Fri, 28 Jun 2024

Package secr updated to version 4.6.9 with previous version 4.6.7 dated 2024-06-05

Title: Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture
Description: Functions to estimate the density and size of a spatially distributed animal population sampled with an array of passive detectors, such as traps, or by searching polygons or transects. Models incorporating distance-dependent detection are fitted by maximizing the likelihood. Tools are included for data manipulation and model selection.
Author: Murray Efford [aut, cre] , Philipp Jund [ctb] ), David Fletcher [ctb] )
Maintainer: Murray Efford <>

Diff between secr versions 4.6.7 dated 2024-06-05 and 4.6.9 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION                 |    8 ++++----
 MD5                         |   24 ++++++++++++------------
 NEWS                        |   19 ++++++++++++++++++-
 R/fastsecrloglik.R          |    3 ++-
 R/generalsecrloglik.R       |    3 ++-
 R/sim.popn.R                |   23 ++++++++++++-----------
 R/utility.R                 |    2 +-
 inst/doc/secr-datainput.pdf |binary
 inst/doc/secr-overview.pdf  |binary
 man/gridcells.Rd            |    2 +-
 man/secr-package.Rd         |    4 ++--
 man/setNumThreads.Rd        |    2 +-
 man/writeGPS.Rd             |    2 +-
 13 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

More information about secr at CRAN
Permanent link

Package ggrcs updated to version 0.4.0 with previous version 0.3.8 dated 2024-01-29

Title: Draw Histograms and Restricted Cubic Splines (RCS)
Description: You can use this function to easily draw a combined histogram and restricted cubic spline. The function draws the graph through 'ggplot2'. RCS fitting requires the use of the rcs() function of the 'rms' package. Can fit cox regression, logistic regression. This method was described by Per Kragh (2003) <doi:10.1002/sim.1497>.
Author: Qiang LIU [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Qiang LIU <>

Diff between ggrcs versions 0.3.8 dated 2024-01-29 and 0.4.0 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION                  |    6 -
 MD5                          |   12 +-                      |    2 
 R/ggrcs.R                    |   34 ++++--
 build/vignette.rds           |binary
 inst/doc/ggrcs_vignette.R    |    2 
 inst/doc/ggrcs_vignette.html |  231 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 7 files changed, 153 insertions(+), 134 deletions(-)

More information about ggrcs at CRAN
Permanent link

Package AssocBin updated to version 1.0-0 with previous version 0.1-0 dated 2023-11-23

Title: Measuring Association with Recursive Binning
Description: An iterative implementation of a recursive binary partitioning algorithm to measure pairwise dependence with a modular design that allows user specification of the splitting logic and stop criteria. Helper functions provide suggested versions of both and support visualization and the computation of summary statistics on final binnings. For a complete description of the functionality and algorithm, see Salahub and Oldford (2023) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2311.08561>.
Author: Chris Salahub [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Chris Salahub <>

Diff between AssocBin versions 0.1-0 dated 2023-11-23 and 1.0-0 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION             |   10 -
 MD5                     |   66 ++++---
 NAMESPACE               |   17 +
 R/binner.R              |  229 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 R/bins.R                |only
 R/data.R                |   46 ++++-
 R/dispatch.R            |only
 R/plotBinning.R         |  121 ++++++++++---
 R/scoring.R             |   83 +++------
 R/splitters.R           |  438 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 R/stopper.R             |   10 -
 build/vignette.rds      |binary
 data/heart.rda          |only
 data/sp500pseudo.rda    |binary
 inst/doc/AssocBin.R     |    7 
 inst/doc/AssocBin.Rmd   |   14 +
 inst/doc/AssocBin.html  |  374 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 inst/doc/complex.R      |only
 inst/doc/complex.Rmd    |only
 inst/doc/complex.html   |only
 man/binner.Rd           |   12 -
 man/catBinner.Rd        |only
 man/halfCutTie.Rd       |   17 +
 man/halfSplit.Rd        |    2 
 man/heart.Rd            |only
 man/inDep.Rd            |only
 man/makeBin.Rd          |only
 man/maxScoreSplit.Rd    |   28 +--
 man/methods.Rd          |only
 man/plotBinning.Rd      |   28 ++-
 man/rIntSplit.Rd        |only
 man/rUnifSplit.Rd       |only
 man/sandboxMaxSplit.Rd  |only
 man/scorings.Rd         |   36 +--
 man/shadings.Rd         |   17 -
 man/singleBinner.Rd     |only
 man/sp500pseudo.Rd      |    6 
 man/stopper.Rd          |    8 
 man/uniBinner.Rd        |only
 man/uniMaxScoreSplit.Rd |   10 -
 man/uniRIntSplit.Rd     |only
 vignettes/AssocBin.Rmd  |   14 +
 vignettes/complex.Rmd   |only
 43 files changed, 1158 insertions(+), 435 deletions(-)

More information about AssocBin at CRAN
Permanent link

Package statBasics updated to version 0.2.2 with previous version 0.2.0 dated 2022-08-17

Title: Basic Functions to Statistical Methods Course
Description: Basic statistical methods with some modifications for the course Statistical Methods at Federal University of Bahia (Brazil). All methods in this packages are explained in the text book of Montgomery and Runger (2010) <ISBN: 978-1-119-74635-5>.
Author: Gilberto Sassi [aut, cre], Carolina Costa Mota Paraiba [aut]
Maintainer: Gilberto Sassi <>

Diff between statBasics versions 0.2.0 dated 2022-08-17 and 0.2.2 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION        |    8 -
 MD5                |   12 -
 R/ci_1pop_norm.R   |    5 
 R/ht_2pop_mean.R   |  345 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 R/ht_2pop_prop.R   |  339 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 R/ht_2pop_var.R    |  209 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 man/ht_2pop_var.Rd |    2 
 7 files changed, 466 insertions(+), 454 deletions(-)

More information about statBasics at CRAN
Permanent link

Package dbscan updated to version 1.2-0 with previous version 1.1-12 dated 2023-11-28

Title: Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) and Related Algorithms
Description: A fast reimplementation of several density-based algorithms of the DBSCAN family. Includes the clustering algorithms DBSCAN (density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise) and HDBSCAN (hierarchical DBSCAN), the ordering algorithm OPTICS (ordering points to identify the clustering structure), shared nearest neighbor clustering, and the outlier detection algorithms LOF (local outlier factor) and GLOSH (global-local outlier score from hierarchies). The implementations use the kd-tree data structure (from library ANN) for faster k-nearest neighbor search. An R interface to fast kNN and fixed-radius NN search is also provided. Hahsler, Piekenbrock and Doran (2019) <doi:10.18637/jss.v091.i01>.
Author: Michael Hahsler [aut, cre, cph] , Matthew Piekenbrock [aut, cph], Sunil Arya [ctb, cph], David Mount [ctb, cph]
Maintainer: Michael Hahsler <>

Diff between dbscan versions 1.1-12 dated 2023-11-28 and 1.2-0 dated 2024-06-28

 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/ANN.cpp                       |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/R_JP.cpp                      |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/R_buildHDBSCAN.cpp            |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/R_cleanup.cpp                 |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/R_comps.cpp                   |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/R_dbscan.cpp                  |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/R_dendrogram.cpp              |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/R_density.cpp                 |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/R_frNN.cpp                    |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/R_kNN.cpp                     |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/R_lof.cpp                     |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/R_mrd.cpp                     |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/R_optics.cpp                  |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/R_prims_mst.cpp               |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/R_regionQuery.cpp             |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/R_regionQuery.h               |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/bd_fix_rad_search.cpp         |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/bd_pr_search.cpp              |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/bd_search.cpp                 |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/bd_tree.cpp                   |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/bd_tree.h                     |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/brute.cpp                     |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/kd_dump.cpp                   |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/kd_fix_rad_search.cpp         |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/kd_fix_rad_search.h           |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/kd_pr_search.cpp              |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/kd_pr_search.h                |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/kd_search.cpp                 |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/kd_search.h                   |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/kd_split.cpp                  |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/kd_split.h                    |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/kd_tree.cpp                   |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/kd_tree.h                     |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/kd_util.cpp                   |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/kd_util.h                     |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/perf.cpp                      |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/pr_queue.h                    |only
 dbscan-1.1-12/dbscan/src/pr_queue_k.h                  |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/DESCRIPTION                        |   24 -
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/MD5                                |  183 +++++-----
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/NAMESPACE                          |   22 +
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/                            |   19 +
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/R/AAA_dbscan-package.R             |   13 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/R/LOF.R                            |    8 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/R/broom-dbscan-tidiers.R           |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/R/dbscan.R                         |   57 ++-
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/R/extractFOSC.R                    |   11 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/R/frNN.R                           |   17 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/R/hdbscan.R                        |   10 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/R/jpclust.R                        |   23 -
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/R/kNN.R                            |   15 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/R/kNNdist.R                        |   24 +
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/R/nobs.R                           |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/R/optics.R                         |   20 -
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/R/pointdensity.R                   |    2 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/R/predict.R                        |   20 -
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/R/reachability.R                   |    2 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/R/sNN.R                            |   49 +-
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/R/sNNclust.R                       |    7 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/                          |  221 ++++++++----
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/build/partial.rdb                  |binary
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/build/vignette.rds                 |binary
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/inst/README_files/dbscan-1.png     |binary
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/inst/README_files/tidyverse-1.png  |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/inst/README_files/tidyverse3-1.png |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/inst/doc/dbscan.pdf                |binary
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/inst/doc/hdbscan.R                 |   14 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/inst/doc/hdbscan.Rmd               |   14 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/inst/doc/hdbscan.html              |   14 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/man/NN.Rd                          |    2 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/man/comps.Rd                       |    2 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/man/dbscan-package.Rd              |   37 +-
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/man/dbscan.Rd                      |   44 +-
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/man/dbscan_tidiers.Rd              |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/man/frNN.Rd                        |    6 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/man/jpclust.Rd                     |    3 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/man/kNN.Rd                         |    1 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/man/kNNdist.Rd                     |    9 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/man/sNN.Rd                         |   42 +-
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/man/sNNclust.Rd                    |    2 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/ANN.cpp                    |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/bd_fix_rad_search.cpp      |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/bd_pr_search.cpp           |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/bd_search.cpp              |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/bd_tree.cpp                |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/bd_tree.h                  |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/brute.cpp                  |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/kd_dump.cpp                |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/kd_fix_rad_search.cpp      |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/kd_fix_rad_search.h        |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/kd_pr_search.cpp           |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/kd_pr_search.h             |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/kd_search.cpp              |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/kd_search.h                |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/kd_split.cpp               |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/kd_split.h                 |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/kd_tree.cpp                |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/kd_tree.h                  |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/kd_util.cpp                |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/kd_util.h                  |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/perf.cpp                   |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/pr_queue.h                 |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/ANN/pr_queue_k.h               |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/JP.cpp                         |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/Makevars                       |   12 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/buildHDBSCAN.cpp               |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/cleanup.cpp                    |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/comps.cpp                      |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/dbscan.cpp                     |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/dendrogram.cpp                 |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/density.cpp                    |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/frNN.cpp                       |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/kNN.cpp                        |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/lof.cpp                        |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/mrd.cpp                        |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/optics.cpp                     |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/prims_mst.cpp                  |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/regionQuery.cpp                |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/src/regionQuery.h                  |only
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/tests/testthat.R                   |    4 
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/tests/testthat/test-dbscan.R       |  136 +++----
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/tests/testthat/test-fosc.R         |  142 +++----
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/tests/testthat/test-frNN.R         |  203 +++++------
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/tests/testthat/test-hdbscan.R      |  130 +++----
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/tests/testthat/test-kNN.R          |  262 +++++++-------
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/tests/testthat/test-kNNdist.R      |   41 +-
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/tests/testthat/test-lof.R          |  302 ++++++++---------
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/tests/testthat/test-optics.R       |  200 +++++------
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/tests/testthat/test-opticsXi.R     |   27 -
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/tests/testthat/test-predict.R      |  124 +++---
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/tests/testthat/test-sNN.R          |  171 ++++-----
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/vignettes/dbscan.bib               |   42 +-
 dbscan-1.2-0/dbscan/vignettes/hdbscan.Rmd              |   14 
 133 files changed, 1480 insertions(+), 1267 deletions(-)

More information about dbscan at CRAN
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Package mlflow updated to version 2.14.1 with previous version 2.13.1 dated 2024-05-30

Title: Interface to 'MLflow'
Description: R interface to 'MLflow', open source platform for the complete machine learning life cycle, see <>. This package supports installing 'MLflow', tracking experiments, creating and running projects, and saving and serving models.
Author: Matei Zaharia [aut, cre], Javier Luraschi [aut], Kevin Kuo [aut] , RStudio [cph]
Maintainer: Matei Zaharia <>

Diff between mlflow versions 2.13.1 dated 2024-05-30 and 2.14.1 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION |    6 +++---
 MD5         |    2 +-
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

More information about mlflow at CRAN
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Package MagmaClustR updated to version 1.2.1 with previous version 1.2.0 dated 2024-03-21

Title: Clustering and Prediction using Multi-Task Gaussian Processes with Common Mean
Description: An implementation for the multi-task Gaussian processes with common mean framework. Two main algorithms, called 'Magma' and 'MagmaClust', are available to perform predictions for supervised learning problems, in particular for time series or any functional/continuous data applications. The corresponding articles has been respectively proposed by Arthur Leroy, Pierre Latouche, Benjamin Guedj and Servane Gey (2022) <doi:10.1007/s10994-022-06172-1>, and Arthur Leroy, Pierre Latouche, Benjamin Guedj and Servane Gey (2023) <>. Theses approaches leverage the learning of cluster-specific mean processes, which are common across similar tasks, to provide enhanced prediction performances (even far from data) at a linear computational cost (in the number of tasks). 'MagmaClust' is a generalisation of 'Magma' where the tasks are simultaneously clustered into groups, each being associated to a specific mean process. User-oriented functions in th [...truncated...]
Author: Arthur Leroy [aut, cre] , Pierre Latouche [aut], Pierre Pathe [ctb], Alexia Grenouillat [ctb], Hugo Lelievre [ctb]
Maintainer: Arthur Leroy <>

Diff between MagmaClustR versions 1.2.0 dated 2024-03-21 and 1.2.1 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION                                             |    6 
 MD5                                                     |   39                                                 |   15 
 R/initialisation.R                                      |  596 ++--
 R/kernel-to-matrices.R                                  | 1125 ++++----
 R/plot-functions.R                                      | 2054 ++++++++--------
 R/prediction.R                                          |   86 
 R/sampling.R                                            |   17 
 R/training.R                                            |   39                                               |   28 
 man/check_symmetric.Rd                                  |only
 man/figures/README-gif_Magma-1.gif                      |binary
 man/figures/README-train_and_predict_Magma-1.png        |binary
 man/figures/README-train_and_predict_Magma_in_2-D-1.png |binary
 man/pred_magmaclust.Rd                                  |    2 
 man/regularize_data.Rd                                  |   22 
 man/select_nb_cluster.Rd                                |    6 
 man/train_gp.Rd                                         |    4 
 man/train_gp_clust.Rd                                   |    6 
 man/train_magma.Rd                                      |    7 
 man/train_magmaclust.Rd                                 |    6 
 21 files changed, 2095 insertions(+), 1963 deletions(-)

More information about MagmaClustR at CRAN
Permanent link

Package cit updated to version 2.3.2 with previous version 2.3.1 dated 2021-05-25

Title: Causal Inference Test
Description: A likelihood-based hypothesis testing approach is implemented for assessing causal mediation. Described in Millstein, Chen, and Breton (2016), <DOI:10.1093/bioinformatics/btw135>, it could be used to test for mediation of a known causal association between a DNA variant, the 'instrumental variable', and a clinical outcome or phenotype by gene expression or DNA methylation, the potential mediator. Another example would be testing mediation of the effect of a drug on a clinical outcome by the molecular target. The hypothesis test generates a p-value or permutation-based FDR value with confidence intervals to quantify uncertainty in the causal inference. The outcome can be represented by either a continuous or binary variable, the potential mediator is continuous, and the instrumental variable can be continuous or binary and is not limited to a single variable but may be a design matrix representing multiple variables.
Author: Joshua Millstein [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Joshua Millstein <>

Diff between cit versions 2.3.1 dated 2021-05-25 and 2.3.2 dated 2024-06-28

 cit-2.3.1/cit/build                      |only
 cit-2.3.2/cit/DESCRIPTION                |   11 ++++++-----
 cit-2.3.2/cit/MD5                        |   19 +++++++++----------
 cit-2.3.2/cit/inst/CITATION              |    4 ++--
 cit-2.3.2/cit/man/cit-package.Rd         |    5 +++--
 cit-2.3.2/cit/src/Makevars               |    2 +-
 cit-2.3.2/cit/src/           |    2 +-
 cit-2.3.2/cit/src/citconlog2.cpp         |    6 ++++--
 cit-2.3.2/cit/src/citconlog2cvr.cpp      |    6 ++++--
 cit-2.3.2/cit/src/citconlog3_perm.cpp    |    6 ++++--
 cit-2.3.2/cit/src/citconlog3cvr_perm.cpp |    6 ++++--
 11 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

More information about cit at CRAN
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Package swagger updated to version with previous version 5.17.14 dated 2024-06-11

Title: Dynamically Generates Documentation from a 'Swagger' Compliant API
Description: A collection of 'HTML', 'JavaScript', and 'CSS' assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a 'Swagger' compliant API: <>.
Author: Barret Schloerke [aut] , Javier Luraschi [aut], Bruno Tremblay [cre, ctb], RStudio [cph], SmartBear Software [aut, cph]
Maintainer: Bruno Tremblay <>

Diff between swagger versions 5.17.14 dated 2024-06-11 and dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION                                |    6 -
 MD5                                        |   18 ++---                                    |   50 ++++++++-------
 inst/dist5/package.json                    |   36 +++++------
 inst/dist5/swagger-ui-bundle.js            |    2 
 inst/dist5/swagger-ui-standalone-preset.js |    2 
 inst/dist5/swagger-ui.css                  |    4 -
 inst/dist5/swagger-ui.js                   |    2 
 man/swagger-package.Rd                     |   86 +++++++++++++--------------
 tests/testthat/test-md5sum.R               |   92 ++++++++++++++---------------
 10 files changed, 151 insertions(+), 147 deletions(-)

More information about swagger at CRAN
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Package easyWechat updated to version 0.2.0 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2024-06-21

Title: A Notifier for R Users by 'WeChat'
Description: This is a 'WeChat' Notifier for R users to notice when script run complete.
Author: Lei Cui Developer [aut, ctr, cph, cre], An Qin Researcher [fnd, ths], Feng Jiang Engineer [ctb]
Maintainer: Lei Cui Developer <>

Diff between easyWechat versions 0.1.0 dated 2024-06-21 and 0.2.0 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION        |    6 +++---
 MD5                |    8 ++++----
 R/wechat.R         |   15 ++++++++-------
 man/WechatMsg.Rd   |    8 ++++----
 man/WechatRobot.Rd |    2 +-
 5 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

More information about easyWechat at CRAN
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Package mexhaz updated to version 2.6 with previous version 2.5 dated 2024-03-20

Title: Mixed Effect Excess Hazard Models
Description: Fit flexible (excess) hazard regression models with the possibility of including non-proportional effects of covariables and of adding a random effect at the cluster level (corresponding to a shared frailty). A detailed description of the package functionalities is provided in Charvat and Belot (2021) <doi: 10.18637/jss.v098.i14>.
Author: Hadrien Charvat, Aurelien Belot, Juste Goungounga
Maintainer: Hadrien Charvat <>

Diff between mexhaz versions 2.5 dated 2024-03-20 and 2.6 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION           |   10 
 MD5                   |   20 -
 NEWS                  |    6 
 R/mexhaz.R            |    4 
 R/mexhazAlpha.R       |only
 R/mexhazAlphaStd.R    |only
 R/mexhazEgh.R         |   46 ++-
 R/mexhazStd.R         |    1 
 R/predict.mexhaz.R    |  653 --------------------------------------------------
 R/predictRec.R        |only
 R/predictStd.R        |only
 man/mexhaz.Rd         |    8 
 man/predict.mexhaz.Rd |    2 
 13 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 677 deletions(-)

More information about mexhaz at CRAN
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Package lqr updated to version 5.1 with previous version 5.0 dated 2022-08-15

Title: Robust Linear Quantile Regression
Description: It fits a robust linear quantile regression model using a new family of zero-quantile distributions for the error term. Missing values and censored observations can be handled as well. This family of distribution includes skewed versions of the Normal, Student's t, Laplace, Slash and Contaminated Normal distribution. It also performs logistic quantile regression for bounded responses as shown in Galarza <doi:10.1007/s13571-020-00231-0>. It provides estimates and full inference. It also provides envelopes plots for assessing the fit and confidences bands when several quantiles are provided simultaneously.
Author: Christian E. Galarza <>, Luis Benites <>, Marcelo Bourguignon <>, Victor H. Lachos <>
Maintainer: Christian E. Galarza <>

Diff between lqr versions 5.0 dated 2022-08-15 and 5.1 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION        |   12 ++++++------
 MD5                |   20 ++++++++++----------
 NAMESPACE          |    7 +++----
 build/partial.rdb  |binary
 man/SKD.Rd         |    4 ++--
 man/best.lqr.Rd    |    2 +-
 man/cens.lqr.Rd    |    2 +-
 man/logbestlqr.Rd  |    4 ++--
 man/loglqr.Rd      |    2 +-
 man/lqr-package.Rd |    4 ++--
 man/lqr.Rd         |    2 +-
 11 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

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Package Nonpareil updated to version 3.5.3 with previous version 3.4.0 dated 2022-01-28

Title: Metagenome Coverage Estimation and Projections for 'Nonpareil'
Description: Plot, process, and analyze NPO files produced by 'Nonpareil' <>.
Author: Luis M. Rodriguez-R [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Luis M. Rodriguez-R <>

Diff between Nonpareil versions 3.4.0 dated 2022-01-28 and 3.5.3 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION                            |    8 ++++----
 MD5                                    |   26 +++++++++++++-------------
 R/Nonpareil.R                          |    4 ++--
 man/Nonpareil.Rd                       |   13 ++++++++++++-
 man/Nonpareil.curve.Rd                 |   24 ++++++++++++++++++++----
 man/Nonpareil.curve.batch.Rd           |   10 ++++++++--
 man/Nonpareil.set.Rd                   |   30 ++++++++++++++++++++----------
 man/cash-Nonpareil.Curve-method.Rd     |    1 -
 man/cash-Nonpareil.Set-method.Rd       |    1 -
 man/cash-set-Nonpareil.Curve-method.Rd |    1 -
 man/cash-set-Nonpareil.Set-method.Rd   |    1 -
 man/plot.Nonpareil.Curve.Rd            |   28 ++++++++++++++++++++++------
 man/plot.Nonpareil.Set.Rd              |   10 ++++++++--
 man/plus-Nonpareil.Set-ANY-method.Rd   |    1 -
 14 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

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Package TMB updated to version 1.9.13 with previous version 1.9.12 dated 2024-06-19

Title: Template Model Builder: A General Random Effect Tool Inspired by 'ADMB'
Description: With this tool, a user should be able to quickly implement complex random effect models through simple C++ templates. The package combines 'CppAD' (C++ automatic differentiation), 'Eigen' (templated matrix-vector library) and 'CHOLMOD' (sparse matrix routines available from R) to obtain an efficient implementation of the applied Laplace approximation with exact derivatives. Key features are: Automatic sparseness detection, parallelism through 'BLAS' and parallel user templates.
Author: Kasper Kristensen [aut, cre, cph], Brad Bell [cph], Hans Skaug [ctb], Arni Magnusson [ctb], Casper Berg [ctb], Anders Nielsen [ctb], Martin Maechler [ctb], Theo Michelot [ctb], Mollie Brooks [ctb], Alex Forrence [ctb], Christoffer Moesgaard Albertsen [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Kasper Kristensen <>

Diff between TMB versions 1.9.12 dated 2024-06-19 and 1.9.13 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION |    8 ++++----
 MD5         |    6 +++---
 NEWS        |    6 ++++++
 src/utils.c |    2 +-
 4 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

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Package tagtools updated to version 0.2.0 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2023-07-18

Title: Work with Data from High-Resolution Biologging Tags
Description: High-resolution movement-sensor tags typically include accelerometers to measure body posture and sudden movements or changes in speed, magnetometers to measure direction of travel, and pressure sensors to measure dive depth in aquatic or marine animals. The sensors in these tags usually sample many times per second. Some tags include sensors for speed, turning rate (gyroscopes), and sound. This package provides software tools to facilitate calibration, processing, and analysis of such data. Tools are provided for: data import/export; calibration (from raw data to calibrated data in scientific units); visualization (for example, multi-panel time-series plots); data processing (such as event detection, calculation of derived metrics like jerk and dynamic acceleration, dive detection, and dive parameter calculation); and statistical analysis (for example, track reconstruction, a rotation test, and Mahalanobis distance analysis).
Author: Stacy DeRuiter [aut, cre, cph] , Mark Johnson [aut, cph], David Sweeney [aut], Ye Joo McNamara-Oh [aut], Samuel Fynewever [aut], Racheal Tejevbo [aut], Tiago Marques [aut], Yuqian Wang [aut], Su Ogedegbe [aut]
Maintainer: Stacy DeRuiter <>

Diff between tagtools versions 0.1.0 dated 2023-07-18 and 0.2.0 dated 2024-06-28

 tagtools-0.1.0/tagtools/R/col_line.R              |only
 tagtools-0.1.0/tagtools/man/col_line.Rd           |only
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/DESCRIPTION               |   20 -
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/MD5                       |   89 ++---
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/NAMESPACE                 |    2 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/                   |   24 +
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/R/check_AM.R              |   10 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/R/col_line3.R             |  100 +++---
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/R/comp_filt.R             |    2 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/R/crop_all.R              |    2 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/R/crop_to.R               |    2 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/R/data.R                  |   46 +-
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/R/decz.R                  |    2 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/R/depth_rate.R            |    2 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/R/dive_stats.R            |  342 +++++++++++-----------
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/R/fir_nodelay.R           |    2 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/R/interp2length.R         |    4 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/R/make_specgram.R         |    6 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/R/ocdr.R                  |    2 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/R/odba.R                  |    4 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/R/plott.R                 |  186 +++++++----
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/R/plott_base.R            |only
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/R/plott_static_panel.R    |only
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/R/read_cats.R             |   22 +
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/R/read_cats_csv.R         |   13 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/R/rotation_test.R         |   24 -
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/                 |   71 +++-
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/beaked_whale.Rd       |    2 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/check_AM.Rd           |   10 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/col_line3.Rd          |    2 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/comp_filt.Rd          |    2 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/crop_all.Rd           |    2 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/crop_to.Rd            |    2 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/decz.Rd               |    2 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/depth_rate.Rd         |    2 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/dive_stats.Rd         |   28 -
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/draw_axis.Rd          |    2 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/fir_nodelay.Rd        |    2 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/harbor_seal.Rd        |    2 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/interp2length.Rd      |    4 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/make_specgram.Rd      |    6 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/ocdr.Rd               |    2 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/odba.Rd               |    4 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/plott.Rd              |   21 -
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/plott_base.Rd         |only
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/plott_static_panel.Rd |only
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/read_cats.Rd          |    9 
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/man/rotation_test.Rd      |   23 -
 tagtools-0.2.0/tagtools/tests/testthat/Rplots.pdf |only
 49 files changed, 608 insertions(+), 496 deletions(-)

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Package segregatr updated to version 0.4.0 with previous version 0.3.0 dated 2023-06-26

Title: Segregation Analysis for Variant Interpretation
Description: An implementation of the full-likelihood Bayes factor (FLB) for evaluating segregation evidence in clinical medical genetics. The method was introduced by Thompson et al. (2003) <doi:10.1086/378100>. This implementation supports custom penetrance values and liability classes, and allows visualisations and robustness analysis as presented in Ratajska et al. (2023) <doi:10.1002/mgg3.2107>. See also the online app 'shinyseg', <>, which offers interactive segregation analysis with many additional features (Carrizosa et al. (2024) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btae201>).
Author: Magnus Dehli Vigeland [aut, cre] , Christian Carrizosa [aut]
Maintainer: Magnus Dehli Vigeland <>

Diff between segregatr versions 0.3.0 dated 2023-06-26 and 0.4.0 dated 2024-06-28

 segregatr-0.3.0/segregatr/man/segregatr.Rd                     |only
 segregatr-0.4.0/segregatr/DESCRIPTION                          |   41 +++----
 segregatr-0.4.0/segregatr/MD5                                  |   29 ++---
 segregatr-0.4.0/segregatr/                              |   20 ++-
 segregatr-0.4.0/segregatr/R/FLB.R                              |   53 +++++-----
 segregatr-0.4.0/segregatr/R/plotSegregation.R                  |    2 
 segregatr-0.4.0/segregatr/R/segregatr-package.R                |   25 ----
 segregatr-0.4.0/segregatr/R/startdata_causative.R              |   40 +++----
 segregatr-0.4.0/segregatr/                            |   39 ++++++-
 segregatr-0.4.0/segregatr/build/partial.rdb                    |binary
 segregatr-0.4.0/segregatr/inst/CITATION                        |only
 segregatr-0.4.0/segregatr/man/FLB.Rd                           |    6 -
 segregatr-0.4.0/segregatr/man/figures/README-sibex-1.png       |binary
 segregatr-0.4.0/segregatr/man/segregatr-package.Rd             |only
 segregatr-0.4.0/segregatr/tests/testthat/Rplots.pdf            |binary
 segregatr-0.4.0/segregatr/tests/testthat/test-intro-errors.R   |   22 ++--
 segregatr-0.4.0/segregatr/tests/testthat/test-other-examples.R |   12 ++
 17 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-)

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Package Rlabkey updated to version 3.2.3 with previous version 3.2.2 dated 2024-06-07

Title: Data Exchange Between R and 'LabKey' Server
Description: The 'LabKey' client library for R makes it easy for R users to load live data from a 'LabKey' Server, <>, into the R environment for analysis, provided users have permissions to read the data. It also enables R users to insert, update, and delete records stored on a 'LabKey' Server, provided they have appropriate permissions to do so.
Author: Peter Hussey
Maintainer: Cory Nathe <>

Diff between Rlabkey versions 3.2.2 dated 2024-06-07 and 3.2.3 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION                        |    8 ++++----
 MD5                                |   12 ++++++------
 NEWS                               |    3 +++
 R/labkey.experiment.R              |    7 +------
 man/Rlabkey-package.Rd             |    4 ++--
 man/labkey.experiment.createRun.Rd |   33 +--------------------------------
 man/labkey.experiment.saveBatch.Rd |   30 ------------------------------
 7 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)

More information about Rlabkey at CRAN
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New package osmapiR with initial version 0.1.0
Package: osmapiR
Title: 'OpenStreetMap' API
Version: 0.1.0
Maintainer: Joan Maspons <>
Description: Interface to 'OpenStreetMap API' for fetching and saving data from/to the 'OpenStreetMap' database (<>).
License: GPL (>= 3)
Imports: curl, httr2, xml2
Suggests: httptest2, httpuv, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-06-27 10:11:16 UTC; joan
Author: Joan Maspons [aut, cre, cph] , Jon Harmon [rev] , Carlos Camara [rev]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-06-28 14:40:04 UTC

More information about osmapiR at CRAN
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Package mlr3learners updated to version 0.7.0 with previous version 0.6.0 dated 2024-03-13

Title: Recommended Learners for 'mlr3'
Description: Recommended Learners for 'mlr3'. Extends 'mlr3' with interfaces to essential machine learning packages on CRAN. This includes, but is not limited to: (penalized) linear and logistic regression, linear and quadratic discriminant analysis, k-nearest neighbors, naive Bayes, support vector machines, and gradient boosting.
Author: Michel Lang [aut] , Quay Au [aut] , Stefan Coors [aut] , Patrick Schratz [aut] , Marc Becker [cre, aut]
Maintainer: Marc Becker <>

Diff between mlr3learners versions 0.6.0 dated 2024-03-13 and 0.7.0 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION                                     |   36 ++++---
 MD5                                             |   64 ++++++-------
 NAMESPACE                                       |    1                                         |    5 +
 R/LearnerClassifXgboost.R                       |  112 +++++++++++++++++-------
 R/LearnerRegrXgboost.R                          |   93 +++++++++++++++----
 R/zzz.R                                         |    4 
 inst/paramtest/test_paramtest_classif.xgboost.R |   12 +-
 inst/paramtest/test_paramtest_regr.xgboost.R    |   12 +-
 man/mlr3learners-package.Rd                     |    3 
 man/mlr_learners_classif.cv_glmnet.Rd           |   10 +-
 man/mlr_learners_classif.glmnet.Rd              |    8 -
 man/mlr_learners_classif.kknn.Rd                |    8 -
 man/mlr_learners_classif.lda.Rd                 |    6 -
 man/mlr_learners_classif.log_reg.Rd             |   10 +-
 man/mlr_learners_classif.multinom.Rd            |    6 -
 man/mlr_learners_classif.naive_bayes.Rd         |    6 -
 man/mlr_learners_classif.nnet.Rd                |    8 -
 man/mlr_learners_classif.qda.Rd                 |    6 -
 man/mlr_learners_classif.ranger.Rd              |   10 +-
 man/mlr_learners_classif.svm.Rd                 |    8 -
 man/mlr_learners_classif.xgboost.Rd             |   70 +++++++++------
 man/mlr_learners_regr.cv_glmnet.Rd              |   10 +-
 man/mlr_learners_regr.glmnet.Rd                 |    8 -
 man/mlr_learners_regr.kknn.Rd                   |    8 -
 man/                     |   28 +++---
 man/mlr_learners_regr.lm.Rd                     |    6 -
 man/mlr_learners_regr.nnet.Rd                   |    8 -
 man/mlr_learners_regr.ranger.Rd                 |    8 -
 man/mlr_learners_regr.svm.Rd                    |    6 -
 man/mlr_learners_regr.xgboost.Rd                |   71 +++++++++------
 tests/testthat/test_classif_xgboost.R           |   62 +++++++++++--
 tests/testthat/test_regr_xgboost.R              |   62 +++++++++++--
 33 files changed, 513 insertions(+), 262 deletions(-)

More information about mlr3learners at CRAN
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Package dynamicSDM updated to version 1.3.4 with previous version 1.3.3 dated 2023-10-18

Title: Species Distribution and Abundance Modelling at High Spatio-Temporal Resolution
Description: A collection of novel tools for generating species distribution and abundance models (SDM) that are dynamic through both space and time. These highly flexible functions incorporate spatial and temporal aspects across key SDM stages; including when cleaning and filtering species occurrence data, generating pseudo-absence records, assessing and correcting sampling biases and autocorrelation, extracting explanatory variables and projecting distribution patterns. Throughout, functions utilise Google Earth Engine and Google Drive to minimise the computing power and storage demands associated with species distribution modelling at high spatio-temporal resolution.
Author: Rachel Dobson [aut, cre, ctb] , Andy J. Challinor [aut, ctb] , Robert A. Cheke [aut, ctb] , Stewart Jennings [aut, ctb] , Stephen G. Willis [aut, ctb] , Martin Dallimer [aut, ctb]
Maintainer: Rachel Dobson <>

Diff between dynamicSDM versions 1.3.3 dated 2023-10-18 and 1.3.4 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION                              |    6 
 MD5                                      |   32 -
 R/brt_fit.R                              |    8 
 R/spatiotemp_bias.R                      |    4 
 R/spatiotemp_check.R                     |  278 ++++++-------
 R/spatiotemp_thin.R                      |   36 +
 build/partial.rdb                        |binary
 build/vignette.rds                       |binary
 inst/doc/vignette1_response_data.R       |    2 
 inst/doc/vignette1_response_data.html    |  638 ++++++++-----------------------
 inst/doc/vignette2_explanatory_data.R    |    4 
 inst/doc/vignette2_explanatory_data.html |  399 +++----------------
 inst/doc/vignette3_modelling.R           |    2 
 inst/doc/vignette3_modelling.html        |  371 +++---------------
 inst/doc/vignette4_projecting.R          |    2 
 inst/doc/vignette4_projecting.html       |  390 +++---------------
 man/spatiotemp_check.Rd                  |    2 
 17 files changed, 588 insertions(+), 1586 deletions(-)

More information about dynamicSDM at CRAN
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Package DIDmultiplegtDYN updated to version 1.0.13 with previous version 1.0.12 dated 2024-06-20

Title: Estimation in Difference-in-Difference Designs with Multiple Groups and Periods
Description: Estimation of event-study Difference-in-Difference (DID) estimators in designs with multiple groups and periods, and with a potentially non-binary treatment that may increase or decrease multiple times.
Author: Diego Ciccia [aut, cre], Felix Knau [aut], Melitine Malezieux [aut], Doulo Sow [aut], Clement de Chaisemartin [aut]
Maintainer: Diego Ciccia <>

Diff between DIDmultiplegtDYN versions 1.0.12 dated 2024-06-20 and 1.0.13 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION             |    6 +++---
 MD5                     |    4 ++--
 R/did_multiplegt_main.R |    4 ++--
 3 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

More information about DIDmultiplegtDYN at CRAN
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New package convertBCD with initial version 1.0
Package: convertBCD
Title: Convert Decimal to Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD) Form and Vice Versa
Version: 1.0
Date: 2024-06-24
Description: Convert BCD (raw bytes) to decimal numbers and vice versa. BCD format is used to preserve decimals exactly, as opposed to the binary rounding errors inherent in "numeric" or "floating-point" formats.
License: LGPL-3
Imports: Rmpfr, gmp, methods
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-06-28 11:50:35 UTC; cgw
Author: Carl Witthoft [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Carl Witthoft <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-06-28 15:00:02 UTC

More information about convertBCD at CRAN
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New package clap with initial version 0.1.0
Package: clap
Title: Detecting Class Overlapping Regions in Multidimensional Data
Version: 0.1.0
Description: The issue of overlapping regions in multidimensional data arises when different classes or clusters share similar feature representations, making it challenging to delineate distinct boundaries between them accurately. This package provides methods for detecting and visualizing these overlapping regions using partitional clustering techniques based on nearest neighbor distances.
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: mclust, FNN, dplyr, stats, rlang
Suggests: ggplot2
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-06-28 10:25:59 UTC; User
Author: Priyanga Dilini Talagala [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Priyanga Dilini Talagala <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-06-28 14:50:06 UTC

More information about clap at CRAN
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New package cartographr with initial version 0.2.2
Package: cartographr
Title: Crafting Print-Ready Maps and Layered Visualizations
Version: 0.2.2
Description: Simplifying the creation of print-ready maps, this package offers a user-friendly interface derived from 'ggplot2' for handling OpenStreetMap data. It streamlines the map-making process, allowing users to focus on the story their maps tell. Transforming raw geospatial data into informative visualizations is made easy with simple features 'sf' geometries. Whether for urban planning, environmental studies, or impactful public presentations, this tool facilitates straightforward and effective map creation. Enhance the dissemination of spatial information with high-quality, narrative-driven visualizations!
License: GPL (>= 3)
Depends: R (>= 3.6)
Imports: cli, crayon, osmdata, ggplot2, grid, showtext, sysfonts, sf, utils
Suggests: dplyr, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Encoding: UTF-8
Language: en-US
LazyData: true
LazyDataCompression: xz
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-06-28 10:12:36 UTC; David.Willinger
Author: David Willinger [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: David Willinger <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-06-28 14:50:09 UTC

More information about cartographr at CRAN
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Package bbotk updated to version 1.0.0 with previous version 0.8.0 dated 2024-02-29

Title: Black-Box Optimization Toolkit
Description: Features highly configurable search spaces via the 'paradox' package and optimizes every user-defined objective function. The package includes several optimization algorithms e.g. Random Search, Iterated Racing, Bayesian Optimization (in 'mlr3mbo') and Hyperband (in 'mlr3hyperband'). bbotk is the base package of 'mlr3tuning', 'mlr3fselect' and 'miesmuschel'.
Author: Marc Becker [cre, aut] , Jakob Richter [aut] , Michel Lang [aut] , Bernd Bischl [aut] , Martin Binder [aut], Olaf Mersmann [ctb]
Maintainer: Marc Becker <>

Diff between bbotk versions 0.8.0 dated 2024-02-29 and 1.0.0 dated 2024-06-28

 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/R/ArchiveBest.R                                    |only
 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/R/CallbackOptimization.R                           |only
 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/R/ContextOptimization.R                            |only
 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerCmaes.R                                 |only
 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerDesignPoints.R                          |only
 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerFocusSearch.R                           |only
 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerGenSA.R                                 |only
 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerGridSearch.R                            |only
 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerIrace.R                                 |only
 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerNLoptr.R                                |only
 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerRandomSearch.R                          |only
 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/man/ArchiveBest.Rd                                 |only
 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/man/CallbackOptimization.Rd                        |only
 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/man/ContextOptimization.Rd                         |only
 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/man/callback_optimization.Rd                       |only
 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/man/optimize_default.Rd                            |only
 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/helper_rs.R                         |only
 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_Archive.R                      |only
 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_ArchiveBest.R                  |only
 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_OptimInstanceMultiCrit.R       |only
 bbotk-0.8.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_OptimInstanceSingleCrit.R      |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/DESCRIPTION                                        |   97 -
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/MD5                                                |  272 ++--
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/NAMESPACE                                          |   64 -
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/                                            |   13 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/Archive.R                                        |  197 ---
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/ArchiveAsync.R                                   |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/ArchiveBatch.R                                   |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/CallbackAsync.R                                  |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/CallbackBatch.R                                  |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/Codomain.R                                       |    6 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/ContextAsync.R                                   |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/ContextBatch.R                                   |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/Objective.R                                      |   62 -
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/ObjectiveRFun.R                                  |   22 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/ObjectiveRFunDt.R                                |   22 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/ObjectiveRFunMany.R                              |   19 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimInstance.R                                  |  218 +--
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimInstanceAsync.R                             |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimInstanceAsyncMultiCrit.R                    |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimInstanceAsyncSingleCrit.R                   |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimInstanceBatch.R                             |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimInstanceBatchMultiCrit.R                    |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimInstanceBatchSingleCrit.R                   |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimInstanceMultiCrit.R                         |   77 -
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimInstanceSingleCrit.R                        |   65 -
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/Optimizer.R                                      |   68 -
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerAsync.R                                 |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerAsyncDesignPoints.R                     |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerAsyncGridSearch.R                       |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerAsyncRandomSearch.R                     |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerBatch.R                                 |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerBatchCmaes.R                            |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerBatchDesignPoints.R                     |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerBatchFocusSearch.R                      |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerBatchGenSA.R                            |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerBatchGridSearch.R                       |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerBatchIrace.R                            |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerBatchNLoptr.R                           |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/OptimizerBatchRandomSearch.R                     |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/Terminator.R                                     |   10 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/TerminatorClockTime.R                            |    2 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/TerminatorCombo.R                                |    2 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/TerminatorEvals.R                                |    2 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/TerminatorNone.R                                 |    4 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/TerminatorPerfReached.R                          |    2 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/TerminatorRunTime.R                              |    2 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/TerminatorStagnation.R                           |    2 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/as_terminator.R                                  |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/assertions.R                                     |  104 +
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/bb_optimize.R                                    |    4 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/helper.R                                         |   83 -
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/mlr_callbacks.R                                  |    6 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/sugar.R                                          |   65 +
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/worker_loops.R                                   |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/R/zzz.R                                            |    1 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/                                          |   22 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/inst/WORDLIST                                      |    8 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/inst/doc/bbotk.R                                   |    4 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/inst/doc/bbotk.Rmd                                 |    4 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/inst/doc/bbotk.html                                |  591 +++++-----
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/Archive.Rd                                     |  158 --
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/ArchiveAsync.Rd                                |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/ArchiveBatch.Rd                                |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/CallbackAsync.Rd                               |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/CallbackBatch.Rd                               |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/Codomain.Rd                                    |   18 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/ContextAsync.Rd                                |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/ContextBatch.Rd                                |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/Objective.Rd                                   |   52 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/ObjectiveRFun.Rd                               |    4 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/ObjectiveRFunDt.Rd                             |    4 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/ObjectiveRFunMany.Rd                           |    4 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/OptimInstance.Rd                               |  133 --
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/OptimInstanceAsync.Rd                          |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/OptimInstanceAsyncMultiCrit.Rd                 |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/OptimInstanceAsyncSingleCrit.Rd                |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/OptimInstanceBatch.Rd                          |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/OptimInstanceBatchMultiCrit.Rd                 |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/OptimInstanceBatchSingleCrit.Rd                |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/OptimInstanceMultiCrit.Rd                      |   74 -
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/OptimInstanceSingleCrit.Rd                     |   61 -
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/Optimizer.Rd                                   |   28 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/OptimizerAsync.Rd                              |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/OptimizerBatch.Rd                              |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/as_terminator.Rd                               |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/assign_result_default.Rd                       |    4 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/bb_optimize.Rd                                 |    2 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/bbotk.backup.Rd                                |    2 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/bbotk_assertions.Rd                            |   40 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/bbotk_worker_loop.Rd                           |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/callback_async.Rd                              |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/callback_batch.Rd                              |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/evaluate_queue_default.Rd                      |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/mlr_optimizers_async_design_points.Rd          |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/mlr_optimizers_async_grid_search.Rd            |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/mlr_optimizers_async_random_search.Rd          |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/mlr_optimizers_cmaes.Rd                        |   30 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/mlr_optimizers_design_points.Rd                |   30 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/mlr_optimizers_focus_search.Rd                 |   30 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/mlr_optimizers_gensa.Rd                        |   30 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/mlr_optimizers_grid_search.Rd                  |   30 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/mlr_optimizers_irace.Rd                        |   36 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/mlr_optimizers_nloptr.Rd                       |   30 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/mlr_optimizers_random_search.Rd                |   30 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/mlr_terminators_none.Rd                        |    2 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/oi.Rd                                          |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/oi_async.Rd                                    |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/optimize_async_default.Rd                      |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/optimize_batch_default.Rd                      |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/search_start.Rd                                |    2 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/shrink_ps.Rd                                   |    2 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/terminated_error.Rd                            |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/man/trafo_xs.Rd                                    |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/_snaps                              |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/helper.R                            |   43 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/setup.R                             |   10 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/teardown.R                          |    3 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_ArchiveAsync.R                 |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_ArchiveBatch.R                 |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_Callback.R                     |   29 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_Objective.R                    |    8 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_OptimInstanceAsyncSingleCrit.R |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_OptimInstanceBatchMultiCrit.R  |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_OptimInstanceBatchSingleCrit.R |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_OptimizerAsynDesignPoints.R    |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_OptimizerAsynGridSearch.R      |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_OptimizerAsync.R               |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_OptimizerAsyncRandomSearch.R   |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_OptimizerCmaes.R               |    8 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_OptimizerDesignPoints.R        |   10 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_OptimizerFocusSearch.R         |   10 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_OptimizerGenSA.R               |    6 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_OptimizerGridSearch.R          |   10 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_OptimizerIrace.R               |   22 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_OptimizerNLoptr.R              |    6 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_OptimizerRandomSearch.R        |   14 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_TerminatorClockTime.R          |    4 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_TerminatorCombo.R              |    2 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_TerminatorEvals.R              |    8 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_TerminatorNone.R               |    4 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_TerminatorPerfReached.R        |    6 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_TerminatorRunTime.R            |    6 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_TerminatorStagnation.R         |    6 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_TerminatorStagnationBatch.R    |    8 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_bb_optimize.R                  |   16 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_deprecated.R                   |only
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_mlr_callbacks.R                |   41 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_mlr_optimizers.R               |    4 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/tests/testthat/test_nds_selection.R                |    2 
 bbotk-1.0.0/bbotk/vignettes/bbotk.Rmd                                |    4 
 171 files changed, 1615 insertions(+), 1631 deletions(-)

More information about bbotk at CRAN
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Package bigBits updated to version 1.3 with previous version 1.2 dated 2024-03-26

Title: Perform Boolean Operations on Large Numbers
Description: A set of Boolean operators which accept integers of any size, in any base from 2 to 36, including 2's complement format, and perform actions like "AND," "OR", "NOT", "SHIFTR/L" etc. The output can be in any base specified. A direct base to base converter is included.
Author: Carl Witthoft [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Carl Witthoft <>

Diff between bigBits versions 1.2 dated 2024-03-26 and 1.3 dated 2024-06-28

 bigBits-1.2/bigBits/R/AbigBoolean.R   |only
 bigBits-1.3/bigBits/ChangeLog         |    3 +-
 bigBits-1.3/bigBits/DESCRIPTION       |   10 +++---
 bigBits-1.3/bigBits/MD5               |   16 +++++-----
 bigBits-1.3/bigBits/NAMESPACE         |    2 -
 bigBits-1.3/bigBits/R/base2base.R     |   16 +++++++++-
 bigBits-1.3/bigBits/R/bigBoolean.R    |only
 bigBits-1.3/bigBits/R/fracB2B.R       |   50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 bigBits-1.3/bigBits/build/partial.rdb |binary
 bigBits-1.3/bigBits/man/fracB2B.Rd    |    2 -
 10 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

More information about bigBits at CRAN
Permanent link

Package pedtools updated to version 2.7.0 with previous version 2.6.0 dated 2024-03-31

Title: Creating and Working with Pedigrees and Marker Data
Description: A comprehensive collection of tools for creating, manipulating and visualising pedigrees and genetic marker data. Pedigrees can be read from text files or created on the fly with built-in functions. A range of utilities enable modifications like adding or removing individuals, breaking loops, and merging pedigrees. An online tool for creating pedigrees interactively, based on 'pedtools', is available at <>. 'pedtools' is the hub of the 'pedsuite', a collection of packages for pedigree analysis. A detailed presentation of the 'pedsuite' is given in the book 'Pedigree Analysis in R' (Vigeland, 2021, ISBN:9780128244302).
Author: Magnus Dehli Vigeland [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Magnus Dehli Vigeland <>

Diff between pedtools versions 2.6.0 dated 2024-03-31 and 2.7.0 dated 2024-06-28

 pedtools-2.6.0/pedtools/R/plot_internal.R                       |only
 pedtools-2.6.0/pedtools/man/internalplot.Rd                     |only
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/DESCRIPTION                             |    6 
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/MD5                                     |   52 +--
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/                                 |   25 +
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/R/ped.R                                 |   26 +
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/R/ped_basic.R                           |   26 +
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/R/ped_convert.R                         |   69 +++-
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/R/ped_internal.R                        |   69 ++--
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/R/ped_modify.R                          |    2 
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/R/ped_plot.R                            |   17 -
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/R/ped_sex.R                             |    8 
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/R/ped_utils.R                           |   43 +-
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/R/plot_methods.R                        |only
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/R/readPed.R                             |   32 +
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/                               |   18 -
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/build/vignette.rds                      |binary
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/inst/doc/pedtools.html                  |  170 +++++-----
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/man/as.ped.Rd                           |   26 +
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/man/getComponent.Rd                     |   13 
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/man/ped.Rd                              |   21 -
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/man/ped_basic.Rd                        |    5 
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/man/ped_internal.Rd                     |   30 +
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/man/plot.ped.Rd                         |    9 
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/man/plotmethods.Rd                      |only
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/man/readPed.Rd                          |   33 +
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/man/validatePed.Rd                      |   12 
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/tests/testthat/test-ped-creation.R      |    4 
 pedtools-2.7.0/pedtools/tests/testthat/test-ped-modifications.R |    4 
 29 files changed, 454 insertions(+), 266 deletions(-)

More information about pedtools at CRAN
Permanent link

Package nimbleHMC updated to version 0.2.2 with previous version 0.2.1 dated 2024-02-08

Title: Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and Other Gradient-Based MCMC Sampling Algorithms for 'nimble'
Description: Provides gradient-based MCMC sampling algorithms for use with the MCMC engine provided by the 'nimble' package. This includes two versions of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) No-U-Turn (NUTS) sampling, and (under development) Langevin samplers. The `NUTS_classic` sampler implements the original HMC-NUTS algorithm as described in Hoffman and Gelman (2014) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1111.4246>. The `NUTS` sampler is a modern version of HMC-NUTS sampling matching the HMC sampler available in version 2.32.2 of Stan (Stan Development Team, 2023). In addition, convenience functions are provided for generating and modifying MCMC configuration objects which employ HMC sampling.
Author: Daniel Turek [aut, cre], Perry de Valpine [aut], Christopher Paciorek [aut]
Maintainer: Daniel Turek <>

Diff between nimbleHMC versions 0.2.1 dated 2024-02-08 and 0.2.2 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION                  |   10 ++--
 MD5                          |   20 ++++----
 R/HMC_configuration.R        |   21 +++++---
 R/HMC_samplers.R             |  102 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 man/addHMC.Rd                |   15 +++---
 man/buildHMC.Rd              |    2 
 man/configureHMC.Rd          |    2 
 man/nimbleHMC.Rd             |    2 
 man/sampler_NUTS.Rd          |    9 ++-
 man/sampler_NUTS_classic.Rd  |    9 ++-
 tests/testthat/test-tuning.R |   18 +++----
 11 files changed, 130 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)

More information about nimbleHMC at CRAN
Permanent link

Package pkgload updated to version 1.4.0 with previous version 1.3.4 dated 2024-01-16

Title: Simulate Package Installation and Attach
Description: Simulates the process of installing a package and then attaching it. This is a key part of the 'devtools' package as it allows you to rapidly iterate while developing a package.
Author: Hadley Wickham [aut], Winston Chang [aut], Jim Hester [aut], Lionel Henry [aut, cre], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd], R Core team [ctb]
Maintainer: Lionel Henry <>

Diff between pkgload versions 1.3.4 dated 2024-01-16 and 1.4.0 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION                       |   16 +++---
 MD5                               |   40 +++++++++-------                           |   33 +++++++++++++
 R/compilation-db.R                |only
 R/dev-help.R                      |    9 ++-
 R/import-standalone-obj-type.R    |only
 R/import-standalone-types-check.R |only
 R/load.R                          |   90 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 R/package-deps.R                  |    2 
 R/run-loadhooks.R                 |    9 +++
 R/source.R                        |   55 ++++++++++++++++++-----
 R/utils.R                         |   15 ++++++
 inst/                 |only
 man/load_all.Rd                   |   13 ++---
 tests/testthat/_snaps/   |    2 
 tests/testthat/helper-pkgload.R   |    7 --
 tests/testthat/test-dll.R         |   26 +++++-----
 tests/testthat/test-help.R        |   18 ++++++-
 tests/testthat/test-load-hooks.R  |   15 ------
 tests/testthat/test-load.R        |    4 -
 tests/testthat/test-metadata.R    |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-s4-unload.R   |   20 ++++----
 tests/testthat/test-shim.R        |    2 
 23 files changed, 238 insertions(+), 140 deletions(-)

More information about pkgload at CRAN
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Package PieGlyph updated to version 1.0.0 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2023-02-09

Title: Axis Invariant Scatter Pie Plots
Description: Extends 'ggplot2' to help replace points in a scatter plot with pie-chart glyphs showing the relative proportions of different categories. The pie glyphs are independent of the axes and plot dimensions, to prevent distortions when the plot dimensions are changed.
Author: Rishabh Vishwakarma [aut, cre] , Caroline Brophy [aut], Catherine Hurley [aut]
Maintainer: Rishabh Vishwakarma <>

Diff between PieGlyph versions 0.1.0 dated 2023-02-09 and 1.0.0 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION                                      |   20 
 MD5                                              |   90 +
 NAMESPACE                                        |   17                                          |only
 R/geom_pie_glyph.R                               |  475 ++++----
 R/geom_pie_interactive.R                         |only
 R/pie_grob.R                                     |only                                        |   53 
 build/vignette.rds                               |binary
 inst/WORDLIST                                    |only
 inst/doc/PieGlyph.R                              |   27 
 inst/doc/PieGlyph.Rmd                            |   54 
 inst/doc/PieGlyph.html                           | 1247 ++++++++++++++++++++---
 inst/doc/interactive-pie-glyphs.R                |only
 inst/doc/interactive-pie-glyphs.Rmd              |only
 inst/doc/interactive-pie-glyphs.html             |only
 inst/doc/multinomial-classification-example.R    |    6 
 inst/doc/multinomial-classification-example.html |  265 ++--
 inst/doc/pie-lollipop-example.R                  |    2 
 inst/doc/pie-lollipop-example.html               |  324 ++---
 inst/doc/spatial-example.R                       |    4 
 inst/doc/spatial-example.html                    |  256 ++--
 inst/doc/time-series-example.R                   |    2 
 inst/doc/time-series-example.html                |  236 ++--
 inst/doc/unusual-situations.R                    |   37 
 inst/doc/unusual-situations.Rmd                  |   34 
 inst/doc/unusual-situations.html                 |  469 ++++----
 man/PieGlyph-package.Rd                          |    1 
 man/figures/README-interactive-1.png             |only
 man/figures/README-stacked-1.png                 |binary
 man/figures/interactive-pie-glyphs.png           |only
 man/geom_pie_glyph.Rd                            |  160 +-
 man/geom_pie_interactive.Rd                      |only
 man/pieGrob.Rd                                   |   76 -
 man/scale_radius_continuous.Rd                   |   25 
 tests                                            |only
 vignettes/PieGlyph.Rmd                           |   54 
 vignettes/interactive-pie-glyphs.Rmd             |only
 vignettes/unusual-situations.Rmd                 |   34 
 39 files changed, 2626 insertions(+), 1342 deletions(-)

More information about PieGlyph at CRAN
Permanent link

Package DEPONS2R updated to version 1.2.3 with previous version 1.2.2 dated 2023-09-18

Title: Read, Plot and Analyse Output from the DEPONS Model
Description: Methods for analyzing population dynamics and movement tracks simulated using the DEPONS model <> (v.3.0), for manipulating input raster files, shipping routes and for analyzing sound propagated from ships.
Author: Jacob Nabe-Nielsen and Caitlin K. Frankish
Maintainer: Jacob Nabe-Nielsen <>

Diff between DEPONS2R versions 1.2.2 dated 2023-09-18 and 1.2.3 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION               |    8 ++++----
 MD5                       |   16 ++++++++--------
 R/raster-methods.R        |    2 +-
 R/ships_methods.R         |   38 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 R/z-accessors.R           |    9 ++++-----
 build/partial.rdb         |binary
 man/DeponsRaster-class.Rd |    2 +-
 man/crs.Rd                |    5 ++---
 man/shipdata.Rd           |    3 +--
 9 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

More information about DEPONS2R at CRAN
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Package toscutil updated to version 2.8.0 with previous version 2.7.4 dated 2023-09-05

Title: Utility Functions
Description: Base R sometimes requires verbose statements for simple, often recurring tasks, such as printing text without trailing space, ending with newline. This package aims at providing shorthands for such tasks.
Author: Tobias Schmidt [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Tobias Schmidt <>

Diff between toscutil versions 2.7.4 dated 2023-09-05 and 2.8.0 dated 2024-06-28

 toscutil-2.7.4/toscutil/man/now_ms.Rd                              |only
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/DESCRIPTION                                |   15 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/MD5                                        |   88 +-
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/NAMESPACE                                  |   10 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/R/base.R                                   |  318 +++------
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/R/check.R                                  |   45 -
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/R/doc.R                                    |only
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/R/func.R                                   |  316 +--------
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/R/imports.R                                |only
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/R/live.R                                   |    9 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/R/path.R                                   |  349 ++++------
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/R/time.R                                   |   56 -
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/R/trace.R                                  |only
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/inst/WORDLIST                              |    9 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/DOCSTRING_TEMPLATE.Rd                  |    6 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/caller.Rd                              |   31 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/capture.output2.Rd                     |   16 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/cat2.Rd                                |   21 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/catf.Rd                                |   29 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/check_pkg_docs.Rd                      |only
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/config_dir.Rd                          |   15 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/config_file.Rd                         |   15 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/data_dir.Rd                            |    8 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/dput2.Rd                               |   12 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/fg.Rd                                  |only
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/find_description_file.Rd               |only
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/function_locals.Rd                     |   10 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/get_docstring.Rd                       |    4 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/get_formals.Rd                         |    8 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/get_pkg_docs.Rd                        |only
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/getfd.Rd                               |    7 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/getpd.Rd                               |   17 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/help2.Rd                               |   19 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/home.Rd                                |    9 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/ifthen.Rd                              |    6 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/locals.Rd                              |   13 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/logf.Rd                                |only
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/named.Rd                               |   13 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/norm_path.Rd                           |    3 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/now.Rd                                 |   29 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/op-null-default.Rd                     |    3 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/read_description_file.Rd               |only
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/split_docstring.Rd                     |    4 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/sys.exit.Rd                            |   23 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/trace_package.Rd                       |only
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/untrace_package.Rd                     |only
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/man/update_docstring.Rd                    |    4 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/tests/testthat/test-caller.R               |    2 
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/tests/testthat/test-cat2.R                 |only
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/tests/testthat/test-check_pkg_docs.R       |only
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/tests/testthat/test-extract_help_section.R |only
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/tests/testthat/test-get_pkg_docs.R         |only
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/tests/testthat/test-logf.R                 |only
 toscutil-2.8.0/toscutil/tests/testthat/test-trace_func.R           |only
 54 files changed, 618 insertions(+), 924 deletions(-)

More information about toscutil at CRAN
Permanent link

Package metajam (with last version 0.2.3) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2020-11-03 0.2.3

Permanent link
Package rsparse updated to version 0.5.2 with previous version 0.5.1 dated 2022-09-11

Title: Statistical Learning on Sparse Matrices
Description: Implements many algorithms for statistical learning on sparse matrices - matrix factorizations, matrix completion, elastic net regressions, factorization machines. Also 'rsparse' enhances 'Matrix' package by providing methods for multithreaded <sparse, dense> matrix products and native slicing of the sparse matrices in Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) format. List of the algorithms for regression problems: 1) Elastic Net regression via Follow The Proximally-Regularized Leader (FTRL) Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), as per McMahan et al(, <doi:10.1145/2487575.2488200>) 2) Factorization Machines via SGD, as per Rendle (2010, <doi:10.1109/ICDM.2010.127>) List of algorithms for matrix factorization and matrix completion: 1) Weighted Regularized Matrix Factorization (WRMF) via Alternating Least Squares (ALS) - paper by Hu, Koren, Volinsky (2008, <doi:10.1109/ICDM.2008.22>) 2) Maximum-Margin Matrix Factorization via ALS, paper by Rennie, Srebro (2005, <doi:10.1145/110 [...truncated...]
Author: Dmitriy Selivanov [aut, cre, cph] , David Cortes [ctb], Drew Schmidt [ctb] , Wei-Chen Chen [ctb]
Maintainer: Dmitriy Selivanov <>

Diff between rsparse versions 0.5.1 dated 2022-09-11 and 0.5.2 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION                    |   18 +++----
 MD5                            |   24 +++++-----                        |    4 +
 R/SoftALS.R                    |    2 
 R/model_ScaleNormalize.R       |    2 
 R/model_WRMF.R                 |   93 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------                      |   30 +++----------
 inst/include/wrmf_implicit.hpp |   40 ++++++++++-------
 man/ScaleNormalize.Rd          |    2 
 man/soft_impute.Rd             |    2 
 src/                |    2 
 src/               |    2 
 src/utils.cpp                  |   13 +++--
 13 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-)

More information about rsparse at CRAN
Permanent link

New package poweRbal with initial version
Package: poweRbal
Title: Phylogenetic Tree Models and the Power of Tree Shape Statistics
Author: Sophie Kersting [aut, cre] , Kristina Wicke [aut] , Mareike Fischer [aut]
Maintainer: Sophie Kersting <>
Description: The first goal of this package is to provide a multitude of tree models, i.e., functions that generate rooted binary trees with a given number of leaves. Second, the package allows for an easy evaluation and comparison of tree shape statistics by estimating their power to differentiate between different tree models. Please note that this R package was developed alongside the manuscript "Tree balance in phylogenetic models" by S. J. Kersting, K. Wicke, and M. Fischer (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2406.05185>, which provides further background and the respective mathematical definitions. This project was supported by the project ArtIGROW, which is a part of the WIR!-Alliance ArtIFARM – Artificial Intelligence in Farming funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (No. 03WIR4805).
License: GPL (>= 3)
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
Imports: ape, scales, phytools, treebalance, R.utils, diversitree
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-06-27 07:43:47 UTC; Maus
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-06-28 09:20:02 UTC

More information about poweRbal at CRAN
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New package with initial version 0.0.1
Title: Read Mouse Genome Informatics Reports
Version: 0.0.1
Description: Provides readers for easy and consistent importing of Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) report files: <>. These data are provided by Baldarelli RM, Smith CL, Ringwald M, Richardson JE, Bult CJ, Mouse Genome Informatics Group. (2024) <doi:10.1093/genetics/iyae031>.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
LazyData: true
Imports: data.table, dplyr, rlang, stringr, tibble, vroom
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-06-27 14:52:13 UTC; rmagno
Author: Ramiro Magno [aut, cre] , Isabel Duarte [aut] , Ismail Gbadamosi [aut] , Ali Jawaid [aut] , Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology [fnd], University of Algarve [fnd], Pattern Institute [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Ramiro Magno <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-06-28 09:40:01 UTC

More information about at CRAN
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New package LogisticCopula with initial version 0.1.0
Package: LogisticCopula
Title: A Copula Based Extension of Logistic Regression
Version: 0.1.0
Maintainer: Simon Boge Brant <>
Description: An implementation of a method of extending a logistic regression model beyond linear effects of the co-variates. The extension in is constructed by first equating the logistic regression model to a naive Bayes model where all the margins are specified to follow natural exponential distributions conditional on Y, that is, a model for Y given X that is specified through the distribution of X given Y, where the columns of X are assumed to be mutually independent conditional on Y. Subsequently, the model is expanded by adding vine - copulas to relax the assumption of mutual independence, where pair-copulas are added in a stage-wise, forward selection manner. Some heuristics are employed during the process of selecting edges, as well as the families of pair-copula models. After each component is added, the parameters are updated by a (smaller) number of gradient steps to maximise the likelihood. When the algorithm has stopped adding edges, based the criterion that a new edge should improve [...truncated...]
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Imports: VineCopula (>= 2.5.0), rvinecopulib (>=, igraph (>= 2.0.3), numDeriv (>= 8-1.1), stringr (>= 1.5.1)
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0), brglm2 (>= 0.9)
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Author: Simon Boge Brant [aut, cre], Ingrid Hobaek Haff [aut]
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-06-27 09:44:30 UTC; simbr
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-06-28 09:20:06 UTC

More information about LogisticCopula at CRAN
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New package gggenomes with initial version 1.0.0
Package: gggenomes
Title: A Grammar of Graphics for Comparative Genomics
Version: 1.0.0
Description: An extension of 'ggplot2' for creating complex genomic maps. It builds on the power of 'ggplot2' and 'tidyverse' adding new 'ggplot2'-style geoms & positions and 'dplyr'-style verbs to manipulate the underlying data. It implements a layout concept inspired by 'ggraph' and introduces tracks to bring tidiness to the mess that is genomics data.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Depends: R (>= 3.4.2), ggplot2 (>= 3.5.0),
Imports: vctrs, rlang, dplyr, tidyr, readr (>= 2.0.0), purrr, tibble, stringr, grid, jsonlite, snakecase, magrittr, scales, tidyselect, colorspace, methods, utils, ellipsis
Suggests: testthat, ggtree, patchwork, Hmisc, knitr, ggrepel, IRanges,
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-06-27 07:06:49 UTC; iimog
Author: Thomas Hackl [aut, cre], Markus J. Ankenbrand [aut], Bart van Adrichem [aut], Kristina Haslinger [ctb, sad]
Maintainer: Thomas Hackl <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-06-28 09:30:06 UTC

More information about gggenomes at CRAN
Permanent link

Package GaussSuppression updated to version 0.8.8 with previous version 0.8.5 dated 2024-05-22

Title: Tabular Data Suppression using Gaussian Elimination
Description: A statistical disclosure control tool to protect tables by suppression using the Gaussian elimination secondary suppression algorithm. A suggestion is to start by working with functions SuppressSmallCounts() and SuppressDominantCells(). These functions use primary suppression functions for the minimum frequency rule and the dominance rule, respectively. Novel functionality for suppression of disclosive cells is also included. General primary suppression functions can be supplied as input to the general working horse function, GaussSuppressionFromData(). Suppressed frequencies can be replaced by synthetic decimal numbers as described in Langsrud (2019) <doi:10.1007/s11222-018-9848-9>.
Author: Oeyvind Langsrud [aut, cre] , Daniel Lupp [aut] , Hege Boevelstad [ctb], Vidar Norstein Klungre [rev], Statistics Norway [cph]
Maintainer: Oeyvind Langsrud <>

Diff between GaussSuppression versions 0.8.5 dated 2024-05-22 and 0.8.8 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION                       |   18 ++++++-----
 MD5                               |   62 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------                           |    5 +++
 R/Candidates.R                    |    2 -
 R/GaussSuppressDec.R              |   14 ++++----
 R/GaussSuppressionFromData.R      |   24 +++++++-------
 R/GaussSuppressionTwoWay.R        |   14 ++++----
 R/MaxContribution.R               |    2 -
 R/NContributorsRule.R             |    5 ++-
 R/Ncontributors.R                 |    2 -
 R/Primary.R                       |    2 -
 R/PrimaryFromSuppressedData.R     |    2 -
 R/PrimaryRemoveWg.R               |    4 +-
 R/Singleton.R                     |    4 +-
 R/SuppressKDisclosure.R           |    2 -
 R/SuppressionFromDecimals.R       |    6 +--
 man/CandidatesDefault.Rd          |    2 -
 man/GaussSuppressDec.Rd           |   12 +++----
 man/GaussSuppressionFromData.Rd   |   24 +++++++-------
 man/GaussSuppressionTwoWay.Rd     |   14 ++++----
 man/MaxContribution.Rd            |    2 -
 man/Ncontributors.Rd              |    2 -
 man/PrimaryDefault.Rd             |    2 -
 man/PrimaryFromSuppressedData.Rd  |    2 -
 man/PrimaryRemoveWg.Rd            |    4 +-
 man/SingletonDefault.Rd           |    2 -
 man/SingletonUniqueContributor.Rd |    2 -
 man/SuppressDominantCells.Rd      |    4 +-
 man/SuppressFewContributors.Rd    |    4 +-
 man/SuppressKDisclosure.Rd        |    2 -
 man/SuppressSmallCounts.Rd        |    4 +-
 man/SuppressionFromDecimals.Rd    |    4 +-
 32 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-)

More information about GaussSuppression at CRAN
Permanent link

New package fullRankMatrix with initial version 0.1.0
Package: fullRankMatrix
Title: Generation of Full Rank Design Matrix
Version: 0.1.0
Description: Creates a full rank matrix out of a given matrix. The intended use is for one-hot encoded design matrices that should be used in linear models to ensure that significant associations can be correctly interpreted. However, 'fullRankMatrix' can be applied to any matrix to make it full rank. It removes columns with only 0's, merges duplicated columns and discovers linearly dependent columns and replaces them with linearly independent columns that span the space of the original columns. Columns are renamed to reflect those modifications. This results in a full rank matrix that can be used as a design matrix in linear models. The algorithm and some functions are inspired by Kuhn, M. (2008) <doi:10.18637/jss.v028.i05>.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, igraph, testthat (>= 3.0.0), WeightIt, caret, plm, spelling
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Language: en-US
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-06-26 21:45:03 UTC; pweide
Author: Paula Weidemueller [aut, cre, cph] , Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze [aut]
Maintainer: Paula Weidemueller <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-06-28 09:10:02 UTC

More information about fullRankMatrix at CRAN
Permanent link

New package evitaicossa with initial version 0.0-1
Package: evitaicossa
Title: Antiassociative Algebra
Version: 0.0-1
Maintainer: Robin K. S. Hankin <>
Description: Methods to deal with the free antiassociative algebra over the reals with an arbitrary number of indeterminates. Antiassociativity means that (xy)z = -x(yz). Antiassociative algebras are nilpotent with nilindex four (Remm, 2022, <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2202.10812>) and this drives the design and philosophy of the package. Methods are defined to create and manipulate arbitrary elements of the antiassociative algebra, and to extract and replace coefficients. A vignette is provided.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
Suggests: knitr, markdown, rmarkdown, testthat, mvtnorm, covr
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Imports: Rcpp (>= 1.0-7), disordR (>= 0.9-8-2), methods, Rdpack
LinkingTo: Rcpp
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2024-06-26 19:36:19 UTC; rhankin
Author: Robin K. S. Hankin [aut, cre]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-06-28 09:10:06 UTC

More information about evitaicossa at CRAN
Permanent link

New package epiCo with initial version 1.0.0
Package: epiCo
Title: Statistical and Viz Tools for Vector-Borne Diseases in Colombia
Version: 1.0.0
Description: Provides statistical and visualization tools for the analysis of demographic indicators, and spatio-temporal behavior and characterization of outbreaks of vector-borne diseases (VBDs) in Colombia. It implements travel times estimated in Bravo-Vega C., Santos-Vega M., & Cordovez J.M. (2022), and the endemic channel method (Bortman, M. (1999) <>).
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
Imports: dplyr, ggplot2, ggraph, igraph, incidence, leaflet, lubridate, magrittr, RColorBrewer, rlang, scales, spdep, stats, treemapify, utils
Suggests: checkmate, covr, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-06-27 15:15:10 UTC; juandanielumanacaro
Author: Juan D. Umana [aut, cre, cph] , Juan Montenegro-Torres [aut] , Julian Otero [aut] , Hugo Gruson [ctb]
Maintainer: Juan D. Umana <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-06-28 09:40:05 UTC

More information about epiCo at CRAN
Permanent link

New package CommEcol with initial version 1.8.1
Package: CommEcol
Title: Community Ecology Analyses
Version: 1.8.1
Date: 2024-06-18
Depends: vegan, rncl
Imports: ape, picante, adespatial, betapart, gmp
Description: Autosimilarity curves, standardization of spatial extent, dissimilarity indexes that overweight rare species, phylogenetic and functional (pairwise and multisample) dissimilarity indexes and nestedness for phylogenetic, functional and other diversity metrics. The methods for phylogenetic and functional nestedness is described in Melo, Cianciaruso and Almeida-Neto (2014) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12185>. This should be a complement to available packages, particularly 'vegan'.
License: GPL-2
NeedsCompilation: no
Maintainer: Adriano Sanches Melo <>
Author: Adriano Sanches Melo [aut, cre]
Repository: CRAN
LazyLoad: yes
Packaged: 2024-06-18 18:28:35 UTC; asmad
Date/Publication: 2024-06-28 09:50:02 UTC

More information about CommEcol at CRAN
Permanent link

Package roxygen2 updated to version 7.3.2 with previous version 7.3.1 dated 2024-01-22

Title: In-Line Documentation for R
Description: Generate your Rd documentation, 'NAMESPACE' file, and collation field using specially formatted comments. Writing documentation in-line with code makes it easier to keep your documentation up-to-date as your requirements change. 'roxygen2' is inspired by the 'Doxygen' system for C++.
Author: Hadley Wickham [aut, cre, cph] , Peter Danenberg [aut, cph], Gabor Csardi [aut], Manuel Eugster [aut, cph], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <>

Diff between roxygen2 versions 7.3.1 dated 2024-01-22 and 7.3.2 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION                             |    8 +++---
 MD5                                     |   40 ++++++++++++++++----------------                                 |    5 ++++
 R/block.R                               |    2 -
 R/rd-eval.R                             |    1 
 R/rd.R                                  |    6 ++--
 R/utils.R                               |    8 ++++--
 build/vignette.rds                      |binary
 inst/doc/extending.html                 |    2 -
 inst/doc/index-crossref.html            |    2 -
 inst/doc/namespace.html                 |    2 -
 inst/doc/rd-formatting.html             |    2 -
 inst/doc/rd-other.html                  |    2 -
 inst/doc/rd.html                        |    2 -
 inst/doc/reuse.html                     |    2 -
 inst/doc/roxygen2.html                  |    2 -
 man/roxy_block.Rd                       |    2 -
 tests/testthat/_snaps/ |    4 ++-
 tests/testthat/_snaps/          |    9 +++++++
 tests/testthat/test-rd-include-rmd.R    |    6 ++++
 tests/testthat/test-utils.R             |   10 ++++++++
 21 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

More information about roxygen2 at CRAN
Permanent link

New package rapidsplithalf with initial version 0.2
Package: rapidsplithalf
Title: A Fast Split-Half Reliability Algorithm
Version: 0.2
Date: 2024-06-24
Description: Accurately estimates the reliability of cognitive tasks using a fast and flexible permutated split-half reliability algorithm that supports stratified splitting while maintaining equal split sizes. See Kahveci, Bathke, and Blechert (2022) <doi:10.31234/> for details.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Depends: R(>= 4.0)
Imports: Rcpp (>= 1.0.5), doParallel, foreach
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown
LinkingTo: Rcpp
Encoding: UTF-8
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2024-06-26 16:17:45 UTC; b1066151
Author: Sercan Kahveci [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Sercan Kahveci <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-06-28 08:50:02 UTC

More information about rapidsplithalf at CRAN
Permanent link

Package mlr3 updated to version 0.20.0 with previous version 0.19.0 dated 2024-04-24

Title: Machine Learning in R - Next Generation
Description: Efficient, object-oriented programming on the building blocks of machine learning. Provides 'R6' objects for tasks, learners, resamplings, and measures. The package is geared towards scalability and larger datasets by supporting parallelization and out-of-memory data-backends like databases. While 'mlr3' focuses on the core computational operations, add-on packages provide additional functionality.
Author: Michel Lang [aut] , Bernd Bischl [aut] , Jakob Richter [aut] , Patrick Schratz [aut] , Giuseppe Casalicchio [ctb] , Stefan Coors [ctb] , Quay Au [ctb] , Martin Binder [aut], Florian Pfisterer [aut] , Raphael Sonabend [aut] , Lennart Schneider [ctb] , [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Marc Becker <>

Diff between mlr3 versions 0.19.0 dated 2024-04-24 and 0.20.0 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION                                      |   27 +-
 MD5                                              |  126 ++++++------
 NAMESPACE                                        |    4                                          |    4 
 R/HotstartStack.R                                |    4 
 R/Learner.R                                      |   85 +++++++-
 R/LearnerClassifDebug.R                          |  103 +++++++++-
 R/MeasureInternalValidScore.R                    |only
 R/ResultData.R                                   |    8 
 R/Task.R                                         |  129 ++++++++++---
 R/as_task.R                                      |    2 
 R/as_task_classif.R                              |   10 -
 R/as_task_regr.R                                 |   10 -
 R/as_task_unsupervised.R                         |    4 
 R/assertions.R                                   |    7 
 R/benchmark.R                                    |    3 
 R/helper.R                                       |   19 +
 R/helper_hashes.R                                |   28 ++
 R/marshal.R                                      |   23 --
 R/mlr_reflections.R                              |    8 
 R/resample.R                                     |    8 
 R/set_validate.R                                 |only
 R/worker.R                                       |  228 +++++++++++++++++------
 inst/testthat/helper_expectations.R              |   33 ++-
 man/BenchmarkResult.Rd                           |    2 
 man/Learner.Rd                                   |   77 +++++++
 man/LearnerClassif.Rd                            |    2 
 man/LearnerRegr.Rd                               |    2 
 man/Measure.Rd                                   |    8 
 man/MeasureClassif.Rd                            |    3 
 man/MeasureRegr.Rd                               |    3 
 man/MeasureSimilarity.Rd                         |    3 
 man/ResultData.Rd                                |   26 +-
 man/Task.Rd                                      |   49 ++++
 man/TaskClassif.Rd                               |    1 
 man/TaskRegr.Rd                                  |    1 
 man/TaskSupervised.Rd                            |    1 
 man/TaskUnsupervised.Rd                          |    1 
 man/as_prediction.Rd                             |    2 
 man/as_task_classif.Rd                           |   10 -
 man/as_task_regr.Rd                              |   10 -
 man/as_task_unsupervised.Rd                      |    4 
 man/benchmark.Rd                                 |    5 
 man/marshaling.Rd                                |   11 -
 man/mlr3-package.Rd                              |    6 
 man/mlr_assertions.Rd                            |   10 -
 man/mlr_learners_classif.debug.Rd                |   14 +
 man/mlr_measures.Rd                              |    1 
 man/mlr_measures_aic.Rd                          |    1 
 man/mlr_measures_bic.Rd                          |    1 
 man/mlr_measures_classif.costs.Rd                |    1 
 man/mlr_measures_debug_classif.Rd                |    1 
 man/mlr_measures_elapsed_time.Rd                 |    1 
 man/mlr_measures_internal_valid_score.Rd         |only
 man/mlr_measures_oob_error.Rd                    |    1 
 man/mlr_measures_selected_features.Rd            |    1 
 man/mlr_sugar.Rd                                 |   26 ++
 man/resample.Rd                                  |    5 
 tests/testthat/test_Learner.R                    |  192 +++++++++++++++++++
 tests/testthat/test_MeasureInternalValidScore.R  |only
 tests/testthat/test_Resampling.R                 |   14 -
 tests/testthat/test_Task.R                       |  121 +++++++++++-
 tests/testthat/test_benchmark.R                  |   33 +++
 tests/testthat/test_marshal.R                    |    3 
 tests/testthat/test_mlr_learners_classif_debug.R |   28 +-
 tests/testthat/test_resample.R                   |  161 ++++++++++++++++
 66 files changed, 1381 insertions(+), 334 deletions(-)

More information about mlr3 at CRAN
Permanent link

Package cna updated to version 3.6.1 with previous version 3.6.0 dated 2024-06-07

Title: Causal Modeling with Coincidence Analysis
Description: Provides comprehensive functionalities for causal modeling with Coincidence Analysis (CNA), which is a configurational comparative method of causal data analysis that was first introduced in Baumgartner (2009) <doi:10.1177/0049124109339369>, and generalized in Baumgartner & Ambuehl (2018) <doi:10.1017/psrm.2018.45>. CNA is designed to recover INUS-causation from data, which is particularly relevant for analyzing processes featuring conjunctural causation (component causation) and equifinality (alternative causation). CNA is currently the only method for INUS-discovery that allows for multiple effects (outcomes/endogenous factors), meaning it can analyze common-cause and causal chain structures.
Author: Mathias Ambuehl [aut, cre, cph], Michael Baumgartner [aut, cph], Ruedi Epple [ctb], Veli-Pekka Parkkinen [ctb], Alrik Thiem [ctb]
Maintainer: Mathias Ambuehl <>

Diff between cna versions 3.6.0 dated 2024-06-07 and 3.6.1 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION        |    8 
 MD5                |   18 
 R/cna.r            |   27 +
 R/cna_accel.r      |   29 -
 R/cna_aux.r        |  105 +++++
 R/hfunctions.R     |    2 
 inst/NEWS          |    3 
 inst/doc/cna.pdf   |binary
 man/cna-package.Rd |    2 
 man/cna.Rd         | 1029 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 10 files changed, 677 insertions(+), 546 deletions(-)

More information about cna at CRAN
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Package clidamonger updated to version 1.2.0 with previous version 1.1.0 dated 2024-02-14

Title: Monthly Climate Data for Germany, Usable for Heating and Cooling Calculations
Description: This data package contains monthly climate data in Germany, it can be used for heating and cooling calculations (external temperature, heating / cooling days, solar radiation).
Author: Tobias Loga [aut] , Guillaume Behem [aut], Jens Calisti [cre]
Maintainer: Jens Calisti <>

Diff between clidamonger versions 1.1.0 dated 2024-02-14 and 1.2.0 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION              |    8 ++++----
 MD5                      |   16 ++++++++--------                  |    6 +++++-                |    4 +++-
 data/data.sol.rda        |binary
 data/data.ta.hd.rda      |binary
 data/list.station.ta.rda |binary
 man/data.ta.hd.Rd        |    2 +-
 man/list.station.ta.Rd   |    2 +-
 9 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

More information about clidamonger at CRAN
Permanent link

Package stops updated to version 1.6-2 with previous version 1.0-1 dated 2023-01-20

Title: Structure Optimized Proximity Scaling
Description: Methods that use flexible variants of multidimensional scaling (MDS) which incorporate parametric nonlinear distance transformations and trade-off the goodness-of-fit fit with structure considerations to find optimal hyperparameters, also known as structure optimized proximity scaling (STOPS) (Rusch, Mair & Hornik, 2023,<doi:10.1007/s11222-022-10197-w>). The package contains various functions, wrappers, methods and classes for fitting, plotting and displaying different 1-way MDS models with ratio, interval, ordinal optimal scaling in a STOPS framework. These cover essentially the functionality of the package smacofx, including Torgerson (classical) scaling with power transformations of dissimilarities, SMACOF MDS with powers of dissimilarities, Sammon mapping with powers of dissimilarities, elastic scaling with powers of dissimilarities, spherical SMACOF with powers of dissimilarities, (ALSCAL) s-stress MDS with powers of dissimilarities, r-stress MDS, MDS with powers of diss [...truncated...]
Author: Thomas Rusch [aut, cre] , Patrick Mair [aut] , Kurt Hornik [ctb]
Maintainer: Thomas Rusch <>

Diff between stops versions 1.0-1 dated 2023-01-20 and 1.6-2 dated 2024-06-28

 stops-1.0-1/stops/R/bcstress.R                  |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/R/extras.R                    |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/R/lmds.R                      |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/R/optimizations.R             |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/R/powerstress.R               |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/apStressMin.Rd            |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/bcStressMin.Rd            |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/cmds.Rd                   |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/cmdscale.Rd               |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/conf_adjust.Rd            |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/doubleCenter.Rd           |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/enorm.Rd                  |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/lmds.Rd                   |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/mkBmat.Rd                 |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/mkPower.Rd                |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/mkPower2.Rd               |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/plot.cmdscaleE.Rd         |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/plot.smacofP.Rd           |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/plot3d.cmdscaleE.Rd       |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/plot3d.stops.Rd           |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/plot3dstatic.Rd           |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/plot3dstatic.cmdscaleE.Rd |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/plot3dstatic.stops.Rd     |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/powerStressMin.Rd         |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/print.cmdscale.Rd         |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/print.sammon.Rd           |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/print.summary.smacofP.Rd  |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/procruster.Rd             |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/sammon.Rd                 |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/secularEq.Rd              |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/sqdist.Rd                 |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/stop_bcstress.Rd          |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/summary.cmdscale.Rd       |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/summary.sammon.Rd         |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/summary.smacofP.Rd        |only
 stops-1.0-1/stops/man/torgerson.Rd              |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/DESCRIPTION                   |   31 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/MD5                           |  172 +-
 stops-1.6-2/stops/NAMESPACE                     |   65 -
 stops-1.6-2/stops/NEWS                          |   66 +
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/bootmds.stops.R             |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/coef.stops.R                |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/jackmds.stops.R             |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/ljoptim.R                   |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/plot.stops.R                |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/print.stops.R               |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/residuals.stops.R           |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/spp.R                       |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_apstress.R             |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_bcmds.R                |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_clca.R                 |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_clda.R                 |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_cmdscale.R             |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_elastic.R              |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_isomap.R               |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_lmds.R                 |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_powerelastic.R         |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_powermds.R             |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_powersammon.R          |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_powerstress.R          |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_rpowerstress.R         |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_rstress.R              |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_sammon.R               |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_sammon2.R              |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_smacofSphere.R         |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_smacofSym.R            |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_smdda.R                |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_smds.R                 |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_spmdda.R               |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_spmds.R                |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stop_sstress.R              |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stoploss.R                  |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stops-package.R             |  305 ++++
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/stops.R                     | 1474 ------------------------
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/structurednessindices.R     |   75 +
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/summary.stops.R             |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/R/tgpoptim.R                  |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/build/vignette.rds            |binary
 stops-1.6-2/stops/inst/CITATION                 |   63 -
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/bootmds.stops.Rd          |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/c_clumpiness.Rd           |    2 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/c_clusteredness.Rd        |    2 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/c_convexity.Rd            |    2 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/c_hierarchy.Rd            |    2 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/c_outlying.Rd             |    2 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/c_shepardness.Rd          |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/c_skinniness.Rd           |    2 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/c_sparsity.Rd             |    2 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/c_striatedness.Rd         |    2 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/c_stringiness.Rd          |    2 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/coef.stops.Rd             |    2 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/jackmds.stops.Rd          |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/ljoptim.Rd                |    4 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/plot.stops.Rd             |   14 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/print.stops.Rd            |    2 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/print.summary.stops.Rd    |    2 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/residuals.stops.Rd        |    2 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_apstress.Rd          |   25 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_bcmds.Rd             |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_clca.Rd              |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_cldae.Rd             |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_cldak.Rd             |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_cmdscale.Rd          |   24 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_elastic.Rd           |   17 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_isomap1.Rd           |   15 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_isomap2.Rd           |   15 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_lmds.Rd              |   17 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_powerelastic.Rd      |   19 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_powermds.Rd          |   19 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_powersammon.Rd       |   13 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_powerstress.Rd       |   17 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_rpowerstress.Rd      |   15 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_rstress.Rd           |   21 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_sammon.Rd            |   19 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_sammon2.Rd           |   15 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_smacofSphere.Rd      |   15 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_smacofSym.Rd         |   17 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_smddae.Rd            |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_smddak.Rd            |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_smds.Rd              |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_spmddae.Rd           |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_spmddak.Rd           |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_spmds.Rd             |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stop_sstress.Rd           |   19 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stoploss.Rd               |    6 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stops-package.Rd          |only
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/stops.Rd                  |  138 --
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/summary.stops.Rd          |    2 
 stops-1.6-2/stops/man/tgpoptim.Rd               |    4 
 129 files changed, 818 insertions(+), 1929 deletions(-)

More information about stops at CRAN
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Package qlifetable updated to version 0.0.2-5 with previous version 0.0.2-4 dated 2024-01-24

Title: Managing and Building of Quarterly Life Tables
Description: Manages, builds and computes statistics and datasets for the construction of quarterly (sub-annual) life tables by exploiting micro-data from either a general or an insured population. References: Pavía and Lledó (2022) <doi:10.1111/rssa.12769>. Pavía and Lledó (2023) <doi:10.1017/asb.2023.16>. Acknowledgements: The authors wish to thank Consellería de Educación, Universidades y Empleo, Generalitat Valenciana (grant AICO/2021/257), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (grant PID2021-128228NB-I00) and Fundación Mapfre (grant 'Modelización espacial e intra-anual de la mortalidad en España. Una herramienta automática para el cálculo de productos de vida') for supporting this research.
Author: Jose M. Pavia [aut, cre] , Josep Lledo [aut]
Maintainer: Jose M. Pavia <>

Diff between qlifetable versions 0.0.2-4 dated 2024-01-24 and 0.0.2-5 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION             |    8 ++++----
 MD5                     |   26 +++++++++++++-------------                 |    8 +++++++-
 R/SAI_shortcut_1.R      |    2 ++
 R/annual2quarterly.R    |   22 +++++++++-------------
 R/compute_SAI.R         |    2 ++
 R/crude_mx_sh2.R        |    2 ++
 R/crude_mx_sh3.R        |    2 ++
 R/plot.SAI.R            |   26 +++++++++++++++-----------
 man/SAI_shortcut_1.Rd   |    2 ++
 man/annual2quarterly.Rd |   18 +++++++-----------
 man/compute_SAI.Rd      |    2 ++
 man/crude_mx_sh2.Rd     |    2 ++
 man/crude_mx_sh3.Rd     |    2 ++
 14 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

More information about qlifetable at CRAN
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Package movieROC updated to version 0.1.1 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2024-02-05

Title: Visualizing the Decision Rules Underlying Binary Classification
Description: Visualization of decision rules for binary classification and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve estimation under different generalizations proposed in the literature: - making the classification subsets flexible to cover those scenarios where both extremes of the marker are associated with a higher risk of being positive, considering two thresholds (gROC() function); - transforming the marker by a proper function trying to improve the classification performance (hROC() function); - when dealing with multivariate markers, considering a proper transformation to univariate space trying to maximize the resulting AUC of the TPR for each FPR (multiROC() function). The classification regions behind each point of the ROC curve are displayed in both static graphics (plot_buildROC(), plot_regions() or plot_funregions() function) or videos (movieROC() function).
Author: Sonia Perez-Fernandez [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Sonia Perez-Fernandez <>

Diff between movieROC versions 0.1.0 dated 2024-02-05 and 0.1.1 dated 2024-06-28

 movieROC-0.1.0/movieROC/R/biROC.R                  |only
 movieROC-0.1.0/movieROC/R/plot.buildROC.R          |only
 movieROC-0.1.0/movieROC/R/plot.funregions.R        |only
 movieROC-0.1.0/movieROC/R/plot.regions.R           |only
 movieROC-0.1.0/movieROC/man/biROC.Rd               |only
 movieROC-0.1.0/movieROC/man/multiROC.default.Rd    |only
 movieROC-0.1.0/movieROC/man/plot.buildROC.Rd       |only
 movieROC-0.1.0/movieROC/man/plot.funregions.Rd     |only
 movieROC-0.1.0/movieROC/man/plot.regions.Rd        |only
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/DESCRIPTION                |   31 ++--
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/MD5                        |   56 ++++----
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/NAMESPACE                  |   31 +---
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/R/KangFunctions.R          |    4 
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/R/gROC.R                   |    4 
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/R/hROC.R                   |   24 +++
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/R/movieROC.R               |  114 ++++------------
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/R/multiROC.R               |  142 +++++++++++++++------
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/R/plot.R                   |    4 
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/R/plot_buildROC.R          |only
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/R/plot_funregions.R        |only
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/R/plot_regions.R           |only
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/R/print.R                  |  138 ++++----------------
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/build/vignette.rds         |only
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/inst                       |only
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/man/gROC.Rd                |   18 ++
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/man/gROC_param.Rd          |    3 
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/man/hROC.Rd                |   49 ++++---
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/man/movieROC.Rd            |   32 +---
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/man/movieROC2_densities.Rd |   12 +
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/man/multiROC.Rd            |only
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/man/plot.Rd                |    8 -
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/man/plot_buildROC.Rd       |only
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/man/plot_densities.Rd      |    2 
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/man/plot_densityROC.Rd     |    4 
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/man/plot_funregions.Rd     |only
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/man/plot_regions.Rd        |only
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/man/print.Rd               |    6 
 movieROC-0.1.1/movieROC/vignettes                  |only
 38 files changed, 324 insertions(+), 358 deletions(-)

More information about movieROC at CRAN
Permanent link

Package fitODBOD updated to version 1.5.2 with previous version 1.5.1 dated 2024-02-09

Title: Modeling Over Dispersed Binomial Outcome Data Using BMD and ABD
Description: Contains Probability Mass Functions, Cumulative Mass Functions, Negative Log Likelihood value, parameter estimation and modeling data using Binomial Mixture Distributions (BMD) (Manoj et al (2013) <doi:10.5539/ijsp.v2n2p24>) and Alternate Binomial Distributions (ABD) (Paul (1985) <doi:10.1080/03610928508828990>), also Journal article to use the package(<doi:10.21105/joss.01505>).
Author: Amalan Mahendran [aut, cre] , Pushpakanthie Wijekoon [aut, ctb]
Maintainer: Amalan Mahendran <>

Diff between fitODBOD versions 1.5.1 dated 2024-02-09 and 1.5.2 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION                          |   13 +-
 MD5                                  |  217 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 NAMESPACE                            |    1 
 R/AddBin.R                           |   81 +++----------
 R/Beta.R                             |  121 ++++---------------
 R/BetaCorrBin.R                      |   29 ----
 R/COMPBin.R                          |   35 -----
 R/CorrBin.R                          |   81 +++----------
 R/GHGbeta.R                          |   57 ++-------
 R/Gamma.R                            |   50 ++------
 R/Gbeta1.R                           |  129 ++++----------------
 R/Kumaraswamy.R                      |   58 +--------
 R/LMultiBin.R                        |   21 ---
 R/MultiBin.R                         |   66 ++--------
 R/SimulateBOD.R                      |    5 
 R/Triangle.R                         |  144 ++++-------------------
 R/Uniform.R                          |   42 +-----
 build/partial.rdb                    |binary
 inst/REFERENCES.bib                  |only
 man/EstMGFBetaBin.Rd                 |   16 --
 man/EstMLEAddBin.Rd                  |   16 --
 man/EstMLEBetaBin.Rd                 |   16 --
 man/EstMLEBetaCorrBin.Rd             |    5 
 man/EstMLECOMPBin.Rd                 |    6 
 man/EstMLECorrBin.Rd                 |   16 --
 man/EstMLEGHGBB.Rd                   |    7 -
 man/EstMLEGammaBin.Rd                |    4 
 man/EstMLEGrassiaIIBin.Rd            |    4 
 man/EstMLEKumBin.Rd                  |    3 
 man/EstMLELMBin.Rd                   |    4 
 man/EstMLEMcGBB.Rd                   |   16 --
 man/EstMLEMultiBin.Rd                |   13 --
 man/EstMLETriBin.Rd                  |   16 --
 man/GenerateBOD.Rd                   |    4 
 man/NegLLAddBin.Rd                   |   16 --
 man/NegLLBetaBin.Rd                  |   16 --
 man/NegLLBetaCorrBin.Rd              |    5 
 man/NegLLCOMPBin.Rd                  |    6 
 man/NegLLCorrBin.Rd                  |   16 --
 man/NegLLGHGBB.Rd                    |    7 -
 man/NegLLGammaBin.Rd                 |    4 
 man/NegLLGrassiaIIBin.Rd             |    4 
 man/NegLLKumBin.Rd                   |    3 
 man/NegLLLMBin.Rd                    |    4 
 man/NegLLMcGBB.Rd                    |   16 --
 man/NegLLMultiBin.Rd                 |   13 --
 man/NegLLTriBin.Rd                   |   16 --
 man/dAddBin.Rd                       |   16 --
 man/dBETA.Rd                         |    9 -
 man/dBetaBin.Rd                      |   14 --
 man/dBetaCorrBin.Rd                  |    5 
 man/dCOMPBin.Rd                      |    8 -
 man/dCorrBin.Rd                      |   16 --
 man/dGAMMA.Rd                        |    3 
 man/dGBeta1.Rd                       |   16 --
 man/dGHGBB.Rd                        |    7 -
 man/dGHGBeta.Rd                      |    7 -
 man/dGammaBin.Rd                     |    4 
 man/dGrassiaIIBin.Rd                 |    4 
 man/dKUM.Rd                          |   14 --
 man/dKumBin.Rd                       |    3 
 man/dLMBin.Rd                        |    4 
 man/dMcGBB.Rd                        |   16 --
 man/dMultiBin.Rd                     |   13 --
 man/dTRI.Rd                          |   20 ---
 man/dTriBin.Rd                       |   16 --
 man/dUNI.Rd                          |    7 -
 man/dUniBin.Rd                       |   10 -
 man/fitAddBin.Rd                     |   16 --
 man/fitBetaBin.Rd                    |   14 --
 man/fitBetaCorrBin.Rd                |    5 
 man/fitCOMPBin.Rd                    |    6 
 man/fitCorrBin.Rd                    |   16 --
 man/fitGHGBB.Rd                      |    7 -
 man/fitGammaBin.Rd                   |    4 
 man/fitGrassiaIIBin.Rd               |    4 
 man/fitKumBin.Rd                     |    3 
 man/fitLMBin.Rd                      |    4 
 man/fitMcGBB.Rd                      |   16 --
 man/fitMultiBin.Rd                   |   13 --
 man/fitTriBin.Rd                     |   16 --
 man/mazBETA.Rd                       |    9 -
 man/mazGAMMA.Rd                      |    3 
 man/mazGBeta1.Rd                     |   16 --
 man/mazGHGBeta.Rd                    |    7 -
 man/mazKUM.Rd                        |   14 --
 man/mazTRI.Rd                        |   20 ---
 man/mazUNI.Rd                        |    7 -
 man/pAddBin.Rd                       |   16 --
 man/pBETA.Rd                         |    9 -
 man/pBetaBin.Rd                      |   16 --
 man/pBetaCorrBin.Rd                  |    5 
 man/pCOMPBin.Rd                      |    8 -
 man/pCorrBin.Rd                      |   16 --
 man/pGAMMA.Rd                        |    3 
 man/pGBeta1.Rd                       |   16 --
 man/pGHGBB.Rd                        |    7 -
 man/pGHGBeta.Rd                      |    7 -
 man/pGammaBin.Rd                     |    4 
 man/pGrassiaIIBin.Rd                 |    4 
 man/pKUM.Rd                          |   14 --
 man/pKumBin.Rd                       |    3 
 man/pLMBin.Rd                        |    4 
 man/pMcGBB.Rd                        |   16 --
 man/pMultiBin.Rd                     |   13 --
 man/pTRI.Rd                          |   20 ---
 man/pTriBin.Rd                       |   16 --
 man/pUNI.Rd                          |    7 -
 man/pUniBin.Rd                       |   10 -
 tests/testthat/test-Overdispersion.R |    4 
 110 files changed, 524 insertions(+), 1528 deletions(-)

More information about fitODBOD at CRAN
Permanent link

Package antaresViz (with last version 0.18.2) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2024-06-27 0.18.2
2024-06-26 0.18.1
2023-09-25 0.18.0
2022-11-18 0.17.1
2021-11-24 0.17

Permanent link
Package antaresProcessing (with last version 0.18.2) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2024-06-25 0.18.2
2021-11-06 0.18.1
2020-02-26 0.18.0
2018-12-10 0.17.0
2018-09-28 0.16.0
2018-06-01 0.15.3
2018-05-02 0.15.2
2018-03-27 0.15.1
2018-03-25 0.15

Permanent link
Package antaresEditObject (with last version 0.7.0) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2024-05-30 0.7.0
2024-05-24 0.6.4
2024-04-29 0.6.3
2024-04-19 0.6.2
2023-12-12 0.6.1
2023-10-03 0.6.0
2023-04-06 0.5.1
2023-03-10 0.5.0
2022-12-06 0.4.0
2021-11-08 0.3.0
2021-06-21 0.2.2

Permanent link
Package antaresRead (with last version 2.7.0) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2024-05-28 2.7.0
2024-04-22 2.6.1
2023-08-30 2.6.0
2023-04-06 2.5.1
2023-03-13 2.5.0
2023-02-14 2.4.2
2022-11-30 2.3.1
2022-10-10 2.3.0
2022-03-01 2.2.95
2021-11-06 2.2.9
2021-06-22 2.2.8
2021-06-08 2.2.7
2021-05-28 2.2.6
2020-03-18 2.2.5
2019-07-18 2.2.4
2019-02-13 2.2.3
2019-01-21 2.2.2
2018-10-18 2.2.1
2018-09-28 2.2.0
2018-06-04 2.1.2
2018-05-02 2.1.1
2018-02-23 2.1.0

Permanent link
Package glmertree updated to version 0.2-5 with previous version 0.2-4 dated 2023-09-09

Title: Generalized Linear Mixed Model Trees
Description: Recursive partitioning based on (generalized) linear mixed models (GLMMs) combining lmer()/glmer() from 'lme4' and lmtree()/glmtree() from 'partykit'. The fitting algorithm is described in more detail in Fokkema, Smits, Zeileis, Hothorn & Kelderman (2018; <DOI:10.3758/s13428-017-0971-x>).
Author: Marjolein Fokkema [aut, cre], Achim Zeileis [aut]
Maintainer: Marjolein Fokkema <>

Diff between glmertree versions 0.2-4 dated 2023-09-09 and 0.2-5 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION            |   10 +++++-----
 MD5                    |   24 +++++++++++++-----------
 NAMESPACE              |   11 ++++++++---
 R/betamertree.R        |    7 ++-----
 R/cv.glmertree.R       |only
 R/glmertree.R          |   35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 build/partial.rdb      |binary
 build/vignette.rds     |binary
 inst/doc/glmertree.pdf |binary
 man/GrowthCurveDemo.Rd |    6 ++++++
 man/MHserviceDemo.Rd   |    6 ++++++
 man/betamertree.Rd     |   12 +++++++++---
 man/cv.glmertree.Rd    |only
 man/glmertree.Rd       |   16 +++++++++++++---
 14 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

More information about glmertree at CRAN
Permanent link

Package gbm updated to version 2.2.2 with previous version 2.1.9 dated 2024-01-10

Title: Generalized Boosted Regression Models
Description: An implementation of extensions to Freund and Schapire's AdaBoost algorithm and Friedman's gradient boosting machine. Includes regression methods for least squares, absolute loss, t-distribution loss, quantile regression, logistic, multinomial logistic, Poisson, Cox proportional hazards partial likelihood, AdaBoost exponential loss, Huberized hinge loss, and Learning to Rank measures (LambdaMart). Originally developed by Greg Ridgeway. Newer version available at
Author: Greg Ridgeway [aut, cre] , Daniel Edwards [ctb], Brian Kriegler [ctb], Stefan Schroedl [ctb], Harry Southworth [ctb], Brandon Greenwell [ctb] , Bradley Boehmke [ctb] , Jay Cunningham [ctb], GBM Developers [aut]
Maintainer: Greg Ridgeway <>

Diff between gbm versions 2.1.9 dated 2024-01-10 and 2.2.2 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION         |   34 +++++++++-----------
 MD5                 |   76 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 R/gbm-internals.R   |    2 -
 R/gbm-package.R     |    7 +---
 R/         |   38 +++++++++--------------
 R/gbmCrossVal.R     |    4 +-
 R/utils.R           |    2 -
 build/vignette.rds  |binary
 inst/doc/gbm.pdf    |binary
 man/gbm-package.Rd  |   10 +++++-
 src/adaboost.cpp    |    2 -
 src/adaboost.h      |    4 +-
 src/bernoulli.cpp   |    2 -
 src/bernoulli.h     |    4 +-
 src/buildinfo.h     |    1 
 src/coxph.h         |   10 +++---
 src/gaussian.h      |    6 +--
 src/gbm.cpp         |    1 
 src/gbm.h           |    4 +-
 src/gbm_engine.h    |    2 -
 src/gbmentry.cpp    |   85 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 src/huberized.h     |    4 +-
 src/laplace.cpp     |   66 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 src/laplace.h       |    7 +++-
 src/locationm.cpp   |    8 +---
 src/locationm.h     |    2 -
 src/matrix.h        |   16 ++++-----
 src/multinomial.cpp |   46 ++++++++++++++++++++--------
 src/multinomial.h   |    3 +
 src/node.h          |    6 +--
 src/node_factory.h  |    8 +---
 src/node_search.cpp |    2 -
 src/node_search.h   |    2 -
 src/node_terminal.h |    4 --
 src/pairwise.cpp    |   26 +++++++--------
 src/pairwise.h      |   20 ++++++------
 src/poisson.h       |    8 ++--
 src/quantile.cpp    |    4 +-
 src/quantile.h      |    2 -
 39 files changed, 275 insertions(+), 253 deletions(-)

More information about gbm at CRAN
Permanent link

Package bsvars updated to version 3.0.1 with previous version 3.0 dated 2024-06-19

Title: Bayesian Estimation of Structural Vector Autoregressive Models
Description: Provides fast and efficient procedures for Bayesian analysis of Structural Vector Autoregressions. This package estimates a wide range of models, including homo-, heteroskedastic, and non-normal specifications. Structural models can be identified by adjustable exclusion restrictions, time-varying volatility, or non-normality. They all include a flexible three-level equation-specific local-global hierarchical prior distribution for the estimated level of shrinkage for autoregressive and structural parameters. Additionally, the package facilitates predictive and structural analyses such as impulse responses, forecast error variance and historical decompositions, forecasting, verification of heteroskedasticity, non-normality, and hypotheses on autoregressive parameters, as well as analyses of structural shocks, volatilities, and fitted values. Beautiful plots, informative summary functions, and extensive documentation complement all this. The implemented techniques align closely with thos [...truncated...]
Author: Tomasz Wozniak [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Tomasz Wozniak <>

Diff between bsvars versions 3.0 dated 2024-06-19 and 3.0.1 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION                                         |    8 +-
 MD5                                                 |   24 +++----                                             |    8 ++
 R/compute_variance_decompositions.R                 |    9 +-
 R/forecast.R                                        |   24 +++----
 inst/include/bsvars_RcppExports.h                   |   29 +++++++-
 inst/tinytest/test_compute_variance_decomposition.R |   66 +++++++++++++++++++-
 src/RcppExports.cpp                                 |   55 ++++++++++++++--
 src/bsvarTOOLs.cpp                                  |   15 +++-
 src/bsvarTOOLs.h                                    |    5 -
 src/forecast.cpp                                    |   51 ++++-----------
 src/verify.cpp                                      |   59 ++++++++++++++---
 src/verify.h                                        |   14 +++-
 13 files changed, 265 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)

More information about bsvars at CRAN
Permanent link

Package orbweaver (with last version 0.10.2) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2024-06-13 0.10.2
2023-11-24 0.0.3

Permanent link
Package stpp updated to version 2.0-8 with previous version 2.0-7 dated 2022-11-30

Title: Space-Time Point Pattern Simulation, Visualisation and Analysis
Description: Many of the models encountered in applications of point process methods to the study of spatio-temporal phenomena are covered in 'stpp'. This package provides statistical tools for analyzing the global and local second-order properties of spatio-temporal point processes, including estimators of the space-time inhomogeneous K-function and pair correlation function. It also includes tools to get static and dynamic display of spatio-temporal point patterns. See Gabriel et al (2013) <doi:10.18637/jss.v053.i02>.
Author: Edith Gabriel [aut, cre], Peter J Diggle [aut], Barry Rowlingson [aut], Francisco J Rodriguez-Cortes [aut]
Maintainer: Edith Gabriel <>

Diff between stpp versions 2.0-7 dated 2022-11-30 and 2.0-8 dated 2024-06-28

 stpp-2.0-7/stpp/             |only
 stpp-2.0-8/stpp/CHANGES               |    6 ++++++
 stpp-2.0-8/stpp/DESCRIPTION           |   12 ++++++------
 stpp-2.0-8/stpp/MD5                   |   23 +++++++++++------------
 stpp-2.0-8/stpp/NAMESPACE             |    3 ++-
 stpp-2.0-8/stpp/R/kmmr.R              |    8 ++++----
 stpp-2.0-8/stpp/build/vignette.rds    |binary
 stpp-2.0-8/stpp/data/fmd.rda          |binary
 stpp-2.0-8/stpp/data/northcumbria.rda |binary
 stpp-2.0-8/stpp/inst/doc/docs.Rmd     |    4 ++--
 stpp-2.0-8/stpp/inst/doc/docs.html    |    8 ++++----
 stpp-2.0-8/stpp/src/kmmrcore.f        |    2 +-
 stpp-2.0-8/stpp/vignettes/docs.Rmd    |    4 ++--
 13 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

More information about stpp at CRAN
Permanent link

Package spatstat.univar updated to version 3.0-0 with previous version 2.0-3 dated 2024-04-29

Title: One-Dimensional Probability Distribution Support for the 'spatstat' Family
Description: Estimation of one-dimensional probability distributions including kernel density estimation, weighted empirical cumulative distribution functions, Kaplan-Meier and reduced-sample estimators for right-censored data, heat kernels, kernel properties, quantiles and integration.
Author: Adrian Baddeley [aut, cre, cph] , Tilman M. Davies [aut, ctb, cph] , Martin L. Hazelton [aut, ctb, cph] , Ege Rubak [aut, cph] , Rolf Turner [aut, cph] , Greg McSwiggan [ctb, cph]
Maintainer: Adrian Baddeley <>

Diff between spatstat.univar versions 2.0-3 dated 2024-04-29 and 3.0-0 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION                     |   10 ++++----
 MD5                             |   27 +++++++++++++++-------
 NAMESPACE                       |   19 +++++++++++++++
 NEWS                            |   49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 R/adaptive.R                    |only
 R/bw.abram.default.R            |only
 R/quantiledensity.R             |    1 
 R/rounding.R                    |only
 R/uniquemap.R                   |only
 R/weightedStats.R               |   26 +++++++++++++--------
 inst/doc/packagesizes.txt       |    2 -
 inst/info                       |only
 man/bw.abram.Rd                 |only
 man/bw.abram.default.Rd         |only
 man/densityAdaptiveKernel.Rd    |only
 man/firstdigit.Rd               |only
 man/rounding.Rd                 |only
 man/spatstat.univar-internal.Rd |    4 +++
 man/spatstat.univar-package.Rd  |   23 ++++++++++++++++++
 man/uniquemap.default.Rd        |only
 20 files changed, 137 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

More information about spatstat.univar at CRAN
Permanent link

Package microeco updated to version 1.8.0 with previous version 1.7.1 dated 2024-05-23

Title: Microbial Community Ecology Data Analysis
Description: A series of statistical and plotting approaches in microbial community ecology based on the R6 class. The classes are designed for data preprocessing, taxa abundance plotting, alpha diversity analysis, beta diversity analysis, differential abundance test, null model analysis, network analysis, machine learning, environmental data analysis and functional analysis.
Author: Chi Liu [aut, cre], Felipe R. P. Mansoldo [ctb], Minjie Yao [ctb], Xiangzhen Li [ctb]
Maintainer: Chi Liu <>

Diff between microeco versions 1.7.1 dated 2024-05-23 and 1.8.0 dated 2024-06-28

 DESCRIPTION                    |    6 
 MD5                            |   50 +++---
 R/microtable.R                 |    6 
 R/trans_abund.R                |    4 
 R/trans_alpha.R                |  147 +++++++++++------
 R/trans_beta.R                 |  159 +++++++++++--------
 R/trans_classifier.R           |  339 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 R/trans_diff.R                 |   69 +++++---
 R/trans_env.R                  |   47 +++--
 R/trans_func.R                 |   17 +-
 R/trans_network.R              |   26 +--
 R/trans_norm.R                 |    6 
 R/trans_nullmodel.R            |    6 
 R/utility.R                    |    2 
 data/fungi_func_FUNGuild.RData |binary
 man/microtable.Rd              |    6 
 man/trans_abund.Rd             |    4 
 man/trans_alpha.Rd             |   59 ++++---
 man/trans_beta.Rd              |   73 ++++----
 man/trans_classifier.Rd        |  205 +++++++++++++++++++-----
 man/trans_diff.Rd              |   26 ++-
 man/trans_env.Rd               |    6 
 man/trans_func.Rd              |    6 
 man/trans_network.Rd           |   22 +-
 man/trans_norm.Rd              |    6 
 man/trans_nullmodel.Rd         |    6 
 26 files changed, 893 insertions(+), 410 deletions(-)

More information about microeco at CRAN
Permanent link

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