Sat, 26 Mar 2016

Package RcppMLPACK (with last version 1.0.10-2) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2015-02-08 1.0.10-2
2014-12-21 1.0.10
2014-08-20 1.0.9-3
2014-08-11 1.0.9

Permanent link
Package sSDR updated to version 1.2.0 with previous version 1.1.0 dated 2016-01-14

Title: Tools Developed for Structured Sufficient Dimension Reduction (sSDR)
Description: Performs structured OLS (sOLS) and structured SIR (sSIR).
Author: Yang Liu <>, Francesca Chiaromonte, Bing Li
Maintainer: Yang Liu <>

Diff between sSDR versions 1.1.0 dated 2016-01-14 and 1.2.0 dated 2016-03-26

 DESCRIPTION        |    8 -
 MD5                |   14 +-
 R/sSDR.R           |  341 +++++++++++++++--------------------------------------
 man/gOLS.Rd        |   21 ---
 man/gOLS.comp.d.Rd |    7 -
 man/gSIR.Rd        |   21 ---
 man/gSIR.comp.d.Rd |    7 -
 man/sOLS.comp.d.Rd |    8 -
 8 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 303 deletions(-)

More information about sSDR at CRAN
Permanent link

New package rprojroot with initial version 1.0
Package: rprojroot
Title: Finding Files in Project Subdirectories
Version: 1.0
Authors@R: person(given = "Kirill", family = "Müller", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "")
Description: Robust, reliable and flexible paths to files below a project root. The 'root' of a project is defined as a directory that matches a certain criterion, e.g., it contains a certain regular file.
Depends: R (>= 3.0.0)
Suggests: testthat, knitr, withr, rmarkdown
VignetteBuilder: knitr
License: GPL-3
LazyData: true
Encoding: UTF-8
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
Collate: 'rrmake.R' 'criterion.R' 'file.R' 'has-file.R' 'root.R' 'shortcut.R' 'zzz-autoroxy.R'
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-03-26 20:40:09 UTC; muelleki
Author: Kirill Müller [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Kirill Müller <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-03-26 22:02:23

More information about rprojroot at CRAN
Permanent link

Package RDS updated to version 0.7-6 with previous version 0.7-5 dated 2016-02-23

Title: Respondent-Driven Sampling
Description: Provides functionality for carrying out estimation with data collected using Respondent-Driven Sampling. This includes Heckathorn's RDS-I and RDS-II estimators as well as Gile's Sequential Sampling estimator. The package is part of the "RDS Analyst" suite of packages for the analysis of respondent-driven sampling data.
Author: Mark S. Handcock [aut, cre], Krista J. Gile [aut], Ian E. Fellows [aut], W. Whipple Neely [aut]
Maintainer: Mark S. Handcock <>

Diff between RDS versions 0.7-5 dated 2016-02-23 and 0.7-6 dated 2016-03-26

 DESCRIPTION             |    8 +++---
 MD5                     |    6 ++--
 R/LRT.trend.R           |   58 ++++++++++++++----------------------------------
 R/rds.estimates.local.R |    5 ++--
 4 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

More information about RDS at CRAN
Permanent link

Package Rcpp updated to version 0.12.4 with previous version 0.12.3 dated 2016-01-10

Title: Seamless R and C++ Integration
Description: The 'Rcpp' package provides R functions as well as C++ classes which offer a seamless integration of R and C++. Many R data types and objects can be mapped back and forth to C++ equivalents which facilitates both writing of new code as well as easier integration of third-party libraries. Documentation about 'Rcpp' is provided by several vignettes included in this package, via the 'Rcpp Gallery' site at <>, the paper by Eddelbuettel and Francois (2011, JSS), and the book by Eddelbuettel (2013, Springer); see 'citation("Rcpp")' for details on these last two.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel, Romain Francois, JJ Allaire, Kevin Ushey, Qiang Kou, Douglas Bates and John Chambers
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <>

Diff between Rcpp versions 0.12.3 dated 2016-01-10 and 0.12.4 dated 2016-03-26

 ChangeLog                                             |  219 +++++++
 DESCRIPTION                                           |    8 
 MD5                                                   |  264 ++++----
 R/Attributes.R                                        |    7                                             |    2 
 build/Rcpp.pdf                                        |binary
 build/vignette.rds                                    |binary
 inst/NEWS.Rd                                          |   38 +
 inst/doc/Rcpp-FAQ.R                                   |   34 -
 inst/doc/Rcpp-FAQ.Rnw                                 |  225 ++++++-
 inst/doc/Rcpp-FAQ.pdf                                 |binary
 inst/doc/Rcpp-attributes.pdf                          |binary
 inst/doc/Rcpp-extending.pdf                           |binary
 inst/doc/Rcpp-introduction.pdf                        |binary
 inst/doc/Rcpp-modules.pdf                             |binary
 inst/doc/Rcpp-package.pdf                             |binary
 inst/doc/Rcpp-quickref.pdf                            |binary
 inst/doc/Rcpp-sugar.R                                 |    2 
 inst/doc/Rcpp-sugar.Rnw                               |   10 
 inst/doc/Rcpp-sugar.pdf                               |binary
 inst/doc/Rcpp-unitTests.pdf                           |binary
 inst/doc/Rcpp.bib                                     |    2 
 inst/examples/ConvolveBenchmarks/exampleRCode.r       |    2 
 inst/examples/ConvolveBenchmarks/overhead.r           |   16 
 inst/examples/FastLM/benchmark.r                      |    5 
 inst/examples/FastLM/benchmarkLongley.r               |    2 
 inst/examples/FastLM/fastLMviaArmadillo.r             |    2 
 inst/examples/FastLM/fastLMviaGSL.r                   |    2 
 inst/examples/FastLM/lmArmadillo.R                    |   10 
 inst/examples/FastLM/lmGSL.R                          |   10 
 inst/examples/Misc/fibonacci.r                        |    4 
 inst/examples/Misc/ifelseLooped.r                     |    2 
 inst/examples/Misc/newFib.r                           |    2 
 inst/examples/Misc/piBySimulation.r                   |    2 
 inst/examples/OpenMP/OpenMPandInline.r                |    2 
 inst/examples/RcppInline/RObject.r                    |    2 
 inst/examples/RcppInline/RcppInlineExample.r          |    2 
 inst/examples/RcppInline/RcppInlineWithLibsExamples.r |   70 +-
 inst/examples/RcppInline/RcppSimpleExample.r          |    2 
 inst/examples/RcppInline/UncaughtExceptions.r         |    2 
 inst/examples/RcppInline/external_pointer.r           |    2 
 inst/examples/SugarPerformance/sugarBenchmarks.R      |    2 
 inst/examples/functionCallback/newApiExample.r        |    7 
 inst/include/Rcpp/Fast.h                              |   18 
 inst/include/Rcpp/Nullable.h                          |   21 
 inst/include/Rcpp/config.h                            |    6 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/beta.h                        |    4 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/binom.h                       |    4 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/cauchy.h                      |   30 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/chisq.h                       |    4 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/dpq/dpq.h                     |  527 ++++++++---------
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/exp.h                         |   73 +-
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/f.h                           |    4 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/gamma.h                       |   25 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/geom.h                        |    4 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/hyper.h                       |    4 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/lnorm.h                       |   47 -
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/logis.h                       |   73 +-
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/nbeta.h                       |    4 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/nbinom.h                      |    4 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/nbinom_mu.h                   |    4 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/nchisq.h                      |    4 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/nf.h                          |    4 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/norm.h                        |   73 +-
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/nt.h                          |    4 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/pois.h                        |    4 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/random.h               |  558 +++++++++---------
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/rbeta.h                |   25 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/rbinom.h               |   23 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/rcauchy.h              |   43 -
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/rchisq.h               |   27 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/rexp.h                 |   39 -
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/rf.h                   |   76 +-
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/rgamma.h               |   25 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/rgeom.h                |   27 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/rhyper.h               |   24 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/rlnorm.h               |   66 +-
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/rlogis.h               |   72 +-
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/rnbinom.h              |   32 -
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/rnbinom_mu.h           |   31 -
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/rnchisq.h              |   49 -
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/rnorm.h                |   89 +-
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/rpois.h                |   23 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/rsignrank.h            |   22 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/rt.h                   |   39 -
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/runif.h                |   62 --
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/rweibull.h             |   50 -
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/random/rwilcox.h              |   22 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/stats.h                       |   10 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/t.h                           |    4 
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/unif.h                        |   40 -
 inst/include/Rcpp/stats/weibull.h                     |   41 -
 inst/include/Rcpp/sugar/functions/cbind.h             |only
 inst/include/Rcpp/sugar/functions/functions.h         |    4 
 inst/include/Rcpp/sugar/functions/median.h            |only
 inst/include/Rcpp/vector/Subsetter.h                  |   18 
 inst/unitTests/cpp/Vector.cpp                         |    5 
 inst/unitTests/cpp/misc.cpp                           |   26 
 inst/unitTests/cpp/sugar.cpp                          |  309 +++++++++
 inst/unitTests/runit.DataFrame.R                      |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.Date.R                           |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.Function.R                       |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.InternalFunction.R               |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.InternalFunctionCPP11.R          |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.Language.R                       |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.Matrix.R                         |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.Module.R                         |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.Module.client.package.R          |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.RObject.R                        |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.Reference.R                      |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.S4.R                             |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.String.R                         |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.Vector.R                         |   11 
 inst/unitTests/runit.XPTr.R                           |    2 
 inst/unitTests/                             |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.attributes.R                     |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.binary.package.R                 |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.client.package.R                 |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.environments.R                   |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.misc.R                           |   21 
 inst/unitTests/runit.modref.R                         |    2 
 inst/unitTests/                             |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.rmath.R                          |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.stats.R                          |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.subset.R                         |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.sugar.R                          |  339 ++++++++++
 inst/unitTests/runit.sugar.var.R                      |    2 
 inst/unitTests/                        |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.table.R                          |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.wrap.R                           |    2 
 inst/unitTests/runit.wstring.R                        |    2 
 vignettes/Rcpp-FAQ.Rnw                                |  225 ++++++-
 vignettes/Rcpp-sugar.Rnw                              |   10 
 vignettes/Rcpp.bib                                    |    2 
 134 files changed, 2852 insertions(+), 1601 deletions(-)

More information about Rcpp at CRAN
Permanent link

Package ProTrackR updated to version 0.3.3 with previous version 0.2.3 dated 2015-11-07

Title: Manipulate and Play 'ProTracker' Modules
Description: 'ProTracker' is a popular music tracker to sequence music on a Commodore Amiga machine. This package offers the opportunity to import, export, manipulate an play 'ProTracker' module files. Even though the file format could be considered archaic, it still remains popular to this date. This package intends to contribute to this popularity and therewith keeping the legacy of 'ProTracker' and the Commodore Amiga alive.
Author: Pepijn de Vries [aut, cre, dtc]
Maintainer: Pepijn de Vries <>

Diff between ProTrackR versions 0.2.3 dated 2015-11-07 and 0.3.3 dated 2016-03-26

 DESCRIPTION               |   11 
 MD5                       |  146 +++++-----
 NAMESPACE                 |    7 
 NEWS                      |   50 +++
 R/02PTCell.r              |    9 
 R/03PTTrack.r             |    2 
 R/09playing_routines.r    |  631 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 R/10ModArchiveHelpers.r   |only
 R/ProTrackR.r             |  113 ++++----
 man/PTBlock.Rd            |    5 
 man/PTCell-class.Rd       |   36 --
 man/PTCell-method.Rd      |   18 -
 man/PTModule-class.Rd     |   43 ---
 man/PTPattern-class.Rd    |   27 -
 man/PTPattern-method.Rd   |   23 -
 man/PTSample-class.Rd     |   51 ---
 man/PTSample-method.Rd    |   48 ---
 man/PTTrack-class.Rd      |    4 
 man/PTTrack-method.Rd     |    8 
 man/ProTrackR.Rd          |  113 ++++----
 man/appendPattern.Rd      |   67 ----
 man/as.character.Rd       |   27 -
 man/as.raw.Rd             |   17 -
 man/clearSamples.Rd       |   44 ---
 man/clearSong.Rd          |   44 ---
 man/deletePattern.Rd      |   68 ----
 man/effect.Rd             |   23 -
 man/fineTune.Rd           |   49 ---
 man/funk_table.Rd         |    2 
 man/loopLength.Rd         |   59 ----
 man/loopSample.Rd         |   63 ----
 man/loopStart.Rd          |   59 ----
 man/loopState.Rd          |   60 ----
 man/mod.intro.Rd          |    2 
 man/modArchive.Rd         |only
 man/modToWave.Rd          |   44 ---
 man/moduleSize.Rd         |   45 ---
 man/name.Rd               |   61 ----
 man/note.Rd               |   69 -----
 man/noteManipulation.Rd   |   28 +-
 man/noteToPeriod.Rd       |   50 ---
 man/nybble.Rd             |   38 +-
 man/nybbleToSignedInt.Rd  |   40 +-
 man/octave.Rd             |   43 ---
 man/pasteBlock.Rd         |   27 -
 man/patternLength.Rd      |   66 ----
 man/patternOrder.Rd       |   67 +---
 man/patternOrderLength.Rd |   69 +----
 man/paula_clock.Rd        |    2 
 man/periodToChar.Rd       |   63 ----
 man/period_table.Rd       |   18 -
 man/playMod.Rd            |   48 ---
 man/playSample.Rd         |   63 ----
 man/playWave.Rd           |    9 
 man/playingtable.Rd       |   43 ---
 man/plot.Rd               |    2 
 man/print.Rd              |    2 
 man/proTrackerVibrato.Rd  |    2 
 man/rawToCharNull.Rd      |   35 --
 man/rawToSignedInt.Rd     |   36 --
 man/rawToUnsignedInt.Rd   |   36 --
 man/read.module.Rd        |   51 ---
 man/read.sample.Rd        |   61 ----
 man/resample.Rd           |    2 
 man/sampleLength.Rd       |   51 ---
 man/sampleNumber.Rd       |   22 -
 man/sampleRate.Rd         |   62 +---
 man/signedIntToNybble.Rd  |   42 +--
 man/signedIntToRaw.Rd     |   36 --
 man/trackerFlag.Rd        |   42 ---
 man/unsignedIntToRaw.Rd   |   36 --
 man/volume.Rd             |   49 ---
 man/waveform.Rd           |   61 +---
 man/write.module.Rd       |   51 ---
 man/write.sample.Rd       |   61 ----
 75 files changed, 1269 insertions(+), 2293 deletions(-)

More information about ProTrackR at CRAN
Permanent link

Package kknn updated to version 1.3.1 with previous version 1.3.0 dated 2015-07-09

Title: Weighted k-Nearest Neighbors
Description: Weighted k-Nearest Neighbors for Classification, Regression and Clustering.
Author: Klaus Schliep [aut, cre], Klaus Hechenbichler [aut], Antoine Lizee [ctb]
Maintainer: Klaus Schliep <>

Diff between kknn versions 1.3.0 dated 2015-07-09 and 1.3.1 dated 2016-03-26

 DESCRIPTION       |   20 ++++++++-----
 MD5               |   14 ++++-----
 NAMESPACE         |    2 -
 NEWS              |   14 ++++++++-
 R/kknn.R          |   81 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 R/specClust.R     |    4 +-         |    1 
 man/train.kknn.Rd |    5 ++-
 8 files changed, 99 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

More information about kknn at CRAN
Permanent link

Package dagitty updated to version 0.1-10 with previous version 0.1-9 dated 2016-03-22

Title: Graphical Analysis of Structural Causal Models
Description: A port of the web-based software 'DAGitty', available at <>, for analyzing structural causal models (also known as directed acyclic graphs or DAGs). This package computes covariate adjustment sets for estimating causal effects, enumerates instrumental variables, derives testable implications (d-separation and vanishing tetrads), generates equivalent models, and includes a simple facility for data simulation.
Author: Johannes Textor, Benito van der Zander
Maintainer: Johannes Textor <>

Diff between dagitty versions 0.1-9 dated 2016-03-22 and 0.1-10 dated 2016-03-26

 DESCRIPTION                    |   15 ++++++++-------
 MD5                            |   10 +++++-----
 R/dagitty.r                    |    8 ++++----
 inst/doc/dagitty4semusers.html |    6 +++---
 man/dagitty.Rd                 |    2 +-
 man/names.dagitty.Rd           |    6 +++---
 6 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

More information about dagitty at CRAN
Permanent link

Package betalink updated to version 2.2.1 with previous version 2.2.0 dated 2015-12-22

Title: Beta-Diversity of Species Interactions
Description: Measures of beta-diversity in networks, and easy visualization of why two networks are different.
Author: Timothee Poisot <>
Maintainer: Timothee Poisot <>

Diff between betalink versions 2.2.0 dated 2015-12-22 and 2.2.1 dated 2016-03-26

 DESCRIPTION  |   10 +++++-----
 MD5          |    8 ++++----
 NEWS         |    5 +++++
 R/betalink.r |    8 ++++----
 R/metaweb.r  |    6 ++++++
 5 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

More information about betalink at CRAN
Permanent link

Package arulesSequences updated to version 0.2-14 with previous version 0.2-13 dated 2016-01-26

Title: Mining Frequent Sequences
Description: Add-on for arules to handle and mine frequent sequences. Provides interfaces to the C++ implementation of cSPADE by Mohammed J. Zaki.
Author: Christian Buchta and Michael Hahsler, with contributions from Daniel Diaz
Maintainer: Christian Buchta <>

Diff between arulesSequences versions 0.2-13 dated 2016-01-26 and 0.2-14 dated 2016-03-26

 CHANGELOG                   |    6 
 DESCRIPTION                 |    8 -
 MD5                         |   44 +++----
 NAMESPACE                   |    6 
 R/02sequences.R             |    9 +
 R/03rules.R                 |    2 
 R/05read_write.R            |   12 -
 R/10timed.R                 |   21 +--
 R/20support.R               |   11 -
 R/30similarity.R            |   93 ++++++++++----
 data/zaki.rda               |binary
 man/cspade.Rd               |    2 
 man/match-methods.Rd        |    1 
 man/read_baskets.Rd         |    2 
 man/timedsequences-class.Rd |    5 
 src/ptree.c                 |  274 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 tests/      |    2 
 tests/     |    2 
 tests/     |    2 
 tests/      |    2 
 tests/       |    2 
 tests/  |    2 
 tests/        |    2 
 23 files changed, 413 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)

More information about arulesSequences at CRAN
Permanent link

New package ZillowR with initial version 0.1.0
Package: ZillowR
Type: Package
Title: R Interface to Zillow Real Estate and Mortgage Data API
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 2016-03-26
Author: Justin Brantley <>
Maintainer: Justin Brantley <>
Description: Zillow, an online real estate company, provides real estate and mortgage data for the United States through a REST API. The ZillowR package provides an R function for each API service, making it easy to make API calls and process the response into convenient, R-friendly data structures. See <> for the Zillow API Documentation.
License: GPL-3
LazyData: TRUE
Imports: methods, utils, RCurl, XML
Suggests: testthat
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-03-26 09:33:22 UTC; justi
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-03-26 17:08:56

More information about ZillowR at CRAN
Permanent link

Package treemap updated to version 2.4-1 with previous version 2.4 dated 2015-10-14

Title: Treemap Visualization
Description: A treemap is a space-filling visualization of hierarchical structures. This package offers great flexibility to draw treemaps.
Author: Martijn Tennekes
Maintainer: Martijn Tennekes <>

Diff between treemap versions 2.4 dated 2015-10-14 and 2.4-1 dated 2016-03-26

 treemap-2.4-1/treemap/DESCRIPTION                     |   10 ++--
 treemap-2.4-1/treemap/MD5                             |   38 +++++++++---------
 treemap-2.4-1/treemap/NAMESPACE                       |   12 ++++-
 treemap-2.4-1/treemap/NEWS                            |    4 +
 treemap-2.4-1/treemap/R/datasets.R                    |   15 ++++---
 treemap-2.4-1/treemap/R/pkg.R                         |    9 ----
 treemap-2.4-1/treemap/R/treecolors.R                  |    2 
 treemap-2.4-1/treemap/R/treemap.R                     |   23 +++++-----
 treemap-2.4-1/treemap/build/vignette.rds              |binary
 treemap-2.4-1/treemap/data/GNI2014.rda                |only
 treemap-2.4-1/treemap/man/GNI2014.Rd                  |only
 treemap-2.4-1/treemap/man/business.Rd                 |    4 -
 treemap-2.4-1/treemap/man/itreemap.Rd                 |    2 
 treemap-2.4-1/treemap/man/ |    2 
 treemap-2.4-1/treemap/man/tmPlot.Rd                   |    2 
 treemap-2.4-1/treemap/man/treecolors.Rd               |    2 
 treemap-2.4-1/treemap/man/treegraph.Rd                |    8 +--
 treemap-2.4-1/treemap/man/treemap-package.Rd          |   13 ------
 treemap-2.4-1/treemap/man/treemap.Rd                  |   18 ++++----
 treemap-2.4-1/treemap/man/treepalette.Rd              |    4 -
 treemap-2.4/treemap/data/GNI2010.rda                  |only
 treemap-2.4/treemap/man/GNI2010.Rd                    |only
 22 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)

More information about treemap at CRAN
Permanent link

New package TotalCopheneticIndex with initial version 0.1
Package: TotalCopheneticIndex
Version: 0.1
Date: 2016-03-23
Title: Total Cophenetic Index
Author: Martin R. Smith
Maintainer: Martin R. Smith <>
Description: Quantifies how balanced a phylogenetic tree is, using the Total Cophenetic Index - per A. Mir, F. Rossello, L. A. Rotger (2013), A new balance index for phylogenetic trees. Math. Biosci. 241, 125-136 <DOI:10.1016/j.mbs.2012.10.005>.
Imports: ape
License: Unlimited
Packaged: 2016-03-25 19:00:45 UTC; ms609
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-03-26 17:08:55

More information about TotalCopheneticIndex at CRAN
Permanent link

New package tailDepFun with initial version 1.0.0
Package: tailDepFun
Type: Package
Title: Minimum Distance Estimation of Tail Dependence Models
Description: Provides functions implementing minimal distance estimation methods for parametric tail dependence models.
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2016-03-25
Author: Anna Kiriliouk
Maintainer: Anna Kiriliouk <>
Depends: R (>= 3.2.3)
Imports: cubature, mvtnorm, SpatialExtremes, copula, stats, utils
Suggests: R.rsp
VignetteBuilder: R.rsp
License: GPL-3
LazyData: true
Collate: 'Other.R' 'helpFunctions.R' 'EstimationBR.R' 'EstimationGumbel.R' 'EstimationML.R'
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2016-03-26 15:23:02 UTC; Anna
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-03-26 17:09:04

More information about tailDepFun at CRAN
Permanent link

New package seqtest with initial version 0.1-0
Package: seqtest
Type: Package
Title: Sequential Triangular Test
Version: 0.1-0
Date: 2016-03-26
Authors@R: person(given = "Takuya", family = "Yanagida", email="", role = c("cre","aut"))
Author: Takuya Yanagida [cre, aut]
Maintainer: Takuya Yanagida <>
Description: Sequential triangular test for the arithmetic mean in one- and two- samples, proportions in one- and two-samples, and the Pearson's correlation coefficient.
License: GPL-3
LazyLoad: yes
LazyData: true
Depends: R (>= 3.2.0)
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-03-26 00:33:14 UTC; Takuya
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-03-26 17:09:02

More information about seqtest at CRAN
Permanent link

New package SCRSELECT with initial version 1.0-0
Title: Performs Bayesian Variable Selection on the Covariates in a Semi-Competing Risks Model
Version: 1.0-0
Authors@R: person("Andrew", "Chapple", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre"))
Description: Uses Stochastic Search Variable Selection to select important covariates in the three hazard functions of a semi-competing risks model. This function performs the Gibbs sampler for variable selection and a Metropolis-Hastings-Green sampler for the number of split points and parameters for the three baseline hazard function. This function returns the posterior sample of all quantities sampled in the Gibbs sampler after a burn-in period to a desired file location.
Depends: R (>= 3.2.2), mvtnorm
License: GPL-2
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-03-25 14:08:24 UTC; Andrew
Author: Andrew Chapple [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Andrew Chapple <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-03-26 17:21:32

More information about SCRSELECT at CRAN
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New package rscorecard with initial version 0.2.4
Package: rscorecard
Title: A Method to Download Department of Education College Scorecard Data
Version: 0.2.4
Authors@R: person("Benjamin", "Skinner", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre"))
Author: Benjamin Skinner [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Benjamin Skinner <>
Description: A method to download Department of Education College Scorecard data using the public API. It is based on the dplyr model of piped commands to select and filter data in a single chained function call. An API key from the U.S. Department of Education is required.
Depends: R (>= 3.2.3)
License: MIT + file LICENSE
LazyData: true
Imports: dplyr, jsonlite, lazyeval, magrittr
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, testthat
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-03-25 21:08:10 UTC; benski
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-03-26 17:09:01

More information about rscorecard at CRAN
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Package googleformr updated to version 0.0.2 with previous version 0.0.1 dated 2016-01-06

Title: Collect Data Programmatically by POST Methods to Google Forms
Description: GET and POST data to Google Forms; more secure than having to expose Google Sheets in order to POST data.
Author: Steve Simpson [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Steve Simpson <>

Diff between googleformr versions 0.0.1 dated 2016-01-06 and 0.0.2 dated 2016-03-26

 googleformr-0.0.1/googleformr/R/why_R_u_thankful.R      |only
 googleformr-0.0.1/googleformr/man/why_R_u_thankful.Rd   |only
 googleformr-0.0.2/googleformr/DESCRIPTION               |    6 ++--
 googleformr-0.0.2/googleformr/MD5                       |   14 +++++-----
 googleformr-0.0.2/googleformr/NAMESPACE                 |    2 -
 googleformr-0.0.2/googleformr/R/gformr.R                |    4 +-
 googleformr-0.0.2/googleformr/R/why_R_u_opensource.R    |only
 googleformr-0.0.2/googleformr/                 |   22 ++++++++--------
 googleformr-0.0.2/googleformr/man/gformr.Rd             |    2 -
 googleformr-0.0.2/googleformr/man/why_R_u_opensource.Rd |only
 10 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

More information about googleformr at CRAN
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New package braQCA with initial version
Package: braQCA
Title: Bootstrapped Robustness Assessment for Qualitative Comparative Analysis
Authors@R: c(person("C. Ben", "Gibson", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = ""), person("Burrel", "Vann Jr", role = "aut",email = ""))
Description: Test the robustness of a user's Qualitative Comparative Analysis solutions to randomness, using the bootstrapped assessment: baQCA(). This package also includes a function that provides recommendations for improving solutions to reach typical significance levels: brQCA().
Depends: R (>= 3.2.3), QCAGUI, bootstrap
License: GPL-2
LazyData: true
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-03-25 19:56:23 UTC; burrelvannjr
Author: C. Ben Gibson [aut, cre], Burrel Vann Jr [aut]
Maintainer: C. Ben Gibson <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-03-26 17:08:58

More information about braQCA at CRAN
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Package tabplot updated to version 1.3 with previous version 1.1 dated 2014-02-24

Title: Tableplot, a Visualization of Large Datasets
Description: A tableplot is a visualisation of a (large) dataset with a dozen of variables, both numeric and categorical. Each column represents a variable and each row bin is an aggregate of a certain number of records. Numeric variables are visualized as bar charts, and categorical variables as stacked bar charts. Missing values are taken into account. Also supports large ffdf datasets from the ff package.
Author: Martijn Tennekes and Edwin de Jonge
Maintainer: Martijn Tennekes <>

Diff between tabplot versions 1.1 dated 2014-02-24 and 1.3 dated 2016-03-26

 tabplot-1.1/tabplot/vignettes/figure               |only
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/DESCRIPTION                    |   13 -
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/MD5                            |  114 ++++------
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/NAMESPACE                      |   29 ++
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/NEWS                           |   12 +
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/bin_data.R                   |   11 
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/columnTable.R                |   11 
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/coorNumCol.R                 |   52 +++-
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/itableplot.R                 |    2 
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/num2fac.R                    |   37 +--
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/pkg.R                        |   16 -
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/plotCatCol.R                 |   11 
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/plotNumCol.R                 |  148 +++++++++----
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/plot_tabplot.r               |   61 +++--
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/save_loadPrepare.R           |only
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/scaleNumCol.R                |    9 
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/sysdata.rda                  |binary
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/tablePalettes.R              |    6 
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/tablePrepare.R               |   16 -
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/tableSave.R                  |  113 +++++-----
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/tableplot.R                  |   98 ++++++--
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/tableplot_checkCols.R        |   10 
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/tableplot_checkNumPals.R     |    9 
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/tableplot_checkPals.R        |    2 
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/tableplot_checkRevLeg.R      |only
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/tableplot_processCols.R      |only
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/tableplots_diff.R            |   29 +-
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/R/tabplot_object.R             |    2 
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/build/vignette.rds             |binary
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/inst/doc/tabplot-timings.R     |    9 
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/inst/doc/tabplot-timings.html  |  139 ++++++------
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/inst/doc/tabplot-vignette.R    |   20 -
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/inst/doc/tabplot-vignette.Rmd  |   10 
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/inst/doc/tabplot-vignette.html |  198 +++++++++--------
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/inst/shinyapp/ui.R             |    2 
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/man/bin_data.Rd                |   21 -
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/man/bin_hcc_data.Rd            |    9 
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/man/datetime2fac.Rd            |   19 -
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/man/itableplot.Rd              |   14 -
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/man/loadPrepare.Rd             |only
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/man/num2fac.Rd                 |   42 +--
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/man/plot.tabplot.Rd            |   58 ++---
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/man/print.tabplot.Rd           |    6 
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/man/savePrepare.Rd             |only
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/man/summary.tabplot.Rd         |    9 
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/man/tableChange.Rd             |   44 +--
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/man/tablePalettes.Rd           |   59 +----
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/man/tablePrepare.Rd            |   38 +--
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/man/tableSave.Rd               |   46 +---
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/man/tableplot.Rd               |  237 ++++++---------------
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/man/tableplot_comparison.Rd    |   17 -
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/man/tabplot-object.Rd          |   15 -
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/man/tabplot-package.Rd         |   44 +--
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/man/tabplot_compare-object.Rd  |    8 
 tabplot-1.3/tabplot/vignettes/tabplot-vignette.Rmd |   10 
 55 files changed, 982 insertions(+), 903 deletions(-)

More information about tabplot at CRAN
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Package optCluster updated to version 1.1.0 with previous version 1.0.1 dated 2015-10-19

Title: Determine Optimal Clustering Algorithm and Number of Clusters
Description: Cluster analysis using statistical and biological validation measures for both continuous and count data.
Author: Michael Sekula <>, Somnath Datta <>, and Susmita Datta <>
Maintainer: Michael Sekula <>

Diff between optCluster versions 1.0.1 dated 2015-10-19 and 1.1.0 dated 2016-03-26

 DESCRIPTION              |    8 +-
 MD5                      |   12 +--
 R/optCluster-Functions.R |   23 +++++--
 man/arabid.Rd            |   38 ++++++------
 man/optCluster.Rd        |  147 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 man/optHeatmap.Rd        |    8 +-
 man/repRankAggreg.Rd     |   39 +++++++++++-
 7 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)

More information about optCluster at CRAN
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Package NEpiC updated to version 1.0.1 with previous version 1.0 dated 2015-11-26

Title: Network Assisted Algorithm for Epigenetic Studies Using Mean and Variance Combined Signals
Description: Package for a Network assisted algorithm for Epigenetic studies using mean and variance Combined signals: NEpiC. NEpiC combines both signals in mean and variance differences in methylation level between case and control groups searching for differentially methylated sub-networks (modules) using the protein-protein interaction network.
Author: Peifeng Ruan
Maintainer: Peifeng Ruan <>

Diff between NEpiC versions 1.0 dated 2015-11-26 and 1.0.1 dated 2016-03-26

 DESCRIPTION        |   10 +++++-----
 MD5                |    6 ++++--
 NAMESPACE          |    5 +++--
 R/permutation.r    |only
 man/permutation.Rd |only
 5 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

More information about NEpiC at CRAN
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Package Information updated to version 0.0.8 with previous version 0.0.7 dated 2015-11-19

Title: Data Exploration with Information Theory (Weight-of-Evidence and Information Value)
Description: Performs exploratory data analysis and variable screening for binary classification models using weight-of-evidence (WOE) and information value (IV). In order to make the package as efficient as possible, aggregations are done in data.table and creation of WOE vectors can be distributed across multiple cores. The package also supports exploration for uplift models (NWOE and NIV).
Author: Larsen Kim [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Larsen Kim <>

Diff between Information versions 0.0.7 dated 2015-11-19 and 0.0.8 dated 2016-03-26

 DESCRIPTION                        |   16 ++-
 MD5                                |   45 ++++-----
 NAMESPACE                          |    2                            |only
 R/Aggregate.R                      |   10 +-
 R/NWOE.R                           |    2 
 R/Penalty.R                        |    6 -
 R/WOE.R                            |    2 
 R/create_infotables.R              |    4 
 build/vignette.rds                 |binary
 inst/doc/Information-vignette.html |  182 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 man/Aggregate.Rd                   |    2 
 man/CheckInputs.Rd                 |    4 
 man/Information.Rd                 |   14 +-
 man/MultiPlot.Rd                   |    2 
 man/NWOE.Rd                        |    2 
 man/SinglePlot.Rd                  |    2 
 man/WOE.Rd                         |    2 
 man/create_infotables.Rd           |    3 
 man/is.binary.Rd                   |    2 
 man/penalty.Rd                     |    2 
 man/plot_infotables.Rd             |    5 -
 man/train.Rd                       |    2 
 man/valid.Rd                       |    2 
 24 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)

More information about Information at CRAN
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Package HiveR updated to version 0.2.55 with previous version 0.2.46 dated 2016-01-25

Title: 2D and 3D Hive Plots for R
Description: Creates and plots 2D and 3D hive plots. Hive plots are a unique method of displaying networks of many types in which node properties are mapped to axes using meaningful properties rather than being arbitrarily positioned. The hive plot concept was invented by Martin Krzywinski at the Genome Science Center ( Keywords: networks, food webs, linnet, systems biology, bioinformatics.
Author: Bryan A. Hanson [aut, cre], Vesna Memisevic [ctb], Jonathan Chung [ctb]
Maintainer: Bryan A. Hanson <>

Diff between HiveR versions 0.2.46 dated 2016-01-25 and 0.2.55 dated 2016-03-26

 DESCRIPTION        |    8 ++++----
 MD5                |   10 +++++-----
 NEWS               |    6 ++++++
 R/plotHive.R       |   12 ++++++------
 build/vignette.rds |binary
 inst/doc/HiveR.pdf |binary
 6 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

More information about HiveR at CRAN
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Package heplots updated to version 1.1-0 with previous version 1.0-16 dated 2015-07-12

Title: Visualizing Hypothesis Tests in Multivariate Linear Models
Description: Provides HE plot and other functions for visualizing hypothesis tests in multivariate linear models. HE plots represent sums-of-squares-and-products matrices for linear hypotheses and for error using ellipses (in two dimensions) and ellipsoids (in three dimensions). The related "candisc" package provides visualizations in a reduced-rank canonical discriminant space when there are more than a few response variables.
Author: John Fox [aut], Michael Friendly [aut, cre], Georges Monette [ctb]
Maintainer: Michael Friendly <>

Diff between heplots versions 1.0-16 dated 2015-07-12 and 1.1-0 dated 2016-03-26

 DESCRIPTION                             |   18 
 MD5                                     |  156 ++-
 NAMESPACE                               |   56 -
 NEWS                                    |   15 
 R/boxM.R                                |only
 R/colDevs.R                             |only
 R/covEllipses.R                         |only
 R/logdetCI.R                            |only
 R/pairs.mlm.R                           |   57 -
 R/plot.boxM.R                           |only
 build/vignette.rds                      |binary
 data/AddHealth.RData                    |only
 data/Adopted.RData                      |binary
 data/Bees.rda                           |binary
 data/FootHead.rda                       |binary
 data/Headache.RData                     |binary
 data/Hernior.RData                      |binary
 data/MockJury.RData                     |binary
 data/NLSY.RData                         |binary
 data/Oslo.RData                         |binary
 data/Plastic.rda                        |binary
 data/Pottery2.RData                     |binary
 data/Probe1.RData                       |binary
 data/Probe2.RData                       |binary
 data/RatWeight.RData                    |binary
 data/ReactTime.RData                    |binary
 data/Rohwer.rda                         |binary
 data/RootStock.rda                      |binary
 data/Sake.RData                         |binary
 data/Skulls.RData                       |binary
 data/SocGrades.RData                    |binary
 data/VocabGrowth.rda                    |binary
 data/WeightLoss.RData                   |binary
 data/schooldata.RData                   |binary
 inst/doc/HE-examples.R                  | 1096 +++++++++++++--------------
 inst/doc/repeated.R                     | 1266 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 man/AddHealth.Rd                        |only
 man/boxM.Rd                             |only
 man/colDevs.Rd                          |only
 man/covEllipses.Rd                      |only
 man/heplot-package.Rd                   |    9 
 man/logdetCI.Rd                         |only
 man/pairs.mlm.Rd                        |    6 
 man/plot.boxM.Rd                        |only
 vignettes/fig/plot-Ortho-fm1.pdf        |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-Ortho-fm3.pdf        |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-grades-can-class.pdf |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-grades-can-gpa.pdf   |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-grades-can-sex.pdf   |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-grades-pairs.pdf     |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-hern-can-age.pdf     |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-hern-can-build.pdf   |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-hern-can-cardiac.pdf |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-hern-can-pstat.pdf   |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-hern-pairs.pdf       |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-jury-can1.pdf        |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-jury-mod1-HE.pdf     |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-jury-mod1-pairs.pdf  |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-jury-mod2-HE.pdf     |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-jury-mod3-eff.pdf    |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-obk-HE1.pdf          |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-obk-HE2.pdf          |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-obk-HE3.pdf          |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-obk2-HE1.pdf         |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-obk2-HE2.pdf         |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-ortho-HE.pdf         |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-ortho-nonlin-HE.pdf  |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-ortho-xyplot1.pdf    |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-ortho-xyplot2.pdf    |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-plastic2.pdf         |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-rohwer-HE1.pdf       |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-rohwer-HE2.pdf       |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-rohwer-HE3.pdf       |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-rohwer-HE4.pdf       |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-skulls-HE-pairs.pdf  |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-skulls-bwplot.pdf    |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-skulls-can2.pdf      |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-skulls4.pdf          |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-voc1.pdf             |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-voc4.pdf             |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-voc8.pdf             |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-wl-HE1.pdf           |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-wl-HE2.pdf           |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-wl-HE3.pdf           |binary
 vignettes/fig/plot-wl-means.pdf         |binary
 85 files changed, 1370 insertions(+), 1309 deletions(-)

More information about heplots at CRAN
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New package ExpDE with initial version 0.1.1
Package: ExpDE
Type: Package
Title: Modular Differential Evolution for Experimenting with Operators
Version: 0.1.1
Date: 2016-03-25
Authors@R: c( person("Felipe", "Campelo", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre")), person("Moises", "Botelho", email = "", role = "aut"))
Maintainer: Felipe Campelo <>
Description: Modular implementation of the Differential Evolution algorithm for experimenting with different types of operators.
License: GPL-2
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2016-03-25 21:37:26 UTC; fcampelo
Author: Felipe Campelo [aut, cre], Moises Botelho [aut]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2016-03-26 15:12:53

More information about ExpDE at CRAN
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Package expands updated to version 1.7 with previous version 1.6.1 dated 2015-12-03

Title: Expanding Ploidy and Allele-Frequency on Nested Subpopulations
Description: Expanding Ploidy and Allele Frequency on Nested Subpopulations (expands) characterizes coexisting subpopulations in a single tumor sample using copy number and allele frequencies derived from exome- or whole genome sequencing input data ( The model detects coexisting genotypes by leveraging run-specific tradeoffs between depth of coverage and breadth of coverage. This package predicts the number of clonal expansions, the size of the resulting subpopulations in the tumor bulk, the mutations specific to each subpopulation, tumor purity and phylogeny. The main function runExPANdS() provides the complete functionality needed to predict coexisting subpopulations from single nucleotide variations (SNVs) and associated copy numbers. The robustness of subpopulation predictions increases with the number of mutations provided. It is recommended that at least 200 mutations are used as input to obtain stable results. Updates in version 1.7 include: (1) Higher subpopulation detection specificity, in particular for small subpopulations. (2) Higher accuracy for mutation assignment to subpopulations. (3) Whenever possible, SNVs are assigned not only to the subpopulation in which they first occurred, but also to descending subpopulations. (4) Two additional output files are created: subpopulation specific ploidy matrix and a summary file of all detected subpopulations, including information on the inferred ancestor and the closest descendant of each subpopulation. (5) New subpopulation plotting options (function plotSPs). (6) New phylogeny plotting option: user can choose between consensus and germline population to be included as control. (7) 50 simulated samples of various genetic complexities and noise levels included for user testing. Special thanks to Dr. Ryan Morin for his contributions that have led to higher accuracy measures during simulations for mutation assignment to subpopulations, as well as advanced visualization features of assigned mutations. Further documentation and FAQ available at
Author: Noemi Andor
Maintainer: Noemi Andor <>

Diff between expands versions 1.6.1 dated 2015-12-03 and 1.7 dated 2016-03-26

 expands-1.6.1/expands/java/expands.jar                    |only
 expands-1.7/expands/DESCRIPTION                           |   14 -
 expands-1.7/expands/MD5                                   |   47 +--
 expands-1.7/expands/NAMESPACE                             |    2 
 expands-1.7/expands/R/addColumn.R                         |   20 -
 expands-1.7/expands/R/assignMutations.R                   |  186 +++++++++++---
 expands-1.7/expands/R/assignQuantityToMutation.R          |  166 ++++++------
 expands-1.7/expands/R/buildPhylo.R                        |  121 ++++++---
 expands-1.7/expands/R/cellfrequency_pdf.R                 |  164 ++++++------
 expands-1.7/expands/R/clusterCellFrequencies.R            |   53 +--
 expands-1.7/expands/R/computeCellFrequencyDistributions.R |    1 
 expands-1.7/expands/R/plotSPs.R                           |   85 +++++-
 expands-1.7/expands/R/runExPANdS.R                        |   93 +++++--
 expands-1.7/expands/data/simulation.rda                   |only
 expands-1.7/expands/inst/doc/expands.Rnw                  |    8 
 expands-1.7/expands/inst/doc/expands.pdf                  |binary
 expands-1.7/expands/inst/java/expands.jar                 |binary
 expands-1.7/expands/java/                      |only
 expands-1.7/expands/java/                     |only
 expands-1.7/expands/man/assignMutations.Rd                |   17 -
 expands-1.7/expands/man/assignQuantityToSP.Rd             |    2 
 expands-1.7/expands/man/buildMultiSamplePhylo.Rd          |    2 
 expands-1.7/expands/man/buildPhylo.Rd                     |    7 
 expands-1.7/expands/man/plotSPs.Rd                        |   23 +
 expands-1.7/expands/man/runExPANdS.Rd                     |    8 
 expands-1.7/expands/man/simulation.Rd                     |only
 expands-1.7/expands/vignettes/expands.Rnw                 |    8 
 27 files changed, 681 insertions(+), 346 deletions(-)

More information about expands at CRAN
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Package comf updated to version 0.1.2 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2016-03-06

Title: Calculation of Thermal Comfort Indices
Description: Functions to calculate various common and less common thermal comfort indices.
Author: Marcel Schweiker [aut, cre] and Sophia Mueller [aut] and Michael Kleber [ctr] and Boris Kingma [ctr] and Masanori Shukuya [ctr]
Maintainer: Marcel Schweiker <>

Diff between comf versions 0.1.1 dated 2016-03-06 and 0.1.2 dated 2016-03-26

 comf-0.1.1/comf/man/calcMeanBias.Rd     |only
 comf-0.1.2/comf/DESCRIPTION             |    9 ++++----
 comf-0.1.2/comf/MD5                     |   36 +++++++++++++++++---------------
 comf-0.1.2/comf/NAMESPACE               |    2 -
 comf-0.1.2/comf/NEWS                    |only
 comf-0.1.2/comf/R/ComfortIndices.r      |    6 ++---
 comf-0.1.2/comf/R/dfField.R             |only
 comf-0.1.2/comf/R/fct2Node.r            |   19 ++++++++--------
 comf-0.1.2/comf/R/fctHBxStSt.r          |    2 -
 comf-0.1.2/comf/R/fctHelp.r             |   11 ++++++---
 comf-0.1.2/comf/R/fctOther.r            |    4 +++
 comf-0.1.2/comf/data                    |only
 comf-0.1.2/comf/man/calc2Node.Rd        |    8 ++++---
 comf-0.1.2/comf/man/calcBias.Rd         |only
 comf-0.1.2/comf/man/calcComfInd.Rd      |    2 -
 comf-0.1.2/comf/man/calcHbExSteady.Rd   |   10 ++++----
 comf-0.1.2/comf/man/calcHbExUnsteady.Rd |    2 -
 comf-0.1.2/comf/man/calcPMVPPD.Rd       |    2 +
 comf-0.1.2/comf/man/calcTAdapt.Rd       |    6 ++++-
 comf-0.1.2/comf/man/calcdTNZ.Rd         |    2 -
 comf-0.1.2/comf/man/comf-package.Rd     |   12 +++++-----
 comf-0.1.2/comf/man/dfField.Rd          |only
 22 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

More information about comf at CRAN
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Built and running on Debian GNU/Linux using R, littler and blosxom. Styled with Bootstrap.