Wed, 01 Apr 2015

Package textir updated to version 2.0-3 with previous version 2.0-2 dated 2014-01-30

Title: Inverse Regression for Text Analysis
Description: Multinomial [inverse] regression inference for text documents and associated attributes. Provides fast sparse multinomial logistic regression for phrase counts. A minimalist partial least squares routine is also included. Note that the topic modeling capability of textir is now a separate package, maptpx.
Author: Matt Taddy
Maintainer: Matt Taddy

Diff between textir versions 2.0-2 dated 2014-01-30 and 2.0-3 dated 2015-04-01

 DESCRIPTION   |    7 +++----
 MD5           |    6 +++---     |    6 ++++--
 inst/CITATION |    4 ++--
 4 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

More information about textir at CRAN
Permanent link

New package SWMPr with initial version 2.0.0
Package: SWMPr
Type: Package
Title: Retrieving, Organizing, and Analyzing Estuary Monitoring Data
Version: 2.0.0
Date: 2015-4-1
Author: Marcus W. Beck [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Marcus W. Beck
Description: Tools for retrieving, organizing, and analyzing environmental data from the System Wide Monitoring Program of the National Estuarine Research Reserve System. These tools address common challenges associated with continuous time series data for environmental decision making.
License: CC0
Imports: data.table, httr, ggmap, gridExtra, maptools, oce, dplyr, reshape2, tictoc, tidyr, wq, XML
LazyData: true
Depends: R (>= 3.1.1), ggplot2, zoo
Authors@R: person(given = "Marcus W.", family = "Beck", role = c("aut","cre"), email = "")
Packaged: 2015-04-01 18:27:11 UTC; MBeck
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-04-01 23:58:53

More information about SWMPr at CRAN
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Package Rdistance updated to version 1.2.1 with previous version 1.1 dated 2012-12-07

Title: Distance Sampling Analyses
Description: Analysis of distance sampling data collected on line transect surveys. Estimates distance-based detection functions and abundances.
Author: Trent McDonald [cre, aut], Ryan Nielson [aut], Jason Carlisle [aut], James Griswald [ctb], Joel Reynolds [ctb], Pham Quang [ctb], Earl Becker [ctb], Aaron Christ [ctb], Brook Russelland [ctb], Patrick McKann [ctb]
Maintainer: Trent McDonald

Diff between Rdistance versions 1.1 dated 2012-12-07 and 1.2.1 dated 2015-04-01

 DESCRIPTION              |   42 +++-
 MD5                      |   41 ++--
 NAMESPACE                |    1 
 R/AIC.dfunc.R            |   12 -
 R/F.abund.estim.r        |  414 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 R/F.automated.CDA.r      |  274 ++++++++++++++-----------------
 R/F.dfunc.estim.R        |  113 +++++-------
 R/perp.dists.R           |only
 R/zzz.R                  |   21 +-
 data                     |only
 man/AIC.dfunc.Rd         |   43 ++--
 man/ESW.Rd               |   37 ++--
 man/F.abund.estim.Rd     |  126 ++++++--------
 man/F.automated.CDA.Rd   |  172 +++++++++----------
 man/F.dfunc.estim.Rd     |   94 +++-------
 man/F.gx.estim.Rd        |    3 
 man/        |    3 
 man/Rdistance-package.Rd |   57 ++----
 man/coef.dfunc.Rd        |   33 ++-
 man/perp.dists.Rd        |only
 man/sparrow.covs.Rd      |only
 man/sparrow.dists.Rd     |only
 man/      |   12 -
 vignettes                |only
 24 files changed, 768 insertions(+), 730 deletions(-)

More information about Rdistance at CRAN
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Package preseqR updated to version 1.1.1 with previous version 1.1 dated 2015-03-11

Title: Predicting Species Accumulation Curves
Description: Estimating species accumulation curves by rational function approximations to the non-parametric empirical Bayes estimator and by the zero-truncated Negative Binomial distribution.
Author: Chao Deng, Timothy Daley and Andrew D. Smith
Maintainer: Chao Deng

Diff between preseqR versions 1.1 dated 2015-03-11 and 1.1.1 dated 2015-04-01

 DESCRIPTION                             |    8 ++++----
 MD5                                     |   26 +++++++++++++-------------
 R/continued_fraction.R                  |   28 ++++++++++++++++++----------
 R/simulation.R                          |    4 ++--
 R/ztnb.R                                |   12 +++++++++---                               |    5 +++++
 man/preseqR.interpolate.distinct.Rd     |    4 ++--
 man/preseqR.nonreplace.sampling.Rd      |    4 ++--
 man/preseqR.rfa.curve.Rd                |    4 ++--
 man/preseqR.rfa.species.accum.curve.Rd  |    8 ++++----
 man/preseqR.simu.hist.Rd                |    6 +++---
 man/preseqR.ztnb.em.Rd                  |    4 ++--
 man/preseqR.ztnb.estimate.Rd            |    4 ++--
 man/preseqR.ztnb.species.accum.curve.Rd |    4 ++--
 14 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

More information about preseqR at CRAN
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Package PermAlgo updated to version 1.1 with previous version 1.0 dated 2010-10-12

Title: Permutational Algorithm to Simulate Survival Data
Description: This version of the permutational algorithm generates a dataset in which event and censoring times are conditional on an user-specified list of covariates, some or all of which are time-dependent.
Author: Marie-Pierre Sylvestre, Thad Edens, Todd MacKenzie, Michal Abrahamowicz
Maintainer: Marie-Pierre Sylvestre

Diff between PermAlgo versions 1.0 dated 2010-10-12 and 1.1 dated 2015-04-01

 DESCRIPTION   |   12 ++++++------
 MD5           |    4 ++--
 inst/CITATION |    8 ++++----
 3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

More information about PermAlgo at CRAN
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Package maptpx updated to version 1.9-2 with previous version 1.9-1 dated 2013-12-01

Title: MAP Estimation of Topic Models
Description: Posterior maximization for topic models (LDA) in text analysis, as described in Taddy (2012) `on estimation and selection for topic models'. Previous versions of this code were included as part of the textir package. If you want to take advantage of openmp parallelization, uncomment the relevant flags in src/MAKEVARS before compiling.
Author: Matt Taddy
Maintainer: Matt Taddy

Diff between maptpx versions 1.9-1 dated 2013-12-01 and 1.9-2 dated 2015-04-01

 DESCRIPTION   |    9 ++++-----
 MD5           |   16 ++++++++--------
 NAMESPACE     |    2 +-
 R/count.R     |    2 +-
 R/tpx.R       |    7 ++++---
 inst/CITATION |    4 ++--
 man/counts.Rd |    8 ++++----
 man/topics.Rd |    4 ++--
 src/Makevars  |    2 +-
 9 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

More information about maptpx at CRAN
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New package MCMC4Extremes with initial version 1.0
Package: MCMC4Extremes
Type: Package
Title: Posterior Distribution of Extreme Value Models in R
Version: 1.0
Date: 2015-03-14
Authors@R: c(person("Fernando Ferraz", "do Nascimento", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre")), person("Wyara Vanesa", "Moura e Silva", email = "", role = c("aut", "ctb")))
Author: Fernando Ferraz do Nascimento [aut, cre], Wyara Vanesa Moura e Silva [aut, ctb]
Maintainer: Fernando Ferraz do Nascimento
Depends: R (>= 3.0), evir
Description: Provides some function to perform posterior estimation for some distribution, with emphasis to extreme value distributions.It contains some extreme datasets, and functions that perform the runs of posterior points of the GPD and GEV distribution. The package calculate some important extreme measures like return level for each t periods of time, and some plots as the predictive distribution, and return level plots.
License: GPL-2
Packaged: 2015-04-01 11:21:29 UTC; WYARAVMS
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-04-02 00:04:49

More information about MCMC4Extremes at CRAN
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Package gamlr updated to version 1.13 with previous version 1.12-1 dated 2014-10-01

Title: Gamma Lasso Regression
Description: The gamma lasso algorithm provides regularization paths corresponding to a range of non-convex cost functions between L0 and L1 norms. As much as possible, usage for this package is analogous to that for the glmnet package (which does the same thing for penalization between L1 and L2 norms). For details see: Taddy (2015), One-Step Estimator Paths for Concave Regularization,
Author: Matt Taddy
Maintainer: Matt Taddy

Diff between gamlr versions 1.12-1 dated 2014-10-01 and 1.13 dated 2015-04-01

 DESCRIPTION  |   10 ++---
 MD5          |   11 +++---
 R/AICc.R     |    1 
 R/gamlr.R    |   31 ++++++++++++-----
 inst         |only
 man/gamlr.Rd |    2 -
 src/gamlr.c  |  107 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 7 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)

More information about gamlr at CRAN
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Package distrom updated to version 0.3-2 with previous version 0.3-1 dated 2014-10-01

Title: Distributed Multinomial Regression
Description: Estimation for a multinomial logistic regression factorized into independent Poisson log regressions. See the textir package for applications in multinomial inverse regression analysis of text.
Author: Matt Taddy
Maintainer: Matt Taddy

Diff between distrom versions 0.3-1 dated 2014-10-01 and 0.3-2 dated 2015-04-01

 DESCRIPTION   |    9 +++------
 MD5           |    6 +++---
 R/dmr.R       |   22 ++++++++++++++++++----
 inst/CITATION |    4 ++--
 4 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

More information about distrom at CRAN
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New package DiffCorr with initial version 0.4.1
Package: DiffCorr
Type: Package
Title: Analyzing and Visualizing Differential Correlation Networks in Biological Data
Version: 0.4.1
Date: 2015-03-31
Author: Atsushi Fukushima, Kozo Nishida
Maintainer: Atsushi Fukushima
Depends: pcaMethods, igraph, fdrtool, multtest
Description: A method for identifying pattern changes between 2 experimental conditions in correlation networks (e.g., gene co-expression networks), which builds on a commonly used association measure, such as Pearson's correlation coefficient. This package includes functions to calculate correlation matrices for high-dimensional dataset and to test differential correlation, which means the changes in the correlation relationship among variables (e.g., genes and metabolites) between 2 experimental conditions.
License: GPL (> 3)
Packaged: 2015-03-31 08:49:09 UTC; fuku
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-04-02 00:07:09

More information about DiffCorr at CRAN
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Package Bmix updated to version 0.5 with previous version 0.4 dated 2014-11-30

Title: Bayesian Sampling for Stick-Breaking Mixtures
Description: This is a bare-bones implementation of sampling algorithms for a variety of Bayesian stick-breaking (marginally DP) mixture models, including particle learning and Gibbs sampling for static DP mixtures, particle learning for dynamic BAR stick-breaking, and DP mixture regression. The software is designed to be easy to customize to suit different situations and for experimentation with stick-breaking models. Since particles are repeatedly copied, it is not an especially efficient implementation.
Author: Matt Taddy
Maintainer: Matt Taddy

Diff between Bmix versions 0.4 dated 2014-11-30 and 0.5 dated 2015-04-01

 DESCRIPTION     |   18 +++++++++---------
 MD5             |   12 ++++++------
 src/      |    4 ++--
 src/ |    8 ++++----
 src/rhelp.c     |   38 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 src/rhelp.h     |   10 +++++-----
 src/rvtools.c   |    2 +-
 7 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

More information about Bmix at CRAN
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Package scidb updated to version 1.2-0 with previous version 1.1-2 dated 2014-04-16

Title: An R Interface to SciDB
Description: An R interface to the SciDB array database (
Author: Paradigm4, B. W. Lewis
Maintainer: B. W. Lewis

Diff between scidb versions 1.1-2 dated 2014-04-16 and 1.2-0 dated 2015-04-01

 scidb-1.1-2/scidb/inst/doc/scidb.R                              |only
 scidb-1.1-2/scidb/inst/misc-documentation/SciDBR.list.functions |only
 scidb-1.1-2/scidb/inst/misc-documentation/funs                  |only
 scidb-1.1-2/scidb/inst/misc-documentation/scidb.pdf             |only
 scidb-1.1-2/scidb/man/substitute.Rd                             |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/DESCRIPTION                                   |   14 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/MD5                                           |  135 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/NAMESPACE                                     |   34 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/NEWS                                          |   14 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/R/aggregate.R                                 |   20 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/R/classes.R                                   |    2 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/R/dbops.R                                     |  210 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/R/distributions.R                             |    2 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/R/glm.R                                       |   29 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/R/merge.R                                     |  221 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/R/misc.R                                      |  231 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/R/pkg.R                                       |   50 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/R/redim.R                                     |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/R/schema-utils.R                              |  127 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/R/scidb-arithmetic.R                          |   72 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/R/scidb-functions.R                           |  147 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/R/scidb-indexing-functions.R                  |  327 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/R/scidb-methods.R                             |   53 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/R/scidbdf-functions.R                         |  112 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/R/scidbdf-methods.R                           |   40 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/R/special_index.R                             |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/R/utility.R                                   |  446 +
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/                                     |    9 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/build                                         |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/inst/doc/scidb.Rnw                            |  679 +
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/inst/doc/scidb.pdf                            |binary
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/inst/misc-documentation/README                |    5 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/inst/misc-documentation/Sweave.sty            |   10 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/inst/misc-documentation/extra_ops             |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/inst/misc-documentation/list.functions        |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/inst/misc-documentation/scidb.Rnw             |  427 -
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/inst/misc/image.jpg                           |binary
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/inst/misc/log                                 | 3605 ----------
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/as.scidb.Rd                               |   15 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/bernoulli.Rd                              |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/bind.Rd                                   |    2 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/build.Rd                                  |    2 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/chunk_map.Rd                              |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/comparison-methods.Rd                     |    5 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/cumulate.Rd                               |    2 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/dist.Rd                                   |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/factor_scidb.Rd                           |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/                                |   36 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/index_lookup.Rd                           |    6 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/iquery.Rd                                 |   62 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/is.temp.Rd                                |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/kmeans.Rd                                 |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/levels_scidb.Rd                           |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/merge-methods.Rd                          |   63 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/na.locf-method.Rd                         |    7 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/order.Rd                                  |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/peek.Rd                                   |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/predict.glm_scidb.Rd                      |    7 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/project.Rd                                |    2 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/rank.Rd                                   |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/redimension.Rd                            |   72 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/remove_old_versions.Rd                    |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/repart.Rd                                 |    4 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/replaceNA.Rd                              |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/scidb-class.Rd                            |   10 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/scidb-package.Rd                          |   23 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/scidb.Rd                                  |    1 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/scidb_attributes.Rd                       |   24 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/scidbconnect.Rd                           |   20 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/scidbdf-class.Rd                          |   23 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/scidbeval.Rd                              |   16 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/show_commit_log.Rd                        |    4 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/sort-methods.Rd                           |   13 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/subarray.Rd                               |   47 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/tsvd.Rd                                   |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/man/unbound.Rd                                |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/src/parse.c                                   |only
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/src/scidb.c                                   |  142 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/tests/scidb.R                                 |  179 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/tests/scidbdf.R                               |   41 
 scidb-1.2-0/scidb/vignettes/scidb.Rnw                           |  679 +
 81 files changed, 3637 insertions(+), 4891 deletions(-)

More information about scidb at CRAN
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Package rivr updated to version 0.9.2 with previous version 0.9.1 dated 2015-02-22

Title: Steady and Unsteady Open-Channel Flow Computation
Description: A tool for undergraduate courses in open-channel hydraulics. Provides functions for computing normal and critical depths, steady-state water surface profiles (e.g. backwater curves) and unsteady flow computations (e.g. flood wave routing).
Author: Michael C Koohafkan [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Michael C Koohafkan

Diff between rivr versions 0.9.1 dated 2015-02-22 and 0.9.2 dated 2015-04-01

 rivr-0.9.1/rivr/                         |only
 rivr-0.9.2/rivr/DESCRIPTION                       |   11 
 rivr-0.9.2/rivr/MD5                               |   35 +-
 rivr-0.9.2/rivr/NAMESPACE                         |    1 
 rivr-0.9.2/rivr/R/RcppExports.R                   |    2 
 rivr-0.9.2/rivr/R/graduallyvariedflow_v2.r        |   74 ++++--
 rivr-0.9.2/rivr/R/route_wave_v4.r                 |   22 +
 rivr-0.9.2/rivr/build/vignette.rds                |binary
 rivr-0.9.2/rivr/inst/doc/quickstart.R             |    2 
 rivr-0.9.2/rivr/inst/doc/quickstart.Rmd           |    2 
 rivr-0.9.2/rivr/inst/doc/quickstart.html          |    3 
 rivr-0.9.2/rivr/man/compute_profile.Rd            |    8 
 rivr-0.9.2/rivr/man/froude.Rd                     |    2 
 rivr-0.9.2/rivr/man/rivr-package.Rd               |    8 
 rivr-0.9.2/rivr/man/route_wave.Rd                 |    2 
 rivr-0.9.2/rivr/man/waterolympics.Rd              |    6 
 rivr-0.9.2/rivr/src/RcppExports.cpp               |  264 +++++++++-------------
 rivr-0.9.2/rivr/src/rivmech_characteristic_v7.cpp |    2 
 rivr-0.9.2/rivr/vignettes/quickstart.Rmd          |    2 
 19 files changed, 226 insertions(+), 220 deletions(-)

More information about rivr at CRAN
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Package npbr updated to version 1.1 with previous version 1.0 dated 2013-12-11

Title: Nonparametric Boundary Regression
Description: A variety of functions for the best known and most innovative approaches to nonparametric boundary estimation. The selected methods are concerned with empirical, smoothed, unrestricted as well as constrained fits under both separate and multiple shape constraints. They cover robust approaches to outliers as well as data envelopment techniques based on piecewise polynomials, splines, local linear fitting, extreme values and kernel smoothing. The package also seamlessly allows for Monte Carlo comparisons among these different estimation methods. Its use is illustrated via a number of empirical applications and simulated examples.
Author: Abdelaati Daouia , Thibault Laurent , Hohsuk Noh
Maintainer: Thibault Laurent

Diff between npbr versions 1.0 dated 2013-12-11 and 1.1 dated 2015-04-01

 npbr-1.0/npbr/R/quad_spline_est_kn.R    |only
 npbr-1.0/npbr/man/quad_spline_est_kn.Rd |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/DESCRIPTION               |   17 
 npbr-1.1/npbr/MD5                       |   76 
 npbr-1.1/npbr/NAMESPACE                 |    3 
 npbr-1.1/npbr/R/cub_spline_est.r        |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/R/cub_spline_kn.r         |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/R/dfs_momt.r              |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/R/dfs_pick.r              |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/R/dfs_pwm.r               |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/R/kern_smooth.R           |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/R/kern_smooth_bw.R        |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/R/kopt_momt_pick.r        |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/R/loc_est.R               |   13 
 npbr-1.1/npbr/R/loc_est_bw.R            |    6 
 npbr-1.1/npbr/R/loc_max.r               |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/R/mopt_pwm.r              |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/R/pick_est.r              |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/R/poly_degree.r           |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/R/quad_spline_est.R       |   51 
 npbr-1.1/npbr/R/quad_spline_kn.R        |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/R/rho_momt_pick.r         |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/R/rho_pwm.r               |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/R/zzz.r                   |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/build/vignette.rds        |binary
 npbr-1.1/npbr/data/air.rda              |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/data/post.rda             |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/data/records.rda          |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/inst/doc/ex-npbr.R        | 1205 +++++++++++++--
 npbr-1.1/npbr/inst/doc/ex-npbr.pdf      |binary
 npbr-1.1/npbr/inst/doc/ex-npbr.rnw      | 2496 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/air.rd                |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/cub_spline_est.rd     |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/cub_spline_kn.rd      |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/dea_est.Rd            |   40 
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/dfs_momt.rd           |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/dfs_pick.rd           |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/dfs_pwm.rd            |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/green.Rd              |   12 
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/kern_smooth.Rd        |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/kern_smooth_bw.Rd     |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/kopt_momt_pick.rd     |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/loc_est.Rd            |   75 
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/loc_est_bw.Rd         |   51 
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/loc_max.rd            |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/mopt_pwm.rd           |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/npbr-package.Rd       |  127 +
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/nuclear.Rd            |   14 
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/pick_est.rd           |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/poly_degree.rd        |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/poly_est.Rd           |   40 
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/post.Rd               |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/quad_spline_est.Rd    |   89 -
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/quad_spline_kn.Rd     |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/records.Rd            |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/rho_momt_pick.rd      |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/man/rho_pwm.rd            |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/src                       |only
 npbr-1.1/npbr/vignettes/ex-npbr.rnw     | 2496 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 59 files changed, 5748 insertions(+), 1063 deletions(-)

More information about npbr at CRAN
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Package NAM updated to version 1.1.2 with previous version 1.1 dated 2015-03-11

Title: Nested Association Mapping Analysis
Description: Designed for association studies in nested association mapping (NAM) panels, but also handling biparental and random panels. It includes functions for genome-wide associations mapping of multiple populations, marker quality control, solving mixed models and finding variance components through REML and Gibbs sampling.
Author: Alencar Xavier, William Muir, Katy Rainey, Tiago Pimenta, Qishan Wang, Shizhong Xu.
Maintainer: Alencar Xavier

Diff between NAM versions 1.1 dated 2015-03-11 and 1.1.2 dated 2015-04-01

 DESCRIPTION        |    8 
 MD5                |   28 -
 R/gibbs.R          |  382 ++++++++++----------
 R/gwas.R           |  973 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 R/gwas2.R          |  722 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 R/manhattan.R      |   66 +--
 R/reml.R           |    2 
 man/NAM-package.Rd |    6 
 man/gibbs.Rd       |   25 -
 man/gwas.Rd        |  126 +++---
 man/manhattan.Rd   |   79 ++--
 man/reference.Rd   |   66 +--
 man/snpH2.Rd       |   66 +--
 man/snpQC.Rd       |   82 ++--
 man/tpod.Rd        |   42 +-
 15 files changed, 1339 insertions(+), 1334 deletions(-)

More information about NAM at CRAN
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New package HarmonicRegression with initial version 1.0
Package: HarmonicRegression
Type: Package
Title: Harmonic Regression to One or more Time Series
Version: 1.0
Date: 2015-04-01
Author: Paal O. Westermark
Maintainer: Paal O. Westermark
Description: Fits the first harmonics in a Fourier expansion to one or more time series. Trend elimination can be performed. Computed values include estimates of amplitudes and phases, as well as confidence intervals and p-values for the null hypothesis of Gaussian noise.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Suggests: knitr
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
Packaged: 2015-04-01 16:32:51 UTC; westerm
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-04-01 19:27:09

More information about HarmonicRegression at CRAN
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Package decompr updated to version 3.0.0 with previous version 2.1.0 dated 2015-02-03

Title: Global Value Chains Decomposition (Wang-Wei-Zhu and Leontief)
Description: Two Global Value Chains decompositions are implemented. Firstly, the Wang-Wei-Zhu (Wang, Wei, and Zhu 2013) algorithm splits bilateral gross exports into 16 value added components. Secondly, the Leontief decomposition (default) derives the value added origin of exports by country and industry, which is also based on Wang, Wei, and Zhu (2013).
Author: Bastiaan Quast [aut, cre], Fei Wang [aut], Victor Kummritz [aut]
Maintainer: Bastiaan Quast

Diff between decompr versions 2.1.0 dated 2015-02-03 and 3.0.0 dated 2015-04-01

 decompr-2.1.0/decompr/R/vertical_specialisation.R    |only
 decompr-2.1.0/decompr/data/wiod.rda                  |only
 decompr-2.1.0/decompr/man/final_demand.Rd            |only
 decompr-2.1.0/decompr/man/industry_names.Rd          |only
 decompr-2.1.0/decompr/man/intermediate_demand.Rd     |only
 decompr-2.1.0/decompr/man/kung_fu.Rd                 |only
 decompr-2.1.0/decompr/man/output.Rd                  |only
 decompr-2.1.0/decompr/man/region_names.Rd            |only
 decompr-2.1.0/decompr/man/vertical_specialisation.Rd |only
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/DESCRIPTION                    |   21 
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/MD5                            |   67 -
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/NAMESPACE                      |   18 
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/NEWS                           |  262 +++----
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/R/decomp.R                     |  187 ++---
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/R/decompr.R                    |  119 +--
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/R/leontief.R                   |  188 ++---
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/R/leontief_output.R            |only
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/R/load_tables.R                |   94 +-
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/R/load_tables_vectors.R        |  438 ++++++------
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/R/wwz.R                        |  675 +++++++++----------
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/                      |  106 +-
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/build                          |only
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/data/leather.rda               |binary
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/inst/CITATION                  |   34 
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/inst/doc                       |only
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/man/countries.Rd               |   20 
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/man/decomp.Rd                  |  170 ++--
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/man/decompr.Rd                 |   43 -
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/man/final.Rd                   |   20 
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/man/industries.Rd              |   20 
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/man/inter.Rd                   |   20 
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/man/leontief.Rd                |   82 +-
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/man/leontief_output.Rd         |   82 +-
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/man/load_tables.Rd             |   66 -
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/man/load_tables_vectors.Rd     |  104 +-
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/man/out.Rd                     |   20 
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/man/wwz.Rd                     |   87 +-
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/tests                          |only
 decompr-3.0.0/decompr/vignettes                      |only
 39 files changed, 1449 insertions(+), 1494 deletions(-)

More information about decompr at CRAN
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New package gazepath with initial version 1.0
Package: gazepath
Type: Package
Title: Gazepath Transforms Eye-Tracking Data into Fixations and Saccades
Version: 1.0
Date: 2015-03-03
Author: Daan van Renswoude
Maintainer: Daan van Renswoude
Description: Eye-tracking data must be transformed into fixations and saccades before it can be analyzed. This package provides a non-parametric speed-based approach to do this on a trial basis. The method is especially useful when there are large differences in data quality, as the thresholds are adjusted accordingly. The same pre-processing procedure can be applied to all participants, while accounting for individual differences in data quality.
License: GPL-2
Repository: CRAN
Repository/R-Forge/Project: gazepatterns
Repository/R-Forge/Revision: 36
Repository/R-Forge/DateTimeStamp: 2015-04-01 12:54:43
Date/Publication: 2015-04-01 19:39:54
Packaged: 2015-04-01 13:05:17 UTC; rforge
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
NeedsCompilation: no

More information about gazepath at CRAN
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Package GenOrd updated to version 1.3.0 with previous version 1.2.0 dated 2014-04-01

Title: Simulation of Ordinal and Discrete Variables with Given Correlation Matrix and Marginal Distributions
Description: A gaussian copula based procedure is implemented for generating samples from ordinal/discrete random variables with pre-specified correlation matrix and marginal distributions.
Author: Alessandro Barbiero, Pier Alda Ferrari
Maintainer: Alessandro Barbiero

Diff between GenOrd versions 1.2.0 dated 2014-04-01 and 1.3.0 dated 2015-04-01

 DESCRIPTION           |   16 ++++------
 MD5                   |   20 ++++++------
 R/contord.R           |   77 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 R/corrcheck.R         |    1 
 R/ordcont.R           |   15 +++++----
 R/ordsample.R         |   24 ++++++++-------
 man/GenOrd-package.Rd |   14 +++++----
 man/contord.Rd        |   19 ++++++------
 man/corrcheck.Rd      |   21 +++++++------
 man/ordcont.Rd        |   40 ++++++++++++-------------
 man/ordsample.Rd      |   45 ++++++++++++++---------------
 11 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 144 deletions(-)

More information about GenOrd at CRAN
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Package track updated to version 1.1.8 with previous version 1.1.7 dated 2015-03-14

Title: Store Objects on Disk Automatically
Description: Automatically stores objects in files on disk so that files are rewritten when objects are changed, and so that objects are accessible but do not occupy memory until they are accessed. Keeps track of times when objects are created and modified, and caches some basic characteristics of objects to allow for fast summaries of objects. Also provides a command history mechanism that saves the last command to a history file after each command completes.
Author: Tony Plate
Maintainer: Tony Plate

Diff between track versions 1.1.7 dated 2015-03-14 and 1.1.8 dated 2015-04-01

 DESCRIPTION                |    8 ++++----
 MD5                        |   10 +++++-----
 NEWS                       |    4 ++++
 tests/runtests.R           |    4 +++-
 tests/ |    4 ++--
 vignettes/track.Rnw        |    6 ++++++
 6 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

More information about track at CRAN
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Package TimeWarp updated to version 1.0.12 with previous version 1.0.11 dated 2015-03-07

Title: Date Calculations and Manipulation
Description: Date sequence, relative date calculations, and date manipulation with business days and holidays. Works with Date and POSIXt classes.
Author: Tony Plate, Jeffrey Horner, Lars Hansen
Maintainer: Tony Plate

Diff between TimeWarp versions 1.0.11 dated 2015-03-07 and 1.0.12 dated 2015-04-01

 DESCRIPTION       |    8 ++++----
 MD5               |    4 ++--
 tests/holidays.Rt |    3 ++-
 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

More information about TimeWarp at CRAN
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New package PopVar with initial version 1.0
Package: PopVar
Title: Genomic Breeding Tools: Genetic Variance Prediction and Cross-Validation
Version: 1.0
Date: 2015-02-20
Author: Tyler Tiede [aut, cre], Mohsen Mohammadi [ctb], Kevin P. Smith [ctb]
Maintainer: Tyler Tiede
Depends: R (>= 3.0.1), utils
Imports: BGLR, qtl, rrBLUP
License: GPL-3
LazyData: true
Description: The main attribute of 'PopVar' is the prediction of genetic variance in bi-parental populations, from which the package derives its name. 'PopVar' contains a set of functions that use phenotypic and genotypic data from a set of candidate parents to 1) predict the mean, genetic variance, and superior progeny value of all, or a defined set of pairwise bi-parental crosses, and 2) perform cross-validation to estimate genome-wide prediction accuracy of multiple statistical models. More details are available in Mohammadi, Tiede, and Smith (2015). Crop Sci. doi:10.2135/cropsci2015.01.0030. A dataset 'think_barley.rda' is included for reference and examples.
Packaged: 2015-03-31 22:29:51 UTC; tylertiede
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-04-01 07:50:38

More information about PopVar at CRAN
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Package Laterality updated to version 0.9.3 with previous version 0.9.2 dated 2013-07-08

Title: Functions to Calculate Common Laterality Statistics in Primatology
Description: Calculates and plots Handedness index (HI), absolute HI, mean HI and z-score which are commonly used indexes for the study of hand preference (laterality) in non-human primates.
Author: Borel A., Pouydebat E., Reghem E.
Maintainer: Antony Borel

Diff between Laterality versions 0.9.2 dated 2013-07-08 and 0.9.3 dated 2015-04-01

 DESCRIPTION               |   19 +-
 MD5                       |   38 ++---
 NAMESPACE                 |   33 +++--
 R/HImeanindabs.R          |   94 +++++++-------
 R/HIndivabs.R             |  116 ++++++++---------
 R/laterAFCM.R             |   79 +++++------
 R/lvisAFCM.R              |  131 ++++++++++---------
 R/visAFCM.R               |   75 +++++------
 man/HImeanact.Rd          |  242 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 man/HImeanactabs.Rd       |  232 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 man/HImeanind.Rd          |  238 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 man/HImeanindabs.Rd       |  232 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 man/HIndiv.Rd             |  234 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 man/HIndivabs.Rd          |  236 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 man/Laterality-package.Rd |  182 +++++++++++++--------------
 man/later.Rd              |  164 ++++++++++++------------
 man/laterAFCM.Rd          |  175 ++++++++++++--------------
 man/laterhist.Rd          |  188 ++++++++++++++--------------
 man/lvisAFCM.Rd           |  303 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 man/visAFCM.Rd            |  208 +++++++++++++++----------------
 20 files changed, 1597 insertions(+), 1622 deletions(-)

More information about Laterality at CRAN
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New package KMDA with initial version 1.0
Package: KMDA
Type: Package
Title: Kernel-Based Metabolite Differential Analysis
Version: 1.0
Date: 2015-03-26
Author: Xiang Zhan and Debashis Ghosh
Maintainer: Xiang Zhan
Description: Compute p-values of metabolite differential expression analysis using the kernel-based approach.
License: GNU General Public License
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
Packaged: 2015-03-31 16:26:23 UTC; xiangzhan
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-04-01 07:48:17

More information about KMDA at CRAN
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New package FlexParamCurve with initial version 1.5-2
Package: FlexParamCurve
Version: 1.5-2
Date: 2015-03-31
Title: Tools to Fit Flexible Parametric Curves
Authors@R: c(person("Stephen", "Oswald", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = ""))
Author: Stephen Oswald [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Stephen Oswald
Description: Model selection tools and 'selfStart' functions to fit parametric curves in 'nls', 'nlsList' and 'nlme' frameworks.
License: GPL-2
Depends: nlme
LazyData: true
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2015-03-31 20:41:19 UTC; Admin2
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-04-01 07:44:34

More information about FlexParamCurve at CRAN
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Package CARBayes updated to version 4.1 with previous version 4.0 dated 2014-12-16

Title: Spatial Areal Unit Modelling
Description: Implements a class of spatial generalised linear mixed models for areal unit data, with inference in a Bayesian setting using Markov chain Monte Carlo (McMC) simulation. The spatial autocorrelation is modelled by a set of random effects, which are assigned a conditional autoregressive (CAR) prior distribution. A number of different CAR priors are available for the random effects, and full details are given in the vignette accompanying this package. The initial creation of this package was supported by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) grant RES-000-22-4256, and on-going development is supported by the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) grant EP/J017442/1.
Author: Duncan Lee
Maintainer: Duncan Lee

Diff between CARBayes versions 4.0 dated 2014-12-16 and 4.1 dated 2015-04-01

 CARBayes-4.0/CARBayes/data                           |only
 CARBayes-4.0/CARBayes/man/spatialhousedata.Rd        |only
 CARBayes-4.0/CARBayes/man/spatialrespdata.Rd         |only
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/DESCRIPTION                    |   14 -
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/MD5                            |  105 +++----
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/NAMESPACE                      |    3 
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/RcppExports.R                |    1 
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/S.CARbym.R                   |    2 
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/S.CARcluster.R               |    2 
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/S.CARdissimilarity.R         |    2 
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/S.CARiar.R                   |    2 
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/S.CARleroux.R                |    2 
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/S.independent.R              |    2 
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/binomial.bymCAR.R            |   24 +
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/binomial.clusterCAR.R        |   44 ++-
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/binomial.dissimilarityCAR.R  |   22 +
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/binomial.iarCAR.R            |   24 +
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/binomial.independent.R       |   22 +
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/binomial.lerouxCAR.R         |   24 +
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/     |  128 +++++----
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/gaussian.bymCAR.R            |   24 +
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/gaussian.clusterCAR.R        |   40 +-
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/gaussian.dissimilarityCAR.R  |   22 +
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/gaussian.iarCAR.R            |   24 +
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/gaussian.independent.R       |   22 +
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/gaussian.lerouxCAR.R         |   24 +
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/highlight.borders.R          |   17 -
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/poisson.bymCAR.R             |   24 +
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/poisson.clusterCAR.R         |   46 ++-
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/poisson.clusterCARagg.R      |   42 +--
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/poisson.dissimilarityCAR.R   |   22 +
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/poisson.iarCAR.R             |   24 +
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/poisson.independent.R        |   22 +
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/R/poisson.lerouxCAR.R          |   24 +
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/build/vignette.rds             |binary
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/inst/doc/CARBayesvignette.R    |  108 ++++---
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/inst/doc/CARBayesvignette.Rnw  |  263 ++++++++++---------
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/inst/doc/CARBayesvignette.pdf  |binary
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/man/CARBayes-package.Rd        |  109 +++----
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/man/S.CARbym.Rd                |   70 +++--
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/man/S.CARcluster.Rd            |   84 +++---
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/man/S.CARdissimilarity.Rd      |   78 +++--
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/man/S.CARiar.Rd                |   70 +++--
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/man/S.CARleroux.Rd             |   71 +++--
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/man/S.independent.Rd           |   62 ++--
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/man/  |   26 +
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/man/highlight.borders.Rd       |   34 +-
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/man/print.carbayes.Rd          |    9 
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/man/summarise.lincomb.Rd       |   30 +-
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/man/summarise.samples.Rd       |   28 +-
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/src/CARBayes.cpp               |    1 
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/src/RcppExports.cpp            |    1 
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/vignettes/CARBayesvignette.Rnw |  263 ++++++++++---------
 CARBayes-4.1/CARBayes/vignettes/jss996.bib           |   22 -
 54 files changed, 1252 insertions(+), 877 deletions(-)

More information about CARBayes at CRAN
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