Tue, 07 May 2024

Package formatdown updated to version 0.1.4 with previous version 0.1.3 dated 2024-03-15

Title: Formatting Numbers in 'rmarkdown' Documents
Description: Provides a small set of tools for formatting numbers in R-markdown documents. Convert a numerical vector to character strings in power-of-ten form, decimal form, or measurement-units form; all are math-delimited for rendering as inline equations. Can also convert text into math-delimited text to match the font face and size of math-delimited numbers. Useful for rendering single numbers in inline R code chunks and for rendering columns in tables.
Author: Richard Layton [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Richard Layton <graphdoctor@gmail.com>

Diff between formatdown versions 0.1.3 dated 2024-03-15 and 0.1.4 dated 2024-05-07

 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/inst/doc/format_integers_and_decimals.R            |only
 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/inst/doc/format_integers_and_decimals.Rmd          |only
 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/inst/doc/format_integers_and_decimals.html         |only
 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/inst/doc/format_powers_of_ten.R                    |only
 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/inst/doc/format_powers_of_ten.Rmd                  |only
 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/inst/doc/format_powers_of_ten.html                 |only
 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/inst/doc/format_units.R                            |only
 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/inst/doc/format_units.Rmd                          |only
 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/inst/doc/format_units.html                         |only
 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/inst/tinytest/test_format_decimal.R                |only
 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/inst/tinytest/test_format_power.R                  |only
 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/inst/tinytest/test_format_units.R                  |only
 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/man/examples/examples_format_decimal.R             |only
 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/man/examples/examples_format_power.R               |only
 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/man/examples/examples_format_units.R               |only
 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/man/format_decimal.Rd                              |only
 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/man/format_power.Rd                                |only
 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/man/format_units.Rd                                |only
 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/vignettes/format_integers_and_decimals.Rmd         |only
 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/vignettes/format_powers_of_ten.Rmd                 |only
 formatdown-0.1.3/formatdown/vignettes/format_units.Rmd                         |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/DESCRIPTION                                        |   32 
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/MD5                                                |  112 -
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/NAMESPACE                                          |   11 
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/NEWS.md                                            |   11 
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/R/data.R                                           |    4 
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/R/format_decimal.R                                 |   32 
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/R/format_numbers.R                                 |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/R/format_power.R                                   |  520 +++----
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/R/format_text.R                                    |  172 +-
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/R/format_units.R                                   |   31 
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/R/formatdown-deprecated.R                          |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/R/formatdown-package.R                             |   26 
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/R/formatdown_options.R                             |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/R/roxygen.R                                        |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/R/utils.R                                          |   81 -
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/README.md                                          |  247 ++-
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/build/vignette.rds                                 |binary
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/data/atmos.rda                                     |binary
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/inst/REFERENCES.bib                                |   33 
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/inst/WORDLIST                                      |   28 
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/inst/doc/format_numbers.R                          |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/inst/doc/format_numbers.Rmd                        |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/inst/doc/format_numbers.html                       |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/inst/doc/format_text.R                             |  155 +-
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/inst/doc/format_text.Rmd                           |  303 ++--
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/inst/doc/format_text.html                          |  720 ++--------
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/inst/doc/global_settings.R                         |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/inst/doc/global_settings.Rmd                       |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/inst/doc/global_settings.html                      |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/inst/tinytest/test_big_mark.R                      |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/inst/tinytest/test_decimal_mark.R                  |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/inst/tinytest/test_delim.R                         |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/inst/tinytest/test_format_numbers.R                |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/inst/tinytest/test_format_text.R                   |  127 -
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/inst/tinytest/test_formatdown_options.R            |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/inst/tinytest/test_size.R                          |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/inst/tinytest/test_small_mark.R                    |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/inst/tinytest/test_whitespace.R                    |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/atmos.Rd                                       |    4 
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/examples/examples_format_numbers.R             |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/examples/examples_format_text.R                |    9 
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/examples/examples_formatdown_options.R         |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/figures/latex_math_formatting_text_table_2.png |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/figures/lifecycle-archived.svg                 |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/figures/lifecycle-defunct.svg                  |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/figures/lifecycle-deprecated.svg               |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/figures/lifecycle-experimental.svg             |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/figures/lifecycle-maturing.svg                 |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/figures/lifecycle-questioning.svg              |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/figures/lifecycle-soft-deprecated.svg          |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/figures/lifecycle-stable.svg                   |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/figures/lifecycle-superseded.svg               |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/figures/options-img.jpg                        |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/figures/options-img.png                        |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/format_dcml.Rd                                 |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/format_decimal-deprecated.Rd                   |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/format_engr.Rd                                 |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/format_numbers.Rd                              |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/format_power-deprecated.Rd                     |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/format_sci.Rd                                  |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/format_text.Rd                                 |   76 -
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/format_units-deprecated.Rd                     |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/formatdown-deprecated.Rd                       |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/formatdown-package.Rd                          |   24 
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/man/formatdown_options.Rd                          |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/vignettes/format_numbers.Rmd                       |only
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/vignettes/format_text.Rmd                          |  303 ++--
 formatdown-0.1.4/formatdown/vignettes/global_settings.Rmd                      |only
 89 files changed, 1497 insertions(+), 1564 deletions(-)

More information about formatdown at CRAN
Permanent link

Package tempR updated to version with previous version dated 2023-09-05

Title: Temporal Sensory Data Analysis
Description: Analysis and visualization of data from temporal sensory methods, including for temporal check-all-that-apply (TCATA) and temporal dominance of sensations (TDS). Methods are mainly from manuscripts by Castura, J.C., Antúnez, L., Giménez, A., and Ares, G. (2016) <doi:10.1016/j.foodqual.2015.06.017>, Castura, Baker, and Ross (2016) <doi:10.1016/j.foodqual.2016.06.011>, and Pineau et al. (2009) <doi:10.1016/j.foodqual.2009.04.005>.
Author: J.C. Castura [aut, cre, ctb]
Maintainer: J.C. Castura <jcastura@compusense.com>

Diff between tempR versions dated 2023-09-05 and dated 2024-05-07

 DESCRIPTION                  |   12 +++++------
 MD5                          |   20 +++++++++---------
 R/tcata.R                    |   46 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 R/tds.R                      |   18 ++++++++--------
 R/tempR-internal.R           |    2 -
 R/tempr.R                    |    1 
 build/partial.rdb            |binary
 man/plot_pca.trajectories.Rd |    4 +--
 man/tcata.line.plot.Rd       |   42 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 man/tds.plot.Rd              |   18 ++++++++--------
 man/tempR.Rd                 |    1 
 11 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)

More information about tempR at CRAN
Permanent link

Package tinycodet updated to version 0.5.0 with previous version 0.4.6 dated 2024-04-14

Title: Functions to Help in your Coding Etiquette
Description: Adds some functions to help in your coding etiquette. 'tinycodet' primarily focuses on 4 aspects. 1) Safer decimal (in)equality testing, standard-evaluated alternatives to with() and aes(), and other functions for safer coding. 2) A new package import system, that attempts to combine the benefits of using a package without attaching it, with the benefits of attaching a package. 3) Extending the string manipulation capabilities of the 'stringi' R package. 4) Reducing repetitive code. Besides linking to 'Rcpp', 'tinycodet' has only one other dependency, namely 'stringi'.
Author: Tony Wilkes [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Tony Wilkes <tony_a_wilkes@outlook.com>

Diff between tinycodet versions 0.4.6 dated 2024-04-14 and 0.5.0 dated 2024-05-07

 tinycodet-0.4.6/tinycodet/R/bin.R                                                          |only
 tinycodet-0.4.6/tinycodet/R/form.R                                                         |only
 tinycodet-0.4.6/tinycodet/R/tinycodet_dry.R                                                |only
 tinycodet-0.4.6/tinycodet/R/tinycodet_help.R                                               |only
 tinycodet-0.4.6/tinycodet/R/tinycodet_import.R                                             |only
 tinycodet-0.4.6/tinycodet/R/tinycodet_misc.R                                               |only
 tinycodet-0.4.6/tinycodet/R/tinycodet_safer.R                                              |only
 tinycodet-0.4.6/tinycodet/R/tinycodet_strings.R                                            |only
 tinycodet-0.4.6/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/import/test-import_inops-alias.R                   |only
 tinycodet-0.4.6/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/import/test-import_inops-pkgs.R                    |only
 tinycodet-0.4.6/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/safer/test-atomic_conversions.R                    |only
 tinycodet-0.4.6/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/safer/test-form.R                                  |only
 tinycodet-0.4.6/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/special/test-import_inops-alias-special.R          |only
 tinycodet-0.4.6/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/special/test-import_inops-pkgs-special.R           |only
 tinycodet-0.4.6/tinycodet/man/form.Rd                                                      |only
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/DESCRIPTION                                                      |    7 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/LICENSE                                                          |    2 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/MD5                                                              |  123 ++--
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/NAMESPACE                                                        |    1 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/NEWS.md                                                          |   17 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/RcppExports.R                                                  |   10 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/aaa0_tinycodet_help.R                                          |only
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/aaa1_tinycodet_safer.R                                         |only
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/aaa2_tinycodet_import.R                                        |only
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/aaa3_tinycodet_strings.R                                       |only
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/aaa4_tinycodet_dry.R                                           |only
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/aaa5_tinycodet_misc.R                                          |only
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/atomic_conversions.R                                           |    2 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/decimal_truth.R                                                |    1 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/import_as.R                                                    |   48 +
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/import_inops.R                                                 |  286 ++--------
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/import_inops.control.R                                         |   20 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/import_inops_expose.R                                          |only
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/import_inops_unexpose.R                                        |only
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/import_misc.R                                                  |   34 -
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/inplace.R                                                      |    2 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/internal_functions.R                                           |  157 +++--
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/pro.R                                                          |   17 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/pversion.R                                                     |    2 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/safer_match.R                                                  |    2 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/stri_locate_ith.R                                              |   13 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/R/x.import.R                                                     |  142 +---
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/build/partial.rdb                                                |binary
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/import/test-import_general.R                       |   34 -
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/import/test-import_inops-expose-alias.R            |only
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/import/test-import_inops-expose-pkg.R              |only
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/import/test-import_inops-unexpose-alias.R          |only
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/import/test-import_inops-unexpose-pkg.R            |only
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/import/test-import_inops.control.R                 |    8 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/import/test-internal.R                             |    2 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/import/test-x.import.R                             |  130 ++++
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/regular/test-atomic_conversions.R                  |only
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/regular/test-dry.R                                 |    6 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/safer/test-pro.R                                   |   12 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/special/test-import_as-special.R                   |    5 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/special/test-import_inops-expose-alias-special.R   |only
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/special/test-import_inops-expose-pkg-special.R     |only
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/special/test-import_inops-unexpose-alias-special.R |only
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/special/test-import_inops-unexpose-pkg-special.R   |only
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/inst/tinytest/special/test-import_int-special.R                  |   49 -
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/man/aaa0_tinycodet_help.Rd                                       |    3 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/man/aaa1_tinycodet_safer.Rd                                      |    4 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/man/aaa2_tinycodet_import.Rd                                     |    2 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/man/aaa3_tinycodet_strings.Rd                                    |    2 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/man/aaa4_tinycodet_dry.Rd                                        |    3 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/man/aaa5_tinycodet_misc.Rd                                       |    4 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/man/atomic_conversions.Rd                                        |    2 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/man/import_as.Rd                                                 |   12 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/man/import_inops.Rd                                              |    8 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/man/import_inops.control.Rd                                      |   14 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/man/import_misc.Rd                                               |    6 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/man/inplace.Rd                                                   |    2 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/man/pro.Rd                                                       |   17 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/man/safer_partialmatch.Rd                                        |    2 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/man/stri_locate_ith.Rd                                           |   11 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/man/x.import.Rd                                                  |    4 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/src/RcppExports.cpp                                              |   23 
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/src/rcpp_import.cpp                                              |only
 tinycodet-0.5.0/tinycodet/src/rcpp_stri_locate_ith.cpp                                     |   19 
 79 files changed, 619 insertions(+), 651 deletions(-)

More information about tinycodet at CRAN
Permanent link

Package rqPen updated to version 4.1 with previous version 4.0 dated 2024-04-18

Title: Penalized Quantile Regression
Description: Performs penalized quantile regression with LASSO, elastic net, SCAD and MCP penalty functions including group penalties. In addition, offers a group penalty that provides consistent variable selection across quantiles. Provides a function that automatically generates lambdas and evaluates different models with cross validation or BIC, including a large p version of BIC. Below URL provides a link to a work in progress vignette.
Author: Ben Sherwood [aut, cre], Adam Maidman [aut], Shaobo Li [aut]
Maintainer: Ben Sherwood <ben.sherwood@ku.edu>

Diff between rqPen versions 4.0 dated 2024-04-18 and 4.1 dated 2024-05-07

 DESCRIPTION                  |    8 +-
 MD5                          |   30 +++++-----
 NEWS                         |   10 +++
 R/gqCvPen.R                  |   37 ++++++++-----
 R/gqPen.R                    |   37 ++++++++++---
 R/mainFunctions.R            |  120 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 R/workHorse.R                |    2 
 build/partial.rdb            |binary
 man/qic.select.Rd            |    9 ++-
 man/qic.select.rq.pen.seq.Rd |    2 
 man/rq.gq.pen.Rd             |    9 +--
 man/rq.gq.pen.cv.Rd          |    9 ++-
 man/rq.group.pen.Rd          |    4 -
 man/rq.group.pen.cv.Rd       |   21 +++++--
 man/rq.pen.Rd                |    8 +-
 man/rq.pen.cv.Rd             |   10 +--
 16 files changed, 221 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)

More information about rqPen at CRAN
Permanent link

Package apache.sedona updated to version 1.5.2 with previous version 1.5.1 dated 2024-01-17

Title: R Interface for Apache Sedona
Description: R interface for 'Apache Sedona' based on 'sparklyr' (<https://sedona.apache.org>).
Author: Apache Sedona [aut, cre], Jia Yu [ctb, cph], Yitao Li [aut, cph] , The Apache Software Foundation [cph], RStudio [cph]
Maintainer: Apache Sedona <private@sedona.apache.org>

Diff between apache.sedona versions 1.5.1 dated 2024-01-17 and 1.5.2 dated 2024-05-07

 DESCRIPTION      |    6 +++---
 MD5              |    6 +++---
 R/dependencies.R |    8 ++++----
 README.md        |    3 +--
 4 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

More information about apache.sedona at CRAN
Permanent link

Package ggpmisc updated to version 0.5.6 with previous version 0.5.5 dated 2023-11-15

Title: Miscellaneous Extensions to 'ggplot2'
Description: Extensions to 'ggplot2' respecting the grammar of graphics paradigm. Statistics: locate and tag peaks and valleys; label plot with the equation of a fitted polynomial or other types of models; labels with P-value, R^2 or adjusted R^2 or information criteria for fitted models; label with ANOVA table for fitted models; label with summary for fitted models. Model fit classes for which suitable methods are provided by package 'broom' and 'broom.mixed' are supported. Scales and stats to build volcano and quadrant plots based on outcomes, fold changes, p-values and false discovery rates.
Author: Pedro J. Aphalo [aut, cre] , Kamil Slowikowski [ctb] , Samer Mouksassi [ctb]
Maintainer: Pedro J. Aphalo <pedro.aphalo@helsinki.fi>

Diff between ggpmisc versions 0.5.5 dated 2023-11-15 and 0.5.6 dated 2024-05-07

 DESCRIPTION                                                                       |   28 
 MD5                                                                               |  175 -
 NEWS.md                                                                           |   15 
 R/scale-continuous-Pvalue.r                                                       |   24 
 R/stat-correlation.R                                                              |   34 
 R/stat-fit-broom-tb.R                                                             |    2 
 R/stat-fit-broom.R                                                                |    8 
 R/stat-fit-deviations.R                                                           |    4 
 R/stat-fit-residuals.R                                                            |    4 
 R/stat-ma-eq.R                                                                    |   20 
 R/stat-multcomp.R                                                                 |  339 ++-
 R/stat-poly-eq.R                                                                  |   20 
 R/stat-quant-band.r                                                               |    2 
 R/stat-quant-eq.R                                                                 |    2 
 R/stat-quant-line.r                                                               |    2 
 R/use-label.R                                                                     |   88 
 README.md                                                                         |   65 
 build/partial.rdb                                                                 |binary
 build/vignette.rds                                                                |binary
 inst/doc/model-based-annotations.R                                                |   41 
 inst/doc/model-based-annotations.Rmd                                              |   54 
 inst/doc/model-based-annotations.html                                             |  965 +++++-----
 man/figures/README-readme-03a-1.png                                               |binary
 man/figures/README-readme-03b-1.png                                               |binary
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-1-1.png                                          |binary
 man/scale_y_Pvalue.Rd                                                             |   12 
 man/stat_correlation.Rd                                                           |    3 
 man/stat_fit_augment.Rd                                                           |    2 
 man/stat_ma_eq.Rd                                                                 |    5 
 man/stat_multcomp.Rd                                                              |   96 
 man/stat_poly_eq.Rd                                                               |    3 
 man/stat_quant_band.Rd                                                            |    1 
 man/stat_quant_line.Rd                                                            |    1 
 man/use_label.Rd                                                                  |   88 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-corr/stat-coor-kendall-roundinf.svg                    |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-corr/stat-coor-pearson-round-inf.svg                   |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-corr/stat-coor-spearman-round-inf.svg                  |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-corr/stat-coor-spearman-round.svg                      |    2 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-corr/stat-coor-spearman-round2.svg                     |   62 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-corr/stat-correlation-kendall-exact.svg                |   62 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-corr/stat-correlation-spearman-cont.svg                |   62 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-corr/stat-correlation-spearman-exact.svg               |   62 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-corr/stat-correlation-spearman-load.svg                |   62 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-corr/stat-correlation-spearman-noload-use-label-lc.svg |   62 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-corr/stat-correlation-spearman-noload-use-label.svg    |   62 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-corr/stat-correlation-spearman-noload.svg              |   62 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-ma-eq/stat-ma-eq-formula-x-round-inf.svg               |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-bars-dunnet-many-levels.svg     |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-bars-dunnet.svg                 |  121 -
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-bars-tukey.svg                  |  194 +-
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-bars-tukey2.svg                 |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-bonferroni-dunnet.svg           |  121 -
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-bonferroni-tukey.svg            |  194 +-
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-letters-label-tukey.svg         |  104 -
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-letters-tukey-many-levels.svg   |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-letters-tukey-mixed.svg         |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-letters-tukey-rev.svg           |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-letters-tukey.svg               |   94 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-lm-char.svg                     |  194 +-
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-lm-char2.svg                    |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-lm-fun.svg                      |  194 +-
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-lm-fun2.svg                     |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-noload-more.svg                 |  268 +-
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-noload.svg                      |  194 +-
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-p-digits-inf.svg                |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-p-digits2.svg                   |  194 +-
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-p-digits6.svg                   |  194 +-
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-rlm-char.svg                    |  194 +-
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-rlm-fun.svg                     |  194 +-
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-text-pairwise-dunnet.svg        |  128 -
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-text-pairwise-tukey.svg         |  178 +
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-y-bottom-num-dunnet.svg         |  135 -
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-y-bottom-num-letters-tukey.svg  |   94 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-y-bottom-num-tukey.svg          |  194 +-
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-y-bottom-tukey.svg              |   94 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-y-top-dunnet.svg                |  121 -
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-y-top-num-dunnet.svg            |  127 -
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-y-top-num-letters-tukey.svg     |   94 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-y-top-num-tukey.svg             |  190 +
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-multcomp/stat-multcomp-y-top-tukey.svg                 |  194 +-
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-poly-eq/stat-poly-eq-4.svg                             |    2 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-poly-eq/stat-poly-eq-8.svg                             |    2 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-poly-eq/stat-poly-eq-formula-x-round-inf.svg           |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-poly-eq/stat-poly-eq-formula-x-round.svg               |   16 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-poly-eq/stat-poly-eq-n4.svg                            |    2 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-poly-eq/stat-poly-eq-n8.svg                            |    2 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-quant-eq/stat-quant-eq-4.svg                           |    6 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-quant-eq/stat-quant-eq-8.svg                           |    6 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-quant-eq/stat-quant-eq-n4.svg                          |    6 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/stat-quant-eq/stat-quant-eq-n8.svg                          |    6 
 tests/testthat/test-stat-corr.R                                                   |   49 
 tests/testthat/test-stat-ma-eq.R                                                  |   16 
 tests/testthat/test-stat-multcomp.R                                               |  148 +
 tests/testthat/test-stat-poly-eq.R                                                |   19 
 vignettes/model-based-annotations.Rmd                                             |   54 
 95 files changed, 4224 insertions(+), 2714 deletions(-)

More information about ggpmisc at CRAN
Permanent link

Package jstable updated to version 1.2.5 with previous version 1.1.9 dated 2024-03-27

Title: Create Tables from Different Types of Regression
Description: Create regression tables from generalized linear model(GLM), generalized estimating equation(GEE), generalized linear mixed-effects model(GLMM), Cox proportional hazards model, survey-weighted generalized linear model(svyglm) and survey-weighted Cox model results for publication.
Author: Jinseob Kim [aut, cre] , Zarathu [cph, fnd], Yoonkyoung Jeon [aut]
Maintainer: Jinseob Kim <jinseob2kim@gmail.com>

Diff between jstable versions 1.1.9 dated 2024-03-27 and 1.2.5 dated 2024-05-07

 DESCRIPTION                  |    8 -
 MD5                          |   30 +--
 NEWS.md                      |   24 +++
 R/CreateTableOneJS.R         |  148 +++++++++----------
 R/cox2.R                     |   20 ++
 R/coxme.R                    |   15 +
 R/forestcox.R                |  327 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 R/forestglm.R                |  253 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 R/glmshow.R                  |    8 -
 R/lmer.R                     |   53 ++++++
 R/svycox.R                   |   70 +++++++--
 R/svyglm.R                   |   28 +++
 build/vignette.rds           |binary
 inst/doc/jstable.html        |   28 +--
 man/TableSubgroupCox.Rd      |    5 
 man/TableSubgroupMultiCox.Rd |    5 
 16 files changed, 748 insertions(+), 274 deletions(-)

More information about jstable at CRAN
Permanent link

Package cloudfs updated to version 0.1.3 with previous version 0.1.2 dated 2023-10-18

Title: Streamlined Interface to Interact with Cloud Storage Platforms
Description: A unified interface for simplifying cloud storage interactions, including uploading, downloading, reading, and writing files, with functions for both 'Google Drive' (<https://www.google.com/drive/>) and 'Amazon S3' (<https://aws.amazon.com/s3/>).
Author: Iaroslav Domin [aut, cre], Stefan Musch [aut], Michal Czyz [aut], Emmanuel Ugochukwu [aut], Gradient Metrics [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Iaroslav Domin <iaroslav@gradientmetrics.com>

Diff between cloudfs versions 0.1.2 dated 2023-10-18 and 0.1.3 dated 2024-05-07

 cloudfs-0.1.2/cloudfs/man/cloud_validate_file_path.Rd |only
 cloudfs-0.1.3/cloudfs/DESCRIPTION                     |    8 ++--
 cloudfs-0.1.3/cloudfs/MD5                             |   35 +++++++++---------
 cloudfs-0.1.3/cloudfs/NEWS.md                         |    7 +++
 cloudfs-0.1.3/cloudfs/R/cli.R                         |   32 ++++++++++++++++
 cloudfs-0.1.3/cloudfs/R/cloud_local.R                 |   14 +------
 cloudfs-0.1.3/cloudfs/R/common.R                      |   32 ----------------
 cloudfs-0.1.3/cloudfs/R/doc.R                         |only
 cloudfs-0.1.3/cloudfs/R/drive_transfer.R              |   19 ++++-----
 cloudfs-0.1.3/cloudfs/R/drive_utils.R                 |    6 +--
 cloudfs-0.1.3/cloudfs/R/read_write.R                  |    8 ++--
 cloudfs-0.1.3/cloudfs/R/s3_transfer.R                 |   25 ++++++------
 cloudfs-0.1.3/cloudfs/README.md                       |    5 ++
 cloudfs-0.1.3/cloudfs/inst/doc/cloudfs.html           |    4 +-
 cloudfs-0.1.3/cloudfs/man/check_path.Rd               |only
 cloudfs-0.1.3/cloudfs/man/cloud_drive_write.Rd        |   11 ++++-
 cloudfs-0.1.3/cloudfs/man/cloud_drive_write_bulk.Rd   |   11 ++++-
 cloudfs-0.1.3/cloudfs/man/cloud_s3_write.Rd           |   11 ++++-
 cloudfs-0.1.3/cloudfs/man/cloud_s3_write_bulk.Rd      |   11 ++++-
 cloudfs-0.1.3/cloudfs/man/doc_file.Rd                 |only
 cloudfs-0.1.3/cloudfs/man/doc_local.Rd                |only
 21 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-)

More information about cloudfs at CRAN
Permanent link

Package vartest updated to version 1.2 with previous version 1.1 dated 2024-04-05

Title: Tests for Variance Homogeneity
Description: Performs 20 omnibus tests for testing the composite hypothesis of variance homogeneity.
Author: Gozde Cosar [aut], Osman Dag [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Osman Dag <osman.dag@outlook.com>

Diff between vartest versions 1.1 dated 2024-04-05 and 1.2 dated 2024-05-07

 vartest-1.1/vartest/R/siegeltukey.test.R |only
 vartest-1.2/vartest/DESCRIPTION          |    8 ++++----
 vartest-1.2/vartest/MD5                  |   11 +++++------
 vartest-1.2/vartest/R/cochrans.test.R    |    2 ++
 vartest-1.2/vartest/R/g.test.R           |    5 ++++-
 vartest-1.2/vartest/R/mzv.test.R         |    6 +++---
 vartest-1.2/vartest/R/zv.test.R          |    2 +-
 7 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

More information about vartest at CRAN
Permanent link

New package SurvEval with initial version 1.0
Package: SurvEval
Title: Methods for the Evaluation of Survival Models
Version: 1.0
Date: 2024-05-04
Description: Provides predictive accuracy tools to evaluate time-to-event survival models. This includes calculating the concordance probability estimate that incorporates the follow-up time for a particular study developed by Devlin, Gonen, Heller (2020)<doi:10.1007/s10985-020-09503-3>. It also evaluates the concordance probability estimate for nested Cox proportional hazards models using a projection-based approach by Heller and Devlin (under review).
License: GPL (>= 2)
Depends: R (>= 3.6), survival, stats
Imports: Rcpp (>= 1.0.11)
LinkingTo: Rcpp
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2024-05-07 12:51:33 UTC; devlins
Author: Sean Devlin [aut, cre], Glenn Heller [aut]
Maintainer: Sean Devlin <devlins@mskcc.org>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-07 15:20:02 UTC

More information about SurvEval at CRAN
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Package multinma updated to version 0.7.0 with previous version 0.6.1 dated 2024-03-05

Title: Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis of Individual and Aggregate Data
Description: Network meta-analysis and network meta-regression models for aggregate data, individual patient data, and mixtures of both individual and aggregate data using multilevel network meta-regression as described by Phillippo et al. (2020) <doi:10.1111/rssa.12579>. Models are estimated in a Bayesian framework using 'Stan'.
Author: David M. Phillippo [aut, cre]
Maintainer: David M. Phillippo <david.phillippo@bristol.ac.uk>

Diff between multinma versions 0.6.1 dated 2024-03-05 and 0.7.0 dated 2024-05-07

 DESCRIPTION                                    |   14 
 MD5                                            |   92 
 NAMESPACE                                      |    1 
 NEWS.md                                        |   28 
 R/marginal_effects.R                           |only
 R/multinma-package.R                           |    3 
 R/nma_data-class.R                             |   12 
 R/nma_summary-class.R                          |   18 
 R/predict.R                                    |  256 -
 R/stan_nma-class.R                             |    4 
 README.md                                      |    5 
 build/partial.rdb                              |binary
 build/vignette.rds                             |binary
 inst/doc/example_atrial_fibrillation.html      | 2102 +++++++-------
 inst/doc/example_bcg_vaccine.html              |  640 ++--
 inst/doc/example_blocker.html                  |  313 +-
 inst/doc/example_diabetes.html                 |  935 +++---
 inst/doc/example_dietary_fat.html              |  404 +-
 inst/doc/example_hta_psoriasis.html            |  673 ++--
 inst/doc/example_ndmm.html                     | 1311 ++++-----
 inst/doc/example_parkinsons.html               | 1412 ++++-----
 inst/doc/example_plaque_psoriasis.html         | 3602 ++++++++++++-------------
 inst/doc/example_smoking.html                  |  629 ++--
 inst/doc/example_statins.html                  |  333 +-
 inst/doc/example_thrombolytics.html            | 1018 +++----
 inst/doc/example_transfusion.html              |  232 -
 inst/doc/vignette_overview.html                |    3 
 man/marginal_effects.Rd                        |only
 man/multinma-package.Rd                        |   13 
 man/predict.stan_nma.Rd                        |   34 
 tests/testthat/_snaps                          |only
 tests/testthat/test-example_bcg_vaccine.R      |   73 
 tests/testthat/test-example_diabetes.R         |   20 
 tests/testthat/test-example_dietary_fat.R      |    8 
 tests/testthat/test-example_parkinsons.R       |   16 
 tests/testthat/test-example_plaque_psoriasis.R |   10 
 tests/testthat/test-example_smoking.R          |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-example_statins.R          |   19 
 tests/testthat/test-marginal_effects.R         |only
 tests/testthat/test-plot_nma_data.R            |only
 40 files changed, 7196 insertions(+), 7039 deletions(-)

More information about multinma at CRAN
Permanent link

Package jsmodule updated to version 1.5.4 with previous version 1.5.3 dated 2024-04-15

Title: 'RStudio' Addins and 'Shiny' Modules for Medical Research
Description: 'RStudio' addins and 'Shiny' modules for descriptive statistics, regression and survival analysis.
Author: Jinseob Kim [aut, cre] , Zarathu [cph, fnd], Hyunki Lee [aut], Changwoo Lim [aut], Jinhwan Kim [aut] , Yoonkyoung Jeon [aut], Jaewoong Heo [aut]
Maintainer: Jinseob Kim <jinseob2kim@gmail.com>

Diff between jsmodule versions 1.5.3 dated 2024-04-15 and 1.5.4 dated 2024-05-07

 DESCRIPTION            |   38 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 MD5                    |   20 +++++++++++---------
 NEWS.md                |   38 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 R/FilePsInput.R        |    4 ++++
 R/FileRepeatedInput.R  |    3 +++
 R/FileSurveyInput.R    |    3 +++
 R/csvFileInput.R       |   14 +++++++++++++-
 R/jsBasicGadget.R      |   35 +++++------------------------------
 R/utils.R              |only
 build/vignette.rds     |binary
 inst/doc/jsmodule.html |    4 ++--
 man/mk.lev2.Rd         |only
 12 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)

More information about jsmodule at CRAN
Permanent link

Package albatross updated to version 0.3-8 with previous version 0.3-7 dated 2023-11-10

Title: PARAFAC Analysis of Fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrices
Description: Perform parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC: Hitchcock, 1927) <doi:10.1002/sapm192761164> on fluorescence excitation-emission matrices: handle scattering signal and inner filter effect, scale the dataset, fit the model; perform split-half validation or jack-knifing. Modified approaches such as Whittaker interpolation, randomised split-half, and fluorescence and scattering model estimation are also available. The package has a low dependency footprint and has been tested on a wide range of R versions.
Author: Ivan Krylov [aut, cre], Timur Labutin [ths], Anastasia Drozdova [rev]
Maintainer: Ivan Krylov <ikrylov@laser.chem.msu.ru>

Diff between albatross versions 0.3-7 dated 2023-11-10 and 0.3-8 dated 2024-05-07

 albatross-0.3-7/albatross/R/progress.R                     |only
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/DESCRIPTION                      |    6 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/MD5                              |   96 +
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/NAMESPACE                        |   16 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/R/bootstrap.R                    |   88 +
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/R/corcondia.R                    |only
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/R/cubeapply.R                    |   67 -
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/R/feem.R                         |   16 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/R/feemcube.R                     |   19 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/R/feemlist.R                     |   11 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/R/feemscale.R                    |    1 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/R/flame.R                        |   33 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/R/import.R                       |   17 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/R/jackknife.R                    |   24 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/R/onLoad.R                       |only
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/R/parafac.R                      |   92 +
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/R/parallel_callback.R            |only
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/R/plotgettext.R                  |only
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/R/progress_bars.R                |only
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/R/splithalf.R                    |  107 +-
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/build/albatross.pdf              |binary
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/build/partial.rdb                |binary
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/build/stage23.rdb                |binary
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/inst/NEWS.Rd                     |   72 +
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/inst/REFERENCES                  |   15 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/inst/extdata/decimal_comma.tsv   |only
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/inst/po                          |only
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/man/albatross-package.Rd         |   12 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/man/cmf.Rd                       |    4 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/man/feem.Rd                      |   17 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/man/feemcorcondia.Rd             |only
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/man/feemflame.Rd                 |   10 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/man/feemjackknife.Rd             |    4 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/man/feemlist.Rd                  |    6 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/man/feemparafac.Rd               |   40 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/man/feemsplithalf.Rd             |   81 +
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/man/figures/feemindex.pdf        |binary
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/man/figures/feemindex.svg        |  278 ++---
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/man/figures/scatter-widths.pdf   |binary
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/man/figures/scatter-widths.svg   |  647 ++++++-------
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/man/figures/whittaker2points.pdf |binary
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/man/figures/whittaker2points.svg |   60 -
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/man/marine.colours.Rd            |    2 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/man/plot.feem.Rd                 |   10 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/man/write.openfluor.Rd           |    4 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/po                               |only
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/tests/corcondia.R                |only
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/tests/feemscale.R                |    1 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/tests/feemscatter.R              |    3 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/tests/flame.R                    |    5 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/tests/import.R                   |   17 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/tests/jackknife.R                |   24 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/tests/parafac.R                  |    8 
 albatross-0.3-8/albatross/tests/splithalf.R                |   46 
 54 files changed, 1198 insertions(+), 761 deletions(-)

More information about albatross at CRAN
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Package SHELF updated to version 1.10.0 with previous version 1.9.0 dated 2023-06-07

Title: Tools to Support the Sheffield Elicitation Framework
Description: Implements various methods for eliciting a probability distribution for a single parameter from an expert or a group of experts. The expert provides a small number of probability judgements, corresponding to points on his or her cumulative distribution function. A range of parametric distributions can then be fitted and displayed, with feedback provided in the form of fitted probabilities and percentiles. For multiple experts, a weighted linear pool can be calculated. Also includes functions for eliciting beliefs about population distributions, eliciting multivariate distributions using a Gaussian copula, eliciting a Dirichlet distribution, and eliciting distributions for variance parameters in a random effects meta-analysis model. R Shiny apps for most of the methods are included.
Author: Jeremy Oakley
Maintainer: Jeremy Oakley <j.oakley@sheffield.ac.uk>

Diff between SHELF versions 1.9.0 dated 2023-06-07 and 1.10.0 dated 2024-05-07

 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/DESCRIPTION                                                            |   17 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/MD5                                                                    |  152 -
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/NAMESPACE                                                              |    1 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/SHELF-package.R                                                      |   75 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/cdfplot.R                                                            |    2 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/checkJudgementsValid.R                                               |only
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/compareExperts.R                                                     |   18 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/compareGroupRIO.R                                                    |    2 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/deprecatedFunctions.R                                                |only
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/elicit.R                                                             |   76 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/elicitBivariate.R                                                    |   52 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/elicitDirichlet.R                                                    |   35 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/elicitExtension.R                                                    |   69 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/elicitHeterogeneity.R                                                |   25 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/elicitMarginalsModule.R                                              |   18 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/elicitMixture.R                                                      |   23 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/elicitMultipleExperts.R                                              |    1 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/expertdensity.R                                                      |    6 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/expertprobs.R                                                        |    6 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/expertquantiles.R                                                    |    6 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/feedback.R                                                           |    2 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/feedbackgroup.R                                                      |   20 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/feedbacksingle.R                                                     |  187 +
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/fitDirichlet.R                                                       |    2 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/fitdist.R                                                            |   58 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/gamma.error.R                                                        |    2 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/makeCDFPlot.R                                                        |   35 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/makeQuartilePlot.R                                                   |    2 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/makeSingleExpertPlot.R                                               |   23 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/makeTertilePlot.R                                                    |    2 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/normal.error.R                                                       |   14 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/plotQuartiles.R                                                      |    2 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/plotfit.R                                                            |   33 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/R/sampleFit.R                                                          |   48 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/build/vignette.rds                                                     |binary
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/inst/NEWS.md                                                           |   21 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/inst/doc/Dirichlet-elicitation.R                                       |    4 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/inst/doc/Dirichlet-elicitation.html                                    |   50 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/inst/doc/Multivariate-normal-copula.R                                  |    6 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/inst/doc/Multivariate-normal-copula.html                               |  101 -
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/inst/doc/SHELF-overview.R                                              |    2 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/inst/doc/SHELF-overview.html                                           |   92 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/inst/elicitationReportFile/elicitationSummary.Rmd                      |  481 ----
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/inst/shinyAppFiles/DirichletHelp.html                                  |    4 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/inst/shinyAppFiles/distributionsChild.Rmd                              |only
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/inst/shinyAppFiles/elicitationShinySummary.Rmd                         |  561 -----
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/inst/shinyAppFiles/elicitationShinySummaryBivariate.Rmd                |  992 ---------
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/inst/shinyAppFiles/elicitationShinySummaryExtension.Rmd                | 1003 ----------
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/inst/shinyAppFiles/elicitationShinySummaryExtensionUploadedYsample.Rmd |  517 -----
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/inst/shinyAppFiles/elicitationShinySummaryGroup.Rmd                    |   47 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/inst/shinyAppFiles/elicitationShinySummaryMixture.Rmd                  |   27 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/inst/shinyAppFiles/help.html                                           |    4 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/inst/shinyAppFiles/helpBivariate.html                                  |    4 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/man/SHELF-package.Rd                                                   |   74 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/man/compareIntervals.Rd                                                |   10 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/man/elicit.Rd                                                          |    2 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/man/elicitBivariate.Rd                                                 |    3 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/man/elicitDirichlet.Rd                                                 |    3 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/man/fitDirichlet.Rd                                                    |    2 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/man/fitdist.Rd                                                         |    4 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/man/makeCDFPlot.Rd                                                     |    2 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/man/plotQuartiles.Rd                                                   |    2 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/man/plotfit.Rd                                                         |    8 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/man/sampleFit.Rd                                                       |    2 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/tests/testthat/_snaps                                                  |only
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/tests/testthat/test-dirichlet.R                                        |only
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/tests/testthat/test-fitting.R                                          |   97 
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/tests/testthat/test-linearpool.R                                       |  138 +
 SHELF-1.10.0/SHELF/tests/testthat/test-plots.R                                            |only
 SHELF-1.9.0/SHELF/R/condDirichlet.R                                                       |only
 SHELF-1.9.0/SHELF/R/elicitConcProb.R                                                      |only
 SHELF-1.9.0/SHELF/R/elicitQuartiles.R                                                     |only
 SHELF-1.9.0/SHELF/R/elicitTertiles.R                                                      |only
 SHELF-1.9.0/SHELF/R/extractDistributions.R                                                |only
 SHELF-1.9.0/SHELF/R/plotlinearpool.R                                                      |only
 SHELF-1.9.0/SHELF/R/plotsingle.R                                                          |only
 SHELF-1.9.0/SHELF/R/roulette.R                                                            |only
 SHELF-1.9.0/SHELF/man/condDirichlet.Rd                                                    |only
 SHELF-1.9.0/SHELF/man/elicitConcProb.Rd                                                   |only
 SHELF-1.9.0/SHELF/man/elicitQuartiles.Rd                                                  |only
 SHELF-1.9.0/SHELF/man/elicitTertiles.Rd                                                   |only
 81 files changed, 1144 insertions(+), 4133 deletions(-)

More information about SHELF at CRAN
Permanent link

Package manymome updated to version 0.2.1 with previous version 0.1.14 dated 2024-02-16

Title: Mediation, Moderation and Moderated-Mediation After Model Fitting
Description: Computes indirect effects, conditional effects, and conditional indirect effects in a structural equation model or path model after model fitting, with no need to define any user parameters or label any paths in the model syntax, using the approach presented in Cheung and Cheung (2023) <doi:10.3758/s13428-023-02224-z>. Can also form bootstrap confidence intervals by doing bootstrapping only once and reusing the bootstrap estimates in all subsequent computations. Supports bootstrap confidence intervals for standardized (partially or completely) indirect effects, conditional effects, and conditional indirect effects as described in Cheung (2009) <doi:10.3758/BRM.41.2.425> and Cheung, Cheung, Lau, Hui, and Vong (2022) <doi:10.1037/hea0001188>. Model fitting can be done by structural equation modeling using lavaan() or regression using lm().
Author: Shu Fai Cheung [aut, cre] , Sing-Hang Cheung [aut]
Maintainer: Shu Fai Cheung <shufai.cheung@gmail.com>

Diff between manymome versions 0.1.14 dated 2024-02-16 and 0.2.1 dated 2024-05-07

 DESCRIPTION                                                        |    8 
 MD5                                                                |  580 -
 NAMESPACE                                                          |  141 
 NEWS.md                                                            |  569 -
 R/add_na.R                                                         |   34 
 R/all_indirect_paths.R                                             |  623 -
 R/boot2est_lavaan.R                                                | 1481 ++-
 R/boot2est_lm.R                                                    |  558 -
 R/check_path.R                                                     |  244 
 R/coef_cond_indirect_effects.R                                     |  160 
 R/coef_delta_med.R                                                 |  120 
 R/coef_indirect.R                                                  |  138 
 R/coef_indirect_list.R                                             |  120 
 R/cond_indirect.R                                                  | 2804 ++++---
 R/cond_indirect_diff.R                                             | 1072 +-
 R/cond_indirect_effects_math.R                                     |  839 +-
 R/cond_indirect_effects_subset.R                                   |  194 
 R/confint_cond_indirect_effects.R                                  |  260 
 R/confint_delta_med.R                                              |  234 
 R/confint_indirect.R                                               |  226 
 R/confint_indirect_list.R                                          |  206 
 R/dat_2_and_3.R                                                    | 1052 +-
 R/dat_2_med_mg.R                                                   |only
 R/dat_4.R                                                          |  222 
 R/dat_5.R                                                          |   58 
 R/dat_5_mg.R                                                       |only
 R/dat_6.R                                                          |   52 
 R/dat_modmed_x1m3w4y1.R                                            |   50 
 R/dat_mome_demo.R                                                  |   76 
 R/dat_mome_demo_missing.R                                          |   88 
 R/dat_sem.R                                                        |   90 
 R/dat_serial_parallel_latent.R                                     |  118 
 R/dat_simple_mediation_latent.R                                    |   70 
 R/delta_med.R                                                      | 1040 +-
 R/do_boot.R                                                        |  353 
 R/do_mc.R                                                          |  351 
 R/est2p.R                                                          |  112 
 R/factor2var.R                                                     |  148 
 R/find_product.R                                                   |  236 
 R/get_b.R                                                          |  103 
 R/get_indirect_effect.R                                            |  146 
 R/get_intercept.R                                                  |   88 
 R/get_prod.R                                                       |  407 -
 R/index_mome.R                                                     |  860 +-
 R/indirect.R                                                       | 1102 +-
 R/indirect_proportion.R                                            |  670 -
 R/lav_data_used.R                                                  |  340 
 R/lavaan2lm_list.R                                                 |  924 +-
 R/lavaan_helpers.R                                                 |  545 -
 R/lm2list.R                                                        |  280 
 R/lm2ptable.R                                                      |  122 
 R/lm_helpers.R                                                     |  308 
 R/manymome-package.R                                               |   16 
 R/mc2est_lavaan.R                                                  |  402 -
 R/merge_mod_levels.R                                               |  270 
 R/mod_levels.R                                                     | 1209 +--
 R/plot_effect_vs_w.R                                               |only
 R/plotmod.R                                                        |  991 +-
 R/plotmod_helpers.R                                                |  318 
 R/plotmod_helpers_2.R                                              |  206 
 R/predict_lm_list.R                                                |  190 
 R/print.paths.R                                                    |  100 
 R/print_boot_out.R                                                 |  170 
 R/print_cond_indirect_effect.R                                     |  548 -
 R/print_delta_med.R                                                |  340 
 R/print_helpers.R                                                  |   32 
 R/print_indirect.R                                                 |  771 +-
 R/print_indirect_list.R                                            |  792 +-
 R/print_lm_list.R                                                  |   70 
 R/print_mc_out.R                                                   |  108 
 R/pseudo_jn.r                                                      |only
 R/summary_lm_list.R                                                |  162 
 R/total_indirect_effect_list.R                                     |  206 
 R/wlevels_subset.R                                                 |  422 -
 README.md                                                          |  377 
 build/partial.rdb                                                  |binary
 build/vignette.rds                                                 |binary
 data/data_med_complicated_mg.rda                                   |only
 data/data_med_mg.rda                                               |only
 inst/CITATION                                                      |   26 
 inst/doc/do_boot.Rmd                                               | 1118 +-
 inst/doc/do_boot.html                                              |  506 -
 inst/doc/do_mc.Rmd                                                 |  692 -
 inst/doc/do_mc.html                                                |  256 
 inst/doc/do_mc_lavaan_mi.Rmd                                       |  628 -
 inst/doc/do_mc_lavaan_mi.html                                      |  238 
 inst/doc/manymome.Rmd                                              | 2348 +++---
 inst/doc/manymome.html                                             |  870 +-
 inst/doc/med_lav.Rmd                                               | 1128 +-
 inst/doc/med_lav.html                                              |  534 -
 inst/doc/med_lm.Rmd                                                | 1650 ++--
 inst/doc/med_lm.html                                               |  906 +-
 inst/doc/mod_levels.Rmd                                            |  678 -
 inst/doc/mod_levels.html                                           |  476 -
 inst/doc/mome_lm.Rmd                                               |  732 -
 inst/doc/mome_lm.html                                              |  312 
 man/all_indirect_paths.Rd                                          |  276 
 man/check_path.Rd                                                  |  202 
 man/coef.cond_indirect_diff.Rd                                     |   64 
 man/coef.cond_indirect_effects.Rd                                  |  144 
 man/coef.delta_med.Rd                                              |  132 
 man/coef.indirect.Rd                                               |  146 
 man/coef.indirect_list.Rd                                          |  128 
 man/coef.indirect_proportion.Rd                                    |  102 
 man/coef.lm_from_lavaan.Rd                                         |  116 
 man/cond_indirect.Rd                                               | 1382 +--
 man/cond_indirect_diff.Rd                                          |  324 
 man/confint.cond_indirect_diff.Rd                                  |   90 
 man/confint.cond_indirect_effects.Rd                               |  184 
 man/confint.delta_med.Rd                                           |  174 
 man/confint.indirect.Rd                                            |  174 
 man/confint.indirect_list.Rd                                       |  176 
 man/data_med.Rd                                                    |   76 
 man/data_med_complicated.Rd                                        |   78 
 man/data_med_complicated_mg.Rd                                     |only
 man/data_med_mg.Rd                                                 |only
 man/data_med_mod_a.Rd                                              |   94 
 man/data_med_mod_ab.Rd                                             |  114 
 man/data_med_mod_ab1.Rd                                            |  104 
 man/data_med_mod_b.Rd                                              |   94 
 man/data_med_mod_b_mod.Rd                                          |   72 
 man/data_med_mod_parallel.Rd                                       |  118 
 man/data_med_mod_parallel_cat.Rd                                   |   76 
 man/data_med_mod_serial.Rd                                         |  114 
 man/data_med_mod_serial_cat.Rd                                     |   74 
 man/data_med_mod_serial_parallel.Rd                                |  126 
 man/data_med_mod_serial_parallel_cat.Rd                            |   80 
 man/data_mod.Rd                                                    |   78 
 man/data_mod2.Rd                                                   |   90 
 man/data_mod_cat.Rd                                                |   62 
 man/data_mome_demo.Rd                                              |   92 
 man/data_mome_demo_missing.Rd                                      |  104 
 man/data_parallel.Rd                                               |   80 
 man/data_sem.Rd                                                    |  108 
 man/data_serial.Rd                                                 |   82 
 man/data_serial_parallel.Rd                                        |   90 
 man/data_serial_parallel_latent.Rd                                 |  134 
 man/delta_med.Rd                                                   |  530 -
 man/do_boot.Rd                                                     |  287 
 man/do_mc.Rd                                                       |  302 
 man/factor2var.Rd                                                  |  118 
 man/fit2boot_out.Rd                                                |  344 
 man/fit2mc_out.Rd                                                  |  210 
 man/get_one_cond_indirect_effect.Rd                                |  164 
 man/get_prod.Rd                                                    |  248 
 man/index_of_mome.Rd                                               |  592 -
 man/indirect_effects_from_list.Rd                                  |  218 
 man/indirect_i.Rd                                                  |  401 -
 man/indirect_proportion.Rd                                         |  208 
 man/lm2boot_out.Rd                                                 |  290 
 man/lm2list.Rd                                                     |  218 
 man/lm_from_lavaan_list.Rd                                         |  114 
 man/manymome-package.Rd                                            |   60 
 man/math_indirect.Rd                                               |  249 
 man/merge_mod_levels.Rd                                            |  128 
 man/mod_levels.Rd                                                  |  542 -
 man/modmed_x1m3w4y1.Rd                                             |   70 
 man/plot.cond_indirect_effects.Rd                                  |  480 -
 man/plot_effect_vs_w.Rd                                            |only
 man/predict.lm_from_lavaan.Rd                                      |  126 
 man/predict.lm_from_lavaan_list.Rd                                 |  144 
 man/predict.lm_list.Rd                                             |  152 
 man/print.all_paths.Rd                                             |   96 
 man/print.boot_out.Rd                                              |  140 
 man/print.cond_indirect_diff.Rd                                    |  154 
 man/print.cond_indirect_effects.Rd                                 |  238 
 man/print.delta_med.Rd                                             |  174 
 man/print.indirect.Rd                                              |  260 
 man/print.indirect_list.Rd                                         |  228 
 man/print.indirect_proportion.Rd                                   |  142 
 man/print.lm_list.Rd                                               |   70 
 man/print.mc_out.Rd                                                |   90 
 man/pseudo_johnson_neyman.Rd                                       |only
 man/simple_mediation_latent.Rd                                     |   86 
 man/subsetting_cond_indirect_effects.Rd                            |  148 
 man/subsetting_wlevels.Rd                                          |  212 
 man/summary.lm_list.Rd                                             |  120 
 man/terms.lm_from_lavaan.Rd                                        |  106 
 man/total_indirect_effect.Rd                                       |  144 
 tests/testthat.R                                                   |    8 
 tests/testthat/test_all_indirect_paths.R                           |  494 -
 tests/testthat/test_all_indirect_paths_lv.R                        |  190 
 tests/testthat/test_benchmark_mc.R                                 |   70 
 tests/testthat/test_boot2est.R                                     |  168 
 tests/testthat/test_boot2est_implied.R                             |  170 
 tests/testthat/test_boot2est_implied_lv.R                          |  120 
 tests/testthat/test_boot2est_lv.R                                  |  100 
 tests/testthat/test_check_levels.R                                 |  102 
 tests/testthat/test_check_path.R                                   |  122 
 tests/testthat/test_compare_boot_mc.R                              |  666 -
 tests/testthat/test_compare_boot_mc_med_lav.R                      |  318 
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_diff.R                           |  224 
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_effects_lavaan.R                 |  340 
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_effects_lavaan_do_boot.R         |   84 
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_effects_lavaan_do_boot_missing.R |   80 
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_effects_lavaan_kway.R            |   94 
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_effects_lavaan_kway_missing.R    |   98 
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_effects_lavaan_mi.R              |  512 -
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_effects_lavaan_missing.R         |  152 
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_effects_lavaan_wlevels.R         |   92 
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_effects_lavaan_wlevels_missing.R |   88 
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_effects_lm.R                     |  186 
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_effects_lm_binary.R              |  224 
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_effects_lm_do_boot.R             |   74 
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_effects_lm_kway.R                |   96 
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_effects_lm_wlevels.R             |  100 
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_error.R                          |   70 
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_lavaan.R                         |  606 -
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_lavaan_kway.R                    |  128 
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_lavaan_mi.R                      |  115 
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_lm.R                             |  396 -
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_lm_kway.R                        |  114 
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_math.R                           |  339 
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_se.R                             |  832 +-
 tests/testthat/test_cond_indirect_se_print.R                       |  786 +-
 tests/testthat/test_delta_med.R                                    |  528 -
 tests/testthat/test_delta_med_boot.R                               |  128 
 tests/testthat/test_delta_med_check.R                              |  318 
 tests/testthat/test_est2p.R                                        |   54 
 tests/testthat/test_find_product.R                                 |  126 
 tests/testthat/test_find_product_2.R                               |   50 
 tests/testthat/test_find_product_3.R                               |only
 tests/testthat/test_fit2boot_out_do_boot.R                         |  280 
 tests/testthat/test_fit2boot_out_do_boot_check_failed.R            |   54 
 tests/testthat/test_fit2boot_out_do_boot_missing.R                 |  296 
 tests/testthat/test_fit2boot_out_do_boot_parallel.R                |  162 
 tests/testthat/test_fit2boot_out_do_boot_parallel_mini.R           |   56 
 tests/testthat/test_get_b.R                                        |   54 
 tests/testthat/test_get_b_mi.R                                     |   52 
 tests/testthat/test_get_intercept.R                                |   54 
 tests/testthat/test_get_intercept_mi.R                             |   54 
 tests/testthat/test_get_prod.R                                     |  100 
 tests/testthat/test_get_prod_kway.R                                |  158 
 tests/testthat/test_get_prod_mi.R                                  |   81 
 tests/testthat/test_get_vcov.R                                     |   38 
 tests/testthat/test_index_mome.R                                   |  334 
 tests/testthat/test_index_mome_complex_models.R                    |  300 
 tests/testthat/test_indirect.R                                     |  214 
 tests/testthat/test_indirect_kway.R                                |  110 
 tests/testthat/test_indirect_missing.R                             |  220 
 tests/testthat/test_indirect_simple_med_latent.R                   |  126 
 tests/testthat/test_indirect_simple_med_latent_missing.R           |  134 
 tests/testthat/test_indirect_simple_med_latent_observed.R          |  612 -
 tests/testthat/test_indirect_store_computation.R                   |  104 
 tests/testthat/test_indirect_with_prods.R                          |   68 
 tests/testthat/test_jn.r                                           |only
 tests/testthat/test_lav_data_used.R                                |   72 
 tests/testthat/test_lav_data_used_mi.R                             |   46 
 tests/testthat/test_lav_data_used_mi_no_means.R                    |   88 
 tests/testthat/test_lav_implied_all.R                              |   70 
 tests/testthat/test_lavaan2lm_list.R                               |  192 
 tests/testthat/test_lm2boot_out.R                                  |   84 
 tests/testthat/test_lm2boot_out_parallel.R                         |   90 
 tests/testthat/test_lm2boot_out_parallel_mini.R                    |   66 
 tests/testthat/test_lm2list.R                                      |   66 
 tests/testthat/test_lm2list_predict.R                              |   86 
 tests/testthat/test_lm2ptable.R                                    |   94 
 tests/testthat/test_lm2ptable_indirect.R                           |  138 
 tests/testthat/test_many_indirects_do_sim_once.R                   |only
 tests/testthat/test_merge_mod_levels.R                             |  328 
 tests/testthat/test_merge_model_frame.R                            |   48 
 tests/testthat/test_mg_boot.R                                      |only
 tests/testthat/test_mi_lavaan_mi_no_means.R                        |  158 
 tests/testthat/test_mi_template.R                                  |  300 
 tests/testthat/test_mod_levels_lavaan.R                            |  230 
 tests/testthat/test_mod_levels_lavaan_missing.R                    |  188 
 tests/testthat/test_mod_levels_lavaan_user_values.R                |  130 
 tests/testthat/test_mod_levels_lm.R                                |  190 
 tests/testthat/test_mod_levels_lm_user_values.R                    |  118 
 tests/testthat/test_plot_cond_indirect_effects.R                   |  250 
 tests/testthat/test_plot_indirect_vs_w.R                           |only
 tests/testthat/test_proportion.R                                   |  146 
 tests/testthat/test_storing_scale_xy.R                             |  258 
 tests/testthat/test_summary_lm_list.R                              |   46 
 tests/testthat/test_wlevels_subsetting.R                           |  254 
 vignettes/articles/apa.csl                                         | 3832 +++++-----
 vignettes/articles/get_prod.Rmd                                    |  754 -
 vignettes/articles/manymome_cond_indirect_and_friends_workflow.Rmd |  694 -
 vignettes/articles/manymome_do_boot_workflow.Rmd                   |  418 -
 vignettes/articles/manymome_do_mc_workflow.Rmd                     |  208 
 vignettes/articles/manymome_draw_med_mg-1.png                      |only
 vignettes/articles/manymome_draw_mod_mg-1.png                      |only
 vignettes/articles/med_complicated-1.png                           |only
 vignettes/articles/med_mg.Rmd                                      |only
 vignettes/articles/med_mg.Rmd.original                             |only
 vignettes/articles/references.bib                                  |   13 
 vignettes/do_boot.Rmd                                              | 1118 +-
 vignettes/do_boot.Rmd.original                                     |  776 +-
 vignettes/do_mc.Rmd                                                |  692 -
 vignettes/do_mc.Rmd.original                                       |  540 -
 vignettes/do_mc_lavaan_mi.Rmd                                      |  628 -
 vignettes/do_mc_lavaan_mi.Rmd.original                             |  512 -
 vignettes/manymome.Rmd                                             | 2348 +++---
 vignettes/manymome.Rmd.original                                    | 1898 ++--
 vignettes/med_lav.Rmd                                              | 1128 +-
 vignettes/med_lav.Rmd.original                                     |  844 +-
 vignettes/med_lm.Rmd                                               | 1650 ++--
 vignettes/med_lm.Rmd.original                                      |  994 +-
 vignettes/mod_levels.Rmd                                           |  678 -
 vignettes/mome_lm.Rmd                                              |  732 -
 vignettes/mome_lm.Rmd.original                                     |  566 -
 301 files changed, 48063 insertions(+), 45896 deletions(-)

More information about manymome at CRAN
Permanent link

New package lzstring with initial version 0.1.2
Package: lzstring
Title: Wrapper for 'lz-string' 'C++' Library
Version: 0.1.2
Description: Provide access to the 'lz-string' <http://pieroxy.net/blog/pages/lz-string/index.html> 'C++' library for Lempel-Ziv (LZ) based compression and decompression of strings.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
LinkingTo: cpp11
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0)
URL: https://parmsam.github.io/lzstring-r/, https://github.com/parmsam/lzstring-r
BugReports: https://github.com/parmsam/lzstring-r/issues
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2024-05-04 02:39:35 UTC; samparmar
Author: Sam Parmar [aut, cre], Andrey Krasnov [cph]
Maintainer: Sam Parmar <parmartsam@gmail.com>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-07 14:50:02 UTC

More information about lzstring at CRAN
Permanent link

New package ddecompose with initial version 1.0.0
Package: ddecompose
Title: Detailed Distributional Decomposition
Version: 1.0.0
Maintainer: Samuel Meier <samuel.meier+ddecompose@immerda.ch>
Description: Implements the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition method and generalizations of it that decompose differences in distributional statistics beyond the mean. The function ob_decompose() decomposes differences in the mean outcome between two groups into one part explained by different covariates (composition effect) and into another part due to differences in the way covariates are linked to the outcome variable (structure effect). The function further divides the two effects into the contribution of each covariate and allows for weighted doubly robust decompositions. For distributional statistics beyond the mean, the function performs the recentered influence function (RIF) decomposition proposed by Firpo, Fortin, and Lemieux (2018). The function dfl_decompose() divides differences in distributional statistics into an composition effect and a structure effect using inverse probability weighting as introduced by DiNardo, Fortin, and Lemieux (1996). The function also allows to sequentially decom [...truncated...]
License: GPL (>= 3)
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Depends: ggplot2, R (>= 2.10)
Imports: rifreg, Formula, Hmisc, parallel, pbapply, sandwich, stats, ranger, fastglm, methods
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0), tidyr, dplyr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-07 07:44:54 UTC; daidai
Author: David Gallusser [aut], Samuel Meier [aut, cre]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-07 15:00:02 UTC

More information about ddecompose at CRAN
Permanent link

New package cmstatrExt with initial version 0.4.0
Package: cmstatrExt
Title: More Statistical Methods for Composite Material Data
Version: 0.4.0
Date: 2024-05-05
Description: A companion package to 'cmstatr' <https://cran.r-project.org/package=cmstatr>. 'cmstatr' contains statistical methods that are published in the Composite Materials Handbook, Volume 1 (2012, ISBN: 978-0-7680-7811-4), while 'cmstatrExt' contains statistical methods that are not included in that handbook.
URL: https://github.com/cmstatr/cmstatrExt, https://cmstatrExt.cmstatr.net
BugReports: https://github.com/cmstatr/cmstatrExt/issues
License: AGPL-3
Imports: dplyr, generics, Rcpp, rlang (>= 0.4.0), stats
LinkingTo: Rcpp, testthat
SystemRequirements: C++17
Encoding: UTF-8
Suggests: cmstatr, testthat (>= 3.0.0), tidyverse, lintr, xml2, rmarkdown, knitr
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
LazyData: true
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2024-05-07 02:59:10 UTC; stefan
Author: Stefan Kloppenborg [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Stefan Kloppenborg <stefan@kloppenborg.ca>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-07 14:50:05 UTC

More information about cmstatrExt at CRAN
Permanent link

Package editbl updated to version 1.0.4 with previous version 1.0.3 dated 2024-01-10

Title: 'DT' Extension for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Applications in 'shiny'
Description: The core of this package is a function eDT() which enhances DT::datatable() such that it can be used to interactively modify data in 'shiny'. By the use of generic 'dplyr' methods it supports many types of data storage, with relational databases ('dbplyr') being the main use case.
Author: Jasper Schelfhout [aut, cre], Maxim Nazarov [rev], Daan Seynaeve [rev], Lennart Tuijnder [rev]
Maintainer: Jasper Schelfhout <jasper.schelfhout@openanalytics.eu>

Diff between editbl versions 1.0.3 dated 2024-01-10 and 1.0.4 dated 2024-05-07

 editbl-1.0.3/editbl/man/isMissing.Rd            |only
 editbl-1.0.4/editbl/DESCRIPTION                 |   16 +++++++----
 editbl-1.0.4/editbl/MD5                         |   34 ++++++++++++++++--------
 editbl-1.0.4/editbl/R/eDT.R                     |   10 +++----
 editbl-1.0.4/editbl/R/foreignTbl.R              |    5 ++-
 editbl-1.0.4/editbl/R/shinyInput.R              |   10 ++++---
 editbl-1.0.4/editbl/R/utils.R                   |   23 ----------------
 editbl-1.0.4/editbl/README.md                   |   20 ++++----------
 editbl-1.0.4/editbl/build                       |only
 editbl-1.0.4/editbl/inst/NEWS                   |    4 ++
 editbl-1.0.4/editbl/inst/doc                    |only
 editbl-1.0.4/editbl/man/eDT.Rd                  |    2 -
 editbl-1.0.4/editbl/man/foreignTbl.Rd           |    4 ++
 editbl-1.0.4/editbl/tests/testthat/test-utils.R |   10 -------
 editbl-1.0.4/editbl/vignettes                   |only
 15 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)

More information about editbl at CRAN
Permanent link

Package cmsaf updated to version 3.5.1 with previous version 3.5.0 dated 2023-09-15

Title: A Toolbox for CM SAF NetCDF Data
Description: The Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF) is a ground segment of the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) and one of EUMETSATs Satellite Application Facilities. The CM SAF contributes to the sustainable monitoring of the climate system by providing essential climate variables related to the energy and water cycle of the atmosphere (<https://www.cmsaf.eu>). It is a joint cooperation of eight National Meteorological and Hydrological Services. The 'cmsaf' R-package includes a 'shiny' based interface for an easy application of the 'cmsafops' and 'cmsafvis' packages - the CM SAF R Toolbox. The Toolbox offers an easy way to prepare, manipulate, analyse and visualize CM SAF NetCDF formatted data. Other CF conform NetCDF data with time, longitude and latitude dimension should be applicable, but there is no guarantee for an error-free application. CM SAF climate data records are provided for free via (<https://wui.cm [...truncated...]
Author: Steffen Kothe [aut, cre], Danny Parsons [ctb]
Maintainer: Steffen Kothe <Steffen.Kothe@dwd.de>

Diff between cmsaf versions 3.5.0 dated 2023-09-15 and 3.5.1 dated 2024-05-07

 DESCRIPTION                       |   10 
 MD5                               |   32 
 NAMESPACE                         |   10 
 NEWS.md                           |  163 
 R/cmsaf.R                         |   56 
 R/get_grid.R                      |    8 
 R/release_questions.R             |   36 
 R/run_toolbox.R                   |   42 
 inst/WORDLIST                     |   77 
 inst/toolbox/ColorspacePrivates.R | 1260 +--
 inst/toolbox/global.R             |  706 -
 inst/toolbox/server.R             |15224 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 inst/toolbox/ui.R                 | 1548 +--
 inst/toolbox/www/style.css        |  532 -
 man/run_toolbox.Rd                |   36 
 tests/spelling.R                  |    6 
 tests/spelling.Rout.save          |   50 
 17 files changed, 9907 insertions(+), 9889 deletions(-)

More information about cmsaf at CRAN
Permanent link

Package RARfreq updated to version 0.1.5 with previous version 0.1.4 dated 2023-04-04

Title: Response Adaptive Randomization with 'Frequentist' Approaches
Description: Provides functions and command-line user interface to generate allocation sequence by response-adaptive randomization for clinical trials. The package currently supports two families of frequentist response-adaptive randomization procedures, Doubly Adaptive Biased Coin Design ('DBCD') and Sequential Estimation-adjusted Urn Model ('SEU'), for binary and normal endpoints. One-sided proportion (or mean) difference and Chi-square (or 'ANOVA') hypothesis testing methods are also available in the package to facilitate the inference for treatment effect. Additionally, the package provides comprehensive and efficient tools to allow one to evaluate and compare the performance of randomization procedures and tests based on various criteria. For example, plots for relationship among assumed treatment effects, sample size, and power are provided. Five allocation functions for 'DBCD' and six addition rule functions for 'SEU' are implemented to target allocations such as 'Neyman', 'Rosenberger' R [...truncated...]
Author: Mengjia Yu [aut], Xiu Huang [aut, cre], Li Wang [aut], Hongjian Zhu [aut]
Maintainer: Xiu Huang <xiu.huang@aya.yale.edu>

Diff between RARfreq versions 0.1.4 dated 2023-04-04 and 0.1.5 dated 2024-05-07

 DESCRIPTION                                       |   11 
 LICENSE                                           |    4 
 MD5                                               |   90 +-
 NAMESPACE                                         |   62 -
 R/DBCD_BINARY.R                                   |  144 ++--
 R/DBCD_BINARY_raw.R                               |  154 ++--
 R/DBCD_GAUSSIAN.R                                 |  146 ++--
 R/DBCD_GAUSSIAN_raw.R                             |  152 ++--
 R/SEU_BINARY_raw.R                                |  160 ++---
 R/SEU_GAUSSIAN_raw.R                              |  150 ++--
 R/SEU_power_comparison_Power_vs_Trt.R             |  522 ++++++++--------
 R/SEU_power_comparison_Power_vs_Trt_GAUSSIAN.R    |  444 +++++++-------
 R/SEU_power_comparison_Power_vs_n.R               |  688 +++++++++++-----------
 R/SEU_power_comparison_Power_vs_n_GAUSSIAN.R      |  684 ++++++++++-----------
 R/SEU_simulation_main.R                           |  400 ++++++------
 R/SEU_simulation_main_GAUSSIAN.R                  |  436 ++++++-------
 R/power_comparison_Power_vs_Trt.R                 |  502 ++++++++--------
 R/power_comparison_Power_vs_Trt_GAUSSIAN.R        |  446 +++++++-------
 R/power_comparison_Power_vs_n.R                   |  664 ++++++++++-----------
 R/power_comparison_Power_vs_n_GAUSSIAN.R          |  666 ++++++++++-----------
 R/simulation_main.R                               |  350 +++++------
 R/simulation_main_GAUSSIAN.R                      |  386 ++++++------
 R/utils.R                                         |  264 ++++----
 R/utils_SEU.R                                     |  480 +++++++--------
 README.md                                         |   71 +-
 build/partial.rdb                                 |binary
 inst/REFERENCES.bib                               |  114 +--
 man/DBCD_BINARY.Rd                                |  118 +--
 man/DBCD_BINARY_raw.Rd                            |  110 +--
 man/DBCD_GAUSSIAN.Rd                              |  120 +--
 man/DBCD_GAUSSIAN_raw.Rd                          |   98 +--
 man/SEU_power_comparison_Power_vs_Trt.Rd          |  182 ++---
 man/SEU_power_comparison_Power_vs_Trt_GAUSSIAN.Rd |  186 ++---
 man/SEU_power_comparison_Power_vs_n.Rd            |  196 +++---
 man/SEU_power_comparison_Power_vs_n_GAUSSIAN.Rd   |  204 +++---
 man/SEU_simulation_main.Rd                        |  182 ++---
 man/SEU_simulation_main_GAUSSIAN.Rd               |  202 +++---
 man/power_comparison_Power_vs_Trt.Rd              |  162 ++---
 man/power_comparison_Power_vs_Trt_GAUSSIAN.Rd     |  176 ++---
 man/power_comparison_Power_vs_n.Rd                |  176 ++---
 man/power_comparison_Power_vs_n_GAUSSIAN.Rd       |  186 ++---
 man/simulation_main.Rd                            |  164 ++---
 man/simulation_main_GAUSSIAN.Rd                   |  182 ++---
 tests/spelling.R                                  |    6 
 tests/testthat.R                                  |   24 
 tests/testthat/test-test.R                        |    6 
 46 files changed, 5434 insertions(+), 5436 deletions(-)

More information about RARfreq at CRAN
Permanent link

Package esemifar updated to version 2.0.1 with previous version 2.0.0 dated 2024-05-02

Title: Smoothing Long-Memory Time Series
Description: The nonparametric trend and its derivatives in equidistant time series (TS) with long-memory errors can be estimated. The estimation is conducted via local polynomial regression using an automatically selected bandwidth obtained by a built-in iterative plug-in algorithm or a bandwidth fixed by the user. The smoothing methods of the package are described in Letmathe, S., Beran, J. and Feng, Y., (2023) <doi:10.1080/03610926.2023.2276049>.
Author: Yuanhua Feng [aut] , Jan Beran [aut] , Sebastian Letmathe [aut] , Dominik Schulz [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Dominik Schulz <dominik.schulz@uni-paderborn.de>

Diff between esemifar versions 2.0.0 dated 2024-05-02 and 2.0.1 dated 2024-05-07

 DESCRIPTION                    |    8 
 MD5                            |   47 ++---
 NEWS.md                        |   11 +
 R/dsmoothlm.R                  |    7 
 R/esemifar.R                   |    9 
 R/forecasts.R                  |    8 
 R/gsmooth_import_smoots.R      |    2 
 R/tsmoothlm.R                  |    8 
 README.md                      |   98 ++++++++--
 man/arma_to_ar.Rd              |   86 ++++-----
 man/arma_to_ma.Rd              |   86 ++++-----
 man/d_to_coef.Rd               |   90 ++++-----
 man/dsmoothlm.Rd               |    7 
 man/esemifar.Rd                |    9 
 man/farima_to_ar.Rd            |   94 +++++-----
 man/farima_to_ma.Rd            |   94 +++++-----
 man/figures/README-plot1-1.png |binary
 man/figures/README-plot1-2.png |binary
 man/figures/README-plot2-1.png |only
 man/gsmooth.Rd                 |  370 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 man/plot.esemifar_fc.Rd        |   92 +++++-----
 man/tsmoothlm.Rd               |    7 
 src/Forecast.cpp               |    2 
 src/FutureObs.cpp              |    2 
 src/RcppExports.cpp            |    8 
 25 files changed, 618 insertions(+), 527 deletions(-)

More information about esemifar at CRAN
Permanent link

Package expertsurv (with last version 1.3.0) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2023-10-04 1.3.0
2023-08-16 1.2.0
2023-03-08 1.1.0

Permanent link
Package lrstat (with last version 0.2.5) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2024-04-22 0.2.5
2024-03-19 0.2.4

Permanent link
New package psm3mkv with initial version 0.3.1
Package: psm3mkv
Title: Evaluate Partitioned Survival and State Transition Models
Version: 0.3.1
Description: Fits and evaluates three-state partitioned survival analyses (PartSAs) and Markov models (clock forward or clock reset) to progression and overall survival data typically collected in oncology clinical trials. These model structures are typically considered in cost-effectiveness modeling in advanced/metastatic cancer indications. Muston (2024). "Informing structural assumptions for three state oncology cost-effectiveness models through model efficiency and fit". Applied Health Economics and Health Policy. In press.
License: GPL (>= 3)
URL: https://merck.github.io/psm3mkv/, https://github.com/Merck/psm3mkv
BugReports: https://github.com/Merck/psm3mkv/issues
Encoding: UTF-8
Depends: R (>= 4.1.0)
Imports: dplyr, flexsurv, ggplot2, purrr, rlang, SimplicialCubature, stats, survival, stringr, tibble, tidyr
Suggests: boot, covr, ggsci, HMDHFDplus, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-06 22:03:00 UTC; muston
Author: Dominic Muston [aut, cre] , Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA and its affiliates [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Dominic Muston <dominic.muston@merck.com>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-07 08:10:02 UTC

More information about psm3mkv at CRAN
Permanent link

New package morrowplots with initial version 0.1.0
Package: morrowplots
Title: Historical Agricultural Data from the University of Illinois
Version: 0.1.0
Description: Agricultural data for 1888-2021 from the Morrow Plots at the University of Illinois. The world's second oldest ongoing agricultural experiment, the Morrow Plots measure the impact of crop rotation and fertility treatments on corn yields. The data includes planting information and annual yield measures for corn grown continuously and in rotation with other crops, in treated and untreated soil.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
LazyData: true
Suggests: dplyr, ggplot2, knitr, rmarkdown
VignetteBuilder: knitr
URL: https://SandiCal.github.io/morrowplots/, https://github.com/SandiCal/morrowplots
BugReports: https://github.com/SandiCal/morrowplots/issues
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-06 21:52:37 UTC; caldron2
Author: Sandi Caldrone [cre, aut, cph] , Heidi Imker [aut, cph] , Josh Henry [aut, cph] , Brooke Anderson [ctb]
Maintainer: Sandi Caldrone <caldron2@illinois.edu>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-07 08:10:08 UTC

More information about morrowplots at CRAN
Permanent link

New package lotterybr with initial version 0.1.0
Package: lotterybr
Title: Lottery Datasets from Caixa Economica Federal
Version: 0.1.0
Description: A collection of functions designed to streamline the retrieval of data from Brazilian lottery games operated by Caixa Econômica Federal, accessible through the official website at <https://loterias.caixa.gov.br/Paginas/default.aspx/>. Datasets for each game are conveniently stored on the GitHub page at <https://github.com/tomasbp2/LotteryBrasilDATA/>. Each game within this repository consists of two primary datasets: the winners dataset and the numbers dataset. The winners dataset includes crucial information such as the draw date, game type, potential matches, winners for each match, and corresponding prize amounts. Meanwhile, the numbers dataset provides essential details including the draw date, game type, and the numbers drawn during the respective lottery event. By offering easy access to these datasets, the package facilitates efficient data retrieval and analysis for researchers, analysts, and enthusiasts interested in exploring the dynamics and outcomes of Brazilian [...truncated...]
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
URL: https://github.com/tomasbp2/lotterybr, https://tomasbp2.github.io/lotterybr/
BugReports: https://github.com/tomasbp2/lotterybr/issues
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-06 21:57:02 UTC; tomas
Author: Tomas Bernardes [aut, cre, cph], Salvador Netto [aut], Fabio Demarqui [aut, cph]
Maintainer: Tomas Bernardes <tomasbp@ufmg.br>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-07 08:10:12 UTC

More information about lotterybr at CRAN
Permanent link

Package streetscape updated to version 1.0.1 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2024-05-03

Title: Collect And Investigate Street Views For Urban Science
Description: A collection of functions to search and download street view imagery ('Mapilary' <https://www.mapillary.com/developer/api-documentation>) and to extract, quantify, and visualize visual features. Moreover, there are functions provided to generate Qualtrics survey in TXT format using the collection of street views for various research purposes.
Author: Xiaohao Yang [aut, cre, cph], Derek Van Berkel [aut], Mark Lindquist [aut]
Maintainer: Xiaohao Yang <xiaohaoy@umich.edu>

Diff between streetscape versions 1.0.0 dated 2024-05-03 and 1.0.1 dated 2024-05-07

 DESCRIPTION              |    6 +--
 MD5                      |   12 +++---
 R/StreetscapeDataFrame.R |   51 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 R/str_view_search.R      |   88 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 R/utils.R                |   33 +++++++++++++----
 data/scdataframe.RData   |binary
 man/Streetscape-class.Rd |   16 +++++++-
 7 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

More information about streetscape at CRAN
Permanent link

New package modelgrid with initial version 1.2.0
Package: modelgrid
Title: A Framework for Creating, Managing and Training Multiple 'caret' Models
Version: 1.2.0
Description: A minimalistic but flexible framework that facilitates the creation, management and training of multiple 'caret' models. A model grid consists of two components, (1) a set of settings that is shared by all models by default, and (2) specifications that apply only to the individual models. When the model grid is trained, model and training specifications are first consolidated from the shared and the model specific settings into complete 'caret' model configurations. These models are then trained with the 'train()' function from the 'caret' package.
URL: https://github.com/smaakage85/modelgrid
Depends: R (>= 3.4.0)
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: caret, purrr, dplyr, magrittr
Suggests: testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, recipes
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-06 21:33:52 UTC; alroble8
Author: Lars Kjeldgaard [aut], Angel Robles [cre]
Maintainer: Angel Robles <a.l.robles.fernandez@gmail.com>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-07 07:30:09 UTC

More information about modelgrid at CRAN
Permanent link

Package happign updated to version 0.3.0 with previous version 0.2.2 dated 2023-11-29

Title: R Interface to 'IGN' Web Services
Description: Automatic open data acquisition from resources of IGN ('Institut National de Information Geographique et forestiere') (<https://www.ign.fr/>). Available datasets include various types of raster and vector data, such as digital elevation models, state borders, spatial databases, cadastral parcels, and more. There also access to point clouds data ('LIDAR') and specifics API (<https://apicarto.ign.fr/api/doc/>).
Author: Paul Carteron [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Paul Carteron <carteronpaul@gmail.com>

Diff between happign versions 0.2.2 dated 2023-11-29 and 0.3.0 dated 2024-05-07

 happign-0.2.2/happign/inst/doc/SCAN_25_SCAN_100_SCAN_OACI.R                               |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/inst/doc/SCAN_25_SCAN_100_SCAN_OACI.Rmd                             |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/inst/doc/SCAN_25_SCAN_100_SCAN_OACI.html                            |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/tests/testthat/get_apicarto_rpg/apicarto.ign.fr/api/rpg/v1-b814e7.R |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/tests/testthat/get_apicarto_rpg/apicarto.ign.fr/api/rpg/v2-0b352a.R |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/tests/testthat/get_apicarto_rpg/apicarto.ign.fr/api/rpg/v2-2a3af1.R |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/tests/testthat/get_apicarto_rpg/apicarto.ign.fr/api/rpg/v2-4f2bf7.R |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/tests/testthat/get_apicarto_rpg/apicarto.ign.fr/api/rpg/v2-9a095b.R |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/tests/testthat/get_apicarto_rpg/apicarto.ign.fr/api/rpg/v2-e397b2.R |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/tests/testthat/get_layers_metada_null                               |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/tests/testthat/get_layers_metada_wfs/wxs.ign.fr                     |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/tests/testthat/get_layers_metada_wms/wxs.ign.fr                     |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/tests/testthat/get_layers_metada_wmts/wxs.ign.fr                    |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/tests/testthat/get_wfs_default_crs/wxs.ign.fr                       |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/tests/testthat/test-get_wms_raster_utils.R                          |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/tests/testthat/wfs_ecql_filter/wxs.ign.fr                           |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/tests/testthat/wfs_empty/wxs.ign.fr                                 |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/tests/testthat/wfs_intersect/wxs.ign.fr                             |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/vignettes/Getting_started-unnamed-chunk-6-1.png                     |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/vignettes/Getting_started-unnamed-chunk-7-1.png                     |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/vignettes/Getting_started-unnamed-chunk-8-1.png                     |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/vignettes/SCAN25.tif                                                |only
 happign-0.2.2/happign/vignettes/SCAN_25_SCAN_100_SCAN_OACI.Rmd                            |only
 happign-0.3.0/happign/DESCRIPTION                                                         |   12 
 happign-0.3.0/happign/MD5                                                                 |  135 +--
 happign-0.3.0/happign/NAMESPACE                                                           |  138 +--
 happign-0.3.0/happign/NEWS.md                                                             |   20 
 happign-0.3.0/happign/R/data.R                                                            |    2 
 happign-0.3.0/happign/R/get_layers_metadata.R                                             |  113 +--
 happign-0.3.0/happign/R/get_location_info.R                                               |    6 
 happign-0.3.0/happign/R/get_wfs.R                                                         |   74 --
 happign-0.3.0/happign/R/get_wfs_attributes.R                                              |   19 
 happign-0.3.0/happign/R/get_wms_raster.R                                                  |  347 ++++------
 happign-0.3.0/happign/R/get_wmts.R                                                        |   52 -
 happign-0.3.0/happign/R/utils.R                                                           |   14 
 happign-0.3.0/happign/README.md                                                           |    3 
 happign-0.3.0/happign/build/vignette.rds                                                  |binary
 happign-0.3.0/happign/inst/doc/Getting_started.Rmd                                        |  189 +++--
 happign-0.3.0/happign/inst/doc/Getting_started.html                                       |  272 ++++---
 happign-0.3.0/happign/man/are_queryable.Rd                                                |   42 -
 happign-0.3.0/happign/man/cog_2023.Rd                                                     |   54 -
 happign-0.3.0/happign/man/get_apicarto_cadastre.Rd                                        |  212 +++---
 happign-0.3.0/happign/man/get_apicarto_codes_postaux.Rd                                   |   58 -
 happign-0.3.0/happign/man/get_apicarto_gpu.Rd                                             |  178 ++---
 happign-0.3.0/happign/man/get_apicarto_rpg.Rd                                             |  136 +--
 happign-0.3.0/happign/man/get_apicarto_viticole.Rd                                        |   76 +-
 happign-0.3.0/happign/man/get_apikeys.Rd                                                  |   52 -
 happign-0.3.0/happign/man/get_last_news.Rd                                                |   42 -
 happign-0.3.0/happign/man/get_layers_metadata.Rd                                          |   91 +-
 happign-0.3.0/happign/man/get_location_info.Rd                                            |  124 +--
 happign-0.3.0/happign/man/get_raw_lidar.Rd                                                |  104 +-
 happign-0.3.0/happign/man/get_wfs.Rd                                                      |  222 ++----
 happign-0.3.0/happign/man/get_wfs_attributes.Rd                                           |   66 -
 happign-0.3.0/happign/man/get_wms_raster.Rd                                               |  207 ++---
 happign-0.3.0/happign/man/get_wmts.Rd                                                     |  140 ++--
 happign-0.3.0/happign/tests/testthat/get_apicarto_rpg/apicarto.ign.fr/api/rpg/v1-c0ba08.R |only
 happign-0.3.0/happign/tests/testthat/get_apicarto_rpg/apicarto.ign.fr/api/rpg/v2-5df1f9.R |only
 happign-0.3.0/happign/tests/testthat/get_apicarto_rpg/apicarto.ign.fr/api/rpg/v2-83136d.R |only
 happign-0.3.0/happign/tests/testthat/get_apicarto_rpg/apicarto.ign.fr/api/rpg/v2-a9a80f.R |only
 happign-0.3.0/happign/tests/testthat/get_apicarto_rpg/apicarto.ign.fr/api/rpg/v2-bedfcd.R |only
 happign-0.3.0/happign/tests/testthat/get_apicarto_rpg/apicarto.ign.fr/api/rpg/v2-fbf477.R |only
 happign-0.3.0/happign/tests/testthat/get_layers_metada_wfs/data.geopf.fr                  |only
 happign-0.3.0/happign/tests/testthat/get_layers_metada_wms/data.geopf.fr                  |only
 happign-0.3.0/happign/tests/testthat/get_layers_metada_wmts/data.geopf.fr                 |only
 happign-0.3.0/happign/tests/testthat/get_wfs_default_crs/data.geopf.fr                    |only
 happign-0.3.0/happign/tests/testthat/test-get_apicarto_rpg.R                              |   12 
 happign-0.3.0/happign/tests/testthat/test-get_layers_metadata.R                           |   26 
 happign-0.3.0/happign/tests/testthat/test-get_wfs.R                                       |   29 
 happign-0.3.0/happign/tests/testthat/test-get_wms_raster.R                                |   46 -
 happign-0.3.0/happign/tests/testthat/test-utils.R                                         |   17 
 happign-0.3.0/happign/tests/testthat/wfs_ecql_filter/data.geopf.fr                        |only
 happign-0.3.0/happign/tests/testthat/wfs_empty/data.geopf.fr                              |only
 happign-0.3.0/happign/tests/testthat/wfs_intersect/data.geopf.fr                          |only
 happign-0.3.0/happign/vignettes/Getting_started.Rmd                                       |  189 +++--
 happign-0.3.0/happign/vignettes/Getting_started.Rmd.orig                                  |   90 +-
 happign-0.3.0/happign/vignettes/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png                                     |only
 happign-0.3.0/happign/vignettes/unnamed-chunk-6-1.png                                     |only
 happign-0.3.0/happign/vignettes/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png                                     |only
 happign-0.3.0/happign/vignettes/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png                                     |only
 happign-0.3.0/happign/vignettes/web_only/api_carto.Rmd                                    |   11 
 happign-0.3.0/happign/vignettes/web_only/happign_for_foresters.Rmd                        |   65 -
 81 files changed, 1904 insertions(+), 1781 deletions(-)

More information about happign at CRAN
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Package gptr updated to version 0.6.0 with previous version 0.5.0 dated 2024-05-06

Title: A Convenient R Interface with the OpenAI 'ChatGPT' API
Description: A convenient interface with the OpenAI 'ChatGPT' API <https://openai.com/api>. 'gptr' allows you to interact with 'ChatGPT', a powerful language model, for various natural language processing tasks. The 'gptr' R package makes talking to 'ChatGPT' in R super easy. It helps researchers and data folks by simplifying the complicated stuff, like asking questions and getting answers. With 'gptr', you can use 'ChatGPT' in R without any hassle, making it simpler for everyone to do cool things with language!
Author: Wanjun Gu [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Wanjun Gu <wanjun.gu@ucsf.edu>

Diff between gptr versions 0.5.0 dated 2024-05-06 and 0.6.0 dated 2024-05-07

 DESCRIPTION |    8 ++++----
 MD5         |    2 +-
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

More information about gptr at CRAN
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New package ggmugs with initial version 0.6.0
Package: ggmugs
Title: Visualization of Multiple Genome-Wide Association Study Summary Statistics
Version: 0.6.0
Description: A 'grammar of graphics' approach for visualizing summary statistics from multiple Genome-wide Association Studies (GWAS). It offers geneticists, bioinformaticians, and researchers a powerful yet flexible tool for illustrating complex genetic associations using data from various GWAS datasets. The visualizations can be extensively customized, facilitating detailed comparative analysis across different genetic studies. Reference: Uffelmann, E. et al. (2021) <doi:10.1038/s43586-021-00056-9>.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Suggests: spelling, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
Imports: data.table, dplyr, ggplot2, purrr, tibble, tidyr
Language: en-US
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-06 19:14:04 UTC; wanjun
Author: Wanjun Gu [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Wanjun Gu <wanjun.gu@ucsf.edu>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-07 08:00:07 UTC

More information about ggmugs at CRAN
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Package fuj updated to version 0.2.0 with previous version 0.1.4 dated 2023-10-22

Title: Functions and Utilities for Jordan
Description: Provides core functions and utilities for packages and other code developed by Jordan Mark Barbone.
Author: Jordan Mark Barbone [aut, cph, cre]
Maintainer: Jordan Mark Barbone <jmbarbone@gmail.com>

Diff between fuj versions 0.1.4 dated 2023-10-22 and 0.2.0 dated 2024-05-07

 DESCRIPTION                     |   10 +--
 MD5                             |   57 +++++++++++++---------
 NAMESPACE                       |    9 +++
 NEWS.md                         |   41 ++++++++++++++++
 R/colons.R                      |   24 +++++++--
 R/data-frame.R                  |    2 
 R/fs.R                          |only
 R/fuj-package.R                 |only
 R/if-null.R                     |   14 +++--
 R/include.R                     |only
 R/list.R                        |   29 +++--------
 R/match.R                       |    2 
 R/namespace.R                   |   79 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 R/paste.R                       |    3 -
 R/struct.R                      |    6 +-
 R/utils.R                       |only
 R/verbose.R                     |  101 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 inst/WORDLIST                   |    2 
 man/fp.Rd                       |only
 man/fuj-package.Rd              |only
 man/if_null.Rd                  |    5 +
 man/include.Rd                  |only
 man/list0.Rd                    |    6 ++
 man/op.fuj.Rd                   |only
 man/require_namespace.Rd        |    2 
 man/verbose.Rd                  |   38 +++++++++++++--
 tests/testthat/_snaps           |only
 tests/testthat/include-name.R   |only
 tests/testthat/include.R        |only
 tests/testthat/test-colons.R    |    8 +--
 tests/testthat/test-fs.R        |only
 tests/testthat/test-include.R   |only
 tests/testthat/test-match.R     |    8 +--
 tests/testthat/test-namespace.R |   13 +++--
 tests/testthat/test-os.R        |    4 +
 tests/testthat/test-verbose.R   |   91 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 36 files changed, 434 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)

More information about fuj at CRAN
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New package flexlsx with initial version 0.2.1
Package: flexlsx
Title: Exporting 'flextable' to 'xlsx' Files
Version: 0.2.1
Description: Exports 'flextable' objects to 'xlsx' files, utilizing functionalities provided by 'flextable' and 'openxlsx2'.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: dplyr (>= 1.1.1), grDevices, openxlsx2 (>= 1.0.0), purrr, rlang, stringi, tibble, tidyr (>= 1.0.0)
Suggests: covr, gtsummary, flextable (>= 0.9.5), testthat (>= 3.0.0)
Depends: R (>= 4.1.0)
URL: https://github.com/pteridin/flexlsx
BugReports: https://github.com/pteridin/flexlsx/issues
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-06 19:02:38 UTC; Tobias.Heidler
Author: Tobias Heidler [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Tobias Heidler <tobias.heidler@googlemail.com>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-07 07:50:02 UTC

More information about flexlsx at CRAN
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Package cheapr updated to version 0.9.1 with previous version 0.9.0 dated 2024-04-22

Title: Simple Functions to Save Time and Memory
Description: Fast and memory-efficient (or 'cheap') tools to facilitate efficient programming, saving time and memory. It aims to provide 'cheaper' alternatives to common base R functions, as well as some additional functions.
Author: Nick Christofides [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Nick Christofides <nick.christofides.r@gmail.com>

Diff between cheapr versions 0.9.0 dated 2024-04-22 and 0.9.1 dated 2024-05-07

 cheapr-0.9.0/cheapr/man/lag_.Rd                    |only
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/DESCRIPTION                    |   10 
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/MD5                            |   51 +-
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/NAMESPACE                      |    6 
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/NEWS.md                        |   19 
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/R/cpp11.R                      |   20 
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/R/extras.R                     |   14 
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/R/lag.R                        |  176 +++++++
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/R/recycle.R                    |only
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/R/set_math.R                   |    1 
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/R/sset.R                       |   29 -
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/R/utils.R                      |  116 +++--
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/R/zzz.R                        |   41 -
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/README.md                      |  229 +++++-----
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/man/extras.Rd                  |   15 
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/man/lag.Rd                     |only
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/man/recycle.Rd                 |only
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/man/set_math.Rd                |    1 
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/src/altrep_utils.cpp           |only
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/src/cheapr_cpp.h               |    4 
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/src/cpp11.cpp                  |   44 +
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/src/gcd.cpp                    |    9 
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/src/lag.cpp                    |  473 +++++++++++++++++++--
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/src/nas.cpp                    |   93 +---
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/src/set_math.cpp               |  258 +++++++----
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/src/sset.cpp                   |   76 ---
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/src/utils.cpp                  |    8 
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/tests/testthat/test-lag.R      |  186 ++++++++
 cheapr-0.9.1/cheapr/tests/testthat/test-set_math.R |   74 +--
 29 files changed, 1382 insertions(+), 571 deletions(-)

More information about cheapr at CRAN
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New package ceas with initial version 1.0.0
Package: ceas
Title: Cellular Energetics Analysis Software
Version: 1.0.0
Description: Analysis and visualization of cellular energetics data from Agilent Seahorse XF96. Cellular energetics is how cells make, use, and distribute units of energy (primarily ATP). Measuring real-time cellular energetics is essential to understanding a tissue or cell’s bioenergetic state and fuel dependencies. The Seahorse machine measures a cell’s or matrix’s oxygen consumption rate (OCR) – a proxy of oxidative phosphorylation – and extracellular acidification rate – a proxy of glycolysis. This package offers flexible and fast analysis and plotting capabilities for such data using the methods described by Mookerjee et al. (2017) <doi:10.1074/jbc.m116.774471>.
URL: https://jamespeapen.github.io/ceas/, https://github.com/jamespeapen/ceas/
BugReports: https://github.com/jamespeapen/ceas/issues/
Imports: data.table, ggplot2, readxl, stats
Encoding: UTF-8
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-06 18:20:32 UTC; james.eapen
Author: Rachel House [aut, cre] , James Eapen [aut] , Hui Shen [fnd] , Carrie Graveel [fnd] , Matthew Steensma [fnd] , Van Andel Institute [cph]
Maintainer: Rachel House <rachel.house@vai.org>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-07 07:50:13 UTC

More information about ceas at CRAN
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New package callback with initial version 0.1.0
Package: callback
Title: Computes Statistics from Discrimination Experimental Data
Version: 0.1.0
Description: In discrimination experiments candidates are sent on the same test (e.g. job, house rental) and one examines whether they receive the same outcome. The number of non negative answers are first examined in details looking for outcome differences. Then various answering rates and their exacts confidence intervals are computed. Last, exact and asymptotic discrimination tests are performed (Student, binomial).
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Imports: stats, utils
BuildVignettes: true
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-05-04 16:27:38 UTC; dave
Author: Emmanuel Duguet [aut, cre], David Gray [ctb], Loic du Parquet [ctb], Yannick L'Horty [ctb], Remi Le Gall [ctb], Noam Leandri [ctb], Pascale Petit [ctb], Florent Sari [ctb]
Maintainer: Emmanuel Duguet <emmanuel.duguet@u-pec.fr>
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-05-07 07:40:09 UTC

More information about callback at CRAN
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Package AcceptReject updated to version 0.1.2 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2024-04-24

Title: Acceptance-Rejection Method for Generating Pseudo-Random Observations
Description: Provides a function that implements the acceptance-rejection method in an optimized manner to generate pseudo-random observations for discrete or continuous random variables. Proposed by von Neumann J. (1951), <https://mcnp.lanl.gov/pdf_files/>, the function is optimized to work in parallel on Unix-based operating systems and performs well on Windows systems. The acceptance-rejection method implemented optimizes the probability of generating observations from the desired random variable, by simply providing the probability function or probability density function, in the discrete and continuous cases, respectively. Implementation is based on references CASELLA, George at al. (2004) <https://www.jstor.org/stable/4356322>, NEAL, Radford M. (2003) <https://www.jstor.org/stable/3448413> and Bishop, Christopher M. (2006, ISBN: 978-0387310732).
Author: Pedro Rafael D. Marinho [aut, cre] , Vera Lucia Damasceno Tomazella [ctb]
Maintainer: Pedro Rafael D. Marinho <pedro.rafael.marinho@gmail.com>

Diff between AcceptReject versions 0.1.1 dated 2024-04-24 and 0.1.2 dated 2024-05-07

 AcceptReject-0.1.1/AcceptReject/tests/testthat/test-time-parallel.R      |only
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/DESCRIPTION                              |   20 
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/MD5                                      |   65 +
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/NAMESPACE                                |   11 
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/NEWS.md                                  |   22 
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/R/RcppExports.R                          |    4 
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/R/accept_reject.r                        |  211 +++---
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/R/plot.r                                 |   10 
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/R/plot_inspect.r                         |    2 
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/R/print.r                                |   10 
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/R/qqplot.R                               |only
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/README.md                                |  223 ++++--
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/build/vignette.rds                       |binary
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/inst/doc/accept_reject.R                 |   15 
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/inst/doc/accept_reject.Rmd               |   35 -
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/inst/doc/accept_reject.html              |  326 ++++------
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/inst/doc/inspect.html                    |   14 
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/inst/doc/qqplot.R                        |only
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/inst/doc/qqplot.Rmd                      |only
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/inst/doc/qqplot.html                     |only
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/man/accept_reject.Rd                     |  117 ++-
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-2-1.png |binary
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-2-2.png |only
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-3-1.png |binary
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-3-2.png |only
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-4-1.png |binary
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-4-2.png |only
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-5-1.png |binary
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-5-2.png |only
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-6-1.png |only
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-6-2.png |only
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/man/inspect.Rd                           |    2 
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/man/plot.accept_reject.Rd                |   10 
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/man/print.accept_reject.Rd               |   10 
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/man/qqplot.Rd                            |only
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/man/qqplot.accept_reject.Rd              |only
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/src/AcceptReject.cpp                     |   67 +-
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/src/RcppExports.cpp                      |   20 
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/tests/testthat/tests.R                   |only
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/vignettes/accept_reject.Rmd              |   35 -
 AcceptReject-0.1.2/AcceptReject/vignettes/qqplot.Rmd                     |only
 41 files changed, 726 insertions(+), 503 deletions(-)

More information about AcceptReject at CRAN
Permanent link

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