Thu, 03 Oct 2024

Package xfun updated to version 0.48 with previous version 0.47 dated 2024-08-16

Title: Supporting Functions for Packages Maintained by 'Yihui Xie'
Description: Miscellaneous functions commonly used in other packages maintained by 'Yihui Xie'.
Author: Yihui Xie [aut, cre, cph] , Wush Wu [ctb], Daijiang Li [ctb], Xianying Tan [ctb], Salim Brueggemann [ctb] , Christophe Dervieux [ctb]
Maintainer: Yihui Xie <>

Diff between xfun versions 0.47 dated 2024-08-16 and 0.48 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION                  |   17 +---
 MD5                          |   57 +++++++-------
 NAMESPACE                    |    7 +                      |   14 +++
 R/app.R                      |    2 
 R/base64.R                   |  104 +++++++++++++++++++++-----
 R/cache.R                    |   48 ++++++------
 R/io.R                       |    5 -
 R/markdown.R                 |   23 ++---
 R/packages.R                 |   12 ++-
 R/paths.R                    |   26 ++++++
 R/record.R                   |   10 ++
 R/revcheck.R                 |    8 --
 R/string.R                   |   92 ++++++++++++++++++++++-
 R/yaml.R                     |    4 -
 inst/doc/xfun.R              |   49 ++++--------
 inst/doc/xfun.Rmd            |   12 +--
 inst/doc/xfun.html           |  169 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 inst/scripts/mime-type.txt   |only
 man/base64_uri.Rd            |   10 --
 man/base_pkgs.Rd             |    6 -
 man/embed_file.Rd            |   20 +----
 man/file_rename.Rd           |only
 man/gsub_file.Rd             |    3 
 man/html_tag.Rd              |only
 man/md5.Rd                   |    8 +-
 man/mime_type.Rd             |only
 man/record_print.Rd          |    3 
 man/yaml_body.Rd             |    2 
 tests/test-ci/test-base64.R  |only
 tests/test-cran/test-paths.R |   54 +++++++++++--
 vignettes/xfun.Rmd           |   12 +--
 32 files changed, 497 insertions(+), 280 deletions(-)

More information about xfun at CRAN
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New package theft with initial version 0.6.3
Package: theft
Title: Tools for Handling Extraction of Features from Time Series
Version: 0.6.3
Date: 2024-10-03
Maintainer: Trent Henderson <>
Description: Consolidates and calculates different sets of time-series features from multiple 'R' and 'Python' packages including 'Rcatch22' Henderson, T. (2021) <doi:10.5281/zenodo.5546815>, 'feasts' O'Hara-Wild, M., Hyndman, R., and Wang, E. (2021) <>, 'tsfeatures' Hyndman, R., Kang, Y., Montero-Manso, P., Talagala, T., Wang, E., Yang, Y., and O'Hara-Wild, M. (2020) <>, 'tsfresh' Christ, M., Braun, N., Neuffer, J., and Kempa-Liehr A.W. (2018) <doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2018.03.067>, 'TSFEL' Barandas, M., et al. (2020) <doi:10.1016/j.softx.2020.100456>, and 'Kats' Facebook Infrastructure Data Science (2021) <>.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
Imports: utils, rlang, dplyr, tidyr, purrr, tibble, tsibble, fabletools, tsfeatures, feasts, Rcatch22, reticulate, R.matlab
Suggests: lifecycle, cachem, bslib, knitr, markdown, rmarkdown, pkgdown, testthat
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-10-03 08:03:28 UTC; Trent.Henderson
Author: Trent Henderson [cre, aut], Annie Bryant [ctb]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-10-03 23:00:02 UTC

More information about theft at CRAN
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Package strex updated to version 2.0.1 with previous version 2.0.0 dated 2024-01-31

Title: Extra String Manipulation Functions
Description: There are some things that I wish were easier with the 'stringr' or 'stringi' packages. The foremost of these is the extraction of numbers from strings. 'stringr' and 'stringi' make you figure out the regular expression for yourself; 'strex' takes care of this for you. There are many other handy functionalities in 'strex'. Contributions to this package are encouraged; it is intended as a miscellany of string manipulation functions that cannot be found in 'stringi' or 'stringr'.
Author: Rory Nolan [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Rory Nolan <>

Diff between strex versions 2.0.0 dated 2024-01-31 and 2.0.1 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION                        |    8 ++++----
 MD5                                |   36 ++++++++++++++++++------------------                            |    6 ++++++
 R/arg-match.R                      |   12 ++++++------
 R/strex-package.R                  |    3 +--
 R/trim.R                           |   15 ++++++++-------
 build/partial.rdb                  |binary
 build/vignette.rds                 |binary
 inst/doc/alphordering-numbers.html |    8 ++++----
 inst/doc/argument-matching.html    |    8 ++++----
 inst/doc/before-and-after.html     |    8 ++++----
 inst/doc/detection.html            |    8 ++++----
 inst/doc/important-miscellany.html |    8 ++++----
 inst/doc/numbers-in-strings.html   |    8 ++++----
 man/str_extract_numbers.Rd         |    4 ++--
 man/str_nth_number_after_mth.Rd    |    4 ++--
 man/str_nth_number_before_mth.Rd   |    4 ++--
 man/str_paste_elems.Rd             |    4 ++--
 man/strex.Rd                       |   13 +++++++++++++
 19 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

More information about strex at CRAN
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Package spam updated to version 2.11-0 with previous version 2.10-0 dated 2023-10-23

Title: SPArse Matrix
Description: Set of functions for sparse matrix algebra. Differences with other sparse matrix packages are: (1) we only support (essentially) one sparse matrix format, (2) based on transparent and simple structure(s), (3) tailored for MCMC calculations within G(M)RF. (4) and it is fast and scalable (with the extension package spam64). Documentation about 'spam' is provided by vignettes included in this package, see also Furrer and Sain (2010) <doi:10.18637/jss.v036.i10>; see 'citation("spam")' for details.
Author: Reinhard Furrer [aut, cre] , Florian Gerber [aut] , Roman Flury [aut] , Daniel Gerber [ctb], Kaspar Moesinger [ctb], Annina Cincera [ctb], Youcef Saad [ctb] , Esmond G. Ng [ctb] , Barry W. Peyton [ctb] , Joseph W.H. Liu [ctb] , Alan D. George [ctb] , [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Reinhard Furrer <>

Diff between spam versions 2.10-0 dated 2023-10-23 and 2.11-0 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION                              |   14 ++---
 MD5                                      |   45 +++++++++---------                                  |   11 ++++
 R/tmp.R                                  |only
 R/xybind.R                               |   76 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 build/partial.rdb                        |binary
 build/vignette.rds                       |binary
 inst/CITATION                            |   32 +++++--------
 inst/doc/spam.pdf                        |binary
 man/Math2.Rd                             |    1 
 man/cbind.Rd                             |   10 ++--
 man/random.Rd                            |    4 +
 src/init.c                               |    2 
 src/xybind.f                             |   33 +++++++++++++
 tests/Examples/         |   57 +++++++++++------------
 tests/            |    8 +--
 tests/      |    8 +--
 tests/ |    8 +--
 tests/           |    8 +--
 tests/        |    8 +--
 tests/                |    8 +--
 tests/              |    8 +--
 tests/         |    8 +--
 tests/                 |    8 +--
 24 files changed, 228 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-)

More information about spam at CRAN
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Package SCDB updated to version 0.4.1 with previous version 0.4.0 dated 2024-03-21

Title: Easily Access and Maintain Time-Based Versioned Data (Slowly-Changing-Dimension)
Description: A collection of functions that enable easy access and updating of a database of data over time. More specifically, the package facilitates type-2 history for data-warehouses and provides a number of Quality of life improvements for working on SQL databases with R. For reference see Ralph Kimball and Margy Ross (2013, ISBN 9781118530801).
Author: Rasmus Skytte Randloev [aut, cre, rev] , Marcus Munch Gruenewald [aut] , Lasse Engbo Christiansen [rev] , Statens Serum Institut [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Rasmus Skytte Randloev <>

Diff between SCDB versions 0.4.0 dated 2024-03-21 and 0.4.1 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION                              |    8 
 MD5                                      |   50 +-                                  |  530 +++++++++++++++----------------
 R/0_linters.R                            |   12 
 R/Logger.R                               |    9 
 R/db_joins.R                             |    5 
 R/get_schema.R                           |   17 
 R/get_table.R                            |   11 
 R/get_tables.R                           |    5 
 R/locks.R                                |   24 -
 build/vignette.rds                       |binary
 inst/doc/SCDB.html                       |   16 
 inst/doc/slowly-changing-dimension.R     |  272 +++++++--------
 inst/doc/slowly-changing-dimension.Rmd   |  484 ++++++++++++++--------------
 inst/doc/slowly-changing-dimension.html  |  151 +-------
 man/joins.Rd                             |    4 
 tests/testthat/helper-setup.R            |    2 
 tests/testthat/setup.R                   |    9 
 tests/testthat/test-Logger.R             |   15 
 tests/testthat/test-db_joins.R           |   24 -
 tests/testthat/test-digest_to_checksum.R |    4 
 tests/testthat/test-get_schema.R         |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-get_tables.R         |   51 ++
 tests/testthat/test-interlace.R          |   16 
 tests/testthat/test-update_snapshot.R    |   20 -
 vignettes/slowly-changing-dimension.Rmd  |  484 ++++++++++++++--------------
 26 files changed, 1090 insertions(+), 1135 deletions(-)

More information about SCDB at CRAN
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Package sars updated to version 1.3.7 with previous version 1.3.6 dated 2022-12-14

Title: Fit and Compare Species-Area Relationship Models Using Multimodel Inference
Description: Implements the basic elements of the multi-model inference paradigm for up to twenty species-area relationship models (SAR), using simple R list-objects and functions, as in Triantis et al. 2012 <DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02652.x>. The package is scalable and users can easily create their own model and data objects. Additional SAR related functions are provided.
Author: Thomas J. Matthews [aut, cre] , Francois Guilhaumon [aut] , Kevin Cazelles [rev]
Maintainer: Thomas J. Matthews <>

Diff between sars versions 1.3.6 dated 2022-12-14 and 1.3.7 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION                              |   10 
 MD5                                      |  144 ++++++-------
 NAMESPACE                                |    4                                  |    8 
 R/class_plot.R                           |   79 ++++++-
 R/class_print.R                          |  224 ++++++++++++--------
 R/class_summary.R                        |  133 ++++++++++++
 R/data_habitat.R                         |only
 R/optim.R                                |   11 -
 R/sar_asymp.R                            |   46 ++--
 R/sar_average.R                          |   68 +++---
 R/sar_betap.R                            |   46 ++--
 R/sar_chapman.R                          |   46 ++--
 R/sar_epm1.R                             |   46 ++--
 R/sar_epm2.R                             |   46 ++--
 R/sar_gompertz.R                         |   46 ++--
 R/sar_habitat.R                          |only
 R/sar_heleg.R                            |   46 ++--
 R/sar_koba.R                             |   46 ++--
 R/sar_linear.R                           |   35 +--
 R/sar_loga.R                             |   46 ++--
 R/sar_logistic.R                         |   46 ++--
 R/sar_mmf.R                              |   46 ++--
 R/sar_monod.R                            |   46 ++--
 R/sar_negexpo.R                          |   46 ++--
 R/sar_p1.R                               |   46 ++--
 R/sar_p2.R                               |   46 ++--
 R/sar_power.R                            |   46 ++--
 R/sar_powerR.R                           |   46 ++--
 R/sar_ratio.R                            |   46 ++--
 R/sar_threshold.R                        |   14 +
 R/sar_weibull3.R                         |   46 ++--
 R/sar_weibull4.R                         |   46 ++--
 R/sars.R                                 |    4                                |   20 -
 build/vignette.rds                       |binary
 data/habitat.rda                         |only
 inst/CITATION                            |   18 -
 inst/REFERENCES.bib                      |    4 
 inst/doc/sars-r-package.R                |   10 
 inst/doc/sars-r-package.html             |  340 +++++++++++++++----------------
 inst/model_factory.R                     |   70 +++---
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-5-1.png |binary
 man/habitat.Rd                           |only
 man/plot.habitat.Rd                      |only
 man/plot.multi.Rd                        |   34 ++-
 man/plot.threshold.Rd                    |    8 
 man/sar_asymp.Rd                         |   46 ++--
 man/sar_average.Rd                       |   43 ++-
 man/sar_betap.Rd                         |   46 ++--
 man/sar_chapman.Rd                       |   46 ++--
 man/sar_epm1.Rd                          |   46 ++--
 man/sar_epm2.Rd                          |   46 ++--
 man/sar_gompertz.Rd                      |   46 ++--
 man/sar_habitat.Rd                       |only
 man/sar_heleg.Rd                         |   46 ++--
 man/sar_koba.Rd                          |   46 ++--
 man/sar_linear.Rd                        |   35 +--
 man/sar_loga.Rd                          |   46 ++--
 man/sar_logistic.Rd                      |   46 ++--
 man/sar_mmf.Rd                           |   46 ++--
 man/sar_monod.Rd                         |   46 ++--
 man/sar_negexpo.Rd                       |   46 ++--
 man/sar_p1.Rd                            |   46 ++--
 man/sar_p2.Rd                            |   46 ++--
 man/sar_power.Rd                         |   46 ++--
 man/sar_powerR.Rd                        |   46 ++--
 man/sar_ratio.Rd                         |   46 ++--
 man/sar_threshold.Rd                     |   14 +
 man/sar_weibull3.Rd                      |   46 ++--
 man/sar_weibull4.Rd                      |   46 ++--
 man/sars-package.Rd                      |  167 +++++++--------
 man/summary.sars.Rd                      |    5 
 tests/testthat.R                         |    3 
 tests/testthat/test_multi.R              |   31 ++
 vignettes/REFERENCES.bib                 |   11 -
 76 files changed, 1871 insertions(+), 1516 deletions(-)

More information about sars at CRAN
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Package paws.common updated to version 0.7.7 with previous version 0.7.6 dated 2024-09-04

Title: Paws Low-Level Amazon Web Services API
Description: Functions for making low-level API requests to Amazon Web Services <>. The functions handle building, signing, and sending requests, and receiving responses. They are designed to help build higher-level interfaces to individual services, such as Simple Storage Service (S3).
Author: David Kretch [aut], Adam Banker [aut], Dyfan Jones [cre],, Inc. [cph]
Maintainer: Dyfan Jones <>

Diff between paws.common versions 0.7.6 dated 2024-09-04 and 0.7.7 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION                                |    6 +-
 MD5                                        |   64 ++++++++++++++---------------                                    |    5 ++
 R/cache.R                                  |    2 
 R/config.R                                 |    7 ++-
 R/credential_providers.R                   |   63 +++++++++-------------------
 R/credentials.R                            |    9 +++-
 R/custom_s3.R                              |    6 +-
 R/handlers_core.R                          |   11 ----
 R/handlers_rest.R                          |    2 
 R/iniutil.R                                |    6 +-
 R/net.R                                    |    3 -
 R/onLoad.R                                 |    1 
 R/paginate.R                               |   22 ++++-----
 R/queryutil.R                              |    2 
 R/service.R                                |    1 
 R/util.R                                   |   11 ++++
 tests/testthat/test_credential_providers.R |   21 ---------
 tests/testthat/test_credentials.R          |   20 ++++++++-
 tests/testthat/test_custom_s3.R            |    2 
 tests/testthat/test_escape.R               |    6 +-
 tests/testthat/test_handlers.R             |    4 -
 tests/testthat/test_handlers_core.R        |   19 ++++----
 tests/testthat/test_handlers_ec2query.R    |    4 -
 tests/testthat/test_handlers_jsonrpc.R     |   22 ++++-----
 tests/testthat/test_handlers_query.R       |    4 -
 tests/testthat/test_handlers_restxml.R     |    4 -
 tests/testthat/test_iniutil.R              |    4 -
 tests/testthat/test_net.R                  |    2 
 tests/testthat/test_retry.R                |    2 
 tests/testthat/test_service.R              |   12 ++---
 tests/testthat/test_struct.R               |    2 
 tests/testthat/test_util.R                 |   56 ++++++++++++-------------
 33 files changed, 195 insertions(+), 210 deletions(-)

More information about paws.common at CRAN
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Package mvgb updated to version 0.0.6 with previous version 0.0.5 dated 2024-09-20

Title: Multivariate Probabilities of Scale Mixtures of Multivariate Normal Distributions via the Genz and Bretz (2002) QRSVN Method
Description: Generates multivariate subgaussian stable probabilities using the QRSVN algorithm as detailed in Genz and Bretz (2002) <DOI:10.1198/106186002394> but by sampling positive stable variates not chi/sqrt(nu).
Author: Alan Genz [aut] , Bruce Swihart [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Bruce Swihart <>

Diff between mvgb versions 0.0.5 dated 2024-09-20 and 0.0.6 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION      |    6 +-
 MD5              |    6 +-          |    6 ++
 src/mvtdstpack.f |  127 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 4 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

More information about mvgb at CRAN
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Package mlr3cluster updated to version 0.1.10 with previous version 0.1.9 dated 2024-03-18

Title: Cluster Extension for 'mlr3'
Description: Extends the 'mlr3' package with cluster analysis.
Author: Damir Pulatov [cre, aut], Michel Lang [aut] , Maximilian Muecke [ctb]
Maintainer: Damir Pulatov <>

Diff between mlr3cluster versions 0.1.9 dated 2024-03-18 and 0.1.10 dated 2024-10-03

 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/DESCRIPTION                                           |   48 +-
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/MD5                                                   |  171 +++++-----
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/NAMESPACE                                             |    3 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/                                               |    6 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClust.R                                      |    3 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustAffinityPropagation.R                   |   10 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustAgnes.R                                 |   47 +-
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustBICO.R                                  |only
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustBIRCH.R                                 |only
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustCMeans.R                                |   19 -
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustCobweb.R                                |   11 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustDBSCAN.R                                |   24 -
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustDBSCANfpc.R                             |   18 -
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustDiana.R                                 |   21 -
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustEM.R                                    |   11 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustFanny.R                                 |    8 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustFarthestFirst.R                         |   11 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustFeatureless.R                           |    4 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustHDBSCAN.R                               |   14 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustHclust.R                                |   30 -
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustKKMeans.R                               |   37 +-
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustKMeans.R                                |   16 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustMclust.R                                |    9 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustMeanShift.R                             |   11 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustMiniBatchKMeans.R                       |   61 +--
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustOPTICS.R                                |   24 -
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustPAM.R                                   |   24 -
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustSimpleKMeans.R                          |   11 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/LearnerClustXMeans.R                                |   11 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/MeasureClustInternal.R                              |    8 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/PredictionClust.R                                   |    1 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/PredictionDataClust.R                               |   17 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/TaskClust.R                                         |    2 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/TaskClust_ruspini.R                                 |   16 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/TaskClust_usarrest.R                                |   17 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/as_prediction_clust.R                               |    4 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/as_task_clust.R                                     |   17 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/bibentries.R                                        |   45 ++
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/helper.R                                            |    5 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/R/zzz.R                                               |   81 ++--
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/                                             |  116 +++---
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/LearnerClust.Rd                                   |   17 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/MeasureClust.Rd                                   |   14 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/PredictionClust.Rd                                |    3 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/TaskClust.Rd                                      |   14 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/as_task_clust.Rd                                  |    8 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr3cluster-package.Rd                            |    5 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.MBatchKMeans.Rd                |   11 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.SimpleKMeans.Rd                |   11 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.agnes.Rd                       |    9 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.ap.Rd                          |    9 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.bico.Rd                        |only
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.birch.Rd                       |only
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.cmeans.Rd                      |   11 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.cobweb.Rd                      |    9 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.dbscan.Rd                      |    9 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.dbscan_fpc.Rd                  |   11 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.diana.Rd                       |    9 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.em.Rd                          |    9 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.fanny.Rd                       |    9 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.featureless.Rd                 |    9 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.ff.Rd                          |    9 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.hclust.Rd                      |   11 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.hdbscan.Rd                     |    9 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.kkmeans.Rd                     |    9 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.kmeans.Rd                      |    9 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.mclust.Rd                      |   13 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.meanshift.Rd                   |    9 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.optics.Rd                      |    9 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.pam.Rd                         |   11 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_learners_clust.xmeans.Rd                      |   13 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/                          |    2 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_measures_clust.dunn.Rd                        |    2 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_measures_clust.silhouette.Rd                  |    2 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_measures_clust.wss.Rd                         |    2 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_tasks_ruspini.Rd                              |   49 ++
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/man/mlr_tasks_usarrests.Rd                            |   42 ++
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/tests/testthat/Rplots.pdf                             |binary
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/tests/testthat/helper.R                               |    4 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/tests/testthat/test_PredictionClust.R                 |   24 +
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/tests/testthat/test_mlr_learners_clust_agnes.R        |    8 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/tests/testthat/test_mlr_learners_clust_ap.R           |    2 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/tests/testthat/test_mlr_learners_clust_bico.R         |only
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/tests/testthat/test_mlr_learners_clust_birch.R        |only
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/tests/testthat/test_mlr_learners_clust_diana.R        |    8 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/tests/testthat/test_mlr_learners_clust_fanny.R        |    8 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/tests/testthat/test_mlr_learners_clust_hclust.R       |    8 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/tests/testthat/test_mlr_learners_clust_mbatchkmeans.R |    5 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.10/mlr3cluster/tests/testthat/test_mlr_learners_clust_meanshift.R    |    8 
 mlr3cluster-0.1.9/mlr3cluster/R/aaa.R                                                |only
 90 files changed, 849 insertions(+), 596 deletions(-)

More information about mlr3cluster at CRAN
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Package mlpwr updated to version 1.1.1 with previous version 1.1.0 dated 2023-08-07

Title: A Power Analysis Toolbox to Find Cost-Efficient Study Designs
Description: We implement a surrogate modeling algorithm to guide simulation-based sample size planning. The method is described in detail in our paper (Zimmer & Debelak (2023) <doi:10.1037/met0000611>). It supports multiple study design parameters and optimization with respect to a cost function. It can find optimal designs that correspond to a desired statistical power or that fulfill a cost constraint. We also provide a tutorial paper (Zimmer et al. (2023) <doi:10.3758/s13428-023-02269-0>).
Author: Felix Zimmer [aut, cre] , Rudolf Debelak [aut] , Marc Egli [ctb]
Maintainer: Felix Zimmer <>

Diff between mlpwr versions 1.1.0 dated 2023-08-07 and 1.1.1 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION                              |   32 
 MD5                                      |   68 +
 NAMESPACE                                |   16                                  |    5 
 R/check.term.R                           |   84 -
 R/                          |    7 
 R/helper.R                               |  383 ++++----
 R/initpoints.R                           |  106 +-
 R/plot1d.R                               |  240 ++---
 R/plot2d_line.R                          |  248 ++---
 R/summary.designresult.R                 |  186 ++--                                |  303 +++----
 build/vignette.rds                       |binary
 inst/CITATION                            |only
 inst/doc/ANOVA_Vignette.R                |only
 inst/doc/ANOVA_Vignette.Rmd              |only
 inst/doc/ANOVA_Vignette.html             |only
 inst/doc/GLM_Vignette.R                  |only
 inst/doc/GLM_Vignette.Rmd                |only
 inst/doc/GLM_Vignette.html               |only
 inst/doc/IRT_Vignette.R                  |only
 inst/doc/IRT_Vignette.Rmd                |only
 inst/doc/IRT_Vignette.html               |only
 inst/doc/MLM_Vignette.R                  |only
 inst/doc/MLM_Vignette.Rmd                |only
 inst/doc/MLM_Vignette.html               |only
 inst/doc/extensions.R                    |  336 +++----
 inst/doc/extensions.html                 | 1324 +++++++++++++++----------------
 inst/doc/simulation_functions.R          |  510 +++++------
 inst/doc/simulation_functions.html       | 1306 +++++++++++++++---------------
 inst/doc/ttest_Vignette.R                |only
 inst/doc/ttest_Vignette.Rmd              |only
 inst/doc/ttest_Vignette.html             |only
 inst/extdata                             |only
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-8-1.png |binary
 man/                       |  300 +++----
 man/plot.designresult.Rd                 |  102 +-
 man/simulations_data.Rd                  |   64 -
 vignettes/ANOVA_Vignette.Rmd             |only
 vignettes/GLM_Vignette.Rmd               |only
 vignettes/IRT_Vignette.Rmd               |only
 vignettes/MLM_Vignette.Rmd               |only
 vignettes/ttest_Vignette.Rmd             |only
 43 files changed, 2827 insertions(+), 2793 deletions(-)

More information about mlpwr at CRAN
Permanent link

Package kstMatrix updated to version 1.0-1 with previous version 1.0-0 dated 2024-09-01

Title: Basic Functions in Knowledge Space Theory Using Matrix Representation
Description: Knowledge space theory by Doignon and Falmagne (1999) <doi:10.1007/978-3-642-58625-5> is a set- and order-theoretical framework, which proposes mathematical formalisms to operationalize knowledge structures in a particular domain. The 'kstMatrix' package provides basic functionalities to generate, handle, and manipulate knowledge structures and knowledge spaces. Opposed to the 'kst' package, 'kstMatrix' uses matrix representations for knowledge structures. Furthermore, 'kstMatrix' contains several knowledge spaces developed by the research group around Cornelia Dowling through querying experts.
Author: Cord Hockemeyer [aut, cre], Wai Wong [ctb]
Maintainer: Cord Hockemeyer <>

Diff between kstMatrix versions 1.0-0 dated 2024-09-01 and 1.0-1 dated 2024-10-03

 Changelog               |    4 +
 DESCRIPTION             |    8 +-
 MD5                     |   18 ++--
 R/kmsurmisefunction.R   |  150 ++++++++++++++++------------------------
 R/kmunionclosure.R      |    4 -
 inst/doc/kstMatrix.html |  176 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 src/basis.c             |   24 ++++++
 src/helpers.c           |    7 +
 src/kstMatrix.h         |    1 
 src/kstMatrix_init.c    |   12 +++
 10 files changed, 235 insertions(+), 169 deletions(-)

More information about kstMatrix at CRAN
Permanent link

New package GeoThinneR with initial version 1.1.0
Package: GeoThinneR
Title: Simple Spatial Thinning for Ecological and Spatial Analysis
Version: 1.1.0
Description: Provides efficient geospatial thinning algorithms to reduce the density of coordinate data while maintaining spatial relationships. Implements K-D Tree and brute-force distance-based thinning, as well as grid-based and precision-based thinning methods. For more information on the methods, see Elseberg et al. (2012) <>.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Depends: R (>= 4.0.0)
Imports: data.table, fields, matrixStats, nabor, Rcpp, stats, terra
Suggests: ggplot2, knitr, rmarkdown, sf, testthat (>= 3.0.0), tibble
LinkingTo: Rcpp
VignetteBuilder: knitr
BuildVignettes: true
Encoding: UTF-8
Language: en-US
LazyData: true
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2024-10-03 13:23:51 UTC; jorge
Author: Jorge Mestre-Tomas [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jorge Mestre-Tomas <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-10-03 23:10:13 UTC

More information about GeoThinneR at CRAN
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Package equateIRT updated to version 2.5.1 with previous version 2.5.0 dated 2024-07-30

Title: IRT Equating Methods
Description: Computation of direct, chain and average (bisector) equating coefficients with standard errors using Item Response Theory (IRT) methods for dichotomous items (Battauz (2013) <doi:10.1007/s11336-012-9316-y>, Battauz (2015) <doi:10.18637/jss.v068.i07>). Test scoring can be performed by true score equating and observed score equating methods. DIF detection can be performed using a Wald-type test (Battauz (2019) <doi:10.1007/s10260-018-00442-w>). The package includes tests to assess the stability of the equating transformations (Battauz(2022) <doi:10.1111/stan.12277>).
Author: Michela Battauz [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Michela Battauz <>

Diff between equateIRT versions 2.5.0 dated 2024-07-30 and 2.5.1 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION                      |    6 +++---
 MD5                              |   10 +++++-----
 R/functions.r                    |   18 ++++++++++++------
 inst/NEWS                        |    5 ++---
 inst/doc/equateIRT_paper.pdf     |binary
 inst/doc/equateIRT_tutorial.html |    2 +-
 6 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

More information about equateIRT at CRAN
Permanent link

Package depCensoring updated to version 0.1.2 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2024-10-02

Title: Statistical Methods for Survival Data with Dependent Censoring
Description: Several statistical methods for analyzing survival data under various forms of dependent censoring are implemented in the package. In addition to accounting for dependent censoring, it offers tools to adjust for unmeasured confounding factors. The implemented approaches allow users to estimate the dependency between survival time and dependent censoring time, based solely on observed survival data. For more details on the methods, refer to Deresa and Van Keilegom (2021) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asaa095>, Czado and Van Keilegom (2023) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asac067>, Crommen et al. (2024) <doi:10.1007/s11749-023-00903-9> and Willems et al. (2024+) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2403.11860>.
Author: Ilias Willems [aut] , Gilles Crommen [aut] , Negera Wakgari Deresa [aut, cre] , Ingrid Van Keilegom [aut]
Maintainer: Negera Wakgari Deresa <>

Diff between depCensoring versions 0.1.1 dated 2024-10-02 and 0.1.2 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION |   21 +++++++++++----------
 MD5         |    5 +++--     |    4 ++++
 man/figures |only
 4 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

More information about depCensoring at CRAN
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Package cards updated to version 0.3.0 with previous version 0.2.2 dated 2024-09-02

Title: Analysis Results Data
Description: Construct CDISC (Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium) compliant Analysis Results Data objects. These objects are used and re-used to construct summary tables, visualizations, and written reports. The package also exports utilities for working with these objects and creating new Analysis Results Data objects.
Author: Daniel D. Sjoberg [aut, cre] , Becca Krouse [aut], Emily de la Rua [aut], F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG [cph, fnd], GlaxoSmithKline Research & Development Limited [cph]
Maintainer: Daniel D. Sjoberg <>

Diff between cards versions 0.2.2 dated 2024-09-02 and 0.3.0 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION                                      |    6 -
 MD5                                              |   99 +++++++++++-------
 NAMESPACE                                        |   13 ++                                          |   28 +++++
 R/apply_fmt_fn.R                                 |   23 +++-
 R/ard_attributes.R                               |   19 +++
 R/ard_categorical.R                              |    5 
 R/ard_continuous.R                               |    7 +
 R/ard_hierarchical.R                             |   49 +++------
 R/ard_stack.R                                    |   33 ++++--
 R/ard_stack_hierarchical.R                       |only
 R/ard_strata.R                                   |only
 R/eval_capture_conditions.R                      |   80 ++++++++++++++-
 R/import-standalone-checks.R                     |  105 +++++++++++++++++--
 R/import-standalone-cli_call_env.R               |    1 
 R/import-standalone-stringr.R                    |  122 ++++++++++++++++++++---
 R/import-standalone-tibble.R                     |only
 R/mock.R                                         |only
 R/replace_null_statistic.R                       |    2 
 R/shift_ard_columns.R                            |   62 +++++++++--
 R/update_ard.R                                   |only                                        |   12 ++
 inst/WORDLIST                                    |    5 
 man/ard_hierarchical.Rd                          |   14 +-
 man/ard_stack.Rd                                 |    5 
 man/ard_stack_hierarchical.Rd                    |only
 man/ard_strata.Rd                                |only
 man/eval_capture_conditions.Rd                   |   51 +++++++++
 man/mock.Rd                                      |only
 man/rename_ard_columns.Rd                        |   18 ++-
 man/replace_null_statistic.Rd                    |    2 
 man/update_ard.Rd                                |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/            |    2 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/          |   18 ++-
 tests/testthat/_snaps/         |   18 +++
 tests/testthat/_snaps/             |   19 +++
 tests/testthat/_snaps/          |   18 +++
 tests/testthat/_snaps/         |   18 +++
 tests/testthat/_snaps/        |   36 ++++++
 tests/testthat/_snaps/               |   52 +++++++++
 tests/testthat/_snaps/  |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/              |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/ |   55 ++++++++++
 tests/testthat/_snaps/                    |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/                   |    2 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/      |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/              |only
 tests/testthat/test-ard_attributes.R             |   19 +++
 tests/testthat/test-ard_categorical.R            |   18 +++
 tests/testthat/test-ard_complex.R                |   26 ++++
 tests/testthat/test-ard_continuous.R             |   24 ++++
 tests/testthat/test-ard_dichotomous.R            |   25 ++++
 tests/testthat/test-ard_hierarchical.R           |   50 +++++++++
 tests/testthat/test-ard_stack.R                  |   33 ++++++
 tests/testthat/test-ard_stack_hierarchical.R     |only
 tests/testthat/test-ard_strata.R                 |only
 tests/testthat/test-eval_capture_conditions.R    |   54 ++++++++++
 tests/testthat/test-mock.R                       |only
 tests/testthat/test-rename_ard_columns.R         |only
 tests/testthat/test-update_ard.R                 |only
 60 files changed, 1088 insertions(+), 160 deletions(-)

More information about cards at CRAN
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Package bitops updated to version 1.0-9 with previous version 1.0-8 dated 2024-07-29

Title: Bitwise Operations
Description: Functions for bitwise operations on integer vectors.
Author: Steve Dutky [aut] revised and modified), Martin Maechler [cre, aut]
Maintainer: Martin Maechler <>

Diff between bitops versions 1.0-8 dated 2024-07-29 and 1.0-9 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION   |    8 ++++----
 MD5           |    4 ++--
 src/bit-ops.c |    3 ++-
 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

More information about bitops at CRAN
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Package bayesCureRateModel updated to version 1.3 with previous version 1.2 dated 2024-09-14

Title: Bayesian Cure Rate Modeling for Time-to-Event Data
Description: A fully Bayesian approach in order to estimate a general family of cure rate models under the presence of covariates, see Papastamoulis and Milienos (2024) <doi:10.1007/s11749-024-00942-w>. The promotion time can be modelled (a) parametrically using typical distributional assumptions for time to event data (including the Weibull, Exponential, Gompertz, log-Logistic distributions), or (b) semiparametrically using finite mixtures of distributions. In both cases, user-defined families of distributions are allowed under some specific requirements. Posterior inference is carried out by constructing a Metropolis-coupled Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler, which combines Gibbs sampling for the latent cure indicators and Metropolis-Hastings steps with Langevin diffusion dynamics for parameter updates. The main MCMC algorithm is embedded within a parallel tempering scheme by considering heated versions of the target posterior distribution.
Author: Panagiotis Papastamoulis [aut, cre] , Fotios Milienos [aut]
Maintainer: Panagiotis Papastamoulis <>

Diff between bayesCureRateModel versions 1.2 dated 2024-09-14 and 1.3 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION                           |    8 
 MD5                                   |   21 -
 NAMESPACE                             |    7 
 R/bayesian_cure_rate_model.R          |  504 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 build/partial.rdb                     |binary
 man/bayesCureRateModel-package.Rd     |   10 
 man/logLik.bayesCureModel.Rd          |only
 man/plot.bayesCureModel.Rd            |   13 
 man/plot.predict_bayesCureModel.Rd    |only
 man/predict.bayesCureModel.Rd         |    4 
 man/print.predict_bayesCureModel.Rd   |only
 man/print.summary_bayesCureModel.Rd   |only
 man/summary.bayesCureModel.Rd         |    2 
 man/summary.predict_bayesCureModel.Rd |only
 14 files changed, 515 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

More information about bayesCureRateModel at CRAN
Permanent link

Package admtools updated to version 0.4.0 with previous version 0.3.1 dated 2024-09-02

Title: Estimate and Manipulate Age-Depth Models
Description: Estimate age-depth models from stratigraphic and sedimentological data, and transform data between the time and stratigraphic domain.
Author: Niklas Hohmann [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Niklas Hohmann <>

Diff between admtools versions 0.3.1 dated 2024-09-02 and 0.4.0 dated 2024-10-03

 admtools-0.3.1/admtools/data/CarboCatLite_data.rda        |only
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/DESCRIPTION                       |    9 -
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/MD5                               |  116 +++++++-------
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/NAMESPACE                         |    3 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/                           |   92 +++++------
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/R/adm_summary.R                   |    8 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/R/anchor.R                        |only
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/R/eTimeOpt_functionality.R        |    2 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/R/get_time.R                      |    2 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/R/is_adm.R                        |    9 -
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/R/is_destructive.R                |    2 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/R/merge_adm_to_multiadm.R         |    8 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/R/min_height.R                    |    2 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/R/plot.adm.R                      |    2 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/R/plot.stratlist.R                |    2 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/R/sed_rate_t.R                    |    2 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/R/strat_to_time.numeric.R         |    2 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/R/strat_to_time.phylo.R           |    6 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/R/strat_to_time.pre_paleoTS.R     |only
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/R/time_to_strat.R                 |    2 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/R/time_to_strat.numeric.R         |    4 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/R/time_to_strat.phylo.R           |    6 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/R/time_to_strat.pre_paleoTS.R     |only
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/R/tp_helpers.R                    |    6 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/R/tp_to_adm.R                     |    8 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/                         |    8 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/data/CarboCATLite_data.rda        |only
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/inst/CITATION                     |    6 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/inst/WORDLIST                     |only
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/inst/doc/adm_from_sedrate.html    |   14 -
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/inst/doc/adm_from_trace_cont.html |   12 -
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/inst/doc/adm_plotting.Rmd         |    4 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/inst/doc/adm_plotting.html        |    8 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/inst/doc/admtools.Rmd             |    8 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/inst/doc/admtools.html            |   12 -
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/inst/doc/admtools_doc.Rmd         |    6 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/inst/doc/admtools_doc.html        |   10 -
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/anchor.Rd                     |only
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/get_data_from_eTimeOpt.Rd     |    2 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/get_time.Rd                   |    2 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/is_adm.Rd                     |    9 -
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/is_destructive.Rd             |    2 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/mean_adm.Rd                   |    3 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/median_adm.Rd                 |    3 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/min_height.Rd                 |    2 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/plot.adm.Rd                   |    2 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/plot.stratlist.Rd             |    2 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/plot.timelist.Rd              |   32 +--
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/quantile_adm.Rd               |    5 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/sed_rate_t_fun.Rd             |    2 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/strat_to_time.numeric.Rd      |    2 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/strat_to_time.phylo.Rd        |    6 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/time_to_strat.Rd              |    2 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/time_to_strat.numeric.Rd      |    4 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/time_to_strat.phylo.Rd        |    6 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/tp_time_det.Rd                |    4 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/tp_time_floating_scale.Rd     |    2 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/man/tp_to_adm.Rd                  |    8 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/tests/spelling.R                  |only
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/tests/testthat/test_anchor.R      |only
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/tests/testthat/test_is_sac.R      |only
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/vignettes/adm_plotting.Rmd        |    4 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/vignettes/admtools.Rmd            |    8 
 admtools-0.4.0/admtools/vignettes/admtools_doc.Rmd        |    6 
 64 files changed, 277 insertions(+), 222 deletions(-)

More information about admtools at CRAN
Permanent link

Package bigergm updated to version 1.2.2 with previous version 1.2.1 dated 2024-06-13

Title: Fit, Simulate, and Diagnose Hierarchical Exponential-Family Models for Big Networks
Description: A toolbox for analyzing and simulating large networks based on hierarchical exponential-family random graph models (HERGMs).'bigergm' implements the estimation for large networks efficiently building on the 'lighthergm' and 'hergm' packages. Moreover, the package contains tools for simulating networks with local dependence to assess the goodness-of-fit.
Author: Cornelius Fritz [aut, cre], Shota Komatsu [aut], Juan Nelson Martinez Dahbura [aut], Takanori Nishida [aut], Angelo Mele [aut], Michael Schweinberger [aut]
Maintainer: Cornelius Fritz <>

Diff between bigergm versions 1.2.1 dated 2024-06-13 and 1.2.2 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION                                            |    8 +++---
 MD5                                                    |   18 +++++++--------
 R/MM_wrapper.R                                         |    6 ++---
 R/simulate_bigergm.R                                   |    7 ++++-
 build/vignette.rds                                     |binary
 inst/python/infomap_R/                    |    8 +++---
 man/simulate.bigergm.Rd                                |    3 ++
 tests/testthat/test-gof.R                              |   20 +++++++++--------
 tests/testthat/test-vector_for_initialization_method.R |    2 -
 vignettes/bigergm.html                                 |   14 +++++------
 10 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

More information about bigergm at CRAN
Permanent link

New package staccuracy with initial version 0.1.0
Package: staccuracy
Title: Standardized Accuracy and Other Model Performance Metrics
Version: 0.1.0
Language: en-US
Description: Standardized accuracy (staccuracy) is framework for expressing accuracy scores such that 50% represents a reference level of performance and 100% is perfect prediction. The 'staccuracy' package provides tools for creating staccuracy functions as well as some recommended staccuracy measures. It also provides functions for some classic performance metrics such as mean absolute error (MAE), root mean squared error (RMSE), and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUCROC), as well as their winsorized versions when applicable.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0)
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: cli, dplyr, purrr, rlang, utils
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-10-02 12:44:17 UTC; chitu.okoli
Author: Chitu Okoli [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Chitu Okoli <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-10-03 19:10:02 UTC

More information about staccuracy at CRAN
Permanent link

New package r6qualitytools with initial version 1.0.1
Package: r6qualitytools
Title: R6-Based Statistical Methods for Quality Science
Version: 1.0.1
Description: A comprehensive suite of statistical tools for Quality Management, designed around the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) cycle used in Six Sigma methodology. Based on the discontinued CRAN package 'qualitytools', this package refactors its original design by incorporating 'R6' object-oriented programming for increased flexibility and performance. It replaces traditional graphics with modern, interactive visualizations using 'ggplot2' and 'plotly'. Built on 'tidyverse' principles, it simplifies data manipulation and visualization, offering an intuitive approach to quality science.
License: GPL (>= 3)
Imports: dplyr, EnvStats, ggplot2, graphics, grid, gridExtra, MASS, methods, patchwork, plotly, R6, RColorBrewer, Rsolnp, scales, stats, tibble, tidyr, utils
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-10-03 02:54:54 UTC; Fabian
Author: Andrea Barahona [aut], Fabian Encarnacion [aut, cre, cph], Miguel Flores [aut], Javier Tarrio-Saavedra [ctb], Salvador Naya [ctb]
Maintainer: Fabian Encarnacion <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-10-03 19:30:02 UTC

More information about r6qualitytools at CRAN
Permanent link

New package FTSgof with initial version 1.0.0
Package: FTSgof
Title: White Noise and Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Functional Time Series
Version: 1.0.0
Maintainer: Mihyun Kim <>
Description: It offers comprehensive tools for the analysis of functional time series data, focusing on white noise hypothesis testing and goodness-of-fit evaluations, alongside functions for simulating data and advanced visualization techniques, such as 3D rainbow plots. These methods are described in Kokoszka, Rice, and Shang (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2017.08.004>, Yeh, Rice, and Dubin (2023) <doi:10.1214/23-EJS2112>, Kim, Kokoszka, and Rice (2023) <doi:10.1214/23-ss143>, and Rice, Wirjanto, and Zhao (2020) <doi:10.1111/jtsa.12532>.
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
Imports: sde, graphics, stats, rgl, fda, nloptr, sfsmisc, MASS
Language: en-US
SystemRequirements: XQuartz (
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-10-02 20:49:12 UTC; mk00095
Author: Mihyun Kim [aut, cre], Chi-Kuang Yeh [aut] , Yuqian Zhao [aut], Gregory Rice [ctb]
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-10-03 19:30:08 UTC

More information about FTSgof at CRAN
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New package extrasteps with initial version 0.1.0
Package: extrasteps
Title: More Miscellaneous Steps for the 'recipes' Package
Version: 0.1.0
Description: Contains additional miscellaneous steps for the 'recipes' package. These steps are useful, but doesn't have a good home in other 'recipes' packages or its extensions.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Depends: R (>= 3.6), recipes (>= 1.0.7)
Imports: dplyr, generics, magrittr, purrr, rlang, tibble, vctrs
Suggests: almanac, ggplot2, modeldata, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-10-02 18:04:01 UTC; emilhvitfeldt
Author: Emil Hvitfeldt [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Emil Hvitfeldt <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-10-03 19:20:02 UTC

More information about extrasteps at CRAN
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New package conditionalProbNspades with initial version 1.0
Package: conditionalProbNspades
Version: 1.0
Date: 2024-09-30
Title: Conditional Probabilities of Distributions Across Hearts Hands
Maintainer: Barry Zeeberg <>
Depends: R (>= 4.2.0)
Description: Provides some tabulated data to be be referred to in a discussion in a vignette accompanying my upcoming R package 'playWholeHandDriverPassParams'. In addition to that specific purpose, these may also provide data and illustrate some computational approaches that are relevant to card games like hearts or bridge.This package refers to authentic data from Gregory Stoll <>, and details of performing the probability calculations from Jeremy L. Martin <>.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-10-02 16:10:17 UTC; barryzeeberg
Author: Barry Zeeberg [aut, cre]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-10-03 19:20:08 UTC

More information about conditionalProbNspades at CRAN
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Package swfscAirDAS updated to version 0.3.1 with previous version 0.3.0 dated 2023-08-08

Title: Southwest Fisheries Science Center Aerial DAS Data Processing
Description: Process and summarize aerial survey 'DAS' data (AirDAS) <> collected using an aerial survey program from the Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) <>. PDF files detailing the relevant AirDAS data formats are included in this package.
Author: Sam Woodman [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Sam Woodman <>

Diff between swfscAirDAS versions 0.3.0 dated 2023-08-08 and 0.3.1 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION                    |   16 -
 MD5                            |   32 +-                        |    7 
 R/airdas_check.R               |   73 ++---
 R/airdas_chop_equallength.R    |    8 
 R/airdas_format_pdf.R          |    8 
 R/swfscAirDAS-package.R        |    5                      |   29 --
 build/vignette.rds             |binary
 inst/doc/swfscAirDAS.R         |    2 
 inst/doc/swfscAirDAS.Rmd       |    2 
 inst/doc/swfscAirDAS.html      |  524 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 man/airdas_check.Rd            |   63 ++--
 man/airdas_chop_equallength.Rd |    8 
 man/airdas_format_pdf.Rd       |    8 
 man/swfscAirDAS-package.Rd     |    2 
 vignettes/swfscAirDAS.Rmd      |    2 
 17 files changed, 393 insertions(+), 396 deletions(-)

More information about swfscAirDAS at CRAN
Permanent link

New package spStack with initial version 1.0.0
Package: spStack
Version: 1.0.0
Title: Bayesian Geostatistics Using Predictive Stacking
Description: Fits Bayesian hierarchical spatial process models for point-referenced Gaussian, Poisson, binomial, and binary data using stacking of predictive densities. It involves sampling from analytically available posterior distributions conditional upon some candidate values of the spatial process parameters and, subsequently assimilate inference from these individual posterior distributions using Bayesian predictive stacking. Our algorithm is highly parallelizable and hence, much faster than traditional Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms while delivering competitive predictive performance. See Zhang, Tang, and Banerjee (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2304.12414>, and, Pan, Zhang, Bradley, and Banerjee (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2406.04655> for details.
Imports: CVXR, future, future.apply, ggplot2, MBA, rstudioapi
NeedsCompilation: yes
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Suggests: ggpubr, knitr, rmarkdown, spelling, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Language: en-US
Packaged: 2024-10-02 08:01:37 UTC; soumyakantipan
Author: Soumyakanti Pan [aut, cre] , Sudipto Banerjee [aut]
Maintainer: Soumyakanti Pan <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-10-03 18:50:00 UTC

More information about spStack at CRAN
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New package RLoptimal with initial version 1.0.1
Package: RLoptimal
Title: Optimal Adaptive Allocation Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Version: 1.0.1
Description: An implementation to compute an optimal adaptive allocation rule using deep reinforcement learning in a dose-response study (Matsuura et al. (2022) <doi:10.1002/sim.9247>). The adaptive allocation rule can directly optimize a performance metric, such as power, accuracy of the estimated target dose, or mean absolute error over the estimated dose-response curve.
VignetteBuilder: knitr
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Language: en_US
Imports: DoseFinding, glue, R6, reticulate, stats, utils
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-10-02 11:07:11 UTC; kmatsuu
Author: Kentaro Matsuura [aut, cre, cph] , Koji Makiyama [aut, ctb]
Maintainer: Kentaro Matsuura <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-10-03 19:00:02 UTC

More information about RLoptimal at CRAN
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New package PvSTATEM with initial version 0.0.4
Package: PvSTATEM
Title: Reading, Quality Control and Preprocessing of MBA (Multiplex Bead Assay) Data
Description: Speeds up the process of loading raw data from MBA (Multiplex Bead Assay) examinations, performs quality control checks, and automatically normalizes the data, preparing it for more advanced, downstream tasks. The main objective of the package is to create a simple environment for a user, who does not necessarily have experience with R language. The package is developed within the project of the same name - 'PvSTATEM', which is an international project aiming for malaria elimination.
Version: 0.0.4
License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: dplyr, ggplot2, nplr, R6, readr, readxl, stringi, stringr, grid, png, tools, ggrepel,
Suggests: knitr, qpdf, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
URL: <>
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-10-02 11:48:19 UTC; tymot
Author: Tymoteusz Kwiecinski [aut, cre], Jakub Grzywaczewski [aut], Mateusz Nizwantowski [aut]
Maintainer: Tymoteusz Kwiecinski <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-10-03 19:00:06 UTC

More information about PvSTATEM at CRAN
Permanent link

New package GFDrmtl with initial version 0.1.0
Package: GFDrmtl
Title: Multiple RMTL-Based Tests for Competing Risks Data in General Factorial Designs
Version: 0.1.0
Maintainer: Merle Munko <>
Description: We implemented multiple tests based on the restricted mean time lost (RMTL) for general factorial designs as described in Munko et al. (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2409.07917>. Therefore, an asymptotic test and a permutation test are incorporated with a Wald-type test statistic. The asymptotic test takes the asymptotic exact dependence structure of the test statistics into account to gain more power. Furthermore, confidence intervals for RMTL contrasts can be calculated and plotted and a stepwise extension that can improve the power of the multiple tests is available.
License: GPL (>= 3)
Encoding: UTF-8
Suggests: mstate
Imports: GFDmcv, GFDrmst, lpSolve, shinyWidgets, shinyMatrix, shiny (>= 1.5.0), tippy (>= 0.1.0), mvtnorm, MASS (>= 7.3-53), plyr (>= 1.8.6), shinyjs (>= 2.0.0), shinythemes (>= 1.1.2)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-10-02 08:39:01 UTC; munko
Author: Marc Ditzhaus [aut], Dennis Dobler [aut], Merle Munko [aut, cre], Jannes Walter [aut]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-10-03 18:50:04 UTC

More information about GFDrmtl at CRAN
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Package pakret updated to version 0.2.0 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2024-09-02

Title: Cite 'R' Packages on the Fly in 'R Markdown' and 'Quarto'
Description: References and cites 'R' and 'R' packages on the fly in 'R Markdown' and 'Quarto'. 'pakret' provides a minimalistic API that generates preformatted citations of 'R' and 'R' packages, and adds their reference to a '.bib' file directly from within your document.
Author: Arnaud Gallou [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Arnaud Gallou <>

Diff between pakret versions 0.1.0 dated 2024-09-02 and 0.2.0 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION                     |    8 ++++----
 MD5                             |   26 +++++++++++++-------------                         |    6 ++++++
 R/checkers.R                    |   16 ++++++++++------
 R/pakret.R                      |   31 +++++++++++++++++++------------
 R/pkrt-list.R                   |   12 +++++++-----
 R/pkrt-set.R                    |    2 +-
 R/pkrt.R                        |    2 +-
 R/utils-local.R                 |    6 +++---
 R/zzz.R                         |    1 +                       |   30 ++++++++++++++----------------
 man/pkrt.Rd                     |    2 +-
 tests/testthat/test-pkrt-list.R |    6 +++---
 tests/testthat/test-pkrt.R      |   13 ++++++++-----
 14 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

More information about pakret at CRAN
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Package Euclimatch updated to version 1.0.2 with previous version 1.0.1 dated 2023-09-24

Title: Euclidean Climatch Algorithm
Description: An interface for performing climate matching using the Euclidean "Climatch" algorithm. Functions provide a vector of climatch scores (0-10) for each location (i.e., grid cell) within the recipient region, the percent of climatch scores >= a threshold value, and mean climatch score. Tools for parallelization and visualizations are also provided. Note that the floor function that rounds the climatch score down to the nearest integer has been removed in this implementation and the “Climatch” algorithm, also referred to as the “Climate” algorithm, is described in: Crombie, J., Brown, L., Lizzio, J., & Hood, G. (2008). “Climatch user manual”. The method for the percent score is described in: Howeth, J.G., Gantz, C.A., Angermeier, P.L., Frimpong, E.A., Hoff, M.H., Keller, R.P., Mandrak, N.E., Marchetti, M.P., Olden, J.D., Romagosa, C.M., and Lodge, D.M. (2016). <doi:10.1111/ddi.12391>.
Author: Justin A. G. Hubbard [aut, cre] , D. Andrew R. Drake [aut], Nicholas E. Mandrak [aut]
Maintainer: Justin A. G. Hubbard <>

Diff between Euclimatch versions 1.0.1 dated 2023-09-24 and 1.0.2 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION      |    9 +++++----
 MD5              |    8 ++++----
 R/climatch_par.R |    2 +-        |   19 +++++++++----------
 inst/CITATION    |    5 +++--
 5 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

More information about Euclimatch at CRAN
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Package DataMetProcess updated to version 1.0.3 with previous version 1.0.2 dated 2024-06-19

Title: Meteorological Data Processing
Description: Set of tools aimed at processing meteorological data, converting hourly recorded data to daily, monthly and annual data.
Author: Wagner Martins dos Santos [aut, cre] , Edimir Xavier Leal Ferraz [aut] , Lady Daiane Costa de Sousa Martins [aut]
Maintainer: Wagner Martins dos Santos <>

Diff between DataMetProcess versions 1.0.2 dated 2024-06-19 and 1.0.3 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION                                                            |    8 
 MD5                                                                    |   11 
 R/calculateDMY.R                                                       |    4 
 build/vignette.rds                                                     |binary
 inst/DataMetProcess_Shiny/partitions/server_partitions/serverProcess.R |    1 
 inst/DataMetProcess_Shiny/rsconnect                                    |only
 inst/doc/DataMetProcess-vignette.html                                  |  224 +++++-----
 7 files changed, 125 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)

More information about DataMetProcess at CRAN
Permanent link

Package cacc updated to version 0.1.1 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2022-10-28

Title: Conjunctive Analysis of Case Configurations
Description: A set of functions to conduct Conjunctive Analysis of Case Configurations (CACC) as described in Miethe, Hart, and Regoeczi (2008) <doi:10.1007/s10940-008-9044-8>, and identify and quantify situational clustering in dominant case configurations as described in Hart (2019) <doi:10.1177/0011128719866123>. Initially conceived as an exploratory technique for multivariate analysis of categorical data, CACC has developed to include formal statistical tests that can be applied in a wide variety of contexts. This technique allows examining composite profiles of different units of analysis in an alternative way to variable-oriented methods.
Author: Asier Moneva [aut, cre] , Miriam Esteve [aut], Timothy C. Hart [aut]
Maintainer: Asier Moneva <>

Diff between cacc versions 0.1.0 dated 2022-10-28 and 0.1.1 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION                     |   10 +-
 MD5                             |   28 +++---                         |    9 ++
 R/cacc.R                        |  140 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 R/cluster_sci.R                 |   98 +++++++++++------------
 R/cluster_xsq.R                 |   82 +++++++++----------
 R/data.R                        |   42 ++++-----
 R/main_effect.R                 |  142 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
 R/plot_effect.R                 |  170 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 R/plot_sci.R                    |  134 +++++++++++++++----------------                       |  103 +++++++++++++-----------
 inst/CITATION                   |   21 ++--
 man/figures/README-effect-1.png |binary
 man/figures/README-sci-1.png    |binary
 man/onharassment.Rd             |   66 +++++++--------
 15 files changed, 532 insertions(+), 513 deletions(-)

More information about cacc at CRAN
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Package FuzzyPovertyR updated to version 3.0.1 with previous version 3.0.0 dated 2024-08-19

Title: Estimation of Fuzzy Poverty Measures
Description: Estimates fuzzy measures of poverty and deprivation. It also estimates the sampling variance of these measures using bootstrap or jackknife repeated replications.
Author: Federico Crescenzi [aut, cre] , Lorenzo Mori [aut] , Gianni Betti [ctb]
Maintainer: Federico Crescenzi <>

Diff between FuzzyPovertyR versions 3.0.0 dated 2024-08-19 and 3.0.1 dated 2024-10-03

 FuzzyPovertyR-3.0.0/FuzzyPovertyR/man/fm_mu.Rd                |only
 FuzzyPovertyR-3.0.0/FuzzyPovertyR/man/fm_objective.Rd         |only
 FuzzyPovertyR-3.0.1/FuzzyPovertyR/DESCRIPTION                 |    6 
 FuzzyPovertyR-3.0.1/FuzzyPovertyR/MD5                         |   20 -
 FuzzyPovertyR-3.0.1/FuzzyPovertyR/R/eq_predicate.R            |  132 ++++++----
 FuzzyPovertyR-3.0.1/FuzzyPovertyR/R/fm_construct.R            |    4 
 FuzzyPovertyR-3.0.1/FuzzyPovertyR/R/fm_mu.R                   |   20 -
 FuzzyPovertyR-3.0.1/FuzzyPovertyR/R/fm_objective.R            |   22 -
 FuzzyPovertyR-3.0.1/FuzzyPovertyR/build/vignette.rds          |binary
 FuzzyPovertyR-3.0.1/FuzzyPovertyR/inst/doc/FuzzyPovertyR.html |   32 +-
 FuzzyPovertyR-3.0.1/FuzzyPovertyR/man/eq_predicate.Rd         |   45 +--
 FuzzyPovertyR-3.0.1/FuzzyPovertyR/man/fm_construct.Rd         |    4 
 12 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-)

More information about FuzzyPovertyR at CRAN
Permanent link

Package tidyfit updated to version 0.7.2 with previous version 0.7.1 dated 2024-03-23

Title: Regularized Linear Modeling with Tidy Data
Description: An extension to the 'R' tidy data environment for automated machine learning. The package allows fitting and cross validation of linear regression and classification algorithms on grouped data.
Author: Johann Pfitzinger [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Johann Pfitzinger <>

Diff between tidyfit versions 0.7.1 dated 2024-03-23 and 0.7.2 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION                                              |   20 ++--
 MD5                                                      |   65 +++++++--------                                                  |   10 ++
 R/check_explain_method.R                                 |    1 
 R/check_method.R                                         |   16 ++-
 R/check_package_name.R                                   |    1 
 R/coef_methods.R                                         |   11 --
 R/explain.R                                              |    4 
 R/explain_methods.R                                      |    9 +-
 R/fit.bma.R                                              |   43 +++++++++
 R/fit.group_lasso.R                                      |only
 R/fit.quantile.R                                         |    7 -
 R/fit.quantile_rf.R                                      |    4 
 R/fitted_methods.R                                       |    2 
 R/m.R                                                    |    4 
 R/model_definition.R                                     |   32 ++++++-
 R/predict_methods.R                                      |   19 ----
 R/utils.R                                                |    3                                                |   23 ++++-
 inst/doc/Accessing_Fitted_Model_Objects.html             |    8 -
 inst/doc/Bootstrapping_Confidence_Intervals.html         |    4 
 inst/doc/Feature_Selection.html                          |    4 
 inst/doc/Flowchart.html                                  |    2 
 inst/doc/Multinomial_Classification.html                 |    4 
 inst/doc/Predicting_Boston_House_Prices.html             |   10 +-
 inst/doc/Rolling_Window_Time_Series_Regression.html      |    4 
 inst/doc/Time-varying_parameters_vs_rolling_windows.html |    4 
 man/dot-fit.group_lasso.Rd                               |only
 man/explain.Rd                                           |    4 
 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-14-1.png                |binary
 man/m.Rd                                                 |    4 
 tests/testthat/test-group_lasso.R                        |only
 tests/testthat/test-quantile_rf.R                        |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-rf.R                                 |    4 
 tests/testthat/test-svm.R                                |    6 -
 35 files changed, 200 insertions(+), 134 deletions(-)

More information about tidyfit at CRAN
Permanent link

Package medfateland updated to version 2.4.6 with previous version 2.4.5 dated 2024-07-24

Title: Mediterranean Landscape Simulation
Description: Simulate forest hydrology, forest function and dynamics over landscapes [De Caceres et al. (2015) <doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.06.012>]. Parallelization is allowed in several simulation functions and simulations may be conducted including spatial processes such as lateral water transfer and seed dispersal.
Author: Miquel De Caceres [aut, cre], Aitor Ameztegui [aut] , Maria Gonzalez [aut] , Nuria Aquilue [aut], Daniel Caviedes-Voullieme [aut], Mario Morales-Hernandez [aut], Mario Beltran [ctb], Rodrigo Balaguer-Romano [ctb] , Roberto Molowny-Horas [ctb]
Maintainer: Miquel De Caceres <>

Diff between medfateland versions 2.4.5 dated 2024-07-24 and 2.4.6 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION                          |    8 +-
 MD5                                  |   28 ++++---
 R/add_soilgrids.R                    |   93 --------------------------
 R/add_topography.R                   |   46 ------------
 R/check_inputs.R                     |only
 R/dispersal.R                        |    4 -
 R/impute_forests.R                   |   85 -----------------------
 R/model_land.R                       |   18 +++--
 R/parse_forestable.R                 |  125 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 man/add_topography.Rd                |   10 --
 man/check_inputs.Rd                  |only
 man/forest_parametrization.Rd        |    6 -
 man/parse_forestable.Rd              |   11 ++-
 man/soil_parametrization.Rd          |   15 ----
 tests/testthat/test-checks.R         |only
 tests/testthat/test_initialisation.R |only
 tests/testthat/test_land.R           |   30 +++++++-
 17 files changed, 169 insertions(+), 310 deletions(-)

More information about medfateland at CRAN
Permanent link

Package atrrr updated to version 0.0.4 with previous version 0.0.3 dated 2024-03-05

Title: Wrapper for the 'AT' Protocol Behind 'Bluesky'
Description: Wraps the 'AT' Protocol (Authenticated Transfer Protocol) behind 'Bluesky' <>. Functions can be used for, among others, retrieving posts and followers from the network or posting content.
Author: Johannes B. Gruber [aut, cre] , Benjamin Guinaudeau [aut, ctb] , Fabio Votta [aut, ctb]
Maintainer: Johannes B. Gruber <>

Diff between atrrr versions 0.0.3 dated 2024-03-05 and 0.0.4 dated 2024-10-03

 atrrr-0.0.3/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/app.bsky.feed.getActorFeeds_76b86.rds                 |only
 atrrr-0.0.3/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/app.bsky.feed.getAuthorFeed_76b86.rds                 |only
 atrrr-0.0.3/atrrr/vignettes/figures/unnamed-chunk-10-1.png                                                |only
 atrrr-0.0.3/atrrr/vignettes/figures/unnamed-chunk-12-1.png                                                |only
 atrrr-0.0.3/atrrr/vignettes/figures/unnamed-chunk-19-1.png                                                |only
 atrrr-0.0.3/atrrr/vignettes/figures/unnamed-chunk-20-1.png                                                |only
 atrrr-0.0.3/atrrr/vignettes/figures/unnamed-chunk-44-1.png                                                |only
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/DESCRIPTION                                                                             |    8 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/MD5                                                                                     |  111 +-
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/                                                                                 |    8 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/R/convert.r                                                                             |    3 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/R/feed.r                                                                                |   23 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/R/parse.r                                                                               |    5 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/R/utils.r                                                                               |   10 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/                                                                               |    1 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/build/vignette.rds                                                                      |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/inst/doc/Basic_Usage.Rmd                                                                |  331 ++++---
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/inst/doc/Basic_Usage.html                                                               |  454 ++++++----
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/inst/doc/Feed_Analysis.Rmd                                                              |   10 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/inst/doc/Feed_Analysis.html                                                             |    6 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/inst/doc/Interactions.Rmd                                                               |   16 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/inst/doc/Interactions.html                                                              |    4 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/inst/doc/Networks.Rmd                                                                   |   16 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/inst/doc/Networks.html                                                                  |    4 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/man/get_feeds_created_by.Rd                                                             |    2 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/man/get_skeets_authored_by.Rd                                                           |    2 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/man/post.Rd                                                                             |   15 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/                  |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/                  |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/                  |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/                  |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/                  |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/                  |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/                 |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/                 |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/                 |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/app.bsky.feed.getActorFeeds_925c2.rds                 |only
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/app.bsky.feed.getAuthorFeed_925c2.rds                 |only
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/app.bsky.feed.getFeed_0bf27.rds                       |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/app.bsky.feed.getLikes_26bda.rds                      |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/app.bsky.feed.getLikes_95deb.rds                      |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/app.bsky.feed.getPostThread_72827.rds                 |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/app.bsky.feed.getPostThread_aa665.rds                 |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/app.bsky.feed.getRepostedBy_95deb.rds                 |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/app.bsky.feed.getTimeline_6340d.rds                   |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/app.bsky.feed.getTimeline_730cb.rds                   |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/app.bsky.feed.searchPosts_0e3ec.rds                   |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/app.bsky.feed.searchPosts_bb16d.rds                   |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/app.bsky.unspecced.getPopularFeedGenerators_8e00b.rds |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/com.atproto.identity.resolveHandle_c81f8.rds          |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/recorded_responses/com.atproto.server.createSession_a4fa7.rds            |only
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/tests/testthat/test-feed.R                                                              |   18 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/vignettes/Basic_Usage.Rmd                                                               |  331 ++++---
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/vignettes/Basic_Usage.Rmd.orig                                                          |   38 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/vignettes/Feed_Analysis.Rmd                                                             |   10 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/vignettes/Interactions.Rmd                                                              |   16 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/vignettes/Networks.Rmd                                                                  |   16 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/vignettes/                                                                     |    3 
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/vignettes/figures/unnamed-chunk-16-1.png                                                |only
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/vignettes/figures/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png                                                 |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/vignettes/figures/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png                                                 |binary
 atrrr-0.0.4/atrrr/vignettes/figures/unnamed-chunk-6-1.png                                                 |binary
 62 files changed, 931 insertions(+), 530 deletions(-)

More information about atrrr at CRAN
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Package evsim updated to version 1.6.0 with previous version 1.5.0 dated 2024-04-11

Title: Electric Vehicle Charging Sessions Simulation
Description: Simulation of Electric Vehicles charging sessions using Gaussian models, together with time-series power demand calculations. The simulation methodology is published in Cañigueral et al. (2023, ISBN:0957-4174) <doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2023.120318>.
Author: Marc Canigueral [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Marc Canigueral <>

Diff between evsim versions 1.5.0 dated 2024-04-11 and 1.6.0 dated 2024-10-03

 DESCRIPTION                                   |    8 +-
 MD5                                           |   36 ++++-----
 NAMESPACE                                     |    1                                       |   12 +++
 R/charging_infrastructure.R                   |   14 +--
 R/demand.R                                    |  104 ++++++++++++++++++--------
 R/evmodel.R                                   |    2 
 R/simulation.R                                |   59 ++++++++++----
 inst                                          |only
 man/add_charging_infrastructure.Rd            |    3 
 man/estimate_connection.Rd                    |   12 +--
 man/estimate_energy.Rd                        |   15 ++-
 man/expand_sessions.Rd                        |    2 
 man/get_demand.Rd                             |   11 --
 man/get_occupancy.Rd                          |   17 +---
 man/is_aligned.Rd                             |only
 man/plot_occupancy_duration_curve.Rd          |    6 -
 man/plot_ts.Rd                                |   29 ++++++-
 man/simulate_sessions.Rd                      |    5 +
 tests/testthat/test-charging_infrastructure.R |    3 
 20 files changed, 220 insertions(+), 119 deletions(-)

More information about evsim at CRAN
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Package REDCapCAST updated to version 24.10.3 with previous version 24.6.1 dated 2024-06-07

Title: REDCap Castellated Data Handling
Description: Originally forked from the R part of 'REDCapRITS' by Paul Egeler. See <>. 'REDCap' database casting and handling of castellated data when using repeated instruments and longitudinal projects. Keeps a focused data export approach, by allowing to only export required data from the database. 'REDCap' (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a secure, web-based software platform designed to support data capture for research studies, providing 1) an intuitive interface for validated data capture; 2) audit trails for tracking data manipulation and export procedures; 3) automated export procedures for seamless data downloads to common statistical packages; and 4) procedures for data integration and interoperability with external sources (Harris et al (2009) <doi:10.1016/j.jbi.2008.08.010>; Harris et al (2019) <doi:10.1016/j.jbi.2019.103208>).
Author: Andreas Gammelgaard Damsbo [aut, cre] , Paul Egeler [aut]
Maintainer: Andreas Gammelgaard Damsbo <>

Diff between REDCapCAST versions 24.6.1 dated 2024-06-07 and 24.10.3 dated 2024-10-03

 REDCapCAST-24.10.3/REDCapCAST/DESCRIPTION                              |   16 
 REDCapCAST-24.10.3/REDCapCAST/MD5                                      |   29 
 REDCapCAST-24.10.3/REDCapCAST/NAMESPACE                                |    1 
 REDCapCAST-24.10.3/REDCapCAST/                                  |   10 
 REDCapCAST-24.10.3/REDCapCAST/R/REDCapCAST-package.R                   |only
 REDCapCAST-24.10.3/REDCapCAST/                                |    5 
 REDCapCAST-24.10.3/REDCapCAST/build/partial.rdb                        |only
 REDCapCAST-24.10.3/REDCapCAST/build/vignette.rds                       |binary
 REDCapCAST-24.10.3/REDCapCAST/inst/WORDLIST                            |    4 
 REDCapCAST-24.10.3/REDCapCAST/inst/doc/Database-creation.html          |  226 ++--
 REDCapCAST-24.10.3/REDCapCAST/inst/doc/Introduction.html               |  226 ++--
 REDCapCAST-24.10.3/REDCapCAST/man/REDCapCAST-package.Rd                |only
 REDCapCAST-24.10.3/REDCapCAST/tests/testthat/test-API.R                |  168 +++
 REDCapCAST-24.10.3/REDCapCAST/tests/testthat/test-csv-exports.R        |  509 +++++++++-
 REDCapCAST-24.10.3/REDCapCAST/tests/testthat/test-longitudinal.R       |  184 +++
 REDCapCAST-24.10.3/REDCapCAST/tests/testthat/test-primary-table-name.R |  347 ++++++
 REDCapCAST-24.6.1/REDCapCAST/tests/spelling.R                          |only
 REDCapCAST-24.6.1/REDCapCAST/tests/                  |only
 18 files changed, 1474 insertions(+), 251 deletions(-)

More information about REDCapCAST at CRAN
Permanent link

Package geocomplexity updated to version 0.2.0 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2024-09-24

Title: Mitigating Spatial Bias Through Geographical Complexity
Description: The geographical complexity of individual variables can be characterized by the differences in local attribute variables, while the common geographical complexity of multiple variables can be represented by fluctuations in the similarity of vectors composed of multiple variables. In spatial regression tasks, the goodness of fit can be improved by incorporating a geographical complexity representation vector during modeling, using a geographical complexity-weighted spatial weight matrix, or employing local geographical complexity kernel density. Similarly, in spatial sampling tasks, samples can be selected more effectively by using a method that weights based on geographical complexity. By optimizing performance in spatial regression and spatial sampling tasks, the spatial bias of the model can be effectively reduced.
Author: Wenbo Lv [aut, cre, cph] , Yongze Song [aut, ths]
Maintainer: Wenbo Lv <>

Diff between geocomplexity versions 0.1.0 dated 2024-09-24 and 0.2.0 dated 2024-10-03

 geocomplexity-0.1.0/geocomplexity/R/moranI_test.R           |only
 geocomplexity-0.1.0/geocomplexity/man/moran_test.Rd         |only
 geocomplexity-0.1.0/geocomplexity/src/GlobalMoranI_Test.cpp |only
 geocomplexity-0.1.0/geocomplexity/src/MoranI_Helper.cpp     |only
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/DESCRIPTION               |   12 
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/MD5                       |   48 -
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/NAMESPACE                 |    2 
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/                   |   20 
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/R/RcppExports.R           |    8 
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/R/geocd_raster.R          |    2 
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/R/geocd_vector.R          |  178 ++---
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/R/geocs_raster.R          |    2 
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/R/geocs_vector.R          |  134 ++--
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/R/gwr_geoc.R              |  218 +++---
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/                 |    4 
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/inst/doc/gca.html         |    2 
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/inst/doc/gcc.Rmd          |  390 ++++++------
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/inst/doc/gcc.html         |    6 
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/man/geocd_raster.Rd       |    2 
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/man/geocd_vector.Rd       |    2 
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/man/geocs_raster.Rd       |    2 
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/man/geocs_vector.Rd       |    2 
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/man/gwr_geoc.Rd           |    6 
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/src/RcppExports.cpp       |   27 
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/vignettes/gca.Rmd.orig    |  216 +++---
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/vignettes/gcc.Rmd         |  390 ++++++------
 geocomplexity-0.2.0/geocomplexity/vignettes/gcc.Rmd.orig    |  308 ++++-----
 27 files changed, 973 insertions(+), 1008 deletions(-)

More information about geocomplexity at CRAN
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