Title: Summarize Text by Ranking Sentences and Finding Keywords
Description: The 'textrank' algorithm is an extension of the 'Pagerank' algorithm for text. The algorithm allows to summarize text by calculating how sentences are related to one another. This is done by looking at overlapping terminology used in sentences in order to set up links between sentences. The resulting sentence network is next plugged into the 'Pagerank' algorithm which identifies the most important sentences in your text and ranks them.
In a similar way 'textrank' can also be used to extract keywords. A word network is constructed by looking if words are following one another. On top of that network the 'Pagerank' algorithm is applied to extract relevant words after which relevant words which are following one another are combined to get keywords.
More information can be found in the paper from Mihalcea, Rada & Tarau, Paul (2004) <http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W04-3252>.
Author: Jan Wijffels [aut, cre, cph],
BNOSAC [cph]
Maintainer: Jan Wijffels <jwijffels@bnosac.be>
Diff between textrank versions 0.2.0 dated 2017-12-18 and 0.3.0 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 11 ++-- MD5 | 22 ++++----- NEWS.md | 5 ++ R/textrank.R | 45 +++++++++++++----- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/textrank.R | 8 ++- inst/doc/textrank.Rmd | 10 ++-- inst/doc/textrank.html | 100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------- man/textrank_candidates_all.Rd | 4 + man/textrank_candidates_lsh.Rd | 10 +++- man/textrank_sentences.Rd | 12 ++-- vignettes/textrank.Rmd | 10 ++-- 12 files changed, 174 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
Title: Multiple Change-Point Detection for High-Dimensional GARCH
Description: Implements a segmentation algorithm for multiple change-point detection in high-dimensional GARCH processes. It simultaneously segments GARCH processes by identifying 'common' change-points, each of which can be shared by a subset or all of the component time series as a change-point in their within-series and/or cross-sectional correlation structure.
Author: Haeran Cho and Karolos Korkas
Maintainer: Karolos Korkas <kkorkas@yahoo.co.uk>
Diff between segMGarch versions 1.1 dated 2019-01-05 and 1.2 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 7 ++++--- MD5 | 22 ++++++++++++---------- NAMESPACE | 1 + R/DQtest.R |only R/auxFunctions.R | 11 +++++++++-- R/garch.seg.R | 12 ++++++------ R/pc_cccsim.R | 2 +- R/simMGarch.R | 24 +++++++++++++----------- man/DQtest-methods.Rd |only man/garch.seg-class.Rd | 12 ++++++------ man/pc_cccsim-methods.Rd | 2 +- man/segMGarch-package.Rd | 2 +- man/simMGarch-class.Rd | 2 ++ 13 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
Title: Toolkit for Encryption, Signatures and Certificates Based on
Description: Bindings to OpenSSL libssl and libcrypto, plus custom SSH pubkey parsers.
Supports RSA, DSA and EC curves P-256, P-384 and P-521. Cryptographic signatures
can either be created and verified manually or via x509 certificates. AES can be
used in cbc, ctr or gcm mode for symmetric encryption; RSA for asymmetric (public
key) encryption or EC for Diffie Hellman. High-level envelope functions combine
RSA and AES for encrypting arbitrary sized data. Other utilities include key
generators, hash functions (md5, sha1, sha256, etc), base64 encoder, a secure
random number generator, and 'bignum' math methods for manually performing
crypto calculations on large multibyte integers.
Author: Jeroen Ooms [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4035-0289>),
Oliver Keyes [ctb]
Maintainer: Jeroen Ooms <jeroen@berkeley.edu>
Diff between openssl versions 1.2 dated 2019-01-16 and 1.2.1 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 12 ++++++------ inst/doc/bignum.html | 28 ++++++++++++++-------------- inst/doc/crypto_hashing.html | 4 ++-- inst/doc/keys.html | 42 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- inst/doc/secure_rng.html | 18 +++++++++--------- src/signing.c | 6 +++--- 7 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
Title: Normal Beta Prime Prior
Description: Implements Bayesian linear regression, variable selection, normal means estimation, and multiple hypothesis testing using the normal-beta prime prior, as introduced by Bai and Ghosh (2019) <arXiv:1807.02421> and Bai and Ghosh (2019) <arXiv:1807.06539>. Normal means estimation and multiple testing for the Dirichlet-Laplace <doi:10.1080/01621459.2014.960967> and horseshoe+ priors <doi:10.1214/16-BA1028> are also available in this package.
Author: Ray Bai, Malay Ghosh
Maintainer: Ray Bai <Ray.Bai@pennmedicine.upenn.edu>
Diff between NormalBetaPrime versions 1.1 dated 2018-08-15 and 2.1 dated 2019-01-17
NormalBetaPrime-1.1/NormalBetaPrime/build |only NormalBetaPrime-1.1/NormalBetaPrime/man/NormalBetaPrime-package.Rd |only NormalBetaPrime-2.1/NormalBetaPrime/DESCRIPTION | 13 NormalBetaPrime-2.1/NormalBetaPrime/MD5 | 28 NormalBetaPrime-2.1/NormalBetaPrime/NAMESPACE | 7 NormalBetaPrime-2.1/NormalBetaPrime/R/Helper_functions.R | 154 ++ NormalBetaPrime-2.1/NormalBetaPrime/R/dl.normalmeans.R | 411 ++++--- NormalBetaPrime-2.1/NormalBetaPrime/R/hsplus.normalmeans.R | 114 +- NormalBetaPrime-2.1/NormalBetaPrime/R/nbp.R | 531 +++++----- NormalBetaPrime-2.1/NormalBetaPrime/R/nbp.VB.R |only NormalBetaPrime-2.1/NormalBetaPrime/R/nbp.normalmeans.R | 421 ++++--- NormalBetaPrime-2.1/NormalBetaPrime/man/dl.normalmeans.Rd | 90 - NormalBetaPrime-2.1/NormalBetaPrime/man/hsplus.normalmeans.Rd | 83 - NormalBetaPrime-2.1/NormalBetaPrime/man/nbp.Rd | 39 NormalBetaPrime-2.1/NormalBetaPrime/man/nbp.VB.Rd |only NormalBetaPrime-2.1/NormalBetaPrime/man/nbp.normalmeans.Rd | 89 - NormalBetaPrime-2.1/NormalBetaPrime/man/singh2002.Rd | 2 17 files changed, 1122 insertions(+), 860 deletions(-)
More information about NormalBetaPrime at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Functions and Data for "Epidemics: Models and Data in R"
Description: Functions, data sets and Shiny apps for "Epidemics: Models and Data in R" by Ottar N. Bjornstad (ISBN 978-3-319-97487-3) <https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319974866>. The package contains functions to study the S(E)IR model, spatial and age-structured SIR models; time-series SIR and chain-binomial stochastic models; catalytic disease models; coupled map lattice models of spatial transmission and network models for social spread of infection. The package is also an advanced quantitative companion to the coursera Epidemics Massive Online Open Course <https://www.coursera.org/learn/epidemics>.
Author: Ottar N. Bjornstad [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Ottar N. Bjornstad <onb1@psu.edu>
Diff between epimdr versions 0.6-1 dated 2018-10-26 and 0.6-2 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++----- MD5 | 6 +++--- R/rfuncs.R | 2 +- man/retrospec.Rd | 4 ++-- 4 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
Title: R Interface for H2O Sparkling Water
Description: An extension package for 'sparklyr' that provides an R interface to
H2O Sparkling Water machine learning library (see <https://github.com/h2oai/sparkling-water> for more information).
Author: Jakub Hava [aut, cre],
Navdeep Gill [aut],
Erin LeDell [aut],
Michal Malohlava [aut],
JJ Allaire [aut],
H2O.ai [cph],
RStudio [cph]
Maintainer: Jakub Hava <jakub@h2o.ai>
Diff between rsparkling versions 0.2.14 dated 2019-01-02 and 0.2.16 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 4 ++-- R/sysdata.rda |binary 3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
Title: Interact with 'carbon.js'
Description: Create beautiful images of source code using 'carbon.js'<https://carbon.now.sh/about>.
Author: Jonathan Sidi [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4222-1819>)
Maintainer: Jonathan Sidi <yonicd@gmail.com>
Diff between carbonate versions 0.1.0 dated 2018-10-14 and 0.1.1 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 8 +- LICENSE | 2 MD5 | 42 +++++++-------- R/carbon.R | 4 - R/carbonate.R | 25 +++------ R/helpers.R | 25 +++++++++ README.md | 24 ++++---- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/tests_and_coverage.Rmd | 66 ++++++++++++------------ inst/doc/tests_and_coverage.html | 82 +++++++++++++++++++++--------- man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-16-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-18-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-2-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-20-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-23-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-28-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-28-2.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-29-1.gif |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-3-1.png |binary man/figures/myfile.png |binary tests/README.md | 66 ++++++++++++------------ vignettes/tests_and_coverage.Rmd | 66 ++++++++++++------------ 22 files changed, 239 insertions(+), 171 deletions(-)
Title: Importing and Manipulating Symmetric Input-Output Tables
Description: Pre-processing and basic analytical tasks related to working with Eurostat's symmetric input-output
tables and provide basic input-output economics calculations. The package is
a part of rOpenGov <http://ropengov.github.io/> to open source open government initiatives.
Author: Daniel Antal [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7513-6760>)
Maintainer: Daniel Antal <daniel.antal@ceemid.eu>
Diff between iotables versions 0.3.5 dated 2018-11-29 and 0.4.1 dated 2019-01-17
iotables-0.3.5/iotables/R/gva_get.R |only iotables-0.3.5/iotables/R/use_table_get.R |only iotables-0.3.5/iotables/man/gva_get.Rd |only iotables-0.3.5/iotables/man/use_table_get.Rd |only iotables-0.3.5/iotables/tests/testthat/test_direct_effects.R |only iotables-0.3.5/iotables/tests/testthat/test_use_table_get.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/DESCRIPTION | 19 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/MD5 | 203 - iotables-0.4.1/iotables/NAMESPACE | 22 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/NEWS.md | 49 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/backward_linkages.R | 13 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/check_digits.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/coefficient_matrix_create.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/conforming_vector_create.R | 16 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/create_knitr_table.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/data-metadata.R | 4 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/data-metadata_uk_2010.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/data-uk_2010_data.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/data-uk_test_results.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/data_germany.R | 14 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/data_netherlands_2006.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/direct_effects_create.R | 173 - iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/employment_get.R | 8 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/empty_remove.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/equation_solve.R | 28 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/forward_linkages.R | 31 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/household_column_find.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/household_column_get.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/indirect_effects_create.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/input_coefficient_matrix_create.R | 180 - iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/input_flow_get.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/input_indicator_create.R | 122 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/input_multipliers_create.R | 124 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/iotable_get.R | 258 + iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/iotable_year_get.R | 4 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/iotables_download.R | 10 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/is_html_output.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/is_latex_output.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/leontieff_inverse_create.R | 37 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/leontieff_matrix_create.R | 31 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/matrix_round.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/multiplier_create.R | 56 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/non_zero_columns_find.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/output_coefficient_matrix_create.R | 92 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/output_get.R | 167 - iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/output_multiplier_create.R | 16 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/primary_input_get.R | 147 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/quadrant_separator_find.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/round_table.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/supplementary_add.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/total_tax_add.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/uk_2010_get.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/R/uk_2010_results_get.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/README.md | 23 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/build/vignette.rds |binary iotables-0.4.1/iotables/data/germany_1990.rda |binary iotables-0.4.1/iotables/data/metadata.rda |binary iotables-0.4.1/iotables/data/metadata_uk_2010.rda |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/data/netherlands_2006.rda |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/data/uk_2010_data.rda |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/data/uk_test_results.rda |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/inst/_pkgdown.yml |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/inst/doc/germany_1990.R | 182 - iotables-0.4.1/iotables/inst/doc/germany_1990.Rmd | 224 - iotables-0.4.1/iotables/inst/doc/germany_1990.html | 742 +++- iotables-0.4.1/iotables/inst/doc/united_kingdom_2010.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/inst/doc/united_kingdom_2010.Rmd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/inst/doc/united_kingdom_2010.html |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/inst/doc/working_with_eurostat.R | 163 - iotables-0.4.1/iotables/inst/doc/working_with_eurostat.Rmd | 168 - iotables-0.4.1/iotables/inst/doc/working_with_eurostat.html | 1613 ++++++---- iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/backward_linkages.Rd | 13 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/check_digits.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/coefficient_matrix_create.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/conforming_vector_create.Rd | 12 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/create_knitr_table.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/direct_effects_create.Rd | 28 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/employment_get.Rd | 3 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/empty_remove.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/figures |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/forward_linkages.Rd | 21 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/germany_1990.Rd | 21 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/household_column_find.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/household_column_get.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/indirect_effects_create.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/input_coefficient_matrix_create.Rd | 47 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/input_flow_get.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/input_indicator_create.Rd | 37 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/input_multipliers_create.Rd | 43 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/iotable_year_get.Rd | 4 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/iotables_download.Rd | 1 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/is_html_output.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/is_latex_output.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/leontieff_inverse_create.Rd | 26 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/leontieff_matrix_create.Rd | 15 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/matrix_round.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/metadata.Rd | 4 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/metadata_uk_2010.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/multiplier_create.Rd | 50 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/netherlands_2006.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/non_zero_columns_find.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/output_coefficient_matrix_create.Rd | 28 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/output_get.Rd | 49 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/output_multiplier_create.Rd | 11 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/primary_input_get.Rd | 60 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/quadrant_separator_find.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/round_table.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/supplementary_add.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/total_tax_add.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/uk_2010_data.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/uk_2010_get.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/uk_2010_results_get.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/man/uk_test_results.Rd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/tests/spelling.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/tests/testthat/test_backward_linkages.R | 14 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/tests/testthat/test_coefficient_matrix_create.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/tests/testthat/test_conforming_vector_create.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/tests/testthat/test_direct_effects_create.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/tests/testthat/test_forward_linkages.R | 13 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/tests/testthat/test_germany_1990.R | 4 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/tests/testthat/test_household_column_get.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/tests/testthat/test_input_coefficient_matrix.R | 43 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/tests/testthat/test_input_flow_get.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/tests/testthat/test_input_indicator_create.R | 31 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/tests/testthat/test_input_multipliers_create.R | 45 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/tests/testthat/test_iotable_get.R | 17 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/tests/testthat/test_leontieff_matrix_create.R | 46 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/tests/testthat/test_multiplier_create.R | 104 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/tests/testthat/test_output_coefficient_matrix.R | 9 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/tests/testthat/test_output_get.R | 48 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/tests/testthat/test_output_multipliers.R | 13 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/tests/testthat/test_primary_input_get.R | 33 iotables-0.4.1/iotables/tests/testthat/test_supplementary_add.R |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/vignettes/germany_1990.Rmd | 224 - iotables-0.4.1/iotables/vignettes/united_kingdom_2010.Rmd |only iotables-0.4.1/iotables/vignettes/working_with_eurostat.Rmd | 168 - 136 files changed, 3196 insertions(+), 3028 deletions(-)
Title: Generalized Survival Models
Description: R implementation of generalized survival models (GSMs) and smooth accelerated failure time (AFT) models. For the GSMs, g(S(t|x))=eta(t,x) for a link function g, survival S at time t with covariates x and a linear predictor eta(t,x). The main assumption is that the time effect(s) are smooth. For fully parametric models with natural splines, this re-implements Stata's 'stpm2' function, which are flexible parametric survival models developed by Royston and colleagues. We have extended the parametric models to include any smooth parametric smoothers for time. We have also extended the model to include any smooth penalized smoothers from the 'mgcv' package, using penalized likelihood. These models include left truncation, right censoring, interval censoring, gamma frailties and normal random effects. For the smooth AFTs, S(t|x) = S_0(t*eta(t,x)), where the baseline survival function S_0(t)=exp(-exp(eta_0(t))) is modelled for natural splines for eta_0, and the time-dependent cumulative acceleration factor eta(t,x)=\int_0^t exp(eta_1(u,x)) du for log acceleration factor eta_1(u,x).
Author: Mark Clements [aut, cre],
Xing-Rong Liu [aut],
Paul Lambert [ctb],
Lasse Hjort Jakobsen [ctb],
Alessandro Gasparini [ctb],
Gordon Smyth [cph],
Patrick Alken [cph],
Simon Wood [cph],
Rhys Ulerich [cph]
Maintainer: Mark Clements <mark.clements@ki.se>
Diff between rstpm2 versions 1.4.4 dated 2018-11-01 and 1.4.5 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 10 - MD5 | 22 +-- NEWS.md | 11 + R/pm2-3.R | 278 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------- README.md | 2 inst/doc/Introduction.pdf |binary inst/doc/predictnl.pdf |binary inst/working_code.R | 23 +++ man/predictnl.Rd | 4 man/pstpm2.Rd | 62 ++++++---- man/stpm2.Rd | 40 +++--- tests |only 12 files changed, 317 insertions(+), 135 deletions(-)
Title: Multicriteria Package
Description: Provides a methodology to solve most of multicriteria ranking problems using partial and total pre-order from Promethee methods. Albuquerque & Montenegro (2015) <doi:10.1080/03610926.2014.942432>.
Author: Pedro Albuquerque and Gustavo Monteiro
Maintainer: Pedro Albuquerque <pedroa@unb.br>
Diff between RMCriteria versions 0.1.1 dated 2018-10-11 and 0.2.0 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 6 MD5 | 16 +- NAMESPACE | 1 R/Promethee4Kernel.R |only R/PrometheeS4.R | 55 +------- R/RcppExports.R | 72 +++++------ man/RPrometheeIVKernel-class.Rd | 2 man/RPrometheeIVKernel.Rd | 2 man/brutePrometheeIVKernel.Rd |only src/RcppExports.cpp | 246 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 10 files changed, 185 insertions(+), 215 deletions(-)
Title: Age-Depth Modelling using Bayesian Statistics
Description: Bacon is an approach to age-depth modelling that uses Bayesian statistics to reconstruct accumulation histories for deposits, through combining radiocarbon and other dates with prior information. See Blaauw & Christen (2011) <doi:10.1214/11-BA618>.
Author: Maarten Blaauw [aut, cre],
J. Andres Christen [aut],
Judith Esquivel Vazquez [ctb],
Ted Belding [cph],
James Theiler [cph],
Brian Gough [cph],
Charles Karney [cph]
Maintainer: Maarten Blaauw <maarten.blaauw@qub.ac.uk>
Diff between rbacon versions 2.3.5 dated 2018-12-19 and 2.3.6 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 28 ++++++++++++++-------------- NEWS.md | 6 +++++- R/Bacon.R | 2 +- R/internal_plots.R | 4 ++-- man/AgesOfEvents.Rd | 6 +++--- man/Bacon.Rd | 25 +++++++++++++------------ man/Bacon.hist.Rd | 6 +++--- man/accrate.depth.ghost.Rd | 9 +++++---- man/add.dates.Rd | 8 ++++---- man/agedepth.Rd | 35 ++++++++++++++++++----------------- man/calib.plot.Rd | 11 ++++++----- man/flux.age.ghost.Rd | 13 +++++++------ man/proxy.ghost.Rd | 13 +++++++------ src/twalk.h | 8 ++++---- 15 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)
Title: Fifty-Fifty MANOVA
Description: General linear modeling with multiple responses (MANCOVA). An overall p-value for each model term is calculated by the 50-50 MANOVA method by Langsrud (2002) <doi:10.1111/1467-9884.00320>, which handles collinear responses. Rotation testing, described by Langsrud (2005) <doi:10.1007/s11222-005-4789-5>, is used to compute adjusted single response p-values according to familywise error rates and false discovery rates (FDR). The approach to FDR is described in the appendix of Moen et al. (2005) <doi:10.1128/AEM.71.4.2086-2094.2005>. Unbalanced designs are handled by Type II sums of squares as argued in Langsrud (2003) <doi:10.1023/A:1023260610025>. Furthermore, the Type II philosophy is extended to continuous design variables as described in Langsrud et al. (2007) <doi:10.1080/02664760701594246>. This means that the method is invariant to scale changes and that common pitfalls are avoided.
Author: Øyvind Langsrud [aut, cre],
Bjørn-Helge Mevik [aut]
Maintainer: Øyvind Langsrud <oyl@ssb.no>
Diff between ffmanova versions 0.9.1 dated 2018-11-12 and 1.0.0 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 14 +++++--------- MD5 | 10 +++++----- R/ffmanova.R | 2 +- R/ffmanova_div.R | 6 +++--- man/ffmanova.Rd | 2 +- man/matlabColon.Rd | 4 ++-- 6 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
Title: Residual Diagnostics for Hierarchical (Multi-Level / Mixed)
Regression Models
Description: The 'DHARMa' package uses a simulation-based approach to create
readily interpretable scaled (quantile) residuals for fitted (generalized) linear mixed
models. Currently supported are (generalized) linear mixed models from 'lme4'
(classes 'lmerMod', 'glmerMod'), 'glmmTMB' and 'spaMM', generalized additive models ('gam' from
'mgcv'), 'glm' (including 'negbin' from 'MASS', but excluding quasi-distributions) and 'lm' model
classes. Moreover, externally created simulations, e.g. posterior predictive simulations
from Bayesian software such as 'JAGS', 'STAN', or 'BUGS' can be processed as well.
The resulting residuals are standardized to values between 0 and 1 and can be interpreted
as intuitively as residuals from a linear regression. The package also provides a number of
plot and test functions for typical model misspecification problems, such as
over/underdispersion, zero-inflation, and residual spatial and temporal autocorrelation.
Author: Florian Hartig [aut, cre] (Theoretical Ecology, University of
Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany)
Maintainer: Florian Hartig <florian.hartig@biologie.uni-regensburg.de>
Diff between DHARMa versions 0.2.0 dated 2018-06-05 and 0.2.1 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 16 MD5 | 86 ++-- NAMESPACE | 14 NEWS | 35 + R/DHARMa.R | 52 +- R/compatibility.R | 167 +++++++++ R/createData.R | 2 R/helper.R |only R/plotResiduals.R | 80 +++- R/simulateResiduals.R | 164 +-------- R/tests.R | 79 +++- R/zzz.R | 2 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/DHARMa.R | 69 +-- inst/doc/DHARMa.Rmd | 171 +++------ inst/doc/DHARMa.html | 440 ++++++++++++++----------- inst/examples/createDharmaHelp.R | 29 + inst/examples/plotsHelp.R | 6 inst/examples/testModelHelp.R |only inst/examples/testSpatialAutocorrelationHelp.R | 49 ++ man/DHARMa.Rd | 2 man/DHARMa.ecdf.Rd |only man/checkDots.Rd |only man/createDHARMa.Rd | 36 +- man/createData.Rd | 9 man/getQuantile.Rd |only man/getResponse.Rd |only man/getSimulations.Rd |only man/hist.DHARMa.Rd |only man/plot.DHARMa.Rd | 10 man/plotQQunif.Rd | 12 man/plotResiduals.Rd | 16 man/refit.glmmTMB.Rd | 2 man/refit.lm.Rd | 2 man/simulateResiduals.Rd | 16 man/testDispersion.Rd | 2 man/testGeneric.Rd | 7 man/testModel.Rd |only man/testOutliers.Rd |only man/testResiduals.Rd | 2 man/testSpatialAutocorrelation.Rd | 53 ++- man/testTemporalAutocorrelation.Rd | 2 man/testUniformity.Rd | 6 man/testZeroInflation.Rd | 2 tests/testthat/Rplots.pdf |only tests/testthat/testCreateDharma.R | 6 tests/testthat/testModelTypes.R | 39 +- tests/testthat/testRecalculateResiduals.R |only tests/testthat/testTests.R | 7 vignettes/DHARMa.Rmd | 171 +++------ 50 files changed, 1129 insertions(+), 734 deletions(-)
Title: Tropical Fisheries Analysis
Description: A compilation of fish stock assessment methods for the
analysis of length-frequency data in the context of data-poor
fisheries. Includes methods and examples included in the FAO
Manual by P. Sparre and S.C. Venema (1998), "Introduction to tropical fish
stock assessment"
(<http://www.fao.org/docrep/W5449E/W5449E00.htm>), as well as
other more recent methods.
Author: Tobias K. Mildenberger, Marc H. Taylor, Matthias Wolff
Maintainer: Tobias K. Mildenberger <t.k.mildenberger@gmail.com>
Diff between TropFishR versions 1.6.0 dated 2018-06-26 and 1.6.1 dated 2019-01-17
TropFishR-1.6.0/TropFishR/R/LBB.R |only TropFishR-1.6.0/TropFishR/R/synLFQ8res.R |only TropFishR-1.6.0/TropFishR/data/synLFQ8res.rda |only TropFishR-1.6.0/TropFishR/inst/doc/LBBmanual.R |only TropFishR-1.6.0/TropFishR/inst/doc/LBBmanual.Rmd |only TropFishR-1.6.0/TropFishR/inst/doc/LBBmanual.html |only TropFishR-1.6.0/TropFishR/man/AG.Rd |only TropFishR-1.6.0/TropFishR/man/BH.Rd |only TropFishR-1.6.0/TropFishR/man/LBB.Rd |only TropFishR-1.6.0/TropFishR/man/plotLBB.Rd |only TropFishR-1.6.0/TropFishR/man/plotLBB.data.Rd |only TropFishR-1.6.0/TropFishR/man/plotLBB.ts.Rd |only TropFishR-1.6.0/TropFishR/man/plotLBB.year.Rd |only TropFishR-1.6.0/TropFishR/man/synLFQ8res.Rd |only TropFishR-1.6.0/TropFishR/vignettes/LBBmanual.Rmd |only TropFishR-1.6.1/TropFishR/DESCRIPTION | 11 +- TropFishR-1.6.1/TropFishR/MD5 | 35 ++----- TropFishR-1.6.1/TropFishR/NAMESPACE | 9 - TropFishR-1.6.1/TropFishR/README.md | 16 --- TropFishR-1.6.1/TropFishR/build/vignette.rds |binary TropFishR-1.6.1/TropFishR/inst/doc/Using_TropFishR_ELEFAN_functions.html | 4 TropFishR-1.6.1/TropFishR/inst/doc/lfqData.html | 4 TropFishR-1.6.1/TropFishR/inst/doc/tutorial.R | 3 TropFishR-1.6.1/TropFishR/inst/doc/tutorial.Rmd | 4 TropFishR-1.6.1/TropFishR/inst/doc/tutorial.html | 46 +++++----- TropFishR-1.6.1/TropFishR/vignettes/tutorial.Rmd | 4 26 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)
Title: Clinical Trial Designs in 'RStan'
Description: A showcase of Bayesian clinical trial designs, implemented in
'RStan' and R. Some designs are implemented in R for the first
time (e.g. 'EffTox' by Thall and Cook, 2004,
Given the emphasis on flexibility in Bayesian analysis,
the implementations in a common language and style may serve as a cookbook
to encourage the use of Bayesian methods in trials. Compiled 'RStan' models
are provided in addition to helper classes and functions to perform
simulations and inference on observed trial outcomes.
There is a preponderance of early phase trial designs because this is where
Bayesian methods are used most. If there is a published Bayesian design you
want implemented in 'Stan', get in touch.
Author: Kristian Brock [aut, cre],
Trustees of Columbia University [cph]
Maintainer: Kristian Brock <kristian.brock@gmail.com>
Diff between trialr versions 0.0.5 dated 2018-11-12 and 0.0.6 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 8 - MD5 | 36 ++--- NEWS.md | 7 README.md | 3 build/partial.rdb |binary build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/BEBOP.html | 62 ++++---- inst/doc/CRM-visualisation.Rmd | 2 inst/doc/CRM-visualisation.html | 94 ++++++------- inst/doc/CRM.Rmd | 2 inst/doc/CRM.html | 120 ++++++++--------- inst/doc/EffTox.html | 136 +++++++++---------- inst/doc/HierarchicalBayesianResponse.html | 54 +++---- inst/doc/trialr-overview.Rmd | 2 inst/doc/trialr-overview.html | 204 ++++++++++++++--------------- tests/testthat/test_stan_efftox.R | 4 vignettes/CRM-visualisation.Rmd | 2 vignettes/CRM.Rmd | 2 vignettes/trialr-overview.Rmd | 2 19 files changed, 374 insertions(+), 366 deletions(-)
Title: 'Rcpp' Integration for the 'Armadillo' Templated Linear Algebra
Description: 'Armadillo' is a templated C++ linear algebra library (by Conrad
Sanderson) that aims towards a good balance between speed and ease of use. Integer,
floating point and complex numbers are supported, as well as a subset of
trigonometric and statistics functions. Various matrix decompositions are
provided through optional integration with LAPACK and ATLAS libraries.
The 'RcppArmadillo' package includes the header files from the templated
'Armadillo' library. Thus users do not need to install 'Armadillo' itself in
order to use 'RcppArmadillo'. From release 7.800.0 on, 'Armadillo' is
licensed under Apache License 2; previous releases were under licensed as
MPL 2.0 from version 3.800.0 onwards and LGPL-3 prior to that;
'RcppArmadillo' (the 'Rcpp' bindings/bridge to Armadillo) is licensed under
the GNU GPL version 2 or later, as is the rest of 'Rcpp'. Note that
Armadillo requires a fairly recent compiler; for the g++ family at least
version 4.6.* is required.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel, Romain Francois, Doug Bates and Binxiang Ni
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org>
Diff between RcppArmadillo versions dated 2018-11-28 and dated 2019-01-17
ChangeLog | 9 DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 28 - build/vignette.rds |binary inst/NEWS.Rd | 17 + inst/doc/RcppArmadillo-intro.pdf |binary inst/doc/RcppArmadillo-sparseMatrix.pdf |binary inst/include/armadillo_bits/Cube_meat.hpp | 8 inst/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_bones.hpp | 4 inst/include/armadillo_bits/Mat_meat.hpp | 2 inst/include/armadillo_bits/arma_version.hpp | 2 inst/include/armadillo_bits/def_hdf5.hpp | 308 ++++++++++----------- inst/include/armadillo_bits/fn_qz.hpp | 8 inst/include/armadillo_bits/fn_spsolve.hpp | 388 +++++++++++++-------------- inst/include/armadillo_bits/fn_trace.hpp | 52 +++ 15 files changed, 455 insertions(+), 379 deletions(-)
Title: Three-Way / Multigroup Data Analysis Through Densities
Description: The data consist of a set of variables measured on several groups of individuals. To each group is associated an estimated probability density function. The package provides tools to create or manage such data and functional methods (principal component analysis, multidimensional scaling, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis...) for such probability densities.
Author: Rachid Boumaza[aut, cre], Pierre Santagostini [aut], Smail Yousfi [aut], Gilles Hunault [ctb], Julie Bourbeillon [ctb], Besnik Pumo [ctb], Sabine Demotes-Mainard [aut]
Maintainer: Rachid Boumaza <rachid.boumaza@agrocampus-ouest.fr>
Diff between dad versions 3.1.1 dated 2018-05-09 and 3.2.0 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 12 MD5 | 58 +- NAMESPACE | 134 ++-- R/dstatis.inter.R |only R/fdiscd.misclass.R | 1290 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ R/fdiscd.predict.R | 1143 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- R/fhclustd.R | 633 +++++++++++------------ R/fmdsd.R | 759 +++++++++++++-------------- R/fpcad.R | 8 R/interpret.dstatis.R |only R/interpret.fmdsd.R | 2 R/interpret.fpcad.R | 2 R/is.dstatis.R |only R/jeffreys.R | 4 R/matwasserstein.R |only R/matwassersteinpar.R |only R/plot.dstatis.R |only R/print.dstatis.R |only R/wasserstein.R |only R/wassersteinpar.R |only man/dad-package.Rd | 132 ++-- man/dstatis.inter.Rd |only man/fdiscd.misclass.Rd | 197 +++---- man/fdiscd.predict.Rd | 243 ++++---- man/fhclustd.Rd | 349 ++++++------ man/fmdsd.Rd | 308 +++++------ man/interpret.dstatis.Rd |only man/is.dstatis.Rd |only man/l2d.Rd | 2 man/mathellinger.Rd | 2 man/mathellingerpar.Rd | 2 man/matipl2dpar.Rd | 108 +-- man/matjeffreyspar.Rd | 4 man/matwasserstein.Rd |only man/matwassersteinpar.Rd |only man/plot.dstatis.Rd |only man/print.dstatis.Rd |only man/wasserstein.Rd |only man/wassersteinpar.Rd |only 39 files changed, 2733 insertions(+), 2659 deletions(-)
Title: Tools for Behavior Change Researchers and Professionals
Description: Contains specialised analyses and
visualisation tools for behavior change science.
These facilitate conducting determinant studies
(for example, using confidence interval-based
estimation of relevance, CIBER, or CIBERlite
plots), systematically developing, reporting,
and analysing interventions (for example, using
acyclic behavior change diagrams or ABCDs), and
reporting about intervention effectiveness (for
example, using the Numbers Needed for Change). This
package is especially useful for researchers in
the field of behavior change or health psychology
and to behavior change professionals such as
intervention developers and prevention workers.
Author: Gjalt-Jorn Peters [aut, cre, ctb]
Maintainer: Gjalt-Jorn Peters <gjalt-jorn@a-bc.eu>
Diff between behaviorchange versions 0.0.2 dated 2018-09-24 and 0.1.0 dated 2019-01-17
behaviorchange-0.0.2/behaviorchange/data/abcd_specs_full.rda |only behaviorchange-0.0.2/behaviorchange/data/abcd_specs_single_po.rda |only behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/DESCRIPTION | 37 - behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/MD5 | 58 +- behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/NAMESPACE | 8 behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/R/CIBER.R | 95 +-- behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/R/abcd.R | 263 ++++++---- behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/R/apply_graph_theme.R |only behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/R/behaviorchange.R |only behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/R/convert.threshold.to.er.R |only behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/R/curfnfinder.R | 7 behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/R/detStructAddVarLabels.R | 13 behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/R/detStructAddVarNames.R | 85 ++- behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/R/detStructCIBER.R | 31 - behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/R/detStructComputeProducts.R | 19 behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/R/detStructComputeScales.R | 22 behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/R/determinantStructure.R | 2 behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/R/erDataSeq.R |only behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/R/from_epiR_epi.2by2.R |only behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/R/ggNNC.R |only behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/R/nnc.R |only behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/build |only behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/data/abcd_specs_complete.rda |only behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/data/abcd_specs_dutch_xtc.rda |only behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/data/abcd_specs_single_po_without_conditions.rda |only behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/data/abcd_specs_without_conditions.rda |only behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/inst |only behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/man/CIBER.Rd | 19 behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/man/abcd.Rd | 45 + behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/man/abcd_specs_examples.Rd | 31 - behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/man/apply_graph_theme.Rd |only behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/man/behaviorchange-package.Rd |only behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/man/detStructPreprocessing.Rd | 40 + behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/man/nnc.Rd |only behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/man/nncvis.Rd |only behaviorchange-0.1.0/behaviorchange/vignettes |only 36 files changed, 501 insertions(+), 274 deletions(-)
More information about behaviorchange at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: R Interface to Yandex Metrica API
Description: Allows work with 'Management API' for load counters, segments, filters,
user permissions and goals list from Yandex Metrica, 'Reporting API' allows you to get
information about the statistics of site visits and other data without
using the web interface, 'Logs API' allows to receive non-aggregated data and
'Compatible with Google Analytics Core Reporting API v3' allows
receive information about site traffic and other data using field names
from Google Analytics Core API. For more information see official
documents <https://tech.yandex.ru/metrika/doc/api2/concept/about-docpage/>.
Author: Alexey Seleznev <selesnow@gmail.com>
Maintainer: Alexey Seleznev <selesnow@gmail.com>
Diff between rym versions 0.4.0 dated 2018-09-14 and 0.5.1 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 19 +++++++++++-------- MD5 | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------- NAMESPACE | 1 + R/rym_get_direct_clients.R |only R/rym_get_logs.R | 2 +- R/zzz.R | 29 +++++++++++++++++++---------- README.md |only build/partial.rdb |binary build/vignette.rds |only inst |only man/rym-package.Rd | 12 ++++++++++++ man/rym_get_data.Rd | 4 +++- man/rym_get_direct_clients.Rd |only man/rym_get_filters.Rd | 8 ++++---- man/rym_get_ga.Rd | 7 ++++--- man/rym_get_goals.Rd | 21 +++++++++++---------- man/rym_get_logs.Rd | 6 +++++- man/rym_get_segments.Rd | 16 ++++++++++------ man/rym_users_grants.Rd | 8 +++++--- vignettes |only 20 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)
Title: Performs Common Linear Algebra Operations Used in Quantum
Description: Contains basic structures and operations used frequently in quantum computing. Intended to be a convenient tool to help in practicing the linear algebra involved in quantum operations. Has functionality for the creation of arbitrarily sized kets, bras, matrices and implements quantum gates, inner products, and tensor products. Contains all commonly used quantum gates and can simulate complete or partial measurements of kets. Can simulate the Quantum Fourier Transform developed by Shor (1999) and implements Shor's algorithm, factoring numbers up to 21. Implements modular arithmetic commonly found in quantum algorithms and can convert functions into equivalent quantum gates.
Author: Salonik Resch
Maintainer: Salonik Resch <resc0059@umn.edu>
Diff between QuantumOps versions 2.1 dated 2019-01-10 and 2.2 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++----- MD5 | 19 +++++++++++++++---- NAMESPACE | 7 ++++++- R/CFA.R |only R/Shor.R |only R/exponentialMod.R |only R/intket.R |only R/measure.R | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------ R/reduceMeasure.R |only man/CFA.Rd |only man/Shor.Rd |only man/Uf.Rd | 1 + man/exponentialMod.Rd |only man/intket.Rd |only man/measure.Rd |only man/reduceMeasure.Rd |only 16 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
Title: Functions for Clustering of Presence-Absence, Abundance and
Multilocus Genetic Data
Description: Distance-based parametric bootstrap tests for clustering with
spatial neighborhood information. Some distance measures,
Clustering of presence-absence, abundance and multilocus genetical data
for species delimitation, nearest neighbor
based noise detection. Try package?prabclus for on overview.
Author: Christian Hennig <christian.hennig@unibo.it>,
Bernhard Hausdorf <Hausdorf@zoologie.uni-hamburg.de>
Maintainer: Christian Hennig <christian.hennig@unibo.it>
Diff between prabclus versions 2.2-6 dated 2015-01-14 and 2.2-7 dated 2019-01-17
prabclus-2.2-6/prabclus/README |only prabclus-2.2-7/prabclus/DESCRIPTION | 12 +++--- prabclus-2.2-7/prabclus/MD5 | 21 +++++------ prabclus-2.2-7/prabclus/NAMESPACE | 18 +++++++++ prabclus-2.2-7/prabclus/R/prabclust.R | 18 ++++++--- prabclus-2.2-7/prabclus/data/kykladspecreg.rda |binary prabclus-2.2-7/prabclus/data/waterdist.rda |binary prabclus-2.2-7/prabclus/man/alleleconvert.Rd | 8 ++-- prabclus-2.2-7/prabclus/man/prabclust.Rd | 5 -- prabclus-2.2-7/prabclus/man/tetragonula.Rd | 7 ++- prabclus-2.2-7/prabclus/tests/Examples/prabclus-Ex.Rout.save | 14 ++++--- prabclus-2.2-7/prabclus/tests/prabclustests.Rout.save | 19 +++++++-- 12 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
Title: Penalized Elastic Net S/MM-Estimator of Regression
Description: Robust penalized elastic net S and MM estimator for linear
regression. The method is described in detail in
Cohen Freue, G. V., Kepplinger, D., Salibian-Barrera, M., and Smucler, E.
(2017) <https://gcohenfr.github.io/pdfs/PENSE_manuscript.pdf>.
Author: David Kepplinger [aut, cre],
Matias Salibian-Barrera [aut],
Gabriela Cohen Freue [aut],
Derek Cho [ctb]
Maintainer: David Kepplinger <david.kepplinger@gmail.com>
Diff between pense versions 1.2.0 dated 2018-03-10 and 1.2.1 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 16 ++++++++-------- NEWS.md | 26 +++++++++++++++----------- configure | 18 +++++++++--------- configure.ac | 2 +- src/InitialEstimator.cpp | 3 ++- src/PSCxx.cpp | 2 +- src/autoconfig.win.h | 4 ++-- src/config.h | 2 ++ 9 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
Title: R Ultimate Multilabel Dataset Repository
Description: Large collection of multilabel datasets along with the functions
needed to export them to several formats, to make partitions, and to obtain
bibliographic information.
Author: David Charte [cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4830-9512>),
Francisco Charte [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3083-8942>),
Antonio J. Rivera [aut]
Maintainer: David Charte <fdavidcl@ugr.es>
Diff between mldr.datasets versions 0.4.0 dated 2017-11-17 and 0.4.2 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 25 +++++---- MD5 | 16 +++--- R/export.R | 119 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- R/utils.R | 47 ++++-------------- man/check_n_load.mldr.Rd | 2 man/get.mldr.Rd | 4 - man/mldrs.Rd | 2 man/random.partitions.Rd | 3 - man/write.mldr.Rd | 5 + 9 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)
Title: Tools for Statistical Content Analysis
Description: A framework for statistical analysis in content analysis. In addition to a pipeline for preprocessing text corpora and linking to the latent Dirichlet allocation from the 'lda' package, plots are offered for the descriptive analysis of text corpora and topic models. In addition, an implementation of Chang's intruder words and intruder topics is provided.
Author: Lars Koppers [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1642-9616>),
Jonas Rieger [aut],
Karin Boczek [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1516-4094>),
Gerret von Nordheim [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7553-3838>)
Maintainer: Lars Koppers <koppers@statistik.tu-dortmund.de>
Diff between tosca versions 0.1-2 dated 2018-09-13 and 0.1-3 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 19 MD5 | 80 NAMESPACE | 112 - R/as.corpus.textmeta.R |only R/as.textmeta.corpus.R |only R/filterCount.R | 8 R/filterDate.R | 7 R/filterWord.R | 12 R/readWhatsApp.R |only R/showMeta.R | 5 R/showTexts.R | 5 R/tidy.textmeta.R |only build/vignette.rds |binary data/economy.rda |binary data/politics.rda |binary inst/doc/Vignette.R | 9 inst/doc/Vignette.Rmd | 6 inst/doc/Vignette.pdf | 991 +++++------ man/as.corpus.textmeta.Rd |only man/as.textmeta.corpus.Rd |only man/filterCount.Rd | 80 man/filterDate.Rd | 95 - man/filterWord.Rd | 116 - man/readWhatsApp.Rd |only man/showMeta.Rd | 71 man/showTexts.Rd | 77 man/tidy.textmeta.Rd |only vignettes/Vignette.Rmd | 6 vignettes/Vignette_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-15-1.pdf |binary vignettes/Vignette_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-16-1.pdf |binary vignettes/Vignette_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-17-1.pdf |binary vignettes/Vignette_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-17-2.pdf |binary vignettes/Vignette_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-18-1.pdf |binary vignettes/Vignette_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-18-2.pdf |only vignettes/Vignette_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-19-1.pdf |only vignettes/Vignette_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-42-1.pdf |binary vignettes/Vignette_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-43-1.pdf |binary vignettes/Vignette_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-44-1.pdf |binary vignettes/Vignette_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-45-1.pdf |only vignettes/Vignette_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-46-1.pdf |binary vignettes/Vignette_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-47-1.pdf |binary vignettes/Vignette_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-48-1.pdf |only vignettes/Vignette_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-49-1.pdf |binary vignettes/Vignette_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-50-1.pdf |only vignettes/Vignette_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-51-1.pdf |binary vignettes/Vignette_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-52-1.pdf |binary vignettes/Vignette_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-53-1.pdf |binary vignettes/Vignette_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-54-1.pdf |only 48 files changed, 869 insertions(+), 830 deletions(-)
Title: Stepwise Regression Analysis
Description: Stepwise regression analysis for variable selection can be used to get the best candidate final regression model in univariate or multivariate regression analysis with the 'forward' and 'stepwise' steps. Procedure uses Akaike information criterion, the small-sample-size corrected version of Akaike information criterion, Bayesian information criterion, Hannan and Quinn information criterion, the corrected form of Hannan and Quinn information criterion, Schwarz criterion and significance levels as selection criteria, where the significance levels for entry and for stay are set to 0.15 as default. Multicollinearity detection in regression model are performed by checking tolerance value, which is set to 1e-7 as default. Continuous variables nested within class effect are also considered in this package.
Author: Junhui Li,Kun Cheng,Wenxin Liu
Maintainer: Junhui Li <junhuili@cau.edu.cn>
Diff between StepReg versions 1.0.0 dated 2017-11-03 and 1.0.1 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 8 ++++---- R/stepwise.R | 2 +- man/StepReg-package.Rd | 2 +- man/stepwise.Rd | 4 ++-- 5 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
Title: Random Search for Expensive Functions
Description: Simple Random Search function for the 'smoof' and 'ParamHelpers' ecosystem with termination criteria and parallelization.
Author: Jakob Richter [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4481-5554>)
Maintainer: Jakob Richter <code@jakob-r.de>
Diff between randomsearch versions 0.1.0 dated 2018-07-01 and 0.2.0 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 8 - MD5 | 26 +++--- NAMESPACE | 2 NEWS.md |only R/helpers.R | 7 - R/randomsearch.R | 92 +++++++++++++++++----- README.md |only build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/randomsearch.R | 57 ++++++++++--- inst/doc/randomsearch.Rmd | 83 ++++++++++++++++--- inst/doc/randomsearch.html | 154 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------- man/randomsearch.Rd | 45 +++++++++- tests/testthat/helper_objects.R | 6 + tests/testthat/test_randomsearch.R | 10 ++ vignettes/randomsearch.Rmd | 83 ++++++++++++++++--- 15 files changed, 450 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)
Title: Utilities for 'Glmnet'
Description: Provides a formula interface for the 'glmnet' package for
elasticnet regression, a method for cross-validating the alpha parameter,
and other quality-of-life tools.
Author: Microsoft [cph], Hong Ooi [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Hong Ooi <hongooi@microsoft.com>
Diff between glmnetUtils versions 1.1 dated 2017-08-01 and 1.1.1 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 12 ++++++------ NEWS.md | 3 +++ R/cvGlmnetFormula.r | 3 ++- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/intro.html | 14 +++++++------- tests/testthat/test2_cv_glmnet.R | 11 +++++++++++ 7 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2018-11-14 1.1.0
2018-05-31 1.0.2
2018-02-18 1.0.1
2018-02-04 1.0.0
2015-08-14 0.1.1
2015-07-30 0.1.0
2015-04-24 0.0.1
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2018-07-26 0.2.1
2018-03-07 0.1.1
2017-08-23 0.1.0
Title: Apply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures
Description: Implementations of apply(), eapply(), lapply(), Map(), mapply(), replicate(), sapply(), tapply(), and vapply() that can be resolved using any future-supported backend, e.g. parallel on the local machine or distributed on a compute cluster. These future_*apply() functions come with the same pros and cons as the corresponding base-R *apply() functions but with the additional feature of being able to be processed via the future framework.
Author: Henrik Bengtsson [aut, cre, cph],
R Core Team [cph, ctb]
Maintainer: Henrik Bengtsson <henrikb@braju.com>
Diff between future.apply versions 1.0.1 dated 2018-08-26 and 1.1.0 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 12 ++--- MD5 | 29 ++++++------ NEWS | 25 ++++++++++ R/chunks.R | 44 ++++++++++++++++++- R/future_lapply.R | 96 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------- R/future_mapply.R | 54 +++++++++++++++++++---- R/utils.R | 7 +++ build/vignette.rds |binary inst/WORDLIST | 23 +++++++++- man/future_lapply.Rd | 53 +++++++++++++++++++---- man/future_mapply.Rd | 36 ++++++++++----- man/makeChunks.Rd | 18 +++++++ tests/future_lapply.R | 12 ++++- tests/future_mapply,globals.R | 2 tests/future_mapply.R | 10 ++-- tests/stdout.R |only 16 files changed, 346 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)
Title: Dynamical Systems Approach to Immune Response Modeling
Description: A collection of 'shiny' apps that allow for the simulation and
exploration of various within-host immune response scenarios.
The purpose of the package is to help individuals learn
about within-host infection and immune response modeling from a dynamical systems perspective.
All apps include explanations of the underlying models and instructions on
what to do with the models. The development of this package was partially supported by NIH grant U19AI117891.
Author: Andreas Handel [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4622-1146>),
Spencer Hall [ctb],
Sina Solaimanpour [ctb],
Henok Woldu [ctb]
Maintainer: Andreas Handel <ahandel@uga.edu>
Diff between DSAIRM versions 0.4.0 dated 2018-08-13 and 0.5.0 dated 2019-01-17
DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/R/dsairmapps.R |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_basicbacteria.R |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_basicvirus.R |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_drugresistance.r |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_fitbasicmodel.R |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_fitconfint.R |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_fitmodelcomparison.R |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_modelvariants.R |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_pkpdmodel.R |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_stochasticvirus.r |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_virus_tx.R |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_virusandir.R |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/inst/docsfordevelopers/newappfiles |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/inst/media/dsairm_after_body.txt |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/inst/media/dsairm_before_body.txt |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/inst/media/footer.html |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/inst/media/header.html |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/inst/shinyapps |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_basicbacteria.R |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_basicvirus.R |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_drugresistance.r |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_fitbasicmodel.R |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_fitconfint.R |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_fitmodelcomparison.R |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_modelvariants.R |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_pkpdmodel.R |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_stochasticvirus.r |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_virus_tx.R |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_virusandir.R |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/man/dsairmapps.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_basicbacteria.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_basicvirus.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_drugresistance.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_fitbasicmodel.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_fitconfint.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_fitmodelcomparison.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_modelvariants.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_pkpdmodel.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_stochasticvirus.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_virus_tx.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_virusandir.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/tests/testthat/Rplots.pdf |only DSAIRM-0.4.0/DSAIRM/tests/testthat/test-dsairmapps.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/DESCRIPTION | 18 DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/MD5 | 227 +++--- DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/NAMESPACE | 25 DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/NEWS.md | 6 DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/R/dsairmmenu.R | 28 DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/R/generate_documentation.R | 11 DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/R/generate_plots.R | 21 DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/R/generate_shinyinput.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/R/generate_text.R | 41 - DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/R/run_model.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_basicbacteria_discrete.R | 110 +-- DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_basicbacteria_ode.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_basicmodel_fit.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_basicvirus_ode.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_basicvirus_stochastic.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_confint_fit.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_drugresistance_stochastic.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_modelcomparison_fit.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_modelexploration.R | 88 +- DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_modelvariants_ode.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_pkpdmodel_ode.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_usanalysis.R | 96 +- DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_virusandir_ode.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/R/simulate_virusandtx_ode.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/build/vignette.rds |binary DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/appinformation |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/doc/DSAIRM.R | 34 - DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/doc/DSAIRM.Rmd | 79 +- DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/doc/DSAIRM.html | 250 ++++--- DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/docsfordevelopers/documentation.html | 332 +++++++++- DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/docsfordevelopers/documentation.md | 46 - DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/mainmenu |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/media/drugresistancemodel.png |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/media/drugresistancemodel.svg |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/media/dsairm.css | 107 +-- DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/media/references.bib | 5 DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_basicbacteria_discrete.R | 107 +-- DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_basicbacteria_ode.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_basicmodel_fit.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_basicvirus_ode.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_basicvirus_stochastic.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_confint_fit.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_drugresistance_stochastic.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_modelcomparison_fit.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_modelexploration.R | 104 +-- DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_modelvariants_ode.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_pkpdmodel_ode.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_usanalysis.R | 106 +-- DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_virusandir_ode.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/inst/simulatorfunctions/simulate_virusandtx_ode.R |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/man/dsairmmenu.Rd | 2 DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/man/generate_documentation.Rd | 5 DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/man/generate_plots.Rd | 4 DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/man/generate_shinyinput.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/man/run_model.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_basicbacteria_discrete.Rd | 74 -- DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_basicbacteria_ode.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_basicmodel_fit.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_basicvirus_ode.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_basicvirus_stochastic.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_confint_fit.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_drugresistance_stochastic.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_modelcomparison_fit.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_modelexploration.Rd | 61 + DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_modelvariants_ode.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_pkpdmodel_ode.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_usanalysis.Rd | 75 +- DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_virusandir_ode.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/man/simulate_virusandtx_ode.Rd |only DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/tests/testthat/test-generate_plots.R | 19 DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/tests/testthat/test-generate_text.R | 47 - DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/vignettes/DSAIRM.Rmd | 79 +- DSAIRM-0.5.0/DSAIRM/vignettes/mysimulator.R | 126 +-- 116 files changed, 1262 insertions(+), 1071 deletions(-)
Title: Assigns Colours to Values
Description: Maps one of the viridis colour palettes, or a user-specified palette to values.
Viridis colour maps are created by Stéfan van der Walt and Nathaniel Smith.
They were set as the default palette for the 'Python' 'Matplotlib' library,
introduced at SciPy 2015 conference <http://scipy2015.scipy.org/ehome/index.php?eventid=115969&>.
Other palettes available in this library have been derived from
'RColorBrewer' <https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=RColorBrewer> and
'colorspace' <https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=colorspace> packages.
Author: David Cooley [aut, cre]
Maintainer: David Cooley <dcooley@symbolix.com.au>
Diff between colourvalues versions 0.2.1 dated 2018-12-19 and 0.2.2 dated 2019-01-17
DESCRIPTION | 10 +- MD5 | 58 +++++++------ NEWS.md | 7 + R/colour_values_hex.R | 10 +- R/colour_values_rgb.R | 22 ++--- README.md | 92 ++++++++++++++-------- inst/include/colourvalues/alpha/alpha.hpp | 4 inst/include/colourvalues/colours/colours_hex.hpp | 3 inst/include/colourvalues/format/format.hpp | 8 + man/colour_values.Rd | 10 +- man/colour_values_rgb.Rd | 14 ++- man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-10-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-11-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-12-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-13-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-14-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-15-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-16-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-17-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-18-1.png |only man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-19-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-22-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-23-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-5-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-6-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-7-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-8-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-9-1.png |binary tests/testthat/test-alpha.R |only tests/testthat/test-colour_values_hex.R | 7 + tests/testthat/test-summaries.R | 10 ++ 31 files changed, 168 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)