Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- e -
- e1 : Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::JoinOp< RTYPE, E1, E2 >, Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::JoinOp< RTYPE, E1, ScalarBindable< typename scalar< RTYPE >::type > >
- E1 : Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::JoinOp< RTYPE, ScalarBindable< typename scalar< RTYPE >::type >, E2 >
- e1 : Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::JoinOp< RTYPE, ScalarBindable< typename scalar< RTYPE >::type >, E2 >, Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::JoinOp< RTYPE, ScalarBindable< typename scalar< RTYPE >::type >, ScalarBindable< typename scalar< RTYPE >::type > >
- E1 : Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::JoinOp< RTYPE, ScalarBindable< typename scalar< RTYPE >::type >, ScalarBindable< typename scalar< RTYPE >::type > >
- e2 : Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::JoinOp< RTYPE, E1, E2 >, Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::JoinOp< RTYPE, E1, ScalarBindable< typename scalar< RTYPE >::type > >
- E2 : Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::JoinOp< RTYPE, E1, ScalarBindable< typename scalar< RTYPE >::type > >
- e2 : Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::JoinOp< RTYPE, ScalarBindable< typename scalar< RTYPE >::type >, E2 >, Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::JoinOp< RTYPE, ScalarBindable< typename scalar< RTYPE >::type >, ScalarBindable< typename scalar< RTYPE >::type > >
- E2 : Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::JoinOp< RTYPE, ScalarBindable< typename scalar< RTYPE >::type >, ScalarBindable< typename scalar< RTYPE >::type > >
- elapsed : Timer
- ElapsedTime() : Timer
- elem_type : Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >
- embeddedR() : Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributesParser
- embeddedR_ : Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributesParser
- empty() : Rcpp::attributes::Argument, Rcpp::attributes::Attribute, Rcpp::attributes::Function, Rcpp::attributes::Param, Rcpp::attributes::Type, Rcpp::internal::const_string_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::internal::string_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >
- enc : Rcpp::String
- end() : Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributes, Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributesParser, Rcpp::ConstMatrixColumn< RTYPE >, Rcpp::ConstMatrixRow< RTYPE >, Rcpp::internal::const_string_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::internal::string_name_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::internal::string_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::ListOf< T >, Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, na, MATRIX >, Rcpp::MatrixColumn< RTYPE >, Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >, Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >
- end_ : Rcpp::Range
- end_t : Timer
- ENUM : Rcpp::class_Base
- enum_() : Rcpp::enum_< Enum, Parent >
- ENUM_MAP : Rcpp::class_Base
- ENUM_MAP_PAIR : Rcpp::class_Base
- enums : Rcpp::class_Base
- env : Rcpp::BindingPolicy< EnvironmentClass >::Binding, Rcpp::BindingPolicy< EnvironmentClass >::const_Binding
- erase() : Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >
- erase_range__impl() : Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >
- erase_single__impl() : Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >
- eval() : Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >
- exception() : Rcpp::exception
- existingCode_ : Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerator
- exists() : Rcpp::attributes::FileInfo, Rcpp::BindingPolicy< EnvironmentClass >::Binding, Rcpp::BindingPolicy< EnvironmentClass >::const_Binding
- exists_ : Rcpp::attributes::FileInfo
- ExpGenerator() : Rcpp::stats::ExpGenerator
- ExpGenerator__rate1() : Rcpp::stats::ExpGenerator__rate1
- exportedCppName() : Rcpp::attributes::Attribute
- exportedName() : Rcpp::attributes::Attribute
- ExportsGenerator() : Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerator
- ExportsGenerators() : Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerators
- exportValidationFunction() : Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerator
- exportValidationFunctionRegisteredName() : Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerator
- EXT : Rcpp::sugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive< REALSXP, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive< REALSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive_nona< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive_nona< REALSXP, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive_nona< REALSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive_nona< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Sapply< RTYPE, NA, T, Function, NO_CONVERSION >, Rcpp::sugar::Sapply< RTYPE, NA, T, Function, true >, Rcpp::sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive< REALSXP, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive< REALSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive_nona< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive_nona< REALSXP, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive_nona< REALSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive_nona< RTYPE, false, T >
- EXT_1 : Rcpp::sugar::Mapply_3< RTYPE_1, NA_1, T_1, RTYPE_2, NA_2, T_2, RTYPE_3, NA_3, T_3, Function >
- EXT_2 : Rcpp::sugar::Mapply_3< RTYPE_1, NA_1, T_1, RTYPE_2, NA_2, T_2, RTYPE_3, NA_3, T_3, Function >
- EXT_3 : Rcpp::sugar::Mapply_3< RTYPE_1, NA_1, T_1, RTYPE_2, NA_2, T_2, RTYPE_3, NA_3, T_3, Function >
- extension() : Rcpp::attributes::FileInfo
- eye() : Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, na, MATRIX >