Thu, 02 May 2024

Package scBSP updated to version 1.0.0 with previous version 0.0.1 dated 2024-02-09

Title: A Fast Tool for Single-Cell Spatially Variable Genes Identifications on Large-Scale Data
Description: Identifying spatially variable genes is critical in linking molecular cell functions with tissue phenotypes. This package utilizes a granularity-based dimension-agnostic tool, single-cell big-small patch (scBSP), implementing sparse matrix operation and KD tree methods for distance calculation, for the identification of spatially variable genes on large-scale data. The detailed description of this method is available at Wang, J. and Li, J. et al. 2023 (Wang, J. and Li, J. (2023), <doi:10.1038/s41467-023-43256-5>).
Author: Jinpu Li [aut, cre] , Yiqing Wang [aut]
Maintainer: Jinpu Li <>

Diff between scBSP versions 0.0.1 dated 2024-02-09 and 1.0.0 dated 2024-05-02

 DESCRIPTION         |   21 ++++++++++++---------
 MD5                 |    6 +++---
 R/LoadSpatial.R     |    4 ++--
 inst/doc/manual.pdf |binary
 4 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

More information about scBSP at CRAN
Permanent link

New package rmdl with initial version 0.1.0
Package: rmdl
Title: Language to Manage Many Models
Version: 0.1.0
Description: A system for describing and manipulating the many models that are generated in causal inference and data analysis projects, as based on the causal theory and criteria of Austin Bradford Hill (1965) <doi:10.1177/003591576505800503>. This system includes the addition of formal attributes that modify base `R` objects, including terms and formulas, with a focus on variable roles in the "do-calculus" of modeling, as described in Pearl (2010) <doi:10.2202/1557-4679.1203>. For example, the definition of exposure, outcome, and interaction are implicit in the roles variables take in a formula. These premises allow for a more fluent modeling approach focusing on variable relationships, and assessing effect modification, as described by VanderWeele and Robins (2007) <doi:10.1097/EDE.0b013e318127181b>. The essential goal is to help contextualize formulas and models in causality-oriented workflows.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Depends: R (>= 4.1.0), vctrs (>= 0.5.0), tibble (>= 3.0.0),
Imports: stats, utils, generics, methods, dplyr, broom, tidyr, rlang, pillar, purrr, janitor
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0), covr, cli, rmarkdown, knitr, ggplot2, gt, survival, cmprsk, tidycmprsk
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-02 16:48:30 UTC; asshah4
Author: Anish S. Shah [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Anish S. Shah <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-02 22:20:02 UTC

More information about rmdl at CRAN
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Package bnlearn updated to version 4.9.4 with previous version 4.9.3 dated 2024-03-15

Title: Bayesian Network Structure Learning, Parameter Learning and Inference
Description: Bayesian network structure learning, parameter learning and inference. This package implements constraint-based (PC, GS, IAMB, Inter-IAMB, Fast-IAMB, MMPC, Hiton-PC, HPC), pairwise (ARACNE and Chow-Liu), score-based (Hill-Climbing and Tabu Search) and hybrid (MMHC, RSMAX2, H2PC) structure learning algorithms for discrete, Gaussian and conditional Gaussian networks, along with many score functions and conditional independence tests. The Naive Bayes and the Tree-Augmented Naive Bayes (TAN) classifiers are also implemented. Some utility functions (model comparison and manipulation, random data generation, arc orientation testing, simple and advanced plots) are included, as well as support for parameter estimation (maximum likelihood and Bayesian) and inference, conditional probability queries, cross-validation, bootstrap and model averaging. Development snapshots with the latest bugfixes are available from <>.
Author: Marco Scutari [aut, cre], Tomi Silander [ctb], Robert Ness [ctb]
Maintainer: Marco Scutari <>

Diff between bnlearn versions 4.9.3 dated 2024-03-15 and 4.9.4 dated 2024-05-02

 Changelog                                          |    4 ++++
 DESCRIPTION                                        |    8 ++++----
 MD5                                                |   14 +++++++-------
 man/arc.strength.Rd                                |    3 +--
 man/kl.Rd                                          |    2 ++
 src/fitted/fitted.c                                |   10 ++++++----
 src/inference/rinterface/loglikelihood.c           |    7 ++++---
 src/parameters/rinterface/hierarchical_dirichlet.c |    6 ++----
 8 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

More information about bnlearn at CRAN
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Package heplots updated to version 1.7.0 with previous version 1.6.2 dated 2024-02-15

Title: Visualizing Hypothesis Tests in Multivariate Linear Models
Description: Provides HE plot and other functions for visualizing hypothesis tests in multivariate linear models. HE plots represent sums-of-squares-and-products matrices for linear hypotheses and for error using ellipses (in two dimensions) and ellipsoids (in three dimensions). The related 'candisc' package provides visualizations in a reduced-rank canonical discriminant space when there are more than a few response variables.
Author: Michael Friendly [aut, cre] , John Fox [aut] , Georges Monette [aut] , Phil Chalmers [ctb] , Duncan Murdoch [ctb]
Maintainer: Michael Friendly <>

Diff between heplots versions 1.6.2 dated 2024-02-15 and 1.7.0 dated 2024-05-02

 DESCRIPTION                                     |   11 
 MD5                                             |  119 +-                                         |   16 
 R/cqplot.R                                      |   19 
 R/datasets.R                                    |  205 +++
 R/etasq.R                                       |    8 
 R/heplot.R                                      |    2 
 build/partial.rdb                               |binary
 build/vignette.rds                              |binary
 data/Overdose.RData                             |only
 inst/WORDLIST                                   |  199 ++-
 inst/doc/HE_manova.R                            |  111 ++
 inst/doc/HE_manova.Rmd                          |  237 ++++
 inst/doc/HE_manova.html                         |  995 ++++++++++++-------
 inst/doc/HE_mmra.html                           |    6 
 inst/doc/datasets.R                             |only
 inst/doc/datasets.Rmd                           |only
 inst/doc/datasets.html                          |only
 man/AddHealth.Rd                                |   39 
 man/Adopted.Rd                                  |    2 
 man/Bees.Rd                                     |    1 
 man/Diabetes.Rd                                 |    1 
 man/FootHead.Rd                                 |    2 
 man/Headache.Rd                                 |    2 
 man/Hernior.Rd                                  |    2 
 man/Iwasaki_Big_Five.Rd                         |   31 
 man/MockJury.Rd                                 |    6 
 man/NLSY.Rd                                     |    1 
 man/NeuroCog.Rd                                 |    3 
 man/Oslo.Rd                                     |    2 
 man/Overdose.Rd                                 |only
 man/Parenting.Rd                                |    1 
 man/Plastic.Rd                                  |    1 
 man/Pottery2.Rd                                 |    2 
 man/Probe.Rd                                    |    3 
 man/RatWeight.Rd                                |    2 
 man/ReactTime.Rd                                |    1 
 man/Rohwer.Rd                                   |    2 
 man/RootStock.Rd                                |    9 
 man/Sake.Rd                                     |    1 
 man/Skulls.Rd                                   |    2 
 man/SocGrades.Rd                                |    2 
 man/SocialCog.Rd                                |    2 
 man/TIPI.Rd                                     |    2 
 man/VocabGrowth.Rd                              |    2 
 man/cqplot.Rd                                   |   10 
 man/df.terms.Rd                                 |   42 
 man/ellipse.axes.Rd                             |  170 +--
 man/                              |  134 +-
 man/etasq.Rd                                    |    8 
 man/figures/README-iris-can-1.png               |only
 man/figures/README-iris3-1.png                  |binary
 man/figures/README-iris4-1.png                  |binary
 man/mathscore.Rd                                |    1 
 man/peng.Rd                                     |  172 +--
 man/schooldata.Rd                               |    2 
 vignettes/HE-examples.bib                       |    9 
 vignettes/HE_manova.Rmd                         |  237 ++++
 vignettes/datasets.Rmd                          |only
 vignettes/fig/manova-addhealth-covellipse-1.png |only
 vignettes/fig/manova-addhealth-heplot-1.png     |only
 vignettes/fig/manova-addhealth-means-each-1.png |only
 vignettes/fig/manova-addhealth-means-plot-1.png |only
 vignettes/fig/plot-jury.can1.pdf                |  698 ++++++-------
 vignettes/fig/plot-plastic1.pdf                 | 1240 ++++++++++++------------
 vignettes/plot-plastic1.pdf                     | 1240 ++++++++++++------------
 66 files changed, 3629 insertions(+), 2386 deletions(-)

More information about heplots at CRAN
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Package nser updated to version 1.5.2 with previous version 1.5.1 dated 2024-02-05

Title: Bhavcopy and Live Market Data from National Stock Exchange (NSE) & Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) India
Description: Download Current & Historical Bhavcopy. Get Live Market data from NSE India of Equities and Derivatives (F&O) segment. Data source <>.
Author: Nandan Patil [cre, aut]
Maintainer: Nandan Patil <>

Diff between nser versions 1.5.1 dated 2024-02-05 and 1.5.2 dated 2024-05-02

 nser-1.5.1/nser/tests               |only
 nser-1.5.2/nser/DESCRIPTION         |    8 ++--
 nser-1.5.2/nser/MD5                 |   60 +++++++++++++++++-------------------
 nser-1.5.2/nser/R/bhav.R            |    4 +-
 nser-1.5.2/nser/R/bhavpr.R          |    2 -
 nser-1.5.2/nser/R/bhavtoday.R       |    2 -
 nser-1.5.2/nser/R/daytoweek.R       |    1 
 nser-1.5.2/nser/R/fdii.R            |    5 +--
 nser-1.5.2/nser/R/fobhav.R          |    2 -
 nser-1.5.2/nser/R/nseindex.R        |    2 -
 nser-1.5.2/nser/R/nseipo.R          |    2 -
 nser-1.5.2/nser/R/nselive.R         |   42 +++++++++++++++++++------
 nser-1.5.2/nser/R/nseopen.R         |    4 +-
 nser-1.5.2/nser/R/nsetree.R         |   24 +++++++++-----
 nser-1.5.2/nser/R/optbanknifty.R    |    6 +--
 nser-1.5.2/nser/R/optnifty.R        |    6 +--
 nser-1.5.2/nser/R/utils-pipe.R      |    1 
 nser-1.5.2/nser/           |   56 +++------------------------------
 nser-1.5.2/nser/build/vignette.rds  |binary
 nser-1.5.2/nser/man/bhav.Rd         |    6 +--
 nser-1.5.2/nser/man/bhavpr.Rd       |    2 -
 nser-1.5.2/nser/man/bhavtoday.Rd    |    4 +-
 nser-1.5.2/nser/man/daytoweek.Rd    |    1 
 nser-1.5.2/nser/man/fdii.Rd         |    7 ++--
 nser-1.5.2/nser/man/fobhav.Rd       |    2 -
 nser-1.5.2/nser/man/nseindex.Rd     |    2 -
 nser-1.5.2/nser/man/nseipo.Rd       |    2 -
 nser-1.5.2/nser/man/nseopen.Rd      |    6 +--
 nser-1.5.2/nser/man/nsetree.Rd      |    8 ++++
 nser-1.5.2/nser/man/optbanknifty.Rd |    8 ++--
 nser-1.5.2/nser/man/optnifty.Rd     |    8 ++--
 31 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 145 deletions(-)

More information about nser at CRAN
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New package filibustr with initial version 0.2.1
Package: filibustr
Title: Data Utilities for Congressional Research
Version: 0.2.1
Description: Provides easy-to-understand and consistent interfaces for accessing data on the U.S. Congress. The functions in 'filibustr' streamline the process for importing data on Congress into R, removing the need to download and work from CSV files and the like. Data sources include 'Voteview' (<>), the U.S. Senate website (<>), and more.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: crul, dplyr, haven, httr2, lifecycle, R.utils, readr, rlang, rvest, stringr, tidyr, tidyselect
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-04-25 05:11:36 UTC; mhfeinleib
Author: Max Feinleib [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Max Feinleib <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-02 16:22:37 UTC

More information about filibustr at CRAN
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New package symbolicQspray with initial version 1.0.0
Package: symbolicQspray
Title: Multivariate Polynomials with Symbolic Parameters in their Coefficients
Version: 1.0.0
Description: Introduces the 'symbolicQspray' objects. Such an object represents a multivariate polynomial whose coefficients are fractions of multivariate polynomials with rational coefficients. The package allows arithmetic on such polynomials. It is based on the 'qspray' and 'ratioOfQsprays' packages. Some functions for 'qspray' polynomials have their counterpart for 'symbolicQspray' polynomials. A 'symbolicQspray' polynomial should not be seen as a polynomial on the field of fractions of rational polynomials, but should rather be seen as a polynomial with rational coefficients depending on some parameters, symbolically represented, with a dependence given by fractions of rational polynomials.
License: GPL-3
Depends: qspray (>= 3.0.0), ratioOfQsprays
Imports: gmp, methods, Rcpp, utils
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0)
LinkingTo: BH, qspray, ratioOfQsprays, Rcpp, RcppArmadillo, RcppCGAL
Encoding: UTF-8
SystemRequirements: C++17, gmp, mpfr
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2024-05-01 05:15:19 UTC; SDL96354
Author: Stephane Laurent [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Stephane Laurent <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-02 16:00:02 UTC

More information about symbolicQspray at CRAN
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New package RAZIAD with initial version 0.0.1
Package: RAZIAD
Title: Regression Analysis of Zero-Inflated and Zero-Altered(Hurdle) Data
Version: 0.0.1
Maintainer: Niloufar Dousti Mousavi <>
Description: It performs regression analysis for zero-inflated and zero-altered data, enabling modeling of sparse response variable distributions and assessing their association with covariates. It computes Maximum Likelihood Estimates (MLE) and conducts model selection using AIC and BIC criteria. Additionally, it calculates Fisher Information, confidence intervals, standard errors, and z-scores for all model parameters.
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: Matrix, extraDistr, stats
Depends: R (>=
LazyData: true
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0)
License: MIT + file LICENSE
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-01 19:29:45 UTC; nilouimac
Author: Niloufar Dousti Mousavi [aut, cre, cph], Hani Aldirawi [aut, cph], Donald Hedeker [aut, cph], Jie Yang [aut, cph]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-02 15:12:43 UTC

More information about RAZIAD at CRAN
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New package ollamar with initial version 1.1.1
Package: ollamar
Title: 'Ollama' Language Models
Version: 1.1.1
Description: An interface to easily run local language models with 'Ollama' <> server and API endpoints (see <> for details). It lets you run open-source large language models locally on your machine.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0)
Imports: glue, httr2, jsonlite, tibble
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-02 01:09:48 UTC; hause
Author: Hause Lin [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Hause Lin <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-02 15:12:40 UTC

More information about ollamar at CRAN
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New package lancor with initial version 0.1.2
Package: lancor
Title: Statistical Inference via Lancaster Correlation
Version: 0.1.2
Description: Implementation of the methods described in Holzmann, Klar (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2303.17872>. Lancaster correlation is a correlation coefficient which equals the absolute value of the Pearson correlation for the bivariate normal distribution, and is equal to or slightly less than the maximum correlation coefficient for a variety of bivariate distributions. Rank and moment-based estimators and corresponding confidence intervals are implemented, as well as independence tests based on these statistics.
Imports: acepack, arrangements, boot, graphics, sn, stats
License: GPL-2
Encoding: UTF-8
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-02 06:52:25 UTC; Klar
Author: Bernhard Klar [aut, cre] , Hajo Holzmann [aut]
Maintainer: Bernhard Klar <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-02 15:22:42 UTC

More information about lancor at CRAN
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New package FAOSTAT with initial version 2.3.1
Package: FAOSTAT
Title: Download Data from the FAOSTAT Database
Version: 2.3.1
Date: 2024-05-02
Author: Michael C. J., Markus Gesmann, Filippo Gheri, Paul Rougieux <>, Sebastian Campbell
Maintainer: Paul Rougieux <>
Description: Download Data from the FAOSTAT Database of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. A list of functions to download statistics from FAOSTAT (database of the FAO <>) and WDI (database of the World Bank <>), and to perform some harmonization operations.
Imports: RJSONIO (>= 0.96-0), plyr (>= 1.7.1), data.table (>= 1.8.2), MASS (>= 7.3-22), classInt (>= 0.1-19), labeling (>= 0.1), httr (>= 1.0)
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: yes
ZipData: no
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Suggests: knitr, testthat
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-02 14:16:54 UTC; paul
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-02 15:22:45 UTC

More information about FAOSTAT at CRAN
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New package DiscreteTests with initial version 0.1.1
Package: DiscreteTests
Title: Vectorised Computation of P-Values and Their Supports for Several Discrete Statistical Tests
Version: 0.1.1
Date: 2024-05-02
Description: Provides vectorised functions for computing p-values of various common discrete statistical tests as described e.g. in Agresti (2002) <doi:10.1002/0471249688>. Exact and approximate computation methods are provided. For exact p-values, several procedures of determining two-sided p-values are included, which are outlined in more detail in Hirji (2006) <doi:10.1201/9781420036190>.
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
Language: en-GB
Imports: R6, checkmate
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-02 07:11:35 UTC; Florian Junge
Author: Florian Junge [cre, aut], Christina Kihn [aut], Sebastian Doehler [ctb]
Maintainer: Florian Junge <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-02 15:22:49 UTC

More information about DiscreteTests at CRAN
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New package crm12Comb with initial version 0.1.3
Package: crm12Comb
Title: Phase I/II CRM Based Drug Combination Design
Version: 0.1.3
Maintainer: Junying Wang <>
Description: Implements the adaptive designs for integrated phase I/II trials of drug combinations via continual reassessment method (CRM) to evaluate toxicity and efficacy simultaneously for each enrolled patient cohort based on Bayesian inference. It supports patients assignment guidance in a single trial using current enrolled data, as well as conducting extensive simulation studies to evaluate operating characteristics before the trial starts. It includes various link functions such as empiric, one-parameter logistic, two-parameter logistic, and hyperbolic tangent, as well as considering multiple prior distributions of the parameters like normal distribution, gamma distribution and exponential distribution to accommodate diverse clinical scenarios. Method using Bayesian framework with empiric link function is described in: Wages and Conaway (2014) <doi:10.1002/sim.6097>.
License: GPL (>= 3)
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Imports: dplyr, ggplot2, ggforce
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-02 14:40:13 UTC; junyingwang
Author: Junying Wang [cre, aut], Song Wu [aut], Jie Yang [aut]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-02 15:52:43 UTC

More information about crm12Comb at CRAN
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Package visOmopResults updated to version 0.3.0 with previous version 0.2.1 dated 2024-04-02

Title: Graphs and Tables for OMOP Results
Description: Provides methods to transform omop_result objects into formatted tables and figures, facilitating the visualization of study results working with the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model.
Author: Marti Catala [aut] , Nuria Mercade-Besora [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Nuria Mercade-Besora <>

Diff between visOmopResults versions 0.2.1 dated 2024-04-02 and 0.3.0 dated 2024-05-02

 visOmopResults-0.2.1/visOmopResults/R/VisOmop-package.R                       |only
 visOmopResults-0.2.1/visOmopResults/R/appendSettings.R                        |only
 visOmopResults-0.2.1/visOmopResults/R/formatTable.R                           |only
 visOmopResults-0.2.1/visOmopResults/R/pivotSettings.R                         |only
 visOmopResults-0.2.1/visOmopResults/man/appendSettings.Rd                     |only
 visOmopResults-0.2.1/visOmopResults/man/optionsFormatTable.Rd                 |only
 visOmopResults-0.2.1/visOmopResults/man/pivotSettings.Rd                      |only
 visOmopResults-0.2.1/visOmopResults/tests/testthat/test-appendSettings.R      |only
 visOmopResults-0.2.1/visOmopResults/tests/testthat/test-formatTable.R         |only
 visOmopResults-0.2.1/visOmopResults/tests/testthat/test-keyWord.R             |only
 visOmopResults-0.2.1/visOmopResults/tests/testthat/test-pivotSettings.R       |only
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/DESCRIPTION                               |   14 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/MD5                                       |   99 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/NAMESPACE                                 |    7 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/R/addSettings.R                           |only
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/R/columns.R                               |   28 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/R/filterSettings.R                        |only
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/R/formatEstimateName.R                    |   40 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/R/formatHeader.R                          |  234 -
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/R/fxTable.R                               |   92 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/R/gtTable.R                               |   60 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/R/mockResults.R                           |  401 --
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/R/pivotEstimates.R                        |    6 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/R/split.R                                 |    4 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/R/tidy.R                                  |  136 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/R/utilities.R                             |   14 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/R/visOmopResults-package.R                |only
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/R/visOmopTable.R                          |only
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/                                 |   45 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/build/vignette.rds                        |binary
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/inst/doc/formatFunctions.R                |   13 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/inst/doc/formatFunctions.Rmd              |   21 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/inst/doc/formatFunctions.html             | 1844 ++++------
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/inst/doc/splitAndUnite.html               |  139 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/inst/doc/tidy.R                           |   14 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/inst/doc/tidy.Rmd                         |  153 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/inst/doc/tidy.html                        |  196 -
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/man/addSettings.Rd                        |only
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/man/additionalColumns.Rd                  |    4 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/man/filterSettings.Rd                     |only
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/man/formatTable.Rd                        |   29 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/man/fxTable.Rd                            |   20 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/man/groupColumns.Rd                       |    4 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/man/gtTable.Rd                            |   20 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/man/mockSummarisedResult.Rd               |    5 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/man/optionsVisOmopTable.Rd                |only
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/man/strataColumns.Rd                      |    4 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/man/tidy.summarised_result.Rd             |    3 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/man/visOmopResults-package.Rd             |    6 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/man/visOmopTable.Rd                       |only
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/tests/testthat/test-README.R              |    4 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/tests/testthat/test-addSettings.R         |only
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/tests/testthat/test-formatEstimateName.R  |  180 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/tests/testthat/test-formatEstimateValue.R |   28 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/tests/testthat/test-fxTable.R             |   83 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/tests/testthat/test-gtTable.R             |   72 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/tests/testthat/test-pivotEstimates.R      |    4 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/tests/testthat/test-tidy.R                |   56 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/tests/testthat/test-visOmopTable.R        |only
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/vignettes/formatFunctions.Rmd             |   21 
 visOmopResults-0.3.0/visOmopResults/vignettes/tidy.Rmd                        |  153 
 61 files changed, 2117 insertions(+), 2139 deletions(-)

More information about visOmopResults at CRAN
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New package panstarrs with initial version 0.2.2
Package: panstarrs
Title: Interface to the Pan-STARRS API
Version: 0.2.2
Description: An interface to the API for 'Pan-STARRS1', a data archive of the PS1 wide-field astronomical survey. The package allows access to the PS1 catalog and to the PS1 images. (see <> for more information). You can use it to plan astronomical observations, make guidance pictures, find magnitudes in five broadband filters (g, r, i, z, y) and more.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Depends: R (>= 3.5)
Imports: bit64, checkmate, curl, data.table, httr, jsonlite
Suggests: dplyr, knitr, magick, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-02 13:43:54 UTC; uskov
Author: Grigory Uskov [cre, aut]
Maintainer: Grigory Uskov <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-02 14:02:37 UTC

More information about panstarrs at CRAN
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Package mlbench updated to version 2.1-5 with previous version 2.1-3.1 dated 2023-05-05

Title: Machine Learning Benchmark Problems
Description: A collection of artificial and real-world machine learning benchmark problems, including, e.g., several data sets from the UCI repository.
Author: Friedrich Leisch [aut] , Evgenia Dimitriadou [aut], Kurt Hornik [cre]
Maintainer: Kurt Hornik <>

Diff between mlbench versions 2.1-3.1 dated 2023-05-05 and 2.1-5 dated 2024-05-02

 DESCRIPTION                   |   22 +++++++---
 MD5                           |   87 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 NEWS                          |    8 +++
 R/mlbench-class.R             |    2 
 R/mlbench-regression.R        |    2 
 README                        |    7 +--
 build                         |only
 data/BostonHousing.rda        |binary
 data/BostonHousing2.rda       |binary
 data/BreastCancer.rda         |binary
 data/DNA.rda                  |binary
 data/Glass.rda                |binary
 data/HouseVotes84.rda         |binary
 data/Ionosphere.rda           |binary
 data/LetterRecognition.rda    |binary
 data/Ozone.rda                |binary
 data/PimaIndiansDiabetes.rda  |binary
 data/PimaIndiansDiabetes2.rda |binary
 data/Satellite.rda            |binary
 data/Servo.rda                |binary
 data/Shuttle.rda              |binary
 data/Sonar.rda                |binary
 data/Soybean.rda              |binary
 data/Vehicle.rda              |binary
 data/Vowel.rda                |binary
 data/Zoo.rda                  |binary
 inst/CITATION                 |   43 ++++++++------------
 man/BostonHousing.Rd          |   31 ++++++--------
 man/BreastCancer.Rd           |   31 ++++++++------
 man/DNA.Rd                    |    6 +-
 man/Glass.Rd                  |   30 +++++++-------
 man/HouseVotes84.Rd           |   30 +++++++-------
 man/Ionosphere.Rd             |   34 ++++++++--------
 man/LetterRecognition.Rd      |   29 +++++++-------
 man/Ozone.Rd                  |    6 +-
 man/PimaIndiansDiabetes.Rd    |   33 +++++++--------
 man/Satellite.Rd              |   28 +++++++------
 man/Servo.Rd                  |   38 +++++++++---------
 man/Shuttle.Rd                |   39 ++++++++++--------
 man/Sonar.Rd                  |   46 +++++++++++-----------
 man/Soybean.Rd                |   49 ++++++++++++-----------
 man/Vehicle.Rd                |   48 ++++++++++++-----------
 man/Vowel.Rd                  |   38 +++++++++---------
 man/Zoo.Rd                    |   25 +++++-------
 man/mlbench.waveform.Rd       |   36 +++++++----------
 45 files changed, 388 insertions(+), 360 deletions(-)

More information about mlbench at CRAN
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Package esemifar updated to version 2.0.0 with previous version 1.0.2 dated 2023-10-22

Title: Smoothing Long-Memory Time Series
Description: The nonparametric trend and its derivatives in equidistant time series (TS) with long-memory errors can be estimated. The estimation is conducted via local polynomial regression using an automatically selected bandwidth obtained by a built-in iterative plug-in algorithm or a bandwidth fixed by the user. The smoothing methods of the package are described in Letmathe, S., Beran, J. and Feng, Y., (2021) <>.
Author: Yuanhua Feng [aut] , Jan Beran [aut] , Sebastian Letmathe [aut] , Dominik Schulz [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Dominik Schulz <>

Diff between esemifar versions 1.0.2 dated 2023-10-22 and 2.0.0 dated 2024-05-02

 DESCRIPTION                 |   24 ++---
 MD5                         |   43 +++++++--
 NAMESPACE                   |   14 +++                     |   13 ++
 R/RcppExports.R             |only
 R/cf0.farma.R               |   51 ++++++-----
 R/dsmoothlm.R               |   10 ++
 R/forecasts.R               |only
 R/fracdiff_arfima_subfuns.R |only
 R/gsmooth_import_smoots.R   |only
 R/linear_filters.R          |only
 R/plot.esemifar.R           |   68 ++++++++++-----
 R/plot.esemifar_fc.R        |only
 R/print.esemifar.R          |    2 
 R/tsmoothlm.R               |   15 +++
 R/unloadCpp.R               |only
 man/arma_to_ar.Rd           |only
 man/arma_to_ma.Rd           |only
 man/d_to_coef.Rd            |only
 man/esemifar.Rd             |  195 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 man/farima_to_ar.Rd         |only
 man/farima_to_ma.Rd         |only
 man/gsmooth.Rd              |only
 man/plot.esemifar.Rd        |   10 ++
 man/plot.esemifar_fc.Rd     |only
 man/predict.esemifar.Rd     |only
 man/tsmoothlm.Rd            |    2 
 src                         |only
 28 files changed, 301 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-)

More information about esemifar at CRAN
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New package cvasi with initial version 0.10.4
Package: cvasi
Title: Calibration, Validation, and Simulation of TKTD Models
Version: 0.10.4
Description: Eases the use of ecotoxicological effect models. Can simulate common toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic (TK/TD) models such as General Unified Threshold models of Survival (GUTS) and Lemna. It can derive effects and effect profiles (EPx) from scenarios. It supports the use of 'tidyr' workflows employing the pipe symbol. Time-consuming tasks can be parallelized.
License: GPL (>= 3)
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Imports: cli, glue, rlang, stringr, dplyr, tibble, purrr, furrr, tidyr, magrittr, utils, stats, methods, grid, ggplot2, deSolve, lubridate, attempt, units
Suggests: future, testthat, morse, knitr, rmarkdown, lemna, roxyglobals, rjags
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2024-05-01 07:15:43 UTC; ENCAZ
Author: Nils Kehrein [aut, cre], Dirk Nickisch [aut], Johannes Witt [ctb], Andre Gergs [ctb]
Maintainer: Nils Kehrein <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-02 14:42:51 UTC

More information about cvasi at CRAN
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Package tabledown updated to version 1.0.0 with previous version 0.0.3 dated 2022-09-30

Title: Create Publication Quality Tables and Plots
Description: Create publication quality plots and tables for Item Response Theory and Classical Test theory based item analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis.
Author: Mushfiqul Anwar Siraji [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Mushfiqul Anwar Siraji <>

Diff between tabledown versions 0.0.3 dated 2022-09-30 and 1.0.0 dated 2024-05-02

 tabledown-0.0.3/tabledown/man/figures/irt.plots.png   |only
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/DESCRIPTION                 |   12 -
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/MD5                         |   35 ++--
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/NAMESPACE                   |    9 +
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/                     |   40 +++++
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/R/bedtime.R                 |    1 
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/R/                 |   18 --
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/R/           |   37 ----
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/R/                 |   12 +
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/R/ggreliability_plotly.R    |only
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/R/ggtestinfo_se_plotly.R    |only
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/R/global.functions.R        |    2 
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/R/gttab.R                   |only
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/                   |  140 +++++++++++-------
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/inst/WORDLIST               |   26 +++
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/man/              |   20 --
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/man/        |   35 ----
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/man/              |    4 
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/man/figures/irt.png         |only
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/man/figures/irt2.png        |only
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/man/ggreliability_plotly.Rd |only
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/man/ggtestinfo_se_ploty.Rd  |only
 tabledown-1.0.0/tabledown/man/gt_tab.Rd               |only
 23 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 188 deletions(-)

More information about tabledown at CRAN
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New package rsocialwatcher with initial version 0.1.0
Package: rsocialwatcher
Title: 'Facebook Marketing API' Social Watcher
Version: 0.1.0
Description: Facilitates querying data from the ‘Facebook Marketing API', particularly for social science research <>. Data from the 'Facebook Marketing API' has been used for a variety of social science applications, such as for poverty estimation (Marty and Duhaut (2024) <doi:10.1038/s41598-023-49564-6>), disease surveillance (Araujo et al. (2017) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1705.04045>), and measuring migration (Alexander, Polimis, and Zagheni (2020) <doi:10.1007/s11113-020-09599-3>). The package facilitates querying the number of Facebook daily/monthly active users for multiple location types (e.g., from around a specific coordinate to an administrative region) and for a number of attribute types (e.g., interests, behaviors, education level, etc). The package supports making complex queries within one API call and making multiple API calls across different locations and/or parameters.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown
Imports: dplyr, lubridate, jsonlite, httr, curl, stringr, splitstackshape, sf, purrr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-01 01:26:08 UTC; robmarty
Author: Robert Marty [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Robert Marty <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-02 13:10:02 UTC

More information about rsocialwatcher at CRAN
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New package RcppBlaze with initial version 1.0.0
Package: RcppBlaze
Title: 'Rcpp' Integration for the 'Blaze' High-Performance 'C++' Math Library
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2024-04-27
Maintainer: Ching-Chuan Chen <>
Description: Blaze is an open-source, high-performance 'C++' math library for dense and sparse arithmetic. With its state-of-the-art Smart Expression Template implementation Blaze combines the elegance and ease of use of a domain-specific language with HPC-grade performance, making it one of the most intuitive and fastest 'C++' math libraries available. The 'RcppBlaze' package includes the header files from the 'Blaze' library with disabling some functionalities related to link to the thread and system libraries which make 'RcppBlaze' be a header-only library. Therefore, users do not need to install 'Blaze'.
Depends: R (>= 4.2.0)
Imports: Rcpp (>= 1.0.0), Matrix (>= 1.5-0)
LinkingTo: Rcpp
Suggests: MatrixExtra, microbenchmark, tinytest, pkgKitten
LazyLoad: yes
Encoding: UTF-8
License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2024-04-30 12:06:16 UTC; root
Author: Ching-Chuan Chen [aut, cre, ctr] , Klaus Iglberger [aut] , Georg Georg [aut] , Tobias Scharpff [aut]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-02 13:12:42 UTC

More information about RcppBlaze at CRAN
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New package healthequal with initial version 1.0.0
Package: healthequal
Title: Compute Summary Measures of Health Inequality
Version: 1.0.0
Description: Compute 21 summary measures of health inequality and its corresponding confidence intervals for ordered and non-ordered dimensions using disaggregated data. Measures for ordered dimensions (e.g., Slope Index of Inequality, Absolute Concentration Index) also accept individual and survey data.
License: AGPL (>= 3)
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
Imports: dplyr, emmeans, marginaleffects, rlang, srvyr, survey
Suggests: bookdown, knitr, rmarkdown, sandwich, spelling, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Encoding: UTF-8
Language: en-US
LazyData: true
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-01 08:52:16 UTC; kirkbyk
Author: Daniel A. Antiporta [aut] , Patricia Menendez [aut] , Katherine Kirkby [aut, cre] , Ahmad Hosseinpoor [aut] , World Health Organization [cph]
Maintainer: Katherine Kirkby <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-02 13:22:38 UTC

More information about healthequal at CRAN
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Package covidsymptom updated to version 1.0.0 with previous version 0.9.3 dated 2022-01-26

Title: COVID Symptom Study Sweden Open Dataset
Description: The COVID Symptom Study is a non-commercial project that uses a free mobile app to facilitate real-time data collection of symptoms, exposures, and risk factors related to COVID19. The package allows easy access to summary statistics data from COVID Symptom Study Sweden.
Author: Hugo Fitipaldi [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Hugo Fitipaldi <>

Diff between covidsymptom versions 0.9.3 dated 2022-01-26 and 1.0.0 dated 2024-05-02

 DESCRIPTION                              |   31 +-
 MD5                                      |   46 ++--                                  |    5 
 R/covidsymptomdata.R                     |only
 R/data.R                                 |   19 +
 R/get_latest_data.R                      |   43 ++--
 R/update_csss_data.R                     |  121 ++++++-----                                |  174 ++++++++++++----
 build/vignette.rds                       |binary
 data/county_estimates.rda                |binary
 data/csss_tests.rda                      |binary
 data/national_estimates.rda              |binary
 data/postcode_estimates.rda              |binary
 data/symptoms.rda                        |only
 inst/doc/covidsymtom_vignette.R          |    2 
 inst/doc/covidsymtom_vignette.html       |  325 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 man/covidsymptom.Rd                      |    7 
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-3-1.png |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-4-1.png |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-6-1.png |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-7-1.gif |only
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-8-1.png |only
 man/figures/symptoms.png                 |only
 man/get_latest_data.Rd                   |   10 
 man/symptoms.Rd                          |only
 man/update_csss_data.Rd                  |   17 -
 tests                                    |only
 27 files changed, 572 insertions(+), 228 deletions(-)

More information about covidsymptom at CRAN
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New package BMconcor with initial version 2.0.0
Package: BMconcor
Title: CONCOR for Structural- And Regular-Equivalence Blockmodeling
Version: 2.0.0
Description: The four functions svdcp() ('cp' for column partitioned), svdbip() or svdbip2() ('bip' for bipartitioned), and svdbips() ('s' for a simultaneous optimization of a set of 'r' solutions), correspond to a singular value decomposition (SVD) by blocks notion, by supposing each block depending on relative subspaces, rather than on two whole spaces as usual SVD does. The other functions, based on this notion, are relative to two column partitioned data matrices x and y defining two sets of subsets x_i and y_j of variables and amount to estimate a link between x_i and y_j for the pair (x_i, y_j) relatively to the links associated to all the other pairs. These methods were first presented in: Lafosse R. & Hanafi M.,(1997) <> and Hanafi M. & Lafosse, R. (2001) <>.
License: GPL (>= 3)
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-01 09:32:49 UTC; fabio
Author: Roger Lafosse [aut], Fabio Ashtar Telarico [cre, aut]
Maintainer: Fabio Ashtar Telarico <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-02 13:22:42 UTC

More information about BMconcor at CRAN
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Package biomod2 updated to version 4.2-5 with previous version 4.2-4 dated 2023-06-16

Title: Ensemble Platform for Species Distribution Modeling
Description: Functions for species distribution modeling, calibration and evaluation, ensemble of models, ensemble forecasting and visualization. The package permits to run consistently up to 10 single models on a presence/absences (resp presences/pseudo-absences) dataset and to combine them in ensemble models and ensemble projections. Some bench of other evaluation and visualisation tools are also available within the package.
Author: Wilfried Thuiller [aut], Damien Georges [aut], Maya Gueguen [aut, cre], Robin Engler [aut], Frank Breiner [aut], Bruno Lafourcade [aut], Remi Patin [aut], Helene Blancheteau [aut]
Maintainer: Maya Gueguen <>

Diff between biomod2 versions 4.2-4 dated 2023-06-16 and 4.2-5 dated 2024-05-02

 biomod2-4.2-4/biomod2/R/BIOMOD_ModelingOptions.R                               |only
 biomod2-4.2-4/biomod2/R/BIOMOD_PresenceOnly.R                                  |only
 biomod2-4.2-4/biomod2/R/BIOMOD_Tuning.R                                        |only
 biomod2-4.2-4/biomod2/R/bm_CVnnet.R                                            |only
 biomod2-4.2-4/biomod2/man/BIOMOD_ConvertOldRun-deprecated.Rd                   |only
 biomod2-4.2-4/biomod2/man/BIOMOD_ModelingOptions.Rd                            |only
 biomod2-4.2-4/biomod2/man/BIOMOD_PresenceOnly.Rd                               |only
 biomod2-4.2-4/biomod2/man/BIOMOD_Tuning.Rd                                     |only
 biomod2-4.2-4/biomod2/man/BIOMOD_cv-deprecated.Rd                              |only
 biomod2-4.2-4/biomod2/man/BIOMOD_presenceonly-deprecated.Rd                    |only
 biomod2-4.2-4/biomod2/man/CustomIndexMaker-deprecated.Rd                       |only
 biomod2-4.2-4/biomod2/man/FilteringTransformation-deprecated.Rd                |only
 biomod2-4.2-4/biomod2/man/Print_Default_ModelingOptions-deprecated.Rd          |only
 biomod2-4.2-4/biomod2/man/bm_CVnnet.Rd                                         |only
 biomod2-4.2-4/biomod2/man/dot-check_bytes_format.Rd                            |only
 biomod2-4.2-4/biomod2/man/dot-transform.outputs.array-deprecated.Rd            |only
 biomod2-4.2-4/biomod2/man/response.plot-deprecated.Rd                          |only
 biomod2-4.2-4/biomod2/man/update_objects-deprecated.Rd                         |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/DESCRIPTION                                              |   57 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/MD5                                                      |  227 +-
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/NAMESPACE                                                |   38 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/BIOMOD_EnsembleForecasting.R                           |   53 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/BIOMOD_EnsembleModeling.R                              |  112 -
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/BIOMOD_FormatingData.R                                 |   25 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/BIOMOD_LoadModels.R                                    |   17 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/BIOMOD_Modeling.R                                      |  343 ++-
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/BIOMOD_Projection.R                                    |   46 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/BIOMOD_RangeSize.R                                     |   38 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/DEPRECATED.R                                           |  180 --
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/biomod2-package.R                                      |    5 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/biomod2_classes_0.R                                    |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/biomod2_classes_1.R                                    |  683 -------
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/biomod2_classes_2.R                                    |   42 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/biomod2_classes_3.R                                    |   70 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/biomod2_classes_4.R                                    |  131 -
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/biomod2_classes_5.R                                    |   20 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/biomod2_data.R                                         |  213 ++
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/biomod2_globalVariables.R                              |   18 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/biomod2_internal.R                                     |   73 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/bm_CrossValidation.R                                   |  110 -
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/bm_FindOptimStat.R                                     |  373 +++-
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/bm_MakeFormula.R                                       |    6 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/bm_ModelingOptions.R                                   |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/bm_PlotEvalBoxplot.R                                   |   11 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/bm_PlotEvalMean.R                                      |   18 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/bm_PlotRangeSize.R                                     |    5 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/bm_PlotResponseCurves.R                                |   11 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/bm_PlotVarImpBoxplot.R                                 |    7 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/bm_PseudoAbsences.R                                    |   31 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/bm_RunModelsLoop.R                                     |  878 ++--------
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/bm_SRE.R                                               |    5 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/bm_SampleBinaryVector.R                                |   21 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/bm_SampleFactorLevels.R                                |   44 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/bm_Tuning.R                                            |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/bm_VariablesImportance.R                               |   44 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/R/sysdata.rda                                            |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/                                                |   70 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/build/vignette.rds                                       |binary
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/data/ModelsTable.rda                                     |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/data/OptionsBigboss.rda                                  |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/inst/doc/examples_1_mainFunctions.Rmd                    |   99 -
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/inst/doc/examples_1_mainFunctions.html                   |   91 -
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/inst/doc/examples_2_secundaryFunctions.Rmd               |  137 +
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/inst/doc/examples_2_secundaryFunctions.html              |  131 +
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/inst/doc/news.Rmd                                        |  115 -
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/inst/doc/news.html                                       |  161 +
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/inst/doc/vignette_crossValidation.Rmd                    |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/inst/doc/vignette_crossValidation.html                   |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/inst/doc/vignette_dataPreparation.Rmd                    |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/inst/doc/vignette_dataPreparation.html                   |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/inst/doc/vignette_modelingOptions.Rmd                    |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/inst/doc/vignette_modelingOptions.html                   |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/inst/doc/vignette_pseudoAbsences.Rmd                     |   10 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/inst/doc/vignette_pseudoAbsences.html                    |   14 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/inst/doc/vignette_variability.Rmd                        |   10 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/inst/doc/vignette_variability.html                       |   14 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/inst/doc/vignette_videos.Rmd                             |    1 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/inst/doc/vignette_videos.html                            |    6 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/BIOMOD.ensemble.models.out.Rd                        |    9 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/                           |    6 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/                              |    6 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/BIOMOD.models.options.Rd                             |   60 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/BIOMOD.models.out.Rd                                 |   14 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/BIOMOD.options.dataset.Rd                            |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/BIOMOD.options.default.Rd                            |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/BIOMOD.projection.out.Rd                             |   12 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/                                |   34 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/BIOMOD_EnsembleForecasting.Rd                        |   30 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/BIOMOD_EnsembleModeling.Rd                           |   80 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/BIOMOD_FormatingData.Rd                              |   30 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/BIOMOD_LoadModels.Rd                                 |   22 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/BIOMOD_Modeling.Rd                                   |  175 +
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/BIOMOD_PresenceOnly-deprecated.Rd                    |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/BIOMOD_Projection.Rd                                 |   32 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/BIOMOD_RangeSize.Rd                                  |   42 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/BIOMOD_tuning-deprecated.Rd                          |    6 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/DataSpecies.Rd                                       |    2 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/ModelsTable.Rd                                       |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/OptionsBigboss.Rd                                    |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/biomod2-deprecated.Rd                                |   80 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/biomod2_ensemble_model.Rd                            |   18 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/biomod2_model.Rd                                     |   26 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/bm_BinaryTransformation.Rd                           |    3 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/bm_CrossValidation.Rd                                |   93 -
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/bm_FindOptimStat.Rd                                  |  100 -
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/bm_MakeFormula.Rd                                    |    5 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/bm_ModelingOptions.Rd                                |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/bm_PlotEvalBoxplot.Rd                                |   14 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/bm_PlotEvalMean.Rd                                   |   16 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/bm_PlotRangeSize.Rd                                  |    8 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/bm_PlotResponseCurves.Rd                             |   10 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/bm_PlotVarImpBoxplot.Rd                              |   10 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/bm_PseudoAbsences.Rd                                 |   30 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/bm_RunModelsLoop.Rd                                  |   33 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/bm_SRE.Rd                                            |    5 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/bm_SampleBinaryVector.Rd                             |   27 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/bm_SampleFactorLevels.Rd                             |   47 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/bm_Tuning.Rd                                         |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/bm_VariablesImportance.Rd                            |   22 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/dot-load_gam_namespace.Rd                            |    4 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/getters.out.Rd                                       |   22 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/plot.Rd                                              |    6 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/man/predict2.em.Rd                                       |    4 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/vignettes/examples_1_mainFunctions.Rmd                   |   99 -
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/vignettes/examples_2_secundaryFunctions.Rmd              |  137 +
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/vignettes/news.Rmd                                       |  115 -
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/vignettes/pictures/CVschema.PNG                          |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/vignettes/pictures/MyBiomodData_With_CalibLines.PNG      |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/vignettes/pictures/SCHEMA_BIOMOD2_WORKFLOW_functions.png |binary
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/vignettes/pictures/dataPreparation_plot1.png             |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/vignettes/vignette_crossValidation.Rmd                   |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/vignettes/vignette_dataPreparation.Rmd                   |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/vignettes/vignette_modelingOptions.Rmd                   |only
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/vignettes/vignette_pseudoAbsences.Rmd                    |   10 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/vignettes/vignette_variability.Rmd                       |   10 
 biomod2-4.2-5/biomod2/vignettes/vignette_videos.Rmd                            |    1 
 136 files changed, 2981 insertions(+), 3348 deletions(-)

More information about biomod2 at CRAN
Permanent link

New package RobinCar with initial version 0.2.0
Package: RobinCar
Title: Robust Estimation and Inference in Covariate-Adaptive Randomization
Version: 0.2.0
Description: Performs robust estimation and inference when using covariate adjustment and/or covariate-adaptive randomization in randomized controlled trials. Ting Ye, Jun Shao, Yanyao Yi, Qinyuan Zhao (2023) <doi:10.1080/01621459.2022.2049278>. Ting Ye, Marlena Bannick, Yanyao Yi, Jun Shao (2023) <doi:10.1080/24754269.2023.2205802>. Ting Ye, Jun Shao, Yanyao Yi (2023) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asad045>. Marlena Bannick, Jun Shao, Jingyi Liu, Yu Du, Yanyao Yi, Ting Ye (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2306.10213>.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: dplyr, magrittr, tidyr, emulator, numDeriv, tidyverse, stats, rlang, survival, fastDummies, data.table, broom, SuperLearner, AIPW, MASS
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, ranger, forcats, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-04-30 21:33:26 UTC; marlena
Author: Marlena Bannick [cre, aut] , Ting Ye [aut], Yanyao Yi [aut], Faith Bian [aut]
Maintainer: Marlena Bannick <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-02 12:52:55 UTC

More information about RobinCar at CRAN
Permanent link

Package metacore updated to version 0.1.3 with previous version 0.1.2 dated 2023-03-02

Title: A Centralized Metadata Object Focus on Clinical Trial Data Programming Workflows
Description: Create an immutable container holding metadata for the purpose of better enabling programming activities and functionality of other packages within the clinical programming workflow.
Author: Christina Fillmore [aut, cre] , Maya Gans [aut] , Ashley Tarasiewicz [aut], Mike Stackhouse [aut] , Tamara Senior [aut], GSK/Atorus JPT [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Christina Fillmore <>

Diff between metacore versions 0.1.2 dated 2023-03-02 and 0.1.3 dated 2024-05-02

 DESCRIPTION                                  |   15 
 MD5                                          |   43 -
 NAMESPACE                                    |    1                                      |    6 
 R/metacore.R                                 |   52 +
 R/spec_builder.R                             |   39 -
 R/xml_builders.R                             |    8 
 build/vignette.rds                           |binary
 inst/doc/Building_Specification_Readers.R    |    8 
 inst/doc/Building_Specification_Readers.html |  999 +++++++++++++--------------
 inst/doc/Example.R                           |    2 
 inst/doc/Example.html                        |  128 +--
 man/get_control_term.Rd                      |    2 
 man/get_keys.Rd                              |only
 man/spec_to_metacore.Rd                      |    4 
 man/spec_type_to_codelist.Rd                 |    4 
 man/spec_type_to_derivations.Rd              |    4 
 man/spec_type_to_ds_spec.Rd                  |    4 
 man/spec_type_to_ds_vars.Rd                  |    4 
 man/spec_type_to_value_spec.Rd               |    4 
 man/spec_type_to_var_spec.Rd                 |    4 
 tests/testthat/test-metacore.R               |   15 
 tests/testthat/test-reader.R                 |   15 
 23 files changed, 728 insertions(+), 633 deletions(-)

More information about metacore at CRAN
Permanent link

Package landscapemetrics updated to version 2.1.2 with previous version 2.1.1 dated 2024-01-09

Title: Landscape Metrics for Categorical Map Patterns
Description: Calculates landscape metrics for categorical landscape patterns in a tidy workflow. 'landscapemetrics' reimplements the most common metrics from 'FRAGSTATS' (<>) and new ones from the current literature on landscape metrics. This package supports 'terra' SpatRaster objects as input arguments. It further provides utility functions to visualize patches, select metrics and building blocks to develop new metrics.
Author: Maximilian H.K. Hesselbarth [aut, cre] , Marco Sciaini [aut] , Jakub Nowosad [aut] , Sebastian Hanss [aut] , Laura J. Graham [ctb] , Jeffrey Hollister [ctb] , Kimberly A. With [ctb] , Florian Prive [ctb] function), Project Nayuki [ctb] , Matt Strima [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Maximilian H.K. Hesselbarth <>

Diff between landscapemetrics versions 2.1.1 dated 2024-01-09 and 2.1.2 dated 2024-05-02

 DESCRIPTION               |    8 -
 MD5                       |   14 -                   |    4 
 R/lsm_p_gyrate.R          |    4 
 R/spatialize_lsm.R        |    1 
 build/vignette.rds        |binary
 inst/doc/get_started.html |  360 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 man/landscapemetrics.Rd   |    2 
 8 files changed, 199 insertions(+), 194 deletions(-)

More information about landscapemetrics at CRAN
Permanent link

Package RKorAPClient updated to version 0.8.1 with previous version 0.8.0 dated 2024-01-24

Title: 'KorAP' Web Service Client Package
Description: A client package that makes the 'KorAP' web service API accessible from R. The corpus analysis platform 'KorAP' has been developed as a scientific tool to make potentially large, stratified and multiply annotated corpora, such as the 'German Reference Corpus DeReKo' or the 'Corpus of the Contemporary Romanian Language CoRoLa', accessible for linguists to let them verify hypotheses and to find interesting patterns in real language use. The 'RKorAPClient' package provides access to 'KorAP' and the corpora behind it for user-created R code, as a programmatic alternative to the 'KorAP' web user-interface. You can learn more about 'KorAP' and use it directly on 'DeReKo' at <>.
Author: Marc Kupietz [aut, cre], Nils Diewald [ctb], Leibniz Institute for the German Language [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Marc Kupietz <>

Diff between RKorAPClient versions 0.8.0 dated 2024-01-24 and 0.8.1 dated 2024-05-02

 DESCRIPTION             |    6 +++---
 MD5                     |   10 +++++-----                 |    7 +++++++
 R/KorAPQuery.R          |    2 +-
 R/collocationAnalysis.R |    2 +-
 R/misc.R                |    2 +-
 6 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

More information about RKorAPClient at CRAN
Permanent link

Package paleoDiv updated to version 0.3.0 with previous version 0.2.0 dated 2024-03-07

Title: Extracting and Visualizing Paleobiodiversity
Description: Contains various tools for conveniently downloading and editing taxon-specific datasets from the Paleobiology Database <>, extracting information on abundance, temporal distribution of subtaxa and taxonomic diversity through deep time, and visualizing these data in relation to phylogeny and stratigraphy.
Author: Darius Nau [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Darius Nau <>

Diff between paleoDiv versions 0.2.0 dated 2024-03-07 and 0.3.0 dated 2024-05-02

 DESCRIPTION                              |    6 
 MD5                                      |   60 +--
 NAMESPACE                                |    3                                  |   30 +
 R/data.R                                 |    2 
 R/paleoDiv.R                             |  493 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 build/vignette.rds                       |binary
 data/archosauria.rda                     |binary
 inst/doc/Paleobiodiversity_analysis.R    |   37 +-
 inst/doc/Paleobiodiversity_analysis.Rmd  |   67 ++--
 inst/doc/Paleobiodiversity_analysis.html |  232 ++++++++------
 man/                             |    6 
 man/abdistr_.Rd                          |    9 
 man/archosauria.Rd                       |    2 
 man/convert.sptab.Rd                     |    2 
 man/                            |    2 
 man/divdistr_.Rd                         |    2 
 man/mk.sptab.Rd                          |    4 
 man/occ.cleanup.Rd                       |    4 
 man/pdb.Rd                               |   13 
 man/pdb.diff.Rd                          |    6 
 man/pdb.union.Rd                         |    5 
 man/phylo.spindles.Rd                    |   11 
 man/redraw.phylo.Rd                      |    2 
 man/stax.sel.Rd                          |    8 
 man/tree.age.combine.Rd                  |only
 man/tree.ages.Rd                         |   13 
 man/tree.ages.spp.Rd                     |only
 man/ts.periods.Rd                        |    4 
 man/ts.stages.Rd                         |    4 
 man/viol.Rd                              |    4 
 vignettes/Paleobiodiversity_analysis.Rmd |   67 ++--
 32 files changed, 739 insertions(+), 359 deletions(-)

More information about paleoDiv at CRAN
Permanent link

Package labelr updated to version 0.1.5 with previous version 0.1.4 dated 2024-04-01

Title: Label Data Frames, Variables, and Values
Description: Create and use data frame labels for data frame objects (frame labels), their columns (name labels), and individual values of a column (value labels). Value labels include one-to-one and many-to-one labels for nominal and ordinal variables, as well as numerical range-based value labels for continuous variables. Convert value-labeled variables so each value is replaced by its corresponding value label. Add values-converted-to-labels columns to a value-labeled data frame while preserving parent columns. Filter and subset a value-labeled data frame using labels, while returning results in terms of values. Overlay labels in place of values in common R commands to increase interpretability. Generate tables of value frequencies, with categories expressed as raw values or as labels. Access data frames that show value-to-label mappings for easy reference.
Author: Robert Hartman [aut, cre], The MITRE Corporation [cph]
Maintainer: Robert Hartman <>

Diff between labelr versions 0.1.4 dated 2024-04-01 and 0.1.5 dated 2024-05-02

 DESCRIPTION                         |    6 
 MD5                                 |  132 ++++++-------
 NAMESPACE                           |    1                             |    7 
 R/add_lab_col1.R                    |    7 
 R/add_lab_cols.R                    |    2 
 R/add_lab_dumm1.R                   |    6 
 R/add_lab_dummies.R                 |    8 
 R/add_m1_lab.R                      |   31 +--
 R/add_name_labs.R                   |    5 
 R/add_quant1.R                      |    4 
 R/all_quant_labs.R                  |    2 
 R/all_uniquev.R                     |    4 
 R/as_numv.R                         |    2 
 R/axis_lab.R                        |    7 
 R/convert_labs.R                    |    2 
 R/factor_to_lab_int.R               |    1 
 R/flab.R                            |    4 
 R/get_all_factors.R                 |    2 
 R/has_decv.R                        |    3 
 R/headl.R                           |    4 
 R/make_demo_data.R                  |    8 
 R/recode_vals.R                     |    2 
 R/restore_factor_info.R             |    2 
 R/slab.R                            |    4 
 R/somel.R                           |    4 
 R/sreplace.R                        |    1 
 R/taill.R                           |    4 
 R/transfer_labs.R                   |    4 
 R/use_val_labs.R                    |    2 
 R/v.R                               |only
 R/with_val_labs.R                   |    4 
 inst/doc/labelr-introduction.R      |    6 
 inst/doc/labelr-introduction.Rmd    |   10 -
 inst/doc/labelr-introduction.html   |  351 +++++++++++++++++-------------------
 inst/doc/labelr-special-topics.R    |    8 
 inst/doc/labelr-special-topics.Rmd  |   22 +-
 inst/doc/labelr-special-topics.html |  195 ++++++++++----------
 man/add_lab_col1.Rd                 |    7 
 man/add_lab_cols.Rd                 |    2 
 man/add_lab_dumm1.Rd                |    5 
 man/add_lab_dummies.Rd              |   10 -
 man/add_m1_lab.Rd                   |   30 +--
 man/add_name_labs.Rd                |    5 
 man/add_quant1.Rd                   |    4 
 man/all_quant_labs.Rd               |    2 
 man/all_uniquev.Rd                  |    4 
 man/as_numv.Rd                      |    2 
 man/axis_lab.Rd                     |    7 
 man/convert_labs.Rd                 |    2 
 man/factor_to_lab_int.Rd            |    1 
 man/flab.Rd                         |    4 
 man/get_all_factors.Rd              |    2 
 man/has_decv.Rd                     |    3 
 man/headl.Rd                        |    4 
 man/make_demo_data.Rd               |    6 
 man/recode_vals.Rd                  |    2 
 man/restore_factor_info.Rd          |    2 
 man/slab.Rd                         |    4 
 man/somel.Rd                        |    4 
 man/sreplace.Rd                     |    1 
 man/taill.Rd                        |    4 
 man/transfer_labs.Rd                |    4 
 man/use_val_labs.Rd                 |    2 
 man/v.Rd                            |only
 man/with_val_labs.Rd                |    4 
 vignettes/labelr-introduction.Rmd   |   10 -
 vignettes/labelr-special-topics.Rmd |   22 +-
 68 files changed, 517 insertions(+), 509 deletions(-)

More information about labelr at CRAN
Permanent link

Package DyMEP updated to version 0.1.2 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2024-04-18

Title: Dynamic Multi Environment Phenology-Model
Description: Mechanistically models/predicts the phenology (macro-phases) of 10 crop plants (trained on a big dataset over 80 years derived from the German weather service (DWD) <>). Can be applied for remote sensing purposes, dynamically check the best subset of available covariates for the given dataset and crop.
Author: Flavian Tschurr
Maintainer: Flavian Tschurr <>

Diff between DyMEP versions 0.1.0 dated 2024-04-18 and 0.1.2 dated 2024-05-02

 DESCRIPTION                                        |    6 ++---
 MD5                                                |   22 ++++++++++-----------                                            |   13 +++++++++++-
 R/DyMEP_pheno_phase_prediction.R                   |   16 +++++++--------
 R/DyMEP_utils_prediction_helper_functions.R        |    2 -
 R/DyMEP_visualizer.R                               |    4 +--
 R/pkg.R                                            |    2 -
 man/DyMEP.Rd                                       |    2 -
 man/DyMEP_DRC_visualizer.Rd                        |    2 -
 man/DyMEP_prediction_visualizer.Rd                 |    2 -
 man/pheno_phase_prediction.Rd                      |    2 -
 tests/testthat/test-DyMEP_pheno_phase_prediction.R |    2 -
 12 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

More information about DyMEP at CRAN
Permanent link

Package crandep updated to version 0.3.8 with previous version 0.3.7 dated 2024-03-28

Title: Network Analysis of Dependencies of CRAN Packages
Description: The dependencies of CRAN packages can be analysed in a network fashion. For each package we can obtain the packages that it depends, imports, suggests, etc. By iterating this procedure over a number of packages, we can build, visualise, and analyse the dependency network, enabling us to have a bird's-eye view of the CRAN ecosystem. One aspect of interest is the number of reverse dependencies of the packages, or equivalently the in-degree distribution of the dependency network. This can be fitted by the power law and/or an extreme value mixture distribution <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2008.03073>, of which functions are provided.
Author: Clement Lee [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Clement Lee <>

Diff between crandep versions 0.3.7 dated 2024-03-28 and 0.3.8 dated 2024-05-02

 DESCRIPTION                |    8 ++--
 MD5                        |   44 ++++++++++++------------                    |   10 +++++
 R/RcppExports.R            |   36 +++++++++----------
 R/optim.R                  |   53 ++++++++++++++++++++---------
 build/vignette.rds         |binary
 inst/doc/cran.html         |   61 +++++++++++++++++----------------
 inst/doc/degree.R          |    2 -
 inst/doc/degree.Rmd        |    2 -
 inst/doc/degree.html       |   54 ++++++++++++++---------------
 inst/doc/introduction.html |    8 ++--
 man/Spol.Rd                |    4 +-
 man/dpol.Rd                |    4 +-
 man/mcmc_mix1.Rd           |    4 +-
 man/mcmc_mix1_wrapper.Rd   |   12 ++++--
 man/mcmc_mix2_wrapper.Rd   |    8 +++-
 man/mcmc_mix3_wrapper.Rd   |   11 +++++-
 man/mcmc_pol.Rd            |    4 +-
 man/mcmc_pol_wrapper.Rd    |    6 +--
 man/obtain_u_set_mix1.Rd   |    4 +-
 src/RcppExports.cpp        |   56 +++++++++++++++---------------
 src/algo.cpp               |   82 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 vignettes/degree.Rmd       |    2 -
 23 files changed, 264 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-)

More information about crandep at CRAN
Permanent link

Package openscoring (with last version 1.0.1) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2024-01-20 1.0.1
2024-01-19 1.0.0

Permanent link
Package multilevLCA updated to version 1.5.1 with previous version 1.5 dated 2024-02-20

Title: Estimates and Plots Single-Level and Multilevel Latent Class Models
Description: Efficiently estimates single- and multilevel latent class models with covariates, allowing for output visualization in all specifications. For more technical details, see Lyrvall et al (2023) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2305.07276>.
Author: Roberto Di Mari [aut, cre], Johan Lyrvall [aut], Zsuzsa Bakk [ctb], Jennifer Oser [ctb], Jouni Kuha [ctb]
Maintainer: Roberto Di Mari <>

Diff between multilevLCA versions 1.5 dated 2024-02-20 and 1.5.1 dated 2024-05-02

 DESCRIPTION           |   10 +++++-----
 MD5                   |    8 ++++----
 build/partial.rdb     |binary
 src/LCAfit.cpp        |    8 ++++----
 src/multilevLC_EM.cpp |   18 +++++++++---------
 5 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

More information about multilevLCA at CRAN
Permanent link

Package tmle updated to version 2.0.1 with previous version 2.0.0 dated 2023-08-22

Title: Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Description: Targeted maximum likelihood estimation of point treatment effects (Targeted Maximum Likelihood Learning, The International Journal of Biostatistics, 2(1), 2006. This version automatically estimates the additive treatment effect among the treated (ATT) and among the controls (ATC). The tmle() function calculates the adjusted marginal difference in mean outcome associated with a binary point treatment, for continuous or binary outcomes. Relative risk and odds ratio estimates are also reported for binary outcomes. Missingness in the outcome is allowed, but not in treatment assignment or baseline covariate values. The population mean is calculated when there is missingness, and no variation in the treatment assignment. The tmleMSM() function estimates the parameters of a marginal structural model for a binary point treatment effect. Effect estimation stratified by a binary mediating variable is also available. An ID argument can be used to identify repeated measures. Default settings c [...truncated...]
Author: Susan Gruber [aut, cre], Mark van der Laan [aut], Chris Kennedy [ctr]
Maintainer: Susan Gruber <>

Diff between tmle versions 2.0.0 dated 2023-08-22 and 2.0.1 dated 2024-05-02

 DESCRIPTION            |    8 
 MD5                    |   16 -
 NEWS                   |    6 
 R/tmle.R               |  433 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 R/zzz.R                |    2 
 man/estimateQ.Rd       |    2 
 man/tmle-package.Rd    |    2 
 man/tmle.Sl.dbarts2.Rd |   10 -
 man/tmleNews.Rd        |    2 
 9 files changed, 351 insertions(+), 130 deletions(-)

More information about tmle at CRAN
Permanent link

Package dateback updated to version 1.0.5 with previous version 1.0.4 dated 2024-04-10

Title: Collect and Install R Packages on a Specified Date with Dependencies
Description: Works as a virtual CRAN snapshot for source packages. It automatically downloads and installs 'tar.gz' files with dependencies, all of which were available on a specific day.
Author: Ryota Suzuki <>
Maintainer: Ryota Suzuki <>

Diff between dateback versions 1.0.4 dated 2024-04-10 and 1.0.5 dated 2024-05-02

 DESCRIPTION  |    6 +++---
 MD5          |    6 +++---
 R/collect.R  |   10 ++++++++--
 R/internal.R |    9 ++++++---
 4 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

More information about dateback at CRAN
Permanent link

Package shorts updated to version 3.1.1 with previous version 3.1.0 dated 2024-01-21

Title: Short Sprints
Description: Create short sprint acceleration-velocity (AVP) and force-velocity (FVP) profiles and predict kinematic and kinetic variables using the timing-gate split times, laser or radar gun data, tether devices data, as well as the data provided by the GPS and LPS monitoring systems. The modeling method utilized in this package is based on the works of Furusawa K, Hill AV, Parkinson JL (1927) <doi: 10.1098/rspb.1927.0035>, Greene PR. (1986) <doi: 10.1016/0025-5564(86)90063-5>, Chelly SM, Denis C. (2001) <doi: 10.1097/00005768-200102000-00024>, Clark KP, Rieger RH, Bruno RF, Stearne DJ. (2017) <doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000002081>, Samozino P. (2018) <doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-05633-3_11>, Samozino P. and Peyrot N., et al (2022) <doi: 10.1111/sms.14097>, Clavel, P., et al (2023) <doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2023.111602>, Jovanovic M. (2023) <doi: 10.1080/10255842.2023.2170713>, and Jovanovic M., et al (2024) <doi: 10.3390/s24092894>.
Author: Mladen Jovanovic [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Mladen Jovanovic <>

Diff between shorts versions 3.1.0 dated 2024-01-21 and 3.1.1 dated 2024-05-02

 DESCRIPTION                               |   11 
 MD5                                       |   44 +-                                   |   11 
 R/model-in-situ.R                         |   18 -
 R/optimal-functions.R                     |    4                                 |  497 +++++++++++++++---------------
 data/split_times.rda                      |binary
 inst/CITATION                             |    2 
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-10-1.png |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-14-1.png |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-16-1.png |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-17-1.png |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-18-1.png |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-19-1.png |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-20-1.png |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-23-1.png |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-24-1.png |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-32-1.png |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-5-1.png  |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-6-1.png  |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-7-1.png  |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-8-1.png  |binary
 man/model_functions.Rd                    |    6 
 23 files changed, 326 insertions(+), 267 deletions(-)

More information about shorts at CRAN
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Package idarps updated to version 0.0.4 with previous version 0.0.3 dated 2023-04-21

Title: Datasets and Functions for the Class "Modelling and Data Analysis for Pharmaceutical Sciences"
Description: Provides datasets and functions for the class "Modelling and Data Analysis for Pharmaceutical Sciences". The datasets can be used to present various methods of data analysis and statistical modeling. Functions for data visualization are also implemented.
Author: Lionel Voirol [aut, cre], Stephane Guerrier [aut], Yuming Zhang [aut], Luca Insolia [aut]
Maintainer: Lionel Voirol <>

Diff between idarps versions 0.0.3 dated 2023-04-21 and 0.0.4 dated 2024-05-02

 DESCRIPTION         |    6 ++---
 MD5                 |   14 +++++++-----             |    4 +++
 R/document_data.R   |   60 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-           |    8 ++++--
 data/diabetes.RData |only
 data/kuwait_bp.rda  |only
 man/covid.Rd        |    2 -
 man/diabetes.Rd     |only
 man/kuwait_bp.Rd    |only
 10 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

More information about idarps at CRAN
Permanent link

Package starschemar updated to version 1.2.5 with previous version 1.2.4 dated 2024-01-08

Title: Obtaining Stars from Flat Tables
Description: Data in multidimensional systems is obtained from operational systems and is transformed to adapt it to the new structure. Frequently, the operations to be performed aim to transform a flat table into a star schema. Transformations can be carried out using professional extract, transform and load tools or tools intended for data transformation for end users. With the tools mentioned, this transformation can be carried out, but it requires a lot of work. The main objective of this package is to define transformations that allow obtaining stars from flat tables easily. In addition, it includes basic data cleaning, dimension enrichment, incremental data refresh and query operations, adapted to this context.
Author: Jose Samos [aut, cre] , Universidad de Granada [cph]
Maintainer: Jose Samos <>

Diff between starschemar versions 1.2.4 dated 2024-01-08 and 1.2.5 dated 2024-05-02

 DESCRIPTION                                        |    8 
 LICENSE                                            |    4 
 MD5                                                |  106 +++---                                            |    5 
 R/starschemar.R                                    |  256 ++++++++--------
 data/ct_mrs.rda                                    |binary
 data/ct_mrs_test.rda                               |binary
 data/ms_mrs.rda                                    |binary
 data/ms_mrs_test.rda                               |binary
 data/st_mrs_age.rda                                |binary
 data/st_mrs_age_test.rda                           |binary
 data/st_mrs_age_w10.rda                            |binary
 data/st_mrs_age_w11.rda                            |binary
 data/st_mrs_age_w_test.rda                         |binary
 data/st_mrs_cause.rda                              |binary
 data/st_mrs_cause_test.rda                         |binary
 data/st_mrs_cause_w10.rda                          |binary
 data/st_mrs_cause_w11.rda                          |binary
 data/st_mrs_cause_w_test.rda                       |binary
 man/enrich_dimension_export.Rd                     |   86 ++---
 man/filter_fact_rows.Rd                            |   98 +++---
 man/get_conformed_dimension.Rd                     |   84 ++---
 man/get_conformed_dimension_names.Rd               |   80 ++---
 man/get_dimension.Rd                               |   92 ++---
 man/get_dimension_attribute_names.Rd               |   74 ++--
 man/get_dimension_names.Rd                         |   86 ++---
 man/get_measure_names.Rd                           |   70 ++--
 man/incremental_refresh_constellation.Rd           |  104 +++---
 man/incremental_refresh_star_schema.Rd             |  106 +++---
 man/match_records.Rd                               |  134 ++++----
 man/modify_conformed_dimension_records.Rd          |  108 +++---
 man/modify_dimension_records.Rd                    |  112 +++----
 man/purge_dimensions_constellation.Rd              |   72 ++--
 man/purge_dimensions_star_schema.Rd                |   72 ++--
 man/record_update_set.Rd                           |   80 ++---
 man/rename_fact.Rd                                 |   72 ++--
 man/rename_measures.Rd                             |   80 ++---
 man/starschemar.Rd                                 |  334 ++++++++++-----------
 man/update_record.Rd                               |  128 ++++----
 man/update_selection.Rd                            |  152 ++++-----
 man/update_selection_general.Rd                    |  164 +++++-----
 tests/testthat/test-enrich_dimension_import.R      |  175 +++++------
 tests/testthat/test-enrich_dimension_import_test.R |   58 +--
 tests/testthat/test-filter_fact_rows.R             |   62 +--
 tests/testthat/test-new_fact_table.R               |   68 ++--
 tests/testthat/test-purge_dimensions.R             |  116 +++----
 tests/testthat/test-purge_dimensions_star_schema.R |  116 +++----
 tests/testthat/test-rename_dimension.R             |  170 +++++-----
 tests/testthat/test-rename_dimension_attributes.R  |   44 +-
 tests/testthat/test-rename_fact.R                  |   58 +--
 tests/testthat/test-rename_measures.R              |   64 ++--
 tests/testthat/test-replace_dimension_in_facts.R   |   39 +-
 tests/testthat/test-role_dimension.R               |   42 +-
 tests/testthat/test-run_query.R                    |  296 +++++++++---------
 54 files changed, 2039 insertions(+), 2036 deletions(-)

More information about starschemar at CRAN
Permanent link

Package shinyr (with last version 0.3.0) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2021-10-21 0.3.0

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