No Matches
Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- c -
- cache : Rcpp::Vector< RTYPE, StoragePolicy >, Vec
- call : Rcpp::binary_call< T1, T2, RESULT_TYPE >, Rcpp::fixed_call< RESULT_TYPE >, Rcpp::unary_call< T, RESULT_TYPE >
- charcnt : Rcpp::state
- chars : Rcpp::state
- class_name : CppProperty_GetConstMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetConstMethod_SetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetConstMethod_SetPointer< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetMethod_SetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetMethod_SetPointer< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetPointer_SetMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetPointer_SetPointer< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_GetPointerMethod< Class, PROP >, CppProperty_Getter< PROP >, CppProperty_Getter_Setter< PROP >
- class_pointer : class_< Class >
- classes : Rcpp::Module
- codeStream_ : Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerator
- commentPrefix_ : Rcpp::attributes::ExportsGenerator
- cond : Rcpp::sugar::IfElse< RTYPE, COND_NA, COND_T, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >, Rcpp::sugar::IfElse< RTYPE, false, COND_T, LHS_NA, LHS_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >, Rcpp::sugar::IfElse_Primitive_Primitive< RTYPE, COND_NA, COND_T >, Rcpp::sugar::IfElse_Primitive_Primitive< RTYPE, false, COND_T >, Rcpp::sugar::IfElse_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, COND_NA, COND_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >, Rcpp::sugar::IfElse_Primitive_Vector< RTYPE, false, COND_T, RHS_NA, RHS_T >, Rcpp::sugar::IfElse_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, COND_NA, COND_T, LHS_NA, LHS_T >, Rcpp::sugar::IfElse_Vector_Primitive< RTYPE, false, COND_T, LHS_NA, LHS_T >
- const_start : Rcpp::ConstMatrixColumn< RTYPE >, Rcpp::MatrixColumn< RTYPE >
- constructors : class_< Class >
- cppExports_ : Rcpp::attributes::CppExportsGenerator
- ctor : Rcpp::SignedConstructor< Class >
- cumul : Timer
- current : Rcpp::sugar::Range< RTYPE, NA, T >, Rcpp::sugar::Range< RTYPE, false, T >