Mon, 18 Dec 2017

Package taxa updated to version 0.2.0 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2017-07-16

Title: Taxonomic Classes
Description: Provides taxonomic classes for groupings of taxonomic names without data, and those with data. Methods provided are "taxonomically aware", in that they know about ordering of ranks, and methods that filter based on taxonomy also filter associated data.
Author: Scott Chamberlain [aut, cre], Zachary Foster [aut]
Maintainer: Scott Chamberlain <>

Diff between taxa versions 0.1.0 dated 2017-07-16 and 0.2.0 dated 2017-12-18

 taxa-0.1.0/taxa/man/name_classifications.Rd           |only
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/DESCRIPTION                           |    6 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/MD5                                   |  144 -
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/NAMESPACE                             |   27 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/                               |   30 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/R/hierarchy.R                         |   16 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/R/taxa.R                              |   31 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/R/taxmap--class.R                     |   55 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/R/taxmap--docs.R                      |   10 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/R/taxmap--parsers.R                   |  220 +
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/R/taxon.R                             |   19 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/R/taxon_id.R                          |    5 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/R/taxon_name.R                        |    5 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/R/taxon_rank.R                        |    5 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/R/taxonomy--class.R                   |  197 +
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/R/taxonomy--docs.R                    |  304 ++
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/R/taxonomy--s3.R                      |  123 +
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/R/temp.R                              |only
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/                             |  185 +
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/build/vignette.rds                    |binary
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/data/ex_taxmap.rda                    |binary
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/data/ex_taxonomy.rda                  |binary
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/inst/doc/taxa-vignette.R              |    5 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/inst/doc/taxa-vignette.Rmd            |   11 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/inst/doc/taxa-vignette.html           | 2036 ++++++++++--------
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/all_names.Rd                      |    3 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/branches.Rd                       |only
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/classifications.Rd                |only
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/data_used.Rd                      |    3 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/filter_taxa.Rd                    |    6 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/get_data.Rd                       |    3 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/get_data_frame.Rd                 |only
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/hierarchy.Rd                      |    6 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/id_classifications.Rd             |   17 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/internodes.Rd                     |only
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/is_branch.Rd                      |   11 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/is_internode.Rd                   |only
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/is_leaf.Rd                        |   11 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/is_root.Rd                        |   11 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/is_stem.Rd                        |   11 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/leaves.Rd                         |    8 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/lookup_tax_data.Rd                |    8 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/map_data.Rd                       |   15 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/map_data_.Rd                      |only
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/n_subtaxa.Rd                      |   11 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/n_subtaxa_1.Rd                    |   11 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/n_supertaxa.Rd                    |   11 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/n_supertaxa_1.Rd                  |only
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/names_used.Rd                     |    3 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/obs.Rd                            |    5 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/obs_apply.Rd                      |    5 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/remove_redundant_names.Rd         |only
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/roots.Rd                          |    8 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/stems.Rd                          |   11 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/subtaxa.Rd                        |    8 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/subtaxa_apply.Rd                  |    6 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/supertaxa.Rd                      |    9 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/supertaxa_apply.Rd                |    6 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/taxa.Rd                           |    9 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/taxmap.Rd                         |    6 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/taxon.Rd                          |   16 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/taxon_id.Rd                       |    3 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/taxon_ids.Rd                      |   15 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/taxon_indexes.Rd                  |   15 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/taxon_name.Rd                     |    3 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/taxon_names.Rd                    |   15 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/taxon_rank.Rd                     |    3 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/taxon_ranks.Rd                    |   15 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/man/taxonomy.Rd                       |    4 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/tests/testthat/test--hierarchy.R      |   15 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/tests/testthat/test--taxmap.R         |   45 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/tests/testthat/test--taxmap_parsers.R |   56 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/tests/testthat/test--taxonomy.R       |   49 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/tests/testthat/test-taxon.R           |    7 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/tests/testthat/test-taxon_id.R        |    8 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/tests/testthat/test-taxon_name.R      |    8 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/tests/testthat/test-taxon_rank.R      |    8 
 taxa-0.2.0/taxa/vignettes/taxa-vignette.Rmd           |   11 
 78 files changed, 2673 insertions(+), 1279 deletions(-)

More information about taxa at CRAN
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Package reda updated to version 0.4.0 with previous version 0.3.1 dated 2016-12-16

Title: Recurrent Event Data Analysis
Description: Functions for (1) simulating survival, recurrent event, and multiple event data from stochastic process point of view, (2) exploring and modeling recurrent event data through the mean cumulative function (MCF) or also called the Nelson-Aalen estimator of the cumulative hazard rate function, and gamma frailty model with spline rate function, and (3) comparing two-sample recurrent event responses with the pseudo-score tests.
Author: Wenjie Wang [aut, cre], Haoda Fu [aut], Jun Yan [ctb]
Maintainer: Wenjie Wang <>

Diff between reda versions 0.3.1 dated 2016-12-16 and 0.4.0 dated 2017-12-18

 reda-0.3.1/reda/R/dataCheck.R                 |only
 reda-0.3.1/reda/R/fit.R                       |only
 reda-0.3.1/reda/R/mcf.R                       |only
 reda-0.3.1/reda/inst/bib/reda-intro.bib       |only
 reda-0.3.1/reda/man/baseRateReg-class.Rd      |only
 reda-0.3.1/reda/man/rateRegMcf-class.Rd       |only
 reda-0.3.1/reda/man/sampleMcf-class.Rd        |only
 reda-0.3.1/reda/man/summaryRateReg-class.Rd   |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/DESCRIPTION                   |   34 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/MD5                           |  109 -
 reda-0.4.0/reda/NAMESPACE                     |   36 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/                       |   67 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/R/RcppExports.R               |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/R/Survr.R                     |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/R/aic.R                       |   51 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/R/baseline.R                  |   48 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/R/class.R                     |  483 ++++--
 reda-0.4.0/reda/R/coef.R                      |   58 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/R/data.R                      |    2 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/R/mcf-formula.R               |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/R/mcf-generic.R               |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/R/mcf-rateReg.R               |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/R/mcfDiff.R                   |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/R/misc.R                      |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/R/plot.R                      |  222 +-
 reda-0.4.0/reda/R/rateReg.R                   |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/R/reda.R                      |   32 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/R/show.R                      |  130 +
 reda-0.4.0/reda/R/simEvent.R                  |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/R/summary.R                   |   14 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/                     |   78 -
 reda-0.4.0/reda/build/vignette.rds            |binary
 reda-0.4.0/reda/inst/CITATION                 |   10 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/inst/bib/reda.bib             |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/inst/doc/reda-intro.R         |  101 -
 reda-0.4.0/reda/inst/doc/reda-intro.Rmd       |  497 +++---
 reda-0.4.0/reda/inst/doc/reda-intro.html      | 1927 +++++++++++++++++++++++---
 reda-0.4.0/reda/inst/doc/reda-simulate.R      |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/inst/doc/reda-simulate.Rmd    |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/inst/doc/reda-simulate.html   |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/AIC-rateReg-method.Rd     |   24 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/BIC-rateReg-method.Rd     |    3 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/Survr-class.Rd            |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/Survr.Rd                  |   41 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/baseRate.Rd               |    4 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/baseRate.rateReg-class.Rd |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/coef-rateReg-method.Rd    |   10 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/confint-rateReg-method.Rd |   30 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/mcf.Rd                    |  300 ++--
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/mcf.formula-class.Rd      |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/mcf.rateReg-class.Rd      |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/mcfDiff-class.Rd          |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/mcfDiff.Rd                |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/mcfDiff.test-class.Rd     |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/parametrize.Rd            |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/plot-method.Rd            |   72 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/rateReg-class.Rd          |   14 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/rateReg.Rd                |  114 -
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/reda-package.Rd           |   27 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/show-method.Rd            |   45 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/simEvent-class.Rd         |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/simEvent.Rd               |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/simuDat.Rd                |    1 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/summary-rateReg-method.Rd |    8 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/summary.rateReg-class.Rd  |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/man/valveSeats.Rd             |    1 
 reda-0.4.0/reda/src                           |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/tests                         |only
 reda-0.4.0/reda/vignettes/reda-intro.Rmd      |  497 +++---
 reda-0.4.0/reda/vignettes/reda-simulate.Rmd   |only
 70 files changed, 3604 insertions(+), 1486 deletions(-)

More information about reda at CRAN
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Package checkpoint updated to version 0.4.3 with previous version 0.4.2 dated 2017-10-19

Title: Install Packages from Snapshots on the Checkpoint Server for Reproducibility
Description: The goal of checkpoint is to solve the problem of package reproducibility in R. Specifically, checkpoint allows you to install packages as they existed on CRAN on a specific snapshot date as if you had a CRAN time machine. To achieve reproducibility, the checkpoint() function installs the packages required or called by your project and scripts to a local library exactly as they existed at the specified point in time. Only those packages are available to your project, thereby avoiding any package updates that came later and may have altered your results. In this way, anyone using checkpoint's checkpoint() can ensure the reproducibility of your scripts or projects at any time. To create the snapshot archives, once a day (at midnight UTC) Microsoft refreshes the Austria CRAN mirror on the "Microsoft R Archived Network" server (<>). Immediately after completion of the rsync mirror process, the process takes a snapshot, thus creating the archive. Snapshot archives exist starting from 2014-09-17.
Author: Microsoft Corporation
Maintainer: Rich Calaway <>

Diff between checkpoint versions 0.4.2 dated 2017-10-19 and 0.4.3 dated 2017-12-18

 checkpoint-0.4.2/checkpoint/inst/doc/using-checkpoint-with-knitr.R     |only
 checkpoint-0.4.2/checkpoint/inst/doc/using-checkpoint-with-knitr.Rmd   |only
 checkpoint-0.4.2/checkpoint/inst/doc/using-checkpoint-with-knitr.html  |only
 checkpoint-0.4.2/checkpoint/tests/testthat/framed.sty                  |only
 checkpoint-0.4.3/checkpoint/DESCRIPTION                                |   10 
 checkpoint-0.4.3/checkpoint/MD5                                        |   14 
 checkpoint-0.4.3/checkpoint/R/checkpoint_paths.R                       |    6 
 checkpoint-0.4.3/checkpoint/inst/doc/checkpoint.html                   |  244 ++++------
 checkpoint-0.4.3/checkpoint/inst/doc/managing-checkpoint-archives.html |  223 ++++-----
 checkpoint-0.4.3/checkpoint/tests/test-all.R                           |    1 
 10 files changed, 234 insertions(+), 264 deletions(-)

More information about checkpoint at CRAN
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Package qqplotr updated to version 0.0.2 with previous version 0.0.1 dated 2017-07-25

Title: Quantile-Quantile Plot Extensions for 'ggplot2'
Description: Extensions of 'ggplot2' Q-Q plot functionalities.
Author: Alexandre Almeida [aut, cre], Adam Loy [aut], Heike Hofmann [aut]
Maintainer: Alexandre Almeida <>

Diff between qqplotr versions 0.0.1 dated 2017-07-25 and 0.0.2 dated 2017-12-18

 DESCRIPTION                               |   16 
 LICENSE                                   | 1348 +++++++++++++++---------------
 MD5                                       |   73 +
 NAMESPACE                                 |   37                                   |   45 -
 R/data.R                                  |only
 R/geom_qq_band.R                          |only
 R/qqplotr.R                               |only
 R/runShinyExample.R                       |only
 R/stat_pp_band.R                          |only
 R/stat_pp_line.R                          |only
 R/stat_pp_point.R                         |only
 R/stat_qq_band.R                          |  797 +++++++++--------
 R/stat_qq_line.R                          |  409 +++++----
 R/stat_qq_point.R                         |  405 +++++----                                 |  366 +++++---
 build                                     |only
 data                                      |only
 inst                                      |only
 man/GeomQqBand.Rd                         |only
 man/StatPpBand.Rd                         |only
 man/StatPpLine.Rd                         |only
 man/StatPpPoint.Rd                        |only
 man/StatQqBand.Rd                         |   22 
 man/StatQqLine.Rd                         |   22 
 man/StatQqPoint.Rd                        |   22 
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-10-1.png |only
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-11-1.png |only
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-12-1.png |only
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-13-1.png |only
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-14-1.png |only
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-5-1.png  |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-6-1.png  |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-6-2.png  |only
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-7-1.png  |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-8-1.png  |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-9-1.png  |only
 man/figures/devBadge.svg                  |only
 man/iowa.Rd                               |only
 man/longjump.Rd                           |only
 man/qqplotr.Rd                            |only
 man/runShinyExample.Rd                    |only
 man/stat_pp_band.Rd                       |only
 man/stat_pp_line.Rd                       |only
 man/stat_pp_point.Rd                      |only
 man/stat_qq_band.Rd                       |  369 ++++----
 man/stat_qq_line.Rd                       |  247 ++---
 man/stat_qq_point.Rd                      |  229 ++---
 vignettes                                 |only
 49 files changed, 2485 insertions(+), 1922 deletions(-)

More information about qqplotr at CRAN
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Package funModeling updated to version 1.6.6 with previous version 1.6.5 dated 2017-07-09

Title: Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Preparation Tool-Box Book
Description: Around 10% of almost any predictive modeling project is spent in predictive modeling, 'funModeling' and the book Data Science Live Book (<>) are intended to cover remaining 90%: data preparation, profiling, selecting best variables 'dataViz', assessing model performance and other functions.
Author: Pablo Casas
Maintainer: Pablo Casas <>

Diff between funModeling versions 1.6.5 dated 2017-07-09 and 1.6.6 dated 2017-12-18

 funModeling-1.6.5/funModeling/R/bayesian_plot.R              |only
 funModeling-1.6.5/funModeling/R/numbers.R                    |only
 funModeling-1.6.5/funModeling/man/bayesian_plot.Rd           |only
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/DESCRIPTION                    |   12 -
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/MD5                            |   82 +++++----
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/NAMESPACE                      |   12 +
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/R/cross_plot.R                 |    9 -
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/R/data.R                       |    8 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/R/data_preparation.R           |   21 ++
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/R/discretize.R                 |only
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/R/exploratory_data_analysis.R  |only
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/R/information_theory.R         |only
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/R/models_lib.R                 |   97 +----------
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/R/outliers.R                   |    6 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/data/data_golf.rda             |only
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/auto_grouping.Rd           |    5 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/categ_analysis.Rd          |    1 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/compare_df.Rd              |only
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/concatenate_n_vars.Rd      |only
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/convert_df_to_categoric.Rd |only
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/coord_plot.Rd              |    1 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/correlation_table.Rd       |    3 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/cross_plot.Rd              |    1 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/data_country.Rd            |    1 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/data_golf.Rd               |only
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/desc_groups.Rd             |    1 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/desc_groups_rank.Rd        |    1 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/df_status.Rd               |    3 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/discretize_df.Rd           |only
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/discretize_get_bins.Rd     |only
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/entropy_2.Rd               |only
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/equal_freq.Rd              |    1 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/fibonacci.Rd               |    1 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/filter_vars.Rd             |    1 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/freq.Rd                    |    3 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/gain_lift.Rd               |   11 -
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/gain_ratio.Rd              |only
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/get_sample.Rd              |    1 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/hampel_outlier.Rd          |    3 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/heart_disease.Rd           |    1 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/infor_magic.Rd             |only
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/information_gain.Rd        |only
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/model_performance.Rd       |    3 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/plot_num.Rd                |    5 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/plotar.Rd                  |    1 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/prep_outliers.Rd           |    3 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/profiling_num.Rd           |    3 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/range01.Rd                 |    3 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/tukey_outlier.Rd           |    3 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/v_compare.Rd               |    3 
 funModeling-1.6.6/funModeling/man/var_rank_info.Rd           |only
 51 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 178 deletions(-)

More information about funModeling at CRAN
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Package sft updated to version 2.2-0 with previous version 2.0-7 dated 2014-10-07

Title: Functions for Systems Factorial Technology Analysis of Data
Description: This package contains a series of tools for analyzing Systems Factorial Technology data. This includes functions for plotting and statistically testing capacity coefficient functions and survivor interaction contrast functions. Houpt, Blaha, McIntire, Havig, and Townsend (2013) <doi:10.3758/s13428-013-0377-3> provide a basic introduction to Systems Factorial Technology along with examples using the sft R package.
Author: Joe Houpt <>, Leslie Blaha <>
Maintainer: Joe Houpt <>

Diff between sft versions 2.0-7 dated 2014-10-07 and 2.2-0 dated 2017-12-18

 DESCRIPTION           |   13 +++++++------
 MD5                   |   21 +++++++++++++--------
 NAMESPACE             |   13 ++++++++-----
 R/assessment.R        |    6 ++++--
 R/fPCAassessment.R    |only
 R/fPCAcapacity.R      |    5 ++++-
 R/resilience.R        |only
 R/sftGenerator.R      |only
 R/sic.R               |   13 +++++++------             |only
 inst/CITATION         |   11 +++++------
 man/fPCAassessment.Rd |only
 man/fPCAcapacity.Rd   |    4 ++--
 man/sicGroup.Rd       |    5 ++++-
 14 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

More information about sft at CRAN
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Package AIG updated to version 0.1.8 with previous version 0.1.7 dated 2017-06-30

Title: Automatic Item Generator
Description: A collection of Automatic Item Generators used mainly for psychological research. This package can generate linear syllogistic reasoning, arithmetic and 2D/3D/Double 3D spatial reasoning items. It is recommended for research purpose only.
Author: Bao Sheng Loe (Aiden) [aut, cre, cph], David Condon [ctb, cph], Francis Smart [ctb, cph]
Maintainer: Bao Sheng Loe (Aiden) <>

Diff between AIG versions 0.1.7 dated 2017-06-30 and 0.1.8 dated 2017-12-18

 DESCRIPTION |    8 +-
 MD5         |    6 +-
 R/lisy.R    |  179 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 man/lisy.Rd |   18 +++---
 4 files changed, 149 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

More information about AIG at CRAN
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Package rprojroot updated to version 1.3-1 with previous version 1.2 dated 2017-01-16

Title: Finding Files in Project Subdirectories
Description: Robust, reliable and flexible paths to files below a project root. The 'root' of a project is defined as a directory that matches a certain criterion, e.g., it contains a certain regular file.
Author: Kirill Müller [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Kirill Müller <>

Diff between rprojroot versions 1.2 dated 2017-01-16 and 1.3-1 dated 2017-12-18

 DESCRIPTION                     |   12 +-
 MD5                             |   41 +++++----
 NAMESPACE                       |    6 +                         |    8 +
 R/criterion.R                   |    2 
 R/file.R                        |    2 
 R/has-file.R                    |   10 +-
 R/root.R                        |    2 
 R/thisfile.R                    |only
 build/vignette.rds              |binary
 inst/doc/rprojroot.R            |   71 ++++++++++++++++-
 inst/doc/rprojroot.Rmd          |  146 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 inst/doc/rprojroot.html         |  167 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 man/find_root.Rd                |    2 
 man/find_root_file.Rd           |    2 
 man/root_criterion.Rd           |   10 +-
 man/thisfile.Rd                 |only
 tests/testthat/scripts          |only
 tests/testthat/startup.Rs       |only
 tests/testthat/test-criterion.R |   13 +--
 tests/testthat/test-root.R      |   61 +++++++++++---
 tests/testthat/test-thisfile.R  |only
 vignettes/rprojroot.Rmd         |  146 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 23 files changed, 580 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-)

More information about rprojroot at CRAN
Permanent link

Package photobiology updated to version 0.9.18-1 with previous version 0.9.17 dated 2017-08-27

Title: Photobiological Calculations
Description: Definitions of classes, methods, operators and functions for use in photobiology and radiation meteorology and climatology. Calculation of effective (weighted) and not-weighted irradiances/doses, fluence rates, transmittance, reflectance, absorptance, absorbance and diverse ratios and other derived quantities from spectral data. Local maxima and minima. Conversion between energy- and photon-based units. Wavelength interpolation. Astronomical calculations related solar angles and day length. Colours and vision.
Author: Pedro J. Aphalo [aut, cre], Titta K. Kotilainen [ctb]
Maintainer: Pedro J. Aphalo <>

Diff between photobiology versions 0.9.17 dated 2017-08-27 and 0.9.18-1 dated 2017-12-18

 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/                        |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/as.quantum.R                       |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/as.quantum.mol.R                   |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/auto.hinges.R                      |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/                     |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/calc.multipliers.R                 |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/calc.source.output.R               |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/check.spectrum.R                   |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/                    |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/                      |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/                      |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/d2.spectrum.R                      |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/div.spectra.R                      |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/e2qmol.multipliers.R               |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/e2quantum.multipliers.R            |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/energy.irradiance.R                |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/energy.ratio.R                     |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/fel.spectrum.R                     |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/                      |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/insert.hinges.R                    |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/integrate.xy.R                     |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/interpolate.spectrum.R             |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/irradiance.R                       |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/meeus.R                            |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/normalize.range.arg.R              |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/normalized.diff.idx.R              |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/oper.spectra.R                     |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/photobiology.R                     |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/photon.irradiance.R                |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/photon.ratio.R                     |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/             |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/prod.spectra.R                     |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/                         |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/                    |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/s.e.irrad2rgb.R                    |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/spct.clean.R                       |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/spct.fscale.R                      |only
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 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/                         |only
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 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/spct.smooth.spct.R                 |only
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 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/spct.tag.R                         |only
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 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/spct.trim.R                        |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/spct.upgrade.R                     |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/          |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/split.irradiance.R                 |only
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 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/subt.spectra.R                     |only
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 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/                         |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/trim.waveband.R                    |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/w.length.range2rgb.R               |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/w.length2rgb.R                     |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/waveband.class.R                   |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/                     |only
 photobiology-0.9.17/photobiology/R/waveband.ratio.R                   |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/DESCRIPTION                        |   18 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/MD5                                |  528 ++++----
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/NAMESPACE                          |   16 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/NEWS                               |   25 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/                      |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/as.quantum.mol.r                 |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/as.quantum.r                     |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/auto.hinges.r                    |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/                   |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/calc.multipliers.r               |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/calc.source.output.r             |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/check.spectrum.r                 |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/                  |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/                    |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/color.of.R                       |    8 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/copy.attr.R                      |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/                    |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/d2.spectrum.r                    |only
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 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/                    |only
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 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/integrate.xy.r                   |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/interpolate.spectrum.r           |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/irradiance.r                     |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/meeus.r                          |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/mspct.methods.R                  |  212 +++
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/normalize.range.arg.r            |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/normalized.diff.idx.r            |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/on-attach.R                      |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/oper.spectra.r                   |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/photobiology.r                   |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/photon.irradiance.r              |only
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 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/           |only
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 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/                       |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/rbindspct.r                      |   10 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/                  |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/s.e.irrad2rgb.r                  |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/spct.absorbance.R                |   70 -
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/spct.absorptance.R               |   75 -
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/spct.classes.r                   |  101 +
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/spct.clean.r                     |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/spct.fscale.r                    |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/spct.fshift.r                    |only
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 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/spct.operators.r                 |   95 +
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 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/spct.ratios.R                    |  192 ++-
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 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/spct.tag.r                       |only
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 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/spct.trim.r                      |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/spct.upgrade.r                   |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/        |only
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 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/sun.calc.r                       |    6 
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 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/                   |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/waveband.ratio.r                 |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/R/zmspct.classes.R                 |   52 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/                          |    8 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/build/vignette.rds                 |binary
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 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/data/D65.illuminant.spct.rda       |binary
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 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/inst/doc/userguide2-radiation.html |  630 ++++++----
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 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/inst/doc/userguide3-astronomy.html |   34 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/A.illuminant.spct.Rd           |    2 
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 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/D2.UV653.Rd                    |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/D2.UV654.Rd                    |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/D2_spectrum.Rd                 |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/D65.illuminant.spct.Rd         |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/FEL.BN.9101.165.Rd             |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/FEL_spectrum.Rd                |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/absorbance.Rd                  |   20 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/absorptance.Rd                 |   20 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/add_attr2tb.Rd                 |only
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/as.generic_mspct.Rd            |    3 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/as.generic_spct.Rd             |    5 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/as_energy.Rd                   |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/as_quantum.Rd                  |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/as_quantum_mol.Rd              |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/average_spct.Rd                |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/beesxyzCMF.spct.Rd             |    6 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/calc_multipliers.Rd            |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/calc_source_output.Rd          |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/ccd.spct.Rd                    |    6 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/check_spct.Rd                  |   13 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/check_spectrum.Rd              |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/check_w.length.Rd              |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/ciev10.spct.Rd                 |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/ciev2.spct.Rd                  |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/ciexyzCC10.spct.Rd             |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/ciexyzCC2.spct.Rd              |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/ciexyzCMF10.spct.Rd            |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/ciexyzCMF2.spct.Rd             |    2 
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 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/clean_spct.Rd                  |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/clear.spct.Rd                  |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/clear_photobio.cache.Rd        |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/clip_wl.Rd                     |    6 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/color_of.Rd                    |    9 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/day_night.Rd                   |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/div_spectra.Rd                 |    2 
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 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/e2quantum_multipliers.Rd       |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/e_fluence.Rd                   |    6 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/e_irrad.Rd                     |   28 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/e_ratio.Rd                     |   23 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/e_response.Rd                  |   20 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/energy_irradiance.Rd           |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/energy_ratio.Rd                |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/eq_ratio.Rd                    |   23 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/extract.Rd                     |    2 
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 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/find_peaks.Rd                  |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/fluence.Rd                     |    6 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/fscale.Rd                      |    6 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/fscale_spct.Rd                 |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/fshift.Rd                      |   12 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/fshift_spct.Rd                 |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/generic_mspct.Rd               |    5 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/getNormalized.Rd               |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/getScaled.Rd                   |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/get_peaks.Rd                   |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/insert_hinges.Rd               |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/insert_spct_hinges.Rd          |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/integrate_spct.Rd              |    4 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/integrate_xy.Rd                |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/interpolate_spct.Rd            |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/interpolate_spectrum.Rd        |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/interpolate_wl.Rd              |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/irrad.Rd                       |   29 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/irradiance.Rd                  |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/is.generic_mspct.Rd            |    3 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/is.generic_spct.Rd             |    7 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/is.old_spct.Rd                 |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/is.summary_generic_spct.Rd     |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/is.waveband.Rd                 |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/is_effective.Rd                |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/is_normalized.Rd               |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/is_scaled.Rd                   |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/julian_day.Rd                  |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/l_insert_hinges.Rd             |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/labels.Rd                      |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/max.Rd                         |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/merge2object_spct.Rd           |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/midpoint.Rd                    |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/min.Rd                         |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/normalization.Rd               |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/normalize.Rd                   |    5 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/normalize_range_arg.Rd         |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/normalized_diff_ind.Rd         |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/opaque.spct.Rd                 |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/oper_spectra.Rd                |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/peaks.Rd                       |    4 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/photobiology-package.Rd        |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/photodiode.spct.Rd             |    6 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/photon_irradiance.Rd           |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/photon_ratio.Rd                |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/photons_energy_ratio.Rd        |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/polyester.spct.Rd              |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/print.Rd                       |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/print.summary_generic_spct.Rd  |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/prod_spectra.Rd                |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/q_fluence.Rd                   |    6 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/q_irrad.Rd                     |   28 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/q_ratio.Rd                     |   26 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/q_response.Rd                  |   20 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/qe_ratio.Rd                    |   23 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/range.Rd                       |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/reflectance.Rd                 |   21 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/reflectance_spct.Rd            |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/response.Rd                    |   22 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/rgb_spct.Rd                    |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/s_e_irrad2rgb.Rd               |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/setGenericSpct.Rd              |    8 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/setNormalized.Rd               |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/setScaled.Rd                   |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/smooth_spct.Rd                 |    6 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/source_spct.Rd                 |   10 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/split2mspct.Rd                 |    5 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/split_bands.Rd                 |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/split_energy_irradiance.Rd     |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/split_irradiance.Rd            |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/split_photon_irradiance.Rd     |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/spread.Rd                      |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/stepsize.Rd                    |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/subt_spectra.Rd                |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/sum_spectra.Rd                 |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/summary.Rd                     |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/summary_spct_classes.Rd        |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/              |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/sun.daily.spct.Rd              |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/                    |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/sun.spct.Rd                    |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/tag.Rd                         |    9 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/transmittance.Rd               |   21 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/transmittance_spct.Rd          |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/trim_spct.Rd                   |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/trim_waveband.Rd               |    4 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/trim_wl.Rd                     |    7 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/tz_time_diff.Rd                |    3 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/untag.Rd                       |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/upgrade_spct.Rd                |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/upgrade_spectra.Rd             |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/v_insert_hinges.Rd             |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/valleys.Rd                     |    4 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/w_length2rgb.Rd                |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/w_length_range2rgb.Rd          |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/waveband.Rd                    |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/waveband_ratio.Rd              |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/wb2rect_spct.Rd                |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/wb2spct.Rd                     |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/wb2tagged_spct.Rd              |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/man/yellow_gel.spct.Rd             |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/vignettes/userguide1-intro.Rmd     |    2 
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/vignettes/userguide2-radiation.Rmd |  195 ++-
 photobiology-0.9.18-1/photobiology/vignettes/userguide3-astronomy.Rmd |    2 
 330 files changed, 2290 insertions(+), 1094 deletions(-)

More information about photobiology at CRAN
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Package partykit updated to version 1.2-0 with previous version 1.1-1 dated 2016-09-20

Title: A Toolkit for Recursive Partytioning
Description: A toolkit with infrastructure for representing, summarizing, and visualizing tree-structured regression and classification models. This unified infrastructure can be used for reading/coercing tree models from different sources ('rpart', 'RWeka', 'PMML') yielding objects that share functionality for print()/plot()/predict() methods. Furthermore, new and improved reimplementations of conditional inference trees (ctree()) and model-based recursive partitioning (mob()) from the 'party' package are provided based on the new infrastructure. A description of this package was published by Hothorn and Zeileis (2015) <>.
Author: Torsten Hothorn [aut, cre] (0000-0001-8301-0471), Heidi Seibold [ctb] (0000-0002-8960-9642), Achim Zeileis [aut] (0000-0003-0918-3766)
Maintainer: Torsten Hothorn <>

Diff between partykit versions 1.1-1 dated 2016-09-20 and 1.2-0 dated 2017-12-18

 partykit-1.1-1/partykit/R/palmtree.R                    |only
 partykit-1.1-1/partykit/man/palmtree.Rd                 |only
 partykit-1.1-1/partykit/src/ctree.h                     |only
 partykit-1.1-1/partykit/src/ctreecall.c                 |only
 partykit-1.1-1/partykit/src/ctreelinstat.c              |only
 partykit-1.1-1/partykit/src/ctreelinstat.h              |only
 partykit-1.1-1/partykit/src/ctreesplit.c                |only
 partykit-1.1-1/partykit/src/ctreesplit.h                |only
 partykit-1.1-1/partykit/src/ctreeteststat.c             |only
 partykit-1.1-1/partykit/src/ctreeteststat.h             |only
 partykit-1.1-1/partykit/src/ctreeutils.c                |only
 partykit-1.1-1/partykit/src/ctreeutils.h                |only
 partykit-1.1-1/partykit/tests/results-regtest.Rda       |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/DESCRIPTION                     |   36 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/MD5                             |  130 +
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/NAMESPACE                       |   43 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/R/                    |   41 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/R/cforest.R                     |  206 +--
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/R/ctree.R                       |  782 ++++++-----
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/R/extree.R                      |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/R/glmtree.R                     |    4 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/R/lmtree.R                      |    4 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/R/mob-plot.R                    |    6 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/R/modelparty.R                  |  149 +-
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/R/node.R                        |   14 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/R/party.R                       |   72 -
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/R/plot.R                        |   48 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/R/prune.R                       |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/R/split.R                       |   10 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/R/utils.R                       |   50 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/R/varimp.R                      |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/build/vignette.rds              |binary
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/inst/NEWS.Rd                    |   61 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/inst/doc/constparty.R           |   10 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/inst/doc/constparty.Rnw         |   16 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/inst/doc/constparty.pdf         |binary
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/inst/doc/ctree.R                |  189 ++
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/inst/doc/ctree.Rnw              |  318 ++++
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/inst/doc/ctree.pdf              |binary
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/inst/doc/mob.R                  |   18 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/inst/doc/mob.Rnw                |   20 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/inst/doc/mob.pdf                |binary
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/inst/doc/partykit.Rnw           |    2 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/inst/doc/partykit.pdf           |binary
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/man/cforest.Rd                  |   35 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/man/ctree.Rd                    |   37 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/man/ctree_control.Rd            |   87 +
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/man/extree_data.Rd              |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/man/extree_fit.Rd               |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/man/model.frame.rpart.Rd        |    8 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/man/nodeids.Rd                  |   11 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/man/panelfunctions.Rd           |    6 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/man/party-plot.Rd               |    4 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/man/partysplit.Rd               |    2 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/man/prune.modelparty.Rd         |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/man/varimp.Rd                   |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/src/partykit-init.c             |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/src/partykit-win.def            |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/src/rfweights.c                 |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/src/rfweights.h                 |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/tests/Examples                  |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/tests/bugfixes.R                |   90 +
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/tests/        |  194 ++
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/tests/regtest-MIA.R             |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/tests/     |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/tests/regtest-cforest.R         |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/tests/ |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/tests/   |   30 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/tests/regtest-glmtree.R         |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/tests/regtest-lmtree.R          |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/tests/regtest-nmax.R            |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/tests/    |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/tests/    |   11 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/tests/regtest-party.R           |   50 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/tests/   |  116 -
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/tests/   |   11 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/vignettes/constparty.Rnw        |   16 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/vignettes/  |   16 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/vignettes/ctree.Rnw             |  318 ++++
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/vignettes/       | 1060 +++++++++++++++-
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/vignettes/mob.Rnw               |   20 
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/vignettes/         |only
 partykit-1.2-0/partykit/vignettes/partykit.Rnw          |    2 
 83 files changed, 3402 insertions(+), 951 deletions(-)

More information about partykit at CRAN
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Package MortCast updated to version 1.1-1 with previous version 1.0-1 dated 2017-11-30

Title: Estimation and Projection of Age-Specific Mortality Rates
Description: Age-specific mortality rates are estimated and projected using the Kannisto, Lee-Carter and related methods as described in Sevcikova et al. (2016) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-26603-9_15>.
Author: Hana Sevcikova, Nan Li and Patrick Gerland
Maintainer: Hana Sevcikova <>

Diff between MortCast versions 1.0-1 dated 2017-11-30 and 1.1-1 dated 2017-12-18

 ChangeLog                  |only
 DESCRIPTION                |    8 ++--
 MD5                        |   19 ++++++-----
 R/LC.R                     |    9 ++---
 R/MortCast.R               |    2 -
 R/kannisto.R               |   75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 man/MortCast-package.Rd    |    2 -
 man/cokannisto.estimate.Rd |    8 +++-
 man/kannisto.estimate.Rd   |    7 +++-
 man/kannisto.predict.Rd    |    8 ++--
 man/rotate.leecarter.Rd    |    4 +-
 11 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

More information about MortCast at CRAN
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Package kernelboot updated to version 0.1.3 with previous version 0.1.2 dated 2017-09-20

Title: Smoothed Bootstrap and Random Generation from Kernel Densities
Description: Smoothed bootstrap and functions for random generation from univariate and multivariate kernel densities. It does not estimate kernel densities.
Author: Tymoteusz Wolodzko
Maintainer: Tymoteusz Wolodzko <>

Diff between kernelboot versions 0.1.2 dated 2017-09-20 and 0.1.3 dated 2017-12-18

 DESCRIPTION                              |    9 
 MD5                                      |   44 +-
 NAMESPACE                                |   54 +-
 R/RcppExports.R                          |   22 -
 R/bandwidth.R                            |  182 ++++-----
 R/kernelboot-methods.R                   |  184 ++++-----
 R/onUnload.R                             |    8 
 R/other.R                                |   84 ++--
 man/bw.silv.Rd                           |  124 +++---
 man/kernelboot-class.Rd                  |   90 ++--
 man/kernelboot.Rd                        |  572 +++++++++++++++----------------
 man/rmvg.Rd                              |  202 +++++-----
 man/rmvk.Rd                              |  192 +++++-----
 man/ruvk.Rd                              |  182 ++++-----
 man/summary.kernelboot.Rd                |   44 +-
 tests/test_parallel.R                    |   38 +-
 tests/testthat.R                         |    8 
 tests/testthat/test_bandwidth.R          |   46 +-
 tests/testthat/test_kernelboot.R         |  476 ++++++++++++-------------
 tests/testthat/test_multivar-gaussian.R  |  146 +++----
 tests/testthat/test_multivar-kd.R        |  120 +++---
 tests/testthat/test_univar-kd.R          |   82 ++--
 tests/testthat/test_univar_vs_multivar.R |  158 ++++----
 23 files changed, 1534 insertions(+), 1533 deletions(-)

More information about kernelboot at CRAN
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Package Canopy updated to version 1.3.0 with previous version 1.2.0 dated 2017-04-08

Title: Accessing Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity and Tracking Longitudinal and Spatial Clonal Evolutionary History by Next-Generation Sequencing
Description: A statistical framework and computational procedure for identifying the sub-populations within a tumor, determining the mutation profiles of each subpopulation, and inferring the tumor's phylogenetic history. The input are variant allele frequencies (VAFs) of somatic single nucleotide alterations (SNAs) along with allele-specific coverage ratios between the tumor and matched normal sample for somatic copy number alterations (CNAs). These quantities can be directly taken from the output of existing software. Canopy provides a general mathematical framework for pooling data across samples and sites to infer the underlying parameters. For SNAs that fall within CNA regions, Canopy infers their temporal ordering and resolves their phase. When there are multiple evolutionary configurations consistent with the data, Canopy outputs all configurations along with their confidence assessment.
Author: Yuchao Jiang, Nancy R. Zhang
Maintainer: Yuchao Jiang <>

Diff between Canopy versions 1.2.0 dated 2017-04-08 and 1.3.0 dated 2017-12-18

 DESCRIPTION                     |   10 
 MD5                             |   26 -
 NEWS                            |    3 
 R/canopy.cluster.R              |    9 
 R/                 |  202 +++++++-------
 R/canopy.sample.R               |  478 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 R/canopy.sample.cluster.R       |  546 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 R/canopy.sample.cluster.nocna.R |  374 +++++++++++++--------------
 R/canopy.sample.nocna.R         |  282 ++++++++++----------
 R/sampP.R                       |    9 
 build/vignette.rds              |binary
 inst/doc/Canopy_vignettes.Rnw   |    4 
 inst/doc/Canopy_vignettes.pdf   |binary
 vignettes/Canopy_vignettes.Rnw  |    4 
 14 files changed, 979 insertions(+), 968 deletions(-)

More information about Canopy at CRAN
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Package basefun updated to version 0.0-39 with previous version 0.0-38 dated 2017-05-17

Title: Infrastructure for Computing with Basis Functions
Description: Some very simple infrastructure for basis functions.
Author: Torsten Hothorn [aut, cre] (0000-0001-8301-0471)
Maintainer: Torsten Hothorn <>

Diff between basefun versions 0.0-38 dated 2017-05-17 and 0.0-39 dated 2017-12-18

 DESCRIPTION            |   12 ++++++------
 MD5                    |   10 ++++++----
 NAMESPACE              |    4 +++-
 R/intercept.R          |only
 R/methods.R            |    3 +++
 inst/NEWS.Rd           |    7 +++++++
 man/intercept_basis.Rd |only
 7 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

More information about basefun at CRAN
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Package RtutoR updated to version 1.0 with previous version 0.3 dated 2016-05-10

Title: Shiny Apps for Plotting and Exploratory Analysis
Description: Contains Shiny apps for Plotting and Exploratory Analysis. The plotting app provides an automated interface for generating plots using the 'ggplot2' package. Current version of this app supports 10 different plot types along with options to manipulate specific aesthetics and controls related to each plot type.
Author: Anup Nair [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Anup Nair <>

Diff between RtutoR versions 0.3 dated 2016-05-10 and 1.0 dated 2017-12-18

 RtutoR-0.3/RtutoR/R/InternalFunc.R                         |only
 RtutoR-0.3/RtutoR/R/tut_code.R                             |only
 RtutoR-0.3/RtutoR/man/launch_tutorial.Rd                   |only
 RtutoR-0.3/RtutoR/man/show_tutorial_datasets.Rd            |only
 RtutoR-1.0/RtutoR/DESCRIPTION                              |   20 -
 RtutoR-1.0/RtutoR/MD5                                      |   20 -
 RtutoR-1.0/RtutoR/NAMESPACE                                |   16 +
 RtutoR-1.0/RtutoR/R/appUI.R                                |only
 RtutoR-1.0/RtutoR/R/gen_report_app.R                       |only
 RtutoR-1.0/RtutoR/R/generate_ppt.R                         |only
 RtutoR-1.0/RtutoR/R/launch_plotter.R                       |  155 +++----------
 RtutoR-1.0/RtutoR/R/sysdata.rda                            |binary
 RtutoR-1.0/RtutoR/R/tutorial_markdown                      |only
 RtutoR-1.0/RtutoR/man/gen_exploratory_report_app.Rd        |only
 RtutoR-1.0/RtutoR/man/generate_exploratory_analysis_ppt.Rd |only
 RtutoR-1.0/RtutoR/man/launch_plotter.Rd                    |    1 
 16 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 139 deletions(-)

More information about RtutoR at CRAN
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Package Umatrix updated to version 3.1 with previous version 3.0 dated 2017-12-12

Title: Visualization of Structures in High-Dimensional Data
Description: By gaining the property of emergence through self-organization, the enhancement of SOMs(self organizing maps) is called Emergent SOM (ESOM). The result of the projection by ESOM is a grid of neurons which can be visualised as a three dimensional landscape in form of the Umatrix. Further details can be found in the referenced publications (see url). This package offers tools for calculating and visualising the ESOM as well as Umatrix, Pmatrix and UStarMatrix. All the functionality is also available through graphical user interfaces implemented in 'shiny'.
Author: Florian Lerch[aut,cre], Michael Thrun[aut], Felix Pape[ctb], Raphael Paebst[ctb], Alfred Ultsch[aut]
Maintainer: Florian Lerch <>

Diff between Umatrix versions 3.0 dated 2017-12-12 and 3.1 dated 2017-12-18

 DESCRIPTION                            |   12 ++++++------
 MD5                                    |    4 ++--
 src/esomTrainedWeightVectorsGaussC.cpp |    4 ++--
 3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

More information about Umatrix at CRAN
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Package tensorflow updated to version 1.4.3 with previous version 1.4.2 dated 2017-12-17

Title: R Interface to 'TensorFlow'
Description: Interface to 'TensorFlow' <>, an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Nodes in the graph represent mathematical operations, while the graph edges represent the multidimensional data arrays (tensors) communicated between them. The flexible architecture allows you to deploy computation to one or more 'CPUs' or 'GPUs' in a desktop, server, or mobile device with a single 'API'. 'TensorFlow' was originally developed by researchers and engineers working on the Google Brain Team within Google's Machine Intelligence research organization for the purposes of conducting machine learning and deep neural networks research, but the system is general enough to be applicable in a wide variety of other domains as well.
Author: JJ Allaire [aut, cre], RStudio [cph, fnd], Yuan Tang [aut, cph], Dirk Eddelbuettel [ctb, cph], Nick Golding [ctb, cph], Google Inc. [ctb, cph] (Examples and Tutorials)
Maintainer: JJ Allaire <>

Diff between tensorflow versions 1.4.2 dated 2017-12-17 and 1.4.3 dated 2017-12-18

 DESCRIPTION |    6 +++---
 MD5         |    4 ++--
 R/install.R |    3 +++
 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

More information about tensorflow at CRAN
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Package spelling updated to version 1.1 with previous version 1.0 dated 2017-08-28

Title: Tools for Spell Checking in R
Description: Spell checking common document formats including latex, markdown, manual pages, and description files. Includes utilities to automate checking of documentation and vignettes as a unit test during 'R CMD check'. Both British and American English are supported out of the box and other languages can be added. In addition, packages may define a 'wordlist' to allow custom terminology without having to abuse punctuation.
Author: Jeroen Ooms [cre, aut], Jim Hester [aut]
Maintainer: Jeroen Ooms <>

Diff between spelling versions 1.0 dated 2017-08-28 and 1.1 dated 2017-12-18

 DESCRIPTION                |   14 ++++++---
 MD5                        |   20 +++++++------
 NEWS                       |only
 R/check-files.R            |   15 ++++++++--
 R/language.R               |only
 R/spell-check.R            |   66 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 R/wordlist.R               |    4 +-
 inst/WORDLIST              |    1 
 man/spell_check_files.Rd   |    8 ++---
 man/spell_check_package.Rd |   26 ++++++++++-------
 man/wordlist.Rd            |    7 +---
 tests/spelling.R           |    2 -
 12 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)

More information about spelling at CRAN
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Package miceadds updated to version 2.9-15 with previous version 2.8-24 dated 2017-11-20

Title: Some Additional Multiple Imputation Functions, Especially for 'mice'
Description: Contains some auxiliary functions for multiple imputation which complements existing functionality in R. In addition to some utility functions, main features include plausible value imputation, multilevel imputation functions (arbitrary number of levels, hierarchical and non-hierarchical datasets), imputation using partial least squares (PLS) for high dimensional predictors, and nested multiple imputation.
Author: Alexander Robitzsch [aut, cre], Simon Grund [aut], Thorsten Henke [aut]
Maintainer: Alexander Robitzsch <>

Diff between miceadds versions 2.8-24 dated 2017-11-20 and 2.9-15 dated 2017-12-18

 DESCRIPTION                           |   12 -
 MD5                                   |   18 +-
 NAMESPACE                             |    1 
 R/Rfunction_include_argument_values.R |    5 
 R/ma_rmvnorm.R                        |    2 
 R/mice.impute.plausible.values.R      |  270 ++++++++++++++++------------------
 R/mice.impute.pmm6.R                  |   12 -
 inst/NEWS                             |   51 ++++--
 man/ma_rmvnorm.Rd                     |    4 
 man/mice.impute.plausible.values.Rd   |   48 +++++-
 10 files changed, 237 insertions(+), 186 deletions(-)

More information about miceadds at CRAN
Permanent link

Package kimisc updated to version 0.4 with previous version 0.3 dated 2016-02-14

Title: Kirill's Miscellaneous Functions
Description: A collection of useful functions not found anywhere else, mainly for programming: Pretty intervals, generalized lagged differences, checking containment in an interval, and an alternative interface to assign().
Author: Kirill Müller [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Kirill Müller <>

Diff between kimisc versions 0.3 dated 2016-02-14 and 0.4 dated 2017-12-18

 kimisc-0.3/kimisc/man/               |only
 kimisc-0.3/kimisc/man/df_to_list.Rd                |only
 kimisc-0.3/kimisc/man/            |only
 kimisc-0.3/kimisc/man/list_to_df.Rd                |only
 kimisc-0.3/kimisc/man/nc.Rd                        |only
 kimisc-0.3/kimisc/man/nlist.Rd                     |only
 kimisc-0.3/kimisc/man/ofactor.Rd                   |only
 kimisc-0.3/kimisc/man/sample-methos.Rd             |only
 kimisc-0.3/kimisc/man/            |only
 kimisc-0.3/kimisc/man/setMissingNames.Rd           |only
 kimisc-0.3/kimisc/man/thisfile.Rd                  |only
 kimisc-0.3/kimisc/man/tll.Rd                       |only
 kimisc-0.3/kimisc/man/vswitch.Rd                   |only
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/DESCRIPTION                      |   19 +---
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/MD5                              |   81 ++++++++++-----------
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/NAMESPACE                        |    3 
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/                          |   16 ++++
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/R/coalesce_na.R                  |    9 +-
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/R/cut.R                          |   19 ++--
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/R/deprecate.R                    |only
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/R/export.R                       |   14 +--
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/R/gdiff.R                        |   14 +--
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/R/hms_to_seconds.R               |   11 +-
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/R/in_interval.R                  |   32 ++++----
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/R/list_to_df.R                   |    6 +
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/R/nlist.R                        |   50 +++++++-----
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/R/ofactor.R                      |   13 ++-
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/R/sample_data_frame.R            |   10 +-
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/R/seconds_to_hms.R               |   11 +-
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/R/thisfile.R                     |   53 +++++++++++--
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/R/tll.R                          |    5 +
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/R/vswitch.R                      |   22 +++--
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/    |only
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/cut_format.Rd                |   10 +-
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/df_to_list-deprecated.Rd     |only
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/export.Rd                    |   11 +-
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/export.list.Rd               |   15 +--
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/gdiff.Rd                     |   17 ++--
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/ |only
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/in.interval.lo.Rd            |    9 +-
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/            |    9 +-
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/kimisc-deprecated.Rd         |only
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/kimisc-package.Rd            |   18 ++--
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/list_to_df-deprecated.Rd     |only
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/nc-deprecated.Rd             |only
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/nin.interval.lo.Rd           |    7 -
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/           |    9 +-
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/nlist-deprecated.Rd          |only
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/ofactor-deprecated.Rd        |only
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/sample.rows-deprecated.Rd    |only
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/ |only
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/thisfile-deprecated.Rd       |only
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/tll-deprecated.Rd            |only
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/man/vswitch-deprecated.Rd        |only
 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/tests/test-all.R                 |    1 
 55 files changed, 286 insertions(+), 208 deletions(-)

More information about kimisc at CRAN
Permanent link

Package fst updated to version 0.8.2 with previous version 0.8.0 dated 2017-12-13

Title: Lightning Fast Serialization of Data Frames for R
Description: Multithreaded serialization of compressed data frames using the 'fst' format. The 'fst' format allows for random access of stored data and compression with the LZ4 and ZSTD compressors created by Yann Collet. The ZSTD compression library is owned by Facebook Inc.
Author: Mark Klik [aut, cre, cph], Yann Collet [ctb, cph] (Yann Collet is author of the bundled LZ4 and ZSTD code and copyright holder of LZ4), Facebook, Inc. [cph] (Bundled ZSTD code)
Maintainer: Mark Klik <>

Diff between fst versions 0.8.0 dated 2017-12-13 and 0.8.2 dated 2017-12-18

 fst-0.8.0/fst/src/fstcore/ZSTD/common/xxhash.c        |only
 fst-0.8.0/fst/src/fstcore/ZSTD/common/xxhash.h        |only
 fst-0.8.2/fst/DESCRIPTION                             |   23 +++-
 fst-0.8.2/fst/MD5                                     |   28 +++---
 fst-0.8.2/fst/R/fst.R                                 |    2 
 fst-0.8.2/fst/R/package.R                             |   83 ++++++++++++++++++
 fst-0.8.2/fst/man/fst-package.Rd                      |only
 fst-0.8.2/fst/src/Makevars                            |    4 
 fst-0.8.2/fst/src/fstcore/LZ4/xxhash.c                |only
 fst-0.8.2/fst/src/fstcore/LZ4/xxhash.h                |only
 fst-0.8.2/fst/src/fstcore/ZSTD/COPYING                |only
 fst-0.8.2/fst/src/fstcore/character/character_v6.cpp  |    1 
 fst-0.8.2/fst/src/fstcore/compression/compression.cpp |    1 
 fst-0.8.2/fst/src/fstcore/factor/factor_v7.cpp        |   24 +++--
 fst-0.8.2/fst/src/fstcore/interface/fstcompressor.h   |    2 
 fst-0.8.2/fst/src/fstcore/interface/fsthash.h         |    2 
 fst-0.8.2/fst/src/fstcore/interface/fststore.cpp      |    2 
 fst-0.8.2/fst/tests/testthat/FactorStore/data1.fst    |binary
 18 files changed, 137 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

More information about fst at CRAN
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Package adephylo updated to version 1.1-11 with previous version 1.1-10 dated 2016-12-13

Title: Exploratory Analyses for the Phylogenetic Comparative Method
Description: Multivariate tools to analyze comparative data, i.e. a phylogeny and some traits measured for each taxa.
Author: Thibaut Jombart <>, Stéphane Dray <>, Anders Ellern Bilgrau <>
Maintainer: Stéphane Dray <>

Diff between adephylo versions 1.1-10 dated 2016-12-13 and 1.1-11 dated 2017-12-18

 DESCRIPTION                            |   15 ++---
 MD5                                    |   95 +++++++++++++++++----------------
 build/vignette.rds                     |binary
 inst/doc/adephylo.R                    |   69 ++++++++++-------------
 inst/doc/adephylo.Rnw                  |   17 -----
 inst/doc/adephylo.pdf                  |binary
 man/abouheif.Rd                        |    9 +--
 man/adephylo-package.Rd                |    9 +--
 man/bullseye.Rd                        |    7 +-
 man/carni19.Rd                         |    1 
 man/carni70.Rd                         |    1 
 man/dibas.Rd                           |   13 ++--
 man/distRoot.Rd                        |    7 +-
 man/distTips.Rd                        |    7 +-
 man/listDD.Rd                          |    7 +-
 man/listTips.Rd                        |    7 +-
 man/lizards.Rd                         |    1 
 man/maples.Rd                          |    1 
 man/miscUtils.Rd                       |    1 
 man/mjrochet.Rd                        |    1 
 man/moranIdx.Rd                        |    7 +-
 man/orthobasis.Rd                      |    9 +--
 man/orthogram.Rd                       |   11 +--
 man/palm.Rd                            |    1 
 man/ppca.Rd                            |   20 ++++--
 man/procella.Rd                        |    1 
 man/proxTips.Rd                        |    7 +-
 man/                         |    7 +-
 man/table.phylo4d.Rd                   |    7 +-
 man/tithonia.Rd                        |    1 
 man/treePart.Rd                        |    7 +-
 man/ungulates.Rd                       |    1 
 src/adesub.c                           |   24 ++++----
 src/init.c                             |only
 vignettes/adephylo.Rnw                 |   17 -----
 vignettes/figs/adephylo-011.pdf        |only
 vignettes/figs/adephylo-012.pdf        |binary
 vignettes/figs/adephylo-015.pdf        |only
 vignettes/figs/adephylo-016.pdf        |binary
 vignettes/figs/adephylo-017.pdf        |binary
 vignettes/figs/adephylo-018.pdf        |binary
 vignettes/figs/adephylo-aboutest.pdf   |binary
 vignettes/figs/adephylo-figFourBas.pdf |binary
 vignettes/figs/adephylo-lm1.pdf        |binary
 vignettes/figs/adephylo-loadings.pdf   |binary
 vignettes/figs/adephylo-orthobas1.pdf  |binary
 vignettes/figs/adephylo-pca1.pdf       |binary
 vignettes/figs/adephylo-pca2.pdf       |binary
 vignettes/figs/adephylo-phylo4d.pdf    |binary
 vignettes/figs/adephylo-resid.pdf      |binary
 50 files changed, 166 insertions(+), 222 deletions(-)

More information about adephylo at CRAN
Permanent link

Package worldmet updated to version 0.8.0 with previous version 0.7.5 dated 2017-01-26

Title: Import Surface Meteorological Data from NOAA Integrated Surface Database (ISD)
Description: Functions to import data from more than 30,000 surface meteorological sites around the world managed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Integrated Surface Database (ISD, see <>).
Author: David Carslaw [aut, cre]
Maintainer: David Carslaw <>

Diff between worldmet versions 0.7.5 dated 2017-01-26 and 0.8.0 dated 2017-12-18

 DESCRIPTION         |   13 ++-
 MD5                 |   27 ++++---
 NAMESPACE           |    5 +
 R/getMeta.R         |   13 +--
 R/metNOAA.R         |  178 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 R/sysdata.rda       |binary           |   14 +---
 data/meta.rda       |binary
 inst                |only
 man/exportADMS.Rd   |    1 
 man/getMeta.Rd      |    1 
 man/importNOAA.Rd   |   86 ++++++++++++-------------
 man/meta.Rd         |    1 
 man/weatherCodes.Rd |    1 
 man/worldmet.Rd     |    7 --
 15 files changed, 179 insertions(+), 168 deletions(-)

More information about worldmet at CRAN
Permanent link

Package rmumps updated to version 5.1.2-2 with previous version 5.1.1-3 dated 2017-09-19

Title: Wrapper for MUMPS Library
Description: Some basic features of MUMPS (Multifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver) are wrapped in a class whose methods can be used for sequentially solving a sparse linear system (symmetric or not) with one or many right hand sides (dense or sparse). There is a possibility to do separately symbolic analysis, LU (or LDL^t) factorization and system solving. Third part ordering libraries are included and can be used: PORD, METIS, SCOTCH.
Author: Serguei Sokol [aut, cre], Emmanuel Agullo [ctb], Patrick Amestoy [ctb], Maurice Bremond [ctb], Alfredo Buttari [ctb], Philippe Combes [ctb], Marie Durand [ctb], Aurelia Fevre [ctb], Abdou Guermouche [ctb], Guillaume Joslin [ctb], Jacko Koster [ctb], Jean-Yves L'Excellent [ctb], Stephane Pralet [ctb], Chiara Puglisi [ctb], Francois-Henry Rouet [ctb], Wissam Sid-Lakhdar [ctb], Tzvetomila Slavova [ctb], Bora Ucar [ctb], Clement Weisbecker [ctb], Juergen Schulze [ctb], George Karypis [ctb], Douglas C. Schmidt [ctb], Isamu Hasegawa [ctb], Alexander Chemeris [ctb], Makoto Matsumoto [ctb], Takuji Nishimura [ctb], Fran<c3><a7>ois Pellegrini [ctb], David Goudin [ctb], Pascal Henon [ctb], Pierre Ramet [ctb], Sebastien Fourestier [ctb], Jun-Ho Her [ctb], Cedric Chevalier [ctb], Timothy A. Davis [ctb], Iain S. Duff [ctb], John K. Reid [ctb], Richard Stallman [ctb], Samuel Thibault [ctb]
Maintainer: Serguei Sokol <>

Diff between rmumps versions 5.1.1-3 dated 2017-09-19 and 5.1.2-2 dated 2017-12-18

 rmumps-5.1.1-3/rmumps/src/lib/MUMPS_5.1.1    |only
 rmumps-5.1.2-2/rmumps/DESCRIPTION            |   87 ++++
 rmumps-5.1.2-2/rmumps/MD5                    |  478 +++++++++++++--------------
 rmumps-5.1.2-2/rmumps/NEWS                   |   13 
 rmumps-5.1.2-2/rmumps/R/inc_os.R             |only
 rmumps-5.1.2-2/rmumps/inst/COPYRIGHTS        |only
 rmumps-5.1.2-2/rmumps/man/rmumps-package.Rd  |    2 
 rmumps-5.1.2-2/rmumps/src/Makevars           |    4 
 rmumps-5.1.2-2/rmumps/src/Makevars.omp       |    4 
 rmumps-5.1.2-2/rmumps/src/lib/MUMPS_5.1.2    |only
 rmumps-5.1.2-2/rmumps/src/lib/Makefile       |    5 
 rmumps-5.1.2-2/rmumps/src/lib/warnings.patch |only
 12 files changed, 337 insertions(+), 256 deletions(-)

More information about rmumps at CRAN
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Package mudfold updated to version 1.1.0 with previous version 1.0 dated 2017-03-30

Title: Multiple UniDimensional unFOLDing
Description: Nonparametric item response theory (IRT) model for nonmonotonic IRFs, which is fruitful for scale analysis of proximity items.
Author: Spyros Balafas [aut, cre], Wim Krijnen [aut], Wendy Post [ctr], Ernst Wit [aut]
Maintainer: Spyros Balafas <>

Diff between mudfold versions 1.0 dated 2017-03-30 and 1.1.0 dated 2017-12-18

 mudfold-1.0/mudfold/data/MUDFOLData.RData    |only
 mudfold-1.0/mudfold/man/MUDFOLData.Rd        |only
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/DESCRIPTION            |   25 +--
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/MD5                    |   73 +++++----
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/NAMESPACE              |    4 
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/ADJ.R                |   11 -
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/CADJ.R               |    6 
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/CAM_STAR.R           |only
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/DOM.R                |    5 
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/Err_exp.R            |    9 -
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/Err_exp_item.R       |   13 -
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/Err_exp_scale.R      |    4 
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/Err_obs.R            |    7 
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/Err_obs_item.R       |   11 -
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/Err_obs_scale.R      |    6 
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/Hitem.R              |   15 -
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/Hscale.R             |   20 +-
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/Htrip.R              |   10 -
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/ISO.R                |    3 
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/as.mudfold.R         |only
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/data_check.R         |only
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/data_info.R          |only
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/mudfold.R            |  125 ++--------------
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/mudfold_fs.R         |only
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/mudfold_se.R         |only
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/mudfoldsim.R         |   66 ++++++--
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/param_est.R          |    5 
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/pick.R               |only
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/plot.mdf.R           |   71 +--------
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/plot_irf.R           |only
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/plot_scale.R         |only
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/print.mdf.R          |   11 -
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/R/summary.mdf.R        |    2 
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/data/Plato7.RData      |only
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/man/ANDRICH.Rd         |   11 -
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/man/EURPAR2.Rd         |    7 
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/man/Plato7.Rd          |only
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/man/as.mudfold.Rd      |only
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/man/mudfold-package.Rd |   38 +---
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/man/mudfold.Rd         |  210 ++++++++++++++++++---------
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/man/mudfoldsim.Rd      |  104 +++++++++----
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/man/pick.Rd            |only
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/man/plot.mdf.Rd        |   28 ++-
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/man/print.mdf.Rd       |    6 
 mudfold-1.1.0/mudfold/man/summary.mdf.Rd     |   18 +-
 45 files changed, 447 insertions(+), 477 deletions(-)

More information about mudfold at CRAN
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Package CsChange updated to version 0.1.1 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2017-12-05

Title: Testing for Change in C-Statistic
Description: Calculate the confidence interval and p value for change in C-statistic. The adjusted C-statistic is calculated by using formula as "Somers' Dxy rank correlation"/2+0.5. The confidence interval was calculated by using the bootstrap method. The p value was calculated by using the Z testing method. Please refer to the article of Peter Ganz et al. (2016) <doi:10.1001/jama.2016.5951>.
Author: Zhicheng Du, Yuantao Hao
Maintainer: Zhicheng Du<>

Diff between CsChange versions 0.1.0 dated 2017-12-05 and 0.1.1 dated 2017-12-18

 DESCRIPTION     |    6 +++---
 MD5             |    6 +++---
 R/CsChange.R    |   14 +++++++++++---
 man/CsChange.Rd |    4 +++-
 4 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

More information about CsChange at CRAN
Permanent link

New package SpatialBall with initial version 0.1.0
Package: SpatialBall
Type: Package
Title: Spatial NBA Visualization and Analysis
Version: 0.1.0
Authors@R: person("Derek", "Corcoran", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre"))
Maintainer: Derek Corcoran <>
Description: Creates offensive and defensive shot charts for teams, players and seasons, and more comprehensively for spatial analysis of NBA data. Includes data from the 2016-17 NBA season extracted from <>.
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
Imports: dplyr, hexbin, ggplot2, lubridate, RColorBrewer
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 6.0.1
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2017-12-18 10:13:10 UTC; derek
Author: Derek Corcoran [aut, cre]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2017-12-18 12:28:54 UTC

More information about SpatialBall at CRAN
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New package gmfd with initial version 1.0
Package: gmfd
Type: Package
Title: Inference and Clustering of Functional Data
Version: 1.0
Authors@R: c( person("Andrea", "Martino", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = ""), person("Andrea", "Ghiglietti", role = "aut", email = "" ), person("Francesca", "Ieva", role = "aut", email = "" ), person("Anna Maria", "Paganoni", role = "aut", email = "" ) )
Author: Andrea Martino [aut, cre], Andrea Ghiglietti [aut], Francesca Ieva [aut], Anna Maria Paganoni [aut]
Maintainer: Andrea Martino <>
Description: Some methods for the inference and clustering of univariate and multivariate functional data, using a generalization of Mahalanobis distance, along with some functions useful for the analysis of functional data. For further details, see Martino A., Ghiglietti, A., Ieva, F. and Paganoni A. M. (2017) <arXiv:1708.00386>.
Depends: R (>= 3.3.2)
License: GPL-3
LazyData: true
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: graphics, stats
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2017-12-18 01:36:48 UTC; Andrea
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2017-12-18 12:03:15 UTC

More information about gmfd at CRAN
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New package BVSNLP with initial version 0.9.5
Package: BVSNLP
Type: Package
Title: Bayesian Variable Selection in High Dimensional Settings using Non-Local Prior
Version: 0.9.5
Author: Amir Nikooienejad [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Amir Nikooienejad <>
Description: Variable/Feature selection in high or ultra-high dimensional settings has gained a lot of attention recently specially in cancer genomic studies. This package provides a Bayesian approach to tackle this problem, where it exploits mixture of point masses at zero and nonlocal priors to improve the performance of variable selection and coefficient estimation. It performs variable selection for binary response and survival time response datasets which are widely used in biostatistic and bioinformatics community. Benefiting from parallel computing ability, it reports necessary outcomes of Bayesian variable selection such as Highest Posterior Probability Model (HPPM), Median Probability Model (MPM) and posterior inclusion probability for each of the covariates in the model. The option to use Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) is also part of this package that can be exploited for predictive power measurements in real datasets.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Depends: R (>= 3.1.0), doParallel (>= 1.0.9)
Imports: Rcpp, foreach, parallel
LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppArmadillo, RcppEigen, RcppNumerical
RoxygenNote: 6.0.1
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2017-12-18 06:05:02 UTC; AmirNik
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2017-12-18 12:12:28 UTC

More information about BVSNLP at CRAN
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Package adespatial updated to version 0.1-0 with previous version 0.0-9 dated 2017-09-01

Title: Multivariate Multiscale Spatial Analysis
Description: Tools for the multiscale spatial analysis of multivariate data. Several methods are based on the use of a spatial weighting matrix and its eigenvector decomposition (Moran's Eigenvectors Maps, MEM).
Author: Stéphane Dray, Guillaume Blanchet, Daniel Borcard, Sylvie Clappe, Guillaume Guenard, Thibaut Jombart, Guillaume Larocque, Pierre Legendre, Naima Madi, Helene H Wagner
Maintainer: Stéphane Dray <>

Diff between adespatial versions 0.0-9 dated 2017-09-01 and 0.1-0 dated 2017-12-18

 DESCRIPTION            |   10 ++---
 MD5                    |   32 +++++++++---------
 NAMESPACE              |    4 ++
 R/beta.div.R           |   11 +++---
 R/beta.div.comp.R      |   11 +++++-
 R/dbmem.R              |   86 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 R/dist.ldc.R           |    2 -
 R/msr.mantelrtest.R    |only
 R/scores.listw.R       |   51 +++++++++++++++--------------
 build/vignette.rds     |binary
 inst/doc/tutorial.R    |    9 ++---
 inst/doc/tutorial.Rmd  |    9 ++---
 inst/doc/tutorial.html |   83 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 man/beta.div.Rd        |   11 +++---
 man/dbmem.Rd           |   74 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 man/mem.Rd             |   41 +++++++++++++----------
 man/msr.mantelrtest.Rd |only
 vignettes/tutorial.Rmd |    9 ++---
 18 files changed, 241 insertions(+), 202 deletions(-)

More information about adespatial at CRAN
Permanent link

Package RcppAlgos updated to version 0.2.4 with previous version 0.2.2 dated 2017-12-15

Title: Tools for Combinatorics and Computational Mathematics
Description: Provides optimized functions implemented in C++ with 'Rcpp' for solving problems in combinatorics and computational mathematics. There is a combination function and a permutation function that are both flexible as well as efficient with respect to speed and memory. There are optional contraint parameters that when utilized, generate all combinations/permutations of a vector meeting a specific criteria (E.g. finding all combinations such that the sum is less than a bound). Both functions are capable of handling mulitsets as well. Additionally, there are various sieving functions that quickly generate essential components for problems common in computational mathematics (E.g. number of comprime elements, divisors, prime factorizations, and complete factorizations for many numbers as well as primes numbers in a range).
Author: Joseph Wood
Maintainer: Joseph Wood <>

Diff between RcppAlgos versions 0.2.2 dated 2017-12-15 and 0.2.4 dated 2017-12-18

 DESCRIPTION                    |   20 ++++++++++----------
 MD5                            |    6 +++---
 NEWS                           |   12 ++++++++++++
 src/CombinatoricsContainer.cpp |   23 +++++++++++++++++++++--
 4 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

More information about RcppAlgos at CRAN
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New package driftR with initial version 1.0.0
Package: driftR
Type: Package
Title: Drift Correcting Water Quality Data
Version: 1.0.0
Authors@R: c( person("Andrew", "Shaughnessy", , "", c("aut", "cre")), person("Christopher", "Prener", , "", c("aut")), person("Elizabeth", "Hasenmueller", , "", c("aut")) )
Description: A tidy implementation of equations that correct for instrumental drift in continuous water quality monitoring data. There are many sources of water quality data including private (ex: YSI instruments) and open source (ex: USGS and NDBC), each of which are susceptible to errors/inaccuracies due to drift. This package allows the user to correct their data using one or two standard reference values in a uniform, reproducible way. The equations implemented are from Hasenmueller (2011) <doi:10.7936/K7N014KS>.
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Imports: dplyr, ggplot2, readr, stringr, rlang, tibble, magrittr, glue
RoxygenNote: 6.0.1
Suggests: testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, covr
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2017-12-17 20:10:26 UTC; andrewshaughnessy
Author: Andrew Shaughnessy [aut, cre], Christopher Prener [aut], Elizabeth Hasenmueller [aut]
Maintainer: Andrew Shaughnessy <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2017-12-18 11:25:56 UTC

More information about driftR at CRAN
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New package BASiNET with initial version 0.0.2
Package: BASiNET
Title: Classification of mRNA and lncRNA Sequences using Complex Network Theory
Version: 0.0.2
Author: Eric Augusto Ito
Maintainer: Eric Augusto Ito <>
Description: The methodology applied in this package starts with the creation of networks from RNA sequences, in this way the extraction of resources from these networks is performed with a threshold methodology, aiming to make a classification between the classes of the sequences. There are two data present in the package, "sequences" and "sequences2" with 11 and 10 sequences respectively. These sequences were taken from the data set used in the article (LI, Aimin; ZHANG, Junying; ZHOU, Zhongyin, 2014) <doi:10.1186/1471-2105-15-311>.
Depends: R (>= 3.4.0)
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Imports: igraph, Biostrings, RWeka, randomForest, rgl, rmcfs, grDevices, graphics, stats
biocViews: Software, BiologicalQuestion, GenePrediction
RoxygenNote: 6.0.1
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2017-12-17 18:29:28 UTC; eric
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2017-12-18 11:03:35 UTC

More information about BASiNET at CRAN
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Package xtensor updated to version 0.4.0-0 with previous version 0.3.0-0 dated 2017-11-10

Title: Headers for the 'xtensor' Library
Description: The 'xtensor' C++ library for numerical analysis with multi-dimensional array expressions is provided as a header-only C++14 library. It offers an extensible expression system enabling lazy broadcasting; an API following the idioms of the C++ standard library; and tools to manipulate array expressions and build upon 'xtensor'.
Author: Johan Mabille, Sylvain Corlay and Wolf Vollprecht
Maintainer: Sylvain Corlay <>

Diff between xtensor versions 0.3.0-0 dated 2017-11-10 and 0.4.0-0 dated 2017-12-18

 xtensor-0.3.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xfunctorview.hpp                 |only
 xtensor-0.3.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xindexview.hpp                   |only
 xtensor-0.3.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xoffsetview.hpp                  |only
 xtensor-0.3.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xstridedview.hpp                 |only
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/DESCRIPTION                                           |    6 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/MD5                                                   |   93 -
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor-r/rvectorize.hpp                 |    2 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor-r/xtensor_r_config.hpp           |    2 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xaccumulator.hpp                 |only
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xadapt.hpp                       |  201 ++-
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xarray.hpp                       |    1 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xassign.hpp                      |   11 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xbroadcast.hpp                   |   16 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xcomplex.hpp                     |    6 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xcontainer.hpp                   |   55 -
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xexpression.hpp                  |   44 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xfunction.hpp                    |  191 ++-
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xfunctor_view.hpp                |only
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xgenerator.hpp                   |   17 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xindex_view.hpp                  |only
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xinfo.hpp                        |   48 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xio.hpp                          |   29 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xlayout.hpp                      |    6 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xmath.hpp                        |  525 +++++-----
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xnoalias.hpp                     |   10 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xnpy.hpp                         |   10 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xoffset_view.hpp                 |only
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xoperation.hpp                   |   35 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xoptional.hpp                    |  464 ++------
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xoptional_assembly.hpp           |    3 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xoptional_assembly_base.hpp      |   48 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xrandom.hpp                      |   55 -
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xreducer.hpp                     |  296 +++++
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xscalar.hpp                      |   35 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xsemantic.hpp                    |   48 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xsort.hpp                        |only
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xstrided_view.hpp                |only
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xtensor.hpp                      |    3 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xtensor_config.hpp               |   13 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xtensor_forward.hpp              |   31 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xutils.hpp                       |   62 -
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xvectorize.hpp                   |    1 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtensor/xview.hpp                        |   39 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtl/xclosure.hpp                         |    2 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtl/xfunctional.hpp                      |only
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtl/xiterator_base.hpp                   |  123 ++
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtl/xmeta_utils.hpp                      |   50 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtl/xoptional.hpp                        |   74 +
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/include/xtl/xtl_config.hpp                       |    2 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/lib/cmake/xtensor-r/xtensor-rConfigVersion.cmake |    2 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/lib/cmake/xtensor/xtensorConfigVersion.cmake     |    2 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/lib/cmake/xtl/xtlConfigVersion.cmake             |    2 
 xtensor-0.4.0-0/xtensor/inst/lib/pkgconfig/xtensor.pc                         |    2 
 53 files changed, 1732 insertions(+), 933 deletions(-)

More information about xtensor at CRAN
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Package photobiologyLEDs updated to version 0.4.3 with previous version 0.4.2 dated 2016-10-23

Title: Spectral Data for Light-Emitting-Diodes
Description: Spectral emission data for some frequently used light emitting diodes.
Author: Pedro J. Aphalo [aut, cre], Shafiuddin Ahmed [ctb]
Maintainer: Pedro J. Aphalo <>

Diff between photobiologyLEDs versions 0.4.2 dated 2016-10-23 and 0.4.3 dated 2017-12-18

 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.2/photobiologyLEDs/inst/doc/data-catalogue.R       |only
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.2/photobiologyLEDs/inst/doc/data-catalogue.Rmd     |only
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.2/photobiologyLEDs/inst/doc/data-catalogue.html    |only
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.2/photobiologyLEDs/inst/staticdocs                 |only
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.2/photobiologyLEDs/vignettes/data-catalogue.Rmd    |only
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/DESCRIPTION                     |   18 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/MD5                             |   93 --
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/NEWS                            |    9 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/R/colors.r                      |   16 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/R/generic.r                     |   13 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/R/hewlett-packard.r             |   17 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/R/huey-jann.r                   |   13 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/R/led-engin.r                   |   16 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/R/leds-mspct.r                  |   56 +
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/R/lumitronix.r                  |   15 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/R/marktech.r                    |only
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/R/nichia.r                      |only
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/R/norlux.r                      |   18 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/R/on-load.R                     |only
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/R/oo-maya-leds.r                |   13 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/R/osram.r                       |   21 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/R/photobiologyLEDs.r            |   35 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/R/quantum-devices.r             |   16 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/R/roithner-laser.r              |   16 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/R/seti.r                        |   18 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/R/shenzhen-weili.r              |   15 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/R/tao-yuan.r                    |   18 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/                       |    2 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/build/vignette.rds              |binary
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/data/leds-mspct.rda             |binary
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/inst/doc/user-guide.R           |   37 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/inst/doc/user-guide.Rmd         |  124 ++
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/inst/doc/user-guide.html        |  463 ++++++----
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/man/hewlett_packard.Rd          |   29 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/man/huey_jann.Rd                |   22 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/man/led_engin.Rd                |   26 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/man/leds.mspct.Rd               |   53 +
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/man/leds_global.Rd              |   27 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/man/lumitronix.Rd               |   26 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/man/marktech.Rd                 |only
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/man/nichia.Rd                   |only
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/man/norlux.Rd                   |   28 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/man/oo_maya_leds.Rd             |   14 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/man/osram.Rd                    |   28 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/man/photobiologyLEDs-package.Rd |   53 +
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/man/quantum_devices.Rd          |   26 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/man/roithner_laser.Rd           |   26 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/man/seti.Rd                     |   29 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/man/tao_yuan.Rd                 |   27 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/man/unknown.Rd                  |   23 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/man/uv_leds.Rd                  |   25 
 photobiologyLEDs-0.4.3/photobiologyLEDs/vignettes/user-guide.Rmd        |  124 ++
 52 files changed, 1101 insertions(+), 547 deletions(-)

More information about photobiologyLEDs at CRAN
Permanent link

Package textrank updated to version 0.2.0 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2017-11-22

Title: Summarize Text by Ranking Sentences and Finding Keywords
Description: The 'textrank' algorithm is an extension of the 'Pagerank' algorithm for text. The algorithm allows to summarize text by calculating how sentences are related to one another. This is done by looking at overlapping terminology used in sentences in order to set up links between sentences. The resulting sentence network is next plugged into the 'Pagerank' algorithm which identifies the most important sentences in your text and ranks them. In a similar way 'textrank' can also be used to extract keywords. A word network is constructed by looking if words are following one another. On top of that network the 'Pagerank' algorithm is applied to extract relevant words after which relevant words which are following one another are combined to get keywords. More information can be found in the paper from Mihalcea, Rada & Tarau, Paul (2004) <>.
Author: Jan Wijffels [aut, cre, cph], BNOSAC [cph]
Maintainer: Jan Wijffels <>

Diff between textrank versions 0.1.0 dated 2017-11-22 and 0.2.0 dated 2017-12-18

 textrank-0.1.0/textrank/man/summary.textrank.Rd           |only
 textrank-0.1.0/textrank/man/textrank.Rd                   |only
 textrank-0.2.0/textrank/DESCRIPTION                       |   12 
 textrank-0.2.0/textrank/MD5                               |   28 +-
 textrank-0.2.0/textrank/NAMESPACE                         |    7 
 textrank-0.2.0/textrank/                           |only
 textrank-0.2.0/textrank/R/pkg.R                           |    2 
 textrank-0.2.0/textrank/R/textrank.R                      |  175 ++++++++++++--
 textrank-0.2.0/textrank/                         |   15 -
 textrank-0.2.0/textrank/inst/doc/textrank.R               |   25 +-
 textrank-0.2.0/textrank/inst/doc/textrank.Rmd             |   67 ++++-
 textrank-0.2.0/textrank/inst/doc/textrank.html            |   79 ++++--
 textrank-0.2.0/textrank/man/summary.textrank_sentences.Rd |only
 textrank-0.2.0/textrank/man/textrank_candidates_all.Rd    |    4 
 textrank-0.2.0/textrank/man/textrank_candidates_lsh.Rd    |    4 
 textrank-0.2.0/textrank/man/textrank_keywords.Rd          |only
 textrank-0.2.0/textrank/man/textrank_sentences.Rd         |only
 textrank-0.2.0/textrank/vignettes/textrank.Rmd            |   67 ++++-
 18 files changed, 386 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)

More information about textrank at CRAN
Permanent link

Package PKNCA (with last version 0.8.1) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2017-02-27 0.8.1
2016-08-15 0.7.1
2016-04-01 0.7
2015-11-22 0.6

Permanent link
Package cghseg (with last version 1.0.2-1) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2016-01-03 1.0.2-1
2013-11-12 1.0.2
2012-12-20 1.0.1
2012-11-16 1.0.0
2011-08-03 0.0.1

Permanent link
Package polyPK updated to version 3.0.0 with previous version 2.0.0 dated 2017-10-22

Title: The Pharmacokinetics (PK) of Multi-Component Drugs Using a Metabolomics Approach
Description: Poly-PK strategy is a new strategy of pharmacokinetic analysis of multi-component drugs (Guoxiang Xie, Tianlu Chen, Wei Jia, et al. (2012)<doi:10.1021/pr300318m>; Ke Lan, Guoxiang Xie and Wei Jia. (2013)<doi:10.1155/2013/819147>). This package is the first implementation of the Poly-PK strategy with 10 easy-to-use functions.
Author: Mengci Li, Shouli Wang, Guoxiang Xie, Tianlu Chen and Wei Jia
Maintainer: Tianlu Chen <>

Diff between polyPK versions 2.0.0 dated 2017-10-22 and 3.0.0 dated 2017-12-18

 DESCRIPTION               |    8 
 MD5                       |   22 -
 NAMESPACE                 |    5 
 NEWS                      |    8 
 R/PKs.R                   |  115 ++++++----
 R/ScatPlot.R              |    1 
 inst/doc/my-vignette.R    |   22 -
 inst/doc/my-vignette.Rmd  |   22 -
 inst/doc/my-vignette.html |  518 +++++++++-------------------------------------
 man/GetAbso.Rd            |    2 
 man/PKs.Rd                |    6 
 vignettes/my-vignette.Rmd |   22 -
 12 files changed, 244 insertions(+), 507 deletions(-)

More information about polyPK at CRAN
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