Title: Tools for Highfrequency Data Analysis
Description: Provide functionality to manage, clean and match highfrequency
trades and quotes data, calculate various liquidity measures, estimate and
forecast volatility, and investigate microstructure noise and intraday
Author: Kris Boudt [aut, cre], Jonathan Cornelissen [aut], Scott Payseur [aut],
Giang Nguyen [ctb], Maarten Schermer [ctb]
Maintainer: Kris Boudt
Diff between highfrequency versions 0.4 dated 2014-11-28 and 0.5 dated 2017-02-15
highfrequency-0.4/highfrequency/data/datalist |only highfrequency-0.4/highfrequency/data/realized_library.RData |only highfrequency-0.4/highfrequency/data/sample_5minprices.RData |only highfrequency-0.4/highfrequency/data/sample_5minprices_jumps.RData |only highfrequency-0.4/highfrequency/data/sample_qdata.RData |only highfrequency-0.4/highfrequency/data/sample_qdataraw.RData |only highfrequency-0.4/highfrequency/data/sample_real5minprices.RData |only highfrequency-0.4/highfrequency/data/sample_tdata.RData |only highfrequency-0.4/highfrequency/data/sample_tdataraw.RData |only highfrequency-0.4/highfrequency/vignettes |only highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/DESCRIPTION | 15 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/MD5 | 167 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/NAMESPACE | 165 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/R/highfrequencyGSOC.R | 3340 ++-- highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/R/quantmod_patch.R | 720 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/R/realized.R | 8300 +++++----- highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/R/spotvol.r | 1742 +- highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/data/lltc.xts.rda |binary highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/data/realized_library.rda |only highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/data/sample_5minprices.rda |only highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/data/sample_5minprices_jumps.rda |only highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/data/sample_qdata.rda |only highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/data/sample_qdataraw.rda |only highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/data/sample_real5minprices.rda |only highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/data/sample_tdata.rda |only highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/data/sample_tdataraw.rda |only highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/data/sbux.xts.rda |binary highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/inst |only highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/AJjumptest.Rd | 214 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/BNSjumptest.Rd | 175 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/ExchangeHoursOnly.Rd | 76 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/JOjumptest.Rd | 172 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/MRC.Rd | 170 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/RKurt.Rd | 98 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/RQPVar.Rd | 94 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/RQuar.Rd | 94 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/RSkew.Rd | 100 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/RTPVar.Rd | 94 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/RsV.Rd | 102 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/TAQload.Rd | 118 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/aggregatePrice.Rd | 110 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/aggregateQuotes.Rd | 112 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/aggregateTrades.Rd | 114 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/aggregatets.Rd | 142 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/autoSelectExchangeQuotes.Rd | 90 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/autoSelectExchangeTrades.Rd | 92 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/getPrice.Rd | 50 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/has.Qty.Rd | 50 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/heavyModelC.Rd | 228 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/highfrequency-package.Rd | 74 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/ivInference.Rd | 164 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/lltc.xts.Rd | 30 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/makePsd.Rd | 100 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/makeReturns.Rd | 64 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/medRQ.Rd | 94 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/mergeTradesSameTimestamp.Rd | 72 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/mergequotessametimestamp.Rd | 78 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/minRQ.Rd | 96 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/nozeroprices.Rd | 50 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/nozeroquotes.Rd | 50 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/previoustick.Rd | 18 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/rAVGCov.Rd | 106 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/rBPCov.Rd | 136 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/rBeta.Rd | 142 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/rCov.Rd | 110 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/rCumSum.Rd | 90 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/rHYCov.Rd | 72 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/rKernel.available.Rd | 44 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/rKernelCov.Rd | 136 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/rMPV.Rd | 126 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/rOWCov.Rd | 186 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/rRTSCov.rd | 242 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/rTSCov.rd | 228 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/rThresholdCov.Rd | 132 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/realized_library.Rd | 38 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/refreshTime.Rd | 96 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/rmNegativeSpread.Rd | 48 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/rmlargespread.Rd | 60 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/rmoutliers.Rd | 112 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/rmtradeoutliers.Rd | 66 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/salesCondition.Rd | 50 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/sample_5minprices.Rd | 48 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/sample_5minprices_jumps.Rd | 62 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/sample_qdata.Rd | 18 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/sample_qdataraw.Rd | 20 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/sample_real5minprices.Rd | 20 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/sample_returns_5min.Rd | 22 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/sample_tdata.Rd | 20 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/sample_tdataraw.Rd | 20 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/sbux.xts.Rd | 30 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/selectexchange.Rd | 88 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/spotvol.Rd | 730 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/man/tradescleanup.Rd | 188 highfrequency-0.5/highfrequency/src/highfrequency.c | 32 94 files changed, 10697 insertions(+), 10655 deletions(-)
Title: Miscellaneous Functions for the USGS INL Project Office
Description: A collection of functions for creating high-level graphics,
performing raster-based analysis, processing MODFLOW-based models, and
overlaying multi-polygon objects. Used to support packages and scripts written
by researchers at the United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Project Office.
Author: Jason C. Fisher [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jason C. Fisher <jfisher@usgs.gov>
Diff between inlmisc versions 0.2.3 dated 2017-02-07 and 0.2.4 dated 2017-02-15
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 10 +++++----- NEWS.md | 4 ++++ R/AddColorKey.R | 2 +- R/PlotCrossSection.R | 2 +- R/PlotMap.R | 14 ++++++++------ 6 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
Title: Extra Coordinate Systems, 'Geoms', Statistical Transformations,
Scales and Fonts for 'ggplot2'
Description: A compendium of new geometries, coordinate systems, statistical
transformations, scales and fonts for 'ggplot2', including splines, 1d and 2d densities,
univariate average shifted histograms, a new map coordinate system based on the
'PROJ.4'-library along with geom_cartogram() that mimics the original functionality of
geom_map(), formatters for "bytes", a stat_stepribbon() function, increased 'plotly'
compatibility and the 'StateFace' open source font 'ProPublica'. Further new
functionality includes lollipop charts, dumbbell charts, the ability to encircle
points and coordinate-system-based text annotations.
Author: Bob Rudis [aut, cre],
Ben Bolker [aut, ctb] (Encircling & additional splines),
Ben Marwick [ctb] (General codebase cleanup),
Jan Schulz [aut, ctb] (Annotations),
Rosen Matev [ctb] (Original annotate_textp implementation on
ProPublica [dtc] (StateFace font)
Maintainer: Bob Rudis <bob@rud.is>
Diff between ggalt versions 0.1.1 dated 2016-01-04 and 0.4.0 dated 2017-02-15
ggalt-0.1.1/ggalt/man/figures/coord_proj_01.png |only ggalt-0.1.1/ggalt/man/figures/coordproj01.pdf |only ggalt-0.1.1/ggalt/man/figures/geom_bkde2d_01.png |only ggalt-0.1.1/ggalt/man/figures/geom_bkde_01.png |only ggalt-0.1.1/ggalt/man/figures/geom_xspline_01.png |only ggalt-0.1.1/ggalt/man/figures/geombkde01.pdf |only ggalt-0.1.1/ggalt/man/figures/geombkde2d01.pdf |only ggalt-0.1.1/ggalt/man/figures/geomxspline01.pdf |only ggalt-0.1.1/ggalt/man/figures/stat_ash_01.png |only ggalt-0.1.1/ggalt/man/figures/statash01.pdf |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/DESCRIPTION | 61 ++++++++--- ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/MD5 | 90 ++++++++++++----- ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/NAMESPACE | 36 +++++++ ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/NEWS.md |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/annotate_textp.r |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/coord_proj.r | 112 +++++++++++++--------- ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/formatters.r |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/fortify.r |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/geom2plotly.r |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/geom_ash.r | 4 ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/geom_bkde.r | 10 - ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/geom_bkde2d.r | 4 ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/geom_cartogram.r |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/geom_dumbbell.R |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/geom_encircle.r |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/geom_lollipop.r |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/geom_table.r |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/geom_twoway_bar.r |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/geom_xspline.r | 5 ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/geom_xspline2.r |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/ggalt-package.r | 17 +-- ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/stat-stepribbon.r |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/stateface.r |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/utils.r | 75 ++++++++++++++ ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/R/zzz.r |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/README.md |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/build |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/inst |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/absoluteGrob.Rd | 1 ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/annotate_textp.Rd |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/byte_format.Rd |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/coord_proj.Rd | 24 +--- ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/figures/coordproj01.png |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/figures/geombkde01.png |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/figures/geombkde2d01.png |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/figures/geomencircle01.png |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/figures/geomlollipop01.png |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/figures/geomstateface01.png |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/figures/geomxspline01.png |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/figures/statash01.png |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/fortify.table.Rd |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/geom_bkde.Rd | 48 +++++---- ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/geom_bkde2d.Rd | 44 ++++---- ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/geom_cartogram.Rd |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/geom_dumbbell.Rd |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/geom_encircle.Rd |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/geom_lollipop.Rd |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/geom_stateface.Rd |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/geom_xspline.Rd | 46 +++++---- ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/geom_xspline2.Rd |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/ggalt-ggproto.Rd | 20 ++- ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/ggalt.Rd | 8 - ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/ggplot2-ggproto.Rd |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/load_stateface.Rd |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/macros |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/plotly_helpers.Rd |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/show_stateface.Rd |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/stat_ash.Rd | 44 ++++---- ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/man/stat_stepribbon.Rd |only ggalt-0.4.0/ggalt/vignettes |only 70 files changed, 437 insertions(+), 212 deletions(-)
Title: Compute, Handle, Plot and Model Incidence of Dated Events
Description: Provides functions and classes to compute, handle and visualise incidence from dated events for a defined time interval. Dates can be provided in various standard formats. The class 'incidence' is used to store computed incidence and can be easily manipulated, subsetted, and plotted. In addition, log-linear models can be fitted to 'incidence' objects using 'fit'. This package is part of the RECON (<http://www.repidemicsconsortium.org/>) toolkit for outbreak analysis.
Author: Thibaut Jombart [aut, cre],
Rich FitzJohn [aut],
Jun Cai [ctb]
Maintainer: Thibaut Jombart <thibautjombart@gmail.com>
Diff between incidence versions 1.1.0 dated 2016-12-13 and 1.1.1 dated 2017-02-15
DESCRIPTION | 8 +-- MD5 | 91 +++++++++++++++++++------------------ NEWS.md | 27 ++++++++-- R/fit.R | 2 R/incidence.R | 4 - R/plot.R | 4 - R/subset.R | 2 README.md | 12 +++- inst/doc/customize_plot.R | 8 +-- inst/doc/customize_plot.Rmd | 10 ++-- inst/doc/customize_plot.html | 44 ++++++++--------- inst/doc/incidence_class.R | 18 ++++++- inst/doc/incidence_class.Rmd | 31 +++++++++++- inst/doc/incidence_class.html | 55 ++++++++++++++++++++-- inst/doc/overview.R | 10 ++-- inst/doc/overview.Rmd | 10 ++-- inst/doc/overview.html | 78 +++++++++++++++---------------- man/conversions.Rd | 7 +- man/fit.Rd | 11 ++-- man/incidence.Rd | 17 +++--- man/palettes.Rd | 5 +- man/plot.incidence.Rd | 11 ++-- man/pool.Rd | 7 +- man/subset.Rd | 13 ++--- tests/testthat/rds/df5.rds |only tests/testthat/rds/df6.rds |only tests/testthat/rds/fit.i.sex.rds |binary tests/testthat/rds/o.fit.i.rds |binary tests/testthat/rds/o.fit.i.sex.rds |binary tests/testthat/rds/p.fit.i.2.rds |binary tests/testthat/rds/p.fit.i.rds |binary tests/testthat/rds/p.fit.sex.rds |binary tests/testthat/rds/p.i.14.rds |binary tests/testthat/rds/p.i.2.rds |binary tests/testthat/rds/p.i.3.rds |binary tests/testthat/rds/p.i.rds |binary tests/testthat/rds/p.isoweek.2.rds |only tests/testthat/rds/p.isoweek.rds |only tests/testthat/rds/p.sex.2.rds |binary tests/testthat/rds/p.sex.3.rds |binary tests/testthat/rds/p.sex.4.rds |binary tests/testthat/rds/p.sex.rds |binary tests/testthat/rds/print3.rds |only tests/testthat/test-conversions.R | 20 ++++---- tests/testthat/test-incidence.R | 5 ++ tests/testthat/test-plot.R | 8 ++- vignettes/customize_plot.Rmd | 10 ++-- vignettes/incidence_class.Rmd | 31 +++++++++++- vignettes/overview.Rmd | 10 ++-- 49 files changed, 359 insertions(+), 210 deletions(-)
Title: Path Manipulation Utilities
Description: Utilities for paths, files and directories.
Author: Richard Cotton [aut, cre], Janko Thyson [ctb]
Maintainer: Richard Cotton <richierocks@gmail.com>
Diff between pathological versions 0.1-1 dated 2016-09-05 and 0.1-2 dated 2017-02-15
DESCRIPTION | 10 MD5 | 102 +-- NAMESPACE | 1 NEWS | 39 - R/choose.R | 172 ++--- R/copy.R | 168 ++--- R/create.R | 114 +-- R/decompose.R | 496 +++++++------- R/os-path.R | 70 +- R/parent.R | 94 +- R/pathological-package.R | 38 - R/rstudio.R | 38 - R/split.R | 148 ++-- R/standardize.R | 17 R/windows.R | 228 +++--- R/wrappers.R | 544 ++++++++-------- README.md | 114 +-- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/introduction.R | 89 +- inst/doc/introduction.Rmd | 231 +++--- inst/doc/introduction.html | 602 +++++++++-------- man/choose_files.Rd | 85 +- man/copy_dir.Rd | 109 +-- man/create_dirs.Rd | 101 +-- man/cygwinify_path.Rd | 57 - man/decompose_path.Rd | 186 ++--- man/get_libraries.Rd | 63 - man/get_windows_drive.Rd | 61 - man/is_windows_drive.Rd | 69 +- man/os_path.Rd | 59 - man/parent_dir.Rd | 75 +- man/pathological.Rd | 50 - man/r_home.Rd | 73 +- man/r_profile.Rd | 79 +- man/rstudio_project_dir.Rd | 51 - man/split_path.Rd | 121 +-- man/standardize_path.Rd | 3 man/sys_which.Rd | 57 - man/system_file.Rd | 95 +- man/temp_dir.Rd | 79 +- tests/testthat.R | 22 tests/testthat/test_decompose_path.R | 1072 ++++++++++++++++---------------- tests/testthat/test_dir_copy.R | 76 +- tests/testthat/test_get_extension.R | 158 ++-- tests/testthat/test_os_path.R | 98 +- tests/testthat/test_recompose_path.R | 64 - tests/testthat/test_replace_extension.R | 282 ++++---- tests/testthat/test_split_path.R | 250 +++---- tests/testthat/test_standardize_path.R | 385 +++++------ tests/testthat/test_strip_extension.R | 262 +++---- tests/testthat/test_system_file.R | 78 +- vignettes/introduction.Rmd | 231 +++--- 52 files changed, 3904 insertions(+), 3862 deletions(-)
Title: Optimal and Fast Univariate Clustering
Description: A fast dynamic programming algorithm for optimal univariate
clustering. Minimizing the sum of squares of within-cluster distances, the
algorithm guarantees optimality and reproducibility. Its advantage over
heuristic clustering algorithms in efficiency and accuracy is increasingly
pronounced as the number of clusters k increases. With optional weights, the
algorithm can also optimally segment time series and perform peak calling. An
auxiliary function generates histograms that are adaptive to patterns in data.
This package provides a powerful alternative to heuristic methods for
univariate data analysis.
Author: Joe Song [aut, cre], Haizhou Wang [aut]
Maintainer: Joe Song <joemsong@cs.nmsu.edu>
Diff between Ckmeans.1d.dp versions 3.4.6-6 dated 2017-01-03 and 4.0.0 dated 2017-02-15
Ckmeans.1d.dp-3.4.6-6/Ckmeans.1d.dp/src/weighted_opt_uni_kmeans.cpp |only Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/DESCRIPTION | 8 Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/MD5 | 54 - Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/NAMESPACE | 6 Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/NEWS | 91 +- Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/R/Ckmeans.1d.dp.R | 46 - Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/R/visualize.R | 35 - Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/inst/doc/Ckmeans.1d.dp.R | 11 Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/inst/doc/Ckmeans.1d.dp.Rmd | 11 Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/inst/doc/Ckmeans.1d.dp.html | 27 Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/inst/doc/ahist.R | 10 Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/inst/doc/ahist.Rmd | 14 Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/inst/doc/ahist.html | 27 Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/man/Ckmeans.1d.dp-package.Rd | 43 - Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/man/Ckmeans.1d.dp.Rd | 46 - Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/man/ahist.Rd | 14 Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/man/plot.Ckmeans.1d.dp.Rd | 8 Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/man/plotBIC.Rd |only Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/man/print.Ckmeans.1d.dp.Rd | 2 Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/src/Ckmeans.1d.dp.cpp | 348 ++-------- Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/src/Ckmeans.1d.dp.h | 129 +++ Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/src/Ckmeans.1d.dp_main.cpp | 58 + Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/src/dynamic_prog.cpp |only Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/src/fill_SMAWK.cpp |only Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/src/fill_log_linear.cpp |only Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/src/fill_quadratic.cpp |only Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/src/select_levels.cpp | 238 ++++++ Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/src/weighted_select_levels.cpp | 248 ++++++- Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/tests/testthat/test_Ckmeans.1d.dp.R | 316 +++++---- Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/vignettes/Ckmeans.1d.dp.Rmd | 11 Ckmeans.1d.dp-4.0.0/Ckmeans.1d.dp/vignettes/ahist.Rmd | 14 31 files changed, 1248 insertions(+), 567 deletions(-)
Title: European Commission Annual Macro-Economic (AMECO) Database
Description: Annual macro-economic database provided by the European Commission.
Author: Eric Persson [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Eric Persson <expersso5@gmail.com>
Diff between ameco versions 0.2.5 dated 2017-01-30 and 0.2.6 dated 2017-02-15
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 16 ++++++++-------- README.md | 2 +- build/vignette.rds |binary data/ameco.RData |binary inst/doc/ameco_dataset.Rmd | 2 +- inst/doc/ameco_dataset.html | 8 ++++---- tests/testthat/tests.R | 2 +- vignettes/ameco_dataset.Rmd | 2 +- 9 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2012-03-21 0.3-2
2010-04-12 0.3-1
2008-08-12 0.3
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2016-06-30 0.1.0
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2012-03-21 0.3-5
2011-07-23 0.3-4
2009-03-27 0.3-3
2008-05-02 0.3-2
2007-05-15 0.3-1
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2014-02-23 0.3.12
2013-12-13 0.3.11
2013-09-18 0.3.10
2013-05-22 0.3.9
2013-04-29 0.3.8
Title: Functions from "Reinsurance: Actuarial and Statistical Aspects"
Description: Functions from the book "Reinsurance: Actuarial and Statistical Aspects" (Wiley, 2017)
by Hansjoerg Albrecher, Jan Beirlant and Jef Teugels.
Author: Tom Reynkens [aut, cre],
Roel Verbelen [aut] (R code for Mixed Erlang distribution),
Anastasios Bardoutsos [ctb] (Original R code for cEPD estimator),
Dries Cornilly [ctb] (Original R code for EVT estimators for truncated
Yuri Goegebeur [ctb] (Original S-Plus code for basic EVT estimators),
Klaus Herrmann [ctb] (Original R code for GPD estimator)
Maintainer: Tom Reynkens <tomreynkens@hotmail.com>
Diff between ReIns versions 1.0.1 dated 2016-12-27 and 1.0.2 dated 2017-02-15
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 8 +++++--- NAMESPACE | 2 +- inst/NEWS.Rd | 7 +++++++ src/RcppExports.h |only src/ReIns_init.cpp |only 6 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
Title: Cooperative Game Theory
Description: Implementation of a common set of punctual solutions for Cooperative Game Theory.
Author: Sebastian Cano-Berlanga
Maintainer: Sebastian Cano-Berlanga <cano.berlanga@gmail.com>
Diff between GameTheory versions 2.4 dated 2016-09-27 and 2.5 dated 2017-02-15
DESCRIPTION | 9 ++++---- MD5 | 12 ++++++----- R/AdjustedProportional.R | 47 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- R/AlphaMin.R |only R/Nucleolus.R | 5 ++-- R/Talmud.R | 2 - man/AdjustedProportional.Rd | 8 +++++++ man/AlphaMin.Rd |only 8 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
Title: Emoji and Font Awesome in Graphics
Description: An implementation of using emoji and fontawesome for using in both base and 'ggplot2' graphics.
Author: Guangchuang Yu [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Guangchuang Yu <guangchuangyu@gmail.com>
Diff between emojifont versions 0.3.7 dated 2016-12-28 and 0.4.0 dated 2017-02-15
DESCRIPTION | 10 ++++---- MD5 | 19 ++++++++------- NAMESPACE | 4 +++ NEWS | 5 ++++ R/geom_emoji.R |only inst/doc/emojifont.R | 19 +++++++++++---- inst/doc/emojifont.Rmd | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++-------- inst/doc/emojifont.html | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------- inst/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf |binary man/geom_emoji.Rd |only man/geom_fontawesome.Rd |only vignettes/emojifont.Rmd | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++-------- 12 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2016-12-02 0.1.0
Title: Modeling Earthquake Data Using ETAS Model
Description: Fits the space-time Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequence
(ETAS) model to earthquake catalogs using a stochastic declustering
approach. The ETAS model is a spatio-temporal marked point process
model and a special case of the Hawkes process. The package is based
on a Fortran program by Jiancang Zhuang
(available at <http://bemlar.ism.ac.jp/zhuang/software.html>),
which is modified and translated into C++ and C such that it
can be called from R.
Author: Abdollah Jalilian [aut, cre], Jiancang Zhuang [ctb]
Maintainer: Abdollah Jalilian <jalilian@razi.ac.ir>
Diff between ETAS versions 0.4 dated 2017-01-04 and 0.4.1 dated 2017-02-15
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 4 ++-- src/fitMP.cpp | 5 +++++ 3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
Title: Presentation Ninja
Description: Create HTML5 slides with R Markdown and the JavaScript library
'remark.js' (<https://remarkjs.com>).
Author: Yihui Xie [aut, cre],
Ole Petter Bang [ctb] (CSS in
Maintainer: Yihui Xie <xie@yihui.name>
Diff between xaringan versions 0.1 dated 2016-12-13 and 0.2 dated 2017-02-15
DESCRIPTION | 11 +- LICENSE | 2 MD5 | 35 +++--- NAMESPACE | 2 R/render.R | 53 +++++++--- R/utils.R | 31 +++++ build |only inst/doc |only inst/rmarkdown/templates/xaringan/resources/default.html | 4 inst/rmarkdown/templates/xaringan/resources/example.css | 9 + inst/rmarkdown/templates/xaringan/skeleton/skeleton.Rmd | 30 ++++- inst/rmarkdown/templates/xaringan_zh-CN/skeleton/skeleton.Rmd | 11 +- inst/rmarkdown/templates/xaringan_zh-CN/skeleton/zh-CN.css | 31 +++++ man/inf_mr.Rd | 13 +- man/moon_reader.Rd | 5 man/summon_remark.Rd | 1 tests/testit/test-utils.R | 2 vignettes |only 18 files changed, 186 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
Title: Scopus Database 'API' Interface
Description: Uses Elsevier 'Scopus' 'API'
<https://dev.elsevier.com/sc_apis.html> to download
information about authors and their citations.
Author: John Muschelli
Maintainer: John Muschelli <muschellij2@gmail.com>
Diff between rscopus versions 0.3.1 dated 2016-11-15 and 0.4.6 dated 2017-02-15
DESCRIPTION | 19 ++++----- MD5 | 82 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- NAMESPACE | 9 +++- R/abstract_retrieval.R | 3 - R/affil_df.R | 1 R/article_retrieval.R | 1 R/author_df.R | 19 ++++----- R/author_search.R | 4 - R/entries_to_affil_list.R | 2 R/entries_to_df.R | 6 +- R/generic_elsevier_search.R | 6 +- R/get_api_key.R | 7 +++ R/get_author_info.R | 3 - R/object_retrieval.R | 1 man/abstract_retrieval.Rd | 1 man/affil_df.Rd | 3 - man/affil_list_to_df.Rd | 1 man/affil_search.Rd | 1 man/affiliation_retrieval.Rd | 1 man/all_possible_affils.Rd | 1 man/article_retrieval.Rd | 1 man/author_df.Rd | 3 - man/author_retrieval.Rd | 1 man/author_search.Rd | 1 man/collapse_affil.Rd | 1 man/embase_retrieval.Rd | 1 man/entitlement_retrieval.Rd | 1 man/entries_to_affil_list.Rd | 1 man/entries_to_citation_df.Rd | 1 man/entries_to_df.Rd | 1 man/entry_to_affil.Rd | 1 man/generic_elsevier_api.Rd | 1 man/get_api_key.Rd | 4 + man/get_author_info.Rd | 1 man/get_complete_author_info.Rd | 1 man/nonull.Rd | 1 man/object_retrieval.Rd | 1 man/process_author_name.Rd | 1 man/recommendation_retrieval.Rd | 1 man/replace_non_ascii.Rd | 1 man/set_api_key.Rd | 1 tests |only 42 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)
Title: R at the Command-Line via 'r'
Description: A scripting and command-line front-end
is provided by 'r' (aka 'littler') as a lightweight binary wrapper around
the GNU R language and environment for statistical computing and graphics.
While R can be used in batch mode, the r binary adds full support for
both 'shebang'-style scripting (i.e. using a hash-mark-exclamation-path
expression as the first line in scripts) as well as command-line use in
standard Unix pipelines. In other words, r provides the R language without
the environment.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel and Jeff Horner
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org>
Diff between littler versions 0.3.1 dated 2016-08-07 and 0.3.2 dated 2017-02-15
ChangeLog | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DESCRIPTION | 8 +++--- MD5 | 39 +++++++++++++++++++-------------- R/init.R | 8 +++--- R/test.R | 2 - README.md | 6 ++--- build/vignette.rds |binary configure | 32 +++++++++++++++++++-------- configure.ac | 3 +- inst/NEWS.Rd | 24 +++++++++++++++++--- inst/doc/littler-examples.Rmd | 8 +++--- inst/doc/littler-examples.html | 8 +++--- inst/examples/build.r |only inst/examples/c4c.r |only inst/examples/check.r | 8 ++++-- inst/examples/getRStudioDesktop.r |only inst/examples/getRStudioServer.r |only inst/examples/installGithub.r | 17 ++++++++------ inst/examples/installRepo.r | 4 +-- inst/examples/rd2md.r |only inst/examples/rhome.r | 4 +-- src/scripts/littler.R | 12 +++++----- vignettes/littler-examples.Rmd | 8 +++--- 23 files changed, 159 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)