Title: Differential Risk Hotspots in a Linear Network
Description: Performs the identification of differential risk hotspots (Briz-Redon et al. 2019) <doi:10.1016/j.aap.2019.105278> along a linear network. Given a marked point pattern lying on the linear network, the method implemented uses a network-constrained version of kernel density estimation (McSwiggan et al. 2017) <doi:10.1111/sjos.12255> to approximate the probability of occurrence across space for the type of event specified by the user through the marks of the pattern (Kelsall and Diggle 1995) <doi:10.2307/3318678>. The goal is to detect microzones of the linear network where the type of event indicated by the user is overrepresented.
Author: Alvaro Briz-Redon
Maintainer: Alvaro Briz-Redon <alvaro.briz@uv.es>
Diff between DRHotNet versions 1.0 dated 2019-06-14 and 1.1 dated 2019-09-15
DRHotNet-1.0/DRHotNet/R/DiffHotspots_n_k.R |only DRHotNet-1.0/DRHotNet/man/DiffHotspots_n_k.Rd |only DRHotNet-1.1/DRHotNet/DESCRIPTION | 11 DRHotNet-1.1/DRHotNet/MD5 | 28 + DRHotNet-1.1/DRHotNet/NAMESPACE | 9 DRHotNet-1.1/DRHotNet/R/AuxiliaryFunctions.R | 78 ++++- DRHotNet-1.1/DRHotNet/R/DRHotspots_k_n.R |only DRHotNet-1.1/DRHotNet/R/ImportPackages.R | 9 DRHotNet-1.1/DRHotNet/R/NeighbourhoodMatrixNetwork.R | 8 DRHotNet-1.1/DRHotNet/R/PlotHotspots.R |only DRHotNet-1.1/DRHotNet/R/PlotRelativeProbabilities.R |only DRHotNet-1.1/DRHotNet/R/RelativeProbabilityNetwork.R | 249 +++------------- DRHotNet-1.1/DRHotNet/R/Sensitivity_k_n.R |only DRHotNet-1.1/DRHotNet/R/SummaryDRHotspots.R |only DRHotNet-1.1/DRHotNet/man/DRHotspots_k_n.Rd |only DRHotNet-1.1/DRHotNet/man/NeighbourhoodMatrixNetwork.Rd | 2 DRHotNet-1.1/DRHotNet/man/PlotHotspots.Rd |only DRHotNet-1.1/DRHotNet/man/PlotRelativeProbabilities.Rd |only DRHotNet-1.1/DRHotNet/man/RelativeProbabilityNetwork.Rd | 36 -- DRHotNet-1.1/DRHotNet/man/Sensitivity_k_n.Rd |only DRHotNet-1.1/DRHotNet/man/SummaryDRHotspots.Rd |only 21 files changed, 180 insertions(+), 250 deletions(-)
Title: Larger-than-RAM Disk-Based Data Manipulation Framework
Description: A disk-based data manipulation tool for working with
large-than-RAM datasets. Aims to lower the barrier-to-entry for
manipulating large datasets by adhering closely to popular and
familiar data manipulation paradigms like dplyr verbs and
data.table syntax.
Author: Dai ZJ [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Dai ZJ <zhuojia.dai@gmail.com>
Diff between disk.frame versions 0.1.0 dated 2019-08-20 and 0.1.1 dated 2019-09-15
disk.frame-0.1.0/disk.frame/R/sas_to_csv.r |only disk.frame-0.1.0/disk.frame/R/sas_to_disk.frame.r |only disk.frame-0.1.0/disk.frame/inst/doc/intro.Rmd |only disk.frame-0.1.0/disk.frame/inst/doc/intro.html |only disk.frame-0.1.0/disk.frame/inst/figures/hex-logo.png |only disk.frame-0.1.0/disk.frame/man/disk.frame_fst.Rd |only disk.frame-0.1.0/disk.frame/man/figures |only disk.frame-0.1.0/disk.frame/man/is.file.disk.frame.Rd |only disk.frame-0.1.0/disk.frame/man/is_ready.Rd |only disk.frame-0.1.0/disk.frame/man/progressbar.Rd |only disk.frame-0.1.0/disk.frame/man/sas_to_csv.Rd |only disk.frame-0.1.0/disk.frame/vignettes/intro.Rmd |only disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/DESCRIPTION | 21 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/MD5 | 133 ++-- disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/NAMESPACE | 11 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/NEWS.md |only disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/add_chunk.r | 44 - disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/anti_join.r | 2 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/as.disk.frame.r | 3 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/collect.r | 30 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/compute.r | 6 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/csv2disk.frame.r | 282 ++++++++- disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/csv2disk.frame_readr.r |only disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/data.table.r | 2 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/disk.frame.r | 7 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/dplyr_verbs.r | 76 ++ disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/foverlaps.disk.frame.r | 2 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/full_join.r | 4 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/get_chunk.r | 4 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/hard_group_by.r | 5 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/inner_join.r | 2 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/map.r | 25 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/names.r | 5 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/ncol-nrow.r | 1 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/print.disk.frame.r | 7 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/rechunk.r | 19 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/recommend_nchunks.r | 98 ++- disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/sas2disk_frame.r |only disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/setup.r | 1 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/shard.r | 9 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/show_ceremony.R |only disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/util.r | 1 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/write_disk.frame.r | 54 + disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/zip_to_disk.frame.r | 1 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/R/zzz.r | 5 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/README.md | 373 ++++++++---- disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/build/vignette.rds |binary disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/inst/bugs.R |only disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/inst/doc/concepts.Rmd | 25 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/inst/doc/concepts.html | 22 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/inst/doc/data-table-syntax.Rmd | 5 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/inst/doc/data-table-syntax.html | 6 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/inst/doc/ingesting-data.Rmd | 5 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/inst/doc/ingesting-data.html | 7 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/inst/doc/intro-disk-frame.Rmd | 8 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/inst/doc/intro-disk-frame.html | 258 ++++---- disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/inst/figures/disk.frame.png |only disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/inst/figures/logo.png |only disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/man/add_chunk.Rd | 14 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/man/add_meta.Rd | 2 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/man/collect.Rd | 9 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/man/colnames.Rd | 4 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/man/compute.disk.frame.Rd | 6 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/man/create_dplyr_mapper.Rd | 31 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/man/csv_to_disk.frame.Rd | 40 + disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/man/df_ram_size.Rd |only disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/man/dplyr_verbs.Rd | 72 ++ disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/man/group_by.Rd | 3 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/man/ncol_nrow.Rd | 3 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/man/recommend_nchunks.Rd | 22 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/man/setup_disk.frame.Rd | 1 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/man/show_ceremony.Rd |only disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/man/write_disk.frame.Rd | 11 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/man/zip_to_disk.frame.Rd | 5 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/vignettes/concepts.Rmd | 25 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/vignettes/data-table-syntax.Rmd | 5 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/vignettes/ingesting-data.Rmd | 5 disk.frame-0.1.1/disk.frame/vignettes/intro-disk-frame.Rmd | 8 78 files changed, 1354 insertions(+), 481 deletions(-)
Title: Tools for Analysing UK Politics
Description: Provides various tools for analysing UK political data, including
election result datasets, hexagonal cartograms and functions to
retrieve council member data.
Author: Evan Odell [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1845-808X>)
Maintainer: Evan Odell <evanodell91@gmail.com>
Diff between parlitools versions 0.3.3 dated 2019-05-30 and 0.3.4 dated 2019-09-15
parlitools-0.3.3/parlitools/inst/doc/mapping-local-authorities.R |only parlitools-0.3.3/parlitools/inst/doc/mapping-local-authorities.Rmd |only parlitools-0.3.3/parlitools/inst/doc/mapping-local-authorities.html |only parlitools-0.3.3/parlitools/inst/doc/using-cartograms.R |only parlitools-0.3.3/parlitools/inst/doc/using-cartograms.Rmd |only parlitools-0.3.3/parlitools/inst/doc/using-cartograms.html |only parlitools-0.3.3/parlitools/vignettes/mapping-local-authorities.Rmd |only parlitools-0.3.3/parlitools/vignettes/using-cartograms.Rmd |only parlitools-0.3.4/parlitools/DESCRIPTION | 6 parlitools-0.3.4/parlitools/MD5 | 34 - parlitools-0.3.4/parlitools/NEWS.md | 4 parlitools-0.3.4/parlitools/R/data.R | 6 parlitools-0.3.4/parlitools/R/parlitools-package.R | 2 parlitools-0.3.4/parlitools/build/vignette.rds |binary parlitools-0.3.4/parlitools/inst/doc/bes-2015.html | 8 parlitools-0.3.4/parlitools/inst/doc/bes-2017.html | 8 parlitools-0.3.4/parlitools/inst/doc/census-11.html | 8 parlitools-0.3.4/parlitools/inst/doc/introduction.Rmd | 4 parlitools-0.3.4/parlitools/inst/doc/introduction.html | 302 +++++----- parlitools-0.3.4/parlitools/man/bes_2015.Rd | 3 parlitools-0.3.4/parlitools/man/bes_2017.Rd | 3 parlitools-0.3.4/parlitools/vignettes/introduction.Rmd | 4 22 files changed, 211 insertions(+), 181 deletions(-)
Title: Generalized Least Squares with Measurement Error
Description: Performs linear regression with correlated predictors, responses and correlated measurement errors in predictors and responses, correcting for biased caused by these.
Author: Krzysztof Bartoszek <krzbar@protonmail.ch>
Maintainer: Krzysztof Bartoszek <krzbar@protonmail.ch>
Diff between GLSME versions 1.0.4 dated 2018-05-16 and 1.0.5 dated 2019-09-15
DESCRIPTION | 14 +++++++------- MD5 | 8 ++++---- man/GLSME-package.Rd | 32 ++++++++++++-------------------- man/GLSME.Rd | 28 ++++++++++------------------ man/GLSME.predict.Rd | 37 ++++++++++++++++--------------------- 5 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)
Title: DDI with R
Description: Useful functions for various DDI (Data Documentation Initiative) related inputs and outputs.
Author: Adrian Dusa [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Adrian Dusa <dusa.adrian@unibuc.ro>
Diff between DDIwR versions 0.3 dated 2019-04-26 and 0.4 dated 2019-09-15
DESCRIPTION | 10 MD5 | 42 R/checkType.R | 25 R/convert.R | 31 R/convertibble.R | 37 R/exportDDI.R | 498 ++++--- R/getDecimals.R | 25 R/getDelimiter.R | 77 - R/getEnter.R | 67 - R/getFiles.R | 150 +- R/getFormat.R | 34 R/getMetadata.R | 646 +++++----- R/getXML.R | 25 R/setupfile.R | 3207 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- R/splitrows.R | 63 - R/tibbleMetadata.R | 25 R/treatPath.R | 260 ++-- R/writeRlist.R | 165 +- inst/ChangeLog | 132 +- man/DDIwR.package.Rd | 104 - man/exportDDI.Rd | 5 man/getMetadata.Rd | 2 22 files changed, 2993 insertions(+), 2637 deletions(-)
Title: Fluid Data Transformations
Description: Supplies higher-order coordinatized data specification and fluid transform operators that include pivot and anti-pivot as special cases.
The methodology is describe in 'Zumel', 2018, "Fluid data reshaping with 'cdata'", <http://winvector.github.io/FluidData/FluidDataReshapingWithCdata.html> , doi:10.5281/zenodo.1173299 .
This package introduces the idea of explicit control table specification of data transforms.
Works on in-memory data or on remote data using 'rquery' and 'SQL' database interfaces.
Author: John Mount [aut, cre],
Nina Zumel [aut],
Win-Vector LLC [cph]
Maintainer: John Mount <jmount@win-vector.com>
Diff between cdata versions 1.1.1 dated 2019-07-24 and 1.1.2 dated 2019-09-15
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++----- MD5 | 26 +++++++++++++++----------- NAMESPACE | 3 +++ NEWS.md | 4 ++++ R/cdata_yaml.R |only README.md | 6 ++++-- inst/doc/blocksrecs.html | 10 +++++++--- inst/doc/cdata.html | 10 +++++++--- inst/doc/control_table_keys.html | 10 +++++++--- inst/doc/design.html | 10 +++++++--- inst/doc/exercises.html | 10 +++++++--- inst/doc/general_transform.html | 22 +++++++++++++--------- inst/doc/operators.html | 18 +++++++++++------- inst/unit_tests/test_encode.R |only man/convert_cdata_spec_to_yaml.Rd |only man/convert_yaml_to_cdata_spec.Rd |only 16 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)
Title: GNU Privacy Guard for R
Description: Bindings to GnuPG for working with OpenGPG (RFC4880) cryptographic methods.
Includes utilities for public key encryption, creating and verifying digital signatures,
and managing your local keyring. Note that some functionality depends on the version of
GnuPG that is installed on the system. On Windows this package can be used together with
'GPG4Win' which provides a GUI for managing keys and entering passphrases.
Author: Jeroen Ooms [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4035-0289>)
Maintainer: Jeroen Ooms <jeroen@berkeley.edu>
Diff between gpg versions 1.2 dated 2019-05-01 and 1.2.1 dated 2019-09-15
DESCRIPTION | 9 - MD5 | 10 - NEWS | 3 R/restart.R | 9 + build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/intro.html | 363 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- 6 files changed, 204 insertions(+), 190 deletions(-)
Title: Calculate Cluster-Robust p-Values and Confidence Intervals
Description: Calculate p-values and confidence intervals using cluster-adjusted
t-statistics (based on Ibragimov and Muller (2010) <DOI:10.1198/jbes.2009.08046>, pairs cluster bootstrapped t-statistics, and wild cluster bootstrapped t-statistics (the latter two techniques based on Cameron, Gelbach, and Miller (2008) <DOI:10.1162/rest.90.3.414>. Procedures are included for use with GLM, ivreg, plm (pooling or fixed effects), and mlogit models.
Author: Justin Esarey [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Justin Esarey <justin@justinesarey.com>
Diff between clusterSEs versions 2.6 dated 2019-06-09 and 2.6.2 dated 2019-09-15
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 16 ++++++++-------- R/clusterwild.glm.R | 2 +- R/clusterwild.ivreg.R | 2 +- R/clusterwild.plm.R | 2 +- R/zzz.R | 2 +- man/cluster.wild.glm.Rd | 2 +- man/cluster.wild.ivreg.Rd | 2 +- man/cluster.wild.plm.Rd | 2 +- 9 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
Title: Relational Query Generator for Data Manipulation at Scale
Description: A piped query generator based on Edgar F. Codd's relational
algebra, and on production experience using 'SQL' and 'dplyr' at big data
scale. The design represents an attempt to make 'SQL' more teachable by
denoting composition by a sequential pipeline notation instead of nested
queries or functions. The implementation delivers reliable high
performance data processing on large data systems such as 'Spark',
databases, and 'data.table'. Package features include: data processing trees
or pipelines as observable objects (able to report both columns
produced and columns used), optimized 'SQL' generation as an explicit
user visible table modeling step, plus explicit query reasoning and checking.
Author: John Mount [aut, cre],
Win-Vector LLC [cph]
Maintainer: John Mount <jmount@win-vector.com>
Diff between rquery versions 1.3.7 dated 2019-07-29 and 1.3.8 dated 2019-09-15
DESCRIPTION | 10 ++--- MD5 | 51 ++++++++++++++++------------- NAMESPACE | 3 + NEWS.md | 7 ++++ R/ex_data_frame.R | 6 ++- R/extend.R | 30 +++++++---------- R/natural_join.R | 6 +-- R/order_by.R | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------- R/pre_sql.R | 12 +++++-- R/project.R | 3 - R/rename.R | 2 - R/select_columns.R | 7 ++-- R/table_source.R | 6 +-- R/utils.R | 8 ++-- R/yaml.R |only R/zzz.R | 1 README.md | 55 ++++++++++++++++++-------------- inst/doc/AssigmentPartitioner.html | 46 ++++++++++++++------------- inst/doc/Parameterized_rquery.html | 27 +++++++++------ inst/doc/PipeableSQL.html | 32 ++++++++++-------- inst/doc/QueryGeneration.html | 42 +++++++++++++++--------- inst/doc/R_mapping.html | 12 ++++--- inst/doc/rquery_intro.html | 54 ++++++++++++++++++------------- inst/doc/rquery_substitution.html | 10 ++++- inst/doc/sql_quoting.html | 26 ++++++++------- inst/unit_tests/test_encode.R |only man/convert_yaml_to_pipeline.Rd |only man/order_rows.Rd |only man/to_transport_representation.Rd |only 29 files changed, 319 insertions(+), 200 deletions(-)
Title: Sample Design, Drawing & Data Analysis Using Data Frames
Description: Determine sample sizes, draw samples, and conduct data analysis using data frames. It specifically enables you to determine simple random sample sizes, stratified sample sizes, and complex stratified sample sizes using a secondary variable such as population; draw simple random samples and stratified random samples from sampling data frames; determine which observations are missing from a random sample, missing by strata, duplicated within a dataset; and perform data analysis, including proportions, margins of error and upper and lower bounds for simple, stratified and cluster sample designs.
Author: Michael Baldassaro
Maintainer: Michael Baldassaro <mbaldassaro@gmail.com>
Diff between sampler versions 0.2.3 dated 2019-01-27 and 0.2.4 dated 2019-09-15
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 4 ++-- R/ssamp.R | 2 +- 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
Title: Preprocessing Tools to Create Design Matrices
Description: An extensible framework to create and preprocess
design matrices. Recipes consist of one or more data manipulation
and analysis "steps". Statistical parameters for the steps can
be estimated from an initial data set and then applied to
other data sets. The resulting design matrices can then be used
as inputs into statistical or machine learning models.
Author: Max Kuhn [aut, cre],
Hadley Wickham [aut],
RStudio [cph]
Maintainer: Max Kuhn <max@rstudio.com>
Diff between recipes versions 0.1.6 dated 2019-07-02 and 0.1.7 dated 2019-09-15
DESCRIPTION | 16 +- MD5 | 267 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------ NAMESPACE | 47 ++++++ NEWS.md | 65 +++++++-- R/0_imports.R |only R/BoxCox.R | 5 R/YeoJohnson.R | 3 R/arrange.R | 4 R/bag_imp.R | 18 ++ R/bs.R | 23 ++- R/classdist.R | 7 R/corr.R | 21 ++ R/count.R | 1 R/date.R | 13 - R/depth.R | 5 R/discretize.R | 52 +++++-- R/downsample.R | 44 +++++- R/dummy.R | 5 R/factor2string.R | 2 R/filter.R | 4 R/format.R |only R/geodist.R | 5 R/holiday.R | 14 - R/ica.R | 39 +++-- R/integer.R | 8 - R/interactions.R | 6 R/intercept.R | 7 R/inverse.R | 2 R/invlogit.R | 2 R/isomap.R | 67 +++++---- R/knn_imp.R | 33 ++-- R/kpca.R | 42 +++-- R/kpca_poly.R |only R/kpca_rbf.R |only R/lag.R | 1 R/lincombo.R | 2 R/logit.R | 2 R/lowerimpute.R | 3 R/meanimpute.R | 16 ++ R/misc.R | 86 +++++------- R/mutate.R | 4 R/mutate_at.R |only R/naomit.R | 4 R/newvalues.R |only R/nnmf.R | 22 ++- R/normalize.R | 1 R/novel.R | 6 R/ns.R | 20 ++ R/num2factor.R | 8 - R/nzv.R | 47 ++++++ R/other.R | 74 +++++++--- R/pca.R | 41 +++-- R/pkg_check.R | 6 R/pls.R | 34 ++-- R/poly.R | 58 ++++++-- R/prepper.R | 6 R/profile.R | 5 R/range.R | 1 R/ratio.R | 2 R/recipe.R | 137 ++++++++++--------- R/reexports.R | 4 R/regex.R | 18 +- R/relu.R | 28 ++- R/rename.R |only R/rename_at.R |only R/rm.R | 2 R/roles.R | 8 - R/rollimpute.R | 27 +++ R/s3_register.R |only R/sample.R | 86 ++++++------ R/scale.R | 1 R/selections.R | 11 + R/slice.R | 4 R/sparsity.R | 1 R/string2factor.R | 11 - R/tunable.R |only R/unknown.R | 4 R/unorder.R | 1 R/update.R | 6 R/upsample.R | 46 +++++- R/window.R | 52 +++++-- R/zv.R | 2 R/zzz.R |only inst/doc/Custom_Steps.html | 40 +++-- inst/doc/Dummies.html | 6 inst/doc/Ordering.html | 4 inst/doc/Roles.html | 6 inst/doc/Selecting_Variables.html | 6 inst/doc/Simple_Example.html | 57 ++++---- inst/doc/Skipping.html | 6 man/check_new_values.Rd |only man/format_ch_vec.Rd |only man/juice.Rd | 3 man/prepper.Rd | 3 man/recipe.Rd | 6 man/reexports.Rd | 4 man/step_bs.Rd | 2 man/step_discretize.Rd | 12 + man/step_downsample.Rd | 10 - man/step_ica.Rd | 8 - man/step_isomap.Rd | 19 -- man/step_knnimpute.Rd | 6 man/step_kpca.Rd | 13 - man/step_kpca_poly.Rd |only man/step_kpca_rbf.Rd |only man/step_mutate.Rd | 5 man/step_mutate_at.Rd |only man/step_nzv.Rd | 9 - man/step_other.Rd | 27 ++- man/step_pca.Rd | 6 man/step_pls.Rd | 14 - man/step_poly.Rd | 6 man/step_rename.Rd |only man/step_rename_at.Rd |only man/step_sample.Rd | 14 - man/step_upsample.Rd | 12 - man/tunable.step.Rd |only man/update.step.Rd | 4 tests/testthat/test-format.R |only tests/testthat/test-prepper.R |only tests/testthat/test_bagimpute.R | 21 ++ tests/testthat/test_basics.R | 11 + tests/testthat/test_bs.R | 30 +++- tests/testthat/test_corr.R | 15 ++ tests/testthat/test_discretized.R | 46 ++++++ tests/testthat/test_downsample.R | 33 ++++ tests/testthat/test_grouped_df.R | 6 tests/testthat/test_ica.R | 25 ++- tests/testthat/test_isomap.R | 50 +++++-- tests/testthat/test_knnimpute.R | 28 ++- tests/testthat/test_kpca.R | 10 - tests/testthat/test_kpca_poly.R |only tests/testthat/test_kpca_rbf.R |only tests/testthat/test_meanimpute.R | 15 ++ tests/testthat/test_mutate.R | 87 ++++++++++++ tests/testthat/test_newvalues.R |only tests/testthat/test_nnmf.R | 20 ++ tests/testthat/test_ns.R | 15 ++ tests/testthat/test_nzv.R | 33 +++- tests/testthat/test_other.R | 71 ++++++++++ tests/testthat/test_pca.R | 22 ++- tests/testthat/test_pls.R | 23 ++- tests/testthat/test_poly.R | 17 ++ tests/testthat/test_rename.R |only tests/testthat/test_roll.R | 14 + tests/testthat/test_rollimpute.R | 15 ++ tests/testthat/test_upsample.R | 31 ++++ 147 files changed, 1800 insertions(+), 871 deletions(-)
Title: Extra Recipes for Encoding Categorical Predictors
Description: Predictors can be converted to one or more numeric representations using simple generalized linear models <arXiv:1611.09477> or nonlinear models <arXiv:1604.06737>. All encoding methods are supervised.
Author: Max Kuhn [aut, cre],
RStudio [cph]
Maintainer: Max Kuhn <max@rstudio.com>
Diff between embed versions 0.0.3 dated 2019-07-12 and 0.0.4 dated 2019-09-15
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++----- MD5 | 10 +++++----- NAMESPACE | 2 ++ NEWS.md | 4 ++++ R/woe.R | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++------ tests/testthat/test_woe.R | 2 +- 6 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
Title: Analysis of Competing Risks Using Quantile Regressions
Description: Estimation, testing and regression modeling of
subdistribution functions in competing risks using quantile regressions,
as described in Peng and Fine (2009) <DOI:10.1198/jasa.2009.tm08228>.
Author: Stephan Dlugosz [aut, cre],
Limin Peng [aut],
Ruosha Li [aut],
Shuolin Shi [ctb]
Maintainer: Stephan Dlugosz <stephan.dlugosz@googlemail.com>
Diff between cmprskQR versions 0.9.1 dated 2016-01-29 and 0.9.2 dated 2019-09-15
cmprskQR-0.9.1/cmprskQR/R/zzz.R |only cmprskQR-0.9.2/cmprskQR/DESCRIPTION | 19 cmprskQR-0.9.2/cmprskQR/MD5 | 15 cmprskQR-0.9.2/cmprskQR/NAMESPACE | 3 cmprskQR-0.9.2/cmprskQR/R/cmprskQR.r | 850 +++++++++++----------- cmprskQR-0.9.2/cmprskQR/man/plot.predict.crrQR.Rd | 88 +- cmprskQR-0.9.2/cmprskQR/man/predict.crrQR.Rd | 109 +- cmprskQR-0.9.2/cmprskQR/man/summary.crrQR.Rd | 104 +- cmprskQR-0.9.2/cmprskQR/src/cmprskQR.c | 27 9 files changed, 619 insertions(+), 596 deletions(-)
Title: 'pinp' is not 'PNAS'
Description: A 'PNAS'-alike style for 'rmarkdown', derived from the
'Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
of America' ('PNAS', see <https://www.pnas.org>) 'LaTeX' style, and
adapted for use with 'markdown' and 'pandoc'.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel and James Balamuta
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org>
Diff between pinp versions 0.0.8 dated 2019-09-08 and 0.0.9 dated 2019-09-15
pinp-0.0.8/pinp/inst/rmarkdown/templates/pdf/skeleton/titlesec.sty |only pinp-0.0.8/pinp/inst/rmarkdown/templates/pdf/skeleton/ttlkeys.def |only pinp-0.0.9/pinp/ChangeLog | 30 ++++++++- pinp-0.0.9/pinp/DESCRIPTION | 8 +- pinp-0.0.9/pinp/MD5 | 26 +++---- pinp-0.0.9/pinp/R/pinp.R | 5 + pinp-0.0.9/pinp/cleanup | 9 +- pinp-0.0.9/pinp/inst/NEWS.Rd | 10 +++ pinp-0.0.9/pinp/inst/doc/pinp.Rmd | 25 ++++++- pinp-0.0.9/pinp/inst/doc/pinp.pdf |binary pinp-0.0.9/pinp/inst/rmarkdown/templates/pdf/resources/template.tex | 7 -- pinp-0.0.9/pinp/inst/rmarkdown/templates/pdf/skeleton/pinp.cls | 33 +++++----- pinp-0.0.9/pinp/inst/rmarkdown/templates/pdf/skeleton/skeleton.Rmd | 14 +++- pinp-0.0.9/pinp/man/pinp.Rd | 3 pinp-0.0.9/pinp/vignettes/pinp.Rmd | 25 ++++++- 15 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)
Title: Find Free Versions of Scholarly Publications via Unpaywall
Description: This web client interfaces Unpaywall <https://unpaywall.org/products/api>, formerly
oaDOI, a service finding free full-texts of academic papers by linking DOIs with
open access journals and repositories. It provides unified access to various data sources
for open access full-text links including Crossref and the Directory of Open Access
Journals (DOAJ). API usage is free and no registration is required.
Author: Najko Jahn [aut, cre],
Tuija Sonkkila [rev] (Tuija Sonkkila reviewed the package for rOpenSci,
see https://github.com/ropensci/onboarding/issues/115,
Ross Mounce [rev] (Ross Mounce reviewed the package for rOpenSci, see
Maintainer: Najko Jahn <najko.jahn@gmail.com>
Diff between roadoi versions 0.5.2 dated 2018-08-07 and 0.6 dated 2019-09-15
DESCRIPTION | 10 - MD5 | 32 +-- NAMESPACE | 3 NEWS | 14 + R/oadoiAddins.R | 33 +-- R/oadoi_fetch.r | 45 +++- R/roadoi-package.r | 6 README.md | 242 +++++++++---------------- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/intro.R | 42 +--- inst/doc/intro.Rmd | 89 ++++----- inst/doc/intro.html | 360 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------ man/oadoi_fetch.Rd | 24 +- man/oadoi_fetch_.Rd | 11 - man/roadoi-package.Rd | 2 tests/testthat/test_oadoi_fetch.r | 15 + vignettes/intro.Rmd | 89 ++++----- 17 files changed, 496 insertions(+), 521 deletions(-)
Title: Adrian Dusa's Miscellaneous
Description: Contains functions used across packages 'QCA', 'DDIwR', and 'venn'.
Interprets and translates DNF - Disjunctive Normal Form and SOP - Sum of
Products expressions, for both binary and multi-value crisp sets, and extracts
information (set names, set values) from those expressions. Other functions
perform various other checks if possibly numeric (even if all numbers reside
in a character vector) and coerce to numeric, or check if the numbers are
whole. It also offers, among others, a highly flexible recoding function.
Author: Adrian Dusa [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Adrian Dusa <dusa.adrian@unibuc.ro>
Diff between admisc versions 0.3 dated 2019-08-02 and 0.4 dated 2019-09-15
DESCRIPTION | 20 +-- MD5 | 44 +++---- R/asNumeric.R | 27 ++++ R/brackets.R | 70 ++++-------- R/checkMV.R | 46 ++++--- R/checkSubset.R | 38 +++++- R/combnk.R | 50 +++++--- R/dashes.R | 26 ++++ R/equality.R | 29 ++++ R/isNegated.R | 30 ++++- R/possibleNumeric.R | 42 ++++--- R/prettyTable.R | 37 ++++-- R/print.R | 28 ++++ R/recode.R | 100 ++++------------- R/sortExpressions.R | 46 ++++++- R/string.R | 168 ++++------------------------ R/tildae.R | 32 ++++- R/translate.R | 291 ++++++++------------------------------------------ R/tryCatchWEM.R | 27 ++++ R/wholeNumeric.R | 25 ++++ inst/ChangeLog | 26 ++-- man/admisc.package.Rd | 100 ++++++++--------- man/numerics.Rd | 3 23 files changed, 600 insertions(+), 705 deletions(-)
Title: R Interface to Apache Spark
Description: R interface to Apache Spark, a fast and general engine for big data
processing, see <http://spark.apache.org>. This package supports connecting to
local and remote Apache Spark clusters, provides a 'dplyr' compatible back-end,
and provides an interface to Spark's built-in machine learning algorithms.
Author: Javier Luraschi [aut, cre],
Kevin Kuo [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7803-7901>),
Kevin Ushey [aut],
JJ Allaire [aut],
Samuel Macedo [ctb],
RStudio [cph],
The Apache Software Foundation [aut, cph]
Maintainer: Javier Luraschi <javier@rstudio.com>
Diff between sparklyr versions 1.0.2 dated 2019-07-04 and 1.0.3 dated 2019-09-15
DESCRIPTION | 6 +- MD5 | 47 ++++++++-------- NEWS.md | 20 ++++++ R/config_settings.R | 2 R/connection_spark.R | 3 + R/data_interface.R | 30 +++++++--- R/dplyr_spark.R | 2 R/kubernetes_config.R | 87 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- R/livy_connection.R | 2 R/spark_apply.R | 4 - R/utils.R | 6 +- R/worker_log.R | 16 +++-- README.md | 46 +++++++-------- inst/java/sparklyr-1.5-2.10.jar |binary inst/java/sparklyr-1.6-2.10.jar |binary inst/java/sparklyr-2.0-2.11.jar |binary inst/java/sparklyr-2.3-2.11.jar |binary inst/livy/spark-1.6.0/sources.scala | 20 ++++-- java/spark-1.6.0/sources.scala | 16 +++-- man/spark_apply.Rd | 2 man/spark_config_kubernetes.Rd | 9 ++- tests/testthat/test-dplyr.R | 38 ++++++++----- tests/testthat/test-kubernetes-config.R | 5 + tests/testthat/test-read-write-multiple.R |only tests/testthat/test-serialization.R | 2 25 files changed, 265 insertions(+), 98 deletions(-)
Title: A Small Message Queue for Parallel Processes
Description: This queue is a data structure that lets
parallel processes send and receive messages,
and it can help coordinate the work
of complicated parallel tasks.
Processes can push new messages to the queue,
pop old messages, and obtain a
log of all the messages ever pushed. File locking
preserves the integrity of the data even when
multiple processes access the queue simultaneously.
Author: William Michael Landau [aut, cre]
Ian E. Fellows [ctb],
Eli Lilly and Company [cph]
Maintainer: William Michael Landau <will.landau@gmail.com>
Diff between txtq versions 0.1.5 dated 2019-08-19 and 0.1.6 dated 2019-09-15
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 9 +++++---- NEWS.md | 4 ++++ R/txtq.R | 8 +++++--- tests/testthat/test-edge-cases.R |only tests/testthat/test-txtq.R | 7 ------- 6 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
Title: Miscellaneous Esoteric Statistical Scripts
Description: A mixed collection of useful and semi-useful diverse
statistical functions, some of which may even be referenced in
The R Primer book.
Author: Claus Thorn Ekstrøm [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Claus Thorn Ekstrøm <claus@rprimer.dk>
Diff between MESS versions 0.5.5 dated 2019-01-14 and 0.5.6 dated 2019-09-15
DESCRIPTION | 14 +-- MD5 | 52 ++++++++------ NAMESPACE | 8 ++ R/MESS-package.R | 5 - R/RcppExports.R | 17 ++++ R/auc.R | 12 +-- R/power.mcnemar.test.R | 37 +++++----- R/power.t.test.R | 2 R/residualplot.R | 137 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- R/rnormperfect.R |only R/rowmeanscond.R | 2 R/scorefct.R | 2 R/writexml.R | 3 man/auc.Rd | 8 +- man/colCumSum.Rd |only man/conditional_rowMeans.Rd | 2 man/icecreamads.Rd | 2 man/power_mcnemar_test.Rd | 9 -- man/rainman.Rd | 3 man/residual_plot.Rd |only man/residualplot.Rd | 2 man/rnorm_perfect.Rd |only man/scorefct.Rd | 2 man/write.xml.Rd | 3 src/RcppExports.cpp | 12 +++ src/colCumSum.cpp |only src/cor.cpp |only src/pairwise.cpp | 48 +++++++++++++ tests/testthat/testauc.R | 1 tests/testthat/testpowermcnemar.R | 2 30 files changed, 311 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)