Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- g -
- GammaGenerator() : Rcpp::stats::GammaGenerator
- generators_ : Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerators
- generatorToken() : Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerator
- generic_name_proxy() : Rcpp::internal::generic_name_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >
- generic_proxy() : Rcpp::internal::generic_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >
- GeomGenerator() : Rcpp::stats::GeomGenerator
- get() : CppProperty_GetConstMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetConstMethod_SetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetConstMethod_SetPointer< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetMethod_SetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetMethod_SetPointer< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetPointer_SetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetPointer_SetPointer< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetPointerMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_Getter< PROP >, CppProperty_Getter_Setter< PROP >, Rcpp::AttributeProxyPolicy< CLASS >::AttributeProxy, Rcpp::AttributeProxyPolicy< CLASS >::const_AttributeProxy, Rcpp::BindingPolicy< EnvironmentClass >::Binding, Rcpp::BindingPolicy< EnvironmentClass >::const_Binding, Rcpp::CppInheritedProperty< Class, Parent >, Rcpp::CppProperty< Class >, Rcpp::DottedPairProxyPolicy< CLASS >::const_DottedPairProxy, Rcpp::DottedPairProxyPolicy< CLASS >::DottedPairProxy, Rcpp::FieldProxyPolicy< CLASS >::const_FieldProxy, Rcpp::FieldProxyPolicy< CLASS >::FieldProxy, Rcpp::GenericProxy< Proxy >, Rcpp::internal::const_generic_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::internal::const_string_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::internal::element_converter< RTYPE >, Rcpp::internal::generic_element_converter< RTYPE >, Rcpp::internal::generic_name_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::internal::generic_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::internal::simple_name_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::internal::string_element_converter< RTYPE >, Rcpp::internal::string_name_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::internal::string_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::ListOf< T >, Rcpp::NamesProxyPolicy< CLASS >::const_NamesProxy, Rcpp::NamesProxyPolicy< CLASS >::NamesProxy, Rcpp::no_init_vector, Rcpp::Nullable< T >, Rcpp::ProtectedProxyPolicy< XPtrClass >::const_ProtectedProxy, Rcpp::ProtectedProxyPolicy< XPtrClass >::ProtectedProxy, Rcpp::SlotProxyPolicy< CLASS >::const_SlotProxy, Rcpp::SlotProxyPolicy< CLASS >::SlotProxy, Rcpp::sugar::ColMeansImpl< RTYPE, NA, T, NA_RM >, Rcpp::sugar::ColMeansImpl< RTYPE, NA, T, true >, Rcpp::sugar::ColSumsImpl< RTYPE, NA, T, NA_RM >, Rcpp::sugar::ColSumsImpl< RTYPE, NA, T, true >, Rcpp::sugar::Cummax< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Cummin< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Cumprod< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Cumsum< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::In< RTYPE, TABLE_T >, Rcpp::sugar::Intersect< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >, Rcpp::sugar::LowerTri< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Mean< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Mean< CPLXSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Mean< INTSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Mean< LGLSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::RowMeansImpl< RTYPE, NA, T, NA_RM >, Rcpp::sugar::RowMeansImpl< RTYPE, NA, T, true >, Rcpp::sugar::RowSumsImpl< RTYPE, NA, T, NA_RM >, Rcpp::sugar::RowSumsImpl< RTYPE, NA, T, true >, Rcpp::sugar::Sd< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::SetDiff< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >, Rcpp::sugar::SetEqual< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >, Rcpp::sugar::Sign< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::sign__impl< NA, RTYPE >, Rcpp::sugar::sign__impl< false, RTYPE >, Rcpp::sugar::SingleLogicalResult< NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Sum< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Sum< REALSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Sum< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Union< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >, Rcpp::sugar::UpperTri< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Var< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Var< CPLXSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::WhichMax< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::WhichMax< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::WhichMin< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::WhichMin< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::TagProxyPolicy< XPtrClass >::const_TagProxy, Rcpp::TagProxyPolicy< XPtrClass >::TagProxy, Rcpp::traits::ContainerExporter< ContainerTemplate, T >, Rcpp::traits::proxy_cache< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::traits::r_vector_cache< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::XPtr< T, StoragePolicy, Finalizer, finalizeOnExit >
- get__() : Rcpp::NoProtectStorage< CLASS >, Rcpp::PreserveStorage< CLASS >
- get_addr() : Rcpp::sugar::IndexHash< RTYPE >, Rcpp::sugar::SelfHash< RTYPE >
- get_class() : CppProperty_GetConstMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetConstMethod_SetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetConstMethod_SetPointer< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetMethod_SetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetMethod_SetPointer< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetPointer_SetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetPointer_SetPointer< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetPointerMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_Getter< PROP >, CppProperty_Getter_Setter< PROP >, Rcpp::CppInheritedProperty< Class, Parent >, Rcpp::CppProperty< Class >, Rcpp::Module
- get_class_pointer() : Rcpp::Module
- get_const() : Rcpp::traits::proxy_cache< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::traits::r_vector_cache< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >
- get_cstring() : Rcpp::String
- get_diag_false() : Rcpp::sugar::LowerTri< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::UpperTri< RTYPE, NA, T >
- get_diag_true() : Rcpp::sugar::LowerTri< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::UpperTri< RTYPE, NA, T >
- get_encoding() : Rcpp::String
- get_end() : Rcpp::Range
- get_formals() : Rcpp::CppFunction
- get_function() : Rcpp::Module
- get_function_ptr() : Rcpp::CppFunction, Rcpp::Module
- get_index() : Rcpp::sugar::IndexHash< RTYPE >, Rcpp::sugar::SelfHash< RTYPE >
- get_indices() : Rcpp::SubsetProxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy, RHS_RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T >
- get_instance() : class_< Class >
- get_na() : Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >
- get_parent_index() : Rcpp::ConstMatrixRow< RTYPE >, Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >
- get_profile_data() : Rcpp::sugar::IndexHash< RTYPE >
- get_ref() : Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, na, MATRIX >, Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >
- get_sexp() : Rcpp::String, Rcpp::sugar::SingleLogicalResult< NA, T >
- get_sexp_impl() : Rcpp::String
- get_start() : Rcpp::Range
- get_timers() : Rcpp::Timer
- get_typeinfo_name() : class_< Class >, Rcpp::class_Base
- get_vec() : Rcpp::SubsetProxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy, RHS_RTYPE, RHS_NA, RHS_T >
- getCCallable() : Rcpp::attributes::CppExportsIncludeGenerator
- getConstructors() : class_< Class >, Rcpp::class_Base
- getDate() : Rcpp::Date
- getDates() : Rcpp::newDateVector, Rcpp::oldDateVector
- getDatetimes() : Rcpp::newDatetimeVector, Rcpp::oldDatetimeVector
- getDay() : Rcpp::Date, Rcpp::Datetime
- getFractionalSeconds() : Timer
- getFractionalTimestamp() : Rcpp::Datetime
- getHeaderGuard() : Rcpp::attributes::CppExportsIncludeGenerator, Rcpp::attributes::CppPackageIncludeGenerator
- getHours() : Rcpp::Datetime
- GetMethod : CppProperty_GetConstMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetConstMethod_SetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetConstMethod_SetPointer< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetMethod_SetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetMethod_SetPointer< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetPointer_SetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetPointer_SetPointer< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetPointerMethod< Class, PROP >
- getMethods() : class_< Class >, Rcpp::class_Base
- getMicroSeconds() : Rcpp::Datetime
- getMinutes() : Rcpp::Datetime
- getMonth() : Rcpp::Date, Rcpp::Datetime
- getProperty() : class_< Class >, Rcpp::class_Base
- getSeconds() : Rcpp::Datetime
- getter : CppProperty_GetConstMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetConstMethod_SetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetConstMethod_SetPointer< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetMethod_SetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetMethod_SetPointer< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetPointer_SetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetPointer_SetPointer< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetPointerMethod< Class, PROP >, Rcpp::sugar::LowerTri< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::UpperTri< RTYPE, NA, T >
- getWeekday() : Rcpp::Date, Rcpp::Datetime
- getYear() : Rcpp::Date, Rcpp::Datetime
- getYearday() : Rcpp::Date, Rcpp::Datetime
- goahead : Rcpp::state
- goback : Rcpp::state
- Grabber() : Rcpp::sugar::Grabber< HASH, RTYPE >