Sat, 18 Jan 2025

Package colorrepel updated to version 0.4.1 with previous version 0.3.0 dated 2024-09-29

Title: Repel Visually Similar Colors for Colorblind Users in Various Plots
Description: Iterate and repel visually similar colors away in various 'ggplot2' plots. When many groups are plotted at the same time on multiple axes, for instance stacked bars or scatter plots, effectively ordering colors becomes difficult. This tool iterates through color combinations to find the best solution to maximize visual distinctness of nearby groups, so plots are more friendly toward colorblind users. This is achieved by two distance measurements, distance between groups within the plot, and CIELAB color space distances between colors as described in Carter et al., (2018) <doi:10.25039/TR.015.2018>.
Author: Rui Fu [cre, aut, cph]
Maintainer: Rui Fu <>

Diff between colorrepel versions 0.3.0 dated 2024-09-29 and 0.4.1 dated 2025-01-18

 DESCRIPTION                     |   10 +-
 MD5                             |   32 ++++-----
 NAMESPACE                       |    1                         |   12 +++
 R/color_repel.R                 |   39 +++++++++--
 R/interactive.R                 |   66 ++++++++++++++++---
 R/utils.R                       |  135 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 R/wrappers.R                    |   23 +++++-                       |   11 ++-
 inst/scRNAseqUMAP_extra.png     |binary
 man/average_clusters.Rd         |    9 ++
 man/average_clusters_rowwise.Rd |    2 
 man/color_repel.Rd              |    8 ++
 man/get_labs.Rd                 |    4 -
 man/gg_color_repel.Rd           |    9 ++
 man/ggplotly_background.Rd      |   12 +++
 man/label_repel.Rd              |    3 
 17 files changed, 314 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

More information about colorrepel at CRAN
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Package SpaCCI updated to version 1.0.3 with previous version 1.0.2 dated 2024-10-24

Title: Spatially Aware Cell-Cell Interaction Analysis
Description: Provides tools for analyzing spatial cell-cell interactions based on ligand-receptor pairs, including functions for local, regional, and global analysis using spatial transcriptomics data. Integrates with databases like 'CellChat' <>, 'CellPhoneDB' <>, 'Cellinker' <>, 'ICELLNET' <>, and 'ConnectomeDB' <> to identify ligand-receptor pairs, visualize interactions through heatmaps, chord diagrams, and infer interactions on different spatial scales.
Author: Li-Ting Ku [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Li-Ting Ku <>

Diff between SpaCCI versions 1.0.2 dated 2024-10-24 and 1.0.3 dated 2025-01-18

 DESCRIPTION                             |   10 
 MD5                                     |   49 ++-
 NAMESPACE                               |    1 
 R/RcppExports.R                         |    4 
 R/modeling.R                            |  185 ++++++--------
 R/permutation.R                         |    3 
 R/result_local.R                        |   11 
 R/result_local_spatial_coords_df.R      |only
 R/result_regional.R                     |only
 R/run_SpaCCI.R                          |    4 
 R/utils.R                               |    2 
 R/visiualization.R                      |  419 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 data/result_global.rda                  |binary
 data/result_local.rda                   |binary
 data/result_local_spatial_coords_df.rda |only
 data/result_regional.rda                |only
 man/Global_Permutations.Rd              |    3 
 man/SpaCCI_global.Rd                    |    3 
 man/SpaCCI_region.Rd                    |    3 
 man/plot_SpaCCI_local.Rd                |    9 
 man/plot_SpaCCI_local_Strength.Rd       |only
 man/plot_Strength_Seurat.Rd             |only
 man/plot_Strength_localized.Rd          |only
 man/plot_localized.Rd                   |   10 
 man/result_local.Rd                     |   12 
 man/result_local_spatial_coords_df.Rd   |only
 man/result_regional.Rd                  |only
 man/run_SpaCCI.Rd                       |    2 
 src/RcppExports.cpp                     |    9 
 src/permutation_func.cpp                |  132 ++++------
 30 files changed, 628 insertions(+), 243 deletions(-)

More information about SpaCCI at CRAN
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Package updated to version 0.1.3 with previous version 0.1.2 dated 2025-01-17

Title: Data for Package 'Qindex'
Description: Example data used in package 'Qindex'.
Author: Tingting Zhan [aut, cre, cph] , Misung Yi [aut, cph] , Inna Chervoneva [aut, cph]
Maintainer: Tingting Zhan <>

Diff between versions 0.1.2 dated 2025-01-17 and 0.1.3 dated 2025-01-18

 DESCRIPTION                |   27 ++++++++++-----------
 MD5                        |   10 ++++----
 R/Ki67.R                   |   56 ++++++++++++---------------------------------
 data/Ki67.rda              |binary
 man/ |    6 ----
 man/celldata.Rd            |   30 ++++++++++++------------
 6 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)

More information about at CRAN
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Package mutualinf updated to version 2.0.2 with previous version 2.0.1 dated 2025-01-16

Title: Computation and Decomposition of the Mutual Information Index
Description: The Mutual Information Index (M) introduced to social science literature by Theil and Finizza (1971) <doi:10.1080/0022250X.1971.9989795> is a multigroup segregation measure that is highly decomposable and that according to Frankel and Volij (2011) <doi:10.1016/j.jet.2010.10.008> and Mora and Ruiz-Castillo (2011) <doi:10.1111/j.1467-9531.2011.01237.x> satisfies the Strong Unit Decomposability and Strong Group Decomposability properties. This package allows computing and decomposing the total index value into its "between" and "within" terms. These last terms can also be decomposed into their contributions, either by group or unit characteristics. The factors that produce each "within" term can also be displayed at the user's request. The results can be computed considering a variable or sets of variables that define separate clusters.
Author: Cristian Angulo-Gonzalez [aut, cre], Rafael Fuentealba-Chaura [aut], Ricardo Mora [aut], Julio Rojas-Mora [aut], FONDECYT/ANID Project 11170583 [fnd], MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 [fnd], UCT VIP Project FEQUIP2019-INRN-03 [fnd]
Maintainer: Cristian Angulo-Gonzalez <>

Diff between mutualinf versions 2.0.1 dated 2025-01-16 and 2.0.2 dated 2025-01-18

 DESCRIPTION          |    8 ++++----
 MD5                  |    6 +++---
 R/get_contribution.R |    9 +++------
 src/VectorHash.h     |    1 +
 4 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

More information about mutualinf at CRAN
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Package evola updated to version 1.0.4 with previous version 1.0.2 dated 2024-09-26

Title: Evolutionary Algorithm
Description: Runs a genetic algorithm using the 'AlphaSimR' machinery <doi:10.1093/g3journal/jkaa017> and the coalescent simulator 'MaCS' <doi:10.1101/gr.083634.108>.
Author: Giovanny Covarrubias-Pazaran [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Giovanny Covarrubias-Pazaran <>

Diff between evola versions 1.0.2 dated 2024-09-26 and 1.0.4 dated 2025-01-18

 evola-1.0.2/evola/inst/doc/evola.intro.R     |only
 evola-1.0.2/evola/inst/doc/evola.intro.Rmd   |only
 evola-1.0.2/evola/inst/doc/evola.intro.pdf   |only
 evola-1.0.2/evola/vignettes/evola.intro.Rmd  |only
 evola-1.0.2/evola/vignettes/evola.intro.html |only
 evola-1.0.4/evola/ChangeLog                  |   10 +-
 evola-1.0.4/evola/DESCRIPTION                |    8 +-
 evola-1.0.4/evola/MD5                        |   26 +++---
 evola-1.0.4/evola/NAMESPACE                  |    5 -
 evola-1.0.4/evola/R/evolafit.R               |  106 ++++++++++++++++++---------
 evola-1.0.4/evola/R/utlis.R                  |    9 ++
 evola-1.0.4/evola/build/vignette.rds         |binary
 evola-1.0.4/evola/inst/doc/evola_intro.R     |only
 evola-1.0.4/evola/inst/doc/evola_intro.Rmd   |only
 evola-1.0.4/evola/inst/doc/evola_intro.html  |only
 evola-1.0.4/evola/man/evola-package.Rd       |    2 
 evola-1.0.4/evola/man/evolafit.Rd            |   53 +++++++++----
 evola-1.0.4/evola/man/fitnessf.Rd            |only
 evola-1.0.4/evola/vignettes/evola_intro.Rmd  |only
 19 files changed, 147 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)

More information about evola at CRAN
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Package quantities updated to version 0.2.3 with previous version 0.2.2 dated 2024-07-29

Title: Quantity Calculus for R Vectors
Description: Integration of the 'units' and 'errors' packages for a complete quantity calculus system for R vectors, matrices and arrays, with automatic propagation, conversion, derivation and simplification of magnitudes and uncertainties. Documentation about 'units' and 'errors' is provided in the papers by Pebesma, Mailund & Hiebert (2016, <doi:10.32614/RJ-2016-061>) and by Ucar, Pebesma & Azcorra (2018, <doi:10.32614/RJ-2018-075>), included in those packages as vignettes; see 'citation("quantities")' for details.
Author: Inaki Ucar [aut, cph, cre]
Maintainer: Inaki Ucar <>

Diff between quantities versions 0.2.2 dated 2024-07-29 and 0.2.3 dated 2025-01-18

 DESCRIPTION                |    6 +++---
 MD5                        |   22 +++++++++++-----------
 NAMESPACE                  |    2 ++                    |    4 ++++
 R/errors.R                 |   17 ++++++++++++++++-                  |    4 ++--
 build/partial.rdb          |binary
 build/vignette.rds         |binary
 inst/doc/introduction.R    |   10 +++++-----
 inst/doc/introduction.html |   20 ++++++--------------
 inst/doc/parsing.html      |    4 ++--
 man/correl.Rd              |    6 ++++++
 12 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

More information about quantities at CRAN
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Package s3.resourcer updated to version 1.1.2 with previous version 1.1.1 dated 2023-05-07

Title: S3 Resource Resolver
Description: A S3 resource is provided by Amazon Web Services S3 or a S3-compatible object store (such as Minio). The resource can be a tidy file to be downloaded from the object store, or a data lake (such as Delta Lake) Parquet file to be read by Apache Spark.
Author: Yannick Marcon [aut, cre] , OBiBa group [cph]
Maintainer: Yannick Marcon <>

Diff between s3.resourcer versions 1.1.1 dated 2023-05-07 and 1.1.2 dated 2025-01-18

 DESCRIPTION                |    8 ++++----
 MD5                        |    6 +++---                  |    4 ++--
 inst/resources/resource.js |   16 ++++++++--------
 4 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

More information about s3.resourcer at CRAN
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Package errors updated to version 0.4.3 with previous version 0.4.2 dated 2024-07-29

Title: Uncertainty Propagation for R Vectors
Description: Support for measurement errors in R vectors, matrices and arrays: automatic uncertainty propagation and reporting. Documentation about 'errors' is provided in the paper by Ucar, Pebesma & Azcorra (2018, <doi:10.32614/RJ-2018-075>), included in this package as a vignette; see 'citation("errors")' for details.
Author: Inaki Ucar [aut, cph, cre] , Lionel Henry [ctb], RStudio [cph]
Maintainer: Inaki Ucar <>

Diff between errors versions 0.4.2 dated 2024-07-29 and 0.4.3 dated 2025-01-18

 DESCRIPTION                 |    6 +++---
 MD5                         |   20 ++++++++++----------                     |    6 ++++++
 R/print.R                   |   18 +++++++++++++-----
 R/utils.R                   |    2 +-
 build/partial.rdb           |binary
 build/vignette.rds          |binary
 inst/doc/rjournal.R         |   24 ++++++++++++------------
 inst/doc/rjournal.pdf       |binary
 man/format.errors.Rd        |    9 ++++++++-
 tests/testthat/test-print.R |    3 +++
 11 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

More information about errors at CRAN
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Package nlmixr2est updated to version 3.0.3 with previous version 3.0.2 dated 2024-11-23

Title: Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Population PK/PD, Estimation Routines
Description: Fit and compare nonlinear mixed-effects models in differential equations with flexible dosing information commonly seen in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (Almquist, Leander, and Jirstrand 2015 <doi:10.1007/s10928-015-9409-1>). Differential equation solving is by compiled C code provided in the 'rxode2' package (Wang, Hallow, and James 2015 <doi:10.1002/psp4.12052>).
Author: Matthew Fidler [aut, cre] , Yuan Xiong [aut], Rik Schoemaker [aut] , Justin Wilkins [aut] , Wenping Wang [aut], Robert Leary [ctb], Mason McComb [ctb] , Vipul Mann [aut], Mirjam Trame [ctb], Mahmoud Abdelwahab [ctb], Teun Post [ctb], Richard Hooijmai [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Matthew Fidler <>

Diff between nlmixr2est versions 3.0.2 dated 2024-11-23 and 3.0.3 dated 2025-01-18

 DESCRIPTION                          |    6 ++--
 MD5                                  |   46 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 NAMESPACE                            |    1                              |   14 ++++++++++
 R/bobyqa.R                           |    1 
 R/focei.R                            |   15 +++++++++--
 R/lbfgsb3c.R                         |    1 
 R/n1qn1.R                            |    1 
 R/newuoa.R                           |    1 
 R/nlm.R                              |    1 
 R/nlme.R                             |    1 
 R/nlminb.R                           |    1 
 R/nls.R                              |    1 
 R/optim.R                            |    1 
 R/preProcessCovariatesPresent.R      |only
 R/rxsolve.R                          |    6 ++++
 R/saem.R                             |    2 +
 R/saemControl.R                      |    2 -
 R/saemRxUiGet.R                      |   20 +++++++++++++--
 R/saemRxUiGetModel.R                 |   16 +++++++-----
 R/uobyqa.R                           |    2 -
 man/saemControl.Rd                   |    2 -
 tests/testthat.R                     |    9 ++++++
 tests/testthat/test-data-assert.R    |only
 tests/testthat/test-saem-translate.R |   46 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 25 files changed, 157 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

More information about nlmixr2est at CRAN
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Package httr2 updated to version 1.1.0 with previous version 1.0.7 dated 2024-11-26

Title: Perform HTTP Requests and Process the Responses
Description: Tools for creating and modifying HTTP requests, then performing them and processing the results. 'httr2' is a modern re-imagining of 'httr' that uses a pipe-based interface and solves more of the problems that API wrapping packages face.
Author: Hadley Wickham [aut, cre], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd], Maximilian Girlich [ctb]
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <>

Diff between httr2 versions 1.0.7 dated 2024-11-26 and 1.1.0 dated 2025-01-18

 DESCRIPTION                                |   10 
 MD5                                        |  159 ++++++++-------
 NAMESPACE                                  |   10                                    |   60 +++++
 R/curl.R                                   |   50 ++++
 R/headers.R                                |   14 -
 R/httr2-package.R                          |    1 
 R/is-online.R                              |only
 R/iterate-responses.R                      |   13 +
 R/oauth-flow-auth-code.R                   |   31 +--
 R/oauth-flow.R                             |    4 
 R/progress-bars.R                          |    3 
 R/req-auth-aws.R                           |    4 
 R/req-auth.R                               |    4 
 R/req-body.R                               |    5 
 R/req-headers.R                            |   29 ++
 R/req-mock.R                               |    4 
 R/req-options.R                            |    2 
 R/req-perform-connection.R                 |   53 ++++-
 R/req-perform-stream.R                     |    6 
 R/req-perform.R                            |    6 
 R/req-promise.R                            |   13 +
 R/req-retries.R                            |  118 ++++++++---
 R/req-url.R                                |   62 +++---
 R/resp-headers.R                           |    4 
 R/resp-request.R                           |only
 R/resp-stream-aws.R                        |   26 +-
 R/resp-stream.R                            |  112 ++++++++---
 R/sequential.R                             |   11 -
 R/test.R                                   |    2 
 R/url.R                                    |  295 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 R/utils-multi.R                            |   18 +
 R/utils.R                                  |   29 ++                                  |   29 +-
 inst/doc/httr2.html                        |  106 +++++-----
 man/is_online.Rd                           |only
 man/multi_req_perform.Rd                   |    3 
 man/progress_bars.Rd                       |    3 
 man/req_auth_basic.Rd                      |    4 
 man/req_body.Rd                            |   13 -
 man/req_dry_run.Rd                         |    7 
 man/req_headers.Rd                         |   22 +-
 man/req_oauth_auth_code.Rd                 |   27 +-
 man/req_oauth_password.Rd                  |    4 
 man/req_perform_connection.Rd              |   24 ++
 man/req_perform_iterative.Rd               |    8 
 man/req_perform_parallel.Rd                |   11 -
 man/req_perform_promise.Rd                 |   14 +
 man/req_perform_sequential.Rd              |   11 -
 man/req_perform_stream.Rd                  |    6 
 man/req_retry.Rd                           |   70 +++---
 man/req_url.Rd                             |   58 ++++-
 man/resp_request.Rd                        |only
 man/resp_stream_raw.Rd                     |   25 ++
 man/resps_successes.Rd                     |   14 +
 man/url_build.Rd                           |only
 man/url_modify.Rd                          |only
 man/url_parse.Rd                           |   41 +---
 man/url_query_parse.Rd                     |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/              |   79 ++++++-
 tests/testthat/_snaps/          |    6 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/       |   41 ++++
 tests/testthat/_snaps/       |   15 +
 tests/testthat/_snaps/           |   18 +
 tests/testthat/_snaps/               |   18 +
 tests/testthat/_snaps/       |   48 ++++
 tests/testthat/_snaps/               |  101 +++++++++
 tests/testthat/helper-promise.R            |only
 tests/testthat/helper.R                    |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-curl.R                 |   31 ++-
 tests/testthat/test-multi-req.R            |    8 
 tests/testthat/test-oauth-flow-auth-code.R |    4 
 tests/testthat/test-oauth-flow.R           |   18 +
 tests/testthat/test-req-auth-aws.R         |   14 -
 tests/testthat/test-req-headers.R          |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-req-mock.R             |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-req-perform.R          |    9 
 tests/testthat/test-req-promise.R          |   50 +---
 tests/testthat/test-req-retries.R          |   43 +++-
 tests/testthat/test-req-url.R              |   17 +
 tests/testthat/test-req.R                  |    6 
 tests/testthat/test-resp-headers.R         |    9 
 tests/testthat/test-resp-request.R         |only
 tests/testthat/test-resp-stream.R          |   87 +++++++-
 tests/testthat/test-url.R                  |  187 +++++++++++++++---
 85 files changed, 1857 insertions(+), 616 deletions(-)

More information about httr2 at CRAN
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Package hoardr updated to version 0.5.5 with previous version 0.5.4 dated 2024-01-23

Title: Manage Cached Files
Description: Suite of tools for managing cached files, targeting use in other R packages. Uses 'rappdirs' for cross-platform paths. Provides utilities to manage cache directories, including targeting files by path or by key; cached directories can be compressed and uncompressed easily to save disk space.
Author: Scott Chamberlain [aut] , Tamas Stirling [ctb, cre]
Maintainer: Tamas Stirling <>

Diff between hoardr versions 0.5.4 dated 2024-01-23 and 0.5.5 dated 2025-01-18

 DESCRIPTION                   |    8 +--
 MD5                           |   18 +++---                       |   10 +++
 R/hoard-package.R             |    2 
 R/hoard_client.R              |    6 +-
 build/vignette.rds            |binary
 inst/doc/hoardr_vignette.R    |    4 -
 inst/doc/hoardr_vignette.html |  109 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 man/hoard.Rd                  |    2 
 man/hoardr-package.Rd         |    9 +++
 10 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

More information about hoardr at CRAN
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Package CalibrationCurves updated to version 2.0.4 with previous version 2.0.3 dated 2024-07-02

Title: Calibration Performance
Description: Plots calibration curves and computes statistics for assessing calibration performance. See De Cock Campo (2023) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2309.08559> and Van Calster et al. (2016) <doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2015.12.005>.
Author: De Cock Bavo [aut, cre], Nieboer Daan [aut], Van Calster Ben [aut], Steyerberg Ewout [aut], Vergouwe Yvonne [aut]
Maintainer: De Cock Bavo <>

Diff between CalibrationCurves versions 2.0.3 dated 2024-07-02 and 2.0.4 dated 2025-01-18

 DESCRIPTION                     |    6 ++--
 MD5                             |   12 ++++----
 R/genCalCurve.R                 |    2 -
 inst/doc/CalibrationCurves.R    |   12 +++++++-
 inst/doc/CalibrationCurves.Rmd  |   12 +++++++-
 inst/doc/CalibrationCurves.html |   55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 vignettes/CalibrationCurves.Rmd |   12 +++++++-
 7 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

More information about CalibrationCurves at CRAN
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Package Coxmos updated to version 1.1.0 with previous version 1.0.2 dated 2024-03-25

Title: Cox MultiBlock Survival
Description: This software package provides Cox survival analysis for high-dimensional and multiblock datasets. It encompasses a suite of functions dedicated from the classical Cox regression to newest analysis, including Cox proportional hazards model, Stepwise Cox regression, and Elastic-Net Cox regression, Sparse Partial Least Squares Cox regression (sPLS-COX) incorporating three distinct strategies, and two Multiblock-PLS Cox regression (MB-sPLS-COX) methods. This tool is designed to adeptly handle high-dimensional data, and provides tools for cross-validation, plot generation, and additional resources for interpreting results. While references are available within the corresponding functions, key literature is mentioned below. Terry M Therneau (2024) <>, Noah Simon et al. (2011) <doi:10.18637/jss.v039.i05>, Philippe Bastien et al. (2005) <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2004.02.005>, Philippe Bastien (2008) <doi:10.1016/j.chemolab.2007.09.009& [...truncated...]
Author: Pedro Salguero Garcia [aut, cre, rev] , Sonia Tarazona Campos [ths], Ana Conesa Cegarra [ths], Kassu Mehari Beyene [ctb], Luis Meira Machado [ctb], Marta Sestelo [ctb], Artur Araujo [ctb]
Maintainer: Pedro Salguero Garcia <>

Diff between Coxmos versions 1.0.2 dated 2024-03-25 and 1.1.0 dated 2025-01-18

 Coxmos-1.0.2/Coxmos/man/cv.splsdacox_dynamic.Rd                |only
 Coxmos-1.0.2/Coxmos/man/cv.splsdrcox_dynamic.Rd                |only
 Coxmos-1.0.2/Coxmos/man/save_ggplot.svg.Rd                     |only
 Coxmos-1.0.2/Coxmos/man/save_ggplot_lst.svg.Rd                 |only
 Coxmos-1.0.2/Coxmos/man/splsdacox_dynamic.Rd                   |only
 Coxmos-1.0.2/Coxmos/man/splsdrcox_dynamic.Rd                   |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/DESCRIPTION                                |   10 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/MD5                                        |  153 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/NAMESPACE                                  |   23 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_common_functions.R                |11857 +++++-----
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_cox.R                             |   10 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_coxEN.R                           | 1928 -
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_coxSW.R                           |  158 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_evaluation_functions.R            |   53 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_isb_splsdacox_dynamic.R           |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_isb_splsdrcox.R                   |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_isb_splsdrcox_dynamic.R           |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_isb_splsicox.R                    |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_mb_splsdacox_dynamic.R            |  202 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_mb_splsdrcox_dynamic.R            |  248 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_multiblock_functions.R            |  107 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_plot_functions.R                  | 1701 -
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_sb_splsdacox_dynamic.R            |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_sb_splsdrcox.R                    | 2023 -
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_sb_splsdrcox_dynamic.R            |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_sb_splsicox.R                     |  462 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_splsdacox_dynamic.R               | 1939 -
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_splsdrcox.R                       |  244 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_splsdrcox_dynamic.R               |  146 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_splsdrcox_median.R                |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/Coxmos_splsicox.R                        | 2208 -
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/R/cenROC.R                                 |   15 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/                                  |   12 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/build/partial.rdb                          |binary
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/inst/REFERENCES.bib                        |  114 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/inst/doc/Coxmos-MO-pipeline.R              |  101 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/inst/doc/Coxmos-MO-pipeline.Rmd            |  151 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/inst/doc/Coxmos-MO-pipeline.html           | 1225 -
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/inst/doc/Coxmos-pipeline.R                 |  102 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/inst/doc/Coxmos-pipeline.Rmd               |  143 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/inst/doc/Coxmos-pipeline.html              | 1161 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/coxEN.Rd                               |    5 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/coxSW.Rd                               |    4 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/cv.coxEN.Rd                            |   11 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/cv.isb.splsdacox.Rd                    |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/cv.isb.splsdrcox.Rd                    |  464 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/cv.isb.splsdrcox_penalty.Rd            |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/cv.isb.splsicox.Rd                     |  141 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/cv.mb.splsdacox.Rd                     |   16 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/cv.mb.splsdrcox.Rd                     |   16 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/                     |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/                     |  475 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/             |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/                      |    4 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/cv.splsdacox.Rd                        |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/cv.splsdrcox.Rd                        |  449 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/cv.splsdrcox_penalty.Rd                |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/cv.splsicox.Rd                         |    2 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/deleteZeroOrNearZeroVariance.mb.Rd     |    6 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/eval_Coxmos_model_per_variable.list.Rd |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/eval_Coxmos_models.Rd                  |    9 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/getAutoKM.Rd                           |    4 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/getAutoKM.list.Rd                      |   14 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/getCutoffAutoKM.list.Rd                |    2 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/getDesign.MB.Rd                        |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/getEPV.mb.Rd                           |    2 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/getTestKM.list.Rd                      |   10 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/isb.splsdacox.Rd                       |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/isb.splsdrcox.Rd                       |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/isb.splsdrcox_penalty.Rd               |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/isb.splsicox.Rd                        |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/mb.splsdacox.Rd                        |   19 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/mb.splsdrcox.Rd                        |   13 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/plot_LP.multipleObservations.list.Rd   |   10 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/plot_PLS_Coxmos.Rd                     |    2 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/plot_cox.event.list.Rd                 |    3 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/plot_forest.list.Rd                    |    3 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/plot_proportionalHazard.list.Rd        |    3 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/plot_pseudobeta.list.Rd                |    3 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/plot_pseudobeta_newObservation.list.Rd |    2 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/plot_time.list.Rd                      |   37 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/save_ggplot.Rd                         |    9 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/save_ggplot_lst.Rd                     |    7 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/sb.splsdacox.Rd                        |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/sb.splsdrcox.Rd                        |  378 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/sb.splsdrcox_penalty.Rd                |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/sb.splsicox.Rd                         |    4 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/splsdacox.Rd                           |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/splsdrcox.Rd                           |  395 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/man/splsdrcox_penalty.Rd                   |only
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/vignettes/Coxmos-MO-pipeline.Rmd           |  151 
 Coxmos-1.1.0/Coxmos/vignettes/Coxmos-pipeline.Rmd              |  143 
 92 files changed, 15024 insertions(+), 14288 deletions(-)

More information about Coxmos at CRAN
Permanent link

New package windfarmGA with initial version 4.0.0
Package: windfarmGA
Title: Genetic Algorithm for Wind Farm Layout Optimization
Version: 4.0.0
Maintainer: Sebastian Gatscha <>
Description: The genetic algorithm is designed to optimize wind farms of any shape. It requires a predefined amount of turbines, a unified rotor radius and an average wind speed value for each incoming wind direction. A terrain effect model can be included that downloads an 'SRTM' elevation model and loads a Corine Land Cover raster to approximate surface roughness.
Depends: R (>= 4.1.0)
Imports: Rcpp, terra, sf, RColorBrewer, calibrate, grDevices, graphics, magrittr, methods, stats, utils
LinkingTo: Rcpp
LazyData: TRUE
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0), foreach, parallel, doParallel, progress, stars, raster, leaflet, elevatr (>= 0.99.0), ggplot2, gstat, rworldmap
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2025-01-18 09:24:17 UTC; kona1
Author: Sebastian Gatscha [aut, cre, cph]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2025-01-18 11:00:02 UTC

More information about windfarmGA at CRAN
Permanent link

Package MHCtools updated to version 1.5.5 with previous version 1.5.4 dated 2025-01-15

Title: Analysis of MHC Data in Non-Model Species
Description: Fifteen tools for bioinformatics processing and analysis of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) data. The functions are tailored for amplicon data sets that have been filtered using the dada2 method (for more information on dada2, visit <> ), but even other types of data sets can be analyzed. The ReplMatch() function matches replicates in data sets in order to evaluate genotyping success. The GetReplTable() and GetReplStats() functions perform such an evaluation. The CreateFas() function creates a fasta file with all the sequences in the data set. The CreateSamplesFas() function creates individual fasta files for each sample in the data set. The DistCalc() function calculates Grantham, Sandberg, or p-distances from pairwise comparisons of all sequences in a data set, and mean distances of all pairwise comparisons within each sample in a data set. The function additionally outputs five tables with physico-chemical z-descriptor values (based on S [...truncated...]
Author: Jacob Roved [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jacob Roved <>

Diff between MHCtools versions 1.5.4 dated 2025-01-15 and 1.5.5 dated 2025-01-18

 DESCRIPTION                          |    6 +--
 MD5                                  |   68 +++++++++++++++++------------------                              |   10 ++++-
 R/BootKmeans_func_20250108.R         |    2 -
 R/ClusterMatch_func_20250108.R       |    2 -
 R/CreateFas_func_20230321.R          |    2 -
 R/CreateHpltOccTable_func_20221010.R |    2 -
 R/CreateSamplesFas_func_20230321.R   |    2 -
 R/DistCalc_func_20230707.R           |    2 -
 R/GetHpltStats_func_20200915.R       |    2 -
 R/GetHpltTable_func_20200915.R       |    2 -
 R/GetReplStats_func_20200914.R       |    2 -
 R/GetReplTable_func_20200914.R       |    2 -
 R/HpltFind_func_20230321.R           |    2 -
 R/HpltMatch_func_20230322.R          |    2 -
 R/NestTablesXL_func_20221012.R       |    2 -
 R/PapaDiv_func_20230630.R            |    2 -
 R/ReplMatch_func_20230321.R          |    2 -
 R/zzz.R                              |    2 -                            |    4 +-
 man/BootKmeans.Rd                    |    2 -
 man/ClusterMatch.Rd                  |    2 -
 man/CreateFas.Rd                     |    2 -
 man/CreateHpltOccTable.Rd            |    2 -
 man/CreateSamplesFas.Rd              |    2 -
 man/DistCalc.Rd                      |    2 -
 man/GetHpltStats.Rd                  |    2 -
 man/GetHpltTable.Rd                  |    2 -
 man/GetReplStats.Rd                  |    2 -
 man/GetReplTable.Rd                  |    2 -
 man/HpltFind.Rd                      |    2 -
 man/HpltMatch.Rd                     |    2 -
 man/NestTablesXL.Rd                  |    2 -
 man/PapaDiv.Rd                       |    2 -
 man/ReplMatch.Rd                     |    2 -
 35 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)

More information about MHCtools at CRAN
Permanent link

Package CovRegRF (with last version 2.0.1) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2024-07-15 2.0.1
2024-02-13 2.0.0

Permanent link
Package ftsa updated to version 6.5 with previous version 6.4 dated 2024-01-23

Title: Functional Time Series Analysis
Description: Functions for visualizing, modeling, forecasting and hypothesis testing of functional time series.
Author: Rob Hyndman [aut] , Han Lin Shang [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Han Lin Shang <>

Diff between ftsa versions 6.4 dated 2024-01-23 and 6.5 dated 2025-01-18

 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/R/FANOVA.R                            |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/R/FCE_means.R                         |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/R/FRE_means.R                         |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/R/One_way_Residuals.R                 |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/R/One_way_median_polish.R             |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/R/Substraction.R                      |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/R/Two_way_Residuals.R                 |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/R/Two_way_Residuals_means.R           |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/R/Two_way_median_polish.R             |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/R/combinat.R                          |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/R/f.R                                 |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/R/fMBD.R                              |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/R/get_median.R                        |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/R/list.cbind.R                        |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/R/                           |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/R/list.rbind.R                        |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/R/mu_hat.R                            |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/R/partition_column_Y_f.R              |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/R/partition_row_Y_f.R                 |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/man/FANOVA.Rd                         |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/man/One_way_Residuals.Rd              |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/man/One_way_median_polish.Rd          |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/man/Two_way_Residuals.Rd              |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/man/Two_way_Residuals_means.Rd        |only
 ftsa-6.4/ftsa/man/Two_way_median_polish.Rd          |only
 ftsa-6.5/ftsa/ChangeLog                             |    4 ++
 ftsa-6.5/ftsa/DESCRIPTION                           |    8 ++--
 ftsa-6.5/ftsa/MD5                                   |   35 ++------------------
 ftsa-6.5/ftsa/NAMESPACE                             |    8 ----
 ftsa-6.5/ftsa/man/farforecast.Rd                    |    4 +-
 ftsa-6.5/ftsa/man/long_run_covariance_estimation.Rd |    2 -
 31 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

More information about ftsa at CRAN
Permanent link

Package ctypesio updated to version 0.1.2 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2024-10-16

Title: Read and Write Standard 'C' Types from Files, Connections and Raw Vectors
Description: Interacting with binary files can be difficult because R's types are a subset of what is generally supported by 'C'. This package provides a suite of functions for reading and writing binary data (with files, connections, and raw vectors) using 'C' type descriptions. These functions convert data between 'C' types and R types while checking for values outside the type limits, 'NA' values, etc.
Author: Mike Cheng [aut, cre, cph], Anne Fu [ctb]
Maintainer: Mike Cheng <>

Diff between ctypesio versions 0.1.1 dated 2024-10-16 and 0.1.2 dated 2025-01-18

 DESCRIPTION                          |   10 +++----
 MD5                                  |   25 +++++++++++--------                              |   10 +++++++
 R/read-hex.R                         |    5 +++
 R/read-utf.R                         |    6 ++--
 R/write-float.R                      |   15 +++++++++--
 R/write-int.R                        |   13 +++++++---
 R/write-utf8.R                       |   15 +++++++++--
 inst/doc/parse-jpeg.html             |   37 +++++++++++++++--------------
 inst/doc/wave-format.R               |   44 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 inst/doc/wave-format.html            |   33 +++++++++++++-------------
 man/ctypesio-package.Rd              |    2 -
 tests/testthat/test-raw-set-endian.R |only
 tests/testthat/test-str-raw.R        |only
 tests/testthat/test-utf8-read.R      |only
 15 files changed, 128 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)

More information about ctypesio at CRAN
Permanent link

Package spatstat.geom updated to version 3.3-5 with previous version 3.3-4 dated 2024-11-18

Title: Geometrical Functionality of the 'spatstat' Family
Description: Defines spatial data types and supports geometrical operations on them. Data types include point patterns, windows (domains), pixel images, line segment patterns, tessellations and hyperframes. Capabilities include creation and manipulation of data (using command line or graphical interaction), plotting, geometrical operations (rotation, shift, rescale, affine transformation), convex hull, discretisation and pixellation, Dirichlet tessellation, Delaunay triangulation, pairwise distances, nearest-neighbour distances, distance transform, morphological operations (erosion, dilation, closing, opening), quadrat counting, geometrical measurement, geometrical covariance, colour maps, calculus on spatial domains, Gaussian blur, level sets of images, transects of images, intersections between objects, minimum distance matching. (Excludes spatial data on a network, which are supported by the package 'spatstat.linnet'.)
Author: Adrian Baddeley [aut, cre, cph] , Rolf Turner [aut, cph] , Ege Rubak [aut, cph] , Tilman Davies [ctb], Ute Hahn [ctb], Abdollah Jalilian [ctb], Greg McSwiggan [ctb, cph], Sebastian Meyer [ctb, cph], Jens Oehlschlaegel [ctb, cph], Suman Rakshit [ctb], [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Adrian Baddeley <>

Diff between spatstat.geom versions 3.3-4 dated 2024-11-18 and 3.3-5 dated 2025-01-18

 DESCRIPTION                |   10 +--
 MD5                        |   85 +++++++++++++-------------
 NAMESPACE                  |    2 
 NEWS                       |   88 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 R/colourtables.R           |   81 +++++++++++++++----------
 R/hyperframe.R             |    4 -
 R/               |    4 +
 R/persp.ppp.R              |   26 +++++---
 R/plot.anylist.R           |  136 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 R/                |  142 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 R/rotate.R                 |    3 
 R/split.ppp.R              |   26 +++++---
 R/symbolmap.R              |    8 +-
 R/texture.R                |   56 +++++++++++++----
 R/unstack.R                |    4 -
 inst/doc/packagesizes.txt  |    1 
 inst/info/packagesizes.txt |    1 
 man/as.hyperframe.Rd       |    7 --
 man/colourmap.Rd           |    3 
 man/distfun.Rd             |   12 +++
 man/distmap.Rd             |   13 +++-
 man/distmap.owin.Rd        |   11 +++
 man/distmap.ppp.Rd         |   16 ++++-
 man/distmap.psp.Rd         |   11 +++
 man/hyperframe.Rd          |    8 +-
 man/nndist.Rd              |   11 +++
 man/nndist.pp3.Rd          |   11 +++
 man/nndist.ppx.Rd          |   11 +++
 man/nndist.psp.Rd          |   11 +++
 man/pairdist.Rd            |   11 +++
 man/pairdist.pp3.Rd        |   15 ++++
 man/pairdist.ppp.Rd        |   11 +++
 man/pairdist.ppx.Rd        |   14 +++-
 man/pairdist.psp.Rd        |   14 +++-
 man/plot.anylist.Rd        |   14 +++-
 man/plot.colourmap.Rd      |   19 ++++--
 man/             |   34 +++++++++-
 man/plot.imlist.Rd         |   30 +++++++--
 man/plot.listof.Rd         |    8 ++
 man/plot.ppp.Rd            |   42 +++++++------
 man/plot.solist.Rd         |   12 +++
 man/plot.symbolmap.Rd      |    2 
 man/plot.texturemap.Rd     |   12 +++
 man/rev.colourmap.Rd       |only
 44 files changed, 778 insertions(+), 262 deletions(-)

More information about spatstat.geom at CRAN
Permanent link

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