRAN
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New package mcc with initial version 1.0
Package: mcc
Type: Package
Title: Moment Corrected Correlation
Version: 1.0
Date: 2014-07-03
Author: Yi-Hui Zhou
Description: A number of biomedical problems involve performing many hypothesis tests, with an attendant need to apply stringent thresholds. Often the data take the form of a series of predictor vectors, each of which must be compared with a single response vector, perhaps with nuisance covariates. Parametric tests of association are often used, but can result in inaccurate type I error at the extreme thresholds, even for large sample sizes. Furthermore, standard two-sided testing can reduce power compared to the doubled p-value, due to asymmetry in the null distribution. Exact (permutation) testing approaches are attractive, but can be computationally intensive and cumbersome. MCC is an approximation to exact association testing of two vectors that is accurate and fast enough for standard use in high-throughput settings, and can easily provide standard two-sided or doubled p-values.
Maintainer: Yi-Hui Zhou
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad: yes
Packaged: 2014-07-03 15:54:51 UTC; yzhou19
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2014-07-03 20:59:30

More information about mcc at CRAN
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Package MAPA updated to version 1.6 with previous version 1.5 dated 2014-06-04

Title: Multiple Aggregation Prediction Algorithm
Description: This package contains functions and wrappers for using the Multiple Aggregation Prediction Algorithm, proposed by Kourentzes et al. (2014).
Author: Nikolaos Kourentzes and Fotios Petropoulos
Maintainer: Nikolaos Kourentzes

Diff between MAPA versions 1.5 dated 2014-06-04 and 1.6 dated 2014-07-03

 ChangeLog     |   19 +++++++++++++------
 DESCRIPTION   |   10 ++++++----
 MD5           |   10 ++++++----
 NAMESPACE     |    2 +-
 R/MAPA.R      |   17 +++++++++++++++++
 R/tsaggr.R    |only
 man/tsaggr.Rd |only
 7 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

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Package Bayesianbetareg updated to version 1.2 with previous version 1.1 dated 2013-11-14

Title: Bayesian Beta regression: joint mean and precision modeling
Description: This package performs beta regression
Author: The code in R and guide document were prepared by Margarita Marin, Javier Rojas, Daniel Jaimes and Hugo Andres Gutierrez Rojas, under the direction of professor Edilberto Cepeda-Cuervo and with collaboration of Martha Corrales, Maria Fernanda Zarate, Ricardo Duplat and Luis F Villarraga.
Maintainer: Margarita Marin

Diff between Bayesianbetareg versions 1.1 dated 2013-11-14 and 1.2 dated 2014-07-03

 DESCRIPTION                          |   17 +-
 MD5                                  |   30 ++--
 NAMESPACE                            |    4 
 man/Bayesianbetareg-package.Rd       |   55 +++++----
 man/Bayesianbetareg.Rd               |  137 +++++++++++-----------
 man/BayesianbetaregEst.Rd            |  211 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 man/betaresiduals.Rd                 |  164 +++++++++++++--------------
 man/dpostb.Rd                        |  141 +++++++++++------------
 man/dpostg.Rd                        |  135 +++++++++++-----------
 man/gammakernel.Rd                   |  147 ++++++++++++------------
 man/gammaproposal.Rd                 |  137 +++++++++++-----------
 man/mukernel.Rd                      |  143 +++++++++++------------
 man/muproposal.Rd                    |  139 +++++++++++------------
 man/print.Bayesianbetareg.Rd         |   76 ++++++------
 man/print.summary.Bayesianbetareg.Rd |   76 ++++++------
 man/summary.Bayesianbetareg.Rd       |   86 +++++++-------
 16 files changed, 865 insertions(+), 833 deletions(-)

More information about Bayesianbetareg at CRAN
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Package RcppArmadillo updated to version 0.4.320.0 with previous version 0.4.300.8.0 dated 2014-06-04

Title: Rcpp integration for Armadillo templated linear algebra library
Description: R and Armadillo integration using Rcpp Armadillo is a templated C++ linear algebra library (by Conrad Sanderson) that aims towards a good balance between speed and ease of use. Integer, floating point and complex numbers are supported, as well as a subset of trigonometric and statistics functions. Various matrix decompositions are provided through optional integration with LAPACK and ATLAS libraries. A delayed evaluation approach is employed (during compile time) to combine several operations into one, and to reduce (or eliminate) the need for temporaries. This is accomplished through recursive templates and template meta-programming. This library is useful if C++ has been decided as the language of choice (due to speed and/or integration capabilities), rather than another language. The RcppArmadillo package includes the header files from the templated Armadillo library. Thus users do not need to install Armadillo itself in order to use RcppArmadillo. This Armadillo integration provides a nice illustration of the capabilities of the Rcpp package for seamless R and C++ integration. Armadillo is licensed under the MPL 2.0, while RcppArmadillo (the Rcpp bindings/bridge to Armadillo) is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2 or later, as is the rest of Rcpp.
Author: Romain Francois, Dirk Eddelbuettel and Doug Bates
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel

Diff between RcppArmadillo versions 0.4.300.8.0 dated 2014-06-04 and 0.4.320.0 dated 2014-07-03

 ChangeLog                                            |    8 +
 DESCRIPTION                                          |    8 -
 MD5                                                  |   44 ++---
 inst/NEWS.Rd                                         |   14 +
 inst/doc/RcppArmadillo-intro.pdf                     |binary
 inst/doc/RcppArmadillo-unitTests.pdf                 |binary
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/Gen_bones.hpp            |    6 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/Gen_meat.hpp             |   23 ++
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_bones.hpp          |    4 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_iterators_meat.hpp |    2 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp           |  147 ++++++++++---------
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/arma_cmath.hpp           |   80 +++++++++-
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/arma_ostream_meat.hpp    |    4 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/arma_version.hpp         |    6 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp          |    2 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/fn_eig_sym.hpp           |   26 ++-
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/fn_eigs_gen.hpp          |    9 -
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/fn_eigs_sym.hpp          |    9 -
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/fn_misc.hpp              |    6 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_bones.hpp      |    6 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/sp_auxlib_meat.hpp       |   23 +-
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/subview_bones.hpp        |   14 +
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp         |   49 ++++++
 23 files changed, 340 insertions(+), 150 deletions(-)

More information about RcppArmadillo at CRAN
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New package RODBCext with initial version 0.2.1
Package: RODBCext
Version: 0.2.1
Authors@R: c(person("Mateusz", "Zoltak", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = ""), person("Brian", "Ripley", role = c("aut")), person("Michael", "Lapsley", role = "aut"))
Title: Parameterized queries extension for RODBC
Description: An extension for RODBC package adding support for parameterized queries
SystemRequirements: An ODBC3 driver manager and drivers.
Depends: R (>= 3.0.0), RODBC (>= 1.3.0)
LazyLoad: yes
Biarch: yes
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3
Author: Mateusz Zoltak [aut, cre], Brian Ripley [aut], Michael Lapsley [aut]
Maintainer: Mateusz Zoltak
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2014-07-03 08:54:12 UTC; zozlak
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2014-07-03 15:51:27

More information about RODBCext at CRAN
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Package readODS updated to version 1.3 with previous version 1.2 dated 2014-06-24

Title: Read ODS files and puts them into data frames
Description: Read ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) files and put them into data frames.
Author: Gerrit-Jan Schutten
Maintainer: Gerrit-Jan Schutten

Diff between readODS versions 1.2 dated 2014-06-24 and 1.3 dated 2014-07-03

 DESCRIPTION                                                |    6 
 MD5                                                        |   18 -
 R/readODS.R                                                |  228 ++++++++++++-                                                  |   26 +
 man/odsPreParser.Rd                                        |only
 tests/testdata/content_layout_test.xml                     |only
 tests/testdata/content_mergerandgreaterthanlibreoffice.xml |only
 tests/testdata/content_table.xml                           |only
 tests/testdata/horrible.ods                                |only
 tests/testdata/layout_test.ods                             |only
 tests/testdata/layout_test.xls                             |only
 tests/testdata/layout_test.xlsx                            |only
 tests/testdata/mergerandgreaterthanlibreoffice.ods         |only
 tests/testdata/table.ods                                   |only
 tests/testthat/test_readODS.R                              |   36 ++
 15 files changed, 298 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

More information about readODS at CRAN
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Package PerMallows updated to version 1.3 with previous version 1.1 dated 2014-06-25

Title: Permutations and Mallows distributions
Description: This package includes functions to work with the Mallows, Generalized Mallows and Weighted Mallows Models. The considered distances are Kendall's-tau, Cayley, Hamming and Ulam and it includes functions for making inference, sampling and learning such distributions, some of which are novel in the literature. As a by-product, PerMallows also includes operations for permutations, paying special attention in those related with the Kendall's-\tau, Cayley, Ulam and Hamming distances and the random generation of permutations.
Author: Ekhine Irurozki
Maintainer: Ekhine Irurozki

Diff between PerMallows versions 1.1 dated 2014-06-25 and 1.3 dated 2014-07-03

 DESCRIPTION                            |    8 
 MD5                                    |  118 +++----
 R/PerMallows.R                         |  249 ++++++++-------
 man/compose.Rd                         |   17 -
 man/count.derangements.Rd              |    9 
 man/count.perms.cycles.Rd              |   15 
 man/count.perms.distance.Rd            |   29 -
 man/count.perms.fixed.points.Rd        |   14 
 man/count.perms.unfixed.points.gtet.Rd |   14 
 man/cycle2str.Rd                       |    6 
 man/cycles2permutation.Rd              |    8 
 man/data.1.Rd                          |    1 
 man/data.2.Rd                          |    1 
 man/data.3.Rd                          |    1 
 man/data.Rd                            |    1 
 man/data.apa.Rd                        |    4 
 man/data.order.Rd                      |    1 
 man/datapos.Rd                         |    1 
 man/decomposition2permutation.Rd       |   18 -
 man/dgmm.Rd                            |   25 -
 man/distance.Rd                        |   19 -
 man/dmm.Rd                             |   24 -
 man/expectation.gmm.Rd                 |   15 
 man/                  |   20 -
 man/freq.matrix.Rd                     |   13 
 man/generate.aux.files.Rd              |   12 
 man/identity.permutation.Rd            |    8 
 man/                       |   13 
 man/inverse.permutation.Rd             |   10 
 man/                    |   11 
 man/is.permutation.Rd                  |    7 
 man/lgmm.Rd                            |   26 -
 man/lmm.Rd                             |   34 --
 man/marginal.Rd                        |   17 -
 man/order.ratings.Rd                   |   11 
 man/permutation2cycles.Rd              |    9 
 man/permutation2decomposition.Rd       |   16 
 man/permutations.of.Rd                 |   14 
 man/r.derangement.Rd                   |   15 
 man/r.dist.d.Rd                        |   21 -
 man/r.perms.cycles.Rd                  |   17 -
 man/read.permutation.file.Rd           |    7 
 man/rgmm.Rd                            |   24 -
 man/rmm.Rd                             |   33 --
 man/runif.permutation.Rd               |   10 
 man/swap.Rd                            |   10 
 src/Cayley.cpp                         |    7 
 src/Cayley.h                           |    8 
 src/Exponential_model.h                |    2 
 src/Generic.cpp                        |    5 
 src/Hamming.cpp                        |  543 ++++++++++-----------------------
 src/Hamming.h                          |   10 
 src/Kendall.cpp                        |   11 
 src/Newton_raphson.cpp                 |   10 
 src/Ulam.cpp                           |   18 -
 src/Ulam.h                             |   16 
 src/Ulam_disk.cpp                      |    3 
 src/Ulam_disk.h                        |    2 
 src/Wrapper.cpp                        |   39 +-
 src/main.cpp                           |   60 ---
 60 files changed, 747 insertions(+), 943 deletions(-)

More information about PerMallows at CRAN
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Package parallelMap updated to version 1.1 with previous version 1.0-83 dated 2013-08-29

Title: Unified interface to some popular parallelization back-ends for interactive usage and package development.
Description: Map over lists in parallel. Supports local, multicore, mpi and BatchJobs mode. Allows "tagging" of the parallel operation with a level name that can be later selected by the user to switch on parallel execution for exactly this operation.
Author: Bernd Bischl , Michel Lang
Maintainer: Bernd Bischl

Diff between parallelMap versions 1.0-83 dated 2013-08-29 and 1.1 dated 2014-07-03

 parallelMap-1.0-83/parallelMap/inst/tests                       |only
 parallelMap-1.0-83/parallelMap/tests/run-all.R                  |only
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/DESCRIPTION                         |   23 -
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/LICENSE                             |    2 
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/MD5                                 |   78 +--
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/NAMESPACE                           |    5 
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/NEWS                                |   15 
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/R/batchjobs.R                       |   49 +-
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/R/displayErrorMessages.R            |    6 
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/R/getOption.R                       |   29 -
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/R/logging.R                         |    6 
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/R/mclapply_fixed.R                  |only
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/R/parallelApply.R                   |   30 -
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/R/parallelExport.R                  |only
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/R/parallelLibrary.R                 |   69 +--
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/R/parallelMap.R                     |  216 +++++++---
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/R/parallelRegisterLevels.R          |    6 
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/R/parallelShowOptions.R             |   17 
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/R/parallelSource.R                  |only
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/R/parallelStart.R                   |  135 +++---
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/R/parallelStop.R                    |   35 -
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/R/utils.R                           |   24 -
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/R/zzz.R                             |   24 -
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/inst/test_source_file.R             |only
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/man/parallelExport.Rd               |only
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/man/parallelLapply.Rd               |   54 +-
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/man/parallelLibrary.Rd              |   49 +-
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/man/parallelMap.Rd                  |   83 ++-
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/man/parallelRegisterLevels.Rd       |   17 
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/man/parallelShowOptions.Rd          |   10 
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/man/parallelShowRegisteredLevels.Rd |    9 
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/man/parallelSource.Rd               |only
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/man/parallelStart.Rd                |  198 ++++-----
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/man/parallelStop.Rd                 |   27 -
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/tests/test-all.R                    |only
 parallelMap-1.1/parallelMap/tests/testthat                      |only
 36 files changed, 679 insertions(+), 537 deletions(-)

More information about parallelMap at CRAN
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Package morse updated to version 1.0.2 with previous version 1.0.1 dated 2014-06-19

Title: MOdelling tools for Reproduction and Survival data in Ecotoxicology
Description: A package for ecotoxicologists and regulators dedicated to the mathematical and statistical modelling of bioassay data. The package uses advanced and innovative methods for a valuable quantitative environmental risk assessment.
Author: Marie Laure Delignette-Muller [aut, cre], Philippe Ruiz [aut, cre], Sandrine Charles [aut], Wandrille Duchemin [ctb], Christelle Lopes [ctb], Philippe Veber [ctb]
Maintainer: Philippe Ruiz

Diff between morse versions 1.0.1 dated 2014-06-19 and 1.0.2 dated 2014-07-03

 DESCRIPTION          |    8 ++++----
 MD5                  |    9 +++++----
 NEWS                 |only
 R/   |   11 ++++++-----
 R/repro.survplot.R   |    2 +-
 man/morse-package.Rd |    4 ++--
 6 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

More information about morse at CRAN
Permanent link

Package lme4 updated to version 1.1-7 with previous version 1.1-6 dated 2014-04-13

Title: Linear mixed-effects models using Eigen and S4
Description: Fit linear and generalized linear mixed-effects models. The models and their components are represented using S4 classes and methods. The core computational algorithms are implemented using the Eigen C++ library for numerical linear algebra and RcppEigen "glue".
Author: Douglas Bates [aut], Martin Maechler [aut], Ben Bolker [aut, cre], Steven Walker [aut], Rune Haubo Bojesen Christensen [ctb], Henrik Singmann [ctb], Bin Dai [ctb]
Maintainer: Ben Bolker

Diff between lme4 versions 1.1-6 dated 2014-04-13 and 1.1-7 dated 2014-07-03

 lme4-1.1-6/lme4/inst/NEWS.Rd~                        |only
 lme4-1.1-6/lme4/inst/doc/PB_mcmcsamp.pdf             |only
 lme4-1.1-6/lme4/inst/doc/PLSvGLS.Rnw                 |only
 lme4-1.1-6/lme4/inst/doc/Theory.Rnw                  |only
 lme4-1.1-6/lme4/inst/doc/lme4-extras.pdf             |only
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/DESCRIPTION                          |   18 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/MD5                                  |  127 ++---
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/NAMESPACE                            |    7 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/R/AllClass.R                         |   12 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/R/checkConv.R                        |   24 -
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/R/lmList.R                           |    4 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/R/lmer.R                             |  442 +++++++++++--------
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/R/lmerControl.R                      |   31 -
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/R/modular.R                          |  125 +++--
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/R/nbinom.R                           |   34 -
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/R/plot.R                             |    2 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/R/predict.R                          |  117 +++--
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/R/profile.R                          |  127 ++---
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/R/utilities.R                        |  205 ++++++++
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/R/vcconv.R                           |   93 +++
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/                            |   49 +-
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/                         |only
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/inst/CITATION                        |only
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/inst/NEWS.Rd                         |   45 +
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/inst/doc/PLSvGLS.pdf                 |binary
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/inst/doc/Theory.pdf                  |binary
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/inst/doc/lmer.pdf                    |only
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/inst/testdata/gopherdat2.RData       |only
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/inst/tests/test-NAhandling.R         |   17 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/inst/tests/test-doubleVertNotation.R |   20 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/inst/tests/test-glmFamily.R          |    9 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/inst/tests/test-glmer.R              |  101 +++-
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/inst/tests/test-lmer.R               |   23 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/inst/tests/test-lmerResp.R           |    1 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/inst/tests/test-methods.R            |   55 ++
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/inst/tests/tmp.html                  |only
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/man/confint.merMod.Rd                |   36 +
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/man/findbars.Rd                      |   27 -
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/man/getME.Rd                         |   87 ++-
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/man/isREML.Rd                        |    4 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/man/lmerControl.Rd                   |   67 +-
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/man/merMod-class.Rd                  |  112 ++++
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/man/modular.Rd                       |    3 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/man/nlformula.Rd                     |   55 +-
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/man/nloptwrap.Rd                     |only
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/man/nobars.Rd                        |    2 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/man/profile-methods.Rd               |   55 +-
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/man/refit.Rd                         |   40 +
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/man/sigma.Rd                         |    1 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/man/subbars.Rd                       |   23 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/man/varianceProf.Rd                  |   20 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/src/Makevars                         |    2 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/src/                     |    2 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/src/external.cpp                     |   19 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/src/glmFamily.cpp                    |   15 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/src/lme4CholmodDecomposition.h       |only
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/src/predModule.cpp                   |   24 -
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/src/predModule.h                     |    3 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/tests/AAAtest-all.Rout               |only
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/tests/Rplots.pdf                     |binary
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/tests/bootMer.R                      |   17 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/tests/boundary.R                     |    2 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/tests/confint.R                      |    7 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/tests/confint.Rout                   |only
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/tests/devCritFun.R                   |only
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/tests/hatvalues.R                    |only
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/tests/lmer-1.R                       |   19 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/tests/               |   75 +--
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/tests/nbinom.R                       |   45 +
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/tests/priorWeights.R                 |    5 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/tests/refit.Rout                     |only
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/tests/simulate.R                     |    1 
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/vignettes/lmer.Rnw                   |only
 lme4-1.1-7/lme4/vignettes/lmer.bib                   |only
 74 files changed, 1699 insertions(+), 757 deletions(-)

More information about lme4 at CRAN
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Package FeedbackTS updated to version 1.1 with previous version 1.0 dated 2013-09-26

Title: Analysis of Feedback in Time Series
Description: Analysis of fragmented time directionality to investigate feedback in time series. Tools provided by the package allow the analysis of feedback for a single time series and the analysis of feedback for a set of time series collected across a spatial domain.
Author: Samuel Soubeyrand, Cindy E. Morris, E. Keith Bigg
Maintainer: Samuel Soubeyrand

Diff between FeedbackTS versions 1.0 dated 2013-09-26 and 1.1 dated 2014-07-03

 DESCRIPTION                     |    8 +++---
 MD5                             |   36 +++++++++++++++---------------
 R/KDD.R                         |    6 ++++-
 R/feedback.spatial.R            |    2 -
 man/FeedbackTS-package.Rd       |   47 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 man/KDD-class.Rd                |    2 -
 man/KDD.yearly.average-class.Rd |    2 -
 man/KT.output-class.Rd          |   33 +++++++++++++++-------------
 man/after.minus.before.Rd       |    2 -
 man/feedback.stats.Rd           |    2 -
 man/feedback.test.Rd            |    7 ++---
 man/kdd.Rd                      |    2 -
 man/        |    2 -
 man/kdd.yearly.average.Rd       |    2 -
 man/krige.Rd                    |   19 ++++++++--------
 man/krige.test.Rd               |   35 ++++++++++++++++-------------
 man/map.statistic.Rd            |    2 -
 man/      |    4 +--
 man/           |    4 +--
 19 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)

More information about FeedbackTS at CRAN
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Package fwi.fbp updated to version 1.5 with previous version 1.3 dated 2013-11-06

Title: Fire Weather Index System and Fire Behaviour Prediction System Calculations
Description: This package provides three new functions to calculate the outputs of the two main components of the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS): the Fire Weather Index (FWI) System and the Fire Behaviour Prediction (FBP) System.
Author: Xianli Wang, Alan Cantin, Marc-Andre Parisien, Mike Wotton, Kerry Anderson, and Mike Flannigan
Maintainer: Alan Cantin

Diff between fwi.fbp versions 1.3 dated 2013-11-06 and 1.5 dated 2014-07-03

 DESCRIPTION            |   12 ++++++------
 MD5                    |   14 +++++++-------
 R/DISTtcalc.r          |   14 ++++++++------
 R/FMCcalc.r            |   16 +++++++++-------
 R/FROScalc.r           |    2 +-
 R/fbp.r                |    8 ++++++--
 data/test_fbp.csv.gz   |binary
 man/fwi.fbp-package.Rd |    4 ++--
 8 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

More information about fwi.fbp at CRAN
Permanent link

New package CarletonStats with initial version 1.1
Package: CarletonStats
Type: Package
Title: Functions For Statistics Classes At Carleton College
Version: 1.1
Date: 2014-07-03
Author: Laura Chihara
Maintainer: Laura Chihara
Description: Includes commands for bootstrapping and permutation tests, a command for created grouped bar plots, and a demo of the quantile-normal plot for data drawn from different distributions.
License: GPL-2
LazyData: TRUE
Suggests: MASS
Packaged: 2014-07-03 13:11:31 UTC; Laura
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2014-07-03 15:51:20

More information about CarletonStats at CRAN
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Package binseqtest updated to version 0.5 with previous version 0.4 dated 2014-02-12

Title: Exact Binary Sequential Designs and Analysis
Description: For a series of binary responses, create stopping boundary with exact results after stopping, allowing updating for missing assessments.
Author: Jenn Kirk, Michael P. Fay
Maintainer: Michael P. Fay

Diff between binseqtest versions 0.4 dated 2014-02-12 and 0.5 dated 2014-07-03

 CHANGELOG                                 |    5 +++++
 DESCRIPTION                               |    8 ++++----
 MD5                                       |   18 +++++++++---------
 NAMESPACE                                 |    5 +++--
 build/vignette.rds                        |binary
 inst/doc/ExactBinarySequentialDesigns.pdf |binary
 man/analyzeBoundNBF.Rd                    |    2 +-
 man/binseqtest-package.Rd                 |   10 ++++++++--
 man/bound-class.Rd                        |    8 ++++----
 man/designOBF.Rd                          |    8 ++++++--
 10 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

More information about binseqtest at CRAN
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Package VennDiagram updated to version 1.6.7 with previous version 1.6.5 dated 2013-08-21

Title: Generate high-resolution Venn and Euler plots
Description: A set of functions to generate high-resolution Venn and Euler plots. Includes handling for several special cases, including two-case scaling, and extensive customization of plot shape and structure.
Author: Hanbo Chen
Maintainer: Paul Boutros

Diff between VennDiagram versions 1.6.5 dated 2013-08-21 and 1.6.7 dated 2014-07-03

 DESCRIPTION            |    8 +-
 MD5                    |   12 +--
 NEWS                   |   20 +++--
 R/draw.pairwise.venn.R |    4 -
 R/venn.diagram.R       |   47 +++++++++---
 TODO                   |    3 
 man/venn.diagram.Rd    |  188 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 7 files changed, 199 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)

More information about VennDiagram at CRAN
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Package strum updated to version 0.4 with previous version 0.3 dated 2014-06-02

Title: STRUctural Modeling of Latent Variables for General Pedigree
Description: This package implements a broad class of latent variable and structural equation models for general pedigree data.
Author: Nathan Morris [aut, cre], Yeunjoo Song [aut], Stephen Cahn [ctb]
Maintainer: Nathan Morris

Diff between strum versions 0.3 dated 2014-06-02 and 0.4 dated 2014-07-03

 ChangeLog                  |    8 ++++
 DESCRIPTION                |    8 ++--
 MD5                        |   18 +++++-----
 R/estimateDerivative.R     |   46 ++++++++++----------------
 R/estimateParameter.R      |   60 ++++++++++++++--------------------
 R/strum.R                  |   79 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 R/utils.R                  |   55 +++++++++++++++++++------------
 inst/doc/strum-example.pdf |binary
 inst/doc/strum-intro.pdf   |binary
 man/strum-package.Rd       |    4 +-
 10 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-)

More information about strum at CRAN
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New package predictmeans with initial version 0.97
Package: predictmeans
Type: Package
Title: Calculate Predicted Means for Linear Models
Version: 0.97
Date: 2014-03-13
Author: Dongwen Luo, Siva Ganesh and John Koolaard
Maintainer: Dongwen Luo
Description: This package provides functions to diagnose and make inferences from various linear models, such as those obtained from 'aov', 'lm', 'glm', 'gls', 'lme', and 'lmer'. Inferences include predicted means and standard errors, contrasts, multiple comparisons, permutation tests and graphs.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Depends: R (>= 3.0.0), lme4, nlme
Imports: ggplot2, lattice, parallel, pbkrtest, plyr
Packaged: 2014-07-03 02:41:23 UTC; LuoD
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2014-07-03 09:24:46

More information about predictmeans at CRAN
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Package ParamHelpers updated to version 1.2 with previous version 1.1-36 dated 2013-08-28

Title: Helpers for parameters in black-box optimization, tuning and machine learning.
Description: A small package containing useful functions for parameter descriptions and operations in black-box optimization, tuning and machine learning.
Author: Bernd Bischl , Michel Lang , Daniel Horn
Maintainer: Bernd Bischl

Diff between ParamHelpers versions 1.1-36 dated 2013-08-28 and 1.2 dated 2014-07-03

 ParamHelpers-1.1-36/ParamHelpers/R/dfRowToList.R                    |only
 ParamHelpers-1.1-36/ParamHelpers/inst                               |only
 ParamHelpers-1.1-36/ParamHelpers/man/dfRowToList.Rd                 |only
 ParamHelpers-1.1-36/ParamHelpers/man/getUpper.Rd                    |only
 ParamHelpers-1.1-36/ParamHelpers/man/getValues.Rd                   |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/DESCRIPTION                           |   30 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/LICENSE                               |    4 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/MD5                                   |  185 +++---
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/NAMESPACE                             |   92 ++-
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/NEWS                                  |   35 -
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/LearnerParam.R                      |   27 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/OptPath.R                           |  303 +++++++---
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/OptPathDF.R                         |  235 +++++--
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/ParamSet.R                          |   98 ++-
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/aParam.R                            |  112 ++-
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/convertDiscrete.R                   |   24 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/convertParamSetToIrace.R            |   29 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/convertTypesToCInts.R               |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/dfRowsToList.R                      |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/extractParamSetFromSooFunction.R    |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/filterParams.R                      |   30 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/generateDesign.R                    |  282 +++++----
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/generateGridDesign.R                |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/getBounds.R                         |  107 +--
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/getDefaults.R                       |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/getParamIds.R                       |   24 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/getParamLengths.R                   |   24 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/getParamNr.R                        |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/getParamTypeCounts.R                |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/getParamTypes.R                     |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/hasFiniteBoxConstraints.R           |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/hasForbidden.R                      |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/hasRequires.R                       |   11 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/hasTrafo.R                          |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/hasType.R                           |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/isFeasible.R                        |   60 +
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/isForbidden.R                       |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/isType.R                            |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/isVector.R                          |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/makeLearnerParamFuns.R              |  155 ++---
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/makeParamFuns.R                     |  172 ++---
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/paramValueToString.R                |   64 +-
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/removeMissingValues.R               |    1 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/sample.R                            |  122 ++--
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/trafo.R                             |   36 -
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/utils.R                             |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/R/zzz.R                               |    3 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/LearnerParam.Rd                   |   95 +--
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/OptPath.Rd                        |  119 ++-
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/Param.Rd                          |  142 ++--
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/addOptPathEl.Rd                   |   87 +-
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/convertParamSetToIrace.Rd         |   27 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/dfRowsToList.Rd                   |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/discreteNameToValue.Rd            |   24 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/discreteValueToName.Rd            |   22 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/extractParamSetFromSooFunction.Rd |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/filterParams.Rd                   |   29 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/generateDesign.Rd                 |  138 ++--
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/generateGridDesign.Rd             |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/getDefaults.Rd                    |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/getLower.Rd                       |   46 +
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/getOptPathBestIndex.Rd            |   68 +-
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/getOptPathCol.Rd                  |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/getOptPathDOB.Rd                  |   24 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/getOptPathEOL.Rd                  |   24 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/getOptPathEl.Rd                   |   36 -
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/getOptPathErrorMessages.Rd        |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/getOptPathExecTimes.Rd            |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/getOptPathLength.Rd               |   25 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/getOptPathParetoFront.Rd          |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/getOptPathY.Rd                    |   35 -
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/getParamIds.Rd                    |   33 -
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/getParamLengths.Rd                |   20 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/getParamNr.Rd                     |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/getParamTypeCounts.Rd             |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/getParamTypes.Rd                  |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/hasFiniteBoxConstraints.Rd        |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/hasForbidden.Rd                   |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/hasRequires.Rd                    |   13 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/hasTrafo.Rd                       |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/hasType.Rd                        |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/isEmpty.Rd                        |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/isFeasible.Rd                     |   45 -
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/isForbidden.Rd                    |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/isType.Rd                         |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/makeParamSet.Rd                   |   74 +-
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/paramValueToString.Rd             |   58 +
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/removeMissingValues.Rd            |   10 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/sampleValue.Rd                    |   41 -
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/sampleValues.Rd                   |   41 -
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/setOptPathElDOB.Rd                |   31 -
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/setOptPathElEOL.Rd                |   31 -
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/trafoOptPath.Rd                   |   20 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/man/trafoValue.Rd                     |   21 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/src                                   |only
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/tests/run-all.R                       |    2 
 ParamHelpers-1.2/ParamHelpers/tests/testthat                        |only
 97 files changed, 2177 insertions(+), 1469 deletions(-)

More information about ParamHelpers at CRAN
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Package mosaic updated to version 0.9-0 with previous version 0.8-27 dated 2014-05-22

Title: Project MOSAIC ( statistics and mathematics teaching utilities
Description: Data sets and utilities from Project MOSAIC ( used to teach mathematics, statistics, computation and modeling. Funded by the NSF, Project MOSAIC is a community of educators working to tie together aspects of quantitative work that students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics will need in their professional lives, but which are usually taught in isolation, if at all. A few features take advantage of the manipulate package when working in RStudio.
Author: Randall Pruim , Daniel Kaplan , Nicholas Horton
Maintainer: Randall Pruim

Diff between mosaic versions 0.8-27 dated 2014-05-22 and 0.9-0 dated 2014-07-03

 mosaic-0.8-27/mosaic/data/cards.rda                      |only
 mosaic-0.8-27/mosaic/inst/doc/Calculus-vignette.pdf      |only
 mosaic-0.8-27/mosaic/inst/doc/Commands-vignette.pdf      |only
 mosaic-0.8-27/mosaic/inst/doc/Links-vignette.pdf         |only
 mosaic-0.8-27/mosaic/inst/doc/MinimalR-vignette.pdf      |only
 mosaic-0.8-27/mosaic/inst/doc/Modeling-vignette.pdf      |only
 mosaic-0.8-27/mosaic/inst/doc/Resampling-vignette.pdf    |only
 mosaic-0.8-27/mosaic/inst/doc/StartTeaching-vignette.pdf |only
 mosaic-0.8-27/mosaic/inst/doc/mosaic-resources.R         |only
 mosaic-0.8-27/mosaic/inst/doc/mosaic-resources.Rnw       |only
 mosaic-0.8-27/mosaic/inst/doc/mosaic-resources.pdf       |only
 mosaic-0.8-27/mosaic/man/mPlot.Rd                        |only
 mosaic-0.8-27/mosaic/vignettes/mosaic-resources.Rnw      |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/DESCRIPTION                          |   19 -
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/MD5                                  |  274 +++++++--------
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/NAMESPACE                            |  133 +++++++
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/CIsim.R                            |    2 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/Calculus.R                         |    6 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/Clustering.R                       |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/Tukey.R                            |    4 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/adapt_seq.R                        |    2 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/aggregatingAux.R                   |   74 ++--
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/aggregatingMeta.R                  |    8 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/as.xtabs.R                         |    2 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/bargraph.R                         |    1 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/binom.test.R                       |   26 -
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/cdist.R                            |    2 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/compareMean.R                      |    2 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/compareProportion.R                |    2 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/confint.R                          |   26 -
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/cross.R                            |    3 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/deltaMethod.R                      |    2 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/derivedFactor.R                    |    4 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/dfapply.R                          |    5 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/diffmean.R                         |    4 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/do.R                               |   54 ++
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/dotPlot.R                          |    8 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/ediff.R                            |    6 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/evalFormula.R                      |    4 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/expandFun.R                        |    4 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/favstats.R                         |    3 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/fetchData.R                        |    5 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/fetchGapminder.R                   |    3 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/fetchGoogle.R                      |    6 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/findZeros.R                        |    5 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/findZerosMult.R                    |    5 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/fitModel.R                         |    4 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/fitSpline.R                        |    3 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/frequencyPolygon.R                 |    5 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/integrateODE.R                     |    4 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/interval.R                         |   30 -
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/is.wholenumber.R                   |    2 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/ladd.R                             |    2 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/linear-algebra.R                   |    2 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/logit.R                            |    4 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/mPlots.R                           |   16 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/makeFun.R                          |   18 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/maps.R                             |    5 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/mm.R                               |   15 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/mosaic-package.R                   |   14 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/mplot.R                            |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/ntiles.R                           |    6 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/numD.R                             |    1 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/oddsRatio.R                        |    7 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/panel.lmbands.R                    |  108 +++--
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/parseFormula.R                     |   32 +
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/perctable.R                        |    4 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/plotCumfreq.R                      |   10 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/plotDist.R                         |   13 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/plotFun.R                          |    9 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/plotPoints.R                       |    4 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/pqrdata.R                          |   27 +
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/project.R                          |   11 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/prop.test.R                        |   32 -
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/rand.R                             |    7 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/read.file.R                        |   59 ++-
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/resample.R                         |   14 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/rescale.R                          |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/rfun.R                             |    4 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/rgeo.R                             |   18 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/settings.R                         |   10 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/simplify.R                         |    3 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/smoothers.R                        |   17 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/statTally.R                        |    4 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/surround.R                         |    2 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/symbolicD.R                        |    4 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/symbolicInt.R                      |    4 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/tally.R                            |   39 +-
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/themes.R                           |    7 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/ttest.R                            |    7 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/xchisq.test.R                      |    2 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/xhistogram.R                       |    5 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/xpnorm.R                           |    3 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/R/xqqmath.R                          |    5 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/build/vignette.rds                   |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/Alcohol.rda                     |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/Births78.rda                    |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/CPS85.rda                       |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/Cards.rda                       |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/CoolingWater.rda                |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/Countries.rda                   |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/Galton.rda                      |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/Gestation.rda                   |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/HELPfull.rda                    |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/HELPmiss.rda                    |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/HELPrct.rda                     |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/HeatX.rda                       |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/Heightweight.rda                |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/KidsFeet.rda                    |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/Marriage.rda                    |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/Mites.rda                       |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/NHANES.rda                      |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/RailTrail.rda                   |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/SAT.rda                         |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/SnowGR.rda                      |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/SwimRecords.rda                 |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/TenMileRace.rda                 |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/Utilities.rda                   |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/Utilities2.rda                  |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/Whickham.rda                    |binary
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/data/datalist                        |    2 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/inst/NEWS.Rd                         |   38 ++
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/inst/doc/V1MinimalR.pdf              |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/inst/doc/V1MinimalR.pdf.asis         |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/inst/doc/V2StartTeaching.pdf         |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/inst/doc/V2StartTeaching.pdf.asis    |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/inst/doc/V3Commands.pdf              |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/inst/doc/V3Commands.pdf.asis         |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/inst/doc/V4Modeling.pdf              |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/inst/doc/V4Modeling.pdf.asis         |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/inst/doc/V5Resample.pdf              |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/inst/doc/V5Resample.pdf.asis         |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/inst/doc/V6Calculus.pdf              |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/inst/doc/V6Calculus.pdf.asis         |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/inst/doc/mosaicresources.R           |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/inst/doc/mosaicresources.Rnw         |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/inst/doc/mosaicresources.pdf         |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/inst/tests/test-tabulation.R         |   10 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/man/FunctionsFromData.Rd             |    4 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/man/aggregatingAux.Rd                |   10 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/man/clustering.Rd                    |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/man/confint.Rd                       |   18 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/man/do.Rd                            |   27 +
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/man/fortify.Rd                       |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/man/interval.Rd                      |   11 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/man/mPlotting.Rd                     |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/man/mplot.Rd                         |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/man/prop.test.Rd                     |    9 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/man/read.file.Rd                     |   15 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/man/rescale.Rd                       |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/man/sp2df.Rd                         |    2 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/man/tally.Rd                         |   19 -
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/man/themes.Rd                        |    4 
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/vignettes/V1MinimalR.pdf.asis        |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/vignettes/V2StartTeaching.pdf.asis   |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/vignettes/V3Commands.pdf.asis        |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/vignettes/V4Modeling.pdf.asis        |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/vignettes/V5Resample.pdf.asis        |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/vignettes/V6Calculus.pdf.asis        |only
 mosaic-0.9-0/mosaic/vignettes/mosaicresources.Rnw        |only
 160 files changed, 958 insertions(+), 517 deletions(-)

More information about mosaic at CRAN
Permanent link

Package flora updated to version 0.2.2 with previous version 0.2 dated 2014-05-29

Title: tools for interacting with the Brazilian Flora Checklist
Description: Tools to quickly compile taxonomic and distribution data from the Brazilian Flora Checklist. No internet connection needed.
Author: Gustavo Carvalho
Maintainer: Gustavo Carvalho

Diff between flora versions 0.2 dated 2014-05-29 and 0.2.2 dated 2014-07-03

 DESCRIPTION       |   10 +-
 MD5               |   23 +++--
 NAMESPACE         |    3 
 NEWS              |   11 ++
 R/get.taxa.R      |  237 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 R/help.R          |    2 
 R/lower.taxa.R    |    9 +-
 R/suggest.names.R |    2 
 R/web.flora.R     |only         |only
 inst              |only
 man/get.taxa.Rd   |   14 ++-
 man/lower.taxa.Rd |    4 
 man/web.flora.Rd  |only
 14 files changed, 209 insertions(+), 106 deletions(-)

More information about flora at CRAN
Permanent link

New package binr with initial version 1.0
Package: binr
Title: Cut Numeric Values Into Evenly Distributed Groups
Version: 1.0
Author: Sergei Izrailev
Maintainer: Sergei Izrailev
Description: This package provides algorithms for cutting numerical values exhibiting a potentially highly skewed distribution into evenly distributed groups (bins). This functionality can be applied for binning discrete values, such as counts, as well as for discretization of continuous values, for example, during generation of features used in machine learning algorithms.
Depends: R (>= 3.0.3),
License: Apache License (== 2.0)
Copyright: Copyright (C) Collective, Inc. | file inst/COPYRIGHTS
LazyData: true
Packaged: 2014-07-03 02:23:10 UTC; sizrailev
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2014-07-03 09:12:19

More information about binr at CRAN
Permanent link

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