Sun, 15 Jan 2017

Package ziphsmm updated to version 1.0.1 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2017-01-14

Title: Zero-Inflated Poisson Hidden (Semi-)Markov Models
Description: Fit zero-inflated Poisson hidden (semi-)Markov models with or without covariates by directly maximizing the log likelihood function. Multiple starting values should be used to avoid local minima.
Author: Zekun (Jack) Xu, Ye Liu
Maintainer: Zekun (Jack) Xu <>

Diff between ziphsmm versions 1.0.0 dated 2017-01-14 and 1.0.1 dated 2017-01-15

 DESCRIPTION                  |    8 ++++----
 MD5                          |   20 ++++++++++----------
 R/RcppExports.R              |    4 ----
 R/hmmsim.R                   |    2 +-
 R/hsmmviterbi.R              |    6 +++---
 R/package.R                  |    4 ++--
 man/hmmsim.Rd                |    6 ++++--
 man/hsmmviterbi.Rd           |    6 +++---
 man/package-ziphsmm.Rd       |    4 ++--
 src/RcppExports.cpp          |   25 -------------------------
 src/rcpparma_hello_world.cpp |   14 ++++++--------
 11 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)

More information about ziphsmm at CRAN
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Package TMB updated to version 1.7.6 with previous version 1.7.5 dated 2016-11-21

Title: Template Model Builder: A General Random Effect Tool Inspired by 'ADMB'
Description: With this tool, a user should be able to quickly implement complex random effect models through simple C++ templates. The package combines 'CppAD' (C++ automatic differentiation), 'Eigen' (templated matrix-vector library) and 'CHOLMOD' (sparse matrix routines available from R) to obtain an efficient implementation of the applied Laplace approximation with exact derivatives. Key features are: Automatic sparseness detection, parallelism through 'BLAS' and parallel user templates.
Author: Kasper Kristensen [aut, cre, cph], Brad Bell [cph], Hans Skaug [ctb], Arni Magnusson [ctb], Casper Berg [ctb], Anders Nielsen [ctb], Martin Maechler [ctb], Theo Michelot [ctb], Mollie Brooks [ctb], Alex Forrence [ctb], Cole Monnahan [ctb]
Maintainer: Kasper Kristensen <>

Diff between TMB versions 1.7.5 dated 2016-11-21 and 1.7.6 dated 2017-01-15

 TMB-1.7.5/TMB/R/mcmc.R                                  |only
 TMB-1.7.5/TMB/inst/examples/mcmc_examples.R             |only
 TMB-1.7.5/TMB/man/run_mcmc.Rd                           |only
 TMB-1.7.5/TMB/man/run_mcmc.hmc.Rd                       |only
 TMB-1.7.5/TMB/man/run_mcmc.nuts.Rd                      |only
 TMB-1.7.5/TMB/man/run_mcmc.rwm.Rd                       |only
 TMB-1.7.6/TMB/DESCRIPTION                               |   10 
 TMB-1.7.6/TMB/MD5                                       |   29 --
 TMB-1.7.6/TMB/NAMESPACE                                 |    3 
 TMB-1.7.6/TMB/NEWS                                      |   15 +
 TMB-1.7.6/TMB/R/sdreport.R                              |   14 -
 TMB-1.7.6/TMB/inst/include/convenience.hpp              |  102 ++++---
 TMB-1.7.6/TMB/inst/include/distributions_R.hpp          |  207 +++++++++++++++-
 TMB-1.7.6/TMB/inst/include/lgamma.hpp                   |   20 +
 TMB-1.7.6/TMB/inst/include/tiny_ad/atomic.hpp           |   12 
 TMB-1.7.6/TMB/inst/include/tiny_ad/compois              |only
 TMB-1.7.6/TMB/inst/include/tiny_ad/tiny_ad/tiny_ad.hpp  |   70 +++--
 TMB-1.7.6/TMB/inst/include/tiny_ad/tiny_ad/tiny_vec.hpp |    9 
 TMB-1.7.6/TMB/man/sdreport.Rd                           |   14 -
 19 files changed, 364 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-)

More information about TMB at CRAN
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Package recmap updated to version 0.5.16 with previous version 0.5.4 dated 2016-07-24

Title: Compute the Rectangular Statistical Cartogram
Description: Provides an interface and a C++ implementation of the RecMap MP2 construction heuristic (see 'citation("recmap")' for details). This algorithm draws maps according to a given statistical value (e.g. election results, population or epidemiological data). The basic idea of the RecMap algorithm is that each map region (e.g. different countries) is represented by a rectangle. The area of each rectangle represents the statistical value given as input (maintain zero cartographic error). Documentation about RecMap is provided by a vignette included in this package.
Author: Christian Panse
Maintainer: Christian Panse <>

Diff between recmap versions 0.5.4 dated 2016-07-24 and 0.5.16 dated 2017-01-15

 DESCRIPTION                             |   12 -
 MD5                                     |   44 +++---
 NAMESPACE                               |   14 +-
 R/RcppExports.R                         |    6 
 R/recmap.R                              |  210 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------                               |    5 
 build/partial.rdb                       |binary
 build/vignette.rds                      |binary
 inst/NEWS.Rd                            |   23 +++
 inst/doc/recmap.R                       |   58 +-------
 inst/doc/recmap.Rmd                     |   89 +------------
 inst/doc/recmap.html                    |  102 +++++++--------
 inst/extdata/us_state_election_2004.csv |    2 
 man/plot.recmap.Rd                      |   14 +-
 man/recmap.Rd                           |   10 -
 man/recmap2sp.Rd                        |   26 +--
 man/recmapGA.Rd                         |   13 +
 man/sp2recmap.Rd                        |only
 man/summary.recmap.Rd                   |    4 
 src/RcppExports.cpp                     |   32 ++--
 src/Rrecmap.cpp                         |    4 
 src/recmap.h                            |   10 -
 tests/testthat/test-sp.R                |only
 vignettes/recmap.Rmd                    |   89 +------------
 24 files changed, 384 insertions(+), 383 deletions(-)

More information about recmap at CRAN
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Package peakRAM updated to version 1.0.2 with previous version 1.0.1 dated 2016-12-04

Title: Monitor the Total and Peak RAM Used by an Expression or Function
Description: When working with big data sets, RAM conservation is critically important. However, it is not always enough to just monitor the size of the objects created. So-called "copy-on-modify" behavior, characteristic of R, means that some expressions or functions may require an unexpectedly large amount of RAM overhead. For example, replacing a single value in a matrix duplicates that matrix in the back-end, making this task require twice as much RAM as that used by the matrix itself. This package makes it easy to monitor the total and peak RAM used so that developers can quickly identify and eliminate RAM hungry code.
Author: Thomas Quinn [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Thomas Quinn <>

Diff between peakRAM versions 1.0.1 dated 2016-12-04 and 1.0.2 dated 2017-01-15

 DESCRIPTION           |   10 +++++-----
 MD5                   |    8 ++++----               |    9 +++++++--
 R/peakRAM.R           |   14 +++++++-------
 inst/doc/peakRAM.html |   16 ++++++++--------
 5 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

More information about peakRAM at CRAN
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Package msaenet updated to version 2.1 with previous version 2.0 dated 2017-01-05

Title: Multi-Step Adaptive Estimation Methods for Sparse Regressions
Description: Multi-step adaptive elastic-net (MSAENet) algorithm for feature selection in high-dimensional regressions proposed in Xiao and Xu (2015) <DOI:10.1080/00949655.2015.1016944>, with additional support for multi-step adaptive MCP-net (MSAMNet) and multi-step adaptive SCAD-net (MSASNet) methods.
Author: Nan Xiao [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Nan Xiao <>

Diff between msaenet versions 2.0 dated 2017-01-05 and 2.1 dated 2017-01-15

 DESCRIPTION                 |   15 +-
 MD5                         |   51 +++++----
 NAMESPACE                   |    8 +                     |   15 ++
 R/aenet.R                   |    1 
 R/amnet.R                   |   13 +-
 R/asnet.R                   |   13 +-
 R/msaenet-eval.R            |   39 +++----
 R/msaenet-inspect.R         |   40 ++++++-
 R/msaenet-package.R         |    2 
 R/msaenet-sim.R             |  243 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 R/msaenet-tune-ncvreg.R     |   39 ++-----
 R/msamnet.R                 |   12 +-
 R/msasnet.R                 |   12 +-                   |    4 
 inst/doc/msaenet.html       |    4 
 man/aenet.Rd                |    1 
 man/amnet.Rd                |    9 +
 man/asnet.Rd                |    9 +
 man/msaenet-package.Rd      |    2 
 man/msaenet.fn.Rd           |only
 man/msaenet.mse.Rd          |only
 man/msaenet.sim.binomial.Rd |only
 man/msaenet.sim.cox.Rd      |only
 man/msaenet.sim.gaussian.Rd |    4 
 man/msaenet.sim.poisson.Rd  |only
 man/msaenet.tune.ncvreg.Rd  |    2 
 man/msamnet.Rd              |    9 +
 man/msasnet.Rd              |    9 +
 29 files changed, 444 insertions(+), 112 deletions(-)

More information about msaenet at CRAN
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Package hasseDiagram updated to version 0.1.2 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2014-07-29

Title: Drawing Hasse Diagram
Description: Drawing Hasse diagram - visualization of transitive reduction of a finite partially ordered set.
Author: Krzysztof Ciomek
Maintainer: Krzysztof Ciomek <>

Diff between hasseDiagram versions 0.1.1 dated 2014-07-29 and 0.1.2 dated 2017-01-15

 DESCRIPTION                 |   14 +++---
 LICENSE                     |    2 
 MD5                         |   14 +++---
 NAMESPACE                   |   38 +++++++++++++++++-
 R/hasse.R                   |   89 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 man/generateRandomData.Rd   |    3 -
 man/hasse.Rd                |    3 -
 man/hasseDiagram-package.Rd |    6 +-
 8 files changed, 127 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

More information about hasseDiagram at CRAN
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New package PoSI with initial version 1.0
Package: PoSI
Type: Package
Title: Valid Post-Selection Inference for Linear LS Regression
Version: 1.0
Date: 2016-11-11
Author: Andreas Buja, Kai Zhang
Maintainer: Kai Zhang <>
Description: In linear LS regression, calculate for a given design matrix the multiplier K of coefficient standard errors such that the confidence intervals [b - K*SE(b), b + K*SE(b)] have a guaranteed coverage probability for all coefficient estimates b in any submodels after performing arbitrary model selection.
Suggests: MASS
License: GPL-3
Packaged: 2017-01-06 04:58:16 UTC; Kai
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2017-01-15 17:27:53

More information about PoSI at CRAN
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Package utility updated to version 1.4 with previous version 1.3 dated 2014-10-14

Title: Construct, Evaluate and Plot Value and Utility Functions
Description: Construct and plot objective hierarchies and associated value and utility functions. Evaluate the values and utilities and visualize the results as colored objective hierarchies or tables. Visualize uncertainty by plotting median and quantile intervals within the nodes of objective hierarchies. Get numerical results of the evaluations in standard R data types for further processing.
Author: Peter Reichert <> with contributions by Nele Schuwirth <>
Maintainer: Peter Reichert <>

Diff between utility versions 1.3 dated 2014-10-14 and 1.4 dated 2017-01-15

 DESCRIPTION                                  |    8 
 MD5                                          |  100 +++++--
 NAMESPACE                                    |   16 +
 R/utility.aggregate.r                        |  111 +++++++
 R/utility.aggregation.r                      |  377 +--------------------------
 R/utility.aux.r                              |    5 
 R/utility.conversion.intpol.r                |    4 
 R/utility.conversion.parfun.r                |    4 
 R/utility.endnode.classcounts.r              |only
 R/utility.plot.r                             |   49 ++-
 man/evaluate.utility.endnode.classcounts.Rd  |only
 man/figures                                  |only
 man/plot.utility.aggregation.Rd              |    4 
 man/plot.utility.conversion.intpol.Rd        |    4 
 man/plot.utility.conversion.parfun.Rd        |    4 
 man/plot.utility.endnode.classcounts.Rd      |only
 man/print.utility.endnode.classcounts.Rd     |only
 man/summary.utility.endnode.classcounts.Rd   |only
 man/updatepar.utility.endnode.classcounts.Rd |only
 man/utility-package.Rd                       |   21 +
 man/utility.aggregate.add.Rd                 |   43 ++-
 man/utility.aggregate.addmin.Rd              |   44 ++-
 man/utility.aggregate.addpower.Rd            |only
 man/utility.aggregate.addsplitpower.Rd       |only
 man/utility.aggregate.bonusmalus.Rd          |only
 man/utility.aggregate.cobbdouglas.Rd         |   43 ++-
 man/utility.aggregate.geo.Rd                 |   43 ++-
 man/utility.aggregate.geooff.Rd              |   44 ++-
 man/utility.aggregate.harmo.Rd               |   43 ++-
 man/utility.aggregate.harmooff.Rd            |   44 ++-
 man/utility.aggregate.max.Rd                 |   43 ++-
 man/utility.aggregate.min.Rd                 |   43 ++-
 man/utility.aggregate.mix.Rd                 |   44 ++-
 man/utility.aggregate.mult.Rd                |   47 ++-
 man/utility.aggregate.revaddpower.Rd         |only
 man/utility.aggregate.revaddsplitpower.Rd    |only
 man/utility.aggregate.revgeo.Rd              |   43 ++-
 man/utility.aggregate.revgeooff.Rd           |   44 ++-
 man/utility.aggregate.revharmo.Rd            |   43 ++-
 man/utility.aggregate.revharmooff.Rd         |   45 ++-
 man/utility.aggregation.create.Rd            |   25 +
 man/utility.endnode.classcounts.create.Rd    |only
 man/utility.endnode.intpol1d.create.Rd       |    1 
 43 files changed, 743 insertions(+), 646 deletions(-)

More information about utility at CRAN
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Package mhsmm updated to version 0.4.16 with previous version 0.4.14 dated 2014-12-22

Title: Inference for Hidden Markov and Semi-Markov Models
Description: Parameter estimation and prediction for hidden Markov and semi-Markov models for data with multiple observation sequences. Suitable for equidistant time series data, with multivariate and/or missing data. Allows user defined emission distributions.
Author: Jared O'Connell <>, Søren Højsgaard <>
Maintainer: Jared O'Connell <>

Diff between mhsmm versions 0.4.14 dated 2014-12-22 and 0.4.16 dated 2017-01-15

 ChangeLog                      |   19 
 DESCRIPTION                    |   11 
 MD5                            |   22 
 NAMESPACE                      |   31 +
 R/hmm_functions.R              |   30 -
 R/hsmm_functions.R             | 1012 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 build/vignette.rds             |binary
 inst/doc/DHMM1.R               |   18 
 inst/doc/DHMM1.pdf             |binary
 inst/doc/DHMM2.pdf             |binary
 vignettes/fig/dhmm-clsfig1.pdf |binary
 vignettes/fig/dhmm-clsfig2.pdf |binary
 12 files changed, 598 insertions(+), 545 deletions(-)

More information about mhsmm at CRAN
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New package configr with initial version 0.0.2
Package: configr
Title: An Implementation of Parsing and Writing Configuration File (JSON/INI/YAML)
Version: 0.0.2
Authors@R: person("Jianfeng", "Li", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre"))
Description: Implements the YAML parser, JSON parser and INI parser for R setting and writing of configuration file. The functionality of this package is similar to that of package 'config'.
Depends: R (>= 3.2.1)
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Imports: stringr (>= 1.0.0), rjson (>= 0.2.15), ini (>= 0.2), futile.logger (>= 1.4.1), tools (>= 3.1.1), yaml (>= 2.1.3), config (>= 0.2)
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, testthat
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2017-01-15 12:06:08 UTC; ljf
Author: Jianfeng Li [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jianfeng Li <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2017-01-15 17:21:12

More information about configr at CRAN
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Package BayesBinMix updated to version 1.4 with previous version 1.3 dated 2016-09-09

Title: Bayesian Estimation of Mixtures of Multivariate Bernoulli Distributions
Description: Fully Bayesian inference for estimating the number of clusters and related parameters to heterogeneous binary data.
Author: Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Maintainer: Panagiotis Papastamoulis <>

Diff between BayesBinMix versions 1.3 dated 2016-09-09 and 1.4 dated 2017-01-15

 DESCRIPTION                    |   10 +-
 MD5                            |   15 ++-
 NAMESPACE                      |    7 +
 R/coupledMetropolis.R          |  159 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 man/allocationSamplerBinMix.Rd |    6 +
 man/collapsedGibbsBinMix.Rd    |    3 
 man/coupledMetropolis.Rd       |  135 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 man/gibbsBinMix.Rd             |    3 
 man/print.bbm.object.Rd        |only
 9 files changed, 238 insertions(+), 100 deletions(-)

More information about BayesBinMix at CRAN
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Package Unicode updated to version 9.0.0-1 with previous version 8.0.0-1 dated 2016-03-15

Title: Unicode Data and Utilities
Description: Data from Unicode 9.0.0 and related utilities.
Author: Kurt Hornik [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Kurt Hornik <>

Diff between Unicode versions 8.0.0-1 dated 2016-03-15 and 9.0.0-1 dated 2017-01-15

 DESCRIPTION   |   10 +++++-----
 MD5           |    8 ++++----
 R/basics.R    |    8 ++++----
 R/charfuns.R  |    2 +-
 R/sysdata.rda |binary
 5 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

More information about Unicode at CRAN
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Package OAIHarvester updated to version 0.2-2 with previous version 0.2-1 dated 2016-08-21

Title: Harvest Metadata Using OAI-PMH v2.0
Description: Harvest metadata using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) version 2.0.
Author: Kurt Hornik [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Kurt Hornik <>

Diff between OAIHarvester versions 0.2-1 dated 2016-08-21 and 0.2-2 dated 2017-01-15

 DESCRIPTION       |    9 +++++----
 MD5               |    8 ++++----
 R/apply.R         |    2 +-
 R/pmh.R           |    4 +++-
 inst/doc/oaih.pdf |binary
 5 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

More information about OAIHarvester at CRAN
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Package sourceR updated to version 1.0.0 with previous version 0.2.0 dated 2016-06-21

Title: Fits a Non-Parametric Bayesian Source Attribution Model
Description: Implements a non-parametric source attribution model to attribute cases of disease to sources in Bayesian framework with source and type effects. Type effects are clustered using a Dirichlet Process. Multiple times and locations are supported.
Author: Poppy Miller [aut, cre, cph], Chris Jewell [aut], Jonathan Marshall [ctb], Nigel French [ctb]
Maintainer: Poppy Miller <>

Diff between sourceR versions 0.2.0 dated 2016-06-21 and 1.0.0 dated 2017-01-15

 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/R/MCMC_loop.R               |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/R/RcppExports.R             |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/R/calc_niter.R              |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/R/check_input.R             |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/R/flatten.R                 |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/R/heatmap_types.R           |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/R/subset_posterior.R        |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/R/summary.R                 |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/R/wrapper.R                 |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/                   |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/build                       |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/data/sim_SA.rda             |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/inst                        |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/man/flatten.Rd              |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/man/heatmap_types.Rd        |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/man/saBayes.Rd              |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/man/sim_SA.Rd               |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/man/sourceR-package.Rd      |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/man/subset_posterior.Rd     |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/man/summary.Rd              |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/src                         |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/tests                       |only
 sourceR-0.2.0/sourceR/vignettes                   |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/DESCRIPTION                 |   35 +++----
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/MD5                         |  110 ++++++++--------------
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/NAMESPACE                   |   37 +++----
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/R/HaldDP_inits.R            |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/R/HaldDP_priors.R           |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/R/R6_tests.R                |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/R/acceptance.R              |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/R/campy.R                   |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/R/credibleIntervals.R       |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/R/heatmap.R                 |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/R/interface.R               |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/R/mcmc.R                    |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/R/model.R                   |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/R/node.R                    |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/R/onlineCov.R               |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/R/posterior.R               |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/R/sim_SA_data.R             |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/R/sim_SA_prev.R             |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/R/sim_SA_true.R             |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/R/utils.R                   |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/data/sim_SA_data.rda        |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/data/sim_SA_prev.rda        |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/data/sim_SA_true.rda        |binary
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/man/AdaptiveDirMRW.Rd       |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/man/AdaptiveLogDirMRW.Rd    |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/man/AdaptiveMultiMRW.Rd     |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/man/DPModel_impl.Rd         |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/man/DataNode.Rd             |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/man/DirichletNode.Rd        |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/man/DirichletProcessNode.Rd |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/man/FormulaNode.Rd          |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/man/GammaNode.Rd            |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/man/HaldDP.Rd               |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/man/Node.Rd                 |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/man/PoisGammaDPUpdate.Rd    |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/man/PoissonNode.Rd          |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/man/StochasticNode.Rd       |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/man/campy.Rd                |   50 ++++------
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/man/sim_SA_data.Rd          |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/man/sim_SA_prev.Rd          |only
 sourceR-1.0.0/sourceR/man/sim_SA_true.Rd          |   44 ++++----
 64 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 157 deletions(-)

More information about sourceR at CRAN
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Package naivebayes updated to version 0.9.1 with previous version 0.9.0 dated 2017-01-05

Title: High Performance Implementation of the Naive Bayes Algorithm
Description: High performance implementation of the Naive Bayes algorithm.
Author: Michal Majka
Maintainer: Michal Majka <>

Diff between naivebayes versions 0.9.0 dated 2017-01-05 and 0.9.1 dated 2017-01-15

 DESCRIPTION     |    6 +++---
 MD5             |    5 +++--
 R/naive_bayes.R |    8 +++-----
 inst            |only
 4 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

More information about naivebayes at CRAN
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New package maxmatching with initial version 0.1.0
Package: maxmatching
Type: Package
Title: Maximum Matching for General Weighted Graph
Version: 0.1.0
Author: Bowen Deng
Maintainer: Bowen Deng <>
Description: Computes the maximum matching for unweighted graph and maximum matching for (un)weighted bipartite graph efficiently.
License: CC0
LazyData: TRUE
Imports: igraph
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2017-01-15 05:03:13 UTC; bowendeng
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2017-01-15 09:51:07

More information about maxmatching at CRAN
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Package funtimes updated to version 3.0 with previous version 2.2 dated 2016-04-27

Title: Functions for Time Series Analysis
Description: Includes non-parametric estimators and tests for time series analysis. The functions are to test for presence of possibly non-monotonic trends and for synchronism of trends in multiple time series, using modern bootstrap techniques and robust non-parametric difference-based estimators.
Author: Vyacheslav Lyubchich; Yulia R. Gel; Calvin Chu; Xingyu Wang
Maintainer: Vyacheslav Lyubchich <>

Diff between funtimes versions 2.2 dated 2016-04-27 and 3.0 dated 2017-01-15

 DESCRIPTION                 |   14 -
 MD5                         |   36 ++--
 NAMESPACE                   |    3 
 R/ARest.R                   |only
 R/BICC.R                    |only
 R/CSlideCluster.R           |    2 
 R/purity.R                  |only
 R/sync.test.R               |  322 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 R/wavk.test.R               |  323 ++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 man/ARest.Rd                |only
 man/BICC.Rd                 |only
 man/CExpandSlideCluster.Rd  |   14 -
 man/CExpandWindowCluster.Rd |   12 -
 man/CHomogeneity.Rd         |   14 -
 man/CNeighbor.Rd            |   16 +-
 man/CSlideCluster.Rd        |   12 -
 man/CWindowCluster.Rd       |   32 ++--
 man/HVK.Rd                  |   10 -
 man/WAVK.Rd                 |   23 +--
 man/purity.Rd               |only
 man/sync.test.Rd            |  150 ++++++++++----------
 man/wavk.test.Rd            |  123 +++++++++-------
 22 files changed, 526 insertions(+), 580 deletions(-)

More information about funtimes at CRAN
Permanent link

Package clue updated to version 0.3-53 with previous version 0.3-52 dated 2016-12-02

Title: Cluster Ensembles
Description: CLUster Ensembles.
Author: Kurt Hornik [aut, cre], Walter Böhm [ctb]
Maintainer: Kurt Hornik <>

Diff between clue versions 0.3-52 dated 2016-12-02 and 0.3-53 dated 2017-01-15

 DESCRIPTION       |    8 ++++----
 MD5               |   30 +++++++++++++++---------------
 R/addtree.R       |    2 +-
 R/classes.R       |    2 +-
 R/consensus.R     |    6 +++---
 R/dissimilarity.R |   12 ++++++------
 R/fuzziness.R     |    3 +--
 R/hierarchy.R     |    4 ++--
 R/lattice.R       |    4 ++--
 R/objects.R       |    2 +-
 R/pava.R          |    4 ++--
 R/pclust.R        |    2 +-
 R/ultrametric.R   |   11 +++++------
 R/utilities.R     |    4 ++--
 build/partial.rdb |binary
 inst/doc/clue.pdf |binary
 16 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

More information about clue at CRAN
Permanent link

New package APfun with initial version 0.1.0
Package: APfun
Type: Package
Title: Geo-Processing Base Functions
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 2017-01-14
Author: Andrew Plowright
Maintainer: Andrew Plowright <>
Description: Base tools for facilitating the creation geo-processing functions in R.
License: GPL (>= 3)
LazyData: TRUE
RoxygenNote: 5.0.1
Suggests: testthat
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2017-01-15 03:45:30 UTC; Andy
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2017-01-15 09:50:54

More information about APfun at CRAN
Permanent link

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