Title: Point Forecast Reconciliation
Description: Provides classical (bottom-up), optimal and heuristic combination
forecast reconciliation procedures for cross-sectional, temporal, and
cross-temporal linearly constrained time series.
Author: Daniele Girolimetto [aut, cre, fnd],
Tommaso Di Fonzo [aut, fnd]
Maintainer: Daniele Girolimetto <daniele.girolimetto@phd.unipd.it>
Diff between FoReco versions 0.1.0 dated 2020-10-01 and 0.1.1 dated 2020-10-17
DESCRIPTION | 10 MD5 | 46 +-- NEWS.md | 8 R/Cmatrix.R | 12 R/Dmat.R | 4 R/FoReco-hts.R | 4 R/FoReco_data.R | 2 R/iterec.R | 26 - README.md | 4 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/CITATION | 2 inst/doc/FoReco_package.R | 25 - inst/doc/FoReco_package.Rmd | 27 + inst/doc/FoReco_package.html | 564 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------ inst/doc/accuracy_indices.R | 40 +- inst/doc/accuracy_indices.Rmd | 40 +- inst/doc/accuracy_indices.html | 229 ++++++++++------ man/Cmatrix.Rd | 12 man/FoReco-hts.Rd | 4 man/FoReco_data.Rd | 2 man/figures/ite.png |binary man/iterec.Rd | 2 vignettes/FoReco_package.Rmd | 27 + vignettes/accuracy_indices.Rmd | 40 +- 24 files changed, 646 insertions(+), 484 deletions(-)
Title: Interface to Azure Computer Vision Services
Description: An interface to 'Azure Computer Vision' <https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cognitive-services/Computer-vision/Home> and 'Azure Custom Vision' <https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cognitive-services/custom-vision-service/home>, building on the low-level functionality provided by the 'AzureCognitive' package. These services allow users to leverage the cloud to carry out visual recognition tasks using advanced image processing models, without needing powerful hardware of their own. Part of the 'AzureR' family of packages.
Author: Hong Ooi [aut, cre],
Microsoft [cph]
Maintainer: Hong Ooi <hongooi73@gmail.com>
Diff between AzureVision versions 1.0.1 dated 2020-04-21 and 1.0.2 dated 2020-10-17
DESCRIPTION | 14 +++++++------- MD5 | 34 +++++++++++++++++----------------- NEWS.md | 4 ++++ R/customvision.R | 2 +- README.md | 5 +++-- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/customvision.Rmd | 4 ++-- inst/doc/customvision.html | 4 ++-- man/computervision.Rd | 3 +-- man/customvision_image_tags.Rd | 7 +++---- man/customvision_images.Rd | 6 ++---- man/customvision_predict.Rd | 11 +++++------ man/customvision_project.Rd | 10 +++++----- man/customvision_publish.Rd | 3 +-- man/customvision_train.Rd | 7 +++---- man/do_customvision_op.Rd | 3 +-- man/reexports.Rd | 2 +- vignettes/customvision.Rmd | 4 ++-- 18 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
Title: Extra String Manipulation Functions
Description: There are some things that I wish were easier with
the 'stringr' or 'stringi' packages. The foremost of these is the
extraction of numbers from strings. 'stringr' and 'stringi' make you
figure out the regular expression for yourself; 'strex' takes care of
this for you. There are many other handy functionalities in 'strex'.
Contributions to this package are encouraged: it is intended as a
miscellany of string manipulation functions that cannot be found in
'stringi' or 'stringr'.
Author: Rory Nolan [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5239-4043>)
Maintainer: Rory Nolan <rorynoolan@gmail.com>
Diff between strex versions 1.4.0 dated 2020-10-10 and 1.4.1 dated 2020-10-17
DESCRIPTION | 10 +++++----- MD5 | 16 ++++++++-------- NEWS.md | 6 ++++++ build/partial.rdb |binary inst/doc/alphordering-numbers.html | 4 ++-- inst/doc/argument-matching.html | 4 ++-- inst/doc/before-and-after.html | 4 ++-- inst/doc/important-miscellany.html | 4 ++-- inst/doc/numbers-in-strings.html | 4 ++-- 9 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
Title: An Open Source Implementation of the 'ArcGIS' Toolbox 'STARS'
Description: An open source implementation of the 'STARS' toolbox
(Peterson & Ver Hoef, 2014, <doi:10.18637/jss.v056.i02>) using 'R' and 'GRASS GIS'.
It prepares the *.ssn object needed for the 'SSN' package.
A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is used to derive stream networks
(in contrast to 'STARS' that can clean an existing stream network).
Author: Mira Kattwinkel [aut, cre],
Eduard Szöcs [aut]
Maintainer: Mira Kattwinkel <mira.kattwinkel@gmx.net>
Diff between openSTARS versions 1.2.0 dated 2020-05-21 and 1.2.2 dated 2020-10-17
DESCRIPTION | 8 LICENSE | 2 MD5 | 131 +- NAMESPACE | 57 - R/calc_attributes_edges.R | 1545 +++++++++++++++--------------- R/calc_attributes_sites_approx.R | 496 +++++---- R/calc_attributes_sites_exact.R | 1309 +++++++++++++------------ R/calc_binary.R | 238 ++-- R/calc_edges.R | 663 ++++++------ R/calc_prediction_sites.R | 649 ++++++------ R/calc_sites.R | 755 +++++++------- R/check_compl_confluences.R | 119 +- R/check_ssn.R | 534 +++++----- R/correct_compl_confluences.R | 1074 ++++++++++---------- R/delete_lakes.R | 840 ++++++++-------- R/derive_streams.R | 610 +++++------ R/export_ssn.R | 496 ++++----- R/globals.R | 6 R/import_data.R | 828 ++++++++-------- R/merge_sites_measurements.R | 209 ++-- R/openSTARS.R | 269 ++--- R/restrict_network.R | 298 ++--- R/setup_grass_environment.R | 243 ++-- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/Warnings_and_Errors.R | 50 inst/doc/Warnings_and_Errors.Rmd | 548 +++++----- inst/doc/Warnings_and_Errors.html | 740 +++++++++----- inst/extdata/nc/elev_ned_30m.tif.aux.xml | 54 - inst/extdata/nc/lakes.qpj | 2 inst/extdata/nc/obs_data.csv | 362 +++---- inst/extdata/nc/pointsources.qpj | 2 man/assign_binIDs.Rd | 52 - man/calcCatchmArea_assignNetID.Rd | 60 - man/calc_attributes_edges.Rd | 349 +++--- man/calc_attributes_sites_approx.Rd | 281 ++--- man/calc_attributes_sites_exact.Rd | 306 +++-- man/calc_binary.Rd | 168 +-- man/calc_catchment_attributes_rast.Rd | 58 - man/calc_catchment_attributes_rast_rec.Rd | 68 - man/calc_catchment_attributes_vect.Rd | 58 - man/calc_catchment_attributes_vect_rec.Rd | 62 - man/calc_edges.Rd | 149 +- man/calc_offset.Rd | 82 - man/calc_outdist.Rd | 60 - man/calc_prediction_sites.Rd | 189 +-- man/calc_sites.Rd | 260 ++--- man/check_compl_confluences.Rd | 113 +- man/check_projection.Rd | 59 - man/check_ssn.Rd | 169 +-- man/correct_compl_confluences.Rd | 195 +-- man/delete_lakes.Rd | 176 +-- man/derive_streams.Rd | 232 ++-- man/export_ssn.Rd | 156 +-- man/get_all_raster_values.Rd | 48 man/get_cats_edges_in_catchment.Rd | 50 man/get_n_val_raster.Rd | 48 man/get_streams_edges_in_catchment.Rd | 50 man/grass_v.to.db.Rd |only man/import_data.Rd | 325 +++--- man/import_vector_data.Rd | 98 - man/merge_sites_measurements.Rd | 161 +-- man/openSTARS.Rd | 305 ++--- man/prepare_sites.Rd | 56 - man/restrict_network.Rd | 178 +-- man/setup_grass_environment.Rd | 110 +- man/watershed_memory.Rd | 38 vignettes/Warnings_and_Errors.Rmd | 548 +++++----- 67 files changed, 9502 insertions(+), 8952 deletions(-)
Title: 'rquery' for 'data.table'
Description: Implements the 'rquery' piped Codd-style query algebra using 'data.table'. This allows
for a high-speed in memory implementation of Codd-style data manipulation tools.
Author: John Mount [aut, cre],
Win-Vector LLC [cph]
Maintainer: John Mount <jmount@win-vector.com>
Diff between rqdatatable versions 1.2.8 dated 2020-08-12 and 1.2.9 dated 2020-10-17
rqdatatable-1.2.8/rqdatatable/R/run_rqdatatable_tests.R |only rqdatatable-1.2.8/rqdatatable/inst/unit_tests |only rqdatatable-1.2.8/rqdatatable/man/run_rqdatatable_tests.Rd |only rqdatatable-1.2.8/rqdatatable/tests/package_test_runner.R |only rqdatatable-1.2.9/rqdatatable/DESCRIPTION | 12 - rqdatatable-1.2.9/rqdatatable/MD5 | 92 +++++------- rqdatatable-1.2.9/rqdatatable/NAMESPACE | 1 rqdatatable-1.2.9/rqdatatable/NEWS.md | 4 rqdatatable-1.2.9/rqdatatable/inst/doc/GroupedSampling.html | 76 +++++++++ rqdatatable-1.2.9/rqdatatable/inst/doc/R_mapping.html | 76 +++++++++ rqdatatable-1.2.9/rqdatatable/inst/doc/logisticexample.html | 76 +++++++++ rqdatatable-1.2.9/rqdatatable/inst/tinytest |only rqdatatable-1.2.9/rqdatatable/tests/tinytest.R |only 13 files changed, 277 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)
Title: An Interface to the 'AutoNavi Maps' API Geocoding Services
Description: Getting and parsing data of location geocode/reverse-geocode and administrative regions from 'AutoNavi Maps'<https://lbs.amap.com/api/webservice/summary> API.
Author: Han Chen [aut, cre],
Wanyanhan Jiang [ctb]
Maintainer: Han Chen <chenhan28@gmail.com>
Diff between amapGeocode versions 0.3.1 dated 2020-10-01 and 0.4.0 dated 2020-10-17
DESCRIPTION | 13 MD5 | 52 - NEWS.md | 30 R/convertCoord.R | 440 ++++++----- R/getAdmin.R | 614 ++++++++-------- R/getCoord.R | 565 ++++++++------- R/getLocation.R | 680 +++++++++--------- R/helpers.R | 8 README.md | 1107 +++++++++++------------------- build/amapGeocode.pdf |binary build/vignette.rds |binary inst/WORDLIST |only inst/doc/Introduction_to_amapGeocode.R | 18 inst/doc/Introduction_to_amapGeocode.html | 904 +++++++++++++----------- man/convertCoord.Rd | 12 man/convertCoord.individual.Rd | 10 man/extractAdmin.Rd | 4 man/extractConvertCoord.Rd | 4 man/extractCoord.Rd | 4 man/extractLocation.Rd | 4 man/getAdmin.Rd | 10 man/getAdmin.individual.Rd | 12 man/getCoord.Rd | 12 man/getCoord.individual.Rd | 10 man/getLocation.Rd | 12 man/getLocation.individual.Rd | 10 tests/spelling.R |only tests/testthat/test_convertCoord.R | 2 28 files changed, 2264 insertions(+), 2273 deletions(-)
Title: Relational Query Generator for Data Manipulation at Scale
Description: A piped query generator based on Edgar F. Codd's relational
algebra, and on production experience using 'SQL' and 'dplyr' at big data
scale. The design represents an attempt to make 'SQL' more teachable by
denoting composition by a sequential pipeline notation instead of nested
queries or functions. The implementation delivers reliable high
performance data processing on large data systems such as 'Spark',
databases, and 'data.table'. Package features include: data processing trees
or pipelines as observable objects (able to report both columns
produced and columns used), optimized 'SQL' generation as an explicit
user visible table modeling step, plus explicit query reasoning and checking.
Author: John Mount [aut, cre],
Win-Vector LLC [cph]
Maintainer: John Mount <jmount@win-vector.com>
Diff between rquery versions 1.4.5 dated 2020-08-12 and 1.4.6 dated 2020-10-17
rquery-1.4.5/rquery/R/run_rquery_tests.R |only rquery-1.4.5/rquery/inst/unit_tests |only rquery-1.4.5/rquery/man/run_rquery_tests.Rd |only rquery-1.4.5/rquery/tests/package_test_runner.R |only rquery-1.4.6/rquery/DESCRIPTION | 14 +- rquery-1.4.6/rquery/MD5 | 104 ++++++++--------- rquery-1.4.6/rquery/NAMESPACE | 1 rquery-1.4.6/rquery/NEWS.md | 4 rquery-1.4.6/rquery/inst/doc/AssigmentPartitioner.html | 76 ++++++++++++ rquery-1.4.6/rquery/inst/doc/Parameterized_rquery.html | 76 ++++++++++++ rquery-1.4.6/rquery/inst/doc/PipeableSQL.html | 76 ++++++++++++ rquery-1.4.6/rquery/inst/doc/QueryGeneration.html | 76 ++++++++++++ rquery-1.4.6/rquery/inst/doc/R_mapping.html | 76 ++++++++++++ rquery-1.4.6/rquery/inst/doc/rquery_intro.html | 76 ++++++++++++ rquery-1.4.6/rquery/inst/doc/rquery_many_columns.html | 76 ++++++++++++ rquery-1.4.6/rquery/inst/doc/rquery_substitution.html | 76 ++++++++++++ rquery-1.4.6/rquery/inst/doc/sql_quoting.html | 76 ++++++++++++ rquery-1.4.6/rquery/inst/tinytest |only rquery-1.4.6/rquery/tests/tinytest.R |only 19 files changed, 728 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)
Title: Preprocessing Tools to Create Design Matrices
Description: An extensible framework to create and preprocess
design matrices. Recipes consist of one or more data manipulation
and analysis "steps". Statistical parameters for the steps can
be estimated from an initial data set and then applied to
other data sets. The resulting design matrices can then be used
as inputs into statistical or machine learning models.
Author: Max Kuhn [aut, cre],
Hadley Wickham [aut],
RStudio [cph]
Maintainer: Max Kuhn <max@rstudio.com>
Diff between recipes versions 0.1.13 dated 2020-06-23 and 0.1.14 dated 2020-10-17
DESCRIPTION | 8 - MD5 | 274 ++++++++++++++++++------------------ NAMESPACE | 15 + NEWS.md | 14 + R/0_imports.R | 2 R/BoxCox.R | 2 R/YeoJohnson.R | 2 R/arrange.R | 2 R/bag_imp.R | 8 - R/bin2factor.R | 4 R/count.R | 2 R/date.R | 2 R/depth.R | 16 +- R/discretize.R | 4 R/downsample.R | 15 - R/dummy.R | 11 - R/factor2string.R | 2 R/filter.R | 2 R/geodist.R | 4 R/holiday.R | 2 R/ica.R | 9 + R/impute_lm.R |only R/integer.R | 2 R/intercept.R | 2 R/isomap.R | 9 + R/knn_imp.R | 2 R/kpca.R | 15 + R/kpca_poly.R | 13 + R/kpca_rbf.R | 12 + R/lincombo.R | 2 R/lowerimpute.R | 2 R/meanimpute.R | 2 R/medianimpute.R | 4 R/misc.R | 43 +++++ R/missing.r | 2 R/mutate.R | 4 R/mutate_at.R | 4 R/naomit.R | 11 - R/newvalues.R | 2 R/nnmf.R | 20 +- R/ns.R | 2 R/num2factor.R | 6 R/nzv.R | 10 - R/ordinalscore.R | 4 R/pca.R | 4 R/pls.R | 11 + R/profile.R | 6 R/ratio.R | 4 R/recipe.R | 147 ++++++++++++------- R/regex.R | 2 R/rename.R | 4 R/rename_at.R | 2 R/rm.R | 2 R/rollimpute.R | 5 R/sample.R | 24 +-- R/scale.R | 2 R/selections.R | 2 R/shuffle.R | 2 R/slice.R | 2 R/string2factor.R | 4 R/unknown.R | 4 R/update.R | 8 - R/upsample.R | 15 - R/window.R | 10 + R/zv.R | 2 R/zzz.R | 22 ++ build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/Custom_Steps.html | 25 +++ inst/doc/Dummies.Rmd | 28 +-- inst/doc/Dummies.html | 115 +++++++++++++-- inst/doc/Ordering.html | 25 +++ inst/doc/Roles.html | 87 +++++++++++ inst/doc/Selecting_Variables.html | 87 +++++++++++ inst/doc/Simple_Example.html | 125 +++++++++++++--- inst/doc/Skipping.html | 87 +++++++++++ man/bake.Rd | 42 ++++- man/check_missing.Rd | 2 man/check_new_values.Rd | 2 man/has_role.Rd | 2 man/juice.Rd | 34 +--- man/names0.Rd | 2 man/prep.Rd | 25 +++ man/required_pkgs.step.Rd |only man/step_BoxCox.Rd | 2 man/step_YeoJohnson.Rd | 2 man/step_arrange.Rd | 2 man/step_bagimpute.Rd | 8 - man/step_bin2factor.Rd | 4 man/step_count.Rd | 2 man/step_date.Rd | 2 man/step_depth.Rd | 2 man/step_discretize.Rd | 4 man/step_downsample.Rd | 15 - man/step_dummy.Rd | 11 - man/step_factor2string.Rd | 2 man/step_filter.Rd | 2 man/step_geodist.Rd | 4 man/step_holiday.Rd | 2 man/step_impute_linear.Rd |only man/step_integer.Rd | 2 man/step_intercept.Rd | 2 man/step_knnimpute.Rd | 2 man/step_kpca.Rd | 4 man/step_kpca_poly.Rd | 4 man/step_kpca_rbf.Rd | 4 man/step_lincomb.Rd | 2 man/step_lowerimpute.Rd | 2 man/step_meanimpute.Rd | 2 man/step_medianimpute.Rd | 4 man/step_mutate.Rd | 4 man/step_mutate_at.Rd | 4 man/step_naomit.Rd | 11 - man/step_nnmf.Rd | 7 man/step_ns.Rd | 2 man/step_num2factor.Rd | 6 man/step_nzv.Rd | 10 - man/step_ordinalscore.Rd | 4 man/step_pca.Rd | 4 man/step_pls.Rd | 2 man/step_profile.Rd | 6 man/step_ratio.Rd | 4 man/step_regex.Rd | 2 man/step_rename.Rd | 4 man/step_rename_at.Rd | 2 man/step_rm.Rd | 2 man/step_rollimpute.Rd | 5 man/step_sample.Rd | 24 +-- man/step_scale.Rd | 2 man/step_shuffle.Rd | 2 man/step_slice.Rd | 2 man/step_string2factor.Rd | 4 man/step_unknown.Rd | 4 man/step_upsample.Rd | 15 - man/step_window.Rd | 2 man/step_zv.Rd | 2 man/update.step.Rd | 8 - tests/testthat/test_basics.R | 35 ++++ tests/testthat/test_impute_linear.R |only tests/testthat/test_sqrt.R | 2 vignettes/Dummies.Rmd | 28 +-- 140 files changed, 1285 insertions(+), 561 deletions(-)
Title: Simulating and Analyzing Time to Event Data in the Presence of
Population Mortality
Description: Implements two methods: a nonparametric risk adjustment and a
data imputation method that use general population mortality tables to allow a
correct analysis of time to disease recurrence. Also includes a powerful set of
object oriented survival data simulation functions.
Author: Tomaz Stupnik [aut, cre],
Maja Pohar Perme [ctb]
Maintainer: Tomaz Stupnik <tomaz.stupnik@guest.arnes.si>
Diff between missDeaths versions 2.6 dated 2020-05-17 and 2.7 dated 2020-10-17
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 38 +++++++++++++++++++------------------- R/RcppExports.R | 4 ++++ R/exports.R | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------- R/init.R | 2 +- R/library.R | 6 +++--- R/package.R | 2 +- man/md.D.Rd | 2 +- man/md.death.Rd | 2 +- man/md.impute.Rd | 4 ++-- man/md.simparams.Rd | 2 +- man/md.simulate.Rd | 2 +- man/md.survcox.Rd | 4 ++-- man/md.survnp.Rd | 4 ++-- man/missDeaths.Rd | 2 +- src/RcppExports.cpp | 12 ++++++++++++ src/init.c | 2 ++ src/simcensor.cpp | 10 ++++++---- src/survexpcache.cpp | 21 ++++++++++++++++++++- src/survexpcache.h | 1 + 20 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)
Title: Extra Recipes for Encoding Categorical Predictors
Description: Predictors can be converted to one or more numeric representations using simple generalized linear models <arXiv:1611.09477> or nonlinear models <arXiv:1604.06737>. Most encoding methods are supervised.
Author: Max Kuhn [aut, cre],
RStudio [cph]
Maintainer: Max Kuhn <max@rstudio.com>
Diff between embed versions 0.1.1 dated 2020-07-03 and 0.1.2 dated 2020-10-17
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 40 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------- NAMESPACE | 9 +++++++++ NEWS.md | 4 ++++ R/0_imports.R | 14 ++++++++++++++ R/bayes.R | 18 ++++++++++++++++-- R/discretize_cart.R | 9 ++++++++- R/discretize_xgb.R | 9 ++++++++- R/glm.R | 12 ++++++++++-- R/hash.R | 6 ++++++ R/lme.R | 8 +++++++- R/tf.R | 9 +++++++-- R/umap.R | 10 +++++++--- R/woe.R | 8 ++++++++ man/figures |only man/required_pkgs.embed.Rd |only man/step_discretize_cart.Rd | 2 +- man/step_discretize_xgb.Rd | 2 +- man/step_embed.Rd | 2 +- man/step_lencode_bayes.Rd | 2 +- man/step_lencode_glm.Rd | 4 ++-- man/step_lencode_mixed.Rd | 2 +- 22 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
Title: Fluid Data Transformations
Description: Supplies higher-order coordinatized data specification and fluid transform operators that include pivot and anti-pivot as special cases.
The methodology is describe in 'Zumel', 2018, "Fluid data reshaping with 'cdata'", <https://winvector.github.io/FluidData/FluidDataReshapingWithCdata.html> , <DOI:10.5281/zenodo.1173299> .
This package introduces the idea of explicit control table specification of data transforms.
Works on in-memory data or on remote data using 'rquery' and 'SQL' database interfaces.
Author: John Mount [aut, cre],
Nina Zumel [aut],
Win-Vector LLC [cph]
Maintainer: John Mount <jmount@win-vector.com>
Diff between cdata versions 1.1.8 dated 2020-08-25 and 1.1.9 dated 2020-10-17
cdata-1.1.8/cdata/R/run_cdata_tests.R |only cdata-1.1.8/cdata/inst/unit_tests |only cdata-1.1.8/cdata/man/run_cdata_tests.Rd |only cdata-1.1.8/cdata/tests/package_test_runner.R |only cdata-1.1.9/cdata/DESCRIPTION | 14 +-- cdata-1.1.9/cdata/MD5 | 66 ++++++++--------- cdata-1.1.9/cdata/NAMESPACE | 1 cdata-1.1.9/cdata/NEWS.md | 4 + cdata-1.1.9/cdata/inst/doc/blocksrecs.html | 76 +++++++++++++++++++- cdata-1.1.9/cdata/inst/doc/cdata.html | 76 +++++++++++++++++++- cdata-1.1.9/cdata/inst/doc/control_table_keys.html | 76 +++++++++++++++++++- cdata-1.1.9/cdata/inst/doc/design.html | 76 +++++++++++++++++++- cdata-1.1.9/cdata/inst/doc/exercises.html | 76 +++++++++++++++++++- cdata-1.1.9/cdata/inst/doc/general_transform.html | 78 ++++++++++++++++++++- cdata-1.1.9/cdata/inst/doc/operators.html | 76 +++++++++++++++++++- cdata-1.1.9/cdata/inst/tinytest |only cdata-1.1.9/cdata/tests/tinytest.R |only 17 files changed, 562 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)
Title: Common Plots for Analysis
Description: Select data analysis plots, under a standardized calling interface implemented on top of 'ggplot2' and 'plotly'.
Plots of interest include: 'ROC', gain curve, scatter plot with marginal distributions,
conditioned scatter plot with marginal densities,
box and stem with matching theoretical distribution, and density with matching theoretical distribution.
Author: John Mount [aut, cre],
Nina Zumel [aut],
Win-Vector LLC [cph]
Maintainer: John Mount <jmount@win-vector.com>
Diff between WVPlots versions 1.3.0 dated 2020-10-03 and 1.3.1 dated 2020-10-17
WVPlots-1.3.0/WVPlots/R/run_WVPlots_tests.R |only WVPlots-1.3.0/WVPlots/inst/unit_tests |only WVPlots-1.3.0/WVPlots/man/run_WVPlots_tests.Rd |only WVPlots-1.3.0/WVPlots/tests/package_test_runner.R |only WVPlots-1.3.1/WVPlots/DESCRIPTION | 12 +-- WVPlots-1.3.1/WVPlots/MD5 | 20 ++--- WVPlots-1.3.1/WVPlots/NAMESPACE | 2 WVPlots-1.3.1/WVPlots/NEWS.md | 6 + WVPlots-1.3.1/WVPlots/R/ROC.R | 38 ++++++++- WVPlots-1.3.1/WVPlots/inst/doc/WVPlots_concept.html | 76 ++++++++++++++++++- WVPlots-1.3.1/WVPlots/inst/doc/WVPlots_examples.html | 76 ++++++++++++++++++- WVPlots-1.3.1/WVPlots/inst/tinytest |only WVPlots-1.3.1/WVPlots/man/ROCPlot.Rd | 14 +++ WVPlots-1.3.1/WVPlots/tests/tinytest.R |only 14 files changed, 215 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
Title: Cross-Platform Perl Based R Function to Create Excel 2003 (XLS)
and Excel 2007 (XLSX) Files
Description: Cross-platform Perl based R function to create Excel 2003 (XLS) and Excel 2007 (XLSX)
files from one or more data frames. Each data frame will be
written to a separate named worksheet in the Excel spreadsheet.
The worksheet name will be the name of the data frame it contains
or can be specified by the user.
Author: Marc Schwartz <marc_schwartz@me.com> and various authors for Perl modules listed in each .pm file.
Maintainer: Marc Schwartz <marc_schwartz@me.com>
Diff between WriteXLS versions 5.0.0 dated 2019-05-25 and 6.0.0 dated 2020-10-17
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 108 +- R/WriteXLS.R | 23 R/testPerl.R | 2 inst/Perl/Archive/Zip.pm | 242 ++++ inst/Perl/Archive/Zip/Archive.pm | 518 ++++++++-- inst/Perl/Archive/Zip/BufferedFileHandle.pm | 2 inst/Perl/Archive/Zip/DirectoryMember.pm | 2 inst/Perl/Archive/Zip/FAQ.pod | 688 ++++++------- inst/Perl/Archive/Zip/FileMember.pm | 2 inst/Perl/Archive/Zip/Member.pm | 715 ++++++++++---- inst/Perl/Archive/Zip/MemberRead.pm | 4 inst/Perl/Archive/Zip/MockFileHandle.pm | 2 inst/Perl/Archive/Zip/NewFileMember.pm | 2 inst/Perl/Archive/Zip/StringMember.pm | 4 inst/Perl/Archive/Zip/Tree.pm | 2 inst/Perl/Archive/Zip/ZipFileMember.pm | 99 + inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX.pm | 188 ++- inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Chart.pm | 610 +++++++++-- inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Chart/Area.pm | 6 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Chart/Bar.pm | 6 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Chart/Column.pm | 6 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Chart/Doughnut.pm | 6 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Chart/Line.pm | 32 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Chart/Pie.pm | 44 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Chart/Radar.pm | 6 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Chart/Scatter.pm | 6 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Chart/Stock.pm | 6 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Chartsheet.pm | 6 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Drawing.pm | 183 ++- inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Examples.pm | 969 ++++++++++++++----- inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Format.pm | 6 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Package/App.pm | 6 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Package/Comments.pm | 6 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Package/ContentTypes.pm | 6 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Package/Core.pm | 6 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Package/Custom.pm | 6 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Package/Packager.pm | 8 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Package/Relationships.pm | 15 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Package/SharedStrings.pm | 6 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Package/Styles.pm | 46 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Package/Table.pm | 22 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Package/Theme.pm | 6 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Package/VML.pm | 9 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Package/XMLwriter.pm | 6 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Shape.pm | 6 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Utility.pm | 6 inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Workbook.pm | 179 ++- inst/Perl/Excel/Writer/XLSX/Worksheet.pm | 393 +++++-- inst/Perl/OLE/Storage_Lite.pm | 22 inst/Perl/Text/CSV.pm | 4 inst/Perl/Text/CSV_PP.pm | 17 inst/Perl/WriteXLS.pl | 132 +- inst/Perl/WriteXLSX.pl | 128 +- man/WriteXLS.Rd | 136 +- 55 files changed, 4099 insertions(+), 1575 deletions(-)
Title: Create Compact Hash Digests of R Objects
Description: Implementation of a function 'digest()' for the creation of hash
digests of arbitrary R objects (using the 'md5', 'sha-1', 'sha-256', 'crc32',
'xxhash', 'murmurhash', 'spookyhash' and 'blake3' algorithms) permitting easy
comparison of R language objects, as well as functions such as'hmac()' to
create hash-based message authentication code. Please note that this package
is not meant to be deployed for cryptographic purposes for which more
comprehensive (and widely tested) libraries such as 'OpenSSL' should be
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org> with contributions
by Antoine Lucas, Jarek Tuszynski, Henrik Bengtsson, Simon Urbanek,
Mario Frasca, Bryan Lewis, Murray Stokely, Hannes Muehleisen,
Duncan Murdoch, Jim Hester, Wush Wu, Qiang Kou, Thierry Onkelinx,
Michel Lang, Viliam Simko, Kurt Hornik, Radford Neal, Kendon Bell,
Matthew de Queljoe, Ion Suruceanu, Bill Denney, Dirk Schumacher,
and Winston Chang.
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org>
Diff between digest versions 0.6.25 dated 2020-02-22 and 0.6.26 dated 2020-10-17
ChangeLog | 76 +++ DESCRIPTION | 21 MD5 | 38 + R/digest.R | 37 - R/init.R | 4 R/vdigest.R | 11 README.md | 18 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/sha1.R | 7 inst/doc/sha1.Rmd | 15 inst/doc/sha1.html | 941 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- inst/tinytest/test_blake3.R |only inst/tinytest/test_digest.R | 17 man/digest.Rd | 32 + man/hmac.Rd | 4 man/sha1.Rd | 2 src/blake3.c |only src/blake3.h |only src/blake3_dispatch.c |only src/blake3_impl.h |only src/blake3_portable.c |only src/digest.c | 45 ++ vignettes/sha1.Rmd | 15 23 files changed, 753 insertions(+), 530 deletions(-)
Title: A Statistically Sound 'data.frame' Processor/Conditioner
Description: A 'data.frame' processor/conditioner that prepares real-world data for predictive modeling in a statistically sound manner.
'vtreat' prepares variables so that data has fewer exceptional cases, making
it easier to safely use models in production. Common problems 'vtreat' defends
against: 'Inf', 'NA', too many categorical levels, rare categorical levels, and new
categorical levels (levels seen during application, but not during training). Reference:
"'vtreat': a data.frame Processor for Predictive Modeling", Zumel, Mount, 2016, <DOI:10.5281/zenodo.1173313>.
Author: John Mount [aut, cre],
Nina Zumel [aut],
Win-Vector LLC [cph]
Maintainer: John Mount <jmount@win-vector.com>
Diff between vtreat versions 1.6.1 dated 2020-08-12 and 1.6.2 dated 2020-10-17
vtreat-1.6.1/vtreat/R/run_vtreat_tests.R |only vtreat-1.6.1/vtreat/R/test_simple_col_replace.R |only vtreat-1.6.1/vtreat/inst/unit_tests |only vtreat-1.6.1/vtreat/man/run_vtreat_tests.Rd |only vtreat-1.6.1/vtreat/tests/run_RUnit_tests.R |only vtreat-1.6.2/vtreat/DESCRIPTION | 14 +- vtreat-1.6.2/vtreat/MD5 | 88 ++++++------- vtreat-1.6.2/vtreat/NAMESPACE | 1 vtreat-1.6.2/vtreat/NEWS.md | 4 vtreat-1.6.2/vtreat/inst/doc/MultiClassVtreat.html | 76 +++++++++++- vtreat-1.6.2/vtreat/inst/doc/SavingTreamentPlans.html | 76 +++++++++++- vtreat-1.6.2/vtreat/inst/doc/VariableImportance.html | 82 ++++++++++++ vtreat-1.6.2/vtreat/inst/doc/vtreat.html | 78 +++++++++++- vtreat-1.6.2/vtreat/inst/doc/vtreatCrossFrames.html | 110 ++++++++++++++--- vtreat-1.6.2/vtreat/inst/doc/vtreatGrouping.html | 76 +++++++++++- vtreat-1.6.2/vtreat/inst/doc/vtreatOverfit.html | 110 ++++++++++++++--- vtreat-1.6.2/vtreat/inst/doc/vtreatRareLevels.html | 76 +++++++++++- vtreat-1.6.2/vtreat/inst/doc/vtreatScaleMode.html | 88 ++++++++++++- vtreat-1.6.2/vtreat/inst/doc/vtreatSignificance.html | 90 ++++++++++++-- vtreat-1.6.2/vtreat/inst/doc/vtreatSplitting.html | 76 +++++++++++- vtreat-1.6.2/vtreat/inst/doc/vtreatVariableTypes.html | 114 ++++++++++++++---- vtreat-1.6.2/vtreat/inst/tinytest |only vtreat-1.6.2/vtreat/tests/tinytest.R |only 23 files changed, 1012 insertions(+), 147 deletions(-)
Title: Sound Synthesis and Acoustic Analysis
Description: Performs parametric synthesis of sounds with harmonic and noise
components such as animal vocalizations or human voice. Also offers tools
for spectral analysis, audio segmentation, self-similarity matrices,
modulation spectra, morphing, etc., as well as interactive web apps for
manually corrected pitch tracking and formant measurement. Reference:
Anikin (2019) <doi:10.3758/s13428-018-1095-7>.
Author: Andrey Anikin [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Andrey Anikin <rty.anik@rambler.ru>
Diff between soundgen versions 1.8.1 dated 2020-09-18 and 1.8.2 dated 2020-10-17
DESCRIPTION | 8 - MD5 | 49 ++++---- NAMESPACE | 1 NEWS | 19 +++ R/amplitude.R | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ R/analyze.R | 24 ++-- R/presets.R | 6 - R/soundgen.R | 71 ++++-------- R/spectrogram.R | 6 - R/utilities_math.R | 7 - R/utilities_pitch_postprocessing.R | 97 +++++++++++----- data/def_form.rda |binary data/permittedValues.rda |binary inst/doc/acoustic_analysis.html | 158 +++++++++++++++++++------- inst/doc/sound_generation.Rmd | 2 inst/doc/sound_generation.html | 184 +++++++++++++++++++++---------- inst/shiny/formant_app/server.R | 52 +++++++- inst/shiny/formant_app/ui.R | 14 ++ inst/shiny/pitch_app/server.R | 218 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- inst/shiny/pitch_app/ui.R | 7 + man/addAM.Rd |only man/findVoicedSegments.Rd | 9 + man/getSigmoid.Rd | 9 - man/osc.Rd | 3 man/soundgen.Rd | 17 +- vignettes/sound_generation.Rmd | 2 26 files changed, 833 insertions(+), 289 deletions(-)
Title: 'Rcpp' Dynamic Programming
Description: Dynamic Programming implemented in 'Rcpp'. Includes example partition and out of sample fitting applications. Also supplies additional custom coders for the 'vtreat' package.
Author: John Mount [aut, cre],
Nina Zumel [aut],
Win-Vector LLC [cph]
Maintainer: John Mount <jmount@win-vector.com>
Diff between RcppDynProg versions 0.1.4 dated 2020-08-12 and 0.1.5 dated 2020-10-17
RcppDynProg-0.1.4/RcppDynProg/inst/unit_tests |only RcppDynProg-0.1.4/RcppDynProg/tests/run_tests.R |only RcppDynProg-0.1.5/RcppDynProg/DESCRIPTION | 12 +- RcppDynProg-0.1.5/RcppDynProg/MD5 | 28 ++--- RcppDynProg-0.1.5/RcppDynProg/NEWS.md | 4 RcppDynProg-0.1.5/RcppDynProg/inst/doc/RcppDynProg.html | 13 ++ RcppDynProg-0.1.5/RcppDynProg/inst/doc/Segmentation.html | 76 +++++++++++++- RcppDynProg-0.1.5/RcppDynProg/inst/doc/SegmentationL.html | 76 +++++++++++++- RcppDynProg-0.1.5/RcppDynProg/inst/tinytest |only RcppDynProg-0.1.5/RcppDynProg/tests/tinytest.R |only 10 files changed, 183 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
Title: Wrap R Tools for Debugging and Parametric Programming
Description: Tools for writing and debugging R code. Provides:
'%.>%' dot-pipe (an 'S3' configurable pipe), unpack/to (R style multiple assignment/return),
'build_frame()'/'draw_frame()' ('data.frame' example tools),
'qc()' (quoting concatenate),
':=' (named map builder), 'let()' (converts non-standard evaluation interfaces to parametric standard
evaluation interfaces, inspired by 'gtools::strmacro()' and 'base::bquote()'), and more.
Author: John Mount [aut, cre],
Nina Zumel [aut],
Win-Vector LLC [cph]
Maintainer: John Mount <jmount@win-vector.com>
Diff between wrapr versions 2.0.2 dated 2020-08-10 and 2.0.4 dated 2020-10-17
wrapr-2.0.2/wrapr/R/run_wrapr_tests.R |only wrapr-2.0.2/wrapr/inst/unit_tests |only wrapr-2.0.2/wrapr/man/run_wrapr_tests.Rd |only wrapr-2.0.2/wrapr/man/subset-.unpacker.Rd |only wrapr-2.0.2/wrapr/tests/package_test_runner.R |only wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/DESCRIPTION | 10 wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/MD5 | 114 +-- wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/NAMESPACE | 1 wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/NEWS.md | 6 wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/R/run_package_tests.R | 8 wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/README.md | 4 wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/build/vignette.rds |binary wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/inst/doc/CornerCases.html | 228 ++++--- wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/inst/doc/DebugFnW.Rmd | 2 wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/inst/doc/DebugFnW.html | 220 ++++-- wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/inst/doc/FrameTools.html | 200 ++++-- wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/inst/doc/Named_Arguments.html | 168 ++++- wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/inst/doc/QuotingConcatinate.html | 146 +++- wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/inst/doc/SubstitutionModes.html | 204 ++++-- wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/inst/doc/bquote.html | 216 ++++-- wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/inst/doc/dot_pipe.Rmd | 2 wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/inst/doc/dot_pipe.html | 144 +++- wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/inst/doc/lambda.html | 130 +++- wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/inst/doc/let.Rmd | 2 wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/inst/doc/let.html | 166 ++++- wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/inst/doc/multi_assign.html | 402 +++++++----- wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/inst/doc/named_map_builder.html | 138 +++- wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/inst/doc/unpack_multiple_assignment.html | 416 +++++++------ wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/inst/doc/wrapr_Eager.html | 172 ++++- wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/inst/doc/wrapr_applicable.html | 302 ++++++--- wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/inst/tinytest |only wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/man/run_package_tests.Rd | 8 wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/man/subset-.Unpacker.Rd |only wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/tests/tinytest.R |only wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/vignettes/DebugFnW.Rmd | 2 wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/vignettes/dot_pipe.Rmd | 2 wrapr-2.0.4/wrapr/vignettes/let.Rmd | 2 37 files changed, 2383 insertions(+), 1032 deletions(-)
Title: Working with Files from 'LexisNexis'
Description: My PhD supervisor once told me that everyone doing newspaper
analysis starts by writing code to read in files from the 'LexisNexis' newspaper
archive (retrieved e.g., from <http://www.nexis.com/> or any of the partner
sites). However, while this is a nice exercise I do recommend, not everyone has
the time. This package takes files downloaded from the newspaper archive of
'LexisNexis', reads them into R and offers functions for further processing.
Author: Johannes Gruber [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Johannes Gruber <j.gruber.1@research.gla.ac.uk>
Diff between LexisNexisTools versions 0.3.1 dated 2020-06-03 and 0.3.2 dated 2020-10-17
DESCRIPTION | 10 - MD5 | 24 +- NEWS.md | 5 R/LexisNexisTools.R | 112 +++++++++-- README.md | 11 - build/vignette.rds |binary inst/CITATION | 2 inst/doc/demo.Rmd | 2 inst/doc/demo.html | 365 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------- man/lnt_convert.Rd | 3 man/lnt_read.Rd | 3 tests/testthat/test-lnt_convert.R | 4 vignettes/demo.Rmd | 2 13 files changed, 350 insertions(+), 193 deletions(-)
More information about LexisNexisTools at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Evaluation Tools for Assessing Climate Adaptation of Fruit Tree
Description: Climate is a critical component limiting growing range of plant species, which
also determines cultivar adaptation to a region. The evaluation of climate influence on
fruit production is critical for decision-making in the design stage of orchards and
vineyards and in the evaluation of the potential consequences of future climate. Bio-
climatic indices and plant phenology are commonly used to describe the suitability of
climate for growing quality fruit and to provide temporal and spatial information about
regarding ongoing and future changes. 'fruclimadapt' streamlines the assessment of
climate adaptation and the identification of potential risks for grapevines and fruit
trees. Procedures in the package allow to i) downscale daily meteorological variables
to hourly values (Forster et al (2016) <doi:10.5194/gmd-9-2315-2016>),
ii) estimate chilling and forcing heat accumulation (Miranda et al (2019)
iii) estimate plant phenology (Schwartz (2012) <doi:10.1007/978-94-007-6925-0>), iv)
calculate bioclimatic indices to evaluate fruit tree and grapevine adaptation (e.g. Badr
et al (2017) <doi:10.3354/cr01532>), v) estimate the incidence of weather-related disorders
in fruits (e.g. Snyder and de Melo-Abreu (2005, ISBN:92-5-105328-6) and vi)
estimate plant water requirements (Allen et al (1998, ISBN:92-5-104219-5)).
Author: Carlos Miranda
Maintainer: Carlos Miranda <carlos.miranda@unavarra.es>
Diff between fruclimadapt versions 0.4.3 dated 2020-08-24 and 0.4.4 dated 2020-10-17
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 24 +++++++++++++----------- NAMESPACE | 1 + NEWS.md | 7 +++++++ R/DTR.R |only R/color_potential.R | 22 ++++++++++++---------- R/cool_night_index.R | 15 +++++++++------ R/globals.R | 2 +- R/russet.R | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------- README.md | 2 +- man/DTR.Rd |only man/color_potential.Rd | 21 ++++++++++++--------- man/coolness_index.Rd | 14 +++++++++----- man/russet.Rd | 41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------- 14 files changed, 130 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)
Title: R Interface for the 'H2O' Scalable Machine Learning Platform
Description: R interface for 'H2O', the scalable open source machine learning
platform that offers parallelized implementations of many supervised and
unsupervised machine learning algorithms such as Generalized Linear
Models (GLM), Gradient Boosting Machines (including XGBoost), Random Forests,
Deep Neural Networks (Deep Learning), Stacked Ensembles, Naive Bayes,
Generalized Additive Models (GAM), Cox Proportional Hazards, K-Means, PCA,
Word2Vec, as well as a fully automatic machine learning algorithm (H2O AutoML).
Author: Erin LeDell [aut, cre],
Navdeep Gill [aut],
Spencer Aiello [aut],
Anqi Fu [aut],
Arno Candel [aut],
Cliff Click [aut],
Tom Kraljevic [aut],
Tomas Nykodym [aut],
Patrick Aboyoun [aut],
Michal Kurka [aut],
Michal Malohlava [aut],
Ludi Rehak [ctb],
Eric Eckstrand [ctb],
Brandon Hill [ctb],
Sebastian Vidrio [ctb],
Surekha Jadhawani [ctb],
Amy Wang [ctb],
Raymond Peck [ctb],
Wendy Wong [ctb],
Jan Gorecki [ctb],
Matt Dowle [ctb],
Yuan Tang [ctb],
Lauren DiPerna [ctb],
H2O.ai [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Erin LeDell <erin@h2o.ai>
Diff between h2o versions dated 2020-09-30 and dated 2020-10-17
h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 31 +- h2o- | 94 +++++--- h2o- | 14 + h2o- | 41 ++- h2o- | 18 + h2o- | 18 - h2o- |only h2o- | 10 h2o- | 15 - h2o- | 17 - h2o- | 15 - h2o- | 8 h2o- | 111 ++++++---- h2o- | 16 - h2o- | 15 - h2o- |only h2o- | 23 +- h2o- | 108 +++++++-- h2o- | 2 h2o- | 2 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 6 h2o- | 23 +- h2o- | 4 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 3 h2o- | 3 h2o- | 3 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 4 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 3 h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- | 10 h2o- | 44 ++- h2o- | 20 - h2o- |only h2o- |only h2o- |only 67 files changed, 377 insertions(+), 304 deletions(-)
Title: Code Analysis Tools for R
Description: Code analysis tools for R.
Author: Luke Tierney <luke-tierney@uiowa.edu>
Maintainer: Luke Tierney <luke-tierney@uiowa.edu>
Diff between codetools versions 0.2-16 dated 2018-12-24 and 0.2-17 dated 2020-10-17
DESCRIPTION | 7 ++++--- MD5 | 8 +++++--- R/codetools.R | 38 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------- noweb |only tests/tests.R | 19 +++++++++++++++++++ 5 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
Title: Fast Gaussian Process Computation Using Vecchia's Approximation
Description: Functions for fitting and doing predictions with
Gaussian process models using Vecchia's (1988) approximation.
Package also includes functions for reordering input locations,
finding ordered nearest neighbors (with help from 'FNN' package),
grouping operations, and conditional simulations.
Covariance functions for spatial and spatial-temporal data
on Euclidean domains and spheres are provided. The original
approximation is due to Vecchia (1988)
<http://www.jstor.org/stable/2345768>, and the reordering and
grouping methods are from Guinness (2018)
Model fitting employs a Fisher scoring algorithm described
in Guinness (2019) <arXiv:1905.08374>.
Author: Joseph Guinness [aut, cre],
Matthias Katzfuss [aut],
Youssef Fahmy [aut]
Maintainer: Joseph Guinness <joeguinness@gmail.com>
Diff between GpGp versions 0.3.0 dated 2020-10-03 and 0.3.1 dated 2020-10-17
GpGp-0.3.0/GpGp/data/datalist |only GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/DESCRIPTION | 8 GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/MD5 | 58 +-- GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/NEWS.md | 5 GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/R/RcppExports.R | 49 ++ GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/R/fisher_scoring.R | 12 GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/R/fit_model.R | 25 + GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/man/matern_anisotropic3D.Rd | 5 GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/man/matern_anisotropic3D_alt.Rd |only GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/man/vecchia_grouped_meanzero_loglik.Rd | 2 GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/man/vecchia_grouped_profbeta_loglik.Rd | 4 GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/man/vecchia_grouped_profbeta_loglik_grad_info.Rd | 4 GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/man/vecchia_meanzero_loglik.Rd | 2 GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/man/vecchia_profbeta_loglik.Rd | 2 GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/man/vecchia_profbeta_loglik_grad_info.Rd | 4 GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/src/RcppExports.cpp | 26 + GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/src/covmatrix_funs.h | 118 +++--- GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/src/covmatrix_funs_01.h | 8 GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/src/covmatrix_funs_02.h | 190 +++++++++- GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/src/covmatrix_funs_03.h | 5 GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/src/covmatrix_funs_04.h | 1 GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/src/covmatrix_funs_05.h | 3 GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/src/covmatrix_funs_07.h | 2 GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/src/covmatrix_funs_08.h | 8 GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/src/covmatrix_funs_09.h | 2 GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/src/covmatrix_funs_10.h | 2 GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/src/covmatrix_funs_11.h | 1 GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/src/covmatrix_funs_12.h | 1 GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/src/onepass.h | 35 + GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/src/vecchia_loglik_grad_info.cpp | 20 - GpGp-0.3.1/GpGp/tests/testthat/test_covfuns.R | 6 31 files changed, 446 insertions(+), 162 deletions(-)
Title: Automated Deconvolution Augmentation of Profiles for Tissue
Specific Cells
Description: Tools to construct (or add to) cell-type signature matrices using flow sorted or single cell samples and deconvolve bulk gene expression data.
Useful for assessing the quality of single cell RNAseq experiments, estimating the accuracy of signature matrices, and determining cell-type spillover.
Please cite: Danziger SA et al. (2019) ADAPTS: Automated Deconvolution Augmentation of Profiles for Tissue Specific cells <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0224693>.
Author: Samuel A Danziger
Maintainer: Samuel A Danziger <sam.danziger@gmail.com>
Diff between ADAPTS versions 1.0.5 dated 2020-08-31 and 1.0.6 dated 2020-10-17
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 24 ++++++++++++------------ NAMESPACE | 1 + R/runLoops.R | 1 + build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/ADAPTS2.vignette.html.asis | 2 +- inst/doc/ADAPTS3.vignette.html.asis | 2 +- inst/doc/ADAPTS4.vignette.html.asis | 2 +- inst/doc/ADAPTS5.vignette.html.asis | 2 +- vignettes/ADAPTS2.vignette.html.asis | 2 +- vignettes/ADAPTS3.vignette.html.asis | 2 +- vignettes/ADAPTS4.vignette.html.asis | 2 +- vignettes/ADAPTS5.vignette.html.asis | 2 +- 13 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)