Mon, 07 Sep 2015

Package SKAT updated to version 1.1.2 with previous version 1.0.9 dated 2015-06-14

Title: SNP-Set (Sequence) Kernel Association Test
Description: Functions for kernel-regression-based association tests including Burden test, SKAT and SKAT-O. These methods aggregate individual SNP score statistics in a SNP set and efficiently compute SNP-set level p-values.
Author: Seunggeun (Shawn) Lee, with contributions from Larisa Miropolsky and Michael Wu
Maintainer: Seunggeun (Shawn) Lee <>

Diff between SKAT versions 1.0.9 dated 2015-06-14 and 1.1.2 dated 2015-09-07

 DESCRIPTION                         |    8 +--
 MD5                                 |   72 +++++++++++++--------------
 NAMESPACE                           |    9 +++
 R/Binary_Function.R                 |    5 +
 R/Binary_MAIN.R                     |    2 
 R/Binary_MAIN_ExactBin.R            |   10 +--
 R/Function.R                        |    1 
 R/Power.R                           |   72 +++++++++++++++++++--------
 R/SKAT_EMMAX.R                      |    2 
 inst/doc/SKAT.R                     |    9 ++-
 inst/doc/SKAT.Rnw                   |   48 +++++++++---------
 inst/doc/SKAT.pdf                   |binary
 man/Generate_SSD_SetID.rd           |   13 ++--
 man/Get_EffectiveNumberTest.rd      |   16 ++++--
 man/Get_Genotypes_SSD.rd            |    6 +-
 man/Get_Logistic_Weights.rd         |   10 ++-
 man/Get_RequiredSampleSize.rd       |    8 +--
 man/Get_Resampling_Pvalue.rd        |    4 -
 man/Open_SSD.rd                     |    5 -
 man/Power_Continuous.rd             |   36 ++++++++-----
 man/Power_Logistic.rd               |   13 ++--
 man/QQPlot_Adj.rd                   |   12 ++++
 man/Read_Plink_FAM.rd               |    9 +--
 man/Read_SNP_WeightFile.rd          |   17 +++---
 man/Resampling_FWER.rd              |    6 +-
 man/SKAT.SSD.All.rd                 |   16 +++---
 man/SKAT.haplotypes.rd              |   10 ++-
 man/SKAT.rd                         |   94 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 man/SKATBinary.rd                   |   56 +++++++++++++--------
 man/SKATBinary_Single.rd            |   30 ++++++-----
 man/SKAT_ChrX.rd                    |   45 ++++++-----------
 man/SKAT_CommonRare.rd              |   12 ++--
 man/SKAT_NULL_emmaX.rd              |   10 +--
 man/SKAT_Null_Model.rd              |   12 +++-
 man/SKAT_Null_Model_MomentAdjust.rd |   13 +++-
 man/SSD_FILE_OPEN.rd                |    2 
 vignettes/SKAT.Rnw                  |   48 +++++++++---------
 37 files changed, 424 insertions(+), 317 deletions(-)

More information about SKAT at CRAN
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Package InterVA4 updated to version 1.6 with previous version 1.5 dated 2014-10-14

Title: Replicate and Analyse InterVA4
Description: Provides an R version of the InterVA4 software for coding cause of death from verbal autopsies. It also provides simple graphical representation of individual and population level statistics.
Author: Zehang Li, Tyler McCormick, Sam Clark
Maintainer: Zehang Li <>

Diff between InterVA4 versions 1.5 dated 2014-10-14 and 1.6 dated 2015-09-07

 InterVA4-1.5/InterVA4/R/InterVA4_1.4-package.R  |only
 InterVA4-1.5/InterVA4/man/InterVA.summary.Rd    |only
 InterVA4-1.6/InterVA4/DESCRIPTION               |   12 -
 InterVA4-1.6/InterVA4/MD5                       |   27 ++--
 InterVA4-1.6/InterVA4/NAMESPACE                 |    3 
 InterVA4-1.6/InterVA4/R/InterVA.R               |   68 +++++++---
 InterVA4-1.6/InterVA4/R/InterVA.plot.R          |  120 +++++++++++++-----
 InterVA4-1.6/InterVA4/R/InterVA4_1.6-package.R  |only
 InterVA4-1.6/InterVA4/man/CSMF.Rd               |only
 InterVA4-1.6/InterVA4/man/CSMF.interVA4.Rd      |only
 InterVA4-1.6/InterVA4/man/InterVA.Rd            |  157 ++++++++++++------------
 InterVA4-1.6/InterVA4/man/InterVA.plot.Rd       |   47 +++----
 InterVA4-1.6/InterVA4/man/InterVA4-package.Rd   |   25 +--
 InterVA4-1.6/InterVA4/man/Population.summary.Rd |   93 ++++----------
 InterVA4-1.6/InterVA4/man/SampleInput.Rd        |   11 +
 InterVA4-1.6/InterVA4/man/causetext.Rd          |    7 -
 InterVA4-1.6/InterVA4/man/probbase.Rd           |    7 -
 17 files changed, 320 insertions(+), 257 deletions(-)

More information about InterVA4 at CRAN
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New package datafsm with initial version 0.1.0
Package: datafsm
Title: Estimating Finite State Machine Models from Data
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 2015-09-07
Authors@R: c( person("Nay", "John J.", email = "", role = c("cre", "aut")), person("Gilligan", "Jonathan M.", email = "", role = "aut") )
Description: Our method automatically generates models of dynamic decision-making that both have strong predictive power and are interpretable in human terms. We use an efficient model representation and a genetic algorithm-based estimation process to generate simple deterministic approximations that explain most of the structure of complex stochastic processes. We have applied the software to empirical data, and demonstrated it's ability to recover known data-generating processes by simulating data with agent-based models and correctly deriving the underlying decision models for multiple agent models and degrees of stochasticity.
Depends: R (>= 3.1.1), methods, stats
License: MIT + file LICENSE
LazyData: true
LinkingTo: Rcpp
Suggests: doParallel, testthat, diagram, knitr
Imports: caret, GA, Rcpp
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2015-09-07 21:56:29 UTC; johnnaymacbook
Author: Nay John J. [cre, aut], Gilligan Jonathan M. [aut]
Maintainer: Nay John J. <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-09-08 00:25:33

More information about datafsm at CRAN
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New package SAGA with initial version 1.0
Package: SAGA
Type: Package
Title: Software for the Analysis of Genetic Architecture
Version: 1.0
Date: 2015-08-29
Author: Heath Blackmon and Jeffery P. Demuth
Maintainer: Heath Blackmon <>
Description: Implements an information theory approach to the analysis of line cross data providing model averaged results of parameter estimates and unconditional standard errors. Also includes a function to provide a visualization of models space.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Imports: plotrix
Suggests: knitr
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2015-09-07 17:03:27 UTC; hblackmo
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-09-07 21:26:40

More information about SAGA at CRAN
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Package phonenumber updated to version 0.2.2 with previous version 0.2.1 dated 2015-08-22

Title: Convert Letters to Numbers and Back as on a Telephone Keypad
Description: Convert English letters to numbers or numbers to English letters as on a telephone keypad. When converting letters to numbers, a character vector is returned with "A," "B," or "C" becoming 2, "D," "E", or "F" becoming 3, etc. When converting numbers to letters, a character vector is returned with multiple elements (i.e., "2" becomes a vector of "A," "B," and "C").
Author: Steve Myles [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Steve Myles <>

Diff between phonenumber versions 0.2.1 dated 2015-08-22 and 0.2.2 dated 2015-09-07

 DESCRIPTION               |    6 +++---
 MD5                       |   16 ++++++++--------
 R/letterToNumber.R        |    2 +-                 |    2 +-
 inst/doc/phonenumber.R    |    3 +++
 inst/doc/phonenumber.Rmd  |    9 ++++++++-
 inst/doc/phonenumber.html |    9 ++++++---
 man/letterToNumber.Rd     |    2 +-
 vignettes/phonenumber.Rmd |    9 ++++++++-
 9 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

More information about phonenumber at CRAN
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Package mlsjunkgen updated to version 0.1.1 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2015-08-16

Title: Use the MLS Junk Generator Algorithm to Generate a Stream of Pseudo-Random Numbers
Description: Generate a stream of pseudo-random numbers generated using the MLS Junk Generator algorithm. Functions exist to generate single pseudo-random numbers as well as a vector, data frame, or matrix of pseudo-random numbers.
Author: Steve Myles [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Steve Myles <>

Diff between mlsjunkgen versions 0.1.0 dated 2015-08-16 and 0.1.1 dated 2015-09-07

 DESCRIPTION              |    8 ++---
 MD5                      |   24 ++++++++--------
 R/mlsjunkgend.R          |    2 -
 R/mlsjunkgenm.R          |    2 -
 R/mlsjunkgenv.R          |    2 -                |   70 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 inst/doc/mlsjunkgen.R    |    2 -
 inst/doc/mlsjunkgen.Rmd  |   17 ++++++-----
 inst/doc/mlsjunkgen.html |   38 ++++++++++++-------------
 man/mlsjunkgend.Rd       |    2 -
 man/mlsjunkgenm.Rd       |    2 -
 man/mlsjunkgenv.Rd       |    2 -
 vignettes/mlsjunkgen.Rmd |   17 ++++++-----
 13 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-)

More information about mlsjunkgen at CRAN
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New package monographaR with initial version 1.0
Package: monographaR
Version: 1.0
Date: 2015-09-04
Title: Taxonomic Monographs Tools
Author: Marcelo Reginato
Maintainer: Marcelo Reginato <>
Depends: R (>= 3.0.0), maptools
Suggests: knitr
Imports: circular, raster, rgeos, sp
Description: Contains functions intended to facilitate the production of plant taxonomic monographs. The package includes functions to convert tables into taxonomic descriptions, lists of collectors and examined specimens. Additionally, wrapper functions to batch the production of phenology charts and distributional and diversity maps are also available.
VignetteBuilder: knitr
License: GPL (>= 2)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2015-09-07 16:48:58 UTC; Marcelo
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-09-07 21:26:49

More information about monographaR at CRAN
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Package geiger updated to version 2.0.6 with previous version 2.0.5 dated 2015-09-03

Title: Analysis of Evolutionary Diversification
Description: Methods for fitting macroevolutionary models to phylogenetic trees.
Author: Luke Harmon <>, Jason Weir, Chad Brock, Rich Glor, Wendell Challenger, Gene Hunt, Rich FitzJohn, Matt Pennell, Graham Slater, Joseph Brown, Josef Uyeda, and Jon Eastman <>
Maintainer: Matt Pennell <>

Diff between geiger versions 2.0.5 dated 2015-09-03 and 2.0.6 dated 2015-09-07

 DESCRIPTION          |    8 +--
 MD5                  |   14 ++---
 R/gbresolve.R        |   16 +++---            |   37 ++++++++++++++
 man/fitContinuous.Rd |  127 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 man/fitDiscrete.Rd   |   68 +++++++++++++--------------
 man/gbresolve.Rd     |   25 +++++-----
 man/subset.phylo.Rd  |    5 --
 8 files changed, 165 insertions(+), 135 deletions(-)

More information about geiger at CRAN
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Package vardpoor updated to version 0.4.2 with previous version 0.4.0 dated 2015-09-04

Title: Variance Estimation for Sample Surveys by the Ultimate Cluster Method
Description: Generation of domain variables, linearisation of several nonlinear population statistics (the ratio of two totals, weighted income percentile, relative median income ratio, at-risk-of-poverty rate, at-risk-of-poverty threshold, Gini coefficient, gender pay gap, the aggregate replacement ratio, the relative median income ratio, median income below at-risk-of-poverty gap, income quintile share ratio, relative median at-risk-of-poverty gap), computation of regression residuals in case of weight calibration, variance estimation of sample surveys by the ultimate cluster method (Hansen, Hurwitz and Madow, 1953), variance estimation for longitudinal, cross-sectional measures and measures of change for single and multistage stage cluster sampling designs (Berger, Y.G.). Several other precision measures are derived - standard error, the coefficient of variation, the margin of error, confidence interval, design effect.
Author: Juris Breidaks [aut, cre], Martins Liberts [aut], Santa Ivanova [aut]
Maintainer: Juris Breidaks <>

Diff between vardpoor versions 0.4.0 dated 2015-09-04 and 0.4.2 dated 2015-09-07

 DESCRIPTION             |    8 ++++----
 MD5                     |   22 +++++++++++-----------
 R/vardchangespoor.R     |    7 ++-----
 R/vardcrospoor.R        |    7 +++----
 inst/CITATION           |    2 +-
 inst/NEWS               |    4 ++++
 man/vardchangespoor.Rd  |    4 ----
 man/vardcrospoor.Rd     |    5 -----
 man/vardpoor-package.Rd |    4 ++--
 man/variance_est.Rd     |   42 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 man/variance_othstr.Rd  |   40 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 man/varpoord.Rd         |    2 ++
 12 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)

More information about vardpoor at CRAN
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New package spinyReg with initial version 0.1-0
Package: spinyReg
Type: Package
Title: Sparse Generative Model and Its EM Algorithm
Version: 0.1-0
Date: 2015-09-05
Author: Charles Bouveyron, Julien Chiquet, Pierre Latouche, Pierre-Alexandre Mattei
Maintainer: Julien Chiquet <>
Description: Implements a generative model that uses a spike-and-slab like prior distribution obtained by multiplying a deterministic binary vector. Such a model allows an EM algorithm, optimizing a type-II log-likelihood.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Imports: methods
Repository: CRAN
Repository/R-Forge/Project: spinyreg
Repository/R-Forge/Revision: 11
Repository/R-Forge/DateTimeStamp: 2015-09-07 10:50:53
Date/Publication: 2015-09-07 18:18:03
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2015-09-07 11:07:11 UTC; rforge

More information about spinyReg at CRAN
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Package SEERaBomb updated to version 2015.2 with previous version 2015.1 dated 2015-05-05

Title: SEER and Atomic Bomb Survivor Data Analysis Tools
Description: Creates SEER (Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results) and A-bomb data binaries from ASCII sources and provides tools for estimating SEER second cancer risks.
Author: Tomas Radivoyevitch
Maintainer: Tomas Radivoyevitch <>

Diff between SEERaBomb versions 2015.1 dated 2015-05-05 and 2015.2 dated 2015-09-07

 DESCRIPTION                  |   15 +--
 MD5                          |   52 +++++++----
 NAMESPACE                    |   13 ++
 NEWS                         |   11 ++
 R/getE.R                     |   29 +++---
 R/mapCancs.R                 |  111 +++++++++++++++++++++----
 R/mk2D.R                     |   10 +-
 R/mkDF.R                     |only
 R/mkExcel.R                  |   41 +++++----
 R/mkSEER.R                   |   60 +++++++++----
 R/pickFields.R               |    9 +-
 R/plot2D.R                   |   28 ++++--
 R/post1PYO.R                 |  189 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 R/print.seerSet.summary.R    |only
 R/seerSet.R                  |   13 +-
 R/seerStats.R                |only
 R/summary.seerSet.R          |only
 R/tsd.R                      |   81 ++++++++++++------
 data/nvsr.rda                |only
 data/nvsr01.rda              |only
 man/SEERaBomb-package.Rd     |    4 
 man/getE.Rd                  |    4 
 man/mkDF.Rd                  |only
 man/mkExcel.Rd               |    9 +-
 man/nvsr.Rd                  |only
 man/nvsr01.Rd                |only
 man/plot2D.Rd                |    3 
 man/post1PYO.Rd              |    5 -
 man/print.seerSet.summary.Rd |only
 man/seerSet.Rd               |    4 
 man/seerStats.Rd             |only
 man/summary.seerSet.Rd       |only
 man/tsd.Rd                   |    8 +
 33 files changed, 472 insertions(+), 227 deletions(-)

More information about SEERaBomb at CRAN
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Package performanceEstimation updated to version 1.0.2 with previous version 1.0.1 dated 2015-06-16

Title: An Infra-Structure for Performance Estimation of Predictive Models
Description: An infra-structure for estimating the predictive performance of predictive models. In this context, it can also be used to compare and/or select among different alternative ways of solving one or more predictive tasks. The main goal of the package is to provide a generic infra-structure to estimate the values of different metrics of predictive performance using different estimation procedures. These estimation tasks can be applied to any solutions (workflows) to the predictive tasks. The package provides easy to use standard workflows that allow the usage of any available R modeling algorithm together with some pre-defined data pre-processing steps and also prediction post-processing methods. It also provides means for addressing issues related with the statistical significance of the observed differences.
Author: Luis Torgo [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Luis Torgo <>

Diff between performanceEstimation versions 1.0.1 dated 2015-06-16 and 1.0.2 dated 2015-09-07

 performanceEstimation-1.0.1/performanceEstimation/man/WFoutput-class.Rd              |only
 performanceEstimation-1.0.1/performanceEstimation/man/getIterationInfo.Rd            |only
 performanceEstimation-1.0.1/performanceEstimation/man/getIterationPreds.Rd           |only
 performanceEstimation-1.0.1/performanceEstimation/man/workflowInformation.Rd         |only
 performanceEstimation-1.0.1/performanceEstimation/man/workflowPredictions.Rd         |only
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/CHANGES                            |   14 
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/DESCRIPTION                        |    8 
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/MD5                                |   47 +-
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/NAMESPACE                          |   13 
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/R/classDefs.R                      |   51 ---
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/R/evaluationMetrics.R              |   37 ++
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/R/experiments.R                    |  157 ++++------
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/R/methods.R                        |   19 -
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/R/resultsManipulation.R            |   23 -
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/R/workflows.R                      |   44 +-
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/inst/doc/performanceEstimation.pdf |binary
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/man/Workflow-class.Rd              |    4 
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/man/classificationMetrics.Rd       |    9 
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/man/cvEstimates.Rd                 |    5 
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/man/getIterationsInfo.Rd           |only
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/man/getIterationsPreds.Rd          |only
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/man/hldEstimates.Rd                |    5 
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/man/mcEstimates.Rd                 |    3 
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/man/performanceEstimation.Rd       |    2 
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/man/regressionMetrics.Rd           |    9 
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/man/runWorkflow.Rd                 |   13 
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/man/standardWF.Rd                  |   28 -
 performanceEstimation-1.0.2/performanceEstimation/man/timeseriesWF.Rd                |   16 -
 28 files changed, 237 insertions(+), 270 deletions(-)

More information about performanceEstimation at CRAN
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New package palettetown with initial version 0.1.0
Package: palettetown
Type: Package
Title: Use Pokemon Inspired Colour Palettes
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 2015-09-04
Author: Tim Lucas
Maintainer: Tim Lucas <>
Description: Use Pokemon(R) inspired palettes with additional 'ggplot2' scales. Palettes are the colours in each Pokemon's sprite, ordered by how common they are in the image. The first 386 Pokemon are currently provided.
Suggests: ggplot2, magrittr
Imports: grDevices, stats, graphics
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Copyright: Pokemon, pokedex and all pokemon names are trademarks of Nintendo.
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2015-09-07 10:51:48 UTC; tim
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-09-07 18:17:56

More information about palettetown at CRAN
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Package HDPenReg updated to version 0.92 with previous version 0.91 dated 2015-02-16

Title: High-Dimensional Penalized Regression
Description: Algorithms for lasso and fused-lasso problems: implementation of the lars algorithm [1], for the lasso and fusion penalization and EM-based algorithms for (logistic) lasso and fused-lasso.
Author: Quentin Grimonprez [aut, cre], Serge Iovleff [ctb]
Maintainer: Quentin Grimonprez <>

Diff between HDPenReg versions 0.91 dated 2015-02-16 and 0.92 dated 2015-09-07

 DESCRIPTION                                 |   16 +--
 MD5                                         |   76 ++++++++---------
 NAMESPACE                                   |    9 +-
 NEWS                                        |    3 
 R/HDPenReg-package.R                        |    8 +
 R/LarsPath.R                                |   19 ++--
 R/cvEM.R                                    |    4 
 R/lars.R                                    |  108 ++++++++++++-------------
 R/predict.R                                 |  120 ++++++++++++++--------------
 build/vignette.rds                          |binary
 inst/doc/HDPenReg.pdf                       |binary
 man/EMcvfusedlasso.Rd                       |    2 
 man/EMcvlasso.Rd                            |    2 
 man/EMfusedlasso.Rd                         |    2 
 man/EMlasso.Rd                              |    2 
 man/HDPenReg-package.Rd                     |    6 -
 man/HDcvlars.Rd                             |    2 
 man/HDfusion.Rd                             |    2 
 man/HDlars.Rd                               |    2 
 man/LarsPath-class.Rd                       |    2 
 man/coef.LarsPath.Rd                        |    2 
 man/coeff.Rd                                |    2 
 man/computeCoefficients.Rd                  |    2 
 man/plot-methods.Rd                         |    2 
 man/plot.HDcvlars.Rd                        |    2 
 man/plotCoefficient.Rd                      |    2 
 man/predict.LarsPath.Rd                     |    2 
 man/simul.Rd                                |    2 
 src/HDPenReg/                        |    2 
 src/HDPenReg/lars/Cvlars.cpp                |   12 +-
 src/HDPenReg/lars/Lars.cpp                  |    4 
 src/HDPenReg/lars/PathState.h               |    2 
 src/HDPenReg/                 |    2 
 src/HDPenReg/lassoModels/EnetPenalty.h      |    2 
 src/HDPenReg/lassoModels/IMeasure.h         |    2 
 src/HDPenReg/lassoModels/IPenalizedSolver.h |    1 
 src/HDPenReg/lassoModels/IPenalty.h         |    2 
 src/HDPenReg/lassoModels/PenalizedModels.h  |    3 
 src/Makevars                                |   10 +-
 39 files changed, 227 insertions(+), 216 deletions(-)

More information about HDPenReg at CRAN
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Package corregp updated to version 0.1.3 with previous version 0.1.2 dated 2015-09-02

Title: Functions and Methods for Correspondence Regression
Description: A collection of tools for correspondence regression, i.e. the correspondence analysis of the crosstabulation of a categorical variable Y in function of another one X, where X can in turn be made up of the combination of various categorical variables. Consequently, correspondence regression can be used to analyze the effects for a polytomous or multinomial outcome variable.
Author: Koen Plevoets [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Koen Plevoets <>

Diff between corregp versions 0.1.2 dated 2015-09-02 and 0.1.3 dated 2015-09-07

 DESCRIPTION            |    8 ++++----
 MD5                    |    8 ++++----
 R/corregp.r            |    4 ++--
 man/corregp-package.Rd |    2 +-
 man/plot3d.corregp.Rd  |    2 +-
 5 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

More information about corregp at CRAN
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Package compareGroups updated to version 3.1 with previous version 3.0.1 dated 2015-05-12

Title: Descriptive Analysis by Groups
Description: Create data summaries for quality control, extensive reports for exploring data, as well as publication-ready univariate or bivariate tables in several formats (plain text, HTML,LaTeX, PDF, Word or Excel. Perform figures to quickly visualise the distribution of your data (boxplots, barplots, normality-plots, etc.). Display statistics (mean, median, frequencies, incidences, etc.). Perform the appropriate tests (t-test, Analysis of variance, Kruskal-Wallis, Fisher, log-rank, ...) depending on the nature of the described variable (normal, non-normal or qualitative). Summarize genetic data (Single Nucleotids Polymorphisms) data displaying Allele Frequencies and performing Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium tests among other typical statistics and tests for these kind of data.
Author: Isaac Subirana, Joan Vila, Héctor Sanz, Gavin Lucas, judith Peñafiel and David Giménez
Maintainer: Isaac Subirana <>

Diff between compareGroups versions 3.0.1 dated 2015-05-12 and 3.1 dated 2015-09-07

 compareGroups-3.0.1/compareGroups/inst/app/help                    |only
 compareGroups-3.0.1/compareGroups/inst/app/www/tablePDF3046.pdf    |only
 compareGroups-3.0.1/compareGroups/man/missingTable.rd              |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/DESCRIPTION                        |   31 
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/MD5                                |   72 
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/NAMESPACE                          |   10 
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/R/export2html.R                    |   18 
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/R/export2md.R                      |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/R/export2word.R                    |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/R/export2xls.R                     |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/build/vignette.rds                 |binary
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/inst/app/global.R                  |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/inst/app/help.html                 |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/inst/app/server.R                  | 3169 ++++------
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/inst/app/spss_varlist.R            |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/inst/app/ui.R                      |  457 -
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/inst/app/www/examples              |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/inst/app/www/images                |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/inst/app/www/tablePDF6755.pdf      |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/inst/doc/changelog                 |    6 
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/inst/exdata/predimed.csv           |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/inst/exdata/predimed.dat           |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/inst/exdata/predimed.sav           |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/inst/exdata/predimed.xls           |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/inst/exdata/predimed.xlsx          |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/inst/exdata/regicor.csv            |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/inst/exdata/regicor.dat            |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/inst/exdata/regicor.sav            |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/man/compareGroups-package.Rd       |  115 
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/man/compareGroups.Rd               |    4 
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/man/createTable.Rd                 |    9 
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/man/export2csv.Rd                  |  113 
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/man/export2html.Rd                 |    4 
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/man/export2latex.Rd                |    2 
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/man/export2md.Rd                   |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/man/export2pdf.Rd                  |    2 
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/man/export2word.Rd                 |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/man/export2xls.Rd                  |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/man/missingTable.Rd                |only
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/man/varinfo.Rd                     |    2 
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/vignettes/figures/bivar/age.pdf    |binary
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/vignettes/figures/bivar/sex.pdf    |binary
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/vignettes/figures/bivar/tmain.pdf  |binary
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/vignettes/figures/univar/age.pdf   |binary
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/vignettes/figures/univar/sex.pdf   |binary
 compareGroups-3.1/compareGroups/vignettes/figures/univar/tmain.pdf |binary
 46 files changed, 2065 insertions(+), 1949 deletions(-)

More information about compareGroups at CRAN
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Package BTLLasso updated to version 0.1-1 with previous version 0.1 dated 2015-09-03

Title: Modelling Heterogeneity in Paired Comparison Data
Description: Performs 'BTLLasso', a method to model heterogeneity in paired comparison data. Subject-specific covariates are allowed to have an influence on the attractivity/strength of the objects. An L1 penalty on the pairwise differences between the object-specific parameters allows for both clustering of objects with regard to covariates and elimination of irrelevant covariates.
Author: Gunther Schauberger
Maintainer: Gunther Schauberger <>

Diff between BTLLasso versions 0.1 dated 2015-09-03 and 0.1-1 dated 2015-09-07

 DESCRIPTION |    8 ++++----
 MD5         |    2 +-
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

More information about BTLLasso at CRAN
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New package brr with initial version 1.0.0
Package: brr
Type: Package
Title: Bayesian Inference on the Ratio of Two Poisson Rates
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2015-09-07
Author: Stéphane Laurent
Maintainer: Stéphane Laurent <>
Description: Implementation of the Bayesian inference for the two independent Poisson samples model, using the semi-conjugate family of prior distributions.
Depends: R (>= 3.0.0)
License: GPL-2
Imports: gsl, SuppDists, TeachingDemos, hypergeo, pander, stringr, methods
Suggests: testthat, R.rsp, magrittr
VignetteBuilder: R.rsp
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2015-09-07 10:51:28 UTC; stla
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-09-07 18:17:47

More information about brr at CRAN
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Package BioMark updated to version 0.4.5 with previous version 0.4.2 dated 2014-08-06

Title: Find Biomarkers in Two-Class Discrimination Problems
Description: Variable selection methods are provided for several classification methods: the lasso/elastic net, PCLDA, PLSDA, and several t-tests. Two approaches for selecting cutoffs can be used, one based on the stability of model coefficients under perturbation, and the other on higher criticism.
Author: Ron Wehrens, Pietro Franceschi
Maintainer: Ron Wehrens <>

Diff between BioMark versions 0.4.2 dated 2014-08-06 and 0.4.5 dated 2015-09-07

 DESCRIPTION     |   10 +++++-----
 MD5             |    8 ++++----
 NAMESPACE       |    7 ++++++-
 man/ |    6 ++----
 man/get.biom.Rd |    2 --
 5 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

More information about BioMark at CRAN
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Package apex updated to version 1.0.1 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2015-04-15

Title: Phylogenetic Methods for Multiple Gene Data
Description: Toolkit for the analysis of multiple gene data. Apex implements the new S4 classes 'multidna', 'multiphyDat' and associated methods to handle aligned DNA sequences from multiple genes.
Author: Thibaut Jombart [aut, cre], Zhian Namir Kamvar [aut], Klaus Schliep [aut], Eric Archer [aut], Rebecca Harris [aut]
Maintainer: Thibaut Jombart <>

Diff between apex versions 1.0.0 dated 2015-04-15 and 1.0.1 dated 2015-09-07

 apex-1.0.0/apex/R/handling.R                           |only
 apex-1.0.0/apex/man/sub-multidna-ANY-ANY-ANY-method.Rd |only
 apex-1.0.1/apex/DESCRIPTION                            |   20 -
 apex-1.0.1/apex/MD5                                    |   71 ++--
 apex-1.0.1/apex/NAMESPACE                              |   25 +
 apex-1.0.1/apex/R/accessors.R                          |  266 +++++++++--------
 apex-1.0.1/apex/R/add.gaps.R                           |only
 apex-1.0.1/apex/R/concatenate.R                        |only
 apex-1.0.1/apex/R/doc.R                                |    5 
 apex-1.0.1/apex/R/exports.R                            |  132 +++++++-
 apex-1.0.1/apex/R/internal.R                           |   55 +++
 apex-1.0.1/apex/R/multidna.class.R                     |   12 
 apex-1.0.1/apex/R/multidna.constructor.R               |   39 --
 apex-1.0.1/apex/R/multiphyDat.class.R                  |   25 -
 apex-1.0.1/apex/R/multiphyDat.constructor.R            |   68 +---
 apex-1.0.1/apex/R/readfiles.R                          |   15 
 apex-1.0.1/apex/R/rm.gaps.R                            |only
 apex-1.0.1/apex/R/show.R                               |   63 +++-
 apex-1.0.1/apex/R/subset.R                             |only
 apex-1.0.1/apex/                              |  248 +++------------
 apex-1.0.1/apex/man/accessors.Rd                       |only
 apex-1.0.1/apex/man/add.gaps.Rd                        |only
 apex-1.0.1/apex/man/apex.Rd                            |    2 
 apex-1.0.1/apex/man/concatenate.Rd                     |   24 +
 apex-1.0.1/apex/man/dist.multidna.Rd                   |    2 
 apex-1.0.1/apex/man/getTree.Rd                         |    2 
 apex-1.0.1/apex/man/initialize-multidna-method.Rd      |    8 
 apex-1.0.1/apex/man/initialize-multiphyDat-method.Rd   |   13 
 apex-1.0.1/apex/man/multidna.Rd                        |    2 
 apex-1.0.1/apex/man/multidna2alignment.Rd              |only
 apex-1.0.1/apex/man/multidna2genind.Rd                 |   19 -
 apex-1.0.1/apex/man/multidna2multiphyDat.Rd            |only
 apex-1.0.1/apex/man/multiphyDat.Rd                     |   14 
 apex-1.0.1/apex/man/plot-multidna-ANY-method.Rd        |    2 
 apex-1.0.1/apex/man/readfiles.Rd                       |   12 
 apex-1.0.1/apex/man/rm.gaps.Rd                         |only
 apex-1.0.1/apex/man/show-multidna-method.Rd            |    2 
 apex-1.0.1/apex/man/show-multiphyDat-method.Rd         |only
 apex-1.0.1/apex/man/subset.multidna.Rd                 |only
 apex-1.0.1/apex/tests/testthat/test_export.R           |    6 
 apex-1.0.1/apex/vignettes/apex.Rmd                     |   18 -
 apex-1.0.1/apex/vignettes/figs/concat-2.png            |binary
 apex-1.0.1/apex/vignettes/figs/plotPmlPart-1.png       |binary
 43 files changed, 661 insertions(+), 509 deletions(-)

More information about apex at CRAN
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Package shotGroups updated to version 0.6.1 with previous version 0.6 dated 2014-08-25

Title: Analyze Shot Group Data
Description: Analyzes shooting data with respect to group shape, precision, and accuracy. This includes graphical methods, descriptive statistics, and inference tests using standard, but also non-parametric and robust statistical methods. Implements distributions for radial error in bivariate normal variables. Works with files exported by OnTarget PC/TDS or Taran, as well as with custom data files in text format.
Author: Daniel Wollschlaeger
Maintainer: Daniel Wollschlaeger <>

Diff between shotGroups versions 0.6 dated 2014-08-25 and 0.6.1 dated 2015-09-07

 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/DESCRIPTION               |   25 +--
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/MD5                       |   73 +++++------
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/NAMESPACE                 |    5 
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/R/drawTarget.R            |    4 
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/R/getCEP.R                |   10 -
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/R/getConfEll.R            |   10 -
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/R/getHitProb.R            |   10 -
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/R/getXYmat.R              |   12 -
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/R/groupLocation.R         |   25 +--
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/R/groupShape.R            |   19 +-
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/R/groupSpread.R           |   38 +++--
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/R/hoyt.R                  |   25 ++-
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/R/maxwell.R               |   16 --
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/R/mvnEll.R                |   10 -
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/R/rayleigh.R              |   10 -
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/R/readData.R              |   39 ++++-
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/R/rice.R                  |  119 +++---------------
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/build/vignette.rds        |binary
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/data/DF300BLK.rda         |binary
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/data/DF300BLKhl.rda       |binary
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/data/DFcciHV.rda          |binary
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/data/DFcm.rda             |binary
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/data/DFinch.rda           |binary
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/data/DFlistCm.rda         |binary
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/data/DFsavage.rda         |binary
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/data/DFscar17.rda         |binary
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/data/DFtalon.rda          |binary
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/data/targets.rda          |binary
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/inst/ChangeLog            |   13 +
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/inst/doc/shotGroups.Rnw   |   10 -
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/inst/doc/shotGroups.pdf   |binary
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/man/getCEP.Rd             |    4 
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/man/readDataMisc.Rd       |    4 
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/man/rice.Rd               |   11 -
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/man/shotGroups-package.Rd |    8 -
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/vignettes/lit.bib         |   11 +
 shotGroups-0.6.1/shotGroups/vignettes/shotGroups.Rnw  |   10 -
 shotGroups-0.6/shotGroups/R/targetDef.R               |only
 38 files changed, 239 insertions(+), 282 deletions(-)

More information about shotGroups at CRAN
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Package ThreeWay updated to version 1.1.3 with previous version 1.1.2 dated 2014-04-09

Title: Three-Way Component Analysis
Description: Component analysis for three-way data arrays by means of Candecomp/Parafac, Tucker3, Tucker2 and Tucker1 models.
Author: Maria Antonietta Del Ferraro, Henk A.L. Kiers, Paolo Giordani
Maintainer: Paolo Giordani <>

Diff between ThreeWay versions 1.1.2 dated 2014-04-09 and 1.1.3 dated 2015-09-07

 DESCRIPTION |   14 +++++++-------
 MD5         |    4 ++--
 NAMESPACE   |    5 ++++-
 3 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

More information about ThreeWay at CRAN
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Package Rcolombos updated to version 1.5.3 with previous version 1.5.2 dated 2015-03-04

Title: Interface to Colombos Compendia using the Exposed REST API
Description: Provides programmatic access to Colombos, a web based interface for exploring and analyzing comprehensive organism-specific cross-platform expression compendia of bacterial organisms.
Author: Paolo Sonego <>
Maintainer: Paolo Sonego <>

Diff between Rcolombos versions 1.5.2 dated 2015-03-04 and 1.5.3 dated 2015-09-07

 DESCRIPTION   |    7 +++----
 MD5           |    8 ++++----
 NAMESPACE     |    2 ++
 R/Rcolombos.R |   24 ++++++++++++------------
 R/utilities.R |   12 ++++++------
 5 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

More information about Rcolombos at CRAN
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Package streamMOA updated to version 1.1-2 with previous version 1.1-1 dated 2015-07-02

Title: Interface for MOA Stream Clustering Algorithms
Description: Interface for data stream clustering algorithms implemented in the MOA (Massive Online Analysis) framework.
Author: Michael Hahsler [aut, cre, cph], Matthew Bolanos [aut, cph], John Forrest [aut, cph]
Maintainer: Michael Hahsler <>

Diff between streamMOA versions 1.1-1 dated 2015-07-02 and 1.1-2 dated 2015-09-07

 streamMOA-1.1-1/streamMOA/R/AAA.R                 |only
 streamMOA-1.1-1/streamMOA/man/saveMOA.Rd          |only
 streamMOA-1.1-2/streamMOA/DESCRIPTION             |    8 ++++----
 streamMOA-1.1-2/streamMOA/MD5                     |   16 +++++++---------
 streamMOA-1.1-2/streamMOA/NAMESPACE               |    4 +---
 streamMOA-1.1-2/streamMOA/inst/NEWS               |    3 +++
 streamMOA-1.1-2/streamMOA/inst/doc/streamMOA.R    |    6 +++---
 streamMOA-1.1-2/streamMOA/inst/doc/streamMOA.Rnw  |    6 +++---
 streamMOA-1.1-2/streamMOA/inst/doc/streamMOA.pdf  |binary
 streamMOA-1.1-2/streamMOA/vignettes/streamMOA.Rnw |    6 +++---
 10 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

More information about streamMOA at CRAN
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Package stream updated to version 1.2-0 with previous version 1.1-5 dated 2015-07-02

Title: Infrastructure for Data Stream Mining
Description: A framework for data stream modeling and associated data mining tasks such as clustering and classification. The development of this package was supported in part by NSF IIS-0948893 and NIH R21HG005912.
Author: Michael Hahsler [aut, cre, cph], Matthew Bolanos [aut, cph], John Forrest [aut, cph]
Maintainer: Michael Hahsler <>

Diff between stream versions 1.1-5 dated 2015-07-02 and 1.2-0 dated 2015-09-07

 stream-1.1-5/stream/R/dbscan.R                     |only
 stream-1.2-0/stream/DESCRIPTION                    |   17 
 stream-1.2-0/stream/MD5                            |   69 +-
 stream-1.2-0/stream/NAMESPACE                      |   25 
 stream-1.2-0/stream/R/DSC.R                        |    1 
 stream-1.2-0/stream/R/DSC_DBSCAN.R                 |    5 
 stream-1.2-0/stream/R/DSC_DBSTREAM.R               |  162 ++--
 stream-1.2-0/stream/R/DSC_DStream.R                |   49 +
 stream-1.2-0/stream/R/DSD_Gaussians.R              |    2 
 stream-1.2-0/stream/R/DSD_ReadCSV.R                |  184 ++++-
 stream-1.2-0/stream/R/animation.R                  |  117 +--
 stream-1.2-0/stream/R/description.R                |only
 stream-1.2-0/stream/R/evaluate.R                   |  173 ++---
 stream-1.2-0/stream/R/recluster.R                  |   10 
 stream-1.2-0/stream/R/save.R                       |only
 stream-1.2-0/stream/R/write_stream.R               |   28 
 stream-1.2-0/stream/build/vignette.rds             |binary
 stream-1.2-0/stream/inst/NEWS                      |   20 
 stream-1.2-0/stream/inst/doc/stream.R              |  188 ++---
 stream-1.2-0/stream/inst/doc/stream.Rnw            |  690 +++++++++++----------
 stream-1.2-0/stream/inst/doc/stream.pdf            |binary
 stream-1.2-0/stream/inst/doc/stream_extension.R    |only
 stream-1.2-0/stream/inst/doc/stream_extension.Rnw  |only
 stream-1.2-0/stream/inst/doc/stream_extension.pdf  |only
 stream-1.2-0/stream/inst/tests/test-DSC.R          |only
 stream-1.2-0/stream/man/DSC.Rd                     |    8 
 stream-1.2-0/stream/man/DSC_DBSTREAM.Rd            |   40 -
 stream-1.2-0/stream/man/DSD.Rd                     |    4 
 stream-1.2-0/stream/man/DSD_ReadCSV.Rd             |   27 
 stream-1.2-0/stream/man/DSD_ReadDB.Rd              |    4 
 stream-1.2-0/stream/man/animation.Rd               |   41 -
 stream-1.2-0/stream/man/evaluate.Rd                |   29 
 stream-1.2-0/stream/man/recluster.Rd               |    4 
 stream-1.2-0/stream/man/save.Rd                    |only
 stream-1.2-0/stream/man/write_stream.Rd            |   11 
 stream-1.2-0/stream/src/DBSTREAM.cpp               |  149 +++-
 stream-1.2-0/stream/src/DStream.cpp                |   27 
 stream-1.2-0/stream/vignettes/stream.Rnw           |  690 +++++++++++----------
 stream-1.2-0/stream/vignettes/stream.bib           |   83 ++
 stream-1.2-0/stream/vignettes/stream_extension.Rnw |only
 40 files changed, 1673 insertions(+), 1184 deletions(-)

More information about stream at CRAN
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Package future updated to version 0.8.0 with previous version 0.7.0 dated 2015-07-14

Title: A Future API for R
Description: A Future API for R is provided. In programming, a future is an abstraction for a value that may be available at some point in the future. The state of a future can either be unresolved or resolved. As soon as it is resolved, the value is available. Futures are useful constructs in for instance concurrent evaluation, e.g. multicore parallel processing and distributed processing on compute clusters. The purpose of this package is to provide a lightweight interface for using futures in R. Functions 'future()' and 'value()' exist for creating futures and requesting their values. An infix assignment operator '%<=%' exists for creating futures whose values are accessible by the assigned variables (as promises). This package implements the synchronous "lazy" and "eager" futures, and the asynchronous "multicore" future (not on Windows). Additional types of futures are provided by other packages enhancing this package.
Author: Henrik Bengtsson [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Henrik Bengtsson <>

Diff between future versions 0.7.0 dated 2015-07-14 and 0.8.0 dated 2015-09-07

 DESCRIPTION              |    6 -
 MD5                      |   26 +++---
 NEWS                     |   10 ++
 R/availableCores.R       |    2 
 R/plan.R                 |   40 ++++++++--
 R/zzz.R                  |only
 build/vignette.rds       |binary
 demo/mandelbrot.R        |   51 ++++++++-----
 inst/doc/future.html     |    5 -
 inst/doc/   |    4 -
 man/lazy.Rd              |  179 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 man/plan.Rd              |    6 +
 tests/globalsOf,tweaks.R |only
 tests/plan.R             |   43 ++++++++++-
 vignettes/  |    4 -
 15 files changed, 253 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)

More information about future at CRAN
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Package data.tree updated to version 0.2.0-3 with previous version 0.1.6 dated 2015-04-10

Title: General Purpose Hierarchical Data Structure
Description: Create tree structures from hierarchical data, and use the utility methods to traverse the tree in various orders. Aggregate, cumulate, print, convert to and from data.frame, and apply functions to your tree data. Useful for decision trees, machine learning, finance, conversion from and to JSON, and many other applications.
Author: Christoph Glur
Maintainer: Christoph Glur <>

Diff between data.tree versions 0.1.6 dated 2015-04-10 and 0.2.0-3 dated 2015-09-07

 data.tree-0.1.6/data.tree/data/ball.rda                                    |only
 data.tree-0.1.6/data.tree/inst/doc/ID3.R                                   |only
 data.tree-0.1.6/data.tree/inst/doc/ID3.Rmd                                 |only
 data.tree-0.1.6/data.tree/inst/doc/ID3.html                                |only
 data.tree-0.1.6/data.tree/man/Find.Rd                                      |only
 data.tree-0.1.6/data.tree/man/PrintFixedDecimal.Rd                         |only
 data.tree-0.1.6/data.tree/man/ToDataFrame.Rd                               |only
 data.tree-0.1.6/data.tree/man/ball.Rd                                      |only
 data.tree-0.1.6/data.tree/vignettes/ID3.Rmd                                |only
 data.tree-0.1.6/data.tree/vignettes/ID3.banner.html                        |only
 data.tree-0.1.6/data.tree/vignettes/banner_id3.jpg                         |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/DESCRIPTION                                    |   24 
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/MD5                                            |  127 
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/NAMESPACE                                      |   48 
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/NEWS                                           |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/R/data.tree.R                                  |  103 
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/R/data_doc.R                                   |   25 
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/R/node.R                                       |  665 +---
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/R/node_actives.R                               |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/R/node_conversion.R                            |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/R/node_conversion_ape.R                        |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/R/node_conversion_dataframe.R                  |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/R/node_conversion_dendrogram.R                 |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/R/node_conversion_igraph.R                     |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/R/node_conversion_list.R                       |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/R/node_methods.R                               |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/R/node_methods_sideeffect.R                    |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/R/node_methods_traversal.R                     |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/R/util.R                                       |  181 +
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/                                      |   27 
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/build/vignette.rds                             |binary
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/data/acme.rda                                  |binary
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/data/mushroom.rda                              |binary
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/inst/doc/applications.R                        |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/inst/doc/applications.Rmd                      |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/inst/doc/applications.html                     |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/inst/doc/data.tree.R                           |  431 +-
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/inst/doc/data.tree.Rmd                         |  871 ++++-
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/inst/doc/data.tree.html                        | 1475 ++++++----
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/inst/extdata                                   |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/Aggregate.Rd                               |   61 
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/AreNamesUnique.Rd                          |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/Climb.Rd                                   |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/ClimbByAttribute.Rd                        |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/Clone.Rd                                   |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/CreateRandomTree.Rd                        |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/CreateRegularTree.Rd                       |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/Cumulate.Rd                                |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/DefaultPlotHeight.Rd                       |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/Do.Rd                                      |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/FormatFixedDecimal.Rd                      |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/FormatPercent.Rd                           |    6 
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/Get.Rd                                     |   46 
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/GetAttribute.Rd                            |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/GetPhyloNr.Rd                              |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/NODE_RESERVED_NAMES_CONST.Rd               |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/Node.Rd                                    |   35 
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/Prune.Rd                                   |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/Revert.Rd                                  |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/Set.Rd                                     |   41 
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/SetFormat.Rd                               |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/Sort.Rd                                    |   25 
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/ToNewick.Rd                                |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/Traverse.Rd                                |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/acme.Rd                                    |    4 
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/as.Node.Rd                                 |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/                      |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/as.Node.dendrogram.Rd                      |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/as.Node.list.Rd                            |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/as.Node.phylo.Rd                           |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/                      |   78 
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/as.dendrogram.Node.Rd                      |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/as.igraph.Node.Rd                          |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/as.list.Node.Rd                            |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/as.phylo.Node.Rd                           |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/averageBranchingFactor.Rd                  |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/data.tree.Rd                               |  115 
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/isLeaf.Rd                                  |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/isNotLeaf.Rd                               |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/isNotRoot.Rd                               |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/isRoot.Rd                                  |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/mushroom.Rd                                |    4 
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/man/print.Node.Rd                              |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/tests/testthat/test-treeConstruction.R         |   19 
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/tests/testthat/test-treeConversion.R           |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/tests/testthat/test-treeConversionApe.R        |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/tests/testthat/test-treeConversionDataFrame.R  |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/tests/testthat/test-treeConversionDendrogram.R |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/tests/testthat/test-treeConversionigraph.R     |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/tests/testthat/test-treeDocu.R                 |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/tests/testthat/test-treeMethods.R              |  533 +++
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/tests/testthat/test-treeMethodsSideEffect.R    |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/tests/testthat/test-util.R                     |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/vignettes/applications.Rmd                     |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/vignettes/applications.banner.html             |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/vignettes/assets/bubbles.jpg                   |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/vignettes/assets/listviewer.jpg                |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/vignettes/banner_applications.jpg              |only
 data.tree-0.2.0-3/data.tree/vignettes/data.tree.Rmd                        |  871 ++++-
 99 files changed, 3964 insertions(+), 1851 deletions(-)

More information about data.tree at CRAN
Permanent link

New package CANSIM2R with initial version 0.11
Package: CANSIM2R
Type: Package
Title: Directly Extracts Complete CANSIM Data Tables
Version: 0.11
Date: 2015-09-06
Author: Marco Lugo <>
Maintainer: Marco Lugo <>
Depends: R (>= 3.2.2)
Imports: reshape2, Hmisc, utils
Description: Extract CANSIM (Statistics Canada) tables and transform them into readily usable data in panel (wide) format. It can also extract more than one table at a time and produce the resulting merge by time period and geographical region.
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2015-09-06 23:32:36 UTC; marco
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-09-07 08:45:57

More information about CANSIM2R at CRAN
Permanent link

Package BSGW updated to version 0.9.1 with previous version 0.9 dated 2014-10-11

Title: Bayesian Survival Model with Lasso Shrinkage Using Generalized Weibull Regression
Description: Bayesian survival model using Weibull regression on both scale and shape parameters. Dependence of shape parameter on covariates permits deviation from proportional-hazard assumption, leading to dynamic - i.e. non-constant with time - hazard ratios between subjects. Bayesian Lasso shrinkage in the form of two Laplace priors - one for scale and one for shape coefficients - allows for many covariates to be included. Cross-validation helper functions can be used to tune the shrinkage parameters. Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) sampling using a Gibbs wrapper around Radford Neal's univariate slice sampler (R package MfUSampler) is used for coefficient estimation.
Author: Alireza S. Mahani, Mansour T.A. Sharabiani
Maintainer: Alireza S. Mahani <>

Diff between BSGW versions 0.9 dated 2014-10-11 and 0.9.1 dated 2015-09-07

 BSGW-0.9.1/BSGW/ChangeLog            |only
 BSGW-0.9.1/BSGW/DESCRIPTION          |   16 +--
 BSGW-0.9.1/BSGW/MD5                  |   22 ++--
 BSGW-0.9.1/BSGW/NAMESPACE            |   12 ++
 BSGW-0.9.1/BSGW/R/BSGW.R             |  184 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 BSGW-0.9.1/BSGW/R/Sample.R           |   41 +++----
 BSGW-0.9.1/BSGW/R/utils.R            |    2 
 BSGW-0.9.1/BSGW/man/bsgw.Rd          |    6 -
 BSGW-0.9.1/BSGW/man/crossval_bsgw.Rd |   10 +
 BSGW-0.9.1/BSGW/man/plot_bsgw.Rd     |    3 
 BSGW-0.9.1/BSGW/man/predict_bsgw.Rd  |    6 -
 BSGW-0.9.1/BSGW/man/summary_bsgw.Rd  |    3 
 BSGW-0.9/BSGW/R/SliceSampler.R       |only
 13 files changed, 197 insertions(+), 108 deletions(-)

More information about BSGW at CRAN
Permanent link

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