Sat, 08 Mar 2025

Package r5r updated to version 2.1.0 with previous version 2.0 dated 2024-04-11

Title: Rapid Realistic Routing with 'R5'
Description: Rapid realistic routing on multimodal transport networks (walk, bike, public transport and car) using 'R5', the Rapid Realistic Routing on Real-world and Reimagined networks engine <>. The package allows users to generate detailed routing analysis or calculate travel time and monetary cost matrices using seamless parallel computing on top of the R5 Java machine. While R5 is developed by Conveyal, the package r5r is independently developed by a team at the Institute for Applied Economic Research (Ipea) with contributions from collaborators. Apart from the documentation in this package, users will find additional information on R5 documentation at <>. Although we try to keep new releases of r5r in synchrony with R5, the development of R5 follows Conveyal's independent update process. Hence, users should confirm the R5 version implied by the Conveyal user manual (see <>) correspon [...truncated...]
Author: Marcus Saraiva [aut] , Rafael H. M. Pereira [aut, cre] , Daniel Herszenhut [aut] , Carlos Kaue Vieira Braga [aut] , Matthew Wigginton Bhagat-Conway [aut] , Luyu Liu [ctb] , Ipea - Institute for Applied Economic Research [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Rafael H. M. Pereira <>

Diff between r5r versions 2.0 dated 2024-04-11 and 2.1.0 dated 2025-03-08

 DESCRIPTION                                        |   16 
 MD5                                                |  182 +
 NAMESPACE                                          |    2                                            |    8 
 R/accessibility.R                                  |  567 +++---
 R/detailed_itineraries.R                           |    6 
 R/download_r5.R                                    |  206 +-
 R/expanded_travel_time_matrix.R                    |    6 
 R/find_snap.R                                      |  120 -
 R/isochrone.R                                      |  574 +++---
 R/onLoad.R                                         |   66 
 R/pareto_frontier.R                                |  408 ++--
 R/r5r.R                                            |    7 
 R/r5r_cache.R                                      |  146 -
 R/r5r_sitrep.R                                     |  140 -
 R/travel_time_matrix.R                             |  480 ++---
 R/utils.R                                          |   24 
 build/partial.rdb                                  |binary
 build/vignette.rds                                 |binary
 inst/CITATION                                      |   24 
 inst/doc/accessibility.R                           |  258 +-
 inst/doc/accessibility.Rmd                         |  450 ++--
 inst/doc/accessibility.html                        |   75 
 inst/doc/detailed_itineraries.R                    |  160 -
 inst/doc/detailed_itineraries.Rmd                  |  354 +--
 inst/doc/detailed_itineraries.html                 |   37 
 inst/doc/faq.Rmd                                   |  208 +-
 inst/doc/faq.html                                  |    4 
 inst/doc/fare_structure.R                          |  406 ++--
 inst/doc/fare_structure.html                       |  192 --
 inst/doc/isochrones.R                              |  228 +-
 inst/doc/isochrones.Rmd                            |  412 ++--
 inst/doc/isochrones.html                           |   34 
 inst/doc/pareto_frontier.R                         |  208 +-
 inst/doc/pareto_frontier.Rmd                       |  488 ++---
 inst/doc/pareto_frontier.html                      |   43 
 inst/doc/r5r.R                                     |  245 +-
 inst/doc/r5r.Rmd                                   |   55 
 inst/doc/r5r.html                                  |  197 --
 inst/doc/time_window.R                             |  174 -
 inst/doc/time_window.Rmd                           |  415 ++--
 inst/doc/time_window.html                          |   84 
 inst/doc/travel_time_matrix.R                      |  140 -
 inst/doc/travel_time_matrix.Rmd                    |  350 +--
 inst/doc/travel_time_matrix.html                   |   90 
 inst/extdata/poa/network_settings.json             |    2 
 inst/extdata/spo/network_settings.json             |    2 
 inst/jar/r5r.jar                                   |binary
 man/accessibility.Rd                               |    6 
 man/expanded_travel_time_matrix.Rd                 |    4 
 man/isochrone.Rd                                   |  549 +++--
 man/r5r.Rd                                         |    1 
 man/r5r_cache.Rd                                   |   74 
 man/roxygen/templates/common_arguments.R           |  136 -
 man/roxygen/templates/draws_per_minute.R           |   12 
 man/roxygen/templates/lts_section.R                |   64 
 man/roxygen/templates/mcraptor_algorithm_section.R |   44 
 man/roxygen/templates/raptor_algorithm_section.R   |   38 
 man/roxygen/templates/time_window_related_args.R   |   12 
 man/set_fare_cutoffs.Rd                            |   84 
 man/travel_time_matrix.Rd                          |    4 
 tests/tests_rafa/isochrone_lines.R                 |only
 tests/tests_rafa/line_mid_point.R                  |only
 tests/tests_rafa/test_rafa.R                       | 1928 ++++++++++-----------
 tests/tests_rafa/v7.0_vs_7.1.R                     |  162 -
 tests/testthat.R                                   |   16 
 tests/testthat/setup.R                             |   50 
 tests/testthat/test-accessibility.R                |   93 -
 tests/testthat/test-detailed_itineraries.R         |  575 +++---
 tests/testthat/test-download_r5.R                  |   56 
 tests/testthat/test-expanded_travel_time_matrix.R  |  420 ++--
 tests/testthat/test-isochrone.R                    |  228 +-
 tests/testthat/test-pareto_frontier.R              |   11 
 tests/testthat/test-set_max_lts.R                  |  208 +-
 tests/testthat/test-set_max_rides.R                |  340 +--
 tests/testthat/test-set_monte_carlo_draws.R        |  614 +++---
 tests/testthat/test-set_percentiles.R              |  336 +--
 tests/testthat/test-set_progress.R                 |  130 -
 tests/testthat/test-set_speed.R                    |  466 ++---
 tests/testthat/test-set_time_window.R              |  452 ++--
 tests/testthat/test-set_verbose.R                  |  130 -
 tests/testthat/test-travel_time_matrix.R           |  600 +++---
 tests/testthat/test-write_fare_structure.R         |   68 
 tests/testthat/test-z_r5r_cache.R                  |  112 -
 vignettes/accessibility.Rmd                        |  450 ++--
 vignettes/detailed_itineraries.Rmd                 |  354 +--
 vignettes/faq.Rmd                                  |  208 +-
 vignettes/isochrones.Rmd                           |  412 ++--
 vignettes/pareto_frontier.Rmd                      |  488 ++---
 vignettes/r5r.Rmd                                  |   55 
 vignettes/references.json                          |   14 
 vignettes/time_window.Rmd                          |  415 ++--
 vignettes/travel_time_matrix.Rmd                   |  350 +--
 93 files changed, 9462 insertions(+), 9600 deletions(-)

More information about r5r at CRAN
Permanent link

Package multDM updated to version 1.1.5 with previous version 1.1.4 dated 2022-06-09

Title: Multivariate Version of the Diebold-Mariano Test
Description: Allows to perform the multivariate version of the Diebold-Mariano test for equal predictive ability of multiple forecast comparison. Main reference: Mariano, R.S., Preve, D. (2012) <doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2012.01.014>.
Author: Krzysztof Drachal [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Krzysztof Drachal <>

Diff between multDM versions 1.1.4 dated 2022-06-09 and 1.1.5 dated 2025-03-08

 DESCRIPTION   |    8 ++++----
 MD5           |    8 ++++----
 NEWS          |    8 ++++++++
 R/DM.test.R   |    2 +-
 inst/CITATION |    4 ++--
 5 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

More information about multDM at CRAN
Permanent link

Package leem updated to version 0.2.0 with previous version 0.1.0 dated 2022-03-02

Title: Laboratory of Teaching to Statistics and Mathematics
Description: An educational package for teaching statistics and mathematics in both primary and higher education. The objective is to assist in the teaching/learning process, both for student study planning and teacher teaching strategies. The leem package aims to provide, in a simple yet in-depth manner, knowledge of statistics and mathematics to anyone who wants to study these areas of knowledge.
Author: Ben Deivide [aut, cre] , Andre Barboza [aut] , Alexandre Celestino [ctb] , Juliane Nassarala [ctb]
Maintainer: Ben Deivide <>

Diff between leem versions 0.1.0 dated 2022-03-02 and 0.2.0 dated 2025-03-08

 leem-0.1.0/leem/inst/etc/iconstatscience.gif        |only
 leem-0.1.0/leem/inst/etc/statscience.gif            |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/DESCRIPTION                         |   24 
 leem-0.2.0/leem/MD5                                 |   98 +
 leem-0.2.0/leem/NAMESPACE                           |  139 ++
 leem-0.2.0/leem/                             |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/additional_distributions.R        |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/anypfcdfdiscrete.R                |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/aux_probability.R                 |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/aux_quantile.R                    |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/boxplot.R                         |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/confidence_interval.R             |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/error_warning_note.R              |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/globalvariables.R                 |   33 
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/gui.R                             |  666 ++++++------
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/insert2.R                         |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/measures_of_dispersion.R          |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/measures_of_position.R            |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/ogive.R                           |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/plot1st2st.R                      | 1057 +++++++++++---------
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/plots.R                           |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/print.R                           |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/probability.R                     |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/probnormal.R                      |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/propofnormal.R                    |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/quantile.R                        |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/regions_prob.R                    |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/showboxplot.R                     |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/showcdf.R                         |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/showci.R                          |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/showkur.R                         |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/showpar.R                         |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/showskew.R                        |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/showtabnormal.R                   |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/skewness.R                        |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/tabfreq.R                         |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/temporario1.R                     |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/test_of_hypothesis.R              |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/tkplotleem.R                      |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/utils.R                           |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/R/zzz.r                             |  128 +-
 leem-0.2.0/leem/inst/po/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/ |binary
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/Gumbel_distribution.Rd          |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/P.Rd                            |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/Q.Rd                            |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/Regions_of_probability.Rd       |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/amplitude.Rd                    |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/apf.Rd                          |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/barplot.leem.Rd                 |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/boxplot.leem.Rd                 |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/cdfd.Rd                         |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/cv.Rd                           |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/hist.leem.Rd                    |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/insert.Rd                       |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/insert.leem.Rd                  |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/leem.Rd                         |    2 
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/madev.Rd                        |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/mean.leem.Rd                    |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/medev.Rd                        |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/median.leem.Rd                  |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/mfreq.Rd                        |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/mpos.Rd                         |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/mstde.Rd                        |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/new_leem.Rd                     |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/ogive.Rd                        |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/piechart.Rd                     |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/polyfreq.Rd                     |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/polyfreq.leem.Rd                |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/probnormal.Rd                   |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/propofnormal.Rd                 |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/sdev.Rd                         |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/showboxplot.Rd                  |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/showcdf.Rd                      |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/showci.Rd                       |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/showkur.Rd                      |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/showpar.Rd                      |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/showskew.Rd                     |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/showtabnormal.Rd                |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/skewness.Rd                     |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/stickchart.Rd                   |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/tabfreq.Rd                      |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/tabfreq.leem.Rd                 |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/man/variance.Rd                     |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/po/                        |binary
 leem-0.2.0/leem/po/R-leem.pot                       |  901 +++++++++++++----
 leem-0.2.0/leem/po/R-pt_BR.po                       |  352 +++++-
 leem-0.2.0/leem/po/comando.txt                      |only
 leem-0.2.0/leem/po/utils.R                          |only
 88 files changed, 2327 insertions(+), 1073 deletions(-)

More information about leem at CRAN
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Package comparator updated to version 0.1.4 with previous version 0.1.3 dated 2025-03-06

Title: Comparison Functions for Clustering and Record Linkage
Description: Implements functions for comparing strings, sequences and numeric vectors for clustering and record linkage applications. Supported comparison functions include: generalized edit distances for comparing sequences/strings, Monge-Elkan similarity for fuzzy comparison of token sets, and L-p distances for comparing numeric vectors. Where possible, comparison functions are implemented in C/C++ to ensure good performance.
Author: Neil Marchant [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Neil Marchant <>

Diff between comparator versions 0.1.3 dated 2025-03-06 and 0.1.4 dated 2025-03-08

 DESCRIPTION          |    8 ++++----
 MD5                  |    8 ++++----              |    3 +++
 R/CppSeqComparator.R |    7 ++++++-
 src/IComparator.h    |    2 ++
 5 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

More information about comparator at CRAN
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Package blocklength updated to version 0.2.2 with previous version 0.2.1 dated 2025-03-08

Title: Select an Optimal Block-Length to Bootstrap Dependent Data (Block Bootstrap)
Description: A set of functions to select the optimal block-length for a dependent bootstrap (block-bootstrap). Includes the Hall, Horowitz, and Jing (1995) <doi:10.1093/biomet/82.3.561> subsampling-based cross-validation method, the Politis and White (2004) <doi:10.1081/ETC-120028836> Spectral Density Plug-in method, including the Patton, Politis, and White (2009) <doi:10.1080/07474930802459016> correction, and the Lahiri, Furukawa, and Lee (2007) <doi:10.1016/j.stamet.2006.08.002> nonparametric plug-in method, with a corresponding set of S3 plot methods.
Author: Alec Stashevsky [aut, cre] , Sergio Armella [ctb]
Maintainer: Alec Stashevsky <>

Diff between blocklength versions 0.2.1 dated 2025-03-08 and 0.2.2 dated 2025-03-08

 DESCRIPTION                   |   11 ++--
 MD5                           |   17 +++---                       |   12 ++++
 R/nppi.R                      |    2 
 R/plot.nppi.R                 |   68 +++++++++++++++++++++++--                     |  111 +++++++++---------------------------------
 man/figures/README-nppi-2.svg |only
 tests/testthat/Rplots.pdf     |binary
 tests/testthat/test-nppi.R    |   36 ++++++-------
 tests/testthat/test-plots.R   |   19 ++++++-
 10 files changed, 149 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-)

More information about blocklength at CRAN
Permanent link

Package blocklength updated to version 0.2.1 with previous version 0.2.0 dated 2025-02-17

Title: Select an Optimal Block-Length to Bootstrap Dependent Data (Block Bootstrap)
Description: A set of functions to select the optimal block-length for a dependent bootstrap (block-bootstrap). Includes the Hall, Horowitz, and Jing (1995) <doi:10.1093/biomet/82.3.561> subsampling-based cross-validation method, the Politis and White (2004) <doi:10.1081/ETC-120028836> Spectral Density Plug-in method, including the Patton, Politis, and White (2009) <doi:10.1080/07474930802459016> correction, and the Lahiri, Furukawa, and Lee (2007) <doi:10.1016/j.stamet.2006.08.002> nonparametric plug-in method, with a corresponding set of S3 plot methods.
Author: Alec Stashevsky [aut, cre] , Sergio Armella [ctb]
Maintainer: Alec Stashevsky <>

Diff between blocklength versions 0.2.0 dated 2025-02-17 and 0.2.1 dated 2025-03-08

 DESCRIPTION                |    6 +--
 MD5                        |   14 +++----                    |   15 +++++++
 R/nppi.R                   |   17 +++++---                  |   90 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 man/nppi.Rd                |   35 +++++++++--------
 tests/testthat/Rplots.pdf  |binary
 tests/testthat/test-nppi.R |    2 -
 8 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

More information about blocklength at CRAN
Permanent link

Package survPen updated to version 2.0.2 with previous version 2.0.1 dated 2025-01-21

Title: Multidimensional Penalized Splines for (Excess) Hazard Models, Relative Mortality Ratio Models and Marginal Intensity Models
Description: Fits (excess) hazard, relative mortality ratio or marginal intensity models with multidimensional penalized splines allowing for time-dependent effects, non-linear effects and interactions between several continuous covariates. In survival and net survival analysis, in addition to modelling the effect of time (via the baseline hazard), one has often to deal with several continuous covariates and model their functional forms, their time-dependent effects, and their interactions. Model specification becomes therefore a complex problem and penalized regression splines represent an appealing solution to that problem as splines offer the required flexibility while penalization limits overfitting issues. Current implementations of penalized survival models can be slow or unstable and sometimes lack some key features like taking into account expected mortality to provide net survival and excess hazard estimates. In contrast, survPen provides an automated, fast, and stable implementation (than [...truncated...]
Author: Mathieu Fauvernier [aut, cre], Laurent Roche [aut], Laurent Remontet [aut], Zoe Uhry [ctb], Nadine Bossard [ctb], Elsa Coz [ctb]
Maintainer: Mathieu Fauvernier <>

Diff between survPen versions 2.0.1 dated 2025-01-21 and 2.0.2 dated 2025-03-08

 survPen-2.0.1/survPen/R/survPenV2_01.r                             |only
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/DESCRIPTION                                  |    6 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/MD5                                          |   80 +++++-----
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/NEWS                                         |    7 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/R/survPenV2_02.r                             |only
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/inst/doc/survival_analysis_with_survPen.R    |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/inst/doc/survival_analysis_with_survPen.Rmd  |    6 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/inst/doc/survival_analysis_with_survPen.html |   10 -
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/HeartFailure.Rd                          |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/NR.beta.Rd                               |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/NR.rho.Rd                                |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/constraint.Rd                            |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/cor.var.Rd                               |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/crs.FP.Rd                                |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/crs.Rd                                   |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/datCancer.Rd                             |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/design.matrix.Rd                         |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/expected.table.Rd                        |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/instr.Rd                                 |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/inv.repam.Rd                             |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/list.wicss.Rd                            |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/model.cons.Rd                            |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/predSNS.Rd                               |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/predict.survPen.Rd                       |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/print.summary.survPen.Rd                 |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/pwcst.Rd                                 |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/rd.Rd                                    |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/repam.Rd                                 |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/robust.var.Rd                            |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/smf.Rd                                   |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/smooth.cons.Rd                           |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/smooth.cons.integral.Rd                  |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/smooth.spec.Rd                           |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/splitmult.Rd                             |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/summary.survPen.Rd                       |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/survPen.Rd                               |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/                           |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/survPenObject.Rd                         |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/                             |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/                         |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/man/                         |    2 
 survPen-2.0.2/survPen/vignettes/survival_analysis_with_survPen.Rmd |    6 
 42 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)

More information about survPen at CRAN
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Package harmonydata updated to version 0.2.1 with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2023-10-19

Title: R Library for 'Harmony'
Description: 'Harmony' is a tool using AI which allows you to compare items from questionnaires and identify similar content. You can try 'Harmony' at <> and you can read our blog at <> or at <>. Documentation at <>.
Author: Omar Hassoun [aut, cre], Thomas Wood [ctb], Alex, Nikic [ctb], Ulster University [cph]
Maintainer: Omar Hassoun <>

Diff between harmonydata versions 0.1.1 dated 2023-10-19 and 0.2.1 dated 2025-03-08

 DESCRIPTION                        |   13 +
 MD5                                |   19 +-
 NAMESPACE                          |   35 ++--                            |only
 R/create_instrument_from_list.R    |only
 R/generate_crosswalk_table.R       |only
 R/get_example_instruments.R        |  129 ++++++++-------
 R/globals.R                        |  104 ++++++------
 R/load_instruments_for_file.R      |  304 +++++++++++++++++--------------------
 R/match_instruments.R              |  210 ++++++++++++-------------
 man/create_instrument_from_list.Rd |only
 man/generate_crosswalk_table.Rd    |only
 man/match_instruments.Rd           |   51 ++----
 13 files changed, 430 insertions(+), 435 deletions(-)

More information about harmonydata at CRAN
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Package RcppTOML updated to version 0.2.3 with previous version 0.2.2 dated 2023-01-29

Title: 'Rcpp' Bindings to Parser for "Tom's Obvious Markup Language"
Description: The configuration format defined by 'TOML' (which expands to "Tom's Obvious Markup Language") specifies an excellent format (described at <>) suitable for both human editing as well as the common uses of a machine-readable format. This package uses 'Rcpp' to connect to the 'toml++' parser written by Mark Gillard to R.
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel [aut, cre] , Mark Gillard [aut]
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <>

Diff between RcppTOML versions 0.2.2 dated 2023-01-29 and 0.2.3 dated 2025-03-08

 ChangeLog                         |   29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 DESCRIPTION                       |   19 ++++++++++++-------
 MD5                               |   12 ++++++------                         |    2 +-
 inst/NEWS.Rd                      |    9 +++++++++
 inst/include/toml++/impl/parser.h |    4 ++--
 inst/include/toml++/impl/path.h   |    2 +-
 7 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

More information about RcppTOML at CRAN
Permanent link

Package scRNAstat updated to version with previous version 0.1.1 dated 2021-09-22

Title: A Pipeline to Process Single Cell RNAseq Data
Description: A pipeline that can process single or multiple Single Cell RNAseq samples primarily specializes in Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction. Meanwhile we use common cell type marker genes for T cells, B cells, Myeloid cells, Epithelial cells, and stromal cells (Fiboblast, Endothelial cells, Pericyte, Smooth muscle cells) to visualize the Seurat clusters, to facilitate labeling them by biological names. Once users named each cluster, they can evaluate the quality of them again and find the de novo marker genes also.
Author: Jianming Zeng [aut], Yonghe Xia [ctb, cre], Biotrainee group [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Yonghe Xia <>

Diff between scRNAstat versions 0.1.1 dated 2021-09-22 and dated 2025-03-08

 DESCRIPTION                   |    7 ++++---
 MD5                           |    6 +++---
 data/AJ064_small_last_sce.rda |binary
 data/AJ064_small_sce.rda      |binary
 4 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

More information about scRNAstat at CRAN
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Package mixtools updated to version with previous version 2.0.0 dated 2022-12-05

Title: Tools for Analyzing Finite Mixture Models
Description: Analyzes finite mixture models for various parametric and semiparametric settings. This includes mixtures of parametric distributions (normal, multivariate normal, multinomial, gamma), various Reliability Mixture Models (RMMs), mixtures-of-regressions settings (linear regression, logistic regression, Poisson regression, linear regression with changepoints, predictor-dependent mixing proportions, random effects regressions, hierarchical mixtures-of-experts), and tools for selecting the number of components (bootstrapping the likelihood ratio test statistic, mixturegrams, and model selection criteria). Bayesian estimation of mixtures-of-linear-regressions models is available as well as a novel data depth method for obtaining credible bands. This package is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. SES-0518772 and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative: Essential Open Source Software for Science (Grant No. 2020-255193).
Author: Derek Young [aut, cre] , Tatiana Benaglia [aut], Didier Chauveau [aut], David Hunter [aut], Kedai Cheng [aut], Ryan Elmore [ctb], Thomas Hettmansperger [ctb], Hoben Thomas [ctb], Fengjuan Xuan [ctb]
Maintainer: Derek Young <>

Diff between mixtools versions 2.0.0 dated 2022-12-05 and dated 2025-03-08

 DESCRIPTION                |    6 +++---
 MD5                        |   40 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 build/vignette.rds         |binary
 data/CO2data.RData         |binary
 data/Habituationdata.RData |binary
 data/NOdata.RData          |binary
 data/RTdata.RData          |binary
 data/RTdata2.RData         |binary
 data/RanEffdata.RData      |binary
 data/RodFramedata.RData    |binary
 data/Waterdata.RData       |binary
 data/WaterdataFull.RData   |binary
 data/tonedata.RData        |binary
 inst/doc/mixtools.Rnw      |    2 +-
 inst/doc/mixtools.pdf      |binary
 man/CO2data.Rd             |    2 +-
 man/NOdata.Rd              |    2 +-
 man/mvnpEM.Rd              |    2 +-
 man/normalmixMMlc.Rd       |    2 +-
 man/summary.mvnpEM.Rd      |    2 +-
 vignettes/mixtools.Rnw     |    2 +-
 21 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

More information about mixtools at CRAN
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Package IncidencePrevalence updated to version 1.2.0 with previous version 1.1.0 dated 2025-02-20

Title: Estimate Incidence and Prevalence using the OMOP Common Data Model
Description: Calculate incidence and prevalence using data mapped to the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) common data model. Incidence and prevalence can be estimated for the total population in a database or for a stratification cohort.
Author: Edward Burn [aut, cre] , Berta Raventos [aut] , Marti Catala [aut] , Mike Du [ctb] , Yuchen Guo [ctb] , Adam Black [ctb] , Ger Inberg [ctb] , Kim Lopez [ctb]
Maintainer: Edward Burn <>

Diff between IncidencePrevalence versions 1.1.0 dated 2025-02-20 and 1.2.0 dated 2025-03-08

 IncidencePrevalence-1.1.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a06_benchmark.R                                   |only
 IncidencePrevalence-1.1.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a06_benchmark.Rmd                                 |only
 IncidencePrevalence-1.1.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a06_benchmark.html                                |only
 IncidencePrevalence-1.1.0/IncidencePrevalence/vignettes/a06_benchmark.Rmd                                |only
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/DESCRIPTION                                                |   14 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/MD5                                                        |   85 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/                                                    |   18 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/benchmarkIncidencePrevalence.R                           |    7 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/estimateIncidence.R                                      | 1107 -
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/estimatePrevalence.R                                     |    2 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/generateDenominatorCohortSet.R                           |    9 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/getDenominatorCohorts.R                                  |  910 -
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/getIncidence.R                                           |   52 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/inputValidation.R                                        |   20 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/mockIncidencePrevalence.R                                |   30 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/plotting.R                                               |    8 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/R/tables.R                                                 |  822 -
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/build/vignette.rds                                         |binary
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/data/IncidencePrevalenceBenchmarkResults.rda               |binary
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a01_Introduction_to_IncidencePrevalence.html      |    6 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a02_Creating_denominator_populations.html         |   34 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a03_Creating_target_denominator_populations.html  |   26 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a04_Calculating_prevalence.R                      |   15 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a04_Calculating_prevalence.Rmd                    |  551 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a04_Calculating_prevalence.html                   |  149 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a05_Calculating_incidence.R                       |   37 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a05_Calculating_incidence.Rmd                     |  608 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a05_Calculating_incidence.html                    |  375 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a06_Working_with_IncidencePrevalence_Results.R    |only
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a06_Working_with_IncidencePrevalence_Results.Rmd  |only
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a06_Working_with_IncidencePrevalence_Results.html |only
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a07_benchmark.R                                   |only
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a07_benchmark.Rmd                                 |only
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/inst/doc/a07_benchmark.html                                |only
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/man/estimateIncidence.Rd                                   |   12 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/man/mockIncidencePrevalence.Rd                             |    4 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/tests/manual/test-dbms.R                                   |    8 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/tests/testthat/test-benchmarkIncidencePrevalence.R         |  152 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/tests/testthat/test-dateUtilities.R                        |  252 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/tests/testthat/test-estimateIncidence.R                    | 7382 +++++-----
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/tests/testthat/test-estimatePrevalence.R                   | 3096 ++--
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/tests/testthat/test-generateDenominatorCohortSet.R         | 4932 +++---
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/tests/testthat/test-mockIncidencePrevalence.R              |   12 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/tests/testthat/test-plotting.R                             |  824 -
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/tests/testthat/test-tables.R                               |   10 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/vignettes/a04_Calculating_prevalence.Rmd                   |  551 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/vignettes/a05_Calculating_incidence.Rmd                    |  608 
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/vignettes/a06_Working_with_IncidencePrevalence_Results.Rmd |only
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/vignettes/a07_benchmark.Rmd                                |only
 IncidencePrevalence-1.2.0/IncidencePrevalence/vignettes/inc_rep_some_washout_censor.png                  |only
 50 files changed, 11623 insertions(+), 11105 deletions(-)

More information about IncidencePrevalence at CRAN
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Package hmmr updated to version 1.0-0.1 with previous version 1.0-0 dated 2021-05-27

Title: "Mixture and Hidden Markov Models with R" Datasets and Example Code
Description: Datasets and code examples that accompany our book Visser & Speekenbrink (2021), "Mixture and Hidden Markov Models with R", <>.
Author: Ingmar Visser [aut, cre], Maarten Speekenbrink [aut]
Maintainer: Ingmar Visser <>

Diff between hmmr versions 1.0-0 dated 2021-05-27 and 1.0-0.1 dated 2025-03-08

 DESCRIPTION                      |    8 +++---
 MD5                              |   46 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 data/IGT.rda                     |binary
 data/MAR_simulation_results.rda  |binary
 data/MNAR_simulation_results.rda |binary
 data/SEsamples.rda               |binary
 data/WPT.rda                     |binary
 data/balance8.rda                |binary
 data/balance8pars.rda            |binary
 data/confint.rda                 |binary
 data/conservation.rda            |binary
 data/dccs.rda                    |binary
 data/dccs_boot_LR.rda            |binary
 data/dccslong.rda                |binary
 data/disc42.rda                  |binary
 data/discrimination.rda          |binary
 data/perth.rda                   |binary
 data/simplehmm.rda               |binary
 data/speed1.rda                  |binary
 data/speed_boot_LR.rda           |binary
 data/speed_boot_LR_extra.rda     |binary
 data/speed_boot_par.rda          |binary
 man/disc42.Rd                    |    2 -
 man/discrimination.Rd            |    2 -
 24 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

More information about hmmr at CRAN
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Package fields updated to version 16.3.1 with previous version 16.3 dated 2024-09-30

Title: Tools for Spatial Data
Description: For curve, surface and function fitting with an emphasis on splines, spatial data, geostatistics, and spatial statistics. The major methods include cubic, and thin plate splines, Kriging, and compactly supported covariance functions for large data sets. The splines and Kriging methods are supported by functions that can determine the smoothing parameter (nugget and sill variance) and other covariance function parameters by cross validation and also by restricted maximum likelihood. For Kriging there is an easy to use function that also estimates the correlation scale (range parameter). A major feature is that any covariance function implemented in R and following a simple format can be used for spatial prediction. There are also many useful functions for plotting and working with spatial data as images. This package also contains an implementation of sparse matrix methods for large spatial data sets and currently requires the sparse matrix (spam) package. Use help(fields) to get star [...truncated...]
Author: Douglas Nychka [aut, cre], Reinhard Furrer [aut], John Paige [aut], Stephan Sain [aut], Florian Gerber [aut], Matthew Iverson [aut], Rider Johnson [aut]
Maintainer: Douglas Nychka <>

Diff between fields versions 16.3 dated 2024-09-30 and 16.3.1 dated 2025-03-08

 DESCRIPTION                     |    7 ++++---
 MD5                             |   30 +++++++++++++++---------------
 data/CO2.rda                    |binary
 data/COmonthlyMet.rda           |binary
 data/NorthAmericanRainfall.rda  |binary
 data/NorthAmericanRainfall2.rda |binary
 data/PRISMelevation.rda         |binary
 data/RCMexample.rda             |binary
 data/RMelevation.rda            |binary
 data/US.dat.rda                 |binary
 data/WorldBankCO2.rda           |binary
 data/glacier.rda                |binary
 data/lennon.rda                 |binary
 data/ozone2.rda                 |binary
 data/               |binary
 data/world.dat.rda              |binary
 16 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

More information about fields at CRAN
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Package DGP4LCF updated to version with previous version 1.0.0 dated 2024-05-28

Title: Dependent Gaussian Processes for Longitudinal Correlated Factors
Description: Functionalities for analyzing high-dimensional and longitudinal biomarker data to facilitate precision medicine, using a joint model of Bayesian sparse factor analysis and dependent Gaussian processes. This paper illustrates the method in detail: J Cai, RJB Goudie, C Starr, BDM Tom (2023) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2307.02781>.
Author: Jiachen Cai [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jiachen Cai <>

Diff between DGP4LCF versions 1.0.0 dated 2024-05-28 and dated 2025-03-08

 DESCRIPTION                                  |    6 
 MD5                                          |   24 +--
 build/vignette.rds                           |binary
 data/sim_fcs_init.rda                        |binary
 data/sim_fcs_results_irregular_6_8.rda       |binary
 data/sim_fcs_results_regular_8.rda           |binary
 data/sim_fcs_truth.rda                       |binary
 inst/doc/bsfadgp_irregular_data_example.R    |  184 +++++++++++------------
 inst/doc/bsfadgp_irregular_data_example.html |    3 
 inst/doc/bsfadgp_regular_data_example.R      |  212 +++++++++++++--------------
 inst/doc/bsfadgp_regular_data_example.html   |    7 
 src/Makevars                                 |    2 
 src/                             |    2 
 13 files changed, 221 insertions(+), 219 deletions(-)

More information about DGP4LCF at CRAN
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Package httr2 updated to version 1.1.1 with previous version 1.1.0 dated 2025-01-18

Title: Perform HTTP Requests and Process the Responses
Description: Tools for creating and modifying HTTP requests, then performing them and processing the results. 'httr2' is a modern re-imagining of 'httr' that uses a pipe-based interface and solves more of the problems that API wrapping packages face.
Author: Hadley Wickham [aut, cre], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd], Maximilian Girlich [ctb]
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <>

Diff between httr2 versions 1.1.0 dated 2025-01-18 and 1.1.1 dated 2025-03-08

 httr2-1.1.0/httr2/R/iterate.R                                            |only
 httr2-1.1.0/httr2/R/multi-req.R                                          |only
 httr2-1.1.0/httr2/R/progress.R                                           |only
 httr2-1.1.0/httr2/R/sequential.R                                         |only
 httr2-1.1.0/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/               |only
 httr2-1.1.0/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/                       |only
 httr2-1.1.0/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/                     |only
 httr2-1.1.0/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/                    |only
 httr2-1.1.0/httr2/tests/testthat/azure-cert.rds                          |only
 httr2-1.1.0/httr2/tests/testthat/azure-key.rds                           |only
 httr2-1.1.0/httr2/tests/testthat/test-iterate-helpers.R                  |only
 httr2-1.1.0/httr2/tests/testthat/test-iterate-responses.R                |only
 httr2-1.1.0/httr2/tests/testthat/test-iterate.R                          |only
 httr2-1.1.0/httr2/tests/testthat/test-multi-req.R                        |only
 httr2-1.1.0/httr2/tests/testthat/test-sequential.R                       |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/DESCRIPTION                                            |    8 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/MD5                                                    |  210 +++++-----
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/NAMESPACE                                              |    4 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/                                                |   25 +
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/content-type.R                                       |   26 +
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/curl.R                                               |    5 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/headers.R                                            |   56 ++
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/httr2-package.R                                      |    2 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/oauth-client.R                                       |    2 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/oauth-flow-auth-code.R                               |    4 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/oauth-token.R                                        |   15 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/oauth.R                                              |   24 -
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/pooled-request.R                                     |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/req-auth-aws.R                                       |    5 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/req-auth-sign.R                                      |   19 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/req-auth.R                                           |    4 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/req-cache.R                                          |    4 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/req-dry-run.R                                        |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/req-error.R                                          |   16 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/req-headers.R                                        |   21 -
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/req-options.R                                        |  110 -----
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/req-perform-connection.R                             |   39 +
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/req-perform-iterative.R                              |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/req-perform-parallel.R                               |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/req-perform-sequential.R                             |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/req-perform.R                                        |  158 +++----
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/req-progress.R                                       |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/req-promise.R                                        |   68 ---
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/req-throttle.R                                       |  159 +++++--
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/req-verbose.R                                        |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/req.R                                                |    3 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/resp-headers.R                                       |    5 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/resp-status.R                                        |   18 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/resp-stream-aws.R                                    |    2 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/resp-stream.R                                        |  109 ++++-
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/resp.R                                               |   13 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/test.R                                               |   17 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/utils.R                                              |   75 +--
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/R/verbosity.R                                          |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/                                              |   18 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/build/vignette.rds                                     |binary
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/inst/doc/httr2.Rmd                                     |    4 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/inst/doc/httr2.html                                    |   81 ++-
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/man/example_url.Rd                                     |    2 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/man/multi_req_perform.Rd                               |   14 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/man/req_dry_run.Rd                                     |   29 +
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/man/req_headers.Rd                                     |    4 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/man/req_perform_connection.Rd                          |    4 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/man/req_perform_iterative.Rd                           |    2 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/man/req_perform_parallel.Rd                            |   52 +-
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/man/req_perform_promise.Rd                             |    5 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/man/req_perform_sequential.Rd                          |    5 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/man/req_progress.Rd                                    |    2 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/man/req_throttle.Rd                                    |   30 +
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/man/req_verbose.Rd                                     |    2 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/man/resp_stream_raw.Rd                                 |    4 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/man/throttle_status.Rd                                 |    8 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/man/with_verbosity.Rd                                  |   27 +
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/                          |   20 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/                       |   20 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/                  |   32 +
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/                   |   18 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/                  |   18 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/                   |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/                   |   13 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/                   |   11 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/        |   10 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/ |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/         |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/          |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/        |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/                   |   41 -
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/                  |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/                   |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/                           |    6 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/                   |   51 +-
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/_snaps/                         |    2 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/helper-promise.R                        |   10 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/helper-webfakes.R                       |   10 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/helper.R                                |    9 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-content-type.R                     |    6 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-curl.R                             |   16 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-headers.R                          |   16 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-oauth-client.R                     |   54 --
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-oauth-flow-auth-code.R             |   10 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-oauth-flow-refresh.R               |   10 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-oauth-token.R                      |    5 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-req-auth-aws.R                     |   21 +
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-req-auth.R                         |    6 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-req-cookies.R                      |    6 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-req-dry-run.R                      |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-req-headers.R                      |   60 ++
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-req-options.R                      |   44 --
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-req-perform-connection.R           |   15 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-req-perform-iterative-helpers.R    |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-req-perform-iterative-responses.R  |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-req-perform-iterative.R            |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-req-perform-parallel.R             |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-req-perform-sequential.R           |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-req-perform-stream.R               |    2 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-req-perform.R                      |   57 --
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-req-promise.R                      |    2 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-req-throttle.R                     |   90 ++--
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-req-verbose.R                      |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-resp-headers.R                     |    7 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-resp-stream.R                      |   62 ++
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-resp-url.R                         |    2 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-utils.R                            |   13 
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/tests/testthat/test-verbosity.R                        |only
 httr2-1.1.1/httr2/vignettes/httr2.Rmd                                    |    4 
 125 files changed, 1314 insertions(+), 984 deletions(-)

More information about httr2 at CRAN
Permanent link

Package clinDataReview (with last version 1.6.1) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2024-06-18 1.6.1
2024-06-13 1.6.0
2024-05-17 1.5.2
2024-04-24 1.5.1
2023-12-11 1.5.0

Permanent link
Package TT (with last version 0.98) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2022-04-05 0.98
2022-01-10 0.92

Permanent link
Package TEAM (with last version 0.1.0) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2019-09-13 0.1.0

Permanent link

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