Fri, 31 Jan 2025

Package tidycensus updated to version 1.7.1 with previous version 1.7.0 dated 2025-01-23

Title: Load US Census Boundary and Attribute Data as 'tidyverse' and 'sf'-Ready Data Frames
Description: An integrated R interface to several United States Census Bureau APIs (<>) and the US Census Bureau's geographic boundary files. Allows R users to return Census and ACS data as tidyverse-ready data frames, and optionally returns a list-column with feature geometry for mapping and spatial analysis.
Author: Kyle Walker [aut, cre], Matt Herman [aut], Kris Eberwein [ctb]
Maintainer: Kyle Walker <>

Diff between tidycensus versions 1.7.0 dated 2025-01-23 and 1.7.1 dated 2025-01-31

 DESCRIPTION             |    8 ++++----
 MD5                     |    8 ++++----
 R/pums.R                |   15 +++++++++++----
 data/pums_variables.rda |binary
 man/pums_variables.Rd   |    2 +-
 5 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

More information about tidycensus at CRAN
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New package SurvImpute with initial version 0.1.0
Package: SurvImpute
Title: Multiple Imputation for Missing Covariates in Time-to-Event Data
Version: 0.1.0
Maintainer: Qinghua Lian <>
Description: Generates multiple imputed datasets from a substantive model compatible fully conditional specification model for time-to-event data. Our method assumes that the censoring process also depends on the covariates with missing values. Details will be available in an upcoming publication.
License: GPL-3
Imports: survival, VGAM, MASS
Suggests: mitools
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2025-01-31 05:45:42 UTC; qinghua
Author: Qinghua Lian [aut, cre, cph], Soyoung Kim [aut], Michael J. Martens [aut], Kwang Woo Ahn [aut]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2025-01-31 15:40:05 UTC

More information about SurvImpute at CRAN
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New package shortr with initial version 1.0.0
Package: shortr
Title: Optimal Subset Identification in Undirected Weighted Network Models
Version: 1.0.0
Description: Identifies what optimal subset of a desired number of items should be retained in a short version of a psychometric instrument to assess the “broadest” proportion of the construct-level content of the set of items included in the original version of the said psychometric instrument. Expects a symmetric adjacency matrix as input (undirected weighted network model). Supports brute force and simulated annealing combinatorial search algorithms.
Depends: R (>= 4.1.0)
Imports: stats, utils
License: GPL (>= 3)
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2025-01-30 20:40:03 UTC; loisfournier
Author: Lois Fournier [aut, cre] , Alexandre Heeren [aut] , Stephanie Baggio [aut] , Luke Clark [aut] , Antonio Verdejo-Garcia [aut] , Jose C. Perales [aut] , Joel Billieux [aut]
Maintainer: Lois Fournier <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2025-01-31 15:30:06 UTC

More information about shortr at CRAN
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New package networksem with initial version 0.2
Package: networksem
Title: Network Structural Equation Modeling
Version: 0.2
Maintainer: Zhiyong Zhang <>
Description: Several methods have been developed to integrate structural equation modeling techniques with network data analysis to examine the relationship between network and non-network data. Both node-based and edge-based information can be extracted from the network data to be used as observed variables in structural equation modeling. To facilitate the application of these methods, model specification can be performed in the familiar syntax of the 'lavaan' package, ensuring ease of use for researchers. Technical details and examples can be found at <>.
License: GPL
Imports: sna, influential, lavaan, network, igraph, methods
Depends: latentnet
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2025-01-30 17:35:44 UTC; ziqianxu
Author: Zhiyong Zhang [aut, cre] , Ziqian Xu [aut]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2025-01-31 15:20:02 UTC

More information about networksem at CRAN
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New package MultiGrey with initial version 0.1.0
Package: MultiGrey
Title: Fitting and Forecasting of Grey Model for Multivariate Time Series Data
Version: 0.1.0
Depends: R(>= 2.10)
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
Description: Grey model is commonly used in time series forecasting when statistical assumptions are violated with a limited number of data points. The minimum number of data points required to fit a grey model is four observations. This package fits Grey model of First order and One Variable, i.e., GM (1,1) for multivariate time series data and returns the parameters of the model, model evaluation criteria and h-step ahead forecast values for each of the time series variables. For method details see, Akay, D. and Atak, M. (2007) <DOI:10.1016/>, Hsu, L. and Wang, C. (2007).<DOI:10.1016/j.techfore.2006.02.005>.
License: GPL (>= 2.0)
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: zoo, stats
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2025-01-31 09:15:13 UTC; Pradip Basak
Author: Pradip Basak [aut, cph, cre], Nobin Chandra Paul [aut, cph]
Maintainer: Pradip Basak <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2025-01-31 16:00:02 UTC

More information about MultiGrey at CRAN
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New package mtrank with initial version 0.1-0
Package: mtrank
Title: Ranking using Probabilistic Models and Treatment Choice Criteria
Version: 0.1-0
Date: 2025-01-31
Depends: R (>= 4.0.0), meta (>= 8.0-2), netmeta (>= 3.0-2)
Imports: PlackettLuce, dplyr, magrittr
Suggests: rmarkdown, knitr
Maintainer: Theodoros Evrenoglou <>
Description: Implementation of a novel frequentist approach to produce clinically relevant treatment hierarchies in network meta-analysis. The method is based on treatment choice criteria (TCC) and probabilistic ranking models, as described by Evrenoglou et al. (2024) <DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2406.10612>. The TCC are defined using a rule based on the minimal clinically important difference. Using the defined TCC, the study-level data (i.e., treatment effects and standard errors) are first transformed into a preference format, indicating either a treatment preference (e.g., treatment A > treatment B) or a tie (treatment A = treatment B). The preference data are then synthesized using a probabilistic ranking model, which estimates the latent ability parameter of each treatment and produces the final treatment hierarchy. This parameter represents each treatment’s ability to outperform all the other competing treatments in the network. Consequently, larger ability estimates indicate higher position [...truncated...]
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2025-01-31 08:00:28 UTC; sc
Author: Theodoros Evrenoglou [aut, cre] , Guido Schwarzer [aut]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2025-01-31 15:50:01 UTC

More information about mtrank at CRAN
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New package MRMCbinary with initial version 1.0.4
Package: MRMCbinary
Title: Multi-Reader Multi-Case Analysis of Binary Diagnostic Tests
Version: 1.0.4
Description: The goal of 'MRMCbinary' is to compare the performance of diagnostic tests (i.e., sensitivity and specificity) for binary outcomes in multi-reader multi-case (MRMC) studies. It is based on conditional logistic regression and Cochran’s Q test (or McNemar’s test when the number of modalities is equal to 2).
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Depends: R (>= 4.2.0)
Imports: DescTools, stats, survival
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2025-01-31 04:45:19 UTC; seung
Author: Seungjae Lee [aut, cre] , Woojoo Lee [aut]
Maintainer: Seungjae Lee <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2025-01-31 15:40:08 UTC

More information about MRMCbinary at CRAN
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Package MBBEFDLite updated to version 0.0.5 with previous version 0.0.4 dated 2024-07-24

Title: Statistical Functions for the Maxwell-Boltzmann-Bose-Einstein-Fermi-Dirac (MBBEFD) Family of Distributions
Description: Provides probability mass, distribution, quantile, random variate generation, and method-of-moments parameter fitting for the MBBEFD family of distributions used in insurance modeling as described in Bernegger (1997) <doi:10.2143/AST.27.1.563208> without any external dependencies.
Author: Avraham Adler [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Avraham Adler <>

Diff between MBBEFDLite versions 0.0.4 dated 2024-07-24 and 0.0.5 dated 2025-01-31

 DESCRIPTION                           |    6 +++---
 MD5                                   |   12 ++++++------
 R/mom.R                               |    8 +++++---
 build/partial.rdb                     |binary
 inst/CITATION                         |    2 +-
 inst/NEWS.Rd                          |   15 +++++++++++++++
 inst/tinytest/test_package_metadata.R |    4 ++--
 7 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

More information about MBBEFDLite at CRAN
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Package hardhat updated to version 1.4.1 with previous version 1.4.0 dated 2024-06-02

Title: Construct Modeling Packages
Description: Building modeling packages is hard. A large amount of effort generally goes into providing an implementation for a new method that is efficient, fast, and correct, but often less emphasis is put on the user interface. A good interface requires specialized knowledge about S3 methods and formulas, which the average package developer might not have. The goal of 'hardhat' is to reduce the burden around building new modeling packages by providing functionality for preprocessing, predicting, and validating input.
Author: Hannah Frick [aut, cre] , Davis Vaughan [aut], Max Kuhn [aut], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Hannah Frick <>

Diff between hardhat versions 1.4.0 dated 2024-06-02 and 1.4.1 dated 2025-01-31

 DESCRIPTION                                        |   12 
 MD5                                                |  218 +++---
 NAMESPACE                                          |   14                                            |    8 
 R/blueprint-formula-default.R                      |  137 ++-
 R/blueprint-recipe-default.R                       |  107 +-
 R/blueprint-xy-default.R                           |   78 +-
 R/blueprint.R                                      |    7 
 R/case-weights.R                                   |   10 
 R/classes.R                                        |    9 
 R/constructor.R                                    |   19 
 R/encoding.R                                       |    4 
 R/extract.R                                        |    4 
 R/forge.R                                          |    7 
 R/hardhat-package.R                                |    2 
 R/import-standalone-obj-type.R                     |   29 
 R/import-standalone-types-check.R                  |   20 
 R/intercept.R                                      |   28 
 R/model-frame.R                                    |    9 
 R/model-matrix.R                                   |   38 -
 R/model-offset.R                                   |   19 
 R/mold.R                                           |   10 
 R/print.R                                          |   29 
 R/ptype.R                                          |    8 
 R/quantile-pred.R                                  |only
 R/recompose.R                                      |   24 
 R/scream.R                                         |   23 
 R/shrink.R                                         |   10 
 R/sparsevctrs.R                                    |only
 R/spruce.R                                         |    6 
 R/standardize.R                                    |   20 
 R/table.R                                          |   10 
 R/tune.R                                           |    9 
 R/use.R                                            |   12 
 R/util.R                                           |   45 -
 R/validation.R                                     |  182 ++---                                          |    2 
 build/vignette.rds                                 |binary
 inst/doc/forge.R                                   |   15 
 inst/doc/forge.Rmd                                 |    9 
 inst/doc/forge.html                                |  348 ++++-----
 inst/doc/mold.R                                    |   11 
 inst/doc/mold.Rmd                                  |    9 
 inst/doc/mold.html                                 |  470 ++++++-------
 inst/doc/package.R                                 |   15 
 inst/doc/package.Rmd                               |    9 
 inst/doc/package.html                              |  756 ++++++++++-----------
 man/add_intercept_column.Rd                        |    6 
 man/check_quantile_levels.Rd                       |only
 man/contr_one_hot.Rd                               |   71 +
 man/default_recipe_blueprint.Rd                    |    4 
 man/extract_ptype.Rd                               |    6 
 man/get_data_classes.Rd                            |    6 
 man/model_frame.Rd                                 |    6 
 man/model_matrix.Rd                                |    6 
 man/model_offset.Rd                                |    6 
 man/mold.Rd                                        |    4 
 man/quantile_pred.Rd                               |only
 man/recompose.Rd                                   |    4 
 man/rmd                                            |only
 man/run-forge.Rd                                   |    8 
 man/run-mold.Rd                                    |    8 
 man/scream.Rd                                      |    6 
 man/shrink.Rd                                      |    6 
 man/tune.Rd                                        |    2 
 man/validate_column_names.Rd                       |    6 
 man/validate_outcomes_are_binary.Rd                |    6 
 man/validate_outcomes_are_factors.Rd               |    6 
 man/validate_outcomes_are_numeric.Rd               |    6 
 man/validate_prediction_size.Rd                    |    6 
 man/validate_predictors_are_numeric.Rd             |    6 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/ |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/                 |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/               |   30 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/                  |    2 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/             |  116 ++-
 tests/testthat/_snaps/              |   63 +
 tests/testthat/_snaps/                  |   85 ++
 tests/testthat/_snaps/                     |    2 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/                 |   11 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/                    |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/              |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/              |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/              |  155 +++-
 tests/testthat/_snaps/               |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/                      |    2 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/                     |   68 -
 tests/testthat/_snaps/             |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/                 |   10 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/                    |   72 ++
 tests/testthat/_snaps/               |   34 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/                     |    4 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/                      |only
 tests/testthat/_snaps/                       |    4 
 tests/testthat/_snaps/                |only
 tests/testthat/helper-sparsevctrs.R                |only
 tests/testthat/test-blueprint-formula-default.R    |only
 tests/testthat/test-blueprint.R                    |only
 tests/testthat/test-constructor.R                  |   11 
 tests/testthat/test-forge-formula.R                |  118 +--
 tests/testthat/test-forge-recipe.R                 |  133 ++-
 tests/testthat/test-forge-xy.R                     |  110 +--
 tests/testthat/test-intercept.R                    |    6 
 tests/testthat/test-levels.R                       |    6 
 tests/testthat/test-model-matrix.R                 |   35 
 tests/testthat/test-model-offset.R                 |   12 
 tests/testthat/test-mold-formula.R                 |  108 +--
 tests/testthat/test-mold-recipe.R                  |   52 +
 tests/testthat/test-print.R                        |    2 
 tests/testthat/test-quantile-pred.R                |only
 tests/testthat/test-recompose.R                    |   65 +
 tests/testthat/test-spruce.R                       |   37 -
 tests/testthat/test-standardize.R                  |   10 
 tests/testthat/test-tune.R                         |    6 
 tests/testthat/test-use.R                          |    6 
 tests/testthat/test-validation.R                   |   78 +-
 vignettes/forge.Rmd                                |    9 
 vignettes/mold.Rmd                                 |    9 
 vignettes/package.Rmd                              |    9 
 119 files changed, 2756 insertions(+), 1720 deletions(-)

More information about hardhat at CRAN
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New package ggsurveillance with initial version 0.1.1
Package: ggsurveillance
Title: Tools and 'ggplot2' Extensions for Infectious Disease Surveillance and Outbreak Investigation
Version: 0.1.1
Description: Create epicurves or epigantt charts in 'ggplot2'. Prepare data for visualisation or other reporting for infectious disease surveillance and outbreak investigation. Includes functions to solve date based transformations for common reporting tasks, like (A) seasonal date alignment for respiratory disease surveillance, (B) date-based case binning based on specified time intervals like isoweek, epiweek, month and more, (C) automated detection and marking of the new year based on the date/datetime axis of the 'ggplot2'. An introduction on how to use epicurves can be found on the US CDC website (2012, <>).
License: GPL (>= 3)
Depends: R (>= 4.1.0)
Imports: cli, dplyr, forcats, ggplot2, glue, ISOweek, lubridate, rlang, scales, stringr, tidyr, tidyselect, tsibble
Suggests: Hmisc, knitr, outbreaks, rmarkdown, spelling, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Encoding: UTF-8
Language: en-GB
LazyData: true
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2025-01-31 08:54:46 UTC; Alex
Author: Alexander Bartel [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Alexander Bartel <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2025-01-31 15:50:05 UTC

More information about ggsurveillance at CRAN
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Package ggfootball updated to version 0.2.0 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2025-01-30

Title: Plotting Expected Goals (xG) Stats with 'Understat' Data
Description: Scrapes shots data from 'Understat' <> and visualizes it using interactive plots: - A detailed shot map displaying the location, type, and xG value of shots taken by both teams. - An xG timeline chart showing the cumulative xG for each team over time, annotated with the details of scored goals.
Author: Aymen Nasri [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Aymen Nasri <>

Diff between ggfootball versions 0.1.0 dated 2025-01-30 and 0.2.0 dated 2025-01-31

 DESCRIPTION     |    8 ++++----
 MD5             |   14 +++++++-------         |   19 ++++++++++++++-----
 R/xg_chart.R    |   13 +++++++------
 R/xg_map.R      |    4 ++--       |   10 ++++++----
 man/xg_chart.Rd |   17 ++++++++++-------
 man/xg_map.Rd   |    6 +++---
 8 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

More information about ggfootball at CRAN
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Package bibliorefer updated to version 0.1.1 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2024-03-08

Title: Generator of Main Scientific References
Description: Generates a list, with a size defined by the user, containing the main scientific references and the frequency distribution of authors and journals in the list obtained. The database is a dataframe with academic production metadata made available by bibliographic collections such as Scopus, Web of Science, etc. The temporal evolution of scientific production on a given topic is presented and ordered lists of articles are constructed by number of citations and of authors and journals by level of productivity. Massimo Aria, Corrado Cuccurullo. (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.joi.2017.08.007>. Caibo Zhou, Wenyan Song. (2021) <doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.126943>.
Author: Marcio Eustaquio [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Marcio Eustaquio <>

Diff between bibliorefer versions 0.1.0 dated 2024-03-08 and 0.1.1 dated 2025-01-31

 DESCRIPTION          |    6 +++---
 MD5                  |   12 +++++++-----
 NAMESPACE            |    1 +
 R/ajust_pagin.R      |only
 R/crit_quant.R       |    2 +-
 R/principal_lister.R |   30 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 man/ajust_pagin.Rd   |only
 man/crit_quant.Rd    |    2 +-
 8 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

More information about bibliorefer at CRAN
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Package IndGenErrors updated to version 0.1.6 with previous version 0.1.4 dated 2023-06-30

Title: Tests of Independence Between Innovations of Generalized Error Models
Description: Computation of test statistics of independence between (continuous) innovations of time series. They can be used with stochastic volatility models and Hidden Markov Models (HMM). This improves the results in Duchesne, Ghoudi & Remillard (2012) <doi:10.1002/cjs.11141>.
Author: Kilani Ghoudi [aut, ctb, cph], Bouchra R. Nasri [aut, ctb, cph], Bruno N Remillard [aut, cre, cph], Pierre Duchesne [aut, ctb, cph]
Maintainer: Bruno N Remillard <>

Diff between IndGenErrors versions 0.1.4 dated 2023-06-30 and 0.1.6 dated 2025-01-31

 IndGenErrors-0.1.4/IndGenErrors/R/Dependogram.R              |only
 IndGenErrors-0.1.4/IndGenErrors/man/Dependogram.Rd           |only
 IndGenErrors-0.1.6/IndGenErrors/DESCRIPTION                  |   16 +++---
 IndGenErrors-0.1.6/IndGenErrors/MD5                          |   26 ++++++-----
 IndGenErrors-0.1.6/IndGenErrors/NAMESPACE                    |    8 ++-
 IndGenErrors-0.1.6/IndGenErrors/R/CrossCorrelogram.R         |    2 
 IndGenErrors-0.1.6/IndGenErrors/R/crosscor_3series.R         |   16 ++----
 IndGenErrors-0.1.6/IndGenErrors/R/crossdep_2series.R         |only
 IndGenErrors-0.1.6/IndGenErrors/R/crossdep_3series.R         |only
 IndGenErrors-0.1.6/IndGenErrors/R/cvm_2series.R              |    2 
 IndGenErrors-0.1.6/IndGenErrors/R/cvm_3series.R              |    9 ---
 IndGenErrors-0.1.6/IndGenErrors/R/dependogram.R              |only
 IndGenErrors-0.1.6/IndGenErrors/man/CrossCorrelogram.Rd      |    7 ++
 IndGenErrors-0.1.6/IndGenErrors/man/crosscor_3series.Rd      |    6 +-
 IndGenErrors-0.1.6/IndGenErrors/man/crossdep_2series.Rd      |only
 IndGenErrors-0.1.6/IndGenErrors/man/crossdep_3series.Rd      |only
 IndGenErrors-0.1.6/IndGenErrors/man/dependogram.Rd           |only
 IndGenErrors-0.1.6/IndGenErrors/src/calcul_cvm_crosscor_3d.c |    3 -
 18 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

More information about IndGenErrors at CRAN
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Package iadf updated to version 0.1.3 with previous version 0.1.2 dated 2021-05-24

Title: Analysis of Intra Annual Density Fluctuations
Description: Calculate false ring proportions from data frames of intra annual density fluctuations.
Author: Konrad Mayer [aut, cre], Filipe Campelo [aut]
Maintainer: Konrad Mayer <>

Diff between iadf versions 0.1.2 dated 2021-05-24 and 0.1.3 dated 2025-01-31

 DESCRIPTION                        |    8 -
 MD5                                |   18 +-
 NAMESPACE                          |    1                            |    4 
 R/false_ring_proportion.R          |  231 ++++++++++---------------------------
 R/tidy.R                           |    9 -                          |   28 ++--
 build/vignette.rds                 |binary
 inst/doc/falsering-proportion.R    |   24 +--
 inst/doc/falsering-proportion.html |   98 +++++++++------
 10 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 243 deletions(-)

More information about iadf at CRAN
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New package zigg with initial version 0.0.1
Package: zigg
Title: Lightweight Interfaces to the 'Ziggurat' Pseudo Random Number Generator
Version: 0.0.1
Date: 2025-01-30
Description: The 'Ziggurat' pseudo-random number generator (or PRNG), introduced by Marsaglia and Tsang (2000, <doi:10.18637/jss.v005.i08>) and further improved by Leong et al (2005, <doi:10.18637/jss.v012.i07>), offers a lightweight and very fast PRNG for the normal, exponential, and uniform distributions. It is provided here in a small zero-dependency package. It can be used from R as well as from 'C/C++' code in other packages as is demonstrated by four included sample packages using four distinct methods to use the PRNG presented here in client package. The implementation is influenced by our package 'RcppZiggurat' which offers a comparison among multiple alternative implementations but presented here in a lighter-weight implementation that is easier to use by other packages. The PRNGs provided are generally faster than the ones in base R: on our machine, the relative gains for normal, exponential and uniform are on the order of 7.4, 5.2 and 4.7 times faster than base R. However, th [...truncated...]
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2025-01-30 12:58:26 UTC; edd
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2025-01-31 11:20:02 UTC

More information about zigg at CRAN
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New package rmonocypher with initial version 0.1.8
Package: rmonocypher
Title: Easy Encryption of R Objects using Strong Modern Cryptography
Version: 0.1.8
Maintainer: Mike Cheng <>
Description: Encrypt R objects to a raw vector or file using modern cryptographic techniques. Password-based key derivation is with 'Argon2' (<>). Objects are serialized and then encrypted using 'XChaCha20-Poly1305' (<>) which follows RFC 8439 for authenticated encryption (<>). Cryptographic functions are provided by the included 'monocypher' 'C' library (<>).
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
Depends: R (>= 3.4.0)
Copyright: This package includes the 'monocypher' library written by Loup Vaillant, Michael Savage and Fabio Scotomi. This library is included under its CC-0 license. See file 'inst/' for detailed licensing information.
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2025-01-30 10:03:19 UTC; mike
Author: Mike Cheng [aut, cre, cph], Loup Vaillant [aut, cph] , Michael Savage [aut, cph] , Fabio Scotomi [aut, cph]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2025-01-31 11:10:02 UTC

More information about rmonocypher at CRAN
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New package forgts with initial version 0.0.1
Package: forgts
Title: Convert Formatted Spreadsheets to Presentation-Ready Display Tables
Version: 0.0.1
Description: Reads cell contents plus formatting from a spreadsheet file and creates an editable 'gt' object with the same data and formatting. Supports the most commonly-used cell and text styles including colors, fills, font weights and decorations, and borders.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: dplyr, gt, purrr, readxl, rlang, tibble, tidyr, tidyxl
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2025-01-30 17:54:16 UTC; luisd
Author: Luis D. Verde Arregoitia [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Luis D. Verde Arregoitia <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2025-01-31 11:40:04 UTC

More information about forgts at CRAN
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New package DDPstar with initial version 1.0-1
Package: DDPstar
Title: Density Regression via Dirichlet Process Mixtures of Normal Structured Additive Regression Models
Version: 1.0-1
Date: 2025-01-30
Imports: stats, grDevices, graphics, splines, moments, Matrix, parallel, MASS
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
Description: Implements a flexible, versatile, and computationally tractable model for density regression based on a single-weights dependent Dirichlet process mixture of normal distributions model for univariate continuous responses. The model assumes an additive structure for the mean of each mixture component and the effects of continuous covariates are captured through smooth nonlinear functions. The key components of our modelling approach are penalised B-splines and their bivariate tensor product extension. The proposed method can also easily deal with parametric effects of categorical covariates, linear effects of continuous covariates, interactions between categorical and/or continuous covariates, varying coefficient terms, and random effects. Please see Rodriguez-Alvarez, Inacio et al. (2025) for more details.
License: GPL
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2025-01-30 11:41:24 UTC; mrodriguez
Author: Maria Xose Rodriguez-Alvarez [aut, cre] , Vanda Inacio [aut]
Maintainer: Maria Xose Rodriguez-Alvarez <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2025-01-31 11:10:09 UTC

More information about DDPstar at CRAN
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New package compdb with initial version 0.0.1
Package: compdb
Title: Generate Compilation Database for Use with 'Clang' Tools
Version: 0.0.1
Description: Many modern C/C++ development tools in the 'clang' toolchain, such as 'clang-tidy' or 'clangd', rely on the presence of a compilation database in JSON format <>. This package temporarily injects additional build flags into the R build process to generate such a compilation database.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Language: en-US
Encoding: UTF-8
OS_type: unix
SystemRequirements: Clang >= 5.0
Imports: tools, callr, cli, pkgbuild, utils, withr
Suggests: fs, jsonlite, testthat (>= 3.0.0)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2025-01-30 10:13:09 UTC; felixheld
Author: Felix Held [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Felix Held <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2025-01-31 11:10:06 UTC

More information about compdb at CRAN
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New package YEAB with initial version 1.0.6
Package: YEAB
Title: Analyze Data from Analysis of Behavior Experiments
Version: 1.0.6
Description: Analyze data from behavioral experiments conducted using 'MED-PC' software developed by Med Associates Inc. Includes functions to fit exponential and hyperbolic models for delay discounting tasks, exponential mixtures for inter-response times, and Gaussian plus ramp models for peak procedure data, among others. For more details, refer to Alcala et al. (2023) <doi:10.31234/>.
Encoding: UTF-8
Imports: cluster, doParallel, data.table, dplyr, FNN, foreach, ggplot2, boot, grid, gridExtra, infotheo, ks, magrittr, minpack.lm, Polychrome, scales, sfsmisc, MASS, KernSmooth, zoo, usethis, stats, utils
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
License: GPL (>= 3)
Author: Emmanuel Alcala [aut, cre], Rodrigo Sosa [aut], Victor Reyes [aut]
Maintainer: Emmanuel Alcala <>
Date: 2025-01-23
Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown
VignetteBuilder: knitr
LazyData: true
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2025-01-29 19:10:08 UTC; jealcalat
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2025-01-31 11:00:14 UTC

More information about YEAB at CRAN
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Package tramvs updated to version 0.0-7 with previous version 0.0-6 dated 2024-09-04

Title: Optimal Subset Selection for Transformation Models
Description: Greedy optimal subset selection for transformation models (Hothorn et al., 2018, <doi:10.1111/sjos.12291> ) based on the abess algorithm (Zhu et al., 2020, <doi:10.1073/pnas.2014241117> ). Applicable to models from packages 'tram' and 'cotram'. Application to shift-scale transformation models are described in Siegfried et al. (2024, <doi:10.1080/00031305.2023.2203177>).
Author: Lucas Kook [aut, cre] , Sandra Siegfried [ctb], Torsten Hothorn [ctb]
Maintainer: Lucas Kook <>

Diff between tramvs versions 0.0-6 dated 2024-09-04 and 0.0-7 dated 2025-01-31

 DESCRIPTION         |   17 ++++---
 MD5                 |    8 +--
 R/tramvs.R          |  115 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 build/vignette.rds  |binary
 inst/doc/tramvs.pdf |binary
 5 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

More information about tramvs at CRAN
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New package survNMA with initial version 1.1-1
Package: survNMA
Title: Network Meta-Analysis Combining Survival and Count Outcomes
Version: 1.1-1
Date: 2025-01-30
Maintainer: Hisashi Noma <>
Description: Network meta-analysis for survival outcome data often involves several studies only involve dichotomized outcomes (e.g., the numbers of event and sample sizes of individual arms). To combine these different outcome data, Woods et al. (2010) <doi:10.1186/1471-2288-10-54> proposed a Bayesian approach using complicated hierarchical models. Besides, frequentist approaches have been alternative standard methods for the statistical analyses of network meta-analysis, and the methodology has been well established. We proposed an easy-to-implement method for the network meta-analysis based on the frequentist framework in Noma and Maruo (2025) <doi:10.1101/2025.01.23.25321051>. This package involves some convenient functions to implement the simple synthesis method.
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
Imports: stats, netmeta
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2025-01-30 07:22:27 UTC; Hisashi
Author: Hisashi Noma [aut, cre]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2025-01-31 11:00:02 UTC

More information about survNMA at CRAN
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Package popEpi updated to version 0.4.13 with previous version 0.4.12 dated 2024-05-10

Title: Functions for Epidemiological Analysis using Population Data
Description: Enables computation of epidemiological statistics, including those where counts or mortality rates of the reference population are used. Currently supported: excess hazard models (Dickman, Sloggett, Hills, and Hakulinen (2012) <doi:10.1002/sim.1597>), rates, mean survival times, relative/net survival (in particular the Ederer II (Ederer and Heise (1959)) and Pohar Perme (Pohar Perme, Stare, and Esteve (2012) <doi:10.1111/j.1541-0420.2011.01640.x>) estimators), and standardized incidence and mortality ratios, all of which can be easily adjusted for by covariates such as age. Fast splitting and aggregation of 'Lexis' objects (from package 'Epi') and other computations achieved using 'data.table'.
Author: Joonas Miettinen [cre, aut] , Matti Rantanen [aut], Karri Seppa [ctb]
Maintainer: Joonas Miettinen <>

Diff between popEpi versions 0.4.12 dated 2024-05-10 and 0.4.13 dated 2025-01-31

 DESCRIPTION                                            |   11 
 LICENSE                                                |    2 
 MD5                                                    |  240 ++--                                                |    5 
 R/S3_definitions.R                                     |  802 +++++++--------
 R/Surv.R                                               |   18 
 R/aggregating.R                                        |  440 ++++----
 R/data_document.R                                      |   66 -
 R/direct_adjusting.R                                   |  180 +--
 R/evaluation.R                                         |    4 
 R/flexyargs.R                                          |  182 +--
 R/fractional_years.R                                   |  112 +-
 R/incidence_rates.R                                    |  186 +--
 R/incidence_rates_utils.R                              |   70 -
 R/lexpand.R                                            |  766 +++++++-------
 R/long_df_and_array.R                                  |   86 -
 R/ltable.R                                             |  220 ++--
 R/mean_survival.R                                      |  458 ++++----
 R/popEpi-package.R                                     |   24 
 R/pophaz.R                                             |   58 -
 R/prevalence.R                                         |   86 -
 R/relative_poisson.R                                   |  398 +++----
 R/relative_poisson_net_survival.R                      |   84 -
 R/sir.R                                                |  874 ++++++++---------
 R/sir_utils.R                                          |   68 -
 R/splitLexisDT.R                                       |  197 +--
 R/splitMulti.R                                         |  226 ++--
 R/splitting_utility_functions.R                        |  704 ++++++-------
 R/startup_message.R                                    |    6 
 R/survival_aggregated.R                                |  574 +++++------
 R/survival_lexis.R                                     |  324 +++---
 R/survival_utility_functions.R                         |  278 ++---
 R/utility_functions.R                                  |  619 +++++-------
 R/weighted_table.R                                     |  336 +++---                                              |   42 
 build/partial.rdb                                      |binary
 build/vignette.rds                                     |binary
 inst/doc/sir.html                                      |    4 
 inst/doc/survtab_examples.html                         |    4 
 man/ICSS.Rd                                            |    8 
 man/Lexis_fpa.Rd                                       |   40 
 man/Surv.Rd                                            |    2 
 man/adjust.Rd                                          |    2 
 man/aggre.Rd                                           |   77 -
 man/all_names_present.Rd                               |    8 
 man/array_df_ratetable_utils.Rd                        |  144 +-
 man/as.Date.yrs.Rd                                     |    8 
 man/as.aggre.Rd                                        |   12 
 man/cast_simple.Rd                                     |   16 
 man/cut_bound.Rd                                       |    2 
 man/direct_standardization.Rd                          |   30 
 man/fac2num.Rd                                         |    6 
 man/flexible_argument.Rd                               |   24 
 man/get.yrs.Rd                                         |   43 
 man/is.Date.Rd                                         |    9 
 man/is_leap_year.Rd                                    |    4 
 man/lexpand.Rd                                         |  182 +--
 man/lines.sirspline.Rd                                 |    6 
 man/lines.survmean.Rd                                  |    8 
 man/lines.survtab.Rd                                   |   12 
 man/ltable.Rd                                          |   90 -
 man/meanpop_fi.Rd                                      |   14 
 man/na2zero.Rd                                         |    6 
 man/plot.rate.Rd                                       |    8 
 man/plot.sir.Rd                                        |   26 
 man/plot.sirspline.Rd                                  |    6 
 man/plot.survmean.Rd                                   |    8 
 man/plot.survtab.Rd                                    |   14 
 man/popEpi-package.Rd                                  |    8 
 man/pophaz.Rd                                          |   16 
 man/popmort.Rd                                         |   20 
 man/prepExpo.Rd                                        |   34 
 man/print.aggre.Rd                                     |    8 
 man/print.rate.Rd                                      |    4 
 man/print.survtab.Rd                                   |    8 
 man/rate.Rd                                            |   30 
 man/rate_ratio.Rd                                      |   16 
 man/relpois.Rd                                         |   29 
 man/relpois_ag.Rd                                      |   22 
 man/robust_values.Rd                                   |    2 
 man/rpcurve.Rd                                         |   16 
 man/setaggre.Rd                                        |   16 
 man/setclass.Rd                                        |    4 
 man/setcolsnull.Rd                                     |    6 
 man/sibr.Rd                                            |   12 
 man/sir.Rd                                             |   94 -
 man/sir_exp.Rd                                         |   26 
 man/sir_ratio.Rd                                       |   16 
 man/sire.Rd                                            |   12 
 man/sirspline.Rd                                       |   43 
 man/splitLexisDT.Rd                                    |   29 
 man/splitMulti.Rd                                      |   76 -
 man/stdpop101.Rd                                       |    4 
 man/stdpop18.Rd                                        |   10 
 man/summary.aggre.Rd                                   |    4 
 man/summary.survtab.Rd                                 |   20 
 man/survmean.Rd                                        |   44 
 man/survtab.Rd                                         |  167 +--
 man/survtab_ag.Rd                                      |  199 +--
 man/try2int.Rd                                         |    4 
 tests/testthat/test_Surv.R                             |    4 
 tests/testthat/test_aggre.R                            |  110 +-
 tests/testthat/test_epi.R                              |   10 
 tests/testthat/test_expo.R                             |   38 
 tests/testthat/test_lexpand.R                          |  218 ++--
 tests/testthat/test_prevtab.R                          |   16 
 tests/testthat/test_rate.R                             |  112 +-
 tests/testthat/test_relpois_mean_curve.R               |   24 
 tests/testthat/test_sir.R                              |  232 ++--
 tests/testthat/test_splitLexisDT.R                     |   70 -
 tests/testthat/test_splitMulti.R                       |   82 -
 tests/testthat/test_splitting_attributes.R             |   36 
 tests/testthat/test_splitting_breaks.R                 |   36 
 tests/testthat/test_splitting_randomly_on_fixed_data.R |   16 
 tests/testthat/test_survmean.R                         |  174 +--
 tests/testthat/test_survtab_adjusted.R                 |   60 -
 tests/testthat/test_survtab_bad_surv_ints.R            |   34 
 tests/testthat/test_survtab_relative.R                 |   97 -
 tests/testthat/test_survtab_usage.R                    |  256 ++--
 tests/testthat/test_utils.R                            |  282 ++---
 tests/testthat/test_weighter.R                         |   90 -
 121 files changed, 6271 insertions(+), 6294 deletions(-)

More information about popEpi at CRAN
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New package fkbma with initial version 0.1.0
Package: fkbma
Title: Free Knot-Bayesian Model Averaging
Version: 0.1.0
Maintainer: Lara Maleyeff <>
Description: Analysis of Bayesian adaptive enrichment clinical trial using Free-Knot Bayesian Model Averaging (FK-BMA) method of Maleyeff et al. (2024) for Gaussian data. Maleyeff, L., Golchi, S., Moodie, E. E. M., & Hudson, M. (2024) "An adaptive enrichment design using Bayesian model averaging for selection and threshold-identification of predictive variables" <doi:10.1093/biomtc/ujae141>.
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Imports: rstan, matrixStats, splines, dplyr, coda, MASS, ggplot2, cowplot, rlang
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0)
Depends: R (>= 3.5)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2025-01-29 20:34:44 UTC; laramaleyeff
Author: Lara Maleyeff [aut, cre], Shirin Golchi [aut], Erica E. M. Moodie [aut]
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2025-01-31 10:50:02 UTC

More information about fkbma at CRAN
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Package exametrika updated to version 1.2.0 with previous version 1.1.0 dated 2024-11-22

Title: Test Theory Analysis and Biclustering
Description: Implements comprehensive test data engineering methods as described in Shojima (2022, ISBN:978-9811699856). Provides statistical techniques for engineering and processing test data: Classical Test Theory (CTT) with reliability coefficients for continuous ability assessment; Item Response Theory (IRT) including Rasch, 2PL, and 3PL models with item/test information functions; Latent Class Analysis (LCA) for nominal clustering; Latent Rank Analysis (LRA) for ordinal clustering with automatic determination of cluster numbers; Biclustering methods including infinite relational models for simultaneous clustering of examinees and items without predefined cluster numbers; and Bayesian Network Models (BNM) for visualizing inter-item dependencies. Features local dependence analysis through LRA and biclustering, parameter estimation, dimensionality assessment, and network structure visualization for educational, psychological, and social science research.
Author: Koji Kosugi [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Koji Kosugi <>

Diff between exametrika versions 1.1.0 dated 2024-11-22 and 1.2.0 dated 2025-01-31

 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/BinaryFunctionFactory.R           |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/Ch00dataFormat.R                  |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/Ch02TestItemAnalysis.R            |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/Ch03CTT.R                         |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/Ch04AbilityEstimation.R           |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/Ch04IRTbaseFunctions.R            |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/Ch04ParameterEstimation.R         |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/Ch07InfiniteRelationalModel.R     |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/EMclus.R                          |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/IRPindex.R                        |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/ModelFitModule.R                  |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/ch05LCA.R                         |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/ch06LRA.R                         |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/ch07Biclustering.R                |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/ch08BNM.R                         |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/ch08BNM_GA.R                      |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/ch08GA_utils.R                    |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/ch09LDLRA.R                       |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/ch09LDLRA_GA.R                    |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/ch10LDB.R                         |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/ch11BINET.R                       |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/dataset_explain.R                 |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/exametrikaPlot.R                  |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/exametrikaPrint.R                 |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/R/progressbar.R                     |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/man/createBinaryFunction.Rd         |only
 exametrika-1.1.0/exametrika/man/dataFormat.long.Rd              |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/DESCRIPTION                         |    9 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/MD5                                 |  223 +++++-----
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/NAMESPACE                           |   47 ++
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/                             |   46 +-
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/00_EMclus.R                       |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/00_IRPindex.R                     |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/00_ModelFitModule.R               |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/00_QitemFunctions.R               |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/00_dataset_explain.R              |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/00_exametrikaPlot.R               |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/00_exametrikaPrint.R              |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/00_typeErrorMessage.R             |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/01_dataFormat.R                   |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/02B_TestStatistics.R              |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/02C_ItemStatistics.R              |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/02D_StudentAnalysis.R             |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/02_TestItemFunctions.R            |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/03_CTT.R                          |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/04A_IRTbaseFunctions.R            |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/04B_AbilityEstimation.R           |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/04C_ParameterEstimation.R         |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/05_LCA.R                          |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/06_LRA.R                          |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/07B_InfiniteRelationalModel.R     |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/07_Biclustering.R                 |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/08A_BNM.R                         |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/08B_GA_utils.R                    |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/08C_BNM_GA.R                      |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/09B_LDLRA_GA.R                    |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/09_LDLRA.R                        |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/10_LDB.R                          |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/R/11_BINET.R                        |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/                           |    8 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/data/J12S5000.rda                   |binary
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/data/J15S3810.rda                   |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/data/J15S500.rda                    |binary
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/data/J20S400.rda                    |binary
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/data/J35S5000.rda                   |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/data/J35S515.rda                    |binary
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/data/J5S10.rda                      |binary
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/AlphaCoefficient.Rd             |   10 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/AlphaIfDel.Rd                   |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/BINET.Rd                        |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/BNM.Rd                          |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/Biclustering.Rd                 |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/Biserial_Correlation.Rd         |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/BitRespPtn.Rd                   |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/CCRR.Rd                         |    7 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/CTT.Rd                          |   12 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/Dimensionality.Rd               |   12 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/FieldAnalysis.Rd                |   12 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/IIF2PLM.Rd                      |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/IIF3PLM.Rd                      |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/IRM.Rd                          |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/IRT.Rd                          |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/ITBiserial.Rd                   |   11 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/InterItemAnalysis.Rd            |    7 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/ItemEntropy.Rd                  |    8 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/ItemFit.Rd                      |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/ItemInformationFunc.Rd          |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/ItemLift.Rd                     |    7 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/ItemOdds.Rd                     |    7 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/ItemReport.Rd                   |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/ItemStatistics.Rd               |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/ItemThreshold.Rd                |    7 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/ItemTotalCorr.Rd                |    7 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/J12S5000.Rd                     |    8 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/J15S3810.Rd                     |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/J15S500.Rd                      |    8 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/J20S400.Rd                      |    8 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/J35S5000.Rd                     |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/J35S515.Rd                      |    8 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/J5S10.Rd                        |    8 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/JCRR.Rd                         |    7 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/JointSampleSize.Rd              |    7 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/LCA.Rd                          |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/LDB.Rd                          |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/LDLRA.Rd                        |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/LD_param_est.Rd                 |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/LRA.Rd                          |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/LogisticModel.Rd                |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/MutualInformation.Rd            |    7 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/OmegaCoefficient.Rd             |   10 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/PSD_item_params.Rd              |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/PhiCoefficient.Rd               |    7 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/RaschModel.Rd                   |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/ScoreReport.Rd                  |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/StrLearningGA_BNM.Rd            |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/StrLearningPBIL_BNM.Rd          |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/StrLearningPBIL_LDLRA.Rd        |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/StudentAnalysis.Rd              |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/TestFit.Rd                      |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/TestFitSaturated.Rd             |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/TestInformationFunc.Rd          |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/TestStatistics.Rd               |   37 +
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/TetrachoricCorrelationMatrix.Rd |    7 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/ThreePLM.Rd                     |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/TwoPLM.Rd                       |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/asymprior.Rd                    |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/calcFitIndices.Rd               |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/crr.Rd                          |    7 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/dataFormat.Rd                   |   44 +
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/figures                         |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/generate_category_labels.Rd     |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/longdataFormat.Rd               |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/maxParents_penalty.Rd           |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/nrs.Rd                          |    7 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/objective_function_IRT.Rd       |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/passage.Rd                      |    7 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/percentile.Rd                   |    7 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/plot.exametrika.Rd              |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/print.exametrika.Rd             |   20 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/response_type_error.Rd          |only
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/slopeprior.Rd                   |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/softmax.Rd                      |    2 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/sscore.Rd                       |    7 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/stanine.Rd                      |    7 
 exametrika-1.2.0/exametrika/man/tetrachoric.Rd                  |    2 
 145 files changed, 398 insertions(+), 346 deletions(-)

More information about exametrika at CRAN
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Package editbl updated to version 1.1.0 with previous version 1.0.5 dated 2024-05-21

Title: 'DT' Extension for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Applications in 'shiny'
Description: The core of this package is a function eDT() which enhances DT::datatable() such that it can be used to interactively modify data in 'shiny'. By the use of generic 'dplyr' methods it supports many types of data storage, with relational databases ('dbplyr') being the main use case.
Author: Jasper Schelfhout [aut, cre], Maxim Nazarov [rev], Daan Seynaeve [rev], Lennart Tuijnder [rev]
Maintainer: Jasper Schelfhout <>

Diff between editbl versions 1.0.5 dated 2024-05-21 and 1.1.0 dated 2025-01-31

 editbl-1.0.5/editbl/man/createButtonsHTML.Rd                           |only
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/DESCRIPTION                                        |   12 
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/MD5                                                |   49 
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/NAMESPACE                                          |    4 
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/R/eDT.R                                            |  553 +++++++---
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/R/utils.R                                          |   20 
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/                                          |   64 -
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/build/vignette.rds                                 |binary
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/inst/NEWS                                          |    4 
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/inst/doc/howto_relational_db.html                  |    6 
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/inst/doc/howto_relational_db_dm.html               |    6 
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/inst/doc/howto_row_level_access.R                  |only
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/inst/doc/howto_row_level_access.html               |only
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/inst/doc/howto_row_level_access.rmd                |only
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/inst/doc/howto_switch_from_DT.html                 |    4 
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/man/addButtons.Rd                                  |   27 
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/man/canXXXRowTemplate.Rd                           |only
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/man/createButtons.Rd                               |   32 
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/man/createDeleteButtonHTML.Rd                      |only
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/man/createDeleteButtonHTML_shiny.Rd                |only
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/man/createEditButtonHTML.Rd                        |only
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/man/createEditButtonHTML_shiny.Rd                  |only
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/man/eDT.Rd                                         |   38 
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/man/eDTOutput.Rd                                   |    3 
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/man/evalCanDeleteRow.Rd                            |only
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/man/evalCanEditRow.Rd                              |only
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/man/initData.Rd                                    |   16 
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/man/overwriteDefaults.Rd                           |only
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/tests/testthat/test-eDT.R                          |   41 
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/tests/testthat/test-utils.R                        |    7 
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/vignettes/howto_row_level_access.rmd               |only
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/vignettes/screenshots/howto_row_level_access_1.png |only
 editbl-1.1.0/editbl/vignettes/screenshots/howto_row_level_access_2.png |only
 33 files changed, 669 insertions(+), 217 deletions(-)

More information about editbl at CRAN
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Package ecospat updated to version 4.1.2 with previous version 4.1.1 dated 2024-07-04

Title: Spatial Ecology Miscellaneous Methods
Description: Collection of R functions and data sets for the support of spatial ecology analyses with a focus on pre, core and post modelling analyses of species distribution, niche quantification and community assembly. Written by current and former members and collaborators of the ecospat group of Antoine Guisan, Department of Ecology and Evolution (DEE) and Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics (IDYST), University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Read Di Cola et al. (2016) <doi:10.1111/ecog.02671> for details.
Author: Olivier Broennimann [cre, aut, ctb], Valeria Di Cola [aut, ctb], Blaise Petitpierre [ctb], Frank Breiner [ctb], Daniel Scherrer [ctb], Manuela D`Amen [ctb], Christophe Randin [ctb], Robin Engler [ctb], Wim Hordijk [ctb], Heidi Mod [ctb], Julien Potti [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Olivier Broennimann <>

Diff between ecospat versions 4.1.1 dated 2024-07-04 and 4.1.2 dated 2025-01-31

 DESCRIPTION                           |   19 +++++++++----------
 MD5                                   |    8 ++++----
 NEWS                                  |    7 +++++++
 R/ecospat.CCV.R                       |    2 +-
 inst/doc/vignette_ecospat_package.pdf |binary
 5 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

More information about ecospat at CRAN
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Package comets updated to version 0.1-1 with previous version 0.1-0 dated 2024-12-06

Title: Covariance Measure Tests for Conditional Independence
Description: Covariance measure tests for conditional independence testing against conditional covariance and nonlinear conditional mean alternatives. The package implements versions of the generalised covariance measure test (Shah and Peters, 2020, <doi:10.1214/19-aos1857>) and projected covariance measure test (Lundborg et al., 2023, <doi:10.1214/24-AOS2447>). The tram-GCM test, for censored responses, is implemented including the Cox model and survival forests (Kook et al., 2024, <doi:10.1080/01621459.2024.2395588>). Application examples to variable significance testing and modality selection can be found in Kook and Lundborg (2024, <doi:10.1093/bib/bbae475>).
Author: Lucas Kook [aut, cre] , Anton Rask Lundborg [ctb]
Maintainer: Lucas Kook <>

Diff between comets versions 0.1-0 dated 2024-12-06 and 0.1-1 dated 2025-01-31

 DESCRIPTION        |   29 +++++++-----
 MD5                |   16 +++---
 NAMESPACE          |    2 
 R/gcm.R            |   69 +++++++++++++++++-----------
 R/regressions.R    |  127 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 R/wgcm.R           |   18 ++++---
 man/gcm.Rd         |    6 ++
 man/regressions.Rd |   66 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 man/wgcm.Rd        |   11 ++++
 9 files changed, 277 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)

More information about comets at CRAN
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New package connectcreds with initial version 0.1.0
Package: connectcreds
Title: Manage 'OAuth' Credentials from 'Posit Connect'
Version: 0.1.0
Description: A toolkit for making use of credentials mediated by 'Posit Connect'. It handles the details of communicating with the Connect API correctly, 'OAuth' token caching, and refresh behaviour.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Imports: cli, httr2 (>= 1.1.0), rlang (>= 1.1.0)
Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0), withr
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2025-01-30 02:24:37 UTC; aaron
Author: Aaron Jacobs [aut, cre], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Aaron Jacobs <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2025-01-31 11:00:11 UTC

More information about connectcreds at CRAN
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Package tramicp updated to version 0.1-0 with previous version 0.0-2 dated 2024-03-14

Title: Model-Based Causal Feature Selection for General Response Types
Description: Extends invariant causal prediction (Peters et al., 2016, <doi:10.1111/rssb.12167>) to generalized linear and transformation models (Hothorn et al., 2018, <doi:10.1111/sjos.12291>). The methodology is described in Kook et al. (2023, <doi:10.1080/01621459.2024.2395588>).
Author: Lucas Kook [aut, cre] , Sorawit Saengkyongam [ctb], Anton Rask Lundborg [ctb], Torsten Hothorn [ctb], Jonas Peters [ctb]
Maintainer: Lucas Kook <>

Diff between tramicp versions 0.0-2 dated 2024-03-14 and 0.1-0 dated 2025-01-31

 DESCRIPTION       |   12 +++---
 MD5               |    8 ++--
 R/tests.R         |    4 +-
 R/tramicp.R       |  102 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 build/partial.rdb |binary
 5 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

More information about tramicp at CRAN
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New package stochvolTMB with initial version 0.3.0
Package: stochvolTMB
Title: Likelihood Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models
Version: 0.3.0
Date: 2025-01-29
Description: Parameter estimation for stochastic volatility models using maximum likelihood. The latent log-volatility is integrated out of the likelihood using the Laplace approximation. The models are fitted via 'TMB' (Template Model Builder) (Kristensen, Nielsen, Berg, Skaug, and Bell (2016) <doi:10.18637/jss.v070.i05>).
License: GPL-3
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
Imports: TMB, ggplot2, sn, stats, data.table, MASS
LinkingTo: RcppEigen, TMB
Suggests: testthat (>= 2.1.0), shiny, knitr, rmarkdown, stochvol
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
VignetteBuilder: knitr
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2025-01-31 06:56:05 UTC; jens
Author: Jens Wahl [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jens Wahl <>
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2025-01-31 09:30:02 UTC

More information about stochvolTMB at CRAN
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Package riem updated to version 1.0.0 with previous version 0.3.2 dated 2024-07-26

Title: Accesses Weather Data from the Iowa Environment Mesonet
Description: Allows to get weather data from Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) stations (airports) in the whole world thanks to the Iowa Environment Mesonet website.
Author: Maelle Salmon [aut, cre] , Brooke Anderson [rev] , CHAI Project [fnd] , rOpenSci [fnd] , Daryl Herzmann [ctb], Jonathan Elchison [aut]
Maintainer: Maelle Salmon <>

Diff between riem versions 0.3.2 dated 2024-07-26 and 1.0.0 dated 2025-01-31

 riem-0.3.2/riem/tests/fixtures                                                                              |only
 riem-0.3.2/riem/tests/testthat/fixtures/measures/                                  |only
 riem-0.3.2/riem/tests/testthat/fixtures/warnings/                                  |only
 riem-1.0.0/riem/DESCRIPTION                                                                                 |   15 
 riem-1.0.0/riem/MD5                                                                                         |   37 
 riem-1.0.0/riem/                                                                                     |   10 
 riem-1.0.0/riem/R/measures.R                                                                                |   91 
 riem-1.0.0/riem/man/riem_measures.Rd                                                                        |   33 
 riem-1.0.0/riem/tests/testthat/_snaps/                                                           |   50 
 riem-1.0.0/riem/tests/testthat/fixtures/measures-all-reports                                                |only
 riem-1.0.0/riem/tests/testthat/fixtures/measures-hfmetar                                                    |only
 riem-1.0.0/riem/tests/testthat/fixtures/measures-hfmetar-routine                                            |only
 riem-1.0.0/riem/tests/testthat/fixtures/measures-hfmetar-specials                                           |only
 riem-1.0.0/riem/tests/testthat/fixtures/measures-multiple-data                                              |only
 riem-1.0.0/riem/tests/testthat/fixtures/measures-routine                                                    |only
 riem-1.0.0/riem/tests/testthat/fixtures/measures-specials                                                   |only
 riem-1.0.0/riem/tests/testthat/fixtures/measures/api                                                        |only
 riem-1.0.0/riem/tests/testthat/fixtures/measures2                                                           |only
 riem-1.0.0/riem/tests/testthat/fixtures/networks/         | 1440 +++++-----
 riem-1.0.0/riem/tests/testthat/fixtures/stations/ |  516 ++-
 riem-1.0.0/riem/tests/testthat/fixtures/stations/         | 1440 +++++-----
 riem-1.0.0/riem/tests/testthat/fixtures/warnings/api                                                        |only
 riem-1.0.0/riem/tests/testthat/helper-riem.R                                                                |    3 
 riem-1.0.0/riem/tests/testthat/test-measures.R                                                              |  309 +-
 24 files changed, 2287 insertions(+), 1657 deletions(-)

More information about riem at CRAN
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Package mvp updated to version 1.0-18 with previous version 1.0-14 dated 2023-03-19

Title: Fast Symbolic Multivariate Polynomials
Description: Fast manipulation of symbolic multivariate polynomials using the 'Map' class of the Standard Template Library. The package uses print and coercion methods from the 'mpoly' package but offers speed improvements. It is comparable in speed to the 'spray' package for sparse arrays, but retains the symbolic benefits of 'mpoly'. To cite the package in publications, use Hankin 2022 <doi:10.48550/ARXIV.2210.15991>. Uses 'disordR' discipline.
Author: Robin K. S. Hankin [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Robin K. S. Hankin <>

Diff between mvp versions 1.0-14 dated 2023-03-19 and 1.0-18 dated 2025-01-31

 mvp-1.0-14/mvp/inst/doc/mvp.pdf          |only
 mvp-1.0-14/mvp/man/lose.Rd               |only
 mvp-1.0-14/mvp/vignettes/poly.bib        |only
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/DESCRIPTION               |   22 +++--
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/MD5                       |   64 +++++++++--------
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/NAMESPACE                 |    6 -
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/                   |only
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/R/skimpy.R                |   99 ++++++++++++++++++--------
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/R/skimpy_ops.R            |   10 ++
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/                 |    2 
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/build/partial.rdb         |binary
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/build/vignette.rds        |binary
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/data                      |only
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/inst/doc/mvp.R            |   70 ++++++++++--------
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/inst/doc/mvp.Rmd          |  116 +++++++++++++++----------------
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/inst/doc/mvp.html         |only
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/inst/mvp_stickermaker.R   |only
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/inst/symb.Rmd             |only
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/man/Ops.mvp.Rd            |   10 ++
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/man/all.equal.Rd          |only
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/man/allvars.Rd            |    5 +
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/man/as.function.Rd        |    2 
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/man/coeffs.Rd             |   11 ++
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/man/deriv.Rd              |   31 +++++---
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/man/drop.Rd               |only
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/man/horner.Rd             |    2 
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/man/letters.Rd            |only
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/man/mvp.Rd                |   11 ++
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/man/ooom.Rd               |    2 
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/man/rmvp.Rd               |   22 ++++-
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/man/series.Rd             |   14 +--
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/man/subs.Rd               |   14 +--
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/man/summary.Rd            |    2 
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/src/skimpy.cpp            |   28 +++----
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/tests/testthat/test_aaa.R |    6 +
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/tests/testthat/test_aac.R |    2 
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/tests/testthat/test_aag.R |   26 ++++--
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/vignettes/mvp.Rmd         |  116 +++++++++++++++----------------
 mvp-1.0-18/mvp/vignettes/mvp.bib         |only
 39 files changed, 407 insertions(+), 286 deletions(-)

More information about mvp at CRAN
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Package geonapi updated to version 0.8 with previous version 0.7-2 dated 2024-03-21

Title: 'GeoNetwork' API R Interface
Description: Provides an R interface to the 'GeoNetwork' API (<>) allowing to upload and publish metadata in a 'GeoNetwork' web-application and expose it to OGC CSW.
Author: Emmanuel Blondel [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Emmanuel Blondel <>

Diff between geonapi versions 0.7-2 dated 2024-03-21 and 0.8 dated 2025-01-31

 DESCRIPTION                     |   12 +++---
 MD5                             |   47 ++++++++++++-------------                         |   12 ++++--
 R/GNAbstractManager.R           |    4 +-
 R/GNLegacyAPIManager.R          |   26 +++++++++-----
 R/GNManager.R                   |    4 +-
 R/GNOpenAPIManager.R            |   30 ++++++++++------
 R/GNPriv.R                      |    8 ++--
 R/GNPrivConfiguration.R         |    6 +--
 R/GNRESTRequest.R               |    4 +-
 R/GNUtils.R                     |    4 +-
 R/GNVersion.R                   |    4 +-
 R/geonapi.R                     |    3 -                       |    6 +--
 man/GNAbstractManager.Rd        |    4 +-
 man/GNLegacyAPIManager.Rd       |   14 +++----
 man/GNManager.Rd                |    4 +-
 man/GNOpenAPIManager.Rd         |   22 +++++------
 man/GNPriv.Rd                   |only
 man/GNPrivConfiguration.Rd      |   74 ++--------------------------------------
 man/GNRESTRequest.Rd            |    4 +-
 man/GNUtils.Rd                  |    4 +-
 man/GNVersion.Rd                |    4 +-
 man/geonapi.Rd                  |    9 ++++
 tests/testthat/test_GNManager.R |    2 -
 25 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 173 deletions(-)

More information about geonapi at CRAN
Permanent link

Package admiralvaccine updated to version 0.4.0 with previous version 0.3.0 dated 2024-08-29

Title: Vaccine Extension Package for ADaM in 'R' Asset Library
Description: Programming vaccine specific Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) compliant Analysis Data Model (ADaM) datasets in 'R'. Flat model is followed as per Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) guidelines for creating vaccine specific domains. ADaM datasets are a mandatory part of any New Drug or Biologics License Application submitted to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Analysis derivations are implemented in accordance with the "Analysis Data Model Implementation Guide" (CDISC Analysis Data Model Team (2021), <>). The package is an extension package of the 'admiral' package.
Author: Sukalpo Saha [aut, cre], Arjun Rubalingam [aut], Ben Straub [aut], Vikram S [aut], Dhivya Kanagaraj [aut], Federico Baratin [aut], Yamini Purna Bollu [aut], Ilse Augustyns [aut], Kalyani Bodicherla [aut], Hilde Delanghe [aut], Lee Armishaw [aut], Nee [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Sukalpo Saha <>

Diff between admiralvaccine versions 0.3.0 dated 2024-08-29 and 0.4.0 dated 2025-01-31

 DESCRIPTION                                      |    9 
 MD5                                              |  142 
 NAMESPACE                                        |  352 -                                          |  148 
 R/admiralvaccine.R                               |   70 
 R/data.R                                         |   78 
 R/derive_diam_to_sev_records.R                   |  404 +-
 R/derive_fever_records.R                         |  266 -
 R/derive_var_aval_adis.R                         |  240 -
 R/derive_vars_crit.R                             |  307 -
 R/derive_vars_event_flag.R                       |  342 -
 R/derive_vars_max_flag.R                         |  328 -
 R/derive_vars_merged_vaccine.R                   |  234 -
 R/derive_vars_params.R                           |  276 -
 R/derive_vars_vaxdt.R                            |  242 -
 R/global.R                                       |  228 -
 R/post_process_reacto.R                          |  104                                        |  220 -
 build/vignette.rds                               |binary
 inst/WORDLIST                                    |  152 
 inst/doc/adce.R                                  |  344 -
 inst/doc/adce.Rmd                                |  498 +-
 inst/doc/adce.html                               | 2810 +++++++-------
 inst/doc/adface.R                                |  708 +--
 inst/doc/adface.Rmd                              | 1172 ++---
 inst/doc/adface.html                             | 4542 +++++++++++------------
 inst/doc/adis.R                                  |  876 ++--
 inst/doc/adis.Rmd                                | 1232 +++---
 inst/doc/adis.html                               | 4271 ++++++++++-----------
 inst/doc/admiralvaccine.R                        |   78 
 inst/doc/admiralvaccine.Rmd                      |  204 -
 inst/doc/admiralvaccine.html                     |  836 ++--
 inst/doc/adsl.R                                  |  290 -
 inst/doc/adsl.Rmd                                |  602 +--
 inst/doc/adsl.html                               | 1586 ++++----
 inst/templates/ad_adce.R                         |  326 -
 inst/templates/ad_adface.R                       |  582 +-
 inst/templates/ad_adis.R                         |  742 +--
 inst/templates/ad_adsl.R                         |  358 -
 man/admiralvaccine-package.Rd                    |  124 
 man/admiralvaccine_adce.Rd                       |   52 
 man/admiralvaccine_adface.Rd                     |   52 
 man/admiralvaccine_adis.Rd                       |   52 
 man/admiralvaccine_adsl.Rd                       |   52 
 man/derive_diam_to_sev_records.Rd                |  296 -
 man/derive_fever_records.Rd                      |  158 
 man/derive_var_aval_adis.Rd                      |  204 -
 man/derive_vars_crit.Rd                          |  214 -
 man/derive_vars_event_flag.Rd                    |  234 -
 man/derive_vars_max_flag.Rd                      |  170 
 man/derive_vars_merged_vaccine.Rd                |  182 
 man/derive_vars_params.Rd                        |  198 -
 man/derive_vars_vaxdt.Rd                         |  168 
 man/max_flag.Rd                                  |  104 
 man/post_process_reacto.Rd                       |  104 
 man/roxygen/meta.R                               |   28 
 tests/testthat.R                                 |    8 
 tests/testthat/test-derive_diam_to_sev_records.R |  784 +--
 tests/testthat/test-derive_fever_records.R       |  174 
 tests/testthat/test-derive_var_aval_adis.R       |  756 +--
 tests/testthat/test-derive_vars_crit.R           |  441 +-
 tests/testthat/test-derive_vars_event_flag.R     |  452 +-
 tests/testthat/test-derive_vars_max_flag.R       |  326 -
 tests/testthat/test-derive_vars_merged_vaccine.R |  198 -
 tests/testthat/test-derive_vars_params.R         |  406 +-
 tests/testthat/test-derive_vars_vaxdt.R          |  224 -
 tests/testthat/test-post_process_reacto.R        |   96 
 vignettes/adce.Rmd                               |  498 +-
 vignettes/adface.Rmd                             | 1172 ++---
 vignettes/adis.Rmd                               | 1232 +++---
 vignettes/admiralvaccine.Rmd                     |  204 -
 vignettes/adsl.Rmd                               |  602 +--
 72 files changed, 18109 insertions(+), 18055 deletions(-)

More information about admiralvaccine at CRAN
Permanent link

Package ggstackplot updated to version 0.4.1 with previous version 0.4 dated 2025-01-14

Title: Create Overlapping Stacked Plots
Description: Easily create overlapping grammar of graphics plots for scientific data visualization. This style of plotting is particularly common in climatology and oceanography research communities.
Author: Sebastian Kopf [aut, cre, cph] , Tristan Caro [aut] , Jamie McFarlin [aut] , Jon Raberg [aut]
Maintainer: Sebastian Kopf <>

Diff between ggstackplot versions 0.4 dated 2025-01-14 and 0.4.1 dated 2025-01-31

 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/DESCRIPTION                                                                   |   13 
 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/MD5                                                                           |   42 +--
 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/                                                                       |    8 
 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/R/ggstackplot.R                                                               |   33 +-
 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/R/helpers.R                                                                   |   22 +
 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/                                                                     |  137 ++++++++--
 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/build/vignette.rds                                                            |binary
 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/inst/doc/ggstackplot.R                                                        |only
 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/inst/doc/ggstackplot.Rmd                                                      |only
 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/inst/doc/ggstackplot.html                                                     |only
 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/man/figures/README-geodata-horizontal-1.png                                   |only
 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/man/figures/README-geodata-horizontal-2-1.png                                 |only
 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/man/ggstackplot-package.Rd                                                    |   11 
 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/man/ggstackplot.Rd                                                            |    9 
 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/tests/testthat/Rplots.pdf                                                     |only
 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/tests/testthat/_snaps/ggstackplot/horizontally-stacked-plot.svg               |   64 ++--
 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/tests/testthat/_snaps/ggstackplot/hstack-w-axis-defs-and-labs-in-template.svg |   44 +--
 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/tests/testthat/_snaps/ggstackplot/hstack-w-axis-defs-in-template.svg          |   44 +--
 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/tests/testthat/_snaps/ggstackplot/vstack-w-axis-defs-in-template.svg          |   54 +--
 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/tests/testthat/test-ggstackplot.R                                             |    2 
 ggstackplot-0.4.1/ggstackplot/vignettes/ggstackplot.Rmd                                                     |only
 ggstackplot-0.4/ggstackplot/inst/doc/features.R                                                             |only
 ggstackplot-0.4/ggstackplot/inst/doc/features.Rmd                                                           |only
 ggstackplot-0.4/ggstackplot/inst/doc/features.html                                                          |only
 ggstackplot-0.4/ggstackplot/man/figures/README-example-1.png                                                |only
 ggstackplot-0.4/ggstackplot/man/figures/README-example2-1.png                                               |only
 ggstackplot-0.4/ggstackplot/vignettes/features.Rmd                                                          |only
 ggstackplot-0.4/ggstackplot/vignettes/unused                                                                |only
 28 files changed, 300 insertions(+), 183 deletions(-)

More information about ggstackplot at CRAN
Permanent link

Package BigDataPE (with last version 0.0.9) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2024-12-16 0.0.9

Permanent link
Package Copula.surv updated to version 1.8 with previous version 1.7 dated 2024-10-26

Title: Analysis of Bivariate Survival Data Based on Copulas
Description: Simulating bivariate survival data from copula models. Estimation of the association parameter in copula models. Two different ways to estimate the association parameter in copula models are implemented. A goodness-of-fit test for a given copula model is implemented. See Emura, Lin and Wang (2010) <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2010.03.013> for details.
Author: Takeshi Emura [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Takeshi Emura <>

Diff between Copula.surv versions 1.7 dated 2024-10-26 and 1.8 dated 2025-01-31

 DESCRIPTION           |    8 ++++----
 MD5                   |    4 +++-
 R/Weib.reg.Frank.R    |only
 man/Weib.reg.Frank.Rd |only
 4 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

More information about Copula.surv at CRAN
Permanent link

Package TailClassifier updated to version 0.1.2 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2023-10-30

Title: Tail Classifier
Description: The function TailClassifier() suggests one of the following types of tail for your discrete data: 1) Power decaying tail; 2) Sub-exponential decaying tail; and 3) Near-exponential decaying tail. The function also provides an estimate of the parameter for the classified-distribution as a reference.
Author: Jialin Zhang [aut, cph, cre]
Maintainer: Jialin Zhang (JZ) <>

Diff between TailClassifier versions 0.1.1 dated 2023-10-30 and 0.1.2 dated 2025-01-31

 DESCRIPTION           |   13 +++++++-----
 MD5                   |    6 ++---
 R/TailClassifier.r    |   52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 man/TailClassifier.Rd |   13 ++++++++++--
 4 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

More information about TailClassifier at CRAN
Permanent link

Package emmeans updated to version 1.10.7 with previous version 1.10.6 dated 2024-12-12

Title: Estimated Marginal Means, aka Least-Squares Means
Description: Obtain estimated marginal means (EMMs) for many linear, generalized linear, and mixed models. Compute contrasts or linear functions of EMMs, trends, and comparisons of slopes. Plots and other displays. Least-squares means are discussed, and the term "estimated marginal means" is suggested, in Searle, Speed, and Milliken (1980) Population marginal means in the linear model: An alternative to least squares means, The American Statistician 34(4), 216-221 <doi:10.1080/00031305.1980.10483031>.
Author: Russell V. Lenth [aut, cre, cph], Balazs Banfai [ctb], Ben Bolker [ctb], Paul Buerkner [ctb], Iago Gine-Vazquez [ctb], Maxime Herve [ctb], Maarten Jung [ctb], Jonathon Love [ctb], Fernando Miguez [ctb], Julia Piaskowski [ctb], Hannes Riebl [ctb], Hen [...truncated...]
Maintainer: Russell V. Lenth <>

Diff between emmeans versions 1.10.6 dated 2024-12-12 and 1.10.7 dated 2025-01-31

 DESCRIPTION                        |    8 -
 MD5                                |  112 +++++++++---------
 NAMESPACE                          |    1                            |   20 +++
 R/emmGrid-methods.R                |  150 ++++++++++--------------
 R/emmeans-package.R                |    4 
 R/emmeans.R                        |   48 +++++++
 R/rbind.R                          |    4 
 R/ref-grid.R                       |  225 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 inst/doc/AQuickStart.Rmd           |    6 
 inst/doc/AQuickStart.html          |   14 +-
 inst/doc/FAQs.Rmd                  |   15 ++
 inst/doc/FAQs.html                 |   23 +++
 inst/doc/basics.R                  |   24 +--
 inst/doc/basics.Rmd                |    2 
 inst/doc/basics.html               |   26 ++--
 inst/doc/comparisons.R             |    2 
 inst/doc/comparisons.Rmd           |    4 
 inst/doc/comparisons.html          |   22 +--
 inst/doc/confidence-intervals.R    |    4 
 inst/doc/confidence-intervals.Rmd  |    6 
 inst/doc/confidence-intervals.html |   16 +-
 inst/doc/interactions.html         |   26 ++--
 inst/doc/messy-data.R              |   10 -
 inst/doc/messy-data.Rmd            |    2 
 inst/doc/messy-data.html           |   18 +-
 inst/doc/models.Rmd                |    2 
 inst/doc/models.html               |    6 
 inst/doc/predictions.R             |    4 
 inst/doc/predictions.html          |    6 
 inst/doc/re-engineering-clds.html  |    4 
 inst/doc/sophisticated.R           |   28 ++--
 inst/doc/sophisticated.html        |   12 -
 inst/doc/transformations.R         |   34 ++---
 inst/doc/transformations.Rmd       |    4 
 inst/doc/transformations.html      |   22 ++-
 inst/doc/utilities.R               |    8 -
 inst/doc/utilities.html            |    4 
 inst/doc/vignette-topics.Rmd       |    8 -
 inst/doc/vignette-topics.html      |   12 -
 inst/doc/xplanations.R             |    2 
 inst/doc/xplanations.html          |   14 +-
 inst/doc/xtending.R                |    2 
 inst/doc/xtending.Rmd              |    2 
 inst/doc/xtending.html             |   10 -
 man/emmeans.Rd                     |   16 ++
 man/ref_grid.Rd                    |   48 ++++---
 vignettes/AQuickStart.Rmd          |    6 
 vignettes/FAQs.Rmd                 |   15 ++
 vignettes/basics.Rmd               |    2 
 vignettes/comparisons.Rmd          |    4 
 vignettes/confidence-intervals.Rmd |    6 
 vignettes/messy-data.Rmd           |    2 
 vignettes/models.Rmd               |    2 
 vignettes/transformations.Rmd      |    4 
 vignettes/vignette-topics.Rmd      |    8 -
 vignettes/xtending.Rmd             |    2 
 57 files changed, 659 insertions(+), 432 deletions(-)

More information about emmeans at CRAN
Permanent link

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