Mon, 02 Dec 2024

Package parallelly updated to version 1.40.0 with previous version 1.39.0 dated 2024-11-07

Title: Enhancing the 'parallel' Package
Description: Utility functions that enhance the 'parallel' package and support the built-in parallel backends of the 'future' package. For example, availableCores() gives the number of CPU cores available to your R process as given by the operating system, 'cgroups' and Linux containers, R options, and environment variables, including those set by job schedulers on high-performance compute clusters. If none is set, it will fall back to parallel::detectCores(). Another example is makeClusterPSOCK(), which is backward compatible with parallel::makePSOCKcluster() while doing a better job in setting up remote cluster workers without the need for configuring the firewall to do port-forwarding to your local computer.
Author: Henrik Bengtsson [aut, cre, cph] , Mike Cheng [ctb]
Maintainer: Henrik Bengtsson <>

Diff between parallelly versions 1.39.0 dated 2024-11-07 and 1.40.0 dated 2024-12-02

 parallelly-1.39.0/parallelly/                |only
 parallelly-1.40.0/parallelly/DESCRIPTION              |   12 
 parallelly-1.40.0/parallelly/MD5                      |   72 ++
 parallelly-1.40.0/parallelly/NAMESPACE                |    3 
 parallelly-1.40.0/parallelly/                  |   27 
 parallelly-1.40.0/parallelly/R/availableCores.R       |   55 --
 parallelly-1.40.0/parallelly/R/availableWorkers.R     |    4 
 parallelly-1.40.0/parallelly/R/cgroups.R              |  490 +++++++++++++++---
 parallelly-1.40.0/parallelly/R/makeClusterPSOCK.R     |   77 ++
 parallelly-1.40.0/parallelly/R/utils,cluster.R        |    2 
 parallelly-1.40.0/parallelly/R/vignette_engine.R      |only
 parallelly-1.40.0/parallelly/R/zzz.R                  |    3 
 parallelly-1.40.0/parallelly/build                    |only
 parallelly-1.40.0/parallelly/inst/doc                 |only
 parallelly-1.40.0/parallelly/inst/test-data           |only
 parallelly-1.40.0/parallelly/man/makeClusterPSOCK.Rd  |   38 -
 parallelly-1.40.0/parallelly/tests/cgroups.R          |   21 
 parallelly-1.40.0/parallelly/tests/makeClusterPSOCK.R |    2 
 parallelly-1.40.0/parallelly/vignettes                |only
 19 files changed, 627 insertions(+), 179 deletions(-)

More information about parallelly at CRAN
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Package cir updated to version 2.5.0 with previous version 2.3.1 dated 2023-04-27

Title: Centered Isotonic Regression and Dose-Response Utilities
Description: Isotonic regression (IR) and its improvement: centered isotonic regression (CIR). CIR is recommended in particular with small samples. Also, interval estimates for both, and additional utilities such as plotting dose-response data. For dev version and change history, see GitHub assaforon/cir.
Author: Assaf P. Oron [cre, aut]
Maintainer: Assaf P. Oron <>

Diff between cir versions 2.3.1 dated 2023-04-27 and 2.5.0 dated 2024-12-02

 cir-2.3.1/cir/R/iterative.r                  |only
 cir-2.3.1/cir/man/iterCIR.Rd                 |only
 cir-2.5.0/cir/DESCRIPTION                    |   10 
 cir-2.5.0/cir/MD5                            |   65 ++---
 cir-2.5.0/cir/NAMESPACE                      |    1 
 cir-2.5.0/cir/R/analIntervals.r              |   55 +++-
 cir-2.5.0/cir/R/cir.R                        |   35 +-
 cir-2.5.0/cir/R/classes.r                    |    2 
 cir-2.5.0/cir/R/invCIR.r                     |   61 +++-
 cir-2.5.0/cir/R/methods.r                    |    4 
 cir-2.5.0/cir/R/morrisCI.r                   |    4 
 cir-2.5.0/cir/R/pava.r                       |   11 
 cir-2.5.0/cir/R/utilities.r                  |    8 
 cir-2.5.0/cir/build/vignette.rds             |binary
 cir-2.5.0/cir/inst/doc/BenHamou03.R          |    2 
 cir-2.5.0/cir/inst/doc/BenHamou03.html       |  340 +++++++++++++--------------
 cir-2.5.0/cir/inst/doc/BenHamou03.rmd        |   30 +-
 cir-2.5.0/cir/inst/examples/classExamples.r  |   10 
 cir-2.5.0/cir/inst/examples/invCiExamples.r  |    4 
 cir-2.5.0/cir/inst/examples/shrinkExamples.r |only
 cir-2.5.0/cir/man/DRshrink.Rd                |   92 ++++---
 cir-2.5.0/cir/man/DRtrace.Rd                 |  140 +++++------
 cir-2.5.0/cir/man/cir-package.Rd             |    5 
 cir-2.5.0/cir/man/cirPAVA.Rd                 |  214 ++++++++--------
 cir-2.5.0/cir/man/deltaInverse.Rd            |  213 ++++++++--------
 cir-2.5.0/cir/man/doseFind.Rd                |  164 ++++++-------
 cir-2.5.0/cir/man/isotInterval.Rd            |  176 ++++++-------
 cir-2.5.0/cir/man/morrisCI.Rd                |  190 +++++++--------
 cir-2.5.0/cir/man/oldPAVA.Rd                 |  111 ++++----
 cir-2.5.0/cir/man/plot.DRtrace.Rd            |  188 +++++++-------
 cir-2.5.0/cir/man/quickInverse.Rd            |  210 ++++++++--------
 cir-2.5.0/cir/man/quickIsotone.Rd            |  218 ++++++++---------
 cir-2.5.0/cir/man/slope.Rd                   |   90 +++----
 cir-2.5.0/cir/man/wilsonCI.Rd                |  160 ++++++------
 cir-2.5.0/cir/vignettes/BenHamou03.rmd       |   30 +-
 35 files changed, 1456 insertions(+), 1387 deletions(-)

More information about cir at CRAN
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Package mongolite updated to version 2.8.2 with previous version 2.8.1 dated 2024-10-04

Title: Fast and Simple 'MongoDB' Client for R
Description: High-performance MongoDB client based on 'mongo-c-driver' and 'jsonlite'. Includes support for aggregation, indexing, map-reduce, streaming, encryption, enterprise authentication, and GridFS. The online user manual provides an overview of the available methods in the package: <>.
Author: Jeroen Ooms [aut, cre] , MongoDB, Inc [cph]
Maintainer: Jeroen Ooms <>

Diff between mongolite versions 2.8.1 dated 2024-10-04 and 2.8.2 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION      |   10 +++++-----
 MD5              |   22 ++++++++++++----------
 NAMESPACE        |    2 ++
 NEWS             |    3 +++
 R/mongo.R        |    6 +++---
 R/reader.R       |only
 inst/WORDLIST    |    4 ++--
 man/gridfs.Rd    |    2 +-
 man/mongo.Rd     |    6 +++---
 man/read_bson.Rd |only
 src/mongolite.h  |    2 +-
 src/reader.c     |   43 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/utils.c      |    2 +-
 13 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

More information about mongolite at CRAN
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Package apache.sedona updated to version 1.7.0 with previous version 1.6.1 dated 2024-08-25

Title: R Interface for Apache Sedona
Description: R interface for 'Apache Sedona' based on 'sparklyr' (<>).
Author: Apache Sedona [aut, cre], Jia Yu [ctb, cph], Yitao Li [aut, cph] , The Apache Software Foundation [cph], RStudio [cph]
Maintainer: Apache Sedona <>

Diff between apache.sedona versions 1.6.1 dated 2024-08-25 and 1.7.0 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION          |    6 +++---
 MD5                  |    8 ++++----
 R/dependencies.R     |   12 ++++++------            |    2 +-
 man/figures/logo.png |binary
 5 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

More information about apache.sedona at CRAN
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Package nanonext updated to version 1.4.0 with previous version 1.3.2 dated 2024-11-14

Title: NNG (Nanomsg Next Gen) Lightweight Messaging Library
Description: R binding for NNG (Nanomsg Next Gen), a successor to ZeroMQ. NNG is a socket library implementing 'Scalability Protocols', a reliable, high-performance standard for common communications patterns including publish/subscribe, request/reply and service discovery, over in-process, IPC, TCP, WebSocket and secure TLS transports. As its own threaded concurrency framework, provides a toolkit for asynchronous programming and distributed computing, with intuitive 'aio' objects which resolve automatically upon completion of asynchronous operations, and synchronisation primitives allowing R to wait upon events signalled by concurrent threads.
Author: Charlie Gao [aut, cre] , Hibiki AI Limited [cph], R Consortium [fnd]
Maintainer: Charlie Gao <>

Diff between nanonext versions 1.3.2 dated 2024-11-14 and 1.4.0 dated 2024-12-02

 nanonext-1.3.2/nanonext/man/collect_pipe.Rd    |only
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/DESCRIPTION            |    6 
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/MD5                    |   57 ++++-----
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/NAMESPACE              |    7 -
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/                |   16 ++
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/R/aio.R                |   10 -
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/R/nano.R               |    4 
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/R/sendrecv.R           |    6 
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/R/socket.R             |   88 +++++++-------
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/R/sync.R               |    7 -
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/R/utils.R              |   20 +++
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/inst/doc/nanonext.html |    2 
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/man/close.Rd           |    9 -
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/man/dot-dispatcher.Rd  |    3 
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/man/dot-interrupt.Rd   |only
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/man/dot-online.Rd      |    4 
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/man/is_aio.Rd          |    2 
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/man/monitor.Rd         |only
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/man/send.Rd            |    5 
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/man/send_aio.Rd        |    7 -
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/src/aio.c              |   78 +++++-------
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/src/comms.c            |   59 +++------
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/src/core.c             |   39 +++++-
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/src/init.c             |   14 +-
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/src/nanonext.h         |   23 ++-
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/src/nng-190.tar.xz     |binary
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/src/proto.c            |   73 ------------
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/src/sync.c             |  128 +++++++++++++++++++--
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/src/thread.c           |  152 ++++++++++++-------------
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/src/utils.c            |   13 +-
 nanonext-1.4.0/nanonext/tests/tests.R          |   49 ++++----
 31 files changed, 492 insertions(+), 389 deletions(-)

More information about nanonext at CRAN
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Package CLVTools updated to version 0.11.2 with previous version 0.11.1 dated 2024-10-13

Title: Tools for Customer Lifetime Value Estimation
Description: A set of state-of-the-art probabilistic modeling approaches to derive estimates of individual customer lifetime values (CLV). Commonly, probabilistic approaches focus on modelling 3 processes, i.e. individuals' attrition, transaction, and spending process. Latent customer attrition models, which are also known as "buy-'til-you-die models", model the attrition as well as the transaction process. They are used to make inferences and predictions about transactional patterns of individual customers such as their future purchase behavior. Moreover, these models have also been used to predict individuals’ long-term engagement in activities such as playing an online game or posting to a social media platform. The spending process is usually modelled by a separate probabilistic model. Combining these results yields in lifetime values estimates for individual customers. This package includes fast and accurate implementations of various probabilistic models for non-contractual settings (e.g., gr [...truncated...]
Author: Patrick Bachmann [cre, aut], Niels Kuebler [aut], Markus Meierer [aut], Jeffrey Naef [aut], E. Shin Oblander [aut], Patrik Schilter [aut]
Maintainer: Patrick Bachmann <>

Diff between CLVTools versions 0.11.1 dated 2024-10-13 and 0.11.2 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                                    |    8 +-
 MD5                                            |   54 ++++++++--------
 NAMESPACE                                      |    1                                        |    8 ++
 R/all_generics.R                               |    8 +-
 R/class_clv_model_bgnbd.R                      |    6 -
 R/class_clv_model_bgnbd_staticcov.R            |    6 -
 R/class_clv_model_gg.R                         |   12 +++
 R/class_clv_model_ggomnbd_nocov.R              |    6 -
 R/class_clv_model_ggomnbd_staticcov.R          |    6 -
 R/class_clv_model_pnbd.R                       |    6 -
 R/class_clv_model_pnbd_dynamiccov.R            |    8 +-
 R/class_clv_model_pnbd_staticcov.R             |    6 -
 R/f_clvfitted_inputchecks.R                    |    2 
 R/f_generics_clvfittedspending.R               |   17 +++++
 R/f_generics_clvfittedtransactions.R           |    7 --
 R/f_generics_clvfittedtransactionsdyncov.R     |    3 
 R/f_generics_clvfittedtransactionsstaticcov.R  |    5 -
 R/f_interface_newcustomer.R                    |   83 ++++++++++++++++++++-----
 R/f_interface_predict_clvfittedspending.R      |   50 +++++++++++++--
 R/f_interface_predict_clvfittedtransactions.R  |   51 ++++++---------
 inst/doc/CLVTools.pdf                          |binary
 man/newcustomer.Rd                             |   39 +++++++++--
 man/predict.clv.fitted.spending.Rd             |   51 ++++++++++++++-
 man/predict.clv.fitted.transactions.Rd         |    8 +-
 tests/testthat/test_inputchecks_newcustomer.R  |   33 ++++++++-
 tests/testthat/test_runability_bootstrapping.R |   56 +++++++++++++++-
 tests/testthat/test_runability_newcustomer.R   |   10 +++
 28 files changed, 409 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-)

More information about CLVTools at CRAN
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Package statsExpressions updated to version 1.6.2 with previous version 1.6.1 dated 2024-10-30

Title: Tidy Dataframes and Expressions with Statistical Details
Description: Utilities for producing dataframes with rich details for the most common types of statistical approaches and tests: parametric, nonparametric, robust, and Bayesian t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation analyses, contingency table analyses, and meta-analyses. The functions are pipe-friendly and provide a consistent syntax to work with tidy data. These dataframes additionally contain expressions with statistical details, and can be used in graphing packages. This package also forms the statistical processing backend for 'ggstatsplot'. References: Patil (2021) <doi:10.21105/joss.03236>.
Author: Indrajeet Patil [cre, aut, cph]
Maintainer: Indrajeet Patil <>

Diff between statsExpressions versions 1.6.1 dated 2024-10-30 and 1.6.2 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                                     |   15 
 MD5                                             |   44 -
 NAMESPACE                                       |    5                                         |    5 
 R/add-expression-col.R                          |  359 +++++------
 R/centrality-description.R                      |  155 ++--
 R/contingency-table.R                           |  307 ++++-----
 R/corr-test.R                                   |  115 +--
 R/long-to-wide-converter.R                      |  191 +++---
 R/meta-analysis.R                               |  193 +++---
 R/one-sample-test.R                             |  207 +++---
 R/oneway-anova.R                                |  575 +++++++++---------
 R/pairwise-comparisons.R                        |  617 +++++++++----------
 R/reexports.R                                   |    8 
 R/statsExpressions-package.R                    |    1 
 R/tidy-model-expressions.R                      |  233 +++----
 R/two-sample-test.R                             |  273 ++++----
 build/vignette.rds                              |binary
 man/reexports.Rd                                |    4 
 man/tidy_model_parameters.Rd                    |   26 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/ |   23 
 tests/testthat/helper.R                         |    6 
 tests/testthat/test-pairwise-comparisons.R      |  747 +++++++++++-------------
 23 files changed, 2067 insertions(+), 2042 deletions(-)

More information about statsExpressions at CRAN
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Package nipals updated to version 1.0 with previous version 0.8 dated 2021-09-15

Title: Principal Components Analysis using NIPALS or Weighted EMPCA, with Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization
Description: Principal Components Analysis of a matrix using Non-linear Iterative Partial Least Squares or weighted Expectation Maximization PCA with Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization of the scores and loadings. Optimized for speed. See Andrecut (2009) <doi:10.1089/cmb.2008.0221>.
Author: Kevin Wright [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Kevin Wright <>

Diff between nipals versions 0.8 dated 2021-09-15 and 1.0 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                         |   30 -
 LICENSE                             |only
 MD5                                 |   56 +--
 NAMESPACE                           |    1                             |   33 +
 R/nipals.R                          |   68 +++
 build/vignette.rds                  |binary
 inst/doc/empca_notes.R              |   78 ++--
 inst/doc/empca_notes.Rmd            |   19 -
 inst/doc/empca_notes.html           |  477 +++++++++++++++++++-------
 inst/doc/nipals_algorithm.Rmd       |    1 
 inst/doc/nipals_algorithm.html      |  501 +++++++++++++++++++++-------
 inst/doc/nipals_comparisons.R       |  294 ++++++++--------
 inst/doc/nipals_comparisons.Rmd     |    1 
 inst/doc/nipals_comparisons.html    |  629 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 inst/doc/nipals_optimization.R      |  235 ++++++-------
 inst/doc/nipals_optimization.Rmd    |    6 
 inst/doc/nipals_optimization.html   |  639 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 man/avg_angular_distance.Rd         |only
 man/empca.Rd                        |  180 +++++-----
 man/nipals.Rd                       |  223 ++++++------
 man/uscrime.Rd                      |  118 +++---
 tests/testthat/setup-expectations.R |   24 -
 tests/testthat/test-empca.R         |   24 -
 tests/testthat/test-nipals.R        |  152 +++++---
 tests/testthat/test-uscrime.R       |   81 ++--
 vignettes/empca_notes.Rmd           |   19 -
 vignettes/nipals_algorithm.Rmd      |    1 
 vignettes/nipals_comparisons.Rmd    |    1 
 vignettes/nipals_optimization.Rmd   |    6 
 30 files changed, 2471 insertions(+), 1426 deletions(-)

More information about nipals at CRAN
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Package OpenRepGrid updated to version 0.1.16 with previous version 0.1.15 dated 2024-07-20

Title: Tools to Analyze Repertory Grid Data
Description: Analyze repertory grids, a qualitative-quantitative data collection technique devised by George A. Kelly in the 1950s. Today, grids are used across various domains ranging from clinical psychology to marketing. The package contains functions to quantitatively analyze and visualize repertory grid data (e.g. 'Fransella', 'Bell', & 'Bannister', 2004, ISBN: 978-0-470-09080-0). The package is part of the The package is part of the <> project.
Author: Mark Heckmann [aut, cre, cph] , Alejandro Garcia Gutierrez [ctb], Diego Vitali [ctb]
Maintainer: Mark Heckmann <>

Diff between OpenRepGrid versions 0.1.15 dated 2024-07-20 and 0.1.16 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                 |   10 +-
 MD5                         |   19 ++--                     |    6 +
 R/data-openrepgrid.r        |    9 +-
 R/import.r                  |  176 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 inst/extdata/boeker.xlsx    |only
 inst/extdata/grid_01.txt    |only
 inst/extdata/grid_02.txt    |only
 man/data-bellmcgorry1992.Rd |    1 
 man/data-boeker.Rd          |    4 +
 man/importTxt.Rd            |   94 ++++++++++++-----------
 man/importTxtInternal.Rd    |   58 +++++++-------
 12 files changed, 202 insertions(+), 175 deletions(-)

More information about OpenRepGrid at CRAN
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Package deepregression updated to version 2.2.0 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2023-01-17

Title: Fitting Deep Distributional Regression
Description: Allows for the specification of semi-structured deep distributional regression models which are fitted in a neural network as proposed by Ruegamer et al. (2023) <doi:10.18637/jss.v105.i02>. Predictors can be modeled using structured (penalized) linear effects, structured non-linear effects or using an unstructured deep network model.
Author: David Ruegamer [aut, cre], Christopher Marquardt [ctb], Laetitia Frost [ctb], Florian Pfisterer [ctb], Philipp Baumann [ctb], Chris Kolb [ctb], Lucas Kook [ctb]
Maintainer: David Ruegamer <>

Diff between deepregression versions 1.0.0 dated 2023-01-17 and 2.2.0 dated 2024-12-02

 deepregression-1.0.0/deepregression/R/aaa.R                                                                          |only
 deepregression-1.0.0/deepregression/R/rstudio                                                                        |only
 deepregression-1.0.0/deepregression/inst/python/distributions/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc                    |only
 deepregression-1.0.0/deepregression/inst/python/distributions/__pycache__/convlasso.cpython-310.pyc                  |only
 deepregression-1.0.0/deepregression/inst/python/distributions/__pycache__/convlasso.cpython-36.pyc                   |only
 deepregression-1.0.0/deepregression/inst/python/distributions/__pycache__/lasso.cpython-310.pyc                      |only
 deepregression-1.0.0/deepregression/inst/python/distributions/__pycache__/lasso.cpython-36.pyc                       |only
 deepregression-1.0.0/deepregression/inst/python/generators/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc                       |only
 deepregression-1.0.0/deepregression/inst/python/generators/__pycache__/keras_generators.cpython-36.pyc               |only
 deepregression-1.0.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc                           |only
 deepregression-1.0.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/__pycache__/convlasso.cpython-36.pyc                          |only
 deepregression-1.0.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/__pycache__/lasso.cpython-36.pyc                              |only
 deepregression-1.0.0/deepregression/inst/python/models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc                           |only
 deepregression-1.0.0/deepregression/inst/python/models/__pycache__/custom_train_step.cpython-36.pyc                  |only
 deepregression-1.0.0/deepregression/inst/python/models/__pycache__/model_trainable_para.cpython-36.pyc               |only
 deepregression-1.0.0/deepregression/inst/python/optimizers/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc                       |only
 deepregression-1.0.0/deepregression/inst/python/optimizers/__pycache__/discriminative_layer_training.cpython-36.pyc  |only
 deepregression-1.0.0/deepregression/inst/python/psplines/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc                         |only
 deepregression-1.0.0/deepregression/inst/python/psplines/__pycache__/psplines.cpython-36.pyc                         |only
 deepregression-1.0.0/deepregression/inst/python/psplines/                                          |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/DESCRIPTION                                                                      |   21 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/MD5                                                                              |  242 ++-
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/NAMESPACE                                                                        |   40 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/cross-validation.R                                                             |   36 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/data_handler.R                                                                 |   58 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/data_handler_torch.R                                                           |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/deep-ensembles.R                                                               |  167 +-
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/deepregression.R                                                               |  106 -
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/deepregression_torch.R                                                         |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/families.R                                                                     |  148 +-
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/families_torch.R                                                               |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/formula_helpers.R                                                              |    8 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/generator.R                                                                    |   61 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/helperfuns.R                                                                   |   63 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/layers.R                                                                       |   49 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/layers_torch.R                                                                 |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/methods.R                                                                      |  340 +++-
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/nodelayer.R                                                                    |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/orthogonalization.R                                                            |  124 +
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/psplinelayer.R                                                                 |   52 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/psplinelayer_torch.R                                                           |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/special_processing.R                                                           |  716 ++++++----
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/subnetwork_init_torch.R                                                        |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/torch_helpers.R                                                                |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/R/zzz.R                                                                          |   72 -
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/build/partial.rdb                                                                |binary
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/activations                                                          |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/distributions/                                            |    1 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/distributions/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc                   |binary
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/distributions/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc                    |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/distributions/__pycache__/mvr.cpython-310.pyc                        |binary
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/distributions/__pycache__/mvr.cpython-39.pyc                         |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/distributions/__pycache__/tweedie.cpython-39.pyc                     |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/distributions/                                              |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/distributions/                                             |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/generators/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc                      |binary
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/generators/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc                       |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/generators/__pycache__/keras_generators.cpython-310.pyc              |binary
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/generators/__pycache__/keras_generators.cpython-39.pyc               |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/generators/                                       |    2 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/generators/                                                 |    2 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/                                                   |    2 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc                          |binary
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc                           |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/__pycache__/bnlasso.cpython-310.pyc                           |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/__pycache__/bnlasso.cpython-39.pyc                            |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/__pycache__/convlasso.cpython-310.pyc                         |binary
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/__pycache__/convlasso.cpython-39.pyc                          |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/__pycache__/lasso.cpython-310.pyc                             |binary
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/__pycache__/lasso.cpython-39.pyc                              |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/__pycache__/orthogonalization.cpython-310.pyc                 |binary
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/__pycache__/orthogonalization.cpython-39.pyc                  |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/__pycache__/randomeffects.cpython-310.pyc                     |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/__pycache__/randomeffects.cpython-39.pyc                      |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/                                                    |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/                                                |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/                                                  |    4 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/                                          |    8 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/layers/                                              |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc                          |binary
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc                           |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/models/__pycache__/custom_train_step.cpython-310.pyc                 |binary
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/models/__pycache__/custom_train_step.cpython-39.pyc                  |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/models/__pycache__/model_trainable_para.cpython-310.pyc              |binary
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/models/__pycache__/model_trainable_para.cpython-39.pyc               |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/models/                                          |   12 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/node                                                                 |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/optimizers/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc                      |binary
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/optimizers/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc                       |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/optimizers/__pycache__/discriminative_layer_training.cpython-310.pyc |binary
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/optimizers/__pycache__/discriminative_layer_training.cpython-39.pyc  |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/psplines/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc                        |binary
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/psplines/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc                         |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/psplines/__pycache__/psplines.cpython-310.pyc                        |binary
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/psplines/__pycache__/psplines.cpython-39.pyc                         |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/psplines/                                                 |  181 ++
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/tffuns/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc                          |binary
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/tffuns/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-39.pyc                           |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/tffuns/__pycache__/tffuns.cpython-310.pyc                            |binary
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/tffuns/__pycache__/tffuns.cpython-39.pyc                             |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/inst/python/utils                                                                |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/check_and_install.Rd                                                         |    4 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/check_input_args_fit.Rd                                                      |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/choose_kernel_initializer_torch.Rd                                           |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/collect_distribution_parameters.Rd                                           |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/create_family_torch.Rd                                                       |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/deepregression.Rd                                                            |   25 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/dr_families.Rd                                                               |  106 -
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/ensemble.deepregression.Rd                                                   |    4 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/family_to_trafo_torch.Rd                                                     |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/family_to_trochd.Rd                                                          |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/formulaHelpers.Rd                                                            |    7 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/from_dist_to_loss_torch.Rd                                                   |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/from_distfun_to_dist_torch.Rd                                                |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/from_preds_to_dist_torch.Rd                                                  |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/get_help_forward_torch.Rd                                                    |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/get_luz_dataset.Rd                                                           |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/get_node_term.Rd                                                             |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/get_nodedata.Rd                                                              |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/hadamard_layers_torch.Rd                                                     |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/import_packages.Rd                                                           |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/import_tf_dependings.Rd                                                      |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/import_torch_dependings.Rd                                                   |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/layer_dense_module.Rd                                                        |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/layer_dense_torch.Rd                                                         |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/layer_node.Rd                                                                |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/layer_sparse_batch_normalization.Rd                                          |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/layer_spline_torch.Rd                                                        |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/log_score.Rd                                                                 |    2 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/loop_through_pfc_and_call_trafo.Rd                                           |    4 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/methodDR.Rd                                                                  |    4 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/model_torch.Rd                                                               |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/na_omit_list.Rd                                                              |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/nn_init_no_grad_constant_deepreg.Rd                                          |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/penalty_control.Rd                                                           |    3 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/plot_cv.Rd                                                                   |    4 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/predict_gam_handler.Rd                                                       |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/prepare_data.Rd                                                              |    6 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/prepare_data_torch.Rd                                                        |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/prepare_input_list_model.Rd                                                  |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/prepare_newdata.Rd                                                           |   12 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/prepare_torch_distr_mixdistr.Rd                                              |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/process_terms.Rd                                                             |    3 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/processors.Rd                                                                |   37 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/re_layers.Rd                                                                 |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/reinit_weights.Rd                                                            |    4 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/subnetwork_init_torch.Rd                                                     |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/man/torch_dr.Rd                                                                  |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat.R                                                                 |    5 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_customtraining.R                                             |   12 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_customtraining_torch.R                                       |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_data_handler_torch.R                                         |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_deepregression.R                                             |   12 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_deepregression_torch.R                                       |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_ensemble_torch.R                                             |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_families.R                                                   |    8 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_families_torch.R                                             |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_layers_torch.R                                               |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_methods_torch.R                                              |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_node.R                                                       |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_orthogonalization_torch.R                                    |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_re.R                                                         |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_reproducibility.R                                            |    8 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_reproducibility_torch.R                                      |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_special_processing.R                                         |   20 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_special_processing_torch.R                                   |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_subnetwork_init.R                                            |   12 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_subnetwork_init_torch.R                                      |only
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_unstructured.R                                               |    2 
 deepregression-2.2.0/deepregression/tests/testthat/test_unstructured_torch.R                                         |only
 170 files changed, 2069 insertions(+), 750 deletions(-)

More information about deepregression at CRAN
Permanent link

Package gdm updated to version 1.6.0-4 with previous version 1.6.0-3 dated 2024-11-01

Title: Generalized Dissimilarity Modeling
Description: A toolkit with functions to fit, plot, summarize, and apply Generalized Dissimilarity Models. Mokany K, Ware C, Woolley SNC, Ferrier S, Fitzpatrick MC (2022) <doi:10.1111/geb.13459> Ferrier S, Manion G, Elith J, Richardson K (2007) <doi:10.1111/j.1472-4642.2007.00341.x>.
Author: Matt Fitzpatrick [aut, cre] , Karel Mokany [aut] , Glenn Manion [aut], Diego Nieto-Lugilde [aut] , Simon Ferrier [aut] , Roozbeh Valavi [ctb], Matthew Lisk [ctb], Chris Ware [ctb], Skip Woolley [ctb], Tom Harwood [ctb]
Maintainer: Matt Fitzpatrick <>

Diff between gdm versions 1.6.0-3 dated 2024-11-01 and 1.6.0-4 dated 2024-12-02

 gdm-1.6.0-3/gdm/inst/extdata/test_data/gdm_trans_vars.grd.aux.xml |only
 gdm-1.6.0-4/gdm/DESCRIPTION                                       |    8 -
 gdm-1.6.0-4/gdm/MD5                                               |   21 +--
 gdm-1.6.0-4/gdm/R/                                       |    4 
 gdm-1.6.0-4/gdm/R/gdm.formatsitepair.R                            |    4 
 gdm-1.6.0-4/gdm/R/gdm.partition.deviance.R                        |    4 
 gdm-1.6.0-4/gdm/R/gdm.plot.R                                      |    4 
 gdm-1.6.0-4/gdm/R/gdm.plot.uncertainty.R                          |    4 
 gdm-1.6.0-4/gdm/R/gdm.subsample.sitepair.R                        |    4 
 gdm-1.6.0-4/gdm/R/gdm.variable.importance.R                       |    4 
 gdm-1.6.0-4/gdm/                                         |    6 
 gdm-1.6.0-4/gdm/inst/tinytest/test_gdm.R                          |   62 +++++-----
 12 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)

More information about gdm at CRAN
Permanent link

Package dtreg updated to version 1.1.0 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2024-09-16

Title: Interact with Data Type Registries and Create Machine-Readable Data
Description: You can load a schema from a DTR (data type registry) as an R object. Use this schema to write your data in JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data) format to make it machine readable.
Author: Olga Lezhnina [aut, cre] , Manuel Prinz [aut] , Markus Stocker [aut] , Open Research Knowledge Graph Project and Contributors [cph]
Maintainer: Olga Lezhnina <>

Diff between dtreg versions 1.0.0 dated 2024-09-16 and 1.1.0 dated 2024-12-02

 dtreg-1.0.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11969-0424f6e7026fa4bc2c4a.json |only
 dtreg-1.0.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11969-1f4df47aacf6562bc07b.json |only
 dtreg-1.0.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11969-3df63b7acb0522da685d.json |only
 dtreg-1.0.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11969-4607bc7c42ac8db29bfc.json |only
 dtreg-1.0.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11969-4b99260369df9110f9bd.json |only
 dtreg-1.0.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11969-540c1a27569dc7ce906b.json |only
 dtreg-1.0.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11969-65ba00e95e60fb8971e6.json |only
 dtreg-1.0.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11969-74bc7748b8cd520908bc.json |only
 dtreg-1.0.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11969-9445db970678d3b0c7ec.json |only
 dtreg-1.0.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11969-9bf7a8e8909bfd491b38.json |only
 dtreg-1.0.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11969-a002397ab31c7535f1be.json |only
 dtreg-1.0.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11969-abef9f1c0d48853f3e51.json |only
 dtreg-1.0.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11969-af3a26d0e0b9e2fdc05c.json |only
 dtreg-1.0.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11969-aff130c76e68ead3862e.json |only
 dtreg-1.0.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11969-b95ff265a13137c31655.json |only
 dtreg-1.0.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11969-c981d125d1a564c9f573.json |only
 dtreg-1.0.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11969-e0efc41346cda4ba84ca.json |only
 dtreg-1.0.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11969-fb2e379f820c6f8f9e82.json |only
 dtreg-1.0.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11969-ff5e3f857788d20dd1aa.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/DESCRIPTION                                           |    6 
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/MD5                                                   |   73 ++--
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/                                               |    8 
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/R/extract_epic.R                                      |    4 
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/R/extract_orkg.R                                      |    6 
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/                                             |   31 +-
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/doc/dtreg.R                                      |   97 ++----
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/doc/dtreg.Rmd                                    |  103 +++---
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/doc/dtreg.html                                   |  149 ++++------
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-0424f6e7026fa4bc2c4a.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-1f20e66b17a6eb7c2baf.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-286991b26f02d58ee490.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-31483624b5c80014b6c7.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-37182ecfb4474942e255.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-3df63b7acb0522da685d.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-3f64a93eef69d721518f.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-437807f8d1a81b5138a3.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-4607bc7c42ac8db29bfc.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-4b99260369df9110f9bd.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-5b66cb584b974b186f37.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-5e782e67e70d0b2a022a.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-65ba00e95e60fb8971e6.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-6e3e29ce3ba5a0b9abfe.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-9bf7a8e8909bfd491b38.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-abef9f1c0d48853f3e51.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-aff130c76e68ead3862e.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-b9335ce2c99ed87735a6.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-c6b413ba96ba477b5dca.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-c6e19df3b52ab8d855a9.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-c981d125d1a564c9f573.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-cceac5fb8acf5ade2bf5.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-e0efc41346cda4ba84ca.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/inst/extdata/ePIC-21-T11909-fb2e379f820c6f8f9e82.json |only
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/tests/testthat/test-extract_epic.R                    |    6 
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/tests/testthat/test-extract_orkg.R                    |   27 -
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/tests/testthat/test-from_static.R                     |    4 
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/tests/testthat/test-load_datatype.R                   |   12 
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/tests/testthat/test-request_dtr.R                     |    4 
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/tests/testthat/test-to_jsonld.R                       |  149 +++++-----
 dtreg-1.1.0/dtreg/vignettes/dtreg.Rmd                                   |  103 +++---
 59 files changed, 393 insertions(+), 389 deletions(-)

More information about dtreg at CRAN
Permanent link

Package container updated to version 1.0.5 with previous version 1.0.4 dated 2022-12-11

Title: Extending Base 'R' Lists
Description: Extends the functionality of base 'R' lists and provides specialized data structures 'deque', 'set', 'dict', and 'dict.table', the latter to extend the 'data.table' package.
Author: Roman Pahl [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Roman Pahl <>

Diff between container versions 1.0.4 dated 2022-12-11 and 1.0.5 dated 2024-12-02

 container-1.0.4/container/vignettes/manage-data-columns_cache/html/benchmark1_4a2416bfb8823c0e84ef05ebb2a4ed08.RData |only
 container-1.0.4/container/vignettes/manage-data-columns_cache/html/benchmark1_4a2416bfb8823c0e84ef05ebb2a4ed08.rdb   |only
 container-1.0.4/container/vignettes/manage-data-columns_cache/html/benchmark1_4a2416bfb8823c0e84ef05ebb2a4ed08.rdx   |only
 container-1.0.4/container/vignettes/manage-data-columns_cache/html/benchmark2_d196efd4114cf2a71286539c6d2e9a28.RData |only
 container-1.0.4/container/vignettes/manage-data-columns_cache/html/benchmark2_d196efd4114cf2a71286539c6d2e9a28.rdb   |only
 container-1.0.4/container/vignettes/manage-data-columns_cache/html/benchmark2_d196efd4114cf2a71286539c6d2e9a28.rdx   |only
 container-1.0.4/container/vignettes/manage-data-columns_cache/html/benchmark3_853090ef01ecf856aca87847009a3462.RData |only
 container-1.0.4/container/vignettes/manage-data-columns_cache/html/benchmark3_853090ef01ecf856aca87847009a3462.rdb   |only
 container-1.0.4/container/vignettes/manage-data-columns_cache/html/benchmark3_853090ef01ecf856aca87847009a3462.rdx   |only
 container-1.0.5/container/DESCRIPTION                                                                                |   10 
 container-1.0.5/container/MD5                                                                                        |   64 
 container-1.0.5/container/                                                                                    |    5 
 container-1.0.5/container/R/0-dict.table.R                                                                           |    4 
 container-1.0.5/container/R/container-deprecated.R                                                                   |    2 
 container-1.0.5/container/                                                                                  |   53 
 container-1.0.5/container/build/vignette.rds                                                                         |binary
 container-1.0.5/container/inst/doc/code-development.R                                                                |   22 
 container-1.0.5/container/inst/doc/code-development.html                                                             |  725 +++++---
 container-1.0.5/container/inst/doc/container.R                                                                       |    6 
 container-1.0.5/container/inst/doc/container.html                                                                    |  553 ++++--
 container-1.0.5/container/inst/doc/deque-set-dict.R                                                                  |    6 
 container-1.0.5/container/inst/doc/deque-set-dict.html                                                               |  564 ++++--
 container-1.0.5/container/inst/doc/manage-data-columns.R                                                             |   28 
 container-1.0.5/container/inst/doc/manage-data-columns.Rmd                                                           |    6 
 container-1.0.5/container/inst/doc/manage-data-columns.html                                                          |  856 ++++++----
 container-1.0.5/container/inst/doc/parameter-list.R                                                                  |   22 
 container-1.0.5/container/inst/doc/parameter-list.html                                                               |  557 ++++--
 container-1.0.5/container/inst/doc/reference-semantics.R                                                             |   10 
 container-1.0.5/container/inst/doc/reference-semantics.html                                                          |  404 +++-
 container-1.0.5/container/man/Set.Rd                                                                                 |    2 
 container-1.0.5/container/man/deprecated.Rd                                                                          |    2 
 container-1.0.5/container/man/dict.table.Rd                                                                          |    4 
 container-1.0.5/container/vignettes/manage-data-columns.Rmd                                                          |    6 
 container-1.0.5/container/vignettes/manage-data-columns_cache/html/benchmark1_6a87237c07a00f3b9e435ae1cfa7639e.RData |only
 container-1.0.5/container/vignettes/manage-data-columns_cache/html/benchmark1_6a87237c07a00f3b9e435ae1cfa7639e.rdb   |only
 container-1.0.5/container/vignettes/manage-data-columns_cache/html/benchmark1_6a87237c07a00f3b9e435ae1cfa7639e.rdx   |only
 container-1.0.5/container/vignettes/manage-data-columns_cache/html/benchmark2_f72048797e3d55c7cc43cca61e47939e.RData |only
 container-1.0.5/container/vignettes/manage-data-columns_cache/html/benchmark2_f72048797e3d55c7cc43cca61e47939e.rdb   |only
 container-1.0.5/container/vignettes/manage-data-columns_cache/html/benchmark2_f72048797e3d55c7cc43cca61e47939e.rdx   |only
 container-1.0.5/container/vignettes/manage-data-columns_cache/html/benchmark3_bc5344159eace1a2697786b6e18e8bbb.RData |only
 container-1.0.5/container/vignettes/manage-data-columns_cache/html/benchmark3_bc5344159eace1a2697786b6e18e8bbb.rdb   |only
 container-1.0.5/container/vignettes/manage-data-columns_cache/html/benchmark3_bc5344159eace1a2697786b6e18e8bbb.rdx   |only
 42 files changed, 2768 insertions(+), 1143 deletions(-)

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Package NNS updated to version 10.9.4 with previous version 10.9.3 dated 2024-10-14

Title: Nonlinear Nonparametric Statistics
Description: Nonlinear nonparametric statistics using partial moments. Partial moments are the elements of variance and asymptotically approximate the area of f(x). These robust statistics provide the basis for nonlinear analysis while retaining linear equivalences. NNS offers: Numerical integration, Numerical differentiation, Clustering, Correlation, Dependence, Causal analysis, ANOVA, Regression, Classification, Seasonality, Autoregressive modeling, Normalization, Stochastic dominance and Advanced Monte Carlo sampling. All routines based on: Viole, F. and Nawrocki, D. (2013), Nonlinear Nonparametric Statistics: Using Partial Moments (ISBN: 1490523995).
Author: Fred Viole [aut, cre], Roberto Spadim [ctb]
Maintainer: Fred Viole <>

Diff between NNS versions 10.9.3 dated 2024-10-14 and 10.9.4 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                            |    8 -
 MD5                                    |   27 ++---
 R/NNS_MC.R                             |   19 ++-
 R/NNS_meboot.R                         |  138 +++++++++++++++++-----------
 R/Normalization.R                      |    2                              |    4 
 inst/doc/NNSvignette_Sampling.R        |   37 ++++---
 inst/doc/NNSvignette_Sampling.Rmd      |   47 ++++++---
 inst/doc/NNSvignette_Sampling.html     |  159 +++++++++++++++++----------------
 man/NNS.MC.Rd                          |    5 -
 man/NNS.meboot.Rd                      |   33 +++++-
 man/NNS.norm.Rd                        |    2 
 vignettes/NNSvignette_Sampling.Rmd     |   47 ++++++---
 vignettes/images/NNSmc_1.png           |binary
 vignettes/images/NNSmc_1_tgt_drift.png |only
 15 files changed, 315 insertions(+), 213 deletions(-)

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Package gbmt updated to version 0.1.4 with previous version 0.1.3 dated 2022-03-05

Title: Group-Based Multivariate Trajectory Modeling
Description: Estimation and analysis of group-based multivariate trajectory models (Nagin, 2018 <doi:10.1177/0962280216673085>; Magrini, 2022 <doi:10.1007/s10182-022-00437-9>). The package implements an Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm allowing unbalanced panel and missing values, and provides several functionalities for prediction and graphical representation.
Author: Alessandro Magrini [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Alessandro Magrini <>

Diff between gbmt versions 0.1.3 dated 2022-03-05 and 0.1.4 dated 2024-12-02

 Changelog            |    8 +-
 DESCRIPTION          |   11 +-
 MD5                  |   21 +++--
 NAMESPACE            |    2 
 R/gbmt.R             |  190 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 data/achievement.rda |only
 inst                 |only
 man/achievement.Rd   |only
 man/agrisus.Rd       |    2 
 man/agrisus2.Rd      |    2 
 man/gbmt-package.Rd  |   14 +--
 man/gbmt.Rd          |   57 ++++++++-------
 man/plot.gbmt.Rd     |   13 +--
 13 files changed, 182 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)

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Package ReportSubtotal updated to version 0.1.2 with previous version 0.1 dated 2024-11-15

Title: Adds Subtotals to Data Reports
Description: Adds subtotal rows / sections (a la the 'SAS' 'Proc Tabulate' All option) to a Group By output by running a series of Group By functions with partial sets of the same variables and combining the results with the original. Can be used to add comprehensive information to a data report or to quickly aggregate Group By outputs used to gain a greater understanding of data.
Author: Yoni Aboody [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Yoni Aboody <>

Diff between ReportSubtotal versions 0.1 dated 2024-11-15 and 0.1.2 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                   |    8 -
 MD5                           |   18 +-
 NAMESPACE                     |    1                       |   11 -
 R/ReportSubtotal-package.R    |   47 +++---
 R/subtotal_dupe_removal.R     |   33 ++--
 R/subtotal_row.R              |    3 
 R/subtotal_section.R          |  319 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 man/ReportSubtotal-package.Rd |    2 
 man/subtotal_dupe_removal.Rd  |    4 
 10 files changed, 230 insertions(+), 216 deletions(-)

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Package partykit updated to version 1.2-23 with previous version 1.2-22 dated 2024-08-17

Title: A Toolkit for Recursive Partytioning
Description: A toolkit with infrastructure for representing, summarizing, and visualizing tree-structured regression and classification models. This unified infrastructure can be used for reading/coercing tree models from different sources ('rpart', 'RWeka', 'PMML') yielding objects that share functionality for print()/plot()/predict() methods. Furthermore, new and improved reimplementations of conditional inference trees (ctree()) and model-based recursive partitioning (mob()) from the 'party' package are provided based on the new infrastructure. A description of this package was published by Hothorn and Zeileis (2015) <>.
Author: Torsten Hothorn [aut, cre] , Heidi Seibold [ctb] , Achim Zeileis [aut]
Maintainer: Torsten Hothorn <>

Diff between partykit versions 1.2-22 dated 2024-08-17 and 1.2-23 dated 2024-12-02

 partykit-1.2-22/partykit/tests/Rplots.pdf         |only
 partykit-1.2-23/partykit/DESCRIPTION              |    8 +-
 partykit-1.2-23/partykit/MD5                      |   25 ++++----
 partykit-1.2-23/partykit/R/extree.R               |    2 
 partykit-1.2-23/partykit/R/party.R                |    5 +
 partykit-1.2-23/partykit/build/partial.rdb        |binary
 partykit-1.2-23/partykit/build/vignette.rds       |binary
 partykit-1.2-23/partykit/inst/NEWS.Rd             |    8 ++
 partykit-1.2-23/partykit/inst/doc/constparty.pdf  |binary
 partykit-1.2-23/partykit/inst/doc/ctree.pdf       |binary
 partykit-1.2-23/partykit/inst/doc/mob.pdf         |binary
 partykit-1.2-23/partykit/inst/doc/partykit.pdf    |binary
 partykit-1.2-23/partykit/tests/bugfixes.R         |   10 +++
 partykit-1.2-23/partykit/tests/ |   62 ++++++++++++++++++++--
 14 files changed, 97 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

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Package MAP updated to version 1.0.0 with previous version 0.1.3 dated 2019-04-01

Title: Multimodal Automated Phenotyping
Description: Electronic health records (EHR) linked with biorepositories are a powerful platform for translational studies. A major bottleneck exists in the ability to phenotype patients accurately and efficiently. Towards that end, we developed an automated high-throughput phenotyping method integrating International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes and narrative data extracted using natural language processing (NLP). Specifically, our proposed method, called MAP (Map Automated Phenotyping algorithm), fits an ensemble of latent mixture models on aggregated ICD and NLP counts along with healthcare utilization. The MAP algorithm yields a predicted probability of phenotype for each patient and a threshold for classifying subjects with phenotype yes/no (See Katherine P. Liao, et al. (2019) <doi:10.1093/jamia/ocz066>.).
Author: Thomas Charlon [aut, cre] , Chuan Hong [aut], Jiehuan Sun [aut], Katherine Liao [aut], Sheng Yu [aut], Tianxi Cai [aut], PARSE Health [aut] , CELEHS [aut]
Maintainer: Thomas Charlon <>

Diff between MAP versions 0.1.3 dated 2019-04-01 and 1.0.0 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION              |   41 ++++-
 MD5                      |   27 ++-
 NAMESPACE                |   22 ++
 R/MAP.R                  |  373 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 R/MAP_project.R          |only
 R/package.R              |only                |only
 build                    |only
 data                     |only
 inst                     |only
 man/MAP.Rd               |   33 +++-
 man/compound.Rd          |only
 man/exposition.Rd        |only
 man/phecode.cuis.list.Rd |only
 man/pipe.Rd              |only
 tests                    |only
 vignettes                |only
 17 files changed, 316 insertions(+), 180 deletions(-)

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Package crumble updated to version 0.1.2 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2024-11-14

Title: Flexible and General Mediation Analysis Using Riesz Representers
Description: Implements a modern, unified estimation strategy for common mediation estimands (natural effects, organic effects, interventional effects, and recanting twins) in combination with modified treatment policies as described in Liu, Williams, Rudolph, and Díaz (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2408.14620>. Estimation makes use of recent advancements in Riesz-learning to estimate a set of required nuisance parameters with deep learning. The result is the capability to estimate mediation effects with binary, categorical, continuous, or multivariate exposures with high-dimensional mediators and mediator-outcome confounders using machine learning.
Author: Nicholas Williams [aut, cre, cph] , Richard Liu [ctb], Ivan Diaz [aut, cph]
Maintainer: Nicholas Williams <>

Diff between crumble versions 0.1.1 dated 2024-11-14 and 0.1.2 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION      |    6 +++---
 MD5              |    8 ++++----          |    6 ++++++
 R/crumble_data.R |    4 ++--        |    3 +++
 5 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

More information about crumble at CRAN
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Package anytime updated to version 0.3.10 with previous version 0.3.9 dated 2020-08-27

Title: Anything to 'POSIXct' or 'Date' Converter
Description: Convert input in any one of character, integer, numeric, factor, or ordered type into 'POSIXct' (or 'Date') objects, using one of a number of predefined formats, and relying on Boost facilities for date and time parsing.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <>

Diff between anytime versions 0.3.9 dated 2020-08-27 and 0.3.10 dated 2024-12-02

 anytime-0.3.10/anytime/ChangeLog                         |  157 +++++++++++++++
 anytime-0.3.10/anytime/DESCRIPTION                       |   17 -
 anytime-0.3.10/anytime/MD5                               |   35 +--
 anytime-0.3.10/anytime/R/anytime.R                       |   12 -
 anytime-0.3.10/anytime/R/formats.R                       |    6 
 anytime-0.3.10/anytime/                         |   27 ++
 anytime-0.3.10/anytime/build/partial.rdb                 |binary
 anytime-0.3.10/anytime/build/vignette.rds                |binary
 anytime-0.3.10/anytime/cleanup                           |    1 
 anytime-0.3.10/anytime/inst/NEWS.Rd                      |   18 +
 anytime-0.3.10/anytime/inst/doc/anytime-introduction.pdf |binary
 anytime-0.3.10/anytime/inst/tinytest/test_all_formats.R  |   21 +-
 anytime-0.3.10/anytime/inst/tinytest/test_gh_issue_129.R |only
 anytime-0.3.10/anytime/inst/tinytest/test_simple.R       |   38 +--
 anytime-0.3.10/anytime/man/anytime.Rd                    |   12 +
 anytime-0.3.10/anytime/man/iso8601.Rd                    |    4 
 anytime-0.3.10/anytime/src/anytime.cpp                   |   35 ++-
 anytime-0.3.10/anytime/tests/tinytest.R                  |    9 
 anytime-0.3.9/anytime/src/Makevars                       |only
 anytime-0.3.9/anytime/src/                   |only
 20 files changed, 306 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)

More information about anytime at CRAN
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Package STICr updated to version 1.1 with previous version 1.0 dated 2024-09-30

Title: Process Stream Temperature, Intermittency, and Conductivity (STIC) Sensor Data
Description: A collection of functions for processing raw data from Stream Temperature, Intermittency, and Conductivity (STIC) loggers. 'STICr' (pronounced "sticker") includes functions for tidying, calibrating, classifying, and doing quality checks on data from STIC sensors. Some package functionality is described in Wheeler/Zipper et al. (2023) <doi:10.31223/X5636K>.
Author: Sam Zipper [aut, cre, cph] , Christopher T. Wheeler [aut] , Stephen Cook [ctb] , Delaney Peterson [ctb] , Sarah Godsey [ctb]
Maintainer: Sam Zipper <>

Diff between STICr versions 1.0 dated 2024-09-30 and 1.1 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                            |    6 -
 MD5                                    |   27 +++----                                |    8 +-
 R/apply_calibration.R                  |    2 
 R/qaqc_stic_data.R                     |   71 ++++++++++---------
 R/validate_stic_data.R                 |  109 ++++++++++++++++++-----------                              |   48 +++++++++++-
 inst/doc/intro-to-STICr.R              |   44 ++++++++++-
 inst/doc/intro-to-STICr.Rmd            |   57 ++++++++++++---
 inst/doc/intro-to-STICr.html           |  122 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 man/apply_calibration.Rd               |    2 
 man/figures/README-validate-data-1.png |only
 man/qaqc_stic_data.Rd                  |   26 ++-----
 man/validate_stic_data.Rd              |   31 ++++++--
 vignettes/intro-to-STICr.Rmd           |   57 ++++++++++++---
 15 files changed, 433 insertions(+), 177 deletions(-)

More information about STICr at CRAN
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Package samplezoo updated to version 1.1.1 with previous version 1.1.0 dated 2024-11-28

Title: Generate Samples with a Variety of Probability Distributions
Description: Simplifies the process of generating samples from a variety of probability distributions, allowing users to quickly create data frames for demonstrations, troubleshooting, or teaching purposes. Data is available in multiple sizes—small, medium, and large. For more information, refer to the package documentation.
Author: Nicholas Vietto [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Nicholas Vietto <>

Diff between samplezoo versions 1.1.0 dated 2024-11-28 and 1.1.1 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION              |    8 ++--
 MD5                      |   14 +++----                  |    6 +++                |   22 ++++++++----
 inst/doc/Example.Rmd     |    2 -
 inst/doc/Example.html    |   84 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 man/samplezoo-package.Rd |    2 -
 vignettes/Example.Rmd    |    2 -
 8 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)

More information about samplezoo at CRAN
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Package rSPDE updated to version 2.4.0 with previous version 2.3.3 dated 2023-11-05

Title: Rational Approximations of Fractional Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Description: Functions that compute rational approximations of fractional elliptic stochastic partial differential equations. The package also contains functions for common statistical usage of these approximations. The main references for rSPDE are Bolin, Simas and Xiong (2023) <doi:10.1080/10618600.2023.2231051> for the covariance-based method and Bolin and Kirchner (2020) <doi:10.1080/10618600.2019.1665537> for the operator-based rational approximation. These can be generated by the citation function in R.
Author: David Bolin [cre, aut], Alexandre Simas [aut], Finn Lindgren [ctb]
Maintainer: David Bolin <>

Diff between rSPDE versions 2.3.3 dated 2023-11-05 and 2.4.0 dated 2024-12-02

 rSPDE-2.3.3/rSPDE/R/rSPDE.R                                      |only
 rSPDE-2.3.3/rSPDE/man/rSPDE.Rd                                   |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/DESCRIPTION                                    |   18 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/MD5                                            |  163 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/NAMESPACE                                      |   64 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/                                        |   15 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/R/covariance.functions.R                       |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/R/fractional.computations.R                    | 2521 ++++---
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/R/fractional.operators.R                       | 1057 ++-
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/R/inla_rspde.R                                 | 3215 +++++-----
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/R/inla_rspde_1d.R                              |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/R/inla_rspde_anisotropic.R                     |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/R/inla_rspde_intrinsic.R                       |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/R/inla_rspde_spacetime.R                       |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/R/inlabru_rspde.R                              | 2699 +++++---
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/R/intrinsic.R                                  |  645 +-
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/R/markov.approx.R                              |   54 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/R/operator.operations.R                        |   36 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/R/print.summary.R                              |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/R/rSPDE-package.R                              |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/R/rspde_lme.R                                  | 2339 ++++---
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/R/spacetime.R                                  |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/R/stationary1d.R                               |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/R/sysdata.rda                                  |binary
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/R/util.R                                       | 2528 ++++---
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/build/vignette.rds                             |binary
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/inst/CITATION                                  |   10 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/inst/doc/rSPDE_package.Rmd                     |  105 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/inst/doc/rSPDE_package.html                    |   27 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/augment.rspde_lme.Rd                       |   11 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/bru_get_mapper.inla_rspde.Rd               |   95 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/bru_get_mapper.inla_rspde_anisotropic2d.Rd |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/bru_get_mapper.inla_rspde_matern1d.Rd      |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/bru_get_mapper.inla_rspde_spacetime.Rd     |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/construct.spde.matern.loglike.Rd           |   32 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/create_train_test_indices.Rd               |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/cross_validation.Rd                        |   10 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/folded.matern.covariance.1d.Rd             |    7 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/folded.matern.covariance.2d.Rd             |    2 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/graph_data_rspde.Rd                        |   16 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/group_predict.Rd                           |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/intrinsic.matern.operators.Rd              |   37 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/matern.covariance.Rd                       |    2 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/matern.operators.Rd                        |   20 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/matern.rational.Rd                         |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/matern.rational.cov.Rd                     |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/matern2d.operators.Rd                      |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/precision.CBrSPDEobj.Rd                    |   26 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/precision.CBrSPDEobj2d.Rd                  |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/precision.rSPDEobj1d.Rd                    |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/precision.spacetimeobj.Rd                  |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/predict.CBrSPDEobj.Rd                      |    2 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/predict.CBrSPDEobj2d.Rd                    |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/predict.inla_rspde_matern1d.Rd             |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/predict.rSPDEobj.Rd                        |    2 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/predict.rspde_lme.Rd                       |   42 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/predict.spacetimeobj.Rd                    |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/rSPDE-package.Rd                           |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/rSPDE.Ast.Rd                               |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/rSPDE.construct.matern.loglike.Rd          |   35 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/rSPDE.fem1d.Rd                             |    6 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/rSPDE.fem2d.Rd                             |    8 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/rSPDE.loglike.Rd                           |    3 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/rSPDE.matern.loglike.Rd                    |   35 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/rspde.anistropic2d.Rd                      |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/rspde.make.A.Rd                            |   22 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/rspde.make.index.Rd                        |   94 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/rspde.matern.Rd                            |    8 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/rspde.matern.intrinsic.Rd                  |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/rspde.matern.precision.Rd                  |    4 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/rspde.matern.precision.integer.Rd          |    4 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/rspde.matern1d.Rd                          |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/rspde.mesh.project.Rd                      |    6 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/rspde.metric_graph.Rd                      |    4 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/rspde.result.Rd                            |   92 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/rspde.spacetime.Rd                         |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/rspde_lme.Rd                               |   93 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/simulate.CBrSPDEobj.Rd                     |   32 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/simulate.CBrSPDEobj2d.Rd                   |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/simulate.intrinsicCBrSPDEobj.Rd            |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/simulate.rSPDEobj.Rd                       |    2 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/simulate.rSPDEobj1d.Rd                     |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/simulate.spacetimeobj.Rd                   |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/spacetime.operators.Rd                     |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/spde.make.A.Rd                             |   20 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/spde.matern.loglike.Rd                     |   32 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/spde.matern.operators.Rd                   |    2 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/summary.CBrSPDEobj.Rd                      |    6 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/summary.CBrSPDEobj2d.Rd                    |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/summary.rSPDEobj.Rd                        |    2 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/summary.rSPDEobj1d.Rd                      |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/summary.rspde_result.Rd                    |   92 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/summary.spacetimeobj.Rd                    |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/transform_parameters_anisotropic.Rd        |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/transform_parameters_spacetime.Rd          |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/update.CBrSPDEobj.Rd                       |   36 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/update.CBrSPDEobj2d.Rd                     |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/update.rSPDEobj.Rd                         |   36 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/update.rSPDEobj1d.Rd                       |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/update.spacetimeobj.Rd                     |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/man/variogram.intrinsic.spde.Rd                |   37 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/tests/testthat/test.CBrSPDE.R                  |    6 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/tests/testthat/test.fractional.operators.R     |    4 
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/tests/testthat/test.rational.R                 |only
 rSPDE-2.4.0/rSPDE/vignettes/rSPDE_package.Rmd                    |  105 
 105 files changed, 9491 insertions(+), 7135 deletions(-)

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Package PerRegMod updated to version 4.4.3 with previous version 4.4.2 dated 2024-11-26

Title: Fitting Periodic Coefficients Linear Regression Models
Description: Provides tools for fitting periodic coefficients regression models to data where periodicity plays a crucial role. It allows users to model and analyze relationships between variables that exhibit cyclical or seasonal patterns, offering functions for estimating parameters and testing the periodicity of coefficients in linear regression models. For simple periodic coefficient regression model see Regui et al. (2024) <doi:10.1080/03610918.2024.2314662>.
Author: Slimane Regui [aut, cre] , Abdelhadi Akharif [aut], Amal Mellouk [aut]
Maintainer: Slimane Regui <>

Diff between PerRegMod versions 4.4.2 dated 2024-11-26 and 4.4.3 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION   |    6 +++---
 MD5           |    6 +++---
 R/PerRegMod.R |    4 +++-
 tests/test.R  |    7 ++++---
 4 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

More information about PerRegMod at CRAN
Permanent link

Package mlr3benchmark updated to version 0.1.7 with previous version 0.1.6 dated 2023-05-30

Title: Analysis and Visualisation of Benchmark Experiments
Description: Implements methods for post-hoc analysis and visualisation of benchmark experiments, for 'mlr3' and beyond.
Author: Sonabend Raphael [aut] , Florian Pfisterer [aut] , Michel Lang [ctb] , Bernd Bischl [ctb] , Sebastian Fischer [cre, ctb]
Maintainer: Sebastian Fischer <>

Diff between mlr3benchmark versions 0.1.6 dated 2023-05-30 and 0.1.7 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                         |    8 ++--
 MD5                                 |   20 +++++-----                             |    5 ++
 R/BenchmarkAggr.R                   |   22 +++++------
 R/autoplot.BenchmarkAggr.R          |   11 +++--
 R/plots_cd.R                        |   70 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 man/BenchmarkAggr.Rd                |   13 ++++--
 man/as.BenchmarkAggr.Rd             |    6 +--
 man/as_benchmark_aggr.Rd            |    6 +--
 man/autoplot.BenchmarkAggr.Rd       |    3 +
 tests/testthat/test_BenchmarkAggr.R |   10 ++---
 11 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)

More information about mlr3benchmark at CRAN
Permanent link

New package gtfs2emis with initial version 0.1.1
Package: gtfs2emis
Title: Estimating Public Transport Emissions from General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Data
Version: 0.1.1
Description: A bottom up model to estimate the emission levels of public transport systems based on General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) data. The package requires two main inputs: i) Public transport data in the GTFS standard format; and ii) Some basic information on fleet characteristics such as fleet age, technology, fuel and Euro stage. As it stands, the package estimates several pollutants at high spatial and temporal resolutions. Pollution levels can be calculated for specific transport routes, trips, time of the day or for the transport system as a whole. The output with emission estimates can be extracted in different formats, supporting analysis on how emission levels vary across space, time and by fleet characteristics. A full description of the methods used in the 'gtfs2emis' model is presented in Vieira, J. P. B.; Pereira, R. H. M.; Andrade, P. R. (2022) <doi:10.31219/>.
URL: ,
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Depends: R (>= 3.6)
Imports: checkmate, data.table, furrr, future, gtfs2gps, methods, sf (>= 0.9-0), sfheaders, terra, units
Suggests: gtfstools, ggplot2, knitr, lwgeom, progressr, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 2.1.0)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-12-02 15:20:51 UTC; joao
Author: Joao Bazzo [aut, cre] , Rafael H. M. Pereira [aut] , Pedro R. Andrade [aut] , Sergio Ibarra-Espinosa [ctb] , Ipea - Institute for Applied Economic Research [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Joao Bazzo <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-12-02 15:40:12 UTC

More information about gtfs2emis at CRAN
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Package fastplyr updated to version 0.5.0 with previous version 0.4.0 dated 2024-11-15

Title: Fast Alternatives to 'tidyverse' Functions
Description: A full set of fast data manipulation tools with a tidy front-end and a fast back-end using 'collapse' and 'cheapr'.
Author: Nick Christofides [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Nick Christofides <>

Diff between fastplyr versions 0.4.0 dated 2024-11-15 and 0.5.0 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                       |    8 -
 MD5                               |   86 ++++++------
 NAMESPACE                         |    4                           |   28 ++++
 R/GRP_utils.R                     |    2 
 R/abc.R                           |   63 ++++-----
 R/add_id.R                        |   29 ----
 R/cpp11.R                         |    4 
 R/df_utils.R                      |   77 +++++------
 R/f_arrange.R                     |    9 -
 R/f_bind.R                        |   20 +-
 R/f_count.R                       |   40 +----
 R/f_distinct.R                    |   21 ---
 R/f_duplicates.R                  |   12 -
 R/f_expand.R                      |   75 ++++++-----
 R/f_fill.R                        |    4 
 R/f_group_by.R                    |   10 -
 R/f_nest_by.R                     |  134 +++++++++----------
 R/f_select.R                      |   16 ++
 R/f_slice.R                       |   37 -----
 R/f_summarise.R                   |   97 ++++++++------
 R/f_tibble.R                      |  212 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 R/fastplyr.R                      |   55 ++++----
 R/group_collapse.R                |   18 +-
 R/list_tidy.R                     |only
 R/remove_na.R                     |only
 R/tidy_quantiles.R                |    6 
 R/tidy_utils.R                    |  259 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 man/add_id.Rd                     |    7 -
 man/duplicate_rows.Rd             |    3 
 man/f_arrange.Rd                  |   78 ++++++-----
 man/f_count.Rd                    |    4 
 man/f_distinct.Rd                 |    8 -
 man/f_expand.Rd                   |   20 --
 man/f_group_by.Rd                 |    3 
 man/f_select.Rd                   |    5 
 man/f_slice.Rd                    |    6 
 man/list_tidy.Rd                  |only
 man/new_tbl.Rd                    |   99 +++++++-------
 man/remove_na.Rd                  |only
 src/cpp11.cpp                     |    8 -
 src/fastplyr.cpp                  |   72 ----------
 tests/testthat/test-f_arrange.R   |   54 +++----
 tests/testthat/test-f_bind.R      |only
 tests/testthat/test-f_slice.R     |   63 ++-------
 tests/testthat/test-f_summarise.R |   51 +++++++
 tests/testthat/test-list_tidy.R   |only
 47 files changed, 926 insertions(+), 881 deletions(-)

More information about fastplyr at CRAN
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Package clinicalsignificance updated to version 2.1.0 with previous version 2.0.0 dated 2023-11-16

Title: A Toolbox for Clinical Significance Analyses in Intervention Studies
Description: A clinical significance analysis can be used to determine if an intervention has a meaningful or practical effect for patients. You provide a tidy data set plus a few more metrics and this package will take care of it to make your results publication ready. Accompanying package to Claus et al. <doi:10.18637/jss.v111.i01>.
Author: Benedikt Claus [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Benedikt Claus <>

Diff between clinicalsignificance versions 2.0.0 dated 2023-11-16 and 2.1.0 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                                          |   11 
 MD5                                                  |   25 -                                              |    3 
 build/vignette.rds                                   |binary
 inst/CITATION                                        |only
 inst/doc/anchor-based-approach.html                  |   30 -
 inst/doc/combined-approach.html                      |   16 
 inst/doc/distribution-based-approach.html            |   18 
 inst/doc/percentage-change-approach.html             |   14 
 inst/doc/statistical-approach.html                   |   12 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/                 |  362 +++++++++----------
 tests/testthat/_snaps/             |  314 ++++++++--------
 tests/testthat/_snaps/               |   80 ++--
 tests/testthat/_snaps/plot/distribution-hlm-plot.svg |    2 
 14 files changed, 448 insertions(+), 439 deletions(-)

More information about clinicalsignificance at CRAN
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Package Certara.VPCResults updated to version 3.0.2 with previous version 3.0.1 dated 2024-10-10

Title: Generate Visual Predictive Checks (VPC) Using 'shiny'
Description: Utilize the 'shiny' interface to parameterize a Visual Predictive Check (VPC), including selecting from different binning or binless methods and performing stratification, censoring, and prediction correction. Generate the underlying 'tidyvpc' and 'ggplot2' code directly from the user interface and download R or Rmd scripts to reproduce the VPCs in R.
Author: James Craig [aut, cre], Mike Talley [aut], Certara USA, Inc [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: James Craig <>

Diff between Certara.VPCResults versions 3.0.1 dated 2024-10-10 and 3.0.2 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION    |    6 +++---
 MD5            |    4 ++--
 R/create_rmd.R |    6 +++++-
 3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

More information about Certara.VPCResults at CRAN
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New package atime with initial version 2024.11.29
Package: atime
Title: Asymptotic Timing
Version: 2024.11.29
Description: Computing and visualizing comparative asymptotic timings of different algorithms and code versions. Also includes functionality for comparing empirical timings with expected references such as linear or quadratic, <> Also includes functionality for measuring asymptotic memory and other quantities.
License: GPL-3
Imports: data.table, bench, lattice, git2r, utils, stats, grDevices
Suggests: directlabels, ggplot2, testthat, knitr, markdown, stringi, re2, binsegRcpp, wbs, fpop, changepoint, LOPART, cumstats, PeakSegDisk, callr, readr, dplyr, tidyr, nc, RColorBrewer, tibble, Matrix
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-12-02 14:59:47 UTC; hoct2726
Author: Toby Hocking [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Toby Hocking <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-12-02 15:40:21 UTC

More information about atime at CRAN
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Package genridge updated to version 0.8.0 with previous version 0.7.1 dated 2024-11-13

Title: Generalized Ridge Trace Plots for Ridge Regression
Description: The genridge package introduces generalizations of the standard univariate ridge trace plot used in ridge regression and related methods. These graphical methods show both bias (actually, shrinkage) and precision, by plotting the covariance ellipsoids of the estimated coefficients, rather than just the estimates themselves. 2D and 3D plotting methods are provided, both in the space of the predictor variables and in the transformed space of the PCA/SVD of the predictors.
Author: Michael Friendly [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Michael Friendly <>

Diff between genridge versions 0.7.1 dated 2024-11-13 and 0.8.0 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                              |   10 -
 MD5                                      |   36 +++---
 NAMESPACE                                |    3                                  |   14 ++
 R/data.R                                 |   51 +++++++++
 R/plot.precision.R                       |    2 
 R/plot.ridge.R                           |    9 +
 R/precision.R                            |   56 ++++++++--
 R/ridge.R                                |   45 ++++++++
 R/traceplot.R                            |    4 
 R/vif.ridge.R                            |  162 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 data/diab.RData                          |only
 man/diab.Rd                              |only
 man/figures/README-plot-vif-1.png        |only
 man/figures/README-precision-plot2-1.png |only
 man/plot.precision.Rd                    |    2 
 man/plot.ridge.Rd                        |    9 +
 man/precision.Rd                         |   29 ++++-
 man/ridge.Rd                             |   23 ++++
 man/traceplot.Rd                         |    2 
 man/vif.ridge.Rd                         |  111 ++++++++++++++-------
 21 files changed, 449 insertions(+), 119 deletions(-)

More information about genridge at CRAN
Permanent link

Package survPen updated to version 2.0.0 with previous version 1.6.0 dated 2023-09-13

Title: Multidimensional Penalized Splines for (Excess) Hazard Models, Relative Mortality Ratio Models and Marginal Intensity Models
Description: Fits (excess) hazard, relative mortality ratio or marginal intensity models with multidimensional penalized splines allowing for time-dependent effects, non-linear effects and interactions between several continuous covariates. In survival and net survival analysis, in addition to modelling the effect of time (via the baseline hazard), one has often to deal with several continuous covariates and model their functional forms, their time-dependent effects, and their interactions. Model specification becomes therefore a complex problem and penalized regression splines represent an appealing solution to that problem as splines offer the required flexibility while penalization limits overfitting issues. Current implementations of penalized survival models can be slow or unstable and sometimes lack some key features like taking into account expected mortality to provide net survival and excess hazard estimates. In contrast, survPen provides an automated, fast, and stable implementation (than [...truncated...]
Author: Mathieu Fauvernier [aut, cre], Laurent Roche [aut], Laurent Remontet [aut], Zoe Uhry [ctb], Nadine Bossard [ctb], Elsa Coz [ctb]
Maintainer: Mathieu Fauvernier <>

Diff between survPen versions 1.6.0 dated 2023-09-13 and 2.0.0 dated 2024-12-02

 survPen-1.6.0/survPen/R/survPenV1_60.r                                                                  |only
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/DESCRIPTION                                                                       |   46 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/MD5                                                                               |  102 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/NAMESPACE                                                                         |    7 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/NEWS                                                                              |   19 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/R/RcppExports.R                                                                   |  120 +
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/R/survPenV2_00.r                                                                  |only
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/build/vignette.rds                                                                |binary
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/data/HeartFailure.RData                                                           |only
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/data/expected.table.RData                                                         |only
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/data/list.wicss.rdata                                                             |only
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/inst/doc/survival_analysis_with_survPen.R                                         |  237 +-
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/inst/doc/survival_analysis_with_survPen.Rmd                                       |  202 +
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/inst/doc/survival_analysis_with_survPen.html                                      | 1135 +++-------
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/CumulHazard.Rd                                                                |only
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/DerivCumulHazard.Rd                                                           |only
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/HazGL.Rd                                                                      |only
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/HeartFailure.Rd                                                               |only
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/Hess_rho_mult.Rd                                                              |only
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/NR.beta.Rd                                                                    |    5 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/NR.rho.Rd                                                                     |    2 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/constraint.Rd                                                                 |    2 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/cor.var.Rd                                                                    |    2 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/crs.FP.Rd                                                                     |    2 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/crs.Rd                                                                        |    2 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/datCancer.Rd                                                                  |    2 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/design.matrix.Rd                                                              |    4 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/expected.table.Rd                                                             |only
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/grad_rho_mult.Rd                                                              |only
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/instr.Rd                                                                      |    2 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/inv.repam.Rd                                                                  |    2 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/list.wicss.Rd                                                                 |only
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/model.cons.Rd                                                                 |    6 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/predSNS.Rd                                                                    |only
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/predict.survPen.Rd                                                            |   40 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/print.summary.survPen.Rd                                                      |    2 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/pwcst.Rd                                                                      |    2 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/rd.Rd                                                                         |    2 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/repam.Rd                                                                      |    4 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/robust.var.Rd                                                                 |only
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/smf.Rd                                                                        |    2 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/smooth.cons.Rd                                                                |    2 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/smooth.cons.integral.Rd                                                       |    2 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/smooth.spec.Rd                                                                |    2 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/splitmult.Rd                                                                  |only
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/summary.survPen.Rd                                                            |    3 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/survPen.Rd                                                                    |   94 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/                                                                |    4 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/survPenObject.Rd                                                              |    5 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/                                                                  |    2 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/                                                              |    2 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/man/                                                              |    2 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/src/RcppExports.cpp                                                               |  129 +
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/src/rcpp_survPen.cpp                                                              |  422 +++
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/tests/testthat/test_error.R                                                       |    2 
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/tests/testthat/test_marginal_intensity.R                                          |only
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/tests/testthat/test_relative_mortality_ratio.R                                    |only
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/vignettes/survival_analysis_with_survPen.Rmd                                      |  202 +
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/vignettes/survival_analysis_with_survPen_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-10-1.png |binary
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/vignettes/survival_analysis_with_survPen_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-51-1.png |binary
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/vignettes/survival_analysis_with_survPen_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-52-1.png |only
 survPen-2.0.0/survPen/vignettes/survival_analysis_with_survPen_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-53-1.png |only
 62 files changed, 1946 insertions(+), 878 deletions(-)

More information about survPen at CRAN
Permanent link

Package spdep updated to version 1.3-8 with previous version 1.3-7 dated 2024-11-25

Title: Spatial Dependence: Weighting Schemes, Statistics
Description: A collection of functions to create spatial weights matrix objects from polygon 'contiguities', from point patterns by distance and tessellations, for summarizing these objects, and for permitting their use in spatial data analysis, including regional aggregation by minimum spanning tree; a collection of tests for spatial 'autocorrelation', including global 'Morans I' and 'Gearys C' proposed by 'Cliff' and 'Ord' (1973, ISBN: 0850860369) and (1981, ISBN: 0850860814), 'Hubert/Mantel' general cross product statistic, Empirical Bayes estimates and 'Assunção/Reis' (1999) <doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0258(19990830)18:16%3C2147::AID-SIM179%3E3.0.CO;2-I> Index, 'Getis/Ord' G ('Getis' and 'Ord' 1992) <doi:10.1111/j.1538-4632.1992.tb00261.x> and multicoloured join count statistics, 'APLE' ('Li 'et al.' ) <doi:10.1111/j.1538-4632.2007.00708.x>, local 'Moran's I', 'Gearys C' ('Anselin' 1995) <doi:10.1111/j.1538-4632.1995.tb00338.x> and 'Getis/Ord' G ('Ord' and 'Getis' 1995) < [...truncated...]
Author: Roger Bivand [cre, aut] , Micah Altman [ctb], Luc Anselin [ctb], Renato Assuncao [ctb], Anil Bera [ctb], Olaf Berke [ctb], F. Guillaume Blanchet [ctb], Marilia Carvalho [ctb], Bjarke Christensen [ctb], Yongwan Chun [ctb], Carsten Dormann [ctb], Steph [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Roger Bivand <>

Diff between spdep versions 1.3-7 dated 2024-11-25 and 1.3-8 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION             |   11 +++++++----
 MD5                     |   20 ++++++++++----------                 |    5 ++++-
 inst/doc/CO69.html      |    6 +++---
 inst/doc/nb_sf.html     |   28 ++++++++++++++--------------
 inst/doc/sids.R         |    5 +----
 inst/doc/sids.Rmd       |    8 ++------
 inst/doc/sids.html      |   32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 inst/doc/subgraphs.html |    6 +++---
 man/moran.plot.Rd       |    2 +-
 vignettes/sids.Rmd      |    8 ++------
 11 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)

More information about spdep at CRAN
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Package douconca updated to version 1.2.2 with previous version 1.2.1 dated 2024-09-25

Title: Double Constrained Correspondence Analysis for Trait-Environment Analysis in Ecology
Description: Double constrained correspondence analysis (dc-CA) analyzes (multi-)trait (multi-)environment ecological data by using the 'vegan' package and native R code. Throughout the two step algorithm of ter Braak et al. (2018) is used. This algorithm combines and extends community- (sample-) and species-level analyses, i.e. the usual community weighted means (CWM)-based regression analysis and the species-level analysis of species-niche centroids (SNC)-based regression analysis. The two steps use canonical correspondence analysis to regress the abundance data on to the traits and (weighted) redundancy analysis to regress the CWM of the orthonormalized traits on to the environmental predictors. The function dc_CA() has an option to divide the abundance data of a site by the site total, giving equal site weights. This division has the advantage that the multivariate analysis corresponds with an unweighted (multi-trait) community-level analysis, instead of being weighted. The first step of the al [...truncated...]
Author: Cajo J.F ter Braak [aut] , Bart-Jan van Rossum [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Bart-Jan van Rossum <>

Diff between douconca versions 1.2.1 dated 2024-09-25 and 1.2.2 dated 2024-12-02

 douconca-1.2.1/douconca/inst/tinytest/anova_dcca                 |only
 douconca-1.2.1/douconca/inst/tinytest/predict_env_dcca           |only
 douconca-1.2.1/douconca/inst/tinytest/predict_regEnv_dcca        |only
 douconca-1.2.1/douconca/inst/tinytest/predict_regTraits_dcca     |only
 douconca-1.2.1/douconca/inst/tinytest/predict_response_dcca      |only
 douconca-1.2.1/douconca/inst/tinytest/predict_traits_dcca        |only
 douconca-1.2.1/douconca/inst/tinytest/scores_dcca                |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/DESCRIPTION                              |   11 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/MD5                                      |  166 ++--
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/NAMESPACE                                |    2 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/                                  |   10 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/anova.dcca.R                           |   24 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/anova.wrda.R                           |   44 -
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/anova_sites.R                          |   68 -
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/anova_species.R                        |  275 +++++--
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/coef.dcca.R                            |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/dc_CA.R                                |  137 ---
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/fCWM_SNC.R                             |  388 +++++-----
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/f_dc_CA.R                              |   18 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/f_env_axes.R                           |    6 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/f_trait_axes.R                         |    4 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/fitted.dcca.R                          |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/functions_using_cca_object_internals.R |   29 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/getPlotdata.R                          |   31 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/get_Z_X_XZ_formula.R                   |   14 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/plot.dcCA.R                            |   34 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/plot_dcCA_CWM_SNC.R                    |   22 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/plot_species_scores_bk.R               |    2 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/predict.dcca.R                         |  122 ++-
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/predict_functions.R                    |  292 +++++--
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/print.dcca.R                           |    2 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/print.wrda.R                           |    2 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/scores.dcca.R                          |   10 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/scores.wrda.R                          |   10 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/scores_dcca.R                          |   98 +-
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/R/wrda.R                                 |    2 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/                                |    9 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/build/partial.rdb                        |binary
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/build/vignette.rds                       |binary
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/demo/00Index                             |    2 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/demo/dune_dcCA.R                         |   10 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/demo/dune_dcCA_coef.R                    |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/demo/dune_dcCA_fitted.R                  |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/demo/dune_dcCA_predict.R                 |   43 -
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/demo/dune_test.R                         |    2 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/doc/douconca.html                   |  106 +-
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/anova_byaxis_wrda          |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/anova_dccaDivF             |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/anova_dccaDivT             |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/anova_wrda                 |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/modDivF1a_an               |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/modDivFq11_an              |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/modDivT1a_an               |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/modDivTq11_an              |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/modq11_predDivFenv         |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/modq11_predDivFtraits      |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/modq11_predDivTenv         |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/modq11_predDivTtraits      |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/plotdat_dcca               |binary
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/predDivF1a_env             |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/predDivF1a_env1            |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/predDivF1a_reg             |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/predDivF1a_reg1            |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/predDivF1a_reg_traits      |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/predDivF1a_reg_traits1     |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/predDivF1a_response        |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/predDivF1a_response1       |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/predDivF1a_traits          |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/predDivF1a_traits1         |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/predDivT1a_env             |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/predDivT1a_env1            |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/predDivT1a_reg             |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/predDivT1a_reg1            |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/predDivT1a_reg_traits      |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/predDivT1a_reg_traits1     |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/predDivT1a_response        |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/predDivT1a_response1       |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/predDivT1a_traits          |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/predDivT1a_traits1         |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/scores_dccaA11DivF_abs     |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/scores_dccav_abs           |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/scores_mod_DivF1a_abs      |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/scores_mod_DivF_fact_abs   |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/scores_mod_DivFc_abs       |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/scores_mod_DivFq11_abs     |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/scores_mod_DivT1a_abs      |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/scores_mod_DivT_fact_abs   |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/scores_mod_DivTc_abs       |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/scores_mod_DivTq11_abs     |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/scores_wrda_abs            |binary
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/test_anova.dcca.R          |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/test_anova.dccav.R         |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/test_dcca.R                |  329 +++++++-
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/test_dccav.R               |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/test_fCWMSNC.R             |  228 ++++-
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/test_fCWMSNCv.R            |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/test_plot.dcca.R           |  121 +--
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/test_predict.dcca.R        |  374 +++++++--
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/test_predict.dccav.R       |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/inst/tinytest/test_wrda.R                |   14 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/man/anova.dcca.Rd                        |    4 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/man/anova_sites.Rd                       |    2 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/man/anova_species.Rd                     |    2 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/man/coef.dcca.Rd                         |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/man/dc_CA.Rd                             |   45 -
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/man/fCWM_SNC.Rd                          |    7 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/man/fitted.dcca.Rd                       |only
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/man/getPlotdata.Rd                       |    8 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/man/plot.dcca.Rd                         |  273 +++----
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/man/plot_dcCA_CWM_SNC.Rd                 |   18 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/man/predict.dcca.Rd                      |  109 +-
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/man/print.dcca.Rd                        |   10 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/man/scores.dcca.Rd                       |   15 
 douconca-1.2.2/douconca/man/scores.wrda.Rd                       |    5 
 114 files changed, 2280 insertions(+), 1279 deletions(-)

More information about douconca at CRAN
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New package wdiEF with initial version 1.0.2
Package: wdiEF
Title: Calculation of the Water Deficit Index (WDI) and the Evaporative Fraction (EF) on Rasters
Version: 1.0.2
Description: Calculates the Water Deficit Index (WDI) and the Evaporative Fraction (EF) using geospatial data, such as fractional vegetation cover (FVC) and surface-air temperature difference (TS-TA). Terms like "raster", "CRS" are part of standard geospatial terminology.
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: dplyr, stats, terra
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-12-01 14:55:12 UTC; hamelin
Author: Gaelle Hamelin [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Gaelle Hamelin <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-12-02 12:40:06 UTC

More information about wdiEF at CRAN
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New package twc with initial version 0.0.1
Package: twc
Title: Terrestrial Water Cycle
Version: 0.0.1
Description: An open-access tool/framework that constitutes the core functions to analyze terrestrial water cycle data across various spatio-temporal scales.
Depends: R (>= 4.0.0)
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: data.table, doParallel, foreach, lubridate, magrittr, methods, ncdf4, parallel, raster, sf, sp,utils
SystemRequirements: PROJ (>= 6,, GDAL (>= 3,, NetCDF(>= 4,
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-11-29 15:53:34 UTC; mirovago
Author: Mijael Rodrigo Vargas Godoy [aut, cre] , Yannis Markonis [aut]
Maintainer: Mijael Rodrigo Vargas Godoy <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-12-02 12:40:31 UTC

More information about twc at CRAN
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New package sffdr with initial version 1.0.0
Package: sffdr
Title: Surrogate Functional False Discovery Rates for Genome-Wide Association Studies
Version: 1.0.0
Maintainer: Andrew Bass <>
Description: Pleiotropy-informed significance analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) with surrogate functional false discovery rates (sfFDR). The sfFDR framework adapts the fFDR to leverage informative data from multiple sets of GWAS summary statistics to increase power in study while accommodating for linkage disequilibrium. sfFDR provides estimates of key FDR quantities in a significance analysis such as the functional local FDR and q-value, and uses these estimates to derive a functional p-value for type I error rate control and a functional local Bayes' factor for post-GWAS analyses (e.g., fine mapping and colocalization). The sfFDR framework is described in Bass and Wallace (2024) <doi:10.1101/2024.09.24.24314276>.
License: LGPL
Encoding: UTF-8
VignetteBuilder: knitr
LazyData: true
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
Imports: locfit, splines, dplyr, ggplot2 (>= 3.5.1), patchwork (>= 1.3.0), gam, qvalue, tibble, tidyr, Rcpp
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0), knitr, rmarkdown
LinkingTo: Rcpp
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2024-11-29 14:22:57 UTC; andrewbass
Author: Andrew Bass [aut, cre], Chris Wallace [aut]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-12-02 12:30:08 UTC

More information about sffdr at CRAN
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New package scR with initial version 0.1.0
Package: scR
Title: Estimate Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension and Sample Complexity
Version: 0.1.0
Description: We provide a suite of tools for estimating the sample complexity of a chosen model through theoretical bounds and simulation. The package incorporates methods for estimating the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension (VCD) of a chosen algorithm, which can be used to estimate its sample complexity. Alternatively, we provide simulation methods to estimate sample complexity directly. For more details, see Carter, P & Choi, D (2024). "Learning from Noise: Applying Sample Complexity for Political Science Research" <doi:10.31219/>.
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: parallel, pbapply, caret, dplyr, tidyr, ggplot2, plotly
Suggests: rmarkdown
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
LazyData: true
LazyDataCompression: xz
License: MIT + file LICENSE
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-11-29 10:31:52 UTC; pjc504
Author: Perry Carter [aut, cre] , Dahyun Choi [aut]
Maintainer: Perry Carter <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-12-02 12:20:07 UTC

More information about scR at CRAN
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New package SAKERNAS with initial version 0.1.0
Title: A National Labor Force Survey of Indonesia
Version: 0.1.0
Author: Fadhlul Mubarak [aut, cre], Nurniswah [aut], Vinny Yuliani Sundara [aut], Arsyad Lubis [aut], Ahmad Syukron Prasaja [aut]
Maintainer: Fadhlul Mubarak <>
Description: Surveys to collect employment data so as to obtain data estimates on the number of employed people, the number of unemployed, and other employment indicators.
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
Imports: readxl
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-11-29 22:29:32 UTC; HP
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-12-02 12:51:04 UTC

More information about SAKERNAS at CRAN
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New package RCMsize with initial version 1.0.0
Package: RCMsize
Title: Sample Size Calculation in Reversible Catalytic Models
Version: 1.0.0
Maintainer: Marcia Graca <>
Description: Sample size and confidence interval calculations in reversible catalytic models, with applications in malaria research. Further details can be found in the paper by Sepúlveda and Drakeley (2015, <doi:10.1186/s12936-015-0661-z>).
License: GPL (>= 3)
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: binom, stats
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, tools
URL: ,
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-11-29 16:29:42 UTC; Visitante
Author: Marcia Graca [aut, cre, cph]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-12-02 12:41:41 UTC

More information about RCMsize at CRAN
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New package pipeflow with initial version 0.1.1
Package: pipeflow
Title: Implement Data Analysis Workflows with Pipelines
Version: 0.1.1
Description: A lightweight yet powerful framework for creating data analysis pipelines. You build your pipelines simply by defining a sequence of R functions and 'pipeflow' takes care of tracking dependencies among steps and managing all the analysis parameters. The framework is easy to get started with for the typical R user, but also provides advanced features to enable complex workflows.
License: GPL-3
Imports: data.table, jsonlite, lgr, methods, R6, stats, utils
Suggests: ggplot2, knitr, mockery, rmarkdown, testthat, visNetwork
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Encoding: UTF-8
Language: en-US
NeedsCompilation: no
Maintainer: Roman Pahl <>
Packaged: 2024-12-01 12:41:00 UTC; Roman
Author: Roman Pahl [aut, cre]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-12-02 12:40:56 UTC

More information about pipeflow at CRAN
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Package pikchr updated to version 1.0 with previous version 0.97 dated 2024-09-30

Title: R Wrapper for 'pikchr' (PIC) Diagram Language
Description: An 'R' interface to 'pikchr' (<>, pronounced “picture”), a 'PIC'-like markup language for creating diagrams within technical documentation. Originally developed by Brian Kernighan, 'PIC' has been adapted into 'pikchr' by D. Richard Hipp, the creator of 'SQLite'. 'pikchr' is designed to be embedded in fenced code blocks of Markdown or other documentation markup languages, making it ideal for generating diagrams in text-based formats. This package allows R users to seamlessly integrate the descriptive syntax of 'pikchr' for diagram creation directly within the 'R' environment.
Author: Andre Leite [aut, cre], Hugo Vaconcelos [aut], Richard Hipp [ctb], Brian Kernighan [ctb]
Maintainer: Andre Leite <>

Diff between pikchr versions 0.97 dated 2024-09-30 and 1.0 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION            |   14 
 MD5                    |   38 
 NAMESPACE              |    1                |only
 R/engine.R             |   87 +-
 R/pikchrWrappers.R     |   48 +
 R/zzz.R                |    1              |only
 build/vignette.rds     |binary
 data                   |only
 inst/doc/Examples.R    |    4 
 inst/doc/Examples.Rmd  |  226 ++++-
 inst/doc/Examples.html | 2007 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 inst/doc/userman.R     |only
 inst/doc/userman.Rmd   |only
 inst/doc/userman.html  |only
 man/eng_pikchr.Rd      |    3 
 man/figures            |only
 man/google_fonts.Rd    |only
 man/pikchr.Rd          |    8 
 vignettes/Examples.Rmd |  226 ++++-
 vignettes/userman.Rmd  |only
 22 files changed, 1721 insertions(+), 942 deletions(-)

More information about pikchr at CRAN
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New package MEDesigns with initial version 1.0.0
Package: MEDesigns
Title: Mating Environmental Designs
Version: 1.0.0
Maintainer: Ashutosh Dalal <>
Description: In breeding experiments, mating environmental (ME) designs are very popular as mating designs are directly implemented in the field environment using block or row-column designs. Here, three functions are given related to three new methods which will generate mating diallel cross designs (Hinkelmann and Kempthorne, 1963<doi:10.2307/2333899>) or mating environmental (ME) designs along with design parameters, C matrix, eigenvalues (EVs), degree of fractionations (DF) and canonical efficiency factor (CEF). Another one function is added to check the properties of a given ME diallel cross design.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-11-30 13:09:06 UTC; Ashutosh
Author: Ashutosh Dalal [aut, cre], Cini Varghese [aut, ctb], Rajender Parsad [aut, ctb], Mohd Harun [aut, ctb]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-12-02 12:31:07 UTC

More information about MEDesigns at CRAN
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New package ldmppr with initial version 1.0.3
Package: ldmppr
Title: Estimate and Simulate from Location Dependent Marked Point Processes
Version: 1.0.3
Maintainer: Lane Drew <>
Description: A suite of tools for estimating, assessing model fit, simulating from, and visualizing location dependent marked point processes characterized by regularity in the pattern. You provide a reference marked point process, a set of raster images containing location specific covariates, and select the estimation algorithm and type of mark model. 'ldmppr' estimates the process and mark models and allows you to check the appropriateness of the model using a variety of diagnostic tools. Once a satisfactory model fit is obtained, you can simulate from the model and visualize the results. Documentation for the package 'ldmppr' is available in the form of a vignette.
License: GPL (>= 3)
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Imports: Rcpp (>= 1.0.12), terra, doParallel, xgboost, ranger, parsnip, dials, bundle, recipes, rsample, tune, workflows, magrittr, hardhat, ggplot2, spatstat.geom, spatstat.explore, nloptr, GET, progress, dplyr, future, furrr, yardstick
LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2024-11-29 19:39:14 UTC; lanedrew
Author: Lane Drew [aut, cre, cph] , Andee Kaplan [aut]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-12-02 12:41:19 UTC

More information about ldmppr at CRAN
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New package ILRCM with initial version 0.1.0
Package: ILRCM
Title: Convert Irregular Longitudinal Data to Regular Intervals and Perform Clustering
Version: 0.1.0
Maintainer: Atanu Bhattacharjee <>
Description: Convert irregularly spaced longitudinal data into regular intervals for further analysis, and perform clustering using advanced machine learning techniques. The package is designed for handling complex longitudinal datasets, optimizing them for research in healthcare, demography, and other fields requiring temporal data modeling.
Imports: ggplot2, scales
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-11-29 23:11:06 UTC; Atanu Bhattacharjee
Author: Atanu Bhattacharjee [aut, cre, ctb], Tanmoy Majumdar [aut, ctb]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-12-02 12:51:13 UTC

More information about ILRCM at CRAN
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New package IDLFM with initial version 0.0.1
Package: IDLFM
Title: Individual Dynamic Latent Factor Model
Version: 0.0.1
Maintainer: Siyang Liu <>
Description: A personalized dynamic latent factor model (Zhang et al. (2024) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asae015>) for irregular multi-resolution time series data, to interpolate unsampled measurements from low-resolution time series.
Depends: R (>= 4.4.0)
Imports: stats, methods, splines, SparseArray
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-12-01 18:45:28 UTC; 24952
Author: Siyang Liu [aut, cre], Jiuchen Zhang [aut]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-12-02 13:00:04 UTC

More information about IDLFM at CRAN
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New package gfoRmulaICE with initial version 0.1.0
Package: gfoRmulaICE
Title: Parametric Iterative Conditional Expectation G-Formula
Version: 0.1.0
Description: Implements iterative conditional expectation (ICE) estimators of the plug-in g-formula (Wen, Young, Robins, and Hernán (2020) <doi: 10.1111/biom.13321>). Both singly robust and doubly robust ICE estimators based on parametric models are available. The package can be used to estimate survival curves under sustained treatment strategies (interventions) using longitudinal data with time-varying treatments, time-varying confounders, censoring, and competing events. The interventions can be static or dynamic, and deterministic or stochastic (including threshold interventions). Both prespecified and user-defined interventions are available.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Imports: data.table, ggplot2, nnet, doParallel, parallel, foreach, stringr, magrittr, dplyr, rlang, reshape2, speedglm, methods, Hmisc, splines
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0)
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-12-01 17:39:16 UTC; carriecheng
Author: Zhaoxi Cheng [aut, cre], Jing Li [aut], Sophia Rein [aut], Ryan O'Dea [aut], Sean McGrath [aut], Lan Wen [aut], Miguel A. Hernan [aut], 2024 The President and Fellows of Harvard College [cph]
Maintainer: Zhaoxi Cheng <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-12-02 12:50:08 UTC

More information about gfoRmulaICE at CRAN
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New package crimedatasets with initial version 0.1.0
Package: crimedatasets
Title: A Comprehensive Collection of Crime-Related Datasets
Version: 0.1.0
Maintainer: Renzo Caceres Rossi <>
Description: A comprehensive collection of datasets exclusively focused on crimes, criminal activities, and related topics. This package serves as a valuable resource for researchers, analysts, and students interested in crime analysis, criminology, social and economic studies related to criminal behavior. Datasets span global and local contexts, with a mix of tabular and spatial data.
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Suggests: ggplot2, dplyr, knitr, rmarkdown, sf, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-11-29 19:56:52 UTC; renzocrossi
Author: Renzo Caceres Rossi [aut, cre]
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-12-02 12:50:37 UTC

More information about crimedatasets at CRAN
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Package webdav updated to version 0.1.2 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2024-10-08

Title: A Simple Interface for Interacting with 'WebDAV' Servers
Description: An easy-to-use interface for interacting with 'WebDAV' servers, including 'OwnCloud'. It simplifies the use of 'WebDAV' methods such as COPY, MKCOL, MOVE, and others. With built-in authentication and request handling, it allows for easy management of files and directories over the 'WebDAV' protocol.
Author: Andre Leite [aut, cre], Hugo Vaconcelos [aut], Diogo Bezerra [aut]
Maintainer: Andre Leite <>

Diff between webdav versions 0.1.1 dated 2024-10-08 and 0.1.2 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                 |   11 -
 MD5                         |   19 ++-                     |only                   |  270 +++-----------------------------------------
 build/vignette.rds          |binary
 inst/doc/env_variables.Rmd  |    8 -
 inst/doc/env_variables.html |   26 ++--
 inst/doc/webdav.R           |only
 inst/doc/webdav.Rmd         |only
 inst/doc/webdav.html        |only
 man/figures                 |only
 vignettes/env_variables.Rmd |    8 -
 vignettes/webdav.Rmd        |only
 13 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 280 deletions(-)

More information about webdav at CRAN
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Package spatialreg updated to version 1.3-6 with previous version 1.3-5 dated 2024-08-19

Title: Spatial Regression Analysis
Description: A collection of all the estimation functions for spatial cross-sectional models (on lattice/areal data using spatial weights matrices) contained up to now in 'spdep'. These model fitting functions include maximum likelihood methods for cross-sectional models proposed by 'Cliff' and 'Ord' (1973, ISBN:0850860369) and (1981, ISBN:0850860814), fitting methods initially described by 'Ord' (1975) <doi:10.1080/01621459.1975.10480272>. The models are further described by 'Anselin' (1988) <doi:10.1007/978-94-015-7799-1>. Spatial two stage least squares and spatial general method of moment models initially proposed by 'Kelejian' and 'Prucha' (1998) <doi:10.1023/A:1007707430416> and (1999) <doi:10.1111/1468-2354.00027> are provided. Impact methods and MCMC fitting methods proposed by 'LeSage' and 'Pace' (2009) <doi:10.1201/9781420064254> are implemented for the family of cross-sectional spatial regression models. Methods for fitting the log determinant term in maximu [...truncated...]
Author: Roger Bivand [cre, aut] , Gianfranco Piras [aut], Luc Anselin [ctb], Andrew Bernat [ctb], Eric Blankmeyer [ctb], Yongwan Chun [ctb], Virgilio Gomez-Rubio [ctb], Daniel Griffith [ctb], Martin Gubri [ctb], Rein Halbersma [ctb], James LeSage [ctb], Ange [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Roger Bivand <>

Diff between spatialreg versions 1.3-5 dated 2024-08-19 and 1.3-6 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                      |   12 
 MD5                              |   26 -
 NAMESPACE                        |    2                          |    8 
 R/kpgm_new.R                     |   10 
 R/s2sls.R                        |  766 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 build/partial.rdb                |binary
 build/vignette.rds               |binary
 inst/doc/SpatialFiltering.html   |   57 +-
 inst/doc/nb_igraph.html          |    7 
 inst/doc/sids_models.html        |    5 
 inst/tinytest/test_TR_20_07_20.R |    3 
 man/gstsls.Rd                    |    3 
 man/stsls.Rd                     |   17 
 14 files changed, 481 insertions(+), 435 deletions(-)

More information about spatialreg at CRAN
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Package REDCapCAST updated to version 24.12.1 with previous version 24.11.2 dated 2024-11-22

Title: REDCap Metadata Casting and Castellated Data Handling
Description: Casting metadata for REDCap database creation and handling of castellated data using repeated instruments and longitudinal projects in 'REDCap'. Keeps a focused data export approach, by allowing to only export required data from the database. Also for casting new REDCap databases based on datasets from other sources. Originally forked from the R part of 'REDCapRITS' by Paul Egeler. See <>. 'REDCap' (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a secure, web-based software platform designed to support data capture for research studies, providing 1) an intuitive interface for validated data capture; 2) audit trails for tracking data manipulation and export procedures; 3) automated export procedures for seamless data downloads to common statistical packages; and 4) procedures for data integration and interoperability with external sources (Harris et al (2009) <doi:10.1016/j.jbi.2008.08.010>; Harris et al (2019) <doi:10.1016/j.jbi.2019.103208> [...truncated...]
Author: Andreas Gammelgaard Damsbo [aut, cre] , Paul Egeler [aut]
Maintainer: Andreas Gammelgaard Damsbo <>

Diff between REDCapCAST versions 24.11.2 dated 2024-11-22 and 24.12.1 dated 2024-12-02

 REDCapCAST-24.11.2/REDCapCAST/R/ds2dd.R                             |only
 REDCapCAST-24.11.2/REDCapCAST/inst/shiny-examples/casting/server.R  |only
 REDCapCAST-24.11.2/REDCapCAST/inst/shiny-examples/casting/ui.R      |only
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/DESCRIPTION                           |   14 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/MD5                                   |  104 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/NAMESPACE                             |   11 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/                               |   17 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/R/REDCap_split.r                      |   11 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/R/as_factor.R                         |  136 -
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/R/ds2dd_detailed.R                    |  110 -
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/R/easy_redcap.R                       |   28 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/R/export_redcap_instrument.R          |   22 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/R/fct_drop.R                          |only
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/R/read_redcap_tables.R                |  141 +
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/R/redcap_wider.R                      |  112 -
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/R/redcapcast_meta.R                   |    2 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/R/sysdata.rda                         |binary
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/R/utils.r                             |   34 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/build/vignette.rds                    |binary
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/inst/WORDLIST                         |    8 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/inst/doc/Database-creation.R          |   14 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/inst/doc/Database-creation.Rmd        |    2 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/inst/doc/Database-creation.html       |  641 ------
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/inst/doc/REDCapCAST.R                 |   39 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/inst/doc/REDCapCAST.Rmd               |   78 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/inst/doc/REDCapCAST.html              | 1043 +++++++---
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/inst/doc/Shiny-app.R                  |only
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/inst/doc/Shiny-app.Rmd                |only
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/inst/doc/Shiny-app.html               |only
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/inst/shiny-examples/casting/app.R     |only
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/inst/shiny-examples/casting/rsconnect |only
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/REDCapCAST-package.Rd             |    2 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/REDCap_split.Rd                   |   11 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/all_na.Rd                         |    2 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/apply_factor_labels.Rd            |only
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/apply_field_label.Rd              |only
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/as_factor.Rd                      |   10 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/clean_field_label.Rd              |only
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/create_instrument_meta.Rd         |    8 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/ds2dd.Rd                          |    6 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/ds2dd_detailed.Rd                 |    5 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/easy_redcap.Rd                    |    9 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/export_redcap_instrument.Rd       |    4 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/fct2num.Rd                        |   16 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/fct_drop.Rd                       |only
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/format_redcap_factor.Rd           |only
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/get_api_key.Rd                    |    8 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/is.labelled.Rd                    |only
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/named_levels.Rd                   |   18 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/possibly_numeric.Rd               |only
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/possibly_roman.Rd                 |    8 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/read_redcap_tables.Rd             |   25 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/redcap_wider.Rd                   |   20 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/redcapcast_meta.Rd                |    2 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/sanitize_split.Rd                 |    9 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/man/suffix2label.Rd                   |only
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/tests/testthat/test-as_factor.R       |only
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/tests/testthat/test-ds2dd.R           |   31 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/tests/testthat/test-redcap_wider.R    |   16 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/vignettes/Database-creation.Rmd       |    2 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/vignettes/REDCapCAST.Rmd              |   78 
 REDCapCAST-24.12.1/REDCapCAST/vignettes/Shiny-app.Rmd               |only
 62 files changed, 1711 insertions(+), 1146 deletions(-)

More information about REDCapCAST at CRAN
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Package laminr updated to version 0.3.0 with previous version 0.2.0 dated 2024-11-20

Title: Client for 'LaminDB'
Description: Interact with 'LaminDB'. 'LaminDB' is an open-source data framework for biology. This package allows you to query and download data from 'LaminDB' instances.
Author: Robrecht Cannoodt [aut, cre] , Luke Zappia [aut] , Data Intuitive [aut], Lamin Labs [aut, cph]
Maintainer: Robrecht Cannoodt <>

Diff between laminr versions 0.2.0 dated 2024-11-20 and 0.3.0 dated 2024-12-02

 laminr-0.2.0/laminr/tests/testthat/helper-setup_lamindata_instance.R |only
 laminr-0.2.0/laminr/tests/testthat/test-connect_lamindata.R          |only
 laminr-0.2.0/laminr/vignettes/example_workflow.Rmd                   |only
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/DESCRIPTION                                      |   15 
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/MD5                                              |   52 +-
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/R/Artifact.R                                     |   52 +-
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/R/Instance.R                                     |   58 +-
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/R/InstanceAPI.R                                  |   64 --
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/R/connect.R                                      |    5 
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/R/save_active_file.R                             |only
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/R/settings_store.R                               |    3 
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/R/utils.R                                        |  125 ++++
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/                                        |   71 +-
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/inst/doc/architecture.R                          |    1 
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/inst/doc/architecture.html                       |    1 
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/inst/doc/architecture.qmd                        |    1 
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/inst/doc/development.html                        |   20 
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/inst/doc/development.qmd                         |   14 
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/inst/rstudio                                     |only
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/man/laminr-package.Rd                            |    2 
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/tests/testthat/helper-skip_if_not_logged_in.R    |only
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/tests/testthat/test-Artifact.R                   |    8 
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/tests/testthat/test-Registry.R                   |    6 
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/tests/testthat/test-RelatedRecords.R             |    2 
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/tests/testthat/test-connect.R                    |only
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/tests/testthat/test-instance_api.R               |   10 
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/tests/testthat/test-utils.R                      |   15 
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/vignettes/architecture.qmd                       |    1 
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/vignettes/concepts_features.Rmd                  |only
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/vignettes/development.qmd                        |   14 
 laminr-0.3.0/laminr/vignettes/laminr.Rmd                             |  260 ++++++----
 31 files changed, 530 insertions(+), 270 deletions(-)

More information about laminr at CRAN
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Package Hmisc updated to version 5.2-1 with previous version 5.2-0 dated 2024-10-28

Title: Harrell Miscellaneous
Description: Contains many functions useful for data analysis, high-level graphics, utility operations, functions for computing sample size and power, simulation, importing and annotating datasets, imputing missing values, advanced table making, variable clustering, character string manipulation, conversion of R objects to LaTeX and html code, recoding variables, caching, simplified parallel computing, encrypting and decrypting data using a safe workflow, general moving window statistical estimation, and assistance in interpreting principal component analysis.
Author: Frank E Harrell Jr [aut, cre] , Charles Dupont [ctb]
Maintainer: Frank E Harrell Jr <>

Diff between Hmisc versions 5.2-0 dated 2024-10-28 and 5.2-1 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION      |    8 +--
 MD5              |   18 ++++---
 NAMESPACE        |    2 
 NEWS             |    6 ++
 R/label.s        |    8 +--
 R/qrxcenter.r    |only
 R/rcorr.s        |    2 
 man/qrxcenter.Rd |only
 man/rcorr.Rd     |    2 
 man/varclus.Rd   |    5 ++
 src/rcorr.f90    |  125 ++++++++++++++-----------------------------------------
 11 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 111 deletions(-)

More information about Hmisc at CRAN
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Package qs2 updated to version 0.1.3 with previous version 0.1.2 dated 2024-11-24

Title: Efficient Serialization of R Objects
Description: Streamlines and accelerates the process of saving and loading R objects, improving speed and compression compared to other methods. The package provides two compression formats: the 'qs2' format, which uses R serialization via the C API while optimizing compression and disk I/O, and the 'qdata' format, featuring custom serialization for slightly faster performance and better compression. Additionally, the 'qs2' format can be directly converted to the standard 'RDS' format, ensuring long-term compatibility with future versions of R.
Author: Travers Ching [aut, cre, cph], Yann Collet [ctb, cph] , Facebook, Inc. [cph] , Reichardt Tino [ctb, cph] , Skibinski Przemyslaw [ctb, cph] , Mori Yuta [ctb, cph] , Francesc Alted [ctb, cph]
Maintainer: Travers Ching <>

Diff between qs2 versions 0.1.2 dated 2024-11-24 and 0.1.3 dated 2024-12-02

 ChangeLog               |    5 ++++-
 DESCRIPTION             |    8 ++++----
 MD5                     |   10 +++++-----
 src/qs_unwind_protect.h |   12 ++++++++++--
 src/qx_file_headers.h   |    1 +
 src/qx_functions.cpp    |   29 ++++++++++++++---------------
 6 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

More information about qs2 at CRAN
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Package PaRe updated to version 0.1.15 with previous version 0.1.14 dated 2024-11-29

Title: A Way to Perform Code Review or QA on Other Packages
Description: Reviews other packages during code review by looking at their dependencies, code style, code complexity, and how internally defined functions interact with one another.
Author: Maarten van Kessel [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Maarten van Kessel <>

Diff between PaRe versions 0.1.14 dated 2024-11-29 and 0.1.15 dated 2024-12-02

 PaRe-0.1.14/PaRe/tests/testthat/helper-makeRepo.R         |only
 PaRe-0.1.15/PaRe/DESCRIPTION                              |    8 -
 PaRe-0.1.15/PaRe/MD5                                      |   28 ++--
 PaRe-0.1.15/PaRe/build/vignette.rds                       |binary
 PaRe-0.1.15/PaRe/inst/doc/Documentation.R                 |   84 +++++++-------
 PaRe-0.1.15/PaRe/inst/doc/Documentation.html              |   26 ++--
 PaRe-0.1.15/PaRe/tests/testthat/helper-checkSuggests.R    |    3 
 PaRe-0.1.15/PaRe/tests/testthat/setup.R                   |only
 PaRe-0.1.15/PaRe/tests/testthat/test-addPareArticle.R     |    6 -
 PaRe-0.1.15/PaRe/tests/testthat/test-checkDependencies.R  |   17 +-
 PaRe-0.1.15/PaRe/tests/testthat/test-getApplyCall.R       |   11 -
 PaRe-0.1.15/PaRe/tests/testthat/test-getDlplyCall.R       |   11 -
 PaRe-0.1.15/PaRe/tests/testthat/test-getDoCall.R          |   11 -
 PaRe-0.1.15/PaRe/tests/testthat/test-getDoCallFromLines.R |    3 
 PaRe-0.1.15/PaRe/tests/testthat/test-getFunCall.R         |    8 -
 PaRe-0.1.15/PaRe/tests/testthat/test-getMultiLineFun.R    |    8 -
 16 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-)

More information about PaRe at CRAN
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Package GET updated to version 1.0-4 with previous version 1.0-3 dated 2024-08-19

Title: Global Envelopes
Description: Implementation of global envelopes for a set of general d-dimensional vectors T in various applications. A 100(1-alpha)% global envelope is a band bounded by two vectors such that the probability that T falls outside this envelope in any of the d points is equal to alpha. Global means that the probability is controlled simultaneously for all the d elements of the vectors. The global envelopes can be used for graphical Monte Carlo and permutation tests where the test statistic is a multivariate vector or function (e.g. goodness-of-fit testing for point patterns and random sets, functional analysis of variance, functional general linear model, n-sample test of correspondence of distribution functions), for central regions of functional or multivariate data (e.g. outlier detection, functional boxplot) and for global confidence and prediction bands (e.g. confidence band in polynomial regression, Bayesian posterior prediction). See Myllymäki and Mrkvička (2024) <doi:10.18637/jss.v111.i03 [...truncated...]
Author: Mari Myllymaeki [aut, cre], Tomas Mrkvicka [aut], Mikko Kuronen [ctb], Jiri Dvorak [ctb], Pavel Grabarnik [ctb], Ute Hahn [ctb], Michael Rost [ctb], Henri Seijo [ctb]
Maintainer: Mari Myllymaeki <>

Diff between GET versions 1.0-3 dated 2024-08-19 and 1.0-4 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                              |   12 +-
 MD5                                      |   58 +++++-----
 NEWS                                     |    4 
 R/GET-package.r                          |   10 +
 R/adjusted_envelopes.r                   |    4 
 R/combined_envelope_tests.R              |    4 
 R/deviation.r                            |   17 ++-
 R/deviation_test.r                       |   35 ++++--
 R/envelopes.r                            |   17 +--
 R/forder.r                               |    8 +
 R/glm.R                                  |    4 
 R/graphfanova.r                          |    2 
 R/rq.R                                   |    2                                |    7 -
 inst/CITATION                            |  169 +++++++++++--------------------
 inst/doc/FDRenvelopes.pdf                |binary
 inst/doc/GET.pdf                         |binary
 inst/doc/HotSpots.pdf                    |binary
 inst/doc/QuantileRegression.pdf          |binary
 inst/doc/pointpatterns.pdf               |binary
 man/GET-package.Rd                       |   10 +
 man/GET.composite.Rd                     |    4 
 man/central_region.Rd                    |    2 
 man/combined_scaled_MAD_envelope_test.Rd |    4 
 man/deviation_test.Rd                    |   25 +++-
 man/global_envelope_test.Rd              |    4 
 man/global_rq.Rd                         |    2 
 man/graph.fanova.Rd                      |    2 
 man/graph.flm.Rd                         |    4 
 tests/testthat/test-MAD.R                |    7 +
 30 files changed, 221 insertions(+), 196 deletions(-)

More information about GET at CRAN
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Package diemr updated to version 1.4.2 with previous version 1.4.1 dated 2024-09-23

Title: Diagnostic Index Expectation Maximisation in R
Description: Likelihood-based genome polarisation finds which alleles of genomic markers belong to which side of the barrier. Co-estimates which individuals belong to either side of the barrier and barrier strength. Uses expectation maximisation in likelihood framework. The method is described in Baird et al. (2023) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.14010>.
Author: Natalia Martinkova [aut, cre] , Stuart Baird [aut]
Maintainer: Natalia Martinkova <>

Diff between diemr versions 1.4.1 dated 2024-09-23 and 1.4.2 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                                                       |    6 
 MD5                                                               |   34 +-
 NAMESPACE                                                         |    1                                                           |    8 
 R/internal.r                                                      |  122 +++++++---
 R/rank2map.r                                                      |   11 
 R/smoothPolarizedGenotypes.r                                      |   64 +++--
 R/vcf2diem.r                                                      |   11 
 inst/doc/Importing-data-for-genome-polarisation.html              |    4 
 inst/doc/Understanding-genome-polarisation-output-files.html      |    4 
 inst/doc/diemr-diagnostic-index-expecation-maximisation-in-r.R    |    2 
 inst/doc/diemr-diagnostic-index-expecation-maximisation-in-r.Rmd  |    2 
 inst/doc/diemr-diagnostic-index-expecation-maximisation-in-r.html |    6 
 man/rank2map.Rd                                                   |    7 
 man/smoothPolarizedGenotypes.Rd                                   |   39 ++-
 man/truncatedLaplace.Rd                                           |only
 man/unbiasedWeightedStateChoice.Rd                                |only
 tests/testthat/test_internal.r                                    |   59 ++++
 vignettes/diemr-diagnostic-index-expecation-maximisation-in-r.Rmd |    2 
 19 files changed, 281 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-)

More information about diemr at CRAN
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Package bplsr updated to version 1.0.1 with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2024-11-12

Title: Bayesian partial least squares regression
Description: Fits the Bayesian partial least squares regression model introduced in Urbas et al. (2024) <doi:10.1214/24-AOAS1947>. Suitable for univariate and multivariate regression with high-dimensional data.
Author: Szymon Urbas [aut, cre], Pierre Lovera [ctb], Robert Daly [ctb], Alan O'Riordan [ctb], Donagh Berry [ctb], Isobel Claire Gormley [ctb]
Maintainer: Szymon Urbas <>

Diff between bplsr versions 1.0.0 dated 2024-11-12 and 1.0.1 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION  |    8 ++++----
 MD5          |    8 ++++----
 R/BPLSR.R    |    4 ++--    |    8 ++++++++
 man/bplsr.Rd |    6 +++---
 5 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

More information about bplsr at CRAN
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Package tidyfinance updated to version 0.4.2 with previous version 0.4.1 dated 2024-09-04

Title: Tidy Finance Helper Functions
Description: Helper functions for empirical research in financial economics, addressing a variety of topics covered in Scheuch, Voigt, and Weiss (2023) <doi:10.1201/b23237>. The package is designed to provide shortcuts for issues extensively discussed in the book, facilitating easier application of its concepts. For more information and resources related to the book, visit <>.
Author: Christoph Scheuch [aut, cre, cph] , Stefan Voigt [aut, cph] , Patrick Weiss [aut, cph] , Maximilian Muecke [ctb]
Maintainer: Christoph Scheuch <>

Diff between tidyfinance versions 0.4.1 dated 2024-09-04 and 0.4.2 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                                          |   23 -
 MD5                                                  |   59 ++--
 NAMESPACE                                            |    4                                              |   16 +
 R/add_lag_columns.R                                  |only
 R/compute_long_short_returns.R                       |    2 
 R/data_options.R                                     |    8 
 R/download_data_factors.R                            |   29 ++
 R/download_data_macro_predictors.R                   |   30 ++
 R/download_data_osap.R                               |   13 -
 R/download_data_wrds_ccm_links.R                     |   23 -
 R/global_variables.R                                 |    2 
 R/handle_download_error.R                            |only
 R/lag_column.R                                       |    2 
 R/tidyfinance-package.R                              |    2 
 R/winsorize.R                                        |    7                                            |   14 -
 inst/doc/dates-in-tidyfinance.R                      |   92 +++----
 inst/doc/dates-in-tidyfinance.html                   |  230 +++++++++----------
 inst/doc/using-tidyfinance.R                         |   16 -
 inst/doc/using-tidyfinance.Rmd                       |    3 
 inst/doc/using-tidyfinance.html                      |   35 --
 man/add_lag_columns.Rd                               |only
 man/data_options.Rd                                  |    3 
 man/download_data_factors_q.Rd                       |    1 
 man/download_data_macro_predictors.Rd                |    2 
 man/download_data_wrds_ccm_links.Rd                  |   17 -
 man/lag_column.Rd                                    |    2 
 man/tidyfinance-package.Rd                           |    6 
 tests/testthat/test-add_lag_columns.R                |only
 tests/testthat/test-download_data_factors.R          |only
 tests/testthat/test-download_data_macro_predictors.R |only
 tests/testthat/test-download_data_osap.R             |only
 vignettes/using-tidyfinance.Rmd                      |    3 
 34 files changed, 360 insertions(+), 284 deletions(-)

More information about tidyfinance at CRAN
Permanent link

Package smurf updated to version 1.1.6 with previous version 1.1.5 dated 2023-03-22

Title: Sparse Multi-Type Regularized Feature Modeling
Description: Implementation of the SMuRF algorithm of Devriendt et al. (2021) <doi:10.1016/j.insmatheco.2020.11.010> to fit generalized linear models (GLMs) with multiple types of predictors via regularized maximum likelihood.
Author: Tom Reynkens [aut, cre] , Sander Devriendt [aut], Katrien Antonio [aut]
Maintainer: Tom Reynkens <>

Diff between smurf versions 1.1.5 dated 2023-03-22 and 1.1.6 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION          |   14 ++---
 MD5                  |   14 ++---
 build/partial.rdb    |binary
 build/vignette.rds   |binary
 inst/NEWS.Rd         |    9 +++
 inst/doc/smurf.R     |  124 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 inst/doc/smurf.html  |   15 +++---
 man/smurf-package.Rd |    2 
 8 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)

More information about smurf at CRAN
Permanent link

Package rospca updated to version 1.1.1 with previous version 1.1.0 dated 2024-03-31

Title: Robust Sparse PCA using the ROSPCA Algorithm
Description: Implementation of robust sparse PCA using the ROSPCA algorithm of Hubert et al. (2016) <DOI:10.1080/00401706.2015.1093962>.
Author: Tom Reynkens [aut, cre] , Valentin Todorov [ctb] , Mia Hubert [ctb], Eric Schmitt [ctb], Tim Verdonck [ctb]
Maintainer: Tom Reynkens <>

Diff between rospca versions 1.1.0 dated 2024-03-31 and 1.1.1 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION  |   12 ++++++------
 MD5          |    8 ++++----
 R/Robpca.R   |    2 +-
 R/Rospca.R   |    2 +-
 inst/NEWS.Rd |   10 +++++++++-
 5 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

More information about rospca at CRAN
Permanent link

Package ReIns updated to version 1.0.15 with previous version 1.0.14 dated 2023-11-03

Title: Functions from "Reinsurance: Actuarial and Statistical Aspects"
Description: Functions from the book "Reinsurance: Actuarial and Statistical Aspects" (2017) by Hansjoerg Albrecher, Jan Beirlant and Jef Teugels <>.
Author: Tom Reynkens [aut, cre] , Roel Verbelen [aut] , Anastasios Bardoutsos [ctb] , Dries Cornilly [ctb] , Yuri Goegebeur [ctb] , Klaus Herrmann [ctb]
Maintainer: Tom Reynkens <>

Diff between ReIns versions 1.0.14 dated 2023-11-03 and 1.0.15 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION         |   12 ++++----
 MD5                 |   10 +++---
 build/vignette.rds  |binary
 inst/NEWS.Rd        |    9 ++++--
 inst/doc/ReIns.R    |    8 ++---
 inst/doc/ReIns.html |   77 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 6 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)

More information about ReIns at CRAN
Permanent link

Package pctax updated to version 0.1.3 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2024-04-10

Title: Professional Comprehensive Omics Data Analysis
Description: Provides a comprehensive suite of tools for analyzing omics data. It includes functionalities for alpha diversity analysis, beta diversity analysis, differential abundance analysis, community assembly analysis, visualization of phylogenetic tree, and functional enrichment analysis. With a progressive approach, the package offers a range of analysis methods to explore and understand the complex communities. It is designed to support researchers and practitioners in conducting in-depth and professional omics data analysis.
Author: Chen Peng [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Chen Peng <>

Diff between pctax versions 0.1.1 dated 2024-04-10 and 0.1.3 dated 2024-12-02

 pctax-0.1.1/pctax/vignettes/pctax_cache/html/lib_bec07e0751cc99eaa0386bda0f0304cb.rdb             |only
 pctax-0.1.1/pctax/vignettes/pctax_cache/html/lib_bec07e0751cc99eaa0386bda0f0304cb.rdx             |only
 pctax-0.1.1/pctax/vignettes/pctax_cache/html/setup_a4314fb22343ed0d94f461570354dd3f.rdb           |only
 pctax-0.1.1/pctax/vignettes/pctax_cache/html/setup_a4314fb22343ed0d94f461570354dd3f.rdx           |only
 pctax-0.1.1/pctax/vignettes/pctax_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-2_41a4a46e9455db91e15ad66260bed593.rdb |only
 pctax-0.1.1/pctax/vignettes/pctax_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-2_41a4a46e9455db91e15ad66260bed593.rdx |only
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/DESCRIPTION                                                                     |   28 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/MD5                                                                             |   87 +-
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/NAMESPACE                                                                       |    3 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/                                                                         |   17 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/R/Rtaxonkit.R                                                                   |   50 -
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/R/a_diversity.R                                                                 |    4 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/R/b_analyse.R                                                                   |   14 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/R/data.R                                                                        |   12 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/R/diff_analyse.R                                                                |    8 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/R/eco_micro.R                                                                   |   11 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/R/functional.R                                                                  |   27 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/R/other_software.R                                                              |   60 +
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/R/pctax-package.R                                                               |    2 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/R/phylogenetic.R                                                                |  434 +++++++++-
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/                                                                       |   27 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/data/all_ec_info.rda                                                            |binary
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/data/all_sp_la_zh_name.rda                                                      |only
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/inst/doc/pctax.html                                                             |    2 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/all_sp_la_zh_name.Rd                                                        |only
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/ann_tree.Rd                                                                 |    3 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/b_analyse.Rd                                                                |    2 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/check_taxonkit.Rd                                                           |   13 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/convert_taxon_name.Rd                                                       |only
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/download_taxonkit_dataset.Rd                                                |   13 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-2-1.png                                        |binary
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-3-1.png                                        |only
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/geo_sim.Rd                                                                  |    3 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/get_all_sp_la_zh_name.Rd                                                    |only
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/install_taxonkit.Rd                                                         |   13 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/name_or_id2df.Rd                                                            |   13 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/ncm.Rd                                                                      |    3 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/plot.a_res.Rd                                                               |    2 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/plot_element_cycle.Rd                                                       |    3 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/plot_two_tree.Rd                                                            |only
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/tax_lca.Rd                                                                  |only
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/taxonkit_filter.Rd                                                          |   13 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/taxonkit_lca.Rd                                                             |   13 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/taxonkit_lineage.Rd                                                         |   13 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/taxonkit_list.Rd                                                            |   13 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/taxonkit_name2taxid.Rd                                                      |   13 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/taxonkit_reformat.Rd                                                        |   13 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/man/z_diversity.Rd                                                              |    2 
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/vignettes/pctax_cache/html/lib_edaa109a9155baa43419851f33b3cf81.rdb             |only
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/vignettes/pctax_cache/html/lib_edaa109a9155baa43419851f33b3cf81.rdx             |only
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/vignettes/pctax_cache/html/setup_8ae11416e5c5639c1c730c1286b53fc5.rdb           |only
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/vignettes/pctax_cache/html/setup_8ae11416e5c5639c1c730c1286b53fc5.rdx           |only
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/vignettes/pctax_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-2_a4c6eae63fe4b35c079f4cfe25d48d88.rdb |only
 pctax-0.1.3/pctax/vignettes/pctax_cache/html/unnamed-chunk-2_a4c6eae63fe4b35c079f4cfe25d48d88.rdx |only
 54 files changed, 810 insertions(+), 124 deletions(-)

More information about pctax at CRAN
Permanent link

New package orthGS with initial version 0.1.6
Package: orthGS
Title: Orthology vs Paralogy Relationships among Glutamine Synthetase from Plants
Version: 0.1.6
Description: Tools to analyze and infer orthology and paralogy relationships between glutamine synthetase proteins in seed plants.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
Depends: R (>= 4.0)
LazyData: true
Imports: ape, bio3d, castor, igraph, phangorn, phytools, seqinr, TreeTools
Suggests: BiocManager, Biostrings, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-11-30 10:08:12 UTC; jcaledo
Author: Elena Aledo [aut, cre, cph], Juan-Carlos Aledo [aut]
Maintainer: Elena Aledo <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-12-02 10:00:07 UTC

More information about orthGS at CRAN
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Package mixgb updated to version 1.5.2 with previous version 1.0.2 dated 2023-02-16

Title: Multiple Imputation Through 'XGBoost'
Description: Multiple imputation using 'XGBoost', subsampling, and predictive mean matching as described in Deng and Lumley (2023) <doi:10.1080/10618600.2023.2252501>. The package supports various types of variables, offers flexible settings, and enables saving an imputation model to impute new data. Data processing and memory usage have been optimised to speed up the imputation process.
Author: Yongshi Deng [aut, cre] , Thomas Lumley [ths]
Maintainer: Yongshi Deng <>

Diff between mixgb versions 1.0.2 dated 2023-02-16 and 1.5.2 dated 2024-12-02

 mixgb-1.0.2/mixgb/R/plot_1var.R                             |only
 mixgb-1.0.2/mixgb/R/plot_2vars.R                            |only
 mixgb-1.0.2/mixgb/R/plot_3vars.R                            |only
 mixgb-1.0.2/mixgb/man/plot_1num1fac.Rd                      |only
 mixgb-1.0.2/mixgb/man/plot_1num2fac.Rd                      |only
 mixgb-1.0.2/mixgb/man/plot_2fac.Rd                          |only
 mixgb-1.0.2/mixgb/man/plot_2num.Rd                          |only
 mixgb-1.0.2/mixgb/man/plot_2num1fac.Rd                      |only
 mixgb-1.0.2/mixgb/man/plot_bar.Rd                           |only
 mixgb-1.0.2/mixgb/man/plot_box.Rd                           |only
 mixgb-1.0.2/mixgb/man/plot_hist.Rd                          |only
 mixgb-1.0.2/mixgb/vignettes/web                             |only
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/DESCRIPTION                               |   39 
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/MD5                                       |  131 -
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/NAMESPACE                                 |   99 -
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/                                   |only
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/RcppExports.R                           |only
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/createNA.R                              |  140 -
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/data_clean.R                            |  308 +--
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/data_preprocess.R                       |  194 +-
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/globals.R                               |   14 
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/impute_new.R                            |  438 ++--
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/initial_imp.R                           |  492 ++---
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/initial_impnew.R                        |  508 ++---
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/mixgb-package.R                         |   61 
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/mixgb.R                                 |  921 ++++++----
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/mixgb_boot.R                            |  382 ++--
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/mixgb_boot_xgb_save.R                   |only
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/mixgb_bootsave.R                        |  624 +++---
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/mixgb_cv.R                              |  203 +-
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/mixgb_load_use.R                        |only
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/mixgb_null.R                            |  426 +++-
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/mixgb_save.R                            |  783 ++++++--
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/mixgb_use.R                             |  256 +-
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/mixgb_xgb_save.R                        |only
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/nhanes3.R                               |   48 
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/nhanes3_newborn.R                       |   68 
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/pmm.R                                   |   82 
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/save_vars.R                             |   98 -
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/save_yhatobs.R                          |  687 +++++--
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/show_var.R                              |   55 
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/utils-pipe.R                            |only
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/R/validation.R                            |  149 -
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/build/partial.rdb                         |only
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/build/vignette.rds                        |binary
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/inst/CITATION                             |only
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/inst/doc/Imputing-newdata.R               |   67 
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/inst/doc/Imputing-newdata.Rmd             |  152 -
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/inst/doc/Imputing-newdata.html            |  885 ++++-----
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/inst/doc/Using-mixgb.R                    |  108 -
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/inst/doc/Using-mixgb.Rmd                  |  313 +--
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/inst/doc/Using-mixgb.html                 | 1098 ++++++------
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/createNA.Rd                           |   70 
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/data_clean.Rd                         |   56 
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/default_params.Rd                     |only
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/default_params_cran.Rd                |only
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-14-1.png |binary
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-14-2.png |binary
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-14-3.png |binary
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-14-4.png |binary
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-16-1.png |only
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-16-2.png |only
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-16-3.png |only
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/figures/README-unnamed-chunk-16-4.png |only
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/impute_new.Rd                         |  105 -
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/mixgb-package.Rd                      |   55 
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/mixgb.Rd                              |  223 +-
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/mixgb_cv.Rd                           |  109 -
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/nhanes3.Rd                            |   72 
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/nhanes3_newborn.Rd                    |   92 -
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/pipe.Rd                               |only
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/pmm.Rd                                |   48 
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/pmm.multiclass.Rd                     |   48 
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/show_var.Rd                           |   65 
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/man/sortNA.Rd                             |   24 
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/src                                       |only
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/vignettes/Imputing-newdata.Rmd            |  152 -
 mixgb-1.5.2/mixgb/vignettes/Using-mixgb.Rmd                 |  313 +--
 78 files changed, 6242 insertions(+), 5019 deletions(-)

More information about mixgb at CRAN
Permanent link

Package migraph updated to version 1.4.5 with previous version 1.4.3 dated 2024-11-06

Title: Univariate and Multivariate Tests for Multimodal and Other Networks
Description: A set of tools for testing networks. It includes functions for univariate and multivariate conditional uniform graph and quadratic assignment procedure testing, and network regression. The package is a complement to 'Multimodal Political Networks' (2021, ISBN:9781108985000), and includes various datasets used in the book. Built on the 'manynet' package, all functions operate with matrices, edge lists, and 'igraph', 'network', and 'tidygraph' objects, and on one-mode and two-mode (bipartite) networks.
Author: James Hollway [cre, aut, ctb] , Henrique Sposito [ctb] , Jael Tan [ctb] , Bernhard Bieri [ctb]
Maintainer: James Hollway <>

Diff between migraph versions 1.4.3 dated 2024-11-06 and 1.4.5 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION          |   14 ++++++------
 MD5                  |   14 ++++++------
 NAMESPACE            |    2 +              |   25 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 R/class_models.R     |   16 ++++++++++++++
 R/data_mpn.R         |    2 -
 R/model_regression.R |   56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 man/mpn_elite_usa.Rd |    2 -
 8 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

More information about migraph at CRAN
Permanent link

Package kimisc updated to version 1.0.0 with previous version 0.4 dated 2017-12-18

Title: Kirill's Miscellaneous Functions
Description: A collection of useful functions not found anywhere else, mainly for programming: Pretty intervals, generalized lagged differences, checking containment in an interval, and an alternative interface to assign().
Author: Kirill Mueller [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Kirill Mueller <>

Diff between kimisc versions 0.4 dated 2017-12-18 and 1.0.0 dated 2024-12-02

 kimisc-0.4/kimisc/tests/testthat/test-kimisc.R            |only
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/DESCRIPTION                           |   36 ++---
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/LICENSE                               |only
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/MD5                                   |   91 +++++++-------
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/                               |   11 +
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/R/coalesce_na.R                       |    8 -
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/R/cut.R                               |   11 +
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/R/export.R                            |   16 +-
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/R/gdiff.R                             |   27 ++--
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/R/hms_to_seconds.R                    |    4 
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/R/in_interval.R                       |   20 +--
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/R/kimisc-package.R                    |    6 
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/R/list_to_df.R                        |   10 +
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/R/nlist.R                             |   29 ++--
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/R/ofactor.R                           |   12 +
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/R/sample_data_frame.R                 |    9 +
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/R/seconds_to_hms.R                    |    4 
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/R/thisfile.R                          |   55 +++++---
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/R/tll.R                               |   13 +-
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/R/vswitch.R                           |    4 
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/         |   31 ++--
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/cut_format.Rd                     |   24 ++-
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/df_to_list-deprecated.Rd          |   29 ++--
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/export.Rd                         |    4 
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/export.list.Rd                    |    6 
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/      |   27 ++--
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/in.interval.lo.Rd                 |    4 
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/                 |    4 
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/kimisc-deprecated.Rd              |   26 ++--
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/kimisc-package.Rd                 |   12 -
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/list_to_df-deprecated.Rd          |   27 ++--
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/nc-deprecated.Rd                  |   38 +++--
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/nin.interval.lo.Rd                |    4 
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/                |    4 
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/nlist-deprecated.Rd               |   38 +++--
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/ofactor-deprecated.Rd             |   31 ++--
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/sample.rows-deprecated.Rd         |   33 +++--
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/      |   29 ++--
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/thisfile-deprecated.Rd            |   33 ++---
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/tll-deprecated.Rd                 |   31 ++--
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/man/vswitch-deprecated.Rd             |   27 ++--
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/tests/testthat.R                      |only
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/tests/testthat/scripts/thisfile-cat.R |    2 
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/tests/testthat/test-cut.R             |   28 ++--
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/tests/testthat/test-gdiff.R           |   20 +--
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/tests/testthat/test-list_to_df.R      |    2 
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/tests/testthat/test-thisfile.R        |    2 
 kimisc-1.0.0/kimisc/tests/testthat/test-vswitch.R         |   24 ++-
 48 files changed, 519 insertions(+), 387 deletions(-)

More information about kimisc at CRAN
Permanent link

Package HDTSA updated to version 1.0.5 with previous version 1.0.4 dated 2024-09-03

Title: High Dimensional Time Series Analysis Tools
Description: An implementation for high-dimensional time series analysis methods, including factor model for vector time series proposed by Lam and Yao (2012) <doi:10.1214/12-AOS970> and Chang, Guo and Yao (2015) <doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2015.03.024>, martingale difference test proposed by Chang, Jiang and Shao (2023) <doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2022.09.001>, principal component analysis for vector time series proposed by Chang, Guo and Yao (2018) <doi:10.1214/17-AOS1613>, cointegration analysis proposed by Zhang, Robinson and Yao (2019) <doi:10.1080/01621459.2018.1458620>, unit root test proposed by Chang, Cheng and Yao (2022) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asab034>, white noise test proposed by Chang, Yao and Zhou (2017) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asw066>, CP-decomposition for matrix time series proposed by Chang et al. (2023) <doi:10.1093/jrsssb/qkac011> and Chang et al. (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2410.05634>, and statistical inference for spectral density matrix pro [...truncated...]
Author: Jinyuan Chang [aut], Jing He [aut], Chen Lin [aut, cre], Qiwei Yao [aut]
Maintainer: Chen Lin <>

Diff between HDTSA versions 1.0.4 dated 2024-09-03 and 1.0.5 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                             |   47 +-
 MD5                                     |   88 ++-
 NAMESPACE                               |    8 
 R/CP_functions_unified.R                |  718 ++++++++++++++++++++------------
 R/HDSreg.R                              |  134 +++--
 R/HDTSA-package.R                       |only
 R/PCA4_TS.R                             |  327 ++++++--------
 R/RcppExports.R                         |   24 -
 R/Tools_SpecTest.R                      |  395 ++++++-----------
 R/Tools_martingale.R                    |  169 ++++---
 R/coint.R                               |  232 +++++-----
 R/data.R                                |only
 R/factors.R                             |  124 +++--
 R/permutationFDR.R                      |   33 -
 R/permutationMax.R                      |   24 -
 R/predict.R                             |only
 R/print.R                               |  148 ++++--
 R/segmentTS.R                           |  123 +----
 R/tools_wntest.R                        |  143 +++---
 R/urtest.R                              |   80 +--
 build                                   |only
 data                                    |only
 man/CP_MTS.Rd                           |  209 +++++++--
 man/Coint.Rd                            |  124 +++--
 man/DGP.CP.Rd                           |   72 +--
 man/Factors.Rd                          |   82 ++-
 man/Fama-French-data.Rd                 |only
 man/HDSReg.Rd                           |  129 +++--
 man/HDTSA-package.Rd                    |only
 man/MartG_test.Rd                       |  115 ++---
 man/PCA_TS.Rd                           |  276 +++++-------
 man/QWIdata.Rd                          |only
 man/SpecMulTest.Rd                      |   52 +-
 man/SpecTest.Rd                         |   60 +-
 man/UR_test.Rd                          |   74 +--
 man/US-Industrial-Production-indices.Rd |only
 man/WN_test.Rd                          |  116 ++---
 man/predict.factors.Rd                  |only
 man/predict.mtscp.Rd                    |only
 man/predict.tspca.Rd                    |only
 src/Makevars                            |   22 
 src/                        |   22 
 src/Martingale.cpp                      |    4 
 src/PCAtools.cpp                        |   25 -
 src/RcppExports.cpp                     |   98 +++-
 src/WNtest.cpp                          |   16 
 src/testtools.cpp                       |   28 -
 src/testtools.h                         |    2 
 src/tool4specTest.cpp                   |  121 +++++
 src/tools4cp.cpp                        |    5 
 50 files changed, 2505 insertions(+), 1964 deletions(-)

More information about HDTSA at CRAN
Permanent link

Package D4TAlink.light updated to version 2.1.17 with previous version 2.1.14 dated 2023-10-04

Title: FAIR Data - Workflow Management
Description: Tools, methods and processes for the management of analysis workflows. These lightweight solutions facilitate structuring R&D activities. These solutions were developed to comply with Good Documentation Practice (GDP), with FAIR principles as discussed by Jacobsen et al. (2017) <doi:10.1162/dint_r_00024>, and with ALCOA+ principles as proposed by the U.S. FDA.
Author: Gregoire Thomas [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Gregoire Thomas <>

Diff between D4TAlink.light versions 2.1.14 dated 2023-10-04 and 2.1.17 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                       |   23 +
 MD5                               |  103 ++++----
 NAMESPACE                         |  155 +++++++------
 NEWS                              |   20 +
 R/D4TAlink-common-args-doc.R      |   56 ++--
 R/D4TAlink-doc.R                  |    6 
 R/createTask.R                    |   66 ++---
 R/init.R                          |   58 ++--
 R/initTask.R                      |   76 +++---
 R/listTasks.R                     |  138 +++++------
 R/loadTask.R                      |   16 -
 R/pathGenerators.R                |  156 ++++++-------
 R/pythonio.R                      |only
 R/taskArchive.R                   |  186 +++++++--------
 R/taskFiles.R                     |   17 -
 R/taskGlobals.R                   |    2 
 R/taskID.R                        |   14 -
 R/taskPaths.R                     |  298 ++++++++++++-------------
 R/taskRmarkdown.R                 |   16 -
 R/taskRscript.R                   |   66 ++---
 build/vignette.rds                |binary
 inst/doc/D4TAlink_basics.R        |  388 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
 inst/doc/D4TAlink_basics.Rmd      |    9 
 inst/doc/D4TAlink_basics.html     |   24 +-
 inst/doc/D4TAlink_quickstart.R    |  110 ++++-----
 inst/doc/D4TAlink_quickstart.Rmd  |  194 ++++++++--------
 inst/doc/D4TAlink_quickstart.html |    6 
 inst/template/SQU4REtemplate.Rmd  |    4 
 inst/template/template.R          |   88 +++----
 inst/template/template.Rmd        |  444 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 man/D4TAlink-common-args.Rd       |   82 +++----
 man/D4TAlinkTask.Rd               |  154 ++++++-------
 man/catReport.Rd                  |    3 
 man/createTask.Rd                 |   64 ++---
 man/initTask.Rd                   |   98 ++++----
 man/jpegReport.Rd                 |   16 -
 man/loadTask.Rd                   |   68 ++---
 man/pdfReport.Rd                  |   44 ++-
 man/pngReport.Rd                  |   14 -
 man/readFeather.Rd                |only
 man/readPickle.Rd                 |only
 man/readReportTable.Rd            |  109 +++++++++
 man/renderTaskRmd.Rd              |    1 
 man/saveFeather.Rd                |only
 man/savePickle.Rd                 |only
 man/saveReportJSON.Rd             |   12 -
 man/saveReportTable.Rd            |   40 +++
 man/saveReportXls.Rd              |    3 
 man/scanReport.Rd                 |   14 -
 tests/testthat.R                  |    5 
 tests/testthat/test01.R           |   10 
 vignettes/D4TAlink_basics.Rmd     |    9 
 vignettes/      |   10 
 vignettes/D4TAlink_quickstart.Rmd |  194 ++++++++--------
 vignettes/  |  206 ++++++++---------
 55 files changed, 2039 insertions(+), 1856 deletions(-)

More information about D4TAlink.light at CRAN
Permanent link

Package cptcity updated to version 1.1.1 with previous version 1.0.6 dated 2020-10-02

Title: 'cpt-city' Colour Gradients
Description: Incorporates colour gradients from the 'cpt-city' web archive available at <>.
Author: Sergio Ibarra-Espinosa [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Sergio Ibarra-Espinosa <>

Diff between cptcity versions 1.0.6 dated 2020-10-02 and 1.1.1 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION               |   17 +++---
 MD5                       |   24 +++++----
 NAMESPACE                 |    4 +                   |   93 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
 R/cpt.R                   |  115 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 R/cpt_names.R             |    4 -
 R/show_cpt.R              |only
 data/cpt_names.rda        |binary
 inst/CITATION             |   10 ++--
 man/cpt.Rd                |    7 --
 man/cpt_names.Rd          |    4 -
 man/cptcity.Rd            |   13 +++++
 man/show_cpt.Rd           |only
 tests/testthat/test-cpt.R |   40 +++++++---------
 14 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 164 deletions(-)

More information about cptcity at CRAN
Permanent link

Package bbk updated to version 0.5.0 with previous version 0.4.0 dated 2024-07-08

Title: Client for the Deutsche Bundesbank and European Central Bank APIs
Description: Download data and metadata from the 'Bundesbank SDMX Web Service API' found at <> and the 'ECB Data Portal API' found at <>.
Author: Maximilian Muecke [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Maximilian Muecke <>

Diff between bbk versions 0.4.0 dated 2024-07-08 and 0.5.0 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                          |   16 ++++++++--------
 MD5                                  |   25 ++++++++++++++-----------
 NAMESPACE                            |    2 ++                              |    5 +++++
 R/bbk-package.R                      |    3 +++
 R/bbk.R                              |   17 ++++++++++-------
 R/ecb-euro-rates.R                   |only
 R/ecb.R                              |    6 +++---
 R/utils.R                            |    6 +-----                            |    4 ++--
 man/bbk-package.Rd                   |    2 +-
 man/ecb_euro_rates.Rd                |only
 man/figures/README-plotting-1.png    |binary
 tests/testthat/test-bbk.R            |    1 +
 tests/testthat/test-ecb-euro-rates.R |only
 15 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

More information about bbk at CRAN
Permanent link

New package antaresViz with initial version 0.18.3
Package: antaresViz
Title: Antares Visualizations
Version: 0.18.3
Description: Visualize results generated by Antares, a powerful open source software developed by RTE to simulate and study electric power systems (more information about 'Antares' here: <>). This package provides functions that create interactive charts to help 'Antares' users visually explore the results of their simulations.
License: GPL (>= 3)
Encoding: UTF-8
Depends: antaresRead (>= 2.2.9), antaresProcessing (>= 0.13.0), spMaps (>= 0.5.0)
Imports: dygraphs (>=, shiny (>= 0.13.0), plotly (>= 4.5.6), htmltools, htmlwidgets (>= 0.7.0), manipulateWidget (>= 0.10.0), leaflet (>= 1.1.0), sp (>= 2.0-0), sf, webshot, data.table, methods, lubridate, geojsonio, graphics, stats, leaflet.minicharts (>= 0.5.3), assertthat, rAmCharts, utils, lifecycle
Suggests: testthat, covr, ggplot2, knitr, visNetwork, rmarkdown
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2024-11-29 14:01:10 UTC; berthetcle
Author: Tatiana Vargas [aut, cre], Jalal-Edine Zawam [ctb], Francois Guillem [ctb], Benoit Thieurmel [ctb], Titouan Robert [ctb], Paul Plessiez [ctb], Baptiste Seguinot [ctb], RTE [cph]
Maintainer: Tatiana Vargas <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-12-02 10:00:19 UTC

More information about antaresViz at CRAN
Permanent link

Package multiDoE (with last version 0.9.2) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2024-11-19 0.9.2

Permanent link
Package atime (with last version 2024.11.19) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2024-11-26 2024.11.19
2024-11-18 2024.11.15
2024-10-11 2024.10.5
2024-10-04 2024.10.3
2024-09-27 2024.9.25
2024-04-29 2024.4.23
2024-04-22 2024.4.17
2024-04-13 2024.4.12
2024-03-08 2024.3.5

Permanent link
Package multibias updated to version 1.6.1 with previous version 1.6 dated 2024-10-26

Title: Simultaneous Multi-Bias Adjustment
Description: Quantify the causal effect of a binary exposure on a binary outcome with adjustment for multiple biases. The functions can simultaneously adjust for any combination of uncontrolled confounding, exposure/outcome misclassification, and selection bias. The underlying method generalizes the concept of combining inverse probability of selection weighting with predictive value weighting. Simultaneous multi-bias analysis can be used to enhance the validity and transparency of real-world evidence obtained from observational, longitudinal studies. Based on the work from Paul Brendel, Aracelis Torres, and Onyebuchi Arah (2023) <doi:10.1093/ije/dyad001>.
Author: Paul Brendel [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Paul Brendel <>

Diff between multibias versions 1.6 dated 2024-10-26 and 1.6.1 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                         |    6 
 MD5                                 |   36 +--                             |    9 
 R/adjust_em.R                       |   65 +++---
 R/adjust_em_om.R                    |  240 ++++++++++++++++++------
 R/adjust_em_sel.R                   |  360 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 R/adjust_om.R                       |   66 +++---
 R/adjust_sel.R                      |   51 ++---
 R/adjust_uc.R                       |   55 +++--
 R/causal_data.R                     |   37 ++-
 R/utils.R                           |   42 ++++
 man/adjust_em.Rd                    |    5 
 man/adjust_em_om.Rd                 |   43 +++-
 man/adjust_em_sel.Rd                |   42 +++-
 man/adjust_om.Rd                    |    5 
 man/adjust_sel.Rd                   |    5 
 man/adjust_uc.Rd                    |    5 
 tests/testthat/test-adjust_em_om.R  |   24 ++
 tests/testthat/test-adjust_em_sel.R |   24 ++
 19 files changed, 830 insertions(+), 290 deletions(-)

More information about multibias at CRAN
Permanent link

Package affiner updated to version 0.1.3 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2024-10-14

Title: A Finer Way to Render 3D Illustrated Objects in 'grid' Using Affine Transformations
Description: Dilate, permute, project, reflect, rotate, shear, and translate 2D and 3D points. Supports parallel projections including oblique projections such as the cabinet projection as well as axonometric projections such as the isometric projection. Use 'grid's "affine transformation" feature to render illustrated flat surfaces.
Author: Trevor L. Davis [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Trevor L. Davis <>

Diff between affiner versions 0.1.1 dated 2024-10-14 and 0.1.3 dated 2024-12-02

 DESCRIPTION                        |   11 ++-
 MD5                                |   30 +++++-----                            |    6 ++
 R/affineGrob.r                     |    7 ++
 R/isocubeGrob.r                    |   27 ++++++++-                          |   33 ++++++-----
 build/vignette.rds                 |binary
 inst/doc/affiner.R                 |   18 ++++--
 inst/doc/affiner.Rmd               |   25 +++++---
 inst/doc/affiner.html              |  111 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
 man/affineGrob.Rd                  |   11 +++
 man/figures/README-hex-logo2-1.png |binary
 man/isocubeGrob.Rd                 |   31 ++++++++++
 tests/testthat/test-affineGrob.r   |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-isocubeGrob.r  |    4 -
 vignettes/affiner.Rmd              |   25 +++++---
 16 files changed, 224 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)

More information about affiner at CRAN
Permanent link

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