Title: Black Marble Data and Statistics
Description: Geographically referenced data and statistics of nighttime lights from NASA Black Marble <https://blackmarble.gsfc.nasa.gov/>.
Author: Robert Marty [aut, cre] ,
Gabriel Stefanini Vicente [aut]
Maintainer: Robert Marty <rmarty@worldbank.org>
Diff between blackmarbler versions 0.2.2 dated 2024-11-25 and 0.2.3 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 6 +++--- R/blackmarbler.R | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------- README.md | 2 +- 4 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
Title: Functions to Efficiently Access NFL Play by Play Data
Description: A set of functions to access National Football
League play-by-play data from <https://www.nfl.com/>.
Author: Sebastian Carl [aut],
Ben Baldwin [cre, aut],
Lee Sharpe [ctb],
Maksim Horowitz [ctb],
Ron Yurko [ctb],
Samuel Ventura [ctb],
Tan Ho [ctb],
John Edwards [ctb]
Maintainer: Ben Baldwin <bbaldwin206@gmail.com>
Diff between nflfastR versions 4.6.1 dated 2024-01-09 and 5.0.0 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 21 LICENSE | 4 MD5 | 160 NAMESPACE | 131 NEWS.md | 1175 +++--- R/aggregate_game_stats.R | 1513 ++++---- R/aggregate_game_stats_def.R | 1265 +++---- R/aggregate_game_stats_kicking.R | 391 +- R/build_nflfastR_pbp.R | 182 - R/build_playstats.R | 157 R/calculate_series_conversion_rates.R | 340 - R/calculate_standings.R | 268 - R/calculate_stats.R |only R/data_documentation.R | 139 R/ep_wp_calculators.R | 384 +- R/helper_add_cp_cpoe.R | 140 R/helper_add_ep_wp.R | 2860 ++++++++-------- R/helper_add_fixed_drives.R | 286 - R/helper_add_game_data.R | 116 R/helper_add_nflscrapr_mutations.R | 1389 +++---- R/helper_add_series_data.R | 170 R/helper_add_xpass.R | 198 - R/helper_add_xyac.R | 412 +- R/helper_additional_functions.R | 833 ++-- R/helper_database_functions.R | 380 +- R/helper_decode_player_ids.R | 263 - R/helper_get_scheds_and_rosters.R | 28 R/helper_scrape_gc.R | 494 +- R/helper_scrape_nfl.R | 745 +--- R/helper_tidy_play_stats.R | 2621 +++++++------- R/helper_variable_selector.R | 328 - R/load_pbp.R | 24 R/load_player_stats.R | 60 R/nflfastR-package.R | 254 - R/report.R | 64 R/save_raw_pbp.R | 310 - R/sysdata.rda |binary R/top-level_scraper.R | 998 ++--- R/utils.R | 429 +- README.md | 283 - data/nfl_stats_variables.rda |only data/stat_ids.rda |binary man/add_qb_epa.Rd | 42 man/add_xpass.Rd | 56 man/add_xyac.Rd | 60 man/build_nflfastR_pbp.Rd | 152 man/calculate_expected_points.Rd | 140 man/calculate_player_stats.Rd | 226 - man/calculate_player_stats_def.Rd | 88 man/calculate_player_stats_kicking.Rd | 80 man/calculate_series_conversion_rates.Rd | 186 - man/calculate_standings.Rd | 112 man/calculate_stats.Rd |only man/calculate_win_probability.Rd | 140 man/clean_pbp.Rd | 124 man/decode_player_ids.Rd | 102 man/fast_scraper.Rd | 848 ++-- man/fast_scraper_roster.Rd | 80 man/fast_scraper_schedules.Rd | 72 man/field_descriptions.Rd | 52 man/figures/lifecycle-deprecated.svg | 22 man/figures/lifecycle-experimental.svg | 22 man/figures/lifecycle-stable.svg | 30 man/figures/lifecycle-superseded.svg | 22 man/load_pbp.Rd | 82 man/load_player_stats.Rd | 72 man/missing_raw_pbp.Rd | 79 man/nfl_stats_variables.Rd |only man/nflfastR-package.Rd | 298 - man/report.Rd | 104 man/save_raw_pbp.Rd | 122 man/stat_ids.Rd | 50 man/teams_colors_logos.Rd | 90 man/update_db.Rd | 122 tests/testthat.R | 24 tests/testthat/2019/2019_01_GB_CHI.rds |binary tests/testthat/_snaps |only tests/testthat/expected_pbp.rds |binary tests/testthat/helpers.R | 139 tests/testthat/test-build_nflfastR_pbp.R | 60 tests/testthat/test-calculate_series_conversion_rates.R | 42 tests/testthat/test-calculate_stats.R |only tests/testthat/test-ep_wp_calculators.R | 90 tools/check.env | 12 84 files changed, 12038 insertions(+), 11819 deletions(-)
Title: Iterated Racing for Automatic Algorithm Configuration
Description: Iterated race is an extension of the Iterated F-race method for
the automatic configuration of optimization algorithms, that is,
(offline) tuning their parameters by finding the most appropriate
settings given a set of instances of an optimization problem.
M. López-Ibáñez, J. Dubois-Lacoste, L. Pérez Cáceres, T. Stützle,
and M. Birattari (2016) <doi:10.1016/j.orp.2016.09.002>.
Author: Manuel Lopez-Ibanez [aut, cre]
Jeremie Dubois-Lacoste [aut],
Leslie Perez Caceres [aut],
Thomas Stuetzle [aut],
Mauro Birattari [aut],
Eric Yuan [ctb],
Prasanna Balaprakash [ctb],
Nguyen Dang [ctb]
Maintainer: Manuel Lopez-Ibanez <manuel.lopez-ibanez@manchester.ac.uk>
Diff between irace versions 3.5 dated 2022-10-23 and 4.0 dated 2024-11-26
irace-3.5/irace/BUGS |only irace-3.5/irace/R/parameterExploration.R |only irace-3.5/irace/inst/examples/acotsp/forbidden.txt |only irace-3.5/irace/inst/templates/forbidden.txt.tmpl |only irace-3.5/irace/man/CommandArgsParser.Rd |only irace-3.5/irace/man/configurations.print.Rd |only irace-3.5/irace/man/configurations.print.command.Rd |only irace-3.5/irace/man/irace.cmdline.Rd |only irace-3.5/irace/man/irace.license.Rd |only irace-3.5/irace/man/irace.main.Rd |only irace-3.5/irace/man/irace.version.Rd |only irace-3.5/irace/man/target.evaluator.default.Rd |only irace-3.5/irace/man/target.runner.default.Rd |only irace-3.5/irace/tests/testthat/bug-13-lookup.rds |only irace-3.5/irace/tests/testthat/bug_large_new_instances-confs.txt |only irace-3.5/irace/tests/testthat/bug_large_new_instances.Rdata |only irace-3.5/irace/tests/testthat/forbidden.txt |only irace-3.5/irace/tests/testthat/saved_maxim_bug.rds |only irace-3.5/irace/tests/testthat/saved_maxim_bug2.rds |only irace-3.5/irace/tests/testthat/scenario.txt |only irace-3.5/irace/tests/testthat/test-bug-13.R |only irace-3.5/irace/tests/testthat/test-bugs.R |only irace-3.5/irace/tests/testthat/test-mlr.R |only irace-3.5/irace/vignettes/NEWS.txt |only irace-3.5/irace/vignettes/irace-acotsp.Rdata |only irace-3.5/irace/vignettes/section/irace-options.tex |only irace-4.0/irace/DESCRIPTION | 18 irace-4.0/irace/MD5 | 282 +- irace-4.0/irace/NAMESPACE | 57 irace-4.0/irace/NEWS.md | 222 + irace-4.0/irace/R/aaa.R |only irace-4.0/irace/R/ablation.R | 594 ++-- irace-4.0/irace/R/argparser.R | 75 irace-4.0/irace/R/cluster.R | 13 irace-4.0/irace/R/configurations.R |only irace-4.0/irace/R/generation.R | 563 +--- irace-4.0/irace/R/irace-options.R | 173 - irace-4.0/irace/R/irace-package.R | 135 - irace-4.0/irace/R/irace.R | 1194 +++++----- irace-4.0/irace/R/irace_summarise.R |only irace-4.0/irace/R/main.R | 217 + irace-4.0/irace/R/model.R | 292 +- irace-4.0/irace/R/multi_irace.R |only irace-4.0/irace/R/parameterAnalysis.R | 127 - irace-4.0/irace/R/parameters.R |only irace-4.0/irace/R/path_rel2abs.R | 135 - irace-4.0/irace/R/psRace.R |only irace-4.0/irace/R/race-wrapper.R | 545 ++-- irace-4.0/irace/R/race.R | 1165 ++++----- irace-4.0/irace/R/race_state.R |only irace-4.0/irace/R/random_seed.R |only irace-4.0/irace/R/readConfiguration.R | 1068 +------- irace-4.0/irace/R/readParameters.R | 641 +---- irace-4.0/irace/R/scenario.R |only irace-4.0/irace/R/testing.R | 82 irace-4.0/irace/R/timer.R | 15 irace-4.0/irace/R/tnorm.R | 145 - irace-4.0/irace/R/utils.R | 456 +-- irace-4.0/irace/R/version.R | 6 irace-4.0/irace/README.md | 187 - irace-4.0/irace/build/partial.rdb |binary irace-4.0/irace/build/vignette.rds |binary irace-4.0/irace/cleanup | 18 irace-4.0/irace/inst/CITATION | 19 irace-4.0/irace/inst/bin/parallel-irace | 2 irace-4.0/irace/inst/bin/parallel-irace-mpi | 2 irace-4.0/irace/inst/bin/parallel-irace-qsub | 2 irace-4.0/irace/inst/bin/parallel-irace-slurm | 2 irace-4.0/irace/inst/doc/irace-package.R | 147 - irace-4.0/irace/inst/doc/irace-package.Rnw | 948 ++++--- irace-4.0/irace/inst/doc/irace-package.pdf |binary irace-4.0/irace/inst/examples/Spear/scenario.txt | 2 irace-4.0/irace/inst/examples/acotsp/README | 5 irace-4.0/irace/inst/examples/acotsp/parameters-acotsp.txt | 9 irace-4.0/irace/inst/examples/acotsp/scenario.txt | 13 irace-4.0/irace/inst/examples/matlab/scenario.txt | 4 irace-4.0/irace/inst/examples/moaco/parameters.txt | 6 irace-4.0/irace/inst/examples/moaco/scenario.txt | 4 irace-4.0/irace/inst/examples/slurm |only irace-4.0/irace/inst/examples/target-runner-c |only irace-4.0/irace/inst/examples/target-runner-python/target-runner-acotsp.py | 2 irace-4.0/irace/inst/examples/target-runner-python/target-runner-advanced.py | 2 irace-4.0/irace/inst/examples/target-runner-python/trivial/target-runner.py | 2 irace-4.0/irace/inst/exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata |binary irace-4.0/irace/inst/exdata/log-ablation.Rdata |binary irace-4.0/irace/inst/exdata/sann.rda |binary irace-4.0/irace/inst/templates/parameters.txt.tmpl | 21 irace-4.0/irace/inst/templates/scenario.txt.tmpl | 137 - irace-4.0/irace/man/ablation.Rd | 22 irace-4.0/irace/man/ablation_cmdline.Rd | 29 irace-4.0/irace/man/buildCommandLine.Rd | 11 irace-4.0/irace/man/checkIraceScenario.Rd | 12 irace-4.0/irace/man/checkScenario.Rd | 4 irace-4.0/irace/man/check_output_target_runner.Rd |only irace-4.0/irace/man/configurations_print.Rd |only irace-4.0/irace/man/configurations_print_command.Rd |only irace-4.0/irace/man/defaultScenario.Rd | 60 irace-4.0/irace/man/getConfigurationById.Rd | 15 irace-4.0/irace/man/getConfigurationByIteration.Rd | 17 irace-4.0/irace/man/getFinalElites.Rd | 8 irace-4.0/irace/man/get_instanceID_seed_pairs.Rd |only irace-4.0/irace/man/has_testing_data.Rd |only irace-4.0/irace/man/irace-package.Rd | 120 - irace-4.0/irace/man/irace.Rd | 168 + irace-4.0/irace/man/irace_cmdline.Rd |only irace-4.0/irace/man/irace_license.Rd |only irace-4.0/irace/man/irace_main.Rd |only irace-4.0/irace/man/irace_summarise.Rd |only irace-4.0/irace/man/irace_version.Rd |only irace-4.0/irace/man/multi_irace.Rd |only irace-4.0/irace/man/parameters.Rd |only irace-4.0/irace/man/path_rel2abs.Rd | 9 irace-4.0/irace/man/plotAblation.Rd | 31 irace-4.0/irace/man/printParameters.Rd | 34 irace-4.0/irace/man/printScenario.Rd | 4 irace-4.0/irace/man/psRace.Rd | 60 irace-4.0/irace/man/random_seed.Rd |only irace-4.0/irace/man/readConfigurationsFile.Rd | 26 irace-4.0/irace/man/readParameters.Rd | 32 irace-4.0/irace/man/readScenario.Rd | 19 irace-4.0/irace/man/read_ablogfile.Rd |only irace-4.0/irace/man/read_logfile.Rd | 5 irace-4.0/irace/man/read_pcs_file.Rd | 22 irace-4.0/irace/man/removeConfigurationsMetaData.Rd | 20 irace-4.0/irace/man/scenario_update_paths.Rd | 11 irace-4.0/irace/man/target_evaluator_default.Rd |only irace-4.0/irace/man/target_runner_default.Rd |only irace-4.0/irace/man/testConfigurations.Rd | 10 irace-4.0/irace/man/testing_fromfile.Rd | 4 irace-4.0/irace/src/Makevars-common | 18 irace-4.0/irace/src/dummy |only irace-4.0/irace/src/install.libs.R | 18 irace-4.0/irace/src/iracebin/ablation.c | 12 irace-4.0/irace/src/iracebin/irace.c | 11 irace-4.0/irace/src/iracebin/irace.h | 86 irace-4.0/irace/src/iracebin/whereami.c |only irace-4.0/irace/src/iracebin/whereami.h |only irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat.R | 15 irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/dependencies2.txt | 2 irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/good_scenario.txt |only irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/helper-common.R | 124 - irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/logparameters.txt | 13 irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/parameters.txt | 14 irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-GenericWrapper4AC.R | 87 irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-ablation-cmdline.R |only irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-argparser.R |only irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-bad_scenario.R | 11 irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-blocksize.R |only irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-bug-10.R | 18 irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-bug-44.R |only irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-bug-55.R |only irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-bug-blocksize.R |only irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-bug71.R |only irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-capping.R | 175 - irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-dependencies.R | 99 irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-forbidden.R | 55 irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-maxTime.R | 26 irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-multi_irace.R |only irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-path.R | 91 irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-raceconfs.R | 15 irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-readParameters.R |only irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-read_pcs_file.R |only irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-readconfs.R | 80 irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-repair.R |only irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-sann-irace.R | 64 irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-similar.R | 2 irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-sobol.R |only irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-target-runner-dummy.R |only irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-targetRunnerParallel.R | 25 irace-4.0/irace/tests/testthat/test-targeteval.R | 28 irace-4.0/irace/vignettes/examples.Rdata |binary irace-4.0/irace/vignettes/irace-acotsp-stdout.txt | 704 +++-- irace-4.0/irace/vignettes/irace-acotsp-testing.txt |only irace-4.0/irace/vignettes/irace-package.Rnw | 948 ++++--- irace-4.0/irace/vignettes/irace-package.bib | 230 + irace-4.0/irace/vignettes/section/irace-options.Rnw |only 176 files changed, 6622 insertions(+), 6856 deletions(-)
Title: A Financial Calculator
Description: A financial calculator that provides very fast implementations
of common financial indicators using 'Rust' code. It includes functions for
bond-related indicators, such as yield to maturity ('YTM'), modified duration,
and Macaulay duration, as well as functions for calculating time-weighted
and money-weighted rates of return (using 'Modified Dietz' method) for multiple portfolios,
given their market values and profit and loss ('PnL') data. 'fcl' is designed
to be efficient and accurate for financial analysis and computation. The methods
used in this package are based on the following references:
Author: Xianying Tan [aut, cre] ,
Raymon Mina [ctb] ,
The authors of the dependency Rust crates [ctb]
Maintainer: Xianying Tan <shrektan@126.com>
Diff between fcl versions 0.1.1 dated 2024-08-23 and 0.1.3 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 12 ++++++------ NEWS.md | 8 ++++++++ configure | 10 ++++++++++ configure.win | 10 ++++++++++ src/rust/src/rdate.rs | 8 +++++--- tests/testthat/test-fixed-bond.R | 11 +++++++++-- 7 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
Title: Bootstrapped Robustness Assessment for Qualitative Comparative
Description: Test the robustness of a user's Qualitative Comparative Analysis
solutions to randomness, using the bootstrapped assessment: baQCA(). This
package also includes a function that provides recommendations for improving
solutions to reach typical significance levels: brQCA(). Data included
come from McVeigh et al. (2014) <doi:10.1177/0003122414534065>.
Author: C. Ben Gibson [aut] ,
Burrel Vann Jr [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Burrel Vann Jr <bvannjr@sdsu.edu>
Diff between braQCA versions dated 2022-01-29 and dated 2024-11-26
braQCA- |only braQCA- | 11 - braQCA- | 14 + braQCA- | 1 braQCA- | 162 +++++++++++++++-------- braQCA- |only braQCA- |only braQCA- | 9 - braQCA- | 2 braQCA- |only 10 files changed, 133 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)
Title: Data Analysis Tools Customized for TNTP
Description: An assortment of functions and templates customized to meet
the needs of data analysts at the non-profit organization TNTP.
Includes functions for branded colors and plots, credentials management,
repository set-up, and other common analytic tasks.
Author: Dustin Pashouwer [aut, cre],
Sam Firke [aut],
Shane Orr [aut],
Sam Talcott [aut]
Maintainer: Dustin Pashouwer <dustin.pashouwer@tntp.org>
Diff between tntpr versions 1.2.0 dated 2024-11-26 and 1.2.1 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 6 +++--- MD5 | 6 +++--- NEWS.md | 5 +++++ R/sp_.R | 2 +- 4 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
Title: Spatial Forecast Verification
Description: Spatial forecast verification refers to verifying weather forecasts when the verification set (forecast and observations) is on a spatial field, usually a high-resolution gridded spatial field. Most of the functions here require the forecast and observed fields to be gridded and on the same grid. For a thorough review of most of the methods in this package, please see Gilleland et al. (2009) <doi: 10.1175/2009WAF2222269.1> and for a tutorial on some of the main functions available here, see Gilleland (2022) <doi: 10.5065/4px3-5a05>.
Author: Eric Gilleland [aut, cre],
Kim Elmore [ctb],
Caren Marzban [ctb],
Matt Pocernich [ctb],
Gregor Skok [ctb]
Maintainer: Eric Gilleland <eric.gilleland@colostate.edu>
Diff between SpatialVx versions 1.0-2 dated 2024-02-01 and 1.0-3 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 14 +++---- MD5 | 84 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- man/Aindex.Rd | 2 - man/Cindex.Rd | 2 - man/EBS.Rd | 2 - man/FeatureAxis.Rd | 3 - man/FeatureFinder.Rd | 12 ------ man/FeatureMatchAnalyzer.Rd | 9 ---- man/FeatureProps.Rd | 3 - man/Gbeta.Rd | 2 - man/LocSig.Rd | 3 - man/OF.Rd | 3 - man/S1.Rd | 2 - man/abserrloss.Rd | 3 - man/bearing.Rd | 2 - man/binarizer.Rd | 3 - man/censqdelta.Rd | 2 - man/centdist.Rd | 3 - man/deltamm.Rd | 11 ----- man/disjointer.Rd | 3 - man/fss2dPlot.Rd | 3 - man/fss2dfun.Rd | 1 man/gmm2d.Rd | 3 - man/griddedVgram.Rd | 2 - man/hiw.Rd | 6 --- man/hoods2d.Rd | 2 - man/hoods2dPlot.Rd | 2 - man/locmeasures2d.Rd | 3 - man/locperf.Rd | 3 - man/lossdiff.Rd | 3 - man/make.SpatialVx.Rd | 3 - man/metrV.Rd | 3 - man/pphindcast2d.Rd | 3 - man/saller.Rd | 3 - man/spatbiasFS.Rd | 2 - man/spct.Rd | 3 - man/structurogram.Rd | 3 - man/structurogram.matrix.Rd | 3 - man/upscale2d.Rd | 3 - man/variographier.Rd | 3 - man/waveIS.Rd | 7 --- man/wavePurifyVx.Rd | 3 - man/waverify2d.Rd | 3 - 43 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 179 deletions(-)
Title: Simulate Data from State Space Models
Description: Provides a streamlined and user-friendly framework
for simulating data in state space models,
particularly when the number of subjects/units (n) exceeds one,
a scenario commonly encountered in social and behavioral sciences.
For an introduction to state space models in social and behavioral sciences,
refer to Chow, Ho, Hamaker, and Dolan (2010) <doi:10.1080/10705511003661553>.
Author: Ivan Jacob Agaloos Pesigan [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Ivan Jacob Agaloos Pesigan <r.jeksterslab@gmail.com>
Diff between simStateSpace versions 1.2.2 dated 2024-06-21 and 1.2.3 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 12 - NEWS.md | 6 R/RcppExports.R | 4 man/SimBetaN.Rd | 2 man/SimPhiN.Rd | 2 src/source.cpp | 454 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- 7 files changed, 268 insertions(+), 220 deletions(-)
Title: Perform HTTP Requests and Process the Responses
Description: Tools for creating and modifying HTTP requests, then
performing them and processing the results. 'httr2' is a modern
re-imagining of 'httr' that uses a pipe-based interface and solves
more of the problems that API wrapping packages face.
Author: Hadley Wickham [aut, cre],
Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd],
Maximilian Girlich [ctb]
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <hadley@posit.co>
Diff between httr2 versions 1.0.6 dated 2024-11-04 and 1.0.7 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 12 ++++---- MD5 | 43 ++++++++++++++++--------------- NAMESPACE | 2 + NEWS.md | 5 +++ R/curl.R | 2 - R/oauth-flow-token-exchange.R |only R/req-cache.R | 4 +- R/req-promise.R | 24 +++++++++++++++-- R/req-template.R | 4 +- R/resp-headers.R | 2 - R/url.R | 2 - inst/doc/httr2.R | 2 + inst/doc/httr2.html | 38 +++++++++++++-------------- man/req_oauth_auth_code.Rd | 3 +- man/req_oauth_bearer_jwt.Rd | 3 +- man/req_oauth_client_credentials.Rd | 3 +- man/req_oauth_password.Rd | 3 +- man/req_oauth_refresh.Rd | 3 +- man/req_oauth_token_exchange.Rd |only man/req_perform_promise.Rd | 4 ++ tests/testthat/_snaps/req-promise.md |only tests/testthat/test-req-perform-stream.R | 2 - tests/testthat/test-req-promise.R | 36 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ tests/testthat/test-req.R | 6 ++-- 24 files changed, 140 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
Title: Methodologies for Functional Data Based on the Epigraph and
Hypograph Indices
Description: Implements methods for functional data analysis based on the epigraph
and hypograph indices. These methods transform
functional datasets, whether in one or multiple dimensions, into multivariate
datasets. The transformation involves applying the epigraph, hypograph, and
their modified versions to both the original curves and their first and second
derivatives. The calculation of these indices is tailored to the dimensionality
of the functional dataset, with special considerations for dependencies between
dimensions in multidimensional cases. This approach extends traditional multivariate
data analysis techniques to the functional data setting. A key application of
this package is the EHyClus method, which enhances clustering analysis for
functional data across one or multiple dimensions using the epigraph and
hypograph indices. See Pulido et al. (2023) <doi:10.1007/s11222-023-10213-7>
and Pulido et al. (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2307.16720>.
Author: Belen Pulido [aut, cre] ,
Jose Ignacio Diez [ctr]
Maintainer: Belen Pulido <bpulidob4@gmail.com>
Diff between ehymet versions 0.1.0 dated 2024-06-14 and 0.1.1 dated 2024-11-26
ehymet-0.1.0/ehymet/R/validation.R |only ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/DESCRIPTION | 16 ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/MD5 | 52 ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/NEWS.md | 31 ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/R/EHyClus.R | 755 +++++----- ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/R/clustering.R | 94 - ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/R/indices.R | 693 ++++----- ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/R/metrics.R |only ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/R/simulation_models.R | 329 ++-- ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/R/utils.R | 395 +++-- ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/README.md | 12 ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/inst/CITATION |only ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/inst/doc/ehymet-01-introduction.Rmd | 10 ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/inst/doc/ehymet-01-introduction.html | 10 ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/inst/doc/ehymet-02-clustering-epi-hypo.Rmd | 238 ++- ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/inst/doc/ehymet-02-clustering-epi-hypo.html | 226 ++ ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/man/EHyClus.Rd | 12 ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/man/clustInd_kmeans.Rd | 3 ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/man/clustering_validation.Rd | 26 ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/man/generate_indices.Rd | 24 ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/man/sim_model_ex2.Rd | 1 ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/tests/testthat/test-EHyClus.R | 25 ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/tests/testthat/test-clustering.R | 4 ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/tests/testthat/test-indices.R | 9 ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/tests/testthat/test-metrics.R |only ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/vignettes/ehymet-01-introduction.Rmd | 10 ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/vignettes/ehymet-02-clustering-epi-hypo.Rmd | 238 ++- ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/vignettes/source/_ehymet-01-introduction.Rmd | 6 ehymet-0.1.1/ehymet/vignettes/source/_ehymet-02-clustering-epi-hypo.Rmd | 61 29 files changed, 1959 insertions(+), 1321 deletions(-)
Title: Continuous Time Mediation
Description: Calculates standard errors and confidence intervals for effects in continuous-time mediation models. This package extends the work of
Deboeck and Preacher (2015) <doi:10.1080/10705511.2014.973960> and
Ryan and Hamaker (2021) <doi:10.1007/s11336-021-09767-0>
by providing methods to generate standard errors and confidence intervals for the total, direct, and indirect effects in these models.
Author: Ivan Jacob Agaloos Pesigan [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Ivan Jacob Agaloos Pesigan <r.jeksterslab@gmail.com>
Diff between cTMed versions 1.0.1 dated 2024-10-21 and 1.0.2 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 6 MD5 | 185 +++--- NAMESPACE | 10 NEWS.md | 8 R/RcppExports.R | 52 + R/cTMed-delta-beta-std-dot.R |only R/cTMed-delta-beta-std.R |only R/cTMed-delta-beta.R | 61 +- R/cTMed-delta-ci-dot.R | 16 R/cTMed-delta-indirect-central.R | 7 R/cTMed-delta-med-std-dot.R |only R/cTMed-delta-med-std.R |only R/cTMed-delta-med.R | 61 +- R/cTMed-delta-total-central.R | 61 +- R/cTMed-direct-std.R |only R/cTMed-direct.R | 2 R/cTMed-exp-cov.R |only R/cTMed-exp-mean.R |only R/cTMed-indirect-central.R | 7 R/cTMed-indirect-std.R |only R/cTMed-indirect.R | 2 R/cTMed-mc-beta-std-dot.R |only R/cTMed-mc-beta-std.R |only R/cTMed-mc-beta.R | 62 +- R/cTMed-mc-indirect-central.R | 62 +- R/cTMed-mc-med-std-dot.R |only R/cTMed-mc-med-std.R |only R/cTMed-mc-med.R | 62 +- R/cTMed-mc-total-central.R | 62 +- R/cTMed-med-std.R |only R/cTMed-med.R | 9 R/cTMed-methods-ctmeddelta.R | 224 ++++---- R/cTMed-methods-ctmedmc.R | 220 ++++---- R/cTMed-posterior-beta.R | 62 +- R/cTMed-posterior-indirect-central.R | 61 +- R/cTMed-posterior-med.R | 61 +- R/cTMed-posterior-total-central.R | 61 +- R/cTMed-total-central.R | 7 R/cTMed-total-std.R |only R/linearAlgebra-vec-dot.R |only R/linearAlgebra-vech-dot.R |only man/DeltaBeta.Rd | 69 +- man/DeltaBetaStd.Rd |only man/DeltaIndirectCentral.Rd | 15 man/DeltaMed.Rd | 69 +- man/DeltaMedStd.Rd |only man/DeltaTotalCentral.Rd | 69 +- man/Direct.Rd | 12 man/DirectStd.Rd |only man/ExpCov.Rd |only man/ExpMean.Rd |only man/Indirect.Rd | 12 man/IndirectCentral.Rd | 15 man/IndirectStd.Rd |only man/MCBeta.Rd | 70 +- man/MCBetaStd.Rd |only man/MCIndirectCentral.Rd | 70 +- man/MCMed.Rd | 70 +- man/MCMedStd.Rd |only man/MCPhi.Rd | 10 man/MCTotalCentral.Rd | 70 +- man/Med.Rd | 15 man/MedStd.Rd |only man/PosteriorBeta.Rd | 69 +- man/PosteriorIndirectCentral.Rd | 69 +- man/PosteriorMed.Rd | 69 +- man/PosteriorPhi.Rd | 10 man/PosteriorTotalCentral.Rd | 69 +- man/Total.Rd | 10 man/TotalCentral.Rd | 15 man/TotalStd.Rd |only man/Trajectory.Rd | 12 man/confint.ctmeddelta.Rd | 54 - man/confint.ctmedmc.Rd | 54 - man/plot.ctmeddelta.Rd | 54 - man/plot.ctmedmc.Rd | 54 - man/print.ctmeddelta.Rd | 54 - man/print.ctmedmc.Rd | 54 - man/summary.ctmeddelta.Rd | 54 - man/summary.ctmedmc.Rd | 54 - src/RcppExports.cpp | 213 ++++++- src/source.cpp | 628 +++++++++++++++++------ tests/testthat/test-delta-beta-std.R |only tests/testthat/test-delta-beta.R | 56 +- tests/testthat/test-delta-indirect-central.R | 56 +- tests/testthat/test-delta-med-std.R |only tests/testthat/test-delta-med.R | 56 +- tests/testthat/test-delta-total-central.R | 56 +- tests/testthat/test-direct-std.R |only tests/testthat/test-direct.R | 18 tests/testthat/test-indirect-central.R | 22 tests/testthat/test-indirect-std.R |only tests/testthat/test-indirect.R | 2 tests/testthat/test-mc-beta-std.R |only tests/testthat/test-mc-beta.R | 56 +- tests/testthat/test-mc-indirect-central.R | 56 +- tests/testthat/test-mc-med-std.R |only tests/testthat/test-mc-med.R | 56 +- tests/testthat/test-mc-phi.R | 54 - tests/testthat/test-mc-total-central.R | 56 +- tests/testthat/test-posterior-beta.R | 54 - tests/testthat/test-posterior-indirect-central.R | 54 - tests/testthat/test-posterior-med.R | 54 - tests/testthat/test-posterior-total-central.R | 54 - tests/testthat/test-test-stable.R | 2 tests/testthat/test-total-central.R | 2 tests/testthat/test-total-std.R |only tests/testthat/test-total.R | 2 tests/testthat/test-wald-ci-wald-ci-dot.R | 2 tests/testthat/test-wald-probs-of-alpha-dot.R | 2 110 files changed, 2576 insertions(+), 1787 deletions(-)
Title: Summarise and Visualise Characteristics of Patients in the OMOP
Description: Summarise and visualise the characteristics of patients in data
mapped to the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) common data
model (CDM).
Author: Marti Catala [aut, cre] ,
Yuchen Guo [aut] ,
Mike Du [ctb] ,
Kim Lopez-Guell [aut] ,
Edward Burn [aut] ,
Nuria Mercade-Besora [aut] ,
Marta Alcalde [aut]
Maintainer: Marti Catala <marti.catalasabate@ndorms.ox.ac.uk>
Diff between CohortCharacteristics versions 0.3.0 dated 2024-10-01 and 0.4.0 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 14 MD5 | 188 +-- NAMESPACE | 15 NEWS.md | 21 R/benchmarkCohortCharacteristics.R |only R/checks.R | 35 R/documentationHelpers.R |only R/plot.R |only R/plotCharacteristics.R | 108 - R/plotCohortAttrition.R | 78 - R/plotCohortCount.R | 57 - R/plotCohortOverlap.R | 68 - R/plotCohortTiming.R | 134 +- R/plotComparedLargeScaleCharacteristics.R | 9 R/plotLargeScaleCharacteristics.R | 35 R/reexports.R | 20 R/summariseCharacteristics.R | 283 +++-- R/summariseCohortAttrition.R | 17 R/summariseCohortCount.R | 12 R/summariseCohortOverlap.R | 353 ++---- R/summariseCohortTiming.R | 12 R/summariseLargeScaleCharacteristics.R | 17 R/table.R |only R/tableCharacteristics.R | 77 - R/tableCohortAttrition.R | 65 - R/tableCohortCount.R | 59 - R/tableCohortOverlap.R | 79 - R/tableCohortTiming.R | 97 - R/tableLargeScaleCharacteristics.R | 88 - R/utilities.R | 7 README.md | 51 inst/WORDLIST | 11 inst/doc/summarise_characteristics.R | 10 inst/doc/summarise_characteristics.Rmd | 10 inst/doc/summarise_characteristics.html | 788 +++++--------- inst/doc/summarise_cohort_overlap.R | 4 inst/doc/summarise_cohort_overlap.Rmd | 4 inst/doc/summarise_cohort_overlap.html | 394 +++---- inst/doc/summarise_cohort_timing.R | 6 inst/doc/summarise_cohort_timing.Rmd | 6 inst/doc/summarise_cohort_timing.html | 680 +++++------- inst/doc/summarise_large_scale_characteristics.R | 4 inst/doc/summarise_large_scale_characteristics.Rmd | 4 inst/doc/summarise_large_scale_characteristics.html | 1046 +++++++++++++------ man/CohortCharacteristics-package.Rd | 4 man/availablePlotColumns.Rd |only man/availableTableColumns.Rd |only man/benchmarkCohortCharacteristics.Rd |only man/cohortDoc.Rd |only man/cohortIdDoc.Rd |only man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-10-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-16-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-17-1.png |only man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-18-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-19-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-20-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-21-1.png |only man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-22-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-23-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-24-1.png |only man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-25-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-26-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-27-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-28-1.png |only man/figures/attrition.svg |only man/plotCharacteristics.Rd | 30 man/plotCohortAttrition.Rd | 14 man/plotCohortCount.Rd | 10 man/plotCohortOverlap.Rd | 14 man/plotCohortTiming.Rd | 24 man/plotComparedLargeScaleCharacteristics.Rd | 11 man/plotDoc.Rd |only man/plotLargeScaleCharacteristics.Rd | 11 man/reexports.Rd | 9 man/resultDoc.Rd |only man/strataDoc.Rd |only man/summariseCharacteristics.Rd | 26 man/summariseCohortAttrition.Rd | 2 man/summariseCohortCount.Rd | 2 man/summariseCohortOverlap.Rd | 11 man/summariseCohortTiming.Rd | 2 man/summariseLargeScaleCharacteristics.Rd | 13 man/tableCharacteristics.Rd | 16 man/tableCohortAttrition.Rd | 13 man/tableCohortCount.Rd | 15 man/tableCohortOverlap.Rd | 20 man/tableCohortTiming.Rd | 25 man/tableDoc.Rd |only man/tableLargeScaleCharacteristics.Rd | 13 man/timeScaleDoc.Rd |only man/uniqueCombinationsDoc.Rd |only tests/testthat/setup.R | 13 tests/testthat/test-benchmarkCohortCharacteristics.R |only tests/testthat/test-plotCharacteristics.R | 12 tests/testthat/test-plotCohortTiming.R | 63 + tests/testthat/test-summariseCharacteristics.R | 151 ++ tests/testthat/test-summariseCohortOverlap.R | 149 ++ tests/testthat/test-summariseCohortTiming.R | 2 tests/testthat/test-tableCharacteristics.R | 21 tests/testthat/test-tableCohortTiming.R | 6 tests/testthat/test-tableLargeScaleCharacteristics.R | 1 tests/testthat/test-utilities.R |only vignettes/summarise_characteristics.Rmd | 10 vignettes/summarise_cohort_overlap.Rmd | 4 vignettes/summarise_cohort_timing.Rmd | 6 vignettes/summarise_large_scale_characteristics.Rmd | 4 106 files changed, 2990 insertions(+), 2703 deletions(-)
More information about CohortCharacteristics at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Hyperparameter Optimization for 'mlr3'
Description: Hyperparameter optimization package of the 'mlr3' ecosystem.
It features highly configurable search spaces via the 'paradox'
package and finds optimal hyperparameter configurations for any 'mlr3'
learner. 'mlr3tuning' works with several optimization algorithms e.g.
Random Search, Iterated Racing, Bayesian Optimization (in 'mlr3mbo')
and Hyperband (in 'mlr3hyperband'). Moreover, it can automatically
optimize learners and estimate the performance of optimized models
with nested resampling.
Author: Marc Becker [cre, aut] ,
Michel Lang [aut] ,
Jakob Richter [aut] ,
Bernd Bischl [aut] ,
Daniel Schalk [aut]
Maintainer: Marc Becker <marcbecker@posteo.de>
Diff between mlr3tuning versions 1.2.0 dated 2024-11-08 and 1.2.1 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++-- MD5 | 40 ++++++++++---------- NEWS.md | 4 ++ R/AutoTuner.R | 9 ---- R/TuningInstanceAsyncMulticrit.R | 9 +--- R/TuningInstanceAsyncSingleCrit.R | 9 +--- R/TuningInstanceBatchMulticrit.R | 11 +---- R/TuningInstanceBatchSingleCrit.R | 9 +--- build/partial.rdb |binary build/vignette.rds |binary inst/testthat/helper_misc.R | 8 ++-- man/AutoTuner.Rd | 3 - man/TuningInstanceAsyncMultiCrit.Rd | 4 -- man/TuningInstanceAsyncSingleCrit.Rd | 4 -- man/TuningInstanceBatchMultiCrit.Rd | 4 -- man/TuningInstanceBatchSingleCrit.Rd | 4 -- tests/testthat/helper.R | 1 tests/testthat/test_AutoTuner.R | 12 ++---- tests/testthat/test_Tuner.R | 7 +-- tests/testthat/test_TunerBatchIrace.R | 1 tests/testthat/test_TuningInstanceBatchSingleCrit.R | 5 -- 21 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-)
Title: Handwriting Analysis in R
Description: Perform statistical writership analysis of scanned handwritten documents.
Webpage provided at: <https://github.com/CSAFE-ISU/handwriter>.
Author: Iowa State University of Science and Technology on behalf of its Center
for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence [aut, cph,
Nick Berry [aut],
Stephanie Reinders [aut, cre],
James Taylor [aut],
Felix Baez-Santiago [ctb],
Jon Gonzalez [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Stephanie Reinders <srein@iastate.edu>
Diff between handwriter versions 3.2.1 dated 2024-10-24 and 3.2.3 dated 2024-11-26
handwriter-3.2.1/handwriter/tests/testthat/test-ClusterModeling_analysisfunctions.R |only handwriter-3.2.1/handwriter/tests/testthat/test-ClusterModeling_datafunctions.R |only handwriter-3.2.1/handwriter/tests/testthat/test-ClusterModeling_modelfunctions.R |only handwriter-3.2.1/handwriter/tests/testthat/test-cluster_assignment.R |only handwriter-3.2.1/handwriter/tests/testthat/test-processBatch.R |only handwriter-3.2.1/handwriter/tests/testthat/test-processDocument.R |only handwriter-3.2.1/handwriter/tests/testthat/test-processHandwriting.R |only handwriter-3.2.1/handwriter/tests/testthat/test_ClusterDistanceFunctions.R |only handwriter-3.2.1/handwriter/tests/testthat/test_ThinText.R |only handwriter-3.2.3/handwriter/DESCRIPTION | 7 - handwriter-3.2.3/handwriter/MD5 | 35 ++++--- handwriter-3.2.3/handwriter/NEWS.md | 6 + handwriter-3.2.3/handwriter/R/cluster_assignment.R | 45 +++++++--- handwriter-3.2.3/handwriter/R/cluster_format.R | 35 ++++--- handwriter-3.2.3/handwriter/man/get_cluster_fill_counts.Rd | 16 ++- handwriter-3.2.3/handwriter/man/get_clusters_batch.Rd | 12 +- handwriter-3.2.3/handwriter/tests/testthat/fixtures/processHandwriting/clusters.rds |only handwriter-3.2.3/handwriter/tests/testthat/fixtures/processHandwriting/clusters_wo_indices.rds |only handwriter-3.2.3/handwriter/tests/testthat/fixtures/processHandwriting/counts.rds |only handwriter-3.2.3/handwriter/tests/testthat/fixtures/processHandwriting/counts_wo_indices.rds |only handwriter-3.2.3/handwriter/tests/testthat/fixtures/processHandwriting/make_fixtures.R | 20 ++++ handwriter-3.2.3/handwriter/tests/testthat/test-batch-processing.R |only handwriter-3.2.3/handwriter/tests/testthat/test-cluster-analysis.R |only handwriter-3.2.3/handwriter/tests/testthat/test-cluster-assignment.R |only handwriter-3.2.3/handwriter/tests/testthat/test-cluster-distances.R |only handwriter-3.2.3/handwriter/tests/testthat/test-cluster-format.R |only handwriter-3.2.3/handwriter/tests/testthat/test-cluster-model.R |only handwriter-3.2.3/handwriter/tests/testthat/test-process-read-image.R |only handwriter-3.2.3/handwriter/tests/testthat/test-process-writing.R |only 29 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)
Title: Multivariate Normal Probabilities using Vecchia Approximation
Description: Under a different representation of the multivariate normal (MVN) probability, we can use the Vecchia approximation to sample the integrand at a linear complexity with respect to n. Additionally, both the SOV algorithm from Genz (92) and the exponential-tilting method from Botev (2017) can be adapted to linear complexity. The reference for the method implemented in this package is Jian Cao and Matthias Katzfuss (2024) "Linear-Cost Vecchia Approximation of Multivariate Normal Probabilities" <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2311.09426>. Two major references for the development of our method are Alan Genz (1992) "Numerical Computation of Multivariate Normal Probabilities" <doi:10.1080/10618600.1992.10477010> and Z. I. Botev (2017) "The Normal Law Under Linear Restrictions: Simulation and Estimation via Minimax Tilting" <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1603.04166>.
Author: Jian Cao [aut, cre],
Matthias Katzfuss [aut]
Maintainer: Jian Cao <jcao2416@gmail.com>
Diff between VeccTMVN versions 1.2.0 dated 2024-09-23 and 1.2.1 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 12 ++++++------ NEWS.md | 4 ++-- man/pmvn.Rd | 3 +-- man/pmvn_MLMC.Rd | 3 +-- man/pmvt.Rd | 3 +-- man/pmvt_MLMC.Rd | 3 +-- 7 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
Title: Generalized Linear Latent Variable Models
Description: Analysis of multivariate data using generalized linear latent variable models (gllvm).
Estimation is performed using either the Laplace method, variational approximations, or extended variational approximations, implemented via TMB (Kristensen et al. (2016), <doi:10.18637/jss.v070.i05>).
Author: Jenni Niku [aut, cre],
Wesley Brooks [aut],
Riki Herliansyah [aut],
Francis K.C. Hui [aut],
Pekka Korhonen [aut],
Sara Taskinen [aut],
Bert van der Veen [aut],
David I. Warton [aut]
Maintainer: Jenni Niku <jenni.m.e.niku@jyu.fi>
Diff between gllvm versions 1.4.3 dated 2023-09-18 and 2.0 dated 2024-11-26
gllvm-1.4.3/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette6.R |only gllvm-1.4.3/gllvm/src/Makevars.txt |only gllvm-1.4.3/gllvm/vignettes/RRGLM.RData |only gllvm-1.4.3/gllvm/vignettes/RRGLMb1.RData |only gllvm-1.4.3/gllvm/vignettes/ftCGLLVM.RData |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/DESCRIPTION | 22 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/MD5 | 201 - gllvm-2.0/gllvm/NAMESPACE | 35 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/NEWS.md | 76 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/TMBtrait.R | 1270 +++++---- gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/VP.gllvm.R |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/anova.gllvm.R | 2 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/coef.gllvm.R | 19 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/coefplot.gllvm.R | 39 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/confint.gllvm.R | 96 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/ecoCoefs.gllvm.R | 293 +- gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/getEnvironCov.gllvm.R |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/getLV.gllvm.R | 8 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/getLoadings.gllvm.R |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/getPredictErr.gllvm.R | 117 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/getResidualCor.gllvm.R | 9 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/getResidualCov.gllvm.R | 47 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/gllvm.R | 742 +++-- gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/gllvm.TMB.R | 1538 +++++++---- gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/gllvm.VA.R | 12 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/gllvm.auxiliary.R | 1209 +++------ gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/gllvm.iter.R |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/gllvm.makeform.R | 256 + gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/logLik.gllvm.R | 25 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/ordiplot.gllvm.R | 111 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/phyloplot.gllvm.R |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/plot.gllvm.R | 43 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/plotVP.gllvm.R |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/predict.gllvm.R | 92 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/predictLVs.gllvm.R | 2 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/randomCoefplot.R | 53 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/residuals.gllvm.R | 264 - gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/se.gllvm.R | 395 +- gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/simulate.gllvm.R | 14 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/summary.gllvm.R | 199 + gllvm-2.0/gllvm/R/zzz.R |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/README.md | 27 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/build/vignette.rds |binary gllvm-2.0/gllvm/data/beetle.RData |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/data/fungi.RData |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/data/kelpforest.RData |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/CITATION | 37 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette1.R | 72 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette1.Rmd | 38 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette1.html | 118 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette2.R | 19 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette2.html | 82 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette2.rmd | 3 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette3.R | 56 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette3.html | 676 ++--- gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette3.rmd | 22 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette4.R | 48 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette4.html | 152 - gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette4.rmd | 6 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette5.R | 43 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette5.Rmd | 44 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette5.html | 112 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette6.Rmd | 334 ++ gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette6.html | 213 + gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette7.Rmd |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette7.html |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette8.R |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette8.Rmd |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette8.html |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette9.Rmd |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/inst/doc/vignette9.html |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/anova.gllvm.Rd | 2 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/beetle.Rd |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/coefplot.gllvm.Rd | 19 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/confint.gllvm.Rd | 2 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/eSpider.Rd | 2 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/fungi.Rd |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/getEnvironCov.gllvm.Rd |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/getLoadings.gllvm.Rd |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/getPredictErr.gllvm.Rd | 2 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/getResidualCor.gllvm.Rd | 6 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/getResidualCov.gllvm.Rd | 6 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/gllvm.Rd | 179 - gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/kelpforest.Rd |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/logLik.gllvm.Rd | 2 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/ordiplot.gllvm.Rd | 5 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/phyloplot.gllvm.Rd |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/plot.gllvm.Rd | 19 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/predict.gllvm.Rd | 2 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/predictLVs.gllvm.Rd | 2 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/randomCoefplot.gllvm.Rd | 2 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/residuals.gllvm.Rd | 2 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/se.gllvm.Rd | 84 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/simulate.gllvm.Rd | 2 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/summary.gllvm.Rd | 7 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/man/varPartitioning.gllvm.Rd |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/src/Makevars | 2 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/src/gllvm.cpp | 3319 ++++++++++++++++++------- gllvm-2.0/gllvm/src/utils.h |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/tests/testthat/test-fitgllvm.R | 145 + gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/F4.png |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/F4coef.png |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/VP1-1.png |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/VP2-1.png |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/Xcovar-1.png |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/bigplot-1.png |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/coefsP-1.png |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/corrplot-1.png |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/fixuGLLVM-1.png |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/ftComTol.RData |binary gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/lvAR-1.png |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/ordip6_1-1.png |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/ordip6_3-1.png |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/ordiplot1-1.png |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/plotrow-1.png |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/rcoefs-1.png |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/specord-1.png |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/vignette1.Rmd | 38 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/vignette2.rmd | 3 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/vignette3.rmd | 22 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/vignette4.rmd | 6 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/vignette5.Rmd | 44 gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/vignette6.Rmd | 334 ++ gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/vignette7.Rmd |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/vignette8.Rmd |only gllvm-2.0/gllvm/vignettes/vignette9.Rmd |only 126 files changed, 8881 insertions(+), 4668 deletions(-)
Title: Utilities for 'DIZ' R Package Development
Description: Utility functions used for the R package development
infrastructure inside the data integration centers ('DIZ') to
standardize and facilitate repetitive tasks such as setting up a
database connection or issuing notification messages and to avoid
Author: Jonathan M. Mang [aut, cre] ,
Lorenz A. Kapsner [aut] ,
MIRACUM - Medical Informatics in Research and Care in University
Medicine [fnd],
Universitaetsklinikum Erlangen, Germany [cph]
Maintainer: Jonathan M. Mang <jonathan.mang@uk-erlangen.de>
Diff between DIZutils versions 0.1.2 dated 2023-01-23 and 0.1.3 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 14 - MD5 | 6 R/db_connection.R | 714 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- README.md | 123 ++++++--- 4 files changed, 461 insertions(+), 396 deletions(-)
Title: Asymptotic Timing
Description: Computing and visualizing comparative
asymptotic timings of different algorithms and code versions.
Also includes functionality for comparing empirical timings with
expected references such as linear or quadratic,
Also includes functionality for measuring asymptotic memory and other
Author: Toby Hocking [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Toby Hocking <toby.hocking@r-project.org>
Diff between atime versions 2024.11.15 dated 2024-11-18 and 2024.11.19 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 6 +- MD5 | 22 ++++---- NEWS | 4 + inst/doc/Custom_Plots.html | 6 +- inst/doc/Custom_References.html | 24 ++++----- inst/doc/Custom_Units.html | 8 +-- inst/doc/cum_median.html | 6 +- inst/doc/regex.html | 16 +++--- inst/doc/sparse.R | 63 +++++++++++------------- inst/doc/sparse.Rmd | 63 +++++++++++------------- inst/doc/sparse.html | 105 ++++++++++++++++++---------------------- vignettes/sparse.Rmd | 63 +++++++++++------------- 12 files changed, 184 insertions(+), 202 deletions(-)
Title: Fitting Periodic Coefficients Linear Regression Models
Description: Provides tools for fitting periodic coefficients regression models to data where periodicity plays a crucial role. It allows users to model and analyze relationships between variables that exhibit cyclical or seasonal patterns, offering functions for estimating parameters and testing the periodicity of coefficients in linear regression models. For simple periodic coefficient regression model see Regui et al. (2024) <doi:10.1080/03610918.2024.2314662>.
Author: Slimane Regui [aut, cre] ,
Abdelhadi Akharif [aut],
Amal Mellouk [aut]
Maintainer: Slimane Regui <slimaneregui111997@gmail.com>
Diff between PerRegMod versions 4.4.1 dated 2024-11-14 and 4.4.2 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 6 +-- MD5 | 8 ++-- R/PerRegMod.R | 116 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- man/phi_n.Rd | 2 - tests/test.R | 6 +-- 5 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)
Title: Parse 'YMD' Format Number or String to Date
Description: Convert 'YMD' format number or string to Date efficiently, using Rust's
standard library. It also provides helper functions to handle Date, e.g., quick
finding the beginning or end of the given period, adding months to Date, etc.
Author: Xianying Tan [aut, cre] ,
Hiroaki Yutani [ctb] ,
The authors of the dependency Rust crates [ctb]
Maintainer: Xianying Tan <shrektan@126.com>
Diff between ymd versions 0.1.3 dated 2024-11-06 and 0.1.4 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 8 ++++---- NEWS.md | 4 ++++ src/rust/src/lib.rs | 12 ++++-------- tests/testthat/test-beop.R | 8 ++++---- 5 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
Title: Data Analysis Tools Customized for TNTP
Description: An assortment of functions and templates customized to meet
the needs of data analysts at the non-profit organization TNTP.
Includes functions for branded colors and plots, credentials management,
repository set-up, and other common analytic tasks.
Author: Dustin Pashouwer [aut, cre],
Sam Firke [aut],
Shane Orr [aut],
Sam Talcott [aut]
Maintainer: Dustin Pashouwer <dustin.pashouwer@tntp.org>
Diff between tntpr versions 1.1.0 dated 2024-09-23 and 1.2.0 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 12 +++--- MD5 | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++----------- NAMESPACE | 13 ++++++- NEWS.md | 5 ++ R/palette_tntp.R | 4 +- R/sp_.R |only R/survey_utils.R | 27 +++++++------- R/theme_tntp_2018.R | 4 +- R/tntp_colors.R | 7 ++- R/tntpr.R | 1 R/utils.R | 24 +++++++++---- README.md | 1 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/visualization-cookbook.R | 54 ++++++++++++++--------------- inst/doc/visualization-cookbook.Rmd | 60 ++++++++++++++++---------------- inst/doc/visualization-cookbook.html | 64 +++++++++++++++++------------------ man/check_all_count.Rd | 10 ++--- man/check_all_recode.Rd | 5 +- man/get_ext.Rd |only man/is_drive_id.Rd |only man/is_site_id.Rd |only man/is_site_url.Rd |only man/process_type.Rd |only man/scale_colour_tntp.Rd | 4 +- man/sp_check_folder.Rd |only man/sp_create_folder.Rd |only man/sp_defaults.Rd |only man/sp_error.Rd |only man/sp_list.Rd |only man/sp_read.Rd |only man/sp_read_xlsx.Rd |only man/sp_site.Rd |only man/sp_string.Rd |only man/sp_upload.Rd |only man/sp_write_xlsx.Rd |only man/theme_tntp_2018.Rd | 4 +- tests/testthat/test-tntp_colors.R | 8 +++- vignettes/visualization-cookbook.Rmd | 60 ++++++++++++++++---------------- 38 files changed, 237 insertions(+), 187 deletions(-)
Title: Easy Access to Model Information for Various Model Objects
Description: A tool to provide an easy, intuitive and consistent
access to information contained in various R models, like model
formulas, model terms, information about random effects, data that was
used to fit the model or data from response variables. 'insight'
mainly revolves around two types of functions: Functions that find
(the names of) information, starting with 'find_', and functions that
get the underlying data, starting with 'get_'. The package has a
consistent syntax and works with many different model objects, where
otherwise functions to access these information are missing.
Author: Daniel Luedecke [aut, cre] ,
Dominique Makowski [aut, ctb] ,
Indrajeet Patil [aut, ctb] ,
Philip Waggoner [aut, ctb] ,
Mattan S. Ben-Shachar [aut, ctb]
Brenton M. Wiernik [aut, ctb] ,
Vincent Arel-Bundock [aut, ctb]
Etienne Bacher [aut, ctb] ,
Ale [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Daniel Luedecke <d.luedecke@uke.de>
Diff between insight versions 0.20.5 dated 2024-10-02 and 1.0.0 dated 2024-11-26
insight-0.20.5/insight/R/find_parameter_zi.R |only insight-0.20.5/insight/man/get_parameters.glmm.Rd |only insight-1.0.0/insight/DESCRIPTION | 44 insight-1.0.0/insight/MD5 | 290 +-- insight-1.0.0/insight/NAMESPACE | 22 insight-1.0.0/insight/NEWS.md | 73 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/clean_names.R | 95 - insight-1.0.0/insight/R/clean_parameters.R | 30 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/colour_tools.R | 3 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/compute_variances.R | 20 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/download_model.R | 48 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/export_table.R | 348 +++- insight-1.0.0/insight/R/find_formula.R | 184 +- insight-1.0.0/insight/R/find_interactions.R | 2 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/find_offset.R | 2 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/find_parameters.R | 20 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/find_parameters_bayesian.R | 107 - insight-1.0.0/insight/R/find_parameters_gam.R | 39 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/find_parameters_mfx.R | 53 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/find_parameters_mixed.R | 183 -- insight-1.0.0/insight/R/find_parameters_other.R | 100 - insight-1.0.0/insight/R/find_parameters_zi.R |only insight-1.0.0/insight/R/find_predictors.R | 119 + insight-1.0.0/insight/R/find_statistic.R | 6 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/find_terms.R | 7 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/find_transformation.R | 88 - insight-1.0.0/insight/R/find_variables.R | 26 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/format_bf.R | 24 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/format_message.R | 2 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/format_p.R | 15 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/format_table.R | 10 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/format_value.R | 45 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_auxiliary.R | 40 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_data.R | 56 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_df_residual.R | 2 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_loglikelihood.R | 467 +++-- insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_modelmatrix.R | 2 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_parameters.R | 6 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_parameters_bayesian.R | 84 - insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_parameters_emmeans.R | 1 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_parameters_gam.R | 34 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_parameters_mfx.R | 24 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_parameters_mixed.R | 295 +-- insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_parameters_others.R | 115 - insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_parameters_zi.R | 30 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_predicted_ci_zeroinflated.R | 2 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_predicted_se.R | 2 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_predictors.R | 12 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_sigma.R | 3 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_statistic.R | 18 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_transformation.R | 104 - insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_varcov.R | 75 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_varcov_sandwich.R | 15 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/get_weights.R | 21 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/has_intercept.R | 2 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/helper_functions.R | 24 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/is_model.R | 6 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/is_model_supported.R | 8 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/link_function.R | 3 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/link_inverse.R | 3 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/model_info.R | 16 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/n_parameters.R | 3 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/null_model.R | 5 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/utilities.R | 33 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/utils_compact.R | 6 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/utils_get_data.R | 4 insight-1.0.0/insight/R/validate_argument.R |only insight-1.0.0/insight/README.md | 231 +- insight-1.0.0/insight/build/partial.rdb |binary insight-1.0.0/insight/build/vignette.rds |binary insight-1.0.0/insight/inst/WORDLIST | 7 insight-1.0.0/insight/inst/doc/display.R | 2 insight-1.0.0/insight/inst/doc/display.html | 230 +- insight-1.0.0/insight/inst/doc/export.R | 25 insight-1.0.0/insight/inst/doc/export.Rmd | 39 insight-1.0.0/insight/inst/doc/export.html | 80 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/export_table.Rd | 61 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/find_formula.Rd | 32 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/find_interactions.Rd | 31 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/find_parameters.BGGM.Rd | 110 - insight-1.0.0/insight/man/find_parameters.Rd | 75 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/find_parameters.averaging.Rd | 137 - insight-1.0.0/insight/man/find_parameters.betamfx.Rd | 105 - insight-1.0.0/insight/man/find_parameters.emmGrid.Rd | 4 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/find_parameters.gamlss.Rd | 42 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/find_parameters.glmmTMB.Rd | 130 + insight-1.0.0/insight/man/find_parameters.zeroinfl.Rd | 110 + insight-1.0.0/insight/man/find_predictors.Rd | 121 + insight-1.0.0/insight/man/find_random.Rd | 4 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/find_smooth.Rd | 4 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/find_terms.Rd | 32 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/find_transformation.Rd | 25 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/find_variables.Rd | 104 + insight-1.0.0/insight/man/format_bf.Rd | 11 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/format_p.Rd | 3 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/format_pd.Rd | 3 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/format_table.Rd | 10 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/format_value.Rd | 20 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/get_auxiliary.Rd | 23 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/get_data.Rd | 51 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/get_loglikelihood.Rd | 22 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/get_parameters.BGGM.Rd | 152 - insight-1.0.0/insight/man/get_parameters.Rd | 26 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/get_parameters.betamfx.Rd | 86 - insight-1.0.0/insight/man/get_parameters.betareg.Rd | 125 - insight-1.0.0/insight/man/get_parameters.emmGrid.Rd | 3 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/get_parameters.gamm.Rd | 93 - insight-1.0.0/insight/man/get_parameters.glmmTMB.Rd |only insight-1.0.0/insight/man/get_parameters.zeroinfl.Rd | 98 - insight-1.0.0/insight/man/get_predicted.Rd | 30 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/get_predicted_ci.Rd | 30 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/get_transformation.Rd | 15 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/get_varcov.Rd | 38 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/get_weights.Rd | 4 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/insight-package.Rd | 10 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/n_parameters.Rd | 5 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/trim_ws.Rd | 6 insight-1.0.0/insight/man/validate_argument.Rd |only insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/_snaps/export_table.md | 823 ++++++++++ insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/_snaps/format_table_ci.md | 22 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/_snaps/mipo.md | 52 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/_snaps/windows/export_table.md |only insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-GLMMadaptive.R | 20 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-averaging.R | 1 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-backticks.R | 6 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-brms.R | 43 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-brms_aterms.R | 2 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-brms_missing.R | 2 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-clean_names.R | 43 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-clean_parameters.R | 27 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-compact-character.R | 12 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-compact-list.R | 7 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-coxme.R | 9 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-coxph-panel.R |only insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-download_model.R | 1 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-export_table.R | 155 + insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-find_formula.R | 19 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-find_terms.R | 29 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-find_transformation.R | 63 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-format.R | 30 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-format_table.R | 2 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-gam.R | 28 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-gamlss.R | 24 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-get_data.R | 51 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-get_loglikelihood.R | 45 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-get_transformation.R | 51 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-get_varcov.R | 17 insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-panelr-asym.R |only insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-phylolm.R |only insight-1.0.0/insight/tests/testthat/test-utilities.R | 55 insight-1.0.0/insight/vignettes/export.Rmd | 39 151 files changed, 5338 insertions(+), 2471 deletions(-)
Title: Gini Decomposition by Income Sources
Description: Estimation of the effect of each income source on income inequalities based on the decomposition of Lerman and Yitzhaki (1985) <doi:10.2307/1928447>.
Author: Abdessamad Ait Mbarek [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Abdessamad Ait Mbarek <abdessamad.ambarek@gmail.com>
Diff between GiniDecompLY versions 1.0.0 dated 2024-01-19 and 1.0.1 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 18 +- MD5 | 18 +- R/data.R | 2 R/gini_decomposition_funs.R | 2 inst/doc/GiniDecompLY.R | 47 ++++++- inst/doc/GiniDecompLY.Rmd | 212 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ inst/doc/GiniDecompLY.html | 275 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ man/gini_income_elasticity.Rd | 2 man/sample_income_data.Rd | 3 vignettes/GiniDecompLY.Rmd | 212 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 10 files changed, 768 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
Title: Black-Box Optimization Toolkit
Description: Features highly configurable search spaces via the 'paradox'
package and optimizes every user-defined objective function. The
package includes several optimization algorithms e.g. Random Search,
Iterated Racing, Bayesian Optimization (in 'mlr3mbo') and Hyperband
(in 'mlr3hyperband'). bbotk is the base package of 'mlr3tuning',
'mlr3fselect' and 'miesmuschel'.
Author: Marc Becker [cre, aut] ,
Jakob Richter [aut] ,
Michel Lang [aut] ,
Bernd Bischl [aut] ,
Martin Binder [aut],
Olaf Mersmann [ctb]
Maintainer: Marc Becker <marcbecker@posteo.de>
Diff between bbotk versions 1.3.0 dated 2024-11-07 and 1.4.0 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 26 +++++++++++++------------- MD5 | 23 +++++++++++++---------- NAMESPACE | 2 ++ NEWS.md | 5 +++++ R/Optimizer.R | 13 ++----------- R/OptimizerBatchChain.R |only R/OptimizerBatchIrace.R | 6 +----- R/mlr_optimizers.R | 23 +++++++++++++++++------ R/zzz.R | 1 + build/partial.rdb |binary man/mlr_optimizers_chain.Rd |only tests/testthat/test_OptimizerChain.R |only tests/testthat/test_OptimizerIrace.R | 6 ++++++ tests/testthat/test_mlr_optimizers.R | 6 +++++- 14 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
Title: Color Palettes Inspired by Video Games
Description: Palettes based on video games.
Author: Nathan Constantine-Cooke [aut, cre]
Hugh Warden [ctb] ,
Sergej Ruff [ctb]
Maintainer: Nathan Constantine-Cooke <nathan.constantine-cooke@ed.ac.uk>
Diff between gameR versions 0.0.6 dated 2024-05-27 and 0.0.7 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 15 ++-- MD5 | 62 ++++++++++-------- NEWS.md | 9 ++ R/palettes.R | 6 + README.md | 100 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/WORDLIST | 2 man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-10-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-11-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-12-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-13-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-14-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-15-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-16-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-17-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-18-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-19-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-20-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-21-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-22-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-23-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-24-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-25-1.png |only man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-26-1.png |only man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-27-1.png |only man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-28-1.png |only man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-29-1.png |only man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-30-1.png |only man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-5-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-6-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-7-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-8-1.png |binary man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-9-1.png |binary man/gameR_cols.Rd | 2 man/gameR_cont.Rd | 2 35 files changed, 137 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)
Title: AI Screening Tools in R for Systematic Reviewing
Description: Provides functions to conduct title and abstract screening in systematic reviews using large language models, such as the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) models from 'OpenAI' <https://platform.openai.com/>. These functions can enhance the quality of title and abstract screenings while reducing the total screening time significantly. In addition, the package includes tools for quality assessment of title and abstract screenings, as described in Vembye, Christensen, Mølgaard, and Schytt (2024) <DOI:10.31219/osf.io/yrhzm>.
Author: Mikkel H. Vembye [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Mikkel H. Vembye <mikkel.vembye@gmail.com>
Diff between AIscreenR versions 0.1.0 dated 2024-11-08 and 0.1.1 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 6 MD5 | 18 NEWS.md | 6 R/tabscreen_gpt.R | 3 build/partial.rdb |binary build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/Using-GPT-API-Models-For-Screening.R | 584 +++++++++++------------ inst/doc/Using-GPT-API-Models-For-Screening.Rmd | 25 inst/doc/Using-GPT-API-Models-For-Screening.html | 160 +++--- vignettes/Using-GPT-API-Models-For-Screening.Rmd | 25 10 files changed, 443 insertions(+), 384 deletions(-)
Title: Generic PK/PD Simulation Platform CAMPSIS
Description: A generic, easy-to-use and intuitive
pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) simulation platform based on R
packages 'rxode2' and 'mrgsolve'. CAMPSIS provides an abstraction
layer over the underlying processes of writing a PK/PD model,
assembling a custom dataset and running a simulation. CAMPSIS has a
strong dependency to the R package 'campsismod', which allows to
read/write a model from/to files and adapt it further on the fly in
the R environment. Package 'campsis' allows the user to assemble a
dataset in an intuitive manner. Once the user’s dataset is ready, the
package is in charge of preparing the simulation, calling 'rxode2' or
'mrgsolve' (at the user's choice) and returning the results, for the
given model, dataset and desired simulation settings.
Author: Nicolas Luyckx [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Nicolas Luyckx <nicolas.luyckx@calvagone.com>
Diff between campsis versions 1.5.4 dated 2024-08-30 and 1.5.5 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 13 +- MD5 | 107 +++++++++++++++---- NAMESPACE | 2 NEWS.md | 8 + R/simulate.R | 2 R/utilities.R | 29 ++++- README.md | 3 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/campsis.html | 8 - inst/doc/v01_dataset.R |only inst/doc/v01_dataset.Rmd |only inst/doc/v01_dataset.html |only inst/doc/v02_uncertainties.R |only inst/doc/v02_uncertainties.Rmd |only inst/doc/v02_uncertainties.html |only inst/doc/v03_covariates.R |only inst/doc/v03_covariates.Rmd |only inst/doc/v03_covariates.html |only inst/doc/v04_bioavailability.R |only inst/doc/v04_bioavailability.Rmd |only inst/doc/v04_bioavailability.html |only inst/doc/v05_lag_time.R |only inst/doc/v05_lag_time.Rmd |only inst/doc/v05_lag_time.html |only inst/doc/v06_infusions.R |only inst/doc/v06_infusions.Rmd |only inst/doc/v06_infusions.html |only inst/doc/v07_iov.R |only inst/doc/v07_iov.Rmd |only inst/doc/v07_iov.html |only inst/doc/v08_initial_conditions.R |only inst/doc/v08_initial_conditions.Rmd |only inst/doc/v08_initial_conditions.html |only inst/doc/v09_dose_adaptation.R |only inst/doc/v09_dose_adaptation.Rmd |only inst/doc/v09_dose_adaptation.html |only inst/doc/v10_replicate_study.R |only inst/doc/v10_replicate_study.Rmd |only inst/doc/v10_replicate_study.html |only inst/doc/v11_scenarios.R |only inst/doc/v11_scenarios.Rmd |only inst/doc/v11_scenarios.html |only inst/doc/v12_time_varying_covariates.R |only inst/doc/v12_time_varying_covariates.Rmd |only inst/doc/v12_time_varying_covariates.html |only inst/doc/v13_events.R |only inst/doc/v13_events.Rmd |only inst/doc/v13_events.html |only inst/doc/v14_complex_pkpd_models.R |only inst/doc/v14_complex_pkpd_models.Rmd |only inst/doc/v14_complex_pkpd_models.html |only inst/doc/v15_pkpd_model_library.R |only inst/doc/v15_pkpd_model_library.Rmd |only inst/doc/v15_pkpd_model_library.html |only inst/doc/v16_progress_bar.R |only inst/doc/v16_progress_bar.Rmd |only inst/doc/v16_progress_bar.html |only inst/doc/v17_run_simulation_in_parallel.R |only inst/doc/v17_run_simulation_in_parallel.Rmd |only inst/doc/v17_run_simulation_in_parallel.html |only man/onCI.Rd |only man/onCran.Rd |only tests/testthat/non_regression/advan1_trans1_conc.csv |only tests/testthat/testDefaultPlots.R | 56 ++++----- tests/testthat/testSimulateEvents.R | 10 - tests/testthat/testSimulateEventsLogic.R | 10 - tests/testthat/testSimulateIOV.R | 12 +- tests/testthat/testSimulateInfusion.R | 2 tests/testthat/testSimulateNocbLocf.R | 6 - tests/testthat/testSimulateReplicates.R | 31 +++-- tests/testthat/testSimulateTTEModels.R | 2 tests/testthat/testSimulateWeirdCases.R | 49 +++++++- tests/testthat/testUtils.R | 40 ++++++- vignettes/v01_dataset.Rmd |only vignettes/v02_uncertainties.Rmd |only vignettes/v03_covariates.Rmd |only vignettes/v04_bioavailability.Rmd |only vignettes/v05_lag_time.Rmd |only vignettes/v06_infusions.Rmd |only vignettes/v07_iov.Rmd |only vignettes/v08_initial_conditions.Rmd |only vignettes/v09_dose_adaptation.Rmd |only vignettes/v10_replicate_study.Rmd |only vignettes/v11_scenarios.Rmd |only vignettes/v12_time_varying_covariates.Rmd |only vignettes/v13_events.Rmd |only vignettes/v14_complex_pkpd_models.Rmd |only vignettes/v15_pkpd_model_library.Rmd |only vignettes/v16_progress_bar.Rmd |only vignettes/v17_run_simulation_in_parallel.Rmd |only 90 files changed, 291 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)
Title: Automate Package and Project Setup
Description: Automate package and project setup tasks that are otherwise
performed manually. This includes setting up unit testing, test
coverage, continuous integration, Git, 'GitHub', licenses, 'Rcpp',
'RStudio' projects, and more.
Author: Hadley Wickham [aut] ,
Jennifer Bryan [aut, cre] ,
Malcolm Barrett [aut] ,
Andy Teucher [aut] ,
Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Jennifer Bryan <jenny@posit.co>
Diff between usethis versions 3.0.0 dated 2024-07-29 and 3.1.0 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 10 +- MD5 | 110 ++++++++++++++-------------- NEWS.md | 25 +++++- R/author.R | 3 R/course.R | 16 ++-- R/data.R | 20 ++--- R/description.R | 2 R/git-default-branch.R | 58 ++++----------- R/git.R | 2 R/github-labels.R | 2 R/github.R | 2 R/helpers.R | 27 +++---- R/pipe.R | 2 R/pr.R | 68 +++++++++-------- R/proj-desc.R | 2 R/release.R | 15 ++- R/rename-files.R | 12 ++- R/roxygen.R | 5 - R/tidyverse.R | 4 - R/ui-legacy.R | 4 - R/upkeep.R | 53 +++++++++---- R/use_standalone.R | 2 R/utils-git.R | 2 R/utils-github.R | 2 R/vignette.R | 119 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------ README.md | 19 ++-- inst/WORDLIST | 15 +++ inst/templates/article.qmd |only inst/templates/vignette.qmd |only man/rename_files.Rd | 2 man/tidyverse.Rd | 12 ++- man/ui-legacy-functions.Rd | 4 - man/use_author.Rd | 3 man/use_data.Rd | 8 +- man/use_pipe.Rd | 2 man/use_upkeep_issue.Rd | 2 man/use_vignette.Rd | 29 +++++-- man/zip-utils.Rd | 18 ++-- tests/testthat/_snaps/author.md | 2 tests/testthat/_snaps/helpers.md | 7 + tests/testthat/_snaps/release.md | 35 +++++++++ tests/testthat/_snaps/upkeep.md | 38 +++++++++ tests/testthat/_snaps/use_import_from.md | 10 +- tests/testthat/_snaps/vignette.md | 9 ++ tests/testthat/helper-mocks.R | 2 tests/testthat/test-author.R | 3 tests/testthat/test-data.R | 17 +++- tests/testthat/test-github-actions.R | 7 - tests/testthat/test-helpers.R | 4 - tests/testthat/test-proj.R | 4 - tests/testthat/test-release.R | 25 ++++++ tests/testthat/test-rename-files.R | 27 +++++++ tests/testthat/test-roxygen.R | 7 - tests/testthat/test-tidyverse.R | 2 tests/testthat/test-upkeep.R | 21 +++++ tests/testthat/test-use_import_from.R | 12 +-- tests/testthat/test-vignette.R | 72 ++++++++++++++++-- 57 files changed, 671 insertions(+), 314 deletions(-)
Title: Tree Taper Curves and Sorting Based on 'TapeR'
Description: Providing new german-wide 'TapeR' Models and functions for their
evaluation. Included are the most common tree species in Germany (Norway
spruce, Scots pine, European larch, Douglas fir, Silver fir as well as
European beech, Common/Sessile oak and Red oak). Many other species are mapped
to them so that 36 tree species / groups can be processed. Single trees are
defined by species code, one or multiple diameters in arbitrary measuring
height and tree height. The functions then provide information on diameters
along the stem, bark thickness, height of diameters, volume of the total or
parts of the trunk and total and component above-ground biomass. It is also
possible to calculate assortments from the taper curves. For diameter and
volume estimation, uncertainty information is given.
Author: Christian Vonderach [aut, cre],
Edgar Kublin [aut],
Gerald Kaendler [aut]
Maintainer: Christian Vonderach <christian.vonderach@forst.bwl.de>
Diff between TapeS versions 0.12.1 dated 2023-03-25 and 0.13.0 dated 2024-11-26
TapeS-0.12.1/TapeS/R/data.r |only TapeS-0.12.1/TapeS/data |only TapeS-0.12.1/TapeS/man/SKPar.Rd |only TapeS-0.12.1/TapeS/man/azp.Rd |only TapeS-0.12.1/TapeS/man/crownExpansion.Rd |only TapeS-0.12.1/TapeS/man/dbtp.Rd |only TapeS-0.12.1/TapeS/man/unvd.Rd |only TapeS-0.12.1/TapeS/man/volfaodlt7.Rd |only TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/DESCRIPTION | 9 TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/MD5 | 60 +- TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/NAMESPACE | 2 TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/NEWS.md | 309 +++++++------ TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/R/FormTarif.r | 449 +++++++++---------- TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/R/HDxoR.r | 8 TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/R/RcppExports.R | 31 + TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/R/TapeS-package.r | 27 - TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/R/Trees.R | 658 ++++++++++++++-------------- TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/R/checkComp.r |only TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/R/predictNSUR.r |only TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/R/sysdata.rda |only TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/R/tprBiomass.r | 178 +++++-- TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/R/tprVolume.r | 635 +++++++++++++-------------- TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/build/partial.rdb |binary TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/inst/CITATION |only TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/inst/NEWS.rd | 7 TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/inst/doc/tapes.html | 205 ++++---- TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/man/E_HDxoR_HmDm_Ht.f.Rd | 8 TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/man/NSURvar.Rd |only TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/man/TapeS-package.Rd | 32 - TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/man/check_Comp.Rd |only TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/man/nsur.Rd | 4 TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/man/nsur2.Rd |only TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/man/tprBiomass.Rd | 59 ++ TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/man/tprVolume.Rd | 3 TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/src/BiomassFn.cpp | 136 +++++ TapeS-0.13.0/TapeS/src/RcppExports.cpp | 14 36 files changed, 1576 insertions(+), 1258 deletions(-)
Title: Merge and Download International Large-Scale Assessments (ILSA)
Description: Merges and downloads 'SPSS' data from different International Large-Scale Assessments (ILSA), including: Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), and others.
Author: Andres Christiansen [aut, cre]
Andres Strello [ctb]
Maintainer: Andres Christiansen <andres.christiansen@iea-hamburg.de>
Diff between ILSAmerge versions 1.2.5 dated 2024-11-21 and 1.3.0 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 18 +++++++----- MD5 | 71 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- NAMESPACE | 2 + NEWS.md | 11 ++++--- R/ILSAdownload.R | 6 ++-- R/ILSAfile.info.R | 11 ++++--- R/ILSAmerge.R | 12 ++++---- R/ILSAready.R |only R/ILSArename.R | 8 ++--- R/addSchools.R | 73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- R/availableILSA.R | 5 ++- R/combineStudents.R | 13 ++++---- R/justload.R | 10 +++--- R/spss.syntax.R | 7 ++-- R/sysdata.rda |only README.md | 23 +++++++++++---- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/Download.Rmd | 2 - inst/doc/Load.Rmd | 2 - inst/doc/Merge.R | 6 ++++ inst/doc/Merge.Rmd | 7 ++++ inst/doc/Onestep.R |only inst/doc/Onestep.Rmd |only inst/doc/Onestep.html |only inst/doc/Rename.R | 6 ++++ inst/doc/Rename.Rmd | 7 ++++ man/ILSAdownload.Rd | 6 ++-- man/ILSAfile.info.Rd | 4 +- man/ILSAmerge.Rd | 8 ++--- man/ILSAready.Rd |only man/ILSArename.Rd | 4 +- man/addSchools.Rd | 8 ++--- man/combineStudents.Rd | 8 ++--- man/justload.Rd | 6 ++-- man/spss.syntax.Rd | 6 ++-- vignettes/Download.Rmd | 2 - vignettes/Load.Rmd | 2 - vignettes/Merge.Rmd | 7 ++++ vignettes/Onestep.Rmd |only vignettes/Rename.Rmd | 7 ++++ 40 files changed, 238 insertions(+), 130 deletions(-)
Title: Build and Manipulate Study Cohorts Using a Common Data Model
Description: Create and manipulate study cohorts in data mapped to the
Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model.
Author: Edward Burn [aut, cre] ,
Marti Catala [aut] ,
Nuria Mercade-Besora [aut] ,
Marta Alcalde-Herraiz [aut] ,
Mike Du [aut] ,
Yuchen Guo [aut] ,
Xihang Chen [aut] ,
Kim Lopez-Guell [aut] ,
Elin Rowlands [aut]
Maintainer: Edward Burn <edward.burn@ndorms.ox.ac.uk>
Diff between CohortConstructor versions 0.3.2 dated 2024-11-11 and 0.3.3 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 8 MD5 | 46 - data/benchmarkData.rda |binary inst/doc/a02_cohort_table_requirements.html | 20 inst/doc/a03_require_demographics.html | 20 inst/doc/a04_require_intersections.html | 20 inst/doc/a06_concatanate_cohorts.html | 22 inst/doc/a07_filter_cohorts.html | 24 inst/doc/a11_benchmark.R | 5 inst/doc/a11_benchmark.Rmd | 5 inst/doc/a11_benchmark.html | 424 ++++++++-------- tests/testthat/test-addIndex.R | 2 tests/testthat/test-collapseCohorts.R | 1 tests/testthat/test-conceptCohort.R | 1 tests/testthat/test-intersectCohorts.R | 1 tests/testthat/test-matchCohorts.R | 1 tests/testthat/test-requireCohortIntersect.R | 665 ++++++++++++------------- tests/testthat/test-requireConceptIntersect.R | 677 +++++++++++++------------- tests/testthat/test-requireDemographics.R | 2 tests/testthat/test-sampleCohorts.R | 315 ++++++------ tests/testthat/test-stratifyCohorts.R | 323 ++++++------ tests/testthat/test-subsetCohorts.R | 291 +++++------ tests/testthat/test-unionCohorts.R | 1 vignettes/a11_benchmark.Rmd | 5 24 files changed, 1447 insertions(+), 1432 deletions(-)
More information about CohortConstructor at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Analysis of Massive SNP Arrays
Description: Easy-to-use, efficient, flexible and scalable tools for analyzing
massive SNP arrays. Privé et al. (2018) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bty185>.
Author: Florian Prive [aut, cre],
Michael Blum [ths],
Hugues Aschard [ths],
Bjarni Johann Vilhjalmsson [ths]
Maintainer: Florian Prive <florian.prive.21@gmail.com>
Diff between bigsnpr versions 1.12.15 dated 2024-09-20 and 1.12.18 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 8 +-- MD5 | 33 ++++++------ NAMESPACE | 1 NEWS.md | 12 ++++ R/RcppExports.R | 4 + R/bed-projectPCA.R | 82 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- R/clumping.R | 11 ++-- R/external-software.R | 2 R/man-qq-gc.R | 1 README.md | 8 +-- man/LD.wiki34.Rd | 4 - man/bed_projectSelfPCA.Rd | 12 ++++ man/snp_clumping.Rd | 3 - src/RcppExports.cpp | 17 ++++++ src/project-utils.cpp |only tests/testthat/test-2-bed-clumping-SVD.R | 4 + tests/testthat/test-2-pca-project.R | 8 +++ tests/testthat/test-4-manhattan.R | 3 + 18 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
Title: Get the Insights of Your Neural Network
Description: Interpretation methods for analyzing the behavior and individual
predictions of modern neural networks in a three-step procedure: Converting
the model, running the interpretation method, and visualizing the results.
Implemented methods are, e.g., 'Connection Weights' described by Olden et al. (2004)
<doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2004.03.013>, layer-wise relevance
propagation ('LRP') described by Bach et al. (2015)
<doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0130140>, deep learning important features
('DeepLIFT') described by Shrikumar et al. (2017) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1704.02685>
and gradient-based methods like 'SmoothGrad' described by Smilkov et
al. (2017) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1706.03825>, 'Gradient x Input'
or 'Vanilla Gradient'.
Details can be found in the accompanying scientific paper: Koenen & Wright
(2024, Journal of Statistical Software, <doi:10.18637/jss.v111.i08>).
Author: Niklas Koenen [aut, cre] ,
Raphael Baudeu [ctb]
Maintainer: Niklas Koenen <niklas.koenen@gmail.com>
Diff between innsight versions 0.3.0 dated 2023-12-21 and 0.3.1 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 14 +-- MD5 | 76 ++++++++--------- NEWS.md | 5 + R/Converter.R | 3 R/DeepLift.R | 3 R/GradienBased.R | 4 R/innsight.R | 11 ++ R/innsight_ggplot2.R | 20 ++-- R/innsight_sugar.R | 4 README.md | 19 +++- build/partial.rdb |only inst/CITATION |only inst/doc/Example_1_iris.R | 26 ++--- inst/doc/Example_1_iris.html | 54 ++++++------ inst/doc/Example_2_penguin.R | 14 +-- inst/doc/Example_2_penguin.html | 22 ++-- inst/doc/detailed_overview.R | 172 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------- inst/doc/detailed_overview.html | 98 +++++++++++----------- inst/doc/innsight.R | 62 +++++++------- inst/doc/innsight.html | 32 +++---- man/AgnosticWrapper.Rd | 6 - man/ConnectionWeights.Rd | 6 - man/Converter.Rd | 3 man/DeepLift.Rd | 8 - man/DeepSHAP.Rd | 9 +- man/ExpectedGradient.Rd | 8 - man/Gradient.Rd | 6 - man/GradientBased.Rd | 6 - man/IntegratedGradient.Rd | 8 - man/InterpretingMethod.Rd | 9 +- man/LIME.Rd | 6 - man/LRP.Rd | 6 - man/SHAP.Rd | 6 - man/SmoothGrad.Rd | 6 - man/innsight-package.Rd | 12 ++ man/innsight_ggplot2-class.Rd | 15 +-- man/innsight_ggplot2-indexing.Rd | 8 - man/innsight_ggplot2-plus.Rd | 5 - man/innsight_plotly-indexing.Rd | 5 - man/innsight_sugar.Rd | 8 - 40 files changed, 419 insertions(+), 366 deletions(-)
Title: Identify Relevant Clinical Codes and Evaluate Their Use
Description: Generate a candidate code list for the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) common data model based on string matching. For a given search strategy, a candidate code list will be returned.
Author: Edward Burn [aut, cre] ,
Marti Catala [ctb] ,
Xihang Chen [aut] ,
Nuria Mercade-Besora [aut] ,
Mike Du [ctb] ,
Danielle Newby [ctb]
Maintainer: Edward Burn <edward.burn@ndorms.ox.ac.uk>
Diff between CodelistGenerator versions 3.3.0 dated 2024-11-10 and 3.3.1 dated 2024-11-26
CodelistGenerator-3.3.0/CodelistGenerator/R/utils-pipe.R |only CodelistGenerator-3.3.0/CodelistGenerator/man/pipe.Rd |only CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/DESCRIPTION | 15 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/MD5 | 102 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/NAMESPACE | 2 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/R/codesFromConceptSet.R | 1074 +++++----- CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/R/codesInUse.R | 30 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/R/compareCodelists.R | 2 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/R/drugCodes.R | 48 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/R/getICD10StandardCodes.R | 106 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/R/getMappings.R | 62 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/R/mockVocabRef.R | 4 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/R/runSearch.R | 222 +- CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/R/summariseAchillesCodeUse.R | 58 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/R/summariseCodeUse.R | 248 +- CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/R/summariseUnmappedCodes.R | 346 +-- CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/R/sysdata.rda |binary CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/R/tableAchillesCodeUse.R | 22 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/R/tableCodeUse.R | 22 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/R/tableUnmappedCodes.R | 16 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/R/vocabUtilities.R | 174 - CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/README.md | 38 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/inst/doc/a01_Introduction_to_CodelistGenerator.R | 28 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/inst/doc/a01_Introduction_to_CodelistGenerator.Rmd | 28 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/inst/doc/a01_Introduction_to_CodelistGenerator.html | 28 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/inst/doc/a02_Candidate_codes_OA.R | 32 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/inst/doc/a02_Candidate_codes_OA.Rmd | 32 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/inst/doc/a02_Candidate_codes_OA.html | 32 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/inst/doc/a03_Options_for_CodelistGenerator.R | 20 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/inst/doc/a03_Options_for_CodelistGenerator.Rmd | 20 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/inst/doc/a03_Options_for_CodelistGenerator.html | 20 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/inst/doc/a04_Vocab_based_codelists.html | 133 - CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/man/tableAchillesCodeUse.Rd | 4 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/man/tableCodeUse.Rd | 4 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/man/tableCohortCodeUse.Rd | 4 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/man/tableOrphanCodes.Rd | 4 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/man/tableUnmappedCodes.Rd | 4 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-codesInUse.R | 8 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-compareCodelists.R | 48 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-dbms.R | 124 - CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-drugCodes.R | 12 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-findUnmappedCodes.R | 4 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-getCandidateCodes.R | 4 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-getICD10StandardCodes.R | 2 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-mockVocabRef.R | 4 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-summariseAchillesCodeUse.R | 35 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-summariseCodeUse.R | 392 ++- CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-summariseOrphanCodes.R | 4 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-summariseUnmappedCodes.R | 166 - CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/tests/testthat/test-tableAchillesCodeUse.R | 12 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/vignettes/a01_Introduction_to_CodelistGenerator.Rmd | 28 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/vignettes/a02_Candidate_codes_OA.Rmd | 32 CodelistGenerator-3.3.1/CodelistGenerator/vignettes/a03_Options_for_CodelistGenerator.Rmd | 20 53 files changed, 1958 insertions(+), 1921 deletions(-)
More information about CodelistGenerator at CRAN
Permanent link
Title: Abstractions for Promise-Based Asynchronous Programming
Description: Provides fundamental abstractions for doing asynchronous
programming in R using promises. Asynchronous programming is useful
for allowing a single R process to orchestrate multiple tasks in the
background while also attending to something else. Semantics are
similar to 'JavaScript' promises, but with a syntax that is idiomatic
Author: Joe Cheng [aut, cre],
Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Joe Cheng <joe@posit.co>
Diff between promises versions 1.3.0 dated 2024-04-05 and 1.3.1 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 8 +-- LICENSE | 2 MD5 | 31 ++++++------ NEWS.md | 5 ++ R/domains.R | 45 +++++++++++++++--- inst/doc/promises_06_shiny.Rmd | 2 inst/doc/promises_06_shiny.html | 2 inst/doc/promises_08_casestudy.Rmd | 8 +-- inst/doc/promises_08_casestudy.html | 17 +++--- tests/testthat/common.R | 34 +++++++++---- tests/testthat/test-aplus-2-2.R | 22 ++++---- tests/testthat/test-cpp.R |only tests/testthat/test-domains.R | 77 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------- tests/testthat/test-methods.R | 20 ++++---- tests/testthat/test-zzz-future_promise.R | 9 ++- vignettes/promises_06_shiny.Rmd | 2 vignettes/promises_08_casestudy.Rmd | 8 +-- 17 files changed, 191 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-)
Title: Utilities for Scheduling Functions to Execute Later with Event
Description: Executes arbitrary R or C functions some time after the current
time, after the R execution stack has emptied. The functions are scheduled
in an event loop.
Author: Winston Chang [aut, cre],
Joe Cheng [aut],
Charlie Gao [aut] ,
Posit Software, PBC [cph],
Marcus Geelnard [ctb, cph] ,
Evan Nemerson [ctb, cph]
Maintainer: Winston Chang <winston@posit.co>
Diff between later versions 1.3.2 dated 2023-12-06 and 1.4.0 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 12 ++- MD5 | 53 ++++++++------- NAMESPACE | 4 - NEWS.md | 8 ++ R/RcppExports.R | 40 ++++++----- R/later.R | 126 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- README.md | 20 +++++ build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/later-cpp.html | 58 ++++++++-------- inst/include/later.h | 38 ++++++++++ inst/include/later_api.h | 3 man/later_fd.Rd |only src/Makevars.in | 2 src/Makevars.win | 3 src/RcppExports.cpp | 27 +++++++ src/callback_registry.cpp | 12 +++ src/callback_registry.h | 15 ++++ src/callback_registry_table.h | 3 src/debug.cpp | 3 src/fd.cpp |only src/fd.h |only src/init.c | 47 ++++++++----- src/later.cpp | 10 ++ src/later_posix.cpp | 8 +- src/later_win32.cpp | 3 src/wref.c |only tests/testthat.R | 17 ++++ tests/testthat/test-later-fd.R |only tests/testthat/test-private-loops.R | 19 ++--- tests/testthat/test-run_now.R | 75 +++++++++++---------- 30 files changed, 443 insertions(+), 163 deletions(-)
Title: Time Series Forecast System
Description: A web application for displaying, analysing and forecasting univariate time series. Includes basic methods such as mean, naïve, seasonal naïve and drift, as well as more complex methods such as Holt-Winters Box,G and Jenkins, G (1976) <doi:10.1111/jtsa.12194> and ARIMA Brockwell, P.J. and R.A.Davis (1991) <doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-0320-4>.
Author: Oldemar Rodriguez [aut, cre],
Diego Jimenez [aut]
Maintainer: Oldemar Rodriguez <oldemar.rodriguez@ucr.ac.cr>
Diff between forecasteR versions 2.0.2 dated 2023-06-19 and 3.0.2 dated 2024-11-26
forecasteR-2.0.2/forecasteR/R/mod_arima.R |only forecasteR-2.0.2/forecasteR/R/mod_arima_utils.R |only forecasteR-2.0.2/forecasteR/R/mod_deeplearning.R |only forecasteR-2.0.2/forecasteR/R/mod_deeplearning_utils.R |only forecasteR-2.0.2/forecasteR/R/mod_e_ingenuo.R |only forecasteR-2.0.2/forecasteR/R/mod_holtwinters.R |only forecasteR-2.0.2/forecasteR/R/mod_holtwinters_utils.R |only forecasteR-2.0.2/forecasteR/R/mod_ingenuo.R |only forecasteR-2.0.2/forecasteR/R/mod_m_descom.R |only forecasteR-2.0.2/forecasteR/R/mod_promedio.R |only forecasteR-2.0.2/forecasteR/R/mod_redes.R |only forecasteR-2.0.2/forecasteR/man/pred.tskeras.Rd |only forecasteR-2.0.2/forecasteR/man/tskeras.Rd |only forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/DESCRIPTION | 13 +- forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/MD5 | 54 +++----- forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/NAMESPACE | 5 forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/R/app_server.R | 27 ++-- forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/R/app_ui.R | 58 +++----- forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/R/forecasteR.R | 8 - forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/R/golem_utils_server.R | 6 forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/R/mod_acercade.R | 2 forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/R/mod_model_arima_utils.R |only forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/R/mod_model_deeplearning_utils.R |only forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/R/mod_model_holtwinters_utils.R |only forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/R/mod_model_utils.R |only forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/R/mod_nuevos.R | 71 +---------- forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/R/mod_train_test.R |only forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/R/ts_utils.R | 7 - forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/inst/app/lang/diccionario.csv | 8 - forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/inst/app/lang/translation.bin |binary forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/inst/app/www/style_forecastR.css | 7 + forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/inst/golem-config.yml | 2 forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/man/calibrar.HW.Rd | 2 forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/man/calibrar.arima.Rd | 2 forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/man/e_acf.Rd | 2 forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/man/e_pacf.Rd | 2 forecasteR-3.0.2/forecasteR/man/forecasteR.Rd | 14 +- 37 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 167 deletions(-)
Title: CRAN Task Views
Description: Infrastructure for task views to CRAN-style repositories: Querying task views and installing the associated
packages (client-side tools), generating HTML pages and storing task view information in the repository
(server-side tools).
Author: Achim Zeileis [aut, cre] ,
Kurt Hornik [aut]
Maintainer: Achim Zeileis <Achim.Zeileis@R-project.org>
Diff between ctv versions 0.9-5 dated 2023-05-30 and 0.9-6 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 8 ++++---- MD5 | 10 +++++----- NEWS.md | 6 ++++++ R/ctv-server.R | 8 +++++--- build/vignette.rds |binary inst/CITATION | 2 +- 6 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
Title: Generic Implementation of a PK/PD Model
Description: A generic, easy-to-use and expandable implementation of a
pharmacokinetic (PK) / pharmacodynamic (PD) model based on the S4
class system. This package allows the user to read/write a
pharmacometric model from/to files and adapt it further on the fly in
the R environment. For this purpose, this package provides an
intuitive API to add, modify or delete equations, ordinary
differential equations (ODE's), model parameters or compartment
properties (like infusion duration or rate, bioavailability and
initial values). Finally, this package also provides a useful export
of the model for use with simulation packages 'rxode2' and 'mrgsolve'.
This package is designed and intended to be used with package
'campsis', a PK/PD simulation platform built on top of 'rxode2' and
Author: Nicolas Luyckx [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Nicolas Luyckx <nicolas.luyckx@calvagone.com>
Diff between campsismod versions 1.1.1 dated 2024-02-16 and 1.1.2 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 11 - MD5 | 113 +++++++------- NAMESPACE | 1 NEWS.md | 6 R/campsis_model.R | 6 R/code_records.R | 2 R/compartment_bioavailability.R | 2 R/compartment_infusion_duration.R | 2 R/compartment_infusion_rate.R | 2 R/compartment_initial_condition.R | 6 R/compartment_lag_time.R | 2 R/compartment_property.R | 2 R/model_comment.R | 4 R/model_equation.R | 2 R/model_if_statement.R | 2 R/model_line_break.R | 4 R/model_ode.R | 2 R/model_statement.R | 4 R/model_unknown_statement.R | 2 R/rxode_conversion.R | 16 - R/utilities.R | 11 + README.md | 7 build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/campsismod.R | 2 inst/doc/campsismod.Rmd | 22 +- inst/doc/campsismod.html | 32 +-- inst/doc/v01_model_creation.R | 2 inst/doc/v01_model_creation.Rmd | 12 - inst/doc/v01_model_creation.html | 24 +- inst/doc/v02_structural_model.Rmd | 8 inst/doc/v02_structural_model.html | 14 - inst/doc/v03_model_adaptation.Rmd | 2 inst/doc/v03_model_adaptation.html | 6 inst/doc/v04_compartment_properties.Rmd | 2 inst/doc/v04_compartment_properties.html | 8 inst/doc/v05_parameters.html | 4 inst/doc/v06_append_pd_model.html | 8 man/isRxODE.Rd |only man/rxodeCode.Rd | 6 man/rxodeMatrix.Rd | 4 man/rxodeParams.Rd | 4 man/rxode_type-class.Rd | 4 tests/testthat/testCampsisModel.R | 3 tests/testthat/testRxODEConversion.R | 8 tests/testthat/testSimulationTimeConversion.R | 10 - vignettes/campsismod.Rmd | 22 +- vignettes/resources/minimalist_example_cmt_properties.png |binary vignettes/resources/minimalist_example_obs_cp.png |binary vignettes/resources/minimalist_example_sim1.png |binary vignettes/resources/minimalist_example_sim2.png |binary vignettes/resources/pkpd_model_concentration.png |binary vignettes/resources/pkpd_model_effect.png |binary vignettes/resources/results_mrgsolve.png |binary vignettes/resources/results_rxode.png |binary vignettes/v01_model_creation.Rmd | 12 - vignettes/v02_structural_model.Rmd | 8 vignettes/v03_model_adaptation.Rmd | 2 vignettes/v04_compartment_properties.Rmd | 2 58 files changed, 225 insertions(+), 215 deletions(-)
Title: Versatile Curation of Table Metadata
Description: A YAML-based
mechanism for working with table metadata. Supports
compact syntax for creating, modifying, viewing, exporting,
importing, displaying, and plotting metadata coded as column
attributes. The 'yamlet' dialect is valid 'YAML' with
defaults and conventions chosen to improve readability.
See ?yamlet, ?decorate, ?modify, ?io_csv, and ?ggplot.decorated.
Author: Tim Bergsma [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Tim Bergsma <bergsmat@gmail.com>
Diff between yamlet versions 1.1.5 dated 2024-11-14 and 1.2.0 dated 2024-11-26
yamlet-1.1.5/yamlet/man/scripted.default.Rd |only yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/DESCRIPTION | 6 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/MD5 | 108 ++-- yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/NAMESPACE | 3 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/R/dvec.R | 32 + yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/R/enscript.R |only yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/R/ggplot.R | 119 ++-- yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/R/ggplot_build.R | 123 ----- yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/R/scripted.R | 243 ---------- yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/R/yamlet_options.R | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/build/vignette.rds |binary yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/inst/doc/scripted-html.R | 11 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/inst/doc/scripted-html.Rmd | 9 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/inst/doc/scripted-html.html | 17 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/inst/doc/scripted-pdf.R | 11 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/inst/doc/scripted-pdf.Rmd | 9 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/inst/doc/scripted-pdf.pdf |binary yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/inst/doc/yamlet-introduction.R | 4 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/inst/doc/yamlet-introduction.html | 6 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/canonical.decorated.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/classified.data.frame.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/decorate.character.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/decorate.data.frame.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/desolve.decorated.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/enscript.Rd |only yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/enscript.default.Rd |only yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/ggplot.decorated.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/io_csv.character.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/io_csv.data.frame.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/io_res.character.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/io_res.decorated.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/io_table.character.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/io_table.data.frame.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/io_yamlet.character.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/io_yamlet.data.frame.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/is_parseable.default.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/mimic.default.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/modify.default.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/print.decorated_ggplot.Rd | 112 ++-- yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/promote.list.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/read_yamlet.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/rescale.dvec.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/resolve.decorated.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/scale_type.dvec.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/scripted.Rd | 14 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/selected.default.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/write_yamlet.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/man/yamlet_options.Rd | 2 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/tests/testthat/098.rds |binary yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/tests/testthat/graphics-yamlet.R | 60 ++ yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/tests/testthat/test-yamlet.R | 6 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/vignettes/scripted-html.Rmd | 9 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/vignettes/scripted-html_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png |binary yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/vignettes/scripted-html_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png |binary yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/vignettes/scripted-pdf.Rmd | 9 yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/vignettes/scripted-pdf_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-4-1.pdf |binary yamlet-1.2.0/yamlet/vignettes/scripted-pdf_files/figure-latex/unnamed-chunk-5-1.pdf |binary 57 files changed, 357 insertions(+), 606 deletions(-)
Title: Spatial Objects of the Czech Republic
Description: Administrative regions and other spatial objects of the Czech Republic.
Author: Jindra Lacko [aut, cre] ,
Nick Bearman [rev]
Maintainer: Jindra Lacko <jindra.lacko@gmail.com>
Diff between RCzechia versions 1.12.2 dated 2024-07-12 and 1.12.3 dated 2024-11-26
DESCRIPTION | 13 +++---- MD5 | 62 +++++++++++++++++++------------------- NEWS.md | 8 ++++ R/RCzechia.R | 18 +++++------ R/geocode.R | 2 - R/historie.R | 2 - R/plochy.R | 2 - R/reky.R | 2 - R/revgeo.R | 2 - R/silnice.R | 2 - R/zeleznice.R | 2 - README.md | 10 +++--- build/partial.rdb |binary build/vignette.rds |binary inst/doc/vignette.Rmd | 29 ++++++++--------- inst/doc/vignette.html | 30 +++++++++--------- man/RCzechia-package.Rd | 18 +++++------ man/geocode.Rd | 2 - man/plochy.Rd | 2 - man/reky.Rd | 2 - man/revgeo.Rd | 2 - man/silnice.Rd | 2 - man/zeleznice.Rd | 2 - tests/testthat/test-1-historie.R | 2 - tests/testthat/test-1-transport.R | 4 +- tests/testthat/test-3-integrace.R | 2 - vignettes/brno-center-1.png |binary vignettes/census-1.png |binary vignettes/ctverce-1.png |binary vignettes/geocode-1.png |binary vignettes/senat-1.png |binary vignettes/vignette.Rmd | 29 ++++++++--------- 32 files changed, 128 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2024-07-21 1.0.3
Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:
2024-03-12 1.3