Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- i -
- IfElse() : Rcpp::sugar::IfElse< RTYPE, COND_NA, COND_T, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >, Rcpp::sugar::IfElse< RTYPE, false, COND_T, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >
- IfElse_Primitive_Primitive() : Rcpp::sugar::IfElse_Primitive_Primitive< RTYPE, COND_NA, COND_T >, Rcpp::sugar::IfElse_Primitive_Primitive< RTYPE, false, COND_T >
- IfElse_Primitive_Vector() : Rcpp::sugar::IfElse_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, COND_NA, COND_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >, Rcpp::sugar::IfElse_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, false, COND_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >
- IfElse_Vector_Primitive() : Rcpp::sugar::IfElse_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, COND_NA, COND_T, LHS_NA, LHS_T >, Rcpp::sugar::IfElse_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, false, COND_T, LHS_NA, LHS_T >
- import() : Rcpp::internal::const_string_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::internal::generic_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::internal::string_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >
- import_expression() : Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >
- import_matrix_expression() : Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >
- import_sugar_expression() : Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >
- import_transform() : Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >
- In() : Rcpp::sugar::In< RTYPE, TABLE_T >
- include_call() : Rcpp::exception
- inComment() : Rcpp::attributes::CommentState
- index() : Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, na, MATRIX >::iterator
- IndexHash() : Rcpp::sugar::IndexHash< RTYPE >
- inherits() : Rcpp::NoProtectStorage< CLASS >, Rcpp::PreserveStorage< CLASS >
- init() : Rcpp::Armor< T >, Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, tinyformat::detail::FormatListN< N >
- InputParameter() : Rcpp::InputParameter< T >
- insert() : Rcpp::DottedPairImpl< CLASS >, Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >
- insert__impl() : Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >
- InSet() : Rcpp::sugar::InSet< HASH >
- interrupt_exception() : interrupt_exception
- Intersect() : Rcpp::sugar::Intersect< RTYPE, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >
- invalidate__() : Rcpp::NoProtectStorage< CLASS >, Rcpp::PreserveStorage< CLASS >
- invisible() : Rcpp::attributes::Attribute
- invoke() : class_< Class >, Rcpp::class_Base, Rcpp::Module, tinyformat::detail::convertToInt< T, convertible >, tinyformat::detail::convertToInt< T, true >, tinyformat::detail::formatValueAsType< T, fmtT, convertible >, tinyformat::detail::formatValueAsType< T, fmtT, true >
- invoke_notvoid() : class_< Class >, Rcpp::class_Base
- invoke_void() : class_< Class >, Rcpp::class_Base
- is_const() : Rcpp::CppInheritedMethod< Class, Parent >, Rcpp::CppMethod< Class >, Rcpp::SignedMethod< Class >
- is_false() : Rcpp::sugar::SingleLogicalResult< NA, T >
- is_na() : Rcpp::Date, Rcpp::Datetime, Rcpp::String, Rcpp::sugar::SingleLogicalResult< NA, T >, Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >
- is_readonly() : CppProperty_GetConstMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetConstMethod_SetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetConstMethod_SetPointer< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetMethod_SetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetMethod_SetPointer< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetPointer_SetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetPointer_SetPointer< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetPointerMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_Getter< PROP >, CppProperty_Getter_Setter< PROP >, Rcpp::CppInheritedProperty< Class, Parent >, Rcpp::CppProperty< Class >
- is_true() : Rcpp::sugar::SingleLogicalResult< NA, T >
- is_unresolved() : Rcpp::sugar::SingleLogicalResult< NA, T >
- is_void() : Rcpp::CppFunction, Rcpp::CppInheritedMethod< Class, Parent >, Rcpp::CppMethod< Class >, Rcpp::SignedMethod< Class >
- isConst() : Rcpp::attributes::Type
- isExportedFunction() : Rcpp::attributes::Attribute
- IsFinite() : Rcpp::sugar::IsFinite< RTYPE, NA, VEC_TYPE >
- isHidden() : Rcpp::attributes::Function
- IsInfinite() : Rcpp::sugar::IsInfinite< RTYPE, NA, VEC_TYPE >
- isKnownAttribute() : Rcpp::attributes::SourceFileAttributesParser
- IsNa() : Rcpp::sugar::IsNa< RTYPE, NA, VEC_TYPE >, Rcpp::sugar::IsNa< RTYPE, false, VEC_TYPE >
- IsNa_Vector_is_na() : Rcpp::sugar::IsNa_Vector_is_na< T >
- IsNaN() : Rcpp::sugar::IsNaN< RTYPE, NA, VEC_TYPE >
- isNotNull() : Rcpp::Nullable< T >
- isNull() : Rcpp::Nullable< T >
- isNULL() : Rcpp::RObjectMethods< Class >
- isObject() : Rcpp::RObjectMethods< Class >
- isReference() : Rcpp::attributes::Type
- isS4() : Rcpp::RObjectMethods< Class >
- isSafeToOverwrite() : Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerator
- isSet() : Rcpp::Nullable< T >
- isUsable() : Rcpp::Nullable< T >
- isVoid() : Rcpp::attributes::Type
- iter_base() : Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::iter_base< TRAITS >, Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::iter_base< TRAITS >
- iterator() : Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, na, MATRIX >::iterator