Thu, 17 Mar 2016

New package vottrans with initial version 1.0
Package: vottrans
Type: Package
Title: Voter Transition Analysis
Version: 1.0
Date: 2016-03-17
Author: Michael Gampmayer
Maintainer: Michael Gampmayer <>
Description: Calculates voter transitions comparing two elections, using the function solve.QP() in package 'quadprog'.
License: GPL-3
Depends: quadprog
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-03-17 18:29:56 UTC; michael
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-03-18 00:32:12

More information about vottrans at CRAN
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New package Rfmtool with initial version 1.1
Package: Rfmtool
Type: Package
Version: 1.1
Date: 2016-03-01
Title: Fuzzy Measure Tools for R
Authors@R: c(person("Gleb", "Beliakov", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = ""), person("Quan", "Vu", role = "ctb"), person("Andrei", "Kelarev", role = "ctb"), person("Michel", "Berkelaar", role = "ctb"), person("Kjell", "Eikland", role = "ctb"), person("Samuel E.", "Buttrey and others", role = "ctb"))
Author: Gleb Beliakov [aut, cre], Quan Vu [ctb], Andrei Kelarev [ctb], Michel Berkelaar [ctb], Kjell Eikland [ctb], Samuel E. Buttrey and others [ctb]
Maintainer: Gleb Beliakov <>
Depends: R (>= 2.9.2)
Description: Various tools for handling fuzzy measures, calculating Shapley value and Interaction index, Choquet and Sugeno integrals, as well as fitting fuzzy measures to empirical data are provided. Construction of fuzzy measures from empirical data is done by solving a linear programming problem by using 'lpsolve' package, whose source in C adapted to the R environment is included. The description of the basic theory of fuzzy measures is in the manual in the Doc folder in this package.
License: LGPL-3
NeedsCompilation: yes
Copyright: Gleb Beliakov. The 'lpsolve' library and its parts are copyright to various holders, including Kjell Eikland, Michel Berkelaar, University of Florida, National Institute of Standards and Technology.
BugReports: to
Packaged: 2016-03-19 03:56:19 UTC; gleb
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-03-18 00:16:47

More information about Rfmtool at CRAN
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New package geneNetBP with initial version 1.0.0
Package: geneNetBP
Type: Package
Title: Belief Propagation in Genotype-Phenotype Networks
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2016-02-29
Author: Janhavi Moharil <>
Maintainer: Janhavi Moharil <>
Depends: R (>= 3.1.0),scales (>= 0.2.4),Rgraphviz (>= 2.8.1), graph (>= 1.42.0)
Suggests: RHugin
Description: Belief propagation methods in genotype-phenotype networks (Conditional Gaussian Bayesian Networks) to propagate phenotypic evidence through the network.
License: GPL-2
Repository: CRAN
Repository/R-Forge/Project: genenetbp
Repository/R-Forge/Revision: 73
Repository/R-Forge/DateTimeStamp: 2016-03-17 19:34:52
Date/Publication: 2016-03-18 00:30:00
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-03-17 19:45:26 UTC; rforge

More information about geneNetBP at CRAN
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Package acs updated to version 2.0 with previous version 1.2 dated 2014-01-22

Title: Download, Manipulate, and Present American Community Survey and Decennial Data from the US Census
Description: Provides a general toolkit for downloading, managing, analyzing, and presenting data from the U.S. Census, including SF1 (Decennial short-form), SF3 (Decennial long-form), and the American Community Survey (ACS). Confidence intervals provided with ACS data are converted to standard errors to be bundled with estimates in complex acs objects. Package provides new methods to conduct standard operations on acs objects and present/plot data in statistically appropriate ways. Current version is 2.0 +/- .033.
Author: Ezra Haber Glenn [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Ezra Haber Glenn <>

Diff between acs versions 1.2 dated 2014-01-22 and 2.0 dated 2016-03-17

 acs-1.2/acs/inst                               |only
 acs-2.0/acs/DESCRIPTION                        |   32 
 acs-2.0/acs/MD5                                |   67 
 acs-2.0/acs/NAMESPACE                          |    9 
 acs-2.0/acs/R/acs.R                            | 2470 ++++++++++++-------------
 acs-2.0/acs/                          |only
 acs-2.0/acs/cleanup                            |only
 acs-2.0/acs/configure                          |only
 acs-2.0/acs/data/cpi.rda                       |binary
 acs-2.0/acs/data/fips.american.indian.area.rda |binary
 acs-2.0/acs/data/fips.county.rda               |binary
 acs-2.0/acs/data/fips.county.subdivision.rda   |binary
 acs-2.0/acs/data/                |binary
 acs-2.0/acs/data/               |binary
 acs-2.0/acs/data/fips.state.rda                |binary
 acs-2.0/acs/data/kansas07.rda                  |binary
 acs-2.0/acs/data/kansas09.rda                  |binary
 acs-2.0/acs/data/lawrence10.rda                |binary
 acs-2.0/acs/man/acs-class.Rd                   |   23 
 acs-2.0/acs/man/acs-package.Rd                 |   46 
 acs-2.0/acs/man/acs.fetch.Rd                   |   94 
 acs-2.0/acs/man/acs.lookup-class.Rd            |    3 
 acs-2.0/acs/man/acs.lookup.Rd                  |   73 
 acs-2.0/acs/man/acs.tables.install.Rd          |only
 acs-2.0/acs/man/api.key.install.Rd             |   13 
 acs-2.0/acs/man/api.key.migrate.Rd             |only
 acs-2.0/acs/man/cpi.Rd                         |   10 
 acs-2.0/acs/man/currency.convert.Rd            |   12 
 acs-2.0/acs/man/currency.year.Rd               |    6 
 acs-2.0/acs/man/divide.acs.Rd                  |   47 
 acs-2.0/acs/man/geo.lookup.Rd                  |    2 
 acs-2.0/acs/man/geo.make.Rd                    |   67 
 acs-2.0/acs/man/geography.Rd                   |    6 
 acs-2.0/acs/man/rbind.acs.Rd                   |    6 
 acs-2.0/acs/man/read.acs.Rd                    |    8 
 acs-2.0/acs/man/sum-methods.Rd                 |    2 
 36 files changed, 1567 insertions(+), 1429 deletions(-)

More information about acs at CRAN
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Package WaterML updated to version 1.7.1 with previous version 1.7.0 dated 2016-02-17

Title: Fetch and Analyze Data from 'WaterML' and 'WaterOneFlow' Web Services
Description: Lets you connect to any of the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences, Inc. ('CUAHSI') Water Data Center 'WaterOneFlow' web services and read any 'WaterML' hydrological time series data file. To see list of available web services, see <>. All versions of 'WaterML' (1.0, 1.1 and 2.0) and both types of the web service protocol ('SOAP' and 'REST') are supported. The package has six data download functions: GetServices(): show all public web services from the HIS Central Catalog. HISCentral_GetSites() and HISCentral_GetSeriesCatalog(): search for sites or time series from the HIS Central catalog based on geographic bounding box, server, or keyword. GetVariables(): Show a data.frame with all variables on the server. GetSites(): Show a data.frame with all sites on the server. GetSiteInfo(): Show what variables, methods and quality control levels are available at the specific site. GetValues(): Given a site code, variable code, start time and end time, fetch a data.frame of all the observation time series data values. The GetValues() function can also parse 'WaterML' data from a custom URL or from a local file. The package also has five data upload functions: AddSites(), AddVariables(), AddMethods(), AddSources(), and AddValues(). These functions can be used for uploading data to a 'HydroServer Lite' Observations Data Model ('ODM') database via the 'JSON' data upload web service interface.
Author: Jiri Kadlec [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jiri Kadlec <>

Diff between WaterML versions 1.7.0 dated 2016-02-17 and 1.7.1 dated 2016-03-17

 DESCRIPTION                    |    6 +++---
 MD5                            |    8 ++++----
 R/GetValues.R                  |    9 +++++++--
 build/vignette.rds             |binary
 inst/doc/WaterML-Tutorial.html |   15 +++------------
 5 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

More information about WaterML at CRAN
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Package TwoPhaseInd updated to version 1.1.1 with previous version 1.1.0 dated 2016-01-29

Title: Estimate Gene-Treatment Interaction Exploiting Randomization
Description: Estimation of gene-treatment interactions in randomized clinical trials exploiting gene-treatment independence.
Author: James Dai [aut, cre], Xiaoyu Wang [aut]
Maintainer: James Dai <>

Diff between TwoPhaseInd versions 1.1.0 dated 2016-01-29 and 1.1.1 dated 2016-03-17

 DESCRIPTION               |    8 
 MD5                       |   23 +-
 inst/doc/TwoPhaseInd.R    |  238 ++++++++++++--------------
 inst/doc/TwoPhaseInd.Rnw  |  421 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 inst/doc/TwoPhaseInd.pdf  |binary
 man/aco1arm.Rd            |    2 
 man/aco2arm.Rd            |    2 
 man/acoarm.Rd             |    2 
 man/acodata.Rd            |   16 -
 man/caseonly.Rd           |    4 
 vignettes/TwoPhaseInd.Rnw |  421 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 vignettes/TwoPhaseInd.bib |   70 +++++++
 vignettes/figure1new.png  |only
 13 files changed, 591 insertions(+), 616 deletions(-)

More information about TwoPhaseInd at CRAN
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New package RPresto with initial version 1.2.0
Package: RPresto
Title: DBI Connector to Presto
Version: 1.2.0
Authors@R: c( person('Onur Ismail', 'Filiz', , '', role=c('aut', 'cre')), person('Sergey', 'Goder', , '', role='aut'), person('John Myles', 'White', , '', role='ctb') )
Copyright: Facebook, Inc. 2015-present.
Description: Implements a DBI compliant interface to Presto. Presto is an open source distributed SQL query engine for running interactive analytic queries against data sources of all sizes ranging from gigabytes to petabytes: <>.
Depends: R (>= 3.1.0), methods
Imports: DBI (>= 0.3.0), httr (>= 0.6), RCurl, jsonlite, stringi, stats
Suggests: testthat, dplyr (>= 0.4.3)
License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Collate: 'PrestoDriver.R' 'Presto.R' 'PrestoConnection.R' 'utility_functions.R' 'PrestoCursor.R' 'PrestoResult.R' '' '' 'db.explain.PrestoConnection.R' 'db.query.rows.PrestoConnection.R' 'dbHasCompleted.R' 'dbClearResult.R' 'dbConnect.R' 'dbDataType.R' 'dbDisconnect.R' 'dbSendQuery.R' '' '' 'dbFetch.R' 'dbGetQuery.R' 'dbListTables.R' 'dbExistsTable.R' 'dbGetInfo.R' 'dbGetRowCount.R' 'dbGetStatement.R' 'dbIsValid.R' 'dbListFields.R' 'dbUnloadDriver.R' 'fetch.R' 'help.R' 'src.desc.src.presto.R' 'src.presto.R' 'src.translate.env.src.presto.R' 'tbl.src.presto.R'
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-03-17 20:31:17 UTC; onur
Author: Onur Ismail Filiz [aut, cre], Sergey Goder [aut], John Myles White [ctb]
Maintainer: Onur Ismail Filiz <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-03-18 00:00:39

More information about RPresto at CRAN
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New package rechonest with initial version 1.2
Package: rechonest
Type: Package
Title: R Interface to Echo Nest API
Version: 1.2
Date: 2016-03-16
Author: Mukul Chaware[aut,cre]
Maintainer: Mukul Chaware <>
Description: The 'Echo nest' <> is the industry's leading music intelligence company, providing developer with deepest understanding of music content and music fans. This package can be used to access artist's data including songs, blogs, news, reviews etc. Song's data including audio summary, style, danceability, tempo etc can also be accessed.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
LazyData: TRUE
Imports: httr,RCurl,jsonlite
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-03-17 18:08:46 UTC; mukul
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-03-18 00:00:16

More information about rechonest at CRAN
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Package packrat updated to version 0.4.7 with previous version 0.4.6-1 dated 2015-11-05

Title: A Dependency Management System for Projects and their R Package Dependencies
Description: Manage the R packages your project depends on in an isolated, portable, and reproducible way.
Author: Kevin Ushey, Jonathan McPherson, Joe Cheng, Aron Atkins, JJ Allaire
Maintainer: Kevin Ushey <>

Diff between packrat versions 0.4.6-1 dated 2015-11-05 and 0.4.7 dated 2016-03-17

 packrat-0.4.6-1/packrat/R/install_github.R                          |only
 packrat-0.4.6-1/packrat/man/install_github.Rd                       |only
 packrat-0.4.6-1/packrat/tests/testthat/test-cranlike-repositories.R |only
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/DESCRIPTION                                   |    8 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/MD5                                           |   88 ++--
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/NAMESPACE                                     |    1 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/aaa-globals.R                               |    2 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/bundle.R                                    |  180 ----------
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/cache.R                                     |    2 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/clean-search-path.R                         |    2 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/cranlike-repositories.R                     |   39 +-
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/dependencies.R                              |   46 +-
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/descfile.R                                  |    2 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/disable.R                                   |    3 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/downloader.R                                |   22 +
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/env.R                                       |only
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/external.R                                  |    4 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/github.R                                    |only
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/hide-site-libraries.R                       |    6 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/hooks.R                                     |    2 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/install-local.R                             |    4 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/install.R                                   |    2 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/library-support.R                           |  174 ++++-----
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/lockfile.R                                  |   35 +
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/migrate-packrat.R                           |    8 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/options.R                                   |   39 +-
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/packrat-mode.R                              |   27 +
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/packrat.R                                   |    6 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/paths.R                                     |   96 +----
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/pkg.R                                       |   20 -
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/pretty-print.R                              |   14 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/restore.R                                   |   63 ++-
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/snapshot.R                                  |   15 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/status.R                                    |    2 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/utils.R                                     |   53 +-
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/R/zzz.R                                       |only
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/                                     |    4 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/inst/resources/init-rprofile.R                |    2 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/inst/resources/init.R                         |    2 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/man/bundle.Rd                                 |    5 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/man/packrat-options.Rd                        |   22 -
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/tests/test-cranlike-repositories.R            |only
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/tests/testthat/helper-bundle.R                |    2 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/tests/testthat/helper-packrat.R               |   31 +
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/tests/testthat/projects/emptydesc             |only
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/tests/testthat/test-bundle.R                  |   73 +---
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/tests/testthat/test-github.R                  |only
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/tests/testthat/test-packrat.R                 |   15 
 packrat-0.4.7/packrat/tests/testthat/test-rmarkdown.R               |    5 
 49 files changed, 520 insertions(+), 606 deletions(-)

More information about packrat at CRAN
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Package mma updated to version 2.0-4 with previous version 2.0-3 dated 2016-02-24

Title: Multiple Mediation Analysis
Description: Used for general multiple mediation analysis. The analysis method is described in Yu et al. 2014, "General Multiple Mediation Analysis With an Application to Explore Racial Disparity in Breast Cancer Survival", published on Journal of Biometrics & Biostatistics, 5(2):189.
Author: Qingzhao Yu
Maintainer: Qingzhao Yu <>

Diff between mma versions 2.0-3 dated 2016-02-24 and 2.0-4 dated 2016-03-17

 DESCRIPTION             |    8 +++---
 MD5                     |   26 ++++++++++-----------
 R/mma.r                 |   59 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 man/    |    2 -
 man/   |    2 -
 man/         |    2 -
 man/med.binx.Rd         |    6 ++--
 man/med.contx.Rd        |    6 ++--
 man/mma-package.Rd      |    8 +++---
 man/mma.Rd              |    8 +++---
 man/         |    2 -
 man/        |    2 -
 man/summary.med_iden.Rd |   15 +++++-------
 man/      |    2 -
 14 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)

More information about mma at CRAN
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New package MiSPU with initial version 1.0
Package: MiSPU
Type: Package
Title: Microbiome Based Sum of Powered Score (MiSPU) Tests
Version: 1.0
Date: 2016-02-29
Author: Chong Wu, Wei Pan
Maintainer: Chong Wu <>
Description: There is an increasing interest in investigating how the compositions of microbial communities are associated with human health and disease. In this package, we present a novel global testing method called aMiSPU, that is highly adaptive and thus high powered across various scenarios, alleviating the issue with the choice of a phylogenetic distance. Our simulations and real data analysis demonstrated that aMiSPU test was often more powerful than several competing methods while correctly controlling type I error rates.
License: GPL-2
Imports: Rcpp (>= 0.12.1)
Depends: R (>= 3.2.3), vegan, ape, aSPU,cluster
Suggests: ade4
LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2016-03-17 18:15:15 UTC; chong
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-03-18 00:08:39

More information about MiSPU at CRAN
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Package interplot updated to version with previous version dated 2016-02-15

Title: Plot the Effects of Variables in Interaction Terms
Description: Plots the conditional coefficients ("marginal effects") of variables included in multiplicative interaction terms.
Author: Frederick Solt <>, Yue Hu <>
Maintainer: Yue Hu <>

Diff between interplot versions dated 2016-02-15 and dated 2016-03-17

 DESCRIPTION                      |    6 -
 MD5                              |   39 +++---
 NAMESPACE                        |    1                          |    6 +
 R/Interplot.R                    |   11 +
 R/Interplot_default.R            |  118 +++++++++++---------
 R/Interplot_mi.R                 |  224 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 R/Interplot_mlm.R                |  198 ++++++++++++++++++----------------
 R/Interplot_mlmmi.R              |  201 ++++++++++++++++++----------------
 R/Interplot_plot.R               |  102 +++++++++++++++--                        |    2 
 inst/doc/interplot-vignette.Rmd  |    2 
 inst/doc/interplot-vignette.html |   19 ---
 man/interplot.Rd                 |   19 ++-
 man/interplot.default.Rd         |   19 ++-
 man/interplot.lmerMod.Rd         |   19 ++-
 man/interplot.lmmi.Rd            |   19 ++-
 man/interplot.mlmmi.Rd           |   19 ++-
 man/interplot.plot.Rd            |   19 ++-
 vignettes/interplot-vignette.Rmd |   50 ++++++++
 vignettes/vignette.bib           |only
 21 files changed, 693 insertions(+), 400 deletions(-)

More information about interplot at CRAN
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Package bssn updated to version 0.7 with previous version 0.6 dated 2015-09-08

Title: Birnbaum-Saunders Model Based on Skew-Normal Distribution
Description: It provides the density, distribution function, quantile function, random number generator, reliability function, failure rate, likelihood function, moments and EM algorithm for Maximum Likelihood estimators, also empirical quantile and generated envelope for a given sample, all this for the three parameter Birnbaum-Saunders model based on Skew-Normal Distribution. Additionally, it provides the random number generator for the mixture of Birnbaum-Saunders model based on Skew-Normal distribution.
Author: Rocio Paola Maehara <> and Luis Benites Sanchez <>
Maintainer: Rocio Paola Maehara <>

Diff between bssn versions 0.6 dated 2015-09-08 and 0.7 dated 2016-03-17

 DESCRIPTION            |    8 
 MD5                    |   22 -
 NAMESPACE              |   37 +--
 R/EMbssn.R             |   86 +++----
 R/algEMbssn.R          |  242 ++++++++++----------
 R/functions.R          |  572 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 data/ozone.txt.gz      |binary
 man/EMbssn.Rd          |  249 ++++++++++-----------
 man/bssn.Rd            |  336 ++++++++++++++--------------
 man/momentsbssn.Rd     |  128 +++++-----
 man/ozone.Rd           |   60 ++---
 man/reliabilitybssn.Rd |  180 +++++++--------
 12 files changed, 987 insertions(+), 933 deletions(-)

More information about bssn at CRAN
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Package randomForestSRC updated to version 2.1.0 with previous version 2.0.7 dated 2016-01-15

Title: Random Forests for Survival, Regression and Classification (RF-SRC)
Description: A unified treatment of Breiman's random forests for survival, regression and classification problems based on Ishwaran and Kogalur's random survival forests (RSF) package. The package runs in both serial and parallel (OpenMP) modes. Now extended to include multivariate and unsupervised forests.
Author: Hemant Ishwaran <>, Udaya B. Kogalur <>
Maintainer: Udaya B. Kogalur <>

Diff between randomForestSRC versions 2.0.7 dated 2016-01-15 and 2.1.0 dated 2016-03-17

 DESCRIPTION               |   11 
 MD5                       |   70 +--
 R/data.utilities.R        |   16 
 R/factor.utilities.R      |    8 
 R/find.interaction.R      |   12 
 R/generic.impute.rfsrc.R  |    8 
 R/generic.predict.rfsrc.R |   78 ++-
 R/impute.rfsrc.R          |    8 
 R/max.subtree.R           |    8 
 R/plot.competing.risk.R   |    8 
 R/plot.rfsrc.R            |    8 
 R/plot.survival.R         |    8 
 R/plot.variable.R         |   15 
 R/predict.rfsrc.R         |   10 
 R/print.rfsrc.R           |    8 
 R/rf2rfz.R                |    8 
 R/rfsrc.R                 |   37 -
 R/            |    8 
 R/rfsrcSyn.R              |    8 
 R/stat.split.R            |    8 
 R/utilities.R             |  119 +++--
 R/            |   25 -
 R/vimp.R                  |   21 
 R/zzz.R                   |    8              |    2 
 inst/CITATION             |    4 
 inst/NEWS                 |   16 
 inst/doc/rsf-Rnews.pdf    |binary
 man/find.interaction.Rd   |   17 
 man/nutrigenomic.Rd       |    3 
 man/predict.rfsrc.Rd      |    4 
 man/rfsrc.Rd              |   31 -
 man/         |   23 -
 man/vimp.Rd               |    2 
 src/randomForestSRC.c     | 1003 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 src/randomForestSRC.h     |   27 -
 36 files changed, 836 insertions(+), 814 deletions(-)

More information about randomForestSRC at CRAN
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New package OTUtable with initial version 1.0.0
Package: OTUtable
Type: Package
Title: North Temperate Lakes - Microbial Observatory 16S Time Series Data and Functions
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2016-03-16
Author: Alexandra Linz
Maintainer: Alexandra Linz <>
Description: Analyses of OTU tables produced by 16S sequencing, as well as example data. It contains the data and scripts used in the paper Linz, et al. (2016) "Seasonal mixing as a barrier to the development of stable bacterial communities in bog lakes" (Manuscript in prep).
License: GPL-3
LazyLoad: yes
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
Packaged: 2016-03-17 16:06:32 UTC; amlinz16
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-03-17 18:59:27

More information about OTUtable at CRAN
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New package mdhglm with initial version 1.2
Package: mdhglm
Type: Package
Title: Multivariate Double Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models
Version: 1.2
Date: 2016-02-26
Author: Youngjo Lee, Maengseok Noh
Maintainer: Maengseok Noh <>
Description: Allows different models for multivariate response variables where each response is assumed to follow double hierarchical generalized linear models. In double hierarchical generalized linear models, the mean, dispersion parameters for variance of random effects, and residual variance (overdispersion) can be further modeled as random-effect models.
Depends: R (>= 3.2.0), methods, Matrix, numDeriv, boot, mvtnorm
License: Unlimited
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-03-17 13:12:07 UTC; Noh
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-03-17 18:59:41

More information about mdhglm at CRAN
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Package eyetrackingR updated to version 0.1.6 with previous version 0.1.5 dated 2016-03-06

Title: Eye-Tracking Data Analysis
Description: A set of tools that address tasks along the pipeline from raw data to analysis and visualization for eye-tracking data. Offers several popular types of analyses, including linear and growth curve time analyses, onset-contingent reaction time analyses, as well as several non-parametric bootstrapping approaches.
Author: Jacob Dink [aut, cre], Brock Ferguson [aut]
Maintainer: Jacob Dink <>

Diff between eyetrackingR versions 0.1.5 dated 2016-03-06 and 0.1.6 dated 2016-03-17

 DESCRIPTION                                      |    8 ++--
 MD5                                              |   28 ++++++++--------                                          |    3 +
 R/helpers.R                                      |   23 -------------
 R/time_cluster_data.R                            |   40 +++++++++++++++--------
 R/time_sequence_data.R                           |   35 +++++++++++++++++---
 build/vignette.rds                               |binary
 inst/doc/divergence_vignette.html                |    9 ++---
 inst/doc/growth_curve_analysis_vignette.html     |    4 +-
 inst/doc/onset_contingent_analysis_vignette.html |    4 +-
 inst/doc/preparing_your_data_vignette.html       |    4 +-
 inst/doc/window_analysis_vignette.html           |    4 +-
 man/analyze_time_bins.Rd                         |   10 +++++
 man/make_time_cluster_data.Rd                    |   13 ++++++-
 tests/testthat/test_cluster_analysis.R           |   22 ++++++++++++
 15 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)

More information about eyetrackingR at CRAN
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Package cffdrs updated to version 1.7.3 with previous version 1.7.1 dated 2016-02-22

Title: Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System
Description: This project provides a group of new functions to calculate the outputs of the two main components of the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS) at various time scales: the Fire Weather Index (FWI) System and the Fire Behaviour Prediction (FBP) System. Some functions have two versions, table and raster based.
Author: Xianli Wang, Alan Cantin, Marc-Andre Parisien, Mike Wotton, Kerry Anderson, Brett Moore, and Mike Flannigan
Maintainer: Alan Cantin <>

Diff between cffdrs versions 1.7.1 dated 2016-02-22 and 1.7.3 dated 2016-03-17

 DESCRIPTION           |   12 -
 MD5                   |   69 ++++---
 R/BEcalc.r            |   43 +++-
 R/BROScalc.r          |   51 ++++-
 R/C6calc.r            |   78 ++++++--
 R/CFBcalc.r           |   51 ++++-
 R/DISTtcalc.r         |   37 +++-
 R/FBPcalc.r           |  415 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 R/FIcalc.r            |   25 ++
 R/FMCcalc.r           |   62 +++++-
 R/FROScalc.r          |   27 ++
 R/ISIcalc.r           |   46 ++++-
 R/LBcalc.r            |   38 +++-
 R/LBtcalc.r           |   41 +++-
 R/ROScalc.r           |  138 +++++++++++----
 R/ROStcalc.r          |   35 +++
 R/ROSthetacalc.r      |   43 +++-
 R/SFCcalc.r           |   92 ++++++++--
 R/Slopecalc.r         |  361 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 R/TFCcalc.r           |   50 ++++-
 R/buiCalc.R           |only
 R/dcCalc.R            |only
 R/dmcCalc.R           |only
 R/fbp.r               |   79 ++++++--
 R/fbpRaster.r         |  213 ++++++++++++++---------
 R/ffmcCalc.R          |only
 R/fireSeason.r        |   82 +++++++--
 R/fwi.r               |  248 +++++++++++++++------------
 R/fwiCalc.R           |only
 R/fwiRaster.r         |  454 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 R/gfmc.r              |  162 ++++++++++++-----
 R/hffmc.r             |  168 ++++++++++++------
 R/hffmcRaster.r       |  194 +++++++++++++--------
 R/sdmc.r              |  121 +++++++++----
 R/winter_DC.r         |   41 +++-
 man/cffdrs-package.Rd |    4 
 man/fbp.Rd            |    2 
 man/fbpRaster.Rd      |    2 
 38 files changed, 2430 insertions(+), 1054 deletions(-)

More information about cffdrs at CRAN
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Package bWGR updated to version 1.3.1 with previous version 1.3 dated 2015-11-19

Title: Bagging Whole-Genome Regression
Description: Designed for whole-genome regressions using Bayesian models fitted via Gibbs sampling with optional resampling techniques and polygenic term with reduced dimensionality.
Author: Alencar Xavier, William Muir, Katy Rainey.
Maintainer: Alencar Xavier <>

Diff between bWGR versions 1.3 dated 2015-11-19 and 1.3.1 dated 2016-03-17

 DESCRIPTION         |    8 ++---
 MD5                 |   20 ++++++++-----
 R/RcppExports.R     |    4 ++
 R/bmen.R            |only
 R/mkr.R             |   80 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 R/wGELA.R           |only
 inst/CITATION       |    6 +--
 inst/doc            |only
 man/bWGR.Rd         |    4 +-
 man/bmen.Rd         |only
 man/mkr.Rd          |    1 
 src/GSEN.cpp        |only
 src/RcppExports.cpp |   18 +++++++++++
 13 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

More information about bWGR at CRAN
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New package boostmtree with initial version 1.0.0
Package: boostmtree
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2016-03-17
Title: Boosted Multivariate Trees for Longitudinal Data
Author: Hemant Ishwaran <>, Amol Pande <>
Maintainer: Udaya B. Kogalur <>
Depends: R (>= 3.1.0)
Imports: randomForestSRC (>= 2.1.0), parallel, splines, nlme
Description: Implements Friedman's gradient descent boosting algorithm for longitudinal data using multivariate tree base learners. A time-covariate interaction effect is modeled using penalized B-splines (P-splines) with estimated adaptive smoothing parameter.
License: GPL (>= 3)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-03-17 14:01:58 UTC; kogalur
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-03-17 18:59:33

More information about boostmtree at CRAN
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Package bigsplines updated to version 1.0-8 with previous version 1.0-7 dated 2015-08-09

Title: Smoothing Splines for Large Samples
Description: Fits smoothing spline regression models using scalable algorithms designed for large samples. Six marginal spline types are supported: cubic, different cubic, cubic periodic, cubic thin-plate, ordinal, and nominal. Random effects and parametric effects are also supported. Response can be Gaussian or non-Gaussian: Binomial, Poisson, Gamma, Inverse Gaussian, or Negative Binomial.
Author: Nathaniel E. Helwig <>
Maintainer: Nathaniel E. Helwig <>

Diff between bigsplines versions 1.0-7 dated 2015-08-09 and 1.0-8 dated 2016-03-17

 ChangeLog                 |   27 ++++++++++++++++
 DESCRIPTION               |   10 +++---
 MD5                       |   70 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 R/bigspline.R             |   13 ++++++-
 R/bigssa.R                |    6 +--
 R/bigssp.R                |    4 +-
 R/imagebar.R              |   11 +++---
 R/makerkm.R               |   15 ++++++---
 R/makessa.R               |   21 +++++++++---
 R/makessg.R               |    9 +++++
 R/makessp.R               |   15 +++++++--
 R/predict.bigspline.R     |   17 +++++++++-
 R/predict.bigssa.R        |    4 +-
 R/predict.bigssg.R        |    4 +-
 R/predict.bigssp.R        |    4 +-
 R/remlri.R                |   48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 R/remlvc.R                |   75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 R/ssawork.R               |    5 ++-
 R/ssgwork.R               |    5 ++-
 R/sspwork.R               |    5 ++-
 man/bigspline.Rd          |   19 ++++++-----
 man/bigsplines-package.Rd |    8 +++-
 man/bigssa.Rd             |   26 +++++++--------
 man/bigssg.Rd             |   18 +++--------
 man/bigssp.Rd             |   20 ++++++------
 man/bigtps.Rd             |    6 +--
 man/makessa.Rd            |   13 +++----
 man/makessg.Rd            |   13 +------
 man/makessp.Rd            |   13 +++----
 man/predict.bigspline.Rd  |    6 +--
 man/predict.bigssa.Rd     |   10 +++---
 man/predict.bigssg.Rd     |   12 ++-----
 man/predict.bigssp.Rd     |   12 ++++---
 man/predict.bigtps.Rd     |    4 +-
 src/linker.f              |only
 src/linkersym.f           |only
 src/ordker.f              |only
 src/ordkersym.f           |only
 38 files changed, 369 insertions(+), 179 deletions(-)

More information about bigsplines at CRAN
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Package userfriendlyscience updated to version 0.4-1 with previous version 0.4-0 dated 2016-01-21

Title: Quantitative Analysis Made Accessible
Description: Contains a number of functions that serve two goals: first, make R more accessible to people migrating from SPSS by adding a number of functions that behave roughly like their SPSS equivalents; and second, make a number of slightly more advanced functions more user friendly to relatively novice users.
Author: Gjalt-Jorn Peters
Maintainer: Gjalt-Jorn Peters <>

Diff between userfriendlyscience versions 0.4-0 dated 2016-01-21 and 0.4-1 dated 2016-03-17

 userfriendlyscience-0.4-0/userfriendlyscience/man/userfriendlyscience-associationMatrix.Rd         |only
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-0/userfriendlyscience/man/userfriendlyscience-convert.Rd                   |only
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-0/userfriendlyscience/man/userfriendlyscience-printMethods.Rd              |only
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-0/userfriendlyscience/man/userfriendlyscience-regr.Rd                      |only
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-0/userfriendlyscience/man/userfriendlyscience-userfriendlyscienceBasics.Rd |only
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-0/userfriendlyscience/tests/sysRevExampleTemplate.r                        |only
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-1/userfriendlyscience/DESCRIPTION                                          |    8 +-
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-1/userfriendlyscience/MD5                                                  |   35 +++++-----
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-1/userfriendlyscience/NAMESPACE                                            |    4 -
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-1/userfriendlyscience/R/associationMatrix.R                                |   17 ++++
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-1/userfriendlyscience/R/asymmetricalScatterMatrix.R                        |   21 ++++--
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-1/userfriendlyscience/R/convert.R                                          |    8 ++
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-1/userfriendlyscience/R/descr.R                                            |    2 
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-1/userfriendlyscience/R/fullFact.R                                         |only
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-1/userfriendlyscience/R/powerHist.R                                        |    9 +-
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-1/userfriendlyscience/R/regr.R                                             |   17 ++++
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-1/userfriendlyscience/R/sort.associationMatrix.R                           |   18 ++++-
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-1/userfriendlyscience/man/associationMatrix.Rd                             |only
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-1/userfriendlyscience/man/asymmetricalScatterMatrix.Rd                     |    7 ++
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-1/userfriendlyscience/man/convert.Rd                                       |only
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-1/userfriendlyscience/man/fullFact.Rd                                      |only
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-1/userfriendlyscience/man/printMethods.Rd                                  |only
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-1/userfriendlyscience/man/regr.Rd                                          |only
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-1/userfriendlyscience/man/userfriendlyscience-powerHist.Rd                 |    7 +-
 userfriendlyscience-0.4-1/userfriendlyscience/man/userfriendlyscienceBasics.Rd                     |only
 25 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

More information about userfriendlyscience at CRAN
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Package tsPI updated to version 1.0.1 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2015-11-09

Title: Improved Prediction Intervals for ARIMA Processes and Structural Time Series
Description: Prediction intervals for ARIMA and structural time series models using importance sampling approach with uninformative priors for model parameters, leading to more accurate coverage probabilities in frequentist sense. Instead of sampling the future observations and hidden states of the state space representation of the model, only model parameters are sampled, and the method is based solving the equations corresponding to the conditional coverage probability of the prediction intervals. This makes method relatively fast compared to for example MCMC methods, and standard errors of prediction limits can also be computed straightforwardly.
Author: Jouni Helske
Maintainer: Jouni Helske <>

Diff between tsPI versions 1.0.0 dated 2015-11-09 and 1.0.1 dated 2016-03-17

 ChangeLog                       |only
 DESCRIPTION                     |   19 +
 MD5                             |   35 +--
 NAMESPACE                       |   76 +++----
 R/arima_pi.R                    |  390 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 R/struct_pi.R                   |  328 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
 R/tsPI-package.R                |   66 +++---
 inst/CITATION                   |   17 +
 man/acv_arma.Rd                 |   68 +++---
 man/arima_pi.Rd                 |  181 +++++++++---------
 man/avg_coverage_arima.Rd       |  110 +++++------
 man/avg_coverage_struct.Rd      |  122 ++++++------
 man/dacv_arma.Rd                |   52 ++---
 man/information_arma.Rd         |   62 +++---
 man/priors.Rd                   |   74 +++----
 man/struct_pi.Rd                |  154 +++++++--------
 man/tsPI.Rd                     |   68 +++---
 tests/testthat/test-arima_pi.R  |  124 ++++++------
 tests/testthat/test-struct_pi.R |  100 +++++-----
 19 files changed, 1037 insertions(+), 1009 deletions(-)

More information about tsPI at CRAN
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Package svmadmm updated to version 0.2 with previous version 0.1 dated 2016-03-07

Title: Linear/Nonlinear SVM Classification Solver Based on ADMM and IADMM Algorithms
Description: Solve large-scale regularised linear/kernel classification by using ADMM and IADMM algorithms. This package provides linear L2-regularised primal classification (both ADMM and IADMM are available), kernel L2-regularised dual classification (IADMM) as well as L1-regularised primal classification (both ADMM and IADMM are available).
Author: Ben DAI <>; Junhui Wang <>
Maintainer: Ben DAI <>

Diff between svmadmm versions 0.1 dated 2016-03-07 and 0.2 dated 2016-03-17

 DESCRIPTION       |    6 +++---
 MD5               |    4 ++--
 src/linear_math.c |    2 +-
 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

More information about svmadmm at CRAN
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Package SSN updated to version 1.1.7 with previous version 1.1.6 dated 2015-08-23

Title: Spatial Modeling on Stream Networks
Description: Geostatistical modeling for data on stream networks, including models based on in-stream distance. Models are created using moving average constructions. Spatial linear models, including covariates, can be fit with ML or REML. Mapping and other graphical functions are included.
Author: Jay Ver Hoef and Erin Peterson
Maintainer: Jay Ver Hoef <>

Diff between SSN versions 1.1.6 dated 2015-08-23 and 1.1.7 dated 2016-03-17

 SSN-1.1.6/SSN/R/additive.function.jay.R   |only
 SSN-1.1.6/SSN/R/glmssn2.R                 |only
 SSN-1.1.6/SSN/inst/vignRnw                |only
 SSN-1.1.7/SSN/DESCRIPTION                 |    8 
 SSN-1.1.7/SSN/MD5                         |   34 +-
 SSN-1.1.7/SSN/R/CrossValidationSSN.r      |   12 
 SSN-1.1.7/SSN/R/CrossValidationStatsSSN.r |   17 -
 SSN-1.1.7/SSN/R/SSN-methods.R             |    7 
 SSN-1.1.7/SSN/R/additive.function.R       |  138 +++++++--
 SSN-1.1.7/SSN/R/createDistMat.R           |   28 -
 SSN-1.1.7/SSN/data/mf04.rda               |binary
 SSN-1.1.7/SSN/data/mf04p.rda              |binary
 SSN-1.1.7/SSN/data/modelFits.rda          |binary
 SSN-1.1.7/SSN/inst/doc/SSN.R              |  423 ++++++++++++------------------
 SSN-1.1.7/SSN/inst/doc/SSN.pdf            |binary
 SSN-1.1.7/SSN/inst/doc/STARS.pdf          |binary
 SSN-1.1.7/SSN/man/CrossValidationSSN.Rd   |   15 -
 SSN-1.1.7/SSN/man/SimulateOnSSN.Rd        |    6 
 SSN-1.1.7/SSN/man/createSSN.Rd            |    2 
 19 files changed, 335 insertions(+), 355 deletions(-)

More information about SSN at CRAN
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New package RSMET with initial version 1.2.9
Package: RSMET
Maintainer: Emanuele Cordano <>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Title: Get Real-Time Meteorological Data in SMET Format
Type: Package
Author: Emanuele Cordano
Description: It manages snow and weather local time series as provided by MeteoIO (<>, <>, <>). MeteoIO is a C/C++ Open Source library which "has been designed to accomodate both the needs of carefully crafted simulations for a specific purpose/study and for the needs of operational simulations that run automatically and unattended". It is integrated in physical spatially-distributed models and tackles several issues with weather input/output data. Here a SMET S4 class object is defined and can be imported from/ exported to a SMET ini files of MeteoIO , allowing interoperability from R to MeteoIO and other SMET-compliant software.
Version: 1.2.9
Date: 2016-03-17
Repository: CRAN
Depends: R (>= 2.10), stringr
Imports: methods
Suggests: ggmap
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-03-17 12:45:42 UTC; ecor
Date/Publication: 2016-03-17 13:57:31

More information about RSMET at CRAN
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New package rscimark with initial version 1.0
Package: rscimark
Title: SciMark 2.0 Benchmark for Scientific and Numerical Computing
Description: The SciMark 2.0 benchmark was originally developed in Java as a benchmark for numerical and scientific computational performance. It measures the performance of several computational kernels which are frequently occurring in scientific applications. This package is a simple wrapper around the ANSI C implementation of the benchmark.
Authors@R: c(person("Bernd", "Bischl", email = "", role = c("aut")), person("Jakob", "Bossek", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre")))
Maintainer: Jakob Bossek <>
License: BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: checkmate
Suggests: testthat
LazyData: yes
ByteCompile: yes
Version: 1.0
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2016-03-17 09:34:48 UTC; jboss
Author: Bernd Bischl [aut], Jakob Bossek [aut, cre]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-03-17 13:18:56

More information about rscimark at CRAN
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Package Rlibeemd updated to version 1.3.7 with previous version 1.3.6 dated 2015-11-10

Title: Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) and Its Complete Variant (CEEMDAN)
Description: An R interface for C library libeemd for performing the ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD), its complete variant (CEEMDAN) or the regular empirical mode decomposition (EMD).
Author: Jouni Helske [aut, cre] (R interface), Perttu Luukko [aut] (Original libeemd C library)
Maintainer: Jouni Helske <>

Diff between Rlibeemd versions 1.3.6 dated 2015-11-10 and 1.3.7 dated 2016-03-17

 ChangeLog       |only
 DESCRIPTION     |    9 +--
 MD5             |   27 ++++-----
 NAMESPACE       |   24 ++++----
 R/RcppExports.R |   46 +++++++--------
 R/ecg.R         |   32 +++++------    |   54 +++++++++---------
 man/ECG.Rd      |   45 ++++++++-------
 man/Rlibeemd.Rd |   60 ++++++++++----------
 man/ceemdan.Rd  |  162 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 man/eemd.Rd     |  154 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 man/emd.Rd      |   93 +++++++++++++++-----------------
 man/extrema.Rd  |   99 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 man/nIMFs.Rd    |   42 +++++++-------
 src/ |    2 
 15 files changed, 427 insertions(+), 422 deletions(-)

More information about Rlibeemd at CRAN
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Package RFgroove updated to version 1.1 with previous version 1.0 dated 2015-05-18

Title: Importance Measure and Selection for Groups of Variables with Random Forests
Description: Variable selection tools for groups of variables and functional data based on a new grouped variable importance with random forests.
Author: Baptiste Gregorutti
Maintainer: Baptiste Gregorutti <>

Diff between RFgroove versions 1.0 dated 2015-05-18 and 1.1 dated 2016-03-17

 DESCRIPTION             |    8 ++++----
 MD5                     |   18 ++++++++++--------
 NAMESPACE               |    4 ++++
 R/plot.importance.R     |only
 R/selectLevel.R         |    9 ++++++---
 R/varImpGroup.R         |    3 ++-
 man/RFgroove-package.Rd |    4 ++--
 man/plot.importance.Rd  |only
 man/selectFunctional.Rd |    4 ++--
 man/varImpGroup.Rd      |    8 ++++----
 src/RFGroupImp.c        |   45 ---------------------------------------------
 11 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

More information about RFgroove at CRAN
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Package phylocurve updated to version 2.0.2 with previous version 1.3.0 dated 2015-06-17

Title: Phylogenetic Comparative Methods for High-Dimensional Traits
Description: Tools for studying the evolution of high-dimensional traits (morphometric, function-valued, etc.) including ancestral state reconstruction, estimating phylogenetic signal, and assessing correlated trait evolution. Visit for more information.
Author: Eric W. Goolsby
Maintainer: Eric W. Goolsby <>

Diff between phylocurve versions 1.3.0 dated 2015-06-17 and 2.0.2 dated 2016-03-17

 phylocurve-1.3.0/phylocurve/man/compare.multivar.rate.mult.Rd             |only
 phylocurve-1.3.0/phylocurve/man/compare.rate.mult.Rd                      |only
 phylocurve-1.3.0/phylocurve/man/get_aligned_function_data.Rd              |only
 phylocurve-1.3.0/phylocurve/man/get_tip_coefficients.Rd                   |only
 phylocurve-1.3.0/phylocurve/man/pgls.mult.Rd                              |only
 phylocurve-1.3.0/phylocurve/man/                          |only
 phylocurve-1.3.0/phylocurve/man/print.rate.mult.Rd                        |only
 phylocurve-1.3.0/phylocurve/man/rate.mult.Rd                              |only
 phylocurve-1.3.0/phylocurve/man/sim.mult.Rd                               |only
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/DESCRIPTION                                   |   21 
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/MD5                                           |   54 
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/NAMESPACE                                     |   76 
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/R/RcppExports.R                               |only
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/R/fast_geomorph_functions.R                   |only
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/R/phylocurve.R                                | 3559 ++++++----
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/                                 |    4 
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/K.mult.Rd                                 |   40 
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/compare.models.Rd                         |only
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/evo.model.Rd                              |only
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/       |only
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/ |only
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/fast.geomorph.phylo.integration.Rd        |only
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/fast.geomorph.physignal.Rd                |only
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/fast.geomorph.procD.pgls.Rd               |only
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/              |only
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/get.tip.coefficients.Rd                   |only
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/multipic.Rd                               |only
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/                          |    4 
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/paint.edges.Rd                            |only
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/phylocurve-package.Rd                     |   12 
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/phylocurve.Rd                             |   12 
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/phylocurve.generalized.Rd                 |    4 
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/phylocurve.trim.Rd                        |    4 
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/                         |    4 
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/prep_multipic.Rd                          |only
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/print.evo.model.Rd                        |only
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/sim.curves.Rd                             |    6 
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/sim.traits.Rd                             |only
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/man/ultraFastAnc.Rd                           |only
 phylocurve-2.0.2/phylocurve/src                                           |only
 40 files changed, 2342 insertions(+), 1458 deletions(-)

More information about phylocurve at CRAN
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Package KFAS updated to version 1.2.2 with previous version 1.2.1 dated 2016-02-05

Title: Kalman Filter and Smoother for Exponential Family State Space Models
Description: Functions for Kalman filtering, smoothing, forecasting and simulation of multivariate exponential family state space models with exact diffuse initialization and sequential processing.
Author: Jouni Helske <>
Maintainer: Jouni Helske <>

Diff between KFAS versions 1.2.1 dated 2016-02-05 and 1.2.2 dated 2016-03-17

 ChangeLog                          |   30 -
 DESCRIPTION                        |    8 
 MD5                                |   66 +-
 R/SSMcustom.R                      |    2 
 R/fitSSM.R                         |   11 
 R/importanceSSM.R                  |    4 
 R/interval.R                       |   14 
 R/logLik.SSModel.R                 |   10 
 R/predict.SSModel.R                |    5 
 R/simulateSSM.R                    |   24 
 build/vignette.rds                 |binary
 data/GlobalTemp.rda                |binary
 data/alcohol.rda                   |binary
 data/boat.rda                      |binary
 data/sexratio.rda                  |binary
 inst/doc/KFAS.R                    |  110 +--
 inst/doc/KFAS.Rnw                  | 1018 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 inst/doc/KFAS.pdf                  |binary
 man/KFAS.Rd                        | 1078 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 man/KFS.Rd                         |  442 +++++++--------
 man/fitSSM.Rd                      |    4 
 man/ldl.Rd                         |   64 +-
 man/logLik.SSModel.Rd              |   10 
 man/predict.SSModel.Rd             |    5 
 man/simulateSSM.Rd                 |  190 +++---
 src/declarations.h                 |    2 
 src/init.c                         |    2 
 src/simgaussianuncond.f95          |   13 
 tests/testthat/testBasics.R        |   11 
 tests/testthat/testImportanceSSM.R |   14 
 tests/testthat/testNumerical.R     |    7 
 tests/testthat/testPredict.R       |   67 +-
 tests/testthat/testSimulateSSM.R   |   12 
 vignettes/KFAS.Rnw                 | 1018 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 34 files changed, 2136 insertions(+), 2105 deletions(-)

More information about KFAS at CRAN
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New package housingData with initial version 0.3.0
Package: housingData
Type: Package
Title: U.S. Housing Data from 2008 to 2016
Version: 0.3.0
Date: 2016-03-14
Author: Ryan Hafen <>
Maintainer: Ryan Hafen <>
License: CC0
Description: Monthly median home listing, sale price per square foot, and number of units sold for 2984 counties in the contiguous United States From 2008 to January 2016. Additional data sets containing geographical information and links to Wikipedia are also included.
Depends: R (>= 2.15)
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-03-16 23:25:17 UTC; hafen
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-03-17 14:12:11

More information about housingData at CRAN
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Package glmnet updated to version 2.0-5 with previous version 2.0-4 dated 2016-03-13

Title: Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models
Description: Extremely efficient procedures for fitting the entire lasso or elastic-net regularization path for linear regression, logistic and multinomial regression models, Poisson regression and the Cox model. Two recent additions are the multiple-response Gaussian, and the grouped multinomial. The algorithm uses cyclical coordinate descent in a path-wise fashion, as described in the paper linked to via the URL below.
Author: Jerome Friedman, Trevor Hastie, Noah Simon, Rob Tibshirani
Maintainer: Trevor Hastie <>

Diff between glmnet versions 2.0-4 dated 2016-03-13 and 2.0-5 dated 2016-03-17

 DESCRIPTION               |    8 +--
 MD5                       |   10 +--
 R/predict.glmnet.R        |    2 
 R/predict.multnet.R       |    4 -
 inst/doc/Coxnet.pdf       |binary
 inst/doc/glmnet_beta.html |  116 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 6 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

More information about glmnet at CRAN
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Package GAabbreviate updated to version 1.2 with previous version 1.1 dated 2016-02-26

Title: Abbreviating Items Measures using Genetic Algorithms
Description: The GAabbreviate package uses Genetic Algorithms as an optimization tool for scale abbreviation or subset selection that maximally captures the variance in the original data.
Author: Luca Scrucca [aut], Baljinder K. Sahdra [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Baljinder K. Sahdra <>

Diff between GAabbreviate versions 1.1 dated 2016-02-26 and 1.2 dated 2016-03-17

 GAabbreviate-1.1/GAabbreviate/R/zzz.R                      |only
 GAabbreviate-1.2/GAabbreviate/DESCRIPTION                  |    8 
 GAabbreviate-1.2/GAabbreviate/MD5                          |   11 
 GAabbreviate-1.2/GAabbreviate/R/GAabbreviate.R             |  335 ++++++-------
 GAabbreviate-1.2/GAabbreviate/inst/NEWS                    |    6 
 GAabbreviate-1.2/GAabbreviate/man/GAabbreviate-internal.Rd |    1 
 GAabbreviate-1.2/GAabbreviate/man/GAabbreviate.Rd          |   16 
 7 files changed, 202 insertions(+), 175 deletions(-)

More information about GAabbreviate at CRAN
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Package ddpcr updated to version 1.1.2 with previous version 1.0.1 dated 2016-02-19

Title: Analysis and Visualization of Droplet Digital PCR in R and on the Web
Description: An interface to explore, analyze, and visualize droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) data in R. This is the first non-proprietary software for analyzing two-channel ddPCR data. An interactive tool was also created and is available online to facilitate this analysis for anyone who is not comfortable with using R.
Author: Dean Attali [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Dean Attali <>

Diff between ddpcr versions 1.0.1 dated 2016-02-19 and 1.1.2 dated 2016-03-17

 ddpcr-1.0.1/ddpcr/inst/sample_data/small/B06_filled.csv                    |only
 ddpcr-1.0.1/ddpcr/inst/sample_data/small/small_B01_Amplitude.csv           |only
 ddpcr-1.0.1/ddpcr/inst/sample_data/small/small_B06_Amplitude.csv           |only
 ddpcr-1.0.1/ddpcr/inst/sample_data/small/small_C06_Amplitude.csv           |only
 ddpcr-1.0.1/ddpcr/inst/sample_data/small/small_C08_Amplitude.csv           |only
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/DESCRIPTION                                              |   10 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/MD5                                                      |  114 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/R/plate.R                                                |    4 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/R/plot.R                                                 |    2 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/R/pnpp_experiment-calculate_neg_freq.R                   |    2 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/R/pnpp_experiment-filled.R                               |    8 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/R/pnpp_experiment-plot.R                                 |    2 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/R/sample_data.R                                          |only
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/R/subset.R                                               |   28 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/R/type-wildtype_mutant_pnpp.R                            |    2 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/R/utils.R                                                |   60 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/                                                |  205 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/build/vignette.rds                                       |binary
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/doc/algorithm.Rmd                                   |    8 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/doc/algorithm.html                                  |   21 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/doc/extend.html                                     |   41 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/doc/overview.R                                      |   16 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/doc/overview.Rmd                                    |   32 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/doc/overview.html                                   |  199 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/sample_data/empty_plate.rds                         |binary
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/sample_data/large/large.rds                         |binary
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/sample_data/small/A05_filled.csv                    |only
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/sample_data/small/analyzed.rds                      |binary
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/sample_data/small/analyzed_pnpp.rds                 |binary
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/sample_data/small/small.csv                         |   15 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/sample_data/small/small.rds                         |binary
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/sample_data/small/small_A01_Amplitude.csv           |only
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/sample_data/small/small_A05_Amplitude.csv           |only
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/sample_data/small/small_C01_Amplitude.csv           |29535 ++++------
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/sample_data/small/small_C05_Amplitude.csv           |only
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/sample_data/small/small_F05_Amplitude.csv           |only
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/shiny/data                                          |only
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/shiny/server/tab-dataset.R                          |    2 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/shiny/server/tab-results.R                          |    3 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/shiny/server/tab-settings.R                         |    4 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/inst/shiny/ui/tab-settings.R                             |    9 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/man/calculate_neg_freq_single.Rd                         |    2 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/man/get_filled_border.Rd                                 |    4 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/man/get_filled_drops.Rd                                  |    4 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/man/is_range.Rd                                          |    8 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/man/plot.ddpcr_plate.Rd                                  |    2 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/man/plot.pnpp_experiment.Rd                              |    2 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/man/plot.wildtype_mutant_pnpp.Rd                         |    2 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/man/sample_data.Rd                                       |    5 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/man/subset.ddpcr_plate.Rd                                |   20 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/man/well_info.Rd                                         |    2 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/man/wells_used.Rd                                        |    2 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/tests/testthat/test-custom_thresholds.R                  |   10 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/tests/testthat/test-empty.R                              |   16 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/tests/testthat/test-failures.R                           |    8 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/tests/testthat/test-outliers.R                           |    6 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/tests/testthat/test-plate.R                              |   10 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/tests/testthat/test-pnpp_experiment-calculate_neg_freq.R |   10 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/tests/testthat/test-pnpp_experiment-filled.R             |   18 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/tests/testthat/test-pnpp_experiment.R                    |    4 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/tests/testthat/test-subset.R                             |   56 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/tests/testthat/test-utils.R                              |   20 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/vignettes/algorithm.Rmd                                  |    8 
 ddpcr-1.1.2/ddpcr/vignettes/overview.Rmd                                   |   32 
 64 files changed, 14751 insertions(+), 15822 deletions(-)

More information about ddpcr at CRAN
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Package BrailleR updated to version 0.24.0 with previous version 0.22.0 dated 2015-06-26

Title: Improved Access for Blind Users
Description: Blind users do not have access to the graphical output from R without printing the content of graphics windows to an embosser of some kind. This is not as immediate as is required for efficient access to statistical output. The functions here are created so that blind people can make even better use of R. This includes the text descriptions of graphs, convenience functions to replace the functionality offered in many GUI front ends, and experimental functionality for optimising graphical content to prepare it for embossing as tactile images.
Author: A. Jonathan R. Godfrey [aut, cre], Duncan Murdoch [ctb], Greg Snow [ctb], Henrik Bengtsson [ctb], James Curtis [ctb], Paul Murrell [ctb], Timothy Bilton [ctb], Yihui Xie [ctb]
Maintainer: A. Jonathan R. Godfrey <>

Diff between BrailleR versions 0.22.0 dated 2015-06-26 and 0.24.0 dated 2016-03-17

 BrailleR-0.22.0/BrailleR/R/Premiere100.R                                  |only
 BrailleR-0.22.0/BrailleR/inst/DEFAULTS                                    |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/DESCRIPTION                                      |   31 +
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/MD5                                              |  116 +++--
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/NAMESPACE                                        |   15 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/BRLThis.R                                      |   26 -
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/BrailleRHome.R                                 |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/GettingStarted.R                               |   18 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/Internal.R                                     |   18 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/JoinBlindRUG.R                                 |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/MakeAllFormats.R                               |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/MakeBatch.R                                    |   26 -
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/MakeReadable.R                                 |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/MakeRmdFiles.R                                 |   14 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/MakeRprofile.R                                 |    5 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/MakeSlideShow.R                                |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/NewFunction.R                                  |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/OneFactor.R                                    |   49 +-
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/OnePredictor.R                                 |   43 +-
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/Options.R                                      |  214 +++++++---
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/Premier100.R                                   |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/PrepareWriteR.R                                |    8 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/R2txtJG.R                                      |    2 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/SVGThis.R                                      |    4 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/SetupBrailleR.R                                |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/TwoFactors.R                                   |   67 +--
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/UniDesc.R                                      |   69 +--
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/VIMethod1_JG.R                                 |    4 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/VIMethod2_TB.R                                 |    4 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/WTF.R                                          |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/WhereXY.R                                      |    7 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/WriteR.R                                       |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/history.R                                      |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/R/zzz.R                                          |   29 +
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/inst/BrailleROptions                             |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/inst/NEWS                                        |  111 ++++-
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/inst/Python/                     |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/inst/Python/                        |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/inst/Python/WriteR/HelpPage.Rmd                  |   51 +-
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/inst/Python/WriteR/HelpPage.html                 |   59 +-
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/inst/Python/WriteR/WriteR.pyw                    |  172 +++++---
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/inst/WriteROptions                               |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/inst/css/JGSlides.css                            |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/inst/doc/BrailleRHistory.html                    |  166 +++++--
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/inst/doc/BrailleRHistory.rmd                     |   11 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/inst/doc/Ex1histograms.html                      |  150 +++----
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/inst/doc/Ex2BasicNumerical.html                  |   48 +-
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/inst/doc/Ex3UnivariateDescription.html           |   46 +-
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/inst/doc/Ex4SingleResponseOneGroupingFactor.html |   46 +-
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/inst/doc/GettingStarted.R                        |    3 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/inst/doc/GettingStarted.Rmd                      |   13 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/inst/doc/GettingStarted.html                     |   66 ++-
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/inst/foo.pandoc                                  |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/man/BrailleR-package.Rd                          |    6 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/man/BrailleRHome.Rd                              |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/man/Embossers.Rd                                 |   15 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/man/Internal.Rd                                  |    8 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/man/JoinBlindRUG.Rd                              |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/man/MakeAllFormats.Rd                            |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/man/MakeReadable.Rd                              |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/man/MakeSlideShow.Rd                             |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/man/NewFunction.Rd                               |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/man/PrepareWriteR.Rd                             |   14 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/man/SVGThis.Rd                                   |   11 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/man/SetOptions.Rd                                |   44 +-
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/man/SetupBrailleR.Rd                             |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/man/TwoFactors.Rd                                |    8 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/man/VI.Rd                                        |    5 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/man/WTF.Rd                                       |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/man/history.Rd                                   |only
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/vignettes/BrailleRHistory.rmd                    |   11 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/vignettes/BrailleRPublications.bib               |    2 
 BrailleR-0.24.0/BrailleR/vignettes/GettingStarted.Rmd                     |   13 
 73 files changed, 1207 insertions(+), 641 deletions(-)

More information about BrailleR at CRAN
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Package Bolstad updated to version 0.2-30 with previous version 0.2-25 dated 2013-06-17

Title: Functions for Elementary Bayesian Inference
Description: A set of R functions and data sets for the book Introduction to Bayesian Statistics, Bolstad, W.M. (2007), John Wiley & Sons ISBN 0-471-27020-2.
Author: James Curran <>
Maintainer: James Curran <>

Diff between Bolstad versions 0.2-25 dated 2013-06-17 and 0.2-30 dated 2016-03-17

 Bolstad-0.2-25/Bolstad/INDEX                        |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/DESCRIPTION                  |   20 
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/MD5                          |  125 ++-
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/NAMESPACE                    |  111 ++-
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/Bolstad-package.R          |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/IQR.R                      |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/    |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/bayes.lin.reg.r            |  631 +++++++++++---------
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/bayes.lm.R                 |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/bayes.t.test.R             |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/binobp.r                   |   93 ++
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/binodp.r                   |   93 ++
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/binogcp.r                  |  149 +++-
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/binomixp.r                 |  314 ++++++---
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/cdf.R                      |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/createPrior.R              |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/createPrior.default.R      |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/cumDistFun.R               |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/decomp.R                   |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/lines.Bolstad.R            |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/mean.Bolstad.R             |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/median.Bolstad.R           |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/mvnmvnp.R                  |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/normdp.r                   |   64 +-
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/normgcp.r                  |  123 +++
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/normmixp.r                 |  390 +++++++-----
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/normnp.r                   |  212 ++++--
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/nvaricp.r                  |   67 ++
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/plot.Bolstad.r             |   83 ++
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/poisdp.r                   |   72 ++
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/poisgamp.r                 |  107 ++-
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/poisgcp.r                  |   88 ++
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/print.Bolstad.R            |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/print.sintegral.R          |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/print.sscamp.R             |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/print.summary.Bolstad.R    |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/qFun.R                     |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/quantile.Bolstad.R         |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/sd.R                       |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/sintegral.r                |  119 ++-
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/sscsample.r                |  339 +++++-----
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/summary.Bolstad.R          |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/sysdata.rda                |binary
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/var.R                      |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/R/xdesign.r                  |   58 +
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/                    |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/data                         |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/Bolstad-package.Rd       |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/IQR.Rd                   |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/ |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/bayes.lin.reg.Rd         |  196 +++---
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/bayes.lm.Rd              |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/bayes.t.test.Rd          |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/bears.Rd                 |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/binobp.Rd                |  130 +---
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/binodp.Rd                |  145 ++--
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/binogcp.Rd               |  184 +++--
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/binomixp.Rd              |  157 ++--
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/cdf.Rd                   |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/createPrior.Rd           |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/createPrior.default.Rd   |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/decomp.Rd                |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/lines.Bolstad.Rd         |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/mean.Bolstad.Rd          |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/median.Bolstad.Rd        |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/mvnmvnp.Rd               |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/normdp.Rd                |  123 ++-
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/normgcp.Rd               |  209 +++---
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/normmixp.Rd              |  123 ++-
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/normnp.Rd                |  120 ++-
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/nvaricp.Rd               |  146 ++--
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/plot.Bolstad.Rd          |   98 ++-
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/poisdp.Rd                |  135 ++--
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/poisgamp.Rd              |  141 ++--
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/poisgcp.Rd               |  206 +++---
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/print.Bolstad.Rd         |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/print.sscsamp.Rd         |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/quantile.Bolstad.Rd      |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/sd.Bolstad.Rd            |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/sd.Rd                    |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/sintegral.Rd             |  127 ++--
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/slug.Rd                  |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/sscsample.Rd             |  100 +--
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/        |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/summary.Bolstad.Rd       |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/var.Rd                   |only
 Bolstad-0.2-30/Bolstad/man/xdesign.Rd               |   92 +-
 87 files changed, 3613 insertions(+), 2077 deletions(-)

More information about Bolstad at CRAN
Permanent link

Package bdscale updated to version 2.0.0 with previous version 1.2 dated 2014-11-12

Title: Remove Weekends and Holidays from ggplot2 Axes
Description: Provides a continuous date scale, omitting weekends and holidays.
Author: Dave Mills [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Dave Mills <>

Diff between bdscale versions 1.2 dated 2014-11-12 and 2.0.0 dated 2016-03-17

 DESCRIPTION           |   25 +++++----
 MD5                   |   34 +++++++------
 NAMESPACE             |   10 ++-
 R/data.R              |only
 R/scale_bd.R          |   43 +++++++++--------
 R/yahoo_dates.R       |    3 -             |   31 ++++++------
 build/vignette.rds    |binary
 data                  |only
 inst/doc/bdscale.R    |   14 ++---
 inst/doc/bdscale.Rmd  |    4 -
 inst/doc/bdscale.html |  126 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 man/bd2t.Rd           |    6 +-
 man/bd_breaks.Rd      |    5 +
 man/nyse.Rd           |only
 man/scale_x_bd.Rd     |   11 ++--
 man/yahoo.Rd          |    3 -
 tests                 |only
 vignettes/bdscale.Rmd |    4 -
 19 files changed, 183 insertions(+), 136 deletions(-)

More information about bdscale at CRAN
Permanent link

Package bcRep updated to version 1.3.2 with previous version 1.3.1 dated 2016-02-25

Title: Advanced Analysis of B Cell Receptor Repertoire Data
Description: Methods for advanced analysis of B cell receptor repertoire data, like gene usage, mutations, clones, diversity, distance measures and multidimensional scaling and their visualisation.
Author: Julia Bischof
Maintainer: Julia Bischof <>

Diff between bcRep versions 1.3.1 dated 2016-02-25 and 1.3.2 dated 2016-03-17

 DESCRIPTION            |    8 ++++----
 MD5                    |   10 +++++-----
 R/compare.geneUsage.R  |    4 ++--
 R/sequences.geneComb.R |   12 ++++++------
 inst/NEWS.Rmd          |    8 ++++++++
 inst/doc/NEWS.pdf      |binary
 6 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

More information about bcRep at CRAN
Permanent link

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