Title: Computation of the Balance - Sample Size Frontier in Matching
Methods for Causal Inference
Diff between MatchingFrontier versions 0.3.17 dated 2014-09-16 and 1.0.0 dated 2015-03-31
More information about MatchingFrontier at CRAN
Description: Returns the subset of the data with the minimum imbalance for
every possible subset size (N - 1, N - 2, ...), down to the data set with the
minimum possible imbalance. Also includes tools for the estimation
of causal effects for each subset size, functions for visualization
and data export, and functions for calculating
model dependence as proposed by Athey and Imbens.
Author: Gary King, Christopher Lucas, and Richard Nielsen
Maintainer: Christopher Lucas
DESCRIPTION | 21 +++++++-----
MD5 | 59 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
R/L1FrontierSATT.R | 1
R/MahalFrontierFSATT.R | 1
R/checkDat.R | 8 ++--
R/distToFrontier.R | 28 +++++++++++++++--
R/estimateEffects.R | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
R/generateDataset.R | 9 +++--
R/getCutpoint.R |only
R/getCutpointList.R |only
R/makeFrontier.R | 25 +++++++++++----
R/makeWeights.R | 10 ++++--
R/modelDependence.R |only
R/plotEstimates.R | 45 +++++++++++++++++++++++----
R/plotFrontier.R | 8 ++--
R/plotMeans.R |only
R/range01.R |only
R/trim.R |only
R/zzz.R | 4 +-
build |only
data/lalonde.RData |binary
inst/CITATION |only
inst/NEWS.Rd |only
inst/doc/Using_MatchingFrontier.R |only
inst/doc/Using_MatchingFrontier.Rnw |only
inst/doc/Using_MatchingFrontier.pdf |binary
man/estimateEffects.Rd | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
man/generateDataset.Rd | 12 +++----
man/lalonde.Rd | 2 -
man/makeFrontier.Rd | 23 +++++++++-----
man/modelDependence.Rd |only
man/parallelPlot.Rd | 7 ----
man/plotEstimates.Rd | 56 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
man/plotFrontier.Rd | 13 ++++---
man/plotMeans.Rd |only
vignettes |only
37 files changed, 318 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-)
Permanent link
Title: Fitting Mixed Models with Known Covariance Structures
Diff between EMMREML versions 2.0 dated 2014-05-24 and 3.0 dated 2015-03-31
Description: The main functions are 'emmreml', and 'emmremlMultiKernel'. 'emmreml' solves a mixed model with known covariance structure using the 'EMMA' algorithm. 'emmremlMultiKernel' is a wrapper for 'emmreml' to handle multiple random components with known covariance structures. The function 'emmremlMultivariate' solves a multivariate gaussian mixed model with known covariance structure using the 'ECM' algorithm.
Author: Deniz Akdemir, Okeke Uche Godfrey
Maintainer: Deniz Akdemir
DESCRIPTION | 12 ++++----
MD5 | 18 ++++++------
R/emmreml.R | 43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
R/emmremlMultiKernel.R | 45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
R/emmremlMultivariate.R | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
man/EMMREML-package.Rd | 7 ++--
man/emmreml.Rd | 32 ++++++++++++++++++----
man/emmremlMultiKernel.Rd | 34 +++++++++++++++++++----
man/emmremlMultivariate.Rd | 41 +++++++++++++++++++++-------
10 files changed, 243 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)
Title: Functions to Make Surveys Processing Easier
Diff between questionr versions 0.4.2 dated 2014-11-25 and 0.4.3 dated 2015-03-31
Description: Set of functions to make the processing and analysis of
surveys easier : interactive shiny apps for data recoding, contingency
tables, dataset metadata handling, and several convenience functions.
Author: Julien Barnier [aut, cre],
François Briatte [aut],
Joseph Larmarange [aut]
Maintainer: Julien Barnier
DESCRIPTION | 17 ++++---
MD5 | 100 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
NAMESPACE | 21 +++++----
NEWS | 9 +++-
R/describe.r | 2
R/icut.r | 54 +++++++++++-------------
R/iorder.R | 35 +++++++---------
R/irec.r | 53 ++++++++++++------------
R/lookfor.r | 2
R/odds.ratio.r | 11 ++---
R/table.multi.r | 17 ++++++-
R/tables.r | 4 -
R/tools.r | 14 ++++--
data/happy.rda |binary
data/hdv2003.rda |binary
data/rp99.rda |binary
inst/shiny/css/ifuncs.css | 34 ++++++++++++++-
inst/shiny/js/iorder.js | 2
man/addNAstr.Rd | 3 -
man/chisq.residuals.Rd | 3 -
man/clipcopy.Rd | 3 -
man/cprop.Rd | 3 -
man/cramer.v.Rd | 3 -
man/cross.multi.table.Rd | 12 ++++-
man/describe.Rd | 3 -
man/duplicated2.Rd | 3 -
man/format.proptab.Rd | 3 -
man/freq.Rd | 3 -
man/freq.na.Rd | 3 -
man/hdv2003.Rd | 3 -
man/icut.Rd | 3 -
man/iorder.Rd | 3 -
man/irec.Rd | 3 -
man/lookfor.Rd | 3 -
man/multi.split.Rd | 3 -
man/multi.table.Rd | 3 -
man/na.rm.Rd | 3 -
man/odds.ratio.Rd | 3 -
man/print.proptab.Rd | 3 -
man/prop.Rd | 3 -
man/qload.Rd | 3 -
man/qscan.Rd | 3 -
man/quant.cut.Rd | 3 -
man/questionr.Rd | 3 -
man/recode.na.Rd | 3 -
man/rename.variable.Rd | 3 -
man/rm.unused.levels.Rd | 3 -
man/rp99.Rd | 3 -
man/rprop.Rd | 3 -
man/wtd.mean.Rd | 3 -
man/wtd.table.Rd | 3 -
51 files changed, 287 insertions(+), 196 deletions(-)
Title: Data Augmentation and Multiple Imputation for Interval Censored
Diff between MIICD versions 2.0 dated 2015-02-19 and 2.1 dated 2015-03-31
Description: Implements data augmentation schemes with multiple imputation steps for proportional hazards regression with interval censored data or proportional sub-distribution hazards regression for interval censored competing risks data. The main functions allow to estimate survival function, cumulative incidence function, Cox and Fine & Gray regression coefficients and associated variance-covariance matrix. 'MIICD' functions call 'Surv', 'survfit' and 'coxph' from the 'survival' package, 'crprep' from the 'mstate' package, and 'mvrnorm' from the 'MASS' package.
Author: Marc Delord [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Marc Delord
DESCRIPTION | 14 +++++++-------
MD5 | 33 +++++++++++++++++----------------
R/ANDA.coxph.R | 5 +++--
R/ANDA.crreg.R | 21 +++++++++++++--------
R/DA.ci.R | 4 ++--
R/DA.surv.R | 9 ++++-----
R/MI.ci.R | 17 ++++++++++-------
R/MI.surv.R | 2 +-
R/MIICD.crreg.R | 2 +-
R/PMDA.coxph.R | 16 ++++++++++------
R/PMDA.crreg.R | 34 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
R/get.est.FG.R | 2 +-
R/get.est.cr.cox.R |only
R/get_est_mi_surv.R | 2 +-
R/preproc.crreg.R | 5 +++--
man/DA.ci.Rd | 1 +
man/MIICD-package.Rd | 9 ++++-----
18 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)
Title: Functions for Analysis of Agreement in Method Comparison Studies
Diff between MethComp versions 1.22.1 dated 2015-03-08 and 1.22.2 dated 2015-03-31
Description: Methods (standard and advanced) for analysis of agreement
between measurement methods.
Author: Bendix Carstensen, Lyle Gurrin, Claus Ekstrom, Michal Figurski
Maintainer: Bendix Carstensen
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++---
MD5 | 4 ++--
R/MCmcmc.R | 2 +-
3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
Title: Mixed GAM Computation Vehicle with GCV/AIC/REML Smoothness
Diff between mgcv versions 1.8-5 dated 2015-03-03 and 1.8-6 dated 2015-03-31
Description: GAMs, GAMMs and other generalized ridge regression with
multiple smoothing parameter estimation by GCV, REML or UBRE/AIC.
Includes a gam() function, a wide variety of smoothers, JAGS
support and distributions beyond the exponential family.
Author: Simon Wood
Maintainer: Simon Wood
ChangeLog | 16 +
MD5 | 63 ++--
R/bam.r | 187 ++++++------
R/efam.r | 15 -
R/gam.fit3.r | 12
R/gam.fit4.r | 15 -
R/gamlss.r | 140 +++++++++
R/mgcv.r | 240 +++++++++++++---
R/misc.r | 16 +
R/mvam.r | 131 +++++++-
R/plots.r | 33 --
inst/po/de/LC_MESSAGES/R-mgcv.mo |binary
inst/po/en@quot/LC_MESSAGES/R-mgcv.mo |binary
inst/po/en@quot/LC_MESSAGES/mgcv.mo |binary
inst/po/fr/LC_MESSAGES/R-mgcv.mo |binary
inst/po/ko/LC_MESSAGES/R-mgcv.mo |binary
inst/po/pl/LC_MESSAGES/R-mgcv.mo |binary
inst/po/po/LC_MESSAGES/R-mgcv.mo |binary
man/bam.Rd | 7
man/formula.gam.Rd | 19 +
man/gam.Rd | 17 -
man/mvn.Rd | 3
man/plot.gam.Rd | 3
man/rmvn.Rd |only
po/R-de.po | 506 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
po/R-fr.po | 20 +
po/R-ko.po | 19 +
po/R-mgcv.pot | 19 +
po/R-pl.po | 26 +
po/R-po.po | 26 +
po/mgcv.pot | 4
33 files changed, 1049 insertions(+), 496 deletions(-)
Title: Improved Access for Blind Users
Diff between BrailleR versions 0.16.1 dated 2015-02-02 and 0.18-1 dated 2015-03-31
Description: Blind users do not have access to the graphical output from R without printing the content of graph windows to an embosser of some kind. This is not as immediate as is required for efficient access to statistical output. The functions here are created so that blind people can make even better use of R.
Author: A. Jonathan R. Godfrey [aut, cre], Greg Snow [ctb], James Curtis [ctb], Paul Murrell [ctb], Timothy Bilton [ctb], Yihui Xie [ctb]
Maintainer: A. Jonathan R. Godfrey
BrailleR-0.16.1/BrailleR/R/VIMethod.R |only
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/DESCRIPTION | 13 +--
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/MD5 | 41 ++++++---
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/NAMESPACE | 3
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/R/MakeRmdFiles.R |only
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/R/OneFactor.R | 21 +++-
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/R/Options.R | 40 +++++++++
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/R/PrepareWriteR.R |only
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/R/Setup.R |only
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/R/TwoFactors.R |only
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/R/VIMethod1_JG.R |only
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/R/VIMethod2_TB.R |only
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/R/zzz.R | 3
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/build/vignette.rds |binary
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/inst/CITATION | 6 -
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/inst/Python |only
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/inst/Settings |only
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/inst/doc/BrailleRManual.html | 33 +++----
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/inst/doc/Ex1histograms.html | 78 ++++++++++--------
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/man/BrailleR-package.Rd | 8 -
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/man/MakeBatch.Rd |only
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/man/MakeRmdFiles.Rd |only
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/man/OneFactor.Rd | 34 +++----
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/man/PrepareWriteR.Rd |only
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/man/SetOptions.Rd |only
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/man/TwoFactors.Rd |only
BrailleR-0.18-1/BrailleR/man/VI.Rd | 3
27 files changed, 179 insertions(+), 104 deletions(-)
Title: Distance Measures for Time Series Data
Diff between TSdist versions 1.2 dated 2014-07-15 and 2.1 dated 2015-03-31
Description: A set of commonly used distance measures for time series data. The application of these distance measures is useful to perform clustering, classification or other data mining tasks.
Author: Usue Mori, Alexander Mendiburu, J.A. Lozano
Maintainer: Usue Mori
TSdist-1.2/TSdist/R/dtw_distance.R |only
TSdist-1.2/TSdist/R/pearson_correlation_distance.R |only
TSdist-1.2/TSdist/build |only
TSdist-1.2/TSdist/inst |only
TSdist-1.2/TSdist/man/correlationDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-1.2/TSdist/man/crossCorrelationDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-1.2/TSdist/man/infiniteNormDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-1.2/TSdist/man/lbKeoghDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-1.2/TSdist/vignettes |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/DESCRIPTION | 15 -
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/MD5 | 104 ++++++----
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/NAMESPACE | 36 +++
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/1NN.R |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/K-medoids.R |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/TSclust_internals.R |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/TSclust_wrappers.R |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/cross_correlation_distance.R | 2
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/database_distances.R | 195 +++++++++++++++-----
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/dissim_distance.R | 34 +--
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/dissimapprox_distance.R | 19 +
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/dtw_wrapper.R |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/edr_distance.R | 2
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/erp_distance.R | 2
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/keogh_lb_distance.R | 4
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/lcss_distance.R | 2
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/longitudinalData_wrapper.R |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/lp_distances.R | 54 -----
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/pdc_wrapper.R |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/proxy_wrappers.R |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/special_pairwise_calculations.R |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/sts_distance.R | 16 -
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/tquest_distance.R | 8
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/R/ts_distances.R | 42 +++-
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/data/example.database2.RData |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/data/example.database3.RData |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/TSdist-package.Rd | 45 +++-
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/acfDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/ar.lpc.cepsDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/ar.mahDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/ar.picDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/ccorDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/cdmDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/cidDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/corDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/cortDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/dtwDistance.Rd | 43 +---
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/euclideanDistance.Rd | 8
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/example.database2.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/example.database3.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/frechetDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/infinite.normDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/int.perDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/k.medoids.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/lb.keoghDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/lpDistance.Rd | 8
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/manhattanDistance.Rd | 9
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/mindist.saxDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/minkowskiDistance.Rd | 9
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/ncdDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/oneNN.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/pacfDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/pdcDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/perDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/predDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/spec.glkDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/spec.isdDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/spec.llrDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/tsDatabaseDistances.Rd | 70 ++++---
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/tsDistances.Rd | 41 +++-
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/man/wavDistance.Rd |only
TSdist-2.1/TSdist/tests/test.R | 62 ++++--
71 files changed, 542 insertions(+), 288 deletions(-)
Title: Functions for Generalized Simulated Annealing
Description: Performs search for global minimum of a very complex non-linear objective function with a very large number of optima.
Author: Sylvain Gubian, Yang Xiang, Brian Suomela, Julia Hoeng, PMP SA.
Maintainer: Sylvain Gubian
Diff between GenSA versions 1.1.4 dated 2014-03-25 and 1.1.5 dated 2015-03-31
DESCRIPTION | 12 MD5 | 16 NAMESPACE | 2 NEWS | 4 R/GenSA.R | 414 +-- man/GenSA-package.Rd | 6 man/GenSA.Rd | 230 +- src/Engine.cpp | 1844 ++++++++--------- src/Utils.cpp | 5290 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- 9 files changed, 3911 insertions(+), 3907 deletions(-)
Title: Twitter Bootstrap Components for Shiny
Diff between shinyBS versions 0.20 dated 2014-03-19 and 0.61 dated 2015-03-31
Description: Adds additional Twitter Bootstrap components to Shiny.
Author: Eric Bailey
Maintainer: Eric Bailey
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/NEWS |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/R/bsButtons.R |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/R/bsDemo.R |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/R/bsGlyph.R |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/R/bsNavBar.R |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/R/bsNavBarInputs.R |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/R/bsNavText.R |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/R/bsProgressBar.R |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/R/bsTable.R |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/R/bsTypeAhead.R |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/inst/examples/demo |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/man/alert.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/man/bsButtons.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/man/collapse.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/man/demo.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/man/divider.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/man/dropdown.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/man/glyph.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/man/link.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/man/navbar.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/man/navinputs.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/man/page.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/man/popover.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/man/progressBar.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/man/tables.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/man/textOutput.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/man/togglelink.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/man/tooltip.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.20/shinyBS/man/typeahead.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/DESCRIPTION | 15
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/MD5 | 107 +-
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/NAMESPACE | 64 -
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/Alerts.R |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/Buttons.R |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/Collapses.R |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/Modals.R |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/Tooltips_and_Popovers.R |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/addPopover.R |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/addTooltip.R |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/bsAlert.R | 34
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/bsButton.R |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/bsCollapse.R | 62 -
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/bsCollapsePanel.R |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/bsExample.R |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/bsModal.R |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/bsPopover.R | 42
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/bsTooltip.R | 46
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/closeAlert.R |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/createAlert.R |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/misc.R | 53 -
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/popify.R |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/removePopover.R |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/removeTooltip.R |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/tipify.R |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/toggleModal.R |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/updateButton.R |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/R/updateCollapse.R |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/inst/examples/Alerts |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/inst/examples/Buttons |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/inst/examples/Collapses |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/inst/examples/Modals |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/inst/examples/TooltipsandPopovers |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/inst/tests |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/inst/www/shinyBS.css | 48
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/inst/www/shinyBS.js | 884 ++++-------------
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/Alerts.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/Buttons.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/Collapses.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/Modals.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/Tooltips_and_Popovers.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/addPopover.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/addTooltip.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/bsAlert.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/bsButton.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/bsCollapse.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/bsCollapsePanel.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/bsExample.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/bsModal.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/bsPopover.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/bsTooltip.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/closeAlert.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/createAlert.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/popify.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/removePopover.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/removeTooltip.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/tipify.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/toggleModal.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/updateButton.Rd |only
shinyBS-0.61/shinyBS/man/updateCollapse.Rd |only
89 files changed, 422 insertions(+), 933 deletions(-)
More information about orthogonalsplinebasis at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: File-Based Access to Large Matrices Stored on HDD in Binary
Diff between DatABEL versions 0.9-5 dated 2014-09-11 and 0.9-6 dated 2015-03-31
Description: Provides an interface to the C++ FILEVECTOR library
facilitating analysis using large (giga- to tera-bytes) matrices.
Matrix storage is organized in a way that either columns or rows
are quickly accessible. DatABEL is primarily aimed to support
genome-wide association analyses e.g. using GenABEL, MixABEL and
Author: Yurii Aulchenko, Stepan Yakovenko, Erik Roos, Marcel Kempenaar, Maksim
Struchalin, Lennart C. Karssen
Maintainer: Lennart Karssen
DatABEL-0.9-5/DatABEL/R/checkPackageVersionOnCRAN.R |only
DatABEL-0.9-5/DatABEL/man/checkPackageVersionOnCRAN.Rd |only
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/ChangeLog | 16 +++-
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/DESCRIPTION | 27 +++---
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/MD5 | 44 +++++------
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/R/databel_class.R | 5 +
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/R/zzz.R | 66 -----------------
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/build/vignette.rds |binary
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/inst/doc/intro_DatABEL.pdf |binary
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/inst/unitTests/Makefile | 31 +++----
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/man/DatABEL-package.Rd | 3
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/man/apply2dfo.Rd | 7 +
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/man/databel-class.Rd | 51 +++----------
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/man/databel.Rd | 3
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/man/databel2matrix.Rd | 3
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/man/databel2text.Rd | 3
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/man/extract_text_file_columns.Rd | 3
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/man/get_temporary_file_name.Rd | 3
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/man/make_empty_fvf.Rd | 3
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/man/matrix2databel.Rd | 3
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/man/process_lm_output.Rd | 3
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/man/text2databel.Rd | 3
DatABEL-0.9-6/DatABEL/src/AbstractMatrix_R.cpp | 6 +
24 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 172 deletions(-)
Title: Scalable Rejection Sampling for Bayesian Hierarchical Models
Diff between bayesGDS versions 0.6.0 dated 2013-12-14 and 0.6.1 dated 2015-03-31
Description: Functions for implementing the Braun and Damien (2015) rejection sampling algorithm for Bayesian hierarchical models. The algorithm generates posterior samples in parallel, and is scalable when the individual units are conditionally independent.
Author: Michael Braun [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Michael Braun
bayesGDS-0.6.0/bayesGDS/R/demo_funcs.R |only
bayesGDS-0.6.0/bayesGDS/R/draws.R |only
bayesGDS-0.6.0/bayesGDS/R/utils.R |only
bayesGDS-0.6.0/bayesGDS/demo |only
bayesGDS-0.6.0/bayesGDS/inst/doc/Braun_Damien_2013_GDS.pdf |only
bayesGDS-0.6.0/bayesGDS/inst/doc/bayesGDS.Rnw |only
bayesGDS-0.6.0/bayesGDS/inst/examples |only
bayesGDS-0.6.0/bayesGDS/man/demo_funcs.Rd |only
bayesGDS-0.6.0/bayesGDS/man/inv.logit.Rd |only
bayesGDS-0.6.0/bayesGDS/man/inv.vech.Rd |only
bayesGDS-0.6.0/bayesGDS/man/log.inv.logit.Rd |only
bayesGDS-0.6.0/bayesGDS/man/logit.Rd |only
bayesGDS-0.6.0/bayesGDS/man/vech.Rd |only
bayesGDS-0.6.0/bayesGDS/tests/choice_gds.R |only
bayesGDS-0.6.0/bayesGDS/vignettes/bayesGDS.Rnw |only
bayesGDS-0.6.0/bayesGDS/vignettes/bayesGDS.bib |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/DESCRIPTION | 27 +-
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/MD5 | 64 +++---
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/NAMESPACE | 14 +
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/NEWS | 30 ++
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/R/LML.R | 33 ++-
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/R/bayesGDS-package.R |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/R/binary-data.R |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/R/binary.R |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/R/cutoffs.R |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/R/deprecated.R |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/R/sample.R |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/build/vignette.rds |binary
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/data |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/inst/CITATION |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/inst/doc/bayesGDS.pdf |binary
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/inst/doc/bayesGDS.pdf.asis |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/inst/doc/test1.pdf |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/inst/doc/test1.pdf.asis |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/inst/doc/test2.pdf |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/inst/doc/test2.pdf.asis |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/inst/vignette_sources |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/man/Deprecated.Rd |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/man/bayesGDS-package.Rd | 33 +--
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/man/binary-data.Rd |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/man/binary.Rd |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/man/get.LML.Rd | 63 +++---
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/man/get.cutoffs.Rd | 37 +--
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/man/sample.GDS.Rd | 131 ++++++++-----
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/tests/testthat |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/tests/testthat.R |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/vignettes/bayesGDS.pdf.asis |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/vignettes/test1.pdf.asis |only
bayesGDS-0.6.1/bayesGDS/vignettes/test2.pdf.asis |only
49 files changed, 270 insertions(+), 162 deletions(-)