Title: Model Tropical Cyclone Wind Speeds
Description: Allows users to input tracking data for a hurricane
or other tropical storm, along with a data frame of grid points at which
to model wind speeds. Functions in this package will then calculate wind
speeds at each point based on wind model equations. This modeling framework
is currently set up to model winds for North American locations with
Atlantic basin storms. This work was supported
in part by grants from the National Institute of Environmental Health
Sciences (R00ES022631), the National Science Foundation (1331399), and the
Department of Energy (DE-FG02-08ER64644).
Author: Brooke Anderson [aut, cre],
Andrea Schumacher [aut],
Seth Guikema [aut],
Steven Quiring [aut],
Joshua Ferreri [aut],
Andrea Staid [ctb],
Michael Guo [ctb],
Lei Ming [ctb],
Laiyin Zhu [ctb]
Maintainer: Brooke Anderson <brooke.anderson@colostate.edu>
Diff between stormwindmodel versions 0.1.1 dated 2018-10-15 and 0.1.2 dated 2020-01-09
stormwindmodel-0.1.1/stormwindmodel/vignettes/Details_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-47_7c631961a83632747cfa5d5932bc9d72.RData |only stormwindmodel-0.1.1/stormwindmodel/vignettes/Details_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-47_7c631961a83632747cfa5d5932bc9d72.rdb |only stormwindmodel-0.1.1/stormwindmodel/vignettes/Details_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-47_7c631961a83632747cfa5d5932bc9d72.rdx |only stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/DESCRIPTION | 26 stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/MD5 | 58 - stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/NAMESPACE | 1 stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/NEWS.md | 8 stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/R/boundary_layer_helpers.R | 2 stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/R/impute_track.R | 88 - stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/R/latlon_helpers.R | 6 stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/R/map_winds.R | 2 stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/R/willoughby2006eqs.R | 2 stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/build/vignette.rds |binary stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/data/landmask.rda |binary stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/inst/doc/Details.R | 110 - stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/inst/doc/Details.Rmd | 10 stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/inst/doc/Details.html | 560 +++++----- stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/inst/doc/Overview.R | 36 stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/inst/doc/Overview.html | 204 ++- stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/man/add_forward_speed.Rd | 2 stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/man/add_storm_track.Rd | 9 stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/man/calc_and_summarize_grid_wind.Rd | 13 stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/man/calc_grid_wind.Rd | 6 stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/man/create_full_track.Rd | 13 stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/man/get_grid_winds.Rd | 12 stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/man/map_wind.Rd | 10 stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/man/summarize_grid_wind.Rd | 10 stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/man/will10c.Rd | 2 stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/vignettes/Details.Rmd | 10 stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/vignettes/Details_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-47_0beb5c64849afe3404f8ede10f6bda38.RData |only stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/vignettes/Details_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-47_0beb5c64849afe3404f8ede10f6bda38.rdb |only stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/vignettes/Details_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-47_0beb5c64849afe3404f8ede10f6bda38.rdx |only stormwindmodel-0.1.2/stormwindmodel/vignettes/data/with_wind_radii.RData |binary 33 files changed, 650 insertions(+), 550 deletions(-)
More information about stormwindmodel at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Stack Overflow's Greatest Hits
Description: Helper functions collected from StackOverflow.com, a
question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers.
Author: Neal Fultz <nfultz@gmail.com> and the StackOverflow.com community
Maintainer: Neal Fultz <nfultz@gmail.com>
Diff between stackoverflow versions 0.3.0 dated 2018-11-25 and 0.7.0 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 9 +++++---- MD5 | 47 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- NAMESPACE | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ R/Tarone.R |only R/bag.R |only R/bat_passes.R |only R/calcBMI.R |only R/clamp.R |only R/coalesce.R |only R/cor2cov.R |only R/frontier.R |only R/horner.R |only R/na_dummy.R |only R/partial.R | 5 +++-- R/permutations.R |only R/sincos.R |only R/split_path.R |only R/sprintf_named.R |only R/substituteExpr.R |only R/triangle.R |only R/trim_trailing.R |only R/unique_columns.R |only R/zip.R |only data |only man/Tarone.test.Rd |only man/bag.Rd |only man/bat_passes.Rd |only man/calcBMI.Rd |only man/clamp.Rd |only man/coalesce.Rd |only man/cor2cov.Rd |only man/frontier.Rd |only man/horner.poly.Rd |only man/na.dummy.Rd |only man/partial.Rd | 4 ++-- man/permutations.Rd |only man/reflect_triangle.Rd |only man/sincos.Rd |only man/split_path.Rd |only man/sprintf_named.Rd |only man/substituteExpr.Rd |only man/trim_trailing.Rd |only man/unique_columns.Rd |only man/zip2.Rd |only 44 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
Title: Load Avro file into 'Apache Spark'
Description: Load Avro Files into 'Apache Spark' using 'sparklyr'. This
allows to read files from 'Apache Avro' <https://avro.apache.org/>.
Author: Aki Ariga
Maintainer: Aki Ariga <chezou@gmail.com>
Diff between sparkavro versions 0.2.0 dated 2018-11-10 and 0.3.0 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 +- MD5 | 15 ++--- NAMESPACE | 16 ++--- NEWS.md | 5 + R/dependencies.R | 11 +++- inst/WORDLIST |only man/spark_read_avro.Rd | 107 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------- man/spark_write_avro.Rd | 46 ++++++++--------- tests/testthat/test_sparkavro.R | 4 - 9 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)
Title: Tools to Manipulate and Query Semantic Data
Description: The Resource Description Framework, or 'RDF' is a widely used
data representation model that forms the cornerstone of the
Semantic Web. 'RDF' represents data as a graph rather than
the familiar data table or rectangle of relational databases.
The 'rdflib' package provides a friendly and concise user interface
for performing common tasks on 'RDF' data, such as reading, writing
and converting between the various serializations of 'RDF' data,
including 'rdfxml', 'turtle', 'nquads', 'ntriples', and 'json-ld';
creating new 'RDF' graphs, and performing graph queries using 'SPARQL'.
This package wraps the low level 'redland' R package which
provides direct bindings to the 'redland' C library. Additionally,
the package supports the newer and more developer friendly
'JSON-LD' format through the 'jsonld' package. The package
interface takes inspiration from the Python 'rdflib' library.
Author: Carl Boettiger [aut, cre, cph]
Bryce Mecum [rev] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0381-3766>),
Anna Krystalli [rev] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2378-4915>),
Viktor Senderov [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3340-5963>)
Maintainer: Carl Boettiger <cboettig@gmail.com>
Diff between rdflib versions 0.2.2 dated 2019-01-15 and 0.2.3 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 28 +- NAMESPACE | 1 NEWS.md | 10 R/rdf_query.R | 2 README.md | 4 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/rdf_intro.R | 64 ++--- inst/doc/rdf_intro.html | 596 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------ man/as_rdf.Rd | 10 man/rdf.Rd | 19 + man/rdf_add.Rd | 13 - man/rdf_parse.Rd | 10 man/rdf_serialize.Rd | 13 - man/rdflib-package.Rd | 8 15 files changed, 490 insertions(+), 296 deletions(-)
Title: Fast Statistical Hypothesis Tests on Rows and Columns of
Description: Functions to perform fast statistical hypothesis tests on rows/columns of matrices.
The main goals are: 1) speed via vectorization, 2) output that is detailed and easy to use,
3) compatibility with tests implemented in R (like those available in the 'stats' package).
Author: Karolis Koncevičius [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Karolis Koncevičius <karolis.koncevicius@gmail.com>
Diff between matrixTests versions 0.1.7 dated 2019-10-19 and 0.1.8 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 12 ++++++------ NEWS | 9 ++++++++- R/cosinor.R | 2 +- man/cosinor.Rd | 2 +- tests/testthat/test-correct-flignerkilleen.R | 12 ------------ tests/testthat/test-correct-wilcoxon-twosample.R | 19 ++++++++++--------- 7 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)
Title: Learn Computer and Data Science using Algorithmic Trading
Description: Provide sets of functions and methods to learn and practice data science using idea of algorithmic trading.
Main goal is to process information within "Decision Support System" to come up with analysis or predictions.
There are several utilities such as dynamic and adaptive risk management using reinforcement learning
and even functions to generate predictions of price changes using pattern recognition deep regression learning.
Author: Vladimir Zhbanko
Maintainer: Vladimir Zhbanko <vladimir.zhbanko@gmail.com>
Diff between lazytrade versions 0.3.8 dated 2019-12-12 and 0.3.9 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 16 ++++++++++------ NAMESPACE | 1 + NEWS.md | 9 +++++++++ R/aml_make_model.R | 22 ++++++++++++++++------ R/write_ini_file.R |only README.md | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++---- man/aml_make_model.Rd | 12 +++++++++++- man/write_ini_file.Rd |only tests/testthat/test-aml_make_model.R |only tests/testthat/test-write_ini_file.R |only 11 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
Title: Data Mining and R Programming for Beginners
Description: Contains functions to simplify the use of data mining methods (classification, regression, clustering, etc.), for students and beginners in R programming. Various R packages are used and wrappers are built around the main functions, to standardize the use of data mining methods (input/output): it brings a certain loss of flexibility, but also a gain of simplicity. The package name came from the French "Fouille de Données en Master 2 Informatique Décisionnelle".
Author: Alexandre Blansché [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Alexandre Blansché <alexandre.blansche@univ-lorraine.fr>
Diff between fdm2id versions 0.9.0 dated 2019-09-20 and 0.9.1 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 10 +- MD5 | 195 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------- NAMESPACE | 11 ++ R/classification.R | 42 +++++++- R/clustering.R | 23 ++-- R/dataset.R | 81 +++++++++++++++- R/misc.R | 131 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ data/accident2014.rda |binary data/alcohol.rda |binary data/autompg.rda |binary data/beetles.rda |binary data/birth.rda |binary data/britpop.rda |binary data/cookies.desc.test.rda |binary data/cookies.desc.train.rda |binary data/cookies.rda |binary data/cookies.y.test.rda |binary data/cookies.y.train.rda |binary data/credit.rda |binary data/data1.rda |binary data/data2.rda |binary data/data3.rda |binary data/decathlon.rda |binary data/eucalyptus.rda |binary data/ionosphere.rda |binary data/linsep.rda |binary data/movies.rda |binary data/ozone.rda |binary data/reg1.rda |binary data/reg1.test.rda |binary data/reg1.train.rda |binary data/reg2.rda |binary data/reg2.test.rda |binary data/reg2.train.rda |binary data/snore.rda |binary data/spine.rda |binary data/spine.test.rda |binary data/spine.train.rda |binary data/temperature.rda |binary data/titanic.rda |binary data/universite.rda |binary data/wheat.rda |binary data/wine.rda |binary data/zoo.rda |binary man/ADABOOST.Rd | 12 ++ man/APRIORI.Rd | 11 +- man/BAGGING.Rd | 3 man/CART.Rd | 11 +- man/FEATURESELECTION.Rd | 21 +++- man/GRADIENTBOOSTING.Rd | 10 +- man/KMEANS.Rd | 10 +- man/LINREG.Rd | 17 ++- man/MEANSHIFT.Rd | 13 ++ man/MLP.Rd | 13 ++ man/MLPREG.Rd | 11 +- man/QDA.Rd |only man/RANDOMFOREST.Rd | 12 +- man/SOM.Rd | 11 +- man/STUMP.Rd | 7 - man/SVM.Rd | 13 ++ man/SVMl.Rd | 10 +- man/SVMr.Rd | 11 +- man/SVR.Rd | 14 ++ man/SVRl.Rd | 11 +- man/SVRr.Rd | 12 ++ man/bootstrap.Rd | 14 ++ man/bootstrap.curves.Rd | 16 ++- man/cartplot.Rd | 13 ++ man/closegraphics.Rd |only man/compare.Rd | 3 man/data.diag.Rd |only man/data.gauss.Rd |only man/data.parabol.Rd | 15 ++- man/data.target1.Rd | 12 +- man/data.target2.Rd | 12 +- man/data.twomoons.Rd | 12 +- man/evaluate.Rd | 12 ++ man/evaluation.Rd | 8 + man/evaluation.fmeasure.Rd | 9 + man/evaluation.fowlkesmallows.Rd | 8 + man/evaluation.goodness.Rd | 9 + man/evaluation.jaccard.Rd | 3 man/evaluation.precision.Rd | 3 man/evaluation.recall.Rd | 3 man/exportgraphics.Rd |only man/filter.rules.Rd | 9 + man/frequentwords.Rd | 11 +- man/getvocab.Rd | 11 +- man/kmeans.getk.Rd | 10 +- man/meanshift-class.Rd | 2 man/plot.som.Rd | 3 man/plotclus.Rd | 11 +- man/plotdata.Rd | 13 ++ man/query.words.Rd | 3 man/rotation.Rd |only man/scatterplot.Rd | 11 +- man/selectfeatures.Rd | 20 ++-- man/splitdata.Rd | 3 man/stability.Rd | 17 ++- man/toggleexport.Rd |only man/vectorize.docs.Rd | 17 ++- man/vectorize.words.Rd | 17 ++- 102 files changed, 786 insertions(+), 250 deletions(-)
Title: Get Images Out of DICOM Format Quickly
Description: Provides tools to sort DICOM-format medical image files, and
convert them to NIfTI-1 format.
Author: Jon Clayden [aut, cre],
Chris Rorden [aut],
Martin J Fiedler [cph],
Cong Xu [cph],
Pascal Gloor [cph]
Maintainer: Jon Clayden <code@clayden.org>
Diff between divest versions 0.8.1 dated 2019-05-01 and 0.8.2 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- LICENCE | 2 +- MD5 | 12 ++++++------ NEWS | 6 ++++++ README.md | 14 +++++++------- src/dcm2niix/nii_dicom_batch.cpp | 2 +- src/dcm2niix/tinydir.h | 4 +++- 7 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
Title: Seeking and Finding Clones in Copy Number and Sequencing Data
Description: Defines the classes and functions used to simulate and
to analyze data sets describing copy number variants and,
optionally, sequencing mutations in order to detect clonal subsets.
See Zucker et al. (2019) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btz057>.
Author: Kevin R. Coombes, Mark Zucker
Maintainer: Kevin R. Coombes <krc@silicovore.com>
Diff between CloneSeeker versions 1.0.7 dated 2019-05-06 and 1.0.9 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 8 ++++---- inst/doc/CloneSeeker.pdf |binary tests/test03-simulate.R | 2 +- tests/test03-simulate.Rout.save | 20 ++++++++++---------- 5 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
Title: Analysis and Visualization of Circular Data
Description: Tools for analyzing and visualizing circular data,
including scoring functions for relevant instruments and a
generalization of the bootstrapped structural summary method from
Zimmermann & Wright (2017) <doi:10.1177/1073191115621795> and
functions for creating publication-ready tables and figures from the
results. Future versions will include tools for circular fit and
reliability analyses, as well as visualization enhancements.
Author: Jeffrey Girard [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7359-3746>),
Johannes Zimmermann [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6975-2356>),
Aidan Wright [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2369-0601>)
Maintainer: Jeffrey Girard <me@jmgirard.com>
Diff between circumplex versions 0.3.4 dated 2019-12-05 and 0.3.5 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++-- MD5 | 14 ++++---- NEWS.md | 8 ++++ build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/intermediate-ssm-analysis.html | 3 - inst/doc/introduction-to-ssm-analysis.html | 7 +--- inst/doc/using-instruments.html | 47 +++++++++++++---------------- tests/testthat/test-ssm_bootstrap.R | 38 +++++++++++------------ 8 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)
Title: High Precision Timing of R Expressions
Description: Tools to accurately benchmark and analyze execution times for R expressions.
Author: Jim Hester [aut, cre],
Drew Schmidt [ctb] (read_proc_file implementation)
Maintainer: Jim Hester <james.f.hester@gmail.com>
Diff between bench versions 1.0.4 dated 2019-09-06 and 1.1.0 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 16 ++- MD5 | 50 ++++++----- NAMESPACE | 2 NEWS.md | 30 +++++++ R/autoplot.R | 7 + R/bench_process_memory.R |only R/bytes.R | 6 - R/expression.R | 10 +- R/mark.R | 124 ++++++++++++++++++----------- R/workout.R | 19 +++- R/zzz.R | 2 README.md | 86 +++++++++----------- inst |only man/autoplot.bench_mark.Rd | 10 +- man/bench-package.Rd | 5 + man/bench_process_memory.Rd |only man/figures/README-autoplot-1.png |binary man/knit_print.bench_mark.Rd | 2 man/mark.Rd | 51 +++++++++-- man/press.Rd | 2 man/scale_bench_expr.Rd | 14 ++- man/summary.bench_mark.Rd | 26 ++++-- man/workout.Rd | 13 ++- src/Makevars.win |only src/mark.c | 3 src/os.h |only src/process_memory.c |only tests/testthat/test-bench_process_memory.R |only tests/testthat/test-mark.R | 68 ++++++++++++--- tests/testthat/test-workout.R |only 30 files changed, 372 insertions(+), 174 deletions(-)
Title: Pretty Timeline Creation
Description: Create interactive timelines or Gantt charts that
are usable in the 'RStudio' viewer pane, in 'R Markdown' documents and in 'Shiny'
apps. Hover the mouse pointer over a point or task to show details or drag a rectangle to zoom in.
Timelines and their components can afterwards be manipulated using plotly_build(), which
transforms the plot into a mutable list.
Author: Sandro Raabe [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Sandro Raabe <sa.ra.online@posteo.de>
Diff between vistime versions 0.8.1 dated 2019-03-24 and 0.9.0 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 26 +-- MD5 | 50 ++--- NAMESPACE | 1 NEWS.md | 11 + R/plot_events.R | 15 - R/plot_glued.R | 13 - R/plot_ranges.R | 14 - R/set_y_values.R | 47 +++-- R/validate_input.R | 39 +++- R/vistime.R | 11 - README.md | 28 +-- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/vistime-vignette.R | 5 inst/doc/vistime-vignette.Rmd | 8 inst/doc/vistime-vignette.html | 296 ++++++++++++++++++----------------- man/vistime.Rd | 8 tests/testthat/test_fix_columns.R | 3 tests/testthat/test_plot_events.R | 5 tests/testthat/test_plot_glued.R | 5 tests/testthat/test_plot_ranges.R | 5 tests/testthat/test_set_colors.R | 3 tests/testthat/test_set_subplots.R | 3 tests/testthat/test_set_y_values.R | 6 tests/testthat/test_validate_input.R | 85 ++++++---- tests/testthat/test_vistime.R | 5 vignettes/vistime-vignette.Rmd | 8 26 files changed, 387 insertions(+), 313 deletions(-)
Title: Handling Multiplatform Satellite Images
Description: Downloading, customizing, and processing time series of satellite images for a region of interest. 'RGISTools' functions allow a unified access to multispectral images from Landsat, MODIS and Sentinel repositories. 'RGISTools' also offers capabilities for customizing satellite images, such as tile mosaicking, image cropping and new variables computation. Finally, 'RGISTools' covers the processing, including cloud masking, compositing and gap-filling/smoothing time series of images (Militino et al., 2018 <doi:10.3390/rs10030398> and Militino et al., 2019 <doi:10.1109/TGRS.2019.2904193>).
Author: U Pérez - Goya [aut, cre] <unai.perez@unavarra.es>,
M Montesino - SanMartin [aut] <manuel.montesino@unavarra.es>,
A F Militino [aut] <militino@unavarra.es>,
M D Ugarte [aut] <lola@unavarra.es>
Maintainer: U Perez - Goya <unai.perez@unavarra.es>
Diff between RGISTools versions 0.9.7 dated 2019-08-27 and 1.0.0 dated 2020-01-09
RGISTools-0.9.7/RGISTools/R/genCreateSpatialCircle.R |only RGISTools-0.9.7/RGISTools/R/genLimitRasterRange.R |only RGISTools-0.9.7/RGISTools/R/modEarthdataOpenSearchQuery.R |only RGISTools-0.9.7/RGISTools/man/genLimitRasterRange.Rd |only RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/DESCRIPTION | 20 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/MD5 | 247 +++---- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/NAMESPACE | 14 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/RGISTools-package.R | 71 +- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/RGISToolsOpts.R | 11 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/data.R | 4 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/defineAppRoot.R | 12 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/genCompositions.R | 70 +- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/genGetDates.R | 6 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/genMapViewSession.R |only RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/genMissionGetDates.R | 60 + RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/genMosaicGdalUtils.R |only RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/genPlotGIS.R | 466 +++++++++----- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/genSaveTSRData.R | 36 - RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/genSmoothingCovIMA.R | 2 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/genSmoothingIMA.R | 28 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/ls7FolderToVar.R | 71 +- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/ls7LoadMetadata.R | 6 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/ls7Search.R | 144 ++-- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/ls8FolderToVar.R | 70 +- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/ls8LoadMetadata.R | 4 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/ls8Search.R | 132 ++- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/lsCloudMask.R | 127 ++- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/lsDownSearch.R | 256 ++----- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/lsDownload.R | 258 +++++-- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/lsEarthExplorerdownload.R | 17 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/lsEspaDownloadOrders.R | 42 - RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/lsEspaGetOrderImages.R | 12 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/lsEspaOrderImages.R | 17 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/lsEspaUpdateOrders.R | 4 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/lsGetPathRow.R | 11 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/lsMosaic.R | 137 ++-- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/lsPreview.R | 93 ++ RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/lsRemoveMetadata.R | 8 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/modCloudMask.R | 177 ++--- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/modDownSearch.R | 192 +++-- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/modDownload.R | 220 +++--- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/modExtractHDF.R | 97 +- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/modFolderToVar.R | 76 +- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/modGetPathRow.R | 6 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/modMosaic.R | 136 ++-- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/modPreview.R | 86 +- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/modSearch.R | 85 +- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/senCloudMask.R | 138 ++-- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/senDownSearch.R | 239 ++----- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/senDownload.R | 257 +++++-- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/senFolderToVar.R | 91 +- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/senGetPathRow.R | 28 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/senMosaic.R | 140 ++-- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/senPreview.R | 101 ++- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/senSearch.R | 94 ++ RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/senSearchQuery.R | 20 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/sysdata.rda |binary RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/transform_multiple_proj.R |only RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/varEVI.R | 20 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/varMSAVI2.R | 12 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/varNBR.R | 18 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/varNBR2.R | 19 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/varNDMI.R | 14 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/varNDVI.R | 16 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/varNDWI.R | 14 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/varRGB.R | 39 - RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/R/varSAVI.R | 14 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/build/partial.rdb |binary RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/data/ex.navarre.rda |binary RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/inst/CITATION | 38 - RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/RGISTools-package.Rd | 71 +- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/ex.navarre.Rd | 4 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/genCompositions.Rd | 12 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/genGetDates.Rd | 6 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/genPlotGIS.Rd | 162 +++- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/genSaveTSRData.Rd | 33 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/genSmoothingCovIMA.Rd | 2 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/genSmoothingIMA.Rd | 14 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/getRGISToolsOpt.Rd | 2 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/ls7FolderToVar.Rd | 60 - RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/ls7LoadMetadata.Rd | 6 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/ls7Search.Rd | 80 +- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/ls8FolderToVar.Rd | 60 - RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/ls8LoadMetadata.Rd | 4 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/ls8Search.Rd | 66 + RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/lsCloudMask.Rd | 90 +- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/lsDownSearch.Rd | 160 +--- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/lsDownload.Rd | 157 +++- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/lsEspaDownloadOrders.Rd | 25 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/lsEspaGetOrderImages.Rd | 12 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/lsEspaOrderImages.Rd | 16 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/lsEspaUpdateOrders.Rd | 5 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/lsGetDates.Rd | 20 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/lsGetPathRow.Rd | 11 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/lsMosaic.Rd | 66 - RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/lsPreview.Rd | 56 + RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/lsRemoveMetadata.Rd | 8 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/modCloudMask.Rd | 104 +-- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/modDownSearch.Rd | 120 ++- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/modDownload.Rd | 127 +-- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/modExtractHDF.Rd | 50 - RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/modFolderToVar.Rd | 69 +- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/modGetDates.Rd | 14 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/modGetPathRow.Rd | 6 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/modMosaic.Rd | 67 -- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/modPreview.Rd | 48 + RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/modSearch.Rd | 54 - RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/senCloudMask.Rd | 83 +- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/senDownSearch.Rd | 119 +-- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/senDownload.Rd | 120 ++- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/senFolderToVar.Rd | 67 +- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/senGetDates.Rd | 18 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/senGetOrbit.Rd | 18 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/senGetTile.Rd | 8 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/senMosaic.Rd | 76 +- RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/senPreview.Rd | 57 + RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/senSearch.Rd | 43 - RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/setRGISToolsOpt.Rd | 2 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/showRGISToolsOpt.Rd | 2 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/varEVI.Rd | 20 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/varMSAVI2.Rd | 12 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/varNBR.Rd | 18 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/varNBR2.Rd | 19 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/varNDMI.Rd | 14 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/varNDVI.Rd | 16 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/varNDWI.Rd | 14 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/varRGB.Rd | 30 RGISTools-1.0.0/RGISTools/man/varSAVI.Rd | 14 128 files changed, 4334 insertions(+), 3146 deletions(-)
Title: Mandallaz' Model-Assisted Small Area Estimators
Description: An S4 implementation of the unbiased extension of
the model- assisted synthetic-regression estimator proposed by
Mandallaz (2013) <DOI:10.1139/cjfr-2012-0381>, Mandallaz et al. (2013)
<DOI:10.1139/cjfr-2013-0181> and Mandallaz (2014)
<DOI:10.1139/cjfr-2013-0449>. It yields smaller variances than the
standard bias correction, the generalised regression estimator.
Author: Andreas Dominik Cullmann [aut, cre],
Daniel Mandallaz [ctb],
Alexander Francis Massey [ctb]
Maintainer: Andreas Dominik Cullmann <fvafrcu@mailbox.org>
Diff between maSAE versions 0.1-5 dated 2016-05-31 and 1.0.0 dated 2020-01-09
maSAE-0.1-5/maSAE/data/s0.txt.gz |only maSAE-0.1-5/maSAE/data/s1.txt.gz |only maSAE-0.1-5/maSAE/data/s2.txt.gz |only maSAE-0.1-5/maSAE/inst/doc/Rao.R |only maSAE-0.1-5/maSAE/tests/design.R |only maSAE-0.1-5/maSAE/tests/dontrun.R |only maSAE-0.1-5/maSAE/tests/inputs.R |only maSAE-0.1-5/maSAE/tests/maSAE.R |only maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/DESCRIPTION | 53 - maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/LICENSE |only maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/MD5 | 71 - maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/NEWS.md |only maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/R/allClasses.R | 355 +++---- maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/R/allConstructors.R | 96 + maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/R/allGenerics.R | 12 maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/R/data.R | 45 maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/R/maSAE-package.R | 69 - maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/R/predict-methods.R | 1514 ++++++++++++++++--------------- maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/R/throw.R |only maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/README.md | 119 ++ maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/build/vignette.rds |binary maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/data/s0.txt |only maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/data/s1.txt |only maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/data/s2.txt |only maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/demo/design.R | 18 maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/demo/maSAE.R | 167 +-- maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/inst/doc/maSAE.Rnw | 20 maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/inst/doc/maSAE.pdf |binary maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/inst/runit_tests |only maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/man/maSAE-internal.Rd | 15 maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/man/maSAE-package.Rd | 55 - maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/man/predict-methods.Rd | 50 - maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/man/s0.Rd | 9 maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/man/s1.Rd | 9 maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/man/s2.Rd | 10 maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/man/saObj.Rd | 30 maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/man/sadObj-class.Rd | 16 maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/man/saeObj-class.Rd | 32 maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/man/savObj-class.Rd | 17 maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/man/throw.Rd |only maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/tests/runit.R |only maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/tests/testthat |only maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/tests/testthat.R |only maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/vignettes/Rao.R | 1 maSAE-1.0.0/maSAE/vignettes/maSAE.Rnw | 20 45 files changed, 1543 insertions(+), 1260 deletions(-)
Title: Interface with General Bikeshare Feed Specification Files
Description: Supplies a set of functions to interface with General Bikeshare
Feed Specification .json feeds in R, allowing users to save and accumulate
tidy .rds datasets for specified cities/bikeshare programs.
Author: Kaelyn Rosenberg [aut],
Simon P. Couch [aut, cre],
Mark Padgham [ctb]
Maintainer: Simon P. Couch <simonpatrickcouch@gmail.com>
Diff between gbfs versions 1.3.0 dated 2020-01-07 and 1.3.1 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 16 ++++++++-------- NEWS.md | 7 +++++++ R/get_gbfs.R | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- R/utils.R | 27 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--- tests/testthat/test-dynamic-feeds.R | 6 ++++++ tests/testthat/test-static-feeds.R | 2 ++ tests/testthat/test-utils.R | 30 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- tests/testthat/test-wrapper.R | 4 ++++ 9 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
Title: Dependent Mixture Models - Hidden Markov Models of GLMs and
Other Distributions in S4
Description: Fits latent (hidden) Markov models on mixed categorical and continuous (time series) data, otherwise known as dependent mixture models, see Visser & Speekenbrink (2010, <DOI:10.18637/jss.v036.i07>).
Author: Ingmar Visser <i.visser@uva.nl>, Maarten Speekenbrink <m.speekenbrink@ucl.ac.uk>
Maintainer: Ingmar Visser <i.visser@uva.nl>
Diff between depmixS4 versions 1.4-0 dated 2019-07-10 and 1.4-1 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++----- MD5 | 26 ++++++++++++++------------ NAMESPACE | 1 + NEWS | 10 ++++++++++ R/allGenerics.R | 2 ++ R/depmix-class.R | 2 +- R/depmixfit.R | 8 ++++---- R/hessian2vcov.R | 6 +++--- R/makeResponseModels.R | 2 +- R/multistart.R |only R/setpars.R | 2 +- R/vcov.R | 2 +- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/depmixS4.pdf |binary man/multistart.Rd |only 15 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
Title: Anchored Kmedoids for Longitudinal Data Clustering
Description: Advances a novel adaptation of longitudinal k-means clustering technique (Genolini et al. (2015) <doi:10.18637/jss.v065.i04>) for grouping trajectories based on the similarities of their long-term trends and determines the optimal solution based on either the average silhouette width (Rousseeuw P. J. 1987) or the Calinski-Harabatz criterion (Calinski and Harabatz (1974) <doi:10.1080/03610927408827101>). Includes functions to extract descriptive statistics and generate a visualisation of the resulting groups, drawing methods from the 'ggplot2' library (Wickham H. (2016) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-24277-4>). The package also includes a number of other useful functions for exploring and manipulating longitudinal data prior to the clustering process.
Author: Monsuru Adepeju [cre, aut], Samuel Langton [aut], Jon Bannister [aut]
Maintainer: Monsuru Adepeju <monsuur2010@yahoo.com>
Diff between akmedoids versions 0.1.2 dated 2019-04-19 and 0.1.5 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 19 MD5 | 50 +- NAMESPACE | 3 NEWS.md | 18 R/akmedoids.clust.R | 146 ++++- R/dataImputation.R | 2 R/elbowPoint.R |only R/props.R | 23 R/statPrint.R | 5 README.md | 10 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/akmedoids-vignette.R | 32 - inst/doc/akmedoids-vignette.Rmd | 45 + inst/doc/akmedoids-vignette.html | 953 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------- man/akmedoids.clust.Rd | 82 +-- man/alphaLabel.Rd | 48 - man/dataImputation.Rd | 84 +-- man/elbowPoint.Rd |only man/outlierDetect.Rd | 82 +-- man/population.Rd | 26 - man/props.Rd | 62 +- man/rates.Rd | 86 +-- man/statPrint.Rd | 109 ++-- man/traj.Rd | 26 - man/wSpaces.Rd | 54 +- vignettes/akmedoids-vignette.Rmd | 45 + vignettes/references.bib | 9 27 files changed, 1208 insertions(+), 811 deletions(-)
Title: Functions to Analyze Single System Data
Description: Functions to visually and statistically analyze single system data.
Author: Charles Auerbach [aut, cre],
Wendy Zeitlin [aut]
Maintainer: Charles Auerbach <auerbach@yu.edu>
Diff between SSDforR versions 1.5.10 dated 2019-10-23 and 1.5.12 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 30 ++++++++++++++++++------------ NAMESPACE | 2 +- R/CDCabove.R | 2 +- R/CDCbelow.R | 2 +- R/Effectsize.R | 2 +- R/IRDabove.R | 3 +++ R/IRDbelow.R | 1 + R/NAPabove.R |only R/NAPbelow.R |only R/RMlines.R | 4 +--- R/meanNAP.R |only R/metareg.R | 2 +- man/IRDabove.Rd | 4 ++-- man/IRDbelow.Rd | 7 +++---- man/NAPabove.Rd |only man/NAPbelow.Rd |only man/meanES.Rd | 2 +- man/meanNAP.Rd |only 19 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
Title: Import Air Quality Monitoring Data in a Fast and Easy Way
Description: A collection of tools to access prepared air quality monitoring
data files from web servers with ease and speed. Air quality data are
sourced from open and publicly accessible repositories and can be found in
these locations:
and <http://discomap.eea.europa.eu/map/fme/AirQualityExport.htm>. The web
server space has been provided by Ricardo Energy & Environment.
Author: Stuart K. Grange [cre, aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4093-3596>)
Maintainer: Stuart K. Grange <stuart.grange@york.ac.uk>
Diff between saqgetr versions 0.1.17 dated 2019-06-28 and 0.1.19 dated 2020-01-09
saqgetr-0.1.17/saqgetr/NEWS.md |only saqgetr-0.1.17/saqgetr/README.md |only saqgetr-0.1.19/saqgetr/DESCRIPTION | 13 ++- saqgetr-0.1.19/saqgetr/MD5 | 17 ++--- saqgetr-0.1.19/saqgetr/R/get_saq_observations.R | 56 ++++++++++------- saqgetr-0.1.19/saqgetr/R/sairr_clean_observations.R | 13 +++ saqgetr-0.1.19/saqgetr/R/str_date_formatted.R | 1 saqgetr-0.1.19/saqgetr/inst |only saqgetr-0.1.19/saqgetr/man/get_saq_observations.Rd | 19 ++++- saqgetr-0.1.19/saqgetr/man/get_saq_simple_summaries.Rd | 3 saqgetr-0.1.19/saqgetr/man/saq_clean_observations.Rd | 9 +- 11 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
Title: Similarity and Distance Quantification Between Probability
Description: Computes 46 optimized distance and similarity measures for comparing probability functions (Drost (2018) <doi:10.21105/joss.00765>). These comparisons between probability functions have their foundations in a broad range of scientific disciplines from mathematics to ecology. The aim of this package is to provide a core framework for clustering, classification, statistical inference, goodness-of-fit, non-parametric statistics, information theory, and machine learning tasks that are based on comparing univariate or multivariate probability functions.
Author: Hajk-Georg Drost [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1567-306X>)
Maintainer: Hajk-Georg Drost <hajk-georg.drost@tuebingen.mpg.de>
Diff between philentropy versions 0.3.0 dated 2019-02-13 and 0.4.0 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 14 - MD5 | 35 +- NEWS.md | 49 +++ R/distance.R | 54 +++- R/gJSD.R | 14 - README.md | 93 ++++++ build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/Distances.Rmd | 43 ++- inst/doc/Distances.html | 389 +++++++++++++++++++++++----- inst/doc/Information_Theory.html | 430 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------- inst/doc/Introduction.Rmd | 4 inst/doc/Introduction.html | 198 ++++++++++++++ man/binned.kernel.est.Rd | 14 - man/distance.Rd | 31 ++ src/Makevars |only src/philentropy_init.c | 4 tests/testthat/test-InformationTheory.R | 10 vignettes/Distances.Rmd | 43 ++- vignettes/Introduction.Rmd | 4 19 files changed, 1165 insertions(+), 264 deletions(-)
Title: Doubly-Robust Nonparametric Estimation and Inference
Description: Targeted minimum loss-based estimators of counterfactual means and
causal effects that are doubly-robust with respect both to consistency and
asymptotic normality (Benkeser et al (2017), <doi:10.1093/biomet/asx053>; MJ
van der Laan (2014), <doi:10.1515/ijb-2012-0038>).
Author: David Benkeser [aut, cre, cph]
Nima Hejazi [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7127-2789>)
Maintainer: David Benkeser <benkeser@emory.edu>
Diff between drtmle versions 1.0.4 dated 2018-12-18 and 1.0.5 dated 2020-01-09
drtmle-1.0.4/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-18_8d67060cb434ded683d298ae9c2ba6c2.RData |only drtmle-1.0.4/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-18_8d67060cb434ded683d298ae9c2ba6c2.rdb |only drtmle-1.0.4/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-18_8d67060cb434ded683d298ae9c2ba6c2.rdx |only drtmle-1.0.4/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-19_2cb4f18597d4d864add888ea208bdcdc.RData |only drtmle-1.0.4/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-19_2cb4f18597d4d864add888ea208bdcdc.rdb |only drtmle-1.0.4/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-19_2cb4f18597d4d864add888ea208bdcdc.rdx |only drtmle-1.0.4/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-20_aa7b7617e1ff911443f78695751bf61f.RData |only drtmle-1.0.4/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-20_aa7b7617e1ff911443f78695751bf61f.rdb |only 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drtmle-1.0.5/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-32_ae8b9c7261fb7079627d770c0acee6cd.rdb |only drtmle-1.0.5/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-32_ae8b9c7261fb7079627d770c0acee6cd.rdx |only drtmle-1.0.5/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-33_44aaee67cbca1b8455ff454bf9785561.RData |only drtmle-1.0.5/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-33_44aaee67cbca1b8455ff454bf9785561.rdb |only drtmle-1.0.5/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-33_44aaee67cbca1b8455ff454bf9785561.rdx |only drtmle-1.0.5/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-5_bbad663fcb1c5219ae01a43adcee57f8.RData |only drtmle-1.0.5/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-5_bbad663fcb1c5219ae01a43adcee57f8.rdb |only drtmle-1.0.5/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-5_bbad663fcb1c5219ae01a43adcee57f8.rdx |only drtmle-1.0.5/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-7_a681692d17842661890febc3aa6568ed.RData |only drtmle-1.0.5/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-7_a681692d17842661890febc3aa6568ed.rdb |only drtmle-1.0.5/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-7_a681692d17842661890febc3aa6568ed.rdx |only drtmle-1.0.5/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-8_2df620154d6c3c42519686adafd635f5.RData |only drtmle-1.0.5/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-8_2df620154d6c3c42519686adafd635f5.rdb |only drtmle-1.0.5/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-8_2df620154d6c3c42519686adafd635f5.rdx |only drtmle-1.0.5/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-9_a8e6b4972366e9feb29c8e6d7aab7161.RData |only drtmle-1.0.5/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-9_a8e6b4972366e9feb29c8e6d7aab7161.rdb |only drtmle-1.0.5/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-9_a8e6b4972366e9feb29c8e6d7aab7161.rdx |only drtmle-1.0.5/drtmle/vignettes/using_drtmle_cache/latex |only 166 files changed, 2064 insertions(+), 1245 deletions(-)
Title: Deep Learning with Metaheuristic
Description: Fits from simple regression to highly customizable deep neural networks
either with gradient descent or metaheuristic, using automatic hyper parameters
tuning and custom cost function.
A mix inspired by the common tricks on Deep Learning and Particle Swarm Optimization.
Author: Alex Boulangé [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Alex Boulangé <aboul@free.fr>
Diff between automl versions 1.3.0 dated 2019-12-15 and 1.3.1 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 6 ++-- MD5 | 14 +++++----- NEWS | 12 ++++++++ R/automl.R | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- inst/doc/howto_automl.pdf |binary man/autopar.Rd | 3 +- man/hpar.Rd | 4 +- vignettes/automl.Rmd | 2 - 8 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
Title: Single-Case Visual Analysis
Description: Make graphical representations of single case data and transform graphical displays back to raw data, as discussed in Bulte and Onghena (2013) <doi:10.22237/jmasm/1383280020>. The package also includes tools for visually analyzing single-case data, by displaying central location, variability and trend.
Author: Isis Bulte, Tamal Kumar De, Patrick Onghena
Maintainer: Tamal Kumar De <tamalkumar.de@kuleuven.be>
Diff between SCVA versions 1.3.0 dated 2019-07-25 and 1.3.1 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++----- MD5 | 4 ++-- man/SCVA-package.Rd | 6 +++--- 3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
Title: Plugins for R Markdown Formats
Description: Formats for R Markdown that undo modifications by
'pandoc' and 'rmarkdown' to original 'latex' templates, such as
smaller margins, paragraph spacing, and compact titles. In addition,
enhancements such as author blocks with affiliations and
headers and footers are introduced. All of this functionality is built
around plugins that modify the default 'pandoc' template without relying on
custom templates.
Author: Johan Larsson [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4029-5945>)
Maintainer: Johan Larsson <johanlarsson@outlook.com>
Diff between rmdplugr versions 0.4.0 dated 2019-08-03 and 0.4.1 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 11 +++++++---- MD5 | 18 +++++++++--------- NEWS.md | 11 +++++++++++ R/plugins.R | 11 +++++------ inst/doc/introduction.R | 2 +- inst/doc/introduction.pdf |binary inst/latex-plugins/noindentafter.latex | 2 ++ man/pdf_article.Rd | 17 +++++++++++++---- man/pdf_presentation.Rd | 11 ++++++++--- man/rmdplugr-package.Rd | 11 ++++++++++- 10 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
Title: Interface to 'JDemetra+' Seasonal Adjustment Software
Description: Interface around 'JDemetra+' (<https://github.com/jdemetra/jdemetra-app>), the seasonal adjustment software officially
recommended to the members of the European Statistical System (ESS) and the European System of Central Banks.
It offers full access to all options and outputs of 'JDemetra+', including the two leading seasonal adjustment methods
Author: Alain Quartier-la-Tente [aut, cre],
Anna Michalek [aut],
Jean Palate [aut],
Raf Baeyens [aut]
Maintainer: Alain Quartier-la-Tente <alain.quartier@yahoo.fr>
Diff between RJDemetra versions 0.1.3 dated 2019-06-26 and 0.1.4 dated 2020-01-09
RJDemetra-0.1.3/RJDemetra/inst/java/jdr-2.2.2.jar |only RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/DESCRIPTION | 8 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/MD5 | 120 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/NAMESPACE | 322 - RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/decomposition.R | 420 +- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/diagnostics.R | 132 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/export_workspace.R | 615 ++- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/finals.R | 50 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/get_jmodel.R | 130 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/import_workspace.R | 947 ++--- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/init.R | 446 +- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/ipi_c_eu.R | 124 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/jregarima.R | 192 - RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/jsa2r.R | 256 - RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/jtramoseats.R | 78 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/jx13.R | 77 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/onLoad.R | 20 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/regarima.R | 978 ++--- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/regarima_generic.R | 113 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/regarima_plot.R | 306 - RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/regarima_print.R | 534 +-- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/regarima_rslts.R | 303 - RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/regarima_specTS.R | 1534 ++++---- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/regarima_specX13.R | 1497 ++++---- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/sa_plot.R | 494 +- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/sa_print.R | 422 +- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/saveSpec.R | 376 +- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/spec.R | 870 ++-- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/spec_rjd.R | 2300 +++++++------ RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/spec_transform.R | 1723 +++++---- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/tramoseats.R | 388 +- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/tramoseats_spec.R | 970 ++--- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/user_defined.R | 576 +-- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/utils.R |only RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/x11_spec.R |only RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/x13.R | 406 +- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/R/x13_spec.R | 991 ++--- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/README.md | 156 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/inst/java/jdr-2.2.3-SNAPSHOT.jar |only RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/java/README | 8 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/add_sa_item.Rd | 82 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/compute.Rd | 82 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/count.Rd | 52 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/get_model.Rd | 130 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/get_name.Rd | 104 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/get_object.Rd | 84 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/get_ts.Rd | 108 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/ipi_c_eu.Rd | 118 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/jSA.Rd | 98 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/load_workspace.Rd | 42 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/new_workspace.Rd | 70 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/plot.Rd | 160 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/regarima.Rd | 404 +- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/regarima_spec_tramoseats.Rd | 686 ++- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/regarima_spec_x13.Rd | 614 +-- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/save_spec.Rd | 178 - RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/save_workspace.Rd | 66 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/specification.Rd | 306 - RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/tramoseats.Rd | 234 - RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/tramoseats_spec.Rd | 666 +-- RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/user_defined_variables.Rd | 38 RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/x13.Rd | 241 - RJDemetra-0.1.4/RJDemetra/man/x13_spec.Rd | 676 ++- 63 files changed, 12470 insertions(+), 11651 deletions(-)
Title: R Interface to 'FOAAS'
Description: R access to the 'FOAAS' (F... Off As A Service) web service is provided.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org>
Diff between rfoaas versions 2.0.0 dated 2018-08-20 and 2.1.0 dated 2020-01-09
ChangeLog | 11 +++++++++++ DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 10 +++++----- R/foaas.R | 20 +++++++++++++++++--- man/rfoaas-package.Rd | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++ tests/runTestsAgainstFOAAS.R | 22 ++++++++++++++++++---- 6 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
Title: Extracts Environmental Data from 'ERDDAP' Web Services
Description: Contains three functions that access
environmental data from any 'ERDDAP' data web service. The rxtracto() function extracts
data along a trajectory for a given "radius" around the point. The
rxtracto_3D() function extracts data in a box. The rxtractogon() function
extracts data in a polygon. All of those three function use the 'rerddap' package
to extract the data, and should work with any 'ERDDAP' server.
There are also two functions, plotBBox() and plotTrack() that use the 'plotdap'
package to simplify the creation of maps of the data.
Author: Roy Mendelssohn [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Roy Mendelssohn <roy.mendelssohn@noaa.gov>
Diff between rerddapXtracto versions 0.4.5 dated 2019-10-15 and 0.4.6 dated 2020-01-09
rerddapXtracto-0.4.5/rerddapXtracto/R/cmocean.R |only rerddapXtracto-0.4.5/rerddapXtracto/data/cmocean.RData |only rerddapXtracto-0.4.5/rerddapXtracto/man/cmocean.Rd |only rerddapXtracto-0.4.6/rerddapXtracto/DESCRIPTION | 11 - rerddapXtracto-0.4.6/rerddapXtracto/MD5 | 33 +-- rerddapXtracto-0.4.6/rerddapXtracto/NEWS.md | 4 rerddapXtracto-0.4.6/rerddapXtracto/R/plotBBox.R | 8 rerddapXtracto-0.4.6/rerddapXtracto/R/plotTrack.R | 4 rerddapXtracto-0.4.6/rerddapXtracto/build/vignette.rds |binary rerddapXtracto-0.4.6/rerddapXtracto/inst/doc/UsingrerddapXtracto.R | 76 ++++---- rerddapXtracto-0.4.6/rerddapXtracto/inst/doc/UsingrerddapXtracto.Rmd | 22 +- rerddapXtracto-0.4.6/rerddapXtracto/inst/doc/UsingrerddapXtracto.html | 86 ++++------ rerddapXtracto-0.4.6/rerddapXtracto/man/plotBBox.Rd | 19 +- rerddapXtracto-0.4.6/rerddapXtracto/man/plotTrack.Rd | 22 +- rerddapXtracto-0.4.6/rerddapXtracto/man/rerddapXtracto.Rd | 1 rerddapXtracto-0.4.6/rerddapXtracto/man/rxtracto.Rd | 20 +- rerddapXtracto-0.4.6/rerddapXtracto/man/rxtracto_3D.Rd | 18 +- rerddapXtracto-0.4.6/rerddapXtracto/man/rxtractogon.Rd | 18 +- rerddapXtracto-0.4.6/rerddapXtracto/vignettes/UsingrerddapXtracto.Rmd | 22 +- 19 files changed, 208 insertions(+), 156 deletions(-)
More information about rerddapXtracto at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Average Bioequivalence with Expanding Limits (ABEL)
Description: Performs comparative bioavailability calculations for Average Bioequivalence with
Expanding Limits (ABEL). Implemented are 'Method A' and 'Method B' and the detection of outliers.
If the design allows, assessment of the empiric Type I Error and iteratively adjusting alpha to
control the consumer risk.
Average Bioequivalence - optionally with a tighter (narrow therapeutic index drugs) or wider
acceptance range (Gulf Cooperation Council, South Africa: Cmax) - is implemented as well.
Author: Helmut Schütz [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1167-7880>),
Michael Tomashevskiy [ctb],
Detlew Labes [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2169-426X>)
Maintainer: Helmut Schütz <helmut.schuetz@bebac.at>
Diff between replicateBE versions 1.0.12 dated 2019-11-11 and 1.0.13 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 16 +- MD5 | 54 ++++---- NEWS.md | 299 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- R/ABE.R | 42 +++--- R/CV.calc.R | 56 ++++---- R/get.data.R | 18 +- R/info.data.R | 42 +++--- R/method.A.R | 143 +++++++++++----------- R/method.B.R | 173 +++++++++++++------------- README.md | 265 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------- build/partial.rdb |binary build/vignette.rds |binary data/TRR.RTR.RRT.rda |binary data/TRTR.RTRT.rda |binary inst/doc/vignette.R | 30 ++-- inst/doc/vignette.Rmd | 120 ++++++++++-------- inst/doc/vignette.html | 288 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- inst/extdata/DS29.csv |only inst/extdata/DS30.csv |only man/ABE.Rd | 45 +++--- man/TRR.RTR.RRT.Rd | 27 +++- man/TRTR.RTRT.Rd | 26 +++- man/data.Rd | 4 man/method.A.Rd | 99 +++++++-------- man/method.B.Rd | 109 +++++++++------- tests/testthat/testthat.R | 75 +++++++++-- vignettes/toparrow.png |binary vignettes/vignette.Rmd | 120 ++++++++++-------- vignettes/vignette.css | 24 +-- 29 files changed, 1168 insertions(+), 907 deletions(-)
Title: Calculate Accurate Precision-Recall and ROC (Receiver Operator
Characteristics) Curves
Description: Accurate calculations and visualization of precision-recall and ROC (Receiver Operator Characteristics)
Author: Takaya Saito [aut, cre],
Marc Rehmsmeier [aut]
Maintainer: Takaya Saito <takaya.saito@outlook.com>
Diff between precrec versions 0.10.1 dated 2019-04-12 and 0.11 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 10 - MD5 | 37 ++--- NAMESPACE | 5 NEWS.md | 4 R/g_auc_ci.R |only R/precrec.R | 11 - README.md | 3 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/introduction.R | 99 ++++++++------ inst/doc/introduction.Rmd | 47 +++++- inst/doc/introduction.html | 289 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------- man/as.data.frame.Rd | 27 +-- man/auc_ci.Rd |only man/autoplot.Rd | 12 - man/evalmod.Rd | 20 ++ man/fortify.Rd | 24 +-- man/mmdata.Rd | 20 ++ man/part.Rd | 12 - man/precrec.Rd | 9 - tests/testthat/test_g_auc_ci.R |only vignettes/introduction.Rmd | 47 +++++- 21 files changed, 463 insertions(+), 213 deletions(-)
Title: Explainable Outlier Detection Through Decision Tree Conditioning
Description: Will try to fit decision trees that try to "predict" values for each column based on the values of each other column.
Along the way, each time a split is evaluated, it will take the observations that fall into each branch as a homogeneous
cluster in which it will search for outliers in the 1-d distribution of the column being predicted. Outliers are determined
according to confidence intervals in this 1-d distribution, and need to have a large gap with respect to the next observation
in sorted order to be flagged as outliers. Since outliers are searched for in a decision tree branch, it will know the conditions
that make it a rare observation compared to others that meet the same conditions, and the conditions will always be correlated
with the target variable (as it's being predicted from them). Full procedure is described in Cortes (2020) <arXiv:2001.00636>.
Loosely based on the 'GritBot' <https://www.rulequest.com/gritbot-info.html> software.
Author: David Cortes
Maintainer: David Cortes <david.cortes.rivera@gmail.com>
Diff between outliertree versions 1.0.4 dated 2019-09-02 and 1.1.2 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 13 +- MD5 | 41 +++---- NAMESPACE | 2 R/RcppExports.R | 4 R/helpers.R | 50 ++++---- R/obj_methods.R | 5 R/outliertree.R | 239 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------ man/outlier.tree.Rd | 126 +++++++++++++--------- man/predict.outliertree.Rd | 6 - man/print.outlieroutputs.Rd | 26 ++++ man/summary.outlieroutputs.Rd | 6 - man/summary.outliertree.Rd | 3 man/unpack.outlier.tree.Rd |only src/RcppExports.cpp | 10 + src/Rwrapper.cpp | 135 ++++++++++++++++------- src/cat_outlier.cpp | 81 +++++++++++++- src/clusters.cpp | 163 +++++++++++++++++----------- src/fit_model.cpp | 188 ++++++++++++++++++--------------- src/misc.cpp | 73 ++++++++---- src/outlier_tree.h | 132 +++++++++++++---------- src/predict.cpp | 12 +- src/split.cpp | 152 +++++++++++++++----------- 22 files changed, 950 insertions(+), 517 deletions(-)
Title: Accessing Data Stored in 'LaBB-CAT' Instances
Description: 'LaBB-CAT' is a web-based language corpus management
system developed by the New Zealand Institute of Language, Brain
and Behaviour (NZILBB) - see <https://labbcat.canterbury.ac.nz>.
This package defines functions for accessing corpus data in a 'LaBB-CAT'
instance. You must have at least version 20200108.1025 of 'LaBB-CAT'
to use this package.
For more information about 'LaBB-CAT', see
Robert Fromont and Jennifer Hay (2008) <doi:10.3366/E1749503208000142>
Robert Fromont (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.csl.2017.01.004>.
Author: Robert Fromont [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Robert Fromont <robert.fromont@canterbury.ac.nz>
Diff between nzilbb.labbcat versions 0.3-1 dated 2019-10-28 and 0.4-1 dated 2020-01-09
nzilbb.labbcat-0.3-1/nzilbb.labbcat/tests/nzilbb.labbcat-tests.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.3-1/nzilbb.labbcat/tests/nzilbb.labbcat-tests.Rout.save |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/DESCRIPTION | 13 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/MD5 | 106 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/NAMESPACE | 5 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/countAnnotations.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getAnchors.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getAnnotationLabels.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getAnnotations.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getAvailableMedia.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getCorpusIds.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getDictionaries.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getDictionaryEntries.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getFragments.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getGraphIds.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getGraphIdsInCorpus.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getGraphIdsWithParticipant.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getId.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getLayer.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getLayerIds.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getLayers.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getMatches.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getMatchingGraphIds.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getMedia.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getMediaTracks.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getParticipantIds.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/getSoundFragments.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/labbcatCredentials.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/labbcatTimeout.R |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/R/nzilbb.labbcat.R | 1196 ---------- nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/build/partial.rdb |binary nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/countAnnotations.Rd | 2 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getAnchors.Rd | 10 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getAnnotationLabels.Rd | 5 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getAnnotations.Rd | 23 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getAvailableMedia.Rd | 12 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getCorpusIds.Rd | 2 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getDictionaries.Rd | 2 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getDictionaryEntries.Rd | 2 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getFragments.Rd | 14 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getGraphIds.Rd | 2 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getGraphIdsInCorpus.Rd | 2 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getGraphIdsWithParticipant.Rd | 2 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getId.Rd | 2 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getLayer.Rd | 26 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getLayerIds.Rd | 2 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getLayers.Rd | 26 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getMatches.Rd |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getMatchingGraphIds.Rd | 11 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getMedia.Rd | 2 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getMediaTracks.Rd | 2 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getParticipantIds.Rd | 2 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/getSoundFragments.Rd | 13 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/labbcatCredentials.Rd | 2 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/labbcatTimeout.Rd | 2 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/man/nzilbb.labbcat.Rd | 3 nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/tests/testthat |only nzilbb.labbcat-0.4-1/nzilbb.labbcat/tests/testthat.R |only 58 files changed, 258 insertions(+), 1233 deletions(-)
More information about nzilbb.labbcat at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Efficient Network Enrichment Analysis Test
Description: Includes functions and examples to compute NEAT, the Network Enrichment Analysis Test described in Signorelli et al. (2016, <DOI:10.1186/s12859-016-1203-6>).
Author: Mirko Signorelli, Veronica Vinciotti and Ernst C. Wit
Maintainer: Mirko Signorelli <m.signorelli@lumc.nl>
Diff between neat versions 1.1.3 dated 2018-02-23 and 1.2.1 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 10 - MD5 | 19 +- NAMESPACE | 2 R/neat.R | 38 ++-- build/vignette.rds |binary data/yeast.RData |binary inst/NEWS.md |only inst/doc/neat.Rmd | 17 +- inst/doc/neat.html | 415 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------- man/neat.Rd | 25 ++- vignettes/neat.Rmd | 17 +- 11 files changed, 414 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-)
Title: Working with Files from 'LexisNexis'
Description: My PhD supervisor once told me that everyone doing newspaper
analysis starts by writing code to read in files from the 'LexisNexis' newspaper
archive (retrieved e.g., from <http://www.nexis.com/> or any of the partner
sites). However, while this is a nice exercise I do recommend, not everyone has
the time. This package takes TXT files downloaded from the newspaper archive of
'LexisNexis', reads them into R and offers functions for further processing.
Author: Johannes Gruber [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Johannes Gruber <j.gruber.1@research.gla.ac.uk>
Diff between LexisNexisTools versions 0.2.3 dated 2019-07-09 and 0.3.0 dated 2020-01-09
LexisNexisTools-0.2.3/LexisNexisTools/tests/files/quanteda.RDS |only LexisNexisTools-0.2.3/LexisNexisTools/tests/files/quanteda_1.5.RDS |only LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/DESCRIPTION | 14 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/MD5 | 67 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/NAMESPACE | 7 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/NEWS.md | 6 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/R/LexisNexisTools.R | 1095 +++++++--- LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/README.md | 156 - LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/build/vignette.rds |binary LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/inst/CITATION | 2 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/inst/WORDLIST | 3 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/inst/doc/demo.R | 90 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/inst/doc/demo.Rmd | 40 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/inst/doc/demo.html | 300 +- LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/inst/extdata/sample.DOCX |only LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/man/LNToutput_methods.Rd | 1 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/man/lnt_convert.Rd | 39 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/man/lnt_diff.Rd | 3 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/man/lnt_lookup.Rd | 17 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/man/lnt_read.Rd | 19 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/man/lnt_rename.Rd | 10 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/man/lnt_sample.Rd | 21 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/man/lnt_similarity.Rd | 16 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/tests/files/LNToutput_uni.RDS |only LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/tests/files/df.RDS |only LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/tests/files/diff | 3 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/tests/files/rDNA_ids |only LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/tests/files/test.DOCX |only LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/tests/testthat/test-internal.R |only LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/tests/testthat/test-lnt_convert.R | 120 - LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/tests/testthat/test-lnt_diff.R | 26 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/tests/testthat/test-lnt_lookup.R | 13 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/tests/testthat/test-lnt_read.R | 12 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/tests/testthat/test-lnt_read_uni.R |only LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/tests/testthat/test-lnt_rename.R | 44 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/tests/testthat/test-lnt_sample.R | 25 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/tests/testthat/test-lnt_similarity.R | 4 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/tests/testthat/test-methods.R | 71 LexisNexisTools-0.3.0/LexisNexisTools/vignettes/demo.Rmd | 40 39 files changed, 1443 insertions(+), 821 deletions(-)
More information about LexisNexisTools at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Work with 'GitHub' 'Gists'
Description: Work with 'GitHub' 'gists' from 'R' (e.g.,
<https://help.github.com/articles/about-gists/>). A 'gist'
is simply one or more files with code/text/images/etc. This package allows
the user to create new 'gists', update 'gists' with new files, rename files,
delete files, get and delete 'gists', star and 'un-star' 'gists', fork 'gists',
open a 'gist' in your default browser, get embed code for a 'gist', list
'gist' 'commits', and get rate limit information when 'authenticated'. Some
requests require authentication and some do not. 'Gists' website:
Author: Scott Chamberlain [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1444-9135>),
Ramnath Vaidyanathan [aut],
Karthik Ram [aut]
Maintainer: Scott Chamberlain <myrmecocystus@gmail.com>
Diff between gistr versions 0.4.2 dated 2018-06-28 and 0.5.0 dated 2020-01-09
gistr-0.4.2/gistr/inst/doc/gistr_vignette.Rmd |only gistr-0.4.2/gistr/inst/doc/gistr_vignette.html |only gistr-0.4.2/gistr/inst/examples/rmarkdown_eg.md |only gistr-0.4.2/gistr/inst/vign/gistr_vignette.Rmd |only gistr-0.4.2/gistr/inst/vign/gistr_vignette.md |only gistr-0.4.2/gistr/vignettes/gistr_vignette.Rmd |only gistr-0.5.0/gistr/DESCRIPTION | 13 +- gistr-0.5.0/gistr/LICENSE | 2 gistr-0.5.0/gistr/MD5 | 86 +++++++------- gistr-0.5.0/gistr/NEWS.md | 13 ++ gistr-0.5.0/gistr/R/commits.R | 2 gistr-0.5.0/gistr/R/forks.R | 2 gistr-0.5.0/gistr/R/gist.R | 2 gistr-0.5.0/gistr/R/gist_auth.R | 20 +-- gistr-0.5.0/gistr/R/gist_create.R | 7 - gistr-0.5.0/gistr/R/gist_create_git.R | 30 ++--- gistr-0.5.0/gistr/R/gist_create_obj.R | 32 ++--- gistr-0.5.0/gistr/R/gist_map.R | 6 - gistr-0.5.0/gistr/R/gist_save.R | 30 ++--- gistr-0.5.0/gistr/R/gistr-package.R | 58 ++++------ gistr-0.5.0/gistr/R/gists.R | 8 - gistr-0.5.0/gistr/R/rate_limit.R | 2 gistr-0.5.0/gistr/R/run.R | 16 +- gistr-0.5.0/gistr/R/tabl.R | 6 - gistr-0.5.0/gistr/R/update.R | 2 gistr-0.5.0/gistr/README.md | 133 +++++++++++------------ gistr-0.5.0/gistr/build/vignette.rds |binary gistr-0.5.0/gistr/inst/doc/gistr.Rmd |only gistr-0.5.0/gistr/inst/doc/gistr.html |only gistr-0.5.0/gistr/inst/examples/rmarkdown_eg.Rmd | 8 - gistr-0.5.0/gistr/inst/ignore/clean_gists.R |only gistr-0.5.0/gistr/inst/vign/gistr.Rmd |only gistr-0.5.0/gistr/inst/vign/gistr.md |only gistr-0.5.0/gistr/man/commits.Rd | 4 gistr-0.5.0/gistr/man/create_gists.Rd | 37 +++--- gistr-0.5.0/gistr/man/forks.Rd | 4 gistr-0.5.0/gistr/man/gist.Rd | 8 - gistr-0.5.0/gistr/man/gist_auth.Rd | 15 +- gistr-0.5.0/gistr/man/gist_create.Rd | 58 +++++----- gistr-0.5.0/gistr/man/gist_create_git.Rd | 93 ++++++++-------- gistr-0.5.0/gistr/man/gist_create_obj.Rd | 27 ++-- gistr-0.5.0/gistr/man/gist_map.Rd | 6 - gistr-0.5.0/gistr/man/gist_save.Rd | 20 +-- gistr-0.5.0/gistr/man/gistr-package.Rd | 11 - gistr-0.5.0/gistr/man/gists.Rd | 16 +- gistr-0.5.0/gistr/man/rate_limit.Rd | 2 gistr-0.5.0/gistr/man/run.Rd | 10 - gistr-0.5.0/gistr/man/tabl.Rd | 10 - gistr-0.5.0/gistr/man/update.Rd | 3 gistr-0.5.0/gistr/vignettes/gistr.Rmd |only 50 files changed, 425 insertions(+), 377 deletions(-)
Title: Cryptocurrency Market Data
Description: Retrieves crypto currency current and historical information as well as information on the exchanges they are listed on. For current and historical it will retrieve the daily open, high, low and close values for all crypto currencies. This retrieves the historical market data by web scraping tables provided by 'Cryptocurrency Market Capitalizations' <https://coinmarketcap.com>.
Author: Jesse Vent [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jesse Vent <cryptopackage@icloud.com>
Diff between crypto versions 1.1.2 dated 2019-11-18 and 1.1.3 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++----- MD5 | 8 ++++---- NAMESPACE | 6 ++++++ R/crypto_global_markets.R | 43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------- man/crypto_global_market.Rd | 8 +++++++- 5 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
Title: Helps You to Code Cleaner
Description: Check your R code for some of the most common
layout flaws. Many tried to teach us how to write code less dreadful,
be it implicitly as B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie (1988)
<ISBN:0-13-110362-8> in 'The C Programming Language' did, be it
explicitly as R.C. Martin (2008) <ISBN:0-13-235088-2> in 'Clean Code:
A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship' did. So we should check
our code for files too long or wide, functions with too many lines,
too wide lines, too many arguments or too many levels of nesting.
Note: This is not a static code analyzer like pylint or the like.
Checkout <https://cran.r-project.org/package=lintr> instead.
Author: Andreas Dominik Cullmann [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Andreas Dominik Cullmann <fvafrcu@mailbox.org>
Diff between cleanr versions 1.2.0 dated 2019-03-22 and 1.3.0 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 12 +- MD5 | 60 +++++------ NEWS.md | 6 + R/checks.R | 5 R/options.R | 3 R/utils.R | 2 R/wrappers.R | 20 ++- README.md | 6 - build/cleanr.pdf |binary inst/doc/cleanr_Introduction.R | 36 +++---- inst/doc/cleanr_Introduction.Rmd | 16 +-- inst/doc/cleanr_Introduction.html | 128 ++++++++++++++++--------- inst/runit_tests/source/R_s4/AllClasses.R | 16 +-- inst/runit_tests/source/R_s4/AllConstructors.R | 4 inst/runit_tests/source/R_s4/AllGenerics.R | 2 inst/runit_tests/source/R_s4/auc-methods.R | 2 man/check_directory.Rd | 8 + man/check_file.Rd | 12 ++ man/check_file_layout.Rd | 18 ++- man/check_function_layout.Rd | 19 +++ man/check_functions_in_file.Rd | 12 ++ man/check_package.Rd | 9 + man/file_checks.Rd | 5 man/function_checks.Rd | 8 + man/get_cleanr_options.Rd | 8 + man/is_not_false.Rd | 1 man/load_internal_functions.Rd | 1 man/set_cleanr_options.Rd | 5 man/throw.Rd | 6 - tests/runit.R | 20 --- vignettes/cleanr_Introduction.Rmd | 16 +-- 31 files changed, 299 insertions(+), 167 deletions(-)
Title: Yang and Prentice Model with Piecewise Exponential Baseline
Description: Semiparametric modeling of lifetime data with crossing survival curves via Yang and Prentice model with piecewise exponential baseline distribution. Details about the model can be found in Demarqui and Mayrink (2019) <arXiv:1910.02406>. Model fitting carried out via likelihood-based and Bayesian approaches. The package also provides point and interval estimation for the crossing survival times.
Author: Fabio Demarqui [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Fabio Demarqui <fndemarqui@est.ufmg.br>
Diff between YPPE versions 1.0.0 dated 2019-10-09 and 1.0.1 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 12 +- MD5 | 40 ++++++--- NAMESPACE | 6 + NEWS.md |only R/data_doc.R | 16 +++ R/pexp.R | 12 +- R/summary_yppe.R | 2 R/survival_yppe.R | 26 +++--- R/utils.R |only R/yppe.R | 40 ++++----- data/gastric.rda |only inst/stan/chunks/loglikspe.stan | 4 inst/stan/yppe.stan | 16 +-- inst/stan/yppe2.stan | 14 +-- man/coef-methods.Rd |only man/coef.Rd |only man/confint-methods.Rd |only man/confint.Rd |only man/crossTime-methods.Rd | 3 man/gastric.Rd |only man/timeGrid.Rd | 4 man/vcov-methods.Rd |only man/vcov.Rd |only man/yppe.Rd | 17 ++-- src/stanExports_yppe.h | 162 ++++++++++++--------------------------- src/stanExports_yppe2.h | 166 +++++++++++++--------------------------- 26 files changed, 229 insertions(+), 311 deletions(-)
Title: Boltzmann Bayes Learner
Description: Supervised learning using Boltzmann Bayes model inference,
which extends naive Bayes model to include interactions. Enables
classification of data into multiple response groups based on a large
number of discrete predictors that can take factor values of
heterogeneous levels. Either pseudo-likelihood or mean field
inference can be used with L2 regularization, cross-validation, and
prediction on new data.
Woo et al. (2016) <doi:10.1186/s12864-016-2871-3>.
Author: Jun Woo [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3220-2064>),
Jinhua Wang [ctb]
Maintainer: Jun Woo <jwoo@umn.edu>
Diff between bbl versions 0.2.0 dated 2019-10-28 and 0.3.0 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 77 +++--- NAMESPACE | 6 NEWS | 14 + R/RcppExports.R | 4 R/bbl_s3.R | 98 ++++--- R/cross_val.R | 79 +++--- R/gibbs.R |only R/methods.R | 263 +++++++++++++++----- R/mlk.R | 24 - R/naivemf.R |only README.md |only build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/article.R | 317 +++++++++++++++---------- inst/doc/article.Rnw | 608 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------- inst/doc/article.pdf |binary man/bbl.Rd | 31 +- man/bbl.fit.Rd | 20 + man/crossVal.Rd | 28 +- man/fitted.bbl.Rd |only man/formula.bbl.Rd |only man/logLik.bbl.Rd | 8 man/mcSample.Rd |only man/mlestimate.Rd | 26 +- man/model.frame.bbl.Rd |only man/nobs.bbl.Rd |only man/plot.bbl.Rd | 3 man/plot.cv.bbl.Rd | 22 + man/predict.bbl.Rd | 9 man/randompar.Rd | 3 man/residuals.bbl.Rd |only man/summary.bbl.Rd | 8 man/weights.bbl.Rd |only src/RcppExports.cpp | 11 src/bfgs.cpp | 20 - src/bfgs.h | 7 src/invc.cpp | 56 ++-- src/mfwrapper.cpp | 9 src/pseudo_mle.cpp | 4 vignettes/article.Rnw | 608 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------- vignettes/mnist_map.pdf |only vignettes/mnist_mf.pdf |binary vignettes/refs.bib | 119 +++++++-- vignettes/tfbf.pdf |binary vignettes/tfbs.pdf |binary 45 files changed, 1578 insertions(+), 912 deletions(-)
Title: Analyze System Scalability with the Universal Scalability Law
Description: The Universal Scalability Law (Gunther 2007)
<doi:10.1007/978-3-540-31010-5> is a model to predict hardware and
software scalability. It uses system capacity as a function of load to
forecast the scalability for the system.
Author: Neil J. Gunther [aut],
Stefan Moeding [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Stefan Moeding <stm@moeding.net>
Diff between usl versions 1.8.0 dated 2017-08-07 and 2.0.0 dated 2020-01-09
usl-1.8.0/usl/man/usl.solve.lm.Rd |only usl-1.8.0/usl/tests/t01.R |only usl-1.8.0/usl/tests/t01.Rout.save |only usl-1.8.0/usl/tests/t02.R |only usl-1.8.0/usl/tests/t02.Rout.save |only usl-1.8.0/usl/tests/t03.R |only usl-1.8.0/usl/tests/t03.Rout.save |only usl-1.8.0/usl/tests/t04.R |only usl-1.8.0/usl/tests/t04.Rout.save |only usl-1.8.0/usl/tests/t05.R |only usl-1.8.0/usl/tests/t05.Rout.save |only usl-1.8.0/usl/tests/t06.R |only usl-1.8.0/usl/tests/t06.Rout.save |only usl-1.8.0/usl/tests/t07.R |only usl-1.8.0/usl/tests/t07.Rout.save |only usl-1.8.0/usl/tests/t08.R |only usl-1.8.0/usl/tests/t08.Rout.save |only usl-1.8.0/usl/tests/t09.R |only usl-1.8.0/usl/tests/t09.Rout.save |only usl-1.8.0/usl/tests/t10.R |only usl-1.8.0/usl/tests/t10.Rout.save |only usl-2.0.0/usl/DESCRIPTION | 16 - usl-2.0.0/usl/MD5 | 141 ++++++------ usl-2.0.0/usl/NEWS | 22 + usl-2.0.0/usl/R/AllClasses.R | 48 ---- usl-2.0.0/usl/R/AllGenerics.R | 6 usl-2.0.0/usl/R/confint.R | 11 usl-2.0.0/usl/R/efficiency.R | 2 usl-2.0.0/usl/R/extract.R | 2 usl-2.0.0/usl/R/gradient.R | 41 +-- usl-2.0.0/usl/R/initialize.R | 21 - usl-2.0.0/usl/R/overhead.R | 8 usl-2.0.0/usl/R/plot.R | 32 +- usl-2.0.0/usl/R/predict.R | 18 - usl-2.0.0/usl/R/print.R | 7 usl-2.0.0/usl/R/scalability.R | 32 +- usl-2.0.0/usl/R/show.R | 2 usl-2.0.0/usl/R/summary.R | 2 usl-2.0.0/usl/R/usl-package.R | 6 usl-2.0.0/usl/R/usl.R | 156 ++++--------- usl-2.0.0/usl/README.md | 20 - usl-2.0.0/usl/build/vignette.rds |binary usl-2.0.0/usl/inst/doc/usl.R | 23 - usl-2.0.0/usl/inst/doc/usl.Rnw | 231 ++++++++++---------- usl-2.0.0/usl/inst/doc/usl.pdf |binary usl-2.0.0/usl/man/USL-class.Rd | 6 usl-2.0.0/usl/man/cash-USL-method.Rd | 1 usl-2.0.0/usl/man/confint-USL-method.Rd | 1 usl-2.0.0/usl/man/efficiency-USL-method.Rd | 1 usl-2.0.0/usl/man/initialize-USL-method.Rd | 14 - usl-2.0.0/usl/man/overhead-USL-method.Rd | 3 usl-2.0.0/usl/man/peak.scalability-USL-method.Rd | 9 usl-2.0.0/usl/man/plot-USL-method.Rd | 20 + usl-2.0.0/usl/man/predict-USL-method.Rd | 17 - usl-2.0.0/usl/man/print-USL-method.Rd | 1 usl-2.0.0/usl/man/scalability-USL-method.Rd | 9 usl-2.0.0/usl/man/show-USL-method.Rd | 1 usl-2.0.0/usl/man/summary-USL-method.Rd | 1 usl-2.0.0/usl/man/usl-package.Rd | 4 usl-2.0.0/usl/man/usl.Rd | 39 +-- usl-2.0.0/usl/man/usl.solve.nls.Rd | 4 usl-2.0.0/usl/man/usl.solve.nlxb.Rd | 4 usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/coef.R |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/coef.Rout.save |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/confint.R |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/confint.Rout.save |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/df-residual.R |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/df-residual.Rout.save |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/efficiency.R |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/efficiency.Rout.save |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/fail-data-frame.R |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/fail-data-frame.Rout.save |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/fail-formula-length.R |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/fail-formula-length.Rout.save |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/fail-formula-varcount.R |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/fail-formula-varcount.Rout.save |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/fitted.R |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/fitted.Rout.save |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/overhead.R |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/overhead.Rout.save |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/peak-scalability.R |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/peak-scalability.Rout.save |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/plot.R |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/plot.Rout.save |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/predict.R |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/predict.Rout.save |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/residuals.R |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/residuals.Rout.save |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/scalability.R |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/scalability.Rout.save |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/summary.R |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/summary.Rout.save |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/usl-nls.R |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/usl-nls.Rout.save |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/usl-nlxb.R |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/usl-nlxb.Rout.save |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/warn-accuracy.R |only usl-2.0.0/usl/tests/warn-accuracy.Rout.save |only usl-2.0.0/usl/vignettes/usl.Rnw | 231 ++++++++++---------- usl-2.0.0/usl/vignettes/usl.bib | 6 100 files changed, 603 insertions(+), 616 deletions(-)
Title: Simulates Dice Rolls and Coin Flips
Description: Utils for basic statistical experiments, that can be used for teaching
introductory statistics. Each experiment generates a tibble.
Dice rolls and coin flips are simulated using sample().
The properties of the dice can be changed, like the number of sides.
A coin flip is simulated using a two sided dice.
Experiments can be combined with the pipe-operator.
Author: Roland Krasser
Maintainer: Roland Krasser <roland.krasser@gmail.com>
Diff between tidydice versions 0.0.4 dated 2019-11-26 and 0.0.6 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 +- MD5 | 30 ++++++---- NAMESPACE | 4 + NEWS.md | 9 +++ R/binom.R |only R/plot_dice.R | 71 +++++++++++------------ README.md | 36 ++++++++++++ inst/doc/tidydice.R | 40 ++++++++++--- inst/doc/tidydice.Rmd | 65 +++++++++++++++++---- inst/doc/tidydice.html | 131 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------- man/binom.Rd |only man/binom_coin.Rd |only man/binom_dice.Rd |only man/circle_points.Rd | 2 man/plot_binom.Rd |only man/plot_dice.Rd | 5 + man/plot_single_dice.Rd | 2 tests/testthat/test_binom.R |only vignettes/tidydice.Rmd | 65 +++++++++++++++++---- 19 files changed, 343 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-)
Title: Read Tabular Data from Diverse Sources and Easily Make Them Tidy
Description: Provides utilities to read, cells from complex
tabular data and heuristic detection based 'structural assignment' of
those cells to a columnar or tidy format. Read functionality has the
ability to read structured, partially structured or unstructured
tabular data from various types of documents. The 'structural
assignment' functionality has both supervised and unsupervised way of
assigning cells data to columnar/tidy format. Multiple disconnected
blocks of tables in a single sheet are also handled appropriately.
These tools are suitable for unattended conversation of messy tables
into a consumable format(usable for further analysis and data
Author: Indranil Gayen [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0197-1944>)
Maintainer: Indranil Gayen <nil.gayen@gmail.com>
Diff between tidycells versions 0.2.1 dated 2019-08-27 and 0.2.2 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 - MD5 | 78 ++++++------ NAMESPACE | 2 NEWS.md | 8 + R/global_vars.R | 2 R/possible_to_support.R | 47 +++++++ R/shiny_parts_server_components.R | 157 +++++++++++++------------ README.md | 25 +--- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/tidycells-intro.R | 108 ++++++++--------- inst/doc/tidycells-intro.html | 13 -- man/analyse_cells.Rd | 98 ++++++++-------- man/analyze_cells.Rd | 126 ++++++++++---------- man/as_cell_df.Rd | 88 +++++++------- man/basic_classifier.Rd | 50 ++++---- man/cell_analysis-class.Rd | 60 ++++----- man/cell_composition_traceback.Rd | 38 +++--- man/cell_df-class.Rd | 88 +++++++------- man/collate_columns.Rd | 101 ++++++++-------- man/compose_cells.Rd | 85 +++++++------- man/get_direction.Rd | 40 +++--- man/get_direction_df.Rd | 50 ++++---- man/get_direction_metric.Rd | 52 ++++---- man/get_group_id.Rd | 40 +++--- man/get_unpivotr_direction_names.Rd | 34 ++--- man/numeric_values_classifier.Rd | 60 ++++----- man/pipe.Rd | 22 +-- man/read_cell_part-class.Rd | 78 ++++++------ man/read_cells.Rd | 200 +++++++++++++++++---------------- man/read_cells_internal.Rd | 121 +++++++++++-------- man/sample_based_classifier.Rd | 107 ++++++++++------- man/tidycells-package.Rd | 82 ++++++------- man/validate_cells.Rd | 74 ++++++------ man/value_attribute_classify.Rd | 158 +++++++++++++------------- man/visual_functions.Rd | 138 +++++++++++----------- tests/testthat.R | 5 tests/testthat/test-read_cells.R | 21 +++ tests/testthat/test-shiny.R | 1 tests/testthat/testlib/shiny_test.R | 48 +++++-- tests/testthat/testshiny/testshiny.tar |binary 40 files changed, 1325 insertions(+), 1188 deletions(-)
Title: NanoString Quality Control Dashboard
Description: NanoString nCounter data are gene expression assays
where there is no need for the use of enzymes or amplification
protocols and work with fluorescent barcodes (Geiss et al. (2018)
<doi:10.1038/nbt1385>). Each barcode is assigned a
messenger-RNA/micro-RNA (mRNA/miRNA) which after bonding with its
target can be counted. As a result each count of a specific barcode
represents the presence of its target mRNA/miRNA. 'NACHO' (NAnoString
quality Control dasHbOard) is able to analyse the exported NanoString
nCounter data and facilitates the user in performing a quality
control. 'NACHO' does this by visualising quality control metrics,
expression of control genes, principal components and sample specific
size factors in an interactive web application.
Author: Mickaël Canouil [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3396-4549>),
Roderick Slieker [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0961-9152>),
Gerard Bouland [aut]
Maintainer: Mickaël Canouil <mickael.canouil@cnrs.fr>
Diff between NACHO versions 0.6.1 dated 2019-10-12 and 1.0.0 dated 2020-01-09
NACHO-0.6.1/NACHO/R/details_outlier.R |only NACHO-0.6.1/NACHO/R/exclude_outliers.R |only NACHO-0.6.1/NACHO/R/summarise.R |only NACHO-0.6.1/NACHO/R/utils-autoplot.R |only NACHO-0.6.1/NACHO/R/utils-pipe.R |only NACHO-0.6.1/NACHO/man/details_outlier.Rd |only NACHO-0.6.1/NACHO/man/exclude_outliers.Rd |only NACHO-0.6.1/NACHO/man/summarise.Rd |only NACHO-0.6.1/NACHO/tests/testthat/test-summarise.R |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/DESCRIPTION | 71 - NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/MD5 | 176 +- NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/NAMESPACE | 27 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/NEWS.md | 40 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/GSE74821.R | 24 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/NACHO-package.R |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/autoplot.R | 929 ++++++++++----- NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/check_outliers.R |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/conflicts.R |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/deploy.R |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/factor_calculation.R | 2 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/find_housekeeping.R | 2 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/format_counts.R | 2 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/geometric_housekeeping.R | 12 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/load_rcc.R |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/normalise.R | 76 - NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/normalise_counts.R | 4 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/print.R | 267 +--- NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/probe_exclusion.R | 4 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/qc_features.R | 18 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/qc_pca.R | 2 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/qc_rcc.R | 6 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/render.R | 91 - NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/utils.R |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/R/visualise.R | 1023 ----------------- NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/README.md | 35 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/build/vignette.rds |binary NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/data/GSE74821.rda |binary NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/inst/CITATION | 2 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/inst/app |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/inst/doc/NACHO-analysis.R |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/inst/doc/NACHO-analysis.Rmd |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/inst/doc/NACHO-analysis.html |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/inst/doc/NACHO.R | 75 - NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/inst/doc/NACHO.Rmd | 105 + NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/inst/doc/NACHO.html | 486 ++++---- NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/GSE74821.Rd | 4 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/NACHO-package.Rd |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/autoplot.Rd | 2 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/autoplot.nacho.Rd | 37 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/check_outliers.Rd |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/deploy.Rd |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/figures/README-app.png |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/figures/README-visualise.png |binary NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/figures/app_screenshot.R |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/load_rcc.Rd |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/nacho_conflicts.Rd |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/normalise.Rd | 41 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/normalise_counts.Rd | 4 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/pipe.Rd | 2 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/plot_acbd.Rd | 26 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/plot_acmc.Rd | 7 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/plot_cg.Rd | 26 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/plot_hf.Rd | 26 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/plot_metrics.Rd | 26 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/plot_norm.Rd | 7 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/plot_pca.Rd | 7 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/plot_pca12.Rd | 7 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/plot_pcai.Rd | 12 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/plot_pfnf.Rd | 26 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/plot_pn.Rd | 7 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/print.nacho.Rd | 41 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/qc_rcc.Rd | 4 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/render.Rd | 37 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/tidyeval.Rd |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/man/visualise.Rd | 13 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/tests/testthat.R | 29 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/tests/testthat/plexset_data |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/tests/testthat/salmon_data |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/tests/testthat/test-autoplot.R | 106 + NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/tests/testthat/test-check_outliers.R |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/tests/testthat/test-conflicts.R |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/tests/testthat/test-deploy.R |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/tests/testthat/test-load_rcc.R |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/tests/testthat/test-normalise.R | 112 + NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/tests/testthat/test-print.R | 23 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/tests/testthat/test-render.R | 26 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/tests/testthat/test-visualise.R | 24 NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/vignettes/NACHO-analysis.Rmd |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/vignettes/NACHO.Rmd | 105 + NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/vignettes/README-app.png |only NACHO-1.0.0/NACHO/vignettes/README-visualise.png |only 91 files changed, 2117 insertions(+), 2149 deletions(-)
Title: 'MGMS2' for Polymicrobial Samples
Description: A glycolipid mass spectrometry technology has the potential to accurately identify individual bacterial species from polymicrobial samples. To develop bacterial identification algorithms (e.g. machine learning) using this glycolipid technology, it is necessary to generate a large number of various in-silico polymicrobial mass spectra that are similar to real mass spectra. 'MGMS2' (Membrane Glycolipid Mass Spectrum Simulator) generates such in-silico mass spectra, considering errors in m/z (mass-to-charge ratio) and variances of intensity values, occasions of missing signature ions, and noise peaks. It estimates summary statistics of monomicrobial mass spectra for each strain or species and simulates polymicrobial glycolipid mass spectra using the summary statistics of monomicrobial mass spectra. References: Ryu, S.Y., Wendt, G.A., Chandler, C.E., Ernst, R.K. and Goodlett, D.R. (2019) <doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.9b03340> "Model-based Spectral Library Approach for Bacterial Identification via Membrane Glycolipids." Gibb, S. and Strimmer, K. (2012) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bts447> "MALDIquant: a versatile R package for the analysis of mass spectrometry data."
Author: So Young Ryu [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2347-7015>),
George Wendt [cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3608-9601>)
Maintainer: George Wendt <gwendt@unr.edu>
Diff between MGMS2 versions 1.0.0 dated 2019-12-16 and 1.0.1 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 14 +++++++------- R/SpecFunctions_Final3.R | 19 +++---------------- README.md | 5 +++-- man/process_monospectra.Rd | 14 -------------- man/simulate_ind_spec_single.Rd | 2 +- man/simulate_many_poly_spectra.Rd | 2 +- man/summary_mono.Rd | 2 +- 8 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
Title: Effects of Changing Deposition Rates
Description: Reverse and model the effects of changing deposition rates on geological data and rates. Based on Hohmann (2018) <doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.23372.51841> .
Author: Niklas Hohmann
Maintainer: Niklas Hohmann <Niklas.Hohmann@fau.de>
Diff between DAIME versions 2.0 dated 2019-11-01 and 2.1 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 36 +-- R/patterntodepositionmodel.R | 222 ++++++++++++++--------- R/patterntransform.R | 373 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- R/pointtransform.R | 292 ++++++++++++++++++------------- R/strattotimepointbin.R | 2 R/strattotimepointcont.R | 2 R/strattotimeratebin.R | 2 R/strattotimeratecont.R | 2 R/timetostratpointbin.R | 2 R/timetostratpointcont.R | 2 R/timetostratratebin.R | 2 R/timetostratratecont.R | 2 build/partial.rdb |binary build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/DAIME.R | 4 man/patterntodepositionmodel.Rd | 24 +- man/patterntransform.Rd | 29 +-- man/pointtransform.Rd | 57 ++++-- 19 files changed, 627 insertions(+), 434 deletions(-)
Title: Alternative Tree Representation
Description: Plot party trees in left-right orientation instead of the
classical top-down layout.
Author: Jon Eugster [ctr],
Andrea Farnham [ctr],
Raphael Hartmann [ctr],
Tea Isler [ctr],
Gilles Kratzer [ctr],
Ke Li [ctr],
Silvia Panunzi [ctr],
Sophie Schneider [ctr],
Craig Wang [ctr],
Torsten Hothorn [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8301-0471>)
Maintainer: Torsten Hothorn <Torsten.Hothorn@R-project.org>
Diff between ATR versions 0.1-0 dated 2018-01-09 and 0.1-1 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++----- MD5 | 4 ++-- cleanup | 2 +- 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
Title: A Minimal Tool Set for Gathering USDA Quick Stat Data for
Analysis and Visualization
Description: Provides a consistent API to pull United States
Department of Agriculture census and survey data from the National
Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) QuickStats service
Author: Brad Lindblad [aut, cre],
Michael Thomas [ctb],
Alex Mindeman [ctb]
Maintainer: Brad Lindblad <bradley.lindblad@gmail.com>
Diff between tidyUSDA versions 0.2.4 dated 2019-11-08 and 0.2.5 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 14 +++++++------- MD5 | 17 +++++++++-------- NEWS.md | 3 +++ R/plotting.R | 11 ++++++++--- README.md | 2 ++ build/vignette.rds |binary inst/CITATION |only inst/doc/using_tidyusda.Rmd | 5 ++++- inst/doc/using_tidyusda.html | 8 ++++++-- vignettes/using_tidyusda.Rmd | 5 ++++- 10 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
Title: Analysis of Functional and Phylogenetic Patterns in
Description: Analysis of metacommunities based on functional traits and
phylogeny of the community components. The functions that are offered here
implement for the R environment methods that have been available in the
SYNCSA application written in C++ (by Valerio Pillar, available at
Author: Vanderlei Julio Debastiani
Maintainer: Vanderlei Julio Debastiani <vanderleidebastiani@yahoo.com.br>
Diff between SYNCSA versions 1.3.3 dated 2018-03-23 and 1.3.4 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 25 +++- MD5 | 74 +++++++------- NAMESPACE | 4 R/CollectNames.R |only R/cor.mantel.R | 3 R/cor.matrix.R | 12 +- R/cor.matrix.partial.R | 11 +- R/cor.matrix2.R |only R/cor.procrustes.R | 2 R/matmult.syncsa.R |only R/matrix.p.R | 4 R/matrix.t.R | 3 R/matrix.x.R | 1 R/optimal.R | 181 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- R/organize.syncsa.R | 65 ++++++++---- R/permut.row.matrix.R | 6 - R/permut.vector.R | 2 R/print.optimal.R | 20 ++- R/print.syncsa.R | 15 +- R/pro.matrix.R | 8 - R/pro.matrix.partial.R | 11 +- R/pro.matrix2.R |only R/procrustes.partial.R | 7 - R/rao.diversity.R | 144 +++++++++++++++++---------- R/syncsa.R | 239 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- R/var.dummy.R | 14 +- R/var.type.R | 6 - man/CollectNames.Rd |only man/cor.matrix.Rd | 243 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------- man/matmult.syncsa.Rd |only man/matrix.x.Rd | 11 +- man/optimal.Rd | 66 +++++++++--- man/organize.syncsa.Rd | 45 +++++--- man/pca.Rd | 14 ++ man/permut.row.matrix.Rd | 2 man/permut.vector.Rd | 2 man/procrustes.syncsa.Rd | 9 - man/rao.diversity.Rd | 41 ++++++- man/syncsa.Rd | 108 ++++++++++++++------ man/var.dummy.Rd | 6 - man/var.type.Rd | 4 41 files changed, 973 insertions(+), 435 deletions(-)
Title: Data-Driven Identification of SVAR Models
Description: Implements data-driven identification methods for structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) models.
Based on an existing VAR model object (provided by e.g. VAR() from the 'vars' package), the structural
impact matrix is obtained via data-driven identification techniques (i.e. changes in volatility (Rigobon, R. (2003) <doi:10.1162/003465303772815727>), patterns of GARCH (Normadin, M., Phaneuf, L. (2004) <doi:10.1016/j.jmoneco.2003.11.002>),
independent component analysis (Matteson, D. S, Tsay, R. S., (2013) <doi:10.1080/01621459.2016.1150851>), least dependent innovations (Herwartz, H., Ploedt, M., (2016) <doi:10.1016/j.jimonfin.2015.11.001>),
smooth transition in variances (Luetkepohl, H., Netsunajev, A. (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.jedc.2017.09.001>) or non-Gaussian maximum likelihood (Lanne, M., Meitz, M., Saikkonen, P. (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2016.06.002>)).
Author: Alexander Lange [aut, cre],
Bernhard Dalheimer [aut],
Helmut Herwartz [aut],
Simone Maxand [aut],
Hannes Riebl [ctb]
Maintainer: Alexander Lange <alexander.lange@uni-goettingen.de>
Diff between svars versions 1.3.2 dated 2019-09-10 and 1.3.3 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 15 - MD5 | 132 ++++++++------- NAMESPACE | 4 R/boot_after_boot.R | 7 R/bootstrap_mb.R | 41 +++- R/bootstrap_wild.R | 41 +++- R/cf.R |only R/fevd.svars.R | 2 R/get_var_objects.R | 4 R/id.chol.R |only R/id.cv.R | 16 + R/id.cvm.R | 51 +---- R/id.dc.R | 84 +++++---- R/id.garch.R | 16 + R/id.ngml.R | 15 + R/id.st.R | 16 + R/id_cv_boot.R | 15 + R/id_ngml_boot.R | 10 + R/id_st_boot.R | 9 - R/irf.svars.R | 2 R/js_test.R | 2 R/plot.cf.R |only R/plot.chowpretest.R | 3 R/plot.sboot.R | 102 +++++------ R/plot.svarfevd.R | 3 R/plot.svarirf.R | 5 R/plot.svars.R | 3 R/plot_hd.R | 3 R/print.chow.R | 2 R/print.chowpretest.R | 2 R/print.hd.R | 2 R/print.jstest.R | 2 R/print.sboot.R | 2 R/print.svarfevd.R | 2 R/print.svarirf.R | 2 R/print.svars.R | 2 R/stability.R | 2 R/summary.chow.R | 2 R/summary.jstest.R | 2 R/summary.sboot.R | 3 R/summary.svars.R | 10 - build |only inst |only man/ba.boot.Rd | 1 man/cf.Rd |only man/chow.test.Rd | 12 + man/figures/cf_viz.png |only man/figures/flow.png |only man/figures/hd_viz.png |binary man/figures/irf_viz.png |binary man/figures/sticker.png |only man/id.chol.Rd |only man/id.cv.Rd | 18 +- man/id.cvm.Rd | 3 man/id.dc.Rd | 3 man/id.garch.Rd | 5 man/id.ngml.Rd | 3 man/id.st.Rd | 24 ++ man/mb.boot.Rd | 28 ++- man/stability.Rd | 13 + man/svars.Rd | 1 man/wild.boot.Rd | 29 ++- tests/testthat/test-id_chol.R |only tests/testthat/test-id_cv.R | 2 tests/testthat/test-id_cvm.R | 71 ++++++++ tests/testthat/test-id_dc.R | 72 ++++++++ tests/testthat/test-mb_boot.R | 352 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- tests/testthat/test-wild_boot.R | 334 ++++++++++++++++++------------------- vignettes |only 69 files changed, 983 insertions(+), 624 deletions(-)
Title: Simultaneous Truth and Performance Level Estimation
Description: An implementation of Simultaneous Truth and
Performance Level Estimation (STAPLE) <doi:10.1109/TMI.2004.828354>. This
method is used when there are multiple raters for an object, typically an
image, and this method fuses these ratings into one rating. It uses an
expectation-maximization method to estimate this rating and the individual
specificity/sensitivity for each rater.
Author: John Muschelli [aut, cre]
Maintainer: John Muschelli <muschellij2@gmail.com>
Diff between stapler versions 0.6.6 dated 2019-03-06 and 0.7.1 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 +- MD5 | 23 ++++---- NAMESPACE | 2 NEWS.md | 4 + R/staple_binimg.R | 6 +- R/staple_binmat.R | 108 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------- R/staple_multi_mat.R | 36 +++++++++---- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/staple_example.html | 38 +++++++------ man/staple_bin_mat.Rd | 24 +++++++- man/staple_multi_mat.Rd | 19 +++++- tests/testthat/test-binmat-bad.R |only tests/testthat/test-binmat.R | 48 +++++++++-------- 13 files changed, 217 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)
Title: A Fast Implementation of Random Forests
Description: A fast implementation of Random Forests, particularly suited for high
dimensional data. Ensembles of classification, regression, survival and
probability prediction trees are supported. Data from genome-wide association
studies can be analyzed efficiently. In addition to data frames, datasets of
class 'gwaa.data' (R package 'GenABEL') and 'dgCMatrix' (R package 'Matrix')
can be directly analyzed.
Author: Marvin N. Wright [aut, cre], Stefan Wager [ctb], Philipp Probst [ctb]
Maintainer: Marvin N. Wright <cran@wrig.de>
Diff between ranger versions 0.11.2 dated 2019-03-07 and 0.12.0 dated 2020-01-09
ranger-0.11.2/ranger/src/DataChar.cpp |only ranger-0.11.2/ranger/src/DataFloat.cpp |only ranger-0.12.0/ranger/DESCRIPTION | 11 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/MD5 | 144 +-- ranger-0.12.0/ranger/NEWS | 12 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/R/RcppExports.R | 4 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/R/getTerminalNodeIDs.R | 1 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/R/holdoutRF.R | 2 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/R/importance.R | 10 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/R/infinitesimalJackknife.R | 14 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/R/predict.R | 221 ++--- ranger-0.12.0/ranger/R/predictions.R | 4 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/R/print.R | 3 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/R/ranger.R | 440 ++++++---- ranger-0.12.0/ranger/R/timepoints.R | 4 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/R/treeInfo.R | 37 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/R/utility.R | 22 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/man/csrf.Rd | 3 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/man/getTerminalNodeIDs.Rd | 1 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/man/importance_pvalues.Rd | 12 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/man/predict.ranger.Rd | 42 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/man/predict.ranger.forest.Rd | 17 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/man/ranger.Rd | 87 + ranger-0.12.0/ranger/man/treeInfo.Rd | 1 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/Data.cpp | 119 ++ ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/Data.h | 49 - ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/DataChar.h | 34 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/DataDouble.h | 36 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/DataFloat.h | 27 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/DataRcpp.h | 28 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/DataSparse.cpp | 7 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/DataSparse.h | 30 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/Forest.cpp | 350 +++++-- ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/Forest.h | 54 - ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/ForestClassification.cpp | 27 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/ForestClassification.h | 5 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/ForestProbability.cpp | 25 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/ForestProbability.h | 5 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/ForestRegression.cpp | 31 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/ForestRegression.h | 5 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/ForestSurvival.cpp | 58 - ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/ForestSurvival.h | 13 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/RcppExports.cpp | 18 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/Tree.cpp | 96 +- ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/Tree.h | 62 + ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/TreeClassification.cpp | 258 +++-- ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/TreeClassification.h | 6 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/TreeProbability.cpp | 250 +++-- ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/TreeProbability.h | 8 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/TreeRegression.cpp | 323 +++++-- ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/TreeRegression.h | 13 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/TreeSurvival.cpp | 98 +- ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/TreeSurvival.h | 8 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/globals.h | 12 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/rangerCpp.cpp | 50 - ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/utility.cpp | 149 +++ ranger-0.12.0/ranger/src/utility.h | 57 + ranger-0.12.0/ranger/tests/testthat/test_betasplit.R |only ranger-0.12.0/ranger/tests/testthat/test_classification.R | 10 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/tests/testthat/test_hellinger.R |only ranger-0.12.0/ranger/tests/testthat/test_importance.R | 10 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/tests/testthat/test_importance_casewise.R |only ranger-0.12.0/ranger/tests/testthat/test_importance_pvalues.R | 61 - ranger-0.12.0/ranger/tests/testthat/test_interface.R | 46 + ranger-0.12.0/ranger/tests/testthat/test_jackknife.R | 26 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/tests/testthat/test_maxstat.R | 2 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/tests/testthat/test_predict.R | 8 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/tests/testthat/test_print.R | 2 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/tests/testthat/test_probability.R | 7 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/tests/testthat/test_quantreg.R | 5 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/tests/testthat/test_ranger.R | 89 +- ranger-0.12.0/ranger/tests/testthat/test_regularization.R |only ranger-0.12.0/ranger/tests/testthat/test_sparse.R | 36 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/tests/testthat/test_survival.R | 6 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/tests/testthat/test_treeInfo.R | 15 ranger-0.12.0/ranger/tests/testthat/test_unordered.R | 108 ++ 76 files changed, 2588 insertions(+), 1246 deletions(-)
Title: Bridging the Gap Between Qualitative Data and Quantitative
Description: Automates many of the tasks associated with quantitative discourse analysis of transcripts containing discourse
including frequency counts of sentence types, words, sentences, turns of talk, syllables and other assorted
analysis tasks. The package provides parsing tools for preparing transcript data. Many functions enable the user
to aggregate data by any number of grouping variables, providing analysis and seamless integration with other R
packages that undertake higher level analysis and visualization of text. This affords the user a more efficient
and targeted analysis. 'qdap' is designed for transcript analysis, however, many functions are applicable to other
areas of Text Mining/ Natural Language Processing.
Author: Tyler Rinker [aut, cre],
Bryan Goodrich [ctb],
Dason Kurkiewicz [ctb]
Maintainer: Tyler Rinker <tyler.rinker@gmail.com>
Diff between qdap versions 2.3.2 dated 2019-01-02 and 2.3.6 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 21 MD5 | 938 ++++++------ NAMESPACE | 2 NEWS | 15 R/adjacency_matrix.R | 1 R/automated_readability_index.R | 2 R/bracketX.R | 1 R/cm_df2long.R | 1 R/cm_range2long.R | 1 R/cm_time2long.R | 1 R/dist_tab.R | 1 R/formality.R | 1 R/gantt.R | 2 R/key_merge.R | 1 R/left_just.R | 1 R/lexical_classification.R | 1 R/new_project.R | 1 R/outlier_labeler.R | 1 R/polarity.R | 1 R/pos.R | 2 R/prop.R | 1 R/qcombine.R | 1 R/question_type.R | 1 R/rank_freq_plot.R | 1 R/scrubber.R | 1 R/sentSplit.R | 1 R/syllable_sum.R | 1 R/tot_plot.R | 1 R/word_cor.R | 1 R/word_count.R | 1 build/vignette.rds |binary data/DATA.SPLIT.rda |binary data/DATA.rda |binary data/DATA2.rda |binary data/env.syl.rda |binary data/hamlet.rda |binary data/mraja1.rda |binary data/mraja1spl.rda |binary data/pres_debate_raw2012.rda |binary data/pres_debates2012.rda |binary data/raj.act.1.rda |binary data/raj.act.1POS.rda |binary data/raj.act.2.rda |binary data/raj.act.3.rda |binary data/raj.act.4.rda |binary data/raj.act.5.rda |binary data/raj.demographics.rda |binary data/raj.rda |binary data/rajPOS.rda |binary data/rajSPLIT.rda |binary data/raw.time.span.rda |binary data/sample.time.span.rda |binary inst/CITATION | 8 inst/doc/qdap_vignette.R | 12 man/Animate.Rd | 50 man/Animate.character.Rd | 141 + man/Animate.discourse_map.Rd | 102 - man/Animate.formality.Rd | 191 +- man/Animate.gantt.Rd | 63 man/Animate.gantt_plot.Rd | 65 man/Animate.lexical_classification.Rd | 203 +- man/Animate.polarity.Rd | 170 +- man/DATA.Rd | 46 man/DATA.SPLIT.Rd | 54 man/DATA2.Rd | 50 man/Dissimilarity.Rd | 215 +- man/Filter.Rd | 369 ++--- man/NAer.Rd | 64 man/Network.Rd | 36 man/Network.formality.Rd | 93 - man/Network.lexical_classification.Rd | 75 - man/Network.polarity.Rd | 74 - man/Readability.Rd | 421 ++--- man/Search.Rd | 267 +-- man/Title.Rd | 38 man/Trim.Rd | 44 man/Word_Frequency_Matrix.Rd | 693 ++++----- man/addNetwork.Rd | 30 man/add_incomplete.Rd | 66 man/add_s.Rd | 54 man/adjacency_matrix.Rd | 106 - man/all_words.Rd | 153 +- man/as.tdm.Rd | 1013 ++++++------- man/bag_o_words.Rd | 134 - man/beg2char.Rd | 116 - man/blank2NA.Rd | 64 man/bracketX.Rd | 255 +-- man/build_qdap_vignette.Rd | 64 man/capitalizer.Rd | 75 - man/chain.Rd | 200 +- man/check_spelling.Rd | 409 ++--- man/check_spelling_interactive.character.Rd | 118 - man/check_spelling_interactive.check_spelling.Rd | 116 - man/check_spelling_interactive.factor.Rd | 122 - man/check_text.Rd | 126 - man/chunker.Rd | 220 +-- man/clean.Rd | 52 man/cm_2long.Rd | 174 +- man/cm_code.blank.Rd | 235 +-- man/cm_code.combine.Rd | 164 +- man/cm_code.exclude.Rd | 176 +- man/cm_code.overlap.Rd | 168 +- man/cm_code.transform.Rd | 189 +- man/cm_combine.dummy.Rd | 131 - man/cm_df.fill.Rd | 170 +- man/cm_df.temp.Rd | 131 - man/cm_df.transcript.Rd | 149 +- man/cm_df2long.Rd | 146 +- man/cm_distance.Rd | 379 ++--- man/cm_dummy2long.Rd | 116 - man/cm_long2dummy.Rd | 129 - man/cm_range.temp.Rd | 77 - man/cm_range2long.Rd | 170 +- man/cm_time.temp.Rd | 119 - man/cm_time2long.Rd | 165 +- man/colSplit.Rd | 80 - man/colcomb2class.Rd | 149 +- man/colsplit2df.Rd | 199 +- man/comma_spacer.Rd | 54 man/common.Rd | 52 man/common.list.Rd | 45 man/condense.Rd | 62 man/counts.Rd | 52 man/counts.SMOG.Rd | 36 man/counts.automated_readability_index.Rd | 34 man/counts.character_table.Rd | 36 man/counts.coleman_liau.Rd | 36 man/counts.end_mark_by.Rd | 36 man/counts.flesch_kincaid.Rd | 36 man/counts.formality.Rd | 36 man/counts.fry.Rd | 36 man/counts.linsear_write.Rd | 36 man/counts.object_pronoun_type.Rd | 36 man/counts.polarity.Rd | 36 man/counts.pos.Rd | 36 man/counts.pos_by.Rd | 36 man/counts.pronoun_type.Rd | 36 man/counts.question_type.Rd | 36 man/counts.subject_pronoun_type.Rd | 36 man/counts.termco.Rd | 36 man/counts.word_length.Rd | 36 man/counts.word_position.Rd | 36 man/counts.word_stats.Rd | 36 man/cumulative.Rd | 102 - man/data_viewing.Rd | 172 +- man/dir_map.Rd | 119 - man/discourse_map.Rd | 416 ++--- man/dispersion_plot.Rd | 412 ++--- man/dist_tab.Rd | 98 - man/diversity.Rd | 130 - man/duplicates.Rd | 50 man/end_inc.Rd | 72 man/end_mark.Rd | 272 +-- man/env.syl.Rd | 40 man/exclude.Rd | 150 +- man/formality.Rd | 533 +++---- man/freq_terms.Rd | 150 +- man/gantt.Rd | 256 +-- man/gantt_plot.Rd | 275 +-- man/gantt_rep.Rd | 142 + man/gantt_wrap.Rd | 306 ++-- man/gradient_cloud.Rd | 279 ++- man/hamlet.Rd | 60 man/igraph_params.Rd | 80 - man/imperative.Rd | 133 - man/incomplete_replace.Rd | 70 man/inspect_text.Rd | 86 - man/is.global.Rd | 76 - man/justification.Rd | 88 - man/key_merge.Rd | 79 - man/kullback_leibler.Rd | 96 - man/lexical_classification.Rd | 798 +++++----- man/mraja1.Rd | 54 man/mraja1spl.Rd | 60 man/multicsv.Rd | 213 +- man/multigsub.Rd | 216 +- man/multiscale.Rd | 95 - man/name2sex.Rd | 68 man/new_project.Rd | 200 +- man/ngrams.Rd | 158 +- man/object_pronoun_type.Rd | 146 +- man/outlier_detect.Rd | 82 - man/outlier_labeler.Rd | 68 man/paste2.Rd | 194 +- man/phrase_net.Rd | 196 +- man/plot.Network.Rd | 30 man/plot.SMOG.Rd | 30 man/plot.animated_character.Rd | 30 man/plot.animated_discourse_map.Rd | 30 man/plot.animated_formality.Rd | 30 man/plot.animated_lexical_classification.Rd | 32 man/plot.animated_polarity.Rd | 30 man/plot.automated_readability_index.Rd | 30 man/plot.character_table.Rd | 68 man/plot.cm_distance.Rd | 115 - man/plot.cmspans.Rd | 45 man/plot.coleman_liau.Rd | 30 man/plot.combo_syllable_sum.Rd | 30 man/plot.cumulative_animated_formality.Rd | 30 man/plot.cumulative_animated_lexical_classification.Rd | 32 man/plot.cumulative_animated_polarity.Rd | 30 man/plot.cumulative_combo_syllable_sum.Rd | 30 man/plot.cumulative_end_mark.Rd | 30 man/plot.cumulative_formality.Rd | 30 man/plot.cumulative_lexical_classification.Rd | 30 man/plot.cumulative_polarity.Rd | 30 man/plot.cumulative_syllable_freq.Rd | 30 man/plot.discourse_map.Rd | 30 man/plot.diversity.Rd | 30 man/plot.end_mark.Rd | 30 man/plot.end_mark_by.Rd | 36 man/plot.end_mark_by_count.Rd | 38 man/plot.end_mark_by_preprocessed.Rd | 36 man/plot.end_mark_by_proportion.Rd | 38 man/plot.end_mark_by_score.Rd | 38 man/plot.flesch_kincaid.Rd | 30 man/plot.formality.Rd | 106 - man/plot.formality_scores.Rd | 30 man/plot.freq_terms.Rd | 40 man/plot.gantt.Rd | 44 man/plot.kullback_leibler.Rd | 34 man/plot.lexical.Rd | 61 man/plot.lexical_classification.Rd | 163 +- man/plot.lexical_classification_preprocessed.Rd | 49 man/plot.lexical_classification_score.Rd | 51 man/plot.linsear_write.Rd | 38 man/plot.linsear_write_count.Rd | 30 man/plot.linsear_write_scores.Rd | 38 man/plot.object_pronoun_type.Rd | 40 man/plot.polarity.Rd | 157 +- man/plot.polarity_count.Rd | 157 +- man/plot.polarity_score.Rd | 51 man/plot.pos.Rd | 30 man/plot.pos_by.Rd | 66 man/plot.pos_preprocessed.Rd | 30 man/plot.pronoun_type.Rd | 40 man/plot.question_type.Rd | 66 man/plot.question_type_preprocessed.Rd | 30 man/plot.readability_count.Rd | 34 man/plot.readability_score.Rd | 59 man/plot.rmgantt.Rd | 42 man/plot.sent_split.Rd | 46 man/plot.subject_pronoun_type.Rd | 40 man/plot.sum_cmspans.Rd | 112 - man/plot.sums_gantt.Rd | 44 man/plot.syllable_freq.Rd | 30 man/plot.table_count.Rd | 42 man/plot.table_proportion.Rd | 42 man/plot.table_score.Rd | 42 man/plot.termco.Rd | 66 man/plot.type_token_ratio.Rd | 30 man/plot.weighted_wfm.Rd | 75 - man/plot.wfdf.Rd | 30 man/plot.wfm.Rd | 75 - man/plot.word_cor.Rd | 78 - man/plot.word_length.Rd | 66 man/plot.word_position.Rd | 46 man/plot.word_proximity.Rd | 65 man/plot.word_stats.Rd | 44 man/plot.word_stats_counts.Rd | 34 man/polarity.Rd | 1165 ++++++++-------- man/pos.Rd | 508 +++--- man/potential_NA.Rd | 64 man/power.Rd | 51 man/preprocessed.Rd | 52 man/preprocessed.check_spelling_interactive.Rd | 38 man/preprocessed.end_mark_by.Rd | 36 man/preprocessed.formality.Rd | 36 man/preprocessed.lexical_classification.Rd | 38 man/preprocessed.object_pronoun_type.Rd | 36 man/preprocessed.pos.Rd | 36 man/preprocessed.pos_by.Rd | 36 man/preprocessed.pronoun_type.Rd | 36 man/preprocessed.question_type.Rd | 36 man/preprocessed.subject_pronoun_type.Rd | 36 man/preprocessed.word_position.Rd | 36 man/pres_debate_raw2012.Rd | 38 man/pres_debates2012.Rd | 46 man/print.Dissimilarity.Rd | 34 man/print.Network.Rd | 147 +- man/print.SMOG.Rd | 34 man/print.adjacency_matrix.Rd | 30 man/print.all_words.Rd | 30 man/print.animated_character.Rd | 34 man/print.animated_discourse_map.Rd | 56 man/print.animated_formality.Rd | 84 - man/print.animated_lexical_classification.Rd | 84 - man/print.animated_polarity.Rd | 84 - man/print.automated_readability_index.Rd | 36 man/print.boolean_qdap.Rd | 30 man/print.character_table.Rd | 55 man/print.check_spelling.Rd | 30 man/print.check_spelling_interactive.Rd | 30 man/print.check_text.Rd | 44 man/print.cm_distance.Rd | 89 - man/print.coleman_liau.Rd | 34 man/print.colsplit2df.Rd | 30 man/print.combo_syllable_sum.Rd | 30 man/print.cumulative_animated_formality.Rd | 30 man/print.cumulative_animated_lexical_classification.Rd | 32 man/print.cumulative_animated_polarity.Rd | 30 man/print.cumulative_combo_syllable_sum.Rd | 30 man/print.cumulative_end_mark.Rd | 30 man/print.cumulative_formality.Rd | 30 man/print.cumulative_lexical_classification.Rd | 30 man/print.cumulative_polarity.Rd | 30 man/print.cumulative_syllable_freq.Rd | 30 man/print.discourse_map.Rd | 40 man/print.diversity.Rd | 34 man/print.end_mark.Rd | 30 man/print.end_mark_by.Rd | 30 man/print.end_mark_by_preprocessed.Rd | 30 man/print.flesch_kincaid.Rd | 34 man/print.formality.Rd | 34 man/print.formality_scores.Rd | 30 man/print.fry.Rd | 58 man/print.inspect_text.Rd | 40 man/print.kullback_leibler.Rd | 34 man/print.lexical_classification.Rd | 32 man/print.lexical_classification_by.Rd | 49 man/print.lexical_classification_preprocessed.Rd | 30 man/print.lexical_classification_score.Rd | 36 man/print.linsear_write.Rd | 34 man/print.linsear_write_count.Rd | 34 man/print.linsear_write_scores.Rd | 34 man/print.ngrams.Rd | 30 man/print.object_pronoun_type.Rd | 30 man/print.phrase_net.Rd | 34 man/print.polarity.Rd | 34 man/print.polarity_count.Rd | 34 man/print.polarity_score.Rd | 34 man/print.polysyllable_sum.Rd | 30 man/print.pos.Rd | 53 man/print.pos_by.Rd | 53 man/print.pos_preprocessed.Rd | 30 man/print.pronoun_type.Rd | 30 man/print.qdapProj.Rd | 30 man/print.qdap_context.Rd | 73 - man/print.question_type.Rd | 30 man/print.question_type_preprocessed.Rd | 30 man/print.readability_count.Rd | 34 man/print.readability_score.Rd | 34 man/print.sent_split.Rd | 30 man/print.sub_holder.Rd | 30 man/print.subject_pronoun_type.Rd | 30 man/print.sum_cmspans.Rd | 36 man/print.sums_gantt.Rd | 30 man/print.syllable_sum.Rd | 30 man/print.table_count.Rd | 30 man/print.table_proportion.Rd | 30 man/print.table_score.Rd | 30 man/print.termco.Rd | 53 man/print.trunc.Rd | 30 man/print.type_token_ratio.Rd | 34 man/print.wfm.Rd | 42 man/print.wfm_summary.Rd | 30 man/print.which_misspelled.Rd | 30 man/print.word_associate.Rd | 30 man/print.word_cor.Rd | 34 man/print.word_length.Rd | 30 man/print.word_list.Rd | 30 man/print.word_position.Rd | 30 man/print.word_proximity.Rd | 34 man/print.word_stats.Rd | 36 man/print.word_stats_counts.Rd | 30 man/pronoun_type.Rd | 186 +- man/prop.Rd | 84 - man/proportions.Rd | 52 man/proportions.character_table.Rd | 36 man/proportions.end_mark_by.Rd | 36 man/proportions.formality.Rd | 36 man/proportions.object_pronoun_type.Rd | 36 man/proportions.pos.Rd | 36 man/proportions.pos_by.Rd | 36 man/proportions.pronoun_type.Rd | 36 man/proportions.question_type.Rd | 36 man/proportions.subject_pronoun_type.Rd | 36 man/proportions.termco.Rd | 36 man/proportions.word_length.Rd | 36 man/proportions.word_position.Rd | 36 man/qcombine.Rd | 94 - man/qcv.Rd | 117 - man/qdap.Rd | 35 man/qdap_df.Rd | 218 +- man/qheat.Rd | 458 ++++-- man/qprep.Rd | 143 + man/qtheme.Rd | 480 +++--- man/question_type.Rd | 272 +-- man/raj.Rd | 50 man/raj.act.1.Rd | 46 man/raj.act.1POS.Rd | 74 - man/raj.act.2.Rd | 46 man/raj.act.3.Rd | 46 man/raj.act.4.Rd | 46 man/raj.act.5.Rd | 46 man/raj.demographics.Rd | 54 man/rajPOS.Rd | 54 man/rajSPLIT.Rd | 60 man/random_data.Rd | 146 +- man/rank_freq_plot.Rd | 248 +-- man/raw.time.span.Rd | 26 man/read.transcript.Rd | 309 ++-- man/replace_abbreviation.Rd | 115 - man/replace_contraction.Rd | 106 - man/replace_number.Rd | 106 - man/replace_ordinal.Rd | 90 - man/replace_symbol.Rd | 109 - man/replacer.Rd | 66 man/rm_row.Rd | 127 - man/rm_stopwords.Rd | 198 +- man/sample.time.span.Rd | 48 man/scores.Rd | 54 man/scores.SMOG.Rd | 36 man/scores.automated_readability_index.Rd | 38 man/scores.character_table.Rd | 36 man/scores.coleman_liau.Rd | 36 man/scores.end_mark_by.Rd | 36 man/scores.flesch_kincaid.Rd | 36 man/scores.formality.Rd | 36 man/scores.fry.Rd | 36 man/scores.lexical_classification.Rd | 38 man/scores.linsear_write.Rd | 36 man/scores.object_pronoun_type.Rd | 36 man/scores.polarity.Rd | 36 man/scores.pos_by.Rd | 36 man/scores.pronoun_type.Rd | 36 man/scores.question_type.Rd | 36 man/scores.subject_pronoun_type.Rd | 36 man/scores.termco.Rd | 36 man/scores.word_length.Rd | 36 man/scores.word_position.Rd | 36 man/scores.word_stats.Rd | 36 man/scrubber.Rd | 90 - man/sentSplit.Rd | 326 ++-- man/space_fill.Rd | 117 - man/spaste.Rd | 62 man/speakerSplit.Rd | 92 - man/stemmer.Rd | 162 +- man/strWrap.Rd | 76 - man/strip.Rd | 145 + man/subject_pronoun_type.Rd | 144 + man/summary.cmspans.Rd | 217 +- man/summary.wfdf.Rd | 58 man/summary.wfm.Rd | 58 man/syllabication.Rd | 191 +- man/synonyms.Rd | 168 +- man/t.DocumentTermMatrix.Rd | 30 man/t.TermDocumentMatrix.Rd | 30 man/termco.Rd | 648 ++++---- man/termco_c.Rd | 110 - man/tot_plot.Rd | 204 +- man/trans_cloud.Rd | 348 ++-- man/trans_context.Rd | 169 +- man/trans_venn.Rd | 178 +- man/type_token_ratio.Rd | 68 man/unique_by.Rd | 62 man/visual.Rd | 52 man/visual.discourse_map.Rd | 36 man/weight.Rd | 66 man/word_associate.Rd | 469 +++--- man/word_cor.Rd | 295 ++-- man/word_count.Rd | 382 ++--- man/word_diff_list.Rd | 149 +- man/word_length.Rd | 170 +- man/word_list.Rd | 158 +- man/word_network_plot.Rd | 289 ++- man/word_position.Rd | 312 ++-- man/word_proximity.Rd | 177 +- man/word_stats.Rd | 288 ++- tests/testthat/test-as.tdm.R | 39 470 files changed, 21216 insertions(+), 19952 deletions(-)
Title: Pretty, Human Readable Formatting of Quantities
Description: Pretty, human readable formatting of quantities.
Time intervals: 1337000 -> 15d 11h 23m 20s.
Vague time intervals: 2674000 -> about a month ago.
Bytes: 1337 -> 1.34 kB.
Author: Gabor Csardi
Maintainer: Gabor Csardi <csardi.gabor@gmail.com>
Diff between prettyunits versions 1.0.2 dated 2015-07-12 and 1.1.0 dated 2020-01-09
prettyunits-1.0.2/prettyunits/R/pretty-package.r |only prettyunits-1.0.2/prettyunits/R/sizes.r |only prettyunits-1.0.2/prettyunits/R/time-ago.r |only prettyunits-1.0.2/prettyunits/R/time.r |only prettyunits-1.0.2/prettyunits/R/utils.r |only prettyunits-1.0.2/prettyunits/inst |only prettyunits-1.1.0/prettyunits/DESCRIPTION | 11 +- prettyunits-1.1.0/prettyunits/MD5 | 38 ++++---- prettyunits-1.1.0/prettyunits/NAMESPACE | 7 - prettyunits-1.1.0/prettyunits/NEWS.md |only prettyunits-1.1.0/prettyunits/R/pretty-package.R |only prettyunits-1.1.0/prettyunits/R/sizes.R |only prettyunits-1.1.0/prettyunits/R/time-ago.R |only prettyunits-1.1.0/prettyunits/R/time.R |only prettyunits-1.1.0/prettyunits/R/utils.R |only prettyunits-1.1.0/prettyunits/R/xsizes-docs.R |only prettyunits-1.1.0/prettyunits/README.md |only prettyunits-1.1.0/prettyunits/man/pretty_bytes.Rd | 37 ++++++-- prettyunits-1.1.0/prettyunits/man/pretty_dt.Rd | 11 +- prettyunits-1.1.0/prettyunits/man/pretty_ms.Rd | 11 +- prettyunits-1.1.0/prettyunits/man/pretty_sec.Rd | 11 +- prettyunits-1.1.0/prettyunits/man/prettyunits.Rd | 6 - prettyunits-1.1.0/prettyunits/man/time_ago.Rd | 5 - prettyunits-1.1.0/prettyunits/man/vague_dt.Rd | 5 - prettyunits-1.1.0/prettyunits/tests/testthat/test-bytes.r | 61 +++++++++++++- prettyunits-1.1.0/prettyunits/tests/testthat/test-ms.r | 13 ++ 26 files changed, 149 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)
Title: Network Meta-Analysis using Frequentist Methods
Description: A comprehensive set of functions providing frequentist methods for network meta-analysis and supporting Schwarzer et al. (2015) <DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-21416-0>, Chapter 8 "Network Meta-Analysis":
- frequentist network meta-analysis following Rücker (2012) <DOI:10.1002/jrsm.1058>;
- net heat plot and design-based decomposition of Cochran's Q according to Krahn et al. (2013) <DOI:10.1186/1471-2288-13-35>;
- measures characterizing the flow of evidence between two treatments by König et al. (2013) <DOI:10.1002/sim.6001>;
- ranking of treatments (frequentist analogue of SUCRA) according to Rücker & Schwarzer (2015) <DOI:10.1186/s12874-015-0060-8>;
- partial order of treatment rankings ('poset') and Hasse diagram for 'poset' (Carlsen & Bruggemann, 2014) <DOI:10.1002/cem.2569>; (Rücker & Schwarzer, 2017) <DOI:10.1002/jrsm.1270>;
- split direct and indirect evidence to check consistency (Dias et al., 2010) <DOI:10.1002/sim.3767>, (Efthimiou et al., 2019) <DOI:10.1002/sim.8158>;
- league table with network meta-analysis results;
- additive network meta-analysis for combinations of treatments (Rücker et al., 2019) <DOI:10.1002/bimj.201800167>;
- network meta-analysis of binary data using the Mantel-Haenszel or non-central hypergeometric distribution method (Efthimiou et al., 2019) <DOI:10.1002/sim.8158>;
- 'comparison-adjusted' funnel plot (Chaimani & Salanti, 2012) <DOI:10.1002/jrsm.57>;
- automated drawing of network graphs described in Rücker & Schwarzer (2016) <DOI:10.1002/jrsm.1143>.
Author: Gerta Rücker [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2192-2560>),
Ulrike Krahn [aut],
Jochem König [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4683-0360>),
Orestis Efthimiou [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0955-7572>),
Guido Schwarzer [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6214-9087>)
Maintainer: Guido Schwarzer <sc@imbi.uni-freiburg.de>
Diff between netmeta versions 1.1-0 dated 2019-08-07 and 1.2-0 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 12 ++-- MD5 | 110 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- NEWS | 54 +++++++++++++++++++++ R/chkmultiarm.R | 66 ++++++++++++++++--------- R/discomb.R | 23 +++++++- R/forest.netsplit.R | 3 - R/hasse.R | 2 R/multiarm.R | 6 +- R/netcomb.R | 15 ++++- R/netgraph.netmeta.R | 4 - R/netheat.R | 2 R/netleague.R | 2 R/netmeasures.R | 4 + R/netmeta.R | 63 ++++++++++++++---------- R/netmetabin.R | 30 ++++++++--- R/netposet.R | 4 + R/netrank.R | 8 +-- R/nma.additive.R | 9 ++- R/nma.ruecker.R | 9 ++- R/plot.netposet.R | 3 - R/plot.netrank.R | 4 + R/print.netmeta.R | 2 R/summary.netcomb.R | 48 +++++++++++++++--- R/summary.netmeta.R | 56 +++++++++++++++++---- man/as.data.frame.netmeta.Rd | 3 - man/discomb.Rd | 46 +++++++++++++---- man/forest.netbind.Rd | 19 +++++-- man/forest.netcomb.Rd | 27 +++++++--- man/forest.netmeta.Rd | 34 +++++++++---- man/forest.netsplit.Rd | 49 ++++++++++++++----- man/funnel.netmeta.Rd | 31 ++++++++---- man/hasse.Rd | 5 + man/netbind.Rd | 17 +++++- man/netcomb.Rd | 15 ++++- man/netconnection.Rd | 15 ++++- man/netgraph.netimpact.Rd | 17 +++++- man/netgraph.netmeta.Rd | 68 +++++++++++++++++++------- man/netheat.Rd | 12 +++- man/netleague.Rd | 25 ++++++--- man/netmatrix.Rd | 10 +++ man/netmeasures.Rd | 10 +++ man/netmeta.Rd | 94 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------- man/netmetabin.Rd | 69 +++++++++++++++++++------- man/netposet.Rd | 7 +- man/netrank.Rd | 19 +++++-- man/netsplit.Rd | 41 +++++++++++----- man/pairwise.Rd | 21 +++++++- man/plot.netposet.Rd | 41 ++++++++++++---- man/plot.netrank.Rd | 38 +++++++++++--- man/print.decomp.design.Rd | 13 +++-- man/print.netbind.Rd | 3 - man/print.netcomb.Rd | 20 +++++-- man/print.netimpact.Rd | 9 ++- man/print.netmeta.Rd | 30 ++++++++--- man/summary.netcomb.Rd | 49 +++++++++++++++---- man/summary.netmeta.Rd | 58 +++++++++++++++++----- 56 files changed, 1047 insertions(+), 407 deletions(-)
Title: Selection of Linear Estimators
Description: Estimate the mean of a Gaussian vector, by choosing among a large collection of estimators,
following the method developed by Y. Baraud, C. Giraud and S. Huet (2014) <doi:10.1214/13-AIHP539>.
In particular it solves the problem of variable selection by choosing the best predictor among predictors emanating from different methods as lasso,
elastic-net, adaptive lasso, pls, randomForest. Moreover, it can be applied for choosing the tuning parameter in a Gauss-lasso procedure.
Author: Yannick Baraud, Christophe Giraud, Sylvie Huet
Maintainer: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@universite-paris-saclay.fr>
Diff between LINselect versions 1.1.1 dated 2019-03-07 and 1.1.2 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 18 +++++++++--------- MD5 | 2 +- 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
Title: Create Interactive Chart with the JavaScript 'Billboard' Library
Description: Provides an 'htmlwidgets' interface to 'billboard.js',
a re-usable easy interface JavaScript chart library, based on D3 v4+.
Chart types include line charts, scatterplots, bar/lollipop charts, histogram/density plots, pie/donut charts and gauge charts.
All charts are interactive, and a proxy method is implemented to smoothly update a chart without rendering it again in 'shiny' apps.
Author: Victor Perrier [aut, cre],
Fanny Meyer [aut],
NAVER Corp [cph] (billboard.js library),
Mike Bostock [cph] (d3.format library)
Maintainer: Victor Perrier <victor.perrier@dreamrs.fr>
Diff between billboarder versions 0.2.7 dated 2019-08-21 and 0.2.8 dated 2020-01-09
billboarder-0.2.7/billboarder/inst/htmlwidgets/lib/D3-5.1.0 |only billboarder-0.2.7/billboarder/inst/htmlwidgets/lib/billboard-1.10 |only billboarder-0.2.7/billboarder/inst/htmlwidgets/lib/billboard-1.9 |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/DESCRIPTION | 19 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/MD5 | 295 +- billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/NAMESPACE | 5 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/NEWS.md | 10 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/R/bauge.R | 2 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/R/bb_add_style.R | 10 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/R/bb_helpers.R | 96 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/R/bb_utils.R | 118 + billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/R/billboarder-shiny.R | 344 +-- billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/R/billboarder.R | 43 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/R/proxy_example.R | 13 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/R/theme.R | 14 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/R/zzz.R | 43 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/README.md | 4 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/build/vignette.rds |binary billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/doc/billboarder-intro.R | 24 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/doc/billboarder-intro.Rmd | 7 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/doc/billboarder-intro.html | 1078 +++++---- billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/doc/billboarder-mapping.R | 22 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/doc/billboarder-mapping.Rmd | 7 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/doc/billboarder-mapping.html | 1015 +++++---- billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/doc/billboarder-options.R | 36 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/doc/billboarder-options.Rmd | 7 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/doc/billboarder-options.html | 1103 ++++++---- billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/doc/billboarder.R | 30 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/doc/billboarder.html | 844 ++++--- billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/doc/lines-options.R |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/doc/lines-options.Rmd |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/doc/lines-options.html |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/doc/linked-tooltip.R |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/doc/linked-tooltip.Rmd |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/doc/linked-tooltip.html |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/htmlwidgets/bauge.yaml | 12 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/htmlwidgets/billboarder.js | 619 ++--- billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/htmlwidgets/billboarder.yaml | 12 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/htmlwidgets/lib/billboard |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/htmlwidgets/lib/billboarder.css |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/inst/htmlwidgets/lib/d3-format |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/avengers.Rd | 52 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bauge-shiny.Rd | 60 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bauge.Rd | 203 - billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_add_style.Rd | 99 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_area.Rd | 36 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_axis.Rd | 86 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_bar.Rd | 50 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_bar_color_manual.Rd | 92 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_barchart.Rd | 223 +- billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_bubble.Rd | 70 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_callbacks.Rd | 90 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_categories.Rd | 58 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_color.Rd | 88 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_colors_manual.Rd | 114 - billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_data.Rd | 56 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_densityplot.Rd | 151 - billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_donut.Rd | 50 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_donutchart.Rd | 74 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_export.Rd |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_gauge.Rd | 52 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_gaugechart.Rd | 100 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_grid.Rd | 88 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_histogram.Rd | 202 - billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_interaction.Rd | 38 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_labs.Rd | 78 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_legend.Rd | 88 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_line.Rd | 54 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_linechart.Rd | 294 +- billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_load.Rd | 46 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_lollipop.Rd | 154 - billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_pie.Rd | 58 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_piechart.Rd | 94 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_point.Rd | 52 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_proxy_axis_labels.Rd | 40 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_proxy_data_colors.Rd | 164 - billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_proxy_data_names.Rd | 138 - billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_proxy_flow.Rd | 172 - billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_proxy_focus.Rd | 130 - billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_proxy_groups.Rd | 36 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_proxy_hide.Rd | 48 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_proxy_legend.Rd | 222 +- billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_proxy_show.Rd | 48 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_proxy_tooltip.Rd | 51 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_proxy_transform.Rd | 42 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_proxy_xs.Rd | 36 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_radar.Rd | 94 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_radarchart.Rd | 102 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_regions.Rd | 166 - billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_scatterplot.Rd | 120 - billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_spline.Rd | 36 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_subchart.Rd | 56 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_svg.Rd | 36 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_title.Rd | 66 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_tooltip.Rd | 64 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_transition.Rd | 38 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_unload.Rd | 36 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/bb_zoom.Rd | 66 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/billboard-aes.Rd | 114 - billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/billboarder-exports.Rd | 22 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/billboarder-package.Rd | 26 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/billboarder-shiny.Rd | 163 + billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/billboarder.Rd | 53 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/cdc_prod_filiere.Rd | 60 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/equilibre_mensuel.Rd | 52 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/prefix.Rd | 32 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/prod_filiere_long.Rd | 44 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/prod_par_filiere.Rd | 60 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/proxy_example.Rd | 107 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/set_theme.Rd | 72 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/man/suffix.Rd | 32 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/tests/testthat/test-bauge.R |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/tests/testthat/test-bb_add_style.R |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/tests/testthat/test-bb_callbacks.R |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/tests/testthat/test-bb_helpers.R |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/tests/testthat/test-bb_utils.R |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/tests/testthat/test-billboarder-shiny.R |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/tests/testthat/test-billboarder.R |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/tests/testthat/test-mapping.R | 18 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/tests/testthat/test-proxy_example.R |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/tests/testthat/test-readme.R | 4 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/tests/testthat/test-theme.R |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/tests/testthat/test-utils.R |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/tests/testthat/test-zzz.R |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/vignettes/billboarder-intro.Rmd | 7 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/vignettes/billboarder-mapping.Rmd | 7 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/vignettes/billboarder-options.Rmd | 7 billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/vignettes/lines-options.Rmd |only billboarder-0.2.8/billboarder/vignettes/linked-tooltip.Rmd |only 129 files changed, 6451 insertions(+), 5318 deletions(-)
Title: Space-Time Estimation of Forest Variables using the FIA Database
Description: The goal of 'rFIA' is to increase the accessibility and use of the United States Forest Services (USFS) Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Database by providing a user-friendly, open source toolkit to easily query and analyze FIA Data. Designed to accommodate a wide range of potential user objectives, 'rFIA' simplifies the estimation of forest variables from the FIA Database and allows all R users (experts and newcomers alike) to unlock the flexibility inherent to the Enhanced FIA design. Specifically, 'rFIA' improves accessibility to the spatio-temporal estimation capacity of the FIA Database by producing space-time indexed summaries of forest variables within user-defined population boundaries. Direct integration with other popular R packages (e.g., 'dplyr', 'tidyr', and 'sf') facilitates efficient space-time query and data summary, and supports common data representations and API design. The package implements design-based estimation procedures outlined by Bechtold & Patterson (2005) <doi:10.2737/SRS-GTR-80>, and has been validated against estimates and sampling errors produced by FIA 'EVALIDator'. Current development is focused on the implementation of spatially-enabled model-assisted estimators to improve population, change, and ratio estimates.
Author: Hunter Stanke [aut, cre],
Andrew Finley [aut]
Maintainer: Hunter Stanke <stankehu@msu.edu>
Diff between rFIA versions 0.1.1 dated 2019-11-12 and 0.2.0 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 6 MD5 | 72 + NAMESPACE | 1 R/areaHelper.R | 116 ++ R/areaNew.R |only R/biomassHelper.R | 281 ++++++ R/biomassNew.R |only R/diMort.R |only R/diMortHelper.R |only R/diversityHelper.R | 152 +++ R/diversityNew.R |only R/dwmHelper.R | 286 ++++++ R/dwmNew.R |only R/functionsFIA.R | 1273 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- R/globalVars.R | 26 R/growMortHelper.R | 332 ++++++++ R/growMortNew.R |only R/invasiveHelper.R | 167 ++++ R/invasiveNew.R |only R/plotFIA.R | 174 ++-- R/seedHelper.R |only R/seedlingNew.R |only R/standStructHelper.R | 172 ++++ R/standStructNew.R |only R/tpaHelper.R | 255 ++++++ R/tpaNew.R |only R/vitalRatesHelper.R | 357 ++++++++ R/vitalRatesNew.R |only README.md | 68 - data/fiaRI.rda |binary man/area.Rd | 14 man/biomass.Rd | 12 man/clipFIA.Rd | 6 man/diversity.Rd | 23 man/dwm.Rd | 13 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-4-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-5-1.png |binary man/growMort.Rd | 14 man/invasive.Rd | 12 man/plotFIA.Rd | 16 man/seedling.Rd |only man/standStruct.Rd | 16 man/tpa.Rd | 14 man/vitalRates.Rd | 14 44 files changed, 3594 insertions(+), 298 deletions(-)
More information about riceidconverter at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Functions to Support Extension Education Program Evaluation
Description: Functions and datasets to support "Summary and Analysis of
Extension Program Evaluation in R" and "An R
Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics".
Vignettes are available at <http://rcompanion.org>.
Author: Salvatore Mangiafico [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Salvatore Mangiafico <mangiafico@njaes.rutgers.edu>
Diff between rcompanion versions 2.3.7 dated 2019-09-29 and 2.3.21 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 10 - MD5 | 208 +++++++++++---------- NAMESPACE | 6 R/blom.r | 23 +- R/cliffDelta.r | 30 ++- R/cohenG.r | 149 ++++++++++++--- R/cohenW.r | 90 ++++++--- R/compareGLM.r | 5 R/compareLM.r | 5 R/cramerV.r | 132 ++++++++++--- R/cramerVFit.r | 81 ++++++-- R/epsilonSquared.r | 42 +++- R/freemanTheta.r | 74 ++++--- R/multiVDA.r | 57 ++--- R/ordinalEtaSquared.r |only R/phi.r | 48 +++-- R/scheirerRayHare.r | 7 R/spearmanRho.r | 23 +- R/vda.r | 25 +- R/wilcoxonOneSampleR.r | 8 R/wilcoxonOneSampleRC.r |only R/wilcoxonPairedR.r | 10 - R/wilcoxonPairedRC.r |only R/wilcoxonR.r | 56 +++-- R/wilcoxonRG.r |only man/Anderson.Rd | 34 +-- man/AndersonBias.Rd | 38 +-- man/AndersonRainBarrel.Rd | 36 +-- man/AndersonRainGarden.Rd | 36 +-- man/BobBelcher.Rd | 40 ++-- man/Breakfast.Rd | 40 ++-- man/BrendonSmall.Rd | 36 +-- man/BullyHill.Rd | 34 +-- man/Catbus.Rd | 34 +-- man/HayleySmith.Rd | 38 +-- man/Monarchs.Rd | 34 +-- man/Nurseries.Rd | 44 ++-- man/PMCMRTable.Rd | 78 ++++---- man/Pennsylvania18.Rd | 44 ++-- man/Pooh.Rd | 38 +-- man/PoohPiglet.Rd | 38 +-- man/Religion.Rd | 38 +-- man/accuracy.Rd | 218 +++++++++++----------- man/blom.Rd | 296 ++++++++++++++++--------------- man/cateNelson.Rd | 256 ++++++++++++++------------ man/cldList.Rd | 218 +++++++++++----------- man/cliffDelta.Rd | 222 ++++++++++++----------- man/cohenG.Rd | 212 +++++++++++----------- man/cohenH.Rd | 106 +++++------ man/cohenW.Rd | 221 ++++++++++++----------- man/compareGLM.Rd | 123 ++++++------ man/compareLM.Rd | 141 +++++++------- man/cramerV.Rd | 202 +++++++++++---------- man/cramerVFit.Rd | 228 ++++++++++++----------- man/epsilonSquared.Rd | 211 ++++++++++++---------- man/freemanTheta.Rd | 248 +++++++++++++------------ man/fullPTable.Rd | 94 ++++----- man/groupwiseCMH.Rd | 151 ++++++++------- man/groupwiseGeometric.Rd | 170 +++++++++-------- man/groupwiseHuber.Rd | 161 ++++++++-------- man/groupwiseMean.Rd | 222 ++++++++++++----------- man/groupwiseMedian.Rd | 241 +++++++++++++------------ man/groupwisePercentile.Rd | 237 +++++++++++++----------- man/groupwiseSum.Rd | 140 +++++++------- man/kendallW.Rd | 194 ++++++++++---------- man/multiVDA.Rd | 216 +++++++++++----------- man/nagelkerke.Rd | 236 ++++++++++++------------ man/nagelkerkeHermite.Rd | 30 +-- man/nominalSymmetryTest.Rd | 142 +++++++------- man/ordinalEtaSquared.Rd |only man/pairwiseDifferences.Rd | 30 +-- man/pairwiseMcnemar.Rd | 196 ++++++++++---------- man/pairwiseMedianMatrix.Rd | 171 +++++++++-------- man/pairwiseMedianTest.Rd | 161 ++++++++-------- man/pairwiseModelAnova.Rd | 108 +++++------ man/pairwiseNominalIndependence.Rd | 155 ++++++++-------- man/pairwiseNominalMatrix.Rd | 148 ++++++++------- man/pairwiseOrdinalIndependence.Rd | 150 ++++++++------- man/pairwiseOrdinalMatrix.Rd | 28 +- man/pairwiseOrdinalPairedMatrix.Rd | 34 +-- man/pairwiseOrdinalPairedTest.Rd | 28 +- man/pairwiseOrdinalTest.Rd | 28 +- man/pairwisePercentileTest.Rd | 233 ++++++++++++------------ man/pairwisePermutationMatrix.Rd | 170 +++++++++-------- man/pairwisePermutationSymmetry.Rd | 175 +++++++++--------- man/pairwisePermutationSymmetryMatrix.Rd | 187 ++++++++++--------- man/pairwisePermutationTest.Rd | 158 ++++++++-------- man/pairwiseRobustMatrix.Rd | 28 +- man/pairwiseRobustTest.Rd | 26 +- man/pairwiseSignMatrix.Rd | 26 +- man/pairwiseSignTest.Rd | 26 +- man/percentileTest.Rd | 223 ++++++++++++----------- man/phi.Rd | 184 ++++++++++--------- man/plotDensityHistogram.Rd | 133 +++++++------ man/plotNormalDensity.Rd | 147 ++++++++------- man/plotNormalHistogram.Rd | 126 +++++++------ man/plotPredy.Rd | 268 ++++++++++++++-------------- man/rcompanion.Rd | 159 ++++++++-------- man/scheirerRayHare.Rd | 171 +++++++++-------- man/spearmanRho.Rd | 177 ++++++++++-------- man/transformTukey.Rd | 142 +++++++------- man/vda.Rd | 218 ++++++++++++---------- man/wilcoxonOneSampleR.Rd | 183 ++++++++++--------- man/wilcoxonOneSampleRC.Rd |only man/wilcoxonPairedR.Rd | 214 ++++++++++++---------- man/wilcoxonPairedRC.Rd |only man/wilcoxonR.Rd | 228 +++++++++++++---------- man/wilcoxonRG.Rd |only man/wilcoxonZ.Rd | 125 ++++++------- 109 files changed, 6364 insertions(+), 5505 deletions(-)
Title: Analysis and Mining of Multilayer Social Networks
Description: Functions for the creation/generation and analysis of multilayer social networks.
Author: Matteo Magnani, Davide Vega, Mikael Dubik (glouvain). The package uses functions from eclat (www.borgelt.net/eclat.html), for association rule mining, Eigen (eigen.tuxfamily.org) and spectra (https://spectralib.org), for matrix manipulation, Infomap (www.mapequation.org), for the Infomap community detection method, and Howard Hinnant's date and time library (https://github.com/HowardHinnant/date). The code from these libraries has been included in our source package.
Maintainer: Matteo Magnani <matteo.magnani@it.uu.se>
Diff between multinet versions 3.1.0 dated 2019-10-23 and 3.2 dated 2020-01-09
multinet-3.1.0/multinet/src/multinet/mnet/community/MLCPMCommunity.hpp |only multinet-3.1.0/multinet/src/multinet/mnet/community/PillarCommunity.hpp |only multinet-3.1.0/multinet/src/multinet/mnet/community/VertexLayerCommunity.hpp |only multinet-3.1.0/multinet/src/multinet/mnet/community/abacus.hpp |only multinet-3.1.0/multinet/src/multinet/mnet/community/glouvain.cpp |only multinet-3.1.0/multinet/src/multinet/mnet/community/glouvain.hpp |only multinet-3.1.0/multinet/src/multinet/mnet/community/infomap.hpp |only multinet-3.1.0/multinet/src/multinet/mnet/community/lart.hpp |only multinet-3.1.0/multinet/src/multinet/mnet/community/ml-cpm.hpp |only multinet-3.1.0/multinet/src/multinet/mnet/community/normalized_mutual_information.hpp |only multinet-3.1.0/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/stores2/AttributeStore_todel.hpp |only multinet-3.1.0/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/stores2/AttributedMultiEdgeStore_todel.hpp |only multinet-3.1.0/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/stores2/AttributedSimpleEdgeStore_todel.hpp |only multinet-3.1.0/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/stores2/AttributedVertexStore_todel.hpp |only multinet-3.1.0/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/stores2/EdgeStore_todel.hpp |only multinet-3.1.0/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/stores2/EmptyEdgeStore_todel.cpp |only multinet-3.1.0/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/stores2/EmptyEdgeStore_todel.hpp |only multinet-3.1.0/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/stores2/GenericVertexStore_todel.hpp |only multinet-3.2/multinet/DESCRIPTION | 13 multinet-3.2/multinet/MD5 | 165 +- multinet-3.2/multinet/NEWS | 17 multinet-3.2/multinet/R/igraph.R | 20 multinet-3.2/multinet/man/IO.Rd | 115 + multinet-3.2/multinet/man/Manipulation.Rd | 2 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/Makevars | 4 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/Makevars.win | 4 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/eclat/tract/src/tract.c | 7 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/community/MLCPMCommunity.hpp |only multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/community/PillarCommunity.hpp |only multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/community/VertexLayerCommunity.hpp |only multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/community/abacus.hpp |only multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/community/glouvain.cpp |only multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/community/glouvain.hpp |only multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/community/infomap.hpp |only multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/community/lart.hpp |only multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/community/ml-cpm.hpp |only multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/community/normalized_mutual_information.hpp |only multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/core/attributes/AttributeValueMap.hpp | 2 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/core/datastructures/containers/LabeledUniquePtrSortedRandomSet.hpp | 2 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/core/datastructures/containers/SharedPtrSortedRandomSet.hpp | 4 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/core/utils/names.cpp |only multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/core/utils/names.hpp |only multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/core/utils/string.cpp | 15 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/core/utils/string.hpp | 8 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/creation/standard_graphs.hpp | 78 - multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/creation/standard_graphs.ipp |only multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/generation/EREvolutionModel.hpp | 7 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/generation/EREvolutionModel2.hpp |only multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/io/read_multilayer_network.cpp | 69 - multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/io/read_temporal_network.cpp | 2 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/io/write_multilayer_network.hpp | 344 ++++- multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/measures/betweenness.hpp |only multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/measures/betweenness.ipp |only multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/mnet/community/cutils.hpp | 2 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/mnet/community/infomap_utils.hpp | 2 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/mnet/datastructures/stores/AttributeStoreWrapper.hpp | 2 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/mnet/datastructures/stores/Attributes.hpp | 4 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/mnet/io/MultilayerIOFileSection.hpp | 3 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/mnet/io/MultilayerMetadata.hpp | 5 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/mnet/io/read_common.cpp | 142 +- multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/mnet/io/read_common.hpp | 24 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/olap/ECube.cpp | 478 +++---- multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/olap/ECube.hpp | 136 +- multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/olap/VCube.cpp | 623 +++++----- multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/olap/VCube.hpp | 164 +- multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/olap/resize.cpp | 20 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/olap/resize.hpp | 98 - multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/olap/slice.cpp | 40 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/olap/slice.hpp | 34 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/stores/AttrMultiEdgeStore.cpp | 4 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/stores/AttrMultiEdgeStore.hpp | 2 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/stores/AttrSimpleEdgeStore.cpp | 4 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/stores/AttrSimpleEdgeStore.hpp | 2 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/stores/EdgeStore.cpp | 2 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/stores/MDEdgeStore.hpp | 40 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/stores/MDSimpleEdgeStore.hpp | 22 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/stores/SimpleEdgeStore.cpp | 38 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/net/datastructures/stores/SimpleEdgeStore.hpp | 4 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/net/io/read_common.cpp | 6 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/net/io/read_common.hpp | 88 - multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/networks/MultiNetwork.cpp | 2 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/networks/MultiNetwork.hpp | 4 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/networks/Network.cpp | 2 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/networks/Network.hpp | 2 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/networks/TemporalNetwork.cpp | 50 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/networks/TemporalNetwork.hpp | 10 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/networks/WeightedNetwork.cpp | 50 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/networks/WeightedNetwork.hpp | 12 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/objects/InterlayerEdge.hpp | 4 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/olap/datastructures/CCube.hpp | 220 +-- multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/olap/datastructures/NCube.hpp | 110 - multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/olap/operators/slice.hpp | 8 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/olap/selection/EntryIterator.hpp | 6 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/olap/selection/IndexIterator.cpp | 31 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/olap/selection/IndexIterator.hpp | 4 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/operations/test.hpp | 15 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/operations/test.ipp |only multinet-3.2/multinet/src/multinet/xnet/datastructures/stores/MessageStore.hpp | 20 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/r_functions.cpp | 314 +++-- multinet-3.2/multinet/src/rcpp_utils.cpp | 22 multinet-3.2/multinet/src/rcpp_utils.h | 4 101 files changed, 2184 insertions(+), 1573 deletions(-)
Title: Kinetic Evaluation of Chemical Degradation Data
Description: Calculation routines based on the FOCUS Kinetics Report (2006,
2014). Includes a function for conveniently defining differential equation
models, model solution based on eigenvalues if possible or using numerical
solvers and a choice of the optimisation methods made available by the 'FME'
package. If a C compiler (on windows: 'Rtools') is installed, differential
equation models are solved using compiled C functions. Please note that no
warranty is implied for correctness of results or fitness for a particular
Author: Johannes Ranke [aut, cre, cph]
Katrin Lindenberger [ctb],
René Lehmann [ctb],
Eurofins Regulatory AG [cph]
Maintainer: Johannes Ranke <jranke@uni-bremen.de>
Diff between mkin versions dated 2019-11-02 and dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++-- MD5 | 75 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------- NAMESPACE | 10 +++++ NEWS.md | 14 ++++++- R/AIC.mmkin.R | 8 +++- R/aw.R |only R/confint.mkinfit.R | 69 +++++++++++++++++++---------------- R/loftest.R |only R/logLik.mkinfit.R | 11 +++-- R/lrtest.mkinfit.R | 28 +++++++++++--- R/mkinresplot.R | 38 ++++++++++++------- R/parms.mkinfit.R | 6 ++- R/plot.mkinfit.R | 37 ++++++++++++++----- R/plot.mmkin.R | 26 ++++++++----- R/residuals.mkinfit.R | 2 - R/sigma_twocomp.R | 2 - R/update.mkinfit.R | 8 +++- README.md | 47 ++++++++++++++++-------- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/FOCUS_D.html | 14 +++---- inst/doc/FOCUS_L.html | 74 +++++++++++++++++++------------------- inst/doc/mkin.html | 4 +- inst/doc/twa.html | 4 +- man/AIC.mmkin.Rd | 8 +++- man/aw.Rd |only man/confint.mkinfit.Rd | 71 +++++++++++++++++++----------------- man/loftest.Rd |only man/lrtest.mkinfit.Rd | 14 +++++-- man/mkinresplot.Rd | 16 +++++--- man/parms.Rd | 5 ++ man/plot.mkinfit.Rd | 18 +++++++-- man/plot.mmkin.Rd | 4 +- man/residuals.mkinfit.Rd | 2 - man/sigma_twocomp.Rd | 2 - man/update.mkinfit.Rd | 8 +++- tests/testthat/FOCUS_2006_D.csf | 2 - tests/testthat/setup_script.R | 10 ++--- tests/testthat/test_SFORB.R | 2 - tests/testthat/test_aw.R |only tests/testthat/test_confidence.R | 7 ++- tests/testthat/test_tests.R | 23 ++++++++++- 41 files changed, 427 insertions(+), 250 deletions(-)
Title: Robust Linear Quantile Regression
Description: It fits a robust linear quantile regression model using a new
family of zero-quantile distributions for the error term. This family of
distribution includes skewed versions of the Normal, Student's t, Laplace, Slash
and Contaminated Normal distribution. It also performs logistic quantile regression for bounded responses
as shown in Bottai et.al.(2009) <doi:10.1002/sim.3781>. It provides estimates and full inference.
It also provides envelopes plots for assessing the fit and confidences bands
when several quantiles are provided simultaneously.
Author: Christian E. Galarza, Luis Benites, Victor H. Lachos
Maintainer: Christian E. Galarza <cgalarza88@gmail.com>
Diff between lqr versions 1.7 dated 2018-02-01 and 2.0 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 12 ++++++------ MD5 | 26 +++++++++++++++----------- NAMESPACE | 4 ++-- R/EMonly.R | 13 ++++++------- R/Egig.R |only R/bestlqr.R | 20 +++++++------------- R/bestlqrrange.R |only R/lqr.print.R |only man/Egig.Rd |only man/SKD.Rd | 2 +- man/best.lqr.Rd | 3 ++- man/dist.Truncated.Rd | 3 ++- man/logbestlqr.Rd | 13 +++++++------ man/loglqr.Rd | 14 +++++++------- man/lqr-package.Rd | 4 ++-- man/resistence.Rd | 3 ++- 16 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
Title: Image Statistics Based on Processing Fluency
Description: Get image statistics based on processing fluency theory. The
functions provide scores for several basic aesthetic principles that
facilitate fluent cognitive processing of images: contrast,
complexity / simplicity, self-similarity, symmetry, and typicality.
See Mayer & Landwehr (2018) <doi:10.1037/aca0000187> and Mayer & Landwehr
(2018) <doi:10.31219/osf.io/gtbhw> for the theoretical background of the methods.
Author: Stefan Mayer [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0034-7090>)
Maintainer: Stefan Mayer <stefan@mayer-de.com>
Diff between imagefluency versions 0.2.2 dated 2019-12-12 and 0.2.3 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 8 ++++---- NEWS.md | 4 ++++ inst/doc/imagefluency.html | 4 ++-- tests/testthat/test_complexity.R | 6 +++--- 5 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
Title: GOV.UK Style Templates for R Markdown
Description: A suite of custom R Markdown formats and templates
for authoring web pages styled with the GOV.UK Design System.
Author: Crown Copyright 2019 [cph],
Duncan Garmonsway [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Duncan Garmonsway <duncan.garmonsway@digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk>
Diff between govdown versions 0.7.0 dated 2019-10-16 and 0.8.0 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 10 - LICENSE | 2 MD5 | 21 +- NEWS.md | 13 + R/govdown-format.R | 6 README.md | 1 inst/rmarkdown/resources/all.js | 90 ++++++----- inst/rmarkdown/resources/govuk.css | 127 +++++++++------- inst/rmarkdown/resources/govuk.html | 11 + inst/rmarkdown/resources/govuk.lua | 13 + inst/rmarkdown/resources/govukish.css | 248 +++++++++++++++++---------------- inst/rmarkdown/resources/highlight.lua |only 12 files changed, 304 insertions(+), 238 deletions(-)
Title: Explore and Visualize Your Data Interactively
Description: A 'shiny' gadget to create 'ggplot2' charts interactively with drag-and-drop to map your variables.
You can quickly visualize your data accordingly to their type, export to 'PNG' or 'PowerPoint',
and retrieve the code to reproduce the chart.
Author: Fanny Meyer [aut],
Victor Perrier [aut, cre],
Ian Carroll [ctb] (Facets support)
Maintainer: Victor Perrier <victor.perrier@dreamrs.fr>
Diff between esquisse versions 0.2.2 dated 2019-08-22 and 0.2.3 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 10 - MD5 | 75 ++++---- NAMESPACE | 9 NEWS.md | 17 + R/default-options.R |only R/esquisser.R | 8 R/esquisserServer.R | 1 R/esquisserUI.R | 10 - R/ggplot_to_ppt.R | 6 R/input-colors.R | 162 ----------------- R/input-dragula.R | 2 R/module-chartControls.R | 235 ++++++++----------------- R/module-filterDF.R | 271 +++++++++++++++-------------- R/onLoad.R | 16 + R/utils.R | 12 - README.md | 3 inst/assets/styles.css | 15 - inst/doc/get-started.R | 12 - inst/doc/get-started.html | 3 inst/doc/shiny-usage.R | 22 +- inst/doc/shiny-usage.html | 3 man/build_aes.Rd | 88 ++++----- man/dragulaInput.Rd | 194 +++++++++++---------- man/dropInput.Rd | 159 +++++++++-------- man/esquisser.Rd | 103 +++++------ man/ggcall.Rd | 200 +++++++++++---------- man/ggplot_to_ppt.Rd | 74 ++++---- man/input-colors.Rd | 420 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- man/match_geom_args.Rd | 93 +++++----- man/module-chooseData.Rd | 239 +++++++++++++------------- man/module-coerce.Rd | 166 +++++++++--------- man/module-esquisse.Rd | 356 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------ man/module-filterDF.Rd | 281 ++++++++++++++++-------------- man/potential_geoms.Rd | 100 +++++----- man/run_module.Rd | 46 ++--- man/safe_ggplot.Rd | 113 ++++++------ man/updateDragulaInput.Rd | 186 ++++++++++---------- man/updateDropInput.Rd | 216 +++++++++++------------ man/which_pal_scale.Rd | 128 +++++++------- 39 files changed, 1989 insertions(+), 2065 deletions(-)
Title: SEC Filings Access
Description: A set of methods to access and parse live filing information from the
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC - <https://sec.gov>) including
company and fund filings along with all associated metadata.
Author: Micah J Waldstein [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Micah J Waldstein <micah@waldste.in>
Diff between edgarWebR versions 1.0.0 dated 2018-05-24 and 1.0.1 dated 2020-01-09
edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/browse-edgar-475140.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/browse-edgar-b970eb.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/cik_lookup-523580.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/cik_lookup-8208af.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/cik_lookup-f91e78.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/current-1eb469.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/series-26a524.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/series-29f0ec.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/series-66d077.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/series-68e025.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/series-6e8028.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/series-a5a977.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/srch-edgar-3ad08d.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/srch-edgar-de72a2.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/data/1333712/000156218017002633/0001562180-17-002633-index.htm.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/data/31791/000095013501000920/b38210pee10-k405.txt.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/data/37996/000003799602000015/v7.txt.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/data/37996/000003799617000084/0000037996-17-000084.txt.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/data/920760/000162828017000327/0001628280-17-000327-index.htm.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/data/933691/000093369117000309/0000933691-17-000309-index.htm.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/searchwww.sec.gov/EDGARFSClient/jsp/EDGAR_MainAccess.jsp-2c2dfe.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/tests/cache/searchwww.sec.gov/EDGARFSClient/jsp/EDGAR_MainAccess.jsp-7edfa4.R |only edgarWebR-1.0.0/edgarWebR/vignettes/edgarWebR.md |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/DESCRIPTION | 14 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/MD5 | 135 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/R/cik_search.R | 3 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/R/company_search.R | 13 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/R/current_events.R | 3 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/R/effectiveness.R | 3 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/R/full_text.R | 5 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/R/header_search.R | 7 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/R/latest_filings.R | 3 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/R/parse_filing.R | 23 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/R/parse_submission.R | 17 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/R/series_search.R | 3 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/R/utils.R | 26 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/README.md | 314 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/build/vignette.rds |binary edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/inst/doc/edgarWebR.R | 20 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/inst/doc/edgarWebR.Rmd | 6 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/inst/doc/edgarWebR.html | 557 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/inst/doc/parsing.R | 20 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/inst/doc/parsing.Rmd | 14 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/inst/doc/parsing.html | 462 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/man/browse_edgar.Rd | 10 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/man/company_details.Rd | 10 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/man/company_filings.Rd | 10 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/man/company_search.Rd | 25 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/man/full_text.Rd | 16 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/man/header_search.Rd | 4 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/man/latest_filings.Rd | 10 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/man/map_xml.Rd | 10 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/man/parse_submission.Rd | 17 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/browse-edgar-11457c.R | 9907 ++++----- edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/browse-edgar-3731bc.R | 9658 ++++----- edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/browse-edgar-475140.html |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/browse-edgar-4f7d04.R | 9418 ++++----- edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/browse-edgar-85a602.R | 3790 +-- edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/browse-edgar-959b74.R |10457 ++++------ edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/browse-edgar-b970eb.html |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/browse-edgar-c0b437.R | 8711 ++++---- edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/browse-edgar-d798f7.R | 5865 ++--- edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/browse-edgar-ea17e0.R | 921 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/cik_lookup-523580.html |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/cik_lookup-8208af.html |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/cik_lookup-f91e78.html |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/current-1eb469.html |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/series-26a524.html |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/series-29f0ec.html |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/series-66d077.html |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/series-68e025.html |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/series-6e8028.html |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/series-a5a977.html |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/srch-edgar-3ad08d.html |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/cgi-bin/srch-edgar-de72a2.html |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/data/1333712/000156218017002633/0001562180-17-002633-index.htm.html |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/data/31791/000095013501000920/b38210pee10-k405.txt.txt |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/data/37996/000003799602000015/v7.txt.txt |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/data/37996/000003799617000084/0000037996-17-000084.txt.txt |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/data/920760/000162828017000327/0001628280-17-000327-index.htm.html |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/data/933691/000093369117000309/0000933691-17-000309-index.htm.html |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/searchwww.sec.gov/EDGARFSClient/jsp/EDGAR_MainAccess.jsp-374e92.html |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/cache/searchwww.sec.gov/EDGARFSClient/jsp/EDGAR_MainAccess.jsp-7edfa4.html |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/testdata/0000950131-94-000440.txt |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/testdata/form_10k.htm |only edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/testthat/test_full_text.R | 2 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/testthat/test_fund_search.R | 10 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/testthat/test_parse_filing.R | 17 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/testthat/test_parse_text_filing.R | 28 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/tests/testthat/test_variable_insurance_search.R | 10 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/vignettes/edgarWebR.Rmd | 6 edgarWebR-1.0.1/edgarWebR/vignettes/parsing.Rmd | 14 92 files changed, 29841 insertions(+), 30733 deletions(-)
Title: Use Docker Images to Process Rmarkdown Blocks
Description: Gives you the ability to use arbitrary Docker images
(including custom ones) to process Rmarkdown code chunks.
Author: Ben Artin
Maintainer: Ben Artin <ben@artins.org>
Diff between docknitr versions 0.4.0 dated 2019-11-13 and 1.0.1 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 14 +++++------ MD5 | 18 +++++++-------- NAMESPACE | 2 + R/docknitr.R | 43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------ README.md | 2 - build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/custom-images.html | 52 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- inst/doc/docknitr.html | 36 ++++++++++++++++-------------- man/docker_alias.Rd | 14 ++++++----- vignettes/pyseer/Dockerfile | 2 - 10 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)
Title: Compare Detrital Zircon Suites
Description: Compare detrital zircon suites by uploading univariate,
U-Pb age, or bivariate, U-Pb age and Lu-Hf data, in a 'shiny'-based
user-interface. Outputs publication quality figures using 'ggplot2', and
tables of statistics currently in use in the detrital zircon geochronology
Author: Magnus Kristoffersen [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Magnus Kristoffersen <magnus.kristoffersen@geo.uio.no>
Diff between detzrcr versions 0.2.6 dated 2019-07-10 and 0.3.0 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 20 - NEWS.md | 20 - R/calculations.R | 14 README.md | 1 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/detzrcr-vignette.R | 8 inst/doc/detzrcr-vignette.Rmd | 50 +- inst/doc/detzrcr-vignette.html | 70 ++- inst/shiny-apps/detzrcr_app/app.R | 726 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------- vignettes/detzrcr-vignette.Rmd | 50 +- 11 files changed, 557 insertions(+), 410 deletions(-)
Title: Computing Comorbidity Scores
Description: Computing comorbidity scores such as the weighted Charlson score
(Charlson, 1987 <doi:10.1016/0021-9681(87)90171-8>) and the Elixhauser
comorbidity score (Elixhauser, 1998 <doi:10.1097/00005650-199801000-00004>)
using ICD-9-CM or ICD-10 codes (Quan, 2005 <doi:10.1097/01.mlr.0000182534.19832.83>).
Author: Alessandro Gasparini [aut, cre]
Hojjat Salmasian [ctb] (ICD-9-CM scores),
Jonathan Williman [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5080-4435>)
Maintainer: Alessandro Gasparini <alessandro.gasparini@ki.se>
Diff between comorbidity versions 0.5.2 dated 2019-10-20 and 0.5.3 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 41 MD5 | 63 NAMESPACE | 6 NEWS.md | 208 + R/check_output.R | 38 R/comorbidity-package.R | 34 R/comorbidity.R | 425 ++- R/data.R | 230 +- R/factorise.R | 20 R/labelled.R | 18 R/sample_diag.R | 130 - R/tidy.R | 22 README.md | 708 +++--- build/partial.rdb |binary build/vignette.rds |binary data/datalist | 14 inst/CITATION | 26 inst/doc/comorbidityscores.R | 84 inst/doc/comorbidityscores.Rmd | 739 +++--- inst/doc/comorbidityscores.html | 1614 +++++++------- man/comorbidity.Rd | 21 tests/testthat.R | 8 tests/testthat/test-#20.R | 70 tests/testthat/test-#25.R |only tests/testthat/test-charlson-icd10.R | 2544 +++++++++++------------ tests/testthat/test-charlson-icd9.R | 1784 ++++++++-------- tests/testthat/test-comorbidity.R | 1273 +++++------ tests/testthat/test-data.R | 36 tests/testthat/test-elixhauser-icd10.R | 3594 ++++++++++++++++----------------- tests/testthat/test-elixhauser-icd9.R | 2756 ++++++++++++------------- tests/testthat/test-nrow.R | 28 tests/testthat/test-sample_diag.R | 164 - vignettes/comorbidityscores.Rmd | 739 +++--- 33 files changed, 8751 insertions(+), 8686 deletions(-)
Title: Character String Processing Facilities
Description: Fast, correct, consistent, portable and convenient character
string/text processing in every locale and any native encoding.
Owing to the use of the 'ICU' (International Components for Unicode)
library, the package provides 'R' users with platform-independent functions
known to 'Java', 'Perl', 'Python', 'PHP' and 'Ruby' programmers. Available
features include: pattern searching (e.g., with 'Java'-like regular
expressions or the 'Unicode' collation algorithm), random string generation,
case mapping, string transliteration, concatenation,
Unicode normalization, date-time formatting and parsing and many more.
Author: Marek Gagolewski [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0637-6028>),
Bartek Tartanus [ctb]
and other contributors (stringi source code);
IBM, Unicode, Inc. and other contributors (ICU4C source code);
Unicode, Inc. (Unicode Character Database)
Maintainer: Marek Gagolewski <marek@gagolewski.com>
Diff between stringi versions 1.4.3 dated 2019-03-12 and 1.4.4 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 26 +++--- MD5 | 62 ++++++++-------- NEWS | 14 +++ R/ICU_settings.R | 3 configure | 9 -- configure.ac | 6 - man/stri_info.Rd | 3 src/icu61/common/ucurr.cpp | 124 ++++++++++++++++----------------- src/icu61/common/uloc.cpp | 2 src/icu61/i18n/decNumber.h | 5 - src/stri_collator.cpp | 31 +++++--- src/stri_container_bytesearch.cpp | 15 ++- src/stri_container_regex.cpp | 27 ++++--- src/stri_messages.h | 2 src/stri_prepare_arg.cpp | 14 ++- src/stri_search_boundaries_extract.cpp | 17 ++-- src/stri_search_boundaries_split.cpp | 13 ++- src/stri_search_class_extract.cpp | 17 ++-- src/stri_search_class_split.cpp | 13 ++- src/stri_search_coll_extract.cpp | 17 ++-- src/stri_search_coll_split.cpp | 15 ++- src/stri_search_fixed_extract.cpp | 17 ++-- src/stri_search_fixed_split.cpp | 13 ++- src/stri_search_regex_count.cpp | 10 ++ src/stri_search_regex_detect.cpp | 8 +- src/stri_search_regex_extract.cpp | 36 ++++++--- src/stri_search_regex_locate.cpp | 23 ++++-- src/stri_search_regex_match.cpp | 17 +++- src/stri_search_regex_replace.cpp | 21 +++-- src/stri_search_regex_split.cpp | 20 +++-- src/stri_search_regex_subset.cpp | 9 +- src/stri_sub.cpp | 62 +++++++++++----- 32 files changed, 413 insertions(+), 258 deletions(-)
Title: Board Game Graphics
Description: Functions to make board game graphics. By default makes game diagrams, animations, and "Print & Play" layouts for the 'piecepack' <http://www.ludism.org/ppwiki> but can be configured to make graphics for other board game systems.
Author: Trevor L Davis [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Trevor L Davis <trevor.l.davis@gmail.com>
Diff between piecepackr versions 1.1.1 dated 2019-10-29 and 1.2.1 dated 2020-01-09
piecepackr-1.1.1/piecepackr/inst/extdata/by-sa-svg.svg |only piecepackr-1.1.1/piecepackr/inst/extdata/cc_license_88x31.png |only piecepackr-1.1.1/piecepackr/tests/testthat/test_3d_helpers.R |only piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/DESCRIPTION | 13 piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/MD5 | 89 ++--- piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/NAMESPACE | 16 piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/NEWS.md | 28 + piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/R/3d_helpers.R | 163 +++++---- piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/R/SAT.R |only piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/R/basicPieceGrobs.R | 114 ++++-- piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/R/component_opt.R | 151 ++++++--- piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/R/game_systems.R |only piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/R/grid_fns.R | 50 +-- piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/R/grob_fn_helpers.R | 49 +- piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/R/make_images.R | 68 ++-- piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/R/pieceGrob.R | 131 ++++--- piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/R/pnp_functions.R | 111 +++--- piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/R/pp_cfg.R | 166 +++------- piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/R/shadowGrobs.R | 26 - piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/R/utils.R | 80 +++- piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/README.md | 58 ++- piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/inst/extdata/by-sa.svgz |only piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/man/basicPieceGrobs.Rd | 37 +- piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/man/figures/README-config-1.png |binary piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/man/figures/README-pmap-1.png |binary piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/man/figures/README-proj-1.png |binary piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/man/game_systems.Rd |only piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/man/grid.piece.Rd | 100 ++++-- piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/man/grid_shape_grobs.Rd | 2 piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/man/grob_fn_helpers.Rd | 6 piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/man/op_transform.Rd | 22 - piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/man/pp_cfg.Rd | 21 - piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/man/pp_utils.Rd | 23 + piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/man/save_piece_images.Rd | 10 piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/man/save_print_and_play.Rd | 10 piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/tests/figs/3d-helper-function/matchsticks-045.svg |only piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/tests/figs/no-regressions-in-figures/coin-face-r4convex8.svg | 4 piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/tests/figs/no-regressions-in-figures/die-face-s2-r5-convex5mat.svg | 4 piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/tests/figs/no-regressions-in-figures/die-face-s2-r5-kite.svg | 4 piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/tests/figs/no-regressions-in-figures/icehouse-pieces.svg |only piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/tests/figs/no-regressions-in-figures/pawn-face-irregular-convex.svg | 54 +-- piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/tests/figs/no-regressions-in-figures/pyramid-top-s4-r3.svg | 41 +- piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/tests/figs/no-regressions-in-figures/tile-back-hex.svg | 4 piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/tests/figs/no-regressions-in-figures/tile-back-svg.svg | 1 piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/tests/figs/oblique-projection-works/diagram-op.svg | 4 piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/tests/figs/oblique-projection-works/pyramid-face-op.svg | 21 - piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/tests/figs/save-piece-images-works-as-expected |only piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/tests/testthat/test-3d_helpers.R |only piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/tests/testthat/test-draw_component.R | 126 +++++-- piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/tests/testthat/test-options.R | 20 - piecepackr-1.2.1/piecepackr/tests/testthat/test-utils.R | 3 51 files changed, 1118 insertions(+), 712 deletions(-)
Title: Photobiological Calculations
Description: Definitions of classes, methods, operators and functions for use in
photobiology and radiation meteorology and climatology. Calculation of
effective (weighted) and not-weighted irradiances/doses, fluence rates,
transmittance, reflectance, absorptance, absorbance and diverse
ratios and other derived quantities from spectral data. Local maxima and
minima. Conversion between energy- and photon-based units. Wavelength
interpolation. Astronomical calculations related solar angles and day
length. Colours and vision. This package is part of the
'r4photobiology' suite, Aphalo P. J. (2015) <doi:10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14>.
Author: Pedro J. Aphalo [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3385-972X>),
Titta K. Kotilainen [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2822-9734>),
Glenn Davis [ctb]
Maintainer: Pedro J. Aphalo <pedro.aphalo@helsinki.fi>
Diff between photobiology versions 0.9.29 dated 2019-09-11 and 0.9.30 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 16 MD5 | 719 +++++++++++------------ NAMESPACE | 52 + NEWS | 43 + R/copy.attr.R | 159 ++++- R/mspct.row.funs.r | 2 R/na.rm.R | 18 R/normalized.diff.idx.r | 66 ++ R/rbindspct.r | 13 R/s.e.irrad2rgb.r | 3 R/spct.classes.r | 303 ++++++--- R/spct.compare.r |only R/spct.conversion.R | 6 R/spct.fscale.r | 286 ++++++--- R/spct.fshift.r | 25 R/spct.integrate.r | 2 R/spct.normalize.r | 55 + R/spct.smooth.spct.r | 10 R/spct.summaries.r | 42 + R/spct.utils.r |only R/sun.calc.r | 100 ++- R/zmspct.classes.R | 20 README.md | 8 build/vignette.rds |binary data/A.illuminant.spct.rda |binary data/D2-FEL-constants.rda |binary data/D65.illuminant.spct.rda |binary data/Ler-leaf-spct.rda |binary data/beesxyz.spct.rda |binary data/black_body.spct.rda |binary data/ccd.spct.rda |binary data/ciev10.spct.rda |binary data/ciev2.spct.rda |binary data/ciexyzCC10.spct.rda |binary data/ciexyzCC2.spct.rda |binary data/ciexyzCMF10.spct.rda |binary data/ciexyzCMF2.spct.rda |binary data/clear.spct.rda |binary data/clear_body.spct.rda |binary data/filter-cps-mspct.rda |binary data/green_leaf.spct.rda |binary data/opaque.spct.rda |binary data/photodiode.spct.rda |binary data/polyester.spct.rda |binary data/sun.daily.data.rda |binary data/sun.daily.spct.rda |binary data/sun.data.rda |binary data/sun.spct.rda |binary data/white-led-spct.rda |binary data/white_body.spct.rda |binary data/yellow.gel.rda |binary inst/doc/userguide1-intro.Rmd | 10 inst/doc/userguide1-intro.html | 17 inst/doc/userguide2-radiation.R | 414 +++++++------ inst/doc/userguide2-radiation.Rmd | 166 +++-- inst/doc/userguide2-radiation.html | 1126 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------- inst/doc/userguide3-astronomy.R | 80 +- inst/doc/userguide3-astronomy.Rmd | 8 inst/doc/userguide3-astronomy.html | 123 +--- man/A.illuminant.spct.Rd | 108 +-- man/A2T.Rd | 116 +-- man/D2.UV586.Rd | 36 - man/D2.UV653.Rd | 36 - man/D2.UV654.Rd | 36 - man/D2_spectrum.Rd | 70 +- man/D65.illuminant.spct.Rd | 106 +-- man/FEL.BN.9101.165.Rd | 30 man/FEL_spectrum.Rd | 69 +- man/Ler_leaf.spct.Rd | 108 +-- man/Ler_leaf_rflt.spct.Rd | 108 +-- man/Ler_leaf_trns.spct.Rd | 108 +-- man/Ler_leaf_trns_i.spct.Rd | 108 +-- man/MathFun.Rd | 70 +- man/T2A.Rd | 130 ++-- man/T2Afr.Rd | 172 +++-- man/T2T.Rd | 155 ++--- man/Trig.Rd | 86 +- man/absorbance.Rd | 272 ++++---- man/absorbance_spct.Rd | 60 - man/absorptance.Rd | 274 ++++----- man/absorptance_spct.Rd | 68 +- man/add_attr2tb.Rd | 185 +++--- man/as.calibration_mspct.Rd | 182 +++-- man/as.calibration_spct.Rd | 66 +- man/as.chroma_mspct.Rd | 124 ++-- man/as.chroma_spct.Rd | 66 +- man/as.cps_mspct.Rd | 181 +++-- man/as.cps_spct.Rd | 83 +- man/as.filter_mspct.Rd | 198 +++--- man/as.filter_spct.Rd | 99 +-- man/as.generic_mspct.Rd | 217 +++---- man/as.generic_spct.Rd | 112 +-- man/as.matrix-mspct.Rd | 81 +- man/as.object_mspct.Rd | 154 ++--- man/as.object_spct.Rd | 105 +-- man/as.raw_mspct.Rd | 181 +++-- man/as.raw_spct.Rd | 67 +- man/as.reflector_mspct.Rd | 203 +++--- man/as.reflector_spct.Rd | 99 +-- man/as.response_mspct.Rd | 187 +++--- man/as.response_spct.Rd | 86 +- man/as.solar_date.Rd | 42 - man/as.source_mspct.Rd | 214 +++---- man/as.source_spct.Rd | 105 +-- man/as_energy.Rd | 96 +-- man/as_quantum.Rd | 68 +- man/as_quantum_mol.Rd | 96 +-- man/as_tod.Rd | 36 - man/auto_hinges.Rd | 44 - man/average_spct.Rd | 52 - man/beesxyzCMF.spct.Rd | 68 +- man/black_body.spct.Rd | 79 +- man/c.Rd | 55 - man/calc_multipliers.Rd | 129 ++-- man/calc_source_output.Rd | 111 +-- man/ccd.spct.Rd | 117 ++- man/checkMspctVersion.Rd | 46 - man/checkSpctVersion.Rd | 46 - man/checkTimeUnit.Rd | 54 - man/check_spct.Rd | 269 +++++--- man/check_spectrum.Rd | 63 +- man/check_w.length.Rd | 55 - man/ciev10.spct.Rd | 78 +- man/ciev2.spct.Rd | 80 +- man/ciexyzCC10.spct.Rd | 80 +- man/ciexyzCC2.spct.Rd | 80 +- man/ciexyzCMF10.spct.Rd | 80 +- man/ciexyzCMF2.spct.Rd | 80 +- man/class_spct.Rd | 48 - man/clean.Rd | 378 +++++++----- man/clean_spct.Rd | 57 - man/clear.spct.Rd | 95 +-- man/clear_body.spct.Rd | 78 +- man/clear_photobio.cache.Rd | 32 - man/clip_wl.Rd | 136 ++-- man/color_of.Rd | 192 +++--- man/compare_spct.Rd |only man/convertTimeUnit.Rd | 87 +- man/convolve_each.Rd | 90 +- man/copy_attributes.Rd | 106 +-- man/cps2irrad.Rd | 84 +- man/day_night.Rd | 348 ++++++----- man/defunct.Rd | 58 - man/dim.generic_mspct.Rd | 46 - man/div-.generic_spct.Rd | 60 + man/div_spectra.Rd | 164 ++--- man/e2q.Rd | 136 ++-- man/e2qmol_multipliers.Rd | 64 +- man/e2quantum_multipliers.Rd | 72 +- man/e_fluence.Rd | 257 ++++---- man/e_irrad.Rd | 310 +++++----- man/e_ratio.Rd | 254 ++++---- man/e_response.Rd | 249 ++++---- man/energy_as_default.Rd | 76 +- man/energy_irradiance.Rd | 141 ++-- man/energy_ratio.Rd | 151 ++-- man/eq_ratio.Rd | 223 +++---- man/expanse.Rd | 132 ++-- man/extract.Rd | 192 +++--- man/extract_mspct.Rd | 100 +-- man/f_dispatcher_spct.Rd | 40 - man/filter_cps.mspct.Rd | 86 +- man/findMultipleWl.Rd | 42 - man/find_peaks.Rd | 107 +-- man/find_wls.Rd | 105 +-- man/fluence.Rd | 273 +++++--- man/format.solar_time.Rd | 52 - man/formatted_range.Rd | 63 +- man/fscale.Rd | 451 +++++++++----- man/fscale_spct.Rd | 59 + man/fshift.Rd | 365 ++++++----- man/fshift_spct.Rd | 62 +- man/generic_mspct.Rd | 175 ++--- man/getAfrType.Rd | 61 +- man/getBSWFUsed.Rd | 57 - man/getHowMeasured.Rd | 151 ++-- man/getIdFactor.Rd | 59 - man/getInstrDesc.Rd | 76 +- man/getInstrSettings.Rd | 76 +- man/getMspctVersion.Rd | 44 - man/getMultipleWl.Rd | 59 - man/getNormalized.Rd | 67 +- man/getRfrType.Rd | 52 - man/getScaled.Rd | 65 +- man/getSpctVersion.Rd | 44 - man/getTfrType.Rd | 61 +- man/getTimeUnit.Rd | 70 +- man/getWhatMeasured.Rd | 152 ++-- man/getWhenMeasured.Rd | 158 ++--- man/getWhereMeasured.Rd | 149 ++-- man/get_attributes.Rd | 172 +++-- man/get_peaks.Rd | 136 ++-- man/green_leaf.spct.Rd | 98 +-- man/head_tail.Rd | 184 +++--- man/insert_hinges.Rd | 128 ++-- man/insert_spct_hinges.Rd | 80 +- man/integrate_spct.Rd | 48 - man/integrate_xy.Rd | 98 +-- man/interpolate_spct.Rd | 133 ++-- man/interpolate_spectrum.Rd | 132 ++-- man/interpolate_wl.Rd | 163 ++--- man/irrad.Rd | 326 ++++++---- man/irradiance.Rd | 176 +++-- man/is.generic_mspct.Rd | 120 +-- man/is.generic_spct.Rd | 130 ++-- man/is.old_spct.Rd | 47 - man/is.solar_time.Rd | 50 - man/is.summary_generic_spct.Rd | 110 +-- man/is.waveband.Rd | 34 - man/isValidInstrDesc.Rd | 76 +- man/isValidInstrSettings.Rd | 76 +- man/is_absorbance_based.Rd | 85 +- man/is_effective.Rd | 127 ++-- man/is_normalized.Rd | 66 +- man/is_photon_based.Rd | 93 +-- man/is_scaled.Rd | 66 +- man/is_tagged.Rd | 61 +- man/join_mspct.Rd | 161 ++--- man/julian_day.Rd | 250 ++++---- man/l_insert_hinges.Rd | 106 +-- man/labels.Rd | 69 +- man/log.Rd | 87 +- man/max.Rd | 88 +- man/merge2object_spct.Rd | 86 +- man/merge_attributes.Rd | 75 +- man/midpoint.Rd | 156 ++--- man/min.Rd | 100 +-- man/minus-.generic_spct.Rd | 60 + man/mod-.generic_spct.Rd | 60 + man/msmsply.Rd | 116 ++- man/mspct_classes.Rd | 38 - man/na.omit.Rd | 262 ++++---- man/normalization.Rd | 67 +- man/normalize.Rd | 414 ++++++++----- man/normalize_range_arg.Rd | 90 +- man/normalized_diff_ind.Rd | 114 ++- man/opaque.spct.Rd | 95 +-- man/oper_spectra.Rd | 186 +++--- man/peaks.Rd | 300 +++++---- man/photobiology-package.Rd | 210 +++--- man/photodiode.spct.Rd | 110 +-- man/photon_irradiance.Rd | 139 ++-- man/photon_ratio.Rd | 153 ++--- man/photons_energy_ratio.Rd | 150 ++-- man/plus-.generic_spct.Rd | 60 + man/polyester.spct.Rd | 94 +-- man/pow-.generic_spct.Rd | 58 + man/print.Rd | 95 +-- man/print.solar_time.Rd | 60 + man/print.summary_generic_spct.Rd | 40 - man/print.waveband.Rd | 32 - man/prod_spectra.Rd | 161 ++--- man/q2e.Rd | 136 ++-- man/q_fluence.Rd | 259 ++++---- man/q_irrad.Rd | 298 +++++---- man/q_ratio.Rd | 252 ++++---- man/q_response.Rd | 249 ++++---- man/qe_ratio.Rd | 223 +++---- man/range.Rd | 104 +-- man/rbindspct.Rd | 177 ++--- man/reflectance.Rd | 249 ++++---- man/reflectance_spct.Rd | 68 +- man/relative_AM.Rd | 83 +- man/resp_spct.Rd | 109 +-- man/response.Rd | 251 ++++---- man/rgb_spct.Rd | 67 +- man/rmDerivedMspct.Rd | 61 +- man/rmDerivedSpct.Rd | 83 +- man/round.Rd | 121 ++- man/rowwise.Rd | 105 +-- man/s_e_irrad2rgb.Rd | 167 ++--- man/s_mean.Rd | 148 ++-- man/s_mean_se.Rd | 144 ++-- man/s_median.Rd | 138 ++-- man/s_prod.Rd | 148 ++-- man/s_range.Rd | 140 ++-- man/s_sd.Rd | 130 ++-- man/s_se.Rd | 132 ++-- man/s_sum.Rd | 148 ++-- man/s_var.Rd | 148 ++-- man/se.Rd | 40 - man/select_spct_attributes.Rd |only man/setAfrType.Rd | 77 +- man/setBSWFUsed.Rd | 63 +- man/setGenericSpct.Rd | 252 ++++---- man/setHowMeasured.Rd | 102 +-- man/setIdFactor.Rd | 61 +- man/setInstrDesc.Rd | 95 +-- man/setInstrSettings.Rd | 90 +- man/setMultipleWl.Rd | 63 +- man/setNormalized.Rd | 65 +- man/setRfrType.Rd | 78 +- man/setScaled.Rd | 96 ++- man/setTfrType.Rd | 77 +- man/setTimeUnit.Rd | 91 +- man/setWhatMeasured.Rd | 100 +-- man/setWhenMeasured.Rd | 164 ++--- man/setWhereMeasured.Rd | 178 +++-- man/shared_member_class.Rd | 51 - man/sign.Rd | 61 +- man/slash-.generic_spct.Rd | 60 + man/smooth_spct.Rd | 159 ++--- man/solar_time.Rd | 141 ++-- man/source_spct.Rd | 390 +++++++----- man/spct_attr2tb.Rd |only man/spct_classes.Rd | 36 - man/split2mspct.Rd | 216 ++++--- man/split_bands.Rd | 105 +-- man/split_energy_irradiance.Rd | 178 +++-- man/split_irradiance.Rd | 142 ++-- man/split_photon_irradiance.Rd | 184 +++--- man/stepsize.Rd | 124 ++-- man/subset.Rd | 80 +- man/subset2mspct.Rd | 121 ++- man/subt_spectra.Rd | 161 ++--- man/sum_spectra.Rd | 161 ++--- man/summary.Rd | 61 -- man/summary_spct_classes.Rd | 32 - man/sun.daily.data.Rd | 114 +-- man/sun.daily.spct.Rd | 124 ++-- man/sun.data.Rd | 117 ++- man/sun.spct.Rd | 117 ++- man/sun_angles.Rd | 232 ++++--- man/tag.Rd | 206 +++--- man/thin_wl.Rd |only man/times-.generic_spct.Rd | 60 + man/transmittance.Rd | 246 ++++---- man/transmittance_spct.Rd | 76 +- man/trimInstrDesc.Rd | 103 +-- man/trimInstrSettings.Rd | 96 +-- man/trim_spct.Rd | 210 +++--- man/trim_tails.Rd | 158 ++--- man/trim_waveband.Rd | 105 +-- man/trim_wl.Rd | 218 +++---- man/twilight2angle.Rd | 30 man/tz_time_diff.Rd | 47 - man/uncollect.Rd |only man/untag.Rd | 103 +-- man/upgrade_spct.Rd | 55 - man/upgrade_spectra.Rd | 65 +- man/using_Tfr.Rd | 76 +- man/v_insert_hinges.Rd | 112 +-- man/v_replace_hinges.Rd | 104 +-- man/validate_geocode.Rd | 66 +- man/valleys.Rd | 307 +++++----- man/verbose_as_default.Rd | 40 - man/w_length2rgb.Rd | 70 +- man/w_length_range2rgb.Rd | 78 +- man/water_vp_sat.Rd | 372 ++++++------ man/waveband.Rd | 160 ++--- man/waveband_ratio.Rd | 171 ++--- man/wb2rect_spct.Rd | 75 +- man/wb2spct.Rd | 57 - man/wb2tagged_spct.Rd | 81 +- man/wb_trim_as_default.Rd | 40 - man/white_body.spct.Rd | 78 +- man/white_led.cps_spct.Rd | 92 +-- man/white_led.raw_spct.Rd | 98 +-- man/white_led.source_spct.Rd | 94 +-- man/wls_at_target.Rd | 294 +++++---- man/yellow_gel.spct.Rd | 94 +-- vignettes/userguide1-intro.Rmd | 10 vignettes/userguide2-radiation.Rmd | 166 +++-- vignettes/userguide3-astronomy.Rmd | 8 364 files changed, 21619 insertions(+), 18370 deletions(-)
Title: Multivariate Normal and t Distributions
Description: Computes multivariate normal and t probabilities, quantiles,
random deviates and densities.
Author: Alan Genz [aut],
Frank Bretz [aut],
Tetsuhisa Miwa [aut],
Xuefei Mi [aut],
Friedrich Leisch [ctb],
Fabian Scheipl [ctb],
Bjoern Bornkamp [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6294-8185>),
Martin Maechler [ctb],
Torsten Hothorn [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8301-0471>)
Maintainer: Torsten Hothorn <Torsten.Hothorn@R-project.org>
Diff between mvtnorm versions 1.0-11 dated 2019-06-19 and 1.0-12 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++-- MD5 | 16 ++++----- R/mvnorm.R | 2 - build/vignette.rds |binary inst/NEWS | 4 ++ inst/doc/MVT_Rnews.pdf |binary src/mvt.f | 2 - tests/bugfix-tests.R | 16 ++++----- tests/bugfix-tests.Rout.save | 76 +++++-------------------------------------- 9 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)
Title: Big Data Preprocessing Architecture
Description: Provide a tool to easily build customized data flows to pre-process large volumes
of information from different sources. To this end, 'bdpar' allows to (i) easily use and
create new functionalities and (ii) develop new data source extractors according to the
user needs. Additionally, the package provides by default a predefined data flow
to extract and pre-process the most relevant information (tokens, dates, ... ) from some textual
sources (SMS, Email, tweets, YouTube comments).
Author: Miguel Ferreiro-Díaz [aut, cre],
David Ruano-Ordás [aut, ctr],
Tomás R. Cotos-Yañez [aut, ctr],
University of Vigo [cph]
Maintainer: Miguel Ferreiro-Díaz <miguel.ferreiro.diaz@gmail.com>
Diff between bdpar versions 1.0.0 dated 2019-07-26 and 1.0.1 dated 2020-01-09
bdpar-1.0.0/bdpar/inst/configurations/configurationsExample.ini |only bdpar-1.0.0/bdpar/inst/configurations/test_Connections.ini |only bdpar-1.0.0/bdpar/inst/configurations/test_pipeline_execute_eml_configurations.ini |only bdpar-1.0.0/bdpar/inst/configurations/test_pipeline_execute_tsms_configurations.ini |only bdpar-1.0.0/bdpar/inst/testFiles |only bdpar-1.0.0/bdpar/inst/testFiles_ExtractorSms |only bdpar-1.0.0/bdpar/inst/testFiles_InstanceFactory |only bdpar-1.0.0/bdpar/inst/testFiles_pipeline_execute_eml |only bdpar-1.0.0/bdpar/inst/testFiles_pipeline_execute_tsms |only bdpar-1.0.0/bdpar/inst/testResources |only bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/DESCRIPTION | 8 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/MD5 | 151 +++-- bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/NEWS.md | 7 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/R/Bdpar.R | 9 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/R/Connections.R | 19 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/R/ExtractorEml.R | 12 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/R/ExtractorTwtid.R | 7 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/R/FindEmojiPipe.R | 15 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/R/eml.R | 4 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/R/pipeline_execute.R | 9 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/inst/doc/bdpar.R | 8 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/inst/doc/bdpar.html | 269 +++++----- bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/inst/examples |only bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/man/Bdpar.Rd | 9 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/man/pipeline_execute.Rd | 9 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/resourcesFiles |only bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/testFiles |only bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_AbbreviationPipe.R | 267 ++++++--- bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_Bdpar.R | 149 ++--- bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_Connections.R | 46 - bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_ContractionPipe.R | 241 +++++--- bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_ExtractorEml.R | 2 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_ExtractorSms.R | 25 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_ExtractorTwtid.R | 5 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_ExtractorYtbid.R | 3 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_File2Pipe.R | 38 - bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_FindEmojiPipe.R | 125 ++-- bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_FindEmoticonPipe.R | 88 ++- bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_FindHashtagPipe.R | 89 ++- bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_FindUrlPipe.R | 154 +++-- bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_FindUserNamePipe.R | 88 ++- bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_GuessDatePipe.R | 16 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_GuessLanguagePipe.R | 42 - bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_InstanceFactory.R | 2 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_InterjectionPipe.R | 231 +++++--- bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_MeasureLengthPipe.R | 34 - bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_ResourceHandler.R | 26 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_SerialPipe.R | 59 +- bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_SlangPipe.R | 258 +++++---- bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_StopWordPipe.R | 238 +++++--- bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_StoreFileExtPipe.R | 18 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_TargetAssigningPipe.R | 62 +- bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_TeeCSVPipe.R | 94 +-- bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_ToLowerCasePipe.R | 16 bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_TypePipe.R | 61 +- bdpar-1.0.1/bdpar/tests/testthat/test_pipeline_execute.R | 71 +- 56 files changed, 1785 insertions(+), 1299 deletions(-)
Title: Adaptive Optimal Two-Stage Designs in R
Description: Optimize one or two-arm, two-stage designs for clinical trials with
respect to several pre-implemented objective criteria or implement custom
Optimization under uncertainty and conditional (given stage-one outcome)
constraints are supported.
See Pilz M, Kunzmann K, Herrmann C, Rauch G, Kieser M. A variational
approach to optimal two-stage designs. Statistics in Medicine. 2019;38(21):4159–4171.
<doi:10.1002/sim.8291> for details.
Author: Kevin Kunzmann [aut, cre],
Maximilian Pilz [aut]
Maintainer: Kevin Kunzmann <kevin.kunzmann@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk>
Diff between adoptr versions 0.3.0 dated 2019-11-25 and 0.3.2 dated 2020-01-09
adoptr-0.3.0/adoptr/tests/testthat/test_DataDistribution.R |only adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/DESCRIPTION | 8 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/MD5 | 111 +++--- adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/NAMESPACE | 3 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/NEWS.md | 10 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/R/CompositeScore.R | 1 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/R/DataDistribution.R | 179 +++++++++- adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/R/Scores.R | 20 - adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/R/TwoStageDesign.R | 103 +++++ adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/R/minimize.R | 55 +++ adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/README.md | 5 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/build/vignette.rds |binary adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/inst/doc/adoptr.R | 14 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/inst/doc/adoptr.Rmd | 29 - adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/inst/doc/adoptr.html | 38 +- adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/inst/doc/composite-scores.R | 2 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/inst/doc/composite-scores.Rmd | 4 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/inst/doc/composite-scores.html | 12 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/AverageN2-class.Rd | 3 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/BinomialDataDistribution-class.Rd |only adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/ConditionalPower-class.Rd | 3 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/ConditionalSampleSize-class.Rd | 3 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/Constraints.Rd | 4 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/ContinuousPrior-class.Rd | 10 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/DataDistribution-class.Rd | 6 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/GroupSequentialDesign-class.Rd | 3 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/N1-class.Rd | 3 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/NormalDataDistribution-class.Rd | 3 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/OneStageDesign-class.Rd | 3 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/Scores.Rd | 7 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/TwoStageDesign-class.Rd | 3 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/adoptr.Rd | 1 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/boundary-designs.Rd | 64 ++- adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/bounds.Rd | 1 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/composite.Rd | 1 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/condition.Rd | 1 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/critical-values.Rd | 1 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/cumulative_distribution_function.Rd | 14 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/expectation.Rd | 1 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/get_initial_design.Rd |only adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/make_tunable.Rd | 1 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/minimize.Rd | 10 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/n.Rd | 1 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/plot-TwoStageDesign-method.Rd | 4 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/posterior.Rd | 7 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/predictive_cdf.Rd | 14 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/predictive_pdf.Rd | 14 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/probability_density_function.Rd | 14 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/simulate-TwoStageDesign-numeric-method.Rd | 4 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/subject_to.Rd | 4 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/man/tunable_parameters.Rd | 1 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/tests/testthat/Rplots.pdf |binary adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/tests/testthat/test_BinomialDistribution.R |only adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/tests/testthat/test_NormalDistribution.R |only adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/tests/testthat/test_TwoStageDesign.R | 4 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/tests/testthat/test_composite.R | 14 adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/tests/testthat/test_minimize.R | 58 ++- adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/vignettes/adoptr.Rmd | 29 - adoptr-0.3.2/adoptr/vignettes/composite-scores.Rmd | 4 59 files changed, 670 insertions(+), 242 deletions(-)
Title: Transformed Additive Gaussian Processes
Description: Implement the transformed additive Gaussian (TAG) process and the transformed approximately additive Gaussian (TAAG) process proposed in Lin and Joseph (2019+) <DOI:10.1080/00401706.2019.1665592>. These functions can be used to model deterministic computer experiments, obtain predictions at new inputs, and quantify the uncertainty of the predictions.
Author: Li-Hsiang Lin and V. Roshan Joseph
Maintainer: Li-Hsiang Lin <llin79@gatech.edu>
Diff between TAG versions 0.1.0 dated 2019-09-27 and 0.2.0 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 14 ++++++++------ NAMESPACE | 1 + R/Check.R |only R/Initial_TAG.R | 17 ++++++++++++----- R/pred_TAAG.R | 2 +- man/TAG.Rd | 2 +- man/check.TAAG.Rd |only man/pred.TAAG.Rd | 5 +++++ 9 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
Title: Regularized Principal Component Analysis for Spatial Data
Description: Provide regularized principal component analysis incorporating smoothness, sparseness and orthogonality of eigenfunctions
by using the alternating direction method of multipliers algorithm (Wang and Huang, 2017, <DOI:10.1080/10618600.2016.1157483>). The
method can be applied to either regularly or irregularly spaced data, including 1D, 2D, and 3D.
Author: Wen-Ting Wang, Hsin-Cheng Huang
Maintainer: Wen-Ting Wang <egpivo@gmail.com>
Diff between SpatPCA versions dated 2018-02-20 and dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 19 - MD5 | 26 - R/RcppExports.R | 8 R/SpatPCA.R | 118 +++--- man/SpatPCA-package.Rd | 6 man/SpatPCAinternal1.Rd | 13 man/SpatPCAinternal2.Rd | 13 man/SpatPCAinternal3.Rd | 9 man/SpatPCAinternal4.Rd | 9 man/spatpca.Rd | 50 +- src/Makevars | 6 src/Makevars.win | 10 src/RcppExports.cpp | 20 - src/rcpp_SpatPCA.cpp | 832 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- 14 files changed, 539 insertions(+), 600 deletions(-)
Title: Graphical Toolbox for Clustering and Classification of Data
Description: Graphical toolbox for clustering and classification of data frames.
It proposes a graphical interface to process clustering and classification methods on features
data-frames, and to view initial data as well as resulted cluster or classes. According to the
level of available labels, different approaches are proposed: unsupervised clustering,
semi-supervised clustering and supervised classification.
To assess the processed clusters or classes, the toolbox can import and show some supplementary
data formats: either profile/time series, or images.
These added information can help the expert to label clusters (clustering), or to constrain data
frame rows (semi-supervised clustering), using Constrained spectral embedding algorithm by
Wacquet et al. (2013) <doi:10.1016/j.patrec.2013.02.003> and the methodology provided by
Wacquet et al. (2013) <doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35638-4_21>.
Author: Guillaume Wacquet [aut],
Pierre-Alexandre Hebert [aut, cre],
Emilie Poisson [aut],
Pierre Talon [aut]
Maintainer: Pierre-Alexandre Hebert <hebert@univ-littoral.fr>
Diff between RclusTool versions 0.91.1 dated 2019-12-12 and 0.91.2 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 11 +- MD5 | 44 ++++---- NAMESPACE | 1 R/RclusTool.R | 102 ++++++++++++++++++-- R/batchTab.R | 72 +++++++------- R/importTab.R | 76 ++++++++++----- R/parameters.R | 9 + R/preprocessTab.R | 193 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------ R/sampleClustering.R | 3 R/sampleView.R | 174 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------ R/semisupTab.R | 41 ++++---- R/supTab.R | 40 ++++---- R/unsupTab.R | 41 ++++---- inst/images/visualize.png |only man/ElbowPlot.Rd | 6 + man/StringToTitle.Rd |only man/abdPlot.Rd | 3 man/abdPlotTabs.Rd | 4 man/analyzePlot.Rd | 5 - man/plotDensity2D.Rd | 3 man/plotProfile.Rd | 5 - man/tk2draw.notetab.Rd | 4 man/tkrplot.RclusTool.Rd | 4 man/visualizeSampleClustering.Rd | 5 - 24 files changed, 543 insertions(+), 303 deletions(-)
Title: Moments of Folded and Doubly Truncated Multivariate
Description: It computes arbitrary products moments (mean vector and variance-covariance matrix), for some double truncated (and folded) multivariate distributions. These distributions belong to the family of selection elliptical distributions, which includes well known skewed distributions as the unified skew-t distribution (SUT) and its particular cases as the extended skew-t (EST), skew-t (ST) and the symmetric student-t (T) distribution. Analogous normal cases unified skew-normal (SUN), extended skew-normal (ESN), skew-normal (SN), and symmetric normal (N) are also included. Density, probabilities and random deviates are also offered for these members.
References used for this package:
Arellano-Valle, R. B. & Genton, M. G. (2005). On fundamental skew distributions. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 96, 93-116.
Galarza C.E., Matos L.A., Dey D.K. & Lachos V.H. (2019) On Moments of Folded and Truncated Multivariate Extended Skew-Normal Distributions. Technical report. ID 19-14. University of Connecticut. <https://stat.uconn.edu/tech-reports-2019/>.
Author: Christian E. Galarza, Raymond Kan and Victor H. Lachos
Maintainer: Christian E. Galarza <cgalarza88@gmail.com>
Diff between MomTrunc versions 4.59 dated 2019-10-08 and 5.57 dated 2020-01-09
MomTrunc-4.59/MomTrunc/R/AUX_correctors.R |only MomTrunc-4.59/MomTrunc/R/AUX_t.R |only MomTrunc-4.59/MomTrunc/man/drmvESN.Rd |only MomTrunc-4.59/MomTrunc/man/drmvSN.Rd |only MomTrunc-4.59/MomTrunc/man/pmvESN.Rd |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/DESCRIPTION | 21 + MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/MD5 | 115 ++++++-- MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/NAMESPACE | 22 + MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/AUX_MC.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/AUX_T.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/AUX_T_Kan.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/AUX_T_Lin.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/AUX_correctors_N.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/AUX_correctors_T.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/AUX_esn.R | 38 -- MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/AUX_genPxy.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/AUX_hfuns.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/AUX_logs.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/AUX_olds.R | 18 - MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/AUX_prob_opt.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/AUX_qfuns.R | 15 - MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/AUX_qfunsT.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/FESN_cdf.R | 9 MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/FESN_mv.R | 4 MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/FN_cdf.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/FN_mom.R | 2 MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/FN_mom_Rcpp.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/FT_cdf.R | 5 MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/FT_mom_Rcpp.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/FT_mv.R | 2 MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/RcppExports.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/TESN_mom_Rcpp.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/TEST_mom_Rcpp.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/TN_mean.R | 46 +++ MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/TN_mom.R | 4 MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/TN_mom_Rcpp.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/TN_mv.R | 233 +++++------------- MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/TN_mv_Kan.R | 70 +++-- MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/TN_mv_Vaida.R | 132 +++------- MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/TSLCT_mean.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/TSLCT_mv.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/TT_mean.R | 167 +++++++++---- MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/TT_mean_Kan.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/TT_mom.R | 6 MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/TT_mom_Rcpp.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/TT_mv.R | 320 ++++++++++++++++++------- MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/TT_mv_Hybrid.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/TT_mv_Kan.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/TT_mv_Lin.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/TT_mv_old.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/TT_onlymean_all.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/USER_cdfFMD.R | 6 MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/USER_dmvESN.R | 29 ++ MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/USER_dmvEST.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/USER_dmvST.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/USER_meanvarFMD.R | 27 +- MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/USER_meanvarTMD.R | 73 ++++- MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/USER_momentsFMD.R | 42 +-- MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/USER_momentsTMD.R | 124 +++++---- MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/USER_onlymeanTMD.R | 65 ++++- MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/USER_pmvESN.R | 10 MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/USER_pmvEST.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/USER_pmvSN.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/USER_pmvST.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/USER_rmvESN.R | 49 +-- MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/USER_rmvEST.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/R/USER_rmvST.R |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/build |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/man/MomTrunc-package.Rd |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/man/cdfFMD.Rd | 6 MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/man/dprmvESN.Rd |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/man/dprmvEST.Rd |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/man/dprmvSN.Rd |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/man/dprmvST.Rd |only MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/man/meanvarFMD.Rd | 19 - MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/man/meanvarTMD.Rd | 72 ++++- MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/man/momentsFMD.Rd | 38 +- MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/man/momentsTMD.Rd | 51 ++- MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/man/onlymeanTMD.Rd | 55 +++- MomTrunc-5.57/MomTrunc/src |only 80 files changed, 1154 insertions(+), 741 deletions(-)
Title: Mixed-Frequency Bayesian VAR Models
Description: Estimation of mixed-frequency Bayesian vector autoregressive (VAR) models. The package implements a state space-based VAR model that handles mixed frequencies of the data. The model is estimated using Markov Chain Monte Carlo to numerically approximate the posterior distribution. Prior distributions that can be used include normal-inverse Wishart and normal-diffuse priors as well as steady-state priors. Stochastic volatility can be handled by common or factor stochastic volatility models.
Author: Sebastian Ankargren [cre, aut]
Yukai Yang [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2623-8549>),
Gregor Kastner [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8237-8271>)
Maintainer: Sebastian Ankargren <sebastian.ankargren@statistics.uu.se>
Diff between mfbvar versions 0.5.1 dated 2019-09-02 and 0.5.2 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 20 ++-- MD5 | 20 +++- R/interface.R | 16 +-- inst/doc/mfbvar_jss.R | 177 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------- inst/doc/mfbvar_jss.Rnw | 134 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------- inst/doc/mfbvar_jss.pdf |binary tests/testthat/test_mcmc.R | 107 ++++++++++++++++++++++--- vignettes/figures |only vignettes/mfbvar_jss.Rnw | 134 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------- vignettes/vignette_data.RData |only 10 files changed, 443 insertions(+), 165 deletions(-)
Title: Track Changes in Data
Description: A framework that allows for easy logging of changes in data.
Main features: start tracking changes by adding a single line of code to
an existing script. Track changes in multiple datasets, using multiple
loggers. Add custom-built loggers or use loggers offered by other
Author: Mark van der Loo [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9807-4686>)
Maintainer: Mark van der Loo <mark.vanderloo@gmail.com>
Diff between lumberjack versions 1.0.3 dated 2019-08-28 and 1.1.2 dated 2020-01-09
lumberjack-1.0.3/lumberjack/vignettes/extending.html |only lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/DESCRIPTION | 11 + lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/MD5 | 57 ++++------ lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/NAMESPACE | 1 lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/NEWS | 11 + lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/R/cellwise.R | 56 +++++---- lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/R/expression_logger.R | 52 ++++----- lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/R/filedump.R | 46 ++++---- lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/R/lumberjack.R | 8 - lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/R/run.R | 26 +++- lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/R/simple.R | 43 ++++--- lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/README.md | 4 lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/build/vignette.rds |binary lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/inst/doc/using_lumberjack.R | 1 lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/inst/doc/using_lumberjack.pdf |binary lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/inst/tinytest/test_cellwise.R | 8 + lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/inst/tinytest/test_filedump.R | 2 lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/inst/tinytest/test_logging_infra.R | 2 lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/inst/tinytest/test_simple.R | 2 lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/man/cellwise.Rd | 17 +- lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/man/dump_log.Rd | 9 + lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/man/expression_logger.Rd | 10 - lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/man/filedump.Rd | 12 -- lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/man/get_log.Rd | 9 + lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/man/grapes-greater-than-greater-than-grapes.Rd | 9 + lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/man/lumberjack.Rd | 1 lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/man/run_file.Rd | 24 ++-- lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/man/simple.Rd | 10 - lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/man/start_log.Rd | 9 + lumberjack-1.1.2/lumberjack/man/stop_log.Rd | 15 +- 30 files changed, 261 insertions(+), 194 deletions(-)
Title: Gaussian Graphs Models Selection
Description: Graph estimation in Gaussian Graphical Models, following the method
developed by C. Giraud, S. Huet and N. Verzelen (2012) <doi:10.1515/1544-6115.1625>.
The main functions return the adjacency matrix of an undirected graph
estimated from a data matrix.
Author: Annie Bouvier, Christophe Giraud, Sylvie Huet, Verzelen N.
Maintainer: Benjamin Auder <benjamin.auder@universite-paris-saclay.fr>
Diff between GGMselect versions 0.1-12.2 dated 2019-04-22 and 0.1-12.3 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 20 +++++++++----------- MD5 | 8 ++++---- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/Notice.pdf |binary man/GGMselect-package.Rd | 4 ++-- 5 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
Title: Dimensionality Assessment Using Minimum Rank Factor Analysis
Description: Performs parallel analysis (Timmerman & Lorenzo-Seva, 2011
<doi:10.1037/a0023353>) and hull method (Lorenzo-Seva, Timmerman, & Kiers,
2011 <doi:10.1080/00273171.2011.564527>) for assessing the dimensionality
of a set of variables using minimum rank factor analysis (see ten Berge &
Kiers, 1991 <doi:10.1007/BF02294464> for more information). The package
also includes the option to compute minimum rank factor analysis by
itself, as well as the greater lower bound calculation.
Author: David Navarro-Gonzalez, Urbano Lorenzo-Seva
Maintainer: David Navarro-Gonzalez <david.navarro@urv.cat>
Diff between EFA.MRFA versions 1.0.6 dated 2019-12-04 and 1.0.7 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 +-- MD5 | 6 +- NAMESPACE | 2 R/parallelMRFA.R | 118 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------ 4 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
Title: Depth-Based Classification and Calculation of Data Depth
Description: Contains procedures for depth-based supervised learning, which are entirely non-parametric, in particular the DDalpha-procedure (Lange, Mosler and Mozharovskyi, 2014 <doi:10.1007/s00362-012-0488-4>). The training data sample is transformed by a statistical depth function to a compact low-dimensional space, where the final classification is done. It also offers an extension to functional data and routines for calculating certain notions of statistical depth functions. 50 multivariate and 5 functional classification problems are included. (Pokotylo, Mozharovskyi and Dyckerhoff, 2019 <doi:10.18637/jss.v091.i05>).
Author: Oleksii Pokotylo [aut, cre],
Pavlo Mozharovskyi [aut],
Rainer Dyckerhoff [aut],
Stanislav Nagy [aut]
Maintainer: Oleksii Pokotylo <alexey.pokotylo@gmail.com>
Diff between ddalpha versions 1.3.10 dated 2019-10-26 and 1.3.11 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 10 - R/ddalpha-internal.r | 5 R/ddalpha.classify.r | 393 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- R/routines.r | 2 man/ddalpha-package.Rd | 6 6 files changed, 213 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-)
Title: Cyanobacteria Population Identification for Flow Cytometry
Description: An approach to filter out and/or identify synechococcus type cyanobacteria cells from all particles measured via flow cytometry.
It combines known characteristics of these cyanobacteria strains alongside gating techniques developed by Mehrnoush, M. et al. (2015) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu677>
in the 'flowDensity' package to identify and separate these cyanobacteria cells from other cell types.
Aside the gating techniques in the 'flowDensity' package, an EM style clustering technique
is also developed to identify these cyanobacteria cell populations.
Author: Oluwafemi Olusoji [aut, cre],
Aerts Marc [ctb],
Delaender Frederik [ctb],
Neyens Thomas [ctb],
Spaak jurg [aut]
Maintainer: Oluwafemi Olusoji <oluwafemi.olusoji@uhasselt.be>
Diff between cyanoFilter versions 0.1.2 dated 2019-11-08 and 0.1.3 dated 2020-01-09
cyanoFilter-0.1.2/cyanoFilter/inst/extdata/text.fcs |only cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/DESCRIPTION | 6 cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/MD5 | 54 cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/R/Margin_Cells.R | 2 cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/R/cell_gating.R | 2 cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/R/debris_invasion_nc.R | 4 cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/R/debris_nc.R | 2 cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/R/lnTrans.R | 2 cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/R/mvt_approach.R | 4 cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/R/nona.R | 2 cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/R/noneg.R | 2 cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/README.md | 793 +++++----- cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/inst/doc/cyanoFilter.html | 4 cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/inst/extdata/B4_18_1.fcs |only cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/inst/extdata/B4_B5_18_1.fcs |only cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/man/celldebris_emclustering.Rd | 4 cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/man/celldebris_nc.Rd | 2 cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/man/cellmargin.Rd | 2 cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/man/debris_inc.Rd | 2 cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/man/debris_nc.Rd | 2 cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/man/figures/README-emapproach-1.png |binary cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/man/figures/README-gating3-1.png |only cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/man/figures/README-gating4-1.png |only cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/man/figures/README-kdapproach-1.png |binary cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/man/figures/README-logtrans-1.png |only cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/man/figures/README-marginEvents-1.png |binary cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/man/figures/README-remove_na-1.png |only cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/man/figures/README-remove_na2-1.png |only cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/man/figures/README-remove_na2-2.png |only cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/man/figures/README-remove_na2-3.png |only cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/man/lnTrans.Rd | 2 cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/man/nona.Rd | 2 cyanoFilter-0.1.3/cyanoFilter/man/noneg.Rd | 2 33 files changed, 469 insertions(+), 426 deletions(-)
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2014-05-21 1.0
Title: Phylogenetic ANalyses of DiversificAtion
Description: Implements macroevolutionary analyses on phylogenetic trees. See
Morlon et al. (2010) <DOI:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000493>, Morlon et al. (2011)
<DOI:10.1073/pnas.1102543108>, Condamine et al. (2013) <DOI:10.1111/ele.12062>,
Morlon et al. (2014) <DOI:10.1111/ele.12251>, Manceau et al. (2015) <DOI:10.1111/ele.12415>,
Lewitus & Morlon (2016) <DOI:10.1093/sysbio/syv116>, Drury et al. (2016) <DOI:10.1093/sysbio/syw020>,
Manceau et al. (2016) <DOI:10.1093/sysbio/syw115>, Morlon et al. (2016) <DOI:10.1111/2041-210X.12526>, Clavel & Morlon (2017) <DOI:10.1073/pnas.1606868114>,
Drury et al. (2017) <DOI:10.1093/sysbio/syx079>, Lewitus & Morlon (2017) <DOI:10.1093/sysbio/syx095>,
Drury et al. (2018) <DOI:10.1371/journal.pbio.2003563>, Clavel et al. (2019) <DOI:10.1093/sysbio/syy045> and Maliet et al. (2019) <DOI:10.1038/s41559-019-0908-0>.
Author: Hélène Morlon [aut, cre, cph],
Eric Lewitus [aut, cph],
Fabien Condamine [aut, cph],
Marc Manceau [aut, cph],
Julien Clavel [aut, cph],
Jonathan Drury [aut, cph],
Olivier Billaud [aut, cph],
Odile Maliet [aut, cph]
Maintainer: Hélène Morlon <morlon@biologie.ens.fr>
Diff between RPANDA versions 1.6 dated 2019-06-11 and 1.7 dated 2020-01-09
RPANDA-1.6/RPANDA/R/plot.fit_t.env.r |only RPANDA-1.6/RPANDA/R/sim_env_bd.r |only RPANDA-1.7/RPANDA/DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- RPANDA-1.7/RPANDA/MD5 | 23 ++++++++++++----------- RPANDA-1.7/RPANDA/NAMESPACE | 2 +- RPANDA-1.7/RPANDA/R/fitTipData.R | 4 ++-- RPANDA-1.7/RPANDA/R/getDataLikelihood.R | 2 +- RPANDA-1.7/RPANDA/R/likelihood_subgroup_model.R | 2 +- RPANDA-1.7/RPANDA/R/likelihood_t_DD.R | 6 +++--- RPANDA-1.7/RPANDA/R/likelihood_t_DD_geog.R | 6 +++--- RPANDA-1.7/RPANDA/R/likelihood_t_MC.R | 4 ++-- RPANDA-1.7/RPANDA/R/likelihood_t_MC_geog.R | 4 ++-- RPANDA-1.7/RPANDA/R/plot.fit_t.env.R |only RPANDA-1.7/RPANDA/R/sim_env_bd.R |only RPANDA-1.7/RPANDA/src/RPANDA_init.c |only 15 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
Title: Fitting Markov-Modulated Linear Regression Models
Description: A set of tools for fitting Markov-modulated linear regression, where responses Y(t) are time-additive, and model operates in the external environment, which is described as a continuous time Markov chain with finite state space.
Model is proposed by Alexander Andronov (2012) <arXiv:1901.09600v1> and algorithm of parameters estimation is based on eigenvalues and eigenvectors decomposition.
Markov-switching regression models have the same idea of varying the regression parameters randomly in accordance with external environment. The difference is that for Markov-modulated linear regression model the external environment is described as a continuous-time homogeneous irreducible Markov chain with known parameters while switching models consider Markov chain as unobserved and estimation procedure involves estimation of transition matrix.
These models have significant differences in terms of the analytical approach.
Also, package provides a set of data simulation tools for Markov-modulated linear regression (for academical/research purposes).
Research project No.
Author: Nadezda Spiridovska [aut, cre],
Diana Santalova [ctb]
Maintainer: Nadezda Spiridovska <Spiridovska.N@tsi.lv>
Diff between MMLR versions 0.1.0 dated 2019-02-03 and 0.2.0 dated 2020-01-09
MMLR-0.1.0/MMLR/man/B_est2.Rd |only MMLR-0.2.0/MMLR/DESCRIPTION | 12 MMLR-0.2.0/MMLR/MD5 | 19 - MMLR-0.2.0/MMLR/NAMESPACE | 12 MMLR-0.2.0/MMLR/R/MMLR.R | 428 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------ MMLR-0.2.0/MMLR/man/Aver_soj_time.Rd | 16 - MMLR-0.2.0/MMLR/man/B_est.Rd |only MMLR-0.2.0/MMLR/man/VarY.Rd |only MMLR-0.2.0/MMLR/man/Xreg.Rd | 17 - MMLR-0.2.0/MMLR/man/Ysimulation.Rd |only MMLR-0.2.0/MMLR/man/figures/sigma.png |only MMLR-0.2.0/MMLR/man/figures/varY.png |only MMLR-0.2.0/MMLR/man/randomizeInitState.Rd |only MMLR-0.2.0/MMLR/man/randomizeTau.Rd |only MMLR-0.2.0/MMLR/man/randomizeX.Rd |only 15 files changed, 396 insertions(+), 108 deletions(-)
Title: Basic Biological Sequence Handling
Description: Basic functions for microbial sequence data analysis. The idea is to use generic R data structures as much as possible, making R data wrangling possible also for sequence data.
Author: Lars Snipen, Kristian Hovde Liland
Maintainer: Lars Snipen <lars.snipen@nmbu.no>
Diff between microseq versions 1.3 dated 2019-10-27 and 2.0 dated 2020-01-09
microseq-1.3/microseq/inst/extdata/msa.fasta |only microseq-1.3/microseq/inst/extdata/small.fasta |only microseq-1.3/microseq/inst/extdata/small.fastq |only microseq-1.3/microseq/inst/extdata/small_genome.fasta |only microseq-1.3/microseq/man/gffSignature.Rd |only microseq-1.3/microseq/man/plot.Fasta.Rd |only microseq-1.3/microseq/man/plot.Fastq.Rd |only microseq-2.0/microseq/DESCRIPTION | 14 microseq-2.0/microseq/MD5 | 83 ++-- microseq-2.0/microseq/NAMESPACE | 32 + microseq-2.0/microseq/R/dnaManipulate.R | 126 ++++--- microseq-2.0/microseq/R/external.R | 64 +-- microseq-2.0/microseq/R/fasta.R | 129 ++----- microseq-2.0/microseq/R/fastq.R | 147 +++----- microseq-2.0/microseq/R/gff.R | 189 +++-------- microseq-2.0/microseq/R/multialign.R | 179 ++++++++-- microseq-2.0/microseq/R/orfs.R | 256 ++++++--------- microseq-2.0/microseq/R/utilityfun.R | 10 microseq-2.0/microseq/build/vignette.rds |binary microseq-2.0/microseq/inst/doc/vignette.R | 14 microseq-2.0/microseq/inst/doc/vignette.Rnw | 34 + microseq-2.0/microseq/inst/doc/vignette.pdf |binary microseq-2.0/microseq/inst/extdata/small.faa |only microseq-2.0/microseq/inst/extdata/small.fastq.gz |only microseq-2.0/microseq/inst/extdata/small.ffn |only microseq-2.0/microseq/inst/extdata/small.fna |only microseq-2.0/microseq/inst/extdata/small.msa |only microseq-2.0/microseq/man/backTranslate.Rd |only microseq-2.0/microseq/man/findGenes.Rd | 150 ++++---- microseq-2.0/microseq/man/findOrfs.Rd | 147 ++++---- microseq-2.0/microseq/man/findrRNA.Rd | 105 +++--- microseq-2.0/microseq/man/gff2fasta.Rd | 100 ++--- microseq-2.0/microseq/man/gregexpr.Rd | 124 +++---- microseq-2.0/microseq/man/iupac2regex.Rd | 70 ++-- microseq-2.0/microseq/man/lorfs.Rd | 68 +-- microseq-2.0/microseq/man/microseq-package.Rd | 54 +-- microseq-2.0/microseq/man/msa2mat.Rd |only microseq-2.0/microseq/man/msaTrim.Rd | 95 ++--- microseq-2.0/microseq/man/msalign.Rd | 94 ++--- microseq-2.0/microseq/man/muscle.Rd | 113 +++--- microseq-2.0/microseq/man/orfLength.Rd | 66 +-- microseq-2.0/microseq/man/readFasta.Rd | 126 +++---- microseq-2.0/microseq/man/readFastq.Rd | 130 +++---- microseq-2.0/microseq/man/readGFF.Rd | 138 +++----- microseq-2.0/microseq/man/reverseComplement.Rd | 73 ++-- microseq-2.0/microseq/man/translate.Rd | 81 ++-- microseq-2.0/microseq/src/ORF_index.cpp | 2 microseq-2.0/microseq/src/translate.cpp | 2 microseq-2.0/microseq/vignettes/vignette-concordance.tex |only microseq-2.0/microseq/vignettes/vignette.Rnw | 34 + 50 files changed, 1553 insertions(+), 1496 deletions(-)
Title: High-Dimensional Changepoint Estimation via Sparse Projection
Description: Provides a data-driven projection-based method for estimating changepoints in high-dimensional time series. Multiple changepoints are estimated using a (wild) binary segmentation scheme.
Author: Tengyao Wang and Richard Samworth
Maintainer: Tengyao Wang <tengyao.wang@ucl.ac.uk>
Diff between InspectChangepoint versions 1.0.1 dated 2016-07-03 and 1.1 dated 2020-01-09
InspectChangepoint-1.0.1/InspectChangepoint/R/InspectChangepoint-internal.R |only InspectChangepoint-1.0.1/InspectChangepoint/R/plot.inspect.R |only InspectChangepoint-1.0.1/InspectChangepoint/R/print.inspect.R |only InspectChangepoint-1.0.1/InspectChangepoint/R/summary.inspect.R |only InspectChangepoint-1.0.1/InspectChangepoint/build |only InspectChangepoint-1.0.1/InspectChangepoint/man/InspectChangepoint-package.Rd |only InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/DESCRIPTION | 11 - InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/MD5 | 67 +++--- InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/NAMESPACE | 28 ++ InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/R/PiS.R | 15 + InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/R/PiW.R | 18 + InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/R/compute.threshold.R | 16 + InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/R/cusum.transform.R | 29 ++ InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/R/inspect.R | 99 ++++++++-- InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/R/locate.change.R | 62 +++++- InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/R/multi.change.R | 56 ++++- InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/R/plot.hdchangeseq.R | 31 ++- InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/R/power.method.R |only InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/R/rescale.variance.R | 15 + InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/R/single.change.R | 44 +++- InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/R/sparse.svd.R | 36 +++ InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/R/vector.norm.R | 15 + InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/R/vector.soft.thresh.R | 14 - InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/man/PiS.Rd | 27 -- InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/man/PiW.Rd | 35 +-- InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/man/compute.threshold.Rd | 36 +-- InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/man/cusum.transform.Rd | 27 +- InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/man/inspect.Rd | 78 ++----- InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/man/locate.change.Rd | 78 ++++--- InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/man/multi.change.Rd | 73 +++---- InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/man/plot.hdchangeseq.Rd | 42 +--- InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/man/plot.inspect.Rd |only InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/man/power.method.Rd |only InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/man/print.inspect.Rd |only InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/man/rescale.variance.Rd | 27 -- InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/man/single.change.Rd | 77 +++---- InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/man/sparse.svd.Rd | 53 ++--- InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/man/summary.inspect.Rd |only InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/man/vector.norm.Rd | 38 +-- InspectChangepoint-1.1/InspectChangepoint/man/vector.soft.thresh.Rd | 28 -- 40 files changed, 666 insertions(+), 509 deletions(-)
More information about InspectChangepoint at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Evaluation of Indicator Performances for Assessing Ecosystem
Description: An implementation of the 7-step approach suggested by Otto et al.
(2018) <doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.05.045> to validate ecological state indicators
and to select a suite of complimentary and well performing indicators.
This suite can be then used to assess the current state of the system
in comparison to a reference period. However, the tools in this package
are very generic and can be used to test any type of indicator (e.g. social
or economic indicators).
Author: Saskia A. Otto [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7780-1322>),
Rene Plonus [aut],
Steffen Funk [aut],
Alexander Keth [aut]
Maintainer: Saskia A. Otto <saskia.a.otto@gmail.com>
Diff between INDperform versions 0.2.1 dated 2019-07-13 and 0.2.2 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 29 +-- MD5 | 165 +++++++++--------- NEWS.md | 17 + R/approx_deriv.R | 13 - R/calc_deriv.R | 20 +- R/check_ind_press.R | 25 ++ R/check_input_tbl.R | 8 R/cond_boot.R | 12 - R/data.R | 10 - R/expect_resp.R | 8 R/helper_plot_diagnostics.R | 49 +++-- R/helper_plot_model.R | 72 +++---- R/ind_init.R | 8 R/merge_models.R | 2 R/model_gamm.R | 6 R/model_trend.R | 4 R/plot_clust_sc.R | 8 R/plot_diagnostics.R | 20 +- R/plot_model.R | 33 +++ R/plot_trend.R | 89 ++++++--- R/scoring.R | 12 - R/select_model.R | 4 R/summary_sc.R | 7 R/test_interaction.R | 2 README.md | 9 data/all_results_ex.rda |binary data/ind_init_ex.rda |binary data/merge_models_ex.rda |binary data/model_gam_ex.rda |binary data/model_gamm_ex.rda |binary data/model_trend_ex.rda |binary man/INDperform-package.Rd | 2 man/all_results_ex.Rd | 10 - man/approx_deriv.Rd | 11 - man/calc_deriv.Rd | 28 ++- man/calc_nrmse.Rd | 10 - man/check_ind_press.Rd | 9 man/check_input_tbl.Rd | 9 man/clust_sc.Rd | 13 - man/cond_boot.Rd | 22 +- man/dist_sc.Rd | 13 - man/dist_sc_group.Rd | 13 - man/expect_resp.Rd | 16 - man/figures/shiny_app_expect_resp.png |only man/find_id.Rd | 14 - man/ind_init.Rd | 22 +- man/loocv_thresh_gam.Rd | 13 + man/model_gam.Rd | 17 + man/model_gamm.Rd | 23 +- man/model_trend.Rd | 14 + man/nrmse.Rd | 9 man/plot_clust_sc.Rd | 12 - man/plot_diagnostics.Rd | 14 - man/plot_model.Rd | 23 +- man/plot_outline.Rd | 12 - man/plot_spie.Rd | 20 +- man/plot_spiechart.Rd | 21 +- man/plot_statespace_ch.Rd | 9 man/plot_statespace_ed.Rd | 6 man/plot_thresh.Rd | 49 ++++- man/scoring.Rd | 37 ++-- man/select_model.Rd | 14 - man/statespace_ch.Rd | 7 man/statespace_ed.Rd | 7 man/summary_sc.Rd | 12 - man/test_interaction.Rd | 26 ++ tests/figs/deps.txt | 2 tests/figs/test-plots/diagnostic-plots-plot-cook.svg | 90 +++++---- tests/figs/test-plots/diagnostic-plots-plot-gcvv.svg | 32 +-- tests/figs/test-plots/diagnostic-plots-plot-qq.svg | 84 ++++----- tests/figs/test-plots/diagnostic-plots-plot-resid.svg | 84 ++++----- tests/figs/test-plots/diagnostic-plots-plot-tac.svg | 68 +++---- tests/figs/test-plots/plot-model-plot-derivatives.svg | 155 ++++++++++++---- tests/figs/test-plots/plot-model-plot-predict.svg | 11 + tests/figs/test-plots/plot-model-plot-tmodel.svg | 78 ++++---- tests/figs/test-plots/plot-trend.svg | 4 tests/testthat/test_check_ind_press.R | 16 + tests/testthat/test_check_input_tbl.R | 5 tests/testthat/test_cond_boot.R | 6 tests/testthat/test_ind_init.R | 18 + tests/testthat/test_model_gamm.R | 4 tests/testthat/test_model_trend.R | 12 + tests/testthat/test_plots.R | 31 ++- tests/testthat/test_scoring.R | 2 84 files changed, 1174 insertions(+), 697 deletions(-)
Title: PD-Clustering and Factor PD-Clustering
Description: Probabilistic distance clustering (PD-clustering) is an iterative, distribution free, probabilistic clustering method. PD-clustering assigns units to a cluster according to their probability of membership, under the constraint that the product of the probability and the distance of each point to any cluster centre is a constant. PD-clustering is a flexible method that can be used with non-spherical clusters, outliers, or noisy data. PDQ is an extension of the algorithm for clusters of different size. GPDC and TPDC uses a dissimilarity measure based on densities. Factor PD-clustering (FPDC) is a recently proposed factor clustering method that involves a linear transformation of variables and a cluster optimizing the PD-clustering criterion. It works on high dimensional datasets.
Author: Cristina Tortora [aut, cre, cph], Noe Vidales [aut], Francesco Palumbo [aut], and Paul D. McNicholas [fnd]
Maintainer: Cristina Tortora <grikris1@gmail.com>
Diff between FPDclustering versions 1.3.1 dated 2019-08-22 and 1.4 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 15 ++++++++------- MD5 | 8 ++++++-- NAMESPACE | 6 +++--- R/GPDC.R |only R/TPDC.R |only man/GPDC.Rd |only man/TPDC.Rd |only 7 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
Title: Statistical Depth Functions for Multivariate Analysis
Description: Data depth concept offers a variety of powerful and user friendly
tools for robust exploration and inference for multivariate data. The offered
techniques may be successfully used in cases of lack of our knowledge on
parametric models generating data due to their nature. The
package consist of among others implementations of several data depth techniques
involving multivariate quantile-quantile plots, multivariate scatter estimators,
multivariate Wilcoxon tests and robust regressions.
Author: Zygmunt Zawadzki [aut, cre],
Daniel Kosiorowski [aut],
Krzysztof Slomczynski [ctb],
Mateusz Bocian [ctb],
Anna Wegrzynkiewicz [ctb]
Maintainer: Zygmunt Zawadzki <zygmunt@zstat.pl>
Diff between DepthProc versions 2.1.1 dated 2019-04-22 and 2.1.2 dated 2020-01-09
ChangeLog | 4 ++++ DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 8 ++++---- R/functional_depths.R | 2 +- README.md | 6 +++--- 5 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
Title: Easy Parallel Tools
Description: Utility functions for easy parallelism in R. Include some reexports
from other packages, utility functions for splitting and parallelizing over
blocks, and choosing and setting the number of cores used.
Author: Florian Privé [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Florian Privé <florian.prive.21@gmail.com>
Diff between bigparallelr versions 0.2.2 dated 2019-12-06 and 0.2.3 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 9 ++++----- MD5 | 4 ++-- R/zzz.R | 10 ++++++---- 3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
Title: Automatic Knowledge Classification
Description: A tidy framework for automatic knowledge classification and visualization. Currently, the core functionality of the framework is mainly supported by modularity-based clustering (community detection) in keyword co-occurrence network, and focuses on co-word analysis of bibliometric research. However, the designed functions in 'akc' are general, and could be extended to solve other tasks in text mining as well.
Author: Tian-Yuan Huang [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3591-4203>)
Maintainer: Tian-Yuan Huang <huang.tian-yuan@qq.com>
Diff between akc versions 0.9.0 dated 2020-01-08 and 0.9.1 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 14 +++++++------- NAMESPACE | 5 ++--- R/global_variable.R | 4 +++- R/keyword_extract.R | 18 +++++++++++------- R/keyword_vis.R | 6 ++++-- inst/doc/akc_vignette.html | 2 +- man/keyword_extract.Rd | 11 ++++++----- 8 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
Title: Simple Definition Of Time Intervals
Description: Simple definition of time intervals for the current, previous, and next week, month, quarter and year.
Author: Alexey Seleznev [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Alexey Seleznev <selesnow@gmail.com>
Diff between timeperiodsR versions 0.3.0 dated 2019-12-09 and 0.6.1 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 15 - MD5 | 126 +++++++------- NAMESPACE | 27 +++ NEWS.md | 106 ++++++++++++ R/check_dayoffs.R |only R/custom_period.R | 44 +++-- R/last_n_days.R | 10 - R/last_n_months.R | 10 - R/last_n_quarters.R | 10 - R/last_n_weeks.R | 12 - R/last_n_years.R | 10 - R/methods.R | 194 +++++++++++++++++++++- R/next_month.R | 12 - R/next_n_days.R | 10 - R/next_n_months.R | 12 - R/next_n_quarters.R | 12 - R/next_n_weeks.R | 12 - R/next_n_years.R | 10 - R/next_quarter.R | 12 - R/next_week.R | 12 - R/next_year.R | 12 - R/previous_month.R | 10 - R/previous_quarter.R | 12 - R/previous_week.R | 10 - R/previous_year.R | 10 - R/this_month.R | 10 - R/this_quarter.R | 10 - R/this_week.R | 10 - R/this_year.R | 10 - R/zzz.R | 48 +++++ README.md | 13 + build/partial.rdb |binary build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/tpr_intro.R | 96 +++++++++-- inst/doc/tpr_intro.Rmd | 194 +++++++++++++++++++++- inst/doc/tpr_intro.html | 410 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- man/check_dayoffs.Rd |only man/custom_period.Rd | 9 - man/first_weekend.Rd |only man/first_workday.Rd |only man/last_n_days.Rd | 5 man/last_n_months.Rd | 3 man/last_n_quarters.Rd | 3 man/last_n_weeks.Rd | 7 man/last_n_years.Rd | 5 man/last_weekend.Rd |only man/last_workday.Rd |only man/next_month.Rd | 3 man/next_n_days.Rd | 5 man/next_n_months.Rd | 5 man/next_n_quarters.Rd | 5 man/next_n_weeks.Rd | 8 man/next_n_years.Rd | 5 man/next_quarter.Rd | 3 man/next_week.Rd | 3 man/next_year.Rd | 3 man/previous_month.Rd | 3 man/previous_quarter.Rd | 3 man/previous_week.Rd | 3 man/previous_year.Rd | 3 man/this_month.Rd | 2 man/this_quarter.Rd | 3 man/this_week.Rd | 6 man/this_year.Rd | 3 man/weekends.Rd |only man/weekends_length.Rd |only man/workdays.Rd |only man/workdays_length.Rd |only vignettes/tpr_intro.Rmd | 194 +++++++++++++++++++++- 69 files changed, 1397 insertions(+), 406 deletions(-)
Title: Modelling Spatial Extremes
Description: Tools for the statistical modelling of spatial extremes using max-stable processes, copula or Bayesian hierarchical models. More precisely, this package allows (conditional) simulations from various parametric max-stable models, analysis of the extremal spatial dependence, the fitting of such processes using composite likelihoods or least square (simple max-stable processes only), model checking and selection and prediction. Other approaches (although not completely in agreement with the extreme value theory) are available such as the use of (spatial) copula and Bayesian hierarchical models assuming the so-called conditional assumptions. The latter approaches is handled through an (efficient) Gibbs sampler. Some key references: Davison et al. (2012) <doi:10.1214/11-STS376>, Padoan et al. (2010) <doi:10.1198/jasa.2009.tm08577>, Dombry et al. (2013) <doi:10.1093/biomet/ass067>.
Author: Mathieu Ribatet [aut, cre],
Richard Singleton [ctb],
R Core team [ctb]
Maintainer: Mathieu Ribatet <mathieu.ribatet@umontpellier.fr>
Diff between SpatialExtremes versions 2.0-7.2 dated 2019-08-02 and 2.0-7.3 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 6 +-- MD5 | 4 +- src/fft.c | 91 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- 3 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
More information about SpatialExtremes at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: High Performance Colour Space Manipulation
Description: The encoding of colour can be handled in many different ways, using
different colour spaces. As different colour spaces have different uses,
efficient conversion between these representations are important. The
'farver' package provides a set of functions that gives access to very fast
colour space conversion and comparisons implemented in C++, and offers
speed improvements over the 'convertColor' function in the 'grDevices'
Author: Thomas Lin Pedersen [cre, aut]
Berendea Nicolae [aut] (Author of the ColorSpace C++ library),
Romain François [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2444-4226>)
Maintainer: Thomas Lin Pedersen <thomasp85@gmail.com>
Diff between farver versions 2.0.0 dated 2019-11-13 and 2.0.2 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 9 +- MD5 | 30 +++--- NEWS.md | 15 +++ R/decode.R | 13 ++ R/sysdata.rda |binary man/decode_colour.Rd | 8 + man/farver-package.Rd | 1 src/ColorSpace.cpp | 5 - src/Conversion.cpp | 1 src/encode.cpp | 171 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------- src/encode.h | 7 - src/farver.cpp | 12 +- src/farver.h | 3 src/init.cpp | 7 - tests/testthat/test-manip.R | 1 tests/testthat/test-non-finite.R | 5 - 16 files changed, 180 insertions(+), 108 deletions(-)
Title: Ordinal Outcomes: Generalized Linear Models with the Log Link
Description: An implementation of the Log Cumulative Probability Model (LCPM)
and Proportional Probability Model (PPM) for which the Maximum Likelihood Estimates are determined using constrained optimization.
This implementation accounts for the implicit constraints on the parameter space. Other
features such as standard errors, z tests and p-values use standard methods adapted from the results based on constrained optimization.
Author: Gurbakhshash Singh and Gordon Hilton Fick
Maintainer: Gurbakhshash Singh <gsingh@ccsu.edu>
Diff between lcpm versions 0.1.0 dated 2019-01-17 and 0.1.1 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 +- MD5 | 14 ++-- NAMESPACE | 2 R/lcpm.R | 8 +- R/ppm.R | 8 +- man/lcpm.Rd | 158 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- man/lcpmMinusloglik.Rd | 50 +++++++------- man/ppm.Rd | 170 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 8 files changed, 217 insertions(+), 201 deletions(-)
Title: Use Image in 'ggplot2'
Description: Supports image files and graphic objects to be visualized in
'ggplot2' graphic system.
Author: Guangchuang Yu [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6485-8781>)
Maintainer: Guangchuang Yu <guangchuangyu@gmail.com>
Diff between ggimage versions 0.2.5 dated 2019-11-29 and 0.2.7 dated 2020-01-09
ggimage-0.2.5/ggimage/build |only ggimage-0.2.5/ggimage/inst/doc |only ggimage-0.2.5/ggimage/vignettes |only ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/DESCRIPTION | 14 ++++---- ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/MD5 | 43 +++++++++++-------------- ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/R/geom_emoji.R | 4 +- ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/R/geom_flag.R | 4 +- ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/R/geom_icon.R | 4 +- ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/R/geom_image.R | 15 ++++++-- ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/R/geom_phylopic.R | 14 +++++--- ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/R/geom_pokemon.R | 6 ++- ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/R/geom_twitchemote.R | 24 ++++++++++--- ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/R/utilities.R |only ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/inst/extdata/bulb.png |only ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/man/geom_emoji.Rd | 10 ++++- ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/man/geom_flag.Rd | 10 ++++- ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/man/geom_icon.Rd | 10 ++++- ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/man/geom_image.Rd | 14 ++++++-- ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/man/geom_phylopic.Rd | 12 ++++-- ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/man/geom_pokemon.Rd | 10 ++++- ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/man/geom_subview.Rd | 11 +++++- ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/man/geom_twitchemote.Rd | 10 ++++- ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/man/geom_worldcup2018.Rd | 10 ++++- ggimage-0.2.7/ggimage/man/reexports.Rd | 2 - 24 files changed, 156 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)
Title: Doubly Robust Generalized Estimating Equations
Description: Fit restricted mean models for the conditional association
between an exposure and an outcome, given covariates. Three methods
are implemented: O-estimation, where a nuisance model for the
association between the covariates and the outcome is used;
E-estimation where a nuisance model for the association
between the covariates and the exposure is used, and doubly robust (DR)
estimation where both nuisance models are used. In DR-estimation,
the estimates will be consistent when at least one of the nuisance
models is correctly specified, not necessarily both. For more information, see Zetterqvist and Sjölander (2015) <doi:10.1515/em-2014-0021>.
Author: Johan Zetterqvist <drjohanzetterqvist at gmail.com> , Arvid Sjölander <arvid.sjolander at ki.se> with contributions from Alexander Ploner.
Maintainer: Johan Zetterqvist <drjohanzetterqvist@gmail.com>
Diff between drgee versions 1.1.9 dated 2019-09-17 and 1.1.10 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 10 MD5 | 28 - NEWS | 13 R/conditFit.R | 469 ++++++++++++++++---------------- R/drConditFit.R | 768 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- R/drFit.R | 2 R/dreFit.R | 11 R/dreFitCond.R | 12 R/drgeeData.R | 207 -------------- R/eFit.R | 2 R/gee.R | 3 R/geeFit.R | 8 R/helpFunctions.R | 77 ++--- R/oFit.R | 8 R/vcov.R | 248 ++++++++--------- 15 files changed, 808 insertions(+), 1058 deletions(-)
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2019-12-05 1.5.1
2019-11-20 1.5
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2017-02-17 0.1.0
Title: Tools for Data Diagnosis, Exploration, Transformation
Description: A collection of tools that support data diagnosis, exploration, and transformation.
Data diagnostics provides information and visualization of missing values and outliers and
unique and negative values to help you understand the distribution and quality of your data.
Data exploration provides information and visualization of the descriptive statistics of
univariate variables, normality tests and outliers, correlation of two variables, and
relationship between target variable and predictor. Data transformation supports binning
for categorizing continuous variables, imputates missing values and outliers, resolving skewness.
And it creates automated reports that support these three tasks.
Author: Choonghyun Ryu [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Choonghyun Ryu <choonghyun.ryu@gmail.com>
Diff between dlookr versions 0.3.12 dated 2019-10-21 and 0.3.13 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 76 - NEWS | 383 ++--- R/binning.R | 40 R/utils.R | 4 inst/doc/EDA.R | 88 - inst/doc/EDA.Rmd | 26 inst/doc/EDA.html | 2509 +++++++++++++++++------------------- inst/doc/diagonosis.R | 50 inst/doc/diagonosis.Rmd | 6 inst/doc/diagonosis.html | 1296 +++++++++--------- inst/doc/transformation.R | 32 inst/doc/transformation.Rmd | 12 inst/doc/transformation.html | 1903 ++++++++++++++------------- man/binning.Rd | 19 man/correlate.tbl_dbi.Rd | 3 man/describe.tbl_dbi.Rd | 3 man/diagnose.tbl_dbi.Rd | 3 man/diagnose_category.data.frame.Rd | 3 man/diagnose_category.tbl_dbi.Rd | 3 man/diagnose_numeric.tbl_dbi.Rd | 3 man/diagnose_outlier.tbl_dbi.Rd | 3 man/diagnose_report.data.frame.Rd | 12 man/diagnose_report.tbl_dbi.Rd | 13 man/eda_report.data.frame.Rd | 13 man/eda_report.tbl_dbi.Rd | 15 man/find_class.Rd | 7 man/normality.tbl_dbi.Rd | 3 man/plot.optimal_bins.Rd | 3 man/plot.relate.Rd | 9 man/plot_correlate.tbl_dbi.Rd | 3 man/plot_normality.tbl_dbi.Rd | 3 man/plot_outlier.tbl_dbi.Rd | 9 man/target_by.tbl_dbi.Rd | 3 man/transform.Rd | 6 man/transformation_report.Rd | 12 vignettes/EDA.Rmd | 26 vignettes/diagonosis.Rmd | 6 vignettes/transformation.Rmd | 12 39 files changed, 3405 insertions(+), 3223 deletions(-)
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2019-05-11 2.7.1
2018-05-20 2.6.1
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2020-01-07 0.6.1
2019-07-04 0.6.0
2019-03-21 0.5.0
2018-09-12 0.4.0
2018-08-15 0.3.0
2018-07-19 0.2.2
2018-06-16 0.2.1
2018-05-19 0.2.0
2018-03-26 0.1.4
2017-12-15 0.1.1
2017-12-04 0.1.0
2017-10-27 0.0.8
2017-09-23 0.0.7
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2020-01-08 0.3.0
2019-11-30 0.2.0
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2019-11-21 0.1.7
2019-11-11 0.1.6
2019-10-06 0.1.5
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2019-03-20 0.3.4
2017-10-23 0.3.3
Title: Single-Case Randomization Tests
Description: Design single-case phase, alternation and multiple-baseline experiments, and conduct randomization tests on data gathered by means of such designs, as discussed in Bulte and Onghena (2013) <doi:10.22237/jmasm/1383280020>.
Author: Isis Bulte, Tamal Kumar De, Patrick Onghena
Maintainer: Tamal Kumar De <tamalkumar.de@kuleuven.be>
Diff between SCRT versions 1.3.0 dated 2019-07-25 and 1.3.1 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++----- MD5 | 4 ++-- man/SCRT-package.Rd | 6 +++--- 3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
Title: Single-Case Meta-Analysis
Description: Perform meta-analysis of single-case experiments, including calculating various effect size measures (SMD, PND, PEM and NAP) and probability combining (additive and multiplicative method), as discussed in Bulte and Onghena (2013) <doi:10.22237/jmasm/1383280020>.
Author: Isis Bulte, Tamal Kumar De, Patrick Onghena
Maintainer: Tamal Kumar De <tamalkumar.de@kuleuven.be>
Diff between SCMA versions 1.3.0 dated 2019-07-25 and 1.3.1 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++----- MD5 | 4 ++-- man/SCMA-package.Rd | 6 +++--- 3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
Title: Generative Mechanism Estimation in Temporal Complex Networks
Description: Statistical methods for estimating preferential attachment and node fitness generative mechanisms in temporal complex networks are provided. Thong Pham et al. (2015) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137796>. Thong Pham et al. (2016) <doi:10.1038/srep32558>.
Author: Thong Pham, Paul Sheridan, Hidetoshi Shimodaira
Maintainer: Thong Pham <thongphamthe@gmail.com>
Diff between PAFit versions dated 2019-12-20 and dated 2020-01-09
PAFit- |only PAFit- |only PAFit- | 10 PAFit- | 60 +- PAFit- | 2 PAFit- | 64 +- PAFit- | 3 PAFit- | 4 PAFit- | 4 PAFit- | 7 PAFit- | 7 PAFit- | 478 +++++++-------------- PAFit- | 2 PAFit- | 2 PAFit- | 47 -- PAFit- | 2 PAFit- | 6 PAFit- | 181 ++----- PAFit- | 21 PAFit- | 4 PAFit- | 146 ++++-- PAFit- | 17 PAFit- | 2 PAFit- | 2 PAFit- | 1 PAFit- | 1 PAFit- | 2 PAFit- | 2 PAFit- | 9 PAFit- | 4 PAFit- | 4 PAFit- | 17 32 files changed, 441 insertions(+), 670 deletions(-)
Title: Taking the Pain Out of Catching and Handling Conditions
Description: R has a unique way of dealing with warnings, errors, messages,
and other conditions, but it can often be troublesome to users coming
from different programming backgrounds. The purpose of this package is
to provide flexible and useful tools for handling R conditions with
less hassle. In order to lower the barrier of entry, keep code clean
and readable, and reduce the amount of typing required, `catchr` uses
a very simple domain-specific language that simplifies things on the
This package aims to maintain a continuous learning curve that lets new
users jump straight in to condition-handling, while simultaneously
offering depth and complexity for more advanced users.
Author: Zachary Burchill [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Zachary Burchill <zach.burchill.code@gmail.com>
Diff between catchr versions 0.2.1 dated 2019-07-09 and 0.2.2 dated 2020-01-09
DESCRIPTION | 8 +-- MD5 | 20 ++++----- NAMESPACE | 1 NEWS.md | 14 ++++++ R/catching-n-plans.R | 20 +++++---- R/check-n-clean.R | 22 ++++++---- R/help-docs.R | 14 +++--- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/welcome-to-catchr.html | 85 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- man/catchr-DSL.Rd | 14 +++--- tests/testthat/test-testing.R | 51 +++++++++++++++++++++++- 11 files changed, 174 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)