Title: Technology Forecasting using DEA
Diff between TFDEA versions 0.9.5 dated 2014-10-01 and 0.9.8 dated 2015-02-07
Description: The package implements the TFDEA algorithm for technology forecasting.
It enables to estimate the arrival and/or capabilities of future technologies.
It also implements DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) that can employ not only basic models
but also alternate model(s) to deal with infeasibility.
In addition, the package includes some standard technology forecasting data sets.
Author: Tom Shott [aut, cre],
Dong-Joon Lim [aut]
Maintainer: Tom Shott
ChangeLog |only
MD5 | 26 +-
R/DEA.R | 49 ++--
R/SDEA.R | 55 ++---
R/TFDEA.R | 17 -
R/dea_common.R |only
R/dea_internal.R | 483 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
R/fast_internal.R |only
R/sdea_internal.R |only
R/utility.R | 230 ++++++++++++++++------
data/wireless_2012.RData |only
man/DEA.Rd | 2
man/SDEA.Rd | 45 ++--
man/TFDEA.Rd | 2
man/fighter_jet.Rd | 16 +
man/wireless_2012.Rd |only
17 files changed, 494 insertions(+), 456 deletions(-)
Title: Stochastic Newton Sampler (SNS)
Diff between sns versions 0.9.1 dated 2014-08-30 and 1.0.0 dated 2015-02-07
Description: Stochastic Newton Sampler (SNS) is a Metropolis-Hastings-based, Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampler for twice differentiable, log-concave probability densities where the proposal density function is a multivariate Gaussian resulting from a second-order Taylor-series expansion of log-density around the current point. The mean of the Gaussian proposal is the full Newton-Raphson step from the current point. A boolean flag allows for switching from SNS to Newton-Raphson optimization (by choosing the mean of proposal function as next point). This can be used during burn-in to get close to the mode of the pdf (which is unique due to concavity). For high-dimensional densities, mixing can be improved via 'state space partitioning' strategy, in which SNS is applied to disjoint subsets of state space, wrapped in a Gibbs cycle.
Author: Alireza S. Mahani, Asad Hasan, Marshall Jiang, Mansour T.A. Sharabiani
Maintainer: Alireza Mahani
sns-0.9.1/sns/R/bayesGLM.R |only
sns-0.9.1/sns/R/expand.1par.R |only
sns-0.9.1/sns/man/bayesGLM.Rd |only
sns-1.0.0/sns/ChangeLog |only
sns-1.0.0/sns/DESCRIPTION | 15 +-
sns-1.0.0/sns/MD5 | 33 +++--
sns-1.0.0/sns/NAMESPACE | 13 +-
sns-1.0.0/sns/R/ess.R | 100 ++++-----------
sns-1.0.0/sns/R/sns.R | 219 +++++++++++++++-------------------
sns-1.0.0/sns/R/sns.methods.R | 249 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
sns-1.0.0/sns/R/zzz.R | 3
sns-1.0.0/sns/build |only
sns-1.0.0/sns/inst |only
sns-1.0.0/sns/man/ess.Rd | 35 +----
sns-1.0.0/sns/man/plot.sns.Rd |only
sns-1.0.0/sns/man/predict.sns.Rd |only
sns-1.0.0/sns/man/sns.Rd | 73 +++++++----
sns-1.0.0/sns/man/sns.part.Rd |only
sns-1.0.0/sns/man/summary.sns.Rd |only
sns-1.0.0/sns/vignettes |only
20 files changed, 453 insertions(+), 287 deletions(-)
Title: Parametric and semi-parametric analysis of semi-competing risks
Diff between SemiCompRisks versions 1.0 dated 2013-12-21 and 2.0 dated 2015-02-07
Description: This package contains algorithms to perform various types of parametric and semi-parametric analyses of semi-competing risks data. We also provide functions to fit survival regression models to univariate time-to-event outcome.
Author: Kyu Ha Lee and Sebastien Haneuse
Maintainer: Kyu Ha Lee
MD5 | 101
R/BayesID.R | 357 ++-
R/BayesIDcor.R |only
R/BayesSurv.R | 18
R/BayesSurvcor.R |only
R/ehr.R | 4
R/methods.R | 2003 ++++++++++++++++-
R/simSurv.R | 2
data/BMT.rda |binary
data/scrCorData.rda |only
data/scrData.rda |binary
data/survData.rda |binary
man/BayesID.Rd | 61
man/BayesIDcor.Rd |only
man/BayesSurv.Rd | 55
man/BayesSurvcor.Rd |only
man/SemiCompRisks-package.Rd | 29
man/ehr.Rd | 10
man/methods.Rd | 23
man/scrCorData.Rd |only
man/simID.Rd | 12
man/simSurv.Rd | 12
src/BpeDpCorScr.c |only
src/BpeDpCorScr.h |only
src/BpeDpCorScrSM.c |only
src/BpeDpCorScrSM.h |only
src/BpeDpCorScrSM_Updates.c |only
src/BpeDpCorScr_Updates.c |only
src/BpeDpCorSurv.c |only
src/BpeDpCorSurv.h |only
src/BpeDpCorSurv_Updates.c |only
src/BpeMvnCorScr.c |only
src/BpeMvnCorScr.h |only
src/BpeMvnCorScrSM.c |only
src/BpeMvnCorScrSM.h |only
src/BpeMvnCorScrSM_Updates.c |only
src/BpeMvnCorScr_Updates.c |only
src/BpeMvnCorSurv.c |only
src/BpeMvnCorSurv.h |only
src/BpeMvnCorSurv_Updates.c |only
src/BpeScr.c | 156 -
src/BpeScrSM.c | 201 -
src/BpeScrSM_Updates.c | 758 ------
src/BpeScr_Updates.c | 723 ------
src/BpeSurv.c | 302 --
src/BpeSurv_Updates.c | 348 ---
src/BweibCorSurv.c |only
src/BweibCorSurv.h |only
src/BweibCorSurv_Updates.c |only
src/BweibDpCorScr.c |only
src/BweibDpCorScr.h |only
src/BweibDpCorScrSM.c |only
src/BweibDpCorScrSM.h |only
src/BweibDpCorScrSM_Updates.c |only
src/BweibDpCorScr_Updates.c |only
src/BweibDpCorSurv.c |only
src/BweibDpCorSurv.h |only
src/BweibDpCorSurv_Updates.c |only
src/BweibMvnCorScr.c |only
src/BweibMvnCorScr.h |only
src/BweibMvnCorScrSM.c |only
src/BweibMvnCorScrSM.h |only
src/BweibMvnCorScrSM_Updates.c |only
src/BweibMvnCorScr_Updates.c |only
src/BweibScr.c | 19
src/BweibScrSM.c |only
src/BweibScrSM.h |only
src/BweibScrSM_Updates.c |only
src/BweibScr_Updates.c | 9
src/BweibSurv.c | 20
src/BweibSurv_Updates.c | 3
src/Utilities.c | 4597 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
74 files changed, 7080 insertions(+), 2764 deletions(-)
Title: R Interface to FOAAS
Diff between rfoaas versions 0.1.1 dated 2015-01-11 and 0.1.3 dated 2015-02-07
Description: R access to the FOAAS (F... Off As A Service) web service is provided.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel
ChangeLog | 23 +++++++++++
DESCRIPTION | 12 +++---
MD5 | 12 +++---
R/foaas.R | 84 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
README.md | 2 -
man/rfoaas-package.Rd | 80 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
tests/runTestsAgainstFOAAS.R | 1
7 files changed, 133 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)
Title: Recommender System using Matrix Factorization
Diff between recosystem versions 0.2.4 dated 2014-09-13 and 0.2.5 dated 2015-02-07
Description: This package is an R wrapper of the libmf library
(http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libmf/) for recommender
system using matrix factorization. It is typically used to
approximate an incomplete matrix using the product of two
matrices in a latent space. Other common names for this task
include "collaborative filtering", "matrix completion",
"matrix recovery", etc.
Author: Yixuan Qiu, Chih-Jen Lin, Yu-Chin Juan, Yong Zhuang,
Wei-Sheng Chin and other contributors. See file AUTHORS for
Maintainer: Yixuan Qiu
MD5 | 25 ++-
R/RecoSys.R | 112 ++++++++++++++---
README.md |only
build/vignette.rds |binary
inst/NEWS.Rd | 6
inst/doc/introduction.Rmd | 11 -
inst/doc/introduction.html | 296 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
man/Reco.Rd | 12 +
man/convert.Rd | 7 -
man/output.Rd |only
man/predict.Rd | 11 -
man/train.Rd | 7 -
src/output.cpp |only
vignettes/introduction.Rmd | 11 -
15 files changed, 305 insertions(+), 201 deletions(-)
Title: H2O R Interface
Diff between h2o versions dated 2014-10-27 and dated 2015-02-07
Description: R scripting functionality for H2O, the open source
math engine for big data that computes parallel distributed
machine learning algorithms such as generalized linear models,
gradient boosting machines, random forests, and neural networks
(deep learning) within various cluster environments.
Author: Anqi Fu [aut], Spencer Aiello [aut], Ariel Rao [aut],
Amy Wang [aut], Tom Kraljevic [aut], and Petr Maj [ctb]
with contributions from the H2O team
Maintainer: Tom Kraljevic
h2o- |only
h2o- | 28 -
h2o- | 89 ++--
h2o- | 45 +-
h2o- | 543 +++++++++++++++----------
h2o- | 223 ++++++++--
h2o- | 34 +
h2o- | 171 +++++--
h2o- | 38 +
h2o- | 5
h2o- | 3
h2o- | 2
h2o- | 2
h2o- |only
h2o- | 1
h2o- | 2
h2o- |only
h2o- | 23 -
h2o- | 13
h2o- | 4
h2o- | 24 -
h2o- | 99 ++--
h2o- |only
h2o- | 13
h2o- |only
h2o- | 32 -
h2o- | 23 -
h2o- |only
h2o- | 324 +++++++-------
h2o- | 7
h2o- | 7
h2o- | 7
h2o- | 9
h2o- | 8
h2o- |only
h2o- | 2
h2o- |only
h2o- |only
h2o- | 2
h2o- |only
h2o- | 6
h2o- | 2
h2o- | 4
h2o- | 13
h2o- | 18
h2o- |only
h2o- | 2
h2o- | 2
h2o- |only
h2o- | 5
h2o- |only
h2o- |only
h2o- |only
53 files changed, 1187 insertions(+), 648 deletions(-)
Title: Finding Heterogeneous Treatment Effects
Diff between FindIt versions 0.3 dated 2013-02-01 and 0.4 dated 2015-02-07
Description: FindIt implements the heterogeneous
treatment effect estimation procedure proposed by Imai and
Ratkovic (2013). The proposed method is applicable, for
example, when selecting a small number of most (or least)
efficacious treatments from a large number of alternative
treatments as well as when identifying subsets of the
population who benefit (or are harmed by) a treatment of
interest. The method adapts the Support Vector Machine
classifier by placing separate LASSO constraints over the
pre-treatment parameters and causal heterogeneity parameters of
interest. This allows for the qualitative distinction between
causal and other parameters, thereby making the variable
selection suitable for the exploration of causal heterogeneity.
Author: Naoki Egami
Maintainer: Naoki Egami
FindIt-0.3/FindIt/ChangeLog |only
FindIt-0.4/FindIt/DESCRIPTION | 21
FindIt-0.4/FindIt/MD5 | 15
FindIt-0.4/FindIt/NAMESPACE | 6
FindIt-0.4/FindIt/R/SVMHet.R | 3275 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----
FindIt-0.4/FindIt/man/FindIt.Rd | 282 +-
FindIt-0.4/FindIt/man/MakeAllWay.Rd | 25
FindIt-0.4/FindIt/man/MakeTwoWay.Rd | 20
FindIt-0.4/FindIt/man/Predict.FindIt.Rd |only
FindIt-0.4/FindIt/man/plot.PredictFindIt.Rd |only
10 files changed, 3138 insertions(+), 506 deletions(-)
Title: Difference Metrics for Comparing Pairs of Maps
Diff between diffeR versions 0.0-1 dated 2014-11-29 and 0.0-2 dated 2015-02-07
Description: Difference metrics for comparing pairs of maps representing real or categorical variables at original and multiple resolutions.
Author: Robert Gilmore Pontius Jr.
Maintainer: Alí Santacruz
DESCRIPTION | 8 +++----
MD5 | 47 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
R/crosstabm.R | 27 +++++++++++++++---------
R/differenceMR.R | 4 +--
R/overallComponentsPlot.R |only
R/sample2pop.R |only
demo/00Index | 1
demo/diffMetrics.R |only
man/MAD.Rd | 2 -
man/composite.Rd | 6 ++---
man/crosstabm.Rd | 21 +++++++++++++++----
man/diffTablej.Rd | 9 ++++++--
man/diffeR-package.Rd | 4 +--
man/differenceMR.Rd | 12 ++++++++--
man/exchangeDij.Rd | 4 +--
man/exchangeDj.Rd | 4 +--
man/overallAllocD.Rd | 4 +--
man/overallComponentsPlot.Rd |only
man/overallDiff.Rd | 4 +--
man/overallDiffCatj.Rd | 4 +--
man/overallExchangeD.Rd | 4 +--
man/overallQtyD.Rd | 4 +--
man/overallShiftD.Rd | 4 +--
man/quantityDj.Rd | 4 +--
man/sample2pop.Rd |only
man/shiftDj.Rd | 4 +--
27 files changed, 112 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)
Title: Multiple Choice Test Evaluation
Diff between klausuR versions 0.12-5 dated 2012-03-11 and 0.12-10 dated 2015-02-07
Description: A set of functions designed to quickly generate results of a
multiple choice test. Generates detailed global results, lists for
anonymous feedback and personalised result feedback (in LaTeX and/or PDF
format), as well as item statistics like Cronbach's alpha or disciminatory
power. klausuR also includes a plugin for the R GUI and IDE RKWard,
providing dialogs for its basic features. To use them, install RKWard from
http://rkward.sf.net (plugins are detected automatically). Due to some
restrictions on CRAN, the full package sources are only available from the
project homepage.
Author: m.eik michalke [aut, cre]
Maintainer: m.eik michalke
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/ChangeLog | 227 +-
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/DESCRIPTION | 48
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/MD5 | 102 -
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/NAMESPACE | 17
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/00_class_01_klausuR.test.R |only
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/00_class_02_klausuR.R |only
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/00_class_03_klausuR.answ.R |only
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/00_class_04_klausuR.mult.R |only
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/01_method_plot.klausuR.R |only
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/01_method_show.klausuR.R |only
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/01_method_sort.klausuR.R |only
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/compare.R | 548 +++---
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/grand.table.R | 158 +
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/klausuR-internal.R | 1150 ++++++++-----
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/klausuR-internal.roxy.all.R | 56
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/klausuR-package.R | 18
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/klausur.R | 637 ++++---
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/klausur.data.R | 276 +--
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/klausur.gen.R | 63
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/klausur.gen.corr.R | 64
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/klausur.gen.marks.R | 356 ++--
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/klausur.mufo.R | 265 +--
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/klausur.report.R | 1180 +++++++-------
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/nret.rescale.R | 106 -
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/R/nret.translator.R | 430 ++---
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/data/antworten.mufo.rda |binary
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/data/antworten.rda |binary
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/inst/CITATION | 22
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/inst/NEWS.Rd | 250 ++
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/inst/rkward/plugins/test_data.xml | 2
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/antworten.Rd | 9
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/antworten.mufo.Rd | 9
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/compare.Rd | 112 -
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/grand.table.Rd | 61
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/klausuR-class.Rd | 56
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/klausuR-package.Rd | 43
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/klausuR.answ-class.Rd | 70
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/klausuR.mult-class.Rd | 25
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/klausuR.test-class.Rd | 26
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/klausur.Rd | 415 ++--
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/klausur.data.Rd | 258 +--
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/klausur.gen.Rd | 29
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/klausur.gen.corr.Rd | 49
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/klausur.gen.marks.Rd | 149 -
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/klausur.mufo.Rd | 171 --
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/klausur.report.Rd | 237 +-
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/nret.rescale.Rd | 43
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/nret.translator.Rd | 160 -
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/plot-methods.Rd | 71
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/show-methods.Rd | 35
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/sort-methods.Rd | 41
klausuR-0.12-10/klausuR/man/spss.data.Rd | 6
klausuR-0.12-5/klausuR/R/klausuR-class.R |only
klausuR-0.12-5/klausuR/R/klausuR.answ-class.R |only
klausuR-0.12-5/klausuR/R/klausuR.mult-class.R |only
klausuR-0.12-5/klausuR/R/klausuR.test-class.R |only
klausuR-0.12-5/klausuR/R/plot.klausuR.R |only
klausuR-0.12-5/klausuR/R/show.klausuR.R |only
klausuR-0.12-5/klausuR/R/sort.klausuR.R |only
59 files changed, 4387 insertions(+), 3663 deletions(-)
Title: Advanced Tables for Markdown/HTML
Diff between htmlTable versions 1.0 dated 2014-12-21 and 1.1 dated 2015-02-07
Description: Tables with state of the art layout containing
row spanners, column spanners, table spanners, zebra striping,
and more. While allowing advanced layout the underlying CSS structure is
simple in order to maximize compatibility with MS Word/LibreOffice.
The package also contains a few text formatting functions that help outputting
text compatible with HTML/LaTeX.
Author: Max Gordon
Maintainer: Max Gordon
MD5 | 89
NEWS | 17
R/htmlTable.R | 297 -
R/htmlTable_helpers.R | 82
R/htmlTable_render.R |only
R/txtFrmt.R | 22
README.md |only
build/vignette.rds |binary
inst/doc/general.R |only
inst/doc/general.Rmd |only
inst/doc/general.html |only
inst/doc/tables.R | 16
inst/doc/tables.Rmd | 16
inst/doc/tables.html | 6350 ++++++++++++------------
man/SCB.Rd | 3
man/htmlTable.Rd | 111
man/outputInt.Rd | 3
man/prAddCells.Rd | 3
man/prAddSemicolon2StrEnd.Rd | 3
man/prAttr4RgroupAdd.Rd |only
man/prGetAlign.Rd | 3
man/prGetCgroupHeader.Rd | 7
man/prGetRgroupLine.Rd |only
man/prGetRowlabelPos.Rd | 3
man/prGetStyle.Rd | 3
man/prGetThead.Rd |only
man/prMergeClr.Rd | 3
man/prPrepareAlign.Rd | 7
man/prPrepareCgroup.Rd | 20
man/prPrepareColors.Rd | 9
man/prPrepareCss.Rd | 7
man/prSkipRownames.Rd | 3
man/prTblNo.Rd | 3
man/pvalueFormatter.Rd | 3
man/splitLines4Table.Rd | 3
man/tblNoLast.Rd | 4
man/tblNoNext.Rd | 4
man/txtInt.Rd | 3
man/txtMergeLines.Rd | 3
man/txtPval.Rd | 3
man/txtRound.Rd | 11
tests/testthat/test-htmlTable.R | 77
tests/testthat/test-htmlTable_rgroup_tspanner.R |only
tests/testthat/test-htmlTable_total.R |only
tests/testthat/test-txtFrmt.R | 48
tests/visual_tests/htmlTable_markdown.Rmd | 2
tests/visual_tests/pandoc_test.Rmd |only
tests/visual_tests/pandoc_v1.13_bug.md |only
vignettes/general.Rmd |only
vignettes/tables.Rmd | 16
52 files changed, 3872 insertions(+), 3410 deletions(-)
Title: Random name generating function and data set
Diff between randomNames versions 0.0-6 dated 2013-01-21 and 0.0-8 dated 2015-02-07
Description: Function to generate random gender and ethnicity correct first and/or last names. Names are chosen proportionally based upon their probability of appearing in a large scale data base of real names.
Author: Damian W. Betebenner
Maintainer: Damian W. Betebenner
DESCRIPTION | 14 ++++++--------
MD5 | 13 +++++++------
R/randomNames.R | 4 ++--
data/datalist |only
data/randomNamesData.rda |binary
inst/CITATION | 8 ++++----
inst/NEWS | 4 ++++
man/randomNames-package.Rd | 8 ++++----
8 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
Title: Flexible Mediation Analysis using Natural Effect Models
Diff between medflex versions 0.4.0 dated 2014-12-11 and 0.5-0 dated 2015-02-07
Description: medflex allows to run flexible mediation analyses using natural
effect models as described in Lange, Vansteelandt and Bekaert (2012),
Vansteelandt, Bekaert and Lange (2012) and Loeys, Moerkerke, De Smet,
Buysse, Steen and Vansteelandt (2013).
Author: Johan Steen [aut, cre],
Tom Loeys [aut],
Beatrijs Moerkerke [aut],
Stijn Vansteelandt [aut],
Joris Meys [ctb] (technical support),
Theis Lange [ctb] (valuable suggestions)
Maintainer: Johan Steen
MD5 | 63 +++--
NEWS |only
R/UPBdata_descr.R | 21 +
R/neImpute.R | 88 +++++---
R/neLht.R | 403 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
R/neModel.R | 510 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
R/neWeight.R | 125 +++++++----
R/terms-expand.R | 14 -
R/utils.R | 61 ++++-
R/zzz.R |only
data/UPBdata.rda |binary
inst/CITATION | 5
inst/doc |only
man/UPBdata.Rd | 22 +-
man/expData.Rd | 5
man/neImpute.Rd | 5
man/neImpute.default.Rd | 58 +++--
man/neImpute.formula.Rd | 23 +-
man/neLht-methods.Rd | 34 +--
man/neLht.Rd | 75 ++++++-
man/neModel-methods.Rd | 60 +++--
man/neModel.Rd | 147 +++++++++----
man/neWeight.Rd | 5
man/neWeight.default.Rd | 67 +++---
man/neWeight.formula.Rd | 23 +-
man/plot.neLht.Rd | 29 +-
man/plot.neModel.Rd | 30 +-
man/weights.expData.Rd |only
vignettes |only
31 files changed, 1339 insertions(+), 569 deletions(-)
Title: Least-Squares Means
Diff between lsmeans versions 2.14 dated 2015-01-06 and 2.15 dated 2015-02-07
Description: Obtain least-squares means for many linear, generalized linear, and mixed models. Compute contrasts or linear functions of least-squares means, and comparisons of slopes. Plots and compact letter displays.
Author: Russell V. Lenth [aut], Maxime Hervé [ctb]
Maintainer: Russ Lenth
DESCRIPTION | 10 ++---
MD5 | 35 +++++++++---------
R/aovlist-support.R | 2 -
R/helpers.R | 84 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
R/lsmeans.R | 12 +++---
R/ordinal-support.R | 32 ++++++++++-------
R/ref.grid.R | 4 +-
R/rms-support.R |only
R/summary.R | 67 +++++++++++++++++++----------------
inst/NEWS | 8 ++++
inst/doc/extending.R | 6 +--
inst/doc/extending.pdf |binary
inst/doc/extending.rnw | 8 ++--
inst/doc/using-lsmeans.pdf |binary
man/extending.Rd | 40 ++++++++-------------
man/models.Rd | 26 ++++++++++++-
tests/tests1.Rout.save | 11 +++--
vignettes/extending.rnw | 8 ++--
19 files changed, 206 insertions(+), 152 deletions(-)
Title: Explorer of World Population Prospects
Diff between wppExplorer versions 1.4-0 dated 2014-08-22 and 1.5-0 dated 2015-02-07
Description: A shiny interface for exploring data in wpp2008-wpp2012 packages.
Author: Hana Sevcikova
Maintainer: Hana Sevcikova
ChangeLog | 6 ++++++
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 | 18 +++++++++---------
R/global.R | 17 +++++++++--------
R/wpp.R | 17 ++++++++++++++++-
inst/explore/server.R | 6 +++---
inst/explore/ui.R | 2 +-
man/wpp.indicator.Rd | 4 +++-
man/wppExplorer-package.Rd | 4 ++--
tests/test_functions.R | 2 +-
10 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)