Title: R Client for the MTurk Requester API
Diff between MTurkR versions 0.5.51 dated 2014-10-07 and 0.6 dated 2015-01-07
Description: Provides R access to the Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) Requester API.
Author: Thomas J. Leeper [aut, cre],
Solomon Messing [ctb],
Sean Murphy [ctb]
Maintainer: Thomas J. Leeper
MTurkR-0.5.51/MTurkR/R/mturkr.wizard.R |only
MTurkR-0.5.51/MTurkR/R/wizard.simple.R |only
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/DESCRIPTION | 8 -
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/MD5 | 54 ++++-----
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/NEWS | 30 +++++
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/R/ContactWorker.R | 66 +++--------
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/R/CreateQualificationType.R | 5
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/R/GenerateAnswerKey.R | 3
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/R/GenerateQualificationRequirement.R | 2
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/R/GetReviewResultsForHIT.R | 83 +++++++++-----
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/R/SendTestEventNotification.R | 2
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/R/UpdateQualificationType.R | 3
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/R/asdataframe.R | 62 ++++------
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/R/onLoad.r | 5
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/R/wizard.R |only
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/R/wizardsimple.R |only
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/README.md | 2
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/inst/templates/htmlquestion1.xml | 6 -
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/man/CreateHIT.Rd | 62 +++++++---
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/man/CreateQualificationType.Rd | 33 ++---
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/man/GenerateHTMLQuestion.Rd | 10 +
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/man/GenerateNotification.Rd | 2
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/man/GenerateQualificationRequirement.Rd | 5
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/man/GenerateReviewPolicy.Rd | 14 +-
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/man/GetFileUpload.Rd | 4
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/man/GetReviewResultsForHIT.Rd | 4
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/man/GrantQualification.Rd | 6 -
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/man/RejectQualification.Rd | 4
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/man/SendTestEventNotification.Rd | 6 -
MTurkR-0.6/MTurkR/man/SetHITTypeNotification.Rd | 32 ++++-
30 files changed, 304 insertions(+), 209 deletions(-)
Title: Various R Programming Tools for Plotting Data
Diff between gplots versions 2.15.0 dated 2014-12-02 and 2.16.0 dated 2015-01-07
Description: Various R programming tools for plotting data
Author: Gregory R. Warnes, Ben Bolker, Lodewijk Bonebakker, Robert
Gentleman, Wolfgang Huber Andy Liaw, Thomas Lumley, Martin
Maechler, Arni Magnusson, Steffen Moeller, Marc Schwartz, Bill
Maintainer: Gregory R. Warnes
ChangeLog | 23 +++++++++++++++++
DESCRIPTION | 12 ++++-----
MD5 | 18 ++++++-------
NEWS | 14 ++++++++++
R/plotmeans.R | 70 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------
build/vignette.rds |binary
inst/ChangeLog | 23 +++++++++++++++++
inst/NEWS | 14 ++++++++++
inst/doc/venn.pdf |binary
man/plotmeans.Rd | 46 +++++++++++++++-------------------
10 files changed, 134 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)
Title: Likelihood-ratio Tests for Two-Sample Comparisons
Diff between tsc versions 1.0-2 dated 2015-01-04 and 1.0-3 dated 2015-01-07
Description: Performs the two-sample comparisons using the following exact test procedures: the exact likelihood-ratio test (LRT) for equality of two normal populations proposed in Zhang et al. (2012); the combined test based on the LRT and Shapiro-Wilk test for normality via the Bonferroni correction technique; the newly proposed density-based empirical likelihood (DBEL) ratio test. To calculate p-values of the DBEL procedures, three procedures are used: (a) the traditional Monte Carlo (MC) method implemented in C++, (b) a new interpolation method based on regression techniques to operate with tabulated critical values of the test statistic; (c) a Bayesian type method that uses the tabulated critical values as the prior information and MC generated DBEL-test-statistic's values as data.
Author: Yang Zhao, Albert Vexler, Alan Hutson
Maintainer: Yang Zhao
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++---
MD5 | 4 ++--
man/tsc.test.Rd | 2 +-
3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
Title: Generalized Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Diff between gdimap versions 0.1-8 dated 2014-11-07 and 0.1-9 dated 2015-01-07
Description: Diffusion anisotropy has been used to characterize
white matter neuronal pathways in the human brain, and infer global
connectivity in the central nervous system. The package implements
algorithms to estimate and visualize the orientation of neuronal
pathways in model-free methods (q-space imaging methods).
For estimating fibre orientations two methods have been
implemented. One method implements fibre orientation detection
through local maxima extraction. A second more robust method
is based on directional statistical clustering of ODF voxel data.
Fibre orientations in multiple fibre voxels are estimated using
a mixture of von Mises-Fisher (vMF) distributions. This statistical
estimation procedure is used to resolve crossing fibre
Reconstruction of orientation distribution function (ODF)
profiles may be performed using the standard generalized
q-sampling imaging (GQI) approach, Garyfallidis' GQI (GQI2)
approach, or Aganj's variant of the Q-ball imaging (CSA-QBI)
approach. Procedures for the visualization of RGB-maps,
line-maps and glyph-maps of real diffusion magnetic resonance
imaging (dMRI) data-sets are included in the package.
Author: Adelino Ferreira da Silva
Maintainer: Adelino Ferreira da Silva
gdimap-0.1-8/gdimap/R/niisetup.R |only
gdimap-0.1-8/gdimap/man/niisetup.Rd |only
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/DESCRIPTION | 13 -
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/MD5 | 76 +++----
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/NAMESPACE | 8
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/NEWS | 12 +
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/R/gdiutils.R | 2
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/R/gqi.odfpeaklines.R | 189 +++++++++++--------
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/R/gqi.odfpeaks.R | 44 ++--
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/R/gqi.odfvmf.R | 80 +++-----
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/R/gqi.odfvmflines.R | 257 ++++++++++++++------------
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/R/gqi.odfvxgrid.R | 42 +---
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/R/niinorm.R | 22 +-
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/R/plotglyph.R | 2
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/R/readutils.R | 67 ++++++
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/R/rgbvolmap.R | 12 -
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/R/s2tessel.zorder.R | 2
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/R/simul.fandtasia.R | 35 +--
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/R/simul.fandtasiaSignal.R | 11 -
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/R/simul.simplefield.R | 33 +--
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/R/sph.odfpeaklines.R | 173 +++++++++--------
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/R/sph.odfpeaks.R | 44 +---
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/R/sph.odfvmf.R | 76 +++----
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/R/sph.odfvmflines.R | 234 ++++++++++++-----------
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/R/sph.odfvxgrid.R | 44 +---
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/R/synthfiberss2z.R | 2
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/man/data.Rd | 2
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/man/data_gfa.Rd | 2
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/man/gdimap-package.Rd | 12 -
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/man/gqi.odfpeaklines.Rd | 13 -
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/man/gqi.odfpeaks.Rd | 2
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/man/gqi.odfvmf.Rd | 6
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/man/gqi.odfvmflines.Rd | 38 +--
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/man/gqi.odfvxgrid.Rd | 2
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/man/niinorm.Rd | 2
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/man/simulglyph.vmf.Rd | 4
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/man/slfcst.Rd | 2
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/man/sph.odfpeaklines.Rd | 7
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/man/sph.odfvmf.Rd | 2
gdimap-0.1-9/gdimap/man/sph.odfvmflines.Rd | 18 +
40 files changed, 844 insertions(+), 748 deletions(-)
Title: R Graphics Output in LaTeX Format
Diff between tikzDevice versions 0.8 dated 2015-01-07 and 0.8.1 dated 2015-01-07
Description: The tikzDevice package provides a graphics output device for R
that records plots in a LaTeX-friendly format. The device transforms
plotting commands issued by R functions into LaTeX code blocks. When
included in a paper typeset by LaTeX, these blocks are interpreted with the
help of TikZ---a graphics package for TeX and friends written by Till
Tantau. Using the tikzDevice, the text of R plots can contain LaTeX
commands such as mathematical formula. The device also allows arbitrary
LaTeX code to be inserted into the output stream.
Author: Charlie Sharpsteen [aut],
Cameron Bracken [aut],
Kirill Müller [ctb, cre],
Yihui Xie [ctb]
Maintainer: Kirill Müller
tikzDevice-0.8.1/tikzDevice/DESCRIPTION | 6
tikzDevice-0.8.1/tikzDevice/MD5 | 234 ------------
tikzDevice-0.8.1/tikzDevice/inst/NEWS.Rd | 13
tikzDevice-0.8.1/tikzDevice/inst/doc/tikzDevice.pdf |binary
tikzDevice-0.8.1/tikzDevice/src/tikzDevice.c | 4
tikzDevice-0.8.1/tikzDevice/src/tikzDevice.h | 4
tikzDevice-0.8.1/tikzDevice/vignettes/figs/annotation.tex | 78 ++--
tikzDevice-0.8.1/tikzDevice/vignettes/figs/latexEx.tex | 84 ++--
tikzDevice-0.8.1/tikzDevice/vignettes/figs/pdf-example.pdf |binary
tikzDevice-0.8.1/tikzDevice/vignettes/figs/simpleEx.tex | 2
tikzDevice-0.8.1/tikzDevice/vignettes/figs/tikz-example.tex | 2
tikzDevice-0.8.1/tikzDevice/vignettes/figs/titlePlot.tex | 2
tikzDevice-0.8.1/tikzDevice/vignettes/figs/westCoast.tex | 2
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/tests/testthat/test_output |only
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/tests/testthat/test_work |only
15 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 312 deletions(-)
Title: An Interruptible Progress Bar with OpenMP Support for C++ in R
Diff between RcppProgress versions 0.1 dated 2013-05-10 and 0.2 dated 2015-01-07
Description: This package allows to display a progress bar in the R
console for long running computations taking place in c++ code,
and support for interrupting those computations even in multithreaded
code, typically using OpenMP.
Author: Karl Forner
Maintainer: Karl Forner
RcppProgress-0.1/RcppProgress/Makefile |only
RcppProgress-0.1/RcppProgress/README |only
RcppProgress-0.1/RcppProgress/cleanup |only
RcppProgress-0.2/RcppProgress/DESCRIPTION | 25 +++----
RcppProgress-0.2/RcppProgress/MD5 | 33 ++++++----
RcppProgress-0.2/RcppProgress/NAMESPACE | 1
RcppProgress-0.2/RcppProgress/README.md |only
RcppProgress-0.2/RcppProgress/inst/examples/RcppProgressArmadillo |only
RcppProgress-0.2/RcppProgress/inst/examples/RcppProgressExample/DESCRIPTION | 2
RcppProgress-0.2/RcppProgress/inst/examples/RcppProgressExample/src/example.cpp | 13 +--
RcppProgress-0.2/RcppProgress/inst/examples/dev.R |only
RcppProgress-0.2/RcppProgress/inst/include/interruptable_progress_monitor.hpp | 17 +++--
RcppProgress-0.2/RcppProgress/inst/include/interrupts.hpp | 6 +
RcppProgress-0.2/RcppProgress/inst/include/progress.hpp | 29 +++++---
RcppProgress-0.2/RcppProgress/man/RcppProgress-package.Rd | 27 ++++++--
RcppProgress-0.2/RcppProgress/src/Makevars | 2
RcppProgress-0.2/RcppProgress/src/tests.cpp | 7 --
17 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)
Title: Plot a Model's Response While Varying the Values of the
Diff between plotmo versions 2.2.0 dated 2014-12-10 and 2.2.1 dated 2015-01-07
Description: Plot a model's response when varying one or two predictors
while holding the other predictors constant. A poor man's
partial dependence plot.
Author: Stephen Milborrow
Maintainer: Stephen Milborrow
MD5 | 18 -
NEWS | 8
R/lib.R | 2
R/plotmo.R | 80 +++++---
inst/doc/plotmo-notes.pdf |binary
inst/slowtests/test.plotmo.R | 12 +
inst/slowtests/test.plotmo.Rout.save | 242 ++++++++++++-------------
inst/slowtests/test.plotmo.non.earth.Rout.save | 49 +----
man/plotmo.Rd | 3
10 files changed, 225 insertions(+), 195 deletions(-)
Title: CUDA Parallel Implementation of a Bayesian Multilevel Model for
fMRI Data Analysis
Diff between cudaBayesreg versions 0.3-15 dated 2014-03-03 and 0.3-16 dated 2015-01-07
Description: Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) is a software
platform for massively parallel high-performance computing on
NVIDIA GPUs. This package provides a CUDA implementation of a
Bayesian multilevel model for the analysis of brain fMRI data.
A fMRI data set consists of time series of volume data in 4D
space. Typically, volumes are collected as slices of 64 x 64
voxels. Analysis of fMRI data often relies on fitting linear
regression models at each voxel of the brain. The volume of the
data to be processed, and the type of statistical analysis to
perform in fMRI analysis, call for high-performance computing
strategies. In this package, the CUDA programming model uses a
separate thread for fitting a linear regression model at each
voxel in parallel. The global statistical model implements a
Gibbs Sampler for hierarchical linear models with a normal
prior. This model has been proposed by Rossi, Allenby and
McCulloch in `Bayesian Statistics and Marketing', Chapter 3,
and is referred to as `rhierLinearModel' in the R-package
bayesm. A notebook equipped with a NVIDIA `GeForce 8400M GS'
card having Compute Capability 1.1 has been used in the tests.
The data sets used in the package's examples are available in
the separate package cudaBayesregData.
Author: Adelino Ferreira da Silva
Maintainer: Adelino Ferreira da Silva
DESCRIPTION | 12 ++++++------
MD5 | 4 ++--
NEWS | 4 ++++
3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
Title: Spatial Dependence: Weighting Schemes, Statistics and Models
Diff between spdep versions 0.5-81 dated 2015-01-06 and 0.5-82 dated 2015-01-07
Description: A collection of functions to create spatial weights matrix
objects from polygon contiguities, from point patterns by distance and
tessellations, for summarizing these objects, and for permitting their
use in spatial data analysis, including regional aggregation by minimum
spanning tree; a collection of tests for spatial autocorrelation,
including global Moran's I, APLE, Geary's C, Hubert/Mantel general cross
product statistic, Empirical Bayes estimates and Assunção/Reis Index,
Getis/Ord G and multicoloured join count statistics, local Moran's I
and Getis/Ord G, saddlepoint approximations and exact tests for global
and local Moran's I; and functions for estimating spatial simultaneous
autoregressive (SAR) lag and error models, impact measures for lag
models, weighted and unweighted SAR and CAR spatial regression models,
semi-parametric and Moran eigenvector spatial filtering, GM SAR error
models, and generalized spatial two stage least squares models.
Author: Roger Bivand [cre, aut],
Micah Altman [ctb],
Luc Anselin [ctb],
Renato Assunção [ctb],
Olaf Berke [ctb],
Andrew Bernat [ctb],
Guillaume Blanchet [ctb],
Eric Blankmeyer [ctb],
Marilia Carvalho [ctb],
Bjarke Christensen [ctb],
Yongwan Chun [ctb],
Carsten Dormann [ctb],
Stéphane Dray [ctb],
Virgilio Gómez-Rubio [ctb],
Rein Halbersma [ctb],
Elias Krainski [ctb],
Pierre Legendre [ctb],
Nicholas Lewin-Koh [ctb],
Hongfei Li [ctb],
Jielai Ma [ctb],
Giovanni Millo [ctb],
Werner Mueller [ctb],
Hisaji Ono [ctb],
Pedro Peres-Neto [ctb],
Gianfranco Piras [ctb],
Markus Reder [ctb],
Michael Tiefelsdorf [ctb],
Danlin Yu [ctb]
Maintainer: Roger Bivand
ChangeLog | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 | 32 ++++++++++++++++----------------
R/jacobian.R | 6 +++---
R/moran.R | 3 ++-
inst/ChangeLog | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
inst/doc/CO69.pdf |binary
inst/doc/SpatialFiltering.pdf |binary
inst/doc/nb.pdf |binary
inst/doc/nb_igraph.R | 10 +++++-----
inst/doc/nb_igraph.Rmd | 12 ++++++------
inst/doc/nb_igraph.html | 23 ++++++-----------------
inst/doc/sids.pdf |binary
man/eigenw.Rd | 3 ++-
man/errorsarlm.Rd | 15 ++++++++++++++-
man/moran.mc.Rd | 3 ++-
vignettes/nb_igraph.Rmd | 12 ++++++------
17 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)
Title: A Toolkit for Recursive Partytioning
Diff between partykit versions 0.8-3 dated 2014-12-15 and 0.8-4 dated 2015-01-07
Description: A toolkit with infrastructure for representing, summarizing, and
visualizing tree-structured regression and classification models. This
unified infrastructure can be used for reading/coercing tree models from
different sources (rpart, RWeka, PMML) yielding objects that share
functionality for print/plot/predict methods. Furthermore, new and improved
reimplementations of conditional inference trees (ctree) and model-based
recursive partitioning (mob) from the party package are provided based
on the new infrastructure.
Author: Torsten Hothorn [aut, cre],
Achim Zeileis [aut]
Maintainer: Torsten Hothorn
partykit-0.8-3/partykit/inst/NEWS |only
partykit-0.8-3/partykit/src/party.h |only
partykit-0.8-3/partykit/src/partycall.c |only
partykit-0.8-3/partykit/src/partynode.c |only
partykit-0.8-3/partykit/src/partynode.h |only
partykit-0.8-3/partykit/src/partysplit.c |only
partykit-0.8-3/partykit/src/partysplit.h |only
partykit-0.8-3/partykit/src/partyutils.c |only
partykit-0.8-3/partykit/src/partyutils.h |only
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/DESCRIPTION | 10
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/MD5 | 66 +++---
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/NAMESPACE | 7
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/R/as.party.R | 2
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/R/cforest.R |only
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/R/ctree.R | 29 ++
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/R/glmtree.R | 4
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/R/lmtree.R | 4
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/R/modelparty.R | 177 +++++++++++------
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/R/plot.R | 2
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/inst/NEWS.Rd |only
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/inst/doc/constparty.pdf |binary
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/inst/doc/ctree.R | 2
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/inst/doc/ctree.Rnw | 2
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/inst/doc/ctree.pdf |binary
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/inst/doc/mob.Rnw | 6
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/inst/doc/mob.pdf |binary
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/inst/doc/partykit.pdf |binary
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/inst/tmp |only
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/man/cforest.Rd |only
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/man/ctree.Rd | 4
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/man/ctree_control.Rd | 10
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/man/glmtree.Rd | 7
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/man/lmtree.Rd | 7
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/man/mob.Rd | 7
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/man/mob_control.Rd | 14 +
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/man/panelfunctions.Rd | 2
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/man/party-plot.Rd | 2
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/vignettes/constparty.Rout.save |only
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/vignettes/ctree.Rnw | 2
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/vignettes/ctree.Rout.save |only
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/vignettes/mob.Rnw | 6
partykit-0.8-4/partykit/vignettes/partykit.Rout.save |only
42 files changed, 243 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-)
Title: Multilevel Joint Modelling Multiple Imputation
Diff between jomo versions 0.1-1 dated 2014-12-16 and 0.1-2 dated 2015-01-07
Description: Building on Schafer's package pan and on the standalone program REALCOM, jomo is a package for multilevel joint modelling multiple imputation.
Binary and categorical variables are handled through latent normal variables and algorithms for cluster-specific covariance matrices are introduced.
Author: Matteo Quartagno, James Carpenter
Maintainer: Matteo Quartagno
DESCRIPTION | 14 +++++++-------
MD5 | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
R/jomo1cat.R | 2 +-
R/jomo1mix.R | 2 +-
R/jomo1rancat.R | 4 ++--
R/jomo1rancathr.R | 4 ++--
R/jomo1rancon.R | 2 +-
R/jomo1ranconhr.R | 2 +-
R/jomo1ranmix.R | 4 ++--
R/jomo1ranmixhr.R | 4 ++--
man/jomo1rancat.Rd | 4 ++--
man/jomo1rancathr.Rd | 6 +++---
man/jomo1rancon.Rd | 4 ++--
man/jomo1ranconhr.Rd | 6 +++---
man/jomo1ranmix.Rd | 4 ++--
man/jomo1ranmixhr.Rd | 6 +++---
src/Makevars | 2 +-
src/jomo1rancon.c | 2 +-
src/jomo1ranconhf.c | 2 +-
src/jomo1ranconhr.c | 2 +-
src/jomo1ranmix.c | 2 +-
src/jomo1ranmix2.c | 2 +-
src/jomo1ranmixhr.c | 2 +-
23 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
Title: Plots of the Empirical Attainment Function
Diff between eaf versions 1.06 dated 2014-10-01 and 1.07 dated 2015-01-07
Description: Plots of the empirical attainment function for two objectives.
Author: Carlos Fonseca, Luis Paquete, Thomas Stützle, Manuel López-Ibáñez and Marco Chiarandini.
Maintainer: Manuel López-Ibáñez
eaf-1.06/eaf/inst/scripts/eaf/Makefile |only
eaf-1.07/eaf/DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
eaf-1.07/eaf/MD5 | 10 +++++-----
eaf-1.07/eaf/NEWS | 6 ++++++
eaf-1.07/eaf/inst/scripts/eaf/GNUmakefile |only
eaf-1.07/eaf/inst/scripts/eaf/svn_version | 2 +-
eaf-1.07/eaf/man/eaf-package.Rd | 4 ++--
7 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2013-01-09 0.0-32
2012-02-24 0.0-31
2010-08-11 0.0-29
2009-08-04 0.0-27
Title: Meta-Analysis with R
Diff between meta versions 4.0-2 dated 2014-12-06 and 4.0-3 dated 2015-01-07
Description: User-friendly general package providing standard methods for meta-analysis:
- fixed effect and random effects meta-analysis;
- several plots (forest, funnel, Galbraith / radial, L'Abbe, Baujat, bubble);
- statistical tests and trim-and-fill method to evaluate bias in meta-analysis;
- import data from RevMan 5;
- prediction interval, Hartung-Knapp and Paule-Mandel method for random effects model;
- cumulative meta-analysis and leave-one-out meta-analysis;
- meta-regression (if R package metafor is installed).
Author: Guido Schwarzer [cre, aut]
Maintainer: Guido Schwarzer
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 | 6 +++---
NEWS | 8 ++++++++
R/metabin.R | 4 ++++
4 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
Title: Comparing Correlations
Diff between cocor versions 1.0-0 dated 2013-09-21 and 1.1-0 dated 2015-01-07
Description: Statistical tests for the comparison between two correlations
based on either independent or dependent groups. Dependent correlations can
either be overlapping or nonoverlapping. A web interface is available at
http://comparingcorrelations.org. A plugin for RKWard is included. RKWard
can be obtained freely from http://rkward.sf.net.
Author: Birk Diedenhofen [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Birk Diedenhofen
ChangeLog | 15
MD5 | 46 -
R/0helper.r | 32 -
R/as.htest.r | 49 -
R/cocor-package.R | 14
R/cocor.dep.groups.nonoverlap.r | 17
R/cocor.dep.groups.overlap.r | 14
R/cocor.indep.groups.r | 22
R/cocor.r | 42 -
R/get.cocor.input.r |only
R/get.cocor.results.r |only
inst/CITATION | 22
inst/rkward/cocor.pluginmap | 6
inst/rkward/rkwarddev.cocor.plugin.script.R | 6
inst/tests/test.r | 80 ++
man/aptitude.Rd | 3
man/as.htest.Rd | 50 -
man/cocor-package.Rd | 27
man/cocor.Rd | 147 +----
man/cocor.dep.groups.nonoverlap.Rd | 503 +++++++----------
man/cocor.dep.groups.overlap.Rd | 788 +++++++++++-----------------
man/cocor.indep.groups.Rd | 247 +++-----
man/get.cocor.input.Rd |only
man/get.cocor.results.Rd |only
26 files changed, 976 insertions(+), 1190 deletions(-)
Title: Utilities from Seminar fuer Statistik ETH Zurich
Diff between sfsmisc versions 1.0-26 dated 2014-06-16 and 1.0-27 dated 2015-01-07
Description: Useful utilities ['goodies'] from Seminar fuer Statistik ETH
Zurich, quite a few related to graphics; many ported from S-plus times.
Author: Martin Maechler et al.
Maintainer: Martin Maechler
sfsmisc-1.0-26/sfsmisc/NEWS |only
sfsmisc-1.0-26/sfsmisc/inst/NEWS |only
sfsmisc-1.0-26/sfsmisc/inst/doc |only
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/ChangeLog | 16 ++++++-
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/DESCRIPTION | 12 ++---
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/MD5 | 62 ++++++++++++++--------------
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/NAMESPACE | 6 +-
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/R/Ftest-rlm.R | 4 -
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/R/KS-confint.R | 2
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/R/TA.plot.R | 1
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/R/mat2tex.R | 6 +-
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/R/misc-goodies.R | 3 -
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/R/missingCh.R |only
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/R/p.goodies.R | 1
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/R/p.res.2x.formula.R | 40 +-----------------
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/R/prettylab.R | 30 +++++++++----
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/R/prime-numbers-fn.R | 4 -
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/R/ps.goodies.R |binary
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/R/rot13.R |only
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/R/sourceAttach.R | 2
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/R/tkdensity.R | 4 -
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/README.md |only
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/TODO |only
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/demo/prime-numbers.R | 2
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/inst/ChangeLog | 16 ++++++-
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/inst/NEWS.Rd |only
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/man/Deprecated.Rd | 10 +---
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/man/QUnif.Rd | 2
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/man/diagDA.Rd | 9 +++-
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/man/eaxis.Rd | 17 ++++++-
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/man/ecdf.ksCI.Rd | 2
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/man/mat2tex.Rd | 6 ++
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/man/missingCh.Rd |only
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/man/p.hboxp.Rd | 4 -
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/man/pretty10exp.Rd | 24 ++++++++--
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/man/rot13.Rd |only
sfsmisc-1.0-27/sfsmisc/man/u.assign0.Rd | 4 +
37 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-)
Title: Read Data Stored by Minitab, S, SAS, SPSS, Stata, Systat, Weka,
dBase, ...
Diff between foreign versions 0.8-61 dated 2014-03-28 and 0.8-62 dated 2015-01-07
Description: Functions for reading and writing data stored by some versions of
Epi Info, Minitab, S, SAS, SPSS, Stata, Systat and Weka
and for reading and writing some dBase files.
Author: R Core Team [aut, cph, cre],
Roger Bivand [ctb, cph],
Vincent J. Carey [ctb, cph],
Saikat DebRoy [ctb, cph],
Stephen Eglen [ctb, cph],
Rajarshi Guha [ctb, cph],
Nicholas Lewin-Koh [ctb, cph],
Mark Myatt [ctb, cph],
Ben Pfaff [ctb],
Brian Quistorff [ctb],
Frank Warmerdam [ctb, cph],
Stephen Weigand [ctb, cph],
Free Software Foundation, Inc. [cph]
Maintainer: R Core Team
ChangeLog | 20 ++++++++++++++++++--
DESCRIPTION | 16 ++++++++--------
MD5 | 18 +++++++++---------
R/octave.R | 4 ++--
man/lookup.xport.Rd | 4 ++--
man/read.S.Rd | 2 +-
man/read.epiinfo.Rd | 2 +-
man/read.spss.Rd | 2 +-
man/read.ssd.Rd | 4 ++--
man/read.xport.Rd | 4 ++--
10 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
Title: Bindings to OpenSSL
Diff between openssl versions 0.2 dated 2014-11-07 and 0.3 dated 2015-01-07
Description: Interfaces to the OpenSSL libraries libssl and libcrypto.
Currently implements bindings to the OpenSSL secure random number
generator and hashing functions.
Author: Jeroen Ooms, Oliver Keyes
Maintainer: Jeroen Ooms
openssl-0.2/openssl/R/random_num.R |only
openssl-0.2/openssl/man/rand_num.Rd |only
openssl-0.3/openssl/DESCRIPTION | 16 ++++++------
openssl-0.3/openssl/LICENSE | 4 +--
openssl-0.3/openssl/MD5 | 45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
openssl-0.3/openssl/NAMESPACE | 17 +++++++++++-
openssl-0.3/openssl/R/hash.R |only
openssl-0.3/openssl/R/onload.R |only
openssl-0.3/openssl/R/openssl.R | 41 +++++++-----------------------
openssl-0.3/openssl/R/rand_bytes.R |only
openssl-0.3/openssl/R/stream.R |only
openssl-0.3/openssl/build |only
openssl-0.3/openssl/configure | 10 +++----
openssl-0.3/openssl/inst |only
openssl-0.3/openssl/man/hash.Rd |only
openssl-0.3/openssl/man/openssl.Rd |only
openssl-0.3/openssl/man/rand_bytes.Rd | 30 +++++++++++++++++-----
openssl-0.3/openssl/src/Makevars | 3 ++
openssl-0.3/openssl/src/Makevars.win | 2 -
openssl-0.3/openssl/src/digest.c |only
openssl-0.3/openssl/src/onload.c |only
openssl-0.3/openssl/src/rand_bytes.c | 4 ---
openssl-0.3/openssl/src/stream.c |only
openssl-0.3/openssl/tests |only
openssl-0.3/openssl/tools/winlibs.R | 11 +++++---
openssl-0.3/openssl/vignettes |only
26 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)
Title: Multichannel Wavelet Deconvolution with Additive Long Memory
Diff between mwaved versions 1.1.0 dated 2014-10-13 and 1.1.1 dated 2015-01-07
Description: Computes the Wavelet deconvolution estimate of a common signal
present in multiple channels that have possible different levels of blur
and long memory additive error.
Author: Justin Rory Wishart
Maintainer: Justin Rory Wishart
DESCRIPTION | 18 ++---
MD5 | 75 +++++++++++------------
NAMESPACE | 60 +++++++++---------
NEWS | 8 ++
R/functions.R | 9 +-
R/makeFunctions.R | 2
R/utility-mwaved.R | 141 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
README.md | 2
build/vignette.rds |binary
inst/doc/mWaveD.R | 1
inst/doc/mWaveD.Rmd | 3
inst/doc/mWaveD.html | 109 ++++++++++++++++------------------
man/blurSignal.Rd | 3
man/boxcarBlur.Rd | 3
man/detectBlur.Rd | 3
man/directBlur.Rd | 3
man/gammaBlur.Rd | 3
man/mWaveDDemo.Rd | 3
man/makeSignals.Rd | 3
man/multiCoef.Rd | 5 -
man/multiEstimate.Rd | 5 -
man/multiNoise.Rd | 3
man/multiProj.Rd | 3
man/multiSigma.Rd | 3
man/multiThresh.Rd | 3
man/multiWaveD.Rd | 5 -
man/mwaved.Rd | 3
man/plot.mWaveD.Rd | 3
man/plot.waveletCoef.Rd | 3
man/resolutionMethod.Rd | 3
man/sigmaSNR.Rd | 3
man/summary.mWaveD.Rd | 3
man/theoreticalEta.Rd | 3
man/waveletThresh.Rd | 5 -
src/Makevars.in | 2
src/mwaved.cpp | 10 +--
tests/testthat/test-exact.R |only
tests/testthat/test-multi.R | 1
vignettes/mWaveD.Rmd | 3
39 files changed, 277 insertions(+), 241 deletions(-)
Title: R Graphics Output in LaTeX Format
Diff between tikzDevice versions 0.7.0 dated 2013-12-19 and 0.8 dated 2015-01-07
Description: The tikzDevice package provides a graphics output device for R
that records plots in a LaTeX-friendly format. The device transforms
plotting commands issued by R functions into LaTeX code blocks. When
included in a paper typeset by LaTeX, these blocks are interpreted with the
help of TikZ---a graphics package for TeX and friends written by Till
Tantau. Using the tikzDevice, the text of R plots can contain LaTeX
commands such as mathematical formula. The device also allows arbitrary
LaTeX code to be inserted into the output stream.
Author: Charlie Sharpsteen [aut],
Cameron Bracken [aut],
Kirill Müller [ctb, cre],
Yihui Xie [ctb]
Maintainer: Kirill Müller
tikzDevice-0.7.0/tikzDevice/NEWS |only
tikzDevice-0.7.0/tikzDevice/inst/tests |only
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/DESCRIPTION | 30
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/MD5 | 364 ++++++--
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/NAMESPACE | 2
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/R/cacheMetrics.R | 85 +
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/R/deviceUtils.R | 34
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/R/latexStrWidth.R | 454 +++++-----
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/R/sanitizeTexString.R | 34
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/R/tikz.R | 64 +
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/R/tikzAnnotate.R | 27
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/R/tikzDevice-package.R | 240 ++---
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/R/tikzInternal.R | 69 -
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/build/vignette.rds |binary
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/inst/NEWS.Rd |only
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/inst/doc/tikzDevice.R | 288 +++---
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/inst/doc/tikzDevice.Rnw | 327 ++++---
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/inst/doc/tikzDevice.pdf |binary
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/man/anyMultibyteUTF8Characters.Rd | 10
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/man/getLatexStrWidth.Rd | 48 -
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/man/gridToDevice.Rd | 15
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/man/sanitizeTexString.Rd | 12
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/man/setTikzDefaults.Rd | 12
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/man/tikz.Rd | 174 ++-
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/man/tikzAnnotate.Rd | 60 -
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/man/tikzCompilerInfo.Rd | 7
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/man/tikzDevice-package.Rd | 239 ++---
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/src/tikzDevice.c | 523 ++++++++----
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/src/tikzDevice.h | 82 +
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/tests/testthat |only
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/tests/unit_tests.R | 107 --
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/vignettes/consoleExample.tex |only
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/vignettes/figs |only
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/vignettes/refs.bib | 60 -
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/vignettes/tikzCodeBlock.sty | 152 +--
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/vignettes/tikzDevice.Rnw | 327 ++++---
tikzDevice-0.8/tikzDevice/vignettes/tikzDeviceVignette.sty | 12
37 files changed, 2180 insertions(+), 1678 deletions(-)
Title: Distances and Routes on Geographical Grids
Diff between gdistance versions 1.1-5 dated 2014-02-18 and 1.1-6 dated 2015-01-07
Description: Calculate distances and routes on geographic grids.
Author: Jacob van Etten
Maintainer: Jacob van Etten
gdistance-1.1-5/gdistance/inst/doc/gdistance.R |only
gdistance-1.1-5/gdistance/inst/doc/gdistance.Rnw |only
gdistance-1.1-5/gdistance/inst/doc/gdistance.pdf |only
gdistance-1.1-5/gdistance/vignettes/gdistance.Rnw |only
gdistance-1.1-5/gdistance/vignettes/gdistance2.bib |only
gdistance-1.1-6/gdistance/ChangeLog | 6 +++++
gdistance-1.1-6/gdistance/DESCRIPTION | 15 +++++++------
gdistance-1.1-6/gdistance/MD5 | 24 ++++++++++-----------
gdistance-1.1-6/gdistance/NAMESPACE | 11 +++++----
gdistance-1.1-6/gdistance/R/shortestPath.R | 5 ++--
gdistance-1.1-6/gdistance/build/vignette.rds |binary
gdistance-1.1-6/gdistance/inst/doc/gdistance1.R |only
gdistance-1.1-6/gdistance/inst/doc/gdistance1.Rnw |only
gdistance-1.1-6/gdistance/inst/doc/gdistance1.pdf |only
gdistance-1.1-6/gdistance/man/Transition-class.Rd | 10 +++++---
gdistance-1.1-6/gdistance/man/pathInc.Rd | 2 -
gdistance-1.1-6/gdistance/vignettes/gdistance1.Rnw |only
gdistance-1.1-6/gdistance/vignettes/gdistance1.bib |only
18 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
Title: FastPCS Robust Fit of Multivariate Location and Scatter
Diff between FastPCS versions 0.1.1 dated 2014-11-13 and 0.1.2 dated 2015-01-07
Description: The FastPCS algorithm of Vakili and Schmitt (2014) for robust estimation of multivariate location and scatter and multivariate outliers detection.
Author: Kaveh Vakili [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Kaveh Vakili
FastPCS-0.1.1/FastPCS/man/numStarts.Rd |only
FastPCS-0.1.2/FastPCS/DESCRIPTION | 6 +-
FastPCS-0.1.2/FastPCS/MD5 | 16 +++---
FastPCS-0.1.2/FastPCS/NAMESPACE | 4 -
FastPCS-0.1.2/FastPCS/R/FastPCS.R | 62 ++++++++++++--------------
FastPCS-0.1.2/FastPCS/man/FRCSnumStarts.Rd |only
FastPCS-0.1.2/FastPCS/man/FastPCS-package.Rd | 2
FastPCS-0.1.2/FastPCS/man/FastPCS.Rd | 19 ++++++--
FastPCS-0.1.2/FastPCS/man/plot.FastPCS.Rd | 2
FastPCS-0.1.2/FastPCS/src/FastPCS.cpp | 64 ++++++++++++++++-----------
10 files changed, 99 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)