Title: Functions for Weighting Effects
Description: Functions for determining the effect of data weights on the variance of survey data: users will load a data set which has a weights column, and the package will calculate the design effect (DEFF), weighting loss, root design effect (DEFT), effective sample size (ESS), and/or weighted margin of error.
Author: Joshua Miller [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Joshua Miller <joshlmiller@msn.com>
Diff between WgtEff versions 0.1 dated 2019-05-30 and 0.1.2 dated 2019-06-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 10 +++++----- R/WgtEff.R | 5 +++-- R/testweights.R | 4 ++-- data/testweights.RData |binary man/testweights.Rd | 6 +++--- 6 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
Title: An Interface to 'SUNDIALS' Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE)
Description: Provides a way to call the functions in 'SUNDIALS' C ODE solving library (<https://computation.llnl.gov/projects/sundials>). Currently the serial version of ODE solver, 'CVODE' and sensitivity calculator 'CVODES' from the 'SUNDIALS' library are implemented. The package requires ODE to be written as an 'R' or 'Rcpp' function and does not require the 'SUNDIALS' library to be installed on the local machine.
Author: Satyaprakash Nayak [aut, cre],
Scott D Cohen [ctb],
Alan C Hindmarsh [ctb],
Radu Serban [ctb],
Dan Shumaker [ctb],
Daniel R Reynolds [ctb],
Aaron Collier [ctb],
David Gardner [ctb],
Carol Woodward [ctb],
Slaven Peles [ctb],
Peter Brown [ctb],
Hilari C Tiedeman [ctb],
Ting Yan [ctb],
Lawrence Livermore National Security [cph],
Southern Methodist University [cph]
Maintainer: Satyaprakash Nayak <sn248@cornell.edu>
Diff between sundialr versions 0.1.2 dated 2019-01-12 and 0.1.3 dated 2019-06-09
sundialr-0.1.2/sundialr/inst/include/check_flag.h |only sundialr-0.1.2/sundialr/inst/include/cvode/cvode_impl.h |only sundialr-0.1.2/sundialr/src/check_flag.cpp |only sundialr-0.1.2/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/cvode_direct.c |only sundialr-0.1.2/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/cvode_direct_impl.h |only sundialr-0.1.2/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/cvode_spils.c |only sundialr-0.1.2/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/cvode_spils_impl.h |only sundialr-0.1.2/sundialr/src/sundials/cvodes/cvodes_direct.c |only sundialr-0.1.2/sundialr/src/sundials/cvodes/cvodes_direct_impl.h |only sundialr-0.1.2/sundialr/src/sundials/cvodes/cvodes_spils.c |only sundialr-0.1.2/sundialr/src/sundials/cvodes/cvodes_spils_impl.h |only sundialr-0.1.2/sundialr/src/sundials/nvec_ser/README |only sundialr-0.1.2/sundialr/src/sundials/sundials/LICENSE |only sundialr-0.1.2/sundialr/src/sundials/sundials/README |only sundialr-0.1.2/sundialr/src/sundials/sunlinsol_dense/README |only sundialr-0.1.2/sundialr/src/sundials/sunmat_band/README |only sundialr-0.1.2/sundialr/src/sundials/sunmat_dense/README |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/DESCRIPTION | 8 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/MD5 | 251 - sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/R/RcppExports.R | 21 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/README.md | 7 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/build/vignette.rds |binary sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/doc/my-vignette.Rmd | 204 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/doc/my-vignette.html | 580 +- sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/examples/cv_Roberts_dns.r | 25 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/examples/cvs_Roberts_dns.r |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/check_retval.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/cvode/cvode.h | 64 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/cvode/cvode_direct.h | 177 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/cvode/cvode_ls.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/cvode/cvode_spils.h | 413 - sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/cvodes/cvodes.h | 73 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/cvodes/cvodes_direct.h | 273 - sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/cvodes/cvodes_ls.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/cvodes/cvodes_spils.h | 603 -- sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/nvector/cuda |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/nvector/nvector_cuda.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/nvector/nvector_mpicuda.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/nvector/nvector_mpiraja.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/nvector/nvector_openmp.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/nvector/nvector_openmpdev.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/nvector/nvector_parallel.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/nvector/nvector_parhyp.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/nvector/nvector_petsc.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/nvector/nvector_pthreads.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/nvector/nvector_raja.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/nvector/nvector_serial.h | 66 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/nvector/raja |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sundials/sundials_config.h | 20 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sundials/sundials_config.in |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sundials/sundials_fconfig.h | 8 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sundials/sundials_fconfig.in |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sundials/sundials_iterative.h | 27 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sundials/sundials_klu_impl.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sundials/sundials_lapack.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sundials/sundials_linearsolver.h | 74 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sundials/sundials_math.h | 105 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sundials/sundials_mpi.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sundials/sundials_mpi_types.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sundials/sundials_nonlinearsolver.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sundials/sundials_nvector.h | 60 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sundials/sundials_nvector_senswrapper.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sundials/sundials_superlumt_impl.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sundials/sundials_types.h | 24 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sunlinsol/sunlinsol_band.h | 11 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sunlinsol/sunlinsol_dense.h | 12 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sunlinsol/sunlinsol_klu.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sunlinsol/sunlinsol_lapackband.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sunlinsol/sunlinsol_lapackdense.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sunlinsol/sunlinsol_pcg.h | 28 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sunlinsol/sunlinsol_spbcgs.h | 29 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sunlinsol/sunlinsol_spfgmr.h | 51 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sunlinsol/sunlinsol_spgmr.h | 42 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sunlinsol/sunlinsol_sptfqmr.h | 32 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sunlinsol/sunlinsol_superlumt.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sunmatrix/sunmatrix_band.h | 24 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sunmatrix/sunmatrix_sparse.h | 16 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/inst/include/sunnonlinsol |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/man/cvode.Rd | 30 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/man/cvodes.Rd |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/Makevars | 92 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/Makevars.win | 93 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/RcppExports.cpp | 28 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/check_retval.cpp |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/cvode.cpp | 78 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/cvodes.cpp | 321 + sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/CMakeLists.txt | 49 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/F90 |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/README | 7 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/cvode.c | 1130 ++-- sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/cvode_bandpre.c | 155 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/cvode_bbdpre.c | 186 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/cvode_impl.h | 119 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/cvode_io.c | 219 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/cvode_ls.c |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/cvode_ls_impl.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/cvode_nls.c |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/fcmix/CMakeLists.txt | 12 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/fcmix/fcvband.c | 8 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/fcmix/fcvbbd.h | 259 - sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/fcmix/fcvbp.h | 169 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/fcmix/fcvdense.c | 8 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/fcmix/fcvjtimes.c | 15 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/fcmix/fcvnulllinsol.c | 16 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/fcmix/fcvnullnonlinsol.c |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/fcmix/fcvode.c | 125 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/fcmix/fcvode.h | 198 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/fcmix/fcvpreco.c | 12 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvode/fcmix/fcvsparse.c | 4 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvodes/CMakeLists.txt | 41 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvodes/README | 41 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvodes/cvodea.c | 353 + sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvodes/cvodea_io.c | 58 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvodes/cvodes.c | 2421 ++++------ sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvodes/cvodes_bandpre.c | 164 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvodes/cvodes_bbdpre.c | 216 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvodes/cvodes_impl.h | 125 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvodes/cvodes_io.c | 295 + sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvodes/cvodes_ls.c |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvodes/cvodes_ls_impl.h |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvodes/cvodes_nls.c |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvodes/cvodes_nls_sim.c |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvodes/cvodes_nls_stg.c |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/cvodes/cvodes_nls_stg1.c |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/nvec_ser/CMakeLists.txt | 25 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/nvec_ser/F90 |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/nvec_ser/nvector_serial.c | 1267 ++++- sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/sundials/CMakeLists.txt | 16 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/sundials/sundials_iterative.c | 47 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/sundials/sundials_math.c | 50 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/sundials/sundials_mpi.c |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/sundials/sundials_nonlinearsolver.c |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/sundials/sundials_nvector.c | 264 + sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/sundials/sundials_nvector_senswrapper.c |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/sunlinsol_band |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/sunlinsol_dense/CMakeLists.txt | 31 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/sunlinsol_dense/F90 |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/sunlinsol_dense/fsunlinsol_dense.c | 20 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/sunlinsol_dense/sunlinsol_dense.c | 12 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/sunmat_band/CMakeLists.txt | 31 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/sunmat_band/F90 |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/sunmat_band/fsunmatrix_band.c | 14 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/sunmat_band/fsunmatrix_band.h | 6 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/sunmat_band/sunmatrix_band.c | 21 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/sunmat_dense/CMakeLists.txt | 32 sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/sunmat_dense/F90 |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/src/sundials/sunnonlinsol |only sundialr-0.1.3/sundialr/vignettes/my-vignette.Rmd | 204 148 files changed, 7178 insertions(+), 5237 deletions(-)
Title: Using R to Install Stuff (Such As: R, 'Rtools', 'RStudio',
'Git', and More!)
Description: R is great for installing software. Through the 'installr'
package you can automate the updating of R (on Windows, using updateR())
and install new software. Software installation is initiated through a
GUI (just run installr()), or through functions such as: install.Rtools(),
install.pandoc(), install.git(), and many more. The updateR() command
performs the following: finding the latest R version, downloading it,
running the installer, deleting the installation file, copy and updating
old packages to the new R installation.
Author: Tal Galili [aut, cre, cph] (http://www.r-statistics.com),
Barry Rowlingson [ctb],
Boris Hejblum [ctb],
Dason [ctb],
Felix Schonbrodt [ctb],
G. Grothendieck [ctb],
Heuristic Andrew [ctb],
James [ctb] (http://stackoverflow.com/users/269476/james),
Thomas Leeper [ctb] (http://thomasleeper.com/),
VitoshKa [ctb],
Yihui Xie [ctb] (http://yihui.name),
Michael Friendly [ctb] (http://datavis.ca/),
Kornelius Rohmeyer [ctb] (http://algorithm-forge.com/techblog/),
Dieter Menne [ctb],
Tyler Hunt [ctb] (https://github.com/JackStat),
Takekatsu Hiramura [ctb] (https://github.com/hiratake55),
Berry Boessenkool [ctb] (https://github.com/BerryBoessenkool),
Jonathan Godfrey [ctb] (https://github.com/ajrgodfrey),
Tom Allard [ctb],
ChingChuan Chen [ctb],
Jonathan Hill [ctb],
Chan-Yub Park [ctb] (https://github.com/mrchypark),
Gerhard Nachtmann [ctb]
Maintainer: Tal Galili <tal.galili@gmail.com>
Diff between installr versions 0.21.0 dated 2018-10-06 and 0.21.3 dated 2019-06-09
ChangeLog | 6105 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------- DESCRIPTION | 21 MD5 | 48 NEWS | 23 NEWS.md | 31 R/install.R | 20 R/install.inno.R | 2 R/installr-package.R | 2 R/zzz.R | 2 README.md | 2 man/ask.user.for.a.row.Rd | 3 man/browse.latest.R.NEWS.Rd | 3 man/download_RStudio_CRAN_data.Rd | 3 man/get.installed.R.folders.Rd | 3 man/install.7zip.Rd | 3 man/install.FFmpeg.Rd | 3 man/install.ImageMagick.Rd | 3 man/install.MikTeX.Rd | 3 man/install.R.Rd | 4 man/install.RStudio.Rd | 4 man/install.java.Rd | 6 man/install.nodejs.Rd | 3 man/installr-package.Rd | 1 man/lineplot_package_downloads.Rd | 4 man/updateR.Rd | 9 25 files changed, 3671 insertions(+), 2640 deletions(-)
Title: Genotype Simulations for Rare or Common Variants Using
Haplotypes from 1000 Genomes
Description: Generates realistic simulated genetic data in families or unrelated individuals.
Author: Apostolos Dimitromanolakis <apostolis@live.ca>,
Jingxiong Xu <jingxiong.xu@mail.utoronto.ca>,
Agnieszka Krol <krol@lunenfeld.ca>,
Laurent Briollais <laurent@lunenfeld.ca>
Maintainer: Apostolos Dimitromanolakis <apostolis@live.ca>
Diff between sim1000G versions 1.39 dated 2018-03-10 and 1.40 dated 2019-06-09
sim1000G-1.39/sim1000G/README.md |only sim1000G-1.39/sim1000G/vignettes/ExtractingRegionsForSimulation.md |only sim1000G-1.39/sim1000G/vignettes/SimulatingFamilyData.md |only sim1000G-1.40/sim1000G/DESCRIPTION | 14 sim1000G-1.40/sim1000G/MD5 | 40 sim1000G-1.40/sim1000G/R/hapsim2-functions.R | 27 sim1000G-1.40/sim1000G/R/simulation.R | 4 sim1000G-1.40/sim1000G/build/vignette.rds |binary sim1000G-1.40/sim1000G/inst/CITATION | 34 sim1000G-1.40/sim1000G/inst/doc/ExtractingRegionsForSimulation.html | 461 ++++--- sim1000G-1.40/sim1000G/inst/doc/SimulatingFamilyData.html | 624 ++++++---- sim1000G-1.40/sim1000G/inst/examples/Rplot02.pdf |only sim1000G-1.40/sim1000G/inst/examples/example1x-single-population.R | 17 sim1000G-1.40/sim1000G/inst/examples/example4-population-stratification.R | 8 sim1000G-1.40/sim1000G/inst/examples/examples-from-manuscript |only sim1000G-1.40/sim1000G/inst/examples/extract-1000genomes-genes.R | 112 + sim1000G-1.40/sim1000G/inst/examples/family |only sim1000G-1.40/sim1000G/inst/examples/manuscript-plot-LD.R |only sim1000G-1.40/sim1000G/inst/extdata |only 19 files changed, 844 insertions(+), 497 deletions(-)
Title: Plot and Save Customised Swiss Maps
Description: Allows to link data to Swiss administrative divisions (municipalities,
districts, cantons) and to plot and save customised maps thereof. Furthermore, the
package allows to generate tailored templates for data collection. The used geodata
is publicly available on the Swiss Federal Statistical Office website
Author: David Zumbach [aut, cre]
Maintainer: David Zumbach <david.zumbach@gfzb.ch>
Diff between RSwissMaps versions 0.1.0 dated 2017-10-02 and dated 2019-06-09
DESCRIPTION | 6 MD5 | 10 build/vignette.rds |binary data/mapCH2016.rda |binary inst/doc/vignette.R | 134 +++++------ inst/doc/vignette.html | 592 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------- 6 files changed, 491 insertions(+), 251 deletions(-)
Title: Environment for Evaluating Recommender Systems
Description: Processes standard recommendation datasets (e.g., a user-item rating matrix) as input and generates rating predictions and lists of recommended items. Standard algorithm implementations which are included in this package are the following: Global/Item/User-Average baselines, Weighted Slope One, Item-Based KNN, User-Based KNN, FunkSVD, BPR and weighted ALS. They can be assessed according to the standard offline evaluation methodology (Shani, et al. (2011) <doi:10.1007/978-0-387-85820-3_8>) for recommender systems using measures such as MAE, RMSE, Precision, Recall, F1, AUC, NDCG, RankScore and coverage measures. The package (Coba, et al.(2017) <doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-60042-0_36>) is intended for rapid prototyping of recommendation algorithms and education purposes.
Author: Ludovik Çoba [aut, cre, cph],
Markus Zanker [ctb],
Panagiotis Symeonidis [ctb]
Maintainer: Ludovik Çoba <Ludovik.Coba@inf.unibz.it>
Diff between rrecsys versions dated 2018-02-10 and dated 2019-06-09
DESCRIPTION | 6 MD5 | 56 +-- build/vignette.rds |binary data/ml100k.rda |binary data/ml100k_array.rda |binary data/mlLatest100k.rda |binary inst/doc/a0_intro.R | 18 - inst/doc/a0_intro.html | 530 ++++++++++++++++----------------- inst/doc/a1_dataset.R | 64 ++-- inst/doc/a1_dataset.html | 550 +++++++++++++++++------------------ inst/doc/a2_evaluation.R | 18 - inst/doc/a2_evaluation.html | 488 +++++++++++++++---------------- inst/doc/b1_nonpersonalized.R | 28 - inst/doc/b1_nonpersonalized.html | 482 +++++++++++++++--------------- inst/doc/b2_IBCF.R | 28 - inst/doc/b2_IBCF.html | 492 +++++++++++++++---------------- inst/doc/b3_UBCF.R | 24 - inst/doc/b3_UBCF.html | 494 +++++++++++++++---------------- inst/doc/b4_funkSVD.R | 28 - inst/doc/b4_funkSVD.html | 510 ++++++++++++++++---------------- inst/doc/b5_wALS.R | 20 - inst/doc/b5_wALS.html | 550 +++++++++++++++++------------------ inst/doc/b6_BPR.R | 20 - inst/doc/b6_BPR.html | 500 ++++++++++++++++---------------- inst/doc/c1_dispacherregistry.R | 22 - inst/doc/c1_dispacherregistry.html | 578 ++++++++++++++++++------------------- inst/doc/c2_predictrecommend.R | 22 - inst/doc/c2_predictrecommend.html | 468 ++++++++++++++--------------- inst/doc/d1_extend.html | 392 ++++++++++++------------- 29 files changed, 3191 insertions(+), 3197 deletions(-)
Title: Lake Physics Tools
Description: Standardized methods for calculating common important derived
physical features of lakes including water density based based on
temperature, thermal layers, thermocline depth, lake number, Wedderburn
number, Schmidt stability and others.
Author: Luke Winslow, Jordan Read, Richard Woolway, Jennifer Brentrup, Taylor
Leach, Jake Zwart, Sam Albers, Doug Collinge
Maintainer: Luke Winslow <lawinslow@gmail.com>
Diff between rLakeAnalyzer versions 1.11.4 dated 2018-03-14 and dated 2019-06-09
DESCRIPTION | 6 MD5 | 14 build/vignette.rds |binary data/latesummer.rda |binary inst/doc/data.handling.R | 52 +- inst/doc/data.handling.html | 785 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------- inst/doc/sm_algorithm.R | 42 +- inst/doc/sm_algorithm.html | 662 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------- 8 files changed, 892 insertions(+), 669 deletions(-)
Title: Data Extraction for People's Republic of China Resident Identity
Description: People's Republic of China resident identity card contains a lot of personal information.
It can extract the location of the household's residence in the identity card, the date of birth, the sex,
the location of the registered police station, and can identify the authenticity of the ID card through the check code.
'Ricetl' provides graphical user interface to process the function of extracting the above effective private information in the ID card number,
and provides a public data set related to the ID number.
Author: Xu Jing [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Xu Jing <274762204@qq.com>
Diff between Ricetl versions 0.2.5 dated 2018-03-21 and dated 2019-06-09
DESCRIPTION | 6 MD5 | 10 build/vignette.rds |binary data/id_card6.RData |binary inst/doc/Ricetl-doc.R | 54 - inst/doc/Ricetl-doc.html | 2226 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------- 6 files changed, 1823 insertions(+), 473 deletions(-)
Title: 'Shiny' for Multiple Windows
Description: A simple function, mwsApp(), that runs a 'shiny' app spanning multiple,
connected windows. This uses all standard 'shiny' conventions, and depends only on
the 'shiny' package.
Author: Hannah De los Santos [aut, cre],
John Erickson [aut],
Nicholas Thomson [ctb],
Kristin Bennett [aut]
Maintainer: Hannah De los Santos <delosh@rpi.edu>
Diff between mwshiny versions 0.1.0 dated 2019-03-06 and 1.0.0 dated 2019-06-09
DESCRIPTION | 13 ++-- MD5 | 36 +++++++---- NAMESPACE | 2 R/mws_main.R | 37 +++++++++-- R/mws_utilities.R | 87 ++++++++++++++++++++-------- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/mws-dependencies.R |only inst/doc/mws-dependencies.Rmd |only inst/doc/mws-dependencies.html |only inst/doc/mws-vignette.R | 22 +++---- inst/doc/mws-vignette.Rmd | 35 ++++++----- inst/doc/mws-vignette.html | 43 +++++++------ man/mwsApp.Rd | 12 ++- man/mwsUI.Rd | 4 - man/serverFunct.Rd | 8 -- vignettes/figures/click_vis_specific.png |only vignettes/figures/head_naive_console.PNG |only vignettes/figures/init_all_page.png |only vignettes/figures/init_naive_console.PNG |only vignettes/figures/init_naive_controller.png |only vignettes/figures/init_naive_vis.png |only vignettes/figures/init_shiny.png |only vignettes/figures/shiny_head_console.PNG |only vignettes/mws-dependencies.Rmd |only vignettes/mws-vignette.Rmd | 35 ++++++----- 25 files changed, 214 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)
Title: Null Model Analysis for Ecological Networks
Description: Tools for using null models to analyse ecological
networks (e.g. food webs, flower-visitation networks, seed-dispersal
networks) and detect resource preferences or non-random interactions among
network nodes. Tools are provided to run null models, test for and plot
preferences, plot and analyse bipartite networks, and export null model
results in a form compatible with other network analysis packages. The
underlying null model was developed by Agusti et al. (2003)
<doi:10.1046/j.1365-294X.2003.02014.x> and the full application to
ecological networks by Vaughan et al. (2017) econullnetr: an R package
using null models to analyse the structure of ecological networks and
identify resource selection. Methods in Ecology & Evolution, in press.
Author: Ian Vaughan
Maintainer: Ian Vaughan <vaughanip@cardiff.ac.uk>
Diff between econullnetr versions 0.1.0 dated 2017-09-25 and dated 2019-06-09
DESCRIPTION | 6 MD5 | 28 build/vignette.rds |binary data/Broadstone.fl.rda |binary data/Broadstone.nodes.rda |binary data/Broadstone.prey.rda |binary data/Broadstone.rda |binary data/Silene.plants.rda |binary data/Silene.rda |binary data/WelshStreams.fl.rda |binary data/WelshStreams.order.rda |binary data/WelshStreams.prey.rda |binary data/WelshStreams.rda |binary inst/doc/econullnetr-intro.R | 420 +++++++------- inst/doc/econullnetr-intro.html | 1183 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- 15 files changed, 935 insertions(+), 702 deletions(-)
Title: An Interface to DATASUS System
Description: It allows the user to retrieve the data from the systems of
DATASUS (SUS IT department related to the Brazilian Ministry of Health,
see <http://datasus.saude.gov.br/informacoes-de-saude/tabnet/> for more
information) much in the same way that is done in the online portal.
For now the package allows access to the SINASC and SIM's (ICD-10)
systems, that is, the 'Estatísticas Vitais'.
Author: Renato Prado Siqueira [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Renato Prado Siqueira <rpradosiqueira@gmail.com>
Diff between datasus versions 0.4.1 dated 2018-05-16 and dated 2019-06-09
DESCRIPTION | 6 MD5 | 8 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/Introduction_to_datasus.R | 106 ++-- inst/doc/Introduction_to_datasus.html | 744 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------ 5 files changed, 547 insertions(+), 317 deletions(-)
Title: Exploratory Chemometrics for Spectroscopy
Description: A collection of functions for top-down exploratory data analysis
of spectral data including nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), infrared (IR),
Raman, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and other similar types of spectroscopy.
Includes functions for plotting and inspecting spectra, peak alignment,
hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), principal components analysis (PCA) and
model-based clustering. Robust methods appropriate for this type of
high-dimensional data are available. ChemoSpec is designed for structured
experiments, such as metabolomics investigations, where the samples fall into
treatment and control groups. Graphical output is formatted consistently for
publication quality plots. ChemoSpec is intended to be very user friendly and
to help you get usable results quickly. A vignette covering typical operations
is available.
Author: Bryan A. Hanson [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3536-8246>),
Mike Bostock [cph, ctb] (author of the d3.js library used by
plotSpectraJS, http://d3js.org),
Matt Keinsley [ctb] (author of initial AOV-PCA code)
Maintainer: Bryan A. Hanson <hanson@depauw.edu>
Diff between ChemoSpec versions 5.0.229 dated 2019-03-01 and 5.1.9 dated 2019-06-09
ChemoSpec-5.0.229/ChemoSpec/R/colorSymbol.R |only ChemoSpec-5.0.229/ChemoSpec/R/conColScheme.R |only ChemoSpec-5.0.229/ChemoSpec/man/conColScheme.Rd |only ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/DESCRIPTION | 17 ++-- ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/MD5 | 84 +++++++++++----------- ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/NAMESPACE | 4 - ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/NEWS.md | 18 ++++ ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/c_pcaSpectra.R | 21 +++-- ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/check4GapsStub.R | 2 ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/chkSpectraStub.R | 2 ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/clupaSpectra.R | 1 ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/colorSymbolStub.R |only ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/cv_pcaSpectra.R | 7 - ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/hcaScoresStub.R | 2 ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/irlba_pcaSpectra.R |only ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/pcaDiag.R | 7 + ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/plot2Loadings.R | 4 - ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/plotLoadings.R | 12 --- ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/plotScores3D.R | 4 - ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/plotScoresRGL.R | 4 - ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/plotScoresStub.R | 2 ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/plotScreeStub.R | 2 ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/plotSpectraJS.R | 2 ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/q2rPCA.R | 36 +++------ ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/r2qPCA.R | 14 ++- ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/r_pcaSpectra.R | 16 ++-- ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/removeFreqStub.R | 2 ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/removeGroupStub.R | 2 ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/removeSampleStub.R | 2 ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/rowDistStub.R | 2 ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/sPlotSpectra.R | 2 ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/s_pcaSpectra.R |only ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/sumGroupsStub.R | 2 ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/R/sumSpectraStub.R | 2 ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/inst/doc/ChemoSpec.R | 8 -- ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/inst/doc/ChemoSpec.Rmd | 24 ------ ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/inst/doc/ChemoSpec.pdf |binary ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/man/c_pcaSpectra.Rd | 13 ++- ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/man/colorSymbol.Rd | 22 +---- ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/man/cv_pcaSpectra.Rd | 5 - ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/man/irlba_pcaSpectra.Rd |only ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/man/pcaDiag.Rd | 2 ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/man/plotLoadings.Rd | 12 --- ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/man/plotSpectraJS.Rd | 2 ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/man/r_pcaSpectra.Rd | 14 ++- ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/man/s_pcaSpectra.Rd |only ChemoSpec-5.1.9/ChemoSpec/vignettes/ChemoSpec.Rmd | 24 ------ 47 files changed, 182 insertions(+), 219 deletions(-)
Title: Analyse Audio Recordings and Automatically Extract Animal
Description: Contains all the necessary tools to process audio recordings of
various formats (e.g., WAV, WAC, MP3, ZC), filter noisy files,
display audio signals, detect and extract automatically acoustic
features for further analysis such as classification.
Author: Jean Marchal [aut, cre],
Francois Fabianek [aut],
Christopher Scott [aut],
Chris Corben [ctb, cph] (Read ZC files, original C code),
David Riggs [ctb, cph] (Read GUANO metadata, original R code),
Peter Wilson [ctb, cph] (Read ZC files, original R code),
Wildlife Acoustics, inc. [ctb, cph] (Read WAC files, original C code),
WavX, inc. [cph]
Maintainer: Jean Marchal <jean.marchal@wavx.ca>
Diff between bioacoustics versions 0.2.0 dated 2019-02-08 and dated 2019-06-09
DESCRIPTION | 6 MD5 | 16 build/vignette.rds |binary data/myotis.rda |binary data/zc.rda |binary inst/doc/introduction.R | 258 +++---- inst/doc/introduction.html | 1602 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- inst/doc/tutorial.R | 748 ++++++++++----------- inst/doc/tutorial.html | 1406 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 9 files changed, 2018 insertions(+), 2018 deletions(-)
Title: Non-Astonishing Results in R
Description: Simple tools for converting columns to new data types. Intuitive functions for columns with missing values.
Author: David Sjoberg
Maintainer: David Sjoberg <dav.sjob@gmail.com>
Diff between hablar versions 0.1.0 dated 2018-10-26 and 0.2.0 dated 2019-06-09
DESCRIPTION | 16 LICENSE | 2 MD5 | 68 NAMESPACE | 41 NEWS.md |only R/hablar.R | 1207 +++++++++++--- README.md | 209 +- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/convert.html | 396 +++- inst/doc/hablar.R |only inst/doc/hablar.Rmd |only inst/doc/hablar.html |only inst/doc/retype.Rmd | 2 inst/doc/retype.html | 2623 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- inst/doc/s.html | 441 +++-- man/aggregators.Rd | 27 man/as_reliable.Rd | 3 man/check_df.Rd |only man/convert.Rd | 72 man/could_this_be_that.Rd | 3 man/create_dummy.Rd |only man/find_in_df.Rd |only man/fun_by_row.Rd |only man/if_else_.Rd |only man/math.Rd |only man/n_unique.Rd |only man/rationalize.Rd | 2 man/replacers.Rd |only man/retype.Rd | 2 man/s.Rd | 20 man/set_wd_to_script_path.Rd |only tests/testthat/test.check_df.R |only tests/testthat/test.convert.R | 9 tests/testthat/test.could_this_be_that.R | 10 tests/testthat/test.create_dummy.R |only tests/testthat/test.find_in_df.R |only tests/testthat/test.fun_by_row.R |only tests/testthat/test.ifs.R |only tests/testthat/test.math.R |only tests/testthat/test.n_unique.R |only tests/testthat/test.rationalize.R | 5 tests/testthat/test.retype.R | 17 tests/testthat/test.s.R | 36 tests/testthat/test.session_funs.R |only vignettes/hablar.Rmd |only vignettes/retype.Rmd | 2 46 files changed, 4553 insertions(+), 660 deletions(-)
Title: Exploratory Chemometrics for 2D Spectroscopy
Description: A collection of functions for exploratory chemometrics of 2D spectroscopic data sets such as COSY (correlated spectroscopy) and HSQC (heteronuclear single quantum coherence) 2D NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectra. 'ChemoSpec2D' deploys methods aimed primarily at classification of samples and the identification of spectral features which are important in distinguishing samples from each other. Each 2D spectrum (a matrix) is treated as the unit of observation, and thus the physical sample in the spectrometer corresponds to the sample from a statistical perspective. In addition to chemometric tools, a few tools are provided for plotting 2D spectra, but these are not intended to replace the functionality typically available on the spectrometer. 'ChemoSpec2D' takes many of its cues from 'ChemoSpec' and tries to create consistent graphical output and to be very user friendly.
Author: Bryan A. Hanson [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3536-8246>)
Maintainer: Bryan A. Hanson <hanson@depauw.edu>
Diff between ChemoSpec2D versions 0.2.19 dated 2019-03-01 and 0.3.166 dated 2019-06-09
ChemoSpec2D-0.2.19/ChemoSpec2D/R/miaLoadings.R |only ChemoSpec2D-0.2.19/ChemoSpec2D/R/pfacLoadings.R |only ChemoSpec2D-0.2.19/ChemoSpec2D/R/toChemoSpec.R |only ChemoSpec2D-0.2.19/ChemoSpec2D/man/MUD1.Rd |only ChemoSpec2D-0.2.19/ChemoSpec2D/man/miaLoadings.Rd |only ChemoSpec2D-0.2.19/ChemoSpec2D/man/pfacLoadings.Rd |only ChemoSpec2D-0.2.19/ChemoSpec2D/man/toChemoSpec.Rd |only ChemoSpec2D-0.2.19/ChemoSpec2D/tests/testthat |only ChemoSpec2D-0.2.19/ChemoSpec2D/tests/testthat.R |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/DESCRIPTION | 20 +- ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/MD5 | 116 +++++++------ ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/NAMESPACE | 27 ++- ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/NEWS.md | 41 ++++ ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/AlignArraysMBO.R |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/MUD.R | 27 +-- ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/Spectra2D.R | 8 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/centscaleSpectra2D.R | 90 ++++++---- ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/check4GapsStub.R | 2 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/chkSpectraStub.R | 2 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/colorSymbolStub.R |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/evalArrayOverlapMBO.R |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/files2Spectra2DObject.R | 4 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/findZeros.R |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/getAlignOrder.R |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/hats_alignSpectra2D.R |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/import2Dspectra.R | 25 ++ ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/inspectLvls.R | 10 - ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/makeArray.R | 27 ++- ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/miaSpectra2D.R | 15 + ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/noiseSurface.R |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/normSpectra2D.R | 5 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/pfacSpectra2D.R | 45 ++--- ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/plotEngine.R | 4 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/plotLoadings2D.R |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/plotScoresStub.R | 2 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/plotScreeStub.R | 2 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/plotSlice.R | 2 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/plotSpectra2D.R | 12 - ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/popSpectra2D.R |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/removeFreqStub.R | 2 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/removeGroupStub.R | 2 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/removePeaks2D.R | 14 - ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/removeSampleStub.R | 2 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/rescale.R | 9 - ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/shiftArray.R |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/shiftSpectra2D.R |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/showScale.R | 5 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/sumGroupsStub.R | 2 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/sumSpectraStub.R | 2 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/R/unstack.R |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/data/MUD1.RData |binary ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/data/MUD2.RData |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/inst/doc/ChemoSpec2D.Rmd | 40 +--- ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/inst/doc/ChemoSpec2D.pdf |binary ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/inst/tinytest |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/man/MUD.Rd |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/man/Spectra2D.Rd | 8 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/man/centscaleSpectra2D.Rd | 18 +- ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/man/colorSymbol.Rd |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/man/hats_alignSpectra2D.Rd |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/man/import2Dspectra.Rd | 11 + ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/man/inspectLvls.Rd | 6 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/man/miaSpectra2D.Rd | 13 + ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/man/normSpectra2D.Rd | 3 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/man/pfacSpectra2D.Rd | 36 ++-- ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/man/plotLoadings2D.Rd |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/man/plotSlice.Rd | 2 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/man/plotSpectra2D.Rd | 10 - ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/man/popSpectra2D.Rd |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/man/removePeaks2D.Rd | 8 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/man/shiftSpectra2D.Rd |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/man/showScale.Rd | 5 ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/tests/tinytest.R |only ChemoSpec2D-0.3.166/ChemoSpec2D/vignettes/ChemoSpec2D.Rmd | 40 +--- 74 files changed, 449 insertions(+), 275 deletions(-)
Title: Penalty Learning
Description: Implementations of algorithms from
Learning Sparse Penalties for Change-point Detection
using Max Margin Interval Regression, by
Hocking, Rigaill, Vert, Bach
published in proceedings of ICML2013.
Author: Toby Dylan Hocking
Maintainer: Toby Dylan Hocking <toby.hocking@r-project.org>
Diff between penaltyLearning versions 2018.09.04 dated 2018-09-10 and 2019.5.29 dated 2019-06-09
DESCRIPTION | 12 MD5 | 61 NAMESPACE | 27 NEWS | 290 ++-- R/IntervalRegression.R | 1756 ++++++++++++------------- R/ROChange.R | 373 +++-- R/featureVector.R | 214 +-- R/geoms.R | 142 +- R/labelError.R | 580 ++++---- R/modelSelection.R | 524 ++++--- R/targetIntervals.R | 624 ++++---- data/datalist | 6 man/IntervalRegressionCV.Rd | 1 man/IntervalRegressionInternal.Rd | 4 man/ROChange.Rd | 2 man/demo8.Rd | 30 man/labelError.Rd | 1 man/neuroblastomaProcessed.Rd | 48 man/oneSkip.Rd | 36 man/targetIntervalROC.Rd | 1 man/targetIntervalResidual.Rd | 1 src/interface.cpp | 49 src/largestContinuousMinimum.cpp | 2 src/modelSelection.cpp | 4 src/modelSelectionFwd.cpp |only src/modelSelectionFwd.h |only src/modelSelectionQuadratic.cpp |only src/modelSelectionQuadratic.h |only tests/testthat.R | 4 tests/testthat/test-ROChange-no-thresh.R |only tests/testthat/test-demo8.R | 104 - tests/testthat/test-errors.R | 270 +-- tests/testthat/test-features.R | 76 - tests/testthat/test-largestContinuousMinimum.R | 170 +- 34 files changed, 2839 insertions(+), 2573 deletions(-)
More information about penaltyLearning at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: R at the Command-Line via 'r'
Description: A scripting and command-line front-end
is provided by 'r' (aka 'littler') as a lightweight binary wrapper around
the GNU R language and environment for statistical computing and graphics.
While R can be used in batch mode, the r binary adds full support for
both 'shebang'-style scripting (i.e. using a hash-mark-exclamation-path
expression as the first line in scripts) as well as command-line use in
standard Unix pipelines. In other words, r provides the R language without
the environment.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel and Jeff Horner
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org>
Diff between littler versions 0.3.7 dated 2019-03-15 and 0.3.8 dated 2019-06-09
ChangeLog | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DESCRIPTION | 8 +++--- MD5 | 39 +++++++++++++++--------------- R/init.R | 6 +++- build/vignette.rds |binary configure | 18 +++++++------- configure.ac | 2 - inst/NEWS.Rd | 26 +++++++++++++++++++- inst/doc/littler-examples.Rmd | 13 +++++----- inst/doc/littler-examples.html | 23 +++++++++--------- inst/doc/littler-faq.Rmd | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- inst/doc/littler-faq.html | 52 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- inst/examples/c4c.r | 5 +-- inst/examples/cow.r | 5 +-- inst/examples/install.r | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++-------- inst/examples/install2.r | 26 ++++++++++++++++++-- inst/examples/rchk.r | 4 +-- inst/examples/tt.r |only src/Makevars.in | 7 ++--- vignettes/littler-examples.Rmd | 13 +++++----- vignettes/littler-faq.Rmd | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- 21 files changed, 310 insertions(+), 110 deletions(-)
Title: General Smoothing Splines
Description: A comprehensive package for structural multivariate
function estimation using smoothing splines.
Author: Chong Gu <chong@purdue.edu>
Maintainer: Chong Gu <chong@purdue.edu>
Diff between gss versions 2.1-9 dated 2018-05-06 and 2.1-10 dated 2019-06-09
gss-2.1-10/gss/ChangeLog | 11 ++++++++++ gss-2.1-10/gss/DESCRIPTION | 8 +++---- gss-2.1-10/gss/MD5 | 30 ++++++++++++--------------- gss-2.1-10/gss/R/cdssden.R | 2 + gss-2.1-10/gss/R/dssden.R | 2 + gss-2.1-10/gss/R/gssanova0.R | 1 gss-2.1-10/gss/R/ssanova0.R | 1 gss-2.1-10/gss/src/dmudr0.f | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------- gss-2.1-10/gss/src/dsidr0.f | 24 ++++++++++++++++++---- gss-2.1-10/gss/src/init.c | 4 +-- gss-2.1-10/gss/src/ratfor/dmudr0.r | 38 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- gss-2.1-10/gss/src/ratfor/dsidr0.r | 22 ++++++++++++++++++-- gss-2.1-10/gss/src/ratfor/reg.r | 4 +-- gss-2.1-10/gss/src/reg.f | 4 +-- gss-2.1-9/gss/src/dmudr.f |only gss-2.1-9/gss/src/dsidr.f |only gss-2.1-9/gss/src/ratfor/dmudr.r |only gss-2.1-9/gss/src/ratfor/dsidr.r |only 18 files changed, 147 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
Title: Liouville Copulas
Description: Collections of functions allowing random number generations and
estimation of 'Liouville' copulas.
Author: Leo Belzile [aut, cre],
Christian Genest [aut, ctb],
Alexander J. McNeil [ctb],
Johanna G. Neslehova [ctb]
Maintainer: Leo Belzile <belzilel@gmail.com>
Diff between lcopula versions 1.0 dated 2017-02-01 and 1.0.3 dated 2019-06-09
lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/DESCRIPTION | 22 +- lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/MD5 | 68 ++++---- lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/NAMESPACE | 2 lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/NEWS | 7 lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/R/RcppExports.R | 72 ++++---- lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/R/liouville_extreme.R | 184 ++++------------------ lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/build/partial.rdb |binary lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/inst |only lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/H_inv.Rd | 1 lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/K.plot.Rd | 7 lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/Liouville.Rd | 7 lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/Liouville_marginal.Rd | 5 lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/dirspecdens.Rd |only lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/dot-ctspecdens.Rd |only lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/dot-liouv.Tau_s.Rd |only lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/dot-liouv.iTau_s.Rd |only lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/dot-marginCombo.Rd |only lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/dot-pickands.dir.uni.Rd |only lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/dot-pickands.fun.uni.Rd |only lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/dot-pliouv.opt_old.Rd |only lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/express_coef_clayton.Rd | 1 lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/express_coef_gumb.Rd | 1 lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/hmvevdliouv.Rd |only lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/isliouv_m.Rd | 1 lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/lcopula-package.Rd | 21 +- lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/liouv.Tau.Rd | 1 lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/liouv.iTau.Rd | 1 lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/liouv.maxim.Rd | 5 lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/negdirspecdens.Rd |only lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/pickands.liouv.Rd | 1 lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/pickands.plot.Rd | 4 lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/pliouv.opt.Rd | 1 lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/rarchi.Rd | 1 lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/sliouv.Rd | 1 lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/sliouv_m.Rd | 1 lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/man/theta.bci.Rd | 5 lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/src/RcppExports.cpp | 100 ++++++++--- lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/src/generic.cpp | 1 lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/src/lcopula-init.c |only lcopula-1.0.3/lcopula/src/spectral_densities.cpp |only lcopula-1.0/lcopula/man/hbvevdliouv.Rd |only lcopula-1.0/lcopula/src/densities.cpp |only 42 files changed, 233 insertions(+), 288 deletions(-)
Title: Calculate Cluster-Robust p-Values and Confidence Intervals
Description: Calculate p-values and confidence intervals using cluster-adjusted
t-statistics (based on Ibragimov and Muller (2010) <DOI:10.1198/jbes.2009.08046>, pairs cluster bootstrapped t-statistics, and wild cluster bootstrapped t-statistics (the latter two techniques based on Cameron, Gelbach, and Miller (2008) <DOI:10.1162/rest.90.3.414>. Procedures are included for use with GLM, ivreg, plm (pooling or fixed effects), and mlogit models.
Author: Justin Esarey [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Justin Esarey <justin@justinesarey.com>
Diff between clusterSEs versions 2.6 dated 2019-06-09 and 2.6.1 dated 2019-06-09
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 10 +++++----- R/clusterwild.glm.R | 2 +- R/clusterwild.ivreg.R | 2 +- man/cluster.wild.glm.Rd | 2 +- man/cluster.wild.ivreg.Rd | 2 +- 6 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
Title: Functions Supporting Packages ChemoSpec and ChemoSpec2D
Description: Functions supporting the common needs of packages 'ChemoSpec' and 'ChemoSpec2D'.
Author: Bryan A. Hanson [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3536-8246>)
Maintainer: Bryan A. Hanson <hanson@depauw.edu>
Diff between ChemoSpecUtils versions 0.2.211 dated 2019-03-01 and 0.3.20 dated 2019-06-09
ChemoSpecUtils-0.2.211/ChemoSpecUtils/R/plotScree.mia.R |only ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/DESCRIPTION | 17 - ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/MD5 | 120 +++++----- ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/NAMESPACE | 5 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/NEWS.md | 16 + ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/addEllipseInfo.R | 4 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/addLegend.R | 13 - ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/addMethod.R | 2 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/checkForPackageWithVersion.R |only ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/chkArgs.R | 33 -- ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/chkSpectra.R | 12 - ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/chkSpectra.Spectra.R | 19 + ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/chkSpectra.Spectra2D.R | 16 + ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/colorSymbol.R |only ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/computeEllipses.R | 16 - ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/conColScheme.R |only ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/drawEllipses.R | 5 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/drawPoints.R | 5 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/extraData.R | 5 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/findNA.R | 4 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/getLimits.R | 15 - ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/getVarExplained.R |only ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/groupNcolor.R | 5 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/hcaScores.R | 12 - ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/hcaScores.Spectra.R | 4 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/hcaScores.Spectra2D.R | 4 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/labelExtremes.R | 3 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/plotHCA.R | 4 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/plotScores.R | 36 +-- ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/plotScores.Spectra.R | 9 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/plotScores.Spectra2D.R | 22 + ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/plotScree.R | 10 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/plotScree.default.R | 33 +- ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/remGrpSam.R | 6 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/removeFreq.R | 30 +- ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/removeFreq.Spectra.R | 2 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/removeFreq.Spectra2D.R | 3 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/removeGroup.R | 16 - ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/removeGroup.Spectra.R | 2 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/removeGroup.Spectra2D.R | 2 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/removeSample.R | 16 - ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/removeSample.Spectra.R | 2 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/removeSample.Spectra2D.R | 2 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/scorePlot.R | 28 +- ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/sumGroups.R | 12 - ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/sumGroups.Spectra.R | 2 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/sumGroups.Spectra2D.R | 2 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/sumSpectra.R | 14 - ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/sumSpectra.Spectra.R | 8 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/sumSpectra.Spectra2D.R | 8 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/R/updateGroups.R | 15 - ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/man/checkForPackageWithVersion.Rd |only ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/man/chkSpectra.Rd | 10 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/man/colorSymbol.Rd |only ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/man/conColScheme.Rd |only ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/man/hcaScores.Rd | 11 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/man/plotScores.Rd | 36 +-- ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/man/plotScree.Rd | 8 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/man/removeFreq.Rd | 28 +- ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/man/removeGroup.Rd | 14 - ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/man/removeSample.Rd | 14 - ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/man/sumGroups.Rd | 10 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/man/sumSpectra.Rd | 12 - ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/man/updateGroups.Rd | 11 ChemoSpecUtils-0.3.20/ChemoSpecUtils/tests/testthat/test-all.R | 69 +---- 65 files changed, 452 insertions(+), 390 deletions(-)
More information about ChemoSpecUtils at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Multivariate Extremes: Bayesian Estimation of the Spectral
Description: Toolkit for Bayesian estimation of the dependence structure in multivariate extreme value parametric models.
Author: Anne Sabourin
Maintainer: Leo Belzile <belzilel@gmail.com>
Diff between BMAmevt versions 1.0.1 dated 2017-03-06 and 1.0.3 dated 2019-06-09
DESCRIPTION | 16 +- MD5 | 130 ++++++++++---------- NAMESPACE | 25 ++-- R/BMAmevt-package.R | 68 ++++++---- R/ddirimix.r | 184 ++++++++++++++--------------- R/dgridplot.R | 256 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- R/diagnose.r | 5 R/posteriorMCMC.r | 2 R/scores3D.r | 2 R/zzz.r | 2 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/BMAmevt.Rnw | 33 +---- inst/doc/BMAmevt.pdf |binary man/BMAmevt-package.Rd | 42 +++--- man/Leeds.Rd | 26 +--- man/Leeds.frechet.Rd | 20 --- man/MCpriorIntFun.Rd | 139 ++++++++++------------ man/MCpriorIntFun.pb.Rd | 65 ++++------ man/add.frame.Rd | 33 ++--- man/cons.angular.dat.Rd | 64 +++------- man/ddirimix.Rd | 101 ++++++++-------- man/ddirimix.grid.Rd | 62 ++++----- man/ddirimix.grid1D.Rd | 64 +++------- man/dgridplot.Rd | 86 ++++++------- man/diagnose.PBNLpostsample.Rd | 126 ++++++++------------ man/discretize.Rd | 46 +++---- man/dm.expar.D3k3.Rd | 9 - man/dpairbeta.Rd | 135 +++++++++------------ man/dpairbeta.grid.Rd | 82 ++++++------- man/excessProb.condit.dm.Rd | 30 ++-- man/excessProb.condit.nl.Rd | 16 +- man/excessProb.condit.pb.Rd | 36 ++--- man/excessProb.nl.Rd | 62 ++++----- man/excessProb.pb.Rd | 74 ++++------- man/expfunction.nl.Rd | 18 +- man/frechetdat.Rd | 22 +-- man/invlogit.Rd | 11 - man/lAccept.ratio.Rd | 103 ++++++++-------- man/laplace.evt.Rd | 68 ++++------ man/logit.Rd | 14 +- man/marginal.lkl.Rd | 111 +++++++---------- man/marginal.lkl.pb.Rd | 60 ++++----- man/maxLikelihood.Rd | 44 +++---- man/nl.Hpar.Rd | 11 - man/nl.MCpar.Rd | 11 - man/pb.Hpar.Rd | 20 +-- man/pb.MCpar.Rd | 13 -- man/posterior.predictive.pb.Rd | 72 ++++------- man/posterior.predictive3D.Rd | 138 ++++++++++------------ man/posteriorDistr.bma.Rd | 26 +--- man/posteriorMCMC.Rd | 223 ++++++++++++++++------------------- man/posteriorMCMC.pb.Rd | 66 ++++------ man/posteriorMean.Rd | 56 +++----- man/posteriorWeights.Rd | 99 ++++++--------- man/prior.nl.Rd | 74 +++++------ man/prior.pb.Rd | 49 +++---- man/proposal.nl.Rd | 53 +++----- man/proposal.pb.Rd | 38 ++---- man/rdirichlet.Rd | 15 +- man/rect.integrate.Rd | 38 ++---- man/rstable.posit.Rd | 23 +-- man/scores3D.Rd | 52 +++----- man/transf.to.equi.Rd | 27 +--- man/winterdat.Rd | 12 - vignettes/BMAmevt.Rnw | 33 +---- vignettes/biblio.bib | 45 ++++--- 66 files changed, 1660 insertions(+), 2026 deletions(-)
Title: Basic Functions in Knowledge Space Theory Using Matrix
Description: Knowledge space theory by Doignon and Falmagne (1999)
<doi:10.1007/978-3-642-58625-5> is a set- and order-theoretical
framework, which proposes mathematical formalisms to operationalize
knowledge structures in a particular domain. The 'kstMatrix' package
provides basic functionalities to generate, handle, and manipulate
knowledge structures and knowledge spaces. Opposed to the 'kst'
package, 'kstMatrix' uses matrix representations for knowledge
structures. Furthermore, 'kstMatrix' contains several knowledge spaces
developed by the research group around Cornelia Dowling through
querying experts.
Author: Cord Hockemeyer [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Cord Hockemeyer <cord.hockemeyer@uni-graz.at>
Diff between kstMatrix versions 0.1-1 dated 2019-03-27 and 0.1-2 dated 2019-06-09
Changelog | 7 +++ DESCRIPTION | 13 +++--- MD5 | 38 +++++++++---------- NAMESPACE | 1 R/kmsurmiserelation.R | 20 +++++++--- R/kmunionclosure.R | 79 +++------------------------------------ R/kmvalidate.R | 2 - R/xpl.R | 2 - build/vignette.rds |binary data/cad.rda |binary data/fractions.rda |binary data/readwrite.rda |binary data/xpl.rda |binary inst/doc/kstMatrix.R | 3 - inst/doc/kstMatrix.Rmd | 13 +----- inst/doc/kstMatrix.html | 95 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- man/kmunionclosure.Rd | 5 -- man/kmvalidate.Rd | 1 man/xpl.Rd | 2 - vignettes/kstMatrix.Rmd | 13 +----- 20 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 194 deletions(-)
Title: Fast Data Aggregation, Modification, and Filtering with Pipes
and 'data.table'
Description: Package provides pipe-style interface for 'data.table'. It preserves all
'data.table' features without significant impact on performance. 'let'
and 'take' functions are simplified interfaces for most common data manipulation
tasks. For example, you can write 'mtcars %>% take(mean(mpg), by = am)' for
aggregation or 'mtcars %>% let(hp_wt = hp/wt, hp_wt_mpg = hp_wt/mpg)' for modification.
Use 'take_if/let_if' for conditional aggregation/modification. 'query_if' function
translates its arguments one-to-one to '[.data.table' method. Additionally there are
some conveniences such as automatic 'data.frame' conversion to 'data.table'.
Author: Gregory Demin [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Gregory Demin <gdemin@gmail.com>
Diff between maditr versions 0.6.1 dated 2019-01-03 and 0.6.2 dated 2019-06-09
DESCRIPTION | 10 MD5 | 32 - NAMESPACE | 1 NEWS | 5 R/coalesce.R | 9 R/let.R | 901 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- R/maditr.R | 9 R/query.R | 2 R/verbs.R | 31 - build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/Introduction.Rmd | 3 inst/doc/Introduction.html | 19 man/let_if.Rd | 6 man/maditr.Rd | 9 tests/testthat/test_verbs.R | 1 tests/testthat/tests.R | 24 + vignettes/Introduction.Rmd | 3 17 files changed, 556 insertions(+), 509 deletions(-)
Title: New Plots Based on 'ggplot2' and Functions to Create Regular
Description: An extension to 'ggplot2' with miscellaneous functions. It contains
two groups of functions: Functions in the first group draw 'ggplot2' - based plots: gg_shading_bar() draws barplot
with shading colors in each bar. geom_rect_cm(), geom_circle_cm() and geom_ellipse_cm() draw rectangles, circles
and ellipses with centimeter as their unit. Thus their sizes do not change when the coordinate system or the aspect ratio
changes. Functions in the second group generate coordinates for regular shapes and make linear transformations.
Author: Jiang Wu [aut, cre] (from Capital Normal University)
Maintainer: Jiang Wu <textidea@sina.com>
Diff between plothelper versions 0.1.1 dated 2019-04-22 and 0.1.2 dated 2019-06-09
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++----- MD5 | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------ NAMESPACE | 6 ++++++ R/ANYxy.R | 10 +++++++++- R/add_slash_n.R |only R/annotation_shading_polygon.R |only R/annotation_transparent_text.R |only R/count_each_column.R | 2 +- R/ellipsexy.R | 9 +++++---- R/geom_circle_cm.R | 2 +- R/geom_ellipse_cm.R | 3 ++- R/scale_free.R |only R/showcolor.R |only man/ANYxy.Rd | 3 ++- man/add_slash_n.Rd |only man/annotation_shading_polygon.Rd |only man/annotation_transparent_text.Rd |only man/count_each_column.Rd | 2 +- man/ellipsexy.Rd | 3 ++- man/geom_circle_cm.Rd | 2 +- man/geom_ellipse_cm.Rd | 3 ++- man/scale_free.Rd |only man/showcolor.Rd |only 23 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
Title: Fast Imputation of Missing Values
Description: Alternative implementation of the beautiful 'MissForest' algorithm used to impute mixed-type data sets by chaining random forests, introduced by Stekhoven, D.J. and Buehlmann, P. (2012) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btr597>. Under the hood, it uses the lightning fast random jungle package 'ranger'. Between the iterative model fitting, we offer the option of using predictive mean matching. This firstly avoids imputation with values not already present in the original data (like a value 0.3334 in 0-1 coded variable). Secondly, predictive mean matching tries to raise the variance in the resulting conditional distributions to a realistic level. This would allow e.g. to do multiple imputation when repeating the call to missRanger().
Author: Michael Mayer [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Michael Mayer <mayermichael79@gmail.com>
Diff between missRanger versions 1.0.4 dated 2019-01-07 and 1.0.5 dated 2019-06-09
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++----- MD5 | 10 +++++----- NEWS.md | 4 ++-- R/missRanger.R | 13 ++++++++++--- README.md | 10 ++++++++++ man/missRanger.Rd | 6 ++++-- 6 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
Title: Calculate Cluster-Robust p-Values and Confidence Intervals
Description: Calculate p-values and confidence intervals using cluster-adjusted
t-statistics (based on Ibragimov and Muller (2010) <DOI:10.1198/jbes.2009.08046>, pairs cluster bootstrapped t-statistics, and wild cluster bootstrapped t-statistics (the latter two techniques based on Cameron, Gelbach, and Miller (2008) <DOI:10.1162/rest.90.3.414>. Procedures are included for use with GLM, ivreg, plm (pooling or fixed effects), and mlogit models.
Author: Justin Esarey [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Justin Esarey <justin@justinesarey.com>
Diff between clusterSEs versions 2.5.1 dated 2018-10-29 and 2.6 dated 2019-06-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 32 ++++++++++++++++---------------- R/clusterBS.glm.R | 12 +++++++++++- R/clusterBS.ivreg.R | 15 +++++++++++++-- R/clusterBS.mlogit.R | 12 +++++++++++- R/clusterBS.plm.R | 16 +++++++++++++--- R/clusterIM.mlogit.R | 4 ++-- R/clusterwild.glm.R | 41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------- R/clusterwild.ivreg.R | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- R/clusterwild.plm.R | 20 +++++++++++++++----- man/cluster.bs.glm.Rd | 4 +++- man/cluster.bs.ivreg.Rd | 5 ++++- man/cluster.bs.mlogit.Rd | 4 +++- man/cluster.bs.plm.Rd | 4 +++- man/cluster.wild.glm.Rd | 4 +++- man/cluster.wild.ivreg.Rd | 5 ++++- man/cluster.wild.plm.Rd | 5 ++++- 17 files changed, 176 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
Title: Population Assignment using Genetic, Non-Genetic or Integrated
Data in a Machine Learning Framework
Description: Use Monte-Carlo and K-fold cross-validation coupled with machine-
learning classification algorithms to perform population assignment, with
functionalities of evaluating discriminatory power of independent training
samples, identifying informative loci, reducing data dimensionality for genomic
data, integrating genetic and non-genetic data, and visualizing results.
Author: Kuan-Yu (Alex) Chen [aut, cre], Elizabeth A. Marschall [aut], Michael
G. Sovic [aut], Anthony C. Fries [aut], H. Lisle Gibbs [aut], Stuart A. Ludsin
Maintainer: Kuan-Yu (Alex) Chen <alexkychen@gmail.com>
Diff between assignPOP versions 1.1.4 dated 2018-03-13 and 1.1.6 dated 2019-06-09
DESCRIPTION | 19 MD5 | 46 R/accuracy.MC.R | 14 R/accuracy.kfold.R | 4 R/accuracy.plot.R | 1 R/assign.MC.R | 3187 +++++++++++++++++----------------- R/assign.kfold.R | 2787 +++++++++++++++-------------- R/assign.matrix.R | 277 +- R/membership.plot.R | 407 ++-- README.md | 30 man/accuracy.MC.Rd | 36 man/accuracy.kfold.Rd | 36 man/accuracy.plot.Rd | 48 man/assign.MC.Rd | 112 - man/assign.X.Rd | 88 man/assign.kfold.Rd | 108 - man/assign.matrix.Rd | 50 man/check.loci.Rd | 40 man/compile.data.Rd | 58 man/membership.plot.Rd | 44 man/read.Genepop.Rd | 60 man/read.Structure.Rd | 52 man/reduce.allele.Rd | 50 tests/testthat/testData/varDummy1.csv | 12 24 files changed, 3851 insertions(+), 3715 deletions(-)