Title: Clustering Algorithm for Data Integration and Disease Subtyping
Description: Provides a robust approach for omics data integration and disease subtyping. 'PINSPlus' supports both single and multiple data types. The software automatically determines the optimal number of clusters and then partitions the samples in a way such that the results are robust to noise and data perturbation (Hung Nguyen (2018) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bty1049>, Tin Nguyen (2017) <doi:10.1101/gr.215129.116>). 'PINSPlus' is fast and it supports parallel computing on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.
Author: Bang Tran, Duc Tran, Hung Nguyen and Tin Nguyen
Maintainer: Hung Nguyen <hungnp@nevada.unr.edu>
Diff between PINSPlus versions 2.0.0 dated 2019-06-04 and 2.0.1 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 23 ++-- MD5 | 40 ++++---- NAMESPACE | 16 ++- R/RcppExports.R |only R/clustering-algorithm-wrappers.R | 2 R/perturb-functions.R | 21 ++-- R/perturbation-clustering-helpers.R | 152 +++++++++++++++----------------- R/perturbation-clustering.R | 169 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- R/rpca.R |only R/subtyping-omics-data-helpers.R | 134 ++++++++++++++-------------- R/subtyping-omics-data.R | 82 ++++++++++++++++- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/PINSPlus.R | 66 +++++++------- inst/doc/PINSPlus.Rmd | 62 +++++++------ inst/doc/PINSPlus.pdf |binary man/PINSPlus-package.Rd | 2 man/PerturbationClustering.Rd | 50 ++++++---- man/SubtypingOmicsData.Rd | 16 ++- src |only vignettes/PINSPlus.Rmd | 62 +++++++------ vignettes/PINSPlus.html | 73 ++++++++------- 21 files changed, 591 insertions(+), 379 deletions(-)
Title: Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Using the Bamboo Method
Description: Implementation of the Bamboo methods described in Li, Dahl, Vannucci, Joo, and Tsai (2014) <DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0109832>.
Author: David B. Dahl [aut, cre]
Maintainer: David B. Dahl <dahl@stat.byu.edu>
Diff between bamboo versions 0.9.24 dated 2019-06-24 and 0.9.25 dated 2020-04-02
bamboo-0.9.24/bamboo/data/datalist |only bamboo-0.9.25/bamboo/DESCRIPTION | 15 +++--- bamboo-0.9.25/bamboo/MD5 | 31 ++++++------- bamboo-0.9.25/bamboo/NAMESPACE | 2 bamboo-0.9.25/bamboo/NEWS | 4 + bamboo-0.9.25/bamboo/R/bamboo.R | 13 ++++- bamboo-0.9.25/bamboo/R/onLoad.R | 17 +++++-- bamboo-0.9.25/bamboo/data/bamboo.MSA.astral30.RData |binary bamboo-0.9.25/bamboo/data/bamboo.MSA.casp9.RData |binary bamboo-0.9.25/bamboo/data/bamboo.training.RData |binary bamboo-0.9.25/bamboo/data/bamboo.validation.astral30.RData |binary bamboo-0.9.25/bamboo/data/bamboo.validation.casp9.RData |binary bamboo-0.9.25/bamboo/inst/java/scala-2.11/bamboo.jar |binary bamboo-0.9.25/bamboo/inst/java/scala-2.12/bamboo.jar |binary bamboo-0.9.25/bamboo/inst/java/scala-2.13/bamboo.jar |binary bamboo-0.9.25/bamboo/java/bamboo-source.jar |binary bamboo-0.9.25/bamboo/man/bamboo.Rd | 2 17 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
Title: Bayesian Inference from the Conditional Genetic Stock
Identification Model
Description: Implements Bayesian inference for the conditional genetic
stock identification model. It allows inference of mixed fisheries and also
simulation of mixtures to predict accuracy. A full description of the underlying
methods is available in a recently published article in the
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences: <doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2018-0016>.
Author: Eric C. Anderson [aut, cre],
Ben Moran [aut]
Maintainer: Eric C. Anderson <eric.anderson@noaa.gov>
Diff between rubias versions 0.3.0 dated 2019-06-10 and 0.3.1 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 82 +-- NEWS.md | 5 R/RcppExports.R | 4 R/assess_reference_loo.R | 5 R/assess_reference_mc.R | 5 R/infer_mixture.R | 8 R/self_assign.R | 4 R/write_gsi_sim_mixture.R | 2 R/write_gsi_sim_reference.R | 6 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/rubias-fully-bayesian.R | 47 - inst/doc/rubias-fully-bayesian.Rmd | 34 - inst/doc/rubias-fully-bayesian.html | 224 ++++----- inst/doc/rubias-overview.R | 131 ++--- inst/doc/rubias-overview.Rmd | 42 - inst/doc/rubias-overview.html | 594 ++++++++++++------------ inst/doc/rubias-underlying-data-structures.R | 6 inst/doc/rubias-underlying-data-structures.html | 27 - man/alewife.Rd | 4 man/assess_pb_bias_correction.Rd | 11 man/assess_reference_loo.Rd | 18 man/assess_reference_mc.Rd | 14 man/blueback.Rd | 4 man/bootstrap_rho.Rd | 13 man/chinook.Rd | 6 man/chinook_mix.Rd | 6 man/close_matching_samples.Rd | 8 man/gsi_mcmc_1.Rd | 3 man/gsi_mcmc_fb.Rd | 15 man/infer_mixture.Rd | 22 man/list_diploid_params.Rd | 11 man/ref_and_mix_pipeline.Rd | 17 man/rubias.Rd | 1 man/self_assign.Rd | 8 man/simulate_random_samples.Rd | 11 man/small_chinook_ref.Rd | 6 man/tcf2param_list.Rd | 10 man/write_gsi_sim_reference.Rd | 8 src/rcpp_fullBayes_mcmc.cpp | 4 vignettes/rubias-fully-bayesian.Rmd | 34 - vignettes/rubias-overview.Rmd | 42 - 42 files changed, 806 insertions(+), 704 deletions(-)
Title: Interface to 'Python'
Description: Interface to 'Python' modules, classes, and functions. When calling
into 'Python', R data types are automatically converted to their equivalent 'Python'
types. When values are returned from 'Python' to R they are converted back to R
types. Compatible with all versions of 'Python' >= 2.7.
Author: Kevin Ushey [aut, cre],
JJ Allaire [aut],
RStudio [cph, fnd],
Yuan Tang [aut, cph] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5243-233X>),
Dirk Eddelbuettel [ctb, cph],
Bryan Lewis [ctb, cph],
Sigrid Keydana [ctb],
Ryan Hafen [ctb, cph],
Marcus Geelnard [ctb, cph] (TinyThread library,
Maintainer: Kevin Ushey <kevin@rstudio.com>
Diff between reticulate versions 1.14 dated 2019-12-17 and 1.15 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 11 - MD5 | 96 +++++----- NAMESPACE | 2 NEWS.md | 58 ++++++ R/class.R | 25 +- R/conda.R | 182 ++++++++++++------- R/config.R | 10 + R/conversion.R | 2 R/knitr-engine.R | 40 +++- R/miniconda.R | 9 R/package.R | 69 ++++++- R/pip.R | 3 R/python-packages.R | 37 ++- R/python-tools.R | 5 R/python.R | 19 + R/use_python.R | 27 ++ R/utils.R | 8 R/virtualenv.R | 41 ++-- R/wrapper.R | 3 R/zzz.R | 26 ++ build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/arrays.R | 2 inst/doc/arrays.html | 24 +- inst/doc/calling_python.R | 30 +-- inst/doc/calling_python.html | 24 +- inst/doc/package.R | 12 - inst/doc/package.html | 24 +- inst/doc/python_dependencies.R | 2 inst/doc/python_dependencies.html | 24 +- inst/doc/python_packages.R | 10 - inst/doc/python_packages.html | 24 +- inst/doc/r_markdown.R | 2 inst/doc/r_markdown.html | 24 +- inst/doc/versions.R | 14 - inst/doc/versions.html | 24 +- inst/python/rpytools/__init__.pyc |only inst/python/rpytools/call.pyc |only inst/python/rpytools/output.pyc |only man/conda-tools.Rd | 49 +++-- man/configure_environment.Rd | 7 man/install_miniconda.Rd | 3 man/miniconda_path.Rd | 4 man/py.Rd | 6 man/py_ellipsis.Rd |only man/py_install.Rd | 4 man/virtualenv-tools.Rd | 11 + src/python.cpp | 29 ++- tests/testthat/helper-init.R | 12 + tests/testthat/resources/eng-reticulate-example.html | 23 +- tests/testthat/test-python-class.R | 36 +++ tests/testthat/test-python-pandas.R | 19 + 51 files changed, 820 insertions(+), 296 deletions(-)
Title: Basic Non-Compartmental Pharmacokinetics
Description: Estimation of pharmacokinetic parameters using non-compartmental theory.
Author: Thomas Jaki <jaki.thomas@gmail.com> and Martin J. Wolfsegger
Maintainer: Thomas Jaki <jaki.thomas@gmail.com>
Diff between PK versions 1.3-4 dated 2018-02-26 and 1.3-5 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 26 +- R/all.class.R | 50 ++-- R/auc.batch.R | 4 R/auc.ssd.R | 6 R/biexp.R | 226 +++++++++++----------- R/eqv.batch.R | 4 R/eqv.ssd.R | 12 - R/extractors.R | 2 R/internal.R | 578 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------- R/lee.R | 364 +++++++++++++++++------------------ R/nca.batch.R | 522 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- R/nca.ssd.R | 274 +++++++++++++-------------- inst/NEWS | 7 14 files changed, 1045 insertions(+), 1038 deletions(-)
Title: Matrix Functions for Teaching and Learning Linear Algebra and
Multivariate Statistics
Description: A collection of matrix functions for teaching and learning matrix
linear algebra as used in multivariate statistical methods. These functions are
mainly for tutorial purposes in learning matrix algebra ideas using R. In some
cases, functions are provided for concepts available elsewhere in R, but where
the function call or name is not obvious. In other cases, functions are provided
to show or demonstrate an algorithm. In addition, a collection of functions are
provided for drawing vector diagrams in 2D and 3D.
Author: Michael Friendly [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3237-0941>),
John Fox [aut],
Phil Chalmers [aut],
Georges Monette [ctb],
Gaston Sanchez [ctb]
Maintainer: Michael Friendly <friendly@yorku.ca>
Diff between matlib versions 0.9.2 dated 2019-05-29 and 0.9.3 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 10 MD5 | 165 ++++++++------- NEWS.md | 5 R/GramSchmidt.R | 4 R/gaussian-elimination.R | 23 +- R/matlib.R | 15 + R/plotEqn.R | 22 +- R/rowops.R | 12 - build/vignette.rds |binary inst/WORDLIST |only inst/doc/det-ex1.R | 30 +- inst/doc/det-ex1.Rmd | 2 inst/doc/det-ex1.html | 411 +++++++++------------------------------ inst/doc/det-ex2.R | 20 - inst/doc/det-ex2.html | 369 +++++++---------------------------- inst/doc/eigen-ex1.R | 20 - inst/doc/eigen-ex1.html | 347 ++++++--------------------------- inst/doc/eigen-ex2.R | 22 +- inst/doc/eigen-ex2.html | 361 +++++++--------------------------- inst/doc/ginv.R | 28 +- inst/doc/ginv.Rmd | 2 inst/doc/ginv.html | 341 ++++++--------------------------- inst/doc/gramreg.R | 26 +- inst/doc/gramreg.html | 395 +++++++++----------------------------- inst/doc/inv-ex1.R | 42 ++-- inst/doc/inv-ex1.html | 423 ++++++++++------------------------------- inst/doc/inv-ex2.R | 18 - inst/doc/inv-ex2.html | 367 +++++++---------------------------- inst/doc/linear-equations.R | 40 +-- inst/doc/linear-equations.html | 417 ++++++++++------------------------------ man/Det.Rd | 18 + man/Eigen.Rd | 3 man/Ginv.Rd | 3 man/GramSchmidt.Rd | 12 - man/Inverse.Rd | 74 +++---- man/J.Rd | 70 +++--- man/LU.Rd | 124 ++++++------ man/MoorePenrose.Rd | 72 +++--- man/Proj.Rd | 15 - man/QR.Rd | 98 ++++----- man/R.Rd | 76 +++---- man/SVD.Rd | 8 man/Solve.Rd | 11 - man/adjoint.Rd | 9 man/angle.Rd | 116 +++++------ man/arc.Rd | 15 - man/arrows3d.Rd | 27 +- man/buildTmat.Rd | 134 ++++++------ man/cholesky.Rd | 76 +++---- man/circle3d.Rd | 15 - man/cofactor.Rd | 9 man/cone3d.Rd | 74 +++---- man/corner.Rd | 15 - man/echelon.Rd | 118 +++++------ man/gaussianElimination.Rd | 18 + man/gsorth.Rd | 76 +++---- man/is_square.Rd | 4 man/len.Rd | 56 ++--- man/matlib.Rd | 102 ++++----- man/matrix2latex.Rd | 70 +++--- man/minor.Rd | 9 man/mpower.Rd | 76 +++---- man/plot.regvec3d.Rd | 39 ++- man/plotEqn.Rd | 22 +- man/plotEqn3d.Rd | 17 + man/pointOnLine.Rd | 15 - man/powerMethod.Rd | 142 ++++++------- man/printMatEqn.Rd | 3 man/printMatrix.Rd | 9 man/regvec3d.Rd | 58 ++++- man/rowCofactors.Rd | 9 man/rowMinors.Rd | 9 man/rowadd.Rd | 5 man/rowmult.Rd | 5 man/rowswap.Rd | 5 man/showEig.Rd | 14 + man/showEqn.Rd | 11 - man/svdDemo.Rd | 3 man/swp.Rd | 94 ++++----- man/symMat.Rd | 70 +++--- man/vectors.Rd | 29 ++ man/vectors3d.Rd | 31 ++- vignettes/det-ex1.Rmd | 2 vignettes/ginv.Rmd | 2 84 files changed, 2264 insertions(+), 3870 deletions(-)
Title: Running OpenBUGS from R
Description: Using this package,
it is possible to call a BUGS model, summarize inferences and
convergence in a table and graph, and save the simulations in arrays for easy access
in R.
Author: originally written as R2WinBUGS by Andrew Gelman <gelman@stat.columbia.edu>;
changes and packaged by Sibylle Sturtz <sturtz@statistik.tu-dortmund.de>
and Uwe Ligges <ligges@statistik.tu-dortmund.de>.
With considerable contributions by Gregor Gorjanc <gregor.gorjanc@bfro.uni-lj.si>
and Jouni Kerman <kerman@stat.columbia.edu>.
Adapted to R2OpenBUGS from R2WinBUGS by Neal Thomas.
Maintainer: Neal Thomas <snthomas99@gmail.com>
Diff between R2OpenBUGS versions 3.2-3.2 dated 2017-02-22 and 3.2-3.2.1 dated 2020-04-02
R2OpenBUGS-3.2-3.2.1/R2OpenBUGS/DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- R2OpenBUGS-3.2-3.2.1/R2OpenBUGS/MD5 | 8 ++++---- R2OpenBUGS-3.2-3.2.1/R2OpenBUGS/build/vignette.rds |binary R2OpenBUGS-3.2-3.2.1/R2OpenBUGS/data/schools.txt.gz |only R2OpenBUGS-3.2-3.2.1/R2OpenBUGS/inst/doc/R2OpenBUGS.pdf |binary R2OpenBUGS-3.2-3.2/R2OpenBUGS/data/schools.txt |only 6 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
Title: Cartography for Statistical Analysis
Description: Creating maps for statistical analysis such as proportional circles, chroropleth, typology and flows. Some functions use 'shiny' or 'leaflet' technologies for dynamism and interactivity.
The great features are :
- Create maps in a web environment where the parameters are modifiable on the fly ('shiny' and 'leaflet' technology).
- Create interactive maps through zoom and pop-up ('leaflet' technology).
- Create frozen maps with the possibility to add labels.
Author: Sébastien CALVET - PSAR-AT - DR Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur - INSEE [cre, aut],
Sophie AUDRIC - PSAR-AT - DR Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur - INSEE [aut],
SED - DR Hauts-de-France - INSEE [ctb],
PSAR-SL - DR Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes - INSEE [ctb],
PSAR-EEP - DR Occitanie - INSEE [ctb],
SED - DR Pays-de-la-Loire - INSEE [ctb]
Maintainer: Sébastien CALVET <sebastien.calvet@insee.fr>
Diff between oceanis versions 1.0.6 dated 2019-12-19 and 1.0.7 dated 2020-04-02
oceanis-1.0.6/oceanis/build/partial.rdb |only oceanis-1.0.6/oceanis/man/add_legende.Rd |only oceanis-1.0.6/oceanis/man/add_source_titre.Rd |only oceanis-1.0.6/oceanis/man/calcul_variable_classes.Rd |only oceanis-1.0.6/oceanis/man/export_image.Rd |only oceanis-1.0.6/oceanis/man/export_qgis.Rd |only oceanis-1.0.6/oceanis/man/leaflet.Rd |only oceanis-1.0.6/oceanis/man/plot.Rd |only oceanis-1.0.6/oceanis/man/set_couleur.Rd |only oceanis-1.0.6/oceanis/man/shiny.Rd |only oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/DESCRIPTION | 24 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/MD5 | 227 +- oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/NAMESPACE | 128 + oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/NEWS | 12 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/add_fond_osm.R | 68 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/add_legende_classes.R | 74 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/add_legende_fonds_simples.R | 48 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/add_legende_joignantes.R | 58 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/add_legende_ronds.R | 62 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/add_legende_saphirs.R | 58 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/add_legende_typo.R | 44 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/add_legende_typo_symboles.R | 52 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/add_source.R | 55 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/add_titre.R | 62 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/add_typo_symboles.R | 91 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/calcul_part_ens.R | 10 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/calcul_ratio.R | 10 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/calcul_tx_evol_ann_moy.R | 10 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/calcul_tx_evol_global.R | 10 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/calculette.R | 10 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/coord_legende.R | 83 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/coordonnees_etiquettes.R | 67 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/distrib_variable.R | 61 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/export_qgis_classes.R | 20 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/export_qgis_classes_ronds.R | 24 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/export_qgis_joignantes.R | 20 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/export_qgis_oursins.R | 18 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/export_qgis_ronds.R | 18 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/export_qgis_ronds_classes.R | 20 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/export_qgis_saphirs.R | 20 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/export_qgis_typo.R | 20 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/largeur_fleche.R | 57 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/leaflet_classes.R | 115 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/leaflet_classes_ronds.R | 148 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/leaflet_fonds_simples.R | 36 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/leaflet_joignantes.R | 99 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/leaflet_oursins.R | 93 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/leaflet_ronds.R | 107 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/leaflet_ronds_classes.R | 143 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/leaflet_saphirs.R | 75 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/leaflet_typo.R | 71 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/oceanis-package.R |only oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/plot_classes.R | 82 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/plot_classes_ronds.R | 136 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/plot_joignantes.R | 96 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/plot_oursins.R | 64 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/plot_ronds.R | 92 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/plot_ronds_classes.R | 136 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/plot_saphirs.R | 80 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/plot_typo.R | 60 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/plot_typo_symboles.R | 58 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/rapport_ronds.R | 67 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/rayon_ronds.R | 61 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/recup_palette.R | 63 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/set_bordure_ronds.R | 115 + oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/set_couleur_classes.R | 78 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/set_couleur_joignantes.R | 28 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/set_couleur_ronds.R | 34 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/set_couleur_saphirs.R | 38 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/set_couleur_typo.R | 28 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/set_fonds_simples.R | 76 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/set_opacite_elargi.R | 90 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/set_pop_up.R | 82 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/set_style_oursins.R | 64 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/shiny_classes.R | 696 ++++---- oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/shiny_classes_ronds.R | 868 +++++----- oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/shiny_joignantes.R | 533 +++--- oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/shiny_oursins.R | 457 ++--- oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/shiny_ronds.R | 573 +++--- oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/shiny_ronds_classes.R | 795 ++++----- oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/shiny_saphirs.R | 503 ++--- oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/shiny_typo.R | 422 ++-- oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/R/zonage_a_facon.R | 95 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/build/vignette.rds |binary oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/data/com_dep_13_30_83_84.rda |binary oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/data/depm.rda |binary oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/data/donnees_a_facon.rda |binary oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/data/donnees_biloc.rda |binary oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/data/donnees_biloc_saphirs.rda |binary oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/data/donnees_monoloc.rda |binary oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/data/fram.rda |binary oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/data/regm.rda |binary oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/inst/doc/integration_shiny.R | 2 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/inst/doc/integration_shiny.html | 1279 ++++++-------- oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/inst/doc/oceanis.R | 26 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/inst/doc/oceanis.Rmd | 4 oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/inst/doc/oceanis.html | 1555 ++++++++---------- oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/add_fond_osm.Rd | 113 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/add_legende_.Rd |only oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/add_source.Rd |only oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/add_titre.Rd |only oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/add_typo_symboles.Rd | 145 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/calcul_.Rd |only oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/coord_legende.Rd | 113 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/coordonnees_etiquettes.Rd | 110 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/distrib_variable.Rd | 110 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/donnees.Rd | 227 +- oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/export_.Rd |only oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/export_qgis_.Rd |only oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/largeur_fleche.Rd | 103 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/leaflet_.Rd |only oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/oceanis-package.Rd | 240 +- oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/plot_.Rd |only oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/rapport_ronds.Rd | 116 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/rayon_ronds.Rd | 108 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/recup_palette.Rd | 123 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/set_bordure_ronds.Rd | 134 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/set_couleur_.Rd |only oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/set_fonds_simples.Rd | 116 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/set_opacite_elargi.Rd | 100 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/set_pop_up.Rd | 149 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/set_style_oursins.Rd | 100 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/shiny_.Rd |only oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/man/zonage_a_facon.Rd | 148 - oceanis-1.0.7/oceanis/vignettes/oceanis.Rmd | 4 125 files changed, 7545 insertions(+), 6578 deletions(-)
Title: Causal Inference in Spatiotemporal Event Data
Description: Matched Wake Analysis (mwa) grants insights into causal relationships in spatiotemporal event data.
Author: Sebastian Schutte and Karsten Donnay
Maintainer: Sebastian Schutte <schuttesebastian@gmail.com>
Diff between mwa versions 0.4.1 dated 2015-02-24 and 0.4.2 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 8 +-- MD5 | 16 ++++--- NAMESPACE | 7 ++- NEWS |only R/mwa.R | 97 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- README.md |only man/matchedwake.Rd | 10 +++- man/mwa-package.Rd | 4 - man/plot.matchedwake.Rd | 8 +++ man/slideWakeMatch.Rd | 5 +- 10 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
Title: Retrieve Data from MacLeish Field Station
Description: Download data from the Ada and Archibald MacLeish Field
Station in Whately, MA. The Ada
and Archibald MacLeish Field Station is a 260-acre patchwork of
forest and farmland located in West Whately, MA that provides opportunities
for faculty and students to pursue environmental research, outdoor
education, and low-impact recreation
(see <http://www.smith.edu/ceeds/macleish.php> for more information).
This package contains
weather data over several years, and spatial data on various man-made and
natural structures.
Author: Benjamin S. Baumer [aut, cre],
Rose Goueth [aut],
Wencong Li [aut],
Weijia Zhang [aut],
Nicholas Horton [aut]
Maintainer: Benjamin S. Baumer <ben.baumer@gmail.com>
Diff between macleish versions 0.3.4 dated 2019-05-20 and 0.3.5 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 13 +- MD5 | 28 ++-- NEWS.md | 4 R/data.R | 2 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/macleish.R | 103 +++++++++------- inst/doc/macleish.Rmd | 60 +++++---- inst/doc/macleish.html | 254 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------- man/etl_extract.etl_macleish.Rd | 2 man/macleish_layers.Rd | 8 - man/maple_sap.Rd | 6 man/whately_2015.Rd | 8 - tests/testthat/test-macleish.R | 14 -- tests/testthat/test-mass-gis.R | 1 vignettes/macleish.Rmd | 60 +++++---- 15 files changed, 320 insertions(+), 243 deletions(-)
Title: Horizontal 'ggplot2' Components
Description: A 'ggplot2' extension that provides flipped components:
horizontal versions of 'Stats' and 'Geoms', and vertical versions
of 'Positions'.
Author: Lionel Henry [aut, cre],
Hadley Wickham [aut],
Winston Chang [aut],
RStudio [cph]
Maintainer: Lionel Henry <lionel@rstudio.com>
Diff between ggstance versions 0.3.3 dated 2019-08-19 and 0.3.4 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++-- MD5 | 38 +++++++++++----------- NEWS.md | 10 +++++ R/position-dodge2v.R | 2 - README.md | 6 ++- man/geom_barh.Rd | 44 +++++++++++++++++-------- man/geom_boxploth.Rd | 38 +++++++++++++++------- man/geom_histogramh.Rd | 31 +++++++++++------- man/geom_linerangeh.Rd | 72 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------- man/geom_violinh.Rd | 29 +++++++++++----- man/position-vertical.Rd | 16 +++++++-- man/stat_binh.Rd | 36 ++++++++++++++------- man/stat_boxploth.Rd | 26 +++++++++------ man/stat_counth.Rd | 26 +++++++++------ man/stat_summaryh.Rd | 31 ++++++++++++------ man/stat_xdensity.Rd | 31 ++++++++++++------ tests/testthat/helper-utils.R | 6 +-- tests/testthat/test-flip.R | 2 - tests/testthat/test-geoms.R | 1 tests/testthat/test-stats.R | 6 +-- 20 files changed, 303 insertions(+), 156 deletions(-)
Title: Boosting Methods for 'GAMLSS'
Description: Boosting models for fitting generalized additive models for
location, shape and scale ('GAMLSS') to potentially high dimensional
Author: Benjamin Hofner [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2810-3186>),
Andreas Mayr [aut],
Nora Fenske [aut],
Janek Thomas [aut],
Matthias Schmid [aut]
Maintainer: Benjamin Hofner <benjamin.hofner@pei.de>
Diff between gamboostLSS versions 2.0-1 dated 2018-06-15 and 2.0-1.1 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 6 MD5 | 12 build/vignette.rds |binary data/india.RData |binary data/india.bnd.RData |binary inst/doc/gamboostLSS_Tutorial.R | 986 +++++++++++++++++++------------------- inst/doc/gamboostLSS_Tutorial.pdf |binary 7 files changed, 502 insertions(+), 502 deletions(-)
Title: Thematic Cartography
Description: Create and integrate maps in your R workflow. This package helps
to design cartographic representations such as proportional symbols,
choropleth, typology, flows or discontinuities maps. It also offers several
features that improve the graphic presentation of maps, for instance, map
palettes, layout elements (scale, north arrow, title...), labels or legends.
See Giraud and Lambert (2017) <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-57336-6_13>.
Author: Timothée Giraud [cre, aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1932-3323>),
Nicolas Lambert [aut],
Diego Hernangómez [ctb],
Ian Fellows [cph] (no overlap algorithm for labels, from wordcloud
Maintainer: Timothée Giraud <timothee.giraud@cnrs.fr>
Diff between cartography versions 2.3.0 dated 2020-01-28 and 2.4.0 dated 2020-04-02
cartography-2.3.0/cartography/inst/shape |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/DESCRIPTION | 13 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/MD5 | 90 - cartography-2.4.0/cartography/NAMESPACE | 28 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/NEWS.md | 24 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/R/Package.R | 6 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/R/barscale.R | 48 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/R/getBreaks.R | 47 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/R/getPencilLayer.R | 2 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/R/getPngLayer.R |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/R/getTiles.R | 552 ++++++++-- cartography-2.4.0/cartography/R/hatchedLayer.R |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/R/legendHatched.R |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/R/legendWaffle.R |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/R/tilesLayer.R | 68 - cartography-2.4.0/cartography/R/utils.R | 7 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/R/waffleLayer.R |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/R/wordcloudLayer.R |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/README.md | 7 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/build/vignette.rds |binary cartography-2.4.0/cartography/inst/doc/cartography.R | 32 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/inst/doc/cartography.Rmd | 32 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/inst/doc/cartography.html | 31 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/inst/img |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/inst/tinytest/test_barscale.R | 3 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/inst/tinytest/test_getPngLayer.R |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/inst/tinytest/test_getTiles.R | 4 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/inst/tinytest/test_hatchedLayer.R |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/inst/tinytest/test_labelLayer.R | 1 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/inst/tinytest/test_legendHatched.R |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/inst/tinytest/test_legendWaffle.R |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/inst/tinytest/test_pngLayer.R |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/inst/tinytest/test_waffleLayer.R |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/inst/tinytest/test_wordcloudLayer.R |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/man/barscale.Rd | 16 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/man/cartography.Rd | 6 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/man/coasts.spdf.Rd | 4 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/man/countries.spdf.Rd | 4 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/man/frame.spdf.Rd | 4 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/man/getBreaks.Rd | 41 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/man/getPngLayer.Rd |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/man/getTiles.Rd | 75 + cartography-2.4.0/cartography/man/graticule.spdf.Rd | 4 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/man/hatchedLayer.Rd |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/man/legendHatched.Rd |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/man/legendWaffle.Rd |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/man/nuts0.spdf.Rd | 4 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/man/nuts1.spdf.Rd | 4 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/man/nuts2.spdf.Rd | 4 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/man/nuts3.spdf.Rd | 4 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/man/tilesLayer.Rd | 52 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/man/waffleLayer.Rd |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/man/wordcloudLayer.Rd |only cartography-2.4.0/cartography/man/world.spdf.Rd | 4 cartography-2.4.0/cartography/vignettes/cartography.Rmd | 32 55 files changed, 966 insertions(+), 287 deletions(-)
Title: Visualizing Categorical Data
Description: Visualization techniques, data sets, summary and inference
procedures aimed particularly at categorical data. Special
emphasis is given to highly extensible grid graphics. The
package was package was originally inspired by the book
"Visualizing Categorical Data" by Michael Friendly and is
now the main support package for a new book,
"Discrete Data Analysis with R" by Michael Friendly and
David Meyer (2015).
Author: David Meyer [aut, cre],
Achim Zeileis [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0918-3766>),
Kurt Hornik [aut],
Florian Gerber [ctb],
Michael Friendly [ctb]
Maintainer: David Meyer <David.Meyer@R-project.org>
Diff between vcd versions 1.4-6 dated 2020-03-08 and 1.4-7 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 12 ++++++------ R/mosaic.R | 13 ++++++++----- inst/NEWS.Rd | 10 +++++++++- inst/doc/residual-shadings.pdf |binary inst/doc/strucplot.pdf |binary man/mosaic.Rd | 3 ++- 7 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
Title: Sensitivity Analysis for Comparative Methods
Description: An implementation of sensitivity analysis for phylogenetic comparative
methods. The package is an umbrella of statistical and graphical methods that
estimate and report different types of uncertainty in PCM:
(i) Species Sampling uncertainty (sample size; influential species and clades).
(ii) Phylogenetic uncertainty (different topologies and/or branch lengths).
(iii) Data uncertainty (intraspecific variation and measurement error).
Author: Gustavo Paterno [cre, aut],
Gijsbert Werner [aut],
Caterina Penone [aut],
Pablo Martinez [ctb]
Maintainer: Gustavo Paterno <paternogbc@gmail.com>
Diff between sensiPhy versions 0.8.4 dated 2019-12-10 and 0.8.5 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 18 NEWS.md | 7 R/clade_physig.R | 14 R/samp_Discrete.R | 11 R/summary_methods.R | 90 ++-- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/sensiPhy_vignette.html | 872 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------- man/intra_samp_phyglm.Rd | 2 man/samp_discrete.Rd | 11 10 files changed, 511 insertions(+), 522 deletions(-)
Title: Read Spectral and Logged Data from Foreign Files
Description: Functions for reading, and in some cases writing, foreign files
containing spectral data from spectrometers and their associated software,
output from daylight simulation models in common use, and some spectral
data repositories. As well as functions for exchange of spectral data with
other R packages. Part of the 'r4photobiology' suite,
Aphalo P. J. (2015) <doi:10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14>.
Author: Pedro J. Aphalo [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3385-972X>),
Titta K. Kotilainen [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2822-9734>),
Glenn Davis [ctb]
Maintainer: Pedro J. Aphalo <pedro.aphalo@helsinki.fi>
Diff between photobiologyInOut versions 0.4.21-1 dated 2020-01-11 and 0.4.22 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 10 MD5 | 36 +- NAMESPACE | 2 NEWS | 13 R/read-fmi-cum.R | 105 ++++- README.md | 6 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/user-guide.R | 4 inst/doc/user-guide.Rmd | 4 inst/doc/user-guide.html | 739 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- man/read_fmi2mspct.Rd | 54 ++- tests/testthat/test-fmi.R | 10 tests/testthat/test-foreign.R | 4 tests/testthat/test-fred.R | 7 tests/testthat/test-licor.R | 9 tests/testthat/test-macam.R | 3 tests/testthat/test-oo.R | 36 -- tests/testthat/test-tuv.R | 18 - vignettes/user-guide.Rmd | 4 19 files changed, 572 insertions(+), 492 deletions(-)
More information about photobiologyInOut at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Matching Event Data by Location, Time and Type
Description: Framework for merging and disambiguating event data based on spatiotemporal co-occurrence and secondary event characteristics. It can account for intrinsic "fuzziness" in the coding of events, varying event taxonomies and different geo-precision codes.
Author: Karsten Donnay and Eric Dunford
Maintainer: Karsten Donnay <kdonnay@gmx.net>
Diff between meltt versions 0.4.0 dated 2018-04-15 and 0.4.1 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 20 ++++++++++---------- NEWS | 4 ++++ R/meltt.R | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- R/meltt.disambiguate.R | 4 ++-- R/meltt.episodal.R | 2 +- R/meltt_duplicates.R | 6 +++--- R/meltt_validate.R | 4 ++-- R/summary.meltt.R | 14 ++++++++++---- README.md | 14 +++++++------- man/meltt.Rd | 6 ++++-- 11 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)
Title: Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies with Several
Description: Provides methods by Steinhauser et al. (2016) <DOI:10.1186/s12874-016-0196-1> for meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy studies with several cutpoints.
Author: Gerta Rücker [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2192-2560>),
Susanne Steinhauser [aut],
Srinath Kolampally [aut],
Guido Schwarzer [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6214-9087>)
Maintainer: Guido Schwarzer <sc@imbi.uni-freiburg.de>
Diff between diagmeta versions 0.3-1 dated 2019-04-11 and 0.4-0 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 10 - MD5 | 44 +++--- NEWS | 32 ++++ R/Schneider2017.R | 8 - R/as.data.frame.diagmeta.R | 2 R/diagmeta.R | 8 - R/diagstats.R | 2 R/ipd2diag.R | 5 R/plot.diagmeta.R | 283 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------- R/print.diagmeta.R | 2 R/print.diagstats.R | 2 R/print.summary.diagmeta.R | 2 R/summary.diagmeta.R | 2 man/Schneider2017.Rd | 11 - man/as.data.frame.diagmeta.Rd | 5 man/diagmeta.Rd | 28 +++- man/diagstats.Rd | 2 man/ipd2diag.Rd | 5 man/plot.diagmeta.Rd | 87 +++++++++--- man/print.diagmeta.Rd | 2 man/print.diagstats.Rd | 5 man/print.summary.diagmeta.Rd | 2 man/summary.diagmeta.Rd | 2 23 files changed, 339 insertions(+), 212 deletions(-)
Title: Data Management and Analysis of Tests
Description: A system for the management, assessment, and psychometric analysis of data from educational and psychological tests.
Author: Gunter Maris, Timo Bechger, Jesse Koops, Ivailo Partchev
Maintainer: Jesse Koops <jesse.koops@cito.nl>
Diff between dexter versions 1.0.6 dated 2020-03-12 and 1.0.7 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 8 +-- MD5 | 48 +++++++++++------------ NEWS | 6 ++ R/enorm.R | 3 - R/plots.R | 22 +++++++--- inst/doc/DIF_vignette.html | 28 ++++++------- inst/doc/Dexter.html | 62 +++++++++++++++--------------- inst/doc/Equating.html | 10 ++-- inst/doc/Plausible_Values.html | 14 +++--- inst/doc/Profile-plots.html | 4 - inst/doc/Test_Individual_differences.html | 14 +++--- man/close_project.Rd | 26 ++++++------ man/distractor_plot.Rd | 7 +++ man/get_booklets.Rd | 34 ++++++++-------- man/get_items.Rd | 36 ++++++++--------- man/get_rules.Rd | 32 +++++++-------- man/open_project.Rd | 32 +++++++-------- man/plot.prms.Rd | 3 + man/ratedData.Rd | 4 + man/ratedDataProperties.Rd | 24 ++++++----- man/ratedDataRules.Rd | 22 +++++----- man/verbAggrData.Rd | 24 ++++++----- man/verbAggrProperties.Rd | 24 ++++++----- man/verbAggrRules.Rd | 24 ++++++----- src/data.cpp | 5 +- 25 files changed, 278 insertions(+), 238 deletions(-)
Title: Powell Miscellaneous Functions for Teaching and Learning
Description: Miscellaneous functions useful for teaching statistics as well as actually practicing the art. They typically are not new methods but rather wrappers around either base R or other packages.
Author: Chuck Powell [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3606-2188>)
Maintainer: Chuck Powell <ibecav@gmail.com>
Diff between CGPfunctions versions 0.5.9 dated 2020-03-06 and 0.6.0 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 17 - MD5 | 58 +++--- NAMESPACE | 2 NEWS.md | 12 + R/PlotXTabs2.R | 218 ++++++++++++++++------- R/chaid_table.R | 4 R/global_vars.R | 7 R/helpers.R | 24 ++ R/seedist.R | 337 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------- inst/doc/Using-Plot2WayANOVA.Rmd | 13 + inst/doc/Using-Plot2WayANOVA.html | 14 + inst/doc/Using-PlotXTabs.Rmd | 2 inst/doc/Using-PlotXTabs.html | 6 inst/doc/Using-PlotXTabs2.Rmd | 2 inst/doc/Using-PlotXTabs2.html | 22 +- inst/doc/Using-chaid_table.Rmd | 4 inst/doc/Using-chaid_table.html | 8 inst/doc/Using-newggslopegraph.Rmd | 2 inst/doc/Using-newggslopegraph.html | 6 man/PlotXTabs2.Rd | 29 ++- man/SeeDist.Rd | 94 ++++++++-- man/USvoteS.Rd | 6 man/chaidUS.Rd | 6 man/newcancer.Rd | 6 man/newgdp.Rd | 6 vignettes/Using-Plot2WayANOVA.Rmd | 13 + vignettes/Using-PlotXTabs.Rmd | 2 vignettes/Using-PlotXTabs2.Rmd | 2 vignettes/Using-chaid_table.Rmd | 4 vignettes/Using-newggslopegraph.Rmd | 2 30 files changed, 695 insertions(+), 233 deletions(-)
Title: Weighted k-Means Clustering
Description: Entropy weighted k-means (ewkm) by Liping Jing, Michael
K. Ng and Joshua Zhexue Huang (2007)
<doi:10.1109/TKDE.2007.1048> is a weighted subspace clustering
algorithm that is well suited to very high dimensional data.
Weights are calculated as the importance of a variable with
regard to cluster membership. The two-level variable
weighting clustering algorithm tw-k-means (twkm) by Xiaojun
Chen, Xiaofei Xu, Joshua Zhexue Huang and Yunming Ye (2013)
<doi:10.1109/TKDE.2011.262> introduces two types of weights,
the weights on individual variables and the weights on
variable groups, and they are calculated during the clustering
process. The feature group weighted k-means (fgkm) by Xiaojun
Chen, Yunminng Ye, Xiaofei Xu and Joshua Zhexue Huang (2012)
<doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2011.06.004> extends this concept by
grouping features and weighting the group in addition to
weighting individual features.
Author: Graham Williams [aut],
Joshua Z Huang [aut],
Xiaojun Chen [aut],
Qiang Wang [aut],
Longfei Xiao [aut],
He Zhao [cre]
Maintainer: He Zhao <Simon.Yansen.Zhao@gmail.com>
Diff between wskm versions 1.4.36 dated 2020-03-16 and 1.4.37 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 4 ++-- src/Utils.h | 2 +- 3 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
Title: Tidy Tuning Tools
Description: The ability to tune models is important. 'tune' contains functions and
classes to be used in conjunction with other 'tidymodels' packages for
finding reasonable values of hyper-parameters in models, pre-processing
methods, and post-processing steps.
Author: Max Kuhn [aut, cre],
RStudio [cph]
Maintainer: Max Kuhn <max@rstudio.com>
Diff between tune versions 0.0.1 dated 2020-02-11 and 0.1.0 dated 2020-04-02
tune-0.0.1/tune/R/tune_bayes.R |only tune-0.0.1/tune/tests/testthat/knn_results.RData |only tune-0.0.1/tune/tests/testthat/rcv_results.RData |only tune-0.1.0/tune/DESCRIPTION | 13 - tune-0.1.0/tune/MD5 | 84 +++---- tune-0.1.0/tune/NAMESPACE | 7 tune-0.1.0/tune/NEWS.md | 18 + tune-0.1.0/tune/R/0_imports.R | 16 - tune-0.1.0/tune/R/checks.R | 1 tune-0.1.0/tune/R/collect.R | 261 ++++++++++++++++++++-- tune-0.1.0/tune/R/compat_dplyr.R |only tune-0.1.0/tune/R/data.R | 2 tune-0.1.0/tune/R/deprecated.R |only tune-0.1.0/tune/R/finalize.R | 2 tune-0.1.0/tune/R/grid_code_paths.R | 16 + tune-0.1.0/tune/R/last_fit.R | 58 +++- tune-0.1.0/tune/R/logging.R | 30 ++ tune-0.1.0/tune/R/resample.R | 73 +++--- tune-0.1.0/tune/R/select_best.R | 78 ++++-- tune-0.1.0/tune/R/tune_Bayes.R |only tune-0.1.0/tune/R/tune_grid.R | 106 +++++--- tune-0.1.0/tune/R/utils.R |only tune-0.1.0/tune/R/zzz.R | 5 tune-0.1.0/tune/README.md | 50 ++-- tune-0.1.0/tune/data/example_ames_knn.RData |binary tune-0.1.0/tune/inst/WORDLIST | 4 tune-0.1.0/tune/man/collect_predictions.Rd | 59 ++++ tune-0.1.0/tune/man/example_ames_knn.Rd | 2 tune-0.1.0/tune/man/finalize_model.Rd | 2 tune-0.1.0/tune/man/fit_resamples.Rd | 28 -- tune-0.1.0/tune/man/last_fit.Rd | 17 - tune-0.1.0/tune/man/show_best.Rd | 17 - tune-0.1.0/tune/man/tunable.Rd | 4 tune-0.1.0/tune/man/tune_bayes.Rd | 47 +-- tune-0.1.0/tune/man/tune_grid.Rd | 44 +-- tune-0.1.0/tune/tests/helper-objects.R | 1 tune-0.1.0/tune/tests/testthat/knn_grid.rds |only tune-0.1.0/tune/tests/testthat/knn_results.rds |only tune-0.1.0/tune/tests/testthat/knn_set.rds |only tune-0.1.0/tune/tests/testthat/rcv_results.rds |only tune-0.1.0/tune/tests/testthat/test-GP.R | 56 ++++ tune-0.1.0/tune/tests/testthat/test-autoplot.R | 2 tune-0.1.0/tune/tests/testthat/test-bayes.R |only tune-0.1.0/tune/tests/testthat/test-collect.R | 180 ++++++++++++++- tune-0.1.0/tune/tests/testthat/test-estimate.R | 2 tune-0.1.0/tune/tests/testthat/test-grid.R | 47 ++- tune-0.1.0/tune/tests/testthat/test-last-fit.R | 34 ++ tune-0.1.0/tune/tests/testthat/test-resample.R | 85 +++++-- tune-0.1.0/tune/tests/testthat/test-select_best.R | 119 ++++++---- 49 files changed, 1125 insertions(+), 445 deletions(-)
Title: Read Untidy Excel Files
Description: Imports non-tabular from Excel files into R. Exposes cell content,
position and formatting in a tidy structure for further manipulation.
Tokenizes Excel formulas. Supports '.xlsx' and '.xlsm' via the embedded
'RapidXML' C++ library <http://rapidxml.sourceforge.net>. Does not support
'.xlsb' or '.xls'.
Author: Duncan Garmonsway [aut, cre],
Hadley Wickham [ctb] (Author of included readxl fragments),
Jenny Bryan [ctb] (Author of included readxl fragments),
RStudio [cph] (Copyright holder of included readxl fragments),
Marcin Kalicinski [ctb, cph] (Author of included RapidXML code)
Maintainer: Duncan Garmonsway <nacnudus@gmail.com>
Diff between tidyxl versions 1.0.4 dated 2019-01-02 and 1.0.5 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 50 +-- NEWS.md | 4 R/tidy_xlsx.R | 8 R/xlex.R | 2 R/xlsx_formats.R | 6 README.md | 18 - build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/data-validation-rules.R | 12 inst/doc/data-validation-rules.html | 482 +++++++++++++++++---------------- inst/doc/smells.R | 20 - inst/doc/smells.html | 223 ++++++++------- inst/doc/tidyxl.R | 16 - inst/doc/tidyxl.Rmd | 8 inst/doc/tidyxl.html | 517 ++++++++++++++++++------------------ man/excel_functions.Rd | 4 man/is_date_format.Rd | 13 man/tidy_xlsx.Rd | 15 - man/tidyxl.Rd | 1 man/xlex.Rd | 28 - man/xlsx_cells.Rd | 14 man/xlsx_color_standard.Rd | 8 man/xlsx_formats.Rd | 11 man/xlsx_validation.Rd | 2 tests/testthat/test-xlex.R | 108 ++++--- vignettes/tidyxl.Rmd | 8 26 files changed, 860 insertions(+), 726 deletions(-)
Title: Reproducible Research with a Table of R Codes
Description: Makes documents containing plots and tables from a table of R codes.
Can make "HTML", "pdf('LaTex')", "docx('MS Word')" and "pptx('MS Powerpoint')" documents with or without R code.
In the package, modularized 'shiny' app codes are provided. These modules are intended for reuse across applications.
Author: Keon-Woong Moon [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Keon-Woong Moon <cardiomoon@gmail.com>
Diff between rrtable versions 0.1.7 dated 2020-02-04 and 0.2.1 dated 2020-04-02
rrtable-0.1.7/rrtable/R/add_img.R |only rrtable-0.1.7/rrtable/man/add_img.Rd |only rrtable-0.1.7/rrtable/man/plotPDF2.Rd |only rrtable-0.1.7/rrtable/man/plotSVG2.Rd |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/DESCRIPTION | 12 rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/MD5 | 86 +++-- rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/NAMESPACE | 39 ++ rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/NEWS.md | 31 ++ rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/R/add_2ggplots.R | 2 rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/R/add_2plots.R | 25 - rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/R/add_Rcode.R | 26 + rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/R/add_plot.R | 1 rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/R/chooserEx.R |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/R/code2pptx.R |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/R/data2HTML.R | 28 + rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/R/data2office.R | 63 +++- rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/R/data2pdf.R | 26 + rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/R/data2plotzip.R | 137 ++++----- rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/R/df2flextable.R | 42 ++ rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/R/file2pdf.R | 34 ++ rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/R/image2pptx.R |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/R/plot2pptx.R | 83 +++-- rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/R/pptxList.R | 417 +++++++++++----------------- rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/build/vignette.rds |binary rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/inst/chooser |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/inst/doc/Update.html | 58 ++- rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/inst/doc/rrtable.html | 117 +++---- rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/inst/pptxList/app.R | 2 rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/inst/pptxList/www |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/add_anyplot.Rd | 4 rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/add_image.Rd |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/chooser.Rd |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/chooser2.Rd |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/chooser2UI.Rd |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/chooserInput.Rd |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/chooserUI.Rd |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/code2docx.Rd |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/code2office.Rd |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/code2pptx.Rd |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/data2docx2.Rd |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/data2pptx2.Rd |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/df2flextable.Rd | 5 rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/file2docx2.Rd |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/file2pptx2.Rd |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/image2docx.Rd |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/image2office.Rd |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/image2pptx.Rd |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/is_ggplot.Rd | 4 rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/is_ggsurvplot.Rd |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/p2character.Rd |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/pickerInput3.Rd |only rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/plot2office.Rd | 3 rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/plotPNG2.Rd | 12 rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/sampleData2.Rd | 6 rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/sampleData3.Rd | 6 rrtable-0.2.1/rrtable/man/unsink.Rd |only 56 files changed, 740 insertions(+), 529 deletions(-)
Title: General Purpose Optimization in R using C++
Description: Perform general purpose optimization in R using C++. A unified
wrapper interface is provided to call C functions of the five optimization
algorithms ('Nelder-Mead', 'BFGS', 'CG', 'L-BFGS-B' and 'SANN') underlying
Author: Yi Pan [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Yi Pan <ypan1988@gmail.com>
Diff between roptim versions 0.1.3 dated 2020-03-28 and 0.1.4 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 6 MD5 | 12 - R/RcppExports.R | 364 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/article.pdf |binary inst/include/roptim.h | 8 - src/roptim.h | 14 - 7 files changed, 193 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-)
Title: Photobiological Calculations
Description: Definitions of classes, methods, operators and functions for use
in photobiology and radiation meteorology and climatology. Calculation of
effective (weighted) and not-weighted irradiances/doses, fluence rates,
transmittance, reflectance, absorptance, absorbance and diverse ratios and
other derived quantities from spectral data. Local maxima and minima: peaks,
valleys and spikes. Conversion between energy-and photon-based units.
Wavelength interpolation. Astronomical calculations related solar angles and
day length. Colours and vision. This package is part of the 'r4photobiology'
suite, Aphalo, P. J. (2015) <doi:10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14>.
Author: Pedro J. Aphalo [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3385-972X>),
Titta K. Kotilainen [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2822-9734>),
Glenn Davis [ctb],
Agnese Fazio [ctb]
Maintainer: Pedro J. Aphalo <pedro.aphalo@helsinki.fi>
Diff between photobiology versions 0.9.30 dated 2020-01-09 and 0.10.0 dated 2020-04-02
photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/DESCRIPTION | 42 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/MD5 | 262 - photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/NAMESPACE | 60 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/NEWS | 82 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/ciexyz.data.r | 35 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/copy.attr.R | 6 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/mspct.methods.R | 42 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/na.rm.R | 5 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/print.waveband.r |only photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/spct.absorbance.R | 167 - photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/spct.absorptance.R | 141 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/spct.classes.r | 74 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/spct.clean.r | 64 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/spct.irrad.r | 168 - photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/spct.new.r | 14 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/spct.normalize.r | 6 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/spct.operators.r | 24 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/spct.peaks.r | 995 +++++- photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/spct.ratios.R | 156 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/spct.reflectance.r | 192 - photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/spct.response.R | 203 - photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/spct.spikes.R |only photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/spct.transmittance.r | 119 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/trim.waveband.r | 31 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/R/zmspct.classes.R | 7 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/README.md | 14 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/build/vignette.rds |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/A.illuminant.spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/D2-FEL-constants.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/D65.illuminant.spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/Ler-leaf-spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/beesxyz.spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/black_body.spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/ccd.spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/ciev10.spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/ciev2.spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/ciexyzCC10.spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/ciexyzCC2.spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/ciexyzCMF10.spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/ciexyzCMF2.spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/clear.spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/clear_body.spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/cone_fundamentals10.spct.rda |only photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/filter-cps-mspct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/green_leaf.spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/opaque.spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/photodiode.spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/polyester.spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/sun.daily.data.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/sun.daily.spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/sun.data.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/sun.spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/white-led-spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/white_body.spct.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/data/yellow.gel.rda |binary photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/inst/doc/userguide1-intro.html | 14 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/inst/doc/userguide2-radiation.R | 164 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/inst/doc/userguide2-radiation.Rmd | 323 + photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/inst/doc/userguide2-radiation.html | 1643 +++++----- photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/inst/doc/userguide3-astronomy.html | 302 - photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/A.illuminant.spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/D2.UV586.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/D2.UV653.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/D2.UV654.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/D65.illuminant.spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/FEL.BN.9101.165.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/Ler_leaf.spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/Ler_leaf_rflt.spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/Ler_leaf_trns.spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/Ler_leaf_trns_i.spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/Trig.Rd | 9 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/absorbance.Rd | 19 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/absorbance_spct.Rd | 5 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/absorptance.Rd | 15 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/absorptance_spct.Rd | 11 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/beesxyzCMF.spct.Rd | 7 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/black_body.spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/ccd.spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/ciev10.spct.Rd | 7 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/ciev2.spct.Rd | 7 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/ciexyzCC10.spct.Rd | 7 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/ciexyzCC2.spct.Rd | 7 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/ciexyzCMF10.spct.Rd | 7 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/ciexyzCMF2.spct.Rd | 7 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/clean.Rd | 34 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/clear.spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/clear_body.spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/cone_fundamentals10.spct.Rd |only photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/despike.Rd |only photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/e_fluence.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/e_irrad.Rd | 5 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/e_ratio.Rd | 25 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/e_response.Rd | 5 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/eq_ratio.Rd | 25 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/filter_cps.mspct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/find_peaks.Rd | 5 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/find_spikes.Rd |only photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/fit_peaks.Rd |only photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/fluence.Rd | 5 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/get_peaks.Rd | 3 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/green_leaf.spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/irrad.Rd | 10 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/is_photon_based.Rd | 6 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/julian_day.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/opaque.spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/peaks.Rd | 178 + photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/photobiology-package.Rd | 19 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/photodiode.spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/polyester.spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/print.waveband.Rd | 2 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/q_fluence.Rd | 5 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/q_irrad.Rd | 5 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/q_ratio.Rd | 20 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/q_response.Rd | 5 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/qe_ratio.Rd | 25 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/reflectance.Rd | 15 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/reflectance_spct.Rd | 5 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/replace_bad_pixs.Rd |only photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/resp_spct.Rd | 5 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/response.Rd | 5 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/spikes.Rd |only photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/sun.daily.data.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/sun.daily.spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/sun.data.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/sun.spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/transmittance.Rd | 11 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/transmittance_spct.Rd | 5 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/trim_waveband.Rd | 21 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/valleys.Rd | 167 - photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/white_body.spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/white_led.cps_spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/white_led.raw_spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/white_led.source_spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/wls_at_target.Rd | 3 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/man/yellow_gel.spct.Rd | 4 photobiology-0.10.0/photobiology/vignettes/userguide2-radiation.Rmd | 323 + photobiology-0.9.30/photobiology/R/print.waveband.R |only 137 files changed, 4604 insertions(+), 1921 deletions(-)
Title: Recursive Partitioning for Longitudinal Profiles Using Baseline
Description: Constructs longitudinal tree (i.e., regression tree with heterogeneous longitudinal profile) for continuous longitudinal outcome using baseline covariates as partitioning variables according to the 'LongCART' algorithm as described in Kundu and Harezlak (2019) <doi:10.1080/24709360.2018.1557797>.
Author: Madan G Kundu
Maintainer: Madan G Kundu <madan_g.kundu@yahoo.com>
Diff between LongCART versions 1.0 dated 2019-10-07 and 1.1 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 8 - MD5 | 10 +- R/LongCART_02_Jun_2019_3.R | 196 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- man/LongCART.Rd | 32 +++---- man/plotLongCART.Rd | 44 +++++----- man/textLongCART.Rd | 28 +++--- 6 files changed, 159 insertions(+), 159 deletions(-)
Title: Disciplined Convex Optimization
Description: An object-oriented modeling language for disciplined convex
programming (DCP). It allows the user to formulate convex optimization problems
in a natural way following mathematical convention and DCP rules. The system
analyzes the problem, verifies its convexity, converts it into a canonical form,
and hands it off to an appropriate solver to obtain the solution.
Author: Anqi Fu [aut, cre],
Balasubramanian Narasimhan [aut],
David W Kang [aut],
Steven Diamond [aut],
John Miller [aut],
Stephen Boyd [ctb],
Paul Kunsberg Rosenfield [ctb]
Maintainer: Anqi Fu <anqif@stanford.edu>
Diff between CVXR versions 1.0 dated 2020-02-02 and 1.0-1 dated 2020-04-02
CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/DESCRIPTION | 13 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/MD5 | 112 +-- CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/NAMESPACE | 3 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/NEWS.md | 9 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/R/CVXcanon-R6.R | 1 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/R/LinOp-R6.R | 1 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/R/conic_solvers.R | 422 ++++++------ CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/R/constant.R | 57 - CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/R/problem.R | 17 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/R/qp_solvers.R | 181 ++--- CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/R/reduction_solvers.R | 60 - CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/R/solver_utilities.R | 49 + CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/R/utilities.R | 14 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/build/vignette.rds |binary CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/inst/doc/cvxr_intro.html | 4 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/inst/doc/version1.html | 4 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/man/CBC_CONIC-class.Rd | 2 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/man/CPLEX_CONIC-class.Rd | 2 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/man/CPLEX_QP-class.Rd | 2 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/man/CVXOPT-class.Rd | 9 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/man/ConstantSolver-class.Rd | 2 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/man/ECOS_BB-class.Rd | 2 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/man/GLPK-class.Rd | 2 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/man/GLPK_MI-class.Rd | 2 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/man/GUROBI_CONIC-class.Rd | 2 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/man/GUROBI_QP-class.Rd | 2 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/man/MOSEK-class.Rd | 2 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/man/OSQP-class.Rd | 2 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/man/ReductionSolver-class.Rd | 4 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/man/SCS-class.Rd | 2 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/man/cdiac.Rd | 6 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/man/dspop.Rd | 6 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/man/dssamp.Rd | 6 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/man/installed_solvers.Rd | 31 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/group00.R |only CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/group05.R |only CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/manual/test-examples.R | 20 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/manual/test-vignette.R | 38 - CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g00-constant_atoms.R |only CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g01-atoms.R | 92 +- CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g01-complex.R | 42 - CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g01-dgp.R | 20 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g01-dgp2dcp.R | 48 - CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g01-linear_cone.R | 16 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g01-mip_vars.R | 12 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g01-mosek_conif.R | 191 ++--- CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g01-non_optimal.R | 4 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g01-problem.R | 18 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g01-qp.R | 66 - CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g01-quad_form.R | 136 +-- CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g01-semidefinite_vars.R | 4 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g01-solvers.R | 40 - CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g02-examples.R | 20 CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g05-cbc.R |only CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g05-cplex.R |only CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g05-gurobi.R |only CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g05-mip.R |only CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g05-mosek.R |only CVXR-1.0-1/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g05-solver_tests.R |only CVXR-1.0/CVXR/inst/extdata/lena512.png |only CVXR-1.0/CVXR/inst/extdata/lena512_corrupted.png |only CVXR-1.0/CVXR/tests/manual/test-constant_atoms.R |only CVXR-1.0/CVXR/tests/manual/test-mip.R |only CVXR-1.0/CVXR/tests/testthat/test-g01-cbc.R |only 64 files changed, 977 insertions(+), 823 deletions(-)
Title: Weighted Smooth Backfitting for Structured Models
Description: Non- and semiparametric regression for generalized additive, partial linear, and varying coefficient models as well as their combinations via smoothed backfitting. Based on Roca-Pardinas J and Sperlich S (2010) <doi:10.1007/s11222-009-9130-2>; Mammen E, Linton O and Nielsen J (1999) <doi:10.1214/aos/1017939138>; Lee YK, Mammen E, Park BU (2012) <doi:10.1214/12-AOS1026>.
Author: Javier Roca-Pardinas [aut, cre],
Maria Xose Rodriguez-Alvarez [aut],
Stefan Sperlich [aut],
Alan Miller (FORTRAN code lsq.f90: weighted least-squares module) [ctb]
Maintainer: Javier Roca-Pardinas <roca@uvigo.es>
Diff between wsbackfit versions 1.0-1 dated 2020-03-26 and 1.0-2 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 8 ++++---- build/partial.rdb |binary man/wsbackfit-package.Rd | 4 ++-- src/wsbackfit.f90 | 16 ++++++---------- 5 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
Title: Tidy Verbs for Fast Data Manipulation
Description: A toolkit of tidy data manipulation verbs with 'data.table' as the backend.
Combining the merits of syntax elegance from 'dplyr' and computing performance from 'data.table',
'tidyfst' intends to provide users with state-of-the-art data manipulation tools with least pain.
This package is an extension of 'data.table'. While enjoying a tidy syntax,
it also wraps combinations of efficient functions to facilitate frequently-used data operations.
Author: Tian-Yuan Huang [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3591-4203>)
Maintainer: Tian-Yuan Huang <huang.tian-yuan@qq.com>
Diff between tidyfst versions 0.9.3 dated 2020-03-24 and 0.9.4 dated 2020-04-02
tidyfst-0.9.3/tidyfst/R/set.R |only tidyfst-0.9.3/tidyfst/R/set_dt.R |only tidyfst-0.9.3/tidyfst/man/longer_dt.Rd |only tidyfst-0.9.3/tidyfst/man/set.Rd |only tidyfst-0.9.3/tidyfst/man/set_dt.Rd |only tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/DESCRIPTION | 8 - tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/MD5 | 90 +++++++-------- tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/NAMESPACE | 20 +-- tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/arrange_dt.R | 2 tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/complete.R | 6 - tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/count_dt.R | 17 +- tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/dt.R | 19 --- tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/dummy_dt.R | 8 - tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/fst.R | 56 +++------ tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/group_by.R | 37 ------ tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/group_dt.R | 6 - tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/join_dt.R | 113 +++++++++++++++++-- tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/longer_dt.R | 2 tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/missing.R | 83 +++---------- tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/mutate_dt.R | 1 tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/mutate_when.R | 8 - tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/pull_dt.R | 8 - tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/rename_dt.R | 13 -- tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/rownames.R |only tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/select_dt.R | 18 +-- tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/summarise_dt.R | 27 ++++ tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/tidymat.R |only tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/topn_dt.R | 6 - tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/R/utf8_encoding.R |only tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/inst/doc/english_tutorial.Rmd | 2 tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/inst/doc/english_tutorial.html | 2 tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/inst/doc/example5_fst.R | 7 + tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/inst/doc/example5_fst.Rmd | 11 + tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/inst/doc/example5_fst.html | 7 + tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/man/arrange_dt.Rd | 2 tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/man/complete_dt.Rd | 1 tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/man/count.Rd | 1 tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/man/fst.Rd | 2 tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/man/group_by.Rd | 18 --- tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/man/group_dt.Rd | 6 + tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/man/join.Rd | 51 +++++++- tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/man/longer.Rd |only tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/man/missing.Rd | 10 - tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/man/mutate_vars.Rd | 4 tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/man/pull_dt.Rd | 2 tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/man/rownames.Rd |only tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/man/select.Rd | 4 tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/man/summarise_dt.Rd | 7 - tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/man/tidymat.Rd |only tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/man/utf8_encoding.Rd |only tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/vignettes/english_tutorial.Rmd | 2 tidyfst-0.9.4/tidyfst/vignettes/example5_fst.Rmd | 11 + 52 files changed, 394 insertions(+), 304 deletions(-)
Title: PARAFAC Analysis of EEMs from DOM
Description: This is a user-friendly way to run a parallel factor (PARAFAC) analysis (Harshman, 1971) <doi:10.1121/1.1977523> on excitation emission matrix (EEM) data from dissolved organic matter (DOM) samples (Murphy et al., 2013) <doi:10.1039/c3ay41160e>. The analysis includes profound methods for model validation. Some additional functions allow the calculation of absorbance slope parameters and create beautiful plots.
Author: Matthias Pucher [aut, cre],
Daniel Graeber [aut, ctb],
Stefan Preiner [ctb],
Renata Pinto [ctb]
Maintainer: Matthias Pucher <matthias.pucher@wcl.ac.at>
Diff between staRdom versions 1.1.7 dated 2020-03-13 and 1.1.10 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 28 - MD5 | 39 +- R/absorption_functions.R | 2 README | 6 inst/doc/Basic_analysis_of_DOM_samples.R | 7 inst/doc/Basic_analysis_of_DOM_samples.Rmd | 57 +-- inst/doc/Basic_analysis_of_DOM_samples.html | 142 ++++---- inst/doc/PARAFAC_analysis_of_EEM.R | 7 inst/doc/PARAFAC_analysis_of_EEM.Rmd | 82 ++-- inst/doc/PARAFAC_analysis_of_EEM.html | 490 ++++++++++++++-------------- man/eem_list.Rd | 4 man/eem_list_outliers.Rd | 4 man/pf1.Rd | 4 man/pf1n.Rd | 4 man/pf2.Rd | 4 man/pf3.Rd | 4 man/pf4.Rd | 4 man/sh.Rd | 4 vignettes/Basic_analysis_of_DOM_samples.Rmd | 57 +-- vignettes/PARAFAC_analysis_of_EEM.Rmd | 82 ++-- vignettes/staRdom.bib |only 21 files changed, 513 insertions(+), 518 deletions(-)
Title: R Interface to the 'QuantLib' Library
Description: The 'RQuantLib' package makes parts of 'QuantLib' accessible from R
The 'QuantLib' project aims to provide a comprehensive software framework
for quantitative finance. The goal is to provide a standard open source library
for quantitative analysis, modeling, trading, and risk management of financial
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel, Khanh Nguyen (2009-2010), Terry Leitch (since 2016)
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org>
Diff between RQuantLib versions 0.4.11 dated 2020-01-15 and 0.4.12 dated 2020-04-02
ChangeLog | 25 ++++++++++++++++++++ DESCRIPTION | 8 +++--- MD5 | 28 +++++++++++----------- README.md | 24 ++++++++++++------- configure | 21 ++++++++-------- configure.ac | 7 ++++- data/tsQuotes.RData |binary data/vcube.RData |binary inst/NEWS.Rd | 18 ++++++++++++-- inst/tinytest/test_dates.R | 18 -------------- src/affine.cpp | 10 ++++---- src/bermudan.cpp | 20 ++++++++-------- src/calendars.cpp | 9 +++++-- src/curves.cpp | 56 +++++++++++++++------------------------------ src/hullwhite.cpp | 6 ++-- 15 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-)
Title: Data and Functions from the Book R Graphics, Third Edition
Description: Data and Functions from the book R Graphics, Third Edition. There is a function to produce each figure in the book, plus several functions, classes, and methods defined in Chapter 8.
Author: Paul Murrell
Maintainer: Paul Murrell <paul@stat.auckland.ac.nz>
Diff between RGraphics versions 2.0-14 dated 2016-03-03 and 3.0-1 dated 2020-04-02
RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/data/ocean.rda |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/data/ozTemp.rda |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/data/wind.rda |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/data/xmm.rda |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/10m-brazil.dbf |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/10m-brazil.shp |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/10m-brazil.shx |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/10m-colorado.dbf |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/10m-colorado.shp |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/10m-colorado.shx |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/10m-iceland.dbf |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/10m-iceland.shp |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/10m-iceland.shx |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/10m_brazil_capitals.dbf |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/10m_brazil_capitals.shp |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/10m_brazil_capitals.shx |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/10m_brazil_regions.dbf |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/10m_brazil_regions.shp |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/10m_brazil_regions.shx |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/AfterTheBombs.pnm |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/GPN-2000-000473.pgm |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/astronaut.pgm |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/brazilRelief.tif |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/grd.rda |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/marajo.dbf |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/marajo.shp |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/marajo.shx |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/inst/extra/tiger.ps.xml |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/man/grid.imageFun.Rd |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/man/grid.imageGrob.Rd |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/man/grid.ozFun.Rd |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/man/imageGrob.Rd |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/man/ozGrob.Rd |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/man/ozImage.Rd |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/man/ozKey.Rd |only RGraphics-2.0-14/RGraphics/man/ribbonLegend.Rd |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/DESCRIPTION | 31 RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/MD5 | 82 RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/NAMESPACE | 76 RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/R/figures.R | 5702 +++------- RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/R/globals.R | 2 RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/data/AABA.R |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/data/ocean.R |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/data/ozTemp.R |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/data/wind.R |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/data/xmm.R |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/AfterTheBombs.jpg |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/GPN-2000-000473.jpg |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/cmbx10.afm |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/cmbx10.pfb |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/cmbxsl10.afm |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/cmbxsl10.pfb |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/cmr10.afm |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/cmr10.pfb |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/cmsl10.afm |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/cmsl10.pfb |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/cmsyase.afm |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/cmsyase.pfb |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/comic_moon.svg |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/flubber.afm |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/flubber.pfb |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/grayify.R | 4 RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/importtest.ps |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/importtest.svg |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/moon-26619.svg |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/myenc.enc |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/inst/extra/tiger.ps |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/man/AABA.Rd |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/man/faceA.Rd | 4 RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/man/figures.Rd | 495 RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/man/grid.utext.Rd |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/man/grid.utextvp.Rd |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/man/utextDynamic.Rd |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/man/utextStatic.Rd |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/man/utextvpDynamic.Rd |only RGraphics-3.0-1/RGraphics/man/utextvpStatic.Rd |only 76 files changed, 2446 insertions(+), 3950 deletions(-)
Title: NASA's Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) Data
Visualization and Processing
Description: Set of tools for downloading, reading, visualizing and processing GEDI Level1B, Level2A and Level2B data.
Author: Carlos Alberto Silva [aut, cre, cph],
Caio Hamamura [aut, cph],
Ruben Valbuena [aut, ctb],
Steven Hancock [aut, ctb],
Adrian Cardil [aut, ctb],
Eben North Broadbent [aut, ctb],
Danilo Roberti Alves de Almeida [aut, ctb],
Celso H. L. Silva Junior [aut, ctb],
Carine Klauberg [aut, ctb],
Burton Garbow [cph] (Is the author of the MINPACK-1 Least Squares
Fitting Library),
Kenneth Hillstrom [cph] (Is the author of the MINPACK-1 Least Squares
Fitting Library),
Jorge More [cph] (Is the author of the MINPACK-1 Least Squares Fitting
Craig Markwardt [cph] (Is the author of the enhanced MINPACK-1 Least
Squares Fitting Library)
Maintainer: Carlos Alberto Silva <carlos_engflorestal@outlook.com>
Diff between rGEDI versions 0.1.1 dated 2020-04-01 and 0.1.2 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 14 +++--- MD5 | 36 ++++++++--------- NAMESPACE | 2 README.md | 5 -- inst/doc/tutorial.R | 3 - inst/doc/tutorial.Rmd | 3 - inst/doc/tutorial.html | 57 +++++++++++++-------------- man/clipLevel1BGeometry.Rd | 3 - man/clipLevel2BGeometry.Rd | 3 - man/close.Rd | 1 man/gedi.fullwaveform-class.Rd | 32 +++++++-------- man/gediDownload.Rd | 3 - man/gediWFMetrics.Rd | 86 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- man/gediWFSimulator.Rd | 43 +++++++++++++++----- man/plot.Rd | 7 --- man/rGEDI-package.Rd | 14 +++--- src/Makevars.in | 8 ++- src/Makevars.win | 31 ++++++++------ vignettes/tutorial.Rmd | 3 - 19 files changed, 210 insertions(+), 144 deletions(-)
Title: Australia Maps
Description: Maps of Australian coastline and administrative regions. Data
can be drawn or accessed directly as simple features objects. Includes
simple functions for country or state maps of Australia and in-built data
sets of administrative regions from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
<https://www.abs.gov.au/>. Layers include electoral divisions and local
government areas, simplified from the original sources but with sufficient
detail to allow mapping of a local municipality.
Author: Michael Sumner [aut, cre],
Dianne Cook [ctb],
Dario Herenu [ctb]
Maintainer: Michael Sumner <mdsumner@gmail.com>
Diff between ozmaps versions 0.3.0 dated 2020-01-07 and 0.3.6 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 16 +++---- MD5 | 28 ++++++------- NAMESPACE | 2 NEWS.md | 10 ++++ R/ozmap.R | 70 +++++--------------------------- README.md | 31 ++++++++------ build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/ozmaps.R | 4 + inst/doc/ozmaps.Rmd | 9 +++- inst/doc/ozmaps.html | 88 +++++++++++++++++++---------------------- man/abs-data.Rd | 6 +- man/figures/README-ochRe-2.png |binary man/ozmap.Rd | 8 ++- man/ozmaps-package.Rd | 2 vignettes/ozmaps.Rmd | 9 +++- 15 files changed, 133 insertions(+), 150 deletions(-)
Title: Trellis Graphics for R
Description: A powerful and elegant high-level data visualization
system inspired by Trellis graphics, with an emphasis on
multivariate data. Lattice is sufficient for typical graphics needs,
and is also flexible enough to handle most nonstandard requirements.
See ?Lattice for an introduction.
Author: Deepayan Sarkar [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4107-1553>),
Felix Andrews [ctb],
Kevin Wright [ctb] (documentation),
Neil Klepeis [ctb],
Paul Murrell [ctb]
Maintainer: Deepayan Sarkar <deepayan.sarkar@r-project.org>
Diff between lattice versions 0.20-40 dated 2020-02-19 and 0.20-41 dated 2020-04-02
lattice-0.20-40/lattice/po/R-en@quot.po |only lattice-0.20-41/lattice/ChangeLog | 6056 +++++++++- lattice-0.20-41/lattice/DESCRIPTION | 8 lattice-0.20-41/lattice/MD5 | 25 lattice-0.20-41/lattice/inst/po/de/LC_MESSAGES/R-lattice.mo |binary lattice-0.20-41/lattice/inst/po/en@quot/LC_MESSAGES/R-lattice.mo |binary lattice-0.20-41/lattice/inst/po/fr/LC_MESSAGES/R-lattice.mo |binary lattice-0.20-41/lattice/inst/po/ko/LC_MESSAGES/R-lattice.mo |binary lattice-0.20-41/lattice/inst/po/pl/LC_MESSAGES/R-lattice.mo |binary lattice-0.20-41/lattice/po/R-de.po | 7 lattice-0.20-41/lattice/po/R-fr.po | 3 lattice-0.20-41/lattice/po/R-ko.po | 27 lattice-0.20-41/lattice/po/R-lattice.pot | 5 lattice-0.20-41/lattice/po/R-pl.po | 3 14 files changed, 6069 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)
Title: Convenient Functions for Ensemble Time Series Forecasts
Description: Convenient functions for ensemble forecasts in R combining
approaches from the 'forecast' package. Forecasts generated from auto.arima(), ets(),
thetaf(), nnetar(), stlm(), tbats(), and snaive() can be combined with equal weights, weights
based on in-sample errors (introduced by Bates & Granger (1969) <doi:10.1057/jors.1969.103>),
or cross-validated weights. Cross validation for time series data with user-supplied models
and forecasting functions is also supported to evaluate model accuracy.
Author: David Shaub [aut, cre],
Peter Ellis [aut]
Maintainer: David Shaub <davidshaub@gmx.com>
Diff between forecastHybrid versions 4.2.17 dated 2019-02-11 and 5.0.18 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 12 MD5 | 43 - R/cvts.R | 15 R/generics.R | 33 R/hybridModel.R | 4 R/thiefModel.R | 21 inst/NEWS.md | 15 inst/doc/forecastHybrid.R | 57 - inst/doc/forecastHybrid.Rmd | 13 inst/doc/forecastHybrid.html | 976 +++++++++++------------------ man/accuracy.cvts.Rd | 6 man/accuracy.hybridModel.Rd | 6 man/cvts.Rd | 34 - man/forecast.hybridModel.Rd | 13 man/forecast.thetam.Rd | 9 man/hybridModel.Rd | 29 man/plot.hybridModel.Rd | 3 man/thiefModel.Rd | 15 tests/testthat/test-cvts.R | 37 - tests/testthat/test-cvts_examples.R |only tests/testthat/test-forecast.hybridModel.R | 1 tests/testthat/test-thiefModel.R | 14 vignettes/forecastHybrid.Rmd | 13 23 files changed, 640 insertions(+), 729 deletions(-)
More information about forecastHybrid at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Retrieve Flu Season Data from the United States Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention ('CDC') 'FluView' Portal
Description: The 'U.S.' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) maintain
a portal <https://gis.cdc.gov/grasp/fluview/fluportaldashboard.html> for
accessing state, regional and national influenza statistics as well as
mortality surveillance data. The web interface makes it difficult and
time-consuming to select and retrieve influenza data. Tools are provided
to access the data provided by the portal's underlying 'API'.
Author: Bob Rudis [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5670-2640>),
Craig McGowan [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6298-0185>),
JJ Chen [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8482-8398>),
Sebastian Meyer [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1791-9449>),
James Turtle [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0735-7769>),
Andrew Bates [ctb]
Maintainer: Bob Rudis <bob@rud.is>
Diff between cdcfluview versions 0.9.0 dated 2019-01-24 and 0.9.1 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 26 +++++++++++++----------- MD5 | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- NAMESPACE | 1 R/aaa.R | 2 - R/cdcfluview-package.R | 1 R/get-weekly-flu-report.r | 2 - R/mmwr-map.r | 2 - R/pi-mortality.r | 8 +++++++ man/cdc_basemap.Rd | 5 ++-- man/cdcfluview.Rd | 1 man/census_regions.Rd | 4 ++- man/figures |only man/get_flu_data.Rd | 9 +++++--- man/get_hosp_data.Rd | 7 ++++-- man/hhs_regions.Rd | 4 ++- man/hospitalizations.Rd | 7 ++++-- man/mmwrid_map.Rd | 4 ++- man/pi_mortality.Rd | 7 +++--- man/who_nrevss.Rd | 3 -- 19 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2016-12-13 1.3.0
2016-03-07 1.2.0
2015-11-11 1.1.0
2015-04-20 1.0.0
2014-11-17 0.12.0
2014-07-01 0.11.0
2014-05-23 0.10.0
2012-09-27 0.9.6
2012-06-27 0.9.5
2012-06-06 0.9.4
2012-02-07 0.9.3
2011-11-11 0.9.2
2011-07-23 0.9.1
2010-09-13 0.1.3
2010-05-28 0.1.1
2010-05-10 0.1.0
Title: Tools for Analyzing MCMC Simulations from Bayesian Inference
Description: Tools for assessing and diagnosing convergence of
Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations, as well as for graphically display
results from full MCMC analysis. The package also facilitates the graphical
interpretation of models by providing flexible functions to plot the
results against observed variables.
Author: Xavier Fernández i Marín [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Xavier Fernández i Marín <xavier.fim@gmail.com>
Diff between ggmcmc versions 1.3 dated 2019-07-03 and 1.4.1 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 29 +++---- MD5 | 82 +++++++++++--------- NAMESPACE | 1 NEWS | 38 +++++++++ R/data.R | 81 ++++++++++++++++++-- R/ggmcmc.R | 46 ++++++++--- R/ggs_Rhat.R | 37 +++++---- R/ggs_caterpillar.R | 71 ++++++++++++------ R/ggs_diagnostics.R |only R/ggs_effective.R | 172 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------ R/ggs_geweke.R | 51 +++++++------ R/ggs_histogram.R | 9 +- R/ggs_ppmean.R | 11 +- R/ggs_ppsd.R | 7 + R/ggs_rocplot.R | 2 R/globals.R | 4 - build/vignette.rds |binary data/datalist |only data/s.binary.rda |only data/s.rda |only data/s.y.rep.rda |only data/y.binary.rda |only data/y.rda |only inst/doc/using_ggmcmc.R | 26 +++--- inst/doc/using_ggmcmc.html | 62 ++++++++------- inst/doc/v70i09.pdf |binary man/binary.Rd |only man/ggmcmc.Rd | 15 +++ man/ggs.Rd | 16 +++- man/ggs_Rhat.Rd | 18 +++- man/ggs_caterpillar.Rd | 22 ++++- man/ggs_compare_partial.Rd | 3 man/ggs_crosscorrelation.Rd | 3 man/ggs_density.Rd | 3 man/ggs_diagnostics.Rd |only man/ggs_effective.Rd | 19 ++++ man/ggs_geweke.Rd | 15 +++ man/ggs_running.Rd | 9 +- man/ggs_separation.Rd | 9 +- man/ggs_traceplot.Rd | 12 ++- man/linear.Rd |only man/radon.Rd | 29 ++++++- man/s.Rd | 6 + man/s.binary.Rd | 6 + man/s.y.rep.Rd | 6 + man/y.Rd | 6 + man/y.binary.Rd | 6 + 47 files changed, 629 insertions(+), 303 deletions(-)
Title: D-Score for Child Development
Description: The D-score is a quantitative measure of child development.
The D-score follows the Rasch model. See Jacobusse, van Buuren and
Verkerk (2006) <doi:10.1002/sim.2351>. The user can convert
milestone scores from 19 assessment instruments into the D-score
and the DAZ (D-score adjusted for age). Several tools assist in
mapping milestone names into the 9-position Global Scale of Early
Development (GSED) convention. Supports calculation of the D-score
using 'dutch' <doi:10.1177/0962280212473300>,
'gcdg' <doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2019-001724> and 'gsed' conversion keys.
The user can calculate DAZ using 'dutch' and 'gcdg' age-conditional
Author: Stef van Buuren [cre, aut],
Iris Eekhout [aut],
Arjan Huizing [aut]
Maintainer: Stef van Buuren <stef.vanbuuren@tno.nl>
Diff between dscore versions 1.1.0 dated 2020-02-23 and 1.2.0 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 20 ++++++++++---------- NEWS.md | 6 ++++++ R/dscore.R | 2 +- R/get_itemtable.R | 22 +++++++++++++++++----- README.md | 9 ++++++++- man/builtin_itembank.Rd | 6 ++++-- man/builtin_itemtable.Rd | 6 ++++-- man/builtin_references.Rd | 6 ++++-- man/get_itemtable.Rd | 7 ++++++- man/milestones.Rd | 6 ++++-- 11 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
Title: A Tidy Tool for Phylogenetic Tree Data Manipulation
Description: Phylogenetic tree generally contains multiple components including node, edge, branch and associated data. 'tidytree' provides an approach to convert tree object to tidy data frame as well as provides tidy interfaces to manipulate tree data.
Author: Guangchuang Yu [aut, cre, cph]
Bradley Jones [ctb],
Zebulun Arendsee [ctb]
Maintainer: Guangchuang Yu <guangchuangyu@gmail.com>
Diff between tidytree versions 0.3.2 dated 2020-03-12 and 0.3.3 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 16 ++++++++-------- NAMESPACE | 2 -- NEWS.md | 4 ++++ R/AllClasses.R | 4 ++-- R/as-tibble.R | 3 +-- R/reexports.R | 4 ---- inst/doc/tidytree.html | 4 ++-- man/reexports.Rd | 3 +-- 9 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
Title: Robust Estimation and Inference in Sample Selection Models
Description: Package provides a set of tools for robust estimation and inference for models with sample selectivity.
Author: Mikhail Zhelonkin, Marc G. Genton, Elvezio Ronchetti
Maintainer: Mikhail Zhelonkin <Mikhail.Zhelonkin@gmail.com>
Diff between ssmrob versions 0.7 dated 2019-07-19 and 0.8 dated 2020-04-02
ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/coef.etregrob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/coef.heckit5rob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/coef.heckitrob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/fitted.etregrob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/fitted.heckit5rob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/fitted.heckitrob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/model.matrix.etregrob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/model.matrix.heckit5rob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/model.matrix.heckitrob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/nobs.etregrob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/nobs.heckit5rob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/nobs.heckitrob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/print.etregrob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/print.heckit5rob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/print.heckitrob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/print.summary.etregrob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/print.summary.heckit5rob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/print.summary.heckitrob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/residuals.etregrob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/residuals.heckit5rob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/residuals.heckitrob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/summary.etregrob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/summary.heckit5rob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/summary.heckitrob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/vcov.etregrob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/vcov.heckit5rob.R |only ssmrob-0.7/ssmrob/R/vcov.heckitrob.R |only ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/DESCRIPTION | 9 +-- ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/MD5 | 75 +++++++++---------------- ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/NAMESPACE | 6 +- ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/NEWS | 13 ++++ ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/R/coef.R |only ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/R/etreg2steprobVcov.R | 9 +-- ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/R/etregrob.R | 2 ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/R/fitted.R |only ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/R/heck2steprobVcov.R | 13 ++-- ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/R/heck5twosteprobVcov.R | 17 ++--- ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/R/heckit5rob.R | 2 ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/R/heckitrob.R | 3 - ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/R/model.matrix.R |only ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/R/nobs.R |only ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/R/print.R |only ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/R/print.summary.R |only ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/R/residuals.R |only ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/R/ssmrob.R | 6 +- ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/R/summary.R |only ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/R/vcov.R |only ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/build |only ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/data/MEPS2001.rda |binary ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/data/MROZ.RAW.rda |binary ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/man/MEPS2001.Rd | 41 +++++-------- ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/man/MROZ.RAW.Rd | 47 +++++++-------- ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/man/etregrob.Rd | 5 + ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/man/heckit5rob.Rd | 7 +- ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/man/heckitrob.Rd | 10 ++- ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/man/ssmrob-package.Rd | 9 +-- ssmrob-0.8/ssmrob/man/ssmrob.Rd | 10 ++- 57 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-)
Title: Maps of Finland
Description: Maps and other related data of Finland.
Author: Jari Haukka [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1450-6208>)
Maintainer: Jari Haukka <jari.haukka@helsinki.fi>
Diff between mapsFinland versions 0.1.0 dated 2020-03-21 and 0.1.1 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 8 +++--- MD5 | 14 +++++++++-- R/data.R | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ data/SHP2019.rda |only data/datalist | 4 +++ data/erva2019.rda |only data/taajama2019.rda |only data/vaalipiiri2019.rda |only man/SHP2019.Rd |only man/erva2019.Rd |only man/taajama2019.Rd |only man/vaalipiiri2019.Rd |only 12 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
Title: Pattern-Based Zoneless Method for Analysis and Visualization of
Racial Topography
Description: Implements a computational framework for a pattern-based,
zoneless analysis, and visualization of (ethno)racial topography. It is a reimagined
approach for analyzing residential segregation and racial diversity based on
the concept of 'landscape’ used in the domain of landscape ecology.
Author: Jakub Nowosad [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1057-3721>),
Anna Dmowska [aut],
Tomasz Stepinski [aut]
Maintainer: Jakub Nowosad <nowosad.jakub@gmail.com>
Diff between raceland versions 1.0.7 dated 2020-03-26 and 1.0.8 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 6 MD5 | 15 - inst/doc/raceland-intro1.html | 204 ++++++------- inst/doc/raceland-intro2.R | 4 inst/doc/raceland-intro2.Rmd | 4 inst/doc/raceland-intro2.html | 356 +++++++++++------------ inst/doc/raceland-intro3.html | 628 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- vignettes/raceland-intro.html |only vignettes/raceland-intro2.Rmd | 4 9 files changed, 608 insertions(+), 613 deletions(-)
Title: Validation of Local and Remote Data Tables
Description: Validate data in data frames, 'tibble' objects, and in database
tables (e.g., 'PostgreSQL' and 'MySQL'). Validation pipelines can be made
using easily-readable, consecutive validation steps. Upon execution of the
validation plan, several reporting options are available. User-defined
thresholds for failure rates allow for the determination of appropriate
reporting actions.
Author: Richard Iannone [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3925-190X>)
Maintainer: Richard Iannone <riannone@me.com>
Diff between pointblank versions 0.3.0 dated 2020-01-10 and dated 2020-04-02
pointblank-0.3.0/pointblank/man/figures/pointblank_function_reference.png |only pointblank- | 20 pointblank- | 2 pointblank- | 206 +- pointblank- | 21 pointblank- | 20 pointblank- | 94 - pointblank- | 9 pointblank- | 56 pointblank- | 33 pointblank- | 31 pointblank- | 31 pointblank- | 31 pointblank- | 31 pointblank- | 31 pointblank- | 30 pointblank- |only pointblank- | 57 pointblank- | 63 pointblank- | 71 pointblank- | 55 pointblank- | 32 pointblank- | 62 pointblank- | 52 pointblank- | 73 pointblank- | 38 pointblank- | 34 pointblank- | 32 pointblank- | 32 pointblank- | 39 pointblank- | 30 pointblank- | 99 - pointblank- | 43 pointblank- |only pointblank- |only pointblank- | 658 ++++++- pointblank- |only pointblank- | 16 pointblank- |only pointblank- | 870 +++++++--- pointblank- | 140 + pointblank- | 16 pointblank- | 51 pointblank- |only pointblank- | 414 ++-- pointblank- | 165 + pointblank- |only pointblank- |only pointblank- | 48 pointblank- | 120 + pointblank- |only pointblank- | 85 pointblank- | 14 pointblank- | 14 pointblank- | 15 pointblank- | 15 pointblank- | 15 pointblank- | 15 pointblank- | 15 pointblank- | 15 pointblank- | 14 pointblank- |only pointblank- |only pointblank- | 41 pointblank- | 43 pointblank- | 45 pointblank- | 36 pointblank- | 17 pointblank- | 45 pointblank- | 35 pointblank- | 59 pointblank- | 20 pointblank- | 17 pointblank- | 18 pointblank- | 24 pointblank- | 16 pointblank- | 15 pointblank- | 66 pointblank- |only pointblank- |only pointblank- |binary pointblank- |only pointblank- | 58 pointblank- |only pointblank- | 21 pointblank- |only pointblank- | 19 pointblank- |only pointblank- | 4 pointblank- |only pointblank- |only pointblank- | 6 pointblank- | 15 pointblank- | 10 pointblank- |only pointblank- | 16 pointblank- |only pointblank- |only pointblank- |only pointblank- | 23 pointblank- | 67 pointblank- | 16 pointblank- | 16 pointblank- | 46 pointblank- | 138 + pointblank- | 429 ++++ pointblank- |only pointblank- |only pointblank- |only pointblank- | 20 pointblank- |only 111 files changed, 3872 insertions(+), 1702 deletions(-)
Title: Create Japanese Administration Area and Office Maps
Description: Utilizing the data that Japanese administration area provided
by the National Land Numerical Information download service (<http://nlftp.mlit.go.jp/ksj/index.html>).
This package provide map data is based on the Digital Map 25000 (Map Image) published
by Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (Approval No.603FY2017 information usage <http://www.gsi.go.jp>).
Author: Shinya Uryu [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0493-6186>),
Geospatial Information Authority of Japan [dtc] (This package data
sets, National Land numerical information by the Geographical
Survey Institute with the approval of Geographical Survey Institute
Head (Approval No.603FY2017 information usage))
Maintainer: Shinya Uryu <suika1127@gmail.com>
Diff between jpndistrict versions 0.3.4 dated 2019-05-23 and 0.3.5 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 26 +++-- LICENSE | 2 MD5 | 150 ++++++++++++++++---------------- NAMESPACE | 10 -- NEWS.md | 5 + R/city_name_table.R | 10 -- R/code_validate.R | 30 +----- R/district_viewer.R | 14 --- R/export_mesh.R | 80 +---------------- R/find_city.R | 16 --- R/spdf_jpn.R | 26 ++--- R/util.R | 181 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------- R/zzz.R | 2 data/jpnprefs.rda |binary data/prefecture_mesh.rda |binary inst/extdata/citycode_sets.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_P34_index.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_01.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_02.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_03.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_04.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_05.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_06.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_07.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_08.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_09.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_10.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_11.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_12.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_13.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_14.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_15.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_16.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_17.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_18.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_19.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_20.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_21.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_22.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_23.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_24.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_25.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_26.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_27.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_28.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_29.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_30.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_31.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_32.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_33.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_34.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_35.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_36.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_37.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_38.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_39.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_40.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_41.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_42.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_43.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_44.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_45.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_46.rds |binary inst/extdata/ksj_n03/pref_47.rds |binary man/code_validate.Rd | 6 - man/find_jis_code.Rd | 2 man/jpn_admins.Rd | 3 man/jpn_cities.Rd | 5 - man/jpn_pref.Rd | 9 + man/jpnprefs.Rd | 6 - man/mesh_district.Rd | 2 man/prefecture_mesh.Rd | 6 - tests/testthat/test-export.R | 16 +-- tests/testthat/test-find_city.R | 11 +- tests/testthat/test-spdf_jpn.R | 21 +++- tests/testthat/test-util.R | 17 --- 76 files changed, 271 insertions(+), 385 deletions(-)
Title: Use Image in 'ggplot2'
Description: Supports image files and graphic objects to be visualized in
'ggplot2' graphic system.
Author: Guangchuang Yu [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6485-8781>)
Maintainer: Guangchuang Yu <guangchuangyu@gmail.com>
Diff between ggimage versions 0.2.7 dated 2020-01-09 and 0.2.8 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 8 ++++---- NAMESPACE | 4 ++-- R/geom_image.R | 11 +++++------ R/geom_subview.R | 8 ++++---- 5 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
Title: Tools for the Analysis of Air Pollution Data
Description: Tools to analyse, interpret and understand air
pollution data. Data are typically hourly time series
and both monitoring data and dispersion model output
can be analysed. Many functions can also be applied to
other data, including meteorological and traffic data.
Author: David Carslaw [aut, cre],
Karl Ropkins [aut]
Maintainer: David Carslaw <david.carslaw@york.ac.uk>
Diff between openair versions 2.7-0 dated 2019-11-24 and 2.7-2 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++----- MD5 | 26 +++++++++++++------------- R/TheilSen.R | 17 +++++++++++++++-- R/importWAQN.R | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- R/percentileRose.R | 27 ++++++++++++++++++--------- R/scatterPlot.R | 11 ++++++----- man/TaylorDiagram.Rd | 2 +- man/TheilSen.Rd | 8 ++++++++ man/importWAQN.Rd | 2 +- man/mydata.Rd | 6 ++++-- man/polarCluster.Rd | 2 +- man/polarFreq.Rd | 2 +- man/polarPlot.Rd | 2 +- man/scatterPlot.Rd | 11 ++++++----- 14 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)
Title: Variable Table for Variable Documentation
Description: Automatically generates HTML variable documentation including variable names, labels, classes, value labels (if applicable), value ranges, and summary statistics. See the vignette "vtable" for a package overview.
Author: Nick Huntington-Klein [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Nick Huntington-Klein <nhuntington-klein@fullerton.edu>
Diff between vtable versions 0.6.0 dated 2019-12-19 and 1.0.1 dated 2020-04-02
vtable-0.6.0/vtable/inst/doc/vtable.R |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/DESCRIPTION | 12 vtable-1.0.1/vtable/MD5 | 62 - vtable-1.0.1/vtable/NAMESPACE | 9 vtable-1.0.1/vtable/R/dftotable.R |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/R/helpers.R | 209 +++ vtable-1.0.1/vtable/R/independencetest.R |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/R/labeltable.R | 84 + vtable-1.0.1/vtable/R/sumtable.R |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/R/vtable.R | 400 +++---- vtable-1.0.1/vtable/README.md |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/build/vignette.rds |binary vtable-1.0.1/vtable/inst/doc/dftotable.R |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/inst/doc/dftotable.Rmd |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/inst/doc/dftotable.html |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/inst/doc/labeltable.R |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/inst/doc/labeltable.Rmd |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/inst/doc/labeltable.html |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/inst/doc/sumtable.R |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/inst/doc/sumtable.Rmd |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/inst/doc/sumtable.html |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/inst/doc/vtable.Rmd | 492 --------- vtable-1.0.1/vtable/inst/doc/vtable.html | 545 ---------- vtable-1.0.1/vtable/inst/doc/vtablefunction.R |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/inst/doc/vtablefunction.Rmd |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/inst/doc/vtablefunction.html |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/inst/doc/vtablehelpers.R |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/inst/doc/vtablehelpers.Rmd |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/inst/doc/vtablehelpers.html |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/man/countNA.Rd | 2 vtable-1.0.1/vtable/man/dftoHTML.Rd | 37 vtable-1.0.1/vtable/man/dftoLaTeX.Rd |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/man/independence.test.Rd |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/man/is.round.Rd |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/man/labeltable.Rd | 12 vtable-1.0.1/vtable/man/notNA.Rd |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/man/nuniq.Rd | 2 vtable-1.0.1/vtable/man/pctile.Rd |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/man/propNA.Rd | 2 vtable-1.0.1/vtable/man/sumtable.Rd |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/man/vtable.Rd | 56 - vtable-1.0.1/vtable/vignettes/dftotable.Rmd |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/vignettes/labeltable.Rmd |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/vignettes/lifecycle_variabledocumentation.html |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/vignettes/sumtable.Rmd |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/vignettes/vtable.Rmd | 492 --------- vtable-1.0.1/vtable/vignettes/vtablefunction.Rmd |only vtable-1.0.1/vtable/vignettes/vtablehelpers.Rmd |only 48 files changed, 614 insertions(+), 1802 deletions(-)
Title: Synthetic Microdata and Spatial MicroSimulation Modeling for ACS
Description: Provides access to curated American Community Survey (ACS) base tables via a wrapper
to library(acs). Builds synthetic micro-datasets at any user-specified geographic level with
ten default attributes; and, conducts spatial microsimulation modeling (SMSM) via simulated
annealing. SMSM is conducted in parallel by default. Lastly, we provide functionality for
data-extensibility of micro-datasets.
Author: Alex Whitworth [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Alex Whitworth <whitworth.alex@gmail.com>
Diff between synthACS versions 1.5.5 dated 2020-03-24 and 1.5.6 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 6 ++-- MD5 | 44 ++++++++++++++++----------------- R/a_internal-functional_helpers.R | 11 ++++++-- R/pull_bachelors.R | 6 ++-- R/pull_edu.R | 16 ++++++------ R/pull_geo_mobility.R | 25 +++++++++++------- R/pull_inc_earnings.R | 10 +++---- R/pull_race.R | 40 +++++++++++++++--------------- R/pull_synth_data.R | 18 ++++++++----- inst/doc/jss_synthACS.pdf |binary man/pull_acs_basetables.Rd | 4 +-- tests/testthat.R | 3 +- tests/testthat/tst-pull_BA.R | 14 ++++++---- tests/testthat/tst-pull_edu.R | 6 +++- tests/testthat/tst-pull_geo_mobility.R | 4 +++ tests/testthat/tst-pull_household.R | 5 +++ tests/testthat/tst-pull_inc_earnings.R | 6 +++- tests/testthat/tst-pull_mar_status.R | 5 +++ tests/testthat/tst-pull_population.R | 5 +++ tests/testthat/tst-pull_pov_inc.R | 5 +++ tests/testthat/tst-pull_race.R | 7 ++++- tests/testthat/tst-pull_synth_data.R | 13 ++++++--- tests/testthat/tst-pull_transit_work.R | 5 +++ 23 files changed, 161 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)
Title: Tools for Analyzing Shapes and Patterns
Description: This is an evolving and growing collection of tools for the quantification, assessment, and comparison of shape and pattern. This collection provides tools for: (1) the spatial decomposition of planar shapes using 'ShrinkShape' to incrementally shrink shapes to extinction while computing area, perimeter, and number of parts at each iteration of shrinking; the spectra of results are returned in graphic and tabular formats, (2) simulating landscape patterns, (3) provision of tools for estimating composition and configuration parameters from a categorical (binary) landscape map (grid) and then simulates a selected number of statistically similar landscapes. Class-focused pattern metrics are computed for each simulated map to produce empirical distributions against which statistical comparisons can be made. The code permits the analysis of single maps or pairs of maps, (4) counting the number of each first-order pattern element and converting that information into both frequency and empirical probability vectors. See Remmel (2018) <doi:10.3390/su10103413> and Remmel and Fortin (2013) <doi:10.1007/s10980-013-9905-x>. NOTE: This is a consolidation of existing packages ('PatternClass', 'ShapePattern') to begin warehousing all shape and pattern code in a common package. Additional utility tools for handling data are provided and this package will be added to as more tools are created, cleaned-up, and documented. Note that all future developments will appear in this package and that 'PatternClass' will eventually be archived.
Author: Tarmo K. Remmel [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6251-876X>),
Marie-Josee Fortin [ctb],
Ferenc Csillag [ctb],
Sandor Kabos [ctb]
Maintainer: Tarmo K. Remmel <remmelt@yorku.ca>
Diff between ShapePattern versions 2.0.2 dated 2020-03-14 and 2.0.3 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 10 +++++----- R/patternbits.R | 2 +- build/partial.rdb |binary man/patternbits.Rd | 3 ++- man/ssr.Rd | 2 +- 6 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
Title: Robust Data-Driven Statistical Inference in
Regression-Discontinuity Designs
Description: Regression-discontinuity (RD) designs are quasi-experimental research designs popular in social, behavioral and natural sciences. The RD design is usually employed to study the (local) causal effect of a treatment, intervention or policy. This package provides tools for data-driven graphical and analytical statistical inference in RD designs: rdrobust() to construct local-polynomial point estimators and robust confidence intervals for average treatment effects at the cutoff in Sharp, Fuzzy and Kink RD settings, rdbwselect() to perform bandwidth selection for the different procedures implemented, and rdplot() to conduct exploratory data analysis (RD plots).
Author: Sebastian Calonico <sebastian.calonico@columbia.edu>, Matias D. Cattaneo <cattaneo@princeton.edu>, Max H. Farrell <max.farrell@chicagobooth.edu>, Rocio Titiunik <titiunik@princeton.edu>
Maintainer: Sebastian Calonico <sebastian.calonico@columbia.edu>
Diff between rdrobust versions 0.99.5 dated 2020-01-10 and 0.99.6 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++--- MD5 | 14 ++++----- R/rdbwselect.R | 73 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- R/rdplot.R | 10 +++--- R/rdrobust.R | 7 ++-- man/rdbwselect.Rd | 9 ++++- man/rdrobust-package.Rd | 4 +- man/rdrobust.Rd | 21 +++++++++---- 8 files changed, 103 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
Title: Create Useful Summaries of the Portal Data
Description: Download and generate summaries for the rodent, plant, ant, and
weather data from the Portal Project. Portal is a long-term (and ongoing)
experimental monitoring site in the Chihuahua desert. The raw data files
can be found at <https://github.com/weecology/portaldata>.
Author: Glenda M. Yenni [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6969-1848>),
Hao Ye [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8630-1458>),
Erica M. Christensen [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5635-2502>),
Juniper L. Simonis [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9798-0460>),
Ellen K. Bledsoe [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3629-7235>),
Renata M. Diaz [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0803-4734>),
Shawn D. Taylor [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6178-6903>),
Ethan P, White [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6728-7745>),
S.K. Morgan Ernest [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6026-8530>)
Maintainer: Glenda M. Yenni <glenda@weecology.org>
Diff between portalr versions 0.3.1 dated 2020-01-16 and 0.3.3 dated 2020-04-02
portalr-0.3.1/portalr/man/gh_token.Rd |only portalr-0.3.3/portalr/DESCRIPTION | 10 portalr-0.3.3/portalr/MD5 | 45 portalr-0.3.3/portalr/NAMESPACE | 2 portalr-0.3.3/portalr/R/Weather.R | 6 portalr-0.3.3/portalr/R/download_data.R | 19 portalr-0.3.3/portalr/R/load_data.R | 2 portalr-0.3.3/portalr/R/portalr-package.R | 11 portalr-0.3.3/portalr/R/process_data_utils.R | 2 portalr-0.3.3/portalr/R/process_plant_data.R | 50 portalr-0.3.3/portalr/R/process_rodent_data.R | 3 portalr-0.3.3/portalr/R/season_function.R | 70 portalr-0.3.3/portalr/R/summarize_ants.R | 6 portalr-0.3.3/portalr/R/summarize_plants.R | 10 portalr-0.3.3/portalr/R/utils-citation.R |only portalr-0.3.3/portalr/README.md | 45 portalr-0.3.3/portalr/build/vignette.rds |binary portalr-0.3.3/portalr/inst/CITATION |only portalr-0.3.3/portalr/inst/CITATION-PORTAL-DATA |only portalr-0.3.3/portalr/inst/doc/portal_researcher_examples.html | 344 +++- portalr-0.3.3/portalr/inst/doc/rodent-abundance-demo.html | 772 ++++++---- portalr-0.3.3/portalr/man/add_seasons.Rd | 7 portalr-0.3.3/portalr/man/get_dataset_citation.Rd |only portalr-0.3.3/portalr/man/summarize_plant_data.Rd | 8 portalr-0.3.3/portalr/tests/testthat/test-07-seasons.R | 4 portalr-0.3.3/portalr/tests/testthat/test-99-regression.R | 44 26 files changed, 984 insertions(+), 476 deletions(-)
Title: Nonparametric Robust Estimation and Inference Methods using
Local Polynomial Regression and Kernel Density Estimation
Description: Tools for data-driven statistical analysis using local polynomial regression and kernel density estimation methods as described in Calonico, Cattaneo and Farrell (2018, <doi:10.1080/01621459.2017.1285776>): lprobust() for local polynomial point estimation and robust bias-corrected inference, lpbwselect() for local polynomial bandwidth selection, kdrobust() for kernel density point estimation and robust bias-corrected inference, kdbwselect() for kernel density bandwidth selection, and nprobust.plot() for plotting results. The main methodological and numerical features of this package are described in Calonico, Cattaneo and Farrell (2019, <doi:10.18637/jss.v091.i08>).
Author: Sebastian Calonico <sebastian.calonico@columbia.edu>, Matias D. Cattaneo <cattaneo@princeton.edu>, Max H. Farrell <max.farrell@chicagobooth.edu>
Maintainer: Sebastian Calonico <sebastian.calonico@columbia.edu>
Diff between nprobust versions 0.2.1 dated 2019-10-30 and 0.3.0 dated 2020-04-02
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 20 ++++++++++---------- R/lpbwselect.R | 2 +- R/lprobust.R | 2 +- R/npfunctions.R | 19 +++++++++++++------ build/partial.rdb |binary man/kdrobust.Rd | 2 +- man/lpbwselect.Rd | 2 +- man/lprobust.Rd | 2 +- man/nprobust-package.Rd | 6 +++--- man/nprobust.plot.Rd | 2 +- 11 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
Title: A Unified Framework for Random Forest Prediction Error
Description: Estimates the conditional error distributions of random forest
predictions and common parameters of those distributions, including
conditional mean squared prediction errors, conditional biases, and
conditional quantiles, by out-of-bag weighting of out-of-bag prediction
errors as proposed by Lu and Hardin (2019+) <arXiv:1912.07435>.
This package is compatible with several existing packages that
implement random forests in R.
Author: Benjamin Lu and Johanna Hardin
Maintainer: Benjamin Lu <b.lu@berkeley.edu>
Diff between forestError versions 0.1.1 dated 2020-01-31 and 0.2.0 dated 2020-04-02
forestError-0.1.1/forestError/R/RcppExports.R |only forestError-0.1.1/forestError/src |only forestError-0.2.0/forestError/DESCRIPTION | 13 forestError-0.2.0/forestError/MD5 | 18 forestError-0.2.0/forestError/NAMESPACE | 7 forestError-0.2.0/forestError/NEWS.md |only forestError-0.2.0/forestError/R/checkargs.R | 2 forestError-0.2.0/forestError/R/quantforesterror.R | 490 +++++++----------- forestError-0.2.0/forestError/README.md | 7 forestError-0.2.0/forestError/man/quantForestError.Rd | 34 - 10 files changed, 226 insertions(+), 345 deletions(-)
Title: Generator of Experiments
Description: Generates experiments - simulating structured or experimental data as:
completely randomized design, randomized block design, latin square design,
factorial and split-plot experiments (Ferreira, 2008, ISBN:8587692526;
Naes et al., 2007 <doi:10.1002/qre.841>; Rencher et al., 2007, ISBN:9780471754985;
Montgomery, 2001, ISBN:0471316490).
Author: Ivan Bezerra Allaman <ivanalaman@gmail.com> and
Jos<e9> Cl<e1>udio Faria <joseclaudio.faria@gmail.com>
Maintainer: Ivan Bezerra Allaman <ivanalaman@gmail.com>
Diff between gexp versions 1.0-0 dated 2019-06-14 and 1.0-1 dated 2020-04-02
ChangeLog | 5 DESCRIPTION | 10 MD5 | 16 R/gexp.spe_lsd.R | 2 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/intro.R | 54 +- inst/doc/intro.Rmd | 2 inst/doc/intro.html | 947 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- vignettes/intro.Rmd | 2 9 files changed, 626 insertions(+), 412 deletions(-)