Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- v -
- v : Rcpp::Fast< VECTOR >
- valid : Rcpp::SignedConstructor< Class >, Rcpp::SignedFactory< Class >, Rcpp::SignedMethod< Class >, Rcpp::String
- value : Rcpp::algorithm::helpers::ctype_helper< I >, Rcpp::algorithm::helpers::ctype_helper< sizeof(CTYPE_CHAR) >, Rcpp::algorithm::helpers::ctype_helper< sizeof(CTYPE_DOUBLE) >, Rcpp::algorithm::helpers::ctype_helper< sizeof(CTYPE_FLOAT) >, Rcpp::algorithm::helpers::ctype_helper< sizeof(CTYPE_INT) >, Rcpp::algorithm::helpers::ctype_helper< sizeof(CTYPE_LONG) >, Rcpp::algorithm::helpers::ctype_helper< sizeof(CTYPE_LONG_DOUBLE) >, Rcpp::algorithm::helpers::ctype_helper< sizeof(CTYPE_SHORT) >, Rcpp::algorithm::helpers::ctype_helper< sizeof(CTYPE_STRING) >, Rcpp::algorithm::helpers::ctype_helper< sizeof(CTYPE_UNSIGNED_CHAR) >, Rcpp::algorithm::helpers::ctype_helper< sizeof(CTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT) >, Rcpp::algorithm::helpers::ctype_helper< sizeof(CTYPE_UNSIGNED_LONG) >, Rcpp::algorithm::helpers::ctype_helper< sizeof(CTYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT) >, Rcpp::algorithm::helpers::decays_to_ctype< T >, Rcpp::attributes::Param, Rcpp::enum_< Enum, Parent >, Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::detail::has_stored_type< T >, Rcpp::sugar::unary_minus_result_type< RTYPE >, Rcpp::sugar::unary_minus_result_type< LGLSXP >, Rcpp::traits::_has_iterator_helper< T >, Rcpp::traits::_has_matrix_interface_helper< T >, Rcpp::traits::_has_rtype_helper< T >, Rcpp::traits::_is_eigen_helper< T >, Rcpp::traits::_is_exporter_helper< T >, Rcpp::traits::_is_generator_helper< T >, Rcpp::traits::_is_importer_helper< T >, Rcpp::traits::_is_sugar_expression_helper< T >, Rcpp::traits::int2type< I >, Rcpp::traits::integral_constant< _T, _V >, Rcpp::traits::is_convertible< T, U >, tinyformat::detail::is_convertible< T1, T2 >
- value_ : Rcpp::attributes::Param
- value_type : Rcpp::ConstMatrixColumn< RTYPE >, Rcpp::ConstMatrixRow< RTYPE >::const_iterator, Rcpp::ConstMatrixRow< RTYPE >, Rcpp::Fast< VECTOR >, Rcpp::MatrixBase< RTYPE, na, MATRIX >::iterator, Rcpp::MatrixColumn< RTYPE >, Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::const_iter_traits, Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::iter_base< TRAITS >, Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::iter_traits, Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >, Rcpp::traits::integral_constant< _T, _V >, Rcpp::traits::is_convertible< T, U >, Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::const_iter_traits, Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::iter_base< TRAITS >, Rcpp::VectorBase< RTYPE, na, VECTOR >::iter_traits
- values : Rcpp::enum_< Enum, Parent >
- Var() : Rcpp::sugar::Var< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Var< CPLXSXP, NA, T >
- vec : Rcpp::internal::LazyVector< VECTOR >, Rcpp::internal::LazyVector< Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE > >, Rcpp::stats::D0< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::D1< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::D2< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::D3< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::P0< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::P1< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::P2< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::P3< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::Q0< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::Q1< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::Q2< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::Q3< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::cbind_impl::ContainerBindable< RTYPE, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Clamp_Primitive_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::In< RTYPE, TABLE_T >
- VEC : Rcpp::sugar::Lapply< RTYPE, NA, T, Function >
- vec : Rcpp::sugar::Lapply< RTYPE, NA, T, Function >
- VEC : Rcpp::sugar::Sapply< RTYPE, NA, T, Function, NO_CONVERSION >
- vec : Rcpp::sugar::Sapply< RTYPE, NA, T, Function, NO_CONVERSION >, Rcpp::sugar::Sapply< RTYPE, NA, T, Function, true >
- VEC : Rcpp::sugar::Sapply< RTYPE, NA, T, Function, true >
- vec : Rcpp::sugar::SugarBlock_1< NA, RESULT_TYPE, U1, T1 >, Rcpp::sugar::SugarComplex< NA, RESULT_TYPE, T, FunPtr >, Rcpp::sugar::SugarMath_1< NA, RESULT_TYPE, U1, T1, FunPtr >, Rcpp::sugar::SugarMath_1< false, RESULT_TYPE, int, T1, FunPtr >, Rcpp::sugar::SugarMath_1< NA, RESULT_TYPE, int, T1, FunPtr >
- Vec() : Vec
- vec_1 : Rcpp::sugar::Mapply_2< RTYPE, NA_1, T_1, NA_2, T_2, Function >, Rcpp::sugar::Mapply_2_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA_1, T_1, PRIM_2, Function >, Rcpp::sugar::Mapply_3< RTYPE_1, NA_1, T_1, RTYPE_2, NA_2, T_2, RTYPE_3, NA_3, T_3, Function >
- VEC_1 : Rcpp::sugar::Mapply_3< RTYPE_1, NA_1, T_1, RTYPE_2, NA_2, T_2, RTYPE_3, NA_3, T_3, Function >
- vec_2 : Rcpp::sugar::Mapply_2< RTYPE, NA_1, T_1, NA_2, T_2, Function >, Rcpp::sugar::Mapply_2_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, PRIM_1, NA_2, T_2, Function >, Rcpp::sugar::Mapply_3< RTYPE_1, NA_1, T_1, RTYPE_2, NA_2, T_2, RTYPE_3, NA_3, T_3, Function >
- VEC_2 : Rcpp::sugar::Mapply_3< RTYPE_1, NA_1, T_1, RTYPE_2, NA_2, T_2, RTYPE_3, NA_3, T_3, Function >
- vec_3 : Rcpp::sugar::Mapply_3< RTYPE_1, NA_1, T_1, RTYPE_2, NA_2, T_2, RTYPE_3, NA_3, T_3, Function >
- VEC_3 : Rcpp::sugar::Mapply_3< RTYPE_1, NA_1, T_1, RTYPE_2, NA_2, T_2, RTYPE_3, NA_3, T_3, Function >
- VEC_EXT : Rcpp::sugar::Divides_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Divides_Primitive_Vector< REALSXP, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Divides_Primitive_Vector< REALSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Divides_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Divides_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Divides_Vector_Primitive< REALSXP, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Divides_Vector_Primitive< REALSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Divides_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Minus_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Minus_Primitive_Vector< REALSXP, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Minus_Primitive_Vector< REALSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Minus_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Minus_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Minus_Vector_Primitive< REALSXP, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Minus_Vector_Primitive< REALSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Minus_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Sum< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Sum< REALSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Sum< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Vectorized< Func, NA, VEC >, Rcpp::sugar::Vectorized_INTSXP< Func, NA, VEC >, Rcpp::sugar::Vectorized_INTSXP< Func, false, VEC >
- vec_iterator : Rcpp::SubMatrix< RTYPE >
- vec_methods : class_< Class >
- vec_signed_constructor : class_< Class >
- vec_signed_factory : class_< Class >
- vec_signed_method : class_< Class >, Rcpp::S4_CppOverloadedMethods< Class >
- vec_signed_method_pair : class_< Class >
- VEC_TYPE : Rcpp::stats::D0< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::D1< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::D2< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::D3< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::P0< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::P1< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::P2< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::P3< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::Q0< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::Q1< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::Q2< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::stats::Q3< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::All< NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::All< false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Any< NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Any< false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Comparator_With_One_Value< RTYPE, Operator, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Comparator_With_One_Value< RTYPE, Operator, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Cummax< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Cummin< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Cumprod< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Cumsum< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Diag_Maker< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Divides_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Divides_Primitive_Vector< REALSXP, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Divides_Primitive_Vector< REALSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Divides_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Divides_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Divides_Vector_Primitive< REALSXP, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Divides_Vector_Primitive< REALSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Divides_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Head< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Mean< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Mean< CPLXSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Mean< INTSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Mean< LGLSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Minus_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Minus_Primitive_Vector< REALSXP, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Minus_Primitive_Vector< REALSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Minus_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Minus_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Minus_Vector_Primitive< REALSXP, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Minus_Vector_Primitive< REALSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Minus_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Not_Vector< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive< REALSXP, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive< REALSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive_nona< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive_nona< REALSXP, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive_nona< REALSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Plus_Vector_Primitive_nona< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Rep< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Rep_each< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Rep_len< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Rev< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Sd< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Sign< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::SugarComplex< NA, RESULT_TYPE, T, FunPtr >, Rcpp::sugar::SugarMath_1< NA, RESULT_TYPE, U1, T1, FunPtr >, Rcpp::sugar::SugarMath_1< false, RESULT_TYPE, int, T1, FunPtr >, Rcpp::sugar::SugarMath_1< NA, RESULT_TYPE, int, T1, FunPtr >, Rcpp::sugar::Sum< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Sum< REALSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Sum< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Tail< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive< REALSXP, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive< REALSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive_nona< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive_nona< REALSXP, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive_nona< REALSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Times_Vector_Primitive_nona< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::UnaryMinus_Vector< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Var< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Var< CPLXSXP, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Vectorized< Func, NA, VEC >, Rcpp::sugar::Vectorized_INTSXP< Func, NA, VEC >, Rcpp::sugar::Vectorized_INTSXP< Func, false, VEC >, Rcpp::sugar::WhichMax< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::WhichMax< RTYPE, false, T >, Rcpp::sugar::WhichMin< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::WhichMin< RTYPE, false, T >
- VECTOR : Rcpp::internal::const_generic_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::internal::const_string_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::internal::generic_name_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::internal::generic_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::internal::LazyVector< Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE > >, Rcpp::internal::simple_name_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::internal::string_name_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::internal::string_proxy< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::Matrix< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::sugar::Cummax< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Cummin< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Cumprod< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Cumsum< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::IndexHash< RTYPE >, Rcpp::sugar::Mean< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Median< RTYPE, NA, T, NA_RM >, Rcpp::sugar::Median< RTYPE, false, T, NA_RM >, Rcpp::sugar::Median< RTYPE, NA, T, true >, Rcpp::sugar::Median< STRSXP, false, T, true >, Rcpp::sugar::Median< STRSXP, NA, T, NA_RM >, Rcpp::sugar::Median< STRSXP, NA, T, true >, Rcpp::sugar::SelfHash< RTYPE >, Rcpp::traits::proxy_cache< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Rcpp::traits::r_vector_cache< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >
- Vector() : Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >
- vector_iterator : Rcpp::ConstMatrixRow< RTYPE >::const_iterator, Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::const_iter_traits, Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::iter_base< TRAITS >, Rcpp::MatrixRow< RTYPE >::iter_traits
- Vectorized() : Rcpp::sugar::Vectorized< Func, NA, VEC >
- Vectorized_INTSXP() : Rcpp::sugar::Vectorized_INTSXP< Func, NA, VEC >, Rcpp::sugar::Vectorized_INTSXP< Func, false, VEC >
- vformat : tinyformat::FormatList