Title: Plot Categorical Data Using Quasirandom Noise and Density
Description: Generate a violin point plot, a combination of a violin/histogram plot and a scatter plot by offsetting points within a category based on their density using quasirandom noise.
Author: Scott Sherrill-Mix, Erik Clarke
Maintainer: Scott Sherrill-Mix <shescott@upenn.edu>
Diff between vipor versions 0.3.1 dated 2015-10-31 and 0.3.2 dated 2015-11-01
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 16 ++++++++-------- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/methodComparison.Rnw | 8 ++++---- inst/doc/methodComparison.pdf |binary inst/doc/usageExamples.Rnw | 8 ++++---- inst/doc/usageExamples.pdf |binary vignettes/methodComparison.Rnw | 8 ++++---- vignettes/usageExamples.Rnw | 8 ++++---- 9 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
Title: Twitter Collector and Export to 'postGIS'
Description: This is an improved implementation of the package 'StreamR' to
capture tweets and store it into a 'postGIS' data base. The package simplifies
the configuration task to capture tweets and facilitates its store into a
'PostGIS' database.
Author: Pau Aragó
Maintainer: Pau Aragó <parago@uji.es>
Diff between tweet2r versions 0.1 dated 2015-10-23 and 0.2 dated 2015-11-01
DESCRIPTION | 12 ++++++++---- MD5 | 12 ++++++------ NAMESPACE | 6 +++++- R/t2pgis.R | 2 ++ R/tweet2r.R | 2 ++ man/tweet2r-package.Rd | 1 + man/tweet2r.Rd | 14 +++++++++++--- 7 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
Title: Statistical Process Control -- Collection of Some Useful
Description: Evaluation of control charts by means of
the zero-state, steady-state ARL (Average Run Length) and RL quantiles.
Setting up control charts for given in-control ARL. The control charts
under consideration are one- and two-sided EWMA, CUSUM, and
Shiryaev-Roberts schemes for monitoring the mean of normally
distributed independent data. ARL calculation
of the same set of schemes under drift are added.
Other charts and parameters are in preparation.
Further SPC areas will be covered as well
(sampling plans, capability indices ...).
Author: Sven Knoth
Maintainer: Sven Knoth <Sven.Knoth@gmx.de>
Diff between spc versions 0.5.1 dated 2015-05-18 and 0.5.2 dated 2015-11-01
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 32 - NAMESPACE | 6 R/mewma.ad.R |only R/mewma.arl.R | 9 R/mewma.arl.f.R |only R/mewma.psi.R |only R/xewma.arl.R | 16 R/xewma.crit.R | 12 R/xtcusum.arl.R |only man/mewma.arl.Rd | 19 man/mewma.psi.Rd |only man/xDcusum.arl.Rd | 4 man/xtcusum.arl.Rd |only man/xtewma.ad.Rd | 2 man/xtewma.arl.Rd | 4 src/allspc.c | 1630 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- src/mewma_ad.c |only src/mewma_arl_f.c |only src/mewma_psi.c |only src/sewma_sf.c | 2 src/xtcusum_arl.c |only 22 files changed, 1615 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-)
Title: Mixed Models, Particularly Spatial GLMMs
Description: Inference in mixed models, including GLMMs with spatial correlations and models with non-Gaussian random effects (e.g., Beta Binomial, or negative-binomial mixed models). Heteroskedasticity can further be fitted by a linear model. The algorithms are currently various Laplace approximations methods for ML or REML, in particular h-likelihood and penalized-likelihood methods.
Author: François Rousset [aut, cre, cph],
Jean-Baptiste Ferdy [aut, cph],
GSL authors [ctb] (src/gsl_bessel.*)
Maintainer: François Rousset <francois.rousset@univ-montp2.fr>
Diff between spaMM versions 1.5.1 dated 2015-02-22 and 1.6.2 dated 2015-11-01
spaMM-1.5.1/spaMM/src/Bessel.h |only spaMM-1.5.1/spaMM/src/BesselK_R.h |only spaMM-1.5.1/spaMM/src/chol.cpp |only spaMM-1.5.1/spaMM/src/chol.h |only spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/DESCRIPTION | 23 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/MD5 | 183 - spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/NAMESPACE | 14 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/Beta.R | 2 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/HLCor.R | 138 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/HLFactorList.R | 15 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/HLfit.R | 1994 ++--------- spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/HLfit_Internals.R |only spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/HLframes.R | 75 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/LR.R | 8 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/LevenbergMstep.R | 46 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/MakeCovEst.R | 158 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/SEMbetalambda.R |only spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/auglinmodfit.R | 328 + spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/calc.p_v.R | 16 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/confint.R | 85 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/corMatern.R | 8 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/corrHLfit.R | 404 -- spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/corrMM.LRT.R | 14 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/correlationFns.R | 123 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/extractors.R | 90 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/is.diagonal.R | 7 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/iterateSmooth.R |only spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/locoptim.R | 15 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/locoptimthroughsmooth.R | 162 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/mapMM.R | 97 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/migraineLike.R | 16 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/plot.HLfit.R | 6 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/predict.R | 400 +- spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/predictor.R | 6 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/preprocess.R | 224 - spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/profile.R | 9 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/separator.R | 254 - spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/simulate.HL.R | 55 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/spaMM.data.R | 5 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/summary.HL.R | 105 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/update.HL.R | 3 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/R/utils.R | 14 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/data/Loaloa.RData |binary spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/data/arabidopsis.RData |binary spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/data/blackcap.RData |binary spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/data/landMask.RData |binary spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/data/oceanmask.RData |only spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/data/salamander.RData |binary spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/data/scotlip.RData |binary spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/data/seaMask.RData |binary spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/data/seeds.RData |binary spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/data/wafers.RData |binary spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/data/welding.RData |binary spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/data/worldcountries.RData |only spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/inst/NEWS.Rd | 39 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/GHK_oneside.Rd |only spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/HLCor.Rd | 33 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/HLfit.Rd | 22 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/Loaloa.Rd | 6 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/Matern.corr.Rd | 9 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/arabidopsis.Rd | 8 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/autoregressive.Rd |only spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/confint.Rd | 2 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/corMatern.Rd | 5 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/corrHLfit.Rd | 14 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/designL.from.Corr.Rd | 14 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/extractors.Rd | 14 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/make.scaled.dist.Rd | 10 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/mapMM.Rd | 14 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/options.Rd | 7 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/plot.HL.Rd | 8 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/predict.Rd | 77 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/raster.Rd |only spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/seaMask.Rd | 23 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/seeds.Rd | 1 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/spaMM-internal.Rd | 49 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/spaMM.Rd | 29 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/spaMM.filled.contour.Rd | 3 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/man/update.Rd | 3 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/src/RcppExports.cpp | 264 - spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/src/corMatern.cpp | 57 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/src/ghk.cpp |only spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/src/gsl_bessel.cpp | 27 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/src/gsl_bessel.h | 26 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/src/spaMM_linear.cpp | 2 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/tests/testthat/test-CAR.R |only spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/tests/testthat/test-HLCor.R | 2 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/tests/testthat/test-HLfit.R | 2 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/tests/testthat/test-Nugget.R | 2 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/tests/testthat/test-confint.R | 2 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/tests/testthat/test-corMatern.R | 2 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/tests/testthat/test-filled.mapMM.R | 2 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/tests/testthat/test-fixedLRT.R | 2 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/tests/testthat/test-inverse.Gamma.R | 2 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/tests/testthat/test-predVar.R |only spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/tests/testthat/test-random-slope.R | 3 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/tests/testthat/test-salamander.R | 2 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/tests/testthat/test-sp-nsp.R | 2 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/tests/testthat/test-spaMM.R | 2 spaMM-1.6.2/spaMM/tests/testthat/test-spaMM.filled.contour.R | 2 100 files changed, 2709 insertions(+), 3186 deletions(-)
Title: Regularized Principal Component Analysis for Spatial Data
Description: Provide regularized principal component analysis incorporating smoothness, sparseness and orthogonality of eigenfunctions by using the alternating direction method of multipliers algorithm. The method can be applied to either regularly or irregularly spaced data.
Author: Wen-Ting Wang and Hsin-Cheng Huang
Maintainer: Wen-Ting Wang <egpivo@gmail.com>
Diff between SpatPCA versions dated 2015-06-06 and dated 2015-11-01
SpatPCA- |only SpatPCA- |only SpatPCA- |only SpatPCA- |only SpatPCA- |only SpatPCA- |only SpatPCA- | 15 SpatPCA- | 37 - SpatPCA- | 13 SpatPCA- | 16 SpatPCA- | 550 +++-------------- SpatPCA- | 4 SpatPCA- | 4 SpatPCA- | 5 SpatPCA- | 4 SpatPCA- | 4 SpatPCA- | 4 SpatPCA- |only SpatPCA- | 87 +- SpatPCA- | 1 SpatPCA- | 4 SpatPCA- | 70 -- SpatPCA- | 775 ++++++++++++++++-------- 23 files changed, 806 insertions(+), 787 deletions(-)
Title: Portfolio Risk Analysis
Description: Risk Attribution of a portfolio with Volatility Risk Analysis.
Author: Sourish Das [aut, cre],
Tamal Kanti Panja [aut]
Maintainer: Sourish Das <sourish.das@gmail.com>
Diff between PortRisk versions 1.0 dated 2014-06-07 and 1.1.0 dated 2015-11-01
DESCRIPTION | 20 +++- MD5 | 16 ++- NAMESPACE | 3 R/cctr.Bayes.R |only R/mctr.Bayes.R |only R/portvol.Bayes.R |only R/risk.attrib.Copula.R |only man/PortRisk-package.Rd | 11 +- man/portvol.Bayes.Rd |only man/portvol.Rd | 194 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- man/risk.attrib.Copula.Rd |only man/risk.attribution.Rd | 168 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 12 files changed, 213 insertions(+), 199 deletions(-)
Title: Matching Algorithms in R and C++
Description: Computes matching algorithms quickly using Rcpp.
Implements the Gale-Shapley Algorithm to compute the stable
matching for two-sided markets, such as the stable marriage
problem and the college-admissions problem. Implements Irving's
Algorithm for the stable roommate problem. Implements the top
trading cycle algorithm for the indivisible goods trading problem.
Author: Jan Tilly, Nick Janetos
Maintainer: Jan Tilly <jtilly@econ.upenn.edu>
Diff between matchingR versions 1.2 dated 2015-10-28 and 1.2.1 dated 2015-11-01
DESCRIPTION | 18 ++-- MD5 | 26 +++---- NEWS.md | 6 + R/galeshapley.R | 132 ++++++++++++++++++------------------ R/matchingR.R | 13 +-- README.md | 10 +- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/matchingR-intro.Rmd | 6 - inst/doc/matchingR-intro.html | 57 +++++++++------ inst/doc/matchingR-performance.Rmd | 4 - inst/doc/matchingR-performance.html | 108 +++++++++++++++-------------- man/matchingR-package.Rd | 3 vignettes/matchingR-intro.Rmd | 6 - vignettes/matchingR-performance.Rmd | 4 - 14 files changed, 209 insertions(+), 184 deletions(-)
Title: Data-Limited Methods Toolkit
Description: Simulation testing and implementation of data-limited fishery stock assessment methods.
Author: Tom Carruthers
Maintainer: Tom Carruthers <t.carruthers@fisheries.ubc.ca>
Diff between DLMtool versions 2.0 dated 2015-08-26 and 2.1 dated 2015-11-01
DLMtool-2.0/DLMtool/inst/Canary_Rockfish.csv |only DLMtool-2.0/DLMtool/inst/Simulation_2.csv |only DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/DESCRIPTION | 8 DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/MD5 | 67 - DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/NAMESPACE | 20 DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/R/DLM_output.R | 279 ++++-- DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/R/MSE_source.R | 778 ++++++++++++------ DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/R/Source.r | 212 ++++ DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/data/DLMdat.RData |binary DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/inst/Atlantic_mackerel.csv | 6 DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/inst/China_rockfish.csv | 6 DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/inst/Cobia.csv | 6 DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/inst/Example_datafile.csv | 6 DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/inst/Gulf_blue_tilefish.csv | 6 DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/inst/Red_snapper.csv | 6 DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/inst/Simulation_1.csv | 6 DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/inst/doc/DLMtool.R | 84 - DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/inst/doc/DLMtool.Rnw | 175 ++-- DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/inst/doc/DLMtool.pdf |binary DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/inst/ourReefFish.csv | 6 DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/man/CSRA.Rd |only DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/man/CSRAfunc.Rd |only DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/man/CheckConverg.Rd |only DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/man/DLM_data-class.Rd | 6 DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/man/DLM_fease-class.Rd |only DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/man/DLM_general-class.Rd |only DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/man/DLMtool-package.Rd | 4 DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/man/EDCAC.Rd |only DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/man/Fease.Rd |only DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/man/Fleet-class.Rd | 6 DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/man/Fratio_CC.Rd | 5 DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/man/OM-class.Rd | 13 DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/man/Observation-class.Rd | 3 DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/man/Stock-class.Rd | 4 DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/man/Tplot2.Rd |only DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/man/getAFC.Rd |only DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/man/initialize-methods.Rd | 10 DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/man/runMSE.Rd | 5 DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/vignettes/DLMtool-concordance.tex | 16 DLMtool-2.1/DLMtool/vignettes/DLMtool.Rnw | 175 ++-- 40 files changed, 1295 insertions(+), 623 deletions(-)
Title: Import Multiple File Types
Description: Functions to import multiple files of multiple data file types ('.xlsx', '.xls', '.csv', '.txt')
from a given directory into R data frames.
Author: Srivenkatesh Gandhi<srivenkateshg@sase.ssn.edu.in>,
Kreshnaa Raam S Bethusamy <kreshnaaraamsb@sase.ssn.edu.in>
Maintainer: Srivenkatesh Gandhi <srivenkateshg@sase.ssn.edu.in>
Diff between DataLoader versions 1.2 dated 2015-10-15 and 1.3 dated 2015-11-01
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 7 ++++--- NAMESPACE | 1 + R/DataLoader.R | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ man/importCsv2.Rd |only 5 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)