Wed, 07 Nov 2018

Package rstan updated to version 2.18.2 with previous version 2.18.1 dated 2018-10-16

Title: R Interface to Stan
Description: User-facing R functions are provided to parse, compile, test, estimate, and analyze Stan models by accessing the header-only Stan library provided by the 'StanHeaders' package. The Stan project develops a probabilistic programming language that implements full Bayesian statistical inference via Markov Chain Monte Carlo, rough Bayesian inference via 'variational' approximation, and (optionally penalized) maximum likelihood estimation via optimization. In all three cases, automatic differentiation is used to quickly and accurately evaluate gradients without burdening the user with the need to derive the partial derivatives.
Author: Jiqiang Guo [aut], Jonah Gabry [aut], Ben Goodrich [cre, aut], Daniel Lee [ctb], Krzysztof Sakrejda [ctb], Modrak Martin [ctb], Trustees of Columbia University [cph], Oleg Sklyar [cph] (R/cxxfunplus.R), The R Core Team [cph] (R/pairs.R, R/dynGet.R), Jens Oehlschlaegel-Akiyoshi [cph] (R/pairs.R)
Maintainer: Ben Goodrich <>

Diff between rstan versions 2.18.1 dated 2018-10-16 and 2.18.2 dated 2018-11-07

 DESCRIPTION                     |   14 +--
 MD5                             |   50 ++++++------
 R/cxxfunplus.R                  |   47 ++++++++++-
 R/expose_stan_functions.R       |   56 +++++++++++--
 R/makefile_op.R                 |   39 +++------
 R/misc.R                        |   20 ++++
 R/options.R                     |    2 
 R/rstan.R                       |   30 +++++--
 R/stanc.R                       |   18 +++-
 R/stanfit-class.R               |    4 
 R/stanmodel-class.R             |   30 ++++---
 R/zzz.R                         |    6 +
 inst/NEWS                       |   15 +++
 inst/doc/external.R             |   11 +-
 inst/doc/external.Rmd           |   66 ++++++----------
 inst/doc/external.html          |   59 ++++++--------
 inst/doc/rstan.html             |  148 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 inst/doc/stanfit-objects.html   |  164 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 inst/include/rstan/logger.hpp   |   60 +++++++++-----
 inst/include/rstan/stan_fit.hpp |    4 
 man/expose_stan_functions.Rd    |    6 +
 man/rstan.Rd                    |    6 -
 man/stan_model.Rd               |    7 +
 man/stanmodel-class.Rd          |    6 +
 vignettes/external.Rmd          |   66 ++++++----------
 vignettes/sinc.hpp              |   13 +--
 26 files changed, 542 insertions(+), 405 deletions(-)

More information about rstan at CRAN
Permanent link

Package RgoogleMaps updated to version 1.4.3 with previous version 1.4.2 dated 2018-06-08

Title: Overlays on Static Maps
Description: Serves two purposes: (i) Provide a comfortable R interface to query the Google server for static maps, and (ii) Use the map as a background image to overlay plots within R. This requires proper coordinate scaling.
Author: Markus Loecher
Maintainer: Markus Loecher <>

Diff between RgoogleMaps versions 1.4.2 dated 2018-06-08 and 1.4.3 dated 2018-11-07

 RgoogleMaps-1.4.2/RgoogleMaps/man/RgoogleMaps-package.Rd   |only
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/DESCRIPTION                  |    8 
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/MD5                          |   57 +-
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/R/ColorMap.R                 |   16 
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/R/GetMap.R                   |  132 ++---
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/R/GetMap.bbox.R              |   33 -
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/R/GetOsmMap.R                |    2 
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/R/PlotArrowsOnStaticMap.R    |    5 
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/R/PlotOnStaticMap.R          |   39 -
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/R/PlotPolysOnStaticMap.R     |    2 
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/R/RGB2GRAY.R                 |    2 
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/R/SpatialToPBS.R             |   26 -
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/R/TextOnStaticMap.R          |   25 -
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/R/bubbleMap.R                |   19 
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/R/getGeoCode.R               |   15 
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/R/plotmap.R                  |    2 
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/man/ColorMap.Rd              |   16 
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/man/GetMap.Rd                |  325 ++++---------
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/man/GetMap.bbox.Rd           |   21 
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/man/GetOsmMap.Rd             |    2 
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/man/NYleukemia.Rd            |    3 
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/man/PlotArrowsOnStaticMap.Rd |    7 
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/man/PlotOnStaticMap.Rd       |  174 ++++--
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/man/PlotPolysOnStaticMap.Rd  |    2 
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/man/RGB2GRAY.Rd              |    2 
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/man/SpatialToPBS.Rd          |   26 -
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/man/TextOnStaticMap.Rd       |   25 -
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/man/bubbleMap.Rd             |   17 
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/man/getGeoCode.Rd            |   15 
 RgoogleMaps-1.4.3/RgoogleMaps/man/plotmap.Rd               |    2 
 30 files changed, 499 insertions(+), 521 deletions(-)

More information about RgoogleMaps at CRAN
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Package promote updated to version 1.1.0 with previous version 1.0.2 dated 2018-04-20

Title: Client for the 'Alteryx Promote' API
Description: Deploy, maintain, and invoke predictive models using the 'Alteryx Promote' REST API. 'Alteryx Promote' is available at the URL: <>.
Author: Paul E. Promote <>
Maintainer: Paul E. Promote <>

Diff between promote versions 1.0.2 dated 2018-04-20 and 1.1.0 dated 2018-11-07

 DESCRIPTION            |   11 +++++-----
 MD5                    |   12 +++++------
 R/deps.R               |   37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 R/promote.R            |   50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 man/add.dependency.Rd  |    6 ++++-
 man/promote.library.Rd |   24 +++++++++++++++++++----
 man/    |    3 +-
 7 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

More information about promote at CRAN
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Package Rcpp updated to version 1.0.0 with previous version 0.12.19 dated 2018-10-01

Title: Seamless R and C++ Integration
Description: The 'Rcpp' package provides R functions as well as C++ classes which offer a seamless integration of R and C++. Many R data types and objects can be mapped back and forth to C++ equivalents which facilitates both writing of new code as well as easier integration of third-party libraries. Documentation about 'Rcpp' is provided by several vignettes included in this package, via the 'Rcpp Gallery' site at <>, the paper by Eddelbuettel and Francois (2011, <doi:10.18637/jss.v040.i08>), the book by Eddelbuettel (2013, <doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-6868-4>) and the paper by Eddelbuettel and Balamuta (2018, <doi:10.1080/00031305.2017.1375990>); see 'citation("Rcpp")' for details.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel, Romain Francois, JJ Allaire, Kevin Ushey, Qiang Kou, Nathan Russell, Douglas Bates and John Chambers
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <>

Diff between Rcpp versions 0.12.19 dated 2018-10-01 and 1.0.0 dated 2018-11-07

 Rcpp-0.12.19/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-unitTests.R            |only
 Rcpp-0.12.19/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-unitTests.Rnw          |only
 Rcpp-0.12.19/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-unitTests.pdf          |only
 Rcpp-0.12.19/Rcpp/vignettes/Rcpp-unitTests.Rnw         |only
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/ChangeLog                              |   83 +++++++++++++++++
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/DESCRIPTION                            |    8 -
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/MD5                                    |   69 ++++++--------
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/R/Attributes.R                         |    6 +
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/                              |   10 +-
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/build/vignette.rds                     |binary
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/NEWS.Rd                           |   49 +++++++++-
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/bib/Rcpp.bib                      |    2 
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-FAQ.pdf                  |binary
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-attributes.pdf           |binary
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-extending.Rmd            |    8 -
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-extending.pdf            |binary
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-introduction.pdf         |binary
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-jss-2011.pdf             |binary
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-modules.pdf              |binary
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-package.pdf              |binary
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-quickref.pdf             |binary
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-sugar.pdf                |binary
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp.bib                      |    2 
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/include/Rcpp/String.h             |   23 +++-
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/include/Rcpp/config.h             |    4 
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/include/Rcpp/date_datetime/Date.h |    2 
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/include/Rcpp/exceptions.h         |    1 
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/include/Rcpp/vector/Matrix.h      |    4 
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/unitTests/cpp/Matrix.cpp          |   19 +++
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/unitTests/cpp/String.cpp          |    6 +
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/unitTests/runit.Matrix.R          |   62 +++++++-----
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/inst/unitTests/runit.String.R          |    4 
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/man/RcppUnitTests.Rd                   |    6 -
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/tests/doRUnit.R                        |   62 +++++-------
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/vignettes/Rcpp-extending.Rmd           |    8 -
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/vignettes/Rcpp-unitTests.pdf           |only
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/vignettes/Rcpp.bib                     |    2 
 Rcpp-1.0.0/Rcpp/vignettes/figures/bootstrap.pdf        |binary
 38 files changed, 303 insertions(+), 137 deletions(-)

More information about Rcpp at CRAN
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Package exampletestr updated to version 1.4.1 with previous version 1.4.0 dated 2018-09-27

Title: Help for Writing Unit Tests Based on Function Examples
Description: Take the examples written in your documentation of functions and use them to create shells (skeletons which must be manually completed by the user) of test files to be tested with the 'testthat' package.
Author: Rory Nolan [aut, cre] (<>), Sergi Padilla-Parra [ths] (<>), Thomas Quinn [rev] (<>), Laurent Gatto [rev] (<>)
Maintainer: Rory Nolan <>

Diff between exampletestr versions 1.4.0 dated 2018-09-27 and 1.4.1 dated 2018-11-07

 DESCRIPTION                          |   18 ++--
 MD5                                  |   38 +++++-----
 NAMESPACE                            |    1                              |    7 +
 R/exampletestr.R                     |    1 
 R/exemplar.R                         |   22 +++---
 inst/doc/one-file-at-a-time.R        |   34 +++++----
 inst/doc/one-file-at-a-time.Rmd      |   42 +++++++----
 inst/doc/one-file-at-a-time.html     |  127 +++++++++++++++++++----------------
 inst/doc/one-function-at-a-time.R    |   31 +++++---
 inst/doc/one-function-at-a-time.Rmd  |   39 ++++++----
 inst/doc/one-function-at-a-time.html |  126 ++++++++++++++++++----------------
 inst/doc/whole-package.R             |   31 +++++---
 inst/doc/whole-package.Rmd           |   37 ++++++----
 inst/doc/whole-package.html          |  124 ++++++++++++++++++----------------
 man/make-test-shells.Rd              |    4 -
 tests/testthat/test-exemplar.R       |   10 +-
 vignettes/one-file-at-a-time.Rmd     |   42 +++++++----
 vignettes/one-function-at-a-time.Rmd |   39 ++++++----
 vignettes/whole-package.Rmd          |   37 ++++++----
 20 files changed, 470 insertions(+), 340 deletions(-)

More information about exampletestr at CRAN
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Package elasticsearchr updated to version 0.2.3 with previous version 0.2.2 dated 2018-03-29

Title: A Lightweight Interface for Interacting with Elasticsearch from R
Description: A lightweight R interface to 'Elasticsearch' - a NoSQL search-engine and column store database (see <> for more information). This package implements a simple Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for indexing, deleting, querying, sorting and aggregating data using 'Elasticsearch'.
Author: Alex Ioannides
Maintainer: Alex Ioannides <>

Diff between elasticsearchr versions 0.2.2 dated 2018-03-29 and 0.2.3 dated 2018-11-07

 elasticsearchr-0.2.2/elasticsearchr/man/valid_url.Rd               |only
 elasticsearchr-0.2.3/elasticsearchr/DESCRIPTION                    |   10 +-
 elasticsearchr-0.2.3/elasticsearchr/MD5                            |   22 ++--
 elasticsearchr-0.2.3/elasticsearchr/                        |    5 +
 elasticsearchr-0.2.3/elasticsearchr/R/api.R                        |   14 ++-
 elasticsearchr-0.2.3/elasticsearchr/R/utils.R                      |   46 +++++++---
 elasticsearchr-0.2.3/elasticsearchr/build/vignette.rds             |binary
 elasticsearchr-0.2.3/elasticsearchr/inst/doc/quick_start.html      |    4 
 elasticsearchr-0.2.3/elasticsearchr/man/create_bulk_upload_file.Rd |    1 
 elasticsearchr-0.2.3/elasticsearchr/man/extract_query_results.Rd   |    1 
 elasticsearchr-0.2.3/elasticsearchr/man/valid_connection.Rd        |only
 elasticsearchr-0.2.3/elasticsearchr/tests/testthat/test-api.R      |   12 ++
 elasticsearchr-0.2.3/elasticsearchr/tests/testthat/test-utils.R    |   38 ++------
 13 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

More information about elasticsearchr at CRAN
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Package repr updated to version 0.17 with previous version 0.15.0 dated 2018-05-18

Title: Serializable Representations
Description: String and binary representations of objects for several formats / mime types.
Author: Philipp Angerer [aut, cre], Thomas Kluyver [aut], Jan Schulz [aut], abielr [ctb], Denilson Figueiredo de Sa [ctb], Jim Hester [ctb], karldw [ctb], Dave Foster [ctb], Carson Sievert [ctb]
Maintainer: Philipp Angerer <>

Diff between repr versions 0.15.0 dated 2018-05-18 and 0.17 dated 2018-11-07

 repr-0.15.0/repr/tests/testthat/test_array_df.r      |only
 repr-0.15.0/repr/tests/testthat/test_list.r          |only
 repr-0.15.0/repr/tests/testthat/test_vector.r        |only
 repr-0.17/repr/DESCRIPTION                           |   12 +++++----
 repr-0.17/repr/MD5                                   |   21 ++++++++--------
 repr-0.17/repr/R/repr_htmlwidget.r                   |    5 +--
 repr-0.17/repr/R/repr_list.r                         |    2 -
 repr-0.17/repr/R/utils.r                             |   16 ++++++++++++
 repr-0.17/repr/                             |    2 -
 repr-0.17/repr/man/repr_-times-.recordedplot.Rd      |   24 ++++++++++++-------
 repr-0.17/repr/tests/testthat/test_repr_array_df.r   |only
 repr-0.17/repr/tests/testthat/test_repr_htmlwidget.r |    9 +++++++
 repr-0.17/repr/tests/testthat/test_repr_list.r       |only
 repr-0.17/repr/tests/testthat/test_repr_vector.r     |only
 repr-0.17/repr/tests/testthat/test_utils.r           |only
 15 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

More information about repr at CRAN
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Package Nmisc updated to version 0.3.5 with previous version 0.3.3 dated 2018-08-18

Title: Miscellaneous Functions Used at 'Numeract LLC'
Description: Contains functions useful for debugging, set operations on vectors, and 'UTC' date and time functionality. It adds a few vector manipulation verbs to 'purrr' and 'dplyr' packages. It can also generate an R file to install and update packages to simplify deployment into production. The functions were developed at the data science firm 'Numeract LLC' and are used in several packages and projects.
Author: Mike Badescu [aut, cre], Ana-Maria Niculescu [aut], Teodor Ciuraru [ctb], Numeract LLC [cph]
Maintainer: Mike Badescu <>

Diff between Nmisc versions 0.3.3 dated 2018-08-18 and 0.3.5 dated 2018-11-07

 DESCRIPTION                            |   10 ++--
 MD5                                    |   22 ++++-----                                |   11 ++++
 R/dplyr-misc.R                         |   13 +++--
 R/package.R                            |    2 
 R/purrr-misc.R                         |   74 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------                              |    2 
 man/keep_at.Rd                         |   29 ++++++++----
 man/pull_with_names.Rd                 |    5 +-
 tests/testthat/test_dplyr-misc.R       |   12 ++++-
 tests/testthat/test_project_packages.R |    9 ----
 tests/testthat/test_purrr.R            |   26 ++++-------
 12 files changed, 134 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)

More information about Nmisc at CRAN
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Package Factoshiny updated to version 1.0.7 with previous version 1.0.6 dated 2017-12-03

Title: Perform Factorial Analysis from 'FactoMineR' with a Shiny Application
Description: Perform factorial analysis with a menu and draw graphs interactively thanks to 'FactoMineR' and a Shiny application.
Author: Pauline Vaissie, Astrid Monge, Francois Husson
Maintainer: Francois Husson <>

Diff between Factoshiny versions 1.0.6 dated 2017-12-03 and 1.0.7 dated 2018-11-07

 DESCRIPTION                            |    8 ++++----
 MD5                                    |   24 ++++++++++++------------
 build/vignette.rds                     |binary
 inst/FactoCAapp2/server.R              |   14 ++++++++------
 inst/FactoFAMDapp2/server.R            |   16 +++++++++-------
 inst/FactoMCAapp2/server.R             |   20 +++++++++++---------
 inst/FactoMFAapp/server.R              |    2 +-
 inst/FactoMFAapp/ui.R                  |   12 ++++++++----
 inst/FactoPCAapp2/server.R             |   20 +++++++++++---------
 inst/doc/Factoshiny.pdf                |binary
 inst/po/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ |binary
 po/                     |binary
 po/R-Factoshiny.po                     |   10 ++++++++--
 13 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

More information about Factoshiny at CRAN
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Package tfestimators updated to version 1.9.1 with previous version 1.9.0 dated 2018-08-27

Title: Interface to 'TensorFlow' Estimators
Description: Interface to 'TensorFlow' Estimators <>, a high-level API that provides implementations of many different model types including linear models and deep neural networks.
Author: JJ Allaire [aut], Yuan Tang [aut] (<>), Kevin Ushey [aut], Kevin Kuo [aut, cre] (<>), Daniel Falbel [ctb, cph], RStudio [cph, fnd], Google Inc. [cph]
Maintainer: Kevin Kuo <>

Diff between tfestimators versions 1.9.0 dated 2018-08-27 and 1.9.1 dated 2018-11-07

 DESCRIPTION                             |   12 ++--
 MD5                                     |   69 ++++++++++++++--------------
 NAMESPACE                               |   17 +++++++                                 |    4 +
 R/boosted_trees_estimators.R            |   40 ++++++++--------
 R/dnn_estimators.R                      |   16 +++---
 R/dnn_linear_combined_estimators.R      |   16 +++---
 R/feature_columns.R                     |   36 +++++++-------
 R/imports.R                             |    1 
 R/input_fn.R                            |   20 +++-----
 R/linear_estimators.R                   |    8 +--
 R/preconditions.R                       |   77 --------------------------------
 R/reexport-tidyselect.R                 |only
 R/session_run_hooks_builtin_wrappers.R  |   18 +++----
 R/tf_estimator.R                        |    6 +-
 R/tidyselect.R                          |    6 --
 R/train_and_evaluate.R                  |    8 +--
 inst/doc/creating_estimators.Rmd        |    2 
 inst/doc/creating_estimators.html       |   12 ++--
 inst/doc/dataset_api.html               |   10 +---
 inst/doc/estimator_basics.html          |   10 +---
 inst/doc/feature_columns.html           |   10 +---
 inst/doc/input_functions.html           |   10 +---
 inst/doc/parsing_spec.html              |   10 +---
 inst/doc/run_hooks.html                 |   10 +---
 inst/doc/tensorboard.html               |   10 +---
 inst/doc/tensorflow_layers.html         |   10 +---
 man/boosted_trees_estimators.Rd         |    2 
 man/column_categorical_with_identity.Rd |    2 
 man/column_indicator.Rd                 |    6 +-
 man/dnn_estimators.Rd                   |    2 
 man/dnn_linear_combined_estimators.Rd   |    2 
 man/estimators.Rd                       |    2 
 man/linear_estimators.Rd                |    2 
 man/reexports.Rd                        |   13 ++++-
 vignettes/creating_estimators.Rmd       |    2 
 36 files changed, 204 insertions(+), 277 deletions(-)

More information about tfestimators at CRAN
Permanent link

Package huxtable updated to version 4.3.0 with previous version 4.2.1 dated 2018-10-26

Title: Easily Create and Style Tables for LaTeX, HTML and Other Formats
Description: Like 'xtable', creates styled tables. Export to HTML, LaTeX, 'Word', 'Excel', 'PowerPoint' and RTF. Simple, modern interface to manipulate borders, size, position, captions, colours, text styles and number formatting. Table cells can span multiple rows and/or columns. Includes a 'huxreg' function for creation of regression tables, and 'quick_*' one-liners to print data to a new document.
Author: David Hugh-Jones [aut, cre]
Maintainer: David Hugh-Jones <>

Diff between huxtable versions 4.2.1 dated 2018-10-26 and 4.3.0 dated 2018-11-07

 huxtable-4.2.1/huxtable/man/where.Rd                                         |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/DESCRIPTION                                          |   14 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/MD5                                                  |  302 -
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/NAMESPACE                                            |   67 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/                                              |   30 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/Workbook.R                                         |   32 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/bookdown.R                                         |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/dplyr.R                                            |   13 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/flextable.R                                        |   30 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/get-set-convenience.R                              |   77 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/html.R                                             |   86 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/huxreg.R                                           |  245 -
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/huxtable.R                                         |   65 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/knitr.R                                            |   66 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/latex-dependencies.R                               |   81 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/latex.R                                            |  248 -
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/manipulation.R                                     |  191 -
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/mapping-functions.R                                |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/misc.R                                             |  128 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/properties.R                                       |  568 +--
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/quick-functions.R                                  |   77 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/row-col-fns.R                                      |   69 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/roxygen-functions.R                                |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/rtf.R                                              |  148 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/screen.R                                           |   98 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/themes.R                                           |  120 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/utils.R                                            |   85 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/R/zzz.R                                              |   90 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/                                            |   56 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/build/vignette.rds                                   |binary
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/data                                                 |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/inst/doc/design-principles.R                         |    3 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/inst/doc/design-principles.Rmd                       |   57 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/inst/doc/design-principles.html                      |   12 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/inst/doc/huxreg.R                                    |   10 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/inst/doc/huxreg.Rmd                                  |   27 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/inst/doc/huxreg.html                                 |  148 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/inst/doc/huxtable.R                                  |  238 -
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/inst/doc/huxtable.Rmd                                |  444 +-
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/inst/doc/huxtable.html                               | 1850 ++++------
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/inst/doc/themes.R                                    |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/inst/doc/themes.Rmd                                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/inst/doc/themes.html                                 |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/add_colnames.Rd                                  |   17 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/add_footnote.Rd                                  |    6 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/add_rows.Rd                                      |   20 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/align.Rd                                         |   30 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/as_Workbook.Rd                                   |   14 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/as_flextable.Rd                                  |    6 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/as_huxtable.Rd                                   |   19 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/background_color.Rd                              |   30 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/bold.Rd                                          |   34 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/by_cases.Rd                                      |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/by_colorspace.Rd                                 |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/by_function.Rd                                   |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/by_quantiles.Rd                                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/by_ranges.Rd                                     |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/by_regex.Rd                                      |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/by_rows.Rd                                       |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/by_values.Rd                                     |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/caption.Rd                                       |   16 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/caption_pos.Rd                                   |   17 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/cbind.huxtable.Rd                                |   14 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/col_width.Rd                                     |    9 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/dplyr-verbs.Rd                                   |    3 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/escape_contents.Rd                               |   48 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/every.Rd                                         |   11 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/extract-methods.Rd                               |   11 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/final.Rd                                         |    7 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/font.Rd                                          |   43 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/font_size.Rd                                     |   43 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/guess_knitr_output_format.Rd                     |    2 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/height.Rd                                        |    7 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/hux_logo.Rd                                      |    6 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/huxreg.Rd                                        |   56 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/huxtable-FAQ.Rd                                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/huxtable-deprecated.Rd                           |   17 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/huxtable-options.Rd                              |    4 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/huxtable-package.Rd                              |    6 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/huxtable.Rd                                      |    9 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/insert_column.Rd                                 |    4 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/jams.Rd                                          |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/                         |   15 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/label.Rd                                         |   15 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/latex_float.Rd                                   |   11 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/left_border.Rd                                   |   44 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/left_border_color.Rd                             |   33 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/left_border_style.Rd                             |   33 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/left_padding.Rd                                  |   57 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/mapping-functions.Rd                             |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/merge_cells.Rd                                   |    3 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/na_string.Rd                                     |   49 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/number_format.Rd                                 |   70 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/position.Rd                                      |    9 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/print.huxtable.Rd                                |   19 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/quick-output.Rd                                  |   19 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/reexports.Rd                                     |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/report_latex_dependencies.Rd                     |    2 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/rotation.Rd                                      |   43 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/row_height.Rd                                    |    9 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/rowspan.Rd                                       |   26 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/rowspecs.Rd                                      |   21 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/rtf_fc_tables.Rd                                 |    4 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/sanitize.Rd                                      |    4 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/set-multiple.Rd                                  |   23 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/set_cell_properties.Rd                           |    3 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/set_contents.Rd                                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/set_default_properties.Rd                        |    2 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/t.huxtable.Rd                                    |    6 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/tabular_environment.Rd                           |    7 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/text_color.Rd                                    |   30 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/themes.Rd                                        |   42 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/tidy_override.Rd                                 |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/to_latex.Rd                                      |   13 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/to_md.Rd                                         |    3 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/to_rtf.Rd                                        |    8 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/to_screen.Rd                                     |   11 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/valign.Rd                                        |   43 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/width.Rd                                         |    7 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/man/wrap.Rd                                          |   52 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/bookdown-test.Rmd                     |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/bookdown-test.pdf                     |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file2bd3216c01f3.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file2bd32808b1df.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file2bd32b8f0eb2.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file2bd3344bc875.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file2bd3361a20db.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file2bd3397f213b.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file2bd33a3cebb6.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file2bd3490900e4.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file2bd34f3ceb82.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file2bd354db3c5b.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file2bd368c29668.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file2bd36e0cc965.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file352711c55df2.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file35271bbf09f5.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file352723891c38.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file352731ce759d.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file35273280fba6.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file3527371197c4.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file35273ea9b73e.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file35274446e9d7.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file35275fb2a170.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file3527687300dc.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file3527692b73d4.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file3527dffad76.pdf                   |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file4e831b63892c.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file4e831cd48265.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file4e834c0a5a59.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file4e83f9da096.pdf                   |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file50161f23b02a.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file501627e3db79.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file50163608fe20.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file501643ae8938.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file501644c72350.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file50165bfc2359.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file5016693c5740.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file50166a7fb92e.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file50166e52a038.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file501675624cc6.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file501675a82193.pdf                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/file5016c593f5f.pdf                   |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/guess-output-format-test-Rmd-html.Rmd |    2 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/guess-output-format-test-Rmd-pdf.Rmd  |    2 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/test-attributes.R                     |  222 -
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/test-dplyr.R                          |   34 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/test-flextable.R                      |   38 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/test-huxreg.R                         |  130 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/test-huxtable-creation.R              |   40 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/test-knit-print.R                     |    2 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/test-map-interface.R                  |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/test-mapping-functions.R              |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/test-miscellaneous.R                  |   74 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/test-object-manipulation.R            |  108 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/test-openxlsx.R                       |   60 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/test-print.R                          |  124 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/test-quick-output.R                   |   40 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/test-row-col-functions.R              |only
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/test-set-interface.R                  |  206 -
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/test-themes.R                         |   16 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/test-yy-end-to-end.R                  |   86 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/tests/testthat/test-zz-fuzz.R                        |   40 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/vignettes/design-principles.Rmd                      |   57 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/vignettes/huxreg.Rmd                                 |   27 
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/vignettes/huxtable.Rmd                               |  444 +-
 huxtable-4.3.0/huxtable/vignettes/themes.Rmd                                 |only
 186 files changed, 4788 insertions(+), 3984 deletions(-)

More information about huxtable at CRAN
Permanent link

Package SARP.compo updated to version 0.0.8 with previous version 0.0.7 dated 2018-05-21

Title: Network-Based Interpretation of Changes in Compositional Data
Description: Provides a set of functions to interpret changes in compositional data based on a network representation of all pairwise ratio comparisons: computation of all pairwise ratio, construction of a p-value matrix of all pairwise tests of these ratios between conditions, conversion of this matrix to a network.
Author: Emmanuel Curis [aut, cre] (<>)
Maintainer: Emmanuel Curis <>

Diff between SARP.compo versions 0.0.7 dated 2018-05-21 and 0.0.8 dated 2018-11-07

 DESCRIPTION          |   16 ++--
 MD5                  |   24 ++++---
 NAMESPACE            |   14 +++-
 R/creer_fichier.R    |only
 R/creer_graphe.R     |  167 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 R/distances.R        |only
 R/simuler_H0.R       |   44 ++++++++++---
 R/simuler_H1.R       |   37 ++++++++---
 data/GADL1.csv.gz    |only
 data/SCH23390.csv.gz |only
 man/choix_seuil.Rd   |   11 ++-
 man/distance.Rd      |only
 man/fichiers.Rd      |only
 man/gadl1.Rd         |only
 man/poteries.Rd      |    4 -
 man/puissance.Rd     |    8 +-
 man/sch23390.Rd      |only
 17 files changed, 268 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

More information about SARP.compo at CRAN
Permanent link

Package nodiv updated to version 1.3.0 with previous version 1.2.0 dated 2018-04-23

Title: Compares the Distribution of Sister Clades Through a Phylogeny
Description: An implementation of the nodiv algorithm, see Borregaard, M.K., Rahbek, C., Fjeldsaa, J., Parra, J.L., Whittaker, R.J. & Graham, C.H. 2014. Node-based analysis of species distributions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5(11): 1225-1235. <DOI:10.1111/2041-210X.12283>. Package for phylogenetic analysis of species distributions. The main function goes through each node in the phylogeny, compares the distributions of the two descendant nodes, and compares the result to a null model. This highlights nodes where major distributional divergence have occurred. The distributional divergence for these nodes is mapped using the SOS statistic.
Author: Michael Krabbe Borregaard
Maintainer: Michael Krabbe Borregaard <>

Diff between nodiv versions 1.2.0 dated 2018-04-23 and 1.3.0 dated 2018-11-07

 DESCRIPTION                         |    9 +++++----
 MD5                                 |   14 ++++++++------
 NAMESPACE                           |    2 +-
 R/Methods_for_result_objects.R      |    2 +-
 R/Prepare_result_object.R           |   17 ++++++++++-------
 man/nodiv-package.Rd                |    4 ++--
 tests/testthat/test_access.R        |   18 ++++++++++++++++--
 tests/testthat/test_adding.R        |only
 tests/testthat/test_node_analysis.R |only
 9 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

More information about nodiv at CRAN
Permanent link

Package gggenes updated to version 0.3.2 with previous version 0.3.1 dated 2018-06-16

Title: Draw Gene Arrow Maps in 'ggplot2'
Description: Provides a 'ggplot2' geom and helper functions for drawing gene arrow maps.
Author: David Wilkins [aut, cre]
Maintainer: David Wilkins <>

Diff between gggenes versions 0.3.1 dated 2018-06-16 and 0.3.2 dated 2018-11-07

 DESCRIPTION                                     |   11 +++---
 MD5                                             |   34 +++++++++---------                                         |    6 +++
 R/geom_gene_label.R                             |    7 +--
 R/make_alignment_dummies.R                      |   10 ++---
 build/vignette.rds                              |binary
 inst/doc/introduction-to-gggenes.html           |   24 ++++++-------
 man/figures/README-geom_gene_arrow-1.png        |binary
 man/figures/README-labelled_genes-1.png         |binary
 man/figures/README-make_alignment_dummies-1.png |binary
 man/figures/README-reversing_direction-1.png    |binary
 man/figures/README-theme_genes-1.png            |binary
 man/geom_gene_arrow.Rd                          |    4 +-
 man/geom_gene_label.Rd                          |    5 +-
 tests/testthat/test-geom_gene_arrow.R           |   29 ++++++++++------
 tests/testthat/test-geom_gene_label.R           |   29 ++++++++++++----
 tests/testthat/test-make_alignment_dummies.R    |   43 +++++++++++++++---------
 tests/testthat/test-theme_genes.R               |   30 +++++++++++-----
 18 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-)

More information about gggenes at CRAN
Permanent link

Package MoTBFs (with last version 1.0) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2015-09-28 1.0

Permanent link
Package breathteststan updated to version 0.4.7 with previous version 0.4.6 dated 2018-10-24

Title: Stan-Based Fit to Gastric Emptying Curves
Description: Stan-based curve-fitting function for use with package 'breathtestcore' by the same author. Stan functions are refactored here for easier testing.
Author: Dieter Menne [aut, cre], Menne Biomed Consulting Tuebingen [cph], Benjamin Misselwitz [fnd], Mark Fox [fnd], University Hospital of Zurich, Dep. Gastroenterology [fnd, dtc]
Maintainer: Dieter Menne <>

Diff between breathteststan versions 0.4.6 dated 2018-10-24 and 0.4.7 dated 2018-11-07

 DESCRIPTION      |    6 +++---
 MD5              |    6 +++---
 src/Makevars     |    2 +-
 src/ |    4 ++--
 4 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

More information about breathteststan at CRAN
Permanent link

Package worrms updated to version 0.3.0 with previous version 0.2.8 dated 2018-05-21

Title: World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) Client
Description: Client for World Register of Marine Species (<>). Includes functions for each of the API methods, including searching for names by name, date and common names, searching using external identifiers, fetching synonyms, as well as fetching taxonomic children and taxonomic classification.
Author: Scott Chamberlain [aut, cre] (<>)
Maintainer: Scott Chamberlain <>

Diff between worrms versions 0.2.8 dated 2018-05-21 and 0.3.0 dated 2018-11-07

 DESCRIPTION                             |   15 ++--
 MD5                                     |  108 ++++++++++++++++----------------                                 |   16 ++++
 R/wm_attr_aphia.R                       |    5 -
 R/wm_attr_category.R                    |    5 -
 R/wm_attr_data.R                        |    5 -
 R/wm_attr_def.R                         |    5 -
 R/wm_children.R                         |    6 +
 R/wm_classification.R                   |    5 -
 R/wm_common_id.R                        |    6 -
 R/wm_distribution.R                     |    5 -
 R/wm_externalid.R                       |    5 -
 R/wm_id2name.R                          |    4 -
 R/wm_name2id.R                          |    7 +-
 R/wm_record.R                           |    5 -
 R/wm_record_by_external.R               |    5 -
 R/wm_records_common.R                   |    8 +-
 R/wm_sources.R                          |    5 -
 R/wm_synonyms.R                         |    5 -
 R/zzz.R                                 |   30 +++++++-                               |  105 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 build/vignette.rds                      |binary
 inst/doc/worrms_vignette.Rmd            |   68 ++++++++++----------
 inst/doc/worrms_vignette.html           |   68 ++++++++++----------
 man/wm_attr_aphia.Rd                    |    4 -
 man/wm_attr_category.Rd                 |    4 -
 man/wm_attr_data.Rd                     |    4 -
 man/wm_attr_def.Rd                      |    4 -
 man/wm_children.Rd                      |    8 +-
 man/wm_classification.Rd                |    4 -
 man/wm_common_id.Rd                     |    4 -
 man/wm_distribution.Rd                  |    4 -
 man/wm_external.Rd                      |    4 -
 man/wm_id2name.Rd                       |    4 -
 man/wm_name2id.Rd                       |    6 -
 man/wm_record.Rd                        |    4 -
 man/wm_record_by_external.Rd            |    4 -
 man/wm_records_common.Rd                |    6 -
 man/wm_records_date.Rd                  |    2 
 man/wm_records_name.Rd                  |    5 -
 man/wm_records_names.Rd                 |    2 
 man/wm_records_taxamatch.Rd             |    2 
 man/wm_sources.Rd                       |    4 -
 man/wm_synonyms.Rd                      |    4 -
 tests/testthat/test-wm_children.R       |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-wm_common_id.R      |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-wm_distribution.R   |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-wm_external.R       |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-wm_id2name.R        |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-wm_name2id.R        |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-wm_record.R         |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-wm_records_common.R |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-wm_sources.R        |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-wm_synonyms.R       |    2 
 vignettes/worrms_vignette.Rmd           |   68 ++++++++++----------
 55 files changed, 360 insertions(+), 307 deletions(-)

More information about worrms at CRAN
Permanent link

Package rquery updated to version 1.2.0 with previous version 1.1.1 dated 2018-10-26

Title: Relational Query Generator for Data Manipulation at Scale
Description: A piped query generator based on Edgar F. Codd's relational algebra, and on production experience using 'SQL' and 'dplyr' at big data scale. The design represents an attempt to make 'SQL' more teachable by denoting composition by a sequential pipeline notation instead of nested queries or functions. The implementation delivers reliable high performance data processing on large data systems such as 'Spark', databases, and 'data.table'. Package features include: data processing trees or pipelines as observable objects (able to report both columns produced and columns used), optimized 'SQL' generation as an explicit user visible modeling step, explicit query reasoning and checking.
Author: John Mount [aut, cre], Win-Vector LLC [cph]
Maintainer: John Mount <>

Diff between rquery versions 1.1.1 dated 2018-10-26 and 1.2.0 dated 2018-11-07

 DESCRIPTION                        |    8 +-
 MD5                                |   34 ++++++-----                            |    7 ++
 R/extend.R                         |    7 +-
 R/lapply_bquote.R                  |only
 R/project.R                        |    3 +
 R/select_rows.R                    |   18 +++++-
 R/tokenize_for_sql.R               |    7 ++                          |   14 ++--
 inst/doc/AssigmentPartitioner.html |    4 -
 inst/doc/PipeableSQL.html          |    4 -
 inst/doc/QueryGeneration.html      |    4 -
 inst/doc/rquery_intro.html         |    4 -
 man/extend_nse.Rd                  |    6 +-
 man/project_nse.Rd                 |    2 
 man/select_rows_nse.Rd             |    5 +
 tests/testthat/test_if_else.R      |   38 ++++++-------
 tests/testthat/test_names.R        |  107 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
 tests/testthat/test_q.R            |only
 19 files changed, 158 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-)

More information about rquery at CRAN
Permanent link

Package roxygen2 updated to version 6.1.1 with previous version 6.1.0 dated 2018-07-27

Title: In-Line Documentation for R
Description: Generate your Rd documentation, 'NAMESPACE' file, and collation field using specially formatted comments. Writing documentation in-line with code makes it easier to keep your documentation up-to-date as your requirements change. 'Roxygen2' is inspired by the 'Doxygen' system for C++.
Author: Hadley Wickham [aut, cre, cph], Peter Danenberg [aut, cph], Manuel Eugster [aut, cph], RStudio [cph]
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <>

Diff between roxygen2 versions 6.1.0 dated 2018-07-27 and 6.1.1 dated 2018-11-07

 DESCRIPTION                             |   14 +++++-----
 MD5                                     |   44 ++++++++++++++++++--------------                                 |   21 +++++++++++----
 R/namespace.R                           |    2 -
 R/parse.R                               |    6 +++-
 R/safety.R                              |   11 ++++++++
 R/source.R                              |   14 +---------                               |    4 +-
 build/vignette.rds                      |binary
 inst/doc/collate.html                   |   14 ++++------
 inst/doc/formatting.html                |   14 ++++------
 inst/doc/markdown.html                  |   14 ++++------
 inst/doc/namespace.html                 |    4 +-
 inst/doc/rd.Rmd                         |   12 ++++----
 inst/doc/rd.html                        |   22 +++++++---------
 inst/doc/rdkeywords.html                |   14 ++++------
 inst/doc/roxygen2.html                  |    4 +-
 tests/testthat/no-desc                  |only
 tests/testthat/test-collate.R           |    7 ++++-
 tests/testthat/test-rd-markdown-links.R |   40 +++++++++++------------------
 tests/testthat/test-safety.R            |only
 tests/testthat/testCollateParse         |only
 vignettes/rd.Rmd                        |   12 ++++----
 23 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 132 deletions(-)

More information about roxygen2 at CRAN
Permanent link

Package colourvalues updated to version 0.2.0 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2018-09-30

Title: Assigns Colours to Values
Description: Maps one of the viridis colour palettes, or a user-specified palette to values. Viridis colour maps are created by Stéfan van der Walt and Nathaniel Smith. They were set as the default palette for the 'Python' 'Matplotlib' library, introduced at SciPy 2015 conference <>.
Author: David Cooley [aut, cre]
Maintainer: David Cooley <>

Diff between colourvalues versions 0.1.1 dated 2018-09-30 and 0.2.0 dated 2018-11-07

 colourvalues-0.1.1/colourvalues/R/colour_values.R                                 |only
 colourvalues-0.1.1/colourvalues/R/scratch.R                                       |only
 colourvalues-0.1.1/colourvalues/inst/include/colourvalues/convert_colours         |only
 colourvalues-0.1.1/colourvalues/man/Colour.Rd                                     |only
 colourvalues-0.1.1/colourvalues/man/color_values_rgb.Rd                           |only
 colourvalues-0.1.1/colourvalues/src/ColourValues.cpp                              |only
 colourvalues-0.1.1/colourvalues/tests/testthat/test-colour_values.R               |only
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/DESCRIPTION                                       |   10 
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/MD5                                               |   86 +-
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/NAMESPACE                                         |   18 
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/                                           |only
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/R/RcppExports.R                                   |   44 +
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/R/colour_values_hex.R                             |only
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/R/colour_values_rgb.R                             |only
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/R/colourvalues-package.R                          |   12 
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/R/convert_colours.R                               |only
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/R/palettes.R                                      |    3 
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/                                         |  143 +++-
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/inst/include/colourvalues/alpha/alpha.hpp         |    2 
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/inst/include/colourvalues/colours.hpp             |    2 
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/inst/include/colourvalues/colours/colours_hex.hpp |  161 +++-
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/inst/include/colourvalues/colours/colours_rgb.hpp |  150 +++-
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/inst/include/colourvalues/convert                 |only
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/inst/include/colourvalues/format                  |only
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/inst/include/colourvalues/palettes/cvidis.hpp     |  217 +++---
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/inst/include/colourvalues/palettes/inferno.hpp    |  341 ++++------
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/inst/include/colourvalues/palettes/magma.hpp      |  341 ++++------
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/inst/include/colourvalues/palettes/plasma.hpp     |  341 ++++------
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/inst/include/colourvalues/palettes/viridis.hpp    |  287 ++++----
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/inst/include/colourvalues/scale/scale.hpp         |   36 -
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/inst/include/colourvalues/summary                 |only
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/inst/include/colourvalues/utils/utils.hpp         |    6 
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/man/colour_values.Rd                              |   81 ++
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/man/colour_values_rgb.Rd                          |   74 +-
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/man/convert_colour.Rd                             |only
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-10-1.png         |binary
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-11-1.png         |binary
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-12-1.png         |binary
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-13-1.png         |only
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-14-1.png         |only
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-15-1.png         |only
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-16-1.png         |only
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-17-1.png         |only
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-3-1.png          |binary
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-4-1.png          |binary
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-5-1.png          |binary
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-6-1.png          |binary
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-7-1.png          |binary
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-8-1.png          |binary
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-9-1.png          |binary
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/src/ColourValues_HEX.cpp                          |only
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/src/ColourValues_RGB.cpp                          |only
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/src/ConvertColours.cpp                            |only
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/src/RcppExports.cpp                               |  180 +++++
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/tests/testthat/test-colour_values_hex.R           |only
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/tests/testthat/test-colour_values_rgb.R           |only
 colourvalues-0.2.0/colourvalues/tests/testthat/test-convert_colours.R             |only
 57 files changed, 1617 insertions(+), 918 deletions(-)

More information about colourvalues at CRAN
Permanent link

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