Title: Statistical Significance of the Sharpe Ratio
Description: A collection of tools for analyzing significance of trading
strategies, based on the Sharpe ratio and overfit of the same.
Author: Steven E. Pav [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Steven E. Pav <shabbychef@gmail.com>
Diff between SharpeR versions 0.1501 dated 2014-12-23 and 1.0.0 dated 2015-06-18
DESCRIPTION | 23 +- MD5 | 98 +++++----- NAMESPACE | 4 R/SharpeR.r | 10 + R/distributions.r | 14 - R/estimation.r | 137 +++++++++++++- R/sr.r | 12 - R/tests.r | 323 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------- README.md | 255 +++++++++++++++++++++++++- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/SharpeR.pdf |binary inst/doc/SharpeRatio.pdf |binary inst/extdata/autocorr_study.rda |binary inst/extdata/haircut_study.rda |binary inst/extdata/hotelling_power_rule.rda |binary inst/extdata/ret_data.rda |binary inst/extdata/skew_study.rda |binary inst/tests/test-distributions.r | 118 ++++++++++++ inst/tests/test-estimation.r | 143 ++++++++++++++- inst/tests/test-tests.r | 280 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ inst/tests/test-unified.r | 6 man/NEWS.Rd | 14 + man/SharpeR.Rd | 2 man/as.del_sropt.Rd | 4 man/as.sr.Rd | 14 - man/as.sropt.Rd | 4 man/confint.Rd | 12 - man/del_sropt.Rd | 4 man/dsr.Rd | 10 - man/dsropt.Rd | 4 man/inference.Rd | 2 man/is.del_sropt.Rd | 2 man/is.sr.Rd | 8 man/is.sropt.Rd | 2 man/ism_vcov.Rd | 2 man/pco_sropt.Rd | 4 man/plambdap.Rd | 8 man/power.sr_test.Rd | 15 - man/power.sropt_test.Rd | 4 man/predint.Rd |only man/print.Rd | 9 man/reannualize.Rd | 11 - man/se.Rd | 11 - man/sm_vcov.Rd | 2 man/sr.Rd | 13 - man/sr_equality_test.Rd | 13 - man/sr_test.Rd | 35 +-- man/sr_unpaired_test.Rd |only man/sr_vcov.Rd | 13 - man/sropt.Rd | 4 man/sropt_test.Rd | 4 51 files changed, 1363 insertions(+), 290 deletions(-)
Title: Sankey or Ribbon Plots
Description: Sankey plots are a type of diagram that is convenient to
illustrate how flow of information, resources etc. separates and joins,
much like observing how rivers split and merge. For example, they can be
used to compare different clusterings.
Author: January Weiner <january.weiner@gmail.com>
Maintainer: January Weiner <january.weiner@gmail.com>
Diff between riverplot versions 0.3 dated 2014-08-29 and 0.5 dated 2015-06-18
riverplot-0.3/riverplot/man/default.style.Rd |only riverplot-0.5/riverplot/DESCRIPTION | 10 riverplot-0.5/riverplot/MD5 | 29 +- riverplot-0.5/riverplot/NAMESPACE | 2 riverplot-0.5/riverplot/R/curveseg.R | 5 riverplot-0.5/riverplot/R/importexport.R | 3 riverplot-0.5/riverplot/R/riverplot-styles.R |only riverplot-0.5/riverplot/R/riverplot.R | 19 + riverplot-0.5/riverplot/R/styles.R | 80 ------- riverplot-0.5/riverplot/man/colorRampPaletteAlpha.Rd | 39 +-- riverplot-0.5/riverplot/man/curveseg.Rd | 38 +-- riverplot-0.5/riverplot/man/makeRiver.Rd | 200 +++++++++---------- riverplot-0.5/riverplot/man/minard.Rd | 29 +- riverplot-0.5/riverplot/man/riverplot-package.Rd | 53 ++--- riverplot-0.5/riverplot/man/riverplot-styles.Rd |only riverplot-0.5/riverplot/man/riverplot.Rd | 111 ++++------ riverplot-0.5/riverplot/man/riverplot.example.Rd | 10 17 files changed, 277 insertions(+), 351 deletions(-)
Title: Interface to the Bird-Watching Dataset Proyecto AVIS
Description: Interface to <http://proyectoavis.com> database.
It provides means to download data filtered by species, order,
family, and several other criteria. Provides also basic functionality to
plot exploratory maps of the datasets.
Author: Javier González Hernández <javigzz@yahoo.es>, Sara Varela <svarela@paleobiogeography.org>
Maintainer: Sara Varela <svarela@paleobiogeography.org>
Diff between rAvis versions 0.1.2 dated 2014-08-28 and 0.1.3 dated 2015-06-18
DESCRIPTION | 14 ++-- MD5 | 44 ++++++------- R/rAvis_package.R | 4 - R/remoteUsersDataFunctions.R | 2 man/avisAllSpecies.Rd | 5 - man/avisContributorAggregatedObservations.Rd | 7 +- man/avisContributorsSummary.Rd | 6 + man/avisHasSpecies.Rd | 9 +- man/avisMap.Rd | 29 +++----- man/avisMapSpecies.Rd | 31 ++++----- man/avisQuery.Rd | 89 ++++++++++----------------- man/avisQueryContributor.Rd | 17 ++--- man/avisQuerySpecies.Rd | 23 +++--- man/avisSetup.Rd | 8 +- man/avisSpeciesId.Rd | 5 - man/avisSpeciesSummary.Rd | 14 ++-- man/canarias.Rd | 5 - man/peninsula.Rd | 5 - man/rAvis.Rd | 34 ++++++---- man/ravisUTMLatLong.Rd | 5 - man/ravis_credentials.Rd | 2 man/ravis_shape_spain.Rd | 4 - tests/test-all.R | 2 23 files changed, 180 insertions(+), 184 deletions(-)
Title: Orthogonal Array Package
Description: Interface to D-optimal design generation code of the Orthogonal Array package. Can generate D-optimal designs with specified number of runs and factors. The optimality of the designs is defined in terms of a user specified optimization function based on the D-efficiency and Ds-efficiency.
Author: P. T. Eendebak
Maintainer: P. T. Eendebak <pieter.eendebak@gmail.com>
Diff between oapackage versions 2.0.17 dated 2015-06-17 and 2.0.20 dated 2015-06-18
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 19 ++++++++++--------- R/Doptimize.R | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++- man/Defficiencies.Rd |only man/Doptimize.Rd | 2 +- man/oapackage-package.Rd | 22 ++++++++++++---------- src/Deff.cpp | 25 +++++++++++++++++++------ src/arrayproperties.cpp | 22 ++++++++++------------ src/mathtools.h | 8 ++++---- src/oaoptions.cpp | 2 +- tests/example_Doptimize.R | 4 ++++ 11 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)
Title: Penalized Likelihood Estimation under the Joint Cox Models
Between Tumour Progression and Death for Meta-Analysis
Description: Perform regression analyses under the joint Cox proportional hazards model between tumour progression and death for meta-analysis.
The method is applicable for meta-analysis combining several studies or for cluster survival data.
Author: Takeshi Emura
Maintainer: Takeshi Emura <takeshiemura@gmail.com>
Diff between joint.Cox versions 1.1 dated 2015-05-24 and 2.0 dated 2015-06-18
joint.Cox-1.1/joint.Cox/R/joint.Cox-internal.R |only joint.Cox-2.0/joint.Cox/DESCRIPTION | 14 joint.Cox-2.0/joint.Cox/MD5 | 15 joint.Cox-2.0/joint.Cox/R/jointCox.indep.reg.R | 449 +++++++++++----------- joint.Cox-2.0/joint.Cox/R/jointCox.reg.R | 97 ++-- joint.Cox-2.0/joint.Cox/man/dataOvarian.Rd | 8 joint.Cox-2.0/joint.Cox/man/joint.Cox-package.Rd | 12 joint.Cox-2.0/joint.Cox/man/jointCox.indep.reg.Rd | 18 joint.Cox-2.0/joint.Cox/man/jointCox.reg.Rd | 18 9 files changed, 321 insertions(+), 310 deletions(-)
Title: Analysis Tools for the 'JAMES' Framework
Description: Analyze and visualize results of studies performed with the
analysis tools in 'JAMES', a modern object-oriented Java
framework for discrete optimization using local search
metaheuristics (see http://www.jamesframework.org).
Author: Herman De Beukelaer
Maintainer: Herman De Beukelaer <Herman.DeBeukelaer@UGent.be>
Diff between james.analysis versions 1.0.0 dated 2015-03-19 and 1.0.1 dated 2015-06-18
DESCRIPTION | 8 - MD5 | 42 ++++----- NAMESPACE | 2 R/data.R | 19 ++-- R/package.R | 10 -- R/utils.R | 26 +++++ R/visualizations.R | 191 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- README.md | 12 ++ man/boxplot.james.Rd | 30 ++++-- man/getBestSolutionValues.Rd | 2 man/getBestSolutions.Rd | 4 man/getConvergenceTimes.Rd | 9 +- man/getNumSearchRuns.Rd | 2 man/getProblems.Rd | 2 man/getSearchRuns.Rd | 4 man/getSearches.Rd | 2 man/james.Rd | 4 man/james.analysis.Rd | 12 +- man/mergeJAMES.Rd | 2 man/plotConvergence.Rd | 56 ++++++------ man/readJAMES.Rd | 6 - man/reduceJAMES.Rd | 2 22 files changed, 253 insertions(+), 194 deletions(-)
More information about james.analysis at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Manage, Analyse and Simulate Hyperspectral Data
Description: Transformation of reflectance spectra, calculation of vegetation indices and red edge parameters, spectral resampling for hyperspectral remote sensing, simulation of reflectance and transmittance using the leaf reflectance model PROSPECT and the canopy reflectance model PROSAIL.
Author: Lukas W. Lehnert [cre, aut],
Hanna Meyer [ctb],
Joerg Bendix [ctb]
Maintainer: Lukas W. Lehnert <lukaslehnert@googlemail.com>
Diff between hsdar versions 0.1.5 dated 2015-05-22 and 0.2 dated 2015-06-18
ChangeLog | 10 +++++++ DESCRIPTION | 10 +++---- MD5 | 24 +++++++++++-------- R/nri.R | 15 +++++++++++ R/nri_plot.R | 58 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/References.pdf |binary inst/doc/hsdar-intro.Rnw |only inst/doc/hsdar-intro.pdf |only man/hsdar-package.Rd | 2 - man/integrateToSensor.Rd | 2 - vignettes/Makefile | 7 ++++- vignettes/hsdar-intro.Rnw |only vignettes/hsdar-intro.tex |only vignettes/hsdar.bib | 11 ++++++++ 15 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
Title: Generalized Partially Linear Tree-Based Regression Model
Description: Combining a generalized linear model with an additional tree part
on the same scale. A four-step procedure is proposed to fit the model and test
the joint effect of the selected tree part while adjusting on confounding factors.
We also proposed an ensemble procedure based on the bagging to improve prediction
accuracy and computed several scores of importance for variable selection.
Author: Cyprien Mbogning <cyprien.mbogning@inserm.fr> and Wilson Toussile
Maintainer: Cyprien Mbogning <cyprien.mbogning@gmail.com>
Diff between GPLTR versions 1.1 dated 2014-12-19 and 1.2 dated 2015-06-18
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++--- MD5 | 46 ++++++++++++++++---------------- R/Imp_Score.R | 10 +++--- R/Logistic_Split_Rpart.R | 19 ++++--------- R/bagging.pltr.R | 24 ++-------------- R/best.tree.BIC.AIC.R | 66 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- R/best.tree.CV.R | 23 ++++++++-------- R/best.tree.bootstrap.R | 59 ++++++++++++++++------------------------- R/nested.trees.R | 58 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- R/p.val.tree.R | 36 ++++++++++++------------- R/pltr.glm.R | 34 +++++++++++------------ R/predict_bagg.pltr.R | 5 ++- R/tree2glm.R | 10 +++--- R/tree2indicators.R | 24 ++++++++-------- inst/doc/GPLTR-manual.pdf |binary inst/doc/intro.R | 8 +++-- inst/doc/intro.Rnw | 4 ++ inst/doc/intro.pdf |binary man/GPLTR-package.Rd | 6 ++-- man/VIMPBAG.Rd | 4 +- man/bagging.pltr.Rd | 2 - man/predict_bagg.pltr.Rd | 2 - vignettes/Bibliopltr.bib | 4 +- vignettes/intro.Rnw | 4 ++ 24 files changed, 215 insertions(+), 243 deletions(-)
Title: Direction Analysis for Pathways and Kinases
Description: Direction analysis is a set of tools designed to integrate multiple experimental treatments for analyzing pathways and kinases from microarray, RNA-seq, proteomics, or phosphoproteomics data.
Author: Pengyi Yang & Ellis Patrick
Maintainer: Pengyi Yang <yangpy7@gmail.com>
Diff between directPA versions 1.1 dated 2015-03-19 and 1.2 dated 2015-06-18
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 5 ++++- data/PhosphoELM.rda |only man/PhosphoELM.human.Rd |only man/PhosphoELM.mouse.Rd |only 5 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
Title: Fitting Step-Functions
Description: Allows to fit step-functions to univariate serial data where neither the number of jumps nor their positions is known.
Author: Timo Aspelmeier [cre, aut],
Thomas Hotz [aut],
Hannes Sieling [aut],
Pein Florian [ctb]
Maintainer: Timo Aspelmeier <timo.aspelmeier@mathematik.uni-goettingen.de>
Diff between stepR versions 1.0-2 dated 2015-04-29 and 1.0-3 dated 2015-06-18
ChangeLog | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-- DESCRIPTION | 22 +++++++++++----------- MD5 | 22 +++++++++++----------- R/jumpint.R | 11 +++++++---- man/MRC.Rd | 8 +++++--- man/bounds.Rd | 2 +- man/compare.Rd | 6 +++--- man/jumpint.Rd | 3 ++- man/smuceR.Rd | 3 ++- man/stepR-package.Rd | 9 ++++++++- man/stepbound.Rd | 5 +++-- man/stepsel.Rd | 1 + 12 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
Title: Methods for the Indirect Estimation of Bilateral Migration
Description: Indirect methods for estimating bilateral migration flows in the presence of partial or missing data. Methods might be relevant to other categorical data situations on non-migration data, where for example, marginal totals are known and only auxiliary bilateral data is available.
Author: Guy J. Abel
Maintainer: Guy J. Abel <g.j.abel@gmail.com>
Diff between migest versions 1.6 dated 2014-07-27 and 1.7 dated 2015-06-18
migest-1.6/migest/R/cm2.R |only migest-1.6/migest/R/cm3.R |only migest-1.6/migest/R/ffs.R |only migest-1.6/migest/R/fm.R |only migest-1.6/migest/R/ipf2.R |only migest-1.6/migest/R/ipf3.R |only migest-1.6/migest/R/ipf3.qi.R |only migest-1.6/migest/R/migest-internal.R |only migest-1.6/migest/R/rc9.R |only migest-1.7/migest/DESCRIPTION | 11 - migest-1.7/migest/MD5 | 27 +-- migest-1.7/migest/R/fn_migest.R |only migest-1.7/migest/README.md |only migest-1.7/migest/data/rc9.fund.rda |binary migest-1.7/migest/demo/cfplot_nat.R | 262 +++++++++++++++++++------------- migest-1.7/migest/demo/cfplot_reg.R | 243 ++++++++++++++++++----------- migest-1.7/migest/man/ffs.Rd | 5 migest-1.7/migest/man/ipf2.Rd | 4 migest-1.7/migest/man/ipf3.qi.Rd | 2 migest-1.7/migest/man/migest-package.Rd | 14 + 20 files changed, 341 insertions(+), 227 deletions(-)
Title: Linguistic Fuzzy Logic
Description: Various algorithms related to linguistic fuzzy logic: mining for linguistic fuzzy association
rules, performing perception-based logical deduction (PbLD), and forecasting time-series using fuzzy
rule-based ensemble (FRBE).
Author: Michal Burda
Maintainer: Michal Burda <michal.burda@osu.cz>
Diff between lfl versions 1.1 dated 2015-06-03 and 1.2 dated 2015-06-18
lfl-1.1/lfl/src/Makevars |only lfl-1.2/lfl/DESCRIPTION | 10 ++-- lfl-1.2/lfl/MD5 | 22 +++++----- lfl-1.2/lfl/configure |only lfl-1.2/lfl/configure.ac |only lfl-1.2/lfl/src/Makevars.in |only lfl-1.2/lfl/src/Makevars.win | 1 lfl-1.2/lfl/src/common/ChainCombiner.h | 1 lfl-1.2/lfl/src/pbld/Rule.h | 8 ++- lfl-1.2/lfl/src/perceiveGlobal.cpp | 60 ++++++++++++++++++----------- lfl-1.2/lfl/src/reduce.cpp | 8 +-- lfl-1.2/lfl/src/reduce/Reduce.h | 15 ++----- lfl-1.2/lfl/src/search/Search.h | 18 ++------ lfl-1.2/lfl/tests/testthat/test-perceive.R | 3 - 14 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)
Title: Heller-Heller-Gorfine Tests of Independence and Equality of
Description: Heller-Heller-Gorfine (HHG) tests are a set of powerful statistical tests of multivariate k-sample homogeneity and independence. For the univariate case, the package also offers implementations of the MinP DDP and MinP ADP tests, which are consistent against all continuous alternatives but are distribution-free, and are thus much faster to apply.
Author: Barak Brill & Shachar Kaufman, based in part on an earlier implementation by Ruth Heller and Yair Heller.
Maintainer: Barak Brill <barakbri@mail.tau.ac.il>
Diff between HHG versions 1.4 dated 2014-05-06 and 1.5 dated 2015-06-18
HHG-1.4/HHG/data/hughes.RData |only HHG-1.4/HHG/man/hughes.Rd |only HHG-1.4/HHG/man/xdp.test.Rd |only HHG-1.5/HHG/DESCRIPTION | 20 HHG-1.5/HHG/MD5 | 55 HHG-1.5/HHG/NAMESPACE | 9 HHG-1.5/HHG/R/HHG.R | 256 HHG-1.5/HHG/R/HHG_extras.R | 36 HHG-1.5/HHG/R/HHG_univariate.R |only HHG-1.5/HHG/R/HHG_utils.R | 171 HHG-1.5/HHG/build |only HHG-1.5/HHG/data/Yeast_hughes.RData |only HHG-1.5/HHG/inst |only HHG-1.5/HHG/man/HHG-package.Rd | 145 HHG-1.5/HHG/man/Yeast_hughes.Rd |only HHG-1.5/HHG/man/hhg.example.datagen.Rd | 8 HHG-1.5/HHG/man/hhg.test.Rd | 98 HHG-1.5/HHG/man/hhg.univariate.ind.combined.test.Rd |only HHG-1.5/HHG/man/hhg.univariate.ind.nulltable.Rd |only HHG-1.5/HHG/man/hhg.univariate.ind.pvalue.Rd |only HHG-1.5/HHG/man/hhg.univariate.ind.stat.Rd |only HHG-1.5/HHG/man/hhg.univariate.ks.combined.test.Rd |only HHG-1.5/HHG/man/hhg.univariate.ks.nulltable.Rd |only HHG-1.5/HHG/man/hhg.univariate.ks.pvalue.Rd |only HHG-1.5/HHG/man/hhg.univariate.ks.stat.Rd |only HHG-1.5/HHG/man/hhg.univariate.nulltable.from.mstats.Rd |only HHG-1.5/HHG/man/print.HHG.Test.Result.Rd |only HHG-1.5/HHG/man/print.UnivariateObject.Rd |only HHG-1.5/HHG/man/print.UnivariateStatistic.Rd |only HHG-1.5/HHG/src/HHG.cpp | 1181 +--- HHG-1.5/HHG/src/HHG.h | 265 HHG-1.5/HHG/src/SequentialTest.cpp | 468 - HHG-1.5/HHG/src/SequentialTest.h | 60 HHG-1.5/HHG/src/StatsComputer.cpp | 4709 ++++++++++------ HHG-1.5/HHG/src/StatsComputer.h | 240 HHG-1.5/HHG/vignettes |only 36 files changed, 4631 insertions(+), 3090 deletions(-)
Title: Kiener Distributions and Fat Tails in Finance
Description: Kiener distributions of type I, II, III and IV tailored to
distributions with left and right fat tails like those that occur
in financial markets. These distributions can be used to estimate
with a high accuracy market risks and value-at-risk. Also include power
hyperbolas and power hyperbolic functions.
Author: Patrice Kiener
Maintainer: Patrice Kiener <fattailsr@inmodelia.com>
Diff between FatTailsR versions 1.0-3 dated 2014-07-14 and 1.2-0 dated 2015-06-18
FatTailsR-1.0-3/FatTailsR/R/FatTailsR-package.r |only FatTailsR-1.0-3/FatTailsR/R/conversion.R |only FatTailsR-1.0-3/FatTailsR/R/kiener1.R |only FatTailsR-1.0-3/FatTailsR/R/kiener2.R |only FatTailsR-1.0-3/FatTailsR/R/kiener3.R |only FatTailsR-1.0-3/FatTailsR/R/kiener4.R |only FatTailsR-1.0-3/FatTailsR/R/logishp.R |only FatTailsR-1.0-3/FatTailsR/R/regression.R |only FatTailsR-1.0-3/FatTailsR/R/trigohp.R |only FatTailsR-1.0-3/FatTailsR/man/FatTailsR-package.Rd |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/DESCRIPTION | 30 +++++---- FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/MD5 | 64 ++++++++++++++------ FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/NAMESPACE | 29 +++++++++ FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/NEWS |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/R/a_FatTailsR-package.R |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/R/b_trigohp.R |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/R/c_logishp.R |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/R/d_conversion.R |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/R/e_kiener1.R |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/R/f_kiener2.R |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/R/g_kiener3.R |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/R/h_kiener4.R |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/R/i_moments.R |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/R/j_tailskiener.R |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/R/k_estimation.R |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/R/l_regression.R |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/R/m_regression2.R |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/R/n_regression3.R |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/R/z_data.R |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/data |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/inst |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/FatTailsR.Rd |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/aw2k.Rd | 4 - FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/checkquantiles.Rd |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/ckiener.Rd |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/dfData.Rd |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/elevenprobs.Rd |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/estimkappa6.Rd |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/estimkiener11.Rd |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/estimkienerX.Rd |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/fitkienerLX.Rd |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/getDSdata.Rd |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/kiener1.Rd | 26 +++++++- FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/kiener2.Rd | 22 ++++++- FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/kiener3.Rd | 25 +++++++ FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/kiener4.Rd | 25 +++++++ FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/kmoments.Rd |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/logishp.Rd | 14 +++- FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/pk2pk.Rd |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/regkienerLX.Rd | 66 ++++++++++++--------- FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/tData.Rd |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/xData.Rd |only FatTailsR-1.2-0/FatTailsR/man/zData.Rd |only 53 files changed, 228 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)
More information about CopyNumber450kCancer at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: 'Blowfish' Password Hashing Algorithm
Description: An R interface to the OpenBSD 'blowfish' password hashing algorithm,
as described in "A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme" by Niels Provos. The
implementation is derived from the 'py-bcrypt' module for Python which is a
wrapper for the OpenBSD implementation.
Author: Jeroen Ooms [cre, aut],
Damien Miller [cph],
Niels Provos [cph]
Maintainer: Jeroen Ooms <jeroen.ooms@stat.ucla.edu>
Diff between bcrypt versions 0.1 dated 2015-06-16 and 0.2 dated 2015-06-18
bcrypt-0.1/bcrypt/src/bcrypt_pbkdf.c |only bcrypt-0.1/bcrypt/src/pybc_sha2.h |only bcrypt-0.1/bcrypt/src/sha2.c |only bcrypt-0.2/bcrypt/DESCRIPTION | 15 +++++++++------ bcrypt-0.2/bcrypt/MD5 | 11 ++++------- bcrypt-0.2/bcrypt/R/bcrypt.R | 3 +-- bcrypt-0.2/bcrypt/man/bcrypt.Rd | 3 +-- bcrypt-0.2/bcrypt/src/bcrypt.c | 5 +++++ 8 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
Title: Support Functions and Datasets for Venables and Ripley's MASS
Description: Functions and datasets to support Venables and Ripley,
"Modern Applied Statistics with S" (4th edition, 2002).
Author: Brian Ripley [aut, cre, cph],
Bill Venables [ctb],
Douglas M. Bates [ctb],
Kurt Hornik [trl] (partial port ca 1998),
Albrecht Gebhardt [trl] (partial port ca 1998),
David Firth [ctb]
Maintainer: Brian Ripley <ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk>
Diff between MASS versions 7.3-40 dated 2015-03-21 and 7.3-41 dated 2015-06-18
DESCRIPTION | 12 ++++++------ MD5 | 4 ++-- tests/Examples/MASS-Ex.Rout.save | 31 +++++++++++++++++-------------- 3 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
Title: Diversification Rate Estimation and Fast Simulation of
Reconstructed Phylogenetic Trees under Tree-Wide
Time-Heterogeneous Birth-Death Processes Including
Mass-Extinction Events
Description: Simulation of reconstructed phylogenetic trees under tree-wide time-heterogeneous birth-death processes and estimation of diversification parameters under the same model. Speciation and extinction rates can be any function of time and mass-extinction events at specific times can be provided. Trees can be simulated either conditioned on the number of species, the time of the process, or both. Additionally, the likelihood equations are implemented for convenience and can be used for Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimation and Bayesian inference.
Author: Sebastian Hoehna and Michael R. May
Maintainer: Sebastian Hoehna <Sebastian.Hoehna@gmail.com>
Diff between TESS versions 1.2.1 dated 2013-04-22 and 2.0.0 dated 2015-06-18
TESS-1.2.1/TESS/R/globalBiDe.equations.R |only TESS-1.2.1/TESS/R/globalBiDe.likelihood.R |only TESS-1.2.1/TESS/R/globalBiDe.nTaxa.expected.R |only TESS-1.2.1/TESS/R/sim.globalBiDe.age.R |only TESS-1.2.1/TESS/R/sim.globalBiDe.taxa.R |only TESS-1.2.1/TESS/R/sim.globalBiDe.taxa.age.R |only TESS-1.2.1/TESS/man/globalBiDe.likelihood.Rd |only TESS-1.2.1/TESS/man/globalBiDe.nTaxa.expected.Rd |only TESS-1.2.1/TESS/man/sim.globalBiDe.age.Rd |only TESS-1.2.1/TESS/man/sim.globalBiDe.taxa.Rd |only TESS-1.2.1/TESS/man/sim.globalBiDe.taxa.age.Rd |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/DESCRIPTION | 33 ++---- TESS-2.0.0/TESS/MD5 | 70 +++++++++----- TESS-2.0.0/TESS/NAMESPACE | 6 - TESS-2.0.0/TESS/NEWS | 65 ++++++++++++- TESS-2.0.0/TESS/R/RcppExports.R |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/R/tess.PathSampling.R | 21 ++-- TESS-2.0.0/TESS/R/tess.PosteriorPrediction.R | 12 +- TESS-2.0.0/TESS/R/tess.SteppingStoneSampling.R | 4 TESS-2.0.0/TESS/R/tess.analysis.R |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/R/tess.equations.R |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/R/tess.likelihood.R |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/R/tess.likelihood.rateshift.R |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/R/tess.mcmc.R | 72 ++++++++------- TESS-2.0.0/TESS/R/tess.nTaxa.expected.R |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/R/tess.plot.multichain.diagnostics.R |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/R/tess.plot.output.R |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/R/tess.plot.singlechain.diagnostics.R |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/R/tess.process.output.R |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/R/tess.sim.age.R |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/R/tess.sim.taxa.R |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/R/tess.sim.taxa.age.R |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/R/tess.utilities.R | 15 ++- TESS-2.0.0/TESS/data/conifers.rda |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/inst |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/man/TESS-package.Rd | 14 +- TESS-2.0.0/TESS/man/cettiidae.Rd | 2 TESS-2.0.0/TESS/man/conifers.Rd |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/man/tess.PosteriorPrediction.Rd | 16 ++- TESS-2.0.0/TESS/man/tess.PosteriorPredictiveTest.Rd | 13 +- TESS-2.0.0/TESS/man/tess.analysis.Rd |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/man/tess.likelihood.Rd |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/man/tess.likelihood.rateshift.Rd |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/man/tess.mcmc.Rd | 33 ++++-- TESS-2.0.0/TESS/man/tess.nTaxa.expected.Rd |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/man/tess.pathSampling.Rd |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/man/tess.plot.multichain.diagnostics.Rd |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/man/tess.plot.output.Rd |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/man/tess.plot.singlechain.diagnostics.Rd |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/man/tess.process.output.Rd |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/man/tess.sim.age.Rd |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/man/tess.sim.taxa.Rd |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/man/tess.sim.taxa.age.Rd |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/man/tess.steppingStoneSampling.Rd | 15 ++- TESS-2.0.0/TESS/src |only TESS-2.0.0/TESS/vignettes |only 56 files changed, 252 insertions(+), 139 deletions(-)
Title: Kernel Smoothing for Bivariate Copula Densities
Description: Provides fast implementations of kernel smoothing techniques for bivariate copula densities, in particular density estimation and resampling.
Author: Thomas Nagler
Maintainer: Thomas Nagler <thomas.nagler@tum.de>
Diff between kdecopula versions 0.0.1 dated 2015-06-17 and 0.0.2 dated 2015-06-18
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 8 ++++---- man/kdecopula-package.Rd | 2 +- src/hfunc.cpp | 4 ++-- src/kernels.cpp | 4 ++-- 5 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
Title: Analysis of Phenotypic, Genotypic and Environmental Data
Description: Easy integration of information from multiple sources with
"ecogen" objects. Geostatistical tools for analyzing spatial patterns in
population biology and extra functions.
Author: Leandro Roser, Juan Vilardi, Beatriz Saidman and Laura Ferreyra
Maintainer: Leandro Roser <learoser@gmail.com>
Diff between EcoGenetics versions 1.2.0 dated 2015-05-11 and 1.2.0-1 dated 2015-06-18
EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/DESCRIPTION | 44 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/MD5 | 156 +-- EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/NAMESPACE | 7 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/NEWS | 12 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/auxiliar.R | 391 ++++---- EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/classes.R | 23 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/control.R | 10 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.2columns.R | 7 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.2geneland.R | 7 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.2genepop.R | 38 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.2gstudio.R | 9 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.2hierfstat.R | 15 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.2spagedi.R | 205 ++-- EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.NDVI.R | 7 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.NDVI.post.R | 11 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.alfreq.R | 96 +- EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.append.R | 11 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.association.R | 17 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.cbind.R | 6 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.clear.R | 6 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.cormantel.R | 177 +-- EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.correlog.R | 39 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.detrend.R | 62 - EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.forestplot.R | 261 ++--- EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.genepop2df.R |only EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.gsa.R | 56 - EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.kin.loiselle.R |only EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.lagweight.R | 493 +++++----- EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.lmtree.R | 9 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.lsa.R | 468 ++++----- EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.malecot.R |only EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.mantel.R | 103 +- EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.merge.R | 8 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.order.R | 9 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.pairtest.R | 215 ++-- EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.post.geneland.R | 7 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.rankplot.R | 513 +++++----- EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.rbind.R | 15 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.remove.R | 9 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.subset.R | 15 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.theilsen.R | 7 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.variogram.R | 158 +-- EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/eco.weight.R | 259 ++--- EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/int.break.R | 408 ++++---- EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/int.crosscor.R | 9 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/int.ecogen.definition.R | 568 ++++++------ EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/int.geary.R | 7 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/int.jackknife.R | 60 - EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/int.joincount.R | 9 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/int.kin.loiselle.R |only EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/int.mantel.R | 8 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/int.moran.R | 7 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/int.multitable.R | 83 - EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/int.random.test.R | 363 +++---- EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/plot.methods.R | 519 +++++++--- EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/R/show_summary.methods.R | 127 +- EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/data/eco.test.RData |binary EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/inst |only EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/EcoGenetics-package.Rd | 37 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/aue.char2num.Rd | 2 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/aue.idig.Rd |only EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/auxiliar2.Rd |only EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/eco.2gstudio.Rd | 2 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/eco.2spagedi.Rd | 1 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/eco.IBD-methods.Rd |only EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/eco.IBD.Rd |only EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/eco.NDVI.Rd | 1 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/eco.NDVI.post.Rd | 2 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/eco.correlog-methods.Rd | 3 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/eco.correlog.Rd | 63 + EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/eco.genepop2df.Rd |only EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/eco.kin.loiselle.Rd |only EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/eco.lsa.Rd | 47 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/eco.malecot.Rd |only EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/eco.n.Rd |only EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/eco.pairtest.Rd | 14 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/eco.rbind.Rd | 18 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/eco.subset.Rd | 6 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/eco.theilsen.Rd | 2 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/ecogen-methods.Rd | 3 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/ecogen-summary.Rd | 10 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/ecogen.Rd | 70 - EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/int.jackknife.Rd | 10 EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/int.kin.loiselle.Rd |only EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/int.multiplot.Rd |only EcoGenetics-1.2.0-1/EcoGenetics/man/rankplot-methods.Rd | 3 EcoGenetics-1.2.0/EcoGenetics/R/deprecated.R |only 87 files changed, 3517 insertions(+), 2906 deletions(-)
Title: Crunch.io Data Tools
Description: The Crunch.io service (http://crunch.io/) provides a cloud-based
data store and analytic engine, as well as an intuitive web interface.
Using this package, analysts can interact with and manipulate Crunch
datasets from within R. Importantly, this allows technical researchers to
collaborate naturally with team members, managers, and clients who prefer a
point-and-click interface.
Author: Neal Richardson [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Neal Richardson <neal@crunch.io>
Diff between crunch versions 1.2.1 dated 2015-05-26 and 1.3.2 dated 2015-06-18
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 98 +++--- NAMESPACE | 7 R/AllClasses.R | 5 R/AllGenerics.R | 3 R/api.R | 17 - R/append-dataset.R | 16 - R/batches.R | 72 +++- R/dataset-catalog.R | 7 R/dataset.R | 4 R/new-dataset.R | 8 R/share.R | 6 R/shoji-catalog.R | 14 R/teams.R |only R/user.R | 36 ++ R/variable-catalog.R | 27 - R/variable-update.R | 6 man/appendDataset.Rd | 4 man/catalog-extract.Rd | 25 + man/createWithMetadataAndFile.Rd | 8 man/delete.Rd | 9 man/describe-catalog.Rd | 22 + man/describe.Rd | 5 man/getAccountUserCatalog.Rd |only man/getTeams.Rd |only man/teams.Rd |only tests/testthat/api/accounts |only tests/testthat/api/datasets/dataset1/permissions.json | 56 +-- tests/testthat/api/root.json | 1 tests/testthat/api/teams |only tests/testthat/api/teams.json |only tests/testthat/api/users/user1.json | 3 tests/testthat/conflicts.R | 269 ++++++++++++------ tests/testthat/helper.R | 36 ++ tests/testthat/test-add-array.R | 1 tests/testthat/test-api.R | 11 tests/testthat/test-append-arrays.R | 16 - tests/testthat/test-append-conflicts.R | 68 ++++ tests/testthat/test-appending.R | 42 +- tests/testthat/test-appending.R.orig |only tests/testthat/test-auth.R | 4 tests/testthat/test-hide-variables.R | 27 + tests/testthat/test-new-dataset.R | 5 tests/testthat/test-teams.R |only tests/testthat/test-update.R | 2 tests/testthat/test-user.R | 60 +++- tests/testthat/test-variable-catalog.R | 5 vignettes/analyze.RData |binary vignettes/array-variables.RData |binary vignettes/derive.RData |binary vignettes/getting-started.RData |binary vignettes/variable-order.RData |binary vignettes/variables.RData |binary 53 files changed, 734 insertions(+), 279 deletions(-)