Title: Easy Handling Discrete Time Markov Chains
Description: Functions and S4 methods to create and manage discrete time Markov chains (DTMC) more easily. In addition functions to perform statistical (fitting and drawing random variates) and probabilistic (analysis of DTMC proprieties) analysis are provided.
Author: Giorgio Alfredo Spedicato [aut,cre], Tae Seung Kang [aut], Sai Bhargav Yalamanchi [aut], Mildenberger Thoralf [ctb]
Maintainer: Giorgio Alfredo Spedicato <spedicato_giorgio@yahoo.it>
Diff between markovchain versions 0.2.1 dated 2015-05-12 and 0.3 dated 2015-06-14
ChangeLog | 10 DESCRIPTION | 17 MD5 | 65 NAMESPACE | 1 NEWS | 16 R/0_classesAndMethods.R | 61 R/2_probabilistic.R | 263 - R/RcppExports.R | 44 R/zzz.R | 8 build/vignette.rds |binary demo/00Index | 1 demo/mathematica.R |only demo/quickStart.R | 11 inst/CITATION | 4 inst/doc/BayesianInference.R |only inst/doc/BayesianInference.Rmd |only inst/doc/BayesianInference.pdf |only inst/doc/an_introduction_to_markovchain_package.R | 77 inst/doc/an_introduction_to_markovchain_package.Rnw | 49 inst/doc/an_introduction_to_markovchain_package.pdf |binary inst/doc/markovchainCrashIntro.R |only inst/doc/markovchainCrashIntro.Rmd |only inst/doc/markovchainCrashIntro.pdf |only man/inferHyperparam.Rd |only man/markovchain-package.Rd | 4 man/markovchainFit.Rd | 26 man/predictiveDistribution.Rd |only src/0_classesAndMethods.cpp |only src/1_functions4Fitting.cpp | 350 +- src/2_probabilistic.cpp |only src/Makevars |only src/Makevars.win |only src/RcppExports.cpp | 125 src/mapFitFunctionsSAI.h |only src/mathHelperFunctions.h |only tests/testthat.R | 1 tests/testthat/testBasic1.R | 17 vignettes/BayesianInference.Rmd |only vignettes/an_introduction_to_markovchain_package.Rnw | 62 vignettes/jss.dtx | 2824 +++++++++---------- vignettes/markovchainBiblio.bib | 23 vignettes/markovchainCrashIntro.Rmd |only 42 files changed, 2278 insertions(+), 1781 deletions(-)
Title: Streamlined Plot Theme and Plot Annotations for 'ggplot2'
Description: Some helpful extensions and modifications to the 'ggplot2'
library. In particular, this package makes it easy to combine multiple
'ggplot2' plots into one and label them with letters, e.g. A, B, C, etc.,
as is often required for scientific publications. The package also provides
a streamlined and clean theme that is used in the Wilke lab, hence the
package name, which stands for Claus O. Wilke's plot library.
Author: Claus O. Wilke [aut, cre],
Hadley Wickham [cph]
Maintainer: Claus O. Wilke <wilke@austin.utexas.edu>
Diff between cowplot versions 0.3.1 dated 2015-06-04 and 0.4.0 dated 2015-06-14
DESCRIPTION | 12 MD5 | 65 +++-- NAMESPACE | 8 NEWS | 12 R/cowplot.R | 541 -------------------------------------------- R/draw.R |only R/gtable.R |only R/plot_grid.R |only R/save.R |only R/setup.R |only R/switch_axis.R |only R/themes.R |only build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/axis_position.R |only inst/doc/axis_position.Rmd |only inst/doc/axis_position.html |only inst/doc/introduction.R | 42 ++- inst/doc/introduction.Rmd | 40 ++- inst/doc/introduction.html | 62 ++--- inst/doc/plot_grid.R |only inst/doc/plot_grid.Rmd |only inst/doc/plot_grid.html |only man/background_grid.Rd | 3 man/cowplot.Rd | 3 man/draw_grob.Rd |only man/draw_line.Rd | 3 man/draw_plot.Rd | 5 man/draw_plot_label.Rd | 3 man/draw_text.Rd | 3 man/ggdraw.Rd | 5 man/ggsave.Rd | 3 man/gtable_remove_grobs.Rd |only man/gtable_squash_cols.Rd |only man/gtable_squash_rows.Rd |only man/panel_border.Rd | 3 man/plot_grid.Rd | 37 ++- man/plot_theme.Rd |only man/save_plot.Rd | 3 man/switch_axis_position.Rd |only man/theme_cowplot.Rd | 3 man/theme_nothing.Rd | 3 vignettes/axis_position.Rmd |only vignettes/introduction.Rmd | 38 ++- vignettes/plot_grid.Rmd |only 44 files changed, 228 insertions(+), 669 deletions(-)
Title: Cluster Ensembles
Description: CLUster Ensembles.
Author: Kurt Hornik [aut, cre],
Walter Böhm [ctb]
Maintainer: Kurt Hornik <Kurt.Hornik@R-project.org>
Diff between clue versions 0.3-49 dated 2015-02-02 and 0.3-50 dated 2015-06-14
DESCRIPTION | 12 ++++++------ MD5 | 24 ++++++++++++------------ NAMESPACE | 1 + R/predict.R | 18 ++++++++++++++++-- build/vignette.rds |binary data/CKME.rda |binary data/Cassini.rda |binary data/GVME.rda |binary data/GVME_Consensus.rda |binary data/Kinship82.rda |binary data/Kinship82_Consensus.rda |binary data/Phonemes.rda |binary inst/doc/clue.pdf |binary 13 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
Title: Extensions of Exponential Random Graph Models
Description: Extensions of Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM): Temporal Exponential Random Graph Models (TERGM), Generalized Exponential Random Graph Models (GERGM), and Temporal Network Autocorrelation Models (TNAM).
Author: Philip Leifeld [aut, cre],
Skyler J. Cranmer [aut],
Bruce A. Desmarais [aut]
Maintainer: Philip Leifeld <philip.leifeld@uni-konstanz.de>
Diff between xergm versions 1.4.1 dated 2015-02-10 and 1.5 dated 2015-06-14
xergm-1.4.1/xergm/R/mtergm.R |only xergm-1.4.1/xergm/build |only xergm-1.4.1/xergm/inst/doc |only xergm-1.4.1/xergm/vignettes |only xergm-1.5/xergm/DESCRIPTION | 17 xergm-1.5/xergm/MD5 | 50 -- xergm-1.5/xergm/NAMESPACE | 5 xergm-1.5/xergm/R/btergm.R | 806 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------- xergm-1.5/xergm/R/gof.R | 509 ++++++++------------ xergm-1.5/xergm/R/interpretation.R | 93 +++ xergm-1.5/xergm/R/preprocess.R | 283 ++++++++--- xergm-1.5/xergm/R/tnam.R | 78 +-- xergm-1.5/xergm/data/chemnet.rda |only xergm-1.5/xergm/data/knecht.rda |binary xergm-1.5/xergm/man/adjust.Rd | 7 xergm-1.5/xergm/man/btergm-class.Rd | 4 xergm-1.5/xergm/man/btergm.Rd | 16 xergm-1.5/xergm/man/chemnet.Rd |only xergm-1.5/xergm/man/gof.Rd | 60 -- xergm-1.5/xergm/man/simulate.btergm.Rd | 4 xergm-1.5/xergm/man/timecov.Rd | 2 xergm-1.5/xergm/man/tnam-terms.Rd | 37 + xergm-1.5/xergm/man/xergm-package.Rd | 2 xergm-1.5/xergm/src/RcppExports.cpp | 4 xergm-1.5/xergm/src/tnam.cpp | 94 ++- 25 files changed, 1363 insertions(+), 708 deletions(-)
Title: SNP-Set (Sequence) Kernel Association Test
Description: Functions for kernel-regression-based association tests including Burden test, SKAT and SKAT-O. These methods aggregate individual SNP score statistics in a SNP set and efficiently compute SNP-set level p-values.
Author: Seunggeun (Shawn) Lee, with contributions from Larisa Miropolsky and Michael Wu
Maintainer: Seunggeun (Shawn) Lee <leeshawn@umich.edu>
Diff between SKAT versions 1.0.7 dated 2015-04-19 and 1.0.9 dated 2015-06-14
SKAT-1.0.7/SKAT/R/Main.R |only SKAT-1.0.9/SKAT/DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++----- SKAT-1.0.9/SKAT/MD5 | 12 ++++++------ SKAT-1.0.9/SKAT/R/Binary_Function.R | 10 ++++++++-- SKAT-1.0.9/SKAT/R/Binary_MAIN_ExactBin.R | 1 + SKAT-1.0.9/SKAT/R/MAIN.R |only SKAT-1.0.9/SKAT/R/Main_SSD.R | 4 +++- SKAT-1.0.9/SKAT/inst/doc/SKAT.pdf |binary 8 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
Title: Probabilistic Knowledge Structures
Description: Fitting and testing probabilistic knowledge structures,
especially the basic local independence model (BLIM, Doignon & Flamagne,
1999), using the minimum discrepancy maximum likelihood (MDML) method.
Author: Florian Wickelmaier [cre, aut], Juergen Heller [aut],
Pasquale Anselmi [ctb]
Maintainer: Florian Wickelmaier <wickelmaier@web.de>
Diff between pks versions 0.3-0 dated 2014-03-28 and 0.3-1 dated 2015-06-14
ChangeLog | 10 ++++++++++ DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 24 +++++++++++++----------- NAMESPACE | 3 ++- R/blim.R | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------- R/cblim.R | 12 ++++++------ R/jacobian.R |only data/DoignonFalmagne7.rda |binary data/Taagepera.rda |binary data/endm.rda |binary man/blim.Rd | 4 +++- man/delineate.Rd | 4 ++-- man/jacobian.Rd |only man/simulate.blim.Rd | 2 +- 14 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)
Title: Compares the Distribution of Sister Clades Through a Phylogeny
Description: An implementation of the nodiv algorithm, (see Borregaard, M.K., Rahbek, C., Fjeldsaa, J., Parra, J.L., Whittaker, R.J. & Graham, C.H. 2014. Node-based analysis of species distributions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5(11): 1225-1235. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12283. Package for phylogenetic analysis of species distributions. The main function goes through each node in the phylogeny, compares the distributions of the two descendant nodes, and compares the result to a null model. This highlights nodes where major distributional divergence have occurred. The distributional divergence for these nodes is mapped using the SOS statistic.
Author: Michael Krabbe Borregaard
Maintainer: Michael Krabbe Borregaard <mkborregaard@snm.ku.dk>
Diff between nodiv versions 1.0.4 dated 2015-06-13 and 1.1.0 dated 2015-06-14
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 6 +++--- R/Methods_for_result_objects.R | 4 ++-- man/nodiv-package.Rd | 4 ++-- 4 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
More information about metricsgraphics at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: D3 JavaScript Network Graphs from R
Description: Creates 'D3' 'JavaScript' network, tree, dendrogram, and Sankey
graphs from 'R'.
Author: Christopher Gandrud [aut, cre],
J.J. Allaire [aut],
Kent Russel [aut],
B.W. Lewis [ctb],
Kevin Kuo [ctb],
Charles Sese [ctb]
Maintainer: Christopher Gandrud <christopher.gandrud@gmail.com>
Diff between networkD3 versions dated 2015-03-04 and 0.1.7 dated 2015-06-14
DESCRIPTION | 29 +++--- MD5 | 63 ++++++------- NAMESPACE | 3 NEWS | 43 ++++++++- R/data-definitions.R | 19 +--- R/forceNetwork.R | 174 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------- R/sankeyNetwork.R | 43 ++++++--- R/simpleNetwork.R | 8 + R/treeNetwork.R | 6 + R/utils.R | 60 ++++++++----- README.md | 6 - data/MisNodes.tab | 156 +++++++++++++++++----------------- inst/examples/examples.R | 12 ++ inst/examples/examples.Rmd | 2 inst/examples/shiny/server.R | 9 + inst/examples/shiny/ui.R | 1 inst/htmlwidgets/forceNetwork.js | 91 +++++++++++++++---- inst/htmlwidgets/sankeyNetwork.js | 2 inst/htmlwidgets/simpleNetwork.js | 37 +++++++- man/JS.Rd |only man/JSONtoDF.Rd | 2 man/MisLinks.Rd | 2 man/MisNodes.Rd | 5 - man/as.treeNetwork.Rd | 2 man/energy.Rd | 2 man/flare.Rd | 2 man/forceNetwork.Rd | 56 +++++++++--- man/networkD3-package.Rd | 2 man/networkD3-shiny.Rd | 2 man/sankeyNetwork.Rd | 15 ++- man/saveNetwork.Rd | 2 man/simpleNetwork.Rd | 10 +- man/treeNetwork.Rd | 8 + 33 files changed, 590 insertions(+), 284 deletions(-)
Title: A Google Analytics API Client
Description: Provides functions for accessing and retrieving data from the
Google Analytics APIs (https://developers.google.com/analytics/). Supports
OAuth 2.0 authorization. Package provides access to the Management, Core
Reporting, Multi-Channel Funnels Reporting, Real Time Reporting and
Metadata APIs. Access to all the Google Analytics accounts which the user
has access to. Auto-pagination to return more than 10,000 rows of the
results by combining multiple data requests. Also package provides
shiny app to explore the core reporting API dimensions and metrics.
Author: Artem Klevtsov [aut, cre],
Philipp Upravitelev [ctb],
Olga Shramko [ctb]
Maintainer: Artem Klevtsov <a.a.klevtsov@gmail.com>
Diff between RGA versions 0.2.1 dated 2015-03-17 and 0.2.2 dated 2015-06-14
RGA-0.2.1/RGA/R/custom.R |only RGA-0.2.2/RGA/DESCRIPTION | 20 ++-- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/MD5 | 112 ++++++++++++----------- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/NAMESPACE | 9 + RGA-0.2.2/RGA/R/custom-dims.R |only RGA-0.2.2/RGA/R/custom-mets.R |only RGA-0.2.2/RGA/R/custom-sources.R |only RGA-0.2.2/RGA/R/experiments.R | 4 RGA-0.2.2/RGA/R/filters.R | 4 RGA-0.2.2/RGA/R/metadata.R | 6 - RGA-0.2.2/RGA/R/profiles.R | 2 RGA-0.2.2/RGA/R/request.R | 7 - RGA-0.2.2/RGA/R/url.R | 4 RGA-0.2.2/RGA/R/zzz.R | 2 RGA-0.2.2/RGA/README.md | 136 ++++++++++++++-------------- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/data/ga.rda |binary RGA-0.2.2/RGA/inst/NEWS.Rd | 47 +++++---- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/inst/doc/authorize.R | 9 + RGA-0.2.2/RGA/inst/doc/authorize.Rmd | 24 ++-- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/inst/doc/authorize.html | 24 ++-- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/inst/doc/management-api.R | 9 + RGA-0.2.2/RGA/inst/doc/management-api.Rmd | 9 + RGA-0.2.2/RGA/inst/doc/management-api.html | 4 RGA-0.2.2/RGA/inst/doc/metadata-api.R | 9 + RGA-0.2.2/RGA/inst/doc/metadata-api.Rmd | 9 + RGA-0.2.2/RGA/inst/doc/metadata-api.html | 4 RGA-0.2.2/RGA/inst/doc/reporting-api.R | 9 + RGA-0.2.2/RGA/inst/doc/reporting-api.Rmd | 13 +- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/inst/doc/reporting-api.html | 8 - RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/RGA.Rd | 2 RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/authorize.Rd | 2 RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/dimsmets.Rd | 2 RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/firstdate.Rd | 2 RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/ga.Rd | 4 RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/get_custom_dimension.Rd |only RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/get_custom_metric.Rd |only RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/get_experiment.Rd | 10 +- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/get_filter.Rd | 10 +- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/get_ga.Rd | 2 RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/get_goal.Rd | 10 +- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/get_mcf.Rd | 2 RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/get_profile.Rd | 12 +- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/get_rt.Rd | 2 RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/get_unsampled_report.Rd | 12 +- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/get_webproperty.Rd | 11 +- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/list_accounts.Rd | 11 +- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/list_custom_dimensions.Rd |only RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/list_custom_metrics.Rd |only RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/list_custom_sources.Rd | 13 +- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/list_experiments.Rd | 15 +-- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/list_filters.Rd | 15 +-- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/list_goals.Rd | 11 +- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/list_metadata.Rd | 2 RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/list_profiles.Rd | 11 +- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/list_segments.Rd | 11 +- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/list_unsampled_reports.Rd | 11 +- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/man/list_webproperties.Rd | 11 +- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/vignettes/authorize.Rmd | 24 ++-- RGA-0.2.2/RGA/vignettes/management-api.Rmd | 9 + RGA-0.2.2/RGA/vignettes/metadata-api.Rmd | 9 + RGA-0.2.2/RGA/vignettes/reporting-api.Rmd | 13 +- 61 files changed, 429 insertions(+), 304 deletions(-)
Title: R Interface for H2O
Description: R scripting functionality for H2O, the open source
math engine for big data that computes parallel distributed
machine learning algorithms such as generalized linear models,
gradient boosting machines, random forests, and neural networks
(deep learning) within various cluster environments.
Author: Spencer Aiello, Tom Kraljevic and Petr Maj, with contributions from the
0xdata team
Maintainer: Tom Kraljevic <tomk@0xdata.com>
Diff between h2o versions dated 2015-02-07 and dated 2015-06-14
h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 36 h2o- | 380 +- h2o- | 342 +- h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 1383 ++++++++-- h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 3 h2o- | 58 h2o- |only h2o- | 10 h2o- | 6 h2o- | 4 h2o- | 4 h2o- | 29 h2o- | 28 h2o- | 10 h2o- | 8 h2o- | 11 h2o- | 11 h2o- | 6 h2o- | 4 h2o- | 2 h2o- | 2 h2o- | 466 +-- h2o- | 2 h2o- | 202 - h2o- | 202 - h2o- | 362 +- h2o- | 2 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 64 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 58 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 49 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 35 h2o- |only h2o- | 36 h2o- | 26 h2o- | 32 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 27 h2o- |only h2o- | 54 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 74 h2o- | 119 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 67 h2o- | 44 h2o- | 304 +- h2o- |only h2o- | 35 h2o- | 67 h2o- |only h2o- | 79 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 178 - h2o- |only h2o- | 37 h2o- |only h2o- | 40 h2o- | 47 h2o- |only h2o- | 305 -- h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 38 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 126 h2o- | 72 h2o- | 94 h2o- | 48 h2o- | 137 h2o- |only h2o- | 97 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 32 h2o- | 45 h2o- | 34 h2o- |only h2o- | 29 h2o- | 45 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 31 h2o- | 51 h2o- | 98 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 29 h2o- | 96 h2o- |only h2o- | 79 h2o- | 93 h2o- |only h2o- | 172 - h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 25 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 35 h2o- | 31 h2o- | 55 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 50 h2o- |only h2o- | 40 h2o- | 29 h2o- |only h2o- | 24 h2o- | 19 h2o- |only h2o- | 40 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 35 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 32 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 32 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only 300 files changed, 4006 insertions(+), 3237 deletions(-)