Sun, 21 Oct 2018

New package crfsuite with initial version 0.2
Package: crfsuite
Type: Package
Title: Conditional Random Fields for Labelling Sequential Data in Natural Language Processing
Version: 0.2
Maintainer: Jan Wijffels <>
Authors@R: c( person('Jan', 'Wijffels', role = c('aut', 'cre', 'cph'), email = '', comment = "R wrapper"), person('BNOSAC', role = 'cph', comment = "R wrapper"), person("Naoaki", "Okazaki", role = c('aut', 'ctb', 'cph'), comment = "CRFsuite library (BSD licensed), libLBFGS library (MIT licensed), Constant Quark Database software (BSD licensed)"), person("Bob", "Jenkins", role = c('aut', 'ctb'), comment = "File src/cqdb/src/lookup3.c (Public Domain)"), person("Jorge", "Nocedal", role = c('aut', 'ctb', 'cph'), comment = "libLBFGS library (MIT licensed)"), person("Jesse", "Long", role = c('aut', 'ctb', 'cph'), comment = "RumAVL library (MIT licensed)"))
Description: Wraps the 'CRFsuite' library <> allowing users to fit a Conditional Random Field model and to apply it on existing data. The focus of the implementation is in the area of Natural Language Processing where this R package allows you to easily build and apply models for named entity recognition, text chunking, part of speech tagging, intent recognition or classification of any category you have in mind. Next to training, a small web application is included in the package to allow you to easily construct training data.
License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
Imports: Rcpp, data.table (>= 1.9.6), utils, tools
Suggests: udpipe, knitr
LinkingTo: Rcpp
RoxygenNote: 6.0.1
SystemRequirements: GNU make
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2018-10-21 20:51:33 UTC; Jan
Author: Jan Wijffels [aut, cre, cph] (R wrapper), BNOSAC [cph] (R wrapper), Naoaki Okazaki [aut, ctb, cph] (CRFsuite library (BSD licensed), libLBFGS library (MIT licensed), Constant Quark Database software (BSD licensed)), Bob Jenkins [aut, ctb] (File src/cqdb/src/lookup3.c (Public Domain)), Jorge Nocedal [aut, ctb, cph] (libLBFGS library (MIT licensed)), Jesse Long [aut, ctb, cph] (RumAVL library (MIT licensed))
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2018-10-21 22:00:03 UTC

More information about crfsuite at CRAN
Permanent link

Package rstanarm updated to version 2.18.1 with previous version 2.17.4 dated 2018-04-13

Title: Bayesian Applied Regression Modeling via Stan
Description: Estimates previously compiled regression models using the 'rstan' package, which provides the R interface to the Stan C++ library for Bayesian estimation. Users specify models via the customary R syntax with a formula and data.frame plus some additional arguments for priors.
Author: Jonah Gabry [aut], Imad Ali [ctb], Sam Brilleman [ctb], Jacqueline Buros Novik [ctb] (R/stan_jm.R), AstraZeneca [ctb] (R/stan_jm.R), Trustees of Columbia University [cph], Simon Wood [cph] (R/stan_gamm4.R), R Core Deveopment Team [cph] (R/stan_aov.R), Douglas Bates [cph] (R/pp_data.R), Martin Maechler [cph] (R/pp_data.R), Ben Bolker [cph] (R/pp_data.R), Steve Walker [cph] (R/pp_data.R), Brian Ripley [cph] (R/stan_aov.R, R/stan_polr.R), William Venables [cph] (R/stan_polr.R), Paul-Christian Burkner [cph] (R/misc.R), Ben Goodrich [cre, aut]
Maintainer: Ben Goodrich <>

Diff between rstanarm versions 2.17.4 dated 2018-04-13 and 2.18.1 dated 2018-10-21

 rstanarm-2.17.4/rstanarm/R/shinystan.R                                                   |only
 rstanarm-2.17.4/rstanarm/inst/NEWS                                                       |only
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/DESCRIPTION                                                     |   16 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/MD5                                                             |  347 ++++-----
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/                                                         |only
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/doc-example_jm.R                                              |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/doc-example_model.R                                           |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/doc-modeling-functions.R                                      |    5 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/jm_data_block.R                                               |   37 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/launch_shinystan.R                                            |only
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/log_lik.R                                                     |   36 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/loo.R                                                         |   34 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/misc.R                                                        |   74 +
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/posterior_linpred.R                                           |   30 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/posterior_predict.R                                           |   34 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/posterior_traj.R                                              |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/pp_data.R                                                     |   19 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/predict.R                                                     |   14 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/print-and-summary.R                                           |  170 ++--
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/prior_summary.R                                               |   45 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/stan_aov.R                                                    |    7 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/stan_betareg.R                                                |    6 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/                                            |    6 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/stan_biglm.R                                                  |    7 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/                                              |    3 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/stan_clogit.R                                                 |    6 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/stan_gamm4.R                                                  |    1 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/stan_glm.R                                                    |  118 ++-
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/                                                |    8 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/stan_glmer.R                                                  |    1 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/stan_jm.R                                                     |    3 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/                                                 |    8 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/stan_lm.R                                                     |   32 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/stan_mvmer.R                                                  |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/stan_nlmer.R                                                  |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/stan_polr.R                                                   |   16 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/                                               |    3 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/R/stanmodels.R                                                  |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/cleanup                                                         |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/                                                     |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/CITATION                                                   |   33 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/aov.Rmd                                                |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/aov.html                                               |   47 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/betareg.Rmd                                            |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/betareg.html                                           |   40 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/binomial.Rmd                                           |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/binomial.html                                          |   81 +-
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/continuous.Rmd                                         |   14 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/continuous.html                                        |  144 ++-
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/count.Rmd                                              |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/count.html                                             |   30 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/glmer.Rmd                                              |   12 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/glmer.html                                             |   66 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/jm.Rmd                                                 |    8 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/jm.html                                                |  378 ++++------
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/lm.Rmd                                                 |   12 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/lm.html                                                |   46 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/polr.html                                              |   53 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/pooling.R                                              |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/pooling.Rmd                                            |   26 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/pooling.html                                           |  310 ++++----
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/priors.html                                            |   28 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/rstanarm.R                                             |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/rstanarm.Rmd                                           |   20 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/doc/rstanarm.html                                          |  102 +-
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/inst/include/csr_matrix_times_vector2.hpp                       |    1 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/available-models.Rd                                         |    5 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/example_jm.Rd                                               |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/example_model.Rd                                            |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/launch_shinystan.stanreg.Rd                                 |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/log_lik.stanreg.Rd                                          |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/loo.stanreg.Rd                                              |   21 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/loo_predict.stanreg.Rd                                      |    9 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/model.frame.stanmvreg.Rd                                    |    3 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/plot.predict.stanjm.Rd                                      |    7 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/plot.survfit.stanjm.Rd                                      |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/posterior_interval.stanreg.Rd                               |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/posterior_predict.stanreg.Rd                                |    5 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/posterior_survfit.Rd                                        |    5 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/posterior_traj.Rd                                           |    5 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/posterior_vs_prior.Rd                                       |    6 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/pp_check.stanreg.Rd                                         |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/predictive_error.stanreg.Rd                                 |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/predictive_interval.stanreg.Rd                              |    6 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/print.stanreg.Rd                                            |   37 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/rstanarm-package.Rd                                         |    5 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/stan_betareg.Rd                                             |   19 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/stan_biglm.Rd                                               |   38 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/stan_gamm4.Rd                                               |   19 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/stan_glm.Rd                                                 |  125 ++-
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/stan_glmer.Rd                                               |   44 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/stan_jm.Rd                                                  |   17 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/stan_lm.Rd                                                  |   56 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/stan_mvmer.Rd                                               |    7 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/stan_nlmer.Rd                                               |    6 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/man/summary.stanreg.Rd                                          |    8 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/Makevars                                                    |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/                                                |    7 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/bernoulli.stan                                   |   42 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/binomial.stan                                    |   29 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/continuous.stan                                  |   89 +-
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/count.stan                                       |   54 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/data/data_glm.stan                               |    1 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/functions/SSfunctions.stan                       |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/functions/bernoulli_likelihoods.stan             |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/functions/common_functions.stan                  |   39 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/functions/continuous_likelihoods.stan            |    6 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/functions/jm_functions.stan                      |   16 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/functions/mvmer_functions.stan                   |   40 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/gqs/gen_quantities_mvmer.stan                    |   28 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/model/assoc_evaluate.stan                        |   70 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/model/eta_add_Zb.stan                            |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/model/eta_no_intercept.stan                      |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/model/eta_z_no_intercept.stan                    |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/model/make_eta.stan                              |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/model/make_eta_bern.stan                         |   23 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/model/priors_mvmer.stan                          |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/polr.stan                                        |   28 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/tdata/tdata_glm.stan                             |    5 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/tdata/tdata_mvmer.stan                           |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/tparameters/tparameters_betareg.stan             |   12 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/src/stan_files/tparameters/tparameters_glm.stan                 |   11 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat.R                                                |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/Rplots.pdf                                       |only
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/include/csr_matrix_times_vector2.hpp             |    1 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/bernoulli.stan                        |   42 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/binomial.stan                         |   29 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/continuous.stan                       |   89 +-
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/count.stan                            |   54 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/data/data_glm.stan                    |    1 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/functions/SSfunctions.stan            |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/functions/bernoulli_likelihoods.stan  |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/functions/common_functions.stan       |   39 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/functions/continuous_likelihoods.stan |    6 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/functions/jm_functions.stan           |   16 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/functions/mvmer_functions.stan        |   40 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/gqs/gen_quantities_mvmer.stan         |   28 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/model/assoc_evaluate.stan             |   70 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/model/eta_add_Zb.stan                 |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/model/eta_no_intercept.stan           |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/model/eta_z_no_intercept.stan         |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/model/make_eta.stan                   |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/model/make_eta_bern.stan              |   23 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/model/priors_mvmer.stan               |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/polr.stan                             |   28 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/tdata/tdata_glm.stan                  |    5 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/tdata/tdata_mvmer.stan                |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/tparameters/tparameters_betareg.stan  |   12 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/stan_files/tparameters/tparameters_glm.stan      |   11 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/test_loo.R                                       |   23 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/test_methods.R                                   |   40 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/test_misc.R                                      |   23 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/test_plots.R                                     |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/test_posterior_predict.R                         |   18 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/test_pp_check.R                                  |   11 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/test_pp_validate.R                               |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/test_predict.R                                   |   12 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/test_stan_betareg.R                              |   47 -
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/test_stan_clogit.R                               |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/test_stan_functions.R                            |    1 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/test_stan_glm.R                                  |  115 +--
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/test_stan_glmer.R                                |   27 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/test_stan_jm.R                                   |    6 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/test_stan_lm.R                                   |   24 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/test_stan_mvmer.R                                |   13 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/test_stan_nlmer.R                                |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/tests/testthat/test_stan_polr.R                                 |    8 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/vignettes/aov.Rmd                                               |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/vignettes/betareg.Rmd                                           |    2 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/vignettes/binomial.Rmd                                          |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/vignettes/continuous.Rmd                                        |   14 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/vignettes/count.Rmd                                             |    4 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/vignettes/glmer.Rmd                                             |   12 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/vignettes/jm.Rmd                                                |    8 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/vignettes/lm.Rmd                                                |   12 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/vignettes/pooling.Rmd                                           |   26 
 rstanarm-2.18.1/rstanarm/vignettes/rstanarm.Rmd                                          |   20 
 177 files changed, 2543 insertions(+), 2047 deletions(-)

More information about rstanarm at CRAN
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Package icr updated to version 0.5.8 with previous version 0.5.7 dated 2018-10-12

Title: Compute Krippendorff's Alpha
Description: Provides functions to compute and plot Krippendorff's inter-coder reliability coefficient alpha and bootstrapped uncertainty estimates (Krippendorff 2004, ISBN:0761915443). The bootstrap routines are set up to make use of parallel threads where supported.
Author: Alexander Staudt [aut, cre], Pierre L'Ecuyer [ctb] (author of the C++ RNG code)
Maintainer: Alexander Staudt <>

Diff between icr versions 0.5.7 dated 2018-10-12 and 0.5.8 dated 2018-10-21

 DESCRIPTION       |   10 +-
 MD5               |   10 +-
 NAMESPACE         |    2 
 R/krippalpha.R    |  231 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 R/plot_icr.R      |  192 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 man/krippalpha.Rd |    6 -
 6 files changed, 228 insertions(+), 223 deletions(-)

More information about icr at CRAN
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Package ggalluvial updated to version 0.9.1 with previous version 0.9.0 dated 2018-07-06

Title: Alluvial Diagrams in 'ggplot2'
Description: Alluvial diagrams use x-splines, sometimes augmented with stacked histograms, to visualize multi-dimensional or repeated-measures data with categorical or ordinal variables. They can be viewed as simplified and standardized Sankey diagrams; see Riehmann, Hanfler, and Froehlich (2005) <doi:10.1109/INFVIS.2005.1532152> and Rosvall and Bergstrom (2010) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008694>. This package provides ggplot2 layers to produce alluvial diagrams from tidy data.
Author: Jason Cory Brunson [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jason Cory Brunson <>

Diff between ggalluvial versions 0.9.0 dated 2018-07-06 and 0.9.1 dated 2018-10-21

 ggalluvial |only
 1 file changed

More information about ggalluvial at CRAN
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Package broom.mixed updated to version 0.2.3 with previous version 0.2.2 dated 2018-09-20

Title: Tidying Methods for Mixed Models
Description: Convert fitted objects from various R mixed-model packages into tidy data frames along the lines of the 'broom' package. The package provides three S3 generics for each model: tidy(), which summarizes a model's statistical findings such as coefficients of a regression; augment(), which adds columns to the original data such as predictions, residuals and cluster assignments; and glance(), which provides a one-row summary of model-level statistics.
Author: Ben Bolker [aut, cre] (<>), David Robinson [aut], Dieter Menne [ctb], Jonah Gabry [ctb], Paul Buerkner [ctb], Christopher Hua [ctb], Will Petry [ctb], Josh Wiley [ctb], Patrick Kennedy [ctb]
Maintainer: Ben Bolker <>

Diff between broom.mixed versions 0.2.2 dated 2018-09-20 and 0.2.3 dated 2018-10-21

 broom.mixed-0.2.2/broom.mixed/                         |only
 broom.mixed-0.2.2/broom.mixed/inst/extdata/brms_example.rds     |only
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/DESCRIPTION                       |   19 -
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/MD5                               |   55 ++--
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/R/MCMCglmm_tidiers.R              |    5 
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/R/brms_tidiers.R                  |  128 +++++++---
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/R/glmmTMB_tidiers.R               |   56 ++--
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/R/lme4_tidiers.R                  |    5 
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/R/mcmc_tidiers.R                  |   13 -
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/R/rstanarm_tidiers.R              |   28 +-
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/R/utilities.R                     |    6 
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/build                             |only
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/inst/NEWS.Rd                      |   25 +
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/inst/capabilities.csv             |   14 +
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/inst/doc                          |only
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/inst/extdata/MCMCglmm_example.rda |binary
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/inst/extdata/brms_example.rda     |only
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/inst/extdata/efc.rds              |only
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/inst/extdata/glmmTMB_example.rda  |binary
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/inst/extdata/lme4_example.rda     |binary
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/inst/extdata/nlme_example.rda     |binary
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/inst/extdata/rstanarm_example.rds |binary
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/man/brms_tidiers.Rd               |   31 +-
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/man/mcmc_tidiers.Rd               |   12 
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/man/rstanarm_tidiers.Rd           |   12 
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/tests/testthat/test-alltibbles.R  |   14 -
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/tests/testthat/test-glmmTMB.R     |   38 ++
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/tests/testthat/test-lme4.R        |   20 +
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/tests/testthat/test-mcmc.R        |   50 +++
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/tests/testthat/test-rstanarm.R    |    3 
 broom.mixed-0.2.3/broom.mixed/vignettes                         |only
 31 files changed, 381 insertions(+), 153 deletions(-)

More information about broom.mixed at CRAN
Permanent link

Package bridgesampling updated to version 0.6-0 with previous version 0.5-2 dated 2018-08-19

Title: Bridge Sampling for Marginal Likelihoods and Bayes Factors
Description: Provides functions for estimating marginal likelihoods, Bayes factors, posterior model probabilities, and normalizing constants in general, via different versions of bridge sampling (Meng & Wong, 1996, <>).
Author: Quentin F. Gronau [aut, cre] (<>), Henrik Singmann [aut] (<>), Jonathan J. Forster [ctb], Eric-Jan Wagenmakers [ths], The JASP Team [ctb], Jiqiang Guo [ctb], Jonah Gabry [ctb], Ben Goodrich [ctb], Kees Mulder [ctb], Perry de Valpine [ctb]
Maintainer: Quentin F. Gronau <>

Diff between bridgesampling versions 0.5-2 dated 2018-08-19 and 0.6-0 dated 2018-10-21

 DESCRIPTION                                      |   12 ++--
 MD5                                              |   45 ++++++++++-------
 NEWS                                             |   22 ++++++++
 R/ier-data.R                                     |    2 
 build/vignette.rds                               |binary
 inst/doc/bridgesampling_example_jags.html        |   58 +++++++++++------------
 inst/doc/bridgesampling_example_nimble.R         |only
 inst/doc/bridgesampling_example_nimble.Rmd       |only
 inst/doc/bridgesampling_example_nimble.html      |only
 inst/doc/bridgesampling_example_stan.html        |   26 +++++-----
 inst/doc/bridgesampling_paper.pdf                |binary
 inst/doc/bridgesampling_paper.pdf.asis           |    2 
 inst/doc/bridgesampling_paper_extended.pdf       |only
 inst/doc/bridgesampling_paper_extended.pdf.asis  |only
 inst/doc/bridgesampling_stan_ttest.R             |   12 +++-
 inst/doc/bridgesampling_stan_ttest.Rmd           |   14 ++++-
 inst/doc/bridgesampling_stan_ttest.html          |   49 +++++++------------
 inst/extdata/vignette_example_nimble.RData       |only
 inst/extdata/vignette_example_stan.RData         |binary
 inst/extdata/vignette_stan_ttest.RData           |binary
 man/bridge_sampler.Rd                            |   55 +++++++++++----------
 man/ier.Rd                                       |    2 
 man/post_prob.Rd                                 |    6 +-
 tests/testthat/test-vignette_example_nimble.R    |only
 vignettes/bridgesampling_example_nimble.Rmd      |only
 vignettes/bridgesampling_paper.pdf.asis          |    2 
 vignettes/bridgesampling_paper_extended.pdf.asis |only
 vignettes/bridgesampling_stan_ttest.Rmd          |   14 ++++-
 28 files changed, 184 insertions(+), 137 deletions(-)

More information about bridgesampling at CRAN
Permanent link

Package updated to version 0.0-2 with previous version 0.0-1 dated 2015-10-06

Title: Assertions to Check Properties of Strings
Description: A set of predicates and assertions for checking the properties of UK-specific complex data types. This is mainly for use by other package developers who want to include run-time testing features in their own packages. End-users will usually want to use assertive directly.
Author: Richard Cotton [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Richard Cotton <>

Diff between versions 0.0-1 dated 2015-10-06 and 0.0-2 dated 2018-10-21

 DESCRIPTION                            |   11 
 MD5                                    |   28 -
 NAMESPACE                              |   50 -
 NEWS                                   |    3 
 R/assert-is-data-uk.R                  |  278 +++++-----
 R/imports.R                            |   18 
 R/is-data-uk.R                         |  860 ++++++++++++++++-----------------                              |    3 
 man/is_uk_car_licence.Rd               |  179 +++---
 man/is_uk_national_insurance_number.Rd |  131 ++---
 man/is_uk_postcode.Rd                  |  107 ++--
 man/is_uk_telephone_number.Rd          |  103 +--
 po/             |   72 +-
 tests/testthat.R                       |   12 
 tests/testthat/test-is-data-uk.R       |  538 ++++++++++----------
 15 files changed, 1195 insertions(+), 1198 deletions(-)

More information about at CRAN
Permanent link

Package updated to version 0.0-2 with previous version 0.0-1 dated 2015-10-06

Title: Assertions to Check Properties of Strings
Description: A set of predicates and assertions for checking the properties of US-specific complex data types. This is mainly for use by other package developers who want to include run-time testing features in their own packages. End-users will usually want to use assertive directly.
Author: Richard Cotton [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Richard Cotton <>

Diff between versions 0.0-1 dated 2015-10-06 and 0.0-2 dated 2018-10-21

 DESCRIPTION                         |    9 +-
 MD5                                 |   22 +++---
 NAMESPACE                           |    2 
 NEWS                                |    3 
 R/imports.R                         |   18 ++---                           |    3 
 man/is_us_social_security_number.Rd |   93 ++++++++++++-------------
 man/is_us_telephone_number.Rd       |  129 +++++++++++++++++-------------------
 man/is_us_zip_code.Rd               |  127 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 po/          |   48 ++++++-------
 tests/testthat.R                    |   12 +--
 tests/testthat/test-is-data-us.R    |  110 +++++++++++++++---------------
 12 files changed, 287 insertions(+), 289 deletions(-)

More information about at CRAN
Permanent link

Package assertive.models updated to version 0.0-2 with previous version 0.0-1 dated 2015-10-06

Title: Assertions to Check Properties of Models
Description: A set of predicates and assertions for checking the properties of models. This is mainly for use by other package developers who want to include run-time testing features in their own packages. End-users will usually want to use assertive directly.
Author: Richard Cotton [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Richard Cotton <>

Diff between assertive.models versions 0.0-1 dated 2015-10-06 and 0.0-2 dated 2018-10-21

 DESCRIPTION                          |   11 +-
 MD5                                  |   30 +++----
 NAMESPACE                            |   26 +++---
 NEWS                                 |    3 
 R/assert-has-terms.R                 |   28 +++---
 R/assert-is-empty-model.R            |   50 +++++------
 R/has-terms.R                        |   64 +++++++--------
 R/imports.R                          |   10 +-
 R/is-empty-model.R                   |  148 +++++++++++++++++++----------------                            |   80 ++++++++++--------
 man/has_terms.Rd                     |   69 ++++++++--------
 man/is_empty_model.Rd                |   99 ++++++++++++-----------
 po/R-assertive.models.pot            |   60 +++++++-------
 tests/testthat.R                     |   12 --
 tests/testthat/test-has-terms.R      |   74 ++++++++---------
 tests/testthat/test-is-empty-model.R |   62 +++++++-------
 16 files changed, 429 insertions(+), 397 deletions(-)

More information about assertive.models at CRAN
Permanent link

Package assertive.code updated to version 0.0-3 with previous version 0.0-1 dated 2015-10-06

Title: Assertions to Check Properties of Code
Description: A set of predicates and assertions for checking the properties of code. This is mainly for use by other package developers who want to include run-time testing features in their own packages. End-users will usually want to use assertive directly.
Author: Richard Cotton [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Richard Cotton <>

Diff between assertive.code versions 0.0-1 dated 2015-10-06 and 0.0-3 dated 2018-10-21

 DESCRIPTION                                  |   11 
 MD5                                          |   38 -
 NAMESPACE                                    |   74 +-
 NEWS                                         |    3 
 R/imports.R                                  |   12 
 R/is-code.R                                  |  868 +++++++++++++--------------                                    |  109 +--
 man/has_arg.Rd                               |   95 +-
 man/is_binding_locked.Rd                     |  109 +--
 man/is_debugged.Rd                           |   61 -
 man/is_error_free.Rd                         |   45 -
 man/is_existing.Rd                           |   99 +--
 man/is_if_condition.Rd                       |   86 +-
 man/is_loaded.Rd                             |   75 +-
 man/is_valid_r_code.Rd                       |   68 +-
 man/is_valid_variable_name.Rd                |  123 +--
 po/R-assertive.code.pot                      |  132 ++--
 tests/testthat.R                             |   14 
 tests/testthat/test-is-code.R                |  288 ++++----
 tests/testthat/test-is-valid-variable-name.R |  186 ++---
 20 files changed, 1245 insertions(+), 1251 deletions(-)

More information about assertive.code at CRAN
Permanent link

Package eeptools updated to version 1.2.1 with previous version 1.2.0 dated 2018-05-30

Title: Convenience Functions for Education Data
Description: Collection of convenience functions to make working with administrative records easier and more consistent. Includes functions to clean strings, and identify cut points. Also includes three example data sets of administrative education records for learning how to process records with errors.
Author: Jason P. Becker [ctb], Jared E. Knowles [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jared E. Knowles <>

Diff between eeptools versions 1.2.0 dated 2018-05-30 and 1.2.1 dated 2018-10-21

 DESCRIPTION                       |    9 
 MD5                               |   24 +-                           |   11 +
 R/age_calc.R                      |  194 +++++++++---------
 R/autoplot.lm.R                   |  206 +++++++++----------
 R/max_mis.R                       |    2 
 R/moves_calc.R                    |  334 +++++++++++++++----------------
 build/vignette.rds                |binary
 inst/doc/intro.html               |    8 
 tests/testthat/test-calculators.R |  390 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 tests/testthat/test-edutils.R     |  323 +++++++++++++++---------------
 tests/testthat/test-statamode.r   |  272 ++++++++++++-------------
 tests/testthat/test-utils.R       |  407 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 13 files changed, 1114 insertions(+), 1066 deletions(-)

More information about eeptools at CRAN
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Package changer updated to version 0.0.3 with previous version 0.0.2 dated 2018-10-19

Title: Change R Package Name
Description: Changing the name of an existing R package is annoying but common task especially in the early stages of package development. This package (mostly) automates this task.
Author: Jouni Helske [aut, cre] (<>)
Maintainer: Jouni Helske <>

Diff between changer versions 0.0.2 dated 2018-10-19 and 0.0.3 dated 2018-10-21

 DESCRIPTION    |    9 +++++----
 MD5            |    6 +++---
 R/changer.R    |    9 +++++----
 man/changer.Rd |    2 +-
 4 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

More information about changer at CRAN
Permanent link

Package scBio updated to version 0.1.2 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2018-10-13

Title: Single Cell Genomics for Enhancing Cell Composition Inference from Bulk Genomics Data
Description: Cellular population mapping (CPM) a deconvolution algorithm in which single-cell genomics is required in only one or a few samples, where in other samples of the same tissue, only bulk genomics is measured and the underlying fine resolution cellular heterogeneity is inferred.
Author: Amit Frishberg [aut, cre], Naama Peshes-Yaloz [aut], Irit Gat-Viks [aut]
Maintainer: Amit Frishberg <>

Diff between scBio versions 0.1.1 dated 2018-10-13 and 0.1.2 dated 2018-10-21

 DESCRIPTION |    6 ++---
 MD5         |    6 ++---
 R/scBio.R   |   69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 man/CPM.Rd  |   14 +++++++-----
 4 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

More information about scBio at CRAN
Permanent link

Package RApiDatetime updated to version 0.0.4 with previous version 0.0.3 dated 2017-04-02

Title: R API Datetime
Description: Access to the C-level R date and datetime code is provided for C-level API use by other packages via registration of native functions. Client packages simply include a single header 'RApiDatetime.h' provided by this package, and also 'import' it. The R Core group is the original author of the code made available with slight modifications by this package.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <>

Diff between RApiDatetime versions 0.0.3 dated 2017-04-02 and 0.0.4 dated 2018-10-21

 ChangeLog            |   21 +++
 DESCRIPTION          |   10 -
 MD5                  |   23 +--
 NAMESPACE            |    3 
 R/asDatePOSIXct.R    |only            |    2 
 cleanup              |only
 inst/NEWS.Rd         |    7 +
 man/asDatePOSIXct.Rd |only
 src/Rstrptime.h      |   10 -
 src/attrib.c         |   14 +-
 src/datetime.c       |  338 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 src/init.c           |    3 
 tests/test.R         |    1 
 14 files changed, 283 insertions(+), 149 deletions(-)

More information about RApiDatetime at CRAN
Permanent link

New package DEploid with initial version 0.5.1
Package: DEploid
Type: Package
Title: Deconvolute Mixed Genomes with Unknown Proportions
Version: 0.5.1
Authors@R: c( person("Joe", "Zhu", role=c("aut", "cre", "cph"), email=""), person('Jacob', 'Almagro-Garcia', role=c('aut', 'cph')), person('Gil', 'McVean', role=c('aut', 'cph')), person('University of Oxford', '', role=c('cph')), person('Yinghan', 'Liu', role=c('ctb')), person('CodeCogs', 'Zyba Ltd', role=c('com', "cph")), person('Deepak', 'Bandyopadhyay', role=c('com', "cph")), person('Lutz', 'Kettner', role=c('com', "cph")) )
Description: Traditional phasing programs are limited to diploid organisms. Our method modifies Li and Stephens algorithm with Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approaches, and builds a generic framework that allows haplotype searches in a multiple infection setting. This package is primarily developed as part of the Pf3k project, which is a global collaboration using the latest sequencing technologies to provide a high-resolution view of natural variation in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Parasite DNA are extracted from patient blood sample, which often contains more than one parasite strain, with unknown proportions. This package is used for deconvoluting mixed haplotypes, and reporting the mixture proportions from each sample.
License: GPL (>= 3)
Depends: R (>= 3.1.0)
Imports: Rcpp (>= 0.11.2), scales (>= 0.4.0), plotly (>= 4.7.1), magrittr (>= 1.5), rmarkdown(>= 1.6), htmlwidgets (>= 1.0)
Suggests: knitr, testthat (>= 0.9.0)
SystemRequirements: C++11
VignetteBuilder: knitr
LinkingTo: Rcpp
RoxygenNote: 6.0.1
Date: 2018-10-20
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2018-10-21 09:35:55 UTC; joezhu
Author: Joe Zhu [aut, cre, cph], Jacob Almagro-Garcia [aut, cph], Gil McVean [aut, cph], University of Oxford [cph], Yinghan Liu [ctb], CodeCogs Zyba Ltd [com, cph], Deepak Bandyopadhyay [com, cph], Lutz Kettner [com, cph]
Maintainer: Joe Zhu <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2018-10-21 15:40:05 UTC

More information about DEploid at CRAN
Permanent link

Package msgtools (with last version 0.2.7) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2017-03-02 0.2.7
2017-02-28 0.2.6
2017-01-08 0.2.4

Permanent link
Package pricesensitivitymeter updated to version 0.4.1 with previous version 0.3.3 dated 2018-10-14

Title: Van Westendorp Price Sensitivity Meter Analysis
Description: An implementation of the van Westendorp Price Sensitivity Meter in R, which is a survey-based approach to analyze consumer price preferences and sensitivity (van Westendorp 1976, isbn:9789283100386).
Author: Max Alletsee [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Max Alletsee <>

Diff between pricesensitivitymeter versions 0.3.3 dated 2018-10-14 and 0.4.1 dated 2018-10-21

 DESCRIPTION                                  |    8 +--
 MD5                                          |   29 +++++------
 NEWS                                         |   10 +++
 R/psm_functions.R                            |   66 ++++---------------------
 R/psm_summary.r                              |only
 build/vignette.rds                           |binary
 inst/doc/interpolation-in-small-samples.html |   69 ++++++++++++++-------------
 inst/doc/visualizing-psm-results.R           |   40 +++++++--------
 inst/doc/visualizing-psm-results.Rmd         |   46 +++++++++---------
 inst/doc/visualizing-psm-results.html        |   58 ++++++++++++----------
 man/psm-class.Rd                             |    6 +-
 man/psm_analysis.rd                          |   16 +++---
 man/summary.psm.Rd                           |    2 
 tests/testthat/test_data_input.R             |    3 +
 tests/testthat/test_data_output.R            |    4 -
 vignettes/visualizing-psm-results.Rmd        |   46 +++++++++---------
 16 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 209 deletions(-)

More information about pricesensitivitymeter at CRAN
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Package automl updated to version 1.0.6 with previous version 1.0.5 dated 2018-09-13

Title: Deep Learning with Metaheuristic
Description: Fits from simple regression to highly customizable deep neural networks either with gradient descent or metaheuristic, using automatic hyper parameters tuning and custom cost function. A mix inspired by the common tricks on Deep Learning and Particle Swarm Optimization.
Author: Alex Boulangé <>
Maintainer: Alex Boulangé <>

Diff between automl versions 1.0.5 dated 2018-09-13 and 1.0.6 dated 2018-10-21

 DESCRIPTION                |    7 ++++---
 MD5                        |   17 +++++++++++++----
 NEWS                       |only
 R/automl.R                 |   28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 build                      |only
 inst                       |only
 man/automl_train_manual.Rd |    9 +++++----
 man/autopar.Rd             |    7 ++++++-
 vignettes                  |only
 9 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

More information about automl at CRAN
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Package boral updated to version 1.7 with previous version 1.6.1 dated 2018-05-15

Title: Bayesian Ordination and Regression AnaLysis
Description: Bayesian approaches for analyzing multivariate data in ecology. Estimation is performed using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods via Three. JAGS types of models may be fitted: 1) With explanatory variables only, boral fits independent column Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) to each column of the response matrix; 2) With latent variables only, boral fits a purely latent variable model for model-based unconstrained ordination; 3) With explanatory and latent variables, boral fits correlated column GLMs with latent variables to account for any residual correlation between the columns of the response matrix.
Author: Francis K.C. Hui <>, with contributions from Wade Blanchard <>
Maintainer: Francis Hui <>

Diff between boral versions 1.6.1 dated 2018-05-15 and 1.7 dated 2018-10-21

 DESCRIPTION                    |   10 
 MD5                            |   75 -
 R/auxilaryfunctions.R          | 1535 +++++++++++++-----------------------
 R/boral.jags.R                 | 1739 +++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 R/calclogLfunctions.R          |  726 ++++++++---------
 R/getcorrelations.R            |only
 R/getmeasures.R                |only
 R/lvsplots.R                   |only
 R/makejagsboralmodel.R         |  544 ++++++------
 R/makejagsboralnullmodel.R     |  478 +++++------
 R/simdatafunctions.R           |  433 +++++-----
 R/unseenfunctions.R            |  836 ++++++++++---------
 build                          |only
 inst/NEWS.Rd                   |    9 
 man/about.distributions.Rd     |   21 
 man/about.lvs.Rd               |only
 man/about.ssvs.Rd              |   24 
 man/about.traits.Rd            |   25 
 man/boral-package.Rd           |    8 
 man/boral.Rd                   |  205 ++--
 man/calc.condlogLik.Rd         |   27 
 man/calc.logLik.lv0.Rd         |   30 
 man/calc.marglogLik.Rd         |   30 
 man/calc.varpart.Rd            |   13 
 man/coefsplot.Rd               |   10 
 man/             |   82 +
 man/ds.residuals.Rd            |    8 
 man/fitted.boral.Rd            |    8 
 man/get.dic.Rd                 |   11 
 man/get.enviro.cor.Rd          |    6 
 man/get.hpdintervals.Rd        |   36 
 man/get.mcmcsamples.Rd         |    6 
 man/get.measures.Rd            |   16 
 man/get.more.measures.Rd       |   32 
 man/get.residual.cor.Rd        |   11 
 man/lvsplot.Rd                 |   12 
 man/make.jagsboralmodel.Rd     |   55 -
 man/make.jagsboralnullmodel.Rd |   26 
 man/plot.boral.Rd              |   16 
 man/predict.boral.Rd           |   59 +
 man/summary.boral.Rd           |   14 
 41 files changed, 3511 insertions(+), 3665 deletions(-)

More information about boral at CRAN
Permanent link

New package sglOptim with initial version 1.3.7
Package: sglOptim
Type: Package
Title: Generic Sparse Group Lasso Solver
Version: 1.3.7
Date: 2018-10-18
Authors@R: c( person("Martin", "Vincent", role = "aut"), person("Niels", "Richard Hansen", email = "", role = c("ctb", "cre")) )
Description: Fast generic solver for sparse group lasso optimization problems. The loss (objective) function must be defined in a C++ module. The optimization problem is solved using a coordinate gradient descent algorithm. Convergence of the algorithm is established (see reference) and the algorithm is applicable to a broad class of loss functions. Use of parallel computing for cross validation and subsampling is supported through the 'foreach' and 'doParallel' packages. Development version is on GitHub, please report package issues on GitHub.
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad: yes
Imports: methods, stats, tools, utils
Depends: R (>= 3.2.4), Matrix, foreach, doParallel
LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppProgress, RcppArmadillo, BH
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown
VignetteBuilder: knitr
RoxygenNote: 6.0.1
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2018-10-20 20:32:29 UTC; xqz683
Author: Martin Vincent [aut], Niels Richard Hansen [ctb, cre]
Maintainer: Niels Richard Hansen <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2018-10-21 07:30:02 UTC

More information about sglOptim at CRAN
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Package PracTools updated to version 1.1 with previous version 0.9 dated 2018-06-13

Title: Tools for Designing and Weighting Survey Samples
Description: Functions and datasets to support Valliant, Dever, and Kreuter, ``Practical Tools for Designing and Weighting Survey Samples'' (2nd edition, 2018). Contains functions for sample size calculation for survey samples using stratified or clustered one-, two-, and three-stage sample designs. Other functions compute variance components for multistage designs and sample sizes in two-phase designs. A number of example data sets are included.
Author: Richard Valliant, Jill A. Dever, Frauke Kreuter
Maintainer: Richard Valliant <>

Diff between PracTools versions 0.9 dated 2018-06-13 and 1.1 dated 2018-10-21

 DESCRIPTION           |   10 +++++-----
 MD5                   |   28 +++++++++++++++-------------
 R/pclass.R            |    3 ++-
 data/Domainy1y2.RData |binary
 data/MDarea.pop.RData |binary
 data/ThirdGrade.RData |only
 data/datalist         |    1 +
 data/hospital.RData   |binary
 data/labor.RData      |binary
 data/mibrfss.RData    |binary
 data/nhis.RData       |binary
 data/nhis.large.RData |binary
 data/nhispart.RData   |binary
 data/smho.N874.RData  |binary
 data/smho98.RData     |binary
 man/ThirdGrade.Rd     |only
 16 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

More information about PracTools at CRAN
Permanent link

Package freetypeharfbuzz updated to version 0.2.4 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2018-06-12

Title: Deterministic Computation of Text Box Metrics
Description: Unlike other tools that dynamically link to the 'Cairo' stack, 'freetypeharfbuzz' is statically linked to specific versions of the 'FreeType' and 'harfbuzz' libraries (2.9 and 1.7.6 respectively). This ensures deterministic computation of text box extents for situations where reproducible results are crucial (for instance unit tests of graphics).
Author: Lionel Henry [aut, cre], RStudio [cph], David Turner [aut] (FreeType library), Robert Wilhelm [aut] (FreeType library), Werner Wilhelm [aut] (FreeType library), Behdad Esfahbod [aut] (Harfbuzz library), Simon Hausmann [aut] (Harfbuzz library), Martin Hosken [aut] (Harfbuzz library), Jonathan Kew [aut] (Harfbuzz library), Lars Knoll [aut] (Harfbuzz library), Werner Lemberg [aut] (Harfbuzz library), Roozbeh Pournader [aut] (Harfbuzz library), Owen Taylor [aut] (Harfbuzz library), David Turner [aut] (Harfbuzz library), Red Hat [cph] (Harfbuzz library)
Maintainer: Lionel Henry <>

Diff between freetypeharfbuzz versions 0.1.0 dated 2018-06-12 and 0.2.4 dated 2018-10-21

 freetypeharfbuzz-0.1.0/freetypeharfbuzz/src/Makevars                                                        |only
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/DESCRIPTION                                                         |   12 +--
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/MD5                                                                 |   37 +++++++---
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/NAMESPACE                                                           |    3 
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/                                                             |   18 ++++
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/R/freetypeharfbuzz.R                                                |   30 +++++++-
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/configure                                                           |only
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/                                                       |only
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/man                                                                 |only
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/src/Makebuild                                                       |only
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/src/Makestatic                                                      |only
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/src/                                                   |only
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/src/                                                     |only
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/src/                                                    |   13 ++-
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/tests/testthat/helper-extents.R                                     |    6 -
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/tests/testthat/test-string-info.R                                   |   16 ++--
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/tools/Makefile                                                      |   37 ++++++++--
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/tools/diffs/0001-Undefine-HB_PRINTF_FUNC.patch                      |only
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/tools/diffs/0002-Remove-unnecessary-trailing-semi-colon.patch       |only
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/tools/diffs/0003-Initialise-offsets.patch                           |only
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/tools/diffs/0004-Cast-to-void-before-memset.patch                   |only
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/tools/diffs/0005-Silence-gcc-warning.patch                          |only
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/tools/diffs/0006-Remove-flags-causing-warnings-on-Solaris.patch     |only
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/tools/diffs/0007-Silence-Solaris-warnings-about-symbol-hiding.patch |only
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/tools/diffs/freetype                                                |only
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/tools/diffs/harfbuzz-flag.diff                                      |only
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/tools/                                           |only
 freetypeharfbuzz-0.2.4/freetypeharfbuzz/tools/winlibs.R                                                     |   18 +++-
 28 files changed, 147 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

More information about freetypeharfbuzz at CRAN
Permanent link

Package cdata updated to version 1.0.3 with previous version 1.0.2 dated 2018-10-08

Title: Fluid Data Transformations
Description: Supplies higher-order fluid data transform operators that include pivot and anti-pivot as special cases. The methodology is describe in 'Zumel', 2018, "Fluid data reshaping with 'cdata'", <> , doi:10.5281/zenodo.1173299 . Based on the 'DBI' database interface.
Author: John Mount [aut, cre], Nina Zumel [aut], Win-Vector LLC [cph]
Maintainer: John Mount <>

Diff between cdata versions 1.0.2 dated 2018-10-08 and 1.0.3 dated 2018-10-21

 DESCRIPTION                     |   10 +++++-----
 MD5                             |   14 +++++++++-----                         |    5 +++++
 R/LocalOps.R                    |   14 +++++++++++++-                       |    2 +-
 inst/doc/cdata.html             |    6 +++---
 tests/testthat/chickw.RDS       |only
 tests/testthat/seatbelts.RDS    |only
 tests/testthat/test_chicks.R    |only
 tests/testthat/test_seatbelts.R |only
 10 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

More information about cdata at CRAN
Permanent link

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