Tue, 19 Aug 2014

Package arules updated to version 1.1-5 with previous version 1.1-4 dated 2014-07-26

Title: Mining Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets
Description: Provides the infrastructure for representing, manipulating and analyzing transaction data and patterns (frequent itemsets and association rules). Also provides interfaces to C implementations of the association mining algorithms Apriori and Eclat by C. Borgelt.
Author: Michael Hahsler [aut, cre, cph], Christian Buchta [aut, cph], Bettina Gruen [aut, cph], Kurt Hornik [aut, cph], Christian Borgelt [ctb, cph]
Maintainer: Michael Hahsler

Diff between arules versions 1.1-4 dated 2014-07-26 and 1.1-5 dated 2014-08-19

 DESCRIPTION         |    8 ++++----
 MD5                 |   10 +++++-----
 NAMESPACE           |    5 +++--
 R/AllClasses.R      |    2 +-
 inst/NEWS           |    9 ++++++---
 inst/doc/arules.pdf |binary
 6 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

More information about arules at CRAN
Permanent link

Package teigen updated to version 2.0.7 with previous version 2.0.1 dated 2013-10-03

Title: Model-based clustering and classification with the multivariate t-distribution
Description: Fits mixtures of multivariate t-distributions (with eigen-decomposed covariance structure) via the multi-cycle ECM algorithm under a clustering or classification paradigm.
Author: Jeffrey L. Andrews, Paul D. McNicholas
Maintainer: Jeffrey L. Andrews

Diff between teigen versions 2.0.1 dated 2013-10-03 and 2.0.7 dated 2014-08-19

 ChangeLog              |only
 DESCRIPTION            |   10 +-
 MD5                    |   28 ++++---
 R/estimateTime.R       |only
 R/modelgen.R           |only
 R/plot.teigen.R        |   57 +++++++++++---
 R/tagupdate.R          |    5 +
 R/teigen.R             |  195 +++++++++++--------------------------------------
 R/teigen.parallel.R    |   36 +--------
 R/tsgupdate.R          |    2 
 R/yxf7.R               |   22 +++--
 R/yxf8.R               |only
 inst/CITATION          |    6 -
 man/plot.teigen.Rd     |   13 ++-
 man/teigen-package.Rd  |    8 +-
 man/teigen.Rd          |    6 -
 man/teigen.parallel.Rd |    6 -
 17 files changed, 162 insertions(+), 232 deletions(-)

More information about teigen at CRAN
Permanent link

Package party updated to version 1.0-16 with previous version 1.0-15 dated 2014-06-30

Title: A Laboratory for Recursive Partytioning
Description: A computational toolbox for recursive partitioning. The core of the package is ctree(), an implementation of conditional inference trees which embed tree-structured regression models into a well defined theory of conditional inference procedures. This non-parametric class of regression trees is applicable to all kinds of regression problems, including nominal, ordinal, numeric, censored as well as multivariate response variables and arbitrary measurement scales of the covariates. Based on conditional inference trees, cforest() provides an implementation of Breiman's random forests. The function mob() implements an algorithm for recursive partitioning based on parametric models (e.g. linear models, GLMs or survival regression) employing parameter instability tests for split selection. Extensible functionality for visualizing tree-structured regression models is available.
Author: Torsten Hothorn [aut, cre], Kurt Hornik [aut], Carolin Strobl [aut], Achim Zeileis [aut]
Maintainer: Torsten Hothorn

Diff between party versions 1.0-15 dated 2014-06-30 and 1.0-16 dated 2014-08-19

 DESCRIPTION                       |    9 +++++----
 MD5                               |   16 ++++++++--------
 NAMESPACE                         |    1 +
 R/MOB-Plot.R                      |    9 +++++----
 R/varimp.R                        |    4 ++--
 inst/NEWS                         |    5 +++++
 inst/doc/MOB.pdf                  |binary
 inst/doc/party.pdf                |binary
 tests/Examples/party-Ex.Rout.save |   10 ++++------
 9 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

More information about party at CRAN
Permanent link

Package dendextend updated to version 0.17.1 with previous version 0.16.1 dated 2014-07-26

Title: Extending R's dendrogram functionality
Description: The dendextend package offers a set of functions for extending dendrogram objects in R, letting you visualize and compare trees of hierarchical clusterings. You can (1) Adjust a trees graphical parameters - the color, size, type, etc of its branches, nodes and labels. (2) Visually and statistically compare different dendrograms to one another.
Author: Tal Galili [aut, cre, cph] (http://www.r-statistics.com), Gavin Simpson [ctb], Gregory Jefferis [ctb] (imported code from his dendroextras package), Marco Gallotta [ctb] (a.k.a: marcog), Johan Renaudie [ctb] (https://github.com/plannapus), R core team [ctb] (Thanks for the Infastructure, and code in the examples), Kurt Hornik [ctb], Uwe Ligges [ctb], Andrej-Nikolai Spiess [ctb], Steve Horvath [ctb], Peter Langfelder [ctb], skullkey [ctb], Mark Van Der Loo [ctb] (https://github.com/markvanderloo d3dendrogram), Yoav Benjamini [ths]
Maintainer: Tal Galili

Diff between dendextend versions 0.16.1 dated 2014-07-26 and 0.17.1 dated 2014-08-19

 dendextend-0.16.1/dendextend/R/trim.R                                 |only
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/ChangeLog                                |  635 +++++++
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/DESCRIPTION                              |   52 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/MD5                                      |  206 +-
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/NAMESPACE                                |   10 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/NEWS                                     |  373 ++--
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/DendSer.R                              |only
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/as.dendrogram.randomForest.R           |    2 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/attr_access.R                          |  179 +
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/bk_method.R                            |   60 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/branches_attr_by.R                     |  133 +
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/color_branches.R                       |  116 +
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/colored_bars.R                         |   51 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/cor_bakers_gamma.R                     |   14 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/cor_cophenetic.R                       |    4 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/cut_lower_fun.R                        |   18 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/cutree.dendrogram.R                    |   55 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/d3dendrogram.R                         |  161 +
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/dendextend-package.R                   |    2 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/dendextend_options.R                   |only
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/dendlist.R                             |   17 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/entanglement.R                         |    7 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/get_nodes_xy.R                         |only
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/labels.R                               |    6 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/labels_colors.R                        |    8 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/nleaves.R                              |   10 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/noded_with_condition.R                 |  109 -
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/prune.R                                |only
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/pvclust.R                              |  407 ++++
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/rainbow_fun.R                          |only
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/rect.dendrogram.R                      |   53 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/rotate.R                               |    6 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/set.dendrogram.R                       |   47 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/tanglegram.R                           |   15 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/unbranch.R                             |   16 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/untangle.R                             |  178 -
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/R/zzz.R                                  |  142 -
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/README.md                                |    7 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/TODO                                     |   12 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/build                                    |only
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/demo/dendextend.R                        |    2 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/inst/doc                                 |only
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/inst/tests/test-attr_access.R            |  371 ++--
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/inst/tests/test-bk_method.R              |    2 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/inst/tests/test-branches_attr_by.R       |only
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/inst/tests/test-cor_bakers_gamma.R       |    2 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/inst/tests/test-cor_cophenetic.R         |    2 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/inst/tests/test-cut_lower_fun.R          |    8 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/inst/tests/test-cutree.dendrogram.R      |  903 +++++-----
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/inst/tests/test-dendlist.R               |    2 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/inst/tests/test-entanglement.R           |  281 +--
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/inst/tests/test-general.R                |only
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/inst/tests/test-labels-assign.R          |    2 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/inst/tests/test-labels_colors.R          |    2 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/inst/tests/test-nleaves.R                |    2 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/inst/tests/test-rotate.R                 |    4 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/inst/tests/test-set.dendrogram.R         |   41 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/inst/tests/test-trim.R                   |    4 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/inst/tests/test-unbranch.R               |   93 -
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/inst/tests/test-untangle.R               |    4 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/Bk.Rd                                |    9 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/Bk_permutations.Rd                   |    7 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/Bk_plot.Rd                           |   10 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/DendSer.dendrogram.Rd                |    4 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/FM_index.Rd                          |    8 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/FM_index_R.Rd                        |    6 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/FM_index_permutation.Rd              |    9 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/FM_index_profdpm.Rd                  |    6 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/all_unique.Rd                        |only
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/assign_values_to_branches_edgePar.Rd |   14 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/assign_values_to_leaves_nodePar.Rd   |   17 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/assign_values_to_nodes_nodePar.Rd    |only
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/branches_attr_by_clusters.Rd         |    8 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/branches_attr_by_labels.Rd           |    8 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/color_branches.Rd                    |   18 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/color_labels.Rd                      |    7 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/colored_bars.Rd                      |   22 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/cor_bakers_gamma.Rd                  |    8 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/cor_cophenetic.Rd                    |    2 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/cut_lower_fun.Rd                     |   14 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/cutree-methods.Rd                    |   17 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/cutree_1h.dendrogram.Rd              |    8 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/cutree_1k.dendrogram.Rd              |   10 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/d3dendro_options.Rd                  |only
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/d3dendrogram.Rd                      |only
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/dendextend_options.Rd                |    6 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/dendlist.Rd                          |    2 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/entanglement.Rd                      |    7 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/get_branches_attr.Rd                 |    7 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/get_branches_heights.Rd              |    4 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/get_nodes_attr.Rd                    |    8 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/get_nodes_xy.Rd                      |only
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/heights_per_k.dendrogram.Rd          |    2 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/intersect_trees.Rd                   |   10 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/na_locf.Rd                           |    4 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/noded_with_condition.Rd              |    4 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/pvclust_show_signif.Rd               |only
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/pvclust_show_signif_gradient.Rd      |only
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/rect.dendrogram.Rd                   |   22 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/rotate_DendSer.Rd                    |    4 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/set.Rd                               |   31 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/sort_2_clusters_vectors.Rd           |    6 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/sort_levels_values.Rd                |    8 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/tanglegram.Rd                        |    7 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/untangle.Rd                          |    4 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/untangle_DendSer.Rd                  |    2 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/untangle_random_search.Rd            |    4 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/untangle_step_rotate_1side.Rd        |   19 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/untangle_step_rotate_2side.Rd        |    4 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/man/which_leaf.Rd                        |    4 
 dendextend-0.17.1/dendextend/vignettes                                |only
 111 files changed, 3451 insertions(+), 1766 deletions(-)

More information about dendextend at CRAN
Permanent link

New package DStree with initial version 1.0
Package: DStree
Type: Package
Title: Recursive Partitioning for Discrete-Time Survival Trees
Version: 1.0
Date: 2014-08-19
Author: Peter Mayer, Denis Larocque, Matthias Schmid
Maintainer: Peter Mayer
Description: Building discrete-time survival trees and bagged trees based on the functionalities of the rpart package. Splitting criterion maximizes the likelihood of a covariate-free logistic discrete time hazard model.
License: GPL-2
NeedsCompilation: no
Depends: rpart,pec,Ecdat
Imports: rpart.plot,survival, Rcpp
LazyData: no
LinkingTo: Rcpp
Packaged: 2014-08-19 18:15:30 UTC; Peter
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2014-08-19 22:25:27

More information about DStree at CRAN
Permanent link

Package pgnorm (with last version 1.1) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2012-05-14 1.1

Permanent link
Package mpmi (with last version 0.4) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2013-10-22 0.4
2013-08-27 0.03

Permanent link
Package pacose (with last version 1.4) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2013-02-08 1.4
2012-09-04 1.3

Permanent link
New package TDA with initial version 1.0
Package: TDA
Type: Package
Title: Statistical Tools for Topological Data Analysis
Version: 1.0
Date: 2014-08-01
Author: Brittany T. Fasy, Fabrizio Lecci
Maintainer: Fabrizio Lecci
Description: This package provides some tools for Topological Data Analysis. In particular it provides functions for the statistical analysis of persistent homology and for density clustering.
Depends: FNN, igraph, parallel, scales
License: GPL (>= 2.0)
Packaged: 2014-08-19 16:16:34 UTC; fabrizio
NeedsCompilation: yes
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2014-08-19 19:57:29

More information about TDA at CRAN
Permanent link

Package RcppArmadillo updated to version 0.4.400.0 with previous version 0.4.320.0 dated 2014-07-03

Title: Rcpp integration for Armadillo templated linear algebra library
Description: R and Armadillo integration using Rcpp Armadillo is a templated C++ linear algebra library (by Conrad Sanderson) that aims towards a good balance between speed and ease of use. Integer, floating point and complex numbers are supported, as well as a subset of trigonometric and statistics functions. Various matrix decompositions are provided through optional integration with LAPACK and ATLAS libraries. A delayed evaluation approach is employed (during compile time) to combine several operations into one, and to reduce (or eliminate) the need for temporaries. This is accomplished through recursive templates and template meta-programming. This library is useful if C++ has been decided as the language of choice (due to speed and/or integration capabilities), rather than another language. The RcppArmadillo package includes the header files from the templated Armadillo library. Thus users do not need to install Armadillo itself in order to use RcppArmadillo. This Armadillo integration provides a nice illustration of the capabilities of the Rcpp package for seamless R and C++ integration. Armadillo is licensed under the MPL 2.0, while RcppArmadillo (the Rcpp bindings/bridge to Armadillo) is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2 or later, as is the rest of Rcpp.
Author: Romain Francois, Dirk Eddelbuettel and Doug Bates
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel

Diff between RcppArmadillo versions 0.4.320.0 dated 2014-07-03 and 0.4.400.0 dated 2014-08-19

 ChangeLog                                             |   33 +
 DESCRIPTION                                           |   10 
 MD5                                                   |   99 +--
 build/vignette.rds                                    |binary
 inst/NEWS.Rd                                          |   18 
 inst/doc/RcppArmadillo-intro.pdf                      |binary
 inst/doc/RcppArmadillo-unitTests.R                    |   12 
 inst/doc/RcppArmadillo-unitTests.Rnw                  |   12 
 inst/doc/RcppArmadillo-unitTests.pdf                  |binary
 inst/include/RcppArmadilloAs.h                        |   28 
 inst/include/armadillo                                |   20 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/Base_bones.hpp            |    9 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/Base_meat.hpp             |   88 ++
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_bones.hpp            |    2 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_bones.hpp             |   89 ++
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp              |  448 +++++++++++++-
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/SpBase_bones.hpp          |    9 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/SpBase_meat.hpp           |   88 ++
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_bones.hpp           |   91 +-
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_iterators_meat.hpp  |  106 ++-
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/SpMat_meat.hpp            |  564 +++++++++---------
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/arma_ostream_meat.hpp     |   24 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/arma_version.hpp          |    4 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/compiler_setup.hpp        |    4 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/diskio_meat.hpp           |    2 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/fn_as_scalar.hpp          |    2 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/fn_clamp.hpp              |only
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/forward_bones.hpp         |    1 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_bones.hpp        |only
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_diag_meat.hpp         |only
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_misc_bones.hpp        |only
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/gmm_misc_meat.hpp         |only
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/mtOp_bones.hpp            |   12 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/mtOp_meat.hpp             |   12 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/op_clamp_bones.hpp        |only
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/op_clamp_meat.hpp         |only
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/op_dot_meat.hpp           |   37 -
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/op_max_bones.hpp          |   10 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/op_max_meat.hpp           |  174 +++++
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/op_min_bones.hpp          |   10 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/op_min_meat.hpp           |  178 +++++
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/running_stat_meat.hpp     |    2 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/running_stat_vec_meat.hpp |    4 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/spop_max_bones.hpp        |   21 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/spop_max_meat.hpp         |  504 ++++++++++++----
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/spop_min_bones.hpp        |   21 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/spop_min_meat.hpp         |  504 ++++++++++++----
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_bones.hpp    |    7 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/subview_cube_meat.hpp     |  164 +++--
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/subview_field_meat.hpp    |   21 
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/subview_meat.hpp          |  108 +--
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/unwrap.hpp                |    3 
 inst/unitTests/cpp/sparse.cpp                         |only
 inst/unitTests/runit.sparse.R                         |only
 vignettes/RcppArmadillo-unitTests.Rnw                 |   12 
 55 files changed, 2750 insertions(+), 817 deletions(-)

More information about RcppArmadillo at CRAN
Permanent link

Package mRMRe updated to version 2.0.5 with previous version 2.0.4 dated 2013-12-10

Title: R package for parallelized mRMR ensemble feature selection
Description: This package contains a set of function to compute mutual information matrices from continuous, categorical and survival variables. It also contains function to perform feature selection with mRMR and a new ensemble mRMR technique.
Author: Nicolas De Jay, Simon Papillon-Cavanagh, Catharina Olsen, Gianluca Bontempi, Benjamin Haibe-Kains
Maintainer: Benjamin Haibe-Kains

Diff between mRMRe versions 2.0.4 dated 2013-12-10 and 2.0.5 dated 2014-08-19

 DESCRIPTION                |   13 ++++-----
 MD5                        |   60 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 NAMESPACE                  |    5 +++
 README                     |only
 TODO                       |only
 build/vignette.rds         |binary
 data/cgps.rda              |binary
 inst/doc/mRMRe.R           |   26 +++++++++----------
 inst/doc/mRMRe.Rnw         |   23 +++++++----------
 inst/doc/mRMRe.pdf         |binary
 man/adjacencyMatrix.Rd     |    2 -
 man/causality.Rd           |    1 
 man/cgps.Rd                |    1 
 man/correlate.Rd           |    1 
 man/featureCount.Rd        |    1 
 man/featureData.Rd         |    1 
 man/featureNames.Rd        |    1 
 man/mRMRe.Data-class.Rd    |    2 +
 man/mRMRe.Filter-class.Rd  |    2 +
 man/mRMRe.Network-class.Rd |    2 +
 man/mim.Rd                 |    1 
 man/priors.Rd              |    1 
 man/sampleCount.Rd         |    1 
 man/sampleNames.Rd         |    1 
 man/sampleStrata.Rd        |    1 
 man/sampleWeights.Rd       |    1 
 man/scores.Rd              |    1 
 man/solutions.Rd           |    1 
 man/subsetData.Rd          |    1 
 man/target.Rd              |    1 
 man/visualize.Rd           |    2 -
 vignettes/mRMRe.Rnw        |   23 +++++++----------
 32 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)

More information about mRMRe at CRAN
Permanent link

Package gammSlice (with last version 1.2-6) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2012-05-06 1.2-6
2012-04-04 1.2-5

Permanent link
Package fracprolif (with last version 1.0.5) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2012-11-08 1.0.5
2012-07-20 1.0.4
2012-07-12 1.0.3
2012-04-27 1.0.2
2012-04-24 1.0.1

Permanent link
Package NetPreProc (with last version 1.0) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2012-02-23 1.0

Permanent link
Package Ace (with last version 0.0.8) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2012-01-27 0.0.8

Permanent link
Package CompRandFld (with last version 1.0.3) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2013-05-22 1.0.3
2012-04-13 1.0.2
2012-03-30 1.0.1
2011-09-10 1.0.0
2011-08-04 0.9.1
2010-11-30 0.9
2010-11-17 0.8
2010-11-09 0.6
2010-11-07 0.5
2010-10-26 0.4
2010-10-15 0.3
2010-10-01 0.2
2010-06-25 0.1

Permanent link
Package ARTIVA (with last version 1.2.2) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2013-09-09 1.2.2
2012-12-13 1.2.1
2012-08-30 1.2
2012-07-02 1.1

Permanent link
Package StreamingLm (with last version 0.1) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2011-11-14 0.1

Permanent link
Package SimHap (with last version 1.2.0) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2012-06-21 1.2.0

Permanent link
Package bionetdata (with last version 1.0) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2012-02-20 1.0

Permanent link
Package emg (with last version 1.0.5) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2012-01-04 1.0.5
2011-12-14 1.0.4
2011-12-05 1.0.3
2011-10-25 1.0.2
2010-08-31 1.0.1

Permanent link
Package spartan updated to version 2.1 with previous version 2.0 dated 2014-07-22

Title: Spartan (Simulation Parameter Analysis R Toolkit ApplicatioN)
Description: Computer simulations are becoming a popular technique to use in attempts to further our understanding of complex systems. SPARTAN, described in our 2013 publication in PLoS Computational Biology, provides code for four techniques described in available literature which aid the analysis of simulation results, at both single and multiple timepoints in the simulation run. The first technique addresses aleatory uncertainty in the system caused through inherent stochasticity, and determines the number of replicate runs necessary to generate a representative result. The second examines how robust a simulation is to parameter perturbation, through the use of a one-at-a-time parameter analysis technique. Thirdly, a latin hypercube based sensitivity analysis technique is included which can elucidate non-linear effects between parameters and indicate implications of epistemic uncertainty with reference to the system being modelled. Finally, a further sensitivity analysis technique, the extended Fourier Amplitude Sampling Test (eFAST) has been included to partition the variance in simulation results between input parameters, to determine the parameters which have a significant effect on simulation behaviour. Version 1.3 adds support for Netlogo simulations, aiding simulation developers who use Netlogo to build their simulations perform the same analyses. We have also added user support through the group spartan-group[AT]york[DOT]ac[DOT]uk. Version 2.0 added the ability to read all simulations in from a single CSV file in addition to the prescribed folder structure in previous versions.
Author: Kieran Alden, Mark Read, Paul Andrews, Jon Timmis, Henrique Veiga-Fernandes, Mark Coles
Maintainer: Kieran Alden

Diff between spartan versions 2.0 dated 2014-07-22 and 2.1 dated 2014-08-19

 spartan |only
 1 file changed

More information about spartan at CRAN
Permanent link

Package HSAUR3 updated to version 1.0-2 with previous version 1.0-1 dated 2014-06-26

Title: A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (3rd Edition)
Description: Functions, data sets, analyses and examples from the third edition of the book `A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R' (Torsten Hothorn and Brian S. Everitt, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2014). The first chapter of the book, which is entitled `An Introduction to R', is completely included in this package, for all other chapters, a vignette containing all data analyses is available. In addition, Sweave source code for slides of selected chapters is included in this package (see HSAUR3/inst/slides).
Author: Brian S. Everitt and Torsten Hothorn
Maintainer: Torsten Hothorn

Diff between HSAUR3 versions 1.0-1 dated 2014-06-26 and 1.0-2 dated 2014-08-19

 DESCRIPTION                                   |    8 -
 MD5                                           |  132 +++++++++++++-------------
 NAMESPACE                                     |    1 
 build/vignette.rds                            |binary
 data/BCG.rda                                  |binary
 data/CYGOB1.rda                               |binary
 data/Lanza.rda                                |binary
 data/birthdeathrates.rda                      |binary
 data/bladdercancer.rda                        |binary
 data/epilepsy.rda                             |binary
 data/foster.rda                               |binary
 data/heptathlon.rda                           |binary
 data/meteo.rda                                |binary
 data/orallesions.rda                          |binary
 data/phosphate.rda                            |binary
 data/pistonrings.rda                          |binary
 data/planets.rda                              |binary
 data/plasma.rda                               |binary
 data/polyps.rda                               |binary
 data/rearrests.rda                            |binary
 data/roomwidth.rda                            |binary
 data/schizophrenia.rda                        |binary
 data/schizophrenia2.rda                       |binary
 data/smoking.rda                              |binary
 data/students.rda                             |binary
 data/suicides.rda                             |binary
 data/toothpaste.rda                           |binary
 data/voting.rda                               |binary
 data/water.rda                                |binary
 data/watervoles.rda                           |binary
 data/waves.rda                                |binary
 data/weightgain.rda                           |binary
 inst/NEWS                                     |    6 +
 inst/doc/Ch_analysing_longitudinal_dataI.pdf  |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_analysing_longitudinal_dataII.pdf |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_analysis_of_variance.pdf          |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_bayesian_inference.Rnw            |   33 +++---
 inst/doc/Ch_bayesian_inference.pdf            |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_cluster_analysis.Rnw              |    2 
 inst/doc/Ch_cluster_analysis.pdf              |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_conditional_inference.pdf         |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_density_estimation.Rnw            |    2 
 inst/doc/Ch_density_estimation.pdf            |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_errata.pdf                        |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_gam.pdf                           |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_graphical_display.Rnw             |    6 -
 inst/doc/Ch_graphical_display.pdf             |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_introduction_to_R.Rnw             |    2 
 inst/doc/Ch_introduction_to_R.pdf             |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_logistic_regression_glm.pdf       |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_meta_analysis.pdf                 |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_missing_values.pdf                |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_multidimensional_scaling.pdf      |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_multiple_linear_regression.pdf    |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_principal_components_analysis.pdf |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_quantile_regression.Rnw           |    8 -
 inst/doc/Ch_quantile_regression.pdf           |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_recursive_partitioning.pdf        |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_simple_inference.pdf              |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_simultaneous_inference.pdf        |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_survival_analysis.pdf             |binary
 vignettes/Ch_bayesian_inference.Rnw           |   33 +++---
 vignettes/Ch_cluster_analysis.Rnw             |    2 
 vignettes/Ch_density_estimation.Rnw           |    2 
 vignettes/Ch_graphical_display.Rnw            |    6 -
 vignettes/Ch_introduction_to_R.Rnw            |    2 
 vignettes/Ch_quantile_regression.Rnw          |    8 -
 67 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-)

More information about HSAUR3 at CRAN
Permanent link

Package HSAUR2 updated to version 1.1-11 with previous version 1.1-10 dated 2014-06-24

Title: A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (2nd Edition)
Description: Functions, data sets, analyses and examples from the second edition of the book `A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R' (Brian S. Everitt and Torsten Hothorn, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2008). The first chapter of the book, which is entitled `An Introduction to R', is completely included in this package, for all other chapters, a vignette containing all data analyses is available. In addition, the package contains Sweave code for producing slides for selected chapters (see HSAUR2/inst/slides).
Author: Brian S. Everitt and Torsten Hothorn
Maintainer: Torsten Hothorn

Diff between HSAUR2 versions 1.1-10 dated 2014-06-24 and 1.1-11 dated 2014-08-19

 DESCRIPTION                                   |    8 +-
 MD5                                           |  102 +++++++++++++-------------
 NAMESPACE                                     |    1 
 build/vignette.rds                            |binary
 data/BCG.rda                                  |binary
 data/CYGOB1.rda                               |binary
 data/Lanza.rda                                |binary
 data/birthdeathrates.rda                      |binary
 data/bladdercancer.rda                        |binary
 data/epilepsy.rda                             |binary
 data/foster.rda                               |binary
 data/heptathlon.rda                           |binary
 data/meteo.rda                                |binary
 data/orallesions.rda                          |binary
 data/phosphate.rda                            |binary
 data/pistonrings.rda                          |binary
 data/planets.rda                              |binary
 data/plasma.rda                               |binary
 data/polyps.rda                               |binary
 data/rearrests.rda                            |binary
 data/roomwidth.rda                            |binary
 data/schizophrenia.rda                        |binary
 data/schizophrenia2.rda                       |binary
 data/smoking.rda                              |binary
 data/students.rda                             |binary
 data/suicides.rda                             |binary
 data/toothpaste.rda                           |binary
 data/voting.rda                               |binary
 data/water.rda                                |binary
 data/watervoles.rda                           |binary
 data/waves.rda                                |binary
 data/weightgain.rda                           |binary
 inst/NEWS                                     |    5 +
 inst/doc/Ch_analysing_longitudinal_dataI.pdf  |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_analysing_longitudinal_dataII.pdf |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_analysis_of_variance.pdf          |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_cluster_analysis.pdf              |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_conditional_inference.pdf         |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_density_estimation.pdf            |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_errata.pdf                        |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_gam.pdf                           |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_graphical_display.pdf             |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_introduction_to_R.pdf             |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_logistic_regression_glm.pdf       |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_meta_analysis.pdf                 |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_multidimensional_scaling.pdf      |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_multiple_linear_regression.pdf    |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_principal_components_analysis.pdf |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_recursive_partitioning.pdf        |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_simple_inference.pdf              |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_simultaneous_inference.pdf        |binary
 inst/doc/Ch_survival_analysis.pdf             |binary
 52 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)

More information about HSAUR2 at CRAN
Permanent link

Package HSAUR updated to version 1.3-4 with previous version 1.3-3 dated 2013-09-03

Title: A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R
Description: Functions, data sets, analyses and examples from the book `A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R' (Brian S. Everitt and Torsten Hothorn, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2006). The first chapter of the book, which is entitled `An Introduction to R', is completely included in this package, for all other chapters, a vignette containing all data analyses is available.
Author: Brian S. Everitt and Torsten Hothorn
Maintainer: Torsten Hothorn

Diff between HSAUR versions 1.3-3 dated 2013-09-03 and 1.3-4 dated 2014-08-19

 HSAUR-1.3-3/HSAUR/inst/CHANGES                                  |only
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/DESCRIPTION                                   |   16 +--
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/MD5                                           |   47 +++++-----
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/NAMESPACE                                     |    1 
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/build                                         |only
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/inst/NEWS                                     |only
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/inst/doc/Ch_analysing_longitudinal_dataI.pdf  |binary
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/inst/doc/Ch_analysing_longitudinal_dataII.pdf |binary
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/inst/doc/Ch_analysis_of_variance.pdf          |binary
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/inst/doc/Ch_cluster_analysis.pdf              |binary
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/inst/doc/Ch_conditional_inference.pdf         |binary
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/inst/doc/Ch_density_estimation.pdf            |binary
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/inst/doc/Ch_errata.pdf                        |binary
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/inst/doc/Ch_introduction_to_R.pdf             |binary
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/inst/doc/Ch_logistic_regression_glm.pdf       |binary
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/inst/doc/Ch_meta_analysis.pdf                 |binary
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/inst/doc/Ch_multidimensional_scaling.pdf      |binary
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/inst/doc/Ch_multiple_linear_regression.pdf    |binary
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/inst/doc/Ch_principal_components_analysis.pdf |binary
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/inst/doc/Ch_recursive_partitioning.pdf        |binary
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/inst/doc/Ch_simple_inference.pdf              |binary
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/inst/doc/Ch_survival_analysis.pdf             |binary
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/inst/doc/preface.R                            |only
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/inst/doc/preface.Rnw                          |only
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/inst/doc/preface.pdf                          |only
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/vignettes/LaTeXBibTeX/setup.Rnw               |    4 
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/vignettes/preface.Rnw                         |only
 HSAUR-1.3-4/HSAUR/vignettes/tables/rec.tex                      |    4 
 28 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

More information about HSAUR at CRAN
Permanent link

Package RefManageR updated to version 0.8.34 with previous version 0.8.32 dated 2014-08-15

Title: Straightforward BibTeX and BibLaTeX Bibliography Management
Description: RefManageR provides tools for importing and working with bibliographic references. It greatly enhances the bibentry class by providing a class BibEntry which stores BibTeX and BibLaTeX references, supports UTF-8 encoding, and can be easily searched by any field, by date ranges, and by various formats for name lists (author by last names, translator by full names, etc.). Entries can be updated, combined, sorted, printed in a number of styles, and exported. BibTeX and BibLaTeX .bib files can be read into R and converted to BibEntry objects. Interfaces to NCBI's Entrez, CrossRef, and Zotero are provided for importing references and references can be created from locally stored PDFs using Poppler. Includes functions for citing and generating a bibliography with hyperlinks for documents prepared with RMarkdown or RHTML.
Author: Mathew W. McLean [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Mathew W. McLean

Diff between RefManageR versions 0.8.32 dated 2014-08-15 and 0.8.34 dated 2014-08-19

 DESCRIPTION             |    8 ++++----
 MD5                     |   24 +++++++++++++-----------
 NAMESPACE               |    4 ++++
 R/GetDOIs.R             |only
 R/ReadCrossRef.R        |    6 +++---
 R/ReadPubMed.R          |   27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 inst/NEWS               |   18 +++++++++++++++++-
 inst/doc/manual.pdf     |binary
 man/GetDOIs.Rd          |only
 man/GetPubMedByID.Rd    |    3 ++-
 man/GetPubMedRelated.Rd |    6 +++---
 man/LookupPubMedID.Rd   |    3 ++-
 man/ReadCrossRef.Rd     |    8 +++++---
 man/ReadPubMed.Rd       |    3 ++-
 14 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

More information about RefManageR at CRAN
Permanent link

New package RcmdrPlugin.EcoVirtual with initial version 0.1
Package: RcmdrPlugin.EcoVirtual
Type: Package
Title: Rcmdr EcoVirtual Plugin
Version: 0.1
Date: 2014-08-15
Author: Alexandre Adalardo de Oliveira and Paulo Inacio Prado
Maintainer: Alexandre Adalardo de Oliveira
Depends: Rcmdr (>= 1.4-0), EcoVirtual
Description: This package provides an Rcmdr "plug-in" for the EcoVirtual package and was designed primarily for teaching ecological models using simulations.
License: GPL (>= 2)
URL: http://ecovirtual.ib.usp.br
LazyLoad: yes
Packaged: 2014-08-19 11:30:31 UTC; ale
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2014-08-19 15:12:37

More information about RcmdrPlugin.EcoVirtual at CRAN
Permanent link

Package laeken updated to version 0.4.6 with previous version 0.4.5 dated 2013-08-18

Title: Estimation of indicators on social exclusion and poverty
Description: Estimation of indicators on social exclusion and poverty, as well as Pareto tail modeling for empirical income distributions.
Author: Andreas Alfons [aut, cre], Josef Holzer [aut], Matthias Templ [aut]
Maintainer: Andreas Alfons

Diff between laeken versions 0.4.5 dated 2013-08-18 and 0.4.6 dated 2014-08-19

 DESCRIPTION                  |    8 -
 MD5                          |  107 ++++++++++----------
 NAMESPACE                    |    4 
 NEWS                         |  110 +++++++++++---------
 R/bootVar.R                  |  169 ++++++++++++++++++--------------
 R/calibVars.R                |   22 ++--
 R/paretoScale.R              |   40 +++----
 R/paretoTail.R               |  204 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 R/prop.R                     |only
 R/utils.R                    |   79 ++++++++-------
 build                        |only
 data/eusilc.RData            |binary
 data/ses.RData               |binary
 inst/doc/laeken-intro.pdf    |binary
 inst/doc/laeken-pareto.pdf   |binary
 inst/doc/laeken-standard.pdf |binary
 inst/doc/laeken-variance.pdf |binary
 man/arpr.Rd                  |  214 ++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 man/arpt.Rd                  |  137 ++++++++++++--------------
 man/bootVar.Rd               |  226 +++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 man/calibVars.Rd             |   73 ++++++-------
 man/calibWeights.Rd          |  186 ++++++++++++++++-------------------
 man/eqInc.Rd                 |  181 ++++++++++++++++------------------
 man/eqSS.Rd                  |  114 ++++++++++-----------
 man/fitPareto.Rd             |  211 ++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 man/gini.Rd                  |  194 ++++++++++++++++--------------------
 man/gpg.Rd                   |  222 ++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 man/incMean.Rd               |   96 ++++++++----------
 man/incMedian.Rd             |  126 +++++++++++------------
 man/incQuintile.Rd           |  136 +++++++++++--------------
 man/laeken-package.Rd        |   13 +-
 man/meanExcessPlot.Rd        |  173 +++++++++++++++-----------------
 man/minAMSE.Rd               |  217 +++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 man/paretoQPlot.Rd           |  151 ++++++++++++----------------
 man/paretoScale.Rd           |  109 +++++++++-----------
 man/paretoTail.Rd            |  176 +++++++++++++++------------------
 man/plot.paretoTail.Rd       |   56 ++++------
 man/prop.Rd                  |only
 man/qsr.Rd                   |  200 +++++++++++++++++---------------------
 man/replaceTail.Rd           |   56 +++++-----
 man/reweightOut.Rd           |   71 ++++++-------
 man/rmpg.Rd                  |  207 +++++++++++++++++----------------------
 man/shrinkOut.Rd             |   42 +++----
 man/thetaHill.Rd             |  141 +++++++++++++-------------
 man/thetaISE.Rd              |   99 ++++++++----------
 man/thetaLS.Rd               |  141 ++++++++++++--------------
 man/thetaMoment.Rd           |  131 +++++++++++-------------
 man/thetaPDC.Rd              |   99 ++++++++----------
 man/thetaQQ.Rd               |  130 +++++++++++-------------
 man/thetaTM.Rd               |  150 +++++++++++++---------------
 man/thetaWML.Rd              |  191 +++++++++++++++++-------------------
 man/utils.Rd                 |   99 ++++++++----------
 man/variance.Rd              |  164 +++++++++++++------------------
 man/weightedMean.Rd          |   75 +++++++-------
 man/weightedMedian.Rd        |   93 ++++++++---------
 man/weightedQuantile.Rd      |  102 +++++++++----------
 56 files changed, 2814 insertions(+), 3131 deletions(-)

More information about laeken at CRAN
Permanent link

Package FD updated to version 1.0-12 with previous version 1.0-11 dated 2011-03-21

Title: Measuring functional diversity (FD) from multiple traits, and other tools for functional ecology
Description: FD is a package to compute different multidimensional FD indices. It implements a distance-based framework to measure FD that allows any number and type of functional traits, and can also consider species relative abundances. It also contains other useful tools for functional ecology.
Author: Etienne Laliberté, Pierre Legendre, Bill Shipley
Maintainer: Etienne Laliberté

Diff between FD versions 1.0-11 dated 2011-03-21 and 1.0-12 dated 2014-08-19

 DESCRIPTION       |   17 +++----
 MD5               |only
 NAMESPACE         |    8 ++-
 R/dbFD.R          |    2 
 R/mahaldis.R      |only
 R/maxent.R        |    7 +--
 inst/CITATION     |   10 ++--
 inst/NEWS         |  123 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 man/FD-package.Rd |    6 +-
 man/mahaldis.Rd   |only
 10 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)

More information about FD at CRAN
Permanent link

New package BAT with initial version 1.0
Package: BAT
Title: Biodiversity Assessment Tools
Version: 1.0
Date: August, 19 2014
Author: Pedro Cardoso, Francois Rigal, Jose Carlos Carvalho
Maintainer: Pedro Cardoso
Description: This package introduces algorithms to assess alpha and beta diversity in all their dimensions (taxon, phylogenetic and functional diversity), whether communities are completely sampled or not. It allows performing a number of analyses based on either species identities or ultrametric trees depicting species relationships.
Depends: R (>= 3.0.0), vegan
License: GPL-3
LazyData: true
Packaged: 2014-08-19 09:16:58 UTC; pcardoso
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2014-08-19 13:42:14

More information about BAT at CRAN
Permanent link

Package rite updated to version 0.3.4 with previous version 0.3.1 dated 2014-02-24

Title: The Right Editor to Write R
Description: A simple yet powerful script editor built natively in R with tcltk.
Author: Thomas J. Leeper
Maintainer: Thomas J. Leeper

Diff between rite versions 0.3.1 dated 2014-02-24 and 0.3.4 dated 2014-08-19

 MD5         |   12 -
 NAMESPACE   |    2 
 NEWS        |    8 
 R/rite.r    |  584 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 README.md   |   20 +-
 man/rite.Rd |   66 +++---
 7 files changed, 412 insertions(+), 291 deletions(-)

More information about rite at CRAN
Permanent link

Package RcmdrPlugin.EZR updated to version 1.25 with previous version 1.24 dated 2014-04-22

Title: R Commander Plug-in for the EZR (Easy R) Package
Description: EZR (Easy R) adds a variety of statistical functions, including survival analyses, ROC analyses, metaanalyses, sample size calculation, and so on, to the R commander. EZR enables point-and-click easy access to statistical functions, especially for medical statistics. EZR is platform-independent and runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and UNIX. Its complete manual is available only in Japanese (Chugai Igakusha, ISBN-10: 4498109007), but an report that introduced the investigation of EZR was published in Bone Marrow Transplantation (Nature Publishing Group) as an Open article. This report can be used as a simple manual. It can be freely downloaded from the journal website as shown below.
Author: Yoshinobu Kanda
Maintainer: Yoshinobu Kanda

Diff between RcmdrPlugin.EZR versions 1.24 dated 2014-04-22 and 1.25 dated 2014-08-19

 DESCRIPTION                                 |    8 
 MD5                                         |   21 -
 NEWS                                        |   10 
 R/EZR.R                                     |  310 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 inst/CHANGES                                |    8 
 inst/doc/EZR.html                           |only
 inst/etc/menus.txt                          |    7 
 inst/po/ja/LC_MESSAGES/R-RcmdrPlugin.EZR.mo |binary
 man/EZR.Rd                                  |    4 
 man/EZR.dialogs.Rd                          |    3 
 man/Mantel.Byar.Rd                          |    6 
 po/R-RcmdrPlugin.EZR.po                     |   28 ++
 12 files changed, 341 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)

More information about RcmdrPlugin.EZR at CRAN
Permanent link

Package Sim.DiffProc updated to version 2.8 with previous version 2.7 dated 2014-07-13

Title: Simulation of Diffusion Processes
Description: The package Sim.DiffProc is an object created in R environment for simulation and modeling of stochastic differential equations (SDE's) the type Ito and Stratonovich. This package contains many objects, the numerical methods to find the solutions to SDE's (1, 2 and 3-dim), with a possibility for simulates a flows trajectories,with good accuracy. Many theoretical problems on the SDE's have become the object of practical research, as statistical analysis and simulation of solution of SDE's, enabled many searchers in different domains to use these equations to modeling and to analyse practical problems, in financial and actuarial modeling and other areas of application, for example modelling and simulate of dispersion in shallow water using the attractive center (Boukhetala K, 1996). We hope that the package presented here and the updated survey on the subject might be of help for practitioners, postgraduate and PhD students, and researchers in the field who might want to implement new methods.
Author: Arsalane Chouaib Guidoum, Kamal Boukhetala
Maintainer: Arsalane Chouaib Guidoum

Diff between Sim.DiffProc versions 2.7 dated 2014-07-13 and 2.8 dated 2014-08-19

 DESCRIPTION                 |   16 -
 LICENCE                     |    2 
 MD5                         |  111 ++++---
 NAMESPACE                   |   62 +++-
 NEWS                        |   47 +--
 R/ABM.R                     |    2 
 R/BB.R                      |    2 
 R/BM.R                      |    2 
 R/Euler.R                   |  135 ++-------
 R/GBM.R                     |    2 
 R/HWV.R                     |    2 
 R/Heun.R                    |  159 +++-------
 R/Milstein.R                |  123 ++------
 R/OU.R                      |    2 
 R/PredCorr.R                |  129 ++------
 R/RK.R                      |  177 ++----------
 R/SMilstein.R               |  150 ++--------
 R/STS.R                     |  172 ++++-------
 R/bridgesde.R               |   78 +++--
 R/fitsde.R                  |    2 
 R/ftpsde.R                  |  401 +++++++++++++++------------
 R/rsde.R                    |  263 ++++++++++--------
 R/snssde.R                  |  637 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 R/st.int.R                  |    2 
 R/utils.R                   |  602 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 R/zzz.r                     |only
 demo/Sim.DiffProc.R         |   54 ++-
 inst/CITATION               |    4 
 inst/doc/FitSDE.Rnw         |    4 
 inst/doc/FitSDE.pdf         |binary
 inst/doc/Introduction.Rnw   |    4 
 inst/doc/Introduction.pdf   |binary
 inst/doc/SDEs.R             |  143 ++++-----
 inst/doc/SDEs.Rnw           |  180 +++++-------
 inst/doc/SDEs.pdf           |binary
 man/Sim.DiffProc-package.Rd |  169 ++++++-----
 man/bridgesde1d.Rd          |    7 
 man/bridgesde2d.Rd          |   26 -
 man/fptsde1d.Rd             |   85 +++--
 man/fptsde2d.Rd             |   97 ++----
 man/fptsde3d.Rd             |  107 +++----
 man/rsde1d.Rd               |   42 +-
 man/rsde2d.Rd               |   51 +--
 man/rsde3d.Rd               |   83 ++---
 man/snssde1d.Rd             |   27 -
 man/snssde2d.Rd             |   82 +++--
 man/snssde3d.Rd             |   99 +++---
 src                         |only
 tests/bridgesde.R           |   16 -
 tests/fptsde.R              |   42 +-
 tests/rsde.R                |   47 ---
 tests/sde.R                 |   52 +--
 vignettes/Core_FitSDE.tex   |  213 --------------
 vignettes/FitSDE.Rnw        |    4 
 vignettes/Introduction.Rnw  |    4 
 vignettes/SDEs.Rnw          |  180 +++++-------
 56 files changed, 2698 insertions(+), 2404 deletions(-)

More information about Sim.DiffProc at CRAN
Permanent link

Package R6 updated to version 2.0 with previous version 1.0.1 dated 2014-07-17

Title: Classes with reference semantics
Description: The R6 package allows the creation of classes with reference semantics, similar to R's built-in reference classes. Compared to reference classes, R6 classes are simpler and lighter-weight, and they are not built on S4 classes so they do not require the methods package. These classes allow public and private members, and they support inheritance, even when the classes are defined in different packages.
Author: "Winston Chang" [aut, cre]
Maintainer: "Winston Chang"

Diff between R6 versions 1.0.1 dated 2014-07-17 and 2.0 dated 2014-08-19

 R6-1.0.1/R6/inst/doc/Performance.html                   |only
 R6-1.0.1/R6/tests/testthat/test-r6class.R               |only
 R6-2.0/R6/DESCRIPTION                                   |   12 
 R6-2.0/R6/MD5                                           |   42 
 R6-2.0/R6/NEWS                                          |only
 R6-2.0/R6/R/aaa.R                                       |only
 R6-2.0/R6/R/env_utils.R                                 |   53 -
 R6-2.0/R6/R/print.R                                     |   60 -
 R6-2.0/R6/R/r6_class.R                                  |  805 +++++++++++-----
 R6-2.0/R6/R/utils.R                                     |   69 -
 R6-2.0/R6/README.md                                     |   34 
 R6-2.0/R6/build/vignette.rds                            |binary
 R6-2.0/R6/inst/doc/Introduction.R                       |  162 ++-
 R6-2.0/R6/inst/doc/Introduction.Rmd                     |  232 +++-
 R6-2.0/R6/inst/doc/Introduction.html                    |  225 +++-
 R6-2.0/R6/inst/doc/Portable.R                           |only
 R6-2.0/R6/inst/doc/Portable.Rmd                         |only
 R6-2.0/R6/inst/doc/Portable.html                        |only
 R6-2.0/R6/man/R6Class.Rd                                |  372 ++++---
 R6-2.0/R6/tests/manual                                  |only
 R6-2.0/R6/tests/testthat/test-nonportable-inheritance.R |only
 R6-2.0/R6/tests/testthat/test-nonportable.R             |only
 R6-2.0/R6/tests/testthat/test-portable-inheritance.R    |only
 R6-2.0/R6/tests/testthat/test-portable.R                |only
 R6-2.0/R6/tests/testthat/test-set.R                     |only
 R6-2.0/R6/vignettes/Introduction.Rmd                    |  232 +++-
 R6-2.0/R6/vignettes/Portable.Rmd                        |only
 R6-2.0/R6/vignettes/mystyle.css                         |    4 
 28 files changed, 1671 insertions(+), 631 deletions(-)

More information about R6 at CRAN
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Package extlasso updated to version 0.2 with previous version 0.1 dated 2014-07-30

Title: Maximum penalized likelihood estimation with extended lasso penalty
Description: The package estimates coefficients of extended LASSO penalized linear regression and generalized linear models. Currently lasso and elastic net penalized linear regression and generalized linear models are considered. The package currently utilizes an accurate approximation of L1 penalty and then a modified Jacobi algorithm to estimate the coefficients. There is provision for plotting of the solutions and predictions of coefficients at given values of lambda. The package also contains functions for cross validation to select a suitable lambda value given the data. The package also provides a function for estimation in fused lasso penalized linear regression.
Author: B N Mandal and Jun Ma
Maintainer: B N Mandal

Diff between extlasso versions 0.1 dated 2014-07-30 and 0.2 dated 2014-08-19

 DESCRIPTION     |    8 ++++----
 MD5             |    8 ++++----
 NAMESPACE       |    4 ++--
 R/extlasso.R    |    2 +-
 man/extlasso.Rd |    4 ++--
 5 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

More information about extlasso at CRAN
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