Tue, 10 Nov 2015

Package Zelig updated to version 5.0-7 with previous version 4.2-1 dated 2013-09-21

Title: Everyone's Statistical Software
Description: A framework that brings together an abundance of common statistical models found across packages into a unified interface, and provides a common architecture for estimation and interpretation, as well as bridging functions to absorb increasingly more models into the collective library. Zelig allows each individual package, for each statistical model, to be accessed by a common uniformly structured call and set of arguments. Moreover, Zelig automates all the surrounding building blocks of a statistical workflow --procedures and algorithms that may be essential to one user's application but which the original package developer did use in their own research and might not themselves support. These include bootstrapping, jackknifing, and reweighting of data, and in particular, Zelig automatically generates predicted and simulated quantities of interest (such as relative risk ratios, average treatment effects, first differences and predicted and expected values) to interpret and visualize complex models.
Author: Christine Choirat, James Honaker, Kosuke Imai, Gary King, Olivia Lau
Maintainer: James Honaker <zelig-zee@iq.harvard.edu>

Diff between Zelig versions 4.2-1 dated 2013-09-21 and 5.0-7 dated 2015-11-10

 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/CHANGES                                     |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/COPYING                                     |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/NEWS                                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/GetObject.R                               |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/GetSlot.R                                 |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/GetSlot.zelig.R                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/MCMChook.R                                |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/MLutils.R                                 |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/Zelig-package.R                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/as.dataframe.setx.R                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/as.matrix.pooled.setx.R                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/as.matrix.setx.R                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/as.parameters.R                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/as.qi.R                                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/as.summarized.R                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/as.summarized.list.R                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/attach.env.R                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/bootfn.default.R                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/bootstrap.R                               |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/bootstrap.gamma.R                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/bootstrap.negbinom.R                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/bootstrap.normal.R                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/callToString.R                            |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/cluster.formula.R                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/cmvglm.R                                  |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/common-methods.R                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/describe.R                                |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/describe.default.R                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/describe.zelig.R                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/description.R                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/exp.R                                     |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/factor.bayes.R                            |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/gamma.R                                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/gamma.gee.R                               |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/gamma.survey.R                            |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/get.package.R                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/getPredictorTerms.R                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/getResponseTerms.R                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/getResponseTerms.formula.R                |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/getResponseTerms.list.R                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/help.zelig.R                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/ignore.R                                  |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/is.formula.R                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/list.depth.R                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/logit.R                                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/logit.bayes.R                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/logit.gee.R                               |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/logit.survey.R                            |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/lognorm.R                                 |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/ls.R                                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/make.parameters.R                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/makeModelMatrix.R                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/mi.R                                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/mlogit.bayes.R                            |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/model.frame.multiple.R                    |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/model.matrix.multiple.R                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/model.matrix.parseFormula.R               |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/model.warnings.R                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/multi.dataset.R                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/multipleUtil.R                            |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/names.relogit.R                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/negbinom.R                                |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/normal.R                                  |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/normal.bayes.R                            |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/normal.gee.R                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/normal.survey.R                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/oprobit.bayes.R                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/param.R                                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/parameters.R                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/parse.formula.R                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/parseFormula.R                            |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/poisson.R                                 |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/poisson.bayes.R                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/poisson.gee.R                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/poisson.survey.R                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/print.R                                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/probit.R                                  |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/probit.bayes.R                            |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/probit.gee.R                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/probit.survey.R                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/qi.R                                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/qi.summarized.R                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/relogit.R                                 |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/repl.R                                    |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/robust.glm.hook.R                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/robust.hook.R                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/setx.R                                    |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/sim.MI.R                                  |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/sim.R                                     |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/sim.default.R                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/simulation.matrix.R                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/simulations.plot.R                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/summarize.R                               |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/summary.R                                 |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/t.setx.R                                  |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/terms.R                                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/termsFromFormula.R                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/tobit.R                                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/twosls.R                                  |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/user.prompt.R                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/vcov.R                                    |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/z.R                                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/zelig.R                                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/zelig.skeleton.R                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/zelig2.R                                  |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/zeligBuildWeights.R                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/R/zzz.R                                     |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/README                                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/build                                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/PErisk.txt.bz2                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/approval.tab.bz2                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/bivariate.tab.bz2                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/coalition.tab.xz                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/coalition2.txt.xz                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/free1.tab.bz2                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/free2.tab.bz2                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/homerun.txt.xz                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/immi1.tab.bz2                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/immi2.tab.bz2                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/immi3.tab.bz2                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/immi4.tab.bz2                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/immi5.tab.bz2                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/immigration.tab.bz2                    |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/macro.tab.xz                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/mexico.tab.bz2                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/mid.tab.bz2                            |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/newpainters.txt.bz2                    |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/sanction.tab.bz2                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/swiss.txt.bz2                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/turnout.tab.bz2                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/data/voteincome.txt.bz2                     |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/Zelig.HelloWorld.R                     |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/exp.R                                  |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/factor.bayes.R                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/gamma.R                                |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/gamma.gee.R                            |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/gamma.survey.R                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/logit.R                                |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/logit.bayes.R                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/logit.gee.R                            |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/logit.survey.R                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/lognorm.R                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/ls.R                                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/mi.R                                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/mlogit.bayes.R                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/negbinom.R                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/normal.R                               |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/normal.bayes.R                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/normal.gee.R                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/normal.survey.R                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/oprobit.bayes.R                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/poisson.R                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/poisson.bayes.R                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/poisson.gee.R                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/poisson.survey.R                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/probit.R                               |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/probit.bayes.R                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/probit.gee.R                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/probit.survey.R                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/relogit.R                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/twosls.R                               |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/demo/vertci.R                               |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/inst/doc                                    |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/inst/templates                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/GetObject.Rd                            |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/GetSlot.Rd                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/GetSlot.zelig.Rd                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/MCMChook.Rd                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/Max.Rd                                  |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/McmcHookFactor.Rd                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/Min.Rd                                  |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/TexCite.Rd                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/Zelig-package.Rd                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/ZeligDescribeModel.Rd                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/ZeligListModels.Rd                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/ZeligListTitles.Rd                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/alpha.Rd                                |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/as.bootlist.Rd                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/as.bootvector.Rd                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/as.data.frame.setx.Rd                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/as.description.Rd                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/as.description.description.Rd           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/as.description.list.Rd                  |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/as.matrix.pooled.setx.Rd                |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/as.matrix.setx.Rd                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/as.parameters.Rd                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/as.parameters.default.Rd                |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/as.parameters.list.Rd                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/as.parameters.parameters.Rd             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/as.qi.Rd                                |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/as.qi.default.Rd                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/as.qi.list.Rd                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/as.qi.qi.Rd                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/as.summarized.Rd                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/as.summarized.list.Rd                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/as.summarized.summarized.qi.Rd          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/attach.env.Rd                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/bootfn.default.Rd                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/bootstrap.Rd                            |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/bootstrap.default.Rd                    |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/bootstrap.gamma.Rd                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/bootstrap.negbinom.Rd                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/bootstrap.normal.Rd                     |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/callToString.Rd                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/cite.Rd                                 |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/cmvglm.Rd                               |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/coef.parameters.Rd                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/combine.Rd                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/constructDataFrame.Rd                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/constructDesignMatrix.Rd                |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/depends.on.zelig.Rd                     |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/describe.Rd                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/describe.default.Rd                     |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/describe.exp.Rd                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/describe.gamma.Rd                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/describe.logit.Rd                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/describe.ls.Rd                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/describe.negbinom.Rd                    |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/describe.normal.Rd                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/describe.poisson.Rd                     |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/describe.probit.Rd                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/describe.tobit.Rd                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/describe.zelig.Rd                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/description.Rd                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/find.match.Rd                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/get.package.Rd                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/getPredictorTerms.Rd                    |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/getResponseTerms.Formula-not-formula.Rd |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/getResponseTerms.Rd                     |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/getResponseTerms.formula.Rd             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/getResponseTerms.list.Rd                |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/has.zelig2.Rd                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/help.zelig.Rd                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/ignore.Rd                               |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/is.formula.Rd                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/is.qi.Rd                                |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/is.valid.qi.list.Rd                     |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/is.zelig.compliant.Rd                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/is.zelig.package.Rd                     |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/link.Rd                                 |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/linkinv.Rd                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/list.depth.Rd                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/list.zelig.dependent.packages.Rd        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/list.zelig.models.Rd                    |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/loadDependencies.Rd                     |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/make.parameters.Rd                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/makeModelMatrix.Rd                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/makeZeligObject.Rd                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/mi.Rd                                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/mix.Rd                                  |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/model.frame.multiple.Rd                 |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/model.matrix.multiple.Rd                |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/model.matrix.parseFormula.Rd            |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/multilevel.Rd                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/name.object.Rd                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/names.qi.Rd                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/param.Rd                                |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/param.default.Rd                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/param.exp.Rd                            |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/param.gamma.Rd                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/param.logit.Rd                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/param.ls.Rd                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/param.negbinom.Rd                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/param.normal.Rd                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/param.poisson.Rd                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/param.probit.Rd                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/param.relogit.Rd                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/param.relogit2.Rd                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/param.tobit.Rd                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/parameters.Rd                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/parse.formula.Rd                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/parseFormula.Rd                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/parseFormula.formula.Rd                 |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/parseFormula.list.Rd                    |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/plot.MI.sim.Rd                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/plot.ci.Rd                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/plot.pooled.sim.Rd                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/plot.sim.Rd                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/plot.simulations.Rd                     |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/print.qi.Rd                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/print.qi.summarized.Rd                  |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/print.setx.Rd                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/print.setx.mi.Rd                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/print.sim.Rd                            |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/print.summary.MCMCZelig.Rd              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/print.summary.pooled.sim.Rd             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/print.summary.relogit.Rd                |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/print.summary.relogit2.Rd               |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/print.summary.sim.Rd                    |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/print.summarySim.MI.Rd                  |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/print.zelig.Rd                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/qi.Rd                                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/qi.exp.Rd                               |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/qi.summarize.Rd                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/reduceMI.Rd                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/repl.Rd                                 |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/repl.default.Rd                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/repl.sim.Rd                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/replace.call.Rd                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/robust.gee.hook.Rd                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/robust.glm.hook.Rd                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/setx.MI.Rd                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/setx.default.Rd                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/sim.MI.Rd                               |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/sim.default.Rd                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/simulation.matrix.Rd                    |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/simulations.parameters.Rd               |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/special_print_LIST.Rd                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/special_print_MATRIX.Rd                 |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/splitUp.Rd                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/store.object.Rd                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/structuralToReduced.Rd                  |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/summarize.Rd                            |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/summarize.default.Rd                    |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/summary.MI.Rd                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/summary.MI.sim.Rd                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/summary.Relogit2.Rd                     |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/summary.glm.robust.Rd                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/summary.pooled.sim.Rd                   |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/summary.relogit.Rd                      |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/summary.sim.Rd                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/summary.zelig.Rd                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/t.setx.Rd                               |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/terms.multiple.Rd                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/terms.vglm.Rd                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/terms.zelig.Rd                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/termsFromFormula.Rd                     |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/toBuildFormula.Rd                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/tolmerFormat.Rd                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/ucfirst.Rd                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/user.prompt.Rd                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/z.Rd                                    |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/zelig.call.Rd                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/zelig.skeleton.Rd                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/zelig2-bayes.Rd                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/zelig2-core.Rd                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/zelig2-gee.Rd                           |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/zelig2-survey.Rd                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/zelig2.Rd                               |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/man/zeligBuildWeights.Rd                    |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/po                                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/tests/MatchIt.R                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/tests/amelia.R                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/tests/by.R                                  |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/tests/lognorm.R                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/tests/mi.R                                  |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/tests/mix.R                                 |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/tests/models-bayes.R                        |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/tests/models-core.R                         |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/tests/models-gee.R                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/tests/models-survey.R                       |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/tests/plot-ci.R                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/tests/pooled.R                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/tests/relogit.R                             |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/tests/summary.MI.R                          |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/tests/twosls.R                              |only
 Zelig-4.2-1/Zelig/vignettes                                   |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/DESCRIPTION                                 |   59 
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/MD5                                         |  571 +---
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/NAMESPACE                                   |  329 --
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/create-json.R                             |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-bayes.R                             |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-binchoice-gee.R                     |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-binchoice.R                         |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-exp.R                               |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-factor-bayes.R                      |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-gamma-gee.R                         |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-gamma.R                             |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-gee.R                               |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-glm.R                               |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-logit-bayes.R                       |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-logit-gee.R                         |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-logit.R                             |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-lognorm.R                           |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-ls.R                                |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-mlogit-bayes.R                      |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-negbinom.R                          |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-normal-bayes.R                      |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-normal-gee.R                        |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-normal.R                            |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-oprobit-bayes.R                     |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-poisson-bayes.R                     |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-poisson-gee.R                       |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-poisson.R                           |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-probit-bayes.R                      |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-probit-gee.R                        |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-probit.R                            |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-quantile.R                          |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-relogit.R                           |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-tobit-bayes.R                       |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-tobit.R                             |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-weibull.R                           |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/model-zelig.R                             |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/plots.R                                   | 1308 ++++------
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/utils.R                                   |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/R/wrappers.R                                |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/PErisk.txt.gz                          |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/SupremeCourt.txt.gz                    |binary
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/Zelig.url.tab.gz                       |binary
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/approval.tab.gz                        |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/bivariate.tab.gz                       |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/coalition.tab.gz                       |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/coalition2.txt.gz                      |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/free1.tab.gz                           |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/free2.tab.gz                           |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/friendship.RData                       |binary
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/grunfeld.txt.gz                        |binary
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/homerun.txt.gz                         |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/immi1.tab.gz                           |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/immi2.tab.gz                           |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/immi3.tab.gz                           |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/immi4.tab.gz                           |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/immi5.tab.gz                           |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/immigration.tab.gz                     |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/macro.tab.gz                           |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/mexico.tab.gz                          |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/mid.tab.gz                             |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/newpainters.txt.gz                     |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/sanction.tab.gz                        |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/sna.ex.RData                           |binary
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/swiss.txt.gz                           |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/turnout.tab.gz                         |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/data/voteincome.txt.gz                      |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/00Index                                |   72 
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-amelia.R                          |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-data-table.R                      |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-dplyr.R                           |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-exp.R                             |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-factor-bayes.R                    |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-feedback.R                        |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-gamma-gee.R                       |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-gamma.R                           |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-json.R                            |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-logit-bayes.R                     |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-logit-gee.R                       |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-logit.R                           |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-lognorm.R                         |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-ls.R                              |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-mlogit-bayes.R                    |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-negbinom.R                        |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-normal-bayes.R                    |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-normal-gee.R                      |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-normal.R                          |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-oprobit-bayes.R                   |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-poisson-bayes.R                   |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-poisson-gee.R                     |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-poisson.R                         |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-probit-bayes.R                    |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-probit-gee.R                      |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-probit.R                          |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-quantile.R                        |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-range.R                           |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-relogit.R                         |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-roc.R                             |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-scope.R                           |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-setx-2.R                          |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-setx.R                            |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-show.R                            |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-signif-stars.R                    |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-strata.R                          |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-tobit.R                           |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-tobitbayes.R                      |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-weibull.R                         |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-wrappers.R                        |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/demo/demo-zip.R                             |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/inst/CITATION                               |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/inst/JSON                                   |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Median.Rd                               |   14 
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Mode.Rd                                 |   14 
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-bayes-class.Rd                    |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-binchoice-class.Rd                |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-binchoice-gee-class.Rd            |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-class.Rd                          |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-exp-class.Rd                      |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-factor-bayes-class.Rd             |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-gamma-class.Rd                    |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-gamma-gee-class.Rd                |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-gee-class.Rd                      |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-glm-class.Rd                      |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-logit-bayes-class.Rd              |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-logit-class.Rd                    |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-logit-gee-class.Rd                |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-lognorm-class.Rd                  |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-ls-class.Rd                       |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-mlogit-bayes-class.Rd             |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-negbin-class.Rd                   |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-normal-bayes-class.Rd             |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-normal-class.Rd                   |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-normal-gee-class.Rd               |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-oprobit-bayes-class.Rd            |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-poisson-bayes-class.Rd            |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-poisson-class.Rd                  |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-poisson-gee-class.Rd              |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-probit-bayes-class.Rd             |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-probit-class.Rd                   |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-probit-gee-class.Rd               |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-quantile-class.Rd                 |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-relogit-class.Rd                  |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-tobit-bayes-class.Rd              |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-tobit-class.Rd                    |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/Zelig-weibull-class.Rd                  |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/avg.Rd                                  |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/ci.plot.Rd                              |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/cluster.formula.Rd                      |   16 
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/createJSON.Rd                           |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/mid.Rd                                  |    3 
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/qi.plot.Rd                              |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/reduce.Rd                               |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/relogit.Rd                              |   27 
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/rocplot.Rd                              |   99 
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/setfactor.Rd                            |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/setval.Rd                               |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/setx.Rd                                 |   71 
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/sim.Rd                                  |  189 -
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/simulations.plot.Rd                     |   48 
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/stat.Rd                                 |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/statlevel.Rd                            |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/statmat.Rd                              |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/table.levels.Rd                         |   25 
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/zelig.Rd                                |  104 
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/man/zeligPlyrMutate.Rd                      |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/tests/test-all.R                            |only
 Zelig-5.0-7/Zelig/tests/testthat                              |only
 523 files changed, 1177 insertions(+), 1772 deletions(-)

More information about Zelig at CRAN
Permanent link

Package xmeta updated to version 1.0-2 with previous version 1.0-1 dated 2015-10-12

Title: A Toolbox for Multivariate Meta-Analysis
Description: A toolbox for meta-analysis. This package includes a collection of functions for (1) implementing robust multivariate meta-analysis of continuous or binary outcomes; and (2) testing and correcting of publication bias in multivariate meta-analysis settings.
Author: Yong Chen, Chuan Hong, Haitao Chu
Maintainer: Yong Chen <ychen.upenn@gmail.com>

Diff between xmeta versions 1.0-1 dated 2015-10-12 and 1.0-2 dated 2015-11-10

 DESCRIPTION           |    8 ++++----
 MD5                   |   30 +++++++++++++++++++++---------
 NAMESPACE             |    5 ++++-
 R/galaxy.R            |    7 +++----
 R/mmeta.R             |   43 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 R/mpbt.R              |    7 +++++--
 R/summary.galaxy.R    |only
 R/summary.mmeta.R     |only
 R/summary.mpbt.R      |only
 data                  |only
 man/ca125.Rd          |only
 man/galaxy.Rd         |   18 +++++-------------
 man/mmeta.Rd          |   27 +++++++++++++--------------
 man/mpbt.Rd           |   16 +++-------------
 man/nat2.Rd           |only
 man/prostate.Rd       |only
 man/summary.galaxy.rd |only
 man/summary.mmeta.rd  |only
 man/summary.mpbt.rd   |only
 man/xmeta-package.Rd  |    4 ++--
 20 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)

More information about xmeta at CRAN
Permanent link

Package vtreat updated to version 0.5.21 with previous version 0.5.20 dated 2015-11-05

Title: Simple Variable Treatment
Description: Prepares variables so that data has fewer exceptional cases, making it easier to safely use models in production. Common problems 'vtreat' defends against: Inf, NA, too many categorical values, rare categorical values, new categorical values (levels seen during application, but not during training). 'vtreat::prepare' should be used as you would use 'model.matrix'.
Author: John Mount, Nina Zumel
Maintainer: John Mount <jmount@win-vector.com>

Diff between vtreat versions 0.5.20 dated 2015-11-05 and 0.5.21 dated 2015-11-10

 DESCRIPTION                 |    8 -
 MD5                         |   22 +--
 R/vtreat.R                  |   33 ++---
 README.md                   |    2 
 build/vignette.rds          |binary
 inst/doc/vtreat.html        |  272 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 inst/doc/vtreatOverfit.R    |    5 
 inst/doc/vtreatOverfit.Rmd  |    7 -
 inst/doc/vtreatOverfit.html |  162 +++++++++++---------------
 man/designTreatmentsC.Rd    |    7 -
 man/designTreatmentsN.Rd    |    7 -
 man/vtreat-package.Rd       |    4 
 12 files changed, 253 insertions(+), 276 deletions(-)

More information about vtreat at CRAN
Permanent link

Package stylo updated to version 0.6.2 with previous version 0.6.1 dated 2015-09-28

Title: Functions for a Variety of Stylometric Analyses
Description: A number of functions, supplemented by GUI, to perform various analyses in the field of computational stylistics, authorship attribution, etc.
Author: Maciej Eder, Jan Rybicki, Mike Kestemont
Maintainer: Maciej Eder <maciejeder@gmail.com>

Diff between stylo versions 0.6.1 dated 2015-09-28 and 0.6.2 dated 2015-11-10

 DESCRIPTION                       |   10 ++-
 MD5                               |   61 ++++++++++++--------
 NAMESPACE                         |    2 
 NEWS                              |   20 ++++++
 R/classify.R                      |   12 +++-
 R/crossv.R                        |only
 R/delete.markup.R                 |  111 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 R/delete.stop.words.R             |   37 ++++++++----
 R/gui.classify.R                  |    7 +-
 R/gui.oppose.R                    |    1 
 R/gui.stylo.R                     |    4 -
 R/make.frequency.list.R           |    2 
 R/make.frequency.list.optimized.R |only
 R/make.ngrams.R                   |   25 +++++++-
 R/make.samples.R                  |    1 
 R/make.table.of.frequencies.R     |   40 ++++++++-----
 R/oppose.R                        |   38 ++++++++-----
 R/parse.corpus.R                  |only
 R/perform.nsc.R                   |   10 +--
 R/perform.svm.R                   |    5 -
 R/rolling.classify.r              |    4 -
 R/rolling.delta.R                 |    7 +-
 R/stylo.R                         |   86 +++++++++++++++++------------
 R/stylo.default.settings.R        |   16 +++--
 R/txt.to.features.R               |   38 +++++++++++--
 R/txt.to.words.R                  |   38 ++++++++++++-
 R/txt.to.words.ext.R              |   44 +++++++++++++--
 data                              |only
 man/galbraith.Rd                  |only
 man/lee.Rd                        |only
 man/make.frequency.list.Rd        |    2 
 man/novels.Rd                     |only
 man/parse.corpus.Rd               |only
 man/perform.nsc.Rd                |   10 +++
 34 files changed, 444 insertions(+), 187 deletions(-)

More information about stylo at CRAN
Permanent link

Package TRD updated to version 1.1 with previous version 1.0 dated 2015-01-21

Title: Transmission Ratio Distortion
Description: Transmission Ratio Distortion (TRD) is a genetic phenomenon where the two alleles from either parent are not transmitted to the offspring at the expected 1:1 ratio under Mendelian inheritance, leading to spurious signals in genetic association studies. Functions in this package are developed to account for this phenomenon using loglinear model and Transmission Disequilibrium Test (TDT). Some population information can also be calculated.
Author: Lam Opal Huang
Maintainer: Lam Opal Huang <opal.huang@mail.mcgill.ca>

Diff between TRD versions 1.0 dated 2015-01-21 and 1.1 dated 2015-11-10

 TRD-1.0/TRD/R/findr.R          |only
 TRD-1.0/TRD/man/findr.Rd       |only
 TRD-1.0/TRD/man/tdt.cnt.Rd     |only
 TRD-1.1/TRD/DESCRIPTION        |   12 +-
 TRD-1.1/TRD/MD5                |   46 ++++----
 TRD-1.1/TRD/NAMESPACE          |    7 -
 TRD-1.1/TRD/R/find.maf.R       |  214 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 TRD-1.1/TRD/R/find.t.R         |only
 TRD-1.1/TRD/R/gcount.R         |  134 ++++++++++++++++++++---
 TRD-1.1/TRD/R/ll.R             |   43 ++++++-
 TRD-1.1/TRD/R/ll.domi.R        |only
 TRD-1.1/TRD/R/ll.gdi.R         |only
 TRD-1.1/TRD/R/ll.grri.R        |only
 TRD-1.1/TRD/R/out.stats.R      |  229 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 TRD-1.1/TRD/R/prev.R           |   48 +++++---
 TRD-1.1/TRD/R/rtrios.R         |   90 +++++++++++-----
 TRD-1.1/TRD/R/strata.cnt.R     |   92 ++++++++++------
 TRD-1.1/TRD/R/tdt.R            |   67 ++++++++---
 TRD-1.1/TRD/R/tdt.cnt.R        |   49 ++++++--
 TRD-1.1/TRD/man/TRD-package.Rd |   28 +++--
 TRD-1.1/TRD/man/find.maf.Rd    |   50 ++------
 TRD-1.1/TRD/man/find.t.Rd      |only
 TRD-1.1/TRD/man/gcount.Rd      |   46 ++------
 TRD-1.1/TRD/man/ll.Rd          |   53 ++++-----
 TRD-1.1/TRD/man/prev.Rd        |   43 +------
 TRD-1.1/TRD/man/rtrios.Rd      |   53 +++------
 TRD-1.1/TRD/man/strata.cnt.Rd  |   53 +++------
 TRD-1.1/TRD/man/tdt.Rd         |   47 ++------
 28 files changed, 857 insertions(+), 547 deletions(-)

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New package steadyICA with initial version 1.0
Package: steadyICA
Type: Package
Title: ICA and Tests of Independence via Multivariate Distance Covariance
Version: 1.0
Date: 2015-11-08
Author: Benjamin B. Risk and Nicholas A. James and David S. Matteson
Maintainer: Benjamin Risk <bbr28@cornell.edu>
Description: Functions related to multivariate measures of independence and ICA: -estimate independent components by minimizing distance covariance; -conduct a test of mutual independence based on distance covariance; -estimate independent components via infomax (a popular method but generally performs poorer than mdcovica, ProDenICA, and/or fastICA, but is useful for comparisons); -order indepedent components by skewness; -match independent components from multiple estimates; -other functions useful in ICA.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Depends: Rcpp (>= 0.9.13), MASS, clue, combinat
Suggests: irlba, JADE, ProDenICA, fastICA, energy
LinkingTo: Rcpp
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2015-11-09 14:55:05 UTC; ben
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-11-11 00:08:41

More information about steadyICA at CRAN
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Package roxygen2 updated to version 5.0.1 with previous version 5.0.0 dated 2015-10-28

Title: In-Source Documentation for R
Description: A 'Doxygen'-like in-source documentation system for Rd, collation, and 'NAMESPACE' files.
Author: Hadley Wickham [aut, cre, cph], Peter Danenberg [aut, cph], Manuel Eugster [aut, cph], RStudio [cph]
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <hadley@rstudio.com>

Diff between roxygen2 versions 5.0.0 dated 2015-10-28 and 5.0.1 dated 2015-11-10

 DESCRIPTION                       |    8 ++++----
 MD5                               |   30 +++++++++++++++---------------
 R/object-from-call.R              |    4 ++--
 R/parse-preref.R                  |    8 ++++++--
 R/roclet-rd.R                     |    2 +-
 R/roxygenize.R                    |    2 +-
 R/tag-registry.R                  |    2 +-
 build/vignette.rds                |binary
 inst/doc/collate.html             |    4 ++--
 inst/doc/formatting.html          |    4 ++--
 inst/doc/namespace.html           |    4 ++--
 inst/doc/rd.html                  |    4 ++--
 inst/doc/rdkeywords.html          |    4 ++--
 inst/doc/roxygen2.html            |    4 ++--
 tests/testthat/test-namespace.R   |   12 ++++++++++++
 tests/testthat/test-package-doc.R |    2 --
 16 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

More information about roxygen2 at CRAN
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Package qwraps2 updated to version 0.1.2 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2015-04-20

Title: Quick Wraps 2
Description: A collection of (wrapper) functions the creator found useful for quickly placing data summaries and formatted regression results into .Rnw or .Rmd files. Functions for generating commonly used graphics, such as receiver operating curves or Bland-Altman plots, are also provided by 'qwraps2'. 'qwraps2' is a updated version of a package 'qwraps'. The original version 'qwraps' was never submitted to CRAN but can be found at https://github.com/dewittpe/qwraps. The implementation and limited scope of the functions within 'qwraps2' (https://github.com/dewittpe/qwraps2) is fundamentally different from 'qwraps'.
Author: Peter DeWitt [aut, cre], Tell Bennett [ctb]
Maintainer: Peter DeWitt <dewittpe@gmail.com>

Diff between qwraps2 versions 0.1.1 dated 2015-04-20 and 0.1.2 dated 2015-11-10

 DESCRIPTION             |   17 +++++++----
 MD5                     |   42 +++++++++++++++------------
 NAMESPACE               |   19 +++++++++++-
 R/confusion_matrix.R    |only
 R/extract.R             |    2 -
 R/mean_sd.R             |    2 -
 R/median_iqr.R          |only
 R/n_perc.R              |   63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 R/qable.R               |only
 R/qkmplot.R             |   73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 R/qroc.R                |    2 -
 README.md               |   10 +++++-
 man/confusion_matrix.Rd |only
 man/extract.Rd          |    2 -
 man/frmt.Rd             |    2 -
 man/frmtp.Rd            |    2 -
 man/mean_sd.Rd          |    2 -
 man/median_iqr.Rd       |only
 man/n_perc.Rd           |   21 +++++++++++++
 man/qable.Rd            |only
 man/qacf.Rd             |    2 -
 man/qblandaltman.Rd     |    2 -
 man/qkmplot.Rd          |   16 +++++++++-
 man/qroc.Rd             |    2 -
 man/qwraps2.Rd          |    2 -
 25 files changed, 237 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

More information about qwraps2 at CRAN
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Package monographaR updated to version 1.01 with previous version 1.0 dated 2015-09-07

Title: Taxonomic Monographs Tools
Description: Contains functions intended to facilitate the production of plant taxonomic monographs. The package includes functions to convert tables into taxonomic descriptions, lists of collectors, examined specimens, and can generate a monograph skeleton. Additionally, wrapper functions to batch the production of phenology charts and distributional and diversity maps are also available.
Author: Marcelo Reginato
Maintainer: Marcelo Reginato <reginatobio@yahoo.com.br>

Diff between monographaR versions 1.0 dated 2015-09-07 and 1.01 dated 2015-11-10

 monographaR-1.0/monographaR/R/monographaR-package.r        |only
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/DESCRIPTION                   |   12 
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/MD5                           |   48 +-
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/NAMESPACE                     |   16 
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/R/buildMonograph.R            |only
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/R/collectorList.R             |    9 
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/R/collectorList2.R            |only
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/R/examinedSpecimens.R         |    4 
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/R/examinedSpecimens2.R        |only
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/R/mapBatch.R                  |  177 ++++++---
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/R/mapDiversity.R              |    7 
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/R/mapTable.R                  |    4 
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/R/monographaR-internal.R      |  251 ++++++-------
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/R/phenoHist.R                 |    4 
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/R/tableToDescription.R        |    5 
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/R/tableToDescription2.R       |only
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/data/monographaR_examples.rda |binary
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/inst/CITATION                 |    4 
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/inst/doc/tutorial.R           |   73 ++-
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/inst/doc/tutorial.Rmd         |  127 ++++--
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/inst/doc/tutorial.html        |  136 ++++---
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/man/buildMonograph.Rd         |only
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/man/collectorList.Rd          |  116 +++---
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/man/mapBatch.Rd               |  103 +++--
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/man/monographaR-package.Rd    |   14 
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/man/monographaR_examples.Rd   |    3 
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/man/phenoHist.Rd              |  222 +++++------
 monographaR-1.01/monographaR/vignettes/tutorial.Rmd        |  127 ++++--
 28 files changed, 878 insertions(+), 584 deletions(-)

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Package MicSim updated to version 1.0.10 with previous version 1.0.9 dated 2015-07-24

Title: Performing Continuous-Time Microsimulation
Description: This entry-level toolkit allows performing generic continuous-time microsimulation for a wide range of demograhic applications.
Author: Sabine Zinn
Maintainer: Sabine Zinn <sabine.zinn@lifbi.de>

Diff between MicSim versions 1.0.9 dated 2015-07-24 and 1.0.10 dated 2015-11-10

 DESCRIPTION           |    8 ++++----
 MD5                   |    8 ++++----
 R/micSim.r            |   22 +++++++++++++++++-----
 inst/NEWS.Rd          |   13 ++++++++++---
 man/MicSim-package.Rd |    8 ++++----
 5 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

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Package gbm2sas updated to version 2.1 with previous version 2.0 dated 2015-11-08

Title: Convert GBM Object Trees to SAS Code
Description: Writes SAS code to get predicted values from every tree of a gbm.object.
Author: John R. Dixon
Maintainer: John R. Dixon <gbm2sas@gmail.com>

Diff between gbm2sas versions 2.0 dated 2015-11-08 and 2.1 dated 2015-11-10

 DESCRIPTION    |    8 ++++----
 MD5            |    4 ++--
 man/gbm2sas.Rd |    4 ++--
 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

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Package DoseFinding updated to version 0.9-13 with previous version 0.9-12 dated 2014-09-28

Title: Planning and Analyzing Dose Finding Experiments
Description: The DoseFinding package provides functions for the design and analysis of dose-finding experiments (with focus on pharmaceutical Phase II clinical trials). It provides functions for: multiple contrast tests, fitting non-linear dose-response models (using Bayesian and non-Bayesian estimation), calculating optimal designs and an implementation of the MCPMod methodology.
Author: Bjoern Bornkamp, Jose Pinheiro, Frank Bretz
Maintainer: Bjoern Bornkamp <bbnkmp@gmail.com>

Diff between DoseFinding versions 0.9-12 dated 2014-09-28 and 0.9-13 dated 2015-11-10

 ChangeLog                  |    8 ++++++++
 DESCRIPTION                |   10 +++++-----
 MD5                        |   15 ++++++++-------
 NAMESPACE                  |    9 ++++++++-
 R/MCTtest.R                |    8 +++++---
 R/bFitMod.R                |   33 ++++++++++++++++++---------------
 R/qmvtDF.R                 |only
 man/DoseFinding-package.Rd |   10 ++--------
 src/Makevars               |    2 +-
 9 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

More information about DoseFinding at CRAN
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Package SuperExactTest updated to version 0.99.2 with previous version 0.99.1 dated 2015-11-09

Title: Exact Test and Visualization of Multi-Set Intersections
Description: Efficient statistical testing and scalable visualization of intersections among multiple sets.
Author: Minghui Wang, Yongzhong Zhao and Bin Zhang
Maintainer: Minghui Wang <minghui.wang@mssm.edu>

Diff between SuperExactTest versions 0.99.1 dated 2015-11-09 and 0.99.2 dated 2015-11-10

 DESCRIPTION            |    6 +++---
 MD5                    |    8 ++++----
 inst/doc/set_html.html |    4 ++--
 src/dmvhyper.c         |    3 +--
 src/dmvhyperLog.c      |    9 +--------
 5 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

More information about SuperExactTest at CRAN
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Package statnet updated to version 2015.11.0 with previous version 2015.6.2 dated 2015-07-18

Title: Software Tools for the Statistical Analysis of Network Data
Description: An integrated set of tools for the representation, visualization, analysis, and simulation of network data. For an introduction, type help(package='statnet').
Author: Mark S. Handcock [aut], David R. Hunter [aut], Carter T. Butts [aut], Steven M. Goodreau [aut], Pavel N. Krivitsky [aut], Skye Bender-deMoll [aut], Martina Morris [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Martina Morris <morrism@u.washington.edu>

Diff between statnet versions 2015.6.2 dated 2015-07-18 and 2015.11.0 dated 2015-11-10

 DESCRIPTION            |   20 +--
 MD5                    |    4 
 man/statnet-package.Rd |  302 +++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 3 files changed, 134 insertions(+), 192 deletions(-)

More information about statnet at CRAN
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Package spTest updated to version 0.2.3 with previous version 0.2.2 dated 2015-09-24

Title: Nonparametric Hypothesis Tests of Isotropy and Symmetry
Description: Implements nonparametric hypothesis tests to check isotropy and symmetry properties for two-dimensional spatial data.
Author: Zachary Weller [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Zachary Weller <wellerz@stat.colostate.edu>

Diff between spTest versions 0.2.2 dated 2015-09-24 and 0.2.3 dated 2015-11-10

 DESCRIPTION                                         |   18 
 MD5                                                 |   87 
 NAMESPACE                                           |    3 
 R/GuanTestGrid.R                                    |   12 
 R/GuanTestGrid_help.R                               |   46 
 R/GuanTestUnif.R                                    |   36 
 R/GuanTestUnif_help.R                               |   46 
 R/LuTest.R                                          |    8 
 R/LuTest_help.R                                     |   21 
 R/MaityTest.R                                       |   10 
 R/MaityTest_help.R                                  |   40 
 R/coords_aniso.R                                    |    2 
 R/htestIso_class.R                                  |only
 build/vignette.rds                                  |binary
 inst/doc/spTest-vig.R                               |    8 
 inst/doc/spTest-vig.pdf                             |binary
 inst/doc/spTest-vig.rnw                             |    8 
 man/GuanTestGrid.Rd                                 |    8 
 man/GuanTestUnif.Rd                                 |   34 
 man/LuTest.Rd                                       |    4 
 man/MaityTest.Rd                                    |    8 
 man/WRFG.Rd                                         |    8 
 man/coords.aniso.Rd                                 |   12 
 man/htestIso-class.Rd                               |only
 man/print.htestIso.Rd                               |only
 man/spTest.Rd                                       |    6 
 vignettes/figures/fig-dirsemi1-eps-converted-to.pdf |binary
 vignettes/figures/fig-dsvar2-eps-converted-to.pdf   |binary
 vignettes/figures/fig-elev-eps-converted-to.pdf     |binary
 vignettes/figures/fig-elev.eps                      |  735 
 vignettes/figures/fig-grid-eps-converted-to.pdf     |binary
 vignettes/figures/fig-grid.eps                      |  686 
 vignettes/figures/fig-heatmap1-eps-converted-to.pdf |binary
 vignettes/figures/fig-heatmap1.eps                  |  146 
 vignettes/figures/fig-iso2-eps-converted-to.pdf     |binary
 vignettes/figures/fig-iso2.eps                      |  125 
 vignettes/figures/fig-narccap-eps-converted-to.pdf  |binary
 vignettes/figures/fig-narccap.eps                   |16095 +++++++++-----------
 vignettes/figures/fig-narccap2-eps-converted-to.pdf |binary
 vignettes/figures/fig-narccap2.eps                  | 5414 +++---
 vignettes/figures/fig-precipdv-eps-converted-to.pdf |binary
 vignettes/figures/fig-rain-eps-converted-to.pdf     |binary
 vignettes/figures/fig-rain.eps                      |  785 
 vignettes/figures/fig-rain1-eps-converted-to.pdf    |binary
 vignettes/figures/fig-rain2-eps-converted-to.pdf    |binary
 vignettes/spTest-vig.rnw                            |    8 
 46 files changed, 11525 insertions(+), 12894 deletions(-)

More information about spTest at CRAN
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Package Rlibeemd updated to version 1.3.6 with previous version 1.3.5 dated 2015-07-07

Title: Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) and Its Complete Variant (CEEMDAN)
Description: An R interface for C library libeemd for performing the ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD), its complete variant (CEEMDAN) or the regular empirical mode decomposition (EMD).
Author: Jouni Helske [aut, cre] (R interface), Perttu Luukko [aut] (Original libeemd C library)
Maintainer: Jouni Helske <jouni.helske@jyu.fi>

Diff between Rlibeemd versions 1.3.5 dated 2015-07-07 and 1.3.6 dated 2015-11-10

 Rlibeemd-1.3.5/Rlibeemd/tests/testthat/test_ceemdan.R      |only
 Rlibeemd-1.3.5/Rlibeemd/tests/testthat/test_eemd.R         |only
 Rlibeemd-1.3.5/Rlibeemd/tests/testthat/test_emd.R          |only
 Rlibeemd-1.3.5/Rlibeemd/tests/testthat/test_emd_num_imfs.R |only
 Rlibeemd-1.3.5/Rlibeemd/tests/testthat/test_extrema.R      |only
 Rlibeemd-1.3.6/Rlibeemd/DESCRIPTION                        |    9 +-
 Rlibeemd-1.3.6/Rlibeemd/MD5                                |   30 +++----
 Rlibeemd-1.3.6/Rlibeemd/R/ceemdan.R                        |   31 +++++--
 Rlibeemd-1.3.6/Rlibeemd/R/ecg.R                            |   32 +++----
 Rlibeemd-1.3.6/Rlibeemd/R/eemd.R                           |   26 ++++--
 Rlibeemd-1.3.6/Rlibeemd/R/emd.R                            |   15 ++-
 Rlibeemd-1.3.6/Rlibeemd/R/emd_num_imfs.R                   |    2 
 Rlibeemd-1.3.6/Rlibeemd/configure.ac                       |   54 ++++++-------
 Rlibeemd-1.3.6/Rlibeemd/man/nIMFs.Rd                       |    2 
 Rlibeemd-1.3.6/Rlibeemd/src/eemdR.cpp                      |    3 
 Rlibeemd-1.3.6/Rlibeemd/tests/test-all.R                   |    4 
 Rlibeemd-1.3.6/Rlibeemd/tests/testthat/test-ceemdan.R      |only
 Rlibeemd-1.3.6/Rlibeemd/tests/testthat/test-eemd.R         |only
 Rlibeemd-1.3.6/Rlibeemd/tests/testthat/test-emd.R          |only
 Rlibeemd-1.3.6/Rlibeemd/tests/testthat/test-emd_num_imfs.R |only
 Rlibeemd-1.3.6/Rlibeemd/tests/testthat/test-extrema.R      |only
 21 files changed, 122 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)

More information about Rlibeemd at CRAN
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Package rfishbase updated to version 2.1.0 with previous version 2.0.3 dated 2015-09-09

Title: R Interface to 'FishBase'
Description: A programmatic interface to http://www.fishbase.org, re-written based on an accompanying 'RESTful' API. Access tables describing over 30,000 species of fish, their biology, ecology, morphology, and more. This package also supports experimental access to http://www.sealifebase.org data, which contains nearly 200,000 species records for all types of aquatic life not covered by 'FishBase.'
Author: Carl Boettiger [cre, aut], Scott Chamberlain [aut], Duncan Temple Lang [aut], Peter Wainwright [aut]
Maintainer: Carl Boettiger <cboettig@ropensci.org>

Diff between rfishbase versions 2.0.3 dated 2015-09-09 and 2.1.0 dated 2015-11-10

 rfishbase-2.0.3/rfishbase/inst/doc/tutorial.R               |only
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/DESCRIPTION                       |   17 -
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/MD5                               |  134 ++++++------
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/NAMESPACE                         |   16 +
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/NEWS                              |    6 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/R/00-endpoint.R                   |   20 +
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/R/check_and_parse.R               |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/R/common_names.R                  |   17 -
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/R/distribution.R                  |   14 -
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/R/docs.R                          |    1 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/R/fishbase.R                      |    6 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/R/heartbeat.R                     |    6 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/R/list_fields.R                   |    4 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/R/species.R                       |    7 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/R/species_list.R                  |    9 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/R/species_names.R                 |    4 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/R/synonyms.R                      |    9 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/R/trophic_ecology.R               |    1 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/build/vignette.rds                |binary
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/data/datalist                     |only
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/data/sealifebase.rda              |binary
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/inst/doc/tutorial.Rmd             |  128 -----------
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/inst/doc/tutorial.html            |  133 -----------
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/common_names.Rd               |    4 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/common_to_sci.Rd              |    6 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/diet.Rd                       |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/distribution.Rd               |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/docs.Rd                       |    6 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/ecology.Rd                    |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/ecosystem.Rd                  |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/faoareas.Rd                   |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/fecundity.Rd                  |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/fishbase.Rd                   |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/fooditems.Rd                  |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/heartbeat.Rd                  |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/introductions.Rd              |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/length_freq.Rd                |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/length_length.Rd              |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/length_weight.Rd              |   12 -
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/list_fields.Rd                |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/load_taxa.Rd                  |    4 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/maturity.Rd                   |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/morphology.Rd                 |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/morphometrics.Rd              |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/occurrence.Rd                 |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/oxygen.Rd                     |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/ping.Rd                       |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/popchar.Rd                    |    4 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/popgrowth.Rd                  |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/popqb.Rd                      |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/predators.Rd                  |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/ration.Rd                     |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/reproduction.Rd               |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/rfishbase-package.Rd          |    9 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/sci_to_common.Rd              |    6 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/sealifebase.Rd                |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/spawning.Rd                   |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/species.Rd                    |    8 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/species_fields.Rd             |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/species_list.Rd               |   10 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/species_names.Rd              |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/speed.Rd                      |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/stocks.Rd                     |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/swimming.Rd                   |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/synonyms.Rd                   |    8 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/man/validate_names.Rd             |    2 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/tests/testthat/helper_rfishbase.R |   12 -
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/tests/testthat/test_ecology.R     |    4 
 rfishbase-2.1.0/rfishbase/tests/testthat/test_synonyms.R    |    8 
 69 files changed, 242 insertions(+), 457 deletions(-)

More information about rfishbase at CRAN
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Package ranger updated to version 0.3.0 with previous version 0.2.7 dated 2015-07-29

Title: A Fast Implementation of Random Forests
Description: A fast implementation of Random Forests, particularly suited for high dimensional data. Ensembles of classification, regression, survival and probability prediction trees are supported. Data from genome-wide association studies can be analyzed efficiently. In addition to data frames, datasets of class 'gwaa.data' (R package GenABEL) can be directly analyzed.
Author: Marvin N. Wright
Maintainer: Marvin N. Wright <wright@imbs.uni-luebeck.de>

Diff between ranger versions 0.2.7 dated 2015-07-29 and 0.3.0 dated 2015-11-10

 DESCRIPTION                |   20 +---
 MD5                        |   36 ++++---
 NEWS                       |only
 R/predict.R                |   71 +++++++++++----
 R/ranger.R                 |   15 ++-
 man/ranger.Rd              |    8 +
 src/Forest.cpp             |  206 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 src/Forest.h               |   11 +-
 src/Makevars               |    1 
 src/Makevars.win           |    2 
 src/Tree.cpp               |   31 +++---
 src/Tree.h                 |    9 -
 src/TreeClassification.cpp |    2 
 src/TreeProbability.cpp    |    2 
 src/TreeRegression.cpp     |    2 
 src/rangerCpp.cpp          |    4 
 src/utility.h              |   15 +++
 src/version.h              |    2 
 tests                      |only
 19 files changed, 310 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-)

More information about ranger at CRAN
Permanent link

Package PortfolioEffectHFT updated to version 1.3 with previous version 1.2 dated 2015-09-29

Title: High Frequency Portfolio Analytics by PortfolioEffect
Description: R interface to PortfolioEffect Quant service for backtesting high frequency trading (HFT) strategies, intraday portfolio analysis and optimization. Includes auto-calibrating model pipeline for market microstructure noise, risk factors, price jumps/outliers, tail risk (high-order moments) and price fractality (long memory). Constructed portfolios could use client-side market data or access HF intraday price history for all major US Equities. See https://www.portfolioeffect.com/ for more information on the PortfolioEffect high frequency portfolio analytics platform.
Author: Aleksey Zemnitskiy [aut, cre], Andrey Kostin [aut], Oleg Nechaev [aut], Craig Otis and others [ctb, cph] (OpenFAST library), Daniel Lemire, Muraoka Taro and others [ctb, cph] (JavaFastPFOR library), Joe Walnes, Jorg Schaible and others [ctb, cph] (XStream library), Dain Sundstrom [ctb, cph] (Snappy library), Extreme! Lab, Indiana University [ctb, cph] (XPP3 library), The Apache Software Foundation [ctb, cph] (Apache Log4j and Commons Lang libraries), Google, Inc. [ctb, cph] (GSON library), Free Software Foundation [ctb, cph] (GNU Trove and GNU Crypto libraries)
Maintainer: Aleksey Zemnitskiy <aleksey.zemnitskiy@portfolioeffect.com>

Diff between PortfolioEffectHFT versions 1.2 dated 2015-09-29 and 1.3 dated 2015-11-10

 DESCRIPTION                                        |    6 
 MD5                                                |  316 ++++++++++-----------
 NAMESPACE                                          |    1 
 NEWS                                               |only
 R/message.R                                        |    2 
 R/optimization.R                                   |   10 
 R/plot.R                                           |   69 ++--
 R/portfolio.R                                      |   58 +--
 R/util.R                                           |    2 
 build/vignette.rds                                 |binary
 demo/alpha_decay_demo.R                            |   18 -
 demo/efficient_frontier_demo.R                     |   10 
 demo/holding_period_risks_demo.R                   |   32 +-
 demo/lf_hf_strategy_demo.R                         |   12 
 demo/portfolio_metrics_demo.R                      |   24 -
 demo/portfolio_optimization_demo.R                 |   12 
 demo/txnCosts_demo.R                               |   24 -
 inst/doc/PortfolioEffectHFT.Rnw                    |  130 +++++---
 inst/doc/PortfolioEffectHFT.pdf                    |binary
 inst/java/portfolioeffect-quant-client-1.0.jar     |binary
 man/aapl.data.Rd                                   |    7 
 man/optimization_constraint_CVaR.Rd                |    5 
 man/optimization_constraint_VaR.Rd                 |    5 
 man/optimization_constraint_allWeights.Rd          |    1 
 man/optimization_constraint_beta.Rd                |    1 
 man/optimization_constraint_expectedReturn.Rd      |    1 
 man/optimization_constraint_modifiedSharpeRatio.Rd |    5 
 man/optimization_constraint_portfolioValue.Rd      |    1 
 man/optimization_constraint_return.Rd              |    1 
 man/optimization_constraint_sharpeRatio.Rd         |    1 
 man/optimization_constraint_starrRatio.Rd          |    3 
 man/optimization_constraint_sumOfAbsWeights.Rd     |    1 
 man/optimization_constraint_variance.Rd            |    1 
 man/optimization_constraint_weight.Rd              |    1 
 man/optimization_forecast.Rd                       |    5 
 man/optimization_goal.Rd                           |    3 
 man/optimization_info.Rd                           |    1 
 man/optimization_run.Rd                            |    1 
 man/optimizer-class.Rd                             |    1 
 man/portfolio-class.Rd                             |    1 
 man/portfolioPlot-class.Rd                         |    1 
 man/portfolio_CVaR.Rd                              |    7 
 man/portfolio_VaR.Rd                               |    7 
 man/portfolio_addPosition.Rd                       |    1 
 man/portfolio_alpha.Rd                             |    1 
 man/portfolio_availableSymbols.Rd                  |only
 man/portfolio_beta.Rd                              |    1 
 man/portfolio_calmarRatio.Rd                       |    1 
 man/portfolio_create.Rd                            |    1 
 man/portfolio_cumulant.Rd                          |    1 
 man/portfolio_downCaptureRatio.Rd                  |    1 
 man/portfolio_downNumberRatio.Rd                   |    1 
 man/portfolio_downPercentageRatio.Rd               |    1 
 man/portfolio_downsideVariance.Rd                  |    1 
 man/portfolio_endBatch.Rd                          |   13 
 man/portfolio_expectedDownsideReturn.Rd            |    1 
 man/portfolio_expectedReturn.Rd                    |    1 
 man/portfolio_expectedUpsideReturn.Rd              |    1 
 man/portfolio_fractalDimension.Rd                  |    1 
 man/portfolio_gainLossVarianceRatio.Rd             |    1 
 man/portfolio_gainVariance.Rd                      |    1 
 man/portfolio_getSettings.Rd                       |    3 
 man/portfolio_hurstExponent.Rd                     |    1 
 man/portfolio_informationRatio.Rd                  |    1 
 man/portfolio_jensensAlpha.Rd                      |    1 
 man/portfolio_kurtosis.Rd                          |    1 
 man/portfolio_lossVariance.Rd                      |    1 
 man/portfolio_maxDrawdown.Rd                       |    1 
 man/portfolio_modifiedSharpeRatio.Rd               |    7 
 man/portfolio_moment.Rd                            |    1 
 man/portfolio_omegaRatio.Rd                        |    1 
 man/portfolio_pdf.Rd                               |    1 
 man/portfolio_profit.Rd                            |    1 
 man/portfolio_rachevRatio.Rd                       |    7 
 man/portfolio_removePosition.Rd                    |    1 
 man/portfolio_return.Rd                            |    1 
 man/portfolio_settings.Rd                          |    6 
 man/portfolio_sharpeRatio.Rd                       |    1 
 man/portfolio_skewness.Rd                          |    1 
 man/portfolio_sortinoRatio.Rd                      |    1 
 man/portfolio_starrRatio.Rd                        |    5 
 man/portfolio_startBatch.Rd                        |   13 
 man/portfolio_symbols.Rd                           |    1 
 man/portfolio_treynorRatio.Rd                      |    1 
 man/portfolio_txnCosts.Rd                          |    1 
 man/portfolio_upCaptureRatio.Rd                    |    1 
 man/portfolio_upNumberRatio.Rd                     |    1 
 man/portfolio_upPercentageRatio.Rd                 |    1 
 man/portfolio_upsideDownsideVarianceRatio.Rd       |    1 
 man/portfolio_upsideVariance.Rd                    |    1 
 man/portfolio_value.Rd                             |    1 
 man/portfolio_variance.Rd                          |    1 
 man/position_CVaR.Rd                               |    7 
 man/position_VaR.Rd                                |    7 
 man/position_alpha.Rd                              |    1 
 man/position_beta.Rd                               |    1 
 man/position_calmarRatio.Rd                        |    1 
 man/position_correlation.Rd                        |    1 
 man/position_correlationMatrix.Rd                  |    1 
 man/position_covariance.Rd                         |    1 
 man/position_covarianceMatrix.Rd                   |    1 
 man/position_cumulant.Rd                           |    1 
 man/position_downCaptureRatio.Rd                   |    1 
 man/position_downNumberRatio.Rd                    |    1 
 man/position_downPercentageRatio.Rd                |    1 
 man/position_downsideVariance.Rd                   |    1 
 man/position_expectedDownsideReturn.Rd             |    1 
 man/position_expectedReturn.Rd                     |    1 
 man/position_expectedUpsideReturn.Rd               |    1 
 man/position_fractalDimension.Rd                   |    1 
 man/position_gainLossVarianceRatio.Rd              |    1 
 man/position_gainVariance.Rd                       |    1 
 man/position_hurstExponent.Rd                      |    1 
 man/position_informationRatio.Rd                   |    1 
 man/position_jensensAlpha.Rd                       |    1 
 man/position_kurtosis.Rd                           |    1 
 man/position_lossVariance.Rd                       |    1 
 man/position_maxDrawdown.Rd                        |    1 
 man/position_modifiedSharpeRatio.Rd                |    7 
 man/position_moment.Rd                             |    1 
 man/position_omegaRatio.Rd                         |    1 
 man/position_pdf.Rd                                |    1 
 man/position_price.Rd                              |    1 
 man/position_profit.Rd                             |    1 
 man/position_quantity.Rd                           |    1 
 man/position_rachevRatio.Rd                        |    7 
 man/position_return.Rd                             |    1 
 man/position_returnAutocovariance.Rd               |    1 
 man/position_returnJumpSize.Rd                     |    1 
 man/position_setQuantity.Rd                        |    1 
 man/position_sharpeRatio.Rd                        |    1 
 man/position_skewness.Rd                           |    1 
 man/position_sortinoRatio.Rd                       |    5 
 man/position_starrRatio.Rd                         |    7 
 man/position_treynorRatio.Rd                       |    1 
 man/position_txnCosts.Rd                           |    1 
 man/position_upCaptureRatio.Rd                     |    1 
 man/position_upNumberRatio.Rd                      |    1 
 man/position_upPercentageRatio.Rd                  |    1 
 man/position_upsideDownsideVarianceRatio.Rd        |    1 
 man/position_upsideVariance.Rd                     |    1 
 man/position_value.Rd                              |    1 
 man/position_variance.Rd                           |    1 
 man/position_weight.Rd                             |    1 
 man/util_POSIXTimeToDate.Rd                        |    1 
 man/util_cleanCredentials.Rd                       |    1 
 man/util_colorScheme.Rd                            |    3 
 man/util_dateToPOSIXTime.Rd                        |    1 
 man/util_fillScheme.Rd                             |    1 
 man/util_getComputeTime.Rd                         |    1 
 man/util_ggplot.Rd                                 |    1 
 man/util_line2d.Rd                                 |   11 
 man/util_multiplot.Rd                              |    1 
 man/util_plot2d.Rd                                 |    5 
 man/util_plot2df.Rd                                |    9 
 man/util_plotDensity.Rd                            |    1 
 man/util_plotTheme.Rd                              |    3 
 man/util_setCredentials.Rd                         |    1 
 man/util_summary.Rd                                |    1 
 vignettes/PortfolioEffectHFT.Rnw                   |  130 +++++---
 160 files changed, 692 insertions(+), 447 deletions(-)

More information about PortfolioEffectHFT at CRAN
Permanent link

Package paco updated to version 0.2.3 with previous version 0.2.2 dated 2015-10-09

Title: Procrustes Application to Cophylogenetic Analysis
Description: Procrustes analyses to infer co-phylogenetic matching between pairs of (ultrametric) phylogenetic trees.
Author: Juan Antonio Balbuena <j.a.balbuena@uv.es>, Timothee Poisot <tim@poisotlab.io>, Matthew Hutchinson <matthewhutchinson15@gmail.com>, Fernando Cagua <fernando@cagua.co>
Maintainer: Timothee Poisot <tim@poisotlab.io>

Diff between paco versions 0.2.2 dated 2015-10-09 and 0.2.3 dated 2015-11-10

 DESCRIPTION              |   13 +++++++------
 MD5                      |   24 ++++++++++++------------
 NAMESPACE                |    2 +-
 R/PACo.r                 |    8 +++++---
 man/PACo.Rd              |    9 ++++++---
 man/add_pcoord.Rd        |    2 +-
 man/coordpcoa.Rd         |    2 +-
 man/gl_links.Rd          |    2 +-
 man/gophertree.Rd        |    2 +-
 man/licetree.Rd          |    2 +-
 man/paco_links.Rd        |    2 +-
 man/prepare_paco_data.Rd |    2 +-
 man/residuals.paco.Rd    |    2 +-
 13 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

More information about paco at CRAN
Permanent link

Package nlsem updated to version 0.6 with previous version 0.5.1 dated 2015-09-21

Title: Fitting Structural Equation Mixture Models
Description: Estimation of structural equation models with nonlinear effects and underlying nonnormal distributions.
Author: Nora Umbach [aut, cre], Katharina Naumann [aut], David Hoppe [aut], Holger Brandt [aut], Augustin Kelava [ctb], Bernhard Schmitz [ctb]
Maintainer: Nora Umbach <nora.umbach@web.de>

Diff between nlsem versions 0.5.1 dated 2015-09-21 and 0.6 dated 2015-11-10

 nlsem-0.5.1/nlsem/R/fscores.R              |only
 nlsem-0.5.1/nlsem/man/get_factor_scores.Rd |only
 nlsem-0.6/nlsem/ChangeLog                  |   11 +
 nlsem-0.6/nlsem/DESCRIPTION                |    8 
 nlsem-0.6/nlsem/MD5                        |   26 +-
 nlsem-0.6/nlsem/NAMESPACE                  |    1 
 nlsem-0.6/nlsem/R/em.R                     |    4 
 nlsem-0.6/nlsem/R/qml.R                    |    6 
 nlsem-0.6/nlsem/R/s3generics.R             |  286 +++++++++++++----------------
 nlsem-0.6/nlsem/R/semm.R                   |   58 +++++
 nlsem-0.6/nlsem/data/australia.txt.gz      |only
 nlsem-0.6/nlsem/man/australia.Rd           |only
 nlsem-0.6/nlsem/man/em.Rd                  |    8 
 nlsem-0.6/nlsem/man/jordan.Rd              |   47 +++-
 nlsem-0.6/nlsem/man/nlsem-package.Rd       |    9 
 nlsem-0.6/nlsem/man/qml.Rd                 |    3 
 16 files changed, 272 insertions(+), 195 deletions(-)

More information about nlsem at CRAN
Permanent link

Package matlib updated to version 0.5.1 with previous version 0.4.1 dated 2015-11-05

Title: Matrix Functions for Teaching and Learning Linear Algebra and Multivariate Statistics
Description: A collection of matrix functions for teaching and learning matrix linear algebra as used in multivariate statistical methods. These functions are mainly for tutorial purposes in learning matrix algebra ideas using R. In some cases, functions are provided for concepts available elsewhere in R, but where the function call or name is not obvious. In other cases, functions are provided to show or demonstrate an algorithm.
Author: Michael Friendly [aut, cre], John Fox [ctb], Georges Monette [ctb]
Maintainer: Michael Friendly <friendly@yorku.ca>

Diff between matlib versions 0.4.1 dated 2015-11-05 and 0.5.1 dated 2015-11-10

 matlib-0.4.1/matlib/man/proj.Rd                    |only
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/DESCRIPTION                    |    9 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/MD5                            |   69 +--
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/NAMESPACE                      |   14 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/R/QR.R                         |    6 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/R/R.R                          |only
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/R/eig.R                        |    4 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/R/gaussian-elimination.R       |    4 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/R/gsorth.R                     |    3 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/R/len.R                        |only
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/R/matlib.R                     |   58 --
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/R/plotEqn.R                    |  144 ++++--
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/R/proj.R                       |only
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/R/rowops.R                     |    2 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/R/showEqn.R                    |   17 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/R/vectors.R                    |only
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/README.md                      |   25 -
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/build/vignette.rds             |binary
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/inst/doc/eigen-ex1.html        |  466 +++++++++++++++-----
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/inst/doc/eigen-ex2.R           |    9 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/inst/doc/eigen-ex2.Rmd         |   12 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/inst/doc/eigen-ex2.html        |  467 ++++++++++++++++-----
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/inst/doc/linear-equations.R    |only
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/inst/doc/linear-equations.Rmd  |only
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/inst/doc/linear-equations.html |only
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/man/Ginv.Rd                    |    3 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/man/Proj.Rd                    |only
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/man/QR.Rd                      |    6 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/man/R.Rd                       |   21 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/man/SVD.Rd                     |    4 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/man/cholesky.Rd                |    3 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/man/echelon.Rd                 |    3 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/man/gsorth.Rd                  |    3 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/man/len.Rd                     |only
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/man/matlib.Rd                  |only
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/man/plotEqn.Rd                 |   20 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/man/plotEqn3d.Rd               |only
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/man/rowswap.Rd                 |    4 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/man/showEqn.Rd                 |   10 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/man/vectors.Rd                 |only
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/vignettes/CanvasMatrix.js      |only
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/vignettes/eigen-ex2.Rmd        |   12 
 matlib-0.5.1/matlib/vignettes/linear-equations.Rmd |only
 43 files changed, 1020 insertions(+), 378 deletions(-)

More information about matlib at CRAN
Permanent link

Package IsotopeR updated to version 0.5.1 with previous version 0.5 dated 2015-11-07

Title: Stable Isotope Mixing Model
Description: Estimates diet contributions from isotopic sources using JAGS. Includes estimation of concentration dependence and measurement error.
Author: Jake Ferguson and Jack Hopkins
Maintainer: Jake Ferguson <troutinthemilk@gmail.com>

Diff between IsotopeR versions 0.5 dated 2015-11-07 and 0.5.1 dated 2015-11-10

 DESCRIPTION |    8 ++++----
 MD5         |    6 +++---
 NAMESPACE   |    1 +
 NEWS        |    4 +++-
 4 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

More information about IsotopeR at CRAN
Permanent link

Package adegraphics updated to version 1.0-4 with previous version 1.0-3 dated 2015-06-24

Title: An S4 Lattice-Based Package for the Representation of Multivariate Data
Description: Graphical functionalities for the representation of multivariate data. It is a complete re-implementation of the functions available in the 'ade4' package.
Author: Stéphane Dray <stephane.dray@univ-lyon1.fr> and Aurélie Siberchicot <aurelie.siberchicot@univ-lyon1.fr>, with contributions from Jean Thioulouse. Based on earlier work by Alice Julien-Laferrière.
Maintainer: Aurélie Siberchicot <aurelie.siberchicot@univ-lyon1.fr>

Diff between adegraphics versions 1.0-3 dated 2015-06-24 and 1.0-4 dated 2015-11-10

 adegraphics-1.0-3/adegraphics/R/s.hist.R                |only
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/DESCRIPTION               |   21 +-
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/MD5                       |   41 ++--
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/NAMESPACE                 |  136 ++++++++--------
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/R/ADEg.S2.R               |   32 +++
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/R/ADEgS.R                 |    5 
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/R/S2.distri.R             |    2 
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/R/ade4-plot.R             |    2 
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/R/ade4-scatter.R          |   25 ++
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/R/adeGsenv.R              |    2 
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/R/panelfunctions.R        |   65 ++++++-
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/build/vignette.rds        |binary
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/inst/doc/adegraphics.Rnw  |   10 -
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/inst/doc/adegraphics.pdf  |binary
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/man/adeg.panel.hist.Rd    |only
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/man/adeg.panel.join.Rd    |only
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/man/adeg.panel.label.Rd   |    2 
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/man/adeg.panel.nb.Rd      |   23 +-
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/man/adeg.panel.values.Rd  |    2 
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/man/changelatticetheme.Rd |    6 
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/tests/panelSpatial.R      |    3 
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/tests/parameter.R         |    9 +
 adegraphics-1.0-4/adegraphics/vignettes/adegraphics.Rnw |   10 -
 23 files changed, 255 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-)

More information about adegraphics at CRAN
Permanent link

Package MASS updated to version 7.3-45 with previous version 7.3-44 dated 2015-08-30

Title: Support Functions and Datasets for Venables and Ripley's MASS
Description: Functions and datasets to support Venables and Ripley, "Modern Applied Statistics with S" (4th edition, 2002).
Author: Brian Ripley [aut, cre, cph], Bill Venables [ctb], Douglas M. Bates [ctb], Kurt Hornik [trl] (partial port ca 1998), Albrecht Gebhardt [trl] (partial port ca 1998), David Firth [ctb]
Maintainer: Brian Ripley <ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk>

Diff between MASS versions 7.3-44 dated 2015-08-30 and 7.3-45 dated 2015-11-10

 DESCRIPTION             |   10 ++++----
 INDEX                   |only
 LICENCE.note            |only
 MD5                     |    6 ++--
 R/fitdistr.R            |    2 -
 inst/NEWS               |    3 +-
 man/Animals.Rd          |only
 man/Boston.Rd           |only
 man/Cars93.Rd           |only
 man/GAGurine.Rd         |only
 man/Skye.Rd             |only
 man/Traffic.Rd          |only
 man/VA.Rd               |only
 man/abbey.Rd            |only
 man/addterm.Rd          |only
 man/area.Rd             |only
 man/bandwidth.nrd.Rd    |only
 man/beav2.Rd            |only
 man/birthwt.Rd          |only
 man/caith.Rd            |only
 man/contr.sdif.Rd       |only
 man/cov.trob.Rd         |only
 man/crabs.Rd            |only
 man/deaths.Rd           |only
 man/epil.Rd             |only
 man/fgl.Rd              |only
 man/gamma.dispersion.Rd |only
 man/gehan.Rd            |only
 man/hills.Rd            |only
 man/leuk.Rd             |only
 man/mcycle.Rd           |only
 man/menarche.Rd         |only
 man/newcomb.Rd          |only
 man/npr1.Rd             |only
 man/petrol.Rd           |only
 man/plot.lda.Rd         |only
 man/plot.profile.Rd     |   59 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 man/predict.lda.Rd      |only
 man/predict.qda.Rd      |only
 man/quine.Rd            |only
 man/rational.Rd         |only
 man/rotifer.Rd          |only
 man/shoes.Rd            |only
 man/snails.Rd           |only
 man/steam.Rd            |only
 man/stepAIC.Rd          |only
 man/studres.Rd          |only
 man/summary.rlm.Rd      |only
 man/waders.Rd           |only
 49 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

More information about MASS at CRAN
Permanent link

New package TruncatedNormal with initial version 1.0
Package: TruncatedNormal
Type: Package
Title: Truncated Multivariate Normal
Version: 1.0
Date: 2015-11-08
Author: Zdravko I. Botev
Maintainer: Zdravko Botev <botev@unsw.edu.au>
Description: A collection of functions to deal with the truncated univariate and multivariate normal distributions.
License: GPL-3
Depends: randtoolbox
Packaged: 2015-11-10 07:46:25 UTC; test
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-11-10 11:19:19

More information about TruncatedNormal at CRAN
Permanent link

Package SixSigma updated to version 0.9-0 with previous version 0.8-1 dated 2014-03-07

Title: Six Sigma Tools for Quality Control and Improvement
Description: Functions and utilities to perform Statistical Analyses in the Six Sigma way. Through the DMAIC cycle (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control), you can manage several Quality Management studies: Gage R&R, Capability Analysis, Control Charts, Loss Function Analysis, etc. Data frames used in the books "Six Sigma with R" (Springer, 2012) and "Quality Control with R" (Springer, 2015) are also included in the package.
Author: Emilio L. Cano, Javier M. Moguerza, Mariano Prieto and Andrés Redchuk
Maintainer: Emilio L. Cano <emilio.lopez@urjc.es>

Diff between SixSigma versions 0.8-1 dated 2014-03-07 and 0.9-0 dated 2015-11-10

 DESCRIPTION                         |   21 
 MD5                                 |  102 +-
 NAMESPACE                           |   53 -
 NEWS                                |  145 ++--
 R/SixSigma-package.R                |  179 ++--
 R/auxf.R                            |   74 --
 R/data.R                            | 1305 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 R/qcr.profiles.R                    |only
 R/ss.ca.R                           | 1167 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 R/ss.rr.R                           |  578 ++++++++-------
 build/vignette.rds                  |binary
 data/ss.data.bills.RData            |only
 data/ss.data.density.RData          |only
 data/ss.data.thickness.RData        |only
 data/ss.data.thickness2.RData       |only
 data/ss.data.wbx.RData              |only
 data/ss.data.wby.RData              |only
 inst/CITATION                       |   48 -
 inst/doc/HelicopterInstructions.R   |   19 
 inst/doc/HelicopterInstructions.pdf |binary
 inst/doc/ShewhartConstants.R        |only
 inst/doc/ShewhartConstants.Rnw      |only
 inst/doc/ShewhartConstants.pdf      |only
 man/SixSigma.Rd                     |  174 ++--
 man/climProfiles.Rd                 |only
 man/outProfiles.Rd                  |only
 man/plotControlProfiles.Rd          |only
 man/plotProfiles.Rd                 |only
 man/smoothProfiles.Rd               |only
 man/ss.ca.yield.Rd                  |   94 +-
 man/ss.ca.z.Rd                      |  117 +--
 man/ss.cc.Rd                        |  140 +--
 man/ss.cc.constants.Rd              |   82 +-
 man/ss.ceDiag.Rd                    |  142 +--
 man/ss.ci.Rd                        |  156 ++--
 man/ss.data.batteries.Rd            |   87 +-
 man/ss.data.bills.Rd                |only
 man/ss.data.bolts.Rd                |   81 +-
 man/ss.data.ca.Rd                   |   80 +-
 man/ss.data.density.Rd              |only
 man/ss.data.doe1.Rd                 |   88 +-
 man/ss.data.doe2.Rd                 |   88 +-
 man/ss.data.pastries.Rd             |   84 +-
 man/ss.data.pb1.Rd                  |   84 +-
 man/ss.data.pb2.Rd                  |   88 +-
 man/ss.data.pb3.Rd                  |   90 +-
 man/ss.data.pb4.Rd                  |   73 +-
 man/ss.data.pc.Rd                   |   84 +-
 man/ss.data.pc.big.Rd               |   81 +-
 man/ss.data.pc.r.Rd                 |   80 +-
 man/ss.data.rr.Rd                   |   84 +-
 man/ss.data.strings.Rd              |   82 +-
 man/ss.data.thickness.Rd            |only
 man/ss.data.thickness2.Rd           |only
 man/ss.data.wbx.Rd                  |only
 man/ss.data.wby.Rd                  |only
 man/ss.heli.Rd                      |   80 +-
 man/ss.lf.Rd                        |   99 +-
 man/ss.lfa.Rd                       |  144 +--
 man/ss.pMap.Rd                      |  216 ++---
 man/ss.rr.Rd                        |  178 ++--
 man/ss.study.ca.Rd                  |  115 +--
 vignettes/ShewhartConstants.Rnw     |only
 63 files changed, 3459 insertions(+), 3223 deletions(-)

More information about SixSigma at CRAN
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Package gaston updated to version 1.2 with previous version 1.1 dated 2015-10-02

Title: Genetic Data Manipulation (Quality Control, GRM and LD Computations, PCA), Linear Mixed Models (AIREML Algorithm), Association Testing
Description: Manipulation of genetic data (SNPs), computation of Genetic Relationship Matrix, Linkage Disequilibrium, etc. Efficient algorithms for Linear Mixed Model (AIREML, diagonalisation trick).
Author: Hervé Perdry & Claire Dandine-Roulland
Maintainer: Hervé Perdry <herve.perdry@u-psud.fr>

Diff between gaston versions 1.1 dated 2015-10-02 and 1.2 dated 2015-11-10

 gaston-1.1/gaston/src/export-crossprod.cpp |only
 gaston-1.1/gaston/src/export-inverse.cpp   |only
 gaston-1.1/gaston/src/m4_kinship2.cpp      |only
 gaston-1.2/gaston/DESCRIPTION              |    6 ++--
 gaston-1.2/gaston/MD5                      |   36 ++++++++++++--------------
 gaston-1.2/gaston/R/bm_grm.r               |   13 ++-------
 gaston-1.2/gaston/R/lmm_simu.r             |    2 -
 gaston-1.2/gaston/inst/doc/gaston.R        |   26 +++++++++---------
 gaston-1.2/gaston/inst/doc/gaston.Rnw      |   18 ++++++++++---
 gaston-1.2/gaston/inst/doc/gaston.pdf      |binary
 gaston-1.2/gaston/man/gaston-package.Rd    |    6 ++--
 gaston-1.2/gaston/man/lik.contour.Rd       |    2 -
 gaston-1.2/gaston/src/ai-reml-1k-covar.h   |    2 -
 gaston-1.2/gaston/src/ai-reml-1k.h         |    2 -
 gaston-1.2/gaston/src/ai-reml-nk-covar.h   |    2 -
 gaston-1.2/gaston/src/ai-reml-nk.h         |    2 -
 gaston-1.2/gaston/src/loubar.h             |    2 -
 gaston-1.2/gaston/src/m4_kinship.cpp       |   40 +++++++++++++++--------------
 gaston-1.2/gaston/src/m4_kinship_p.cpp     |   35 +++++++++++++------------
 gaston-1.2/gaston/src/m4_kinship_type.h    |only
 gaston-1.2/gaston/vignettes/gaston.Rnw     |   18 ++++++++++---
 21 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)

More information about gaston at CRAN
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New package specmine with initial version 1.0
Package: specmine
Type: Package
Title: Metabolomics and Spectral Data Analysis and Mining
Version: 1.0
Date: 2015-10-19
Author: Christopher Costa <chrisbcl@hotmail.com>, Marcelo Maraschin <mtocsy@gmail.com>, Miguel Rocha <mrocha@di.uminho.pt>
Maintainer: Christopher Costa <chrisbcl@hotmail.com>
Depends: R (>= 3.1.0)
Imports: compare, hyperSpec, ChemoSpec, baseline, rgl, Metrics, GGally, ggplot2, ellipse, ggdendro, caret, pls, pcaPP, RColorBrewer, grid, methods, qdap, MASS, scatterplot3d, xcms, MAIT, genefilter, impute
Description: Provides a set of methods for metabolomics data analysis, including data loading in different formats, pre-processing, metabolite identification, univariate and multivariate data analysis, machine learning and feature selection. Case studies can be found on the website: http://darwin.di.uminho.pt/metabolomics .
License: GPL (>= 2)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2015-11-09 22:33:30 UTC; chris
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-11-10 11:08:16

More information about specmine at CRAN
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Package qrmtools updated to version 0.0-3 with previous version 0.0-1 dated 2015-05-19

Title: Tools for Quantitative Risk Management
Description: Functions and data sets for reproducing selected results from the book "Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques and Tools". Furthermore, new developments and auxiliary functions for Quantitative Risk Management practice.
Author: Marius Hofert [aut, cre], Kurt Hornik [aut]
Maintainer: Marius Hofert <marius.hofert@uwaterloo.ca>

Diff between qrmtools versions 0.0-1 dated 2015-05-19 and 0.0-3 dated 2015-11-10

 qrmtools-0.0-1/qrmtools/R/device.R           |only
 qrmtools-0.0-1/qrmtools/R/worst_VaR.R        |only
 qrmtools-0.0-1/qrmtools/demo                 |only
 qrmtools-0.0-1/qrmtools/man/device.Rd        |only
 qrmtools-0.0-1/qrmtools/man/worst_VaR.Rd     |only
 qrmtools-0.0-1/qrmtools/src/worst_VaR.c      |only
 qrmtools-0.0-1/qrmtools/src/worst_VaR.h      |only
 qrmtools-0.0-3/qrmtools/DESCRIPTION          |   11 ++++---
 qrmtools-0.0-3/qrmtools/MD5                  |   38 +++++++++++++++++----------
 qrmtools-0.0-3/qrmtools/NAMESPACE            |   20 +++++++++-----
 qrmtools-0.0-3/qrmtools/R/GPD.R              |   18 ++++++++++++
 qrmtools-0.0-3/qrmtools/R/VaR_bounds.R       |only
 qrmtools-0.0-3/qrmtools/R/risk_measures.R    |only
 qrmtools-0.0-3/qrmtools/TODO                 |    5 +--
 qrmtools-0.0-3/qrmtools/build                |only
 qrmtools-0.0-3/qrmtools/inst                 |only
 qrmtools-0.0-3/qrmtools/man/VaR_bounds.Rd    |only
 qrmtools-0.0-3/qrmtools/man/risk_measures.Rd |only
 qrmtools-0.0-3/qrmtools/src/VaR_bounds.c     |only
 qrmtools-0.0-3/qrmtools/src/VaR_bounds.h     |only
 qrmtools-0.0-3/qrmtools/src/init.c           |    9 +++---
 qrmtools-0.0-3/qrmtools/vignettes            |only
 22 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

More information about qrmtools at CRAN
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Package popbio updated to version 2.4.2 with previous version 2.4 dated 2012-03-20

Title: Construction and Analysis of Matrix Population Models
Description: Construct and analyze projection matrix models from a demography study of marked individuals classified by age or stage. The package covers methods described in Matrix Population Models by Caswell (2001) and Quantitative Conservation Biology by Morris and Doak (2002).
Author: Chris Stubben, Brook Milligan, Patrick Nantel
Maintainer: Chris Stubben <stubben@lanl.gov>

Diff between popbio versions 2.4 dated 2012-03-20 and 2.4.2 dated 2015-11-10

 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/DESCRIPTION            |   21 +++++------
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/MD5                    |   52 +++++++++++++++--------------
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/NAMESPACE              |   14 ++++++-
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/R/QPmat.R              |   19 ++++++----
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/R/logi.hist.plot.R     |    2 -
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/R/secder.R             |only
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/R/stoch.sens.R         |only
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/data/grizzly.rda       |binary
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/data/hudsonia.rda      |binary
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/data/hudvrs.rda        |binary
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/data/nematode.rda      |binary
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/data/teasel.rda        |binary
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/data/tortoise.rda      |binary
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/data/whale.rda         |binary
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/data/woodpecker.rda    |binary
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/inst/ChangeLog         |   13 ++++++-
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/man/02Caswell.Rd       |   41 +++++++++++-----------
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/man/LTRE.Rd            |    6 ++-
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/man/QPmat.Rd           |   14 ++++---
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/man/betaval.Rd         |    9 +----
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/man/eigen.analysis.Rd  |   12 ++----
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/man/hudcorrs.Rd        |    5 +-
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/man/hudmxdef.Rd        |    4 +-
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/man/pfister.plot.Rd    |   15 +++++---
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/man/secder.Rd          |only
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/man/stoch.quasi.ext.Rd |    6 +--
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/man/stoch.sens.Rd      |only
 popbio-2.4.2/popbio/man/vitalsim.Rd        |   18 +++++-----
 popbio-2.4/popbio/R/colorguide.R           |only
 popbio-2.4/popbio/man/colorguide.Rd        |only
 30 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-)

More information about popbio at CRAN
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Package OPI updated to version 2.3 with previous version 2.1 dated 2014-12-21

Title: Open Perimetry Interface
Description: Implementation of the Open Perimetry Interface (OPI) for simulating and controlling visual field machines using R. The OPI is a standard for interfacing with visual field testing machines (perimeters). It specifies basic functions that allow many visual field tests to be constructed. As of February 2015 it is fully implemented on the Octopus 600 and Octopus 900 and partially on the Heidelberg Edge Perimeter and the Kowa AP 7000. It also has a cousin: the R package visualFields, which has tools for analysing and manipulating visual field data.
Author: Andrew Turpin, David Lawson, Matthias Muller
Maintainer: Andrew Turpin <aturpin@unimelb.edu.au>

Diff between OPI versions 2.1 dated 2014-12-21 and 2.3 dated 2015-11-10

 ChangeLog                  |   10 +
 DESCRIPTION                |   12 -
 MD5                        |   30 ++--
 NAMESPACE                  |    6 
 R/kowaAP7000Client.r       |  294 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 R/octopus900Client.r       |  198 ++++++++++++++++--------------
 R/opi.r                    |    8 +
 man/chooseOpi.Rd           |    6 
 man/opiClose.Rd            |    2 
 man/opiInitialize.Rd       |   30 +++-
 man/opiKineticStimulus.Rd  |   21 ++-
 man/opiPresent.Rd          |   31 +++-
 man/opiQueryDevice.Rd      |   15 ++
 man/opiSetBackground.Rd    |   18 +-
 man/opiStaticStimulus.Rd   |   17 ++
 man/opiTemporalStimulus.Rd |    5 
 16 files changed, 459 insertions(+), 244 deletions(-)

More information about OPI at CRAN
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Package ncdf4 updated to version 1.14 with previous version 1.13 dated 2014-09-16

Title: Interface to Unidata netCDF (Version 4 or Earlier) Format Data Files
Description: Provides a high-level R interface to data files written using Unidata's netCDF library (version 4 or earlier), which are binary data files that are portable across platforms and include metadata information in addition to the data sets. Using this package, netCDF files (either version 4 or "classic" version 3) can be opened and data sets read in easily. It is also easy to create new netCDF dimensions, variables, and files, in either version 3 or 4 format, and manipulate existing netCDF files. This package replaces the former ncdf package, which only worked with netcdf version 3 files. For various reasons the names of the functions have had to be changed from the names in the ncdf package. The old ncdf package is still available at the URL given below, if you need to have backward compatibility. It should be possible to have both the ncdf and ncdf4 packages installed simultaneously without a problem. However, the ncdf package does not provide an interface for netcdf version 4 files.
Author: David Pierce <dpierce@ucsd.edu>
Maintainer: David Pierce <dpierce@ucsd.edu>

Diff between ncdf4 versions 1.13 dated 2014-09-16 and 1.14 dated 2015-11-10

 ncdf4-1.13/ncdf4/tools/configure.in            |only
 ncdf4-1.14/ncdf4/DESCRIPTION                   |   16 
 ncdf4-1.14/ncdf4/MD5                           |   24 
 ncdf4-1.14/ncdf4/R/ncdf4.R                     |    2 
 ncdf4-1.14/ncdf4/R/ncdf4_priv_var.R            |    5 
 ncdf4-1.14/ncdf4/configure                     | 1044 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 ncdf4-1.14/ncdf4/tools/autom4te.cache/output.0 | 1020 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ncdf4-1.14/ncdf4/tools/autom4te.cache/output.1 | 1020 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ncdf4-1.14/ncdf4/tools/autom4te.cache/output.2 |only
 ncdf4-1.14/ncdf4/tools/autom4te.cache/output.3 |only
 ncdf4-1.14/ncdf4/tools/autom4te.cache/requests |   93 ++
 ncdf4-1.14/ncdf4/tools/autom4te.cache/traces.0 |   16 
 ncdf4-1.14/ncdf4/tools/autom4te.cache/traces.1 |   48 +
 ncdf4-1.14/ncdf4/tools/autom4te.cache/traces.2 |only
 ncdf4-1.14/ncdf4/tools/autom4te.cache/traces.3 |only
 ncdf4-1.14/ncdf4/tools/configure.ac            |only
 16 files changed, 3253 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

More information about ncdf4 at CRAN
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New package instaR with initial version 0.2.2
Package: instaR
Title: Access to Instagram API via R
Description: Provides an interface to the Instagram API <https://instagram.com/developer/>, which allows R users to download public pictures filtered by hashtag, popularity, user or location, and to access public users' profile data.
Version: 0.2.2
Date: 2015-11-09
Author: Pablo Barbera [aut, cre], Tiago Dantas [ctb], Jonne Guyt [ctb]
Maintainer: Pablo Barbera <pablo.barbera@nyu.edu>
URL: https://github.com/pablobarbera/instaR
BugReports: https://github.com/pablobarbera/instaR/issues
Depends: R (>= 2.12.0), httr, rjson
License: GPL-2
Collate: 'getFollowers.R' 'getFollows.R' 'getUser.R' 'getUserMedia.R' 'instaOAuth.R' 'searchInstagram.R' 'utils.R' 'getTagCount.R' 'getComments.R' 'getLikes.R' 'getPopular.R' 'getLocation.R'
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2015-11-10 00:31:03 UTC; pablobarbera
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-11-10 09:41:27

More information about instaR at CRAN
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New package FastKM with initial version 1.0
Package: FastKM
Type: Package
Title: A Fast Multiple-Kernel Method Based on a Low-Rank Approximation
Version: 1.0
Date: 2015-10-26
Author: Rachel Marceau, Wenbin Lu, Michele M. Sale, Bradford B. Worrall, Stephen R. Williams, Fang-Chi Hsu, Jung-Ying Tzeng, and Shannon T. Holloway
Maintainer: Shannon T. Holloway <sthollow@ncsu.edu>
Description: A computationally efficient and statistically rigorous fast Kernel Machine method for multi-kernel analysis. The approach is based on a low-rank approximation to the nuisance effect kernel matrices. The algorithm is applicable to continuous, binary, and survival traits and is implemented using the existing single-kernel analysis software 'SKAT' and 'coxKM'. 'coxKM' can be obtained from http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/xlin/software.html.
License: GPL-2
Depends: rARPACK, stats, methods
Suggests: coxKM, SKAT, survival
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2015-11-09 20:59:20 UTC; sthollow
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-11-10 11:08:14

More information about FastKM at CRAN
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Package epandist updated to version 1.0.2 with previous version 1.0.1 dated 2015-10-01

Title: Statistical Functions for the Censored and Uncensored Epanechnikov Distribution
Description: Analyzing censored variables usually requires the use of optimization algorithms. This package provides an alternative algebraic approach to the task of determining the expected value of a random censored variable with a known censoring point. Likewise this approach allows for the determination of the censoring point if the expected value is known. These results are derived under the assumption that the variable follows an Epanechnikov kernel distribution with known mean and range prior to censoring. Statistical functions related to the uncensored Epanechnikov distribution are also provided by this package.
Author: Mathias Borritz Milfeldt [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Mathias Borritz Milfeldt <mathias@milfeldt.dk>

Diff between epandist versions 1.0.1 dated 2015-10-01 and 1.0.2 dated 2015-11-10

 DESCRIPTION                     |    6 +++---
 MD5                             |   34 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 NAMESPACE                       |    2 +-
 R/cepan.R                       |   22 ++++++++++++++--------
 R/depan.R                       |   11 +++++++++--
 R/evepan.R                      |   17 ++++++++++++++++-
 R/pepan.R                       |   13 ++++++++++++-
 R/qepan.R                       |   11 +++++++++--
 R/repan.R                       |    3 ++-
 inst/doc/Vignette_epandist.Rmd  |    2 +-
 inst/doc/Vignette_epandist.html |   13 ++++++-------
 man/cepan.Rd                    |    7 ++++++-
 man/depan.Rd                    |   11 +++++++++--
 man/evepan.Rd                   |   17 ++++++++++++++++-
 man/pepan.Rd                    |   13 ++++++++++++-
 man/qepan.Rd                    |    9 ++++++++-
 man/repan.Rd                    |    3 ++-
 vignettes/Vignette_epandist.Rmd |    2 +-
 18 files changed, 144 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

More information about epandist at CRAN
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Package BIGDAWG updated to version 1.2.1 with previous version 1.1.1 dated 2015-10-29

Title: Case-Control Analysis of Multi-Allelic Loci
Description: Data sets and functions for chi-squared Hardy-Weinberg and case- control association tests of highly polymorphic genetic data [e.g., human leukocyte antigen (HLA) data]. Performs association tests at multiple levels of polymorphism (haplotype, locus and HLA amino-acids). Combines rare variants to a common class to account for sparse cells in tables as described by Hollenbach JA, Mack SJ, Thomson G, Gourraud PA. 'Analytical methods for disease association studies with immunogenetic data.' Methods Mol Biol. 2012;882:245-66.
Author: Derek Pappas <dpappas@chori.org>, Steve Mack <sjmack@chori.org>, Jill Hollenbach <Jill.Hollenbach@ucsf.edu>
Maintainer: Steve Mack <sjmack@chori.org>

Diff between BIGDAWG versions 1.1.1 dated 2015-10-29 and 1.2.1 dated 2015-11-10

 DESCRIPTION                |   20 +-
 MD5                        |   87 +++++-----
 NEWS                       |only
 R/BIGDAWG.R                |   99 ++++++-----
 R/HWE.R                    |  156 +++++++++---------
 R/check_functions.R        |  374 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 R/general_functions.R      |  327 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 R/sysdata.rda              |binary
 build/vignette.rds         |binary
 inst/doc/BIGDAWG.Rmd       |  312 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 inst/doc/BIGDAWG.html      |  382 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 man/A.Rd                   |   64 +++----
 man/AA.df.check.Rd         |   36 ++--
 man/AAtable.builder.Rd     |   40 ++--
 man/AlignObj.Create.Rd     |   44 ++---
 man/AlignObj.Update.Rd     |   44 ++---
 man/AlignmentFilter.Rd     |   44 ++---
 man/BIGDAWG.Rd             |  108 ++++++------
 man/CheckAlleles.Rd        |   48 ++---
 man/CheckHLA.Rd            |   36 ++--
 man/CheckLoci.Rd           |   40 ++--
 man/EVSremoval.Rd          |   40 ++--
 man/ExonPtnAlign.Create.Rd |   40 ++--
 man/ExonPtnList.Rd         |   30 +--
 man/GetField.Rd            |   40 ++--
 man/GetFiles.Rd            |   36 ++--
 man/H.Rd                   |   40 ++--
 man/HLA_data.Rd            |   30 +--
 man/HWEChiSq.Rd            |   40 ++--
 man/L.Rd                   |   56 +++---
 man/PgrpExtract.Rd         |   40 ++--
 man/PgrpFormat.Rd          |   40 ++--
 man/PreCheck.Rd            |   48 ++---
 man/RunChiSq.Rd            |   36 ++--
 man/TableMaker.Rd          |   36 ++--
 man/UpdateRelease.Rd       |   44 ++---
 man/cci.Rd                 |  100 +++++------
 man/cci.pval.Rd            |   36 ++--
 man/cci.pval.list.Rd       |   36 ++--
 man/getCS.Mat.Rd           |   48 ++---
 man/getObsFreq.Rd          |   40 ++--
 man/make2x2.Rd             |   48 ++---
 man/makeComb.Rd            |   36 ++--
 man/rmABstrings.Rd         |   36 ++--
 vignettes/BIGDAWG.Rmd      |  312 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 45 files changed, 1792 insertions(+), 1757 deletions(-)

More information about BIGDAWG at CRAN
Permanent link

Package BAMMtools updated to version 2.1.0 with previous version 2.0.6 dated 2015-09-11

Title: Analysis and Visualization of Macroevolutionary Dynamics on Phylogenetic Trees
Description: Provides functions for analyzing and visualizing complex macroevolutionary dynamics on phylogenetic trees. It is a companion package to the command line program BAMM (Bayesian Analysis of Macroevolutionary Mixtures) and is entirely oriented towards the analysis, interpretation, and visualization of evolutionary rates. Functionality includes visualization of rate shifts on phylogenies, estimating evolutionary rates through time, comparing posterior distributions of evolutionary rates across clades, comparing diversification models using Bayes factors, and more.
Author: Dan Rabosky, Mike Grundler, Pascal Title, Carlos Anderson, Jeff Shi, Joseph Brown, Huateng Huang, Jon Mitchell
Maintainer: Pascal Title <ptitle@umich.edu>

Diff between BAMMtools versions 2.0.6 dated 2015-09-11 and 2.1.0 dated 2015-11-10

 BAMMtools-2.0.6/BAMMtools/R/BAMMtools-internal.R             |only
 BAMMtools-2.0.6/BAMMtools/R/as.phylo.branchprior.R           |only
 BAMMtools-2.0.6/BAMMtools/R/bayesFactorBranches.R            |only
 BAMMtools-2.0.6/BAMMtools/R/print.branchprior.R              |only
 BAMMtools-2.0.6/BAMMtools/R/summary.branchprior.R            |only
 BAMMtools-2.0.6/BAMMtools/data/prior.primates.rda            |only
 BAMMtools-2.0.6/BAMMtools/data/prior.whales.rda              |only
 BAMMtools-2.0.6/BAMMtools/man/bayesFactorBranches.Rd         |only
 BAMMtools-2.0.6/BAMMtools/man/summary.branchprior.Rd         |only
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/DESCRIPTION                        |   12 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/MD5                                |  134 +++----
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/NAMESPACE                          |   85 ++++
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/R/BAMMlikelihood.R                 |only
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/R/addBAMMlegend.R                  |  208 +++++++++--
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/R/assignColorBreaks.R              |    2 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/R/computeBayesFactors.R            |   67 +--
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/R/credibleShiftSet.R               |   24 -
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/R/distinctShiftConfigurations.R    |   36 -
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/R/generateControlFile.R            |only
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/R/getBestShiftConfiguration.R      |    8 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/R/getBranchShiftPriors.R           |   32 -
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/R/getCladeRates.R                  |   16 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/R/getEventData.R                   |    4 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/R/getJenksBreaks.R                 |    5 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/R/marginalOddsRatioBranches.R      |only
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/R/plot.bammdata.R                  |   32 +
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/R/plotPrior.R                      |only
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/R/ratesHistogram.R                 |only
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/R/setBAMMpriors.R                  |   19 -
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/data/events.fishes.rda             |binary
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/data/events.primates.rda           |binary
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/data/events.whales.rda             |binary
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/data/fishes.rda                    |binary
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/data/mass.primates.rda             |binary
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/data/mcmc.primates.rda             |binary
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/data/mcmc.whales.rda               |binary
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/data/primates.rda                  |binary
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/data/traits.fishes.rda             |binary
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/data/whales.rda                    |binary
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/inst/CITATION                      |    2 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/BAMMlikelihood.Rd              |only
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/BAMMtools-data.Rd              |    6 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/BAMMtools-internal.Rd          |   14 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/BAMMtools-package.Rd           |    6 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/ShiftProbsTree.Rd              |    2 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/addBAMMlegend.Rd               |   78 +++-
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/addBAMMshifts.Rd               |    2 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/assignColorBreaks.Rd           |    2 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/cohorts.Rd                     |    2 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/computeBayesFactors.Rd         |   19 -
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/credibleShiftSet.Rd            |   30 -
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/distinctShiftConfigurations.Rd |   38 +-
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/dtRates.Rd                     |    2 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/generateControlFile.Rd         |only
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/getBestShiftConfiguration.Rd   |   23 -
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/getBranchShiftPriors.Rd        |   52 --
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/getCladeRates.Rd               |   12 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/getCohortMatrix.Rd             |    7 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/getEventData.Rd                |    7 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/getJenksBreaks.Rd              |    2 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/getMeanBranchLengthTree.Rd     |    2 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/getShiftNodesFromIndex.Rd      |    2 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/getTipRates.Rd                 |    2 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/marginalOddsRatioBranches.Rd   |only
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/maximumShiftCredibility.Rd     |    5 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/plot.bammdata.Rd               |   15 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/plot.bammshifts.Rd             |   17 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/plot.credibleshiftset.Rd       |    7 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/plotPrior.Rd                   |only
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/ratesHistogram.Rd              |only
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/setBAMMpriors.Rd               |   19 -
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/speciesByRatesMatrix.Rd        |    2 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/subsetEventData.Rd             |    2 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/subtreeBAMM.Rd                 |    2 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/summary.credibleshiftset.Rd    |   11 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/testTimeVariableBranches.Rd    |    3 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/traitDependentBAMM.Rd          |    6 
 BAMMtools-2.1.0/BAMMtools/man/transparentColor.Rd            |only
 78 files changed, 642 insertions(+), 443 deletions(-)

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Built and running on Debian GNU/Linux using R, littler and blosxom. Styled with Bootstrap.