Title: Structure for Organizing Monte Carlo Simulation Designs
Description: Provides tools to help safely and efficiently organize Monte Carlo simulations in R.
The package controls the structure and back-end of Monte Carlo simulations
by utilizing a general generate-analyse-summarise strategy. The functions provided control
common simulation issues such as re-simulating non-convergent results, support parallel
back-end and MPI distributed computations, save and restore temporary files,
aggregate results across independent nodes, and provide native support for debugging.
For a pedagogical introduction to the package refer to
Sigal and Chalmers (2016) <doi:10.1080/10691898.2016.1246953>.
Author: Phil Chalmers [aut, cre],
Matthew Sigal [ctb],
Ogreden Oguzhan [ctb]
Maintainer: Phil Chalmers <rphilip.chalmers@gmail.com>
Diff between SimDesign versions 1.9 dated 2018-01-26 and 1.10.1 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 12 + MD5 | 73 ++++++----- NAMESPACE | 3 R/Serlin2000.R | 2 R/SimBoot.R | 7 - R/SimClean.R | 6 R/SimFunctions.R | 23 ++- R/SimResults.R | 2 R/SimShiny.R | 3 R/analysis.R | 11 + R/functions.R | 20 ++- R/runSimulation.R | 250 +++++++++++---------------------------- R/subset.SimDesign.R | 48 +------ R/summary_functions.R | 195 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- R/util.R | 48 +++++++ build/partial.rdb |binary build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/Catch_errors.html | 14 +- inst/doc/Fixed_obj_fun.html | 6 inst/doc/Parallel-computing.R |only inst/doc/Parallel-computing.Rmd |only inst/doc/Parallel-computing.html |only inst/doc/Saving-results.html | 59 ++++----- inst/doc/SimDesign-intro.html | 32 ++-- man/Analyse.Rd | 5 man/Generate.Rd | 4 man/IRMSE.Rd |only man/MAE.Rd | 3 man/MSRSE.Rd |only man/RD.Rd | 2 man/RMSE.Rd | 8 + man/Serlin2000.Rd | 2 man/SimBoot.Rd | 5 man/SimFunctions.Rd | 4 man/SimResults.Rd | 2 man/bias.Rd | 7 - man/quiet.Rd |only man/runSimulation.Rd | 165 +++---------------------- man/subset.SimDesign.Rd | 15 -- tests/tests/test-SimDesign.R | 17 ++ vignettes/Parallel-computing.Rmd |only 41 files changed, 557 insertions(+), 496 deletions(-)
Title: Multidimensional Item Response Theory
Description: Analysis of dichotomous and polytomous response data using
unidimensional and multidimensional latent trait models under the Item
Response Theory paradigm (Chalmers (2012) <doi:10.18637/jss.v048.i06>).
Exploratory and confirmatory models can be estimated with quadrature (EM)
or stochastic (MHRM) methods. Confirmatory
bi-factor and two-tier analyses are available for modeling item testlets.
Multiple group analysis and mixed effects designs also are available for
detecting differential item and test functioning as well as modelling
item and person covariates. Finally, latent class models such as the DINA,
DINO, multidimensional latent class, and several other discrete latent
variable models, including mixture and zero-inflated response models,
are supported.
Author: Phil Chalmers [aut, cre, cph],
Joshua Pritikin [ctb],
Alexander Robitzsch [ctb],
Mateusz Zoltak [ctb],
KwonHyun Kim [ctb],
Carl F. Falk [ctb],
Adam Meade [ctb],
Lennart Schneider [ctb],
David King [ctb],
Chen-Wei Liu [ctb],
Ogreden Oguzhan [ctb]
Maintainer: Phil Chalmers <rphilip.chalmers@gmail.com>
Diff between mirt versions 1.27.1 dated 2018-03-16 and 1.28 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 17 +- MD5 | 142 +++++++++--------- NAMESPACE | 2 NEWS.md | 47 +++++- R/00-classes.R | 56 ++++++- R/02-item_methods.R | 28 +++ R/03-estimation.R | 116 +++++++++----- R/DTF.R | 2 R/Discrete-methods.R | 1 R/EMstep.group.R | 50 +++++- R/EMstep.utils.R | 166 +++++++++++++++++++-- R/LoadPars.R | 85 ++++++++-- R/M2.R | 281 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------- R/Mixture-methods.R |only R/MultipleGroup-methods.R | 29 ++- R/PrepData.R | 7 R/SE.methods.R | 9 + R/SIBTEST.R | 15 + R/SingleGroup-methods.R | 159 ++++++++++++++++---- R/createGroup.R | 2 R/createItem.R | 7 R/expected.item.R | 6 R/extract.mirt.R | 4 R/fscores.R | 40 ++++- R/fscores.internal.R | 184 ++++++++++++++++------- R/imputeMissing.R | 4 R/interp_exterp.R |only R/itemfit.R | 51 ++++-- R/iteminfo.R | 2 R/itemplot.R | 1 R/mdirt.R | 13 - R/mirt-package.R | 2 R/mirt.R | 78 +++++++-- R/model.elements.R | 11 - R/multipleGroup.R | 82 +++++++++- R/personfit.R | 2 R/simdata.R | 9 - R/utils.R | 191 +++++++++++++++++++----- build/partial.rdb |binary build/vignette.rds |binary man/DiscreteClass-class.Rd | 2 man/M2.Rd | 46 ++++- man/MixedClass-class.Rd | 2 man/MixtureClass-class.Rd |only man/MultipleGroupClass-class.Rd | 2 man/SIBTEST.Rd | 9 - man/SingleGroupClass-class.Rd | 2 man/anova-method.Rd | 22 ++ man/coef-method.Rd | 1 man/createItem.Rd | 7 man/extract.mirt.Rd | 1 man/fscores.Rd | 41 ++++- man/itemfit.Rd | 24 +-- man/logLik-method.Rd | 1 man/mdirt.Rd | 8 - man/mirt.Rd | 78 +++++++-- man/multipleGroup.Rd | 74 ++++++++- man/plot-method.Rd | 8 - man/print-method.Rd | 1 man/print.mirt_df.Rd | 2 man/print.mirt_list.Rd | 2 man/print.mirt_matrix.Rd | 2 man/residuals-method.Rd | 10 + man/show-method.Rd | 1 man/simdata.Rd | 5 man/summary-method.Rd | 1 man/vcov-method.Rd | 1 src/Estep.cpp | 10 - src/Misc.cpp | 114 ++++++++++++++ src/ggum_derivs.cpp | 2 tests/tests/test-01-mirtOne.R | 9 + tests/tests/test-02-mirtTwo.R | 5 tests/tests/test-04-multipleGroup.R | 13 + tests/tests/test-16-DCIRT.R |only 74 files changed, 1871 insertions(+), 536 deletions(-)
Title: Read and Write '.ini' Files
Description: Parse simple '.ini' configuration files to an structured list. Users
can manipulate this resulting list with lapply() functions. This same
structured list can be used to write back to file after modifications.
Author: David Valentim Dias
Maintainer: David Valentim Dias <dvdscripter@gmail.com>
Diff between ini versions 0.3.0 dated 2017-09-30 and 0.3.1 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++----- MD5 | 9 +++++---- NEWS.md |only R/ini.R | 2 +- README.md | 2 ++ tests/testthat/writeini.txt | 4 ++-- 6 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
Title: Pretty Heatmaps
Description: Implementation of heatmaps that offers more control
over dimensions and appearance.
Author: Raivo Kolde
Maintainer: Raivo Kolde <rkolde@gmail.com>
Diff between pheatmap versions 1.0.8 dated 2015-12-11 and 1.0.10 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 9 ++-- MD5 | 12 ++--- NAMESPACE | 4 + NEWS | 13 ++++++ R/pheatmap.r | 46 +++++++++++++++++---- man/pheatmap-package.Rd | 3 - man/pheatmap.Rd | 102 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 7 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2015-09-17 0.1.6
2014-03-14 0.1.4
2013-12-31 0.1.0
Title: Project Management Tools
Description: Tools for data importation, recoding, and inspection that
are used at the University of Kansas Center for Research Methods
and Data Analysis. There are functions to create new project
folders, R code templates, create uniquely named output
directories, and to quickly obtain a visual summary for each
variable in a data frame. The main feature here is the systematic
implementation of the "variable key" framework for data
importation and recoding. We are eager to have community feedback
about the variable key and the vignette about it.
Author: Paul Johnson [aut, cre],
Benjamin Kite [aut],
Charles Redmon [aut],
Jared Harpole [ctb],
Kenna Whitley [ctb],
Po-Yi Chen [ctb]
Maintainer: Paul Johnson <pauljohn@ku.edu>
Diff between kutils versions 1.39 dated 2018-04-18 and 1.45 dated 2018-05-19
kutils-1.39/kutils/man/compareCFA.Rd |only kutils-1.45/kutils/DESCRIPTION | 8 kutils-1.45/kutils/MD5 | 36 +- kutils-1.45/kutils/NAMESPACE | 6 kutils-1.45/kutils/R/modelcomparison.R | 206 ++++++++++++---- kutils-1.45/kutils/R/semTable.R | 345 ++++++++++++++++------------ kutils-1.45/kutils/R/utils.R | 17 - kutils-1.45/kutils/R/variableKey.R | 154 +++++++++--- kutils-1.45/kutils/inst/ChangeLog | 33 ++ kutils-1.45/kutils/inst/doc/variablekey.pdf |binary kutils-1.45/kutils/man/all.equal.keylong.Rd | 2 kutils-1.45/kutils/man/compareLavaan.Rd |only kutils-1.45/kutils/man/keyApply.Rd | 2 kutils-1.45/kutils/man/keyImport.Rd | 16 - kutils-1.45/kutils/man/keyTemplate.Rd | 37 +-- kutils-1.45/kutils/man/keyTemplateSPSS.Rd | 7 kutils-1.45/kutils/man/keyTemplateStata.Rd |only kutils-1.45/kutils/man/markupConvert.Rd | 14 - kutils-1.45/kutils/man/semTable.Rd | 101 ++++---- kutils-1.45/kutils/man/statdatKey.Rd |only kutils-1.45/kutils/man/zapspace.Rd | 5 21 files changed, 647 insertions(+), 342 deletions(-)
Title: Tools for Computation on Batch Systems
Description: As a successor of the packages 'BatchJobs' and 'BatchExperiments',
this package provides a parallel implementation of the Map function for high
performance computing systems managed by schedulers 'IBM Spectrum LSF'
'OpenLava' (<http://www.openlava.org/>), 'Univa Grid Engine'/'Oracle Grid
Engine' (<http://www.univa.com/>), 'Slurm' (<http://slurm.schedmd.com/>),
(<http://www.adaptivecomputing.com/products/open-source/torque/>), or
'Docker Swarm' (<https://docs.docker.com/swarm/>).
A multicore and socket mode allow the parallelization on a local machines,
and multiple machines can be hooked up via SSH to create a makeshift
cluster. Moreover, the package provides an abstraction mechanism to define
large-scale computer experiments in a well-organized and reproducible way.
Author: Michel Lang [cre, aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9754-0393>>),
Bernd Bischl [aut],
Dirk Surmann [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0873-137X>>)
Maintainer: Michel Lang <michellang@gmail.com>
Diff between batchtools versions 0.9.9 dated 2018-05-14 and 0.9.10 dated 2018-05-19
.aspell |only DESCRIPTION | 14 +++--- MD5 | 70 +++++++++++++++--------------- NAMESPACE | 2 NEWS.md | 6 ++ R/Registry.R | 10 ++-- R/clusterFunctions.R | 63 +++++++++++++-------------- R/clusterFunctionsLSF.R | 3 - R/clusterFunctionsOpenLava.R | 3 - R/clusterFunctionsSGE.R | 3 - R/clusterFunctionsSlurm.R | 3 - R/clusterFunctionsTORQUE.R | 3 - R/config.R | 34 ++++++++++---- R/files.R | 6 -- R/helpers.R | 10 ++-- R/loadRegistry.R | 6 +- R/testJob.R | 2 inst/doc/batchtools.R | 10 ++-- inst/doc/batchtools.Rmd | 10 ++-- inst/doc/batchtools.pdf |binary man/cfReadBrewTemplate.Rd | 3 - man/findConfFile.Rd |only man/findTemplateFile.Rd |only man/loadRegistry.Rd | 4 - man/makeClusterFunctionsLSF.Rd | 5 -- man/makeClusterFunctionsOpenLava.Rd | 5 -- man/makeClusterFunctionsSGE.Rd | 5 -- man/makeClusterFunctionsSlurm.Rd | 5 -- man/makeClusterFunctionsTORQUE.Rd | 5 -- man/makeExperimentRegistry.Rd | 4 - man/makeRegistry.Rd | 4 - tests/testthat/helper.R | 2 tests/testthat/test_ClusterFunctions.R | 14 +++--- tests/testthat/test_ClusterFunctionsSSH.R | 2 tests/testthat/test_JobCollection.R | 6 +- tests/testthat/test_addExperiments.R | 24 ++++------ tests/testthat/test_findConfFile.R | 4 - vignettes/batchtools.Rmd | 10 ++-- 38 files changed, 190 insertions(+), 170 deletions(-)
Title: Mixed-Effect Models, Particularly Spatial Models
Description: Inference in mixed-effect models, including generalized linear mixed models with spatial correlations and models with non-Gaussian random effects (e.g., Beta). Variation in residual variance (heteroscedasticity) can itself be represented by a generalized linear mixed model. Various approximations of likelihood or restricted likelihood are implemented, in particular h-likelihood (Lee and Nelder 2001 <doi:10.1093/biomet/88.4.987>) and Laplace approximation.
Author: François Rousset [aut, cre, cph],
Jean-Baptiste Ferdy [aut, cph],
Alexandre Courtiol [aut],
GSL authors [ctb] (src/gsl_bessel.*)
Maintainer: François Rousset <francois.rousset@umontpellier.fr>
Diff between spaMM versions 2.4.8 dated 2018-04-14 and 2.4.35 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 14 - MD5 | 152 ++++++++-------- NAMESPACE | 7 R/COMPoisson.R | 30 ++- R/CanonizeRanPars.R | 23 -- R/HLCor.R | 3 R/HLCor_body.R | 29 ++- R/HLFactorList.R | 9 R/HLfit.R | 25 ++ R/HLfit_Internals.R | 17 + R/HLfit_b_internals.R | 2 R/HLfit_body.R | 110 +++++++----- R/HLframes.R | 2 R/LR.R | 4 R/SEM.R | 4 R/calc_LRT.R | 144 +++++++++------ R/corMatern.R | 2 R/corrHLfit-internals.R | 2 R/corrHLfit.R | 7 R/corrHLfit_body.R | 152 +++++++++------- R/corrMM.LRT.R | 4 R/corrPars.R | 19 +- R/cov_new_fix.R | 2 R/determine_spprec.R | 4 R/extractors.R | 35 ++- R/fitme.R | 10 - R/fitme_body.R | 187 ++++---------------- R/fitmecorrHLfit_body_internals.R | 248 ++++++++++++++++++++++----- R/generateName.R | 6 R/geo_info.R | 2 R/mapMM.R | 2 R/multinomial.R | 2 R/negbin.R | 7 R/newPLS.R | 9 R/plot.HLfit.R | 93 +++++----- R/poisson.R | 2 R/predict.R | 21 +- R/preprocess.R | 58 +++--- R/sXaug_sparsePrecisions.R | 49 +++++ R/separator.R | 320 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------- R/simulate.HL.R | 26 +- R/spaMM.data.R | 2 R/spaMM_boot.R | 128 +++++++------- R/summary.HL.R | 30 +-- data/adjlg.RData |only inst/NEWS.Rd | 22 ++ man/COMPoisson.Rd | 2 man/GLM.fit.Rd | 2 man/HLfit.Rd | 1 man/Matern.corr.Rd | 2 man/adjlg.Rd |only man/autoregressive.Rd | 2 man/get_ranPars.Rd |only man/mapMM.Rd | 6 man/pedigree.Rd | 2 man/plot.HL.Rd | 5 man/predict.Rd | 7 man/seaMask.Rd | 4 man/separation.Rd | 2 man/simulate.HLCor.Rd | 2 man/spaMM-internal.Rd | 2 man/spaMM.Rd | 2 man/spaMM_boot.Rd | 21 +- tests/test-all.R | 9 tests/testthat/test-AR1.R | 3 tests/testthat/test-CAR.R | 18 - tests/testthat/test-LRT-boot.R | 41 ++++ tests/testthat/test-Nugget.R | 12 - tests/testthat/test-Rasch.R | 17 - tests/testthat/test-adjacency-long.R | 43 ---- tests/testthat/test-blackbox.R | 44 +++- tests/testthat/test-cloglog.R | 120 ++++++------- tests/testthat/test-corMatern.R | 11 - tests/testthat/test-dhglm.R | 9 tests/testthat/test-filled.mapMM.R | 4 tests/testthat/test-pedigree.R | 2 tests/testthat/test-predVar.R | 4 tests/testthat/test-random-slope.R | 3 tests/testthat/test-simulate.R |only 79 files changed, 1418 insertions(+), 1010 deletions(-)
Title: Store Data About Rows
Description: Tools for keeping track of information, named "keys", about rows of
data frame like objects. This is done by creating special attribute "keys"
which is updated after every change in rows (subsetting, ordering, etc.).
This package is designed to work tightly with 'dplyr' package.
Author: Evgeni Chasnovski [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Evgeni Chasnovski <evgeni.chasnovski@gmail.com>
Diff between keyholder versions 0.1.1 dated 2017-11-13 and 0.1.2 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 6 - MD5 | 32 +++--- NAMESPACE | 2 NEWS.md | 4 R/id.R | 6 - R/keyed-df-one-tbl.R | 6 - R/keyholder-package.R | 1 R/keys-manip.R | 4 R/scoped.R | 6 - README.md | 8 + build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/introduction.html | 164 ++++++++++++++++----------------- tests/testthat.R | 1 tests/testthat/test-keyed-df-one-tbl.R | 6 - tests/testthat/test-keyed-df-two-tbl.R | 2 tests/testthat/test-scoped.R | 2 tests/testthat/test-utils.R | 8 - 17 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-)
Title: Plot 'rpart' Models: An Enhanced Version of 'plot.rpart'
Description: Plot 'rpart' models. Extends plot.rpart() and text.rpart()
in the 'rpart' package.
Author: Stephen Milborrow
Maintainer: Stephen Milborrow <milbo@sonic.net>
Diff between rpart.plot versions 2.1.2 dated 2017-04-20 and 2.2.0 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 6 MD5 | 35 ++-- NEWS | 22 ++ R/branches.R | 23 +- R/layout.R | 14 + R/lib.R | 13 + R/node.labs.R | 170 ++++++++++++++++----- R/node.numbers.R | 5 R/palette.R | 62 +++++-- R/prp.R | 68 +++++--- R/yes.no.R | 2 inst/doc/prp.pdf |binary inst/slowtests/make.bat | 2 inst/slowtests/test.palette.R | 10 + inst/slowtests/test.prp.R | 39 +++- inst/slowtests/test.prp.Rout.save | 301 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- inst/slowtests/test.type5.R |only man/prp.Rd | 40 +++-- man/rpart.plot.Rd | 29 ++- 19 files changed, 646 insertions(+), 195 deletions(-)
Title: Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Population Pharmacokinetics
and Pharmacodynamics
Description: Fit and compare nonlinear mixed-effects models in differential
equations with flexible dosing information commonly seen in pharmacokinetics
and pharmacodynamics (Almquist, Leander, and Jirstrand 2015
<doi:10.1007/s10928-015-9409-1>). Differential equation solving is
by compiled C code provided in the 'RxODE' package
(Wang, Hallow, and James 2015 <doi:10.1002/psp4.12052>).
Author: Matthew Fidler [aut],
Yuan Xiong [aut],
Rik Schoemaker [aut],
Justin Wilkins [aut],
Mirjam Trame [aut],
Teun Post [aut],
Robert Leary [ctb],
Wenping Wang [aut, cre],
Hadley Wickham [ctb],
Dirk Eddelbuettel [cph],
David Ardia [cph],
Katharine Mullen [cph]
Maintainer: Wenping Wang <wwang8198@gmail.com>
Diff between nlmixr versions 0.9.0-3 dated 2018-02-07 and 0.9.1-0 dated 2018-05-19
nlmixr-0.9.0-3/nlmixr/inst/doc/nlmixr-focei.R |only nlmixr-0.9.0-3/nlmixr/inst/doc/nlmixr-focei.Rmd |only nlmixr-0.9.0-3/nlmixr/inst/doc/nlmixr-focei.html |only nlmixr-0.9.0-3/nlmixr/inst/doc/nlmixr-intro.R |only nlmixr-0.9.0-3/nlmixr/inst/doc/nlmixr-intro.Rmd |only nlmixr-0.9.0-3/nlmixr/inst/doc/nlmixr-intro.html |only nlmixr-0.9.0-3/nlmixr/man/simulate.focei.fit.Rd |only nlmixr-0.9.0-3/nlmixr/man/vpc.Rd |only nlmixr-0.9.0-3/nlmixr/src/quadrule.c |only nlmixr-0.9.0-3/nlmixr/src/quadrule.h |only nlmixr-0.9.0-3/nlmixr/tests/testthat/rx_2950d4229032b503bb2d9b927a22b2fe_x64.c |only nlmixr-0.9.0-3/nlmixr/tests/testthat/rx_3875b459ce859fab1fe06ac38182270c.inv |only nlmixr-0.9.0-3/nlmixr/tests/testthat/rx_403fe5334eaa0ae743cd219c85bdbae7.dll.prd |only nlmixr-0.9.0-3/nlmixr/tests/testthat/rx_9e913e285f74cc818d90cca53c8a734c_i386.c |only nlmixr-0.9.0-3/nlmixr/vignettes/saem3ef0785e1f30x64.cpp |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/DESCRIPTION | 35 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/MD5 | 373 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/NAMESPACE | 412 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/R/RcppExports.R | 278 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/R/bounds.R | 1592 +-- nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/R/dataConvert.R | 9 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/R/focei.R | 897 - nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/R/focei_fit.R | 4917 +++++----- nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/R/gauss.quad.R | 12 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/R/nlme_fit.R | 70 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/R/nlme_fit_gen.R | 56 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/R/nlmixr.R | 197 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/R/resid.R |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/R/saem_fit.R | 147 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/R/simulate.R |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/R/theo_md.R | 2 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/R/theo_sd.R | 2 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/R/ui.R | 3131 +++--- nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/R/validate.R | 108 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/R/vpc.R | 31 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/R/vpc.nlme.R |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/R/vpc.saemFit.R |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/R/vpc.ui.R |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/build/icon_red.ico |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/build/install.R |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/build/nlmixr-header.bmp |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/build/nlmixr-header.png |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/build/nlmixr-welcome.bmp |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/build/nlmixr-welcome.png |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/build/nsis.R |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/build/refresh.R |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/build/test_install.R |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/build/vignette.rds |binary nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/inst/COPYRIGHT | 34 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/inst/doc/running_nlmixr.R | 27 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/inst/doc/running_nlmixr.Rmd | 1430 +- nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/inst/doc/running_nlmixr.html | 215 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/inst/include/nlmixr_types.h | 14 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/inst/include/saem_class_rcpp.hpp | 7 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/Bolus_1CPT.Rd | 114 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/Bolus_1CPTMM.Rd | 112 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/Bolus_2CPT.Rd | 118 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/Bolus_2CPTMM.Rd | 116 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/Infusion_1CPT.Rd | 116 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/Oral_1CPT.Rd | 116 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/RxODE_focei_eta.Rd | 30 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/RxODE_focei_eta_lik.Rd | 34 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/RxODE_focei_eta_lp.Rd | 34 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/RxODE_focei_finalize_llik.Rd | 30 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/Wang2007.Rd | 50 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/as.data.frame.focei.fit.Rd | 56 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/as.focei.Rd | 62 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/as.nlme.Rd | 42 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/as.saem.Rd | 42 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/bootdata.Rd | 70 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/calcCov.Rd | 42 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/collectWarnings.Rd | 40 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/configsaem.Rd | 166 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/constructLinCmt.Rd | 42 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/dynmodel.Rd | 128 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/dynmodel.mcmc.Rd | 132 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/fitted.focei.fit.Rd | 78 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/focei.eta.Rd | 54 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/focei.fit.Rd | 129 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/focei.theta.Rd | 48 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/frwd_selection.Rd | 74 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/gauss.quad.Rd | 40 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/gen_saem_user_fn.Rd | 56 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/getOMEGA.Rd | 34 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/gnlmm.Rd | 204 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/instant.stan.extension.Rd | 32 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/invgaussian.Rd | 44 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/lin_cmt.Rd | 68 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/lincmt.Rd | 56 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/logLik.focei.fit.Rd | 44 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/metabolite.Rd | 46 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmeModList.Rd | 54 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlme_gof.Rd | 32 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlme_lin_cmpt.Rd | 106 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlme_ode.Rd | 295 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixr.Rd | 1151 +- nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrAugPred.Rd |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrBounds.Rd | 42 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrBounds.eta.names.Rd | 40 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrBounds.focei.upper.lower.Rd | 44 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrData.Rd |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrForget.Rd | 30 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrLogo.Rd | 38 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrPred.Rd |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrPrint.Rd | 52 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrSim.Rd |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUI.Rd | 42 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUI.focei.inits.Rd | 40 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUI.nlme.specs.Rd | 44 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUI.nlme.var.Rd | 42 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUI.nlmefun.Rd | 62 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUI.rxode.pred.Rd | 40 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUI.saem.ares.Rd | 40 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUI.saem.bres.Rd | 40 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUI.saem.eta.trans.Rd | 40 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUI.saem.fit.Rd | 40 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUI.saem.init.Rd | 40 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUI.saem.init.omega.Rd | 46 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUI.saem.init.theta.Rd | 40 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUI.saem.log.eta.Rd | 40 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUI.saem.model.Rd | 40 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUI.saem.model.omega.Rd | 40 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUI.saem.res.mod.Rd | 40 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUI.saem.res.name.Rd | 40 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUI.saem.theta.name.Rd | 40 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUI.theta.pars.Rd | 40 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrUILinCmt.Rd | 46 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrValidate.Rd | 38 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrVersion.Rd | 28 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixr_fit.Rd | 76 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nlmixrfindLhs.Rd | 42 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nmDataConvert.Rd | 40 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nmsimplex.Rd | 46 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nmxInclude.Rd | 42 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/nobs.focei.fit.Rd | 44 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/par.hist.Rd | 62 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/plot.dyn.ID.Rd | 32 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/plot.dyn.mcmc.Rd | 32 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/plot.focei.fit.Rd | 38 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/plot.saemFit.Rd | 38 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/prediction.Rd | 120 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/print.dyn.ID.Rd | 32 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/print.dyn.mcmc.Rd | 32 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/print.focei.fit.Rd | 34 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/print.gnlmm.fit.Rd | 32 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/print.nlmixrUI.Rd | 38 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/print.saemFit.Rd | 38 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/pump.Rd | 62 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/rats.Rd | 96 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/reexports.Rd |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/residuals.focei.fit.Rd | 52 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/rxFoceiEta.Rd | 62 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/rxFoceiGrad.Rd | 50 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/rxFoceiInner.Rd | 86 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/rxFoceiLik.Rd | 54 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/rxFoceiLp.Rd | 54 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/rxFoceiTheta.Rd | 66 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/rxGrad.Rd | 30 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/rxHessian.Rd | 30 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/rxUpdateEtas.Rd | 46 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/saem.cleanup.Rd | 34 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/saem.fit.Rd | 158 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/saemControl.Rd | 162 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/summary.dyn.ID.Rd | 32 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/summary.dyn.mcmc.Rd | 32 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/summary.saemFit.Rd | 38 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/theo_md.Rd | 60 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/theo_sd.Rd | 56 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/traceplot.Rd | 50 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/vcov.focei.fit.Rd | 54 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/vpc_nlmixr_nlme.Rd |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/vpc_saemFit.Rd |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/man/vpc_ui.Rd |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/src/Makevars | 11 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/src/RcppExports.cpp | 38 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/src/RxODE.c | 30 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/src/chkSolved.c | 56 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/src/focei.cpp | 352 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/src/init.c | 20 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/src/jj.c | 22 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/src/resid.cpp |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-focei-inner.R | 468 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-focei-wang2007.R | 334 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-model01.R | 198 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-model02.R | 198 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-model04.R | 198 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-model13.R | 250 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-model14.R | 354 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-model15.R | 248 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-model20.R | 150 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-model22.R | 144 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-model23.R | 244 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-model24.R | 238 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-model25.R | 368 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-model26.R | 240 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-model30.R | 148 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-model31.R | 150 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-model32.R | 286 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-model34.R | 398 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-model35.R | 282 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-model40.R | 152 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-model68.R | 34 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-nonmem-convert.R | 11 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-ui-bad-models.R | 436 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-ui-good-models.R |only nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/tests/testthat/test-ui-saem.R | 160 nlmixr-0.9.1-0/nlmixr/vignettes/running_nlmixr.Rmd | 1430 +- 207 files changed, 14800 insertions(+), 14557 deletions(-)
Title: 'Rcpp' Integration for 'GNU GSL' Vectors and Matrices
Description: 'Rcpp' integration for 'GNU GSL' vectors and matrices
The 'GNU Scientific Library' (or 'GSL') is a collection of numerical routines for
scientific computing. It is particularly useful for C and C++ programs as it
provides a standard C interface to a wide range of mathematical routines. There
are over 1000 functions in total with an extensive test suite. The 'RcppGSL'
package provides an easy-to-use interface between 'GSL' data structures and
R using concepts from 'Rcpp' which is itself a package that eases the
interfaces between R and C++. This package also serves as a prime example of
how to build a package that uses 'Rcpp' to connect to another third-party
library. The 'autoconf' script, 'inline' plugin and example package can all
be used as a stanza to write a similar package against another library.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org>
Diff between RcppGSL versions 0.3.4 dated 2018-05-07 and 0.3.5 dated 2018-05-19
ChangeLog | 6 ++++++ DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 13 +++++++------ build/partial.rdb |only inst/NEWS.Rd | 7 +++++++ inst/doc/RcppGSL-intro.pdf |binary inst/doc/RcppGSL-unitTests.pdf |binary man/RcppGSL-package.Rd | 29 +++++------------------------ 8 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
Title: Step-Wise Signal Extraction via Marginal Likelihood
Description: Provides function to estimate multiple change points
using marginal likelihood method. See the Manual file in data folder for
a detailed description of all functions, and a walk through tutorial.
For more information of the method, please see Du, Kao and Kou (2016)
Author: Chao Du, Chu-Lan Michael Kao, Samuel Kou
Maintainer: Chu-Lan Michael Kao <chulankao@gmail.com>
Diff between StepSignalMargiLike versions 2.5.9 dated 2017-08-23 and 2.6.0 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 6 +++--- src/ChangePointAnalyzeNorm.cpp | 16 ++++++++-------- src/ChangePointAnalyzePoiss.cpp | 16 ++++++++-------- 4 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
More information about StepSignalMargiLike at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: ML Estimation for Multivariate Normal Data with Missing Values
Description: Finds the maximum likelihood estimate of the mean vector
and variance-covariance matrix for multivariate normal data
with missing values.
Author: Kevin Gross, with help from Douglas Bates
Maintainer: ORPHANED
Diff between mvnmle versions 0.1-11 dated 2012-12-21 and 0.1-11.1 dated 2018-05-19
mvnmle-0.1-11.1/mvnmle/DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++----- mvnmle-0.1-11.1/mvnmle/MD5 | 11 +++++------ mvnmle-0.1-11.1/mvnmle/NAMESPACE | 2 ++ mvnmle-0.1-11.1/mvnmle/data/apple.rda |binary mvnmle-0.1-11.1/mvnmle/data/missvals.rda |binary mvnmle-0.1-11.1/mvnmle/src/evallf.c | 2 +- mvnmle-0.1-11/mvnmle/INDEX |only 7 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
Title: Hurricane Re-Analysis Project
Description: Scraped dataset of the Hurricane Research Division's Hurricane
Re-Analysis Project known as HURDAT. Storm details are available for most
known hurricanes and tropical storms for the Atlantic and northeastern
Pacific ocean (northwestern hemisphere). See <http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/hurdat/Data_Storm.html>
for more information.
Author: Tim Trice [aut, cre],
Chris Landsea [aut, dtc]
Maintainer: Tim Trice <tim.trice@gmail.com>
Diff between HURDAT versions 0.1.0 dated 2017-05-15 and 0.2.0 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 11 +++++------ MD5 | 21 ++++++++++++--------- NEWS.md | 24 +++++++++++++++++++++++- R/hurdat.R | 7 ++----- README.md | 24 ++++-------------------- build/vignette.rds |binary data/AL.csv |only data/AL.rda |binary data/EP.csv |only data/EP.rda |binary data/datalist |only inst/doc/hurdat.html | 8 ++++---- tests/testthat/test-hurdat.R | 10 +++++----- 13 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
Title: Calculate Pairwise Multiple Comparisons of Mean Rank Sums
Description: Note, that the 'PMCMR' package is superseded
by the novel 'PMCMRplus' package. The 'PMCMRplus'
package contains all functions from
'PMCMR' and many more parametric and non-parametric
multiple comparison procedures, one-factorial trend
tests, as well as improved method functions,
such as print, summary and plot.
The 'PMCMR' package is no longer maintained,
but kept for compatibility of reverse depending
packages for some time.
Author: Thorsten Pohlert
Maintainer: Thorsten Pohlert <thorsten.pohlert@gmx.de>
Diff between PMCMR versions 4.2 dated 2018-01-17 and 4.3 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++----- MD5 | 8 ++++---- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/PMCMR.pdf |binary man/PMCMR-package.Rd | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- 5 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
Title: Visualize Alpha-Helical Peptide Sequences
Description: Create pretty visualizations of alpha-helical
peptide sequences in R. The amino acid type (polar, hydrophobic, etc.) is
denoted by color. This package allows creation of helical wheels and (soon)
Wenxiang diagrams. Future versions aim to include increased
customization of the two existing visualizations, as well as a
visualization for the helical net diagram.
Author: Raoul Wadhwa [cre, aut],
Regina Stevens-Truss [aut]
Maintainer: Raoul Wadhwa <raoulwadhwa@gmail.com>
Diff between helixvis versions 0.2.0 dated 2018-02-04 and 0.9.0 dated 2018-05-19
helixvis-0.2.0/helixvis/.Rinstignore |only helixvis-0.2.0/helixvis/R/data.R |only helixvis-0.2.0/helixvis/R/draw_func.R |only helixvis-0.2.0/helixvis/R/zzz.R |only helixvis-0.2.0/helixvis/README.md |only helixvis-0.2.0/helixvis/build |only helixvis-0.2.0/helixvis/data |only helixvis-0.2.0/helixvis/inst |only helixvis-0.2.0/helixvis/java |only helixvis-0.2.0/helixvis/man/SampleSeq.Rd |only helixvis-0.2.0/helixvis/man/draw_wenxiang.Rd |only helixvis-0.2.0/helixvis/vignettes |only helixvis-0.9.0/helixvis/DESCRIPTION | 21 +++++++----------- helixvis-0.9.0/helixvis/MD5 | 31 ++++++--------------------- helixvis-0.9.0/helixvis/NAMESPACE | 1 helixvis-0.9.0/helixvis/R/draw_wheel.R |only helixvis-0.9.0/helixvis/R/helixvis.R | 9 ++++--- helixvis-0.9.0/helixvis/R/utils.R |only helixvis-0.9.0/helixvis/man/draw_wheel.Rd | 31 +++++++++++---------------- helixvis-0.9.0/helixvis/man/helixvis.Rd | 9 ++++--- 20 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
Title: Generate Random Data Sets
Description: Generates random data sets including: data.frames, lists,
and vectors.
Author: Tyler Rinker [aut, cre],
Josh O'Brien [ctb],
Ananda Mahto [ctb],
Matthew Sigal [ctb],
Jonathan Carroll [ctb],
Scott Westenberger [ctb]
Maintainer: Tyler Rinker <tyler.rinker@gmail.com>
Diff between wakefield versions 0.3.0 dated 2016-06-16 and 0.3.3 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 28 +- MD5 | 211 ++++++++-------- NEWS | 8 R/age.R | 13 - R/level.R | 2 R/name.R | 3 R/r_dummy.R | 6 R/r_na.R | 4 README.md | 469 ++++++++++++++++--------------------- data/animal_list.rda |binary data/grady_augmented.rda |binary data/languages.rda |binary data/name_neutral.rda |binary data/presidential_debates_2012.rda |binary data/state_populations.rda |binary inst/CITATION | 13 - man/age.Rd | 16 - man/animal.Rd | 3 man/animal_list.Rd | 1 man/answer.Rd | 3 man/area.Rd | 3 man/as_integer.Rd | 1 man/car.Rd | 3 man/children.Rd | 3 man/coin.Rd | 3 man/color.Rd | 3 man/date_stamp.Rd | 3 man/death.Rd | 3 man/dice.Rd | 3 man/dna.Rd | 3 man/dob.Rd | 5 man/dummy.Rd | 3 man/education.Rd | 3 man/employment.Rd | 3 man/eye.Rd | 3 man/grade.Rd | 5 man/grade_level.Rd | 3 man/grady_augmented.Rd | 1 man/group.Rd | 3 man/hair.Rd | 3 man/height.Rd | 5 man/hour.Rd | 1 man/id.Rd | 2 man/income.Rd | 3 man/internet_browser.Rd | 3 man/interval.Rd | 1 man/iq.Rd | 3 man/language.Rd | 3 man/languages.Rd | 1 man/letter.Rd | 7 man/level.Rd | 7 man/likert.Rd | 3 man/lorem_ipsum.Rd | 7 man/marital.Rd | 3 man/military.Rd | 3 man/minute.Rd | 1 man/month.Rd | 3 man/name.Rd | 6 man/name_neutral.Rd | 1 man/normal.Rd | 3 man/peek.Rd | 1 man/plot.tbl_df.Rd | 1 man/political.Rd | 3 man/presidential_debates_2012.Rd | 1 man/print.available.Rd | 1 man/print.variable.Rd | 1 man/probs.Rd | 1 man/r_data.Rd | 1 man/r_data_frame.Rd | 7 man/r_dummy.Rd | 7 man/r_insert.Rd | 1 man/r_list.Rd | 7 man/r_na.Rd | 5 man/r_sample.Rd | 1 man/r_sample_binary.Rd | 1 man/r_sample_factor.Rd | 1 man/r_sample_integer.Rd | 1 man/r_sample_logical.Rd | 1 man/r_sample_ordered.Rd | 1 man/r_sample_replace.Rd | 1 man/r_series.Rd | 1 man/race.Rd | 3 man/relate.Rd | 1 man/religion.Rd | 3 man/sat.Rd | 3 man/second.Rd | 1 man/sentence.Rd | 3 man/seriesname.Rd | 1 man/sex.Rd | 5 man/sex_inclusive.Rd | 11 man/smokes.Rd | 3 man/speed.Rd | 5 man/state.Rd | 3 man/state_populations.Rd | 1 man/string.Rd | 3 man/table_heat.Rd | 1 man/time_stamp.Rd | 1 man/valid.Rd | 3 man/variables.Rd | 1 man/varname.Rd | 1 man/wakefield.Rd | 3 man/year.Rd | 3 man/zip_code.Rd | 3 tools |only 104 files changed, 457 insertions(+), 556 deletions(-)
Title: Methods for Computing Spatial, Temporal, and Spatiotemporal
Description: Methods for computing spatial, temporal, and spatiotemporal
statistics including: empirical univariate, bivariate and multivariate
variograms; fitting variogram models; phase locking and synchrony analysis;
generating autocorrelated and cross-correlated matrices.
Author: Tarik C. Gouhier
Maintainer: Tarik C. Gouhier <tarik.gouhier@gmail.com>
Diff between synchrony versions 0.2.3 dated 2014-07-15 and 0.3.7 dated 2018-05-19
synchrony-0.2.3/synchrony/ChangeLog |only synchrony-0.3.7/synchrony/DESCRIPTION | 14 +-- synchrony-0.3.7/synchrony/MD5 | 32 +++---- synchrony-0.3.7/synchrony/NAMESPACE | 11 ++ synchrony-0.3.7/synchrony/R/community.sync.R | 8 + synchrony-0.3.7/synchrony/R/kendall.w.R | 3 synchrony-0.3.7/synchrony/R/peaks.R | 3 synchrony-0.3.7/synchrony/R/phase.sync.R | 79 +++++++++++++----- synchrony-0.3.7/synchrony/R/plot.vario.R | 9 +- synchrony-0.3.7/synchrony/R/print.synchrony.R | 3 synchrony-0.3.7/synchrony/R/vario.R | 89 ++++++++++++++------- synchrony-0.3.7/synchrony/R/vario.fit.R | 2 synchrony-0.3.7/synchrony/README.md |only synchrony-0.3.7/synchrony/inst/NEWS.Rd | 43 ++++++++++ synchrony-0.3.7/synchrony/man/community.sync.Rd | 2 synchrony-0.3.7/synchrony/man/phase.sync.Rd | 28 ++++-- synchrony-0.3.7/synchrony/man/synchrony-package.Rd | 6 - synchrony-0.3.7/synchrony/man/vario.Rd | 7 + 18 files changed, 250 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)
Title: Tracking the Progress of Mc*pply with Progress Bar
Description: A light-weight package helps you track and visualize
the progress of parallel version of vectorized R functions (mc*apply).
Parallelization (mc.core > 1) works only on *nix (Linux, Unix such as macOS) system due to
the lack of fork() functionality, which is essential for mc*apply, on Windows.
Author: Kevin Kuang (aut), Francesco Napolitano (ctb)
Maintainer: Kevin kuang <kvn.kuang@mail.utoronto.ca>
Diff between pbmcapply versions 1.2.4 dated 2017-08-15 and 1.2.5 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 12 ++++++------ R/pbmclapply.R | 8 ++++++-- R/pbmcmapply.R | 6 +++++- R/utils.R | 4 ++++ man/pbmclapply.Rd | 6 +++++- man/pbmcmapply.Rd | 6 +++++- 7 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
Title: Computation of Bayes Factors for Common Designs
Description: A suite of functions for computing
various Bayes factors for simple designs, including contingency tables,
one- and two-sample designs, one-way designs, general ANOVA designs, and
linear regression.
Author: Richard D. Morey [aut, cre, cph],
Jeffrey N. Rouder [aut],
Tahira Jamil [ctb, cph],
Simon Urbanek [ctb, cph],
Karl Forner [ctb, cph],
Alexander Ly [ctb, cph]
Maintainer: Richard D. Morey <richarddmorey@gmail.com>
Diff between BayesFactor versions 0.9.12-4.1 dated 2018-05-08 and 0.9.12-4.2 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 8 +++--- MD5 | 20 ++++++++-------- NEWS | 5 ++++ R/BayesFactorPCL-package.R | 2 - inst/doc/compare_lme4.html | 10 ++++---- inst/doc/manual.html | 2 - inst/doc/odds_probs.html | 2 - inst/doc/priors.html | 2 - man/BayesFactor-package.Rd | 2 - src/genhypergeo_series_pos.cpp | 26 ++++++++++----------- src/proportion.cpp | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- 11 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)
Title: Suite of Deterministic and Robust Algorithms for Linear
Description: DetLTS, DetMM (and DetS) Algorithms for Deterministic, Robust
Linear Regression.
Author: Kaveh Vakili [aut, cre],
Valentin Todorov [ctb] (modified code originally from the R package
robustbase: function ltscheckout, LTScnp2 and LTScnp2.rew and from
Peter Filzmoser [ctb] (translations of the code for computing the Qn
found in package pcaPP),
Heinrich Fritz [ctb] (translations of the code for computing the Qn
found in package pcaPP),
Klaudius Kalcher [ctb] (translations of the code for computing the Qn
found in package pcaPP),
Kjell Konis [ctb] (translations of the code scaleTau2 found in package
Martin Maechler [ctb] (translations of the code scaleTau2 found in
package robustbase),
Matias Salibian-Barrera [ctb] (modified code for the FastS from the
authors's website),
Peter Rousseeuw [ctb] (modified code originally from the R package
robustbase: function ltscheckout, LTScnp2 and LTScnp2.rew and from
Katrien van Driessen [ctb] (modified code originally from the R package
robustbase: function ltscheckout, LTScnp2 and LTScnp2.rew and from
Maintainer: Kaveh Vakili <vakili.kaveh.email@gmail.com>
Diff between DetR versions 0.0.4 dated 2016-02-23 and 0.0.5 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 10 ++++------ MD5 | 5 +++-- src/init.c |only src/unimcd.cpp | 8 +++++--- 4 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
Title: Implementation of the DetMCD Algorithm (Robust and Deterministic
Estimation of Location and Scatter)
Description: Implementation of DetMCD, a new algorithm for robust and deterministic estimation of location and scatter. The benefits of robust and deterministic estimation are explained in Hubert, Rousseeuw and Verdonck (2012) <doi:10.1080/10618600.2012.672100>.
Author: Vakili Kaveh [aut, cre],
Mia Hubert [ths]
Maintainer: Vakili Kaveh <vakili.kaveh.email@gmail.com>
Diff between DetMCD versions 0.0.4 dated 2016-11-05 and 0.0.5 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 3 ++- src/init.c |only 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
Title: High-Dimensional Regression with Measurement Error
Description: Penalized regression for generalized linear models for
measurement error problems (aka. errors-in-variables). The package
contains a version of the lasso (L1-penalization) which corrects
for measurement error (Sorensen et al. (2015) <doi:10.5705/ss.2013.180>).
It also contains an implementation of the Generalized Matrix Uncertainty
Selector, which is a version the (Generalized) Dantzig Selector for the
case of measurement error (Sorensen et al. (2018) <doi:10.1080/10618600.2018.1425626>).
Author: Oystein Sorensen
Maintainer: Oystein Sorensen <oystein.sorensen.1985@gmail.com>
Diff between hdme versions 0.1.1 dated 2018-03-30 and 0.2.0 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 14 MD5 | 98 +-- NAMESPACE | 35 - NEWS.md | 21 R/RcppExports.R | 14 R/corrected_lasso_gaussian.R | 88 +- R/corrected_lasso_glm.R | 128 ++-- R/cv_corrected_lasso.R | 180 ++--- R/fit_corrected_lasso.R | 238 +++---- R/fit_gds.R | 71 +- R/fit_gmu_lasso.R | 235 +++---- R/fit_gmus.R | 155 ++-- R/fit_mus.R | 87 +- R/gauss_loss.R | 24 R/gmu_lasso_binomial.R | 94 +-- R/helper_functions.R | 22 R/mus_glm.R | 100 +-- R/musalgorithm.R | 122 ++- R/plot.corrected_lasso.R | 91 +- R/plot.cv_corrected_lasso.R | 43 - R/plot.gds.R |only R/plot.gmu_lasso.R | 52 - R/plot.gmus.R | 101 +-- R/project_gradient.R | 42 - R/project_onto_l1_ball.R | 18 R/set_radius.R | 22 README.md | 140 ++-- build/partial.rdb |binary build/vignette.rds |binary inst/CITATION | 26 inst/REFERENCES.bib | 340 +++++----- inst/doc/hdme-package.R | 470 +++++++-------- inst/doc/hdme-package.Rmd | 1054 ++++++++++++++++----------------- inst/doc/hdme-package.html | 1062 +++++++++++++++++----------------- man/cv_corrected_lasso.Rd | 140 ++-- man/fit_corrected_lasso.Rd | 180 ++--- man/fit_gds.Rd | 76 +- man/fit_gmu_lasso.Rd | 126 ++-- man/fit_gmus.Rd | 122 +-- man/fit_mus.Rd | 108 +-- man/gmu_lasso_binomial.Rd | 62 - man/mus_glm.Rd | 51 - man/musalgorithm.Rd | 40 - man/plot.corrected_lasso.Rd | 76 +- man/plot.cv_corrected_lasso.Rd | 32 - man/plot.gds.Rd |only man/plot.gmu_lasso.Rd | 69 +- man/plot.gmus.Rd | 94 +-- tests/testthat.R | 8 tests/testthat/test_corrected_lasso.R | 48 - vignettes/hdme-package.Rmd | 1054 ++++++++++++++++----------------- 51 files changed, 3755 insertions(+), 3718 deletions(-)
Title: Sustainable Transport Planning
Description: Functionality and data access tools for transport planning,
including origin-destination analysis, route allocation and modelling travel
Author: Robin Lovelace [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5679-6536>>),
Richard Ellison [aut],
Barry Rowlingson [ctb] (Author of overline),
Nick Bearman [ctb] (Co-author of gclip),
Malcolm Morgan [ctb] (Co-author of angle_diff),
Nikolai Berkoff [ctb] (Co-author of line2route),
Scott Chamberlin [rev] (Scott reviewed the package for rOpenSci, see
Maintainer: Robin Lovelace <rob00x@gmail.com>
Diff between stplanr versions 0.2.3 dated 2018-03-06 and 0.2.4 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 12 +++--- MD5 | 38 ++++++++++---------- NAMESPACE | 3 + NEWS.md | 12 ++++++ R/geo_projected.R | 27 ++++++++++++++ R/od_coords.R | 13 ++++-- R/osrmfunctions.R | 11 ++++- R/overline.R | 22 ----------- R/routes.R | 27 ++++++-------- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/introducing-stplanr.R | 22 ++++++++--- inst/doc/introducing-stplanr.Rmd | 25 +++++++++---- inst/doc/introducing-stplanr.html | 68 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------- inst/doc/stplanr-paper.html | 4 +- inst/extdata/route_graphhopper.json |only man/geo_length.Rd |only man/gsection.Rd | 3 - man/od_coords.Rd | 7 ++- man/route_graphhopper.Rd | 22 ++++++----- man/route_osrm.Rd | 10 ++++- vignettes/introducing-stplanr.Rmd | 25 +++++++++---- 21 files changed, 218 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-)
Title: Use Prime Factorization for Computations
Description: Use Prime Factorization for simplifying computations,
for instance for ratios of large factorials.
Author: Florian Privé [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Florian Privé <florian.prive.21@gmail.com>
Diff between primefactr versions 0.1.0 dated 2016-08-10 and 0.1.1 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 9 +- MD5 | 34 +++++----- NAMESPACE | 12 +-- R/divfact.R | 86 ++++++++++++------------- R/factorization.R | 106 +++++++++++++++---------------- R/primefactr.R | 12 +-- R/primes.R | 85 +++++++++++-------------- R/utils.R | 16 ++-- README.md | 76 +++++++++------------- man/AllPrimesUpTo.Rd | 45 ++++++------- man/ComputeDivFact.Rd | 85 ++++++++++++------------- man/IsPrime.Rd | 46 ++++++------- man/ReducePrime.Rd | 89 +++++++++++++------------- man/primefactr-package.Rd | 27 +++----- tests/testthat.R | 8 +- tests/testthat/test.divfact.R | 48 +++++++------- tests/testthat/test.factorization.R | 120 ++++++++++++++++++------------------ tests/testthat/test.primes.R | 56 ++++++++-------- 18 files changed, 468 insertions(+), 492 deletions(-)
Title: Reconstruct Human Populations of the Recent Past
Description: Implements the Bayesian hierarchical model described by Wheldon, Raftery, Clark and Gerland (see: <doi:10.1080/01621459.2012.737729>) for simultaneously estimating age-specific population counts, fertility rates, mortality rates and net international migration flows, at the national level.
Author: Mark C. Wheldon
Maintainer: "Mark C. Wheldon" <biostatmark@gmail.com>
Diff between popReconstruct versions 1.0-4 dated 2014-12-05 and 1.0-5 dated 2018-05-19
popReconstruct-1.0-4/popReconstruct/ChangeLog |only popReconstruct-1.0-5/popReconstruct/DESCRIPTION | 15 popReconstruct-1.0-5/popReconstruct/MD5 | 17 popReconstruct-1.0-5/popReconstruct/NAMESPACE | 2 popReconstruct-1.0-5/popReconstruct/README |only popReconstruct-1.0-5/popReconstruct/build/partial.rdb |only popReconstruct-1.0-5/popReconstruct/build/vignette.rds |binary popReconstruct-1.0-5/popReconstruct/inst/doc/burkina-faso-females.R | 1692 +++++----- popReconstruct-1.0-5/popReconstruct/inst/doc/burkina-faso-females.Rnw | 2 popReconstruct-1.0-5/popReconstruct/inst/doc/burkina-faso-females.pdf |binary popReconstruct-1.0-5/popReconstruct/man/popReconstruct-package.Rd | 35 11 files changed, 882 insertions(+), 881 deletions(-)
More information about popReconstruct at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Genetic Analysis of Populations with Mixed Reproduction
Description: Population genetic analyses for hierarchical analysis of partially
clonal populations built upon the architecture of the 'adegenet' package.
Author: Zhian N. Kamvar [cre, aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1458-7108>>),
Javier F. Tabima [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3603-2691>>),
Sydney E. Everhart [ctb, dtc]
Jonah C. Brooks [aut],
Stacy A. Krueger-Hadfield [ctb]
Erik Sotka [ctb],
Brian J. Knaus [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1665-4343>>),
Patrick G. Meirmans [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6395-8107>>),
Niklaus J. Grunwald [ths] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1656-7602>>)
Maintainer: Zhian N. Kamvar <zkamvar@gmail.com>
Diff between poppr versions 2.7.0 dated 2018-03-16 and 2.8.0 dated 2018-05-19
poppr-2.7.0/poppr/man/make_haplotypes.Rd |only poppr-2.8.0/poppr/DESCRIPTION | 33 - poppr-2.8.0/poppr/MD5 | 111 ++--- poppr-2.8.0/poppr/NAMESPACE | 5 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/NEWS | 76 +++ poppr-2.8.0/poppr/R/Index_calculations.r | 56 ++ poppr-2.8.0/poppr/R/amova.r | 106 +++- poppr-2.8.0/poppr/R/bitwise.r | 340 ++++++++++------ poppr-2.8.0/poppr/R/bootstraping.R | 18 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/R/bruvo.r | 4 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/R/data_subset.r | 98 +--- poppr-2.8.0/poppr/R/file_handling.r | 152 ++++--- poppr-2.8.0/poppr/R/filter_stats.R | 27 - poppr-2.8.0/poppr/R/ia_jackknife.R | 4 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/R/internal.r | 6 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/R/methods.r | 146 +++++- poppr-2.8.0/poppr/R/poppr.R | 8 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/R/print_methods.r | 20 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/R/sample_schemes.r | 27 - poppr-2.8.0/poppr/README.md | 11 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/build/vignette.rds |binary poppr-2.8.0/poppr/inst/doc/algo.pdf |binary poppr-2.8.0/poppr/inst/doc/mlg.R | 216 +++------- poppr-2.8.0/poppr/inst/doc/mlg.Rmd | 314 ++++++-------- poppr-2.8.0/poppr/inst/doc/mlg.html | 94 +++- poppr-2.8.0/poppr/inst/doc/poppr_manual.Rmd | 4 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/inst/doc/poppr_manual.html | 32 - poppr-2.8.0/poppr/man/bitwise.dist.Rd | 112 +++-- poppr-2.8.0/poppr/man/bitwise.ia.Rd | 14 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/man/filter_stats.Rd | 16 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/man/genind2genalex.Rd | 49 +- poppr-2.8.0/poppr/man/getfile.Rd | 8 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/man/ia.Rd | 14 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/man/make_haplotypes-method.Rd |only poppr-2.8.0/poppr/man/mlg.Rd | 1 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/man/poppr-package.Rd | 7 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/man/poppr.amova.Rd | 103 ++++ poppr-2.8.0/poppr/man/read.genalex.Rd | 96 ++-- poppr-2.8.0/poppr/man/samp.ia.Rd | 26 - poppr-2.8.0/poppr/man/win.ia.Rd | 58 +- poppr-2.8.0/poppr/src/adjust_missing.c |only poppr-2.8.0/poppr/src/bitwise_distance.c | 174 ++++---- poppr-2.8.0/poppr/src/init.c | 6 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/tests/testthat/test-amova.R | 52 ++ poppr-2.8.0/poppr/tests/testthat/test-bitwise.R | 151 +++++-- poppr-2.8.0/poppr/tests/testthat/test-filter.R | 15 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/tests/testthat/test-import.R | 27 + poppr-2.8.0/poppr/tests/testthat/test-make_haplotypes.R | 16 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/tests/testthat/test-mlg.R | 4 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/tests/testthat/test-plots.R | 15 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/tests/testthat/test-polyploids.R | 4 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/tests/testthat/test-sampling.R | 1 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/tests/testthat/test-snpclone.R | 13 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/tests/testthat/test-values.R | 8 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/tests/testthat/test-winia.R | 38 + poppr-2.8.0/poppr/vignettes/mlg.Rmd | 314 ++++++-------- poppr-2.8.0/poppr/vignettes/poppr_manual.Rmd | 4 poppr-2.8.0/poppr/vignettes/the_bibliography.bib | 174 ++++---- 58 files changed, 2070 insertions(+), 1358 deletions(-)
Title: Support Functions and Data for "Ecological Models and Data"
Description: Auxiliary functions and data sets for "Ecological Models and Data", a book presenting maximum likelihood estimation and related topics for ecologists (ISBN 978-0-691-12522-0).
Author: Ben Bolker
Maintainer: Ben Bolker <bolker@mcmaster.ca>
Diff between emdbook versions 1.3.9 dated 2016-02-11 and 1.3.10 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 7 +++---- MD5 | 15 +++++++++------ R/lambertW.R | 2 +- TODO |only build |only data/GobySurvival.csv.gz |only inst/NEWS.Rd | 7 +++++++ man/GobySurvival.Rd | 11 ++++------- man/curve3d.Rd | 16 +++++++++++----- man/emdbook.package.Rd | 22 ++++------------------ 10 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
Title: A Grammar of Data Manipulation
Description: A fast, consistent tool for working with data frame like objects,
both in memory and out of memory.
Author: Hadley Wickham [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4757-117X>>),
Romain François [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2444-4226>>),
Lionel Henry [aut],
Kirill Müller [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1416-3412>>),
RStudio [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <hadley@rstudio.com>
Diff between dplyr versions 0.7.4 dated 2017-09-28 and 0.7.5 dated 2018-05-19
dplyr-0.7.4/dplyr/R/reexport-rlang.R |only dplyr-0.7.4/dplyr/R/select-utils.R |only dplyr-0.7.4/dplyr/R/select-var.R |only dplyr-0.7.4/dplyr/R/select-vars.R |only dplyr-0.7.4/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/FullDataFrame.h |only dplyr-0.7.4/dplyr/man/select_helpers.Rd |only dplyr-0.7.4/dplyr/man/select_var.Rd |only dplyr-0.7.4/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-select-helpers.R |only dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/DESCRIPTION | 48 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/MD5 | 423 ++--- dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/NAMESPACE | 19 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/NEWS.md | 130 + dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/RcppExports.R | 24 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/all-equal.r | 6 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/bind.r | 16 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/case_when.R | 46 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/coalesce.R | 6 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/colwise-arrange.R | 16 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/colwise-filter.R | 14 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/colwise-group-by.R | 14 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/colwise-mutate.R | 69 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/colwise-select.R | 41 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/colwise.R | 56 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/compat-dbplyr.R | 20 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/compat-lazyeval.R | 32 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/count-tally.R | 39 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/data-storms.R | 2 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/dataframe.R | 45 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/distinct.R | 69 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/error.R | 28 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/funs-predicates.R | 6 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/funs.R | 49 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/group-by.r | 29 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/group-indices.R | 6 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/grouped-df.r | 58 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/hybrid.R | 19 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/id.r | 2 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/if_else.R | 6 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/join-vars.R |only dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/join.r | 30 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/location.R | 5 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/manip.r | 52 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/match-vars.R |only dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/near.R | 2 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/order-by.R | 4 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/progress.R | 1 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/pull.R | 6 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/rank.R | 2 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/rbind.R | 23 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/recode.R | 24 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/reexport-tidyselect.R |only dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/rowwise.r | 10 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/sets.r | 25 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/src_dbi.R | 10 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/tbl-cube.r | 23 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/tbl-df.r | 90 - dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/top-n.R | 4 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/utils-expr.R | 5 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/utils-replace-with.R | 7 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/utils-tidy-eval.R |only dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/utils.r | 10 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/R/zzz.r | 10 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/README.md | 130 - dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/build/vignette.rds |binary dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/doc/compatibility.R | 2 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/doc/compatibility.Rmd | 2 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/doc/compatibility.html | 47 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/doc/dplyr.Rmd | 4 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/doc/dplyr.html | 236 +-- dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/doc/programming.R | 48 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/doc/programming.Rmd | 323 ++-- dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/doc/programming.html | 259 +-- dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/doc/two-table.html | 122 - dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/doc/window-functions.html | 40 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/Collecter.h | 51 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/DataFrameJoinVisitors.h | 35 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/DataFrameSubsetVisitors.h | 105 - dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/DataFrameVisitors.h | 9 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/Gatherer.h | 6 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/GroupedDataFrame.h | 25 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/HybridHandler.h | 28 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/HybridHandlerMap.h | 2 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/MatrixColumnSubsetVectorVisitor.h | 27 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/Order.h | 6 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/OrderVisitorImpl.h | 4 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/Result/CallbackProcessor.h | 4 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/Result/ConstantResult.h | 12 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/Result/DelayedProcessor.h | 37 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/Result/GroupedHybridCall.h | 266 +-- dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/Result/GroupedSubset.h | 4 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/Result/Lag.h | 11 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/Result/Lead.h | 13 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/Result/Mean.h | 83 - dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/Result/Mutater.h | 7 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/Result/Processor.h | 8 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/Result/Rank.h | 65 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/Result/Result.h | 3 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/Result/RowwiseSubset.h | 2 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/Result/Sd.h | 4 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/Result/Sum.h | 79 - dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/Result/Var.h | 57 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/SubsetVectorVisitorImpl.h | 11 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/VectorVisitorImpl.h | 4 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/bad.h | 30 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/checks.h | 5 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/comparisons.h | 23 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/default_value.h |only dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/dplyr.h | 1 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/registration.h | 5 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/subset_visitor_impl.h | 15 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/visitor_impl.h | 2 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr/white_list.h | 2 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/dplyr_RcppExports.h | 11 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/tools/Quosure.h | 23 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/tools/pointer_vector.h | 4 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/inst/include/tools/utils.h | 39 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/arrange.Rd | 1 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/arrange_all.Rd | 8 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/backend_dbplyr.Rd | 16 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/bind.Rd | 14 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/case_when.Rd | 44 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/check_dbplyr.Rd | 4 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/coalesce.Rd | 4 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/distinct.Rd | 14 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/dplyr-package.Rd | 6 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/filter.Rd | 4 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/filter_all.Rd | 4 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/funs.Rd | 13 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/group_by_all.Rd | 8 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/ident.Rd | 14 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/join.Rd | 18 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/join.tbl_df.Rd | 2 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/mutate.Rd | 3 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/recode.Rd | 12 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/reexports.Rd | 36 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/rowwise.Rd | 5 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/scoped.Rd | 10 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/se-deprecated.Rd | 19 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/select.Rd | 20 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/select_all.Rd | 13 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/select_vars.Rd | 110 - dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/setops.Rd | 19 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/slice.Rd | 9 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/storms.Rd | 3 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/summarise.Rd | 3 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/summarise_all.Rd | 23 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/tally.Rd | 12 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/man/tidyeval.Rd |only dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/RcppExports.cpp | 94 - dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/api.cpp | 197 ++ dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/arrange.cpp | 11 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/bind.cpp | 32 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/distinct.cpp | 4 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/filter.cpp | 3 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/group_by.cpp | 11 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/group_indices.cpp | 19 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/hybrid.cpp | 322 ++++ dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/hybrid_count.cpp | 5 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/hybrid_debug.cpp | 13 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/hybrid_in.cpp | 2 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/hybrid_minmax.cpp | 5 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/hybrid_nth.cpp | 29 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/hybrid_offset.cpp | 6 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/hybrid_simple.cpp | 33 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/hybrid_window.cpp | 18 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/init.cpp | 2 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/join.cpp | 11 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/join_exports.cpp | 167 -- dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/mutate.cpp | 7 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/rlang.cpp |only dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/set.cpp | 12 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/slice.cpp | 23 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/summarise.cpp | 5 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/src/utils.cpp | 55 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/helper-combine.R | 20 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/helper-hybrid.R | 57 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-arrange.r | 39 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-binds.R | 52 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-colwise-arrange.R | 40 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-colwise-filter.R | 21 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-colwise-group-by.R | 21 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-colwise-mutate.R | 61 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-colwise-select.R | 84 + dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-colwise.R |only dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-combine.R | 88 - dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-copy_to.R | 1 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-count-tally.r | 1 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-distinct.R | 81 + dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-do.R | 79 - dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-equality.r | 11 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-filter.r | 47 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-funs-predicates.R | 4 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-funs.R | 26 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-group-by.r | 46 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-hybrid-traverse.R | 146 + dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-hybrid.R | 775 +++++++--- dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-joins.r | 349 ++++ dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-lazyeval-compat.R | 4 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-lead-lag.R | 4 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-mutate-windowed.R | 49 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-mutate.r | 153 + dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-near.R | 2 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-overscope.R | 4 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-pull.R | 37 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-rank.R | 19 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-rbind.R | 208 +- dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-recode.R | 23 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-sample.R | 35 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-select.r | 114 - dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-sets.R | 1 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-slice.r | 44 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-summarise.r | 165 +- dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-top-n.R | 3 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-transmute.R |only dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-underscore.R | 100 - dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-utils.R | 8 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/tests/testthat/test-window.R | 7 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/vignettes/compatibility.Rmd | 2 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/vignettes/dplyr.Rmd | 4 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/vignettes/internals/hybrid-evaluation.Rmd | 2 dplyr-0.7.5/dplyr/vignettes/programming.Rmd | 323 ++-- 221 files changed, 5662 insertions(+), 3277 deletions(-)
Title: Facilities for Simulating from ODE-Based Models
Description: Facilities for running simulations from ordinary
differential equation (ODE) models, such as pharmacometrics and other
compartmental models. A compilation manager translates the ODE model
into C, compiles it, and dynamically loads the object code into R for
improved computational efficiency. An event table object facilitates
the specification of complex dosing regimens (optional) and sampling
schedules. NB: The use of this package requires both C and
Fortran compilers, for details on their use with R please see
Section 6.3, Appendix A, and Appendix D in the "R Administration and
Installation" manual. Also the code is mostly released under GPL. The
VODE and LSODA are in the public domain. The information is available
in the inst/COPYRIGHTS.
Author: Matthew L. Fidler [aut],
Melissa Hallow [aut],
Wenping Wang [aut, cre],
Zufar Mulyukov [ctb],
Justin Wilkins [ctb],
Simon Frost [ctb],
Heng Li [ctb],
Yu Feng [ctb],
Alan Hindmarsh [ctb],
Linda Petzold [ctb],
Ernst Hairer [ctb],
Gerhard Wanner [ctb],
J Colinge [ctb],
Hadley Wickham [ctb],
G Grothendieck [ctb],
Robert Gentleman [ctb],
Ross Ihaka [ctb],
R core team [cph],
odepack authors [cph]
Maintainer: Wenping Wang <wwang8198@gmail.com>
Diff between RxODE versions 0.6-1 dated 2017-10-13 and 0.7.2-1 dated 2018-05-19
RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/R/rxsolve-gen.R |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/arrange_.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/as_data_frame.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/cash-set-.solveRxODE.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/distinct_.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/filter_.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/gather_.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/group_by_.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/mutate_.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/plus-.solveRxODE.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/predict.RxODE.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/rename_.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/rx.do.call.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/rx.initCmpMgr.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/rxCout.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/rxCoutEcho.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/rxDllLoaded.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/rxKahanSum.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/rxLoad.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/rxNeumaierSum.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/rxPairwiseSum.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/rxProd.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/rxPythonFsum.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/rxSetupMemoize.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/rxSum.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/rxSymPyExec.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/rxSymPyStart.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/rxUnload.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/rxodeGc.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/sample_frac.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/sample_n.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/select_.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/separate_.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/slice_.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/solve.RxODE.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/spread_.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/sub-subset-.solveRxODE.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/subset-.solveRxODE.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/summarise_.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/transmute_.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/unite_.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/man/update.solveRxODE.Rd |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/src/Makevars |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/src/lincmt.c |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/src/lincmtDiff.c |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/src/prod.c |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/src/sum.c |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/src/util.cpp |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-infusion-syntax.R |only RxODE-0.6-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-print.R |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/DESCRIPTION | 61 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/MD5 | 497 - RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/NAMESPACE | 377 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/R/RcppExports.R | 461 + RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/R/RxODE-win-setup.R | 192 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/R/RxODE.R | 4154 ++++------- RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/R/RxODE_md5.R |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/R/dsl.R | 182 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/R/eventTable.R | 102 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/R/genShinyApp.template.R | 560 - RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/R/rxFormat.R |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/R/rxLinCmt.R | 2 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/R/rxShiny.R |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/R/rxSymInv.R | 453 + RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/R/rxValidate.R | 104 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/R/rxode-options.R | 466 - RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/R/rxsolve.R | 1313 +-- RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/R/rxsympy.R | 3572 ++++----- RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/R/utils.R | 288 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/R/version.R | 40 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/build/refresh.R |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/build/vignette.rds |binary RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/cleanup |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/cleanup.win |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/configure |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/configure.ac |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/configure.win |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/demo/00Index | 2 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/demo/demo1.R | 118 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/CITATION |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/COPYRIGHTS | 787 +- RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/Changes.txt | 178 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/Install-windows.Rmd | 168 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/Porting | 56 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/THANKS | 36 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/TODO.txt | 18 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-covariates.R |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-covariates.Rmd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-covariates.html |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-data-frame.R |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-data-frame.Rmd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-data-frame.html |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-events.Rmd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-events.html |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-intro.R | 352 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-intro.Rmd | 586 - RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-intro.html | 1433 +-- RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-mix-lin-ode.R |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-mix-lin-ode.Rmd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-mix-lin-ode.html |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-shiny.R |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-shiny.Rmd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-shiny.html |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-sim-var.R |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-sim-var.Rmd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-sim-var.html |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-stiff.R |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-stiff.Rmd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-stiff.html |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-syntax.R | 10 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-syntax.Rmd | 355 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-syntax.html | 673 - RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-transit-compartments.R |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-transit-compartments.Rmd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/doc/RxODE-transit-compartments.html |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/include/RxODE_types.h | 12 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/ode.c | 742 + RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/inst/tran.g | 316 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/RxODE.Rd | 650 - RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/add.dosing.Rd | 79 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/add.sampling.Rd | 64 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/coef.RxODE.Rd | 76 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/cvPost.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/eventTable.Rd | 335 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/findLhs.Rd | 42 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/genShinyApp.template.Rd | 160 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/is.rxSolve.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/plus-.rxSolve.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/print.RxODE.Rd | 41 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/print.rxCoef.Rd | 36 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/print.rxCoefSolve.Rd | 40 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/print.rxDll.Rd | 30 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/reexports.Rd | 32 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rinvchisq.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxAddReturn.Rd | 44 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxAssignPtr.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxBlockZeros.Rd | 42 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxC.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxCat.Rd | 36 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxChain.Rd | 52 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxChain2.Rd | 52 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxClean.Rd | 46 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxCompile.Rd | 198 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxCondition.Rd | 54 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxCores.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxDelete.Rd | 42 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxDfdy.Rd | 42 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxDll.Rd | 57 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxDynLoad.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxDynUnload.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxExpandIfElse.Rd | 68 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxForget.Rd | 30 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxGetModel.Rd | 62 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxGetRxODE.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxHtml.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxInits.Rd | 68 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxInv.Rd | 34 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxIs.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxIsCurrent.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxIsLoaded.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxLhs.Rd | 46 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxLinCmtTrans.Rd | 42 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxLogifyModel.Rd | 46 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxMd5.Rd | 116 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxModelVars.Rd | 95 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxModels_.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxNorm.Rd | 64 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxOptions.Rd | 88 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxParams.Rd | 53 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxParseErr.Rd | 60 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxParsePk.Rd | 46 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxParsePred.Rd | 46 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxPermissive.Rd | 80 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxPhysicalDrives.Rd | 48 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxPrint.Rd | 52 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxReload.Rd | 30 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxReq.Rd | 42 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxRmIni.Rd | 42 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxRmJac.Rd | 42 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxRmPrint.Rd | 40 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxRmSens.Rd | 40 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxRtoolsBaseWin.Rd | 34 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSetProd.Rd | 54 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSetSum.Rd | 64 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSetupIni.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSetupScale.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxShiny.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSimThetaOmega.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSolve.Rd | 520 - RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSplitLines.Rd | 84 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSplitPlusQ.Rd | 68 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxState.Rd | 56 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSumProdModel.Rd | 60 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSyPyAddVars.Rd | 42 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymDiag.Rd | 40 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymInv.Rd | 66 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymInvChol.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymInvCholCreate.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymInvCholN.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymInvCreate.Rd | 50 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymPy.Rd | 42 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymPyClean.Rd | 30 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymPyClear.Rd | 36 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymPyDfDy.Rd | 68 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymPyExists.Rd | 42 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymPyExpand.Rd | 46 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymPyFix.Rd | 40 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymPyFunctions.Rd | 36 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymPyJacobian.Rd | 42 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymPyReserved.Rd | 36 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymPySensitivity.Rd | 68 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymPySetup.Rd | 48 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymPySetupIf.Rd | 42 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymPySetupPred.Rd | 116 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymPyVars.Rd | 36 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSymPyVersion.Rd | 42 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSympyExec.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSympyStart.Rd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxSyncOptions.Rd | 30 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxThetaEta.Rd | 46 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxToSymPy.Rd | 52 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxTrans.Rd | 172 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxValidate.Rd | 44 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxVersion.Rd | 52 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxWinPythonSetup.Rd | 28 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxWinRtoolsPath.Rd | 36 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/rxWinSetup.Rd | 36 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/summary.RxODE.Rd | 41 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/man/summary.rxDll.Rd | 44 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/Makevars.in |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/RcppExports.cpp | 424 + RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/WinDrive.cpp | 3 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/blas.h |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/call_dvode.c | 1378 --- RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/cfode.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/cfode_static.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/cfode_static.h |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/common.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/common.h |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/corfailure.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/correction.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/daxpy.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/ddot.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/dgefa.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/dgesl.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/dlsoda.f | 2 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/dop853.c | 1004 +- RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/dop853.h | 20 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/dscal.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/eventTable.cpp |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/ewset.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/fnorm.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/idamax.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/init.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/inner.cpp |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/install.libs.R | 34 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/intdy.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/lsoda.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/lsoda.h |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/lsoda_internal.h |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/methodswitch.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/ode.h | 13 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/omegaChol.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/orderswitch.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/par_solve.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/printcf.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/prja.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/rxData.cpp |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/rxInv.cpp | 190 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/scaleh.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/solsy.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/solve.h |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/stoda.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/strdup_printf.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/tran.c | 788 +- RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/tran.g.d_parser.c | 2322 +++--- RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/src/vmnorm.c |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat.R | 8 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-100-cmt.R |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-backward.R | 319 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-bad-dose.R | 7 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-cov.R | 107 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-data-frame.R | 30 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-data-setup.Rdata |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-dfdy.R | 8 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-dplyr.R | 228 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-dsl.R | 574 - RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-eventTable.R | 308 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-example-3-1.R | 87 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-example-3-2.R | 96 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-example-3-3.R | 17 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-example-3-5-1.R | 11 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-example-6.R | 183 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-factorial.R | 66 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-focei-setup-lin.R |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-focei-setup.R | 25 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-getindex.R | 58 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-ini.R | 152 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-issue-4.R | 126 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-issue-5.R | 74 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-issue-7.R |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-issue-8.R |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-lincmt.R | 618 - RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-load.R | 120 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-logical.R | 50 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-modelVars.R | 54 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-modelargs.R | 140 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-multi.R | 36 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-omega-chol.R |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-par-solve.R |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-parsing.R | 8 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-rhs.R | 70 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-rm-dll.R | 80 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-rxIs.R |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-scale.R | 322 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-sum.R | 89 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-symbolic-inverse.R | 6 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-theta-eta.R | 96 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/tests/testthat/test-transit.R | 3 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/vignettes/RxODE-covariates.Rmd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/vignettes/RxODE-data-frame.Rmd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/vignettes/RxODE-events.Rmd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/vignettes/RxODE-intro.Rmd | 586 - RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/vignettes/RxODE-mix-lin-ode.Rmd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/vignettes/RxODE-shiny.Rmd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/vignettes/RxODE-sim-var.Rmd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/vignettes/RxODE-stiff.Rmd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/vignettes/RxODE-syntax.Rmd | 355 RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/vignettes/RxODE-transit-compartments.Rmd |only RxODE-0.7.2-1/RxODE/vignettes/logo.png |only 330 files changed, 17679 insertions(+), 18401 deletions(-)
Title: Translate Integers into English
Description: Allow numbers to be presented in an English language
version, one, two, three, ...
Author: John Fox, Bill Venables and Anthony Damico
Maintainer: Bill Venables <Bill.Venables@gmail.com>
Diff between english versions 1.1-2 dated 2017-03-16 and 1.1-3 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 8 - MD5 | 6 - R/english.R | 277 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ man/english-package.Rd | 104 +++++++++--------- 4 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 192 deletions(-)
Title: Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology Data from R
Description: Provides functions to interface with Australian Government Bureau
of Meteorology (BOM) data, fetching data and returning a tidy data frame of
précis forecasts, current weather data from stations, agriculture
bulletin data, BOM 0900 or 1500 weather bulletins or a raster stack object
of satellite imagery from GeoTIFF files. Data (c) Australian Government
Bureau of Meteorology Creative Commons (CC) Attribution 3.0 licence or
Public Access Licence (PAL) as appropriate. See
<http://www.bom.gov.au/other/copyright.shtml> for further details.
Author: Adam Sparks [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0061-8359>>),
Jonathan Carroll [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1404-5264>>),
Mark Padgham [aut, rev] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2172-5265>>),
Hugh Parsonage [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4055-0835>>),
Keith Pembleton [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1896-4516>>),
James Balamuta [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2826-8458>>),
Brooke Anderson [rev] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5012-9035>>)
Maintainer: Adam Sparks <adamhsparks@gmail.com>
Diff between bomrang versions 0.1.4 dated 2018-03-26 and 0.2.0 dated 2018-05-19
DESCRIPTION | 28 +++--- MD5 | 46 +++++---- NAMESPACE | 6 + NEWS.md | 16 +++ R/get_ag_bulletin.R | 4 R/get_current_weather.R | 12 +- R/get_historical.R |only R/get_precis_forecast.R | 144 ++++++++++++++----------------- R/get_satellite_imagery.R | 3 R/internal_functions.R | 107 +++++++++++++++++++++++ R/sweep_for_stations.R | 2 R/update_station_locations.R | 79 +++++++++-------- R/zzz.R | 2 README.md | 77 +++++++++++++++- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/bomrang.R | 3 inst/doc/bomrang.Rmd | 40 +++++++- inst/doc/bomrang.html | 162 +++++++++++++++++++---------------- inst/extdata/AAC_codes.rda |binary inst/extdata/JSONurl_site_list.rda |binary inst/extdata/stations_site_list.rda |binary man/get_historical.Rd |only man/get_precis_forecast.Rd | 2 tests/testthat/test-deprecated.R |only tests/testthat/test-get_historical.R |only vignettes/bomrang.Rmd | 40 +++++++- 26 files changed, 535 insertions(+), 238 deletions(-)