Fri, 24 Jan 2020

Package TestDesign updated to version 1.0.1 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2019-11-04

Title: Optimal Test Design Approach to Fixed and Adaptive Test Construction
Description: Use the optimal test design approach by Birnbaum (1968, ISBN:9781593119348) and van der Linden (2018) <doi:10.1201/9781315117430> in constructing fixed and adaptive tests. Supports the following mixed-integer programming (MIP) solver packages: 'lpsymphony', 'Rsymphony', 'gurobi', 'lpSolve', and 'Rglpk'. The 'gurobi' package is not available from CRAN; see <>. See vignette for installing 'Rsymphony' package on Mac systems.
Author: Seung W. Choi [aut, cre] (<>), Sangdon Lim [aut] (<>)
Maintainer: Seung W. Choi <>

Diff between TestDesign versions 1.0.0 dated 2019-11-04 and 1.0.1 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION                         |   18 +--
 MD5                                 |   94 +++++++++---------
 NAMESPACE                           |    5                             |   30 ++++-
 R/helper_functions.R                |only
 R/import.R                          |   18 ++-
 R/item_functions.R                  |    1 
 R/loading_functions.R               |   31 ++++-
 R/shadow_class.R                    |   78 +++++++++-----
 R/shadow_functions.R                |  188 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 R/solver_functions.R                |   18 +--
 R/static_class.R                    |    5 
 R/static_functions.R                |   18 ---
 build/partial.rdb                   |binary
 build/vignette.rds                  |binary
 inst/shiny/app.R                    |   31 -----
 inst/shiny/styles.css               |only
 man/Shadow-methods.Rd               |   24 +++-
 man/buildConstraints.Rd             |    8 +
 man/calcFisher-methods.Rd           |   17 ---
 man/calcRP.Rd                       |    3 
 man/calc_log_likelihood_function.Rd |   11 +-
 man/calc_posterior_function.Rd      |   11 +-
 man/createShadowTestConfig.Rd       |   18 ++-
 man/eaparray-methods.Rd             |    3 
 man/getSolution-methods.Rd          |only
 man/loadConstraints.Rd              |    2 
 man/loadItemPool.Rd                 |    4 
 man/makeTest-methods.Rd             |   16 ++-
 man/makeTestCluster-methods.Rd      |    6 -
 man/mle-methods.Rd                  |   30 ++++-
 man/mlearray-methods.Rd             |   31 ++++-
 man/plotCAT-methods.Rd              |   41 ++++++-
 man/plotEligibilityStats.Rd         |   15 ++
 man/plotExposure-methods.Rd         |   23 +++-
 man/plotExposureRateBySegment.Rd    |   11 +-
 man/plotExposureRateFinal.Rd        |   18 ++-
 man/plotExposureRateFinalFlag.Rd    |   14 ++
 man/plotInfo-methods.Rd             |   63 +++++++++---
 man/plotInfoOverlay.Rd              |   12 +-
 man/plotRMSE.Rd                     |   12 +-
 man/plotShadow-methods.Rd           |   20 +++
 man/showConstraints.Rd              |only
 man/theta_EAP_matrix.Rd             |    3 
 man/theta_EB.Rd                     |   13 ++
 man/theta_EB_single.Rd              |   13 ++
 man/theta_FB.Rd                     |   14 ++
 man/theta_FB_single.Rd              |   14 ++
 tests/testthat/test-exposure.R      |    6 -
 tests/testthat/test-static.R        |    4 
 50 files changed, 668 insertions(+), 347 deletions(-)

More information about TestDesign at CRAN
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Package RcppArmadillo updated to version 0.9.800.4.0 with previous version 0.9.800.3.0 dated 2019-12-07

Title: 'Rcpp' Integration for the 'Armadillo' Templated Linear Algebra Library
Description: 'Armadillo' is a templated C++ linear algebra library (by Conrad Sanderson) that aims towards a good balance between speed and ease of use. Integer, floating point and complex numbers are supported, as well as a subset of trigonometric and statistics functions. Various matrix decompositions are provided through optional integration with LAPACK and ATLAS libraries. The 'RcppArmadillo' package includes the header files from the templated 'Armadillo' library. Thus users do not need to install 'Armadillo' itself in order to use 'RcppArmadillo'. From release 7.800.0 on, 'Armadillo' is licensed under Apache License 2; previous releases were under licensed as MPL 2.0 from version 3.800.0 onwards and LGPL-3 prior to that; 'RcppArmadillo' (the 'Rcpp' bindings/bridge to Armadillo) is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2 or later, as is the rest of 'Rcpp'. Note that Armadillo requires a fairly recent compiler; for the g++ family at least version 4.6.* is required.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel, Romain Francois, Doug Bates and Binxiang Ni
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <>

Diff between RcppArmadillo versions 0.9.800.3.0 dated 2019-12-07 and 0.9.800.4.0 dated 2020-01-24

 ChangeLog                                    |   11 +++++++++++
 DESCRIPTION                                  |    8 ++++----
 MD5                                          |   20 ++++++++++----------
 build/vignette.rds                           |binary
 inst/NEWS.Rd                                 |   15 +++++++++++++++
 inst/doc/RcppArmadillo-intro.pdf             |binary
 inst/doc/RcppArmadillo-sparseMatrix.pdf      |binary
 inst/include/RcppArmadilloForward.h          |    3 +++
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/arma_version.hpp |    2 +-
 inst/include/armadillo_bits/fn_normpdf.hpp   |    8 ++++----
 inst/tinytest/test_scipy2r.R                 |    2 ++
 11 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

More information about RcppArmadillo at CRAN
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Package lpSolve updated to version 5.6.15 with previous version dated 2019-08-19

Title: Interface to 'Lp_solve' v. 5.5 to Solve Linear/Integer Programs
Description: Lp_solve is freely available (under LGPL 2) software for solving linear, integer and mixed integer programs. In this implementation we supply a "wrapper" function in C and some R functions that solve general linear/integer problems, assignment problems, and transportation problems. This version calls lp_solve version 5.5.
Author: Michel Berkelaar and others
Maintainer: Gábor Csárdi <>

Diff between lpSolve versions dated 2019-08-19 and 5.6.15 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION     |   16 ++++++----------
 MD5             |    4 ++--
 src/yacc_read.c |    5 ++++-
 3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

More information about lpSolve at CRAN
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Package dixonTest updated to version 1.0.2 with previous version 1.0.1 dated 2020-01-12

Title: Dixon's Ratio Test for Outlier Detection
Description: For outlier detection in small and normally distributed samples the ratio test of Dixon (Q-test) can be used. Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for Dixon's ratio statistics are provided as wrapper functions. The core applies McBane's Fortran functions <doi:10.18637/jss.v016.i03> that use Gaussian quadrature for a numerical solution.
Author: Thorsten Pohlert [aut, cre] (<>), George C. McBane [ctb]
Maintainer: Thorsten Pohlert <>

Diff between dixonTest versions 1.0.1 dated 2020-01-12 and 1.0.2 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION  |    6 +++---
 MD5          |   10 +++++-----
 NAMESPACE    |    2 +-
 R/Dixon.R    |   10 ++++------
 inst/NEWS.Rd |    7 ++++++-
 src/init.c   |   25 -------------------------
 6 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

More information about dixonTest at CRAN
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New package BAS with initial version 1.5.5
Package: BAS
Version: 1.5.5
Date: 2020-1-24
Title: Bayesian Variable Selection and Model Averaging using Bayesian Adaptive Sampling
Authors@R: c(person("Merlise", "Clyde", email="", role=c("aut","cre", "cph"), comment=c("ORCID=0000-0002-3595-1872") ), person("Michael", "Littman", role="ctb"), person("Quanli", "Wang", role="ctb"), person("Joyee", "Ghosh", role="ctb"), person("Yingbo", "Li", role="ctb"), person("Don", "van de Bergh", role="ctb"))
Depends: R (>= 3.0)
Imports: stats, graphics, utils, grDevices
Suggests: MASS, knitr, ggplot2, GGally, rmarkdown, roxygen2, dplyr, glmbb, pkgdown, testthat, covr
Description: Package for Bayesian Variable Selection and Model Averaging in linear models and generalized linear models using stochastic or deterministic sampling without replacement from posterior distributions. Prior distributions on coefficients are from Zellner's g-prior or mixtures of g-priors corresponding to the Zellner-Siow Cauchy Priors or the mixture of g-priors from Liang et al (2008) <DOI:10.1198/016214507000001337> for linear models or mixtures of g-priors from Li and Clyde (2019) <DOI:10.1080/01621459.2018.1469992> in generalized linear models. Other model selection criteria include AIC, BIC and Empirical Bayes estimates of g. Sampling probabilities may be updated based on the sampled models using sampling w/out replacement or an efficient MCMC algorithm which samples models using a tree structure of the model space as an efficient hash table. See Clyde, Ghosh and Littman (2010) <DOI:10.1198/jcgs.2010.09049> for details on the sampling algorithms. Uniform priors over all models or beta-binomial prior distributions on model size are allowed, and for large p truncated priors on the model space may be used to enforce sampling models that are full rank. The user may force variables to always be included in addition to imposing constraints that higher order interactions are included only if their parents are included in the model. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Division of Mathematical Sciences grant 1106891. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
License: GPL (>= 3)
Repository: CRAN
NeedsCompilation: yes
ByteCompile: yes
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Encoding: UTF-8
RoxygenNote: 7.0.2
Packaged: 2020-01-24 21:57:29 UTC; mclyde
Author: Merlise Clyde [aut, cre, cph] (ORCID=0000-0002-3595-1872), Michael Littman [ctb], Quanli Wang [ctb], Joyee Ghosh [ctb], Yingbo Li [ctb], Don van de Bergh [ctb]
Maintainer: Merlise Clyde <>
Date/Publication: 2020-01-24 22:50:14 UTC

More information about BAS at CRAN
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Package ssdtools updated to version 0.1.1 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2020-01-13

Title: Species Sensitivity Distributions
Description: Species sensitivity distributions are cumulative probability distributions which are fitted to toxicity concentrations for different species as described by Posthuma et al. (2001) <isbn:9781566705783>. The ssdtools package uses Maximum Likelihood to fit distributions such as the log-normal, gamma, burr Type-III, log-logistic, log-Gumbel, Gompertz and Weibull. The user can provide custom distributions. Multiple distributions can be averaged using Information Criteria. Confidence intervals on hazard concentrations and proportions are produced by parametric bootstrapping.
Author: Joe Thorley [aut, cre, ctr] (<>), Carl Schwarz [aut, ctr], Angeline Tillmanns [ctb], Ali Azizishirazi [ctb], Rebecca Fisher [ctb], David Fox [ctb], Kathleen McTavish [ctb], Heather Thompson [ctb], Andy Teucher [ctb], Emilie Doussantousse [ctb], Stephanie Hazlitt [ctb], Nan-Hung Hsieh [ctb], Sergio Ibarra Espinosa [ctb], Province of British Columbia [cph]
Maintainer: Joe Thorley <>

Diff between ssdtools versions 0.1.0 dated 2020-01-13 and 0.1.1 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION                         |    6 ++---
 MD5                                 |   18 ++++++++---------                             |    4 +++
 inst/doc/distributions.html         |   12 ++++-------
 inst/doc/exposure-plots.html        |   12 ++++-------
 inst/doc/faqs.html                  |   12 ++++-------
 inst/doc/small-sample-bias-ref.html |   12 ++++-------
 inst/doc/ssdtools.html              |   12 ++++-------
 tests/testthat/test-fit.R           |   12 +++++------
 tests/testthat/test-predict.R       |   37 +++++++++++++-----------------------
 10 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)

More information about ssdtools at CRAN
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Package robustrao updated to version 1.0-5 with previous version 1.0-4 dated 2020-01-22

Title: An Extended Rao-Stirling Diversity Index to Handle Missing Data
Description: A collection of functions to compute the Rao-Stirling diversity index (Porter and Rafols, 2009) <DOI:10.1007/s11192-008-2197-2> and its extension to acknowledge missing data (i.e., uncategorized references) by calculating its interval of uncertainty using mathematical optimization as proposed in Calatrava et al. (2016) <DOI:10.1007/s11192-016-1842-4>. The Rao-Stirling diversity index is a well-established bibliometric indicator to measure the interdisciplinarity of scientific publications. Apart from the obligatory dataset of publications with their respective references and a taxonomy of disciplines that categorizes references as well as a measure of similarity between the disciplines, the Rao-Stirling diversity index requires a complete categorization of all references of a publication into disciplines. Thus, it fails for a incomplete categorization; in this case, the robust extension has to be used, which encodes the uncertainty caused by missing bibliographic data as an uncertainty interval. Classification / ACM - 2012: Information systems ~ Similarity measures, Theory of computation ~ Quadratic programming, Applied computing ~ Digital libraries and archives.
Author: Maria del Carmen Calatrava Moreno [aut, cre], Thomas Auzinger [aut]
Maintainer: Maria del Carmen Calatrava Moreno <>

Diff between robustrao versions 1.0-4 dated 2020-01-22 and 1.0-5 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION |   12 ++++++------
 MD5         |    2 +-
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

More information about robustrao at CRAN
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Package iCellR updated to version 1.3.0 with previous version 1.2.9 dated 2020-01-16

Title: Analyzing High-Throughput Single Cell Sequencing Data
Description: A toolkit that allows scientists to work with data from single cell sequencing technologies such as scRNA-seq, scVDJ-seq and CITE-Seq. Single (i) Cell R package ('iCellR') provides unprecedented flexibility at every step of the analysis pipeline, including normalization, clustering, dimensionality reduction, imputation, visualization, and so on. Users can design both unsupervised and supervised models to best suit their research. In addition, the toolkit provides 2D and 3D interactive visualizations, differential expression analysis, filters based on cells, genes and clusters, data merging, normalizing for dropouts, data imputation methods, correcting for batch differences, pathway analysis, tools to find marker genes for clusters and conditions, predict cell types and pseudotime analysis. See Li F, et al (2019) <doi:10.1158/2159-8290.CD-19-0780> for more details.
Author: Alireza Khodadadi-Jamayran [aut, cre] (<>), Joseph Pucella [ctb], Hua Zhou [ctb], Nicole Doudican [ctb], John Carucci [ctb], Adriana Heguy [ctb], Boris Reizis [ctb], Aristotelis Tsirigos [aut, ctb] (<>)
Maintainer: Alireza Khodadadi-Jamayran <>

Diff between iCellR versions 1.2.9 dated 2020-01-16 and 1.3.0 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION               |   41 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 MD5                       |   30 ++++++++++++++++--------------
 NAMESPACE                 |    3 +++
 R/ |    5 +++++
 R/F007.down.sample.R      |    1 -
 R/  |    6 ------
 R/F040.add.vdj.R          |    1 -
 R/F042vdj.stats.R         |    6 +++---
 R/F044.myclass.R          |   26 ++++++++++++++++++++------
 R/             |    2 +-
 R/load.h5.R               |only
 R/run.anchor.R            |    2 +-
 R/run.mnn.R               |    2 +-
 man/add.vdj.Rd            |    1 -
 man/    |    7 -------
 man/down.sample.Rd        |    1 -
 man/load.h5.Rd            |only
 17 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)

More information about iCellR at CRAN
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Package HydroCode updated to version 1.0.1 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2019-12-18

Title: Hydrological Codes
Description: Pfafstetter Hydrological Codes as cited in Verdin and Verdin (1999) <doi: 10.1016/S0022-1694(99)00011-6> are decoded for upstream or downstream queries.
Author: Thorsten Pohlert [aut, cre] (<>)
Maintainer: Thorsten Pohlert <>

Diff between HydroCode versions 1.0.0 dated 2019-12-18 and 1.0.1 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION            |   11 +++++------
 MD5                    |   19 ++++++++++---------
 NAMESPACE              |    1 +
 R/rhineCCM2.R          |    3 ++-
 R/rhineHYBASlev08.R    |    5 +++--
 R/upstream.R           |    2 +-
 build/partial.rdb      |binary
 inst/NEWS.Rd           |only
 man/is.upstream.Rd     |    2 +-
 man/rhineCCM2.Rd       |    2 +-
 man/rhineHYBASlev08.Rd |    4 ++--
 11 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

More information about HydroCode at CRAN
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Package hero updated to version 0.4.7 with previous version 0.0.3 dated 2018-10-30

Title: Spatio-Temporal (Hero) Sandwich Smoother
Description: An implementation of the sandwich smoother proposed in Fast Bivariate Penalized Splines by Xiao et al. (2012) <doi:10.1111/rssb.12007>. A hero is a specific type of sandwich. (2018) <> describes a hero as: a large sandwich, usually consisting of a small loaf of bread or long roll cut in half lengthwise and containing a variety of ingredients, as meat, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes.
Author: Joshua French
Maintainer: Joshua French <>

Diff between hero versions 0.0.3 dated 2018-10-30 and 0.4.7 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION                   |   16 ++---
 MD5                           |  131 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 NAMESPACE                     |   76 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 R/adjacent.R                  |only
 R/as.starray.R                |only
 R/as.sts.R                    |only
 R/assemble.R                  |only
 R/assemble.hero_bspline.R     |only
 R/assemble.hero_radspline.R   |only
 R/assemble.list.R             |only
 R/border.grid.R               |only
 R/bspline.R                   |only
 R/circulate.R                 |only
 R/connect.R                   |only
 R/create.prepared_list.R      |only
 R/default.evalargs.R          |only
 R/default.splines.R           |only
 R/diffpen.R                   |only
 R/enhance.R                   |only
 R/enhance.grid.R              |only
 R/enlarge.R                   |only
 R/generate.data2d.R           |    2 
 R/hero.R                      |only
 R/hero.prepared_array.R       |only
 R/hero.prepared_list.R        |only
 R/hero.prepared_matrix.R      |only
 R/hero.prepared_numeric.R     |only
 R/hero.prepared_starray.R     |only
 R/hero.prepared_sts.R         |only
 R/               |only
 R/kronecker.seq.R             |only
 R/loglambda2gcv.R             |only
 R/plot.hero.R                 |only
 R/plot.hero_adjacent.R        |only
 R/plot.hero_bspline.R         |only
 R/plot.hero_enlarge.R         |only
 R/plot.hero_numeric.R         |only
 R/plot.hero_radspline.R       |only
 R/poly2SpatialPolygons.R      |only
 R/precompute.R                |only
 R/predict.hero.R              |only
 R/predict.hero_bspline.R      |only
 R/predict.hero_radspline.R    |only
 R/prepare.R                   |only
 R/prepare.array.R             |only
 R/prepare.list.R              |only
 R/prepare.matrix.R            |only
 R/prepare.numeric.R           |only
 R/prepare.starray.R           |only
 R/prepare.sts.R               |only
 R/radspline.R                 |only
 R/rh.R                        |only
 R/rh.seq.R                    |only
 R/spdiffpen.R                 |only
 R/tasmax.R                    |only
 R/wrfg_cgcm3_tasmax.R         |only
 data/datalist                 |only
 data/tasmax.rda               |only
 data/wrfg_cgcm3_tasmax.rda    |only
 man/adjacent.Rd               |only
 man/as.starray.Rd             |only
 man/as.sts.Rd                 |only
 man/assemble.Rd               |only
 man/border.grid.Rd            |only
 man/bspline.Rd                |only
 man/circulate.Rd              |only
 man/connect.Rd                |only
 man/create.prepared_list.Rd   |only
 man/default.evalargs.Rd       |only
 man/default.splines.Rd        |only
 man/diffpen.Rd                |only
 man/enhance.Rd                |only
 man/enhance.grid.Rd           |only
 man/enlarge.Rd                |only
 man/generate.data2d.Rd        |   90 ++++++++++++++--------------
 man/generate.data3d.Rd        |   90 ++++++++++++++--------------
 man/hero.Rd                   |only
 man/            |only
 man/kronecker.seq.Rd          |only
 man/loglambda2gcv.Rd          |only
 man/ludata.Rd                 |   60 +++++++++----------
 man/plot.hero.Rd              |only
 man/plot.hero_adjacent.Rd     |only
 man/plot.hero_bspline.Rd      |only
 man/plot.hero_enlarge.Rd      |only
 man/plot.hero_radspline.Rd    |only
 man/poly2SpatialPolygons.Rd   |only
 man/precompute.Rd             |only
 man/predict.hero.Rd           |only
 man/predict.hero_bspline.Rd   |only
 man/predict.hero_radspline.Rd |only
 man/prepare.Rd                |only
 man/prepare.array.Rd          |only
 man/prepare.list.Rd           |only
 man/prepare.matrix.Rd         |only
 man/prepare.numeric.Rd        |only
 man/prepare.starray.Rd        |only
 man/prepare.sts.Rd            |only
 man/radspline.Rd              |only
 man/rh.Rd                     |only
 man/rh.seq.Rd                 |only
 man/spdiffpen.Rd              |only
 man/tasmax.Rd                 |only
 man/wrfg_cgcm3_tasmax.Rd      |only
 tests                         |only
 105 files changed, 330 insertions(+), 135 deletions(-)

More information about hero at CRAN
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Package jtools updated to version 2.0.2 with previous version 2.0.1 dated 2019-04-08

Title: Analysis and Presentation of Social Scientific Data
Description: This is a collection of tools that the author (Jacob) has written for the purpose of more efficiently understanding and sharing the results of (primarily) regression analyses. There are also a number of miscellaneous functions for statistical and programming purposes. Just about everything supports models from the survey package.
Author: Jacob A. Long [aut, cre] (<>)
Maintainer: Jacob A. Long <>

Diff between jtools versions 2.0.1 dated 2019-04-08 and 2.0.2 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION                        |   12 
 MD5                                |   82 +--
 NAMESPACE                          |   43 -                            |   22 
 R/effect_plot.R                    |    4 
 R/export_summ.R                    |  598 -----------------------
 R/gscale.R                         |  880 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 R/internal.R                       |   44 +
 R/make_new_data.R                  |    1 
 R/make_predictions.R               |    8 
 R/pR2.R                            |   15 
 R/plot_coefs.R                     |only
 R/programming_helpers.R            |    6 
 R/scale_lm.R                       |  930 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 R/summ.R                           |    8 
 R/svytools.R                       |    4 
 R/theme_nice.R                     |   16                          |   14 
 build/vignette.rds                 |binary
 inst/doc/effect_plot.html          |  137 ++---
 inst/doc/summ.html                 |  127 ++---
 inst/doc/svycor.R                  |   46 -
 inst/doc/svycor.html               |   95 +--
 man/center.Rd                      |    4 
 man/center_mod.Rd                  |    4 
 man/effect_plot.Rd                 |    2 
 man/figures/unnamed-chunk-10-1.png |binary
 man/figures/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png  |binary
 man/figures/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png  |binary
 man/figures/unnamed-chunk-9-1.png  |binary
 man/glance.summ.Rd                 |   12 
 man/gscale.Rd                      |    4 
 man/plot_summs.Rd                  |    2 
 man/reexports.Rd                   |    6 
 man/roxygen                        |only
 man/scale_mod.Rd                   |    4 
 man/standardize.Rd                 |    4 
 man/subsetters.Rd                  |    6 
 man/summ.merMod.Rd                 |    4 
 man/svycor.Rd                      |    4 
 man/svysd.Rd                       |    4 
 man/wrap_str.Rd                    |    6 
 tests/testthat/Rplots.pdf          |binary
 43 files changed, 1323 insertions(+), 1835 deletions(-)

More information about jtools at CRAN
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Package bacondecomp updated to version 0.1.1 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2020-01-16

Title: Goodman-Bacon Decomposition
Description: Decomposition for differences-in-differences with variation in treatment timing from Goodman-Bacon (2018) <doi:10.3386/w25018>.
Author: Evan Flack [aut, cre], Edward Jee [aut]
Maintainer: Evan Flack <>

Diff between bacondecomp versions 0.1.0 dated 2020-01-16 and 0.1.1 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION                   |   10 +++++-----
 MD5                           |   11 ++++++-----                       |    5 ++++-
 R/bacon.R                     |   18 ++++++++++--------                     |    7 +++++++
 inst/doc/bacon.html           |   14 +++++++-------
 tests/testthat/test_summary.R |only
 7 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

More information about bacondecomp at CRAN
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Package tnet updated to version with previous version 3.0.14 dated 2015-11-18

Title: Software for Analysis of Weighted, Two-Mode, and Longitudinal Networks
Description: R package for analyzing weighted, two-mode, and longitudinal networks.
Author: Tore Opsahl
Maintainer: ORPHANED

Diff between tnet versions 3.0.14 dated 2015-11-18 and dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION        |   11 +++++++----
 MD5                |    4 ++--
 man/tnet_ucinet.Rd |    6 +++---
 3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

More information about tnet at CRAN
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Package Map2NCBI updated to version 1.4 with previous version 1.3 dated 2019-05-15

Title: Mapping Markers to the Nearest Genomic Feature
Description: Allows the user to generate a list of features (gene, pseudo, RNA, CDS, and/or UTR) directly from NCBI database for any species with a current build available. Option to save downloaded and formatted files is available, and the user can prioritize the feature list based on type and assembly builds present in the current build used. The user can then use the list of features generated or provide a list to map a set of markers (designed for SNP markers with a single base pair position available) to the closest feature based on the map build. This function does require map positions of the markers to be provided and the positions should be based on the build being queried through NCBI.
Author: Lauren L. Hulsman Hanna and David G. Riley
Maintainer: Lauren Hanna <>

Diff between Map2NCBI versions 1.3 dated 2019-05-15 and 1.4 dated 2020-01-24

 Map2NCBI-1.3/Map2NCBI/R/GetGeneList_v11.R     |only
 Map2NCBI-1.3/Map2NCBI/man/GetGeneList_v11.Rd  |only
 Map2NCBI-1.4/Map2NCBI/DESCRIPTION             |   10 ++++----
 Map2NCBI-1.4/Map2NCBI/MD5                     |   15 ++++++-------
 Map2NCBI-1.4/Map2NCBI/R/GetGeneList.R         |   30 ++++++++++++++++++--------
 Map2NCBI-1.4/Map2NCBI/data/GeneList_BTA1.rda  |binary
 Map2NCBI-1.4/Map2NCBI/inst                    |only
 Map2NCBI-1.4/Map2NCBI/man/GetGeneList.Rd      |   20 ++++++++++-------
 Map2NCBI-1.4/Map2NCBI/man/Map2NCBI-package.Rd |    9 ++++---
 Map2NCBI-1.4/Map2NCBI/man/MapMarkers.Rd       |    2 -
 10 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

More information about Map2NCBI at CRAN
Permanent link

Package ChemoSpec updated to version 5.2.12 with previous version 5.1.48 dated 2019-07-25

Title: Exploratory Chemometrics for Spectroscopy
Description: A collection of functions for top-down exploratory data analysis of spectral data including nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), infrared (IR), Raman, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and other similar types of spectroscopy. Includes functions for plotting and inspecting spectra, peak alignment, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), principal components analysis (PCA) and model-based clustering. Robust methods appropriate for this type of high-dimensional data are available. ChemoSpec is designed for structured experiments, such as metabolomics investigations, where the samples fall into treatment and control groups. Graphical output is formatted consistently for publication quality plots. ChemoSpec is intended to be very user friendly and to help you get usable results quickly. A vignette covering typical operations is available.
Author: Bryan A. Hanson [aut, cre] (<>), Mike Bostock [cph, ctb] (author of the d3.js library used by plotSpectraJS,, Matt Keinsley [ctb] (author of initial AOV-PCA code)
Maintainer: Bryan A. Hanson <>

Diff between ChemoSpec versions 5.1.48 dated 2019-07-25 and 5.2.12 dated 2020-01-24

 ChemoSpec-5.1.48/ChemoSpec/R/sampleDistSpectra.R                        |only
 ChemoSpec-5.1.48/ChemoSpec/man/sampleDistSpectra.Rd                     |only
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/DESCRIPTION                                  |   18 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/MD5                                          |  224 ++--
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/NAMESPACE                                    |    3 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/                                      |   23 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/ChemoSpec-package.R                        |   18 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/LoopThruSpectra.R                          |   45 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/MUD.R                                      |   14 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/Spectra.R                                  |    8 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/SrE.R                                      |   10 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/aovPCAloadings.R                           |  123 +-
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/aovPCAscores.R                             |   91 -
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/aov_pcaSpectra.R                           |  224 ++--
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/avgFacLvls.R                               |   83 -
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/baselineSpectra.R                          |  189 +--
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/binData.R                                  |  151 +--
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/binSpectra.R                               |  168 +--
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/c_pcaSpectra.R                             |   98 +-
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/check4GapsStub.R                           |    4 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/chkSpectraStub.R                           |    4 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/cleanArgs.R                                |   37 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/clupaSpectra.R                             |   60 -
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/colorSymbolStub.R                          |    7 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/coordProjCS.R                              |  483 +++++-----
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/cv_pcaSpectra.R                            |  246 ++---
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/evalClusters.R                             |   77 -
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/files2SpectraObject.R                      |  416 ++++----
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/hcaScoresStub.R                            |    4 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/hcaSpectra.R                               |   65 -
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/hmapSpectra.R                              |   99 +-
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/hypTestScores.R                            |   82 -
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/irlba_pcaSpectra.R                         |  119 +-
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/isWholeNo.R                                |   22 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/labelExtremes3d.R                          |   79 -
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/makeEllipsoid.R                            |  146 +--
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/matrix2SpectraObject.R                     |  203 ++--
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/mclust3D.R                                 |  213 ++--
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/mclust3dSpectra.R                          |   73 -
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/mclustSpectra.R                            |  126 +-
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/normSpectra.R                              |  147 +--
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/normVec.R                                  |   14 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/pcaDiag.R                                  |  121 +-
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/plot2Loadings.R                            |   82 -
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/plotLoadings.R                             |  100 +-
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/plotScores3D.R                             |  160 +--
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/plotScoresRGL.R                            |  281 +++--
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/plotScoresStub.R                           |    4 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/plotScree2.R                               |    7 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/plotScreeStub.R                            |    4 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/plotSpectra.R                              |   92 -
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/plotSpectraDist.R                          |   62 -
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/plotSpectraJS.R                            |  256 ++---
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/q2rPCA.R                                   |   36 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/r2qPCA.R                                   |   28 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/r_pcaSpectra.R                             |   59 -
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/readJEOLascii.R                            |   12 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/removeFreqStub.R                           |    2 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/removeGroupStub.R                          |    2 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/removeSampleStub.R                         |    2 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/rowDistStub.R                              |    4 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/sPlotSpectra.R                             |   97 +-
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/s_pcaSpectra.R                             |  137 +-
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/sampleDistStub.R                           |only
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/seXy.R                                     |   57 -
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/sgfSpectra.R                               |   52 -
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/splitSpectraGroups.R                       |  120 +-
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/sumGroupsStub.R                            |    4 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/sumSpectraStub.R                           |    4 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/surveySpectra.R                            |  413 ++++----
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/surveySpectra2.R                           |  121 +-
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/R/updateGroupsStub.R                         |only
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/build/vignette.rds                           |binary
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/data/SrE.IR.RData                            |binary
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/data/SrE.NMR.RData                           |binary
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/data/alignMUD.RData                          |binary
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/data/metMUD1.RData                           |binary
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/data/metMUD2.RData                           |binary
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/inst/doc/ChemoSpec.pdf                       |binary
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/inst/doc/IntroPCA.pdf                        |binary
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/inst/tinytest/test_cleanArgs.R               |   13 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/inst/tinytest/test_files2SpectraObject_JDX.R |    3 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/SrE.IR.Rd                                |    1 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/aovPCAscores.Rd                          |    5 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/aov_pcaSpectra.Rd                        |    9 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/baselineSpectra.Rd                       |    1 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/binSpectra.Rd                            |    1 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/c_pcaSpectra.Rd                          |   13 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/clupaSpectra.Rd                          |   13 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/colorSymbol.Rd                           |    3 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/cv_pcaSpectra.Rd                         |   15 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/evalClusters.Rd                          |   11 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/files2SpectraObject.Rd                   |  135 +-
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/hcaSpectra.Rd                            |   13 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/hmapSpectra.Rd                           |   53 -
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/hypTestScores.Rd                         |   10 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/irlba_pcaSpectra.Rd                      |   16 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/mclust3dSpectra.Rd                       |   25 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/mclustSpectra.Rd                         |   24 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/metMUD1.Rd                               |    2 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/normSpectra.Rd                           |    3 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/pcaDiag.Rd                               |   12 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/plot2Loadings.Rd                         |    9 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/plotScores3D.Rd                          |   17 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/plotScoresRGL.Rd                         |   27 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/plotSpectra.Rd                           |   33 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/plotSpectraDist.Rd                       |   16 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/plotSpectraJS.Rd                         |    3 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/r_pcaSpectra.Rd                          |   15 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/sPlotSpectra.Rd                          |    9 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/s_pcaSpectra.Rd                          |   18 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/sampleDist.Rd                            |only
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/sgfSpectra.Rd                            |   17 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/splitSpectraGroups.Rd                    |    1 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/surveySpectra.Rd                         |   21 
 ChemoSpec-5.2.12/ChemoSpec/man/updateGroups.Rd                          |only
 116 files changed, 3715 insertions(+), 3387 deletions(-)

More information about ChemoSpec at CRAN
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New package fad with initial version 0.2-1
Package: fad
Type: Package
Title: Factor Analysis for Data
Version: 0.2-1
Date: 2020-01-16
Authors@R: c( person("Somak", "Dutta", , "", c("aut", "cre")), person("Fan", "Dai", , "", "aut"), person("Ranjan", "Maitra", , "", "ctb") )
Maintainer: Somak Dutta <>
Description: Compute maximum likelihood estimators of parameters in a Gaussian factor model using the the matrix-free methodology described in Dai et al. (2019) <doi:10.1080/10618600.2019.1704296>. In contrast to the factanal() function from 'stats' package, fad() can handle high-dimensional datasets where number of variables exceed the sample size and is also substantially faster than the EM algorithms.
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
Depends: R (>= 3.0.2), methods, RSpectra (>= 0.16-0)
Imports: Matrix (>= 1.1-0), Rcpp (>= 0.11.5)
LinkingTo: Rcpp
LazyData: true
NeedsCompilation: yes
Suggests: knitr
VignetteBuilder: knitr
RoxygenNote: 7.0.2
Packaged: 2020-01-17 00:28:47 UTC; somakd
Author: Somak Dutta [aut, cre], Fan Dai [aut], Ranjan Maitra [ctb]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2020-01-24 18:20:02 UTC

More information about fad at CRAN
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New package chilemapas with initial version 0.1.4
Package: chilemapas
Type: Package
Title: Mapas de las Divisiones Politicas y Administrativas de Chile (Maps of the Political and Administrative Divisions of Chile)
Version: 0.1.4
Authors@R: c( person("Mauricio", "Vargas", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = ""), person("Roberto", "Salas", role = "ctb"), person("Joshua", "Kunst", role = "ctb"), person("Juan", "Correa", role = "dtc"), person(given = "Ricardo", family = "Aravena", role = c("ths")), person(family = "Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile", role = "cph"), person(family = "Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas (INE)", role = "dtc"), person(family = "Subsecretaria de Desarrollo Regional (SUBDERE)", role = "dtc"), person(family = "Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile (BCN)", role = "dtc") )
Description: Mapas terrestres con topologias simplificadas. Estos mapas no tienen precision geodesica, por lo que aplica el DFL-83 de 1979 de la Republica de Chile y se consideran referenciales sin validez legal. No se incluyen los territorios antarticos y bajo ningun evento estos mapas significan que exista una cesion u ocupacion de territorios soberanos en contra del Derecho Internacional por parte de Chile. Esta paquete esta documentado intencionalmente en castellano asciificado para que funcione sin problema en diferentes plataformas. (Terrestrial maps with simplified toplogies. These maps lack geodesic precision, therefore DFL-83 1979 of the Republic of Chile applies and are consider to have no legal validity. Antartic territories are excluded and under no event these maps mean there is a cession or occupation of sovereign territories against International Laws from Chile. This package was intentionally documented in asciified spanish to make it work with problem on different platforms.)
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
VignetteBuilder: knitr
RoxygenNote: 7.0.2
Depends: R(>= 3.5.0), sf
Imports: rmapshaper, dplyr, magrittr, stringr, rlang
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, ggplot2, testthat
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2020-01-17 15:29:48 UTC; mvargass
Author: Mauricio Vargas [aut, cre], Roberto Salas [ctb], Joshua Kunst [ctb], Juan Correa [dtc], Ricardo Aravena [ths], Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile [cph], Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas (INE) [dtc], Subsecretaria de Desarrollo Regional (SUBDERE) [dtc], Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile (BCN) [dtc]
Maintainer: Mauricio Vargas <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2020-01-24 18:50:02 UTC

More information about chilemapas at CRAN
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Package cder updated to version 0.2-2 with previous version 0.2-1 dated 2020-01-13

Title: Interface to the California Data Exchange Center
Description: Connect to the California Data Exchange Center (CDEC) Web Service <>. 'CDEC' provides a centralized database to store, process, and exchange real-time hydrologic information gathered by various cooperators throughout California. The 'CDEC' Web Service <> provides a data download service for accessing historical records.
Author: Michael Koohafkan [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Michael Koohafkan <>

Diff between cder versions 0.2-1 dated 2020-01-13 and 0.2-2 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION             |    6 +++---
 MD5                     |   12 ++++++------                 |   15 ++++++++++++---
 R/query.r               |   16 +++++++---------
 build/vignette.rds      |binary
 man/cdec_query.Rd       |    7 +++----
 man/cdec_query_group.Rd |    7 +++----
 7 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

More information about cder at CRAN
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New package BioProbability with initial version 1.0
Package: BioProbability
Type: Package
Title: Probability in Biostatistics
Version: 1.0
Author: Alejandro Saavedra-Nieves, Paula Saavedra-Nieves
Maintainer: Paula Saavedra-Nieves <>
Description: Several tools for analyzing diagnostic tests and 2x2 contingency tables are provided. In particular, positive and negative predictive values for a diagnostic tests can be calculated from prevalence, sensitivity and specificity values. For contingency tables, relative risk and odds ratio measures are estimated. Furthermore, confidence intervals are provided.
License: GPL-2
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2020-01-16 08:26:39 UTC; alexs
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2020-01-24 18:10:07 UTC

More information about BioProbability at CRAN
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Package aqp updated to version 1.19 with previous version 1.18.1 dated 2019-12-06

Title: Algorithms for Quantitative Pedology
Description: The Algorithms for Quantitative Pedology (AQP) project was started in 2009 to organize a loosely-related set of concepts and source code on the topic of soil profile visualization, aggregation, and classification into this package (aqp). Over the past 8 years, the project has grown into a suite of related R packages that enhance and simplify the quantitative analysis of soil profile data. Central to the AQP project is a new vocabulary of specialized functions and data structures that can accommodate the inherent complexity of soil profile information; freeing the scientist to focus on ideas rather than boilerplate data processing tasks <doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2012.10.020>. These functions and data structures have been extensively tested and documented, applied to projects involving hundreds of thousands of soil profiles, and deeply integrated into widely used tools such as SoilWeb <>. Components of the AQP project (aqp, soilDB, sharpshootR, soilReports packages) serve an important role in routine data analysis within the USDA-NRCS Soil Science Division. The AQP suite of R packages offer a convenient platform for bridging the gap between pedometric theory and practice.
Author: Dylan Beaudette [aut, cre], Pierre Roudier [aut, ctb], Andrew Brown [aut, ctb]
Maintainer: Dylan Beaudette <>

Diff between aqp versions 1.18.1 dated 2019-12-06 and 1.19 dated 2020-01-24

 aqp-1.18.1/aqp/man/test_hz_logic.Rd                  |only
 aqp-1.19/aqp/DESCRIPTION                             |   10 -
 aqp-1.19/aqp/MD5                                     |  123 ++++++++-------
 aqp-1.19/aqp/NAMESPACE                               |   13 +
 aqp-1.19/aqp/                                 |  148 +++++++++++--------
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/Class-SoilProfileCollection.R         |   52 +-----
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/SoilProfileCollection-iterators.R     |  144 +++++++++++++++---
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/SoilProfileCollection-methods.R       |  120 +++++++++++----
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/SoilProfileCollection-slice-methods.R |    3 
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/SoilProfileCollection-spatial.R       |    8 -
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/aggregateColor.R                      |   17 +-
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/checkHzDepthLogic.R                   |only
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/colorContrast.R                       |    1 
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/colorQuantiles.R                      |   20 +-
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/contrastChart.R                       |   79 ++++++++--
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/denormalize.R                         |    2 
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/estimatePSCS.R                        |   15 +
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/estimateSoilDepth.R                   |   25 ++-
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/evalMissingData.R                     |   44 ++++-
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/generalize.hz.R                       |    2 
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/getArgillicBounds.R                   |   77 ++++++++-
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/glom.R                                |   89 ++++++++---
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/missingDataGrid.R                     |    2 
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/munsell2rgb.R                         |   90 +++++++----
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/previewColors.R                       |    2 
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/profile_compare.R                     |   29 ++-
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/rebuildSPC.R                          |   41 +++++
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/setters.R                             |  135 ++++++++++++++++-
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/sim.R                                 |    6 
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/soilColorIndices.R                    |only
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/test_hz_logic.R                       |    9 -
 aqp-1.19/aqp/R/union.R                               |   13 +
 aqp-1.19/aqp/data/jacobs2000.rda                     |binary
 aqp-1.19/aqp/data/rowley2019.rda                     |only
 aqp-1.19/aqp/data/sp5.rda                            |binary
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/SPC-utils.Rd                        |   28 +++
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/SoilProfileCollection-class.Rd      |    7 
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/aggregateColor.Rd                   |    4 
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/argillic.clay.increase.depth.Rd     |    6 
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/barron.torrent.redness.LAB.Rd       |only
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/buntley.westin.index.Rd             |only
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/checkHzDepthLogic.Rd                |only
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/checkSPC.Rd                         |    4 
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/contrastChart.Rd                    |   25 ++-
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/estimatePSCS.Rd                     |   15 +
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/evalMissingData.Rd                  |   27 ++-
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/generalize.hz.Rd                    |    2 
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/getArgillicBounds.Rd                |   13 +
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/glom.Rd                             |    4 
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/harden.melanization.Rd              |only
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/harden.rubification.Rd              |only
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/horizonColorIndices.Rd              |only
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/hurst.redness.Rd                    |only
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/hzDepthTests.Rd                     |only
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/hzTransitionProbabilities.Rd        |    7 
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/munsell2rgb.Rd                      |    4 
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/profileApply-methods.Rd             |   50 +++++-
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/profile_compare-methods.Rd          |    8 -
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/rowley2019.Rd                       |only
 aqp-1.19/aqp/man/thompson.bell.darkness.Rd           |only
 aqp-1.19/aqp/tests/testthat/test-SPC-objects.R       |   92 ++++++++++-
 aqp-1.19/aqp/tests/testthat/test-aggregateColor.R    |   17 +-
 aqp-1.19/aqp/tests/testthat/test-argillic.R          |   21 ++
 aqp-1.19/aqp/tests/testthat/test-checkHzDepthLogic.R |only
 aqp-1.19/aqp/tests/testthat/test-color-conversion.R  |   67 +++++++-
 aqp-1.19/aqp/tests/testthat/test-colorIndices.R      |only
 aqp-1.19/aqp/tests/testthat/test-evalMissingData.R   |only
 aqp-1.19/aqp/tests/testthat/test-glom.R              |    2 
 aqp-1.19/aqp/tests/testthat/test-profileApply.R      |only
 aqp-1.19/aqp/tests/testthat/test-pscs.R              |    4 
 aqp-1.19/aqp/tests/testthat/test-sim.R               |only
 aqp-1.19/aqp/tests/testthat/test-soil-depth.R        |   10 +
 72 files changed, 1313 insertions(+), 423 deletions(-)

More information about aqp at CRAN
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Package vctrs updated to version 0.2.2 with previous version 0.2.1 dated 2019-12-17

Title: Vector Helpers
Description: Defines new notions of prototype and size that are used to provide tools for consistent and well-founded type-coercion and size-recycling, and are in turn connected to ideas of type- and size-stability useful for analysing function interfaces.
Author: Hadley Wickham [aut, cre], Lionel Henry [aut], Davis Vaughan [aut], RStudio [cph]
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <>

Diff between vctrs versions 0.2.1 dated 2019-12-17 and 0.2.2 dated 2020-01-24

 vctrs-0.2.1/vctrs/R/data.R                                   |only
 vctrs-0.2.1/vctrs/man/unpack-assign.Rd                       |only
 vctrs-0.2.1/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-data.R                 |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/DESCRIPTION                                |   15 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/MD5                                        |  321 +++--
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/NAMESPACE                                  |   43 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/                                    |   96 +
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/arith.R                                  |    4 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/assert.R                                 |   12 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/bind.R                                   |    6 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/c.R                                      |    3 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/cast-list.R                              |    2 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/cast.R                                   |   19 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/compare.R                                |   10 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/compat-friendly-type.R                   |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/compat-lifecycle.R                       |   23 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/conditions.R                             |  173 ++-
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/dictionary.R                             |   55 -
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/equal.R                                  |   20 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/group.R                                  |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/hash.R                                   |    4 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/names.R                                  |   24 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/print-str.R                              |    2 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/proxy.R                                  |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/recycle.R                                |   27 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/register-s3.R                            |    4 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/shape.R                                  |    9 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/size.R                                   |    3 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/slice.R                                  |  101 -
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/split.R                                  |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/subscript-loc.R                          |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/subscript.R                              |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/translate.R                              |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/type-bare.R                              |  381 ++++++-
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/type-data-frame.R                        |   35 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/type-date-time.R                         |   35 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/type-factor.R                            |    4 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/type-integer64.R                         |    2 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/type-list-of.R                           |   21 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/type-rcrd.R                              |    9 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/type-tibble.R                            |   12 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/type-vctr.R                              |   36 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/type.R                                   |    2 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/type2.R                                  |   26 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/utils.R                                  |  116 --
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/vctrs-deprecated.R                       |   34 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/vctrs-package.R                          |    2 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/R/zzz.R                                    |   30 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/                                  |   45 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/build/vctrs.pdf                            |binary
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/build/vignette.rds                         |binary
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/inst/doc/s3-vector.R                       |    3 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/inst/doc/s3-vector.Rmd                     |   55 -
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/inst/doc/s3-vector.html                    |   67 -
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/inst/doc/stability.R                       |    1 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/inst/doc/stability.Rmd                     |   59 -
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/inst/doc/stability.html                    |   69 -
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/inst/doc/type-size.Rmd                     |   46 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/inst/doc/type-size.html                    |   50 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/inst/include                               |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/list_of.Rd                             |   10 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/new_date.Rd                            |    3 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/new_factor.Rd                          |    3 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/new_vctr.Rd                            |   16 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/obj_print.Rd                           |    4 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/s3_register.Rd                         |   10 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vctrs-conditions.Rd                    |   78 +
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vctrs-package.Rd                       |    2 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_as_index.Rd                        |   36 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_as_location.Rd                     |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_as_names.Rd                        |   18 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_as_subscript.Rd                    |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_assert.Rd                          |    3 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_bind.Rd                            |   24 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_c.Rd                               |   11 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_cast.Rd                            |    3 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_chop.Rd                            |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_data.Rd                            |   10 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_duplicate.Rd                       |    2 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_group.Rd                           |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_match.Rd                           |    2 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_order.Rd                           |    6 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_proxy_compare.Rd                   |    2 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_proxy_equal.Rd                     |    3 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_ptype.Rd                           |    2 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_ptype2.Rd                          |   17 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_recycle.Rd                         |   19 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_size.Rd                            |    3 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_slice.Rd                           |    8 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_split.Rd                           |    5 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/man/vec_unique.Rd                          |    2 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/altrep-rle.c                           |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/altrep-rle.h                           |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/altrep.h                               |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/bind.c                                 |   38 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/c.c                                    |   21 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/cast.c                                 |  155 --
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/compare.c                              |  411 +++++--
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/conditions.c                           |   21 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/dictionary.c                           |  251 +---
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/dictionary.h                           |    7 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/equal.c                                |  596 ++++++++---
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/group.c                                |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/growable.c                             |   24 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/hash.c                                 |   97 -
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/init.c                                 |  113 +-
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/names.c                                |  115 +-
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/proxy-restore.c                        |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/proxy.c                                |   73 +
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/size-common.c                          |   46 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/size.c                                 |   10 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/slice-array.c                          |   80 +
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/slice-assign.c                         |   35 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/slice-chop.c                           |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/slice.c                                |  496 +++------
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/slice.h                                |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/split.c                                |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/subscript-loc.c                        |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/subscript-loc.h                        |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/translate.c                            |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/type-data-frame.c                      |   24 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/type-info.c                            |   42 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/type-list-of.c                         |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/type.c                                 |   24 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/type2.c                                |    7 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/utils.c                                |  341 +++++-
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/utils.h                                |   80 +
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/src/vctrs.h                                |  120 ++
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat.R                           |    6 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/error                       |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/helper-conditions.R         |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/helper-encoding.R           |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/helper-expectations.R       |    2 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/helper-output.R             |    3 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/helper-rational.R           |   10 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/helper-s3.R                 |   75 +
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/helper-types.R              |   10 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-assert.R               |   17 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-bind.R                 |   47 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-c.R                    |   35 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-cast-error-nested.txt  |    4 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-cast.R                 |   87 -
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-compare.R              |  136 ++
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-conditions.R           |   46 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-dictionary.R           |  129 +-
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-equal.R                |  172 ++-
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-group.R                |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-hash-hash.txt          |   98 -
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-hash.R                 |   99 +
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-lifecycle-deprecated.R |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-names.R                |   83 +
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-proxy-restore.R        |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-proxy.R                |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-recycle.R              |   14 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-shape.R                |   14 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-size.R                 |    5 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-slice-assign.R         |   95 +
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-slice.R                |  505 ++++++++-
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-split.R                |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-subscript-loc.R        |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-subscript.R            |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-translate.R            |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-type-bare.R            |   98 +
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-type-data-frame.R      |   22 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-type-date-time.R       |   57 +
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-type-factor.R          |   23 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-type-group-rle.txt     |only
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-type-list-of.R         |   12 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-type-rational.R        |    6 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-type-rcrd.R            |   16 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-type-tibble.R          |   13 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-type-vctr.R            |   36 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-type.R                 |   33 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-type2.R                |   52 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/tests/testthat/test-utils.R                |   18 
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/vignettes/s3-vector.Rmd                    |   55 -
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/vignettes/stability.Rmd                    |   59 -
 vctrs-0.2.2/vctrs/vignettes/type-size.Rmd                    |   46 
 178 files changed, 5494 insertions(+), 2389 deletions(-)

More information about vctrs at CRAN
Permanent link

Package timeSeries updated to version 3062.100 with previous version 3042.102 dated 2017-11-17

Title: Financial Time Series Objects (Rmetrics)
Description: 'S4' classes and various tools for financial time series: Basic functions such as scaling and sorting, subsetting, mathematical operations and statistical functions.
Author: Diethelm Wuertz [aut] (original code), Tobias Setz [cre], Yohan Chalabi [ctb], Martin Maechler [ctb] (<>)
Maintainer: Tobias Setz <>

Diff between timeSeries versions 3042.102 dated 2017-11-17 and 3062.100 dated 2020-01-24

 ChangeLog                        |   17 
 DESCRIPTION                      |   34 
 MD5                              |   31 
 NAMESPACE                        |    2 
 R/aaa-utils.R                    |only
 R/base-applySeries.R             |    4 
 R/base-cbind.R                   |    4 
 R/methods-plot.R                 |    2 
 R/methods-plot2.R                |   95 +-
 R/timeSeries-readSeries.R        |    2 
 R/timeSeries-slotDocumentation.R |    9 
 R/timeSeries-slotSeries.R        |    3 
 R/utils-head.R                   |   49 -
 build/vignette.rds               |binary
 inst/doc/timeSeriesPlot.R        | 1438 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 inst/doc/timeSeriesPlot.pdf      |binary
 inst/doc/timeSeriesRefCard.pdf   |binary
 17 files changed, 858 insertions(+), 832 deletions(-)

More information about timeSeries at CRAN
Permanent link

New package USgrid with initial version 0.1.0
Package: USgrid
Type: Package
Title: The Demand and Supply for Electricity in the US
Version: 0.1.0
Authors@R: person("Rami", "Krispin", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre"))
Maintainer: Rami Krispin <>
Description: Provides a set of regular time-series datasets, describing the US electricity grid. That includes the total demand and supply, and as well as the demand by energy source (coal, solar, wind, etc.). Source: US Energy Information Administration (Dec 2019) <>.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Depends: R (>= 3.0.2)
Imports: tsibble(>= 0.8.5)
Suggests: knitr, lubridate, rmarkdown, devtools, plotly, remotes, tidyr, testthat, usethis
RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2020-01-16 16:41:54 UTC; ramikrispin
Author: Rami Krispin [aut, cre]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2020-01-24 17:20:06 UTC

More information about USgrid at CRAN
Permanent link

New package signnet with initial version 0.5.0
Package: signnet
Title: Methods to Analyse Signed Networks
Version: 0.5.0
Authors@R: person(given = "David", family = "Schoch", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "")
Description: Methods for the analysis of signed networks. This includes several measures for structural balance as introduced by Cartwright and Harary (1956) <doi:10.1037/h0046049>, blockmodeling algorithms from Doreian (2008) <doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2008.03.005>, various centrality indices, and projections of signed two-mode networks introduced by Schoch (2020) <doi:10.1080/0022250X.2019.1711376>.
Depends: R (>= 3.2.0)
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Imports: igraph, Rcpp, Matrix
RoxygenNote: 7.0.2
Suggests: testthat (>= 2.1.0), covr, ggplot2, ggraph, knitr, rmarkdown
LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2020-01-16 13:10:02 UTC; david
Author: David Schoch [aut, cre]
Maintainer: David Schoch <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2020-01-24 17:20:02 UTC

More information about signnet at CRAN
Permanent link

New package santoku with initial version 0.3.0
Package: santoku
Type: Package
Title: A Versatile Cutting Tool
Version: 0.3.0
Authors@R: person(given = "David", family = "Hugh-Jones", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "")
Author: David Hugh-Jones [aut, cre]
Maintainer: David Hugh-Jones <>
Description: A tool for cutting data into intervals. Allows singleton intervals. Always includes the whole range of data by default. Flexible labelling. Convenience functions for cutting by quantiles etc.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 7.0.2
Suggests: covr, testthat (>= 2.1.0), knitr, microbenchmark, rmarkdown
LinkingTo: Rcpp
Imports: Rcpp, assertthat
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2020-01-16 12:26:54 UTC; david
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2020-01-24 17:10:02 UTC

More information about santoku at CRAN
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New package round with initial version 0.12-1
Package: round
Version: 0.12-1
Date: 2020-01-15
Title: Rounding to Decimal Digits
Authors@R: c(person("Martin","Maechler", role=c("aut","cre"), email="", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-8685-9910")) , person("R-core", email = "", role = "ctb", comment = '"r1.C" only') )
Description: Decimal rounding is non-trivial in binary arithmetic. ISO standard round to even is more rare than typically assumed as most decimal fractions are not exactly representable in binary. Our roundX() versions explore differences between current and potential future versions of round() in R. Further, provides (some partly related) C99 math lib functions not in base R.
Imports: stats
Suggests: grDevices, graphics, Matrix, lattice, knitr
License: AGPL (>= 3)
Encoding: UTF-8
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2020-01-15 11:46:58 UTC; maechler
Author: Martin Maechler [aut, cre] (<>), R-core [ctb] ("r1.C" only)
Maintainer: Martin Maechler <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2020-01-24 18:00:03 UTC

More information about round at CRAN
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Package MomTrunc updated to version 5.69 with previous version 5.63 dated 2020-01-19

Title: Moments of Folded and Doubly Truncated Multivariate Distributions
Description: It computes arbitrary products moments (mean vector and variance-covariance matrix), for some double truncated (and folded) multivariate distributions. These distributions belong to the family of selection elliptical distributions, which includes well known skewed distributions as the unified skew-t distribution (SUT) and its particular cases as the extended skew-t (EST), skew-t (ST) and the symmetric student-t (T) distribution. Analogous normal cases unified skew-normal (SUN), extended skew-normal (ESN), skew-normal (SN), and symmetric normal (N) are also included. Density, probabilities and random deviates are also offered for these members. References used for this package: Arellano-Valle, R. B. & Genton, M. G. (2005). On fundamental skew distributions. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 96, 93-116. Galarza C.E., Matos L.A., Dey D.K. & Lachos V.H. (2019) On Moments of Folded and Truncated Multivariate Extended Skew-Normal Distributions. Technical report. ID 19-14. University of Connecticut. <>.
Author: Christian E. Galarza, Raymond Kan and Victor H. Lachos
Maintainer: Christian E. Galarza <>

Diff between MomTrunc versions 5.63 dated 2020-01-19 and 5.69 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION           |   15 +-
 MD5                   |   34 +++---
 NAMESPACE             |   10 +
 R/AUX_MC.R            |  264 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 R/AUX_optmeanvarTMD.R |only
 R/AUX_prob_opt.R      |    4 
 R/RcppExports.R       |    4 
 R/TN_mean.R           |    7 -
 R/TSLCT_mv.R          |    2 
 R/TSLCT_mv_MC.R       |only
 R/TT_mv.R             |   31 -----
 R/USER_MCmeanvarTMD.R |only
 R/USER_meanvarTMD.R   |    2 
 R/USER_rmvESN.R       |   11 +-
 R/USER_rmvEST.R       |    5 
 build/partial.rdb     |binary
 man/MCmeanvarTMD.Rd   |only
 man/meanvarTMD.Rd     |    7 +
 src/RcppExports.cpp   |   17 +++
 src/my_functions.cpp  |   55 ++++++++++
 20 files changed, 305 insertions(+), 163 deletions(-)

More information about MomTrunc at CRAN
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New package gridtext with initial version 0.1.0
Package: gridtext
Type: Package
Title: Improved Text Rendering Support for 'Grid' Graphics
Version: 0.1.0
Authors@R: person( given = "Claus O.", family = "Wilke", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-7470-9261") )
Description: Provides support for rendering of formatted text using 'grid' graphics. Text can be formatted via a minimal subset of 'Markdown', 'HTML', and inline 'CSS' directives, and it can be rendered both with and without word wrap.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Depends: R (>= 3.5)
Imports: grid, grDevices, markdown, rlang, Rcpp, RCurl, png, jpeg, stringr, xml2
Suggests: covr, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat, vdiffr
LinkingTo: Rcpp, testthat
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 7.0.2
SystemRequirements: C++11
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2020-01-16 18:37:10 UTC; clauswilke
Author: Claus O. Wilke [aut, cre] (<>)
Maintainer: Claus O. Wilke <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2020-01-24 17:30:02 UTC

More information about gridtext at CRAN
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Package fracdiff updated to version 1.5-1 with previous version 1.5-0 dated 2020-01-16

Title: Fractionally Differenced ARIMA aka ARFIMA(P,d,q) Models
Description: Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of a fractionally differenced ARIMA(p,d,q) model (Haslett and Raftery, Appl.Statistics, 1989); including inference and basic methods. Some alternative algorithms to estimate "H".
Author: Martin Maechler [aut, cre] (<>), Chris Fraley [ctb, cph] (S original; Fortran code), Friedrich Leisch [ctb] (R port, <>), Valderio Reisen [ctb] (fdGPH() & fdSperio()), Artur Lemonte [ctb] (fdGPH() & fdSperio()), Rob Hyndman [ctb] (residuals() & fitted(), <>)
Maintainer: Martin Maechler <>

Diff between fracdiff versions 1.5-0 dated 2020-01-16 and 1.5-1 dated 2020-01-24

 fracdiff-1.5-0/fracdiff/tests/ex.Rout-32b           |only
 fracdiff-1.5-0/fracdiff/tests/ex.Rout-64b           |only
 fracdiff-1.5-1/fracdiff/ChangeLog                   |    5 
 fracdiff-1.5-1/fracdiff/DESCRIPTION                 |   10 
 fracdiff-1.5-1/fracdiff/MD5                         |   16 -
 fracdiff-1.5-1/fracdiff/build/partial.rdb           |binary
 fracdiff-1.5-1/fracdiff/tests/Valderio-ex.R         |    4 
 fracdiff-1.5-1/fracdiff/tests/ |   13 -
 fracdiff-1.5-1/fracdiff/tests/ex.R                  |  108 ++++++++-
 fracdiff-1.5-1/fracdiff/tests/          |  225 +++++++++-----------
 10 files changed, 232 insertions(+), 149 deletions(-)

More information about fracdiff at CRAN
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New package GADGET with initial version 0.2.0
Package: GADGET
Title: Gaussian Process Approximations for Designing Experiments
Version: 0.2.0
Authors@R: c(person(given = "Isaac", family = "Michaud", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = ""), person(given = "Brian", family = "Weaver", role = "aut"), person(given = "Brian", family = "Williams", role = "aut"))
Description: Computes near-optimal Bayesian experimental designs with Gaussian processes optimization following the algorithm presented by B. Weaver, et al. (2016) <doi:10.1214/15-BA945> for either physical or sequential computer experiments.
License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
Copyright: see file COPYRIGHTS
LazyData: TRUE
Encoding: UTF-8
RoxygenNote: 7.0.2
Imports: DiceKriging, DiceOptim, lhs, pbapply, utils, graphics, stats
Suggests: testthat, parallel
NeedsCompilation: no
Maintainer: Isaac Michaud <>
Packaged: 2020-01-16 18:50:39 UTC; isaacmichaud
Author: Isaac Michaud [aut, cre], Brian Weaver [aut], Brian Williams [aut]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2020-01-24 17:30:11 UTC

More information about GADGET at CRAN
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New package fdaACF with initial version 0.1.0
Package: fdaACF
Type: Package
Title: Autocorrelation Function for Functional Time Series
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 2020-01-16
Author: Guillermo Mestre Marcos [aut, cre], José Portela González [aut], Antonio Muñoz San Roque [ctb], Estrella Alonso Pérez [ctb]
Maintainer: Guillermo Mestre Marcos <>
Description: Quantify the serial correlation across lags of a given functional time series using an autocorrelation function for functional time series. The autocorrelation function is based on the L2 norm of the lagged covariance operators of the series. Functions are available for estimating the distribution of the autocorrelation function under the assumption of strong functional white noise.
Imports: CompQuadForm, pracma
NeedsCompilation: no
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
Authors@R: c( person(given = "Guillermo", family = "Mestre Marcos", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre")), person(given = "José", family = "Portela González", email = "", role = "aut"), person(given = "Antonio", family = "Muñoz San Roque", email = "", role = "ctb"), person(given = "Estrella", family = "Alonso Pérez", email = "", role = "ctb") )
RoxygenNote: 7.0.1
Suggests: testthat, fields
Packaged: 2020-01-16 11:43:27 UTC; gmestre
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2020-01-24 17:10:06 UTC

More information about fdaACF at CRAN
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New package datanugget with initial version 1.0.0
Package: datanugget
Type: Package
Title: Create, Refine, and Cluster Data Nuggets
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2020-1-16
Authors@R: c( person("Traymon", "Beavers", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre")), person("Javier", "Cabrera", email = "", role = "aut"), person("Mariusz", "Lubomirski", email = "", role = "aut"))
Author: Traymon Beavers [aut, cre], Javier Cabrera [aut], Mariusz Lubomirski [aut]
Maintainer: Traymon Beavers <>
Description: Creating, refining, and clustering data nuggets. Data nuggets reduce a large dataset into a small collection of nuggets of data, each containing a center (location), weight (importance), and scale (variability) parameter. Data nugget centers are created by choosing observations in the dataset which are as equally spaced apart as possible. Data nugget weights are created by counting the number observations closest to a given data nugget’s center. We then say the data nugget 'contains' these observations and the data nugget center is recalculated as the mean of these observations. Data nugget scales are created by calculating the trace of the covariance matrix of the observations contained within a data nugget divided by the dimension of the dataset. Data nuggets are refined by 'splitting' data nuggets which have scales or shapes (defined as the ratio of the two largest eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of the observations contained within the data nugget) deemed too large. Data nuggets are clustered by using a weighted form of k-means clustering which uses both the centers and weights of data nuggets to optimize the clustering assignments.
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0), doSNOW (>= 1.0.16), foreach (>= 1.4.4), parallel (>= 3.5.0)
License: GPL-2
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2020-01-16 20:25:52 UTC; tbeaver2
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2020-01-24 17:30:08 UTC

More information about datanugget at CRAN
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New package Rdta with initial version 1.0.0
Package: Rdta
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2020-1-7
Title: Data Transforming Augmentation for Linear Mixed Models
Author: Hyungsuk Tak, Kisung You, Sujit K. Ghosh, and Bingyue Su
Maintainer: Hyungsuk Tak <>
Depends: R (>= 2.2.0)
Imports: MCMCpack(>= 1.4-4), mvtnorm(>= 1.0-11), Rdpack, stats
Description: We provide a toolbox to fit univariate and multivariate linear mixed models via data transforming augmentation. Users can also fit these models via typical data augmentation for a comparison. It returns either maximum likelihood estimates of unknown model parameters (hyper-parameters) via an EM algorithm or posterior samples of those parameters via a Markov chain Monte Carlo method. Also see Tak, You, Ghosh, Su, and Kelly (2019+) <doi:10.1080/10618600.2019.1704295> <arXiv:1911.02748>.
License: GPL-2
Encoding: UTF-8
RdMacros: Rdpack
RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2020-01-15 20:48:04 UTC; hyungsuktak
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2020-01-24 16:50:03 UTC

More information about Rdta at CRAN
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Package RATest updated to version 0.1.7 with previous version 0.1.6 dated 2019-07-18

Title: Randomization Tests
Description: A collection of randomization tests, data sets and examples. The current version focuses on three testing problems and their implementation in empirical work. First, it facilitates the empirical researcher to test for particular hypotheses, such as comparisons of means, medians, and variances from k populations using robust permutation tests, which asymptotic validity holds under very weak assumptions, while retaining the exact rejection probability in finite samples when the underlying distributions are identical. Second, the description and implementation of a permutation test for testing the continuity assumption of the baseline covariates in the sharp regression discontinuity design (RDD) as in Canay and Kamat (2017) <>. More specifically, it allows the user to select a set of covariates and test the aforementioned hypothesis using a permutation test based on the Cramer-von Miss test statistic. Graphical inspection of the empirical CDF and histograms for the variables of interest is also supported in the package. Third, it provides the practitioner with an effortless implementation of a permutation test based on the martingale decomposition of the empirical process for testing for heterogeneous treatment effects in the presence of an estimated nuisance parameter.
Author: Mauricio Olivares [aut, cre], Ignacio Sarmiento-Barbieri [aut]
Maintainer: Mauricio Olivares <>

Diff between RATest versions 0.1.6 dated 2019-07-18 and 0.1.7 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION                          |   22 +++++----
 MD5                                  |   22 ++++++---
 NAMESPACE                            |    4 +
 R/PT.Khmaladze.MultTest.R            |only
 R/                 |   79 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 R/RPT.R                              |    7 ---
 R/group.action.R                     |    8 +--
 R/randomization.test.R               |only
 R/summary.PT.Khmaladze.MultTest.R    |only
 inst/doc/RDperm.pdf                  |binary
 man/PT.Khmaladze.MultTest.Rd         |only
 man/              |    6 +-
 man/group.action.Rd                  |    8 +--
 man/randomization.test.Rd            |only
 man/summary.PT.Khmaladze.MultTest.Rd |only
 15 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)

More information about RATest at CRAN
Permanent link

New package nlist with initial version 0.1.0
Package: nlist
Title: Lists of Numeric Atomic Objects
Version: 0.1.0
Authors@R: c( person("Joe", "Thorley", , "", c("aut", "cre"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-7683-4592")), person("Poisson Consulting", role = c("cph", "fnd")) )
Description: Create and manipulate numeric list (nlist) objects. An nlist is an S3 list of uniquely named numeric atomic (natomic) objects. An natomic object is an integer or double vector, matrix or array. An nlists object is a S3 class list of nlist objects with the same names, dimensionalities and typeofs. Numeric list objects are of interest because they are the raw data inputs for analytic engines such as 'JAGS', 'STAN' and 'TMB'. Numeric lists objects, which are useful for storing multiple realizations of of simulated data sets, can be converted to coda::mcmc and coda::mcmc.list objects.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Depends: R (>= 3.3)
Imports: stats, chk, term (>= 0.1.0), coda, abind, purrr
Suggests: covr, testthat
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 7.0.2
Language: en-US
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2020-01-15 23:54:32 UTC; joe
Author: Joe Thorley [aut, cre] (<>), Poisson Consulting [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Joe Thorley <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2020-01-24 17:00:02 UTC

More information about nlist at CRAN
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Package jubilee updated to version 0.3.3 with previous version 0.3.1 dated 2019-07-19

Title: Forecasting Long-Term Growth of the U.S. Stock Market and Business Cycles
Description: A long-term forecast model called "Jubilee-Tectonic model" is implemented to forecast future returns of the U.S. stock market, Treasury yield, and gold price. The five-factor model forecasts the 10-year and 20-year future equity returns with high R-squared above 80 percent. It is based on linear growth and mean reversion characteristics in the U.S. stock market. This model also enhances the CAPE model by introducing the hypothesis that there are fault lines in the historical CAPE, which can be calibrated and corrected through statistical learning. In addition, it contains a module for business cycles, optimal interest rate, and recession forecasts.
Author: Stephen H-T. Lihn [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Stephen H-T. Lihn <>

Diff between jubilee versions 0.3.1 dated 2019-07-19 and 0.3.3 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION                                   |   13 -
 MD5                                           |  105 +++++++-------
 NAMESPACE                                     |    4                                       |   10 +
 R/jubilee-adj-fault-line-method.R             |    4 
 R/jubilee-constructor.R                       |   10 +
 R/jubilee-fred-data-method.R                  |   24 ++-
 R/jubilee-macro-cost-method.R                 |    4 
 R/jubilee-macro-predict-method.R              |    4 
 R/jubilee-optimal-tb3ms-method.R              |    4 
 R/jubilee-read-fred-file.R                    |    6 
 R/jubilee-repo-config.R                       |   17 ++
 R/jubilee-repo-constructor.R                  |  192 ++++++++++++++++++++++----
 R/jubilee-std-fault-line-method.R             |    2 
 build/vignette.rds                            |binary
 inst/doc/jubilee-tutorial.ltx                 |   92 +++++++-----
 inst/doc/jubilee-tutorial.pdf                 |binary
 inst/doc/recession-hmm.ltx                    |only
 inst/doc/recession-hmm.pdf                    |only
 inst/extdata/BAA.csv                          |    6 
 inst/extdata/CES0500000035.csv                |    6 
 inst/extdata/CP.csv                           |    2 
 inst/extdata/FEDFUNDS.csv                     |    6 
 inst/extdata/Fig3-1.xls                       |binary
 inst/extdata/GDP.csv                          |    2 
 inst/extdata/GDPC1.csv                        |    2 
 inst/extdata/GOLDAMGBD228NLBM.csv             |    6 
 inst/extdata/GS10.csv                         |only
 inst/extdata/IR3TED01USM156N.csv              |    5 
 inst/extdata/POPTHM.csv                       |    6 
 inst/extdata/RECPROUSM156N.csv                |    6 
 inst/extdata/SP500.csv                        |only
 inst/extdata/TB3MS.csv                        |    6 
 inst/extdata/TCU.csv                          |    7 
 inst/extdata/UNRATE.csv                       |    6 
 inst/extdata/USREC.csv                        |    6 
 inst/extdata/ie_data.xls                      |binary
 man/jubilee.fred_data.Rd                      |    4 
 man/jubilee.read_fred_file.Rd                 |    2 
 man/jubilee.repo.Rd                           |    7 
 vignettes/jubilee-tutorial.ltx                |   92 +++++++-----
 vignettes/recession-hmm.ltx                   |only
 vignettes/z-jubi-tut-20y-smr-GSI-plot-1.pdf   |binary
 vignettes/z-jubi-tut-20y-smr-YS-plot-1.pdf    |binary
 vignettes/z-jubi-tut-20y-smr-raw-plot-1.pdf   |binary
 vignettes/z-jubi-tut-demo-Yt-1.pdf            |binary
 vignettes/z-jubi-tut-forecast-10y-X-1.pdf     |binary
 vignettes/z-jubi-tut-forecast-10y-rtn-1.pdf   |binary
 vignettes/z-jubi-tut-forecast-20y-X-1.pdf     |binary
 vignettes/z-jubi-tut-forecast-20y-Y-1.pdf     |binary
 vignettes/z-jubi-tut-forecast-20y-rtn-1.pdf   |binary
 vignettes/z-jubi-tut-inflation-1.pdf          |binary
 vignettes/z-jubi-tut-unrate-1.pdf             |binary
 vignettes/z-jubi-tut-unrate-yoy-1.pdf         |binary
 vignettes/z-recession-hmm-acc-plot-1.pdf      |only
 vignettes/z-recession-hmm-mixture-plot-1.pdf  |only
 vignettes/z-recession-hmm-mom-plot-1.pdf      |only
 vignettes/z-recession-hmm-rec-prob-plot-1.pdf |only
 58 files changed, 497 insertions(+), 171 deletions(-)

More information about jubilee at CRAN
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Package irtplay updated to version 1.4.0 with previous version 1.3.0 dated 2019-11-18

Title: Online Item Calibration, Scoring, and Evaluation of Model-Data Fit in Item Response Theory (IRT) and Useful Functions Related to IRT Models
Description: Calibrate online item parameters (i.e., pretest and operational items), estimate examinees abilities, and examine the IRT model-data fit on item-level in different ways as well as provide useful functions related to unidimensional item response theory (IRT) models. For the online calibration, Stocking's Method A (Ban, Hanson, Wang, Yi, & Harris (2011) <doi:10.1111/j.1745-3984.2001.tb01123.x>) is provided. More methods of online calibration (e.g., fixed item parameter calibration) will be included in the future updated version. For the ability estimation, several popular scoring methods (e.g., MLE, EAP, and MAP) are implemented. In terms of assessing the IRT model-data fit, one of distinguished features of this package is that it gives not only well-known item fit statistics (e.g., chi-square (X2), likelihood ratio chi-square (G2), infit and oufit statistics, and S-X2 statistic (Ames & Penfield (2015) <doi:10.1111/emip.12067>)) but also graphical displays to look at residuals between between the observed data and model-based predictions (Hambleton, Swaminathan, & Rogers (1991, ISBN:9780803936478)). In addition, there are many useful functions such as computing asymptotic variance-covariance matrices of item parameter estimates (Li & Lissitz (2004) <doi:10.1111/j.1745-3984.2004.tb01109.x>), importing item and/or ability parameters from popular IRT software, generating simulated data, computing the conditional distribution of observed scores using the Lord-Wingersky recursion formula (Lord & Wingersky (1984) <doi:10.1207/s15324818ame1002_1>), computing the loglikelihood of individual items, computing the loglikelihood of abilities, computing item and test information functions, computing item and test characteristic curve functions, and plotting item and test characteristic curves and item and test information functions.
Author: Hwanggyu Lim [aut, cre], Craig S. Wells [ctb]
Maintainer: Hwanggyu Lim <>

Diff between irtplay versions 1.3.0 dated 2019-11-18 and 1.4.0 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION            |   53 -
 MD5                    |   22                |   13 
 R/est_item.R           |   27 
 R/est_score.R          |   24 
 R/irtplay-package.R    |  142 +++-
 R/loglike_score.R      |    2 
 R/shape_df.R           |   91 ++
 R/trace.R              |   52 +              | 1678 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 man/est_item.Rd        |   19 
 man/irtplay-package.Rd |  143 +++-
 12 files changed, 1572 insertions(+), 694 deletions(-)

More information about irtplay at CRAN
Permanent link

Package callr updated to version 3.4.1 with previous version 3.4.0 dated 2019-12-09

Title: Call R from R
Description: It is sometimes useful to perform a computation in a separate R process, without affecting the current R process at all. This packages does exactly that.
Author: Gábor Csárdi [aut, cre, cph] (<>), Winston Chang [aut], RStudio [cph, fnd], Mango Solutions [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Gábor Csárdi <>

Diff between callr versions 3.4.0 dated 2019-12-09 and 3.4.1 dated 2020-01-24

 callr-3.4.0/callr/build                      |only
 callr-3.4.0/callr/inst/_pkgdown.yml          |only
 callr-3.4.0/callr/inst/doc                   |only
 callr-3.4.0/callr/vignettes                  |only
 callr-3.4.1/callr/DESCRIPTION                |   11 ++----
 callr-3.4.1/callr/MD5                        |   47 +++++++++++----------------
 callr-3.4.1/callr/                    |    6 +++
 callr-3.4.1/callr/R/eval-bg.R                |    4 --
 callr-3.4.1/callr/R/eval.R                   |    4 --
 callr-3.4.1/callr/R/presets.R                |    4 --
 callr-3.4.1/callr/R/r-process.R              |    4 --
 callr-3.4.1/callr/R/r-session.R              |    4 --
 callr-3.4.1/callr/R/rcmd-process.R           |    4 --
 callr-3.4.1/callr/R/rcmd.R                   |    4 --
 callr-3.4.1/callr/R/rscript.R                |    4 --
 callr-3.4.1/callr/R/setup.R                  |    8 ++++
 callr-3.4.1/callr/man/r.Rd                   |    5 +-
 callr-3.4.1/callr/man/r_bg.Rd                |    4 +-
 callr-3.4.1/callr/man/r_process.Rd           |    4 +-
 callr-3.4.1/callr/man/r_session.Rd           |    4 +-
 callr-3.4.1/callr/man/r_vanilla.Rd           |    4 +-
 callr-3.4.1/callr/man/rcmd.Rd                |    4 +-
 callr-3.4.1/callr/man/rcmd_process.Rd        |    4 +-
 callr-3.4.1/callr/man/rscript_process.Rd     |    4 +-
 callr-3.4.1/callr/tests/testthat/test-eval.R |   15 ++++++++
 25 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)

More information about callr at CRAN
Permanent link

Package tidyr updated to version 1.0.2 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2019-09-11

Title: Tidy Messy Data
Description: Tools to help to create tidy data, where each column is a variable, each row is an observation, and each cell contains a single value. 'tidyr' contains tools for changing the shape (pivoting) and hierarchy (nesting and 'unnesting') of a dataset, turning deeply nested lists into rectangular data frames ('rectangling'), and extracting values out of string columns. It also includes tools for working with missing values (both implicit and explicit).
Author: Hadley Wickham [aut, cre], Lionel Henry [aut], RStudio [cph]
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <>

Diff between tidyr versions 1.0.0 dated 2019-09-11 and 1.0.2 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION                      |    8 
 MD5                              |   88 ++++-----                          |    6 
 R/data.R                         |    2 
 R/nest-legacy.R                  |    2 
 R/pivot-long.R                   |    2 
 R/spread.R                       |    2 
 R/utils.R                        |    2                        |    2 
 build/tidyr.pdf                  |binary
 inst/doc/in-packages.R           |   40 ++--
 inst/doc/in-packages.html        |   88 ++++-----
 inst/doc/nest.R                  |   18 -
 inst/doc/nest.html               |   56 +++--
 inst/doc/pivot.R                 |   98 +++++-----
 inst/doc/pivot.html              |  374 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 inst/doc/rectangle.R             |   68 +++----
 inst/doc/rectangle.html          |  310 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 inst/doc/tidy-data.R             |   42 ++--
 inst/doc/tidy-data.html          |  149 +++++++--------
 man/complete.Rd                  |    2 
 man/construction.Rd              |    2 
 man/deprecated-se.Rd             |   66 +++++-
 man/drop_na.Rd                   |    4 
 man/expand.Rd                    |    2 
 man/extract.Rd                   |   13 +
 man/gather.Rd                    |   15 +
 man/hoist.Rd                     |   30 ++-
 man/nest.Rd                      |   19 +
 man/nest_legacy.Rd               |    3 
 man/pivot_longer.Rd              |   19 +
 man/pivot_longer_spec.Rd         |   28 ++
 man/pivot_wider.Rd               |   14 +
 man/pivot_wider_spec.Rd          |   19 +
 man/reexports.Rd                 |    4 
 man/relig_income.Rd              |    2 
 man/separate.Rd                  |   13 +
 man/separate_rows.Rd             |    4 
 man/spread.Rd                    |    5 
 man/tidyr-package.Rd             |    2 
 man/unite.Rd                     |    4 
 tests/testthat/test-gather.R     |    3 
 tests/testthat/test-nest.R       |    4 
 tests/testthat/test-pack.R       |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-pivot-wide.R |    6 
 45 files changed, 880 insertions(+), 762 deletions(-)

More information about tidyr at CRAN
Permanent link

Package robcp updated to version 0.2.5 with previous version 0.2.4 dated 2019-06-03

Title: Robust Change-Point Tests
Description: Provides robust methods to detect change-points in uni- or multivariate time series. They can cope with corrupted data and heavy tails. One can detect changes in location, scale and dependence structure of a possibly multivariate time series. Procedures are based on Huberized versions of CUSUM tests proposed in Duerre and Fried (2019) <arXiv:1905.06201>.
Author: Sheila Goerz [aut, cre], Alexander Duerre [ctb]
Maintainer: Sheila Goerz <>

Diff between robcp versions 0.2.4 dated 2019-06-03 and 0.2.5 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION    |    7 -
 MD5            |   10 +-
 NAMESPACE      |    6 -
 R/robcp.R      |   31 ++-----
 R/robcp2.R     |only
 man/kthPair.Rd |only
 src/robcp.c    |  249 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 7 files changed, 273 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

More information about robcp at CRAN
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Package Rmpfr updated to version 0.8-1 with previous version 0.7-2 dated 2019-01-22

Title: R MPFR - Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable
Description: Arithmetic (via S4 classes and methods) for arbitrary precision floating point numbers, including transcendental ("special") functions. To this end, the package interfaces to the 'LGPL' licensed 'MPFR' (Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable) Library which itself is based on the 'GMP' (GNU Multiple Precision) Library.
Author: Martin Maechler [aut, cre] (<>), Richard M. Heiberger [ctb] (formatHex(), *Bin, *Dec)
Maintainer: Martin Maechler <>

Diff between Rmpfr versions 0.7-2 dated 2019-01-22 and 0.8-1 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION                           |   23 ++--
 MD5                                   |   85 ++++++++-------
 NAMESPACE                             |   25 ++--
 R/AllClasses.R                        |    5 
 R/Arith.R                             |    6 -
 R/Math.R                              |    9 -
 R/array.R                             |   27 +++--
 R/as.R                                |   76 ++++++++++----
 R/mpfr.R                              |   63 +++++++----
 R/special-fun.R                       |  114 +++++++++++++++++++--
 R/zzz.R                               |    2 
 TODO                                  |   24 +++-
 build/partial.rdb                     |binary
 build/vignette.rds                    |binary
 configure                             |    3                          |    3 
 inst/NEWS.Rd                          |   93 +++++++++++++++++
 inst/doc/Maechler_useR_2011-abstr.R   |    1 
 inst/doc/Maechler_useR_2011-abstr.pdf |binary
 inst/doc/Rmpfr-pkg.R                  |   40 ++++---
 inst/doc/Rmpfr-pkg.Rnw                |   17 +++
 inst/doc/Rmpfr-pkg.pdf                |binary
 inst/doc/log1mexp-note.R              |    1 
 inst/doc/log1mexp-note.pdf            |binary
 man/distr-etc.Rd                      |   11 +-
 man/formatMpfr.Rd                     |   28 ++++-
 man/hjkMpfr.Rd                        |    1 
 man/igamma.Rd                         |only
 man/mpfr-class.Rd                     |   40 ++++++-
 man/mpfr-utils.Rd                     |  108 ++++++++++++++++++--
 man/str.mpfr.Rd                       |    5 
 man/sumBinomMpfr.Rd                   |    2 
 src/                       |   10 +
 src/Ops.c                             |    1 
 src/Rmpfr_utils.h                     |   22 +++-
 src/Summary.c                         |    1 
 src/convert.c                         |  166 +++++++++++++++++++++----------
 src/init.c                            |    8 +
 src/utils.c                           |  114 +++++++++++++++++----
 tests/arith-ex.R                      |    4 
 tests/create.R                        |   12 +-
 tests/lowlevel.R                      |  182 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 tests/special-fun-ex.R                |   75 +++++++++++++-
 vignettes/Rmpfr-pkg.Rnw               |   17 +++
 44 files changed, 1124 insertions(+), 300 deletions(-)

More information about Rmpfr at CRAN
Permanent link

Package rlang updated to version 0.4.3 with previous version 0.4.2 dated 2019-11-23

Title: Functions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' Features
Description: A toolbox for working with base types, core R features like the condition system, and core 'Tidyverse' features like tidy evaluation.
Author: Lionel Henry [aut, cre], Hadley Wickham [aut], RStudio [cph]
Maintainer: Lionel Henry <>

Diff between rlang versions 0.4.2 dated 2019-11-23 and 0.4.3 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION                                                         |   12 
 MD5                                                                 |  214 +++++-----
 NAMESPACE                                                           |    2                                                             |   74 +++
 R/call.R                                                            |    1 
 R/cnd-abort.R                                                       |   68 +--
 R/cnd-error.R                                                       |   39 -
 R/cnd-handlers.R                                                    |    3 
 R/cnd-message.R                                                     |    2 
 R/cnd-signal.R                                                      |   24 -
 R/deparse.R                                                         |   20 
 R/dots.R                                                            |    2 
 R/env-special.R                                                     |    2 
 R/eval-tidy.R                                                       |   62 +-
 R/formula.R                                                         |    2 
 R/nse-force.R                                                       |   46 +-
 R/rlang.R                                                           |   30 -
 R/trace.R                                                           |   42 +
 R/utils.R                                                           |    8                                                           |    5 
 build/rlang.pdf                                                     |binary
 inst                                                                |only
 man/abort.Rd                                                        |   38 +
 man/as_data_mask.Rd                                                 |    2 
 man/as_label.Rd                                                     |    4 
 man/as_utf8_character.Rd                                            |    2 
 man/call2.Rd                                                        |    2 
 man/call_modify.Rd                                                  |    9 
 man/catch_cnd.Rd                                                    |    2 
 man/chr_unserialise_unicode.Rd                                      |    4 
 man/cnd.Rd                                                          |    3 
 man/dots_definitions.Rd                                             |    7 
 man/dots_values.Rd                                                  |   16 
 man/duplicate.Rd                                                    |    2 
 man/dyn-dots.Rd                                                     |    4 
 man/env.Rd                                                          |    2 
 man/env_bind.Rd                                                     |    6 
 man/env_names.Rd                                                    |    2 
 man/env_poke.Rd                                                     |    7 
 man/env_print.Rd                                                    |    2 
 man/eval_tidy.Rd                                                    |    8 
 man/exec.Rd                                                         |    2 
 man/expr_label.Rd                                                   |    2 
 man/expr_print.Rd                                                   |    2 
 man/f_text.Rd                                                       |    2 
 man/fn_body.Rd                                                      |    4 
 man/invoke.Rd                                                       |    3 
 man/is_call.Rd                                                      |    1 
 man/is_copyable.Rd                                                  |    2 
 man/lifecycle.Rd                                                    |    4 
 man/list2.Rd                                                        |   16 
 man/nse-defuse.Rd                                                   |   65 ++-
 man/nse-force.Rd                                                    |   55 +-
 man/op-definition.Rd                                                |    6 
 man/overscope_eval_next.Rd                                          |    2 
 man/parse_expr.Rd                                                   |    6 
 man/quo_squash.Rd                                                   |    2 
 man/return_from.Rd                                                  |    2 
 man/rst_abort.Rd                                                    |   12 
 man/scoped_interactive.Rd                                           |    6 
 man/search_envs.Rd                                                  |    2 
 man/splice.Rd                                                       |   24 -
 man/stack.Rd                                                        |    4 
 man/string.Rd                                                       |    2 
 man/tidyeval-data.Rd                                                |   44 +-
 man/vector-construction.Rd                                          |    2 
 man/vector-old-ctors.Rd                                             |    2 
 man/with_handlers.Rd                                                |   10 
 man/with_restarts.Rd                                                |    6 
 src/export/init.c                                                   |   12 
 src/internal/dots.c                                                 |   54 ++
 src/internal/env-binding.c                                          |    2 
 src/internal/internal.c                                             |    6 
 src/internal/internal.h                                             |    2 
 src/internal/utils.c                                                |    6 
 src/internal/utils.h                                                |    2 
 src/lib/cnd.c                                                       |    2 
 src/lib/squash.c                                                    |    4 
 tests/testthat.R                                                    |    3 
 tests/testthat/fixtures/error-backtrace-conditionMessage.R          |    5 
 tests/testthat/fixtures/error-backtrace-empty.R                     |only
 tests/testthat/fixtures/error-backtrace-parent.R                    |    5 
 tests/testthat/fixtures/error-backtrace-rethrown.R                  |only
 tests/testthat/fixtures/error-backtrace.R                           |    5 
 tests/testthat/helper-rlang.R                                       |   13 
 tests/testthat/helper-trace.R                                       |    1 
 tests/testthat/test-c-api.R                                         |    1 
 tests/testthat/test-cnd-abort.R                                     |   48 ++
 tests/testthat/test-cnd-error-conditionMessage.txt                  |   10 
 tests/testthat/test-cnd-error-empty.txt                             |only
 tests/testthat/test-cnd-error-parent-default.txt                    |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-cnd-error-parent.txt                            |   19 
 tests/testthat/test-cnd-error.R                                     |    3 
 tests/testthat/test-cnd-error.txt                                   |   60 +-
 tests/testthat/test-cnd-signal.R                                    |   19 
 tests/testthat/test-deparse.R                                       |   28 -
 tests/testthat/test-env-binding.R                                   |   15 
 tests/testthat/test-nse-force.R                                     |   19 
 tests/testthat/test-trace-collapse-magrittr-before-after1.txt       |    3 
 tests/testthat/test-trace-collapse-magrittr-before-after2.txt       |    5 
 tests/testthat/test-trace-collapse-magrittr-before-after3.txt       |    5 
 tests/testthat/test-trace-collapse-magrittr-children.txt            |    8 
 tests/testthat/test-trace-collapse-magrittr-complete-leading2.txt   |    4 
 tests/testthat/test-trace-collapse-magrittr-complete1.txt           |    1 
 tests/testthat/test-trace-collapse-magrittr-incomplete-leading2.txt |    4 
 tests/testthat/test-trace-collapse-magrittr.txt                     |    4 
 tests/testthat/test-trace-collapse-magrittr2.txt                    |    4 
 tests/testthat/test-trace.R                                         |    7 
 tests/testthat/test-utils.R                                         |    7 
 tests/testthat/test-vec-squash.R                                    |    5 
 110 files changed, 979 insertions(+), 494 deletions(-)

More information about rlang at CRAN
Permanent link

Package joineRmeta updated to version 0.1.2 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2018-03-09

Title: Joint Modelling for Meta-Analytic (Multi-Study) Data
Description: Fits joint models of the type proposed by Henderson and colleagues (2000) <doi:10.1093/biostatistics/1.4.465>, but extends to the multi-study, meta-analytic case. Functions for meta-analysis of a single longitudinal and a single time-to-event outcome from multiple studies using joint models. Options to produce plots for multi study joint data, to pool joint model fits from 'JM' and 'joineR' packages in a two stage meta-analysis, and to model multi-study joint data in a one stage meta-analysis.
Author: Maria Sudell [cre, aut] (<>), Ruwanthi Kolamunnage-Dona [aut] (<>), Catrin Tudur Smith [aut]
Maintainer: Maria Sudell <>

Diff between joineRmeta versions 0.1.1 dated 2018-03-09 and 0.1.2 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION                 |   10 
 MD5                         |  116 +--
 NAMESPACE                   |    4 
 R/data.R                    |  153 ++--
 R/jointmeta2.R              | 1290 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 R/jointmetaSE.R             | 1426 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 build/vignette.rds          |binary
 data/JMfits.rda             |binary
 data/JMfits2.rda            |binary
 data/joineRfits.rda         |binary
 data/joineRfits2.rda        |binary
 data/onestage0.rda          |binary
 data/onestage1.rda          |binary
 data/onestage2.rda          |binary
 data/onestage3.rda          |binary
 data/onestage4.rda          |binary
 inst/doc/joineRmeta.R       |   21 
 inst/doc/joineRmeta.Rmd     |   21 
 inst/doc/joineRmeta.html    | 1181 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 man/EMalgRandprop.Rd        |  343 +++++-----
 man/JMfits.Rd               |  139 ++--
 man/JMfits2.Rd              |  155 ++--
 man/confint.jointmeta1SE.Rd |  136 ++--
 man/fixef.jointmeta1.Rd     |  105 +--
 man/formula.jointmeta1.Rd   |  139 ++--
 man/jlike.Rd                |  341 +++++-----
 man/joineRfits.Rd           |  176 ++---
 man/joineRfits2.Rd          |  175 ++---
 man/jointmeta1.Rd           |  426 ++++++-------
 man/jointmeta1.object.Rd    |  442 ++++++-------
 man/jointmeta1SE.object.Rd  |   74 +-
 man/jointmeta2.Rd           |  317 +++------
 man/jointmetaSE.Rd          |  214 +++---
 man/jointmetaplot.Rd        |  213 +++---
 man/jointmetaplotall.Rd     |  157 ++--
 man/longst.Rd               |  206 +++---
 man/onestage0.Rd            |  168 ++---
 man/onestage1.Rd            |  184 ++---
 man/onestage2.Rd            |  178 ++---
 man/onestage3.Rd            |  178 ++---
 man/onestage4.Rd            |  178 ++---
 man/print.jointmeta1.Rd     |   90 +-
 man/print.jointmeta1SE.Rd   |  126 +--
 man/rancov.Rd               |  122 +--
 man/ranef.jointmeta1.Rd     |  136 ++--
 man/removeafter.Rd          |  152 ++--
 man/sep.Rd                  |  220 +++---
 man/simdat.Rd               |  118 +--
 man/simdat1randlevel.Rd     |  295 ++++-----
 man/simdat2.Rd              |  100 +--
 man/simdat2randlevels.Rd    |  340 +++++-----
 man/simdat3.Rd              |  110 +--
 man/simjointmeta.Rd         |  509 ++++++++-------
 man/sortDat.Rd              |   62 -
 man/summary.jointmeta1.Rd   |  102 +--
 man/survst.Rd               |  154 ++--
 man/tojointdata.Rd          |  342 +++++-----
 man/vcov.jointmeta1SE.Rd    |  114 +--
 vignettes/joineRmeta.Rmd    |   21 
 59 files changed, 6248 insertions(+), 5731 deletions(-)

More information about joineRmeta at CRAN
Permanent link

Package gWQSRS updated to version 1.1.0 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2019-08-30

Title: Generalized Weighted Quantile Sum Regression Random Subset
Description: Fits Weighted Quantile Sum Random Subset (WQSRS) regressions for continuous, binomial, multinomial and count outcomes. Paul Curtin, Joshua Kellogg, Nadja Cech, Chris Gennings (2019) <doi:10.1080/03610918.2019.1577971>.
Author: Stefano Renzetti, Paul Curtin, Chris Gennings
Maintainer: Stefano Renzetti <>

Diff between gWQSRS versions 1.0.0 dated 2019-08-30 and 1.1.0 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION        |   10 +++++-----
 MD5                |   10 +++++-----
 NAMESPACE          |    1 +
 R/gwqsrs.R         |    5 ++++-
 R/gwqsrs_helpers.R |   46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 man/gwqsrs.Rd      |   30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 6 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

More information about gWQSRS at CRAN
Permanent link

Package gmp updated to version 0.5-13.6 with previous version 0.5-13.5 dated 2019-03-11

Title: Multiple Precision Arithmetic
Description: Multiple Precision Arithmetic (big integers and rationals, prime number tests, matrix computation), "arithmetic without limitations" using the C library GMP (GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic).
Author: Antoine Lucas, Immanuel Scholz, Rainer Boehme <>, Sylvain Jasson <>, Martin Maechler <>
Maintainer: Antoine Lucas <>

Diff between gmp versions 0.5-13.5 dated 2019-03-11 and 0.5-13.6 dated 2020-01-24

 gmp-0.5-13.5/gmp/             |only
 gmp-0.5-13.6/gmp/DESCRIPTION              |    8 
 gmp-0.5-13.6/gmp/MD5                      |   34 
 gmp-0.5-13.6/gmp/cleanup                  |    5 
 gmp-0.5-13.6/gmp/configure                | 3982 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 gmp-0.5-13.6/gmp/             |only
 gmp-0.5-13.6/gmp/man/Oakley.Rd            |    4 
 gmp-0.5-13.6/gmp/src/          |    4 
 gmp-0.5-13.6/gmp/src/         |    2 
 gmp-0.5-13.6/gmp/src/       |    2 
 gmp-0.5-13.6/gmp/src/      |   29 
 gmp-0.5-13.6/gmp/src/bigrationalR.h       |    2 
 gmp-0.5-13.6/gmp/src/            |    4 
 gmp-0.5-13.6/gmp/src/bigvec.h             |    6 
 gmp-0.5-13.6/gmp/src/bigvec_q.h           |    6 
 gmp-0.5-13.6/gmp/src/solve.h              |    2 
 gmp-0.5-13.6/gmp/src/templateMatrix.h     |   74 
 gmp-0.5-13.6/gmp/tests/gmp-test.R         |    2 
 gmp-0.5-13.6/gmp/tests/ |   31 
 19 files changed, 3569 insertions(+), 628 deletions(-)

More information about gmp at CRAN
Permanent link

Package cobs updated to version 1.3-4 with previous version 1.3-3 dated 2020-01-16

Title: Constrained B-Splines (Sparse Matrix Based)
Description: Qualitatively Constrained (Regression) Smoothing Splines via Linear Programming and Sparse Matrices.
Author: Pin T. Ng <> and Martin Maechler
Maintainer: Martin Maechler <>

Diff between cobs versions 1.3-3 dated 2020-01-16 and 1.3-4 dated 2020-01-24

 cobs-1.3-3/cobs/tests/ex1.Rout-N-save        |only
 cobs-1.3-3/cobs/tests/ex1Old.Rout-N-save     |only
 cobs-1.3-3/cobs/tests/ex2-long.Rout-N-save   |only
 cobs-1.3-3/cobs/tests/roof.Rout-N-save       |only
 cobs-1.3-3/cobs/tests/temp.Rout-N-save       |only
 cobs-1.3-3/cobs/tests/wind.Rout-N-save       |only
 cobs-1.3-4/cobs/DESCRIPTION                  |   11 +++---
 cobs-1.3-4/cobs/MD5                          |   27 ++++++---------
 cobs-1.3-4/cobs/R/drqssbc.R                  |    3 +
 cobs-1.3-4/cobs/R/qbsks.R                    |    9 ++---
 cobs-1.3-4/cobs/R/scobs.R                    |    8 ++--
 cobs-1.3-4/cobs/TODO                         |    3 -
 cobs-1.3-4/cobs/build                        |only
 cobs-1.3-4/cobs/man/DublinWind.Rd            |    9 ++---
 cobs-1.3-4/cobs/src/SR.c                     |    2 +
 cobs-1.3-4/cobs/tests/0_pt-ex.R              |   16 ++++++---
 cobs-1.3-4/cobs/tests/multi-constr.R         |   30 +++++-----------
 cobs-1.3-4/cobs/tests/ |   48 ++++++++-------------------
 18 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)

More information about cobs at CRAN
Permanent link

Package GLMMadaptive updated to version 0.6-8 with previous version 0.6-5 dated 2019-09-26

Title: Generalized Linear Mixed Models using Adaptive Gaussian Quadrature
Description: Fits generalized linear mixed models for a single grouping factor under maximum likelihood approximating the integrals over the random effects with an adaptive Gaussian quadrature rule; Jose C. Pinheiro and Douglas M. Bates (1995) <doi:10.1080/10618600.1995.10474663>.
Author: Dimitris Rizopoulos [aut, cre] (<>)
Maintainer: Dimitris Rizopoulos <>

Diff between GLMMadaptive versions 0.6-5 dated 2019-09-26 and 0.6-8 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION                       |    8 ++---
 MD5                               |   30 ++++++++++----------
 NAMESPACE                         |    6 ++--
 R/Fit_Funs.R                      |   26 -----------------
 R/methods.R                       |   56 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 R/mixed_model.R                   |    3 +-
 build/vignette.rds                |binary
 inst/doc/Custom_Models.R          |   26 ++++++++---------
 inst/doc/Custom_Models.html       |   19 +++++-------
 inst/doc/GLMMadaptive_basics.R    |   34 +++++++++++------------
 inst/doc/GLMMadaptive_basics.html |   15 ++++------
 inst/doc/Methods_MixMod.R         |   56 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 inst/doc/Methods_MixMod.html      |   15 ++++------
 man/GLMMadaptive.Rd               |    4 +-
 man/methods.Rd                    |    9 +++++-
 man/mixed_model.Rd                |    1 
 16 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 145 deletions(-)

More information about GLMMadaptive at CRAN
Permanent link

Package gwsem (with last version 0.1.10) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2020-01-23 0.1.10

Permanent link
Package riceidconverter updated to version 1.0.6 with previous version 1.0.5 dated 2020-01-09

Title: Convert Biological ID from RAP or MSU to SYMBOL for Oryza Sativa
Description: Convert one biological ID to another of rice (Oryza sativa). Rice(Oryza sativa) has more than one form gene ID for the genome. The two main gene ID for rice genome are the RAP (The Rice Annotation Project, <>, and the MSU(The Rice Genome Annotation Project, <>. All RAP rice gene IDs are of the form Os##g####### as explained on the website <>. All MSU rice gene IDs are of the form LOC_Os##g##### as explained on the website <>. All SYMBOL rice gene IDs are the unique name on the NCBI(National Center for Biotechnology Information, <>. The TRANSCRIPTID, is the transcript id of rice, are of the form Os##t#######. The researchers usually need to converter between various IDs. Such as converter RAP to SYMBOLS for function searching on NCBI. There are a lot of websites with the function for converting RAP to MSU or MSU to RA, such as 'ID Converter' <>. But it is difficult to convert super multiple IDs on these websites. The package can convert all IDs between the three IDs (RAP, MSU and SYMBOL) regardless of the number.
Author: Xiang LI
Maintainer: Xiang LI <>

Diff between riceidconverter versions 1.0.5 dated 2020-01-09 and 1.0.6 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION       |    6 +++---
 MD5               |    4 ++--
 R/RiceIDConvert.R |    6 +++---
 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

More information about riceidconverter at CRAN
Permanent link

Package cleaner updated to version 1.3.0 with previous version 1.2.0 dated 2019-11-05

Title: Fast and Easy Data Cleaning
Description: Data cleaning functions for classes logical, factor, numeric, character, currency and Date to make data cleaning fast and easy. Relying on very few dependencies, it provides smart guessing, but with user options to override anything if needed.
Author: Matthijs S. Berends [aut, cre] (<>)
Maintainer: Matthijs S. Berends <>

Diff between cleaner versions 1.2.0 dated 2019-11-05 and 1.3.0 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION                      |   10 +++----
 MD5                              |   40 ++++++++++++++---------------
 NAMESPACE                        |    4 ++                          |    7 +++++
 R/clean.R                        |   23 ++++++++++++----
 R/currency.R                     |    2 -
 R/data.R                         |    2 -
 R/format_datetime.R              |   10 +++++--
 R/freq.R                         |   12 ++++----
 R/helpers.R                      |    2 -
 R/percentage.R                   |   12 +++++++-
 R/regex_true_false.R             |    2 -
 man/clean.Rd                     |   53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 man/currency.Rd                  |   20 +++++++++-----
 man/format_datetime.Rd           |    7 +++--
 man/freq.Rd                      |   39 ++++++++++++++++++++--------
 tests/testthat.R                 |    2 -
 tests/testthat/test-clean.R      |    9 +++++-
 tests/testthat/test-currency.R   |    2 -
 tests/testthat/test-freq.R       |    2 -
 tests/testthat/test-percentage.R |    2 -
 21 files changed, 176 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)

More information about cleaner at CRAN
Permanent link

Package attrCUSUM (with last version 0.1.0) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2016-12-28 0.1.0

Permanent link
Package microclass (with last version 1.1) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2017-01-17 1.1
2016-09-08 1.0.1
2016-08-15 1.0

Permanent link
Package bayesDP (with last version 1.3.2) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2018-07-10 1.3.2
2018-04-11 1.3.1
2017-12-07 1.3.0
2017-08-17 1.2.2
2017-08-01 1.2.1
2017-07-10 1.2.0
2017-05-14 1.1.1
2017-05-03 1.1.0
2017-04-14 1.0.2
2017-04-01 1.0.1
2017-03-22 1.0.0

Permanent link
Package bayesCT (with last version 0.99.1) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2019-03-13 0.99.1
2019-01-30 0.99.0

Permanent link
Package HURDAT (with last version 0.2.3) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2019-07-14 0.2.3
2019-07-13 0.2.2
2019-06-16 0.2.1
2018-05-19 0.2.0
2017-05-15 0.1.0

Permanent link
Package bookdownplus (with last version 1.5.7) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2019-05-02 1.5.7
2019-03-03 1.5.6
2019-01-25 1.5.5
2018-12-16 1.5.4
2018-10-16 1.5.2
2018-10-08 1.5.1
2018-09-10 1.4.6
2017-10-10 1.3.2
2017-07-19 1.3.0
2017-06-21 1.0.2

Permanent link
Package microcontax (with last version 1.0) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2016-07-29 1.0

Permanent link
Package GSODR updated to version 2.0.1 with previous version 2.0.0 dated 2019-09-04

Title: Global Surface Summary of the Day ('GSOD') Weather Data Client
Description: Provides automated downloading, parsing, cleaning, unit conversion and formatting of Global Surface Summary of the Day ('GSOD') weather data from the from the USA National Centers for Environmental Information ('NCEI'). Units are converted from from United States Customary System ('USCS') units to International System of Units ('SI'). Stations may be individually checked for number of missing days defined by the user, where stations with too many missing observations are omitted. Only stations with valid reported latitude and longitude values are permitted in the final data. Additional useful elements, saturation vapour pressure ('es'), actual vapour pressure ('ea') and relative humidity are calculated from the original data and included in the final data set. The resulting metadata include station identification information, country, state, latitude, longitude, elevation, weather observations and associated flags. For information on the 'GSOD' data from 'NCEI', please see the 'GSOD' 'readme.txt' file available from, <>.
Author: Adam Sparks [aut, cre] (<>), Tomislav Hengl [aut] (<>), Andrew Nelson [aut] (<>), Hugh Parsonage [cph, ctb] (<>), Taras Kaduk [ctb] (Suggestion for handling bulk station downloads more efficiently), Gwenael Giboire [ctb] (Several bug reports in early versions and testing feedback), Łukasz Pawlik [ctb] (Reported bug in windspeed conversion calculation), Ross Darnell [ctb] (Reported bug in 'Windows OS' versions causing 'GSOD' data untarring to fail)
Maintainer: Adam Sparks <>

Diff between GSODR versions 2.0.0 dated 2019-09-04 and 2.0.1 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION                                         |   28 
 MD5                                                 |   58                                             |  415 +--
 R/GSODR-package.R                                   |    2 
 R/get_GSOD.R                                        |    2 
 R/get_inventory.R                                   |   22 
 R/internal_functions.R                              |   27 
 R/process_csv.R                                     |    2 
 R/update_station_list.R                             |    3                                           |   10 
 build/vignette.rds                                  |binary
 inst/doc/GSODR.Rmd                                  |  731 ++---
 inst/doc/GSODR.html                                 | 2570 ++++++++++++++++----
 inst/doc/Spatial.Rmd                                |   15 
 inst/doc/Spatial.html                               |   55 
 inst/doc/Working_with_spatial_and_climate_data.Rmd  |  179 -
 inst/doc/Working_with_spatial_and_climate_data.html |  817 +++++-
 inst/extdata/isd_history.rda                        |binary
 man/GSODR.Rd                                        |    3 
 man/get_GSOD.Rd                                     |   11 
 man/get_inventory.Rd                                |    3 
 man/print.GSODR.Info.Rd                             |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-get_inventory.R                 |   23 
 vignettes/Ex5-1.png                                 |binary
 vignettes/GSODR.Rmd                                 |  731 ++---
 vignettes/GSODR.Rmd.orig                            |   19 
 vignettes/Spatial.Rmd                               |   15 
 vignettes/Working_with_spatial_and_climate_data.Rmd |  179 -
 vignettes/comparison-1.png                          |binary
 vignettes/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png                     |binary
 30 files changed, 4117 insertions(+), 1805 deletions(-)

More information about GSODR at CRAN
Permanent link

Package charlatan updated to version 0.4.0 with previous version 0.3.0 dated 2018-10-18

Title: Make Fake Data
Description: Make fake data, supporting addresses, person names, dates, times, colors, coordinates, currencies, digital object identifiers ('DOIs'), jobs, phone numbers, 'DNA' sequences, doubles and integers from distributions and within a range.
Author: Scott Chamberlain [aut, cre] (<>), Kyle Voytovich [aut], Martin Pedersen [ctb], Brooke Anderson [rev] (Brooke Anderson reviewed the package for rOpenSci, see, Tristan Mahr [rev] (Tristan Mahr reviewed the package for rOpenSci, see, rOpenSci [fnd] (
Maintainer: Scott Chamberlain <>

Diff between charlatan versions 0.3.0 dated 2018-10-18 and 0.4.0 dated 2020-01-24

 charlatan-0.3.0/charlatan/inst/doc/charlatan_vignette.R           |only
 charlatan-0.3.0/charlatan/inst/doc/charlatan_vignette.Rmd         |only
 charlatan-0.3.0/charlatan/inst/doc/charlatan_vignette.html        |only
 charlatan-0.3.0/charlatan/vignettes/charlatan_vignette.Rmd        |only
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/DESCRIPTION                             |   83 -
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/LICENSE                                 |    2 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/MD5                                     |  196 ++--
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/NAMESPACE                               |   13 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/                                 |   19 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/address-provider-en_NZ.R              |only
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/address-provider.R                    |   87 +
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/available_locales.R                   |    8 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/base-provider.R                       |   65 -
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/charlatan-package.R                   |    3 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/color-provider.R                      |   44 -
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/color.R                               |   10 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/company-provider.R                    |   54 -
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/company.R                             |    5 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/coordinate-provider.R                 |   24 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/coordinates.R                         |    1 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/credit_card-provider.R                |   30 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/credit_card.R                         |    1 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/currency-provider.R                   |   14 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/currency.R                            |    1 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/date_time.R                           |    1 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/datetime-provider.R                   |  382 +-------
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/doi-provider.R                        |    9 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/doi.R                                 |    1 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/element-provider.R                    |   15 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/elements.R                            |    1 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/file-provider.R                       |   60 -
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/fraudster.R                           |   70 +
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/generate.R                            |    2 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/internet-provider-en_NZ.R             |only
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/internet-provider.R                   |  144 +--
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/job.R                                 |    6 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/jobs-provider.R                       |   37 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/lorem-provider.R                      |  124 +-
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/misc-provider.R                       |  131 --
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/missing-data-provider.R               |   22 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/missing.R                             |    1 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/name.R                                |    4 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/numerics-provider.R                   |   54 -
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/person-provider-en_NZ.R               |only
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/person-provider.R                     |  108 +-
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/phone-number-provider-all.R           |  227 +++++
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/phone_number.R                        |    4 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/phonenumbers-provider.R               |   64 -
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/sequence-provider.R                   |   19 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/sequences.R                           |    1 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/taxonomy-provider.R                   |   24 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/taxonomy.R                            |    1 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/useragent-provider.R                  |   60 -
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/R/zzz.R                                 |    2 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/                               |  144 +--
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/build/vignette.rds                      |binary
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/data/available_locales_df.rda           |binary
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/inst/doc/charlatan.R                    |only
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/inst/doc/charlatan.Rmd                  |only
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/inst/doc/charlatan.html                 |only
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/inst/doc/contributing.R                 |only
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/inst/doc/contributing.Rmd               |only
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/inst/doc/contributing.html              |only
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/inst/examples                           |only
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/AddressProvider.Rd                  |  260 +++++
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/BaseProvider.Rd                     |  270 +++++-
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/ColorProvider.Rd                    |  171 +++
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/CompanyProvider.Rd                  |  179 +++-
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/CoordinateProvider.Rd               |   76 +
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/CreditCardProvider.Rd               |  152 +++
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/CurrencyProvider.Rd                 |   74 +
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/DOIProvider.Rd                      |   71 +
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/DateTimeProvider.Rd                 |  224 ++++-
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/ElementProvider.Rd                  |   74 +
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/FileProvider.Rd                     |  188 +++-
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/FraudsterClient.Rd                  |only
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/InternetProvider.Rd                 |  437 +++++++++-
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/JobProvider.Rd                      |  114 ++
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/LoremProvider.Rd                    |  355 ++++++--
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/MiscProvider.Rd                     |  113 ++
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/MissingDataProvider.Rd              |   80 +
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/NumericsProvider.Rd                 |  218 +++-
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/PersonProvider.Rd                   |  268 +++++-
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/PhoneNumberProvider.Rd              |  121 ++
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/SequenceProvider.Rd                 |   62 +
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/TaxonomyProvider.Rd                 |  108 ++
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/UserAgentProvider.Rd                |  250 +++++
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/ch_color.Rd                         |   13 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/ch_company.Rd                       |    7 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/ch_credit.Rd                        |    3 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/ch_currency.Rd                      |    3 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/ch_doi.Rd                           |    3 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/ch_gene_sequence.Rd                 |    3 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/ch_job.Rd                           |    8 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/ch_missing.Rd                       |    3 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/ch_name.Rd                          |    6 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/ch_phone_number.Rd                  |    6 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/charlatan-package.Rd                |    2 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/coordinates.Rd                      |    5 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/date_time.Rd                        |    3 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/elements.Rd                         |    3 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/man/taxonomy.Rd                         |    3 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/tests/testthat/test-charlatan_locales.R |   20 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/tests/testthat/test-internet.R          |    4 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/tests/testthat/test-person.R            |    2 
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/tests/testthat/test-phonenumber.R       |only
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/vignettes/charlatan.Rmd                 |only
 charlatan-0.4.0/charlatan/vignettes/contributing.Rmd              |only
 108 files changed, 4614 insertions(+), 1726 deletions(-)

More information about charlatan at CRAN
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Package rtsdata updated to version 0.1.2 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2018-10-26

Title: R Time Series Intelligent Data Storage
Description: A tool that allows to download and save historical time series data for future use offline. The intelligent updating functionality will only download the new available information; thus, saving you time and Internet bandwidth. It will only re-download the full data-set if any inconsistencies are detected. This package supports following data provides: 'Yahoo' (<>), 'FRED' (<>), 'Quandl' (<>), 'AlphaVantage' (<>), 'Tiingo' (<>).
Author: RTSVizTeam [aut, cph], Irina Kapler [cre]
Maintainer: Irina Kapler <>

Diff between rtsdata versions 0.1.1 dated 2018-10-26 and 0.1.2 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION                     |   10 
 LICENSE                         |    2 
 MD5                             |   48 +--
 NAMESPACE                       |    2                         |   11 
 R/ds.r                          |  513 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 R/functionality.r               |   19 -
 R/storage.r                     |  635 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 R/utils.r                       |    2                       |   21 +
 man/DataSource.Rd               |  123 +++----
 man/DataSources.Rd              |   80 ++---
 man/DefaultStorageOptions.Rd    |   68 ++--
 man/Functionality.Rd            |   56 +--
 man/ds.get.url.Rd               |   59 +--
 man/ds.load.csv.Rd              |   50 +--
 man/      |   60 +--
 man/      |   69 ++--
 man/ |   59 +--
 man/ |   56 +--
 man/   |   46 +-
 man/    |   61 ++-
 man/   |   46 +-
 man/getSymbols.Rd               |  160 +++++-----
 man/rtsdata.Rd                  |  149 ++++-----
 25 files changed, 1238 insertions(+), 1167 deletions(-)

More information about rtsdata at CRAN
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Package reactR updated to version 0.4.2 with previous version 0.4.1 dated 2019-07-07

Title: React Helpers
Description: Make it easy to use 'React' in R with 'htmlwidget' scaffolds, helper dependency functions, an embedded 'Babel' 'transpiler', and examples.
Author: Facebook Inc [aut, cph] (React library in lib,; see AUTHORS for full list of contributors), Michel Weststrate [aut, cph] (mobx library in lib,, Kent Russell [aut, cre] (R interface), Alan Dipert [aut] (R interface)
Maintainer: Kent Russell <>

Diff between reactR versions 0.4.1 dated 2019-07-07 and 0.4.2 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION                       |   10 
 MD5                               |   48 +--
 NAMESPACE                         |    2                           |    6 
 R/meta.R                          |    2                         |    7 
 build/vignette.rds                |binary
 inst/doc/intro_htmlwidgets.html   |    4 
 inst/doc/intro_inputs.html        |    4 
 inst/doc/intro_reactR.html        |  531 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 inst/www/core-js/package.json     |  151 +++++-----
 inst/www/core-js/shim.min.js      |   18 -
 inst/www/react/react-dom.min.js   |  442 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 inst/www/react/react.min.js       |   51 +--
 man/React.Rd                      |   66 ++--
 man/babel_transform.Rd            |   46 +--
 man/component.Rd                  |   62 ++--
 man/createReactShinyInput.Rd      |  104 +++----
 man/html_dependency_corejs.Rd     |   26 -
 man/html_dependency_mobx.Rd       |  144 +++++-----
 man/html_dependency_react.Rd      |   84 +++---
 man/html_dependency_reacttools.Rd |   26 -
 man/reactMarkup.Rd                |   42 +--
 man/scaffoldReactShinyInput.Rd    |   54 +--
 man/scaffoldReactWidget.Rd        |   54 +--
 25 files changed, 1024 insertions(+), 960 deletions(-)

More information about reactR at CRAN
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Package prettyunits updated to version 1.1.1 with previous version 1.1.0 dated 2020-01-09

Title: Pretty, Human Readable Formatting of Quantities
Description: Pretty, human readable formatting of quantities. Time intervals: '1337000' -> '15d 11h 23m 20s'. Vague time intervals: '2674000' -> 'about a month ago'. Bytes: '1337' -> '1.34 kB'.
Author: Gabor Csardi
Maintainer: Gabor Csardi <>

Diff between prettyunits versions 1.1.0 dated 2020-01-09 and 1.1.1 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION                 |   12 ++++++------
 MD5                         |   10 +++++-----                     |    5 +++++
 R/sizes.R                   |   10 ++++++----                   |    4 ++--
 tests/testthat/test-bytes.r |   20 ++++++++++++++++++--
 6 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

More information about prettyunits at CRAN
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Package nipals updated to version 0.7 with previous version 0.5 dated 2018-10-24

Title: Principal Components Analysis using NIPALS or Weighted EMPCA, with Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization
Description: Principal Components Analysis of a matrix using Non-linear Iterative Partial Least Squares or weighted Expectation Maximization PCA with Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization of the scores and loadings. Optimized for speed. See Andrecut (2009) <doi:10.1089/cmb.2008.0221>.
Author: Kevin Wright [aut, cre] (<>)
Maintainer: Kevin Wright <>

Diff between nipals versions 0.5 dated 2018-10-24 and 0.7 dated 2020-01-24

 nipals-0.5/nipals/inst/doc/nipals_algorithm.pdf       |only
 nipals-0.5/nipals/inst/doc/nipals_comparisons.pdf     |only
 nipals-0.5/nipals/inst/doc/nipals_optimization.pdf    |only
 nipals-0.5/nipals/tests/testthat/test-misc.R          |only
 nipals-0.7/nipals/DESCRIPTION                         |   18 -
 nipals-0.7/nipals/MD5                                 |   56 +++--
 nipals-0.7/nipals/NAMESPACE                           |    5 
 nipals-0.7/nipals/                             |   33 ++-
 nipals-0.7/nipals/R/empca.R                           |only
 nipals-0.7/nipals/R/nipals.R                          |   89 ++++----
 nipals-0.7/nipals/build/vignette.rds                  |binary
 nipals-0.7/nipals/inst/doc/empca_notes.R              |only
 nipals-0.7/nipals/inst/doc/empca_notes.Rmd            |only
 nipals-0.7/nipals/inst/doc/empca_notes.html           |only
 nipals-0.7/nipals/inst/doc/nipals_algorithm.Rmd       |   14 -
 nipals-0.7/nipals/inst/doc/nipals_algorithm.html      |only
 nipals-0.7/nipals/inst/doc/nipals_comparisons.R       |   51 ++--
 nipals-0.7/nipals/inst/doc/nipals_comparisons.Rmd     |   69 ++++--
 nipals-0.7/nipals/inst/doc/nipals_comparisons.html    |only
 nipals-0.7/nipals/inst/doc/nipals_optimization.R      |   36 +--
 nipals-0.7/nipals/inst/doc/nipals_optimization.Rmd    |   26 +-
 nipals-0.7/nipals/inst/doc/nipals_optimization.html   |only
 nipals-0.7/nipals/man/empca.Rd                        |only
 nipals-0.7/nipals/man/figures                         |only
 nipals-0.7/nipals/man/nipals.Rd                       |  196 ++++++++++--------
 nipals-0.7/nipals/man/uscrime.Rd                      |  114 +++++-----
 nipals-0.7/nipals/tests/testthat/setup-expectations.R |only
 nipals-0.7/nipals/tests/testthat/test-empca.R         |only
 nipals-0.7/nipals/tests/testthat/test-nipals.R        |only
 nipals-0.7/nipals/tests/testthat/test-uscrime.R       |   34 ++-
 nipals-0.7/nipals/vignettes/empca_notes.Rmd           |only
 nipals-0.7/nipals/vignettes/nipals.bib                |   10 
 nipals-0.7/nipals/vignettes/nipals_algorithm.Rmd      |   14 -
 nipals-0.7/nipals/vignettes/nipals_comparisons.Rmd    |   69 ++++--
 nipals-0.7/nipals/vignettes/nipals_optimization.Rmd   |   26 +-
 35 files changed, 507 insertions(+), 353 deletions(-)

More information about nipals at CRAN
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Package magick updated to version 2.3 with previous version 2.2 dated 2019-08-26

Title: Advanced Graphics and Image-Processing in R
Description: Bindings to 'ImageMagick': the most comprehensive open-source image processing library available. Supports many common formats (png, jpeg, tiff, pdf, etc) and manipulations (rotate, scale, crop, trim, flip, blur, etc). All operations are vectorized via the Magick++ STL meaning they operate either on a single frame or a series of frames for working with layers, collages, or animation. In RStudio images are automatically previewed when printed to the console, resulting in an interactive editing environment. The latest version of the package includes a native graphics device for creating in-memory graphics or drawing onto images using pixel coordinates.
Author: Jeroen Ooms [aut, cre] (<>)
Maintainer: Jeroen Ooms <>

Diff between magick versions 2.2 dated 2019-08-26 and 2.3 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION         |    8 +-
 MD5                 |   78 +++++++++++-----------
 NEWS                |    8 ++
 R/RcppExports.R     |    4 -
 R/analysis.R        |    2 
 R/animation.R       |   24 +++++-
 R/composite.R       |    5 +
 R/edit.R            |   12 +++
 R/init.R            |   12 ++-
 R/morphology.R      |    6 -
 build/vignette.rds  |binary
 cleanup             |    2 
 configure           |   27 +++----
 inst/doc/intro.R    |   92 +++++++++++++-------------
 inst/doc/intro.Rmd  |   14 ++-
 inst/doc/intro.html |  184 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 man/analysis.Rd     |   29 +++++---
 man/animation.Rd    |   46 +++++++++----
 man/attributes.Rd   |   28 +++++--
 man/color.Rd        |   39 +++++++----
 man/composite.Rd    |   51 ++++++++++----
 man/device.Rd       |   39 +++++++----
 man/edges.Rd        |   42 ++++++++---
 man/editing.Rd      |   55 +++++++++++----
 man/effects.Rd      |   28 +++++--
 man/fx.Rd           |   28 +++++--
 man/geometry.Rd     |   31 +++++---
 man/magick.Rd       |   29 +++++---
 man/morphology.Rd   |   52 ++++++++++----
 man/ocr.Rd          |   28 +++++--
 man/options.Rd      |   28 +++++--
 man/painting.Rd     |   48 +++++++++----
 man/segmentation.Rd |   28 +++++--
 man/thresholding.Rd |    8 +-
 man/transform.Rd    |   28 +++++--
 man/video.Rd        |   28 +++++--
 src/RcppExports.cpp |   13 ++-
 src/animation.cpp   |   33 ++++++++-
 src/base.cpp        |   11 ++-
 vignettes/intro.Rmd |   14 ++-
 40 files changed, 813 insertions(+), 429 deletions(-)

More information about magick at CRAN
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Package gh updated to version 1.1.0 with previous version 1.0.1 dated 2017-07-16

Title: 'GitHub' 'API'
Description: Minimal client to access the 'GitHub' 'API'.
Author: Gábor Csárdi [cre, ctb], Jennifer Bryan [aut], Hadley Wickham [aut]
Maintainer: Gábor Csárdi <>

Diff between gh versions 1.0.1 dated 2017-07-16 and 1.1.0 dated 2020-01-24

 gh-1.0.1/gh/inst                             |only
 gh-1.1.0/gh/DESCRIPTION                      |   12 +-
 gh-1.1.0/gh/MD5                              |   47 ++++----
 gh-1.1.0/gh/NAMESPACE                        |    9 +
 gh-1.1.0/gh/                          |only
 gh-1.1.0/gh/R/errors.R                       |only
 gh-1.1.0/gh/R/gh_gql.R                       |only
 gh-1.1.0/gh/R/gh_request.R                   |   61 ++++++-----
 gh-1.1.0/gh/R/gh_response.R                  |   85 ++++++++++++---
 gh-1.1.0/gh/R/gh_token.R                     |only
 gh-1.1.0/gh/R/gh_whoami.R                    |   37 +++---
 gh-1.1.0/gh/R/git.R                          |   19 +--
 gh-1.1.0/gh/R/package.R                      |  149 ++++++++++++++++-----------
 gh-1.1.0/gh/R/pagination.R                   |   57 +++++++++-
 gh-1.1.0/gh/R/print.R                        |   11 +
 gh-1.1.0/gh/R/utils.R                        |   55 +++++++++
 gh-1.1.0/gh/                        |   12 +-
 gh-1.1.0/gh/man/gh.Rd                        |  144 +++++++++++++++++---------
 gh-1.1.0/gh/man/gh_gql.Rd                    |only
 gh-1.1.0/gh/man/gh_next.Rd                   |   15 +-
 gh-1.1.0/gh/man/gh_token.Rd                  |only
 gh-1.1.0/gh/man/gh_tree_remote.Rd            |    4 
 gh-1.1.0/gh/man/gh_whoami.Rd                 |   44 +++----
 gh-1.1.0/gh/man/slugify_url.Rd               |only
 gh-1.1.0/gh/tests/testthat.R                 |    6 -
 gh-1.1.0/gh/tests/testthat/helper-offline.R  |   19 ++-
 gh-1.1.0/gh/tests/testthat/test-mock-repos.R |   29 +++++
 gh-1.1.0/gh/tests/testthat/test-na-null.R    |only
 gh-1.1.0/gh/tests/testthat/test-token.R      |only
 29 files changed, 563 insertions(+), 252 deletions(-)

More information about gh at CRAN
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Package FSelectorRcpp updated to version 0.3.3 with previous version 0.3.1 dated 2019-04-22

Title: 'Rcpp' Implementation of 'FSelector' Entropy-Based Feature Selection Algorithms with a Sparse Matrix Support
Description: 'Rcpp' (free of 'Java'/'Weka') implementation of 'FSelector' entropy-based feature selection algorithms based on an MDL discretization (Fayyad U. M., Irani K. B.: Multi-Interval Discretization of Continuous-Valued Attributes for Classification Learning. In 13'th International Joint Conference on Uncertainly in Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI93), pages 1022-1029, Chambery, France, 1993.) <> with a sparse matrix support.
Author: Zygmunt Zawadzki [aut, cre], Marcin Kosinski [aut], Krzysztof Slomczynski [ctb], Damian Skrzypiec [ctb]
Maintainer: Zygmunt Zawadzki <>

Diff between FSelectorRcpp versions 0.3.1 dated 2019-04-22 and 0.3.3 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION                            |   10 ++--
 MD5                                    |   46 +++++++++++-----------
 R/information_gain.R                   |    3 -
 build/vignette.rds                     |binary
 inst/doc/benchmarks_discretize.R       |    2 
 inst/doc/benchmarks_discretize.html    |   36 +++++++++++++++--
 inst/doc/get_started.R                 |    3 -
 inst/doc/get_started.Rmd               |    3 -
 inst/doc/get_started.html              |   65 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 inst/doc/integer-variables.R           |    8 +--
 inst/doc/integer-variables.html        |   68 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 inst/include/FSelector.h               |    6 --
 inst/include/cutoff/cutOff.h           |    2 
 inst/include/discretize/discretize.h   |   17 ++++----
 inst/include/entropy/entropy.h         |    4 -
 man/discretize.Rd                      |   10 +++-
 man/feature_search.Rd                  |   13 ++++--
 man/information_gain.Rd                |   14 +++++-
 src/Makevars                           |    3 -
 src/                       |    3 -
 src/information_gain.cpp               |    7 +--
 src/init.c                             |    8 +--
 tests/testthat/test-information_gain.R |   38 ++++++++++++++++++
 vignettes/get_started.Rmd              |    3 -
 24 files changed, 255 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)

More information about FSelectorRcpp at CRAN
Permanent link

Package ca updated to version 0.71.1 with previous version 0.71 dated 2018-10-10

Title: Simple, Multiple and Joint Correspondence Analysis
Description: Computation and visualization of simple, multiple and joint correspondence analysis.
Author: Michael Greenacre [aut], Oleg Nenadic [aut, cre], Michael Friendly [ctb]
Maintainer: Oleg Nenadic <>

Diff between ca versions 0.71 dated 2018-10-10 and 0.71.1 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION    |   11 ++++-------
 MD5            |    6 +++---
 R/   |    2 +-
 R/print.mjca.r |    2 +-
 4 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

More information about ca at CRAN
Permanent link

Package QRM (with last version 0.4-16) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2019-12-17 0.4-16
2016-03-18 0.4-13
2014-05-16 0.4-10
2013-10-31 0.4-9
2012-07-26 0.4-8
2012-04-28 0.4-7

Permanent link
Package virtuoso (with last version 0.1.4) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2020-01-10 0.1.4
2019-04-06 0.1.3

Permanent link
Package IrregLong updated to version 0.2.0 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2019-02-11

Title: Analysis of Longitudinal Data with Irregular Observation Times
Description: Analysis of longitudinal data for which the times of observation are random variables that are potentially associated with the outcome process. The package includes inverse-intensity weighting methods (Lin H, Scharfstein DO, Rosenheck RA (2004) <doi:10.1111/j.1467-9868.2004.b5543.x>) and multiple outputation (Pullenayegum EM (2016) <doi:10.1002/sim.6829>).
Author: Eleanor Pullenayegum
Maintainer: Eleanor Pullenayegum <>

Diff between IrregLong versions 0.1.0 dated 2019-02-11 and 0.2.0 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION                         |   12 
 MD5                                 |   35 
 NAMESPACE                           |    9 
 R/IIWcode.R                         |  681 +++++++++++++------
 build/vignette.rds                  |binary
 inst/doc/Irreglong-vignette.R       |  252 ++++---
 inst/doc/Irreglong-vignette.Rmd     |  246 ++++--
 inst/doc/Irreglong-vignette.html    | 1266 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 man/Liang.Rd                        |  156 +++-
 man/abacus.plot.Rd                  |only
 man/addcensoredrows.Rd              |   98 +-
 man/iiw.Rd                          |   98 +-
 man/iiw.weights.Rd                  |  177 ++---
 man/iiwgee.Rd                       |  185 ++---
 man/lagfn.Rd                        |   66 -
 man/mo.Rd                           |  160 ++--
 man/outputation.Rd                  |  129 +--
 vignettes/IrregLongVignetteRefs.bib |   12 
 vignettes/Irreglong-vignette.Rmd    |  246 ++++--
 19 files changed, 2314 insertions(+), 1514 deletions(-)

More information about IrregLong at CRAN
Permanent link

Package cheese updated to version 0.0.2 with previous version 0.0.1 dated 2019-04-01

Title: Tools for Intuitive and Flexible Statistical Analysis Workflows
Description: Contains flexible and intuitive functions to assist in carrying out tasks in a statistical analysis and to get from the raw data to presentation-ready results. A user-friendly interface is used in specialized functions that are aimed at common tasks such as building a univariate descriptive table for variables in a dataset. These high-level functions are built on a collection of low(er)-level functions that may be useful for aspects of a custom statistical analysis workflow or for general programming use.
Author: Alex Zajichek [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Alex Zajichek <>

Diff between cheese versions 0.0.1 dated 2019-04-01 and 0.0.2 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION          |    8 ++++----
 MD5                  |    8 ++++----
 build/vignette.rds   |binary
 inst/doc/cheese.html |   42 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 man/divide.Rd        |   10 ----------
 5 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

More information about cheese at CRAN
Permanent link

Package CGE updated to version 0.2.8 with previous version 0.2.5 dated 2019-12-07

Title: Computing General Equilibrium
Description: Developing general equilibrium models, computing general equilibrium and simulating economic dynamics with structural dynamic models in LI (2019, ISBN: 9787521804225) "General Equilibrium and Structural Dynamics: Perspectives of New Structural Economics. Beijing: Economic Science Press".
Author: LI Wu <>
Maintainer: LI Wu <>

Diff between CGE versions 0.2.5 dated 2019-12-07 and 0.2.8 dated 2020-01-24

 DESCRIPTION                        |    6 +++---
 MD5                                |   33 ++++++++++++++++++---------------
 NAMESPACE                          |    2 ++
 R/CD_A.R                           |    2 ++
 R/CES_A.R                          |    6 ++++++
 R/Leontief_mA.R                    |    5 ++++-
 R/iep.R                            |only
 R/sdm.R                            |    4 ++--
 R/sdm_examples.R                   |   14 +++++++-------
 man/CD_A.Rd                        |    4 ++--
 man/CD_mA.Rd                       |    2 +-
 man/CES_A.Rd                       |    6 +++---
 man/CES_mA.Rd                      |    2 +-
 man/ChinaCGE2012.Rd                |    2 +-
 man/Example.MWG.Exercise.15.B.6.Rd |    2 ++
 man/Example6.13.Rd                 |only
 man/Leontief_mA.Rd                 |   16 +++++++++-------
 man/iep.Rd                         |only
 man/sdm.Rd                         |   23 ++++++++++++++---------
 19 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

More information about CGE at CRAN
Permanent link

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