Title: Crunch.io Data Tools
Diff between crunch versions 1.1.0 dated 2015-04-16 and 1.1.1 dated 2015-04-20
Description: The Crunch.io service (http://crunch.io/) provides a cloud-based
data store and analytic engine, as well as an intuitive web interface.
Using this package, analysts can interact with and manipulate Crunch
datasets from within R. Importantly, this allows technical researchers to
collaborate naturally with team members, managers, and clients who prefer a
point-and-click interface.
Author: Neal Richardson [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Neal Richardson
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 | 8 ++++----
tests/testthat.R | 2 +-
tests/testthat/test-encoding.R | 9 +++++++++
tests/testthat/test-subvariables.R | 4 ++--
5 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
Title: A Hydraulics Package to Compute Open-Channel Flow over Weirs
Diff between weirs versions 0.23 dated 2013-12-03 and 0.24 dated 2015-04-20
Description: This hydraulics package provides computational support for flow over weirs, such as sharp-crested, broad-crested, and embankments. Initially, the package supports broad- and sharp-crested weirs.
Author: William Asquith
Maintainer: William Asquith
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 | 4 ++--
inst/CITATION | 5 ++---
3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
Title: Radiation and Photovoltaic Systems
Diff between solaR versions 0.38 dated 2014-04-27 and 0.41 dated 2015-04-20
Description: Calculation methods of solar radiation and performance of photovoltaic systems from daily and intradaily irradiation data sources.
Author: Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro
Maintainer: Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro
solaR-0.38/solaR/LICENSE |only
solaR-0.38/solaR/man/TargetDiagram.Rd |only
solaR-0.38/solaR/man/readSIAR.Rd |only
solaR-0.41/solaR/DESCRIPTION | 18 ++--
solaR-0.41/solaR/MD5 | 76 ++++++++++----------
solaR-0.41/solaR/NAMESPACE | 6 +
solaR-0.41/solaR/R/AllClasses.R | 2
solaR-0.41/solaR/R/TargetDiagram.R | 88 ++++++++++--------------
solaR-0.41/solaR/R/analyzeData.R | 70 ++++---------------
solaR-0.41/solaR/R/calcG0.R | 58 ---------------
solaR-0.41/solaR/R/calcGef.R | 28 -------
solaR-0.41/solaR/R/calcShd.R | 16 ----
solaR-0.41/solaR/R/calcSol.R | 16 ----
solaR-0.41/solaR/R/fInclin.R | 106 +++++++++++++++--------------
solaR-0.41/solaR/R/markovG0.R | 13 +--
solaR-0.41/solaR/R/optimShd.R | 36 ---------
solaR-0.41/solaR/R/prodGCPV.R | 23 ------
solaR-0.41/solaR/R/prodPVPS.R | 24 ------
solaR-0.41/solaR/R/read.R | 36 ---------
solaR-0.41/solaR/R/zzz.R | 19 ++++-
solaR-0.41/solaR/README.md | 3
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/Meteo-class.Rd | 1
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/calcG0.Rd | 43 +----------
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/calcGef.Rd | 31 --------
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/calcShd.Rd | 11 ++-
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/calcSol.Rd | 2
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/compare-methods.Rd | 18 ----
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/defunct.Rd |only
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/deprecated.Rd |only
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/fCompD.Rd | 3
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/fSolD.Rd | 2
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/fSolI.Rd | 2
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/fTemp.Rd | 18 ----
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/getLat-methods.Rd | 2
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/mergesolaR-methods.Rd | 26 -------
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/optimShd.Rd | 7 -
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/prodExample.Rd | 4 -
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/prodGCPV.Rd | 69 ------------------
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/prodPVPS.Rd | 37 ----------
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/readBD.Rd | 1
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/readG0dm.Rd | 3
solaR-0.41/solaR/man/solaR-package.Rd |only
42 files changed, 218 insertions(+), 700 deletions(-)
Title: Tools for Prevalence Assessment Studies
Diff between prevalence versions 0.3.0 dated 2014-10-21 and 0.4.0 dated 2015-04-20
Description: The prevalence package provides Frequentist and Bayesian methods for prevalence assessment studies. IMPORTANT: the truePrev functions in the prevalence package call on JAGS (Just Another Gibbs Sampler), which therefore has to be available on the user's system. JAGS can be downloaded from http://mcmc-jags.sourceforge.net/.
Author: Brecht Devleesschauwer [aut, cre], Paul Torgerson [aut],
Johannes Charlier [aut], Bruno Levecke [aut], Nicolas Praet [aut],
Sophie Roelandt [aut], Suzanne Smit [aut], Pierre Dorny [aut],
Dirk Berkvens [aut], Niko Speybroeck [aut]
Maintainer: Brecht Devleesschauwer
DESCRIPTION | 19 +++---
MD5 | 43 +++++++-------
NEWS | 14 ++++
R/plot-methods-coda.R | 137 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
R/truePrevBinom.R | 31 ++++++++--
R/truePrevMulti-helper.R | 6 +-
R/truePrevMulti-main.R | 2
R/truePrevPools.R | 33 ++++++++---
R/zzz.R | 94 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------
inst/CITATION | 8 +-
man/betaExpert.Rd | 4 -
man/betaPERT.Rd | 2
man/convert-methods.Rd |only
man/define.Rd | 2
man/plot-methods.Rd | 2
man/prev-class.Rd | 15 +++--
man/prevalence-package.Rd | 9 ++-
man/print-methods.Rd | 5 -
man/propCI.Rd | 2
man/truePrev.Rd | 2
man/truePrevMulti2.Rd | 4 -
man/truePrevPools.Rd | 6 +-
23 files changed, 274 insertions(+), 170 deletions(-)
Title: Estimation of the Number of Fatalities from Carcass Searches
Diff between carcass versions 1.3 dated 2014-10-02 and 1.4 dated 2015-04-20
Description: The number of bird or bat fatalities from collisions with buildings, towers or wind energy turbines can be estimated based on carcass searches and experimentally assessed carcass persistence times and searcher efficiency. Functions for estimating the probability that a bird or bat that died is found by a searcher are provided. Further functions calculate the posterior distribution of the number of fatalities based on the number of carcasses found and the estimated detection probability.
Author: Fraenzi Korner-Nievergelt, Ivo Niermann, Oliver Behr, Matthew A. Etterson, Robert Brinkmann, Pius Korner, Barbara Hellriegel, Tobias Roth, Manuela M. P. Huso, Dan Dalthorp
Maintainer: Fraenzi Korner-Nievergelt
DESCRIPTION | 12 ++++++------
MD5 | 11 ++++++-----
R/estimateN.r | 6 ++++++
R/pkorner.R | 19 ++++++++++++-------
R/posteriorN.R | 24 +++++++++++++++---------
inst |only
man/carcass-package.Rd | 2 +-
7 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
Title: GUI for Entering Test Items and Obtaining Raw and Transformed
Diff between TestScorer versions 1.6 dated 2014-07-05 and 1.7 dated 2015-04-20
Description: GUI for entering test items and obtaining raw
and transformed scores. The results are shown on the
console and can be saved to a tabular text file for further
statistical analysis. The user can define his own tests and
scoring procedures through a GUI.
Author: Manel Salamero
Maintainer: Manel Salamero
TestScorer-1.6/TestScorer/inst/some.stuff/TestScorerHelp.pdf |only
TestScorer-1.7/TestScorer/DESCRIPTION | 14 +--
TestScorer-1.7/TestScorer/MD5 | 15 +--
TestScorer-1.7/TestScorer/NAMESPACE | 3
TestScorer-1.7/TestScorer/NEWS | 2
TestScorer-1.7/TestScorer/R/TestScorer.R | 42 +++++------
TestScorer-1.7/TestScorer/inst/some.stuff/TST_DASS.r | 6 -
TestScorer-1.7/TestScorer/inst/some.stuff/TST_MHLC.r | 4 -
TestScorer-1.7/TestScorer/inst/some.stuff/TST_RAAS.r | 32 ++++----
9 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
Title: Sparklines and Graphical Tables for TeX and HTML
Diff between sparkTable versions 0.12.0 dated 2014-11-17 and 1.0.0 dated 2015-04-20
Description: Create sparklines and graphical tables for documents and websites.
Author: Alexander Kowarik, Bernhard Meindl, Matthias Templ
Maintainer: Alexander Kowarik
MD5 | 24 ++--
R/classes.r | 20 ++--
R/exports.r | 39 +++++++-
R/methods.r | 180 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
R/showSparkTable.R | 8 -
inst/shinystuff/shinypara_server.R | 4
man/export.Rd | 6 -
man/newSparkBar.Rd | 9 +
man/newSparkTable.Rd | 2
man/setParameter.Rd | 2
man/sparkbar-class.Rd | 1
man/sparkbox-class.Rd | 1
13 files changed, 216 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)
Title: Fast Nearest Neighbour Search (Wraps Arya and Mount's ANN
Diff between RANN versions 2.4.1 dated 2014-07-21 and 2.5 dated 2015-04-20
Description: Finds the k nearest neighbours for every point in a given dataset
in O(N log N) time using Arya and Mount's ANN library (v1.1.3). There is
support for approximate as well as exact searches, fixed radius searches
and bd as well as kd trees.
Author: Sunil Arya and David Mount (for ANN), Samuel E. Kemp, Gregory Jefferis
Maintainer: Gregory Jefferis
RANN-2.4.1/RANN/man/RANN-defunct.Rd |only
RANN-2.5/RANN/DESCRIPTION | 11 +++++------
RANN-2.5/RANN/MD5 | 17 ++++++++---------
RANN-2.5/RANN/NEWS | 8 ++++++++
RANN-2.5/RANN/R/nn.R | 14 --------------
RANN-2.5/RANN/README.md | 9 +++++----
RANN-2.5/RANN/man/RANN-package.Rd | 3 ++-
RANN-2.5/RANN/man/nn2.Rd | 3 ++-
RANN-2.5/RANN/src/NN.cc | 2 +-
10 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
Title: Moment-Based Estimation for Hierarchical Models
Diff between mbest versions 0.1 dated 2014-06-05 and 0.3 dated 2015-04-20
Implements methods from the paper "Fast Moment-Based Estimation
for Hierarchical Models," by Perry (2015).
Author: Patrick O. Perry
Maintainer: Patrick O. Perry
MD5 | 33 ++++---
R/backtrack.R |only
R/blindsearch.R |only
R/firthglm.fit.R | 169 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
R/linesearch.R | 21 ++--
R/mhglm.R | 2
R/mhglm.fit.R | 25 +++--
R/moment.est.R | 41 ++++++++-
R/rdglm.fit.R | 20 ++--
README.md | 2
inst/CITATION | 2
inst/tests/firth-binomial10.rds |only
inst/tests/firth-binomial8.rds |only
inst/tests/firth-binomial9.rds |only
inst/tests/test-firthglm-fit.R | 51 +++++++++++-
inst/tests/test-mhglm.R | 2
man/firthglm.fit.Rd | 16 ++-
man/mbest-package.Rd | 6 -
man/mhglm.Rd | 2
20 files changed, 295 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)
Title: Automated Feature Selection from 'caret'
Diff between fscaret versions 0.9.3 dated 2015-03-04 and 0.9.4 dated 2015-04-20
Description: Automated feature selection using variety of models
provided by 'caret' package.
This work was funded by Poland-Singapore bilateral cooperation
project no 2/3/POL-SIN/2012.
Author: Jakub Szlek [aut, cre],
Aleksander Mendyk [ctb]
Maintainer: Jakub Szlek
MD5 | 40 +++++++--------
R/fscaret.R | 62 ++++++++++--------------
R/impCalc.R | 30 ++++++++++-
R/regVarImp.R | 6 +-
build/vignette.rds |binary
inst/NEWS.Rd | 12 ++++
inst/doc/fscaret.R | 110 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
inst/doc/fscaret.Rnw | 126 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
inst/doc/fscaret.pdf |binary
man/MSE.Rd | 17 ------
man/RMSE.Rd | 15 -----
man/dataset.test.Rd | 11 ----
man/dataset.train.Rd | 10 ---
man/fscaret-package.Rd | 4 -
man/fscaret.Rd | 13 +++--
man/funcClass.all.Rd | 15 -----
man/funcReg.all.Rd | 13 -----
man/impCalc.Rd | 16 ++++--
man/timeout.Rd | 29 -----------
vignettes/fscaret.Rnw | 126 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
21 files changed, 409 insertions(+), 254 deletions(-)
Title: Estimation of ICA Mixture Models
Diff between icamix versions 1.0.1 dated 2014-08-29 and 1.0.2 dated 2015-04-20
Description: The icamix package provides R functions as well as a C++ library which facilitate the estimation of ICA mixture models. We have developed and implemented the NSMM-ICA algorithm that currently integrates npEM and Fast-ICA for non-parametric estimation of ICA mixture models. We will continue to build in algorithms that interweave the EM step with other types of ICA techniques.
Author: Xiaotian Zhu, David R. Hunter
Maintainer: Xiaotian Zhu
DESCRIPTION | 14 ++++----
MD5 | 8 ++---
man/icamix-package.Rd | 2 -
src/RcppExports.cpp | 78 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
5 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)
Title: Estimation in Dual Frame Surveys
Diff between Frames2 versions 0.1.0 dated 2015-01-22 and 0.1.1 dated 2015-04-20
Description: Point and interval estimation in dual frame surveys. In contrast
to classic sampling theory, where only one sampling frame is considered,
dual frame methodology assumes that there are two frames available for
sampling and that, overall, they cover the entire target population. Then,
two probability samples (one from each frame) are drawn and information
collected is suitably combined to get estimators of the parameter of
Author: Antonio Arcos
Maintainer: David Molina
MD5 | 48 ++++++-----
R/CalSF.R | 6 -
R/JackBKA.R | 204 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
R/JackCalDF.R | 230 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
R/JackCalSF.R | 231 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
R/JackFB.R | 196 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
R/JackHartley.R | 201 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
R/JackPEL.R | 218 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
R/JackPML.R | 197 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
R/JackSFRR.R | 202 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
build |only
inst |only
man/JackBKA.Rd | 34 ++-----
man/JackCalDF.Rd | 44 +++-------
man/JackCalSF.Rd | 45 ++++------
man/JackFB.Rd | 30 ++----
man/JackHartley.Rd | 32 ++-----
man/JackPEL.Rd | 37 +++-----
man/JackPML.Rd | 28 ++----
man/JackSFRR.Rd | 34 ++-----
vignettes |only
23 files changed, 960 insertions(+), 1066 deletions(-)
Title: Computed ABC Analysis
Diff between ABCanalysis versions 1.0 dated 2015-02-13 and 1.0.1 dated 2015-04-20
Description: For a given data set, the package provides a novel method of computing precise limits to acquire subsets which are easily interpreted. Closely related to the Lorenz curve, the ABC curve visualizes the data by graphically representing the cumulative distribution function. Based on an ABC analysis the algorithm calculates, with the help of the ABC curve, the optimal limits by exploiting the mathematical properties pertaining to distribution of analyzed items. The data containing positive values is divided into three disjoint subsets A, B and C, with subset A comprising very profitable values, i.e. largest data values ("the important few"), subset B comprising values where the yield equals to the effort required to obtain it, and the subset C comprising of non-profitable values, i.e., the smallest data sets ("the trivial many").
Author: Michael Thrun, Jorn Lotsch, Alfred Ultsch
Maintainer: Michael Thrun
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++-----
MD5 | 10 +++++-----
R/ABCanalysis.R | 21 +++++++++------------
R/ABCanalysisPlot.R | 15 ---------------
R/ABCcurve.R | 5 +++++
R/ABCplot.R | 6 ++----
6 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
Title: Quantitative Analysis Made Accessible
Diff between userfriendlyscience versions 0.2-2 dated 2015-04-07 and 0.3-0 dated 2015-04-20
More information about userfriendlyscience at CRAN
Description: Contains a number of functions that serve
two goals: first, make R more accessible to people migrating from
SPSS by adding a number of functions that behave roughly like their
SPSS equivalents; and second, make a number of slightly more
advanced functions more user friendly to relatively novice users.
Author: Gjalt-Jorn Peters
Maintainer: Gjalt-Jorn Peters
userfriendlyscience-0.2-2/userfriendlyscience/R/scaleReliability.r |only
userfriendlyscience-0.2-2/userfriendlyscience/man/userfriendlyscience-scaleReliability.Rd |only
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/ChangeLog | 12 +
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/DESCRIPTION | 8
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/MD5 | 39 ++--
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/NAMESPACE | 8
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/NEWS | 11 +
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/R/confIntV.r | 2
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/R/crossTab.r |only
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/R/dlvPlot.r | 80 +++++++-
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/R/oneway.r | 41 +++-
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/R/powerHist.r | 50 +++--
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/R/rMatrix.r | 94 ++--------
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/R/regr.r | 26 ++
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/R/scaleStructure.r |only
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/man/userfriendlyscience-confIntV.Rd | 29 ++-
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/man/userfriendlyscience-dlvPlot.Rd | 15 +
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/man/userfriendlyscience-package.Rd | 18 +
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/man/userfriendlyscience-powerHist.Rd | 2
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/man/userfriendlyscience-printMethods.Rd | 15 -
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/man/userfriendlyscience-rMatrix.Rd | 6
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/man/userfriendlyscience-regr.Rd | 12 -
userfriendlyscience-0.3-0/userfriendlyscience/man/userfriendlyscience-scaleStructure.Rd |only
23 files changed, 297 insertions(+), 171 deletions(-)
Permanent link
Title: Tests in Linear Mixed Effects Models
Diff between lmerTest versions 2.0-20 dated 2014-11-21 and 2.0-25 dated 2015-04-20
Description: Different kinds of tests for linear mixed effects models as implemented
in 'lme4' package are provided. The tests comprise types I - III F tests
for fixed effects, LR tests for random effects.
The package also provides the calculation of population means for fixed factors
with confidence intervals and corresponding plots. Finally the backward
elimination of non-significant effects is implemented.
Author: Alexandra Kuznetsova [aut, cre],
Per Bruun Brockhoff [aut, ths],
Rune Haubo Bojesen Christensen [aut]
Maintainer: Alexandra Kuznetsova
lmerTest-2.0-20/lmerTest/R/devfuns.R |only
lmerTest-2.0-20/lmerTest/R/devfunsExtra.R |only
lmerTest-2.0-20/lmerTest/R/vcconv.R |only
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/DESCRIPTION | 30 -
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/MD5 | 59 +--
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/NAMESPACE | 5
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/R/deriv.R |only
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/R/devfunsLmerTest.R | 49 ++
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/R/generalFunctions.R | 30 +
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/R/lmerTestFunctions.R | 96 +----
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/R/lsmeans.R | 123 ++++---
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/R/utils.R | 171 ++++------
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/man/anova-methods.Rd | 3
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/man/difflsmeans.Rd | 1
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/man/lmer.Rd | 2
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/man/lmerTest-package.Rd | 23 +
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/man/lsmeans.Rd | 2
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/man/merModLmerTest-class.Rd | 2
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/tests/DamonData.R | 3
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/tests/Examples/lmerTest-Ex.Rout.save | 27 -
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/tests/MAMSatterthKR.R | 33 +
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/tests/bugRefit.R | 4
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/tests/bugUpdate.R | 2
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/tests/convergeTest.R | 2
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/tests/lmerMod.R | 14
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/tests/packageExamplesExtra.R | 13
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/tests/packageExamplesExtra.Rout.save | 29 +
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/tests/rankDeficiency.R | 5
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/tests/testANCOVA.R | 4
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/tests/testContrasts.R | 107 +++---
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/tests/testTVbo.Rout.save | 36 +-
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/tests/testType2.R |only
lmerTest-2.0-25/lmerTest/tests/zeroDenom.R | 3
33 files changed, 483 insertions(+), 395 deletions(-)
Title: DNA Profiling Evidence Analysis
Diff between DNAprofiles versions 0.2 dated 2014-06-23 and 0.3 dated 2015-04-20
Description: Methods for studying forensic DNA profiling, in particular familial database searches.
Author: Maarten Kruijver
Maintainer: Maarten Kruijver
DNAprofiles-0.2/DNAprofiles/man/ki.pairs.Rd |only
DNAprofiles-0.2/DNAprofiles/man/ki.pairs.precompute.Rd |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/ChangeLog | 14
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/DESCRIPTION | 15
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/MD5 | 170 ++++--
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/NAMESPACE | 37 +
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/RcppExports.R | 37 +
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/check.dist.R |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/est.freqs.R |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/exactq.R |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/findk.R | 1
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/freqs.R | 12
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/homozygous.R |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/ibdprobs.R | 3
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/ibs.R | 22
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/ibs.pairwise.db.R | 192 ++++++-
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/ki.R | 290 ++++-------
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/ki_ibs_dist.R | 293 ++++--------
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/ki_precomp.R | 38 -
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/kicdf.R | 5
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/lrdist.R | 33 +
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/lrdist_cdf.R | 1
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/misc.R | 18
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/pr_next_allele.R | 88 ++-
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/profiles.R | 101 +++-
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/profiles_extract.R | 5
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/rmp.R | 125 ++---
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/sample.R | 226 +++++----
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/simq.R | 18
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/R/write.genepop.R |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/build |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/inst |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/DNAprofiles-package.Rd | 3
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/as.dbcompare.Rd | 3
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/check.dist.Rd |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/dist.pair.cdf.Rd | 3
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/dist.unique.events.Rd | 7
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/dists.product.Rd | 3
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/dists.product.pair.Rd | 3
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/enum.profiles.Rd | 3
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/est.freqs.Rd |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/exact.q.Rd |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/find.kth.element.Rd | 3
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/freqsNLngm.Rd | 3
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/freqsNLsgmplus.Rd | 3
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/freqsUScaucs.Rd | 3
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/get.freqs.Rd |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/get.labels.Rd |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/get.markers.Rd |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/homozygous.Rd |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/ibdprobs.Rd | 3
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/ibs.db.Rd | 3
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/ibs.dist.Rd | 8
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/ibs.pairs.Rd | 3
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/ibs.pairwise.db.Rd | 8
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/ibs.pairwise.db.exp.Rd | 38 +
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/ibs.pairwise.pr.Rd |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/ki.Rd |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/ki.cdf.Rd | 10
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/ki.db.Rd | 16
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/ki.dist.Rd | 13
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/ki.ibs.joint.dist.Rd | 8
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/ki.precompute.Rd |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/normalize.freqs.Rd |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/pr.next.allele.Rd | 39 -
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/pr.next.alleles.Rd | 32 -
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/print.profiles.Rd |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/profiles-extract.Rd | 3
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/profiles.Rd | 24
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/profiles.to.chars.Rd | 3
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/recode.freqs.Rd | 5
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/rmp.Rd | 43 +
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/sample.pairs.Rd | 9
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/sample.profiles.Rd | 9
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/sample.relatives.Rd | 8
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/sim.q.Rd | 5
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/man/write.genepop.Rd |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/src/RcppExports.cpp | 366 +++++++++------
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/src/Zprnextallele.cpp |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/src/Zprnextalleles.cpp |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/src/allfinitepos.cpp |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/src/countalleles.cpp |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/src/dbcomparepairwise.cpp | 14
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/src/distproduct.cpp | 2
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/src/exactq.cpp |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/src/findInt.cpp | 2
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/src/ki.cpp |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/src/kipairswithtable.cpp | 7
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/src/kitargetsdbwithtable.cpp | 19
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/src/kiwithtable.cpp | 6
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/src/rmp.cpp |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/src/rmp_old.cpp |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/src/rmpmat.cpp |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/tests |only
DNAprofiles-0.3/DNAprofiles/vignettes |only
95 files changed, 1501 insertions(+), 986 deletions(-)
Title: Utilities for the Simulation and Analysis of Random Fields
Diff between RandomFieldsUtils versions 0.0.1 dated 2015-04-09 and 0.0.2 dated 2015-04-20
More information about RandomFieldsUtils at CRAN
Description: Various utilities are provided that might be used in spatial statistics and elsewhere. It delivers a method for solving linear equations that checks the sparsity of the matrix before any algorithm is used. Furthermore, it includes the Struve functions.
Author: Martin Schlather [aut, cre], Reinhard Furrer [ctb]
Maintainer: Martin Schlather
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
R/RFutils.R | 2 +-
inst/CITATION | 4 ++--
inst/include |only
man/Struve.Rd | 4 ++--
man/solvePosDef.Rd | 10 ++++++----
src/Basic_utils.h | 18 +-----------------
src/Error_utils.h | 3 +++
src/RF.h | 18 +-----------------
src/RFutils.cc | 19 +++++++++++++++----
src/R_init.cc | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++------
src/R_init.h |only
src/RandomFieldsUtils.h | 6 ++++++
src/Solve.h | 10 ----------
src/Struve.h | 1 -
src/solve.cc | 5 +++--
src/utils.h | 24 +++++++++++++++++++++---
18 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)
Permanent link
Title: Quick Wraps 2
Diff between qwraps2 versions 0.1 dated 2015-04-08 and 0.1.1 dated 2015-04-20
Description: A collection of (wrapper) functions the creator found useful for
quickly placing data summaries and formatted regression results into .Rnw or
.Rmd files. Functions for generating commonly used graphics, such as receiver
operating curves or Bland-Altman plots, are also provided by 'qwraps2'.
'qwraps2' is a updated version of a package 'qwraps'. The original version
'qwraps' was never submitted to CRAN but can be found at
https://github.com/dewittpe/qwraps. The implementation and limited scope of the
functions within 'qwraps2' (https://github.com/dewittpe/qwraps2) is fundamentally
different from 'qwraps'.
Author: Peter DeWitt [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Peter DeWitt
DESCRIPTION | 12 +++++------
MD5 | 38 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------
R/extract.R |only
R/frmt.R | 2 -
R/frmtp.R | 56 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
R/mean_sd.R | 8 +++++--
R/qacf.R | 2 -
R/qblandaltman.R | 10 ++++++++-
R/qkmplot.R | 2 -
R/qroc.R | 10 ++++-----
R/qwraps2.R | 43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
README.md | 6 ++++-
man/extract.Rd |only
man/frmt.Rd | 2 -
man/frmtp.Rd | 24 ++++------------------
man/qacf.Rd | 2 -
man/qblandaltman.Rd | 13 ++++++++++--
man/qkmplot.Rd | 2 -
man/qroc.Rd | 13 ++++++------
man/qwraps2.Rd | 45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
21 files changed, 187 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)
Title: Rigorous - DICOM Input / Output
Diff between oro.dicom versions 0.4.3 dated 2015-01-17 and 0.5.0 dated 2015-04-20
Description: Data input/output functions for data that conform to the
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standard, part
of the Rigorous Analytics bundle.
Author: Brandon Whitcher [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Brandon Whitcher
oro.dicom-0.4.3/oro.dicom/man/create.Rd |only
oro.dicom-0.4.3/oro.dicom/man/dicom.Rd |only
oro.dicom-0.4.3/oro.dicom/man/parseData.Rd |only
oro.dicom-0.4.3/oro.dicom/man/planes.Rd |only
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/DESCRIPTION | 18
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/LICENSE | 2
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/MD5 | 74 +--
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/NAMESPACE | 28 +
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/R/convert.R | 58 ++
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/R/create.R | 98 +++-
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/R/dec2base.R | 24 -
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/R/dicom.R | 54 +-
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/R/dicom2nifti.R | 240 ++++++----
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/R/header.R | 140 +++++
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/R/orientation.R | 187 ++++++-
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/R/oro.dicom-package.R |only
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/R/recursive.R | 220 ++++++---
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/build/vignette.rds |binary
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/data/dicom.VR.rda |binary
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/data/dicom.dic.rda |binary
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/inst/doc/dicom.pdf |binary
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/man/create3D.Rd |only
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/man/dec2base.Rd | 45 -
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/man/dicom.dic.Rd |only
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/man/dicom2analyze.Rd | 70 +-
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/man/dicom2nifti.Rd | 98 ++--
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/man/dicomTable.Rd | 70 +-
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/man/extractHeader.Rd | 64 +-
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/man/getOrientation.Rd | 69 +-
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/man/header2matrix.Rd | 52 +-
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/man/is.axial.Rd |only
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/man/matchHeader.Rd | 44 -
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/man/nextHeader.Rd | 61 +-
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/man/parsePixelData.Rd |only
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/man/readDICOM.Rd | 81 +--
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/man/readDICOMFile.Rd | 137 +++--
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/man/str2time.Rd | 122 ++---
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/man/swapDimension.Rd | 55 --
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/man/writeHeader.Rd | 39 -
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/tests/Examples/oro.dicom-Ex.Rout.save | 116 ++--
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/tests/testthat |only
oro.dicom-0.5.0/oro.dicom/tests/testthat.R |only
42 files changed, 1459 insertions(+), 807 deletions(-)
Title: Rapid Digital Image Analysis of Leaf Area
Diff between LeafArea versions 0.0.6 dated 2015-03-08 and 0.1.0 dated 2015-04-20
Description: An interface for the image processing program ImageJ, which allows a rapid digital image analysis for particle sizes. This package includes function to write an ImageJ macro which is optimized for a leaf area analysis by default.
Author: Masatoshi Katabuchi
Maintainer: Masatoshi Katabuchi
LeafArea-0.0.6/LeafArea/R/auto.run.R |only
LeafArea-0.0.6/LeafArea/R/file.manage.R |only
LeafArea-0.0.6/LeafArea/R/file.manage.list.R |only
LeafArea-0.0.6/LeafArea/R/findimagej.R |only
LeafArea-0.0.6/LeafArea/man/auto.run.Rd |only
LeafArea-0.0.6/LeafArea/man/file.manage.Rd |only
LeafArea-0.0.6/LeafArea/man/file.manage.list.Rd |only
LeafArea-0.0.6/LeafArea/man/findimagej.Rd |only
LeafArea-0.1.0/LeafArea/DESCRIPTION | 10 ++++-----
LeafArea-0.1.0/LeafArea/MD5 | 26 ++++++++++++------------
LeafArea-0.1.0/LeafArea/R/eximg.r | 14 ++++++------
LeafArea-0.1.0/LeafArea/R/find.ij.R |only
LeafArea-0.1.0/LeafArea/R/readtext.ij.R |only
LeafArea-0.1.0/LeafArea/R/resmerge.ij.R |only
LeafArea-0.1.0/LeafArea/R/run.ij.R |only
LeafArea-0.1.0/LeafArea/man/LeafArea-package.Rd | 14 +++++++++---
LeafArea-0.1.0/LeafArea/man/eximg.Rd | 4 +--
LeafArea-0.1.0/LeafArea/man/find.ij.Rd |only
LeafArea-0.1.0/LeafArea/man/leafdata.rd | 2 -
LeafArea-0.1.0/LeafArea/man/readtext.ij.Rd |only
LeafArea-0.1.0/LeafArea/man/resmerge.ij.Rd |only
LeafArea-0.1.0/LeafArea/man/run.ij.Rd |only
22 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
Title: A Logging Utility for R
Diff between futile.logger versions 1.4 dated 2015-03-21 and 1.4.1 dated 2015-04-20
Description: Provides a simple yet powerful logging utility. Based loosely on
log4j, futile.logger takes advantage of R idioms to make logging a
convenient and easy to use replacement for cat and print statements.
Author: Brian Lee Yung Rowe
Maintainer: Brian Lee Yung Rowe
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++----
MD5 | 12 ++++++------
R/futile.logger-package.R | 4 ++--
R/layout.R | 6 ++++--
man/futile.logger-package.Rd | 5 +++--
tests/testthat/test_json.R | 4 +++-
tests/testthat/test_layout.R | 27 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----
7 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
Title: Power Calculations and Bayesian Analysis of Count Distributions
and FECRT Data using MCMC
Diff between bayescount versions 0.9.99-4 dated 2015-03-02 and 0.9.99-5 dated 2015-04-20
Description: A set of functions to allow analysis of count data (such
as faecal egg count data) using Bayesian MCMC methods. Returns
information on the possible values for mean count, coefficient
of variation and zero inflation (true prevalence) present in
the data. A complete faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT)
model is implemented, which returns inference on the true
efficacy of the drug from the pre- and post-treatment data
provided, using non-parametric bootstrapping as well as using
Bayesian MCMC. Functions to perform power analyses for faecal
egg counts (including FECRT) are also provided.
Author: Matthew Denwood [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Matthew Denwood
bayescount-0.9.99-4/bayescount/inst |only
bayescount-0.9.99-5/bayescount/DESCRIPTION | 24 ++++++++++++------------
bayescount-0.9.99-5/bayescount/MD5 | 3 +--
3 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
Title: Syntax Highlighter
Diff between highlight versions 0.4.5 dated 2015-04-15 and 0.4.7 dated 2015-04-20
Description: Syntax highlighter for R code based
on the results of the R parser. Rendering in HTML and latex
markup. Custom Sweave driver performing syntax highlighting
of R code chunks.
Author: Romain Francois [aut, cre],
Andre Simon [ctb]
Maintainer: Romain Francois
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++---
MD5 | 10 +++++-----
R/SweaveLatexDriver.R | 2 +-
R/css.R | 6 +++---
R/zzz.R | 1 +
6 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
Title: Fast Estimation of Gaussian Mixture Copula Models
Diff between GMCM versions 1.2 dated 2015-04-13 and 1.2.1 dated 2015-04-20
Description: Unsupervised Clustering and Meta-analysis using Gaussian Mixture
Copula Models.
Author: Anders Ellern Bilgrau, Martin Boegsted, Poul Svante Eriksen
Maintainer: Anders Ellern Bilgrau
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++---
MD5 | 10 +++++-----
R/is.theta.R | 4 ++--
inst/NEWS.Rd | 8 ++++++++
inst/doc/GMCM-JStatSoft.pdf |binary
inst/tests/test-is.theta.R | 4 +++-
6 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
Title: Gaussian Copula Marginal Regression
Diff between gcmr versions 0.6.1 dated 2013-07-29 and 0.7.0 dated 2015-04-20
Description: Likelihood inference in Gaussian copula marginal
regression models.
Author: Guido Masarotto and Cristiano Varin
Maintainer: Cristiano Varin
MD5 | 52 +++++++-----
NEWS | 11 ++
R/cormat.R | 6 -
R/gcmr.R | 209 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
R/marginals.R | 105 +++++++++++++++----------
data/HUR.RData |only
data/epilepsy.RData |only
data/malaria.RData |only
man/HUR.Rd |only
man/arma.cormat.Rd | 2
man/cluster.cormat.Rd | 2
man/epilepsy.Rd |only
man/estfun.gcmr.Rd | 10 +-
man/gcmr-package.Rd | 9 +-
man/gcmr.Rd | 59 ++++----------
man/gcmr.options.Rd | 11 +-
man/gs.marg.Rd | 2
man/ind.cormat.Rd | 4
man/malaria.Rd |only
man/marginal.gcmr.Rd | 16 +--
man/matern.cormat.Rd | 4
man/plot.gcmr.Rd |only
man/profile.gcmr.Rd | 38 +++++----
man/residuals.gcmr.Rd | 34 ++++----
man/scotland.Rd | 3
man/se.Rd | 16 +--
man/summary.gcmr.Rd |only
man/vcov.gcmr.Rd | 21 ++---
src/gcmr.c | 6 -
31 files changed, 411 insertions(+), 234 deletions(-)