Tue, 08 Dec 2015

Package texreg updated to version 1.36 with previous version 1.35 dated 2015-04-28

Title: Conversion of R Regression Output to LaTeX or HTML Tables
Description: Converts coefficients, standard errors, significance stars, and goodness-of-fit statistics of statistical models into LaTeX tables or HTML tables/MS Word documents or to nicely formatted screen output for the R console for easy model comparison. A list of several models can be combined in a single table. The output is highly customizable. New model types can be easily implemented.
Author: Philip Leifeld
Maintainer: Philip Leifeld <philip.leifeld@eawag.ch>

Diff between texreg versions 1.35 dated 2015-04-28 and 1.36 dated 2015-12-08

 DESCRIPTION          |   29 +-
 MD5                  |   26 -
 NAMESPACE            |    9 
 R/classDefinition.R  |    5 
 R/extract.R          |  736 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 R/internal.R         |  154 ++++++++++
 R/texreg.R           |  141 ++++++---
 build/vignette.rds   |binary
 inst/doc/v55i08.R    |   46 +--
 inst/doc/v55i08.Rnw  |   52 ++-
 inst/doc/v55i08.pdf  |binary
 man/extract.Rd       |   86 +++++
 man/texreg.Rd        |   35 +-
 vignettes/v55i08.Rnw |   52 ++-
 14 files changed, 1048 insertions(+), 323 deletions(-)

More information about texreg at CRAN
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New package svglite with initial version 1.0.0
Package: svglite
Version: 1.0.0
Title: A SVG Graphics Device
Description: A graphics device for R that produces 'Scalable Vector Graphics'. 'svglite' is a fork of the older 'RSvgDevice' package.
Authors@R: c( person("Hadley", "Wickham", , "hadley@rstudio.com", c("aut", "cre")), person("T Jake", "Luciani", , "jake@apache.org", "aut"), person("Matthieu", "Decorde", , "matthieu.decorde@ens-lyon.fr", "aut"), person("Vaudor", "Lise", , "lise.vaudor@ens-lyon.fr", "aut"), person("Tony", "Plate", role = "ctb", comment = "Early line dashing code"), person("David", "Gohel", role = "ctb", comment = "Line dashing code and raster code"), person("Yixuan", "Qiu", role = "ctb", comment = "Improved styles; polypath implementation"), person("Håkon", "Malmedal", role = "ctb", comment = "Opacity code"), person("RStudio", role = "cph") )
Encoding: UTF-8
Depends: R (>= 3.0.0)
Imports: Rcpp, gdtools
LinkingTo: Rcpp, gdtools
Suggests: htmltools, testthat, xml2
License: GPL (>= 2)
URL: https://github.com/hadley/svglite
BugReports: https://github.com/hadley/svglite/issues
RoxygenNote: 5.0.0
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2015-12-08 23:24:16 UTC; hadley
Author: Hadley Wickham [aut, cre], T Jake Luciani [aut], Matthieu Decorde [aut], Vaudor Lise [aut], Tony Plate [ctb] (Early line dashing code), David Gohel [ctb] (Line dashing code and raster code), Yixuan Qiu [ctb] (Improved styles; polypath implementation), Håkon Malmedal [ctb] (Opacity code), RStudio [cph]
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <hadley@rstudio.com>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-12-09 00:34:24

More information about svglite at CRAN
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Package repolr updated to version 3.1 with previous version 2.0 dated 2013-04-19

Title: Repeated Measures Proportional Odds Logistic Regression
Description: Fits linear models to repeated ordinal scores using GEE methodology.
Author: Nick Parsons
Maintainer: Nick Parsons <nick.parsons@warwick.ac.uk>

Diff between repolr versions 2.0 dated 2013-04-19 and 3.1 dated 2015-12-08

 repolr-2.0/repolr/R/grepolr.R              |only
 repolr-2.0/repolr/R/srepolr.R              |only
 repolr-2.0/repolr/R/summary.gee.R          |only
 repolr-2.0/repolr/data/HHSpain.rda         |only
 repolr-2.0/repolr/data/QoL.rda             |only
 repolr-2.0/repolr/data/achilles.rda        |only
 repolr-2.0/repolr/man/grepolr.Rd           |only
 repolr-2.0/repolr/man/srepolr.Rd           |only
 repolr-2.0/repolr/man/summary.gee.Rd       |only
 repolr-3.1/repolr/DESCRIPTION              |   20 
 repolr-3.1/repolr/MD5                      |   51 +
 repolr-3.1/repolr/NAMESPACE                |   23 
 repolr-3.1/repolr/R/QIC.R                  |   17 
 repolr-3.1/repolr/R/RcppExports.R          |only
 repolr-3.1/repolr/R/ord.expand.R           |   85 ++
 repolr-3.1/repolr/R/polycuts.R             |   68 ++
 repolr-3.1/repolr/R/print.repolr.R         |only
 repolr-3.1/repolr/R/print.summary.repolr.R |only
 repolr-3.1/repolr/R/repolr.R               |  872 +++++------------------------
 repolr-3.1/repolr/R/summary.repolr.R       |only
 repolr-3.1/repolr/data/HHSpain.txt.gz      |only
 repolr-3.1/repolr/data/QoL.txt.gz          |only
 repolr-3.1/repolr/data/achilles.txt.gz     |only
 repolr-3.1/repolr/data/begonia.txt.gz      |only
 repolr-3.1/repolr/data/mobility.txt.gz     |only
 repolr-3.1/repolr/man/QIC.Rd               |   30 
 repolr-3.1/repolr/man/begonia.Rd           |only
 repolr-3.1/repolr/man/mobility.Rd          |only
 repolr-3.1/repolr/man/ord.expand.Rd        |   13 
 repolr-3.1/repolr/man/polycuts.Rd          |   35 -
 repolr-3.1/repolr/man/repolr-package.Rd    |  108 ++-
 repolr-3.1/repolr/man/summary.repolr.Rd    |only
 repolr-3.1/repolr/src                      |only
 33 files changed, 468 insertions(+), 854 deletions(-)

More information about repolr at CRAN
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New package rmdformats with initial version 0.1
Package: rmdformats
Maintainer: Julien Barnier <julien.barnier@ens-lyon.fr>
Authors@R: c(person("Julien", "Barnier", email="julien.barnier@ens-lyon.fr", role=c("aut","cre")))
Version: 0.1
Date: 2015-12-04
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
Title: HTML Output Formats and Templates for 'rmarkdown' Documents
Description: HTML formats and templates for 'rmarkdown' documents, with some extra features such as automatic table of contents, lightboxed figures, dynamic crosstab helper.
Imports: knitr, rmarkdown, htmltools, questionr
URL: https://github.com/juba/rmdformats
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2015-12-08 21:58:49 UTC; julien
Author: Julien Barnier [aut, cre]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-12-09 00:34:12

More information about rmdformats at CRAN
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New package REndo with initial version 1.0
Package: REndo
Type: Package
Title: Fitting Linear Models with Endogenous Regressors when No External Instruments are Available
Version: 1.0
Date: 2015-12-01
Author: Raluca Gui, Markus Meierer, Rene Algesheimer
Maintainer: Raluca Gui <raluca.gui@business.uzh.ch>
Description: Fits linear models with endogenous regressors using Internal Instrumental Variables (IIV) methods. These are statistical techniques to correct for endogeneity when no strong, valid external instrumental variables are available. The first version of the package offers two methods, the Latent Instrumental Variables (Ebbes et al., 2005) and Lewbel's higher moments approach (Lewbel, 1997). In a second version of the package, two other methods will be added, joint estimation using copulas (Park and Gupta, 2012) and multilevel GMM (Kim and Frees, 2007).
Imports: stats,optimx,mvtnorm,AER,e1071,utils,methods
License: GPL-3
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2015-12-08 22:55:12 UTC; raluca
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-12-09 00:21:19

More information about REndo at CRAN
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New package rbvs with initial version 1.0
Package: rbvs
Type: Package
Title: Ranking-Based Variable Selection
Version: 1.0
Date: 2015-12-08
Author: Rafal Baranowski, Patrick Breheny, Isaac Turner
Maintainer: Rafal Baranowski <r.baranowski@lse.ac.uk>
Depends: stats
Description: Implements the Ranking-Based Variable Selection algorithm for variable selection in high-dimensional data.
License: GPL (>= 2)
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2015-12-08 16:20:15 UTC; rafal
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-12-09 00:15:40

More information about rbvs at CRAN
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New package NetPreProc with initial version 1.1
Package: NetPreProc
Type: Package
Title: Network Pre-Processing and Normalization
Version: 1.1
Date: 2015-12-08
Author: Giorgio Valentini, Matteo Re -- Universita' degli Studi di Milano
Maintainer: Giorgio Valentini<valentini@di.unimi.it>
Description: Package for the pre-processing and normalization of graphs.
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad: yes
Depends: methods
Imports: graph
Suggests: bionetdata
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2015-12-08 16:08:14 UTC; valenti
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-12-09 00:19:58

More information about NetPreProc at CRAN
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New package mixpack with initial version 0.3.4
Package: mixpack
Encoding: UTF-8
Title: Tools to Work with Mixture Components
Version: 0.3.4
Date: 2015-12-06
Authors@R: c(person("Marc", "Comas-Cufí", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "mcomas@imae.udg.edu"), person("Josep Antoni", "Martín-Fernández", role = "aut"), person("Glòria", "Mateu-Figueras", role = "aut"))
URL: http://mcomas.net/software/mixpack
Description: A collection of tools implemented to facilitate the analysis of the components of a finite mixture distributions. The package has some functions to generate random samples coming from a finite mixture. The package provides a C++ implementation for the construction of a hierarchy over the components of a given finite mixture.
Depends: R (>= 3.0.2)
Imports: Rcpp (>= 0.11.5), mvtnorm, methods, stats
LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
Suggests: mclust, Rmixmod, knitr
License: GPL
LazyData: true
NeedsCompilation: yes
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
Packaged: 2015-12-08 14:29:55 UTC; marc
Author: Marc Comas-Cufí [aut, cre], Josep Antoni Martín-Fernández [aut], Glòria Mateu-Figueras [aut]
Maintainer: Marc Comas-Cufí <mcomas@imae.udg.edu>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-12-08 23:37:46

More information about mixpack at CRAN
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Package frailtypack updated to version 2.8.2 with previous version 2.8.1 dated 2015-11-21

Title: General Frailty Models: Shared, Joint and Nested Frailty Models with Prediction
Description: The following several classes of frailty models using a penalized likelihood estimation on the hazard function but also a parametric estimation can be fit using this R package: 1) A shared frailty model (with gamma or log-normal frailty distribution) and Cox proportional hazard model. Clustered and recurrent survival times can be studied. 2) Additive frailty models for proportional hazard models with two correlated random effects (intercept random effect with random slope). 3) Nested frailty models for hierarchically clustered data (with 2 levels of clustering) by including two iid gamma random effects. 4) Joint frailty models in the context of joint modelling for recurrent events with terminal event for clustered data or not. A joint frailty model for two semi-competing risks and clustered data is also proposed. 5) Joint general frailty models in the context of a joint modelling for recurrent events with terminal event data with two independent frailty terms. 6) Multivariate joint frailty models for two types of recurrent events and a terminal event. 7) Joint models for longitudinal data and a terminal event. 8) Trivariate joint models for longitudinal data, recurrent events and a terminal event. Prediction values are available. Left-truncated (not for Joint model), right-censored data, interval-censored data (only for Cox proportional hazard and shared frailty model) and strata are allowed. In each model, the random effects have the gamma or normal distribution. Now, you can also consider time-varying covariates effects in Cox, shared and joint frailty models (1-5). The package includes concordance measures for Cox proportional hazards models and for shared frailty models.
Author: Virginie Rondeau, Juan R. Gonzalez, Yassin Mazroui, Audrey Mauguen, Agnieszka Krol, Amadou Diakite and Alexandre Laurent
Maintainer: Virginie Rondeau <Virginie.Rondeau@isped.u-bordeaux2.fr>

Diff between frailtypack versions 2.8.1 dated 2015-11-21 and 2.8.2 dated 2015-12-08

 frailtypack-2.8.1/frailtypack/src/epoce.f90                 |only
 frailtypack-2.8.1/frailtypack/src/epoce_log.f90             |only
 frailtypack-2.8.1/frailtypack/vignettes/vignette.Rmd        |only
 frailtypack-2.8.2/frailtypack/DESCRIPTION                   |   10 +++--
 frailtypack-2.8.2/frailtypack/MD5                           |   23 ++++++------
 frailtypack-2.8.2/frailtypack/NEWS                          |    6 +++
 frailtypack-2.8.2/frailtypack/R/longiPenal.R                |    3 +
 frailtypack-2.8.2/frailtypack/R/prediction.R                |    5 +-
 frailtypack-2.8.2/frailtypack/build                         |only
 frailtypack-2.8.2/frailtypack/inst/doc                      |only
 frailtypack-2.8.2/frailtypack/man/frailtypack-package.Rd    |    2 -
 frailtypack-2.8.2/frailtypack/man/trivPenal.Rd              |    2 -
 frailtypack-2.8.2/frailtypack/src/aaOptim.f90               |   15 +++++--
 frailtypack-2.8.2/frailtypack/src/prediction_tri.f90        |   22 +++++------
 frailtypack-2.8.2/frailtypack/vignettes/Package_summary.Rmd |only
 15 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

More information about frailtypack at CRAN
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Package darch updated to version 0.10.0 with previous version 0.9.1 dated 2014-03-16

Title: Package for Deep Architectures and Restricted Boltzmann Machines
Description: The darch package is built on the basis of the code from G. E. Hinton and R. R. Salakhutdinov (available under Matlab Code for deep belief nets). This package is for generating neural networks with many layers (deep architectures) and train them with the method introduced by the publications "A fast learning algorithm for deep belief nets" (G. E. Hinton, S. Osindero, Y. W. Teh; doi: 10.1162/neco.2006.18.7.1527) and "Reducing the dimensionality of data with neural networks" (G. E. Hinton, R. R. Salakhutdinov; doi: 10.1126/science.1127647). This method includes a pre training with the contrastive divergence method published by G.E Hinton (2002; doi: 10.1162/089976602760128018) and a fine tuning with common known training algorithms like backpropagation or conjugate gradients. Additionally, supervised fine-tuning can be enhanced with maxout and dropout, two recently developed techniques to improve fine-tuning for deep learning.
Author: Martin Drees [aut, cre], Johannes Rueckert [ctb], Geoffrey Hinton [cph], Ruslan Salakhutdinov [cph], Carl Edward Rasmussen [cph],
Maintainer: Martin Drees <mdrees@stud.fh-dortmund.de>

Diff between darch versions 0.9.1 dated 2014-03-16 and 0.10.0 dated 2015-12-08

 darch-0.10.0/darch/DESCRIPTION                                             |   65 -
 darch-0.10.0/darch/LICENSE                                                 |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/MD5                                                     |  394 ++++---
 darch-0.10.0/darch/NAMESPACE                                               |   67 +
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/backpropagation.R                                     |  181 +--
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/darch.Add.R                                           |  108 +-
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/darch.Getter.R                                        |  533 ++++++----
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/darch.Learn.R                                         |  404 ++++---
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/darch.R                                               |  116 +-
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/darch.Remove.R                                        |   19 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/darch.Reset.R                                         |   22 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/darch.Setter.R                                        |  180 +++
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/darchUnitFunctions.R                                  |  345 +++---
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/dataset.R                                             |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/dropout.R                                             |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/errorFunctions.R                                      |   55 -
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/generateRBMs.R                                        |   23 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/generateWeights.R                                     |   18 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/interface.R                                           |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/loadDArch.R                                           |   21 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/loadRBM.R                                             |   19 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/loadRBMFFWeights.R                                    |   21 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/makeStartEndPoints.R                                  |   19 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/minimize.R                                            |   78 -
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/minimizeAutoencoder.R                                 |   42 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/minimizeClassifier.R                                  |   49 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/mnist.R                                               |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/net.Getter.R                                          |   94 +
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/net.R                                                 |   66 -
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/net.Setter.R                                          |   93 +
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/newDArch.R                                            |   26 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/newRBM.R                                              |   17 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/rbm.Getter.R                                          |   31 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/rbm.Learn.R                                           |  146 +-
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/rbm.R                                                 |  145 +-
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/rbm.Reset.R                                           |   17 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/rbm.Setter.R                                          |   45 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/rbmUnitFunctions.R                                    |   61 -
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/rbmUpdate.R                                           |   26 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/rpropagation.R                                        |  128 +-
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/runDArch.R                                            |   32 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/saveDArch.R                                           |   35 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/saveRBM.R                                             |   23 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/R/saveRBMFFWeights.R                                    |   21 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/README                                                  |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/inst                                                    |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/DArch-class.Rd                                      |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/DataSet-class.Rd                                    |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/Net-class.Rd                                        |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/RBM-class.Rd                                        |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/addExecOutput-DArch-method.Rd                       |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/addExecOutput.Rd                                    |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/addLayer-DArch-method.Rd                            |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/addLayer.Rd                                         |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/addLayerField-DArch-method.Rd                       |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/addLayerField.Rd                                    |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/applyDropoutMask.Rd                                 |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/backpropagation.Rd                                  |   52 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/binSigmoidUnit.Rd                                   |   37 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/createDataSet-ANY-ANY-missing-DataSet-method.Rd     |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/createDataSet-ANY-ANY-missing-missing-method.Rd     |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/createDataSet-ANY-missing-formula-missing-method.Rd |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/createDataSet.Rd                                    |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/crossEntropyError.Rd                                |   18 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/darch.DataSet.Rd                                    |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/darch.Rd                                            |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/darch.default.Rd                                    |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/darch.formula.Rd                                    |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/fineTuneDArch-DArch-method.Rd                       |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/fineTuneDArch.Rd                                    |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/generateDropoutMask.Rd                              |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/generateRBMs-methods.Rd                             |   21 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/generateWeights.Rd                                  |   13 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getBatchSize-methods.Rd                             |    4 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getCancel-DArch-method.Rd                           |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getCancel.Rd                                        |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getCancelMessage-DArch-method.Rd                    |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getCancelMessage.Rd                                 |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getDropoutHiddenLayers-DArch-method.Rd              |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getDropoutHiddenLayers.Rd                           |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getDropoutInputLayer-DArch-method.Rd                |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getDropoutInputLayer.Rd                             |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getDropoutMask-DArch-method.Rd                      |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getDropoutMask.Rd                                   |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getDropoutMasks-DArch-method.Rd                     |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getDropoutMasks.Rd                                  |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getDropoutOneMaskPerEpoch-DArch-method.Rd           |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getDropoutOneMaskPerEpoch.Rd                        |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getEpochs-Net-method.Rd                             |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getEpochs.Rd                                        |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getErrorFunction-methods.Rd                         |    4 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getExecOutput-DArch-method.Rd                       |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getExecOutput.Rd                                    |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getExecOutputs-DArch-method.Rd                      |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getExecOutputs.Rd                                   |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getExecuteFunction-DArch-method.Rd                  |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getExecuteFunction.Rd                               |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getFF-methods.Rd                                    |    4 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getFinalMomentum-methods.Rd                         |    4 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getFineTuneFunction-DArch-method.Rd                 |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getFineTuneFunction.Rd                              |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getGenWeightFunction-methods.Rd                     |    4 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getHiddenBiases-methods.Rd                          |    4 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getHiddenBiasesInc-methods.Rd                       |    7 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getHiddenUnitStates-methods.Rd                      |    4 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getInitialMomentum-Net-method.Rd                    |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getInitialMomentum.Rd                               |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getLayer-DArch-method.Rd                            |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getLayer.Rd                                         |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getLayerField-DArch-method.Rd                       |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getLayerField.Rd                                    |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getLayerFunction-DArch-method.Rd                    |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getLayerFunction.Rd                                 |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getLayerWeights-DArch-method.Rd                     |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getLayerWeights.Rd                                  |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getLayers-DArch-method.Rd                           |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getLayers.Rd                                        |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getLearnRateBiasHidden-methods.Rd                   |    4 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getLearnRateBiasVisible-methods.Rd                  |    4 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getLearnRateBiases-DArch-method.Rd                  |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getLearnRateBiases.Rd                               |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getLearnRateWeights-methods.Rd                      |    4 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getMomentum-methods.Rd                              |    8 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getMomentumSwitch-methods.Rd                        |    4 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getNormalizeWeights-Net-method.Rd                   |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getNormalizeWeights.Rd                              |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getNumHidden-methods.Rd                             |    4 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getNumVisible-methods.Rd                            |    7 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getOutput-methods.Rd                                |    4 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getPosPhaseData-methods.Rd                          |   10 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getRBMList-DArch-method.Rd                          |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getRBMList.Rd                                       |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getStats-methods.Rd                                 |   10 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getVisibleBiases-methods.Rd                         |    4 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getVisibleBiasesInc-methods.Rd                      |    7 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getVisibleUnitStates-methods.Rd                     |    4 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getWeightCost-methods.Rd                            |    4 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getWeightInc-methods.Rd                             |    4 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/getWeights-methods.Rd                               |    8 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/incrementEpochs-Net-method.Rd                       |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/incrementEpochs.Rd                                  |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/linearUnit.Rd                                       |   33 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/linearUnitDerivative.Rd                             |   37 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/linearUnitFunc.Rd                                   |   31 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/loadDArch.Rd                                        |   16 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/loadRBM.Rd                                          |   19 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/loadRBMFFWeights.Rd                                 |   18 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/makeStartEndPoints.Rd                               |   19 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/maxoutUnitDerivative.Rd                             |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/minimize.Rd                                         |   91 -
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/minimizeAutoencoder.Rd                              |   44 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/minimizeClassifier.Rd                               |   52 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/mseError.Rd                                         |   21 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/newDArch.Rd                                         |   27 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/newRBM.Rd                                           |   19 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/preTrainDArch-DArch-method.Rd                       |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/preTrainDArch.Rd                                    |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/predict.DArch.Rd                                    |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/print.DArch.Rd                                      |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/provideMNIST.Rd                                     |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/quadraticError.Rd                                   |   18 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/rbmUpdate.Rd                                        |   12 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/readMNIST.Rd                                        |   23 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/removeLayerField-methods.Rd                         |   11 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/resetDArch-methods.Rd                               |   18 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/resetExecOutput-methods.Rd                          |    9 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/resetRBM-methods.Rd                                 |    7 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/rpropagation.Rd                                     |  134 +-
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/runDArch.Rd                                         |   11 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/saveDArch-methods.Rd                                |   34 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/saveRBM-methods.Rd                                  |   20 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/saveRBMFFWeights-methods.Rd                         |   19 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setBatchSize-methods.Rd                             |    8 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setCancel-methods.Rd                                |   10 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setCancelMessage-methods.Rd                         |    9 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setDropoutHiddenLayers-methods.Rd                   |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setDropoutInputLayer-methods.Rd                     |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setDropoutMask-methods.Rd                           |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setDropoutMasks-methods.Rd                          |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setDropoutOneMaskPerEpoch-set-DArch-method.Rd       |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setDropoutOneMaskPerEpoch-set.Rd                    |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setErrorFunction-methods.Rd                         |    8 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setExecuteFunction-methods.Rd                       |    9 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setFF-methods.Rd                                    |   10 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setFinalMomentum-methods.Rd                         |    8 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setFineTuneFunction-methods.Rd                      |    9 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setGenWeightFunction-methods.Rd                     |   14 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setHiddenBiases-methods.Rd                          |   12 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setHiddenBiasesInc-methods.Rd                       |    9 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setHiddenUnitFunction-methods.Rd                    |    8 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setHiddenUnitStates-methods.Rd                      |    8 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setInitialMomentum-set-Net-method.Rd                |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setInitialMomentum-set.Rd                           |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setLayer-methods.Rd                                 |   11 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setLayerField-methods.Rd                            |   17 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setLayerFunction-methods.Rd                         |   11 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setLayerWeights-methods.Rd                          |   11 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setLayers-methods.Rd                                |    9 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setLearnRateBiasHidden-methods.Rd                   |   13 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setLearnRateBiasVisible-methods.Rd                  |   11 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setLearnRateBiases-methods.Rd                       |    9 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setLearnRateWeights-methods.Rd                      |    8 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setLogLevel-methods.Rd                              |   21 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setMomentumSwitch-methods.Rd                        |    8 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setNormalizeWeights-set-Net-method.Rd               |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setNormalizeWeights-set.Rd                          |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setNumHidden-methods.Rd                             |    8 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setNumVisible-methods.Rd                            |    8 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setOutput-methods.Rd                                |    8 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setPosPhaseData-methods.Rd                          |    8 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setRBMList-methods.Rd                               |   10 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setStats-methods.Rd                                 |   14 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setUpdateFunction-methods.Rd                        |    9 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setVisibleBiases-methods.Rd                         |   12 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setVisibleBiasesInc-methods.Rd                      |    9 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setVisibleUnitFunction-methods.Rd                   |    8 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setVisibleUnitStates-methods.Rd                     |    8 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setWeightCost-methods.Rd                            |    8 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setWeightInc-methods.Rd                             |    8 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/setWeights-methods.Rd                               |    9 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/sigmUnitFunc.Rd                                     |   32 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/sigmUnitFuncSwitch.Rd                               |   42 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/sigmoidUnit.Rd                                      |   30 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/sigmoidUnitDerivative.Rd                            |   37 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/softmaxUnit.Rd                                      |   32 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/softmaxUnitDerivative.Rd                            |   37 
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/tanSigmoidUnit.Rd                                   |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/tanSigmoidUnitDerivative.Rd                         |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/trainRBM-RBM-method.Rd                              |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/trainRBM.Rd                                         |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/validateDataSet-DataSet-method.Rd                   |only
 darch-0.10.0/darch/man/validateDataSet.Rd                                  |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/R/package-darch.R                                        |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/R/readMNIST.R                                            |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/README.md                                                |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/DArch.Rd                                             |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/Net.Rd                                               |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/RBM.Rd                                               |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/addExecOutput-methods.Rd                             |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/addLayer-methods.Rd                                  |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/addLayerField-methods.Rd                             |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/darch-package.Rd                                     |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/fineTuneDArch-methods.Rd                             |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/getCancel-methods.Rd                                 |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/getCancelMessage-methods.Rd                          |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/getExecOutput-methods.Rd                             |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/getExecOutputs-methods.Rd                            |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/getExecuteFunction-methods.Rd                        |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/getFineTuneFunction-methods.Rd                       |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/getLayer-methods.Rd                                  |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/getLayerField-methods.Rd                             |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/getLayerFunction-methods.Rd                          |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/getLayerWeights-methods.Rd                           |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/getLayers-methods.Rd                                 |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/getLearnRateBiases-methods.Rd                        |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/getRBMList-methods.Rd                                |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/preTrainDArch-methods.Rd                             |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/setMomentum-methods.Rd                               |only
 darch-0.9.1/darch/man/trainRBM-methods.Rd                                  |only
 259 files changed, 3352 insertions(+), 2030 deletions(-)

More information about darch at CRAN
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New package SetRank with initial version 1.0.0
Package: SetRank
Type: Package
Title: Advanced Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2015-12-07
Author: Cedric Simillion
Maintainer: Cedric Simillion <cedric.simillion@dkf.unibe.ch>
Description: Implements an algorithm to conduct advanced gene set enrichment analysis on the results of genomics experiments.
License: GPL-3
Imports: XML, data.table, igraph
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
Suggests: R.rsp
VignetteBuilder: R.rsp
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2015-12-08 10:06:57 UTC; cesim
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-12-08 13:11:09

More information about SetRank at CRAN
Permanent link

Package PAGWAS updated to version 2.0 with previous version 1.0 dated 2013-11-13

Title: Pathway Analysis Methods for Genomewide Association Data
Description: Bayesian hierarchical methods for pathway analysis of genomewide association data: Normal/Bayes factors and Sparse Normal/Adaptive lasso. The Frequentist Fisher's product method is included as well.
Author: Marina Evangelou
Maintainer: Marina Evangelou <m.evangelou@ic.ac.uk>

Diff between PAGWAS versions 1.0 dated 2013-11-13 and 2.0 dated 2015-12-08

 PAGWAS-1.0/PAGWAS/R/GWAS.analysis.R                 |only
 PAGWAS-1.0/PAGWAS/R/PAGWAS-internal.R               |only
 PAGWAS-1.0/PAGWAS/R/TPR.FPR.R                       |only
 PAGWAS-1.0/PAGWAS/R/bf.TPR.FPR.R                    |only
 PAGWAS-1.0/PAGWAS/R/bf.area.R                       |only
 PAGWAS-1.0/PAGWAS/R/create.pathway.matrix.R         |only
 PAGWAS-1.0/PAGWAS/R/internal.function.simulations.R |only
 PAGWAS-1.0/PAGWAS/R/return.a.SNAL.R                 |only
 PAGWAS-1.0/PAGWAS/R/return.bf.NBF.R                 |only
 PAGWAS-1.0/PAGWAS/R/return.hyperparameters.NBF.R    |only
 PAGWAS-1.0/PAGWAS/R/return.s2.SNAL.R                |only
 PAGWAS-1.0/PAGWAS/R/roc.convex.R                    |only
 PAGWAS-1.0/PAGWAS/data/list.of.parameters.rda       |only
 PAGWAS-1.0/PAGWAS/man/create.pathway.matrix.Rd      |only
 PAGWAS-1.0/PAGWAS/man/list.of.parameters.Rd         |only
 PAGWAS-1.0/PAGWAS/man/return.a.SNAL.Rd              |only
 PAGWAS-1.0/PAGWAS/man/return.bf.NBF.Rd              |only
 PAGWAS-1.0/PAGWAS/man/return.hyperparameters.NBF.Rd |only
 PAGWAS-1.0/PAGWAS/man/return.s2.SNAL.Rd             |only
 PAGWAS-1.0/PAGWAS/man/roc.convex.Rd                 |only
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/DESCRIPTION                       |   16 ++--
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/MD5                               |   75 +++++++-------------
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/NAMESPACE                         |    6 +
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/R/FM.chi.pvalue.R                 |    5 -
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/R/NBF.R                           |    9 +-
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/R/SNAL.R                          |    8 +-
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/R/SNAL.calculation.R              |   75 +++++++++-----------
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/R/create.pathway.df.R             |only
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/R/lars.calculation.R              |    1 
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/R/logproby.R                      |    4 -
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/R/matrix.inv.calculation.R        |    3 
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/R/matrix.invroot.calculation.R    |    3 
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/R/snps.to.genes.R                 |    8 +-
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/R/snps.to.pathways.R              |   35 ++-------
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/data/SNPs.rda                     |binary
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/data/genes.rda                    |binary
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/data/genotypes.rda                |binary
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/data/pathways.rda                 |binary
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/man/FM.chi.pvalue.Rd              |   16 +---
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/man/NBF.Rd                        |   38 +++++-----
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/man/PAGWAS-package.Rd             |   18 ++--
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/man/SNAL.Rd                       |   30 ++++----
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/man/SNAL.calculation.Rd           |only
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/man/SNPs.Rd                       |    6 -
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/man/create.pathway.df.Rd          |only
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/man/genes.Rd                      |   11 +-
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/man/genotypes.Rd                  |   10 --
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/man/pathways.Rd                   |    6 -
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/man/snps.to.genes.Rd              |   12 +--
 PAGWAS-2.0/PAGWAS/man/snps.to.pathways.Rd           |   22 ++---
 50 files changed, 190 insertions(+), 227 deletions(-)

More information about PAGWAS at CRAN
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New package MNS with initial version 1.0
Package: MNS
Type: Package
Title: Mixed Neighbourhood Selection
Version: 1.0
Date: 2015-12-06
Author: Ricardo Pio Monti, Christoforos Anagnostopoulos and Giovanni Montana
Maintainer: Ricardo Pio Monti <ricardo.monti08@gmail.com>
Depends: igraph, MASS, glmnet, mvtnorm, parallel, R (>= 2.10.1)
Imports: doParallel
Description: An implementation of the mixed neighbourhood selection (MNS) algorithm. The MNS algorithm can be used to estimate multiple related precision matrices. In particular, the motivation behind this work was driven by the need to understand functional connectivity networks across multiple subjects. This package also contains an implementation of a novel algorithm through which to simulate multiple related precision matrices which exhibit properties frequently reported in neuroimaging analysis.
License: GPL-2
Packaged: 2015-12-08 11:51:56 UTC; ricardo
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-12-08 14:53:44

More information about MNS at CRAN
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Package RobustAFT updated to version 1.4-1 with previous version 1.3 dated 2014-11-06

Title: Truncated Maximum Likelihood Fit and Robust Accelerated Failure Time Regression for Gaussian and Log-Weibull Case
Description: R functions for the computation of the truncated maximum likelihood and the robust accelerated failure time regression for gaussian and log-Weibull case.
Author: Alfio Marazzi <Alfio.Marazzi@chuv.ch>, Jean-Luc Muralti
Maintainer: A. Randriamiharisoa <Alex.Randriamiharisoa@chuv.ch>

Diff between RobustAFT versions 1.3 dated 2014-11-06 and 1.4-1 dated 2015-12-08

 DESCRIPTION               |   12 ++++++------
 MD5                       |    5 +++--
 NAMESPACE                 |   13 ++++++++++---
 man/RobustAFT-internal.Rd |only
 4 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

More information about RobustAFT at CRAN
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Package jmotif updated to version 1.0.2 with previous version 1.0.1 dated 2015-10-19

Title: Tools for Time Series Analysis Based on Symbolic Aggregate Dicretization
Description: Implements z-normalization, SAX, HOT-SAX, VSM, and SAX-VSM algorithms facilitating time series motif (i.e., recurrent pattern), discord (i.e., anomaly), and characteristic pattern discovery along with interpretable time series classification.
Author: Pavel Senin [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Pavel Senin <seninp@gmail.com>

Diff between jmotif versions 1.0.1 dated 2015-10-19 and 1.0.2 dated 2015-12-08

 jmotif-1.0.1/jmotif/tests/testthat/test_SAX.R                  |only
 jmotif-1.0.1/jmotif/tests/testthat/test_SAX2.R                 |only
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/DESCRIPTION                                |   21 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/MD5                                        |   81 -
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/NAMESPACE                                  |    5 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/R/RcppExports.R                            |  205 +-
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/R/data.R                                   |    5 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/R/jmotif.R                                 |    7 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/README.md                                  |  131 +
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/data/ECG0606.rda                           |only
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/data/datalist                              |    1 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/alphabet_to_cuts.Rd                    |    4 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/bags_to_tfidf.Rd                       |    6 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/col_means.Rd                           |    8 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/cosine_sim.Rd                          |    8 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/early_abandoned_dist.Rd                |only
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/ecg0606.Rd                             |only
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/euclidean_dist.Rd                      |only
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/find_discords_brute_force.Rd           |only
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/find_discords_hot_sax.Rd               |only
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/idx_to_letter.Rd                       |    6 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/is_equal_mindist.Rd                    |only
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/is_equal_str.Rd                        |    8 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/letter_to_idx.Rd                       |    6 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/letters_to_idx.Rd                      |    6 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/manyseries_to_wordbag.Rd               |   16 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/min_dist.Rd                            |    4 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/paa.Rd                                 |    8 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/sax_by_chunking.Rd                     |   12 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/sax_distance_matrix.Rd                 |    8 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/sax_via_window.Rd                      |   17 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/series_to_chars.Rd                     |    8 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/series_to_string.Rd                    |    8 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/series_to_wordbag.Rd                   |   16 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/subseries.Rd                           |   12 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/man/znorm.Rd                               |    9 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/src/RcppExports.cpp                        |   83 -
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/src/jmotif.cpp                             |  788 ++++++++--
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/tests/testthat/test_SAX_simple.R           |only
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/tests/testthat/test_SAX_strategies.R       |only
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/tests/testthat/test_SAX_via_window.R       |only
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/tests/testthat/test_discord_brute_force.R  |only
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/tests/testthat/test_discord_hot_sax.R      |only
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/tests/testthat/test_early_abandoned_dist.R |only
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/tests/testthat/test_euclidean_dist.R       |only
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/tests/testthat/test_min_dist.R             |   24 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/tests/testthat/test_min_dist_equal.R       |only
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/tests/testthat/test_subseries.R            |    7 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/tests/testthat/test_wordbag.R              |   24 
 jmotif-1.0.2/jmotif/tests/testthat/test_znorm.R                |   11 
 50 files changed, 1166 insertions(+), 397 deletions(-)

More information about jmotif at CRAN
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New package snowboot with initial version 0.5.0
Package: snowboot
Type: Package
Title: Network Analysis with Non-Parametric Methods that Emerge from Snowball and Bootstrap Sampling
Version: 0.5.0
Date: 2015-12-7
Author: Leticia Ramirez-Ramirez, Kusha Nezafati, Vyacheslav Lyubchich, Yulia Gel
Maintainer: Kusha Nezafati <kusha.nezafati@gmail.com>
Description: Functions for analysis of network objects, which are imported or simulated by the package. The non-parametric methods of analysis center around snowball and bootstrap sampling.
Depends: R (>= 3.2.2)
License: GPL-3
LazyData: TRUE
Imports: VGAM, igraph, stats
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2015-12-07 22:57:55 UTC; kushanezafati
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-12-08 10:28:17

More information about snowboot at CRAN
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Package randomLCA updated to version 1.0-6 with previous version 1.0-5 dated 2015-11-12

Title: Random Effects Latent Class Analysis
Description: Fits standard and random effects latent class models. The single level random effects model is described in Qu et al (doi: 10.2307/2533043) and the two level random effects model in Beath and Heller (doi: 10.1177/1471082X0800900302). Examples are given for their use in diagnostic testing.
Author: Ken Beath [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Ken Beath <ken.beath@mq.edu.au>

Diff between randomLCA versions 1.0-5 dated 2015-11-12 and 1.0-6 dated 2015-12-08

 DESCRIPTION                     |   11 
 MD5                             |   21 -
 NAMESPACE                       |   97 +++----
 R/bestlca.R                     |   63 ++--
 R/fitAdaptRandom.R              |  535 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 R/fitAdaptRandom2.R             |    3 
 R/fitFixed.R                    |  335 ++++++++++++-------------
 R/randomLCA.R                   |  346 ++++++++++++-------------
 inst/NEWS                       |   12 
 man/hivtests.Rd                 |    5 
 man/randomLCA.Rd                |  174 ++++++-------
 vignettes/randomLCA-example.tex |only
 12 files changed, 811 insertions(+), 791 deletions(-)

More information about randomLCA at CRAN
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Package ncappc updated to version with previous version 0.2 dated 2015-07-16

Title: NCA Calculation and Population PK Model Diagnosis
Description: A flexible tool is presented here that can perform (i) traditional non-compartmental analysis (NCA) and (ii) simulation-based posterior predictive checks for a population pharmacokinetic (PK) model using NCA metrics.
Author: Chayan Acharya [aut, cre], Andrew C. Hooker [aut], Siv Jonsson [aut], Mats O. Karlsson [aut]
Maintainer: Chayan Acharya <chayan.acharya@farmbio.uu.se>

Diff between ncappc versions 0.2 dated 2015-07-16 and dated 2015-12-08

 DESCRIPTION                              |   11 
 MD5                                      |   70 
 NAMESPACE                                |    2 
 R/calc.stat.R                            |   24 
 R/dv.plot.R                              |   24 
 R/est.nca.R                              |  258 ++-
 R/histobs.plot.R                         |   30 
 R/histpop.plot.R                         |   27 
 R/nca.deviation.plot.R                   |   18 
 R/nca.npde.plot.R                        |   21 
 R/nca.pde.deviation.outlier.R            |   40 
 R/ncappc.R                               | 2221 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 R/read_nm_table.R                        |only
 README.md                                |    2 
 build/vignette.rds                       |binary
 inst/doc/ncappc-vignette.Rmd             |   13 
 inst/doc/ncappc-vignette.html            |  477 +++---
 inst/extdata                             |only
 inst/misc/ncappcReport-NCA-PPC.Rmd       |   61 
 inst/misc/ncappcReport-NCA-PPC.Rnw       |   76 -
 inst/misc/ncappcReport-NCA.Rmd           |   26 
 inst/misc/ncappcReport-NCA.Rnw           |   36 
 man/est.nca.Rd                           |   30 
 man/nca.pde.deviation.outlier.Rd         |    4 
 man/ncappc.Rd                            |  154 +-
 man/read_nm_table.Rd                     |only
 tests/testthat/ncappcexamples/example1.R |   29 
 vignettes/Deviation-vgn.png              |only
 vignettes/HistObs-vgn.png                |only
 vignettes/NPDE-vgn.png                   |only
 vignettes/Outlier-vgn.png                |only
 vignettes/Sub-CommandLineArguments.Rmd   |  235 +--
 vignettes/Sub-EstimatedNCAmetrics.Rmd    |    4 
 vignettes/Sub-Output.Rmd                 |   45 
 vignettes/conc-vgn.png                   |only
 vignettes/forest-vgn.png                 |only
 vignettes/histNPDE-vgn.png               |only
 vignettes/ncappc-Schema.png              |only
 vignettes/ncappc-vignette.Rmd            |   13 
 vignettes/ncappc-vignette.md             |  295 ++--
 vignettes/ncappc-vignette.txt            |only
 vignettes/ncappc_Schema.tif              |only
 vignettes/popMean-vgn.png                |only
 43 files changed, 2365 insertions(+), 1881 deletions(-)

More information about ncappc at CRAN
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Package gkmSVM updated to version 0.65 with previous version 0.55 dated 2015-06-30

Title: Gapped-Kmer Support Vector Machine
Description: Imports the 'gkmSVM' v2.0 functionalities into R (www.beerlab.org/gkmsvm). It also uses the 'kernlab' library (separate R package by different authors) for various SVM algorithms.
Author: Mahmoud Ghandi
Maintainer: Mahmoud Ghandi <mghandi@gmail.com>

Diff between gkmSVM versions 0.55 dated 2015-06-30 and 0.65 dated 2015-12-08

 DESCRIPTION           |   10 +++++-----
 MD5                   |   16 +++++++++-------
 NAMESPACE             |    4 ++++
 R/RcppExports.R       |   12 ++++++------
 R/gkmsvm_train.R      |   19 +++++++++++++++----
 R/gkmsvm_trainCV.R    |only
 man/gkmSVM-package.Rd |   20 +++++++++++++-------
 man/gkmsvm_train.Rd   |    3 ++-
 man/gkmsvm_trainCV.Rd |only
 src/EstimLogRatio.cpp |    2 +-
 10 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

More information about gkmSVM at CRAN
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New package ezknitr with initial version 0.3.0
Package: ezknitr
Title: Avoid the Typical Working Directory Pain When Using 'knitr'
Version: 0.3.0
Authors@R: person("Dean", "Attali", email = "daattali@gmail.com", role = c("aut", "cre"))
Description: An extension of 'knitr that adds flexibility in several ways. One common source of frustration with 'knitr' is that it assumes the directory where the source file lives should be the working directory, which is often not true. 'ezknitr' addresses this problem by giving you complete control over where all the inputs and outputs are, and adds several other convenient features to make rendering markdown/HTML documents easier.
URL: https://github.com/daattali/ezknitr
BugReports: https://github.com/daattali/ezknitr/issues
Depends: R (>= 3.0.2)
Imports: knitr (>= 1.7), markdown (>= 0.7), R.utils (>= 1.34.0)
Suggests: testthat (>= 0.9.1), rmarkdown
License: MIT + file LICENSE
LazyData: true
VignetteBuilder: knitr
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2015-12-07 20:04:45 UTC; Dean
Author: Dean Attali [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Dean Attali <daattali@gmail.com>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-12-08 10:49:58

More information about ezknitr at CRAN
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New package BacArena with initial version 1.0
Package: BacArena
Title: Modeling Framework for Cellular Communities in their Environments
Version: 1.0
Authors@R: c( person("Eugen", "Bauer", , "eugen.bauer@uni.lu", role = c("aut")), person("Johannes", "Zimmermann", , "j.zimmermann@iem.uni-kiel.de", role = c("aut", "cre")))
Author: Eugen Bauer [aut], Johannes Zimmermann [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Johannes Zimmermann <j.zimmermann@iem.uni-kiel.de>
Description: Can be used for simulation of organisms living in communities. Each organism is represented individually and genome scale metabolic models determine the uptake and release of compounds. Biological processes such as movement, diffusion, chemotaxis and kinetics are available along with data analysis techniques.
URL: https://github.com/euba/BacArena
BugReports: https://github.com/euba/BacArena/issues
Depends: R (>= 3.0.0), sybil (>= 1.3.0), ReacTran (>= 1.4.2), deSolve (>= 1.12), Matrix (>= 1.2)
Imports: methods, utils, stats, graphics, Rcpp
Suggests: knitr, glpkAPI, rmarkdown
LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppArmadillo, RcppEigen
License: GPL-3
VignetteBuilder: knitr
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2015-12-08 01:24:37.405 UTC; jo
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-12-08 10:28:06

More information about BacArena at CRAN
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